All posts by FNU47

RIZIN on FITE – a year in the making

RIZIN’s closing 2017 with two live events on FITE this Friday the 29th u Sunday the 31st. After a whole year of action- packed events and a multi – PPV tournament it is time to see the culmination of it all.
Things are getting hotter than ever with the full line-up already known as well as the two special guests who will join: Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic and Takanori “The Fireball Kid” Gomi.
Each show is $19.99 Two-show pack available for only $29.99. Streams live on FITE worldwide outside of Japan.

2-Day Pack: RIZIN Fighting Federation World Grand-Prix 2017

RIZIN Fighting Federation World Grand-Prix 2017: 2nd Round
29th of December Fight card:
Satoru Kitaoka vs Strasser Kiichi
Shizuka Sugiyama vs Kana Watanabe
Kizaemon Saiga vs Kai Asakura
Anthony Birchak vs Jae Hoon Moon
Hiroyuki Takaya vs Azjavkhlan Baatar
KING Reina vs Cindy Dandois
Jiri Prochazka vs Karl Albrektsson
Gabi Garcia vs Shinobu Kandori
Khalid Taha vs Takafumi Otsuka
Kevin Petshi vs Shintaro Ishiwatari
Ian McCall vs Manel Kape
Kyoji Horiguchi vs Gabriel Oliveira
RIZIN Fighting Federation World Grand-Prix 2017: Final Round
31st of December Fight card:
McCall/Kape vs Horiguchi/Oliveira
Otsuka/Taha vs Petshi/Ishiwatari
Rena Kubota vs. Irene Cabello
Maria Oliveira vs. Kanna Asakura
Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipović vs. Tsuyoshi Kosaka
S. Nozawa-Auclair vs. Chelsea LaGrasse
Takanori “The Fireball Kid” Gomi vs. Yusuke Yachi
Mitsuhisa Sunabe vs. Yamato Fujita
Tenshin Nasukawa vs Yuta Hamamoto
Plus GP Final Match-up’s
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.

PCW ULTRA comes to FITE with Anniversary 2K18

PCW ULTRA Anniversary 2K18:

L-ewwel 2018 surprise for wrestling fans is here. We are proud to welcome a new member of the FITE family for 2018 – PCW ULTRA.

What better show to start it off than the biggest show PCW ULTRA has ever done? With Anniversary 2K18 they are set on doing just that. A special guest – The Great Muta will join the show. He will team up with Penta El Zero M and face off against Sami Callihan and Johnny Ultra in a Tag Team Grudge match.
PCW ULTRA Anniversary 2K18 comes to FITE on the IS-SIBT, the 19th of January 2018. More info and fight card is in the press release below.


Lewiston, Maine (Diċembru 28, 2017) - Tissielet New England (NEF) returns to Lewiston on Saturday, Frar 3, 2018 ma jmiss avveniment mħallta marzjali-arti-promozzjoni ġlieda s, “NEF 32: Super Saturday.” Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional championship bout to the card. CJ Ewer (3-0) se jiltaqa Kemran Lachinov (5-2) for the vacant NEF MMA Professional Welterweight Title.



The bout will put Ewer in a unique positionto hold titles simultaneously in two weight divisions. It is a feat that has been attempted but never accomplished in NEF. Ewer is the reigning professional middleweight titleholder of the organization. He captured that title with a victory over Mike Hansen (5-8) last summer atNEF 30in Bangor, Maine. It took Ewer less than two minutes to finish Hansen with an arm triangle choke. The win not only earned Ewer the middleweight title but also a nomination for “2017 Submission of the Year.Should Ewer emerge victorious over Lachinov on February 3, he will stand atop both the welterweight and middleweight divisions. He represents Young’s MMA of Bangor.



“My opponent is fierce with a granite jaw and an iron will,” qal Ewer. “He’s by far the toughest fighter I’ve faced, and there will be a lot of pressure going into this fight given that it’s a title fight. I always rise to the level of competition and promise you’ll see the best, most prepared CJ you’ve ever seen.”



Kemran Lachinov is a seven-year veteran of the New England MMA scene. He is also a two-fight veteran of the Bellator cage where he remains undefeated. Lachinov is currently riding a three-fight win streak which began in early 2017. He will look to continue that success into 2018 starting with his bout against Ewer. Lachinov represents Team Link of Ludlow, Massachusetts.



NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 32: Super Saturday,” se tara l-kumpanija tagħmel ritorn tagħha għall-Colisée Androscoggin Bank Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Frar 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at

Promozzjonijiet re jiffirma ex titolu dinja isfidant José “chelo” González għal kuntratt promozzjonali

Qari, PA (Diċembru 27, 2017) – Promozzjonijiet King huwa pjaċir iħabbru l-iffirmar tal-ex titolu dinja isfidant José “chelo” González għal kuntratt promozzjonali.
González, 34 tal Toa Baja, Puerto Rico għandha rekord ta ' 24-2 ma 19 knockouts.
González rebaħ l-ewwel tiegħu 19 bouts ma jirbaħ fuq Osenohan Vázquez (1-0), eric Cruz (5-1-2), Hector Marengo (5-0-4) & Edgardo Soto (12-2).
Dwar Ġunju 3, 2011, González rebaħ it-titlu WBO Latino Ħfief bi waqfien tond 6 fuq Gerardo Cuevas.
González għamel ħames difiżi suċċess qabel ma kkontesta WBO Ħfief dinja champion Ricky Burns fuq Mejju 11, 2013.
González kien qiegħed jiddomina li bout u sew fit-triq tiegħu li ssir champion dinja qabel jweġġa polz tiegħu u rtira mill-bout wara l-10 rawnd.
González reġa 'beda billi terġa' tirbaħ il-titolu WBO Latino Ħfief u jiddefendu dan ma 'waqfien tond 5 fuq Marvin Quintero (26-5).
González se tfittex li jiġu lura wara sentejn u nofs sena sensja.
González iddikjarat: “I am very happy with this new chapter in my career. I am returning to the ring with plenty of excitement and with the same dedication I have always had. I thank Marshall and King’s Promotions for the opportunity and I have no doubt that together we will return to a world title.
We are excited to bring Jose into the fold. He is a world championship caliber fighter, and is a terrific addition to King’s Promotions. We are looking to make his debut in early March, u jekk jaqdi nistgħu naraw opportunitajiet kbar ħafna fil-futur tiegħu,” qal Promozzjonijiet King CEO Marshall Kauffman.
Għal aktar informazzjoni u tal-midja kredenzjali, Kuntatt:

Matthew sotto-ferroviji u Alfredo Matias "għajnejn’ Santiago huma stabbiliti biex jirritornaw fi Frar

Fajardo, Puerto Rico – WBA ranked #13, Alfredo "għajnejn’ Santiago (8-0, 2 Tal-KO) u ħafna touted prospett, Matthew Matthias sotto-ferrovija (8-0, 8 Tal-KO), kemm mill Fajardo, se tkun qed tara l-azzjoni fuq IS-SIBT, Frar 17, 2018 fil-Fajardo Muniċipali ekwestri Park. Avversarji se jitħabbru dalwaqt mill Productions Frisk.



Bil tmien tissielet kull, tnejn ġellieda diġà għandhom rebħiet impressjonanti ħafna fuq prospetti, kontendenti titolu dinja, u l-eks Olimpi.



Kampanji fil-diviżjoni ħfief, Santiago, nattiv ta Moca, Ir-Repubblika Dominikana, għandu tliet rebħiet notevoli fuq: ex Olympian Messikani, Arturo Santos Reyes b'deċiżjoni unanima ( UD ), titolu konkorrent ex dinja, Jayson "La Maravilla’ Velez b'deċiżjoni ta 'maġġoranza, u l-dejjem imħawwar, Tiben Andres "’ Navarro belt OUT.



Min-naħa tiegħu, matthew Matias, li huwa fid-diviżjoni welterweight junior, defeated fil-ġlieda professjonali raba tiegħu, prospett jogħlew, Jeffrey Fontánez minn Caguas mill eliminatorja tekniku fit-tieni rawnd.



Fl-aħħar preżentazzjoni tiegħu, saret f'Novembru fil-Jaragua Lukanda fir-Repubblika Dominikana, matthew Matias, wkoll rebħu mill eliminatorja tekniku fit-tieni rawnd, fuq Olympian Venezwela ex, Patrick Lopez.



“Bħas-soltu fil Productions Frisk, l-avversarji ta 'OJO’ u Subriel se jkun ta 'kwalità kbira,” qal promotur Juan Orengo, “Aħna diġà għandhom fil-sights tagħna f'diversi ġellieda Messikani li huma tajbin u se jkun f'kondizzjoni kbir intestatura għall Frar 17. We always look for more experienced opponents to face my fighters because that’s what a real development is all about. Aħna ma jbiegħu ħolm lill-partitarji jew boxers tiegħi, dawn għandhom ġlieda iebsa għaliex jeħtieġu li jkunu lesti għall-istadju kbar fil-futur qarib ".




Ġej dalwaqt, l-avversarji u ġlied oħra tal-karta se jitħabbru.

M-1 Global’s 20th anniversary a smashing success in 2017

M-1 Global president Vadim Finkelchtein
SAINT PETERSBURG, Russja (Diċembru 27, 2017) — M-1 Global celebrated its 20thanniversary in style this past year, reestablishing itself as the preeminent mixed-martial-arts organization in Europe and Russia.
M-1 promoted 13 Challenges in 2017, 11 across Russia, as well as one each in China and Finland. Fighters from around the world competed including MMA superstars such as Sergey Kharitonov u Alexander Shlemenko, as well as rising stars Alexey Kunchenko u Artem Frolov.
M-1 Global founder and president Vadim Finkelchtein reviewed the 2017 istaġun, answering a series of questions below:
B'mod ġenerali, how do you evaluate the 2017 M-1 Challenge season in terms of achievements and accomplishments as a promotional company?
VF: “L-ewwelnett, we increased the number of events. Some were even rated among top 5 monthly sporting events on television, which is really an incredible achievement. We’ve almost finished building our new M-1 Arena and produced our own M-1 Be Strong Protein milkshake.
You promoted events in different countries this past year like Finland. Was M-1 embraced by those fans and, if so, why do you think so?
VF: “We held our first event in Finland and it was really successful. M 1 Isfida 82took place in Hartwall Arena, one of the largest venues in Finland, located in the capital of Helsinki. Many fans came to watch our promotion’s debut in that country and it became one of the biggest MMA events in Finland history. Scandinavia is a very interesting region for us. We have many fighters from Finland and next year we are going to hold another event there.
We also had a big event in Harbin, Ċina, which was a part of cultural program of Economic Forum. Many VIP visitors and thousands of fans gathered to watch the fights and it was a superb event. China is a prospective MMA market and we are going to work further, featuring more fighters from this country, and promote one or two event a year there.
“Sena d-dieħla, we are going to promote even more events in other countries, planning to hold M-1 Challenge shows in Georgia, Ażerbajġan, Każakstan, Turkey, Ċina, Finland, Germany and the USA.
What was the M-1 highlight of the year?
VF: “This past year we had a lot of remarkable events and fights, so it’s very difficult to choose just one highlight. If I had to choose, the rematch between Alexander Shlemenko and Brandon Halsey was the highlight of the year. Thousands of people in Saint Petersburg on June 1st came to see the rematch and that liver-kick Alexander delivered made the crowd go crazy. In the first fight, Brandon won in 35 sekondi, so Alexander wanted to revenge fast and it took him just 25 sekondi. That was unbelievable and unforgettable!”
Compared to past years in what areas did M-1 improve in 2017?
VF: “Each year we have more high-level fighters and that is the main difference. MMA has been developing around the world and the competition is always getting tougher. Only the best fighters receive an opportunity to sign a contract with M-1 Global. We have an opportunity to choose the best fighters, increasing the level of fights, to make it impossible to predict the winners in advance. Barra minn hekk, we increased the number of events and TV coverage with some new TV contracts worldwide.
This was your 20th year. When you started 20 years ago did you envision the success M-1 has had in MMA?
VF: “I could not imagine MMA would become so popular. I went through the entire MMA evolution and the past 20 years I’ve been working on the promotion to make it better each year. The path was not easy because many years ago this kind of sport was considered criminal. Many called it fights without rules and I had to work hard to make people think about it as a legitimate sport.
M-1 added the flyweight division this past year. Why and was it successful in the eyes of fans?
VF: “Flyweight fighters can produce incredible performances. It was necessary for us to create this division because we knew that there were lot of good flyweight fighters. They wanted to fight in M-1 and we made it happen. We already have the first champion and a several tough contenders. Fl 2018, the flyweight division will be very interesting.
Heavyweight (265 lbs., 120,2 kg)
LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT (205 lbs., 93,0 kg)
MIDDLEWEIGHT (185 lbs., 83,9 kg)
Artem Frolov (10-0-0 (M-1: 7-0-0), Russja
WELTERWEIGHT (170 lbs., 77,1 kg)
Alexey Kunchenko (17-0-0 (M-1: 9-0-0), Russja
LIGHTWEIGHT (155 lbs., 70,3 kg)
Damir Ismagulov (14-2-0 (M-1: 9-1-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan
Featherweight (145 lbs., 65,8 kg)
Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0 (M-1: 7-1-0), Russja
BANTAMWEIGHT (135 lbs., 61,2 kg)
Movsar Evloev (8-0-0 (M-1: 8-0-0), Russja
FLYWEIGHT (125 lbs., 56,7 kg)
Aleksander Doskalchuk (8-1-0 (M-1: 3-4-1), Ukraina
Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Lewiston, Maine (Diċembru 27, 2017) - Tissielet New England (NEF) ritorni lejn LEWISTON fuqIS-SIBT, Frar 3, 2018 ma jmiss avveniment mħallta marzjali-arti-promozzjoni ġlieda s, “NEF 32: Super IS-SIBT.” Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of an amateur women’s bantamweight bout to the card. Jayda “Lil Killah” Bailey(1-0) Huwa ppjanat li jiffaċċjaw Amanda Gallo (0-1) fi piż ġlieda ta '135-liri.

Jayda Bailey made headlines this year when she became the youngest athlete to ever compete in a sanctioned MMA fight in Maine. A mere eight days after her 18th birthday, l-età minima legali għal parteċipant MMA fl-istat, Bailey jitqiegħdu flimkien prestazzjoni dominanti fil debutt tagħha kontra Danae Dostie (0-1) fi “NEF 31.” It took her just over 90-seconds to pound out a TKO victory. So impressive was the win that it earned Bailey a nomination for “Rookie tas-Sena.” The fans agreed and voted the Hermon, Maine teenager as the recipient of the award. Bailey is currently a member of Young’s MMA of Bangor. This summer, fuq gradwazzjoni mill-iskola għolja, hi qed tippjana li jirrilokaw Albuquerque, New Mexico fejn hi se jissieħbu Jackson Wink MMA Akkademja – dar għal ħafna stilel UFC top.

“I ma jistgħux jistennew li pass lejn il-gaġġa mill-ġdid u l-wiri kapaċitajiet tiegħi,” Said Bailey. “Nħares li tinkiseb aħjar kull darba I ġlieda, u jien eċċitati li jkunu qed jiffaċċjaw sfida ġdida.”

That new challenge will come in the form of Amanda Gallo. Gallo trains with Robson Moura Nations United (RMNU) bbażati fl tampa, Florida. She made her cage debut in the fall of 2016 kontra Laine Orabona (2-2) on a fight card in Georgia. The thrilling contest went the distance and saw Gallo lose a very close split decision on the judges’ scorecards. She will come to Maine looking for the first win of her young career.

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 32: Super IS-SIBT,” se tara l-kumpanija tagħmel ritorn tagħha għall-Colisée Androscoggin Bank Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on IS-SIBT, Frar 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online

“Futur Ġdid Ingilterra” series continues Feb. 10 Worcester, MA

New England Future 5
Richard Rivera vs. Kevin Cobbs,
Elvis Figueroa vs. Biosse Gvern
WORCESTER, Massa. (Diċembru 26, 2017) — The popular “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra” serje, promoted by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), returns with its fifth installment nhar is-Sibtlejl, Frar 10, fil Il Palladium Worcester, Massachusetts.
Undefeated Hartford (CT) prospett Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos) jieħu fuq Kevin “KRAY 2 UNKL” Cobbs (10-2, 4 Kos) għall-Federazzjoni vakanti Boxing Universali (UBF) titolu New England fil-każ prinċipali tmien round.
Rivera, 27, kien 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament ċampjin. The entertaining Rivera is coming off a sensational second-round knockout of 146-fight veteran Roberto Valenzuela this past Dec. 9 f'Hampton, New Hampshire.
Fighting out of Burlington, VT, Cobbs hasn’t fought since January 19, 2016, when he lost to rising star David Benavidez.
Fil-sitt round avveniment ko dehru, New Haven (CT) middleweight super Elvis Figueroa (3-0, 1 KO) steps up to fight former New England super middleweight champion Biosse Gvern (15-7-3, 7 Kos).
The 21-year-old Figueroa is a three-time USA Boxing Nationals Championship gold medalist. The battle-tested Biosse, fighting out of Providence by way of Cape Verde, is a former college football player who has notable victories against Joey Spina u Santiago Samaniego, as well as an eight-round draw with Peter Manfredo, Jr. in his last fight on May 13, 2016.
I am excited to have our second year is starting with a bang featuring these great up-and-coming boxers willing to be battle tested so early in their respective careers,” promotur Jose Antonio Rivera qal. “It shows they are serious about their careers and that they also have the right attitude needed to become world champion. I am also excited about our great undercard that is going to provide an action-packed night of boxing for fans.
Fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts are Worcester featherweight Andino Ranse (1-0) vs. Alex Montes (1-2-1), Lawrence (MA), Danbury (CT) welterweight Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. invader Rika Puerto Alexander “el Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), Southbridge (MA) welterweight Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (3-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-Debuting Nick Peralta, Lawrence, undefeated Springfield (MA_ light heavyweight Ray “bazooka” Graceski (5-0, 3 Kos). vs. Nathan Schulte (0-4), tal Woburn (MA), Hartford middleweight junior Jose “Rated R” Rivera (4-1, 3 Kos) vs. Eean Chappell (0-1-1), Springfield welterweight Derrick “double Impatt” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2) and Worcester’s two-time national amateur champion Bobby “BH3” Harris, IIIvs. Philadelphia middleweight Greg Tomas (1-10).
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), huma għall-bejgħ u disponibbli għax-xiri fuq jew l-uffiċċju kaxxa Palladium (ammissjoni ġenerali biss), jew billi tikkuntattja Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera ( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda.
Bibien miftuħa fi 6 p.m. U, ewwel bout 7 p.m. U.





Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

sinjali Borizteca Boxing ilu ma jitlef flyweight super Dewayne Beamon

San Diego, kif. (Diċembru 26, 2017) – Borizteca Boxing huwa kuntent li jħabbar l-iffirmar ta undefeated super flyweight Dewayne konkorrent “stop Running” Beamon għal kuntratt ta promozzjonali esklussiva.
Beamon ta GOLDSBORO, North Carolina għandu marka qatt ma ġew kundannati ta 13-0 ma 'għaxar knockouts.
Il 32 Beamon sena huwa ta 'tliet snin professjonali, u diġà għandu jirbaħ kbar fuq Hedge Rudolph (10-2); ex titolu dinja isfidant William Gonzalez (30-6) & Jose Alfredo Rodriguez (32-5).
Beamon huwa ġejjin off waqfien rawnd 2 fuq Zenon Venancio fuq 17 Novembru fil Tijuna, Messiku.
I am very excited to sign with Borizteca Promotions. I like what Saul and Christine had to say. I had a lot of other offers, but they share my vision. I am an active fighter, u Borizteca Boxing hija promettenti lili attività,” Said Beamon.
Beamon jistenna li l-sena li jmiss li tkun sena li transizzjonijiet lilu fis contendership.
“Fl 2018, Ninsab ħerqan li jkun champion tad-dinja, a Fighter of the Year nominee and to be a major player in the super flyweight division. I feel like I can beat the champions like Naoya Inoue. He has been fighting lower ranked guys then I am. Borizteca Boxing will get me those regional titles where it will get me into mandatory positions. I wanted to fight on the 1st SuperFly card in September, and I was hoping to fight Brian Viloria. Those fights will happen this year and people will understand why they call me “Mr. Stop Running.”
“Aħna nħossu ħafna kburin li jkollhom Dewayne taħt magħna. Għandna pjanijiet kbar għall Dewayne fil 2018,” said Saul Rios of Borizteca Boxing. “Aħna qed jagħmlu outcall għall-promoturi kollha li Dewayne hija lesta għall-ġlieda kontra xi ħadd fid-diviżjoni flyweight super, biss agħtina sejħa.”

Għal Aktar informazzjoni dwar Borizteca Boxing: or on Social Media:
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FNU Sports Ġlieda kontra Show “Fast” Eddie Awli Intervista

Din il-ġimgħa Tom, Tony and Rich catch up with Professional Boxer “Fast” Kmamar Eddie. Sfortunatament, glitch reġistrazzjoni ħallewna mingħajr l-ewwel nofs tax-xandira tonight fejn kellna diskussjoni kbira dwar dak Kmamar mwettqa fil-karriera tiegħu s'issa. Aħna ma tiffranka l-intervista Eddie kollu, għalkemm. Rich apologizes għar-raba 'ko-ospitanti (Tom l-Kat) għal interruzzjonijiet kostanti tiegħu fil-jmorru kmieni. Ħu paċenzja, għalkemm, folks. Din hija waħda mill-intervisti aħjar konna mwettqa fi żmien twil, u Eddie huwa att klassi reali. Huwa tajjeb li l jisimgħu u probabbilment se tkun l-ewwel ta 'ħafna chats ma' Awli aħna x'aktarx se jkollu fil-futur.