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Maailma poksi supersari Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Wlodarczyki viimase pressikonverentsi tsitaadid & Fotod

WBSS Cruiserweight veerandfinaalide pealkirjad, laupäeval, Oktoober 21 Prudential Centerist Newarkis, N.J. & edasi
Vajuta SIIN Stephanie Trappi/Ringstar Sportsi fotode jaoks
NEW YORK (Oktoober 19, 2017) – IBF tšempion Murat Gassiev ja endine meister Krzysztof Wlodarczyk käis näost näkku Neljapäev viimasel pressikonverentsil, enne kui nad sel laupäeval ringi astuvad, Oktoober 21 World Boxing Super Series kruiisikaalu veerandfinaalis Newarki Prudential Centerist, N.J. otseülekandes AUDIENCE võrgustikus.
Edendab Ringstar Sports koos World Boxing Supersarjaga, otseürituse piletid on nüüd müügil ja saadaval Pileteid saab osta ka usaldatavuskeskuse kassast.
Samuti näoga Neljapäev ja võistlemine esiletõstetud võistlustel Oktoober 21olid Poola kandidaat Mateusz Masternak ja korra pekstud Stivens Bujaj, kes kohtuvad WBSS-i ristleja kaalu reservmatšis ja võitmatu Poola kandidaat Maciej Sulecki ja endine pealkiri väljakutsuja Jack Culcay, kes võistlevad ülikergekaalus.
Siin on, mida võitlejad oli öelda Neljapäev BB King’s Bluesiklubist & Grill:
“Mul on suurepärane vastane, kes on väga kõva kahekordne meister. Ta on kogenud ja see annab mulle suure väljakutse laupäeval.
“Töötasin koos Abel Sancheziga kogu laagri jooksul kõvasti tööd, et teha suurepärane esituslaupäeval öö. Olla tšempion ja kaitsta oma vööd on midagi, millest olen alati unistanud. Ma tahan sellele positsioonile jääda pikaks ajaks.
“Kui me vastamisi läksime, vaatasin ta silmadesse ja nägin, et ta on väga tõsine. Ta on valmis suureks võitluseks ja ma hoolitsen selle eest, et see oleks suurepärane võitluslaupäeval.
“See on keegi, kes teenis oma võimaluse minuga võidelda. Ma esitan alati väljakutse divisjoni parimatele, olenemata sellest, kes nad on.
“Mulle ei meeldi mõelda võimalikule kohtumisele Yunier Dorticosega. See oleks suurepärane võitlus, kuid keskendun täielikult Wlodarczykile.
“Tunnen end füüsiliselt suurepäraselt. See on põnev turniir nelja maailmameistriga. See on suurepärane võimalus kõigile võitlejatele.
“Olen väga tänulik, et sain sellest turniirist osa. See on parim viis tiitlite ühendamiseks ja kõigile näitamiseks, et olen maailma parim ristleja.”
“Minu ees on suur väljakutse laupäeval öö. See on noor, kõva vastane, kes teenis oma vöö. Ma pean olema oma parimas vormis ja ma tunnen, et teen seda.
“Mida ma võin öelda, on, uurime välja, kes on ringis parem laupäeval. Vaatame, kes suudab selle turniiri järgmisesse ringi jõuda.
“Ma pean olema ringis targem võitleja. Arvan, et saan oma kogemusi ära kasutada, jäädes targaks ja tehes paremaid kohandusi.
“Minu treeningud on olnud väga head ja tunnen, et olen selleks täiesti valmis Laupäevöö. Ma olen valmis kõigeks, mis Gassiev mulle ette viskab. Saame teada, kes on parem mees.
“Loodan, et kõik sellel kaardil olevad saavad tervelt läbi ja võidab parem mees. See on see, mida poks on kõike.
“Olen väga tänulik võimaluse eest sellel turniiril võidelda ja vöö eest ning ootan, et saaksin sellest maksimumi võtta.”
“Minu jaoks on väga oluline siin USA-s sõdida. ja ma olen selle võimaluse üle põnevil. Olen pärast Poolas ja Londonis treenimist suurepärases vormis ning tunnen end võitlusesse suundumas tugevalt.
“Minu vastane on keegi, keda olen sparringust tuttav ja ma pean teda tõsiselt võtma. Lõpuks, Ma olen talle liiga palju.
“Tunnen end väga tugevana ja olen valmis tegema Poola fännidele suurepärase esituse laupäeval öö. See saab olema suurepärane võitlus fännide jaoks.”
“Olen tõesti motiveeritud sellesse võitlusse astuma. Tunnen end sama tervena kui aastaid. Mul on olnud väga tugev treeninglaager ja keskendunud sellele, mida tegema pean Laupäev.
“Domineerisin Masternakit juba aastaid tagasi sparringus ja olen valmis sama tegema, kui me võitleme. Olen valmis oma oskusi kohandama ja näitama.
“Mulle meeldib siin oma kodu lähedal kakelda. See on sujuv üleminek võitlusnädalale koos kogu tööga, mille oleme selleni jõudnud.
“See saab olema suur võitlus. Üritan kindlasti etendust varastada ja teen võidu saamiseks kõik, mis vajalik.”
“Mul on väga hea meel siin USA-s võidelda. selle võitluse eest. Viimati võitlesin siin 15 kuud tagasi ja sain suure võidu. Ma armastan seda võimalust.
“Arvan, et üleminek ülikeskkaalusse on minu karjääri jaoks suurepärane. Ma tunnen end selles kaalus võideldes kõige paremini ja jätkates tunnen end selles kaalus veelgi mugavamalt.
“Treeninglaager on alati väga raske, kuid see oli hea jama. Olen väga keskendunud ega mõtle millelegi muule kui Culcay võitmisele. Kui suudan Culcay alistada, neid on tonni
“Olen suurepärases vormis. ma olen tugev, kiire ja selleks valmis. Sellest saab suurepärane võitlus ja ma ei jõua ära oodata, millal ringi pääsen.”
“See on suurepärane kohtumine ja ma eeldan, et fännid naudivad meie stiile. Ma toon selle talle. See võitlus võib saate varastadalaupäeval.
“Ma tean, et Sulecki on hea võitmatu võitleja, aga ma olen valmistunud kõigeks, mida ta saab ringi tuua. Selle võitja on minu arvates kindlasti tiitliheitluses.
“Olen pärast võitlust Demetrius Andradega väga enesekindel. Olen alati teadnud, et suudan võistelda parimatega ja see võitlus tõestas seda. Nüüd pean lihtsalt muudatusi tegema, et seekord veelgi parem välja näha.
“Ma võitlen Saksamaa ja Ecuadori eest ning ma ei jõua ära oodata, et saaksin ringi pääseda ja võidelda uhkusega kuni viimase kellani.
“See oli parim treeninglaager, mis mul kunagi olnud on. Mul on just praegu tipphetk ja näitan kõiki oma oskusi.”
RICHARD Schaefer, Esimees & Tegevjuht Ringstar Sport
“See on poksifännidele eriline maiuspala Sel laupäeval ristleja kaalu veerandfinaaliga Prudential Centeris Newarkis, N.J. IBF-i tšempioni Murat Gassievi ja endise kahekordse meistri Krzysztof Wlodarczyki vahel.
“Need on tõesti kaks maailma parimat ristlejat. Parimad võitlevad parimatega laupäeval öö.
“See kaart on üldiselt suurepärane ja sellel on palju tõusvaid talente ja kolm parimat Poola võitlejat, samal kaardil. Sulecki, Masternak ja Wlodarczyk teevad Poola fännidele suurepärase show.
“Sellel ristleja kaaluturniiril osalevad kõik neli maailmameistrit. Seni on kolm maailmameistrit kõik edasi pääsenud ja poolfinaalidesse jõudnud. Kas see on rohkem sama, kui "Raud’ lahingud "El Diablo"? Eks näeme laupäeval öö.
“Gassiev teeb endale nime spordiperioodi ühe parima võitlejana, samas kui Wlodaczyk on üks parimaid Poola võitlejaid nende ajaloos. See saab olema noorus vs. kogemus, kumb võidab? Ma ei jõua ära oodata, et teada saada.”
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Lisateavet worldboxingsuperseries.koos või

Jälgi Twitteris @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar ja saada fänn Facebookis juures jaõne Star Sports. Tänane võitlust edendas Ringstar Sports koostöös World Boxing Supersarjaga.

21/10/17 – Eriennustused veerandfinaal:
Murat Gassiev vs.. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (IBF maailm)
Usaldusväärsuse keskus, Newark, New Jersey, USA

27/10/17 – Superkaalu veerandfinaal:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongressisaal Schwerinis, Saksamaa

Osalejate arv: 16
Vööde arv: 7
Maailmameistrite arv: 6
Endiste maailmameistrite arv: 3
Võitmatute võitlejate arv: 9
Osalejate kombineeritud rekord: 423 võitu, 17 kahjud, 294 Kos

Korraldaja Comosa AG, septembril algab maailma poksi supersari 2017, millel on Cruiserweight ja Super Middleweight divisjonid. Igas kaaluklassis, sulg-stiilis väljalangemisturniiril võitleb sellega kaheksa eliitpoksijat, nelja veerandfinaaliga (sügis 2017), kaks poolfinaali (vara 2018) ja üks finaal (Mai 2018). See teeb kaaluklassi kohta seitse tippvõitlust, ja kokku 14 esimese hooaja lahingud, mis lavastatakse maailma esiplaanides. Maailma poksi supersarja võitjad saavad õigustatult parima boksi auhinna, Muhammad Ali trofee. Palun külastage meie veebisaiti WorldBoxingSuperSeries.koos lisateabe saamiseks või järgige @WBSuperSeries kohta Puperdama, Facebook, või Instagram.

Heralded Prospects Ruben Villa and Michael Dutchover to appear on non-televised undercard this Saturday night at Turning Stone Resort Casino

PHILADELPHIA, PENN./ORANGE, Californias. (Oktoober. 19, 2017) – Heralded prospects, sulgkaallaseks Rubeni villa (8-0, 4Kos) and junior lightweight Michael Dutchover (6-0, 4 Kos) will return to action Sel laupäeval night on the non-televised portion of an HBO Boxing After Dark® card at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York.
Salinase villa, California võtavad üle 103 fight veteran German Meraz in a featherweight bout, while Dutchover of Santa Fe Springs, California via Midland, Texas will fight Anthony De Jesus Ruiz in a junior lightweight contest.
Villa and Dutchover are co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
Both are training in Santa Fe Springs, California and are ready for their 2nd appearances on the East Coast.
Each fighter chimed in with thoughts on their respective battles.
Everything has gone good in training camp. I just fought four weeks ago, but I stay ready and that is the case now. I am ready for Saturday night,” said Villa.
Meraz is by far the most veteran opponent that Villa has faced. He has been in the ring with 25 undefeated opponents and 9 maailmameistrid.
I just need to be patient against him. He has over 100 fights and knows his way around the ring. If a knockout presents itself then I have to take it, but I want to display my skills.
Being on a big card has the 20 year-old Villa excited, and he is looking to endear himself to the New York fight crowd.
I am excited to be fighting on a bigger show. It motivates me to do better and get on the broadcast someday soon. It is very exciting to be on these types of events.
This will be the ninth bout for Villa in just fifteen months he is very happy about the progress of his career.
When I signed the plan was to be active, and that has been the case. I would like to get one more fight in this year. But I first I am very excited to put on a great performance laupäeval öösel.”
Dutchover has moved his camp from Texas to California, and the results have been very good as he heads into his bout laupäeval.

Photo by Carlos Baeza/Thompson Boxing
“Kõik läheb hästi. I just fought last month, and I felt good. I am ready to go back to the east coast, and put on a great show.
Like Villa, Dutchover was very impressive in his east coast debut on April 14th, and he is looking to cement himself as one of the top prospects in the junior lightweight division.
This is nothing new. I have fought on big shows before in the amateurs. The ring is my home. As long as I am in the ring, I will do my thing and put on an impressive performance.
Even though Dutchover has very little to go on when it comes to scouting Ruiz, Dutchover is already a young veteran and is leaving no stone unturned.
I do not know much about him, but I am prepared for anything he will bring, and then I will adjust. I have had many different sparring partners with diverse styles, so that gets me ready for any opponent.
I planned for this, and I train hard. I am always ready when I get the call for a fight. I am glad that I have been busy, and I have been improving with each fight, and next year should be a good year in my career. I have a mentality that if I train hard, the fight is easy. When I get in the ring, I just like to have fun.

For regular updates on our fighters, sündmused, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , and follow us on Instagram and Twitter BannerBoxing.

Connecticut Poks Hall of Fame klass 2017 Induction caps Judging career of Clark Sammartino

Oktoober. 28 kell Mohegan Sun

Clark Sammartino

Uncasville, Conn. (Oktoober 19, 2017, 2017) – His induction into the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame (CBHOF) laupäeval öö, Oktoober 28, as part of the six-member Class of 2017, will cap the boxing career of retiring judge Clark Sammartino juures 13TH aastane CBHOF Gala Induktsioon Dinner in the Uncas Ballroom on Mohegan Sun.
The other new CBHOF inductees are pioneer boxerProfessorCharles Hadley, ring physician Dr. Tony Alessi, referee/judge Dick Flaherty, poks kirjanik Dan Parker and boxer/boxing contributor Hugh Devlin, Sr.
A graduate of Brown University, the now 80-year-old Sammartino has enjoyed two other careers as an oral surgeon and investment advisor at Blue Fin in Providence, in addition to his role as an international boxing judge since 1985.
I first got into boxing because Joey Angelo married my cousin,” Sammartino explained. “He fought back in the early forties. Joey fought Willie Pep twice and Sandy Saddler. That’s what got me started. We used to have the great Esmaspäev Night Fights at Rhode Island Auditorium and I remember watching Rocky Marciano fight “Tiiger” Ted Lowry there.
Because he was a successful oral surgeon, Clark could take long weekends to judge fights all over the world. His first and most memorable world title fight was Vinny Paz-Greg Haughn I. Through his long career, Sammartino judged more than 400 pro võitleb, koosnedes 50 major world title fights.
The list of boxers whose fights Sammartino judged reads like a Who’s Who of Boxing during the past 32 aastat: Mike Tyson, Oscar de la Hoya, Evander Holyfield, Julio Cesar Chavez, Johnny Tapia, Naseem Hamed, Chris Eubank, Marco Antonio Barrera, Mark Johnson, Wayne McCullough, Wladimir Klitško, Gennadi Golovkin, Anthony Joshua, Sergei Kovaljov, Bernard Hopkins, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ñoñito Donaire, Acelino Freitas, Ivan Calderon, Felix Trinidad, Tommy Morrison ja paljud teised.
Sammartino, who proudly says he never missed a day of work in 40 aastat, has decided to retire, although he’ll remain a boxing fans for the rest of his life. “I started slowing down at my age, doing local shows and maybe three or four world title fights a year, mostly WBO and IBF,” Sammartino remarked. “I had a tough bout with pneumonia the past 5-6 months and that made working difficult.
His CBHOF induction is a fitting ending and tremendous tribute to Sammartino and his career in boxing. “I’m humbled to be inducted into the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame,” ütles ta. “This is a great way to end my career.
Limited tickets for the CBHOF 13th aastane Gala Induktsioon Õhtusöök, mõistlikult hinnaga $90.00, are still available to purchase by calling Kim Baker kell Mohegan Sun(1.860.862.7377) või Sherman Cain kell Manchester Journal Inquirer (1.800.237.3606 X321). Uksed avatakse kell 5:30 Pärastlõunal. JA, cocktails from 6:00- Pärastlõunal. JA (cash bar), followed by a full sit-down dinner.
Go online Täiendava informatsiooni Connecticut Poks Hall of Fame, its 13th aastane Gala inductee Õhtusöök, Kui sponsorluse võimalusi, või varem CBHOF inductees.
INFO CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 au ja tähistamiseks karjääri tasumata osalevate inimeste sport poks. Avakoosolek Induction Tseremoonial & Õhtusöök toimus 2005. Connecticut rikkaliku poks ajalugu ei saa kunagi õitses kui poleks saavutusi nendes sätestatud Hall of Fame. The CBHOF’s new location is in the Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun.
Selle mittetulundusühing, Connecticuti Poks Hall of Fame on sügavalt pühendunud hoides võitlusvaimu Connecticut jõudsalt erinevate heategevusliku panuse.

New boxing chapter to start for former UFC heavyweight title challenger GabrielNapaoGonzaga

Oktoober 28 Worcester, MA
WORCESTER, Mass. (Oktoober 19, 2017) – The next chapter of former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga starts October 28th when he makes his professional boxing debut fighting on theNew England Future 4” kaart, the fourth and final 2017 installment of the popular professional boxing series, “New England tulevik”, to be held at the DCU Center (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, kaks divisjoni maailmameister Jose Antonio Rivera ja tema poeg, Anthonee (AJ) Rivera.
The 38-year-old Gonzaga teaches Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (BJJ) in Worcester and lives nearby in Ludlow (MA). An imposing physical fighter, 6′ 2″, 260-pound Gonzaga (17-11-0, 7 Kos, 9 SUBs, 1 Detsember), omab 4th degree black belt in BJJ. The highlight of his MMA career was at the 2007 UFC 70, held in Manchester, Suurbritannia, in which he knocked out K-1, Pride and Rizen champion Mirko Cro Cop with a head kick in the opening round, positioning Gonzaga for his unsuccessful challenge of UFC Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture in his next fight.
Gonzaga, who retired from MMA 1 ½ years ago, also defeated Ben Rothwell, Shawn Jordan ja Chris Tuchscherer, among the more notable UFC fighters he faced in the Octagon.
(L-R) – Rocky Gonzalez & Gabriel Gonzaga
Gonzago has a new opponent for his four-round bout, Tampa’s pro-debuting Alejandro Esquilin Santiago, who also has a pro MMA background.
I like challenges in my life,” Gonzaga explained why he’s making his pro debut. “I set new goals because I like to be competitive in sports. I have a good boxing coach who told me I should try. I was a BJJ (Brasiilia Jiu-Jutsu) world champion and UFC title contender. I have good boxing skills and plan to put on a good show. I do have one-punch power and hit hard.
I started boxing in 2001 and worked at it every day for two years to learn, but then I was competing in MMA. Nüüd, I’m focused on boxing. I think boxing is the hardest part of MMA. I know you can’t make mistakes in boxing and there’s no time to relax. In MMA, I could relax a little at times in clinches, but the referee won’t allow that in boxing. I’ll probably fight more than once but not too many because of my age and I’m not really at the high-level of boxing like I was in MMA.
Gonzaga’s head boxing trainer, Rocky Gonzalez, has been working with several MMA fighters, including Gonzaga, for more than a decade to help them improve their striking skills. Gonzalez freely admits that Gonzaga knew how to box before he started working with him, crediting Gonzaga’s Muay Thai coach, and that boxing came naturally to the big Brazilian who has made an easy adjustment from the Octagon to the ring. Gonzalez also feels that leg positioning differences for MMA fighters switching to boxing, in terms of throwing proper punches, is somewhat overrated.
“Poks,” Gonzalez ütles, “fighters need their hands like their legs and elbows in MMA. Distance and timing is more important than where their legs and feet are positioned. Gabriel doesn’t like sparring with headgear, nii, his sparring is more like real fighting. He’s been hot with some real shots but he’s responded well. He’s always going to have a puncher’s chance and he’s deceptive because he doesn’t look as fast as he is.
We didn’t really plan anything but he got this good opportunity. He’s always wanted to turn pro as a boxer and go from there. Gabriel is a good listener who keeps working hard to get better. When he first brought up boxing, he was contracted by the UFC, but we started talking about him boxing after the UFC released him. He knew Jose from him teaching boxing. Gabriel isn’t doing this for the money. He’s a competitive guy who wanted to try boxing.
Former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion, VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Kos), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), will take on Bolivian heavyweight champion Saul “El Fenjx AsesinoFaraff (64-23-3, 56 Kos) in the eight-round main event.
Hartford’s (CT) popular Richard “Popeye madrus Man” Rivera (3-0, 2 Kos) vastab Hansen Castillo (0-2) in the four-round, co-featured event to be contested at a 180-pound catchweight.
Many of New England’s best and most popular N.E. fighters will be in action, koosnedes 2014 N.E. Golden Kindad meister AdrianTonka” Sosa (4-0, 3 Kos), võitlevad välja ümberkaudsetes Lawrence (MA), vs. veteran Norwalk (CT) welterweight Shakha Moore (12-23-3, 2 Kos) aastal kuue vooru mängu.
Also fighting on the undercard in four-round fights include 2016 N.E. Golden Gloves champio, Anthony Laureano (5-0, 3 Kos), of East Hartford (CT) vs. Bruno Dias (0-3), Woburn (MA), New Haven (CT) Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos) vs. Anthony Everett (1-6). Lawrence, at a 150-pound catchweight, three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion Elvis Figueroa (2-0, 1 KO), New Haven (CT), vs. pro-debuting Brazilian native Rene Nazare, Southbridge (MA) junior race wilfredo “Sucaro” pagan (2-0) vs. Patrick Leal (0-3), Woburn (MA), at a 150-pound catchweight, Danbury (CT) junior race Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Schenectady (NY) veteranBryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-30, 6 Kos), ja Timmy Ramos (4-0-1, 4 Kos), of Framingham (MA) vs. Seth Basleri (0-2), of Illinois.
Kõik võitleb ja võitlejad võivad muutuda.
Piletid, hinnaga $75.00 (Eesrindlike) ja $45.00 (üldise vastuvõtu), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office,, by contacting Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( või mis tahes võitlejad
Uksed avatakse kell 6:30 Pärastlõunal., Esimene hooaeg 7:00 Pärastlõunal. JA.
Sponsorid hulka Lundgren Honda,, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Puperdama: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_



Plus Undefeated Radzhab Butaev, Junior Fa & 2016 USA-s. Olympian Charles Conwell Featured In Separate Bouts

Live Showtime juures 10 Pärastlõunal. JA/PT

From Masonic Temple & Performing Arts Center in Cleveland


NEW YORK (Oktoober. 18, 2017) – Undefeated featherweight Luis Rosa will face once-beatenYuandale Evans in a 10-round matchup of 126-pound prospects looking to make a statement in one of boxing’s deepest divisions in the main event of ShoBox: New Generation Reede, November. 10 elada Showtime (10 Pärastlõunal. JA/PT) from Masonic Temple & Performing Arts Center in Cleveland.


The quadruple header features eight fighters making their ShoBox esmaesitlusega, including six undefeated prospects. The four-fight telecast is ShoBox’s first return to Cleveland since 2014.


In co-funktsioon, former Russian amateur standout Radzhab Butaev (7-0, 6 Kos, WSOB: 9-1) will take on Colombia’s Janer Gonzalez (19-0-1, 15 Kos) in an eight-round welterweight matchup. Butaev compiled a record of 304-12 in the unpaid ranks, followed by a 9-1 record in the World Series of Boxing, while Gonzalez was a member of the Colombian National Team with an equally impressive 291-29 rekord amatöör.


In a televised heavyweight attraction, New Zealand’s Junior Fa (12-0, 7 Kos), who owns two amateur victories over countryman and current WBO Heavyweight World Champion Joseph Parker, will face Pittsburgh’s Fred Latham (9-0-2, 5 Kos) aastal kaheksa vooru hooaeg.


In ShoBox opening bout, võitmatu 2016 USA-s. Olympian and Cleveland native Charles Conwell (5-0, 5 Kos) will look to keep his knockout streak intact in his hometown debut in a six-round super welterweight matchup with Panama’s Roque “Rocky” Zapata (4-1-3, 0 Kos).


I am thrilled to bring this talent-filled quadruple header to the ShoBox seeria, from the Masonic Temple in Cleveland, Ohio,” öeldud Lou DiBella, President DiBella Meelelahutus. “Undefeated featherweight contender Luis Rosa Jr. faces hard puncher Yuandale Evans. Amateur prodigy Radzhab Butaev and New Zealand heavyweight prospect Junior Fa –who defeated Joseph Parker as an amateur—will be tested by fellow unbeaten opponents. USA-s. Olympian Charles Conwell, one of the most exciting young prospects in boxing, will make his national TV debut in his hometown. November 10, to quote Ian Hunter, ‘Cleveland Rocks!"”


Tickets are priced from $35 kuni $90 and can be obtained by visiting The Masonic Temple and Performance Arts Center is located at 3615 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. Uksed avatakse ööl ürituse 7:00 Pärastlõunal.


LUIS ROSA vs. YUANDALE EVANS – 10-Round Featherweight Bout

The 26-year-old Rosa (23-0, 11 Kos) is a Puerto Rico native who lives and fights out of New Haven, Conn. The come-forward, aggressive Rosa has recorded four knockouts in his last seven fights.

Trained by his father Luis Rosa Sr. and managed by his mother Marilyn, Rosa is currently ranked No. 10 poolt WBC 126 naela, ja oli 95-10 amatöör. Fighting in one of boxing’s deepest divisions (Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Carl Frampton, Gary Russell Jr.), Ameerika Ühendriike. National Silver Medalist is looking to establish himself as a featherweight contender, and has career wins over Luis Orlando Del Valle (18-1) and Jorge Diaz (17-2).


“I’m dedicating this fight to the people who are still suffering from the tragedy of the hurricane,” Rosa said. “We are and always have been very strong people and I take that into the ring with me on November 10. I’ve seen some tapes of Evans. He’s a tough, strong fighter but my skills are much greater and I will be victorious and move one step closer to a shot at a world title.”


The 28-year-old Evans (19-1, 14 Kos) is a Cleveland native fighting in his hometown for the first time. Known as a power-puncher who works fast, Evans has recorded eight of his 14 knockouts in the first round. His only professional loss came against future world title holder Javier Fortuna in April of 2012.


Evans, who took a three-year hiatus following the Fortuna loss, is coming off the best win of his career – a hard-fought 10-round unanimous decision over Billel Dib (21-1; WBO No. 7-ranked coming into the fight) Miami, Okla., aprillis.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting at home in Cleveland, the city of Champions,” Evans said. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a home fight. Tõeliselt, I’ve been a road warrior fighting all over the world.


“I’ve followed Luis Rosa for a couple years, I know he’s a very tough Puerto Rican fighter. He’s the same height as me and will come to fight, which will make for an all-action fight. But I know I’m the toughest competition he’s had and I’m planning to win in front of the big hometown crowd and everyone watching on SHOWTIME.”


The vacant WBC Continental Americas Title belt is on the line for this fight.

RADZHAB BUTAEV vs. JANER GONZALEZ – 8-Round Welterweight Bout

Russian Radzhab Butaev had a stellar amateur career during which he compiled a record of 304-12 koos 164 Kos. A former Russian National Champion, Butaev qualified for the 2016 Olympics but instead elected to turn pro in the United States.


Butaev has progressed quickly since turning professional in March of 2016 – of his seven professional fights, six of his seven opponents have had winning records. The 23-year old is coming into his fifth fight of the year and the eighth fight in his short, 18-month professional career. Five of Butaev’s seven fights have taken place in the U.S, while his other two victories were on his home turf in Moscow, Venemaa. In his last fight in July, the 23-year-old Butaev knocked out Sherzodbek Alimjanov in Red Square in Moscow.


Said Butaev, “This is a great opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME and I’m looking forward to putting on a tremendous performance. I know that Colombian fighters are well known for their power but I faced many hard hitters in the amateurs and I’ll be ready for victory on November 10."

A native of Barranquilla, Kolumbia, the heavy-handed Janer Gonzalez sports a record of 19-0-1 koos 15 knockouts. Prior to turning professional in 2011, Gonzalez was a member of the Colombian National Boxing Team, - 291-29. Gonzalez, who returned in September following a two and a half-year layoff, teeb oma Ameerika Ühendriike. debut against Butaev.


“It’s a dream come true to make my television debut in the United States,"Ütles Gonzalez. “I grew up watching all of my favorite boxers fighting in the U.S. and now it’s my turn. It’s truly surreal how everything unfolded. I was ready to give up on boxing when an opportunity just came my way. I fought in Mexico and here I am.


“I had a long layoff, but I needed it. It has made me more appreciative, more motivated. I work harder now. I had my last fight on a Laupäev ja esmaspäeval Ma olin tagasi jõusaal. I’ve studied my opponent. Ma olen valmis. My style will mold to his. I’ll get on his face and counterpunch. Edasi November 10 boxing fans will see a Colombian warrior that came to America to become a legend.”


Butaev vs. Gonzalez is promoted in association with Fight Promotions.


JUNIOR FA vs. FRED LATHAM – Eight Rounds Heavyweight Bout

Standing 6-feet, 5 inches and weighing 270 naela, the 27-year-old Junior Fa has compiled a professional record of 12-0 with seven knockouts since turning pro in February 2016. Fa had a successful amateur career, which included two victories over reigning WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker. The native of Papakura, New Zealand has most recently trained in England with heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua and has also sparred with Joshua’s Oktoober. 28 vastane Carlos Takam.


Fa, who won a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games, will fight for just the second time in the United States.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting in the United States again and on SHOWTIME,” said Fa. “I know Latham is undefeated but I also plan on staying unbeaten on November 10. Training with Anthony Joshua improved my boxing in many ways and just as important taught me what it takes inside the gym to become a world champion.”


Fighting out of Pittsburgh, Pa., Fred Latham (9-0-2, 5 Kos) is a former Pennsylvania Golden Gloves Champion. In his last bout on December 3, 2016, the 27-year-old Latham battled to a split decision draw against Alonzo Butler.


Said Latham, “I appreciate the opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME and I am looking forward to facing Fa. I’ve heard a lot about him and the great heavyweight prospect he is but on November 10 I’ll show the world that I’m a much better fighter.”


CHARLES CONWELL vs. ROQUE ‘Rocky’ ZAPATA – Six-Round Super Welterweight Bout

Nineteen-year-old Charles Conwell, kes pöördub 20 edasi November. 2, on 5-0 with all of his victories coming by way of technical knockout. The Cleveland native has a decorated resume – he went 134-14, was the National Gold Gloves Champion in 2015, ja a 2016 USA-s. Olümpose. Conwell has been busy since turning pro last year, having fought all five of his professional fights in the past eight months. In his last fight in August, Conwell earned a technical knockout against Rey Trujillo.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting at home for the first time as a professional and on ShoBox,” said Conwell. “I can’t wait to put on a great performance for the Cleveland fans and those seeing me for the first time on national television.”


The 21-year-old Zapata is a native of Panama City, Panama now fighting out of Culpepper, Tahe. Having compiled a record of 4-1-3 since turning professional 18 kuid tagasi, he is currently riding a three bout winning streak. Zapata is coming off the biggest win of his career, a six-round decision over previously undefeated Justin Steave on Juuni 24 Pittsburghis.


This fight with Charles Conwell is an exciting challenge for me. He had a great amateur career and he made the Olympic team,” said Zapata. “I’ve been offered to fight him twice, but at the time I was injured and had to decline. But on November 10, Charles and I will come face-to-face and put on a show for the fans. I’m ready to do my job.


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Barry Tompkins helistab ShoBox tegevust ringside Steve Farhood ja endine maailmameister Raul Marquez olles ekspert analüütikud. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


Lisateavet jälgida puperdama @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, või saada fänn Facebookis

Maailma poksi supersari Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Wlodarczyki meediatreeningu tsitaadid & Fotod

WBSS Cruiserweight veerandfinaalide pealkirjad, laupäeval, Oktoober 21 Prudential Centerist Newarkis, N.J. & edasi
Vajuta SIIN Stephanie Trappi/Ringstar Sportsi fotode jaoks
HOBOKEN, N.J. (Oktoober 18, 2017) – Võitlusnädal World Boxing Super Series ristleja kaalu viimase veerandfinaali nimel algas kolmapäeval meediatreeningutega Hobokeni Everlast Labis., N.J. enne IBF-i meistri kokkupõrget Murat Gassiev ja endine meister Krzysztof Wlodarczyk pealkirjade tegevus see Laupäev, Oktoober 21 Prudential Centerist Newarkis, N.J. otseülekandes AUDIENCE võrgustikus.
Edendab Ringstar Sports koos World Boxing Supersarjaga, otseürituse piletid on nüüd müügil ja saadaval Pileteid saab osta ka usaldatavuskeskuse kassast.
Samuti osaleb kolmapäeval ja võistleb esiletoodud võistlustelOktoober 21 olid Poola kandidaat Mateusz Masternak ja korra pekstud Stivens Bujaj, kes kohtuvad WBSS-i ristleja kaalu reservmatšis ja võitmatu Poola kandidaat Maciej Sulecki ja endine pealkiri väljakutsuja Jack Culcay, kes võistlevad ülikergekaalus.
Siin on, mida võitlejad öelda oli kolmapäev:
“Olen Big Bearis kõvasti tööd teinud, California Abel Sancheziga umbes 10 nädalaid selleks võitluseks valmistudes. Oleme seal üleval nagu perekond. Mul on vene vennad, pluss Gennadi Golovkin, kes on mulle kindlasti nagu vanem vend.
“Abel on mind nii palju aidanud. Ta pole püüdnud mu stiili muuta. Ta läks lihtsalt sisse ja muutis mu stiili paremaks. Ta tähendab mulle nii palju.
“Minu viimane võitlus oli mu esimene tiitlivise ja tundsin end hetkel suurepäraselt. Mu närvid olid rahulikud ja ma tunnen, et see on see, milleks ma loodud olen. Ma tahan olla sellel ametikohal väga pikka aega.
“Olen väga tänulik, et sain sellest turniirist osa. Mul on väga hea meel sellest osa saada. See on võimalus olla ühtne maailmameister ja tõestada, et olen divisjoni parim.
“Mu vastasel on palju kogemusi ja ta on olnud palju rasketes võitlustes. Ta on olnud rohkem tülis kui mina, nii et ma pean lihtsalt valmis olema. Olen valmis 12 raundid või lühike võitlus. Selle nimel ma treenin.
“Ma näitan kõigile, mis ma olen laupäeval öö. Ma ei ole suur jutumees, aga ma räägin valjult rusikatega laupäeval.”
“Treeninglaager läks väga hästi ja olen füüsiliselt selleks väljakutseks valmis. Näete, kui tugev ma vaimselt olen, kui ringi pääsen laupäeval.
“Ma pean olema kõigeks valmis. Ma tean, et ta tegi kõvasti tööd, et sinna pääseda ja tegi mulle haiget, nii et pean olema valmis võitlema kõige vastu, mida ta teeb.
“Kõik teavad, et minu kogemus aitab mind. Mul on olnud palju rohkem profimatše kui Gassievil. Kuid ma pean näitama ka nutikat poksi. Ma arvan, et olen intelligentsem võitleja ja näitan seda laupäeval.
“Minu esimene eesmärk on võita ja tulla IBF-i maailmameistriks. See asetaks mind kolmekordse maailmameistrina Poola poksi ajaloos erilisele kohale. Selle turniiri võitmine oleks minu jaoks väga prestiižne ja tulus.
“Suurepäraste Poola fännide toetus on alati suurepärane. Nad toetavad tõesti kõiki oma Poolast pärit poisse. Kuid mul on palju kogemusi, kuidas võistelda maanteel ilma Poola fännideta, nii et see on lihtsalt meeldiv boonus.
“See saab olema stiilide kokkupõrge, Ma ei tea täpselt, kuidas see välja näeb, aga võin garanteerida, et see saab olema põnev.”
“Mul oli hea laager. Minu sparring oli tugev ja jäin Poola treeninguga väga rahule. Lõpetasin oma laagri Londonis uueks sparringuks ja kõik on valmis Laupäev.
“Mul on väga hea vastane. Ta hakkab kasutama oma poksioskusi. Paar aastat tagasi saime omavahel sparri ja see oli hea, kõva sparring kaheksa vooru jooksul. See võib mind aidata laupäeval aga sparring erineb päris võitlusest.
“Minu jaoks on väga oluline USA-s võidelda. ja hästi esineda. Ma ei ole USA-s võidelnud. seitsme aasta pärast nii et ma olen põnevil, et olen tagasi. Olen motiveeritud hästi minema ja jätkama suuri võitlusi.
“Olen sellele vastasele täielikult keskendunud. Pean sinna sisse saama ja oma strateegia eest hoolt kandma. Ma ei tea täpselt, kuidas võitlus läheb, aga ma olen valmis ja pean kõigeks plaani.”
“Tunnen end füüsiliselt täiuslikult. Olen valmis möllama laupäeval öö. Oleme teinud kõik tingimused, sparring ja dieedid, et olla võitlusõhtul õiges asendis. Tegin, mida pidin tegema.
“Olen siin New Yorgis treeninud, peamiselt Bronxis, aga ka ringi liikudes ja parima võimaliku sparringu leidmisel, milleks valmistuda Laupäev.
“Ta on kõva vastane ja ma ei saa teda alahinnata. Olen treeninud, et võita. Ma tulen ühel või teisel viisil esikohale.
“Ma olen Masternakiga varem sparringut teinud, nii et ma tean, millega ma tegelen. Ma lähen sinna ja valin ta lahku. Ta on agressiivne võitleja, kes tuleb ette ja viskab jõulööke, aga ma olen selleks valmis.
“Ma olen nii rahul sellega, kus mu keha sellesse võitlusse läheb. See on parim, mida ma üle pika aja tundnud olen. Õlavigastused on seljataga ja ma olen nüüd terve.
“Ma ei oska öelda, kuidas võitlus välja näeb, aga ma loodan, et kõik tulevad välja Laupäev etendust vaatama. Tunnen end New Yorgi/New Jersey piirkonnas võideldes mugavalt ja ma ei jõua ära oodata, millal saan selle võidu saada.”
“Treeninglaagris oli kõik ideaalne ja tunnen end väga tugevana. Töötasin oma treeneriga hästi ja olime kogu laagri ajal samal lainel. Ma töötasin väga kõvasti ja olen valmis selle suure kaardiga uhkeldama.
“Ma tean, et Culcay oli suurepärane amatöörmeister ja ajutine tšempion professionaalide seas, seega on ta ilmselgelt väga hea võitleja. Kuid ma võidan selle võitluse, sest olen parem ja tugevam, sihikindlam võita.
“Nägin, kuidas Culcay võitles Demetrius Andradega. See oli hea võitlus, aga ma arvan, et Andrade ei esinenud hästi. Culcay kaotas, kuid ta tegi selle väga konkurentsivõimeliseks, nii et ma tean, et ta on väljakutse.
“Ma tunnen end superkeskkaalus paremini kui keskkaalus. Teadsin alati, et võin kaalust alla võtta ja nüüd oli aeg. Seni olen end selle kaalu juures palju tugevamana tundnud.
“Olen täielikult keskendunud Culcayga võitlemisele. Kõigepealt pean Jack Culcayd alistama, aga ma tahan võidelda kõigi diviisi parimate võitlejatega. Jermell Charlo, Erislandy Lara ja Jarrett Hurd, Olen nendeks kõigiks valmis.
“See annab palju lisamotivatsiooni, et võidelda Poola fännide ees. Nad on maailma parimad fännid ja ma olen valmis esinema.”
“Tunnen end füüsiliselt täiuslikult. See oli üks mu parimaid treeninglaagreid üldse. Treenisin umbes viis kuud Saksamaal. Mul oli neli või viis väga kõva sparringupartnerit, kes mind selleks ette valmistasid.
“Sulecki on võitmatu ja see on kõige olulisem asi, mida ma tema kohta tean. Treenisin selleks oma parima ja laupäeval näete parimat parimat.
“Mul on kiirus, Sain jõudu juurde ja näitan Ecuadori ja Saksa stiilide segu. Olin amatööride tšempion ja nüüd saan tšempioniks proffide seas.
“Õppisin Demetrius Andrade vastu, et võin võidelda kõigiga. Võin sellel spordialal võistelda kõigiga. Ma näitan oma kogemusi laupäeval öösel.”
# # #
Lisateavet worldboxingsuperseries.koos või

Jälgi Twitteris @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar ja saada fänn Facebookis juures jaõne Star Sports. Tänaõhtust võitlust reklaamis Ringstar Sports koostöös World Boxing Super Seriesiga.


Pictured: Undefeated MelissaSuper Melly” Martinez (õigus) of Mexico and Miesha Tate pupil GloriaGloriosa” Hästi tehtud (vasakule) of Chile will square off in a strawweight (115 naela) co-main event on the live Telemundo broadcast ofCOPA COMBATEfrom Cancun, Mexico on Laupäev, November. 11. Foto krediit: Scott Hirano/Combate Americas


NEW YORK – October 18 2017 –Combate Americas today announced the addition of a women’s strawweight (115 naela) showdown between undefeated knockout artist Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (2-0) ja Gloria “Gloriosa” Bravo (4-2) that will serve as the co-main event on the highly-anticipated, live Telemundo broadcast (11:35 Pärastlõunal. JA/10:35 Pärastlõunal. CT, or following “Titulares y Mas”) of the “COPA COMBATE” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) extravaganza from Cancun, Mexico on Laupäev, November. 11.

The battle between the 20-year-old Martinez of Mexico City, Mexico and the 31-year-old Bravo, Santiagost, Tšiili, will immediately precede the championship stage bout and finale of the one-night, eight-man bantamweight (135 naela) “COPA COMBATE” tournament that will award its winner a grand prize of $100,000 and that, Esimest korda ajaloos, will see top-ranked fighters from the U.S., Latin America and Spain represent their respective countries in a quest for glory.

“This is a phenomenal addition to an already stellar and historic fight card created for the Telemundo broadcast television platform,"Ütles Combate Americas tegevjuht Campbell McLaren.

“With the incredibly relentless and hard-hitting action we have seen from the women of Combate Americas,"Jätkas McLaren, “it is only fitting that we showcase a matchup between two of the sport’s brightest and fastest rising female stars like Melissa Martinez and Gloria Bravo on the ‘COPA COMBATE’ platform.”

“COPA COMBATE” takes place on the 24th anniversary of McLaren’s now legendary UFC 1 event that he executive produced as the co-founder of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). The storied event set off a combat sports revolution, and changed the martial arts fight world forever.

The 5-foot-2 Martinez will return to La Jaula, Combate Americas puuri, for the second time in her career after shelling out a stunning, highlight reel knockout kohta Yajaira “Shokolate” Romo teise ringi (2:45) of battle at Combate 15 in Mexico City on Juuni 30.

Following the promotional debut victory, Martinez, also a decorated Muay Thai competitor, earned a second-place finish at WAKO Kickboxing’s “The World Games 2017 – Wroclaw” tournament in Poland on Juuli 30.

The 5-foot-5 Bravo will enter La Jaula for the first time ever and put a three-fight winning streak on the line. All three of her latest victories came by way of armlock submission.

Bravo recently ventured from Chile to Las Vegas, Nev. to train for the upcoming matchup with famed, retired, former UFC world champion Miesha Tate.

In addition to the “COPA COMBATE” tournament championship bout and the featured women’s fight between Martinez and Bravo, Telemundo’s live broadcast of “COPA COMBATE” will feature the tournament’s semifinal stage consisting of two bouts that pit the winners of the quarterfinal stage bouts in each tournament bracket against one another. The entire quarterfinal stage of the tournament will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and

Telemundo Deportes, one of the leading providers of sports content in Spanish in the United States, is home to two of the world’s most popular sporting events: the FIFA World Cup™ through 2026 and the Summer Olympic Games through 2032. Veel, Telemundo Deportes broadcasts the FIFA World Cup™ CONCACAF qualifying matches for most of the region, including the Mexico and USA national teams’ away matches and the Premier League. Telemundo Deportes is also home to “Boxeo Telemundo Ford,” the #1 boxing program in Spanish, and “Titulares y Más,” the #1 sports news, entertainment and commentary show in Spanish, among other recognized sports properties.



MIS: Limited-Edition Randy Couture Bobblehead Giveaway and Meet & Tervitama


Bellator MMA will be giving away a free limited-edition Randy Couture bobblehead on Reede, November. 3 to the first 5,000 fans in attendance at Bryce Jordan Center on the campus of Penn State University for Bellator 186: Bader vs. Vassell. The bobblehead giveaway is limited to one per person and will only be available to ticketholders upon entry into the arena.


Lisaks, Bellator MMA fans are invited to attend a unique opportunity to meet the MMA and wrestling great prior to Bellator 186: Bader vs. Vassell. The meet and greet will take place on the concourse of Bryce Jordan Center on Reede, November. 3, pärit 6:30-8:30 Pärastlõunal. JA. Space is limited and fans are encouraged to arrive early to reserve their place in line.


***Bobblehead giveaway and meet and greet are exclusively for Bellator 186 ticketholders***

***Bobbleheads distributed at venue points of entry, only while supplies last at each entry***

KUS: Bryce Jordan Center

127 Bryce Jordan Center

University Park, Pa. 16802


MILLAL: Meet & Tervitama

Reede, November 3 pärit 6:30-8:30 Pärastlõunal. JA


WHO: Randy Couture


Randy Couture (19-11)

Randy “The Natural” Couture made his mark in the sport of wrestling and later MMA, where he was a multiple-time world champion at both heavyweight and light heavyweight. Over his 14-year career, Couture compiled 19 võidud, while also competing in 15 title fights. Prior to his professional career in mixed martial arts, the retired United States Army Sergeant made an impact on the high school and collegiate wrestling community by earning a state championship while attending Lynnwood High School in Washington state and a historic collegiate career that saw him become a three-time NCAA DI All-American at Oklahoma State University. Couture also serves as a coach for his son, Ryan Couture, who currently competes in Bellator MMA’s welterweight division.


VÕITLUS INFO: Bellator 186: Bader vs. Vassell will be broadcast LIVE and FREE on SPIKE, Reede, November. 3 juures 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT, samal ajal kui eeltööd toimuvad saidil ja Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at, as well as the Bryce Jordan Center box office and Ticketmaster.


Täielik Bellator 186: Bader vs. Vassell Võitluskaart:

Light Heavyweight World Title Bout: Ryan Bader (23-5) vs. Linton Vassell (18-5, 1 NC)

Women’s Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (6-0) vs. Emily Ducote (6-2)

Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: Phil Davis (17-4, 1 NC) vs. Leo Leite (10-0)

Middleweight Feature Bout: Ja Ruth (3-0) vs. Chris Dempsey (11-5)

Lightweight Feature Bout: Saad Awad (20-9) vs. Zach Freeman (9-2)


Esialgsed Card:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Logan Storley (6-0) vs. Matt Secor (9-4)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Tywan Claxton (Pro Debut) vs. Johnny Bonilla-Bowman (1-0)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Dominic Mazzotta (12-2) vs. Matt Lozano (8-5)

160 lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Brett Martinez (6-4) vs. Mike Wilkins (7-4)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Frank Buenafuente (7-4) vs. Francis Healy (7-4)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Michael Trizano (4-0) vs. Mike Otwell (3-1)

150 lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Scott Clymer (Pro Debut) vs. Mike Putnam (1-1)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Andrew Salas (3-1) vs. Ethan Goss (3-3)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Josh Fremd (1-0) vs. Mike Diorio (1-0)

Unbeaten Featherweight Prospect MARCUSTHE DREAM CRUSHERBATES Signs With Witness Sports Management

Photos by Team Bates

WASHINGTON, D.C.. (Oktoober 18, 2017)Witness Sports Management (WSM) has come to a managerial agreement with undefeated prospect, Marcus “The Dream CrusherBates (7-0-1, 6 Kos). Greg Hannely ja Jared Shaw will now be managing the career of Bates, who hails from Washington DC. Bates, who is signed with Kuninga Promotions on the promotional side, will work closely with WSM’s Hannely and Shaw, as they jointly look to keep Bates busy, while guiding him toward a world title.
My team is complete now that I have a management team looking out for my best interest,” said Marcus Bates. “I’m very happy with the direction my career is heading. I know if I put in the hard work, everything will be there at the end. Greg and Jared are two guys I trust, and I know they will get the job done managing my career. I’m looking forward to my next fight.
Greg and I are extremely happy that Marcus Bates is part of our team.Jared Shaw said. “We believe he has the power and speed to be a force in the featherweight division. We have big plans for him and will work harmoniously with Marshall Kauffman’s Kuninga Promotions. The sky is the limit for this kid.
“Mr. Bates is a bright young man with astonishing talent.stated Greg Hannely. “He has the punching power to end a fight with one punch, and that type of power is what sells. We are happy that we were able to sign him to our stable of fighters.





October 18th, RENO — Let’s Get It On Promotions and the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa are pleased to announce an exciting night of world-class professional boxing Laupäev, 17. november, 2017 at the Reno/Sparks Convention Center. The card will be co-headlined by lightweight sensation Gabriel Flores Jr., and Reno’s own Oscar Vasquez in separate bouts.


The youngest-ever Top Rank Inc. signed fighter, Gabe Flores Jr. (4-0, 3Kos) is on a meteoric rise in the fight game. The Stockton, CA seventeen-year-old manages to fight as he is completing high school. For the third time he will fight in Northern Nevada, where he regularly draws hundreds from his hometown. Flores will fight in a four-round lightweight bout.


Reno’s own Oscar Vasquez (14-1) is coming off an impressive ten-round unanimous decision victory this August in Fallon against the tough Javier Gallo. Vasquez is currently ranked fifteenth in the world in the flyweight division by the World Boxing Organization. Vasquez will be fighting Victory Ruiz (22-7) in a ten-round fight.


Ricardo Lucio Galvan, also from Reno, will be making his pro debut on 17. november. Galvan, a second-year business major at UNR, is also a Dreamer. He is enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and hopes he can use his boxing career to bring awareness to the issue. He is an experience amateur with nearly eighty bouts. Galvan will be fighting in a four-round jr. lightweight bout.


Carson City’s Diego Elizondo (1-0) will be returning to the ring on 17. november after beating Chandler Clements via unanimous decision in Fallon in August. Elizondo attributes his toughness to his Basque and Mexican heritage. He will be fighting in a four-round lightweight bout.


Super flyweight Bruno Escalante (14-3-1) of Redwood City, CA is slated to fight in a six-round bout in Reno. Escalante is trying to get his world title run back on track after some recent bumps in the road. Born in Cebu City, Filipiinid, Escalante is one of a handful of young Filipino boxers who are carrying the torch for Pinoy boxing. Escalante will be fighting the tough Alex Rangel (17-7).


Rounding out the card is bantamweight Brent Venegas (3-0) Stockton, NAGU. Venegas is scheduled for a four-round scrap.


More information will be announced soon. Fight kaart võivad muutuda.


First bell is at 7pm. Tickets are available and can be purchased at the Atlantis Gift Shop $35, $65, $100, by calling Atlantis Special Events 888.551.7007 või 775.824.4467, or via