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FIGHTNIGHT hirup muka 2018 Sabak dina Jumaah jeungStar tinju hirup ti pulo panjang

YORK ÉNGGAL (Jan. 23, 2018) – Jumaah night fireworks are in store for fans on Facebook as FIGHTNIGHT hirup partners with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing for its first show of the New Year. Fight fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 7:30 p.m. AND live from Long Island, on alat mana wae dimana wae Facebook nyaéta sadia, as the combat sports platform opens 2018 kalawan hiji acara Sawala dina platform salapan bulan-lami.
“Simkuring geus pisan gumbira kalayan tumuwuhna séri, jeung Jumaah sacara show will be incredible with the addition of a mystery commentator, anu bakal kaungkap engké dina saminggu. Runtuyan FIGHTNIGHT hirup boga kasempetan pikeun ngahontal pintonan 1,000,000th taun wungkul 11 nembongkeun sarta Kami rek hatur fans fight madhab pikeun rojongan maranéhna,” ceuk Tandaan Fratto, Poko Linacre Media. “Dinten Jumaah, fans ti sakuliah Long Island sarta sakuliah dunya bakal tiasa Ngepaskeun dina nyekel sababaraha matchups unggulan via kaca Star tinju Facebook jeung kaca hirup FIGHTNIGHT urang.”
Dina kajadian utama dinten Jumaah wengi, Long Island sacara Aom “Waktos Na Pertunjukan” Karperis (14-3, 5 KOs) gelut keur waktu 17 di The Cangkuang bari pilari meunangna 13th na di tempat nu, taking on Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara (17-9-4, 9 KOs). Undefeated fighters Tyrone “Geulis Boy” James (6-0, 3 KOs), Wendy Toussaint (7-0, 2 KOs) jeung Michael Stoute (2-0) bakal béda ngingetkeun balaréa Long Island sarta panongton Facebook, and fight fans will witness the pro debut of Huntington’s own Shaun Kennedy, tambah pagelaran musik tur leuwih.
“Eta bade janten wengi thrilling tinju. Fans bakal ningali sababaraha prospek undefeated jeung Aom Karperis, who is always in fan-friendly wars. Fights from The Paramount are reminiscent of the old days at the Blue Horizon – gelut thrilling, upsets jeung fans sumanget,” ceuk Joe DeGuardia, CEO na Présidén Star tinju. “Éta hébat anu sakabeh dunya bakal tiasa ningali ieu dina Facebook. The world is changing so much and for boxing and it’s great that fans can tune in from anywhere and be a part of the action. Nuhun, the Paramount will be sold out Jumaah wengi – Tapi anjeun masih bisa ningali gelut ku tuning kana Facebook.”
Leuwih dalapan bulan mimiti programming, the numbers on the 10-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 93,000 fight fans tuning in per event and nearly one-million fans served. Nu Tujuh. 9 “Promosi nyata deal: Kakaisaran Propinsi” ti Resorts Dunya Kasino (225,000), nu Agustus CES “Super Saptu” ti Foxwoods (203,000), nu Sept. CES “Kembar Walungan Twinbill” ti Lincoln, R.I. (157,000) kabéh topped 150,000 pintonan, and collectively the 10-show series saw a total of almost 17,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 930,933-plus users across all devices.
Sajaba angka viewership atah, nu pinuh-interaktif, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 130,000 koléktif ngajomblo pos live (13,000-tambah per acara), kaasup leuwih ti 91,000 “likes” atawa “mikanyaah,” langkung ti 16,000 komentar na 4,900-tambah biasa.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 persen lalaki, 24 persen awéwé. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, nu ngawengku kira 30.0 persén panongton, rata-rata.
Nu Tujuh. 9 “Promosi nyata deal: Kakaisaran Propinsi” set a new bar with 224,658 pintonan jeung Tujuh. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to tilu-suku-of-a-juta pintonan dina ngan leuwih opat bulan. Nu Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Super Saptu” acara nangtung kaluar individual jeung 3,336 live hours of content viewed, sedengkeun Tujuh. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 interaksi panempo including almost 39,000 “likes” atawa “mikanyaah.”
Dinten Jumaah wengi, Jan. 26, hirup tina The Cangkuang di Huntington, Lila Island, N.Y., fans bisa ngaharepkeun hiji-dampak tinggi, multi kaméra pangalaman streaming kumplit jeung grafik, animasi, replays, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Marc Abrams of AWE, Néglasari Olahraga Philadelphia, na Former Golden Gloves Champion Cara Castronuova, kiwari di Knockout obesitas Yayasan, will contribute analysis and deliver post-fight interviews in the ring. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, komentator baris ménta sarta ngabales patarosan ti panongton Facebook sakuliah siaran nu.
Dijieun tur diproduksi ku Linacre Media kaluar tina New York City, runtuyan FIGHTNIGHT hirup ciri announcers profésional, sudut kaméra sababaraha, grafik tipi, replays na balik deui-pamandangan aksés jeung wawancara. Nempokeun streamed nu sadia sacara global dimana wae Facebook nyaéta sadia. inisiatif teu ukur nyandak fans ti sakumna dunya mun Ngepaskeun di, tapi oge mere pejuang up-na-datang platform global ka showcase abilities maranéhna, méré promoters hiji diasupan “siaran” solusi jeung mere sponsor kamampuhan pikeun ngahontal panongton massa via eusi branded.
Langkung FIGHTNIGHT hirup Winter / Spring 2018 kaping bakal sacara resmi ngumumkeun dina minggu datang.
FIGHTNIGHT hirup téh aya online di: /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE dina Facebook,@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ dina Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Keur acara Linacre Media panganyarna na jadwal siaran, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents atawa #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Dua-waktu jawara dunya Kermit Cintron nyandak on George Sosa di ditambahkeun atraksi welterweight on Salasa, Pebruari 13 dina The Sands Betlehem Acara Center

Cintron targeting Amir Khan
Frank De Alba battles Carlos Padilla dina acara utama dina
Mykal Fox dicokot Ricardo Garcia dina ko-utama acara
Undefeated fighters Colby Madison, Michael Coffie, Juan Sanchez, & Martino Jules dina peta
Heavyweight contender Joe Hanks dicokot Nick Guivas

Betlehem, Pa (Januari 23, 2018) – Dua-waktu jawara welterweight dunya,Kermit Cintron has been added to an already deep card when he takes on George Sosa in a ten-round bout on Salasa, 13th Pébruari di The Sands Center Acara Betlehem.

dua acara ko-utama dalapan buleud featuring geus ngumumkeun Frank De Alba(22-2-2, 9 KOs) nyokot dina Carlos Padilla (16-6-1, 10 KOs) sakumaha ogé Mykal Fox(15-0, 4 KOs) battling Ricardo Garcia (14-1, 9 KO sacara) dina bout super lightweight.
Kartu nu geus diwanohkeun ku promosi Raja sacara.
Cintron tina Reading, Pa ngabogaan rékaman 39-6-3 jeung 30 KOs.
Nu 38 year-old Cintron is a 18 sataun profésional anu meunang na munggaran 23 gelut (20 via stoppage) ku ngéléhkeun éta likes of Leon Pearson (9-1-1), Said Ouali (7-0), Omar Davila (12-2), Ian Mackillop (14-1), Luis Rosado (29-5), Elio Ortiz (25-6), & Teddy Reid (22-5-1).
Dina April 23, 2005, Cintron was stopped by Antonio Margarito in his bid to win the WBO Welterweight title.

Cintron scored two wins, nu kaasup hiji buleud stoppage 10 leuwih contender Daud Estrada (18-2) sateuacan stopping Tandaan Suarez di genep rounds candak judul IBF Welterweight on Oktober 28, 2006 dina lontar Beach, Florida.
Cintron made two defenses of the crown which was highlighted by a two-round destruction over Walter Matthysse (26-1), sateuacan keur dieureunkeun ku Margarito di rematch maranéhna.
Cintron then sandwiched wins over Lovemore Ndou (46-10-1), Alfredo Angulo (15-0) sarta Juliano Ramos (15-2) sabudeureun draw kalawan Sergio Pramanik (44-1-1) sateuacan muterna gelut jeung juara dunya Paul Williams jeung Carlos Molina.
Dina bout panungtungan-Na, Cintron dieureunkeun dina lima babak ku Tyrone Brunson.
Nu “Philly Ngalawan tina Taun” Calon nempo Cintron skor dua knockdowns di babak opat, tapi Brunson sumping deui ka leupaskeun Cintron tilu kali dina babak lima.
This is a fight to comeback to get back where I need to be. After the Brunson fight, it was back to the drawing board. this fight will start to get me back to the top one more time,” Said Cintron.
“dina Sosa, Kuring kungsi jadi penyiar for gelut tukang na, sarta di gelut ringkes, I did not see anything special. I been working hard, jeung lalaki disusun ogé jeung kuring bakal siap tarung.”
Cintron weruh ku némbongkeun kuat sarta neruskeun panarjamah-Na, yen anjeunna bisa meunang kana gelut badag, sarta Cintron boga batur dina pikiran.
“Kuring nempo yén Amir Khan datang deui, jeung kuring nu geus gelut mah hoyong.”

Sosa of Philadelphia boga rékaman tina 15-11-1 jeung 15 knockouts.
Nu 31 taun heubeul mangrupakeun profésional tujuh taun anu geus dipikawanoh nyandak kana kompetisi luhur kayaning Emanuel Mekarwangi, Ray Kurniawan, Thomas LaManna, sarta di bout panungtungan na nalika anjeunna dieureunkeun ku undefeated luhur-prospek Jaron Ennis on Désémber 1, 2017 di Philadelphia.
Dina hiji dalapan buleud bout, contender heavyweight Joe Hanks (22-2, 14 KOs) of Tasikmalaya, NJ bakal tarung Nick Guivas (14-9-2, 9 KOs) of Topeka, Kansas.
Dina bouts genep buleud:
Colby Madiun (5-0-1, 4 KOs) tina Owings Mills, Maryland bakal tarung
Dante Selby (2-3-1) tina Philadelphia dina bout heavyweight.
Blake Mansfield (5-1-1, 3 KOs) tina Burlington, NC bakal tarung Darryl Bunting (3-2-2, 1 KO) of Asbury Park, NJ dina Dengdekkeun middleweight.
Chiase Nelson (6-1, 3 KOs) tina Mansfield, OH bakal tarung Vincent Jennings (5-4-1, 4 KOs) of Grand Rapids, MI dina perangna featherweight.
Dina bouts opat buleud:
Michael Coffie (1-0, 1 KO) bakal butuh kana debuting pro Nicoy Clarke of Jersey City, NJ dina bout heavyweight.
Martino Jules (2-0) tina Allentown, Pa bakal tarung Malik Loften (1-0, 1 KO) tina Suitland, MD dina bout featherweight.

Juan Sanchez (4-0, 1 KO) tina Allentown, Pa bakal mawa kana Sergio Aguilar (2-6, 2 KOs) tina Homestead, FL dina bout featherweight.
Tiket eta kanggo kajadian nu hirup, nu diwanohkeun ku Raja sacara promosi, nu dibanderol di $50, $75 jeung $100, teu kaasup beaya service berlaku jeung pajeg sarta diobral ayeuna. Tiket disadiakeun di Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000.





Los Angeles – A flyweight feature fight pitting renowned boxing champions Samah Hardy (1-1) ngalawan Ana Julaton (2-3) has been added to the main card of Bellator 194: Nelson vs. Mitrione dina Jumaah, Pebruari 16 di Mohegan Sun sarena di Uncasville, Conn. The event will air live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. AND.




The bout will be the first part of a dual event scenario in which the fighters are also expected to compete in a boxing match at a later date. While the MMA bout will be held under the Bellator banner, DiBella Entertainment and Orion Sports Management will handle promotional duties for the boxing event.




Tiket pikeun Bellator 194: Nelson vs. Mitrione are available now and can be purchased at the Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, bari Peta awal baris ngalirkeun data dina jeung global dina Bellator Mobile App. Additional contests will be announced in coming weeks.




Making her third appearance inside the Bellator MMA cage, Hardy hopes to duplicate the game plan that earned her an impressive knockout win over Alice Yauger in her professional debut at Madison Square Garden. Hailing from Brooklyn, N.Y., Hardy built an imposing boxing resume prior to joining forces with Bellator, where she collected a pair of titles in multiple weight classes, including the WBC International Female Super Bantamweight belt and WBC International Female Featherweight belt. “The Heat” protected an unblemished mark of 20-0 through a five-year stint inside the boxing ring.




An accomplished professional boxer herself, Julaton also brings a unique style to the Bellator cage as she prepares for just her sixth career MMA bout. The former WBO and IBA super bantamweight world champion made the transition to mixed martial arts in May of 2014, collecting a convincing knockout over Aya-Saeid Saber. Since making her professional MMA debut, “The Hurricane” has competed for multiple world-renown promotions and trains alongside Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix competitor Frank Mir di Las Vegas.




Diropéa Bellator 194: Nelson vs. Mitrione Fight Card:



Heavyweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout: Roy Nelson (23-14) vs. Matt Mitrione (12-5)



Co-Main Lightweight Event: Patricky “Pitbull” (18-8) vs. Saderek Widang (19-6)



Women’s Flyweight Feature Bout: Samah Hardy (1-1) vs. Ana Julaton (2-3)
 and Bellator Mobile App Preliminary Card:



Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Marcus Surin (4-1) vs. Dean Hancock (3-1)



Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Ross Richardson (Debut pro) vs. Nick Giulietti (Debut pro)



165-pon. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Peter Nascimento (Debut pro) vs. Kastriot Xhema (1-1)



Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Regivaldo Carvalho (4-2) vs. Tom English (6-8)


Sampson Boxing Inks Promotional Deal with Panamanian Rising Star Jose ‘El MagnificoNunez

Promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of undefeated Panamanian lightweight JoseEl MagníficoNunez.
19-year-old Nunez is considered one of the most exciting Panamanian prospects to watch. He was awarded the title ofProspect of the year 2017by his homeland’s press and the Panamanian Boxing Commission.
Originally from Curundu Panama, Nunez started fighting at the early age of 10, holds an undefeated record of 5-0 salaku panarjamah.
I am very grateful that Mr. Sampson is going to promote my career as a professional fighter. Now is my turn to demonstrate him and everybody else that I came to this sport to be the best and beat the best,” said Nunez.
Manager and trainer José Murillo says he’s also happy with his young fighter’s new deal.
We are well aware of who Mr. Lewkowicz is and what he is able to accomplish for Nunez and we can´t be more confident that he is in the best hands possible. What Sampson promises, Sampson delivers. We have full confidence that we have taken the right decision signing this deal.
It is a great honor to work with another Panamanian, as I did with ex world champions AnselmoChemitoMoreno and Roberto “Nu lancah” Vasquez,” Ngadawuh Sampson Lewkowicz. “I am confident that Jose will become another world champion of their quality.
Nunez is scheduled to appear in his first international fight on Pebruari 9, in Santa Fe, Argentina, against Lucio Alberto Ayala from Buenos Aires. The fight is being promoted by Sampson Boxing, Tello-Box and JEB Boxing and will be televised trough TyC Sports and VTV Uruguay.

2016 Olimpiade parunggu medalist Nico Hernandez pinuh pulih sarta raring rék di 1st tarung judul

“KO Peuting tinju: emas & Kamulyaan” keur
lowong IBA Amérika flyweight judul vs. József Ajtai
Feb. 10 di Hartman sarena di Taman Kota, KS
taman kota, Kansas (Januari 22, 2018) – 2016 Olimpiade medalist parunggu jeung kampung halaman pahlawan Nico Hernandez geus pinuh pulih tina hiji tatu nu ditunda Désémber na 2nd tarung nepi Saturdeay, Pebruari 10, versus jawara Hungaria József “saeutik Beureum” Ajtai di nu dalapan buleud acara utama pikeun Association tinju internasional nu lowong (IBA) Amérika judul flyweight, headlining nu “KO Peuting tinju: emas & Kamulyaan” kartu, di Hartman sarena di Taman Kota, Kansas.
“KO Peuting tinju: emas & Kamulyaan” mangrupakeun presentasi KO Peuting tinju LLC., dina pergaulan jeung Hartman sarena, sarta disponsoran sabagian ku taman Kota (KS), Twister Kota Harley-Davidson jeung Metro PCS.
Peta nu bakal taped hirup keur airing hareup on BPS Olahraga Network.
The Hernandez 22 taun heubeul (3-0, 2 KOs), pajoang kaluar ti Wichita, ngalaman hiji tatu undisclosed nu kapaksa manehna kana mundur ti Dec. 2nd gelut. Ngayakeun Hernandez atawa promoter na, John Andersen (KO Peuting tinju, LLC), geus ngungkabkeun sagala rinci ngeunaan tatu Nico urang ulah mere lawan-Na oga sagala mungkin nepi ka tujuan di ring.
“Abdi ngaraos séhat, siap tarung,” Hernandez commented. “Simkuring hayang mastikeun yen ieu tatu bébas tur Kami 100-persen. I’m going to do whatever is needed to win this fight. Fighting for my first title means a lot to me. I didn’t think it would happen this fast. I want everybody to see that I can be competitive with the best in my division. A win 10 Pébruari bakal meunang atuh aya pisan ngadeukeutan.

“mah lawan kawas keur ngalir pisan jeung anjeunna rusuh, so I need to have my legs under me. Other than that, sanajan, I should be okay. He has fought some good guys. I can’t wait to get in the ring in front of my fans.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 KOs), saha sataun na genep poe ngora ti Hernandez, geus perang lima gelut judul. Anjeunna oge indit jarak 10 buleud lengkep, albeit dina leungitna ku putusan dina 2016, mun dua-waktos medalist emas Olimpiade Shiming Zou, urut tinju Organization Dunya (WBO) jawara dunya flyweight. Pajoang di kampung halaman lawan-Na urang teu masalah keur Ajtai, anu boga pangalaman jalan vast sanggeus perang salaku pro di AS, Karajaan Inggris, Spanyol, Jerman, Ukraina jeung Slowakia.
“Nico moal nyaho mana kuring bakal di ring,” Ajtai diprediksi. “Nalika anjeunna Sigana mun kénca pikeun kuring, Kuring baris buka katuhu; nalika anjeunna nyoba neangan kuring nu bener, Kuring bakal on kénca. Nalika anjeunna hayang beristirahat, Kuring bakal datang maju punching; nalika anjeunna hayang punch, anjeunna moal manggihan kuring.
“Kuring boga rencana pikeun ieu tarung jeung Kuring yakin manéhna teu kitu oge. Tapi, di ring, ngan rencana hiji bajoang urang bisa sukses. Eta nu keur jalan jadi gelut alus, tapi teu bisa janji umum yén Nico bakal juara.”
“Abdi bungah yén Nico nyaéta 100-persen sehat kanggo tarung,” Andersen ceuk. “Urang teu bisa jadi happier mawa gelut gede ieu, jeung loba deui sakumaha urang pindah ka hareup, ka kota gede Wichita.”
Dina genep-buleud ko-diulas acara, Minneapolis welterweight Javonte Starks (13-2, 7 KOs), urut Future Béntang Nasional Jawara sakumaha amatir, dicokot Samaun bajoang Méksiko Cesar Soriano (28-36-1, 17 KOs), urut titlist lightweight FECARBOX.
Ngajangjikeun Milwaukee SMP middleweight prospek Akeem Hideung (3-1, 1 KO) faces pro-debuting Derrick Clayton, pajoang kaluar ti Bakersfield (SAPERTOS), dina opat buleud televised opener.
Wichita middleweight Jeff Sturm (1-0) meets rival cross-kaayaan Brian Clements (0-0-1), of Toledo, dina opat buleud TV ayun bout.
Ogé pajoang dina kartu dina ieu Washington D.C. heavyweight Maurice “angkutan barang Train” Brerm (13-2-1, 9 KOs) battles 300-pound Kansas Kota (MO) foe Richard “Silverback” Carmack (15-12-1, 12 KOs) dina hiji patandingan genep buleud. Hiji pasangan opat-rounders manggihan undefeated Bakersfield SMP welterweight prospek Miguel Contreras (5-0, 4 KOs) miceun-handap kalawan lawan Géorgia na, Archie Wey (2-9), jeung California SMP welterweight Chazz Macias ieu kadaptar nyieun debut pro na nyanghareupan hiji lawan bisa ditangtukeun.
Tiket balik diobral enjing (Salasa, Oct. 24 @ 10 a.m. CT) di Hartman sarena kotak kantor na / 50551?Brand = Hartman. harga anu $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 jeung $20.00 (harga teu kaasup waragad jasa). Student tickets are available – TK nepi kuliah – keur $15.00 dollar tapi anu ngan dijual dina pakalangan. Idéntitas Mahasiswa ieu requited.
Ieu mangrupa sagala-umur nunjukkeun. Lawang kabuka di 5:00 p.m. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 p.m. CT.
Twitter: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
Tuturkeun @Nicomhernandez on Twitter na Instagram

Bellator'S heavyweight WORLD Grand Prix terus kalawan ngimpi matchup ANTARA Fedor EMELIANENKO AND Frank Mir AT ALLSTATE sarena dina April 28


Tiket diobral Ieu Jumaah


Los Angeles - The lawang katilu matchup babak di Grand Prix Bellator Heavyweight Dunya 2018 urang bakal fitur heavyweight greatest sadaya waktos Fedor Emelianenko (36-5, 1 NC) nyokot on urut jawara dunya Frank Mir (18-11) di balik Bellator pikeun Allstate sarena dina Rosemont, Gering. dina Saptu, April 28.



Hiji presale online ekslusif kanggo acara ieu lumangsung Rebo January 24 jeung Kemis January 25, kalayan tiket jalan-diobral ka masarakat umum dina Jumaah January 26 di 10 a.m. CT. Tiket acara mimitian jam ngan $30 jeung sadia di Allstate sarena kotak kantor na Ticketmaster.




Acara, diwakilan ku Gedang Lite, bakal disiarkeun langsung tur haratis on Cangkuang Network (baheulana Spike) di 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, bari Peta awal baris ngalirkeun data dina jeung global dina Bellator Mobile App. bouts tambahan bakal diumumkeun dina minggu datang.




A urut jawara kareueus, "The Kaisar Tukang" nyaeta salah sahiji pajuang heavyweight paling dianggap na terhormat olahraga geus katempo. Batu bermuka jeung tenang, Emelianenko boasted salah sahiji corétan unbeaten paling impressive dina sajarah MMA, teu kaleungitan bout antara 2001 jeung 2009. A jawara dunya multi-waktos di MMA na Sambo, Fedor anyar balik ka olahraga sanggeus hiatus ringkes, accumulating dua ngéléhkeun decisive saprak na mulang ka aksi sarta nyokot on Matt Mitrione dina Palasik instan dina Bellator NYC.




Frank Mir ngagabung Bellator saméméhna taun di handap 15 taun di UFC dimana manéhna jadi jawara dunya dua-waktos, dikumpulkeun 16 victories sarta ngéléhkeun hiji anu Éta saha di contenders heavyweight, kaasup Brock Lesnar, "Bigfoot" Silva, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira na Mirko Cro Pulisi. Pajoang kaluar ti Las Vegas, Mir diatur sababaraha rékaman bari competing kalayan urut kampanye na, disorot ku paling gelut (27), victories (16), jeung kiriman (8) dina sajarah heavyweight. Jeung 14 téh nya 18 karir ngéléhkeun datang ku cara knockout atanapi kaluman, nu Brasil jiu-jitsu sabuk hideung ayeuna bakal coba leungeun-Na di division heavyweight Bellator urang.




Ngalawan Card diropéa:

Heavyweight Grand Prix Mimiti Babak: Fedor Emelianenko (36-5, 1 NC) vs. Frank Mir (18-11)


Undefeated Bantamweight sensation Christian Carto takes on James Smith in headlining bout on Friday, March 2nd at The SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, Penn. (Januari 22, 2018)–Popular and undefeated bantamweight Christian Carto will headline a packed night of boxing when he takes on James Smith in an eight-round bout on Jumaah, March 2nd di The SugarHouse Casino dina Philadelphia.
Kartu nu geus diwanohkeun ku promosi Raja sacara.
Carto of Philadelphia has a record of 13-0 jeung 11 knockouts. Nu 21 year-old has established himself as one of the top prospects in Philadelphia, and the popular Carto continues to draw large and enthusiastic crowds to his fights.
Carto, who had a very active 2017 as he mustered seven victories and has a signature win over Alonso Melendez (14-1). Carto is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Luis Fernando Saavedra on December 1st at The SugarHouse Casino.
This will be Carto’s 7th appearance at The SugarHouse Casino.
Smith of Detroit has a record of 12-1 with seven knockouts.
Nu 27 year-old is a seven-year professional, who won his first 11 ends, which was highlighted by a win over Olimjon Nazarov (14-2).
After suffering his lone defeat, Smith won his last bout as he stopped Yaqub Kareem on August 4, 2017 di Detroit.
In an eight-round all-Philadelphia super middleweight bout, Christopher Brooker (12-5, 5 KOs) perang Jamaal Sadikin (16-12-1, 7 KOs).
Dina hiji dalapan buleud bout, Tyrone Crawley, JR. (7-0) tina Philadelphia dicokot Anthony Mercado (10-3, 9 KOs) of Arecibo, PR in a super lightweight bout.
David Gonzales (8-2-2, 2 KOs) tina Philadelphia bakal tarung Victor Vazquez (9-3, 3 KOs) of Emping, NY in a super lightweight contest.
Undefeated Marcus Bates (8-0-1, 6 KOs) tina Washington, DC will take on an opponent to be named in a eight-round super bantamweight fight.
Carlos Rosario (7-3, 4 KOs) tina Pennsauken, NJ will square off with Seifullah Wise (3-4, 1 KO) of Philadelphia in a super featherweight fight.
Darius Ervin (4-1) of Los Angeles tangles with Jesus Perez (3-0, 1 KO) tina Reading, PA in a super lightweight fight.
Jerrod Miner (1-1, 1 KO) of Philadelphia fights Rondarrius Hunter (1-2, 1 KO) of Atlanta in a four-round super flyweight bout.
Tiket anu diobral pikeun $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at

World Boxing Super Series Semifinals

Éksklusif ON channel super
Edmonton, Kanada (Januari 22, 2018) – super Channel, nu aya. 1 destination network for Canadian boxing fans, will air the upcoming semifinals of the popular World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) pasanggiri, featuring world-class cruiserweight and super middleweight divisions action, live from various venues in Europe.
Super Channel acquired exclusive rights in Canada to air the entire WBSS tournament from MP & Silva, a parusahaan ngarah média internasional nu nyadiakeun hak média, digital, téhnologi jeung sponsor jasa.
We are thrilled that the WBSS is returning to Super Channel for exclusive Canadian coverage of the highly anticipated semifinals,” ceuk Troy Wassill, Director of Programming, Domestic Distributors and Sports. “I have no doubt that every single bout is going to deliver exciting, must-see action for boxing fans, as these world-class fighters compete to see who is going to go head-to-head for the coveted Muhammad Ali Trophy.
WBSSis a revolutionary bracket-style elimination tournament featuring the world’s best boxers and a total of $50 million in prize money. The knockout format of the competition will see the best boxers ultimately compete for the Muhammad Ali Trophy, the greatest prize in boxing. The tournament is organized by newly-founded Comosa AG, a Swiss-registered company with principal owners Highlight Event & Raramean, Modern Times Group and Team Sauerland. Comosa AG is working in partnership with boxers, promoters and managers around the world, and in alignment with the four major world boxing federations, to create a new global platform for the sport.
The first of its kind tournament, which is planned to take place on an annual basis, kicked off this past September with quarterfinals competition in two divisions, cruiserweight and super middleweight. An expert panel invited the world’s best boxers to compete, namely the top 15-ranked fighters of the four major federations: WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO. The winners of the two semifinals will advance to the championship round in both divisions this May.
Below find the WBSS semifinals schedule and a preview of the four matches and eight fighters who survived the quarterfinals:
WORLD tinju super runtuyan semifinal jadwal
Januari 27, Riga sarena, Riga, Latvia – WBO / WBC Ngahijikeun Tatar
Oleksandr “Cat kana” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), WBO World Champion, Ukraine – Ngirining #1
Mairis Rusa (23-0, 18 KOs), WBC World Jawara, Latvia – Ngirining #3
Pebruari 3, Bolshoy És Kubah, Sochi, Rusia – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Murat “Beusi” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOs), IBF World Jawara, Rusia –
Ngirining #2
Yunier “The KO Dokter” Dorticós (21-0, 20 KOs), WBA World
Juara, Cuba – Ngirining #5
Pebruari 17, Manchester, Pakalangan, Manchester, Inggris – WBA / IBO Ngahijikeun Tatar
“Urang suci” George Groves (27-3, 20 KOs), WBA World Jawara, Karajaan Inggris – Ngirining #2
Chris “salajengna Gen” Eubank JR. (26-1, 20 KOs), IBO World Jawara, Karajaan Inggris – Ngirining #4
Pebruari 24, Aréna Nürnberger asuransi, Nuremburg, Jerman
Juergen Braehmer (49-3 35 KOs), Jerman – Ngirining #10
(urut WBO & WBA Lampu Heavyweight World Jawara)
Callum “dunya” Smith (23-0, 17 KOs), Karajaan Inggris – Ngirining #3
(WBC Inten Super Middleweight Jawara)
(picture courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
The two winners in the cruiserweight semifinals will become the first unified world cruiserweight champion since Evander Holyfield dina 1987. The eventual WBSS cruiserweight world champion will become the first ever to hold all four major sanctioning body titles – WBC, WBA, IBF and WBO — dina waktos anu sasarengan.
The four cruiserweight semifinalists, who represent four different countries, have a combined record of 83-0 jeung 68 knockouts. They are also the top three and fifth-highest ranked cruiserweights in the world by Nu Ring magazine’s independent ratings.
OLEKSANDR USYK: Captured the WBO cruiserweight world title January 17, 2016, by way of a 12-round unanimous decision over undefeated, jawara defending Krzysztof Glowacki (26-0).
WBSS: In his third WBO title defense, he stopped former two-time WBO world champion Marco Huck (40-4-1) dina 11th buleud.
Catetan: 2-time Ukraine Olympian…. 2012 Olympics and 2011 World Championship gold medalist….twice defeated current IBF light heavyweight world champion Artur BeterbievRussia-native now fighting out of Montreal — dina 2012 Olympics and 2011 World Championships.
World Title Fight Record: 4-0 (2 KOs)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-0 (1), defeated Glowacki and Huck
MAIRIS BRIEDIS: He became WBC world cruiserweight champion April 1, 2017, taking a 12-round unanimous decision from Huck.
WBSS: Won a 12-round unanimous decision from Mike Perez (22-2-1) in his first title defense.
Catetan: Former professional kickboxer…..also the reigning IBA world cruiserweight champion.
World Title Fight Record: 2-0 (0 KOs)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-0 (1 KO), defeated Huck & Manuel Charr
MURAT GASSIEV: Won a 12-round split decision December 3, 2016 against three-time world cruiserweight champion Denis Lebedev (29-1) to capture the IBF title.
WBSS: Knocked out former 2-time world cruiserweight champion Krsysztof Wlodarczysk (53-3-1) in the third round of his first title defense.
Catetan: Now lives in Big Bear, California, which is known for its rugged training center in the mountains.
World Title Fight Record: 2-0 (1 KO)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-0 (1 KO), defeated Lebedev & Wlodarczysk
Yunis Dorticós: Knocked out interim WBA cruiserweight Yuri Kalenga (22-2) Mei 20, 2016 dina 10th round and later upgraded to “biasa” jawara dunya WBA.
WBSS: Stopped Dmitry Kudryashov (21-1) in the second round of his first world title defense.
Catetan: Defected to the USA from Cuba, where he was a member of the famed Cuban National Team, and he lives and trains in Miami, Florida.
World Title Fight Record: 2-0 (2 KOs)*
Record vs. current or former world champions: 1-0 (1 KO)*, defeated Kalenga
*includes interim WBA title fight
The super middleweight semifinal round is like a Battle of Britain with three BritsGeorge Groves,Chris Eubank, JR. jeung Callum Smithand German Juergen Braehmer. All four are ranked among Nu Ring magazine’s top 10.
George GROVES: Knocked out defending world champion Fedor Chudinov (14-1) dina Méi 27, 2017 in the sixth round to capture the WBA super middleweight world title.
WBSS: Stopped previously undefeated Jaime Cox dina babak kaopat.
Catetan: All three of his career pro losses have been to world champions Carl Froch dua kali jeung Badou GerardM.
World Title Fight Record: 2-3 (2 KOs)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 3-3 (1 KO), keok
James DeGale, Glen Adang & Chudinov.
CHRIS EUBANK, JR.: Crowned IBO super middleweight champ February 4, 2017, sabot knocked kaluar Renold Quinlan (11-1) dina 10th buleud, and successfully defended his title July 15, 2017 with a 12-round unanimous decision win over 3-time, 2-’90-91 Arthur Abraham (46-5).
WBSS: Defended his IBO belt with a third-round knockout of Avni Yildirim (16-0).
Catetan: The son of 2-time, 2-division world champion Chris Eubank, who manages his son’s career.
World Title Fight Record: 3-0 (2 KOs)*
Record vs. current or former world champions: 1-0 (0 KOs), defeated Abraham.
*ngawengku 3 IBO world title fights
JUERGEN BRAEHMER: Former WBA and WBO light heavyweight champion of the world who dropped down one weight class for the WBSS tournament.
WBSS: Won a 12-round unanimous decision from previously unbeaten American Rob Brant(22-0).
Catetan: Hadn’t fought as a super middleweight in 10-years prior to the WBSS quarterfinals…30-1 (24 KOs) as a super middleweight and he avenged his lone loss…. two other career losses were to world champions Hugo Hernan Garay jeung Nathan Cleverly….di 39 the oldest WBSS semifinalist.
World Title Fight Record: 9-1 (6 KOs)*
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-2 (0 KOs), keok Javier Velasquez &Enzo Maccarinelli
CALLUM SMITH: The least tested WBSS semifinalist in terms of having faced quality opponents, in addition to being the youngest WBSS semifinalist at the age of 27.
WBSS: Took a 12-round unanimous decision from previously undefeated Erik Sjoglund (26-0).
Catetan: Has three brothers who are also pro boxers: Paul, Stephen and Liam….the holder of numerous regional titles including WBC International, Silver and Diamond, as well as European super middleweight champion.
World Title Fight Record: 0-0
Record vs. current or former world champions: 0-0
All WBSS fights will also be available on Super Channel Dina Paménta.
In addition to the WSBB quarterfinals, Super Channel ditayangkan acara tinju utama hirup di 2017 kawas Brook vs. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-Lawas, Eubank, JR. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga and Crawford vs. Indongo.
Nonton sagala aksi Dunya tinju Super Series live, kitu ogé tinju langkung seru datang, tarung fans di Kanada bisa ngontak panyadia sambungan kabel lokal maranéhna pikeun ngalanggan kabeh yen eta nawaran Super Channel na, kaasup runtuyan premium, pilem tur leuwih, pikeun jadi low salaku $9.95 per bulan.


Photos by Robert ElizondoTRB & PRB Entertainment
San Antonio, TX (Januari 20, 2018) – Ieu peuting TMB & PRB Entertainment presented Fight Nite at the Scottish Rite, an eight-bout event that took place at the Scottish Rite Theatre in San Antonio, TX. In the four-round main event, Daniel “Da BeastBiaz (11-1, 5 KOs) scored a unanimous decision over, Ray “The WarriorTrujillo (3-4-1, 2 KOs).
Biaz, a southpaw who is managed by Pangeran ranch tinju, wobbled Trujillo in every round, with hard shots to the head. Trujillo was trying to force his way into the chest of Biaz throughout the fight, but was unsuccessful as he was countered with by accurate punches. Trujillo, who was a last-minute replacement, showed a lot of heart but was outgunned by Biaz, who landed the cleaner blows. Scorecards read 40-36 meuntas dewan, all in favor of Biaz.
In the six round co-main event, female bantamweights, BriannaQueen Bee” Gonzalez (3-1, 1 KO) jeung BrittnyMi Vida LocaOrdonez (2-2, 1 KO) went toe-to-toe for six hard fought rounds. Both fighters were going for the knockout from the opening bell. Gonzalez was edging out Ordonez in every round as she landed more power shots. Ordonez was giving it her all, but it was Gonzalez who pulled out the unanimous victory. Scorecards read 58-56, 60-54, 59-55 all in favor of Gonzalez.

6-round bantamweight bout
“Galak” Vic Pasillas (12-0, 5 KOs) vs. Alejandro Moreno (24-39-3, 11 KOs)
After a two-year layoff, Prince Ranch Boxing’s Victor Pasillas, shook of the rust with a spectacular performance. Pasillas used his superior boxing skills to land his shots. Moreno was backing up the whole fight as Pasillas was on the attack. A left uppercut to the body sent Moreno to the canvas in round two. Pasillas continued to apply pressure as he forced Moreno to take a knee in round four. Moreno got up but did not come out for the fifth round. Pasillas scores a TKO.
4-round middleweight bout
“Ferocious” Luis Villarreal (2-0, 1 KO) vs. Adam “Ghost” Karaton (1-6-1)
Local fighter Luis Villarreal, went the distance with Adam Castillo in a four-round bout. Both fighters were feeling each other out in the early rounds, but it was Villarreal who was the more active fighter. Villarreal came on strong in the final round landing hard body shots, forcing Castillo into survival mode. Villarreal won by unanimous decision.
Scorecards read across the board 40-36.

4-round featherweight bout
Ignacio “El AlacranHolgiun (5-0, 5 KOs) vs. Santiago Bayardo (0-1)
Bayardo, who was making pro debut, was out gunned by the more experienced Holgiun. Bayardo came out throwing wild punches, while Holgiun stayed composed. Holgiun landed a couple of hard right hooks before dropping Bayardo with a devastating uppercut. Bayardo got up but did not want to continue. The bout was stopped at the 1:45 mark of round one.
4-round heavyweight bout
TyrellToo RealHerndon (7-2, 5 KOs) vs. Armando Herrera (2-6, 1 KO)
Local native TyrellToo RealHerndon went to war with fellow statesman Armando Herrera. Herndon used good footwork to set up his power shots. Herndon landed two powerful body shots followed by a right hook that sent Herrera to the canvas at the end of round one. Dina babak dua, Herrera showed a lot of heart as he kept coming forward trying to land some power shots of his own, but was not successful. In the beginning of round three, Herndon landed a counter right cross flush on the face of Herrera, putting him down. Herndon then landed a plethora of punches to the head and body of Herrera after he got up. Tungtungna, Herndon ended the fight with another flurry of blows at the 1:06 mark of round three.
4-round bantamweight bout
GregoryGoyoMorales (3-0, 3 KOs) vs. Ben Guerrero (0-1)
Ben Guerrero, who was making his pro debut at age 51, was no match for the young lion, GregoryGoyoMorales. Guerrero came out guns blazing at the opening bell, but ran into a buzz saw, as Morales landed some viscous counter blows. A double left hook-straight right combo blasted Guerrero who was out on his feet, forcing the referee to stop the bout at the .46 second mark of round one.
4-round lightweight bout
Terus terang “Bloodhound” Coklat (2-1-1, 1 KO) vs. Daniel Sanchez
In a battle of local lightweights, Terus terang “BloodhoundBrown dominated Daniel Sanchez from the opening bell. Brown displayed a vicious body attack while landing at will to the head of Sanchez. A left hook to the head put Sanchez on the deck in the early part of round two before the referee stopped the bout after a barrage of punches. Fight was stopped at the2:22 mark of round two.
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Lightweight Jawara Dunya Robert Easter ngéléhkeun Javier Citatah

di SHOWTIME Championship tinju® Co-pitur


Ulah Cik The Talaga Senen, Januari 22 di

10 p.m. AND/PT On SHOWTIME ekstrim



Klik IEUH pikeun Poto ti Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME



Klik IEUH pikeun Poto ti Ed Diller / DiBella Hiburan



BROOKLYN (Jan. 21, 2018) - jawara dunya undefeated welterweight Errol Spence JR. dipikagaduh judul IBF na kalawan stoppage impressive tina urut jawara dua-division Lamont Peterson dina acara utama SHOWTIME Championship tinjuSaptu wengi ti Barclays Center, ngarep Brooklyn tinju®.




Dina pertahanan kahijina saprak dethroning Kell Brook on SHOWTIME Méi panungtungan, Spence (23-0, 20 KOs) kaluar boxed a Peterson tangguh (35-4-1, 17 KOs) ti ngawitan nepi ka rengse, showcasing hiji Asép Sunandar Sunarya lega kaahlian, speed na kakuatan. tarung ieu dieureunkeun saméméh mimiti babak kadalapan sanggeus palatih Peterson urang, Barry punter, disebutna keur stoppage nu.




tarung dicoo kaluar sarupa kumaha duanana pejuang diprediksi, dimimitian dina selingkuhan taktis cagey saméméh éta robah jadi hiji perang agrésif dina rounds tengah. Dua menit kana babak lima, Spence dipaké hiji hook ditinggalkeun blistering ngirim Peterson ka kanvas (Klik IEUHpikeun sorot). Nu Washington, D.C. asli balik ka suku-Na sarta terus ngarangna, tapi Spence kabukti teuing. Nu 2012 AS. Olympian kaluar landed Peterson 161-45, bari nyambungkeun kana 49 persén punches kakuatan pikeun ngan 31 persen keur Peterson.




Sanggeus tarung Spence spoke mun reporter SHOWTIME Olahraga Jim Gray sarta éta gancang masihan kiridit ka lawan-Na. "Kuring rék hatur Lamont,"Cenahna. "A loba guys ngancik handap tarung jeung Anjeunna nyandak eta kawas soldadu nyata jeung Abdi muji manehna keur nu. He’s a tough fighter. He’s willing to die in there.” Click IEUH nonton wawancara sorot.




Sanajan earning win dina commanding fashion, Spence masih percaya anjeunna boga kamar pikeun ngaronjatkeun. "Kuring masih bisa ngaronjatkeun pisan kana pertahanan kuring,"Ceuk jawara dunya unbeaten. "Kuring ngan kudu tetep perfecting kaahlian mah tetep progressing. Nu nuju bade ningali hiji hadé Errol Spence waktos salajengna ceunah di ring.




"Everybody weruh Kuring geus ngantosan dina" Sababaraha Time "Thurman,"Ceuk Spence, pilari payun ka cocok Ngahijikeun Tatar mungkin kalawan WBC na WBA Welterweight World Jawara Keith Thurman. "Kusabab kuring 15-0 I’ve been calling this guy out and he keeps making excuses. Hayu urang meunangkeun eta dina. Anjeunna boga dua tina belts sarta kami duanana mibanda ngaran badag. Ieu tarung gampang nyieun na Abdi hoyong eta. "




Peterson, anu perang valiantly ngalawan Spence ngora, dimangfaatkeun putusan palatih na eureun tarung, "Lamun manehna miwarang kuring tarung hiji juta urang, Mah moal. Mun anjeunna miwarang kuring eureun. Kuring moal eureun. Kuring moal tanda tanya kaputusan na. Kuring nyaho manehna boga kapentingan pangalusna abdi di haté ".




"Ieu memang teuas, tapi lamun nyaho Lamont, anjeun terang anjeunna teu bade nyerah,"Ceuk palatih Barry Hunter. "Kuring kapaksa ngeureunkeunana. Dina ahir poé, ieu putra abdi katuhu dieu. Aya nanaon leuwih berharga ti na well-mahluk. Lamun datang ka anjeunna atanapi unggul, Kuring nyokot anjeunna. I ngeunaan miara manehna ".



Undefeated 135-pound world champion Robert Easter (21-0, 14 KOs) earned a split decision victory over former world champion Javier Citatah (33-2-1, 23 KOs) dina acara ko-utama telecast SHOWTIME. The judges scored the bout 114-113, 113-114 jeung 115-112.




Deui-na-mudik bout ningal dua pejuang terampil cicing dina saku jeung neuteup ka ngalakukeun karusakan ti jero. Hiji titik deduksi babak kadua ti Citatah dibuktikeun ongkosna mahal nalika Dominika ieu warned lajeng penalized pikeun nganiaya Easter tukangeun sirah. Tanpa deduksi hiji titik, tarung bakal geus ngoleksi draw a. Bari Easter JR. éta rada busier, Citatah landed nu punches leuwih kuat. Easter Jr, anu ngayakeun kaunggulan jangkungna signifikan, kaluar landed Citatah, kumaha nyambungkeun kana 120 ti 383 (31 persen) punches kakuatan bari Citatah disambungkeun kana 113 ti 441 (26 persen).




"Ieu gelut tangguh, anjeunna hiji jawara dunya urut keur alesan,"Easter ngawartoskeun Gray. "Urang dijieun tangguh nyoba kontra punch. Anjeunna moal ngalungkeun teuing na eta dijieun hésé pikeun kuring keur ngudag bodo sabudeureun.




“Abdi teu bisa meunang knockout tapi urang ngagaduhan win jeung éta sagala rupa nu perkara. Kuring terang anjeunna bade ngajalankeun sakali manéhna ngarasa kakuatan kuring. Anjeunna ngan hayang grab jeung tahan sakabeh gelut ".




pilari payun, Easter dijieun karsa na jelas sakumaha anjeunna nyiar bouts Ngahijikeun Tatar dina mangsa nu bakal datang, "Kuring rék tarung juara na ngahijikeun belts ieu. Gelut kawas ieu henteu di rencana mah game. Abdi siap pikeun Mikey Garcia na Jorge Linares mun asup kontrak ".




A Citatah disgruntled ogé spoke ka abu, "Publik nu weruh naon anu lumangsung di dieu. Aranjeunna booed lantaran nyaho yen kuring meunang tarung.




"Lamun manéhna lalaki hiji hayu urang tarung deui dina 135-pon,"Ceuk Citatah, who failed to make weight on two attempts Jumaah, nu dimaksudkan yén sabuk Easter urang moal bakal jadi on jalur. "Kuring pasti bakal nyieun beurat. Kuring teu masihan sorangan cukup waktu pikeun ngalatih ".




Unbeaten light heavyweight contender Raka Browne (21-0, 16 KOs) dijieun karya gancang tina Francy Ntetu (17-2, 4 KOs) dina peta SHOWTIME Championship tinju PRELIMS, as he dropped and battered his opponent early to force referee Arthur Mercante to stop the bout at just 2:15 tina babak kahiji. Pajoang pikeun na 12th time at the Barclays Center, nu 27 taun heubeul Staten Island pituin diteundeun catetan unblemished na gembleng ku ngamangpaatkeun leungeun kénca na kuat dina Ntetu overmatched.




Browne ngadegkeun leuwih dominan na ti mimiti, badarat a kénca overhand bersih nu turun Ntetu satengahna ngaliwatan babak éta. The Montréal, Sukabumi asli éta pernah bisa meunangkeun deui suku-Na sarta kapanggih dirina cornered ngalawan tali ngan tilu puluh detik engké. A barrage kombinasi kuat landed dina defenseless Ntetu ditinggalkeun wasit jeung saeutik pilihan tapi eureun gelut jeung 45 detik sésana dina hiji angka buleud.




“Urang digawé pikeun win ieu. Anjeunna walked kana yakin makéna jeung kuring dijieun anjeunna mayar,"Ceuk Browne. "The kénca overhand bray anjeunna jeung anu awal tungtung pikeun anjeunna. Kuring terang anjeunna menyakiti.




“Abdi peryogi shot judul dunya. Abdi siap nyandak kana salah sahiji juara. Kuring teu boga karesep wae. Abdi bungah I nunda babarengan kinerja hébat sejen didieu di Barclays Center. Kaula bade tetep ngaronjatkeun dugi Nyaan janten Bapak. Barclays Center ".




kiridit, anu dipindahkeun nepi ka division heavyweight lampu pikeun ieu tarung, kungsi waktos teuas kaayaan kombinasi Browne ngeunaan speed na kakuatan dina jalan ka leungitna kadua karir pro na.




"[Browne] pisan ngabeledug, congrats ka anjeunna,” Said Ntetu. “Anjeunna gancang, anjeunna pinter jeung kuring henteu nyangka anjeunna janten ngabeledug eta. Anjeunna ngagaduhan kuring kalayan hook katuhu na sarta kénca lempeng.




"Kuring di bentukna cukup tarung pikeun 10 rounds. Ieu teu kelas beurat kuring, tapi teu hayang nyieun excuses ".




Dina bout lawang tina SHOWTIME Championship tinju PRELIMS, undefeated Adam Kownacki (17-0, 14 KOs) delivered a brutal knockout of Iago Kiladze (26-2, 18 KOs) di 2:08 of the sixth round of their heavyweight matchup. Kownacki, dilahirkeun di Lomza, Polandia tapi pajoang kaluar ti Brooklyn, York Énggal, ngarasakeun éta rojongan balaréa kampung halaman na sakumaha anjeunna steadily ngagem Kiladze handap.




Kownacki éta beuki agrésif jeung akurat ti dua pejuang, badarat 43 persén punches daya sarta 35 persén total punches-Na, dibandingkeun ngan 30 persen na 18 persen, mungguh, pikeun Kiladze. Sanajan irung katurunan éta Kownacki ngalaman di babak kahiji, nu heavyweight Polandia mimiti tuang eta on na ban Kiladze kalawan runtuyan uppercuts na hiji-dua kombinasi di babak kaopat. Bout aksi-dipakétkeun sumping ka hiji tungtung lamun Kownacki disambungkeun kana gabungan dua uppercuts sarta leungeun katuhu nu dikirim Kiladze on deui dina menit ahir babak kagenep. Sanggeus Kiladze ngabéwarakeun balik ka suku-Na, wasit Shada Murdaugh disebut perang di saran ti dokter ringside.




“Abdi jadi ngahatur nuhun ka sadaya fans Polandia kuring anu kaluar tur masihan kuring nu rojongan tambahan ", ceuk Kownacki, anu perang di hareup ratusan compatriots na. "Kaula bade tetep tarung pikeun fans na masihan dulur pintonan hébat.




“Jigana mah dijieun tarung pisan harder ti kuring kudu boga. Ieu pangalaman pembelajaran sejen tur kuring meunang meunang. Éta kabéh anu perkara ".




Républik Géorgia-dilahirkeun Kiladze, anu gelut kaluar tina Los Angeles, éta bisa nyarita ka média saperti anjeunna dicandak ka Rumah Sakit NYU Lutheran alesan precautionary.




Saptu sacara telecast bakal Talaga on Minggu, Januari 21 di 9 a.m. AND/PT on SHOWTIME na Senen, Januari 22 di 10 p.m. AND/PT dina SHOWTIME ekstrim jeung bakal aya di SHOWTIME dumasar paménta® jeung SHOWTIME kapan®.


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