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Box Fan Expo é o derradeiro evento para os fãs de boxe que dá aos fãs de boxe a oportunidade de conhecer e cumprimentar os lutadores de topo, atuais e ex-campeões mundiais, boxeando celebridades e pessoas da indústria em um ambiente pessoal próximo.
Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite

Las Vegas (Junho 26, 2018) – Three-Time world champion Fernando Vargas has confirmed that he and his Feroz Fight Factory Gym will appear, have a booth and hold a Meet & Greet with his fans at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the fourth Annual Fan Box Expo que terá lugar Sábado setembro 15, 2018 a partir de 10a.m to 5pm, during Mexican Independence weekend. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the highly anticipated rematch between Saul ‘CaneloAlvarez vs Gennady ‘GGG’ Golovkin, that will take place later that evening.




Vargas and the Feroz Fight Factory will have merchandise to sell to his fans, bem como fotos e recordações.




Fernando Vargas, é um boxeador aposentado americano de ascendência mexicana e 3 Time world champion with a Pro record of 31 vitórias 5 perdas e 22 KO. He who won a bronze medal as an amateur at the 1995 Pan American Games in Mar del Plata. Seus apelidos incluem “Feroz”, “O guerreiro asteca” e “El Feroz”. Vargas was the youngest open national champion at 16 yrs old. The youngest boxing Olympian at 18yrs old and holds the record in boxing history as the youngest to become jr. middleweight champion at 21 anos.




Some of Fernando’s notable wins came against 5 world champions which includes, Raul Marquez, Yori Boy Campus, Ike Quartey, Javier Castillejo and Winky Wright. His losses to Oscar De La Hoya, Félix Trinidad, Shane Mosley, and Ricardo Mayorga remain his only career defeats and he is a favorite of American cable TV giant HBO.


Sobre a Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo tem sido um grande sucesso com fãs e pessoas da indústria do boxe. Many boxing stars have attended the last three Expos such as Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Shavers, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios e muitos mais…






Expositores como engrenagem de boxe, vestuário, new equipment’s, bebidas energéticas, alcohol, produtos suplementares, mídia de transmissão, sanctioning bodies and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans, media and the boxing industry.


Os ingressos para a Expo Fan Box estão disponíveis online em:




Box Fan Expo é o evento definitivo de experiência de fãs de boxe, which allows fans to Meet and Greet Boxing Superstars of today, atuais e ex-campeões mundiais, Legends of the sport and other boxing Celebrities at their booth. On Site, fans will experience different activities from Autograph Sessions, Photo Sessions, FaceOff com seus boxers favoritos, as well as a chance to purchase merchandise and memorabilia from their booth, plus so much moreyou won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!




Box Fan Expo will also feature top boxing organizations, promotores, ring card girls, famous trainers and commentators as well as boxing gear companies “TUDO SOB UM TETO”.




Throughout the next few months leading up to the Event, there will be weekly updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. E para qualquer pessoa na indústria de boxe ou outros expositores (não indústria), quem gostaria de se envolver e reservar um estande, contact Box Fan Expo:




Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927




Para quaisquer dúvidas por favor enviar e-mail:




Mais informações sobre a Expo Fan Box está disponível em:




Você pode acompanhar Box Fan Expo no Twitter em:




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EPIX® define a data de estreia para o concorrente, Revela 16 Lutadores competindo pelo cinturão de campeão

Série de competição de boxe de 12 episódios de Mark Burnett

Da MGM Television e Paramount Television Set para a estreia em Agosto 24

LOS ANGELES - JUNHO 27, 2018 - A rede de televisão paga premium EPIX® anunciou o 16 lutadores que se enfrentarão pelo cinturão do campeonato na revitalização da franquia de boxe The Contender esta queda. A aguardada temporada de 12 episódios, da MGM Television e Paramount Television, vai estrear no EPIX em agosto. 24, 2018 em 10 PM ET / PT.




Apresentado pelo invicto campeão de boxe Andre “Filho de Deus ”Ward, a primeira série de documentários competitivos para a rede apresentará 16 lutadores forçando seus limites em lutas extenuantes no estilo de eliminação e testando sua coragem e determinação para alcançar seus sonhos de boxe. Os lutadores serão supervisionados pelo lendário técnico de boxe Freddie Roach, e o renomado treinador da Filadélfia Naazim Richardson.




“The Contender leva a TV improvisada ao seu aspecto mais corajoso. Tem lutadores profissionais incríveis e lutas profissionais reais. O limite do drama e das histórias verdadeiras estabelece um tom que nosso público estará esperando e eu adoro isso,”Disse Mark Burnett, Presidente da MGM Television.




“Com esta nova iteração de The Contender, o foco está no corajoso, histórias pessoais dos lutadores lutando pela glória do boxe,”Disse Michael Wright, Presidente, EPIX. “Era importante para nós encontrar indivíduos que não só exibissem as habilidades do boxe e resistência no ringue, mas que também mostrou uma profundidade de coração e humor fora dela. Nossa 16 lutadores são vivazes, difícil, engraçado, confidencial, impulsionado e inspirador, e estamos ansiosos para que nossos fãs conheçam suas histórias e torçam por elas dentro e fora do ringue. ”




O 16 Os competidores vêm de uma ampla variedade de experiências e posições profissionais de boxe., trazendo suas histórias únicas, personalidades, pontos fortes e motivações para a série.




Cada lutador estará competindo para ser declarado o novo campeão dos médios de 160 libras da The Contender e leve para casa a bolsa de seis dígitos do vencedor - um prêmio, que, para todos os lutadores, representa uma vida melhor para suas famílias e entes queridos que estiveram lá com eles em todos os altos e baixos de suas jornadas.




O 16 lutadores em The Contender nesta temporada são:



  • Ievgen “O Leão Ukraniano” Khytrov, Idade: 29, Classificação: 20, Cidade natal: Brooklyn, N.I..– Um imigrante ucraniano, Olímpico, Ievgen Khytrov recentemente se mudou para a América para perseguir seu sonho de se tornar um campeão mundial e criar uma vida melhor para sua família. Um dedicado, quieto, homem religioso. Ele também é aquele a bater.



  • Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker, Idade: 34, Classificação: 68, Cidade natal: Plaquemine, O. – Preso em 15 anos de idade e gasto 14 anos atrás das grades por roubo e tentativa de homicídio, Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker aprendeu boxe na prisão. Ele agora está lutando por uma segunda chance na vida, prova viva de que nunca é tarde demais para viver seus sonhos.


  • John “Apollo Kid” Thompson, Idade: 29, Classificação: 70, Cidade natal: Newark, N.J. - Depois de perder sua mãe para a AIDS aos seis anos de idade, este artista casado e performático, pintor e lutador, John “Apollo Kid” Thompson está aqui para provar ao mundo que ele não pode ser encaixado em uma única categoria, apesar de possuir títulos impressionantes, incluindo o 2015 Peso meio-médio WBA-NABA, Torneios WBO Inter-Continental Super Welterweight e Boxcino.


  • Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister, Idade: 27, Classificação: 172, Cidade natal: Long Beach, Califa. –Sempre no centro das lutas de recreio enquanto crescia, Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister agora canaliza sua energia para ajudar outros a reconstruir fora da execução hipotecária e seus jovens, família em crescimento. No boxe construiu um impressionante recorde de KO e o 2014 Título do Golden Gloves em sua jornada para conquistar o título de The Contender.



  • Brandon “The Cannon” Adams, Idade: 28, Classificação: Inativo, Cidade natal: Los Angeles, Califa. – Um lutador ousado no ringue, Brandon “The Cannon” Adams sabe em primeira mão o que significa superar a adversidade e cuidar de sua família quando não há ninguém por perto para. Vindo de um bairro pobre, este grande pai de dois filhos marca seu retorno ao boxe após um hiato de três anos, iniciado por uma derrota para outro concorrente, John Thompson.


  • Dinheiro Quatavious “Cash”, Idade: 26, Classificação: 161, Cidade natal: Las Vegas, Nev. - Este nativo de Atlanta é o atual detentor do recorde de nocaute mais rápido na Geórgia, quatro vezes campeão estadual do Luvas de Ouro e medalhista de bronze. Quatavious Cash está lutando por sua falecida mãe e pela chance de provar que uma vida de luta contra gangues de rua pode ser canalizada para o bem.



  • Shane “Sugarman” Mosley, Jr., Idade: 27, Classificação: 149, Cidade natal: Santa Monica, Califa. – O único contendor, filho do lendário boxeador do Hall da Fama "Sugar" Shane Mosley, Shane “Sugarman” Mosley Jr. está lutando para sair da sombra de seu pai e esculpir seu próprio legado.


  • Daniel "El Chapulin" Valdivia, Idade: 25, Classificação: 116, Cidade natal: Tulare, Califa. – Um vendedor nato e corretor de imóveis durante o dia, apelidado de "El Chapulin" ("Gafanhoto") por sua energia ilimitada, O imigrante mexicano Daniel Valdivia nasceu para entrar no ringue. Com vários títulos, incluindo o NABF Super Welterweight Champion como um azarão, ele está perseguindo a fama para provar que desistir da faculdade pelo boxe foi a atitude certa.



  • Michael “The Silverback” Moore, Idade: 31, Classificação: 252, Cidade natal:Cleveland, Ó. – Reformado de uma vida difícil nas ruas, cheio de drogas, morte e suicídio familiar, Michael Moore é um traficante e líder nato. Casado com dois filhos, Moore está constantemente se movendo de um estado para outro com sua família a reboque em busca do sonho do boxe.


  • Gerald “G5” Sherrell, Idade: 24, Classificação: 216, Cidade natal: Pittsburgh, Pa. – Um fã do original Contendorsérie crescendo, Gerald “G5” Sherrell é um lutador invicto e explosivo com um nível de arrogância inigualável e autoproclamado. Vindos dos projetos, desta vez, luvas de ouro, Luvas de prata e competidor olímpico júnior, este segurança do zoológico local durante o dia, e jovem pai à noite, está procurando trazer a glória do boxe de volta para sua cidade natal, Pittsburgh.



  • Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch, Idade: 34, Classificação: 154, Cidade natal: Pittsburgh, Pa. – Infligido por lesões ao longo de sua carreira, o nativo americano vindo do sul da Louisiana é casado e pai de três. Saber que ele é velho para o esporte, Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch tem uma última chance de realizar seus sonhos de boxe.


  • Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez, Idade: 24, Classificação: 104, Cidade natal: Fresno, Califa. – Tendo sofrido bullying desde jovem após um acidente, deixou-o com queimaduras 30 por cento de seu corpo, Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez está lutando por seu filho autista, na esperança de que ele não seja intimidado da mesma maneira que foi. Com Olimpíadas Juvenis, 2012 Títulos azuis e dourados e lutas no estilo “mexicano para a frente”, ele pode ser esquecido e subestimado.



  • Tyrone “Young Gun” Brunson, Idade: 33, Classificação: 39, Cidade natal: Filadélfia, PA - Numa época em que precisava vender drogas para se sustentar com a idade de 13, ultimato de um padrasto: ficar de castigo ou ir para a academia de boxe foi sua graça salvadora. Agora um humilde pai de dois filhos, e sentado com uma das melhores classificações da competição, sua 24 O KO envia um sinal de que ele não lutará em silêncio, mas sua atitude arrogante o venceu mais de uma vez.


  • Lamar “Omega” Russ, Idade: 31, Classificação: 115, Cidade natal: Wilmington, N.C. -Um dos quatro filhos criados por uma mãe solteira e a primeira pessoa da família a se formar na faculdade, Lamar “Omega” Russ se orgulha de ser o azarão, e sob o exterior barulhento está um boxeador que precisa provar que pode colocar seu dinheiro onde está sua boca. HBO, ESPN e um nocaute no primeiro turno no Showtime fazem toda a conversa.



  • John “The Rock” Jackson, Idade: 29, Classificação: 63, Cidade natal: St. Thomas, U.S. Ilhas Virgens – Pai divorciado de dois filhos, este boxeador esperto e ágil, Virgin Islander John “The Rock” Jackson começou a lutar em 12 anos, seguindo os passos de seu pai campeão mundial Julian Jackson nos Jogos Pan-americanos e 2008 Jogos Olímpicos. Ele vem da riqueza, mas se preocupa com os desfavorecidos e sonha em deixar sua ilha orgulhosa, trazendo visibilidade para aqueles que foram atingidos por recentes desastres naturais.


  • Devaun “Unique” Lee, Idade: 30, Classificação: 82, Cidade natal: Jamaica Queens, N.I..

Quando um de seus amigos foi baleado e morto em 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee sabia que precisava de uma saída das ruas mesquinhas do Queens. O boxe o mantém correto. O mesmo acontece com as longas horas abastecendo aviões e cuidando de sua filha de cinco anos. O verdadeiro amor da vida dele. A paternidade e o esporte são a motivação para levar seu campeonato de peso médio do estado de NY para o próximo nível.



O original Contendor série durou quatro temporadas (2005-2009) e lançou vários lutadores na disputa por títulos mundiais, incluindo o vencedor do título Sergio Mora, Cornelius Bundrage, Saki Taurus, e Sam Soliman.



Eric Van Wagenen atua como produtor executivo e showrunner da franquia revivida ao lado de Mark Burnett. O formato é propriedade da MGM Television e Paramount Television.



EPIX está disponível em todo o país por meio de cabo, satélite, provedores de telecomunicações e streaming de TV, incluindo Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Dish Network, Funda, PlayStation Vue e, a partir de junho 13, Comcast.









LOS ANGELES – Bellator, a leading global combat sports franchise owned by Viacom, home to the world’s premier entertainment brands, and DAZN, the world’s largest dedicated live sports streaming service and part of Perform Group, today announced a multi-year landmark distribution agreement.




The nine-figure deal will feature seven exclusive stacked fight cards per year on DAZN and another 15 that are simulcast across Paramount Network and DAZN. All fights will stream in any country where DAZN is available. As part of the platform’s global expansion, DAZN will launch in the U.S. and Italy in 2018, with the service already live in Canada, Alemanha, Austria, Switzerland and Japan.




“The exciting new partnership with DAZN is a game-changer for Bellator,”Disse o Presidente Bellator Scott Coker. “The investment will enable us to continue expanding our roster with free agents that make sense, so we can put on PPV-worthy fight cards that fans want to see. Mais, on DAZN’s worldwide platform, our fights will be seen live for the first time to new audiences around the globe.”




“It’s simple; fans want to see great fighters in competitive fights so we’ve handed the keys to Scott Coker and his venerable team to go out and recruit even more top-level talent to further stack Bellator fight cards and build on their success,” said DAZN CEO James Rushton. “With the combination of this investment and our recent announcement to bring more than 30 nights of boxing to the platform annually, DAZN will be a must-have for fight fans in the U.S.”




“The DAZN partnership speaks to the incredible growth of Bellator into a global sports powerhouse and high-valued franchise in the Viacom portfolio,” said Kevin Kay, Presidente, Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT.




The deal begins with an epic event on Sábado, Sete. 29 from SAP Center at San Jose. The card features a highly anticipated middleweight title fight pitting Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) contra Rory MacDonald (20-4), who is moving up a weight class for a title shot against the 185-pound champ, along with the fourth fight in the legendary rivalry between Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-13) e Wanderlei Silva(35-13).




Also included on Sete. 29, will be the opening fight of Bellator’s first-ever Welterweight World Grand Prix, which will feature eight of the best welterweight fighters on the planet. The Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix will be a major component of the first year of the multi-year agreement between Bellator and DAZN.




An exclusive online presale for this event takes place tomorrow, Junho 27 até quinta, Junho 28, with tickets going on sale to the general public on Sexta-feira, Junho 29 em 10 a.m. PT. Os ingressos começam em apenas $30 and will be available at the ThreatMetrix Ticket Office at SAP Center at San Jose, bem como and Ticketmaster.




The event will air live on DAZN at 10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT. Lutas adicionais serão anunciadas nas próximas semanas. DAZN, which now streams 15,000 live events and 100 million hours of sports content globally each year, will be available in the U.S. this September with exact pricing and dates being announced this summer.


Mousasi vs. MacDonald:




Gegard Mousasi impressed in his promotional debut over former Bellator middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko, a win that earned him a shot at Rafael Carvalho, where 185-pound gold was on the line. Agora, after a decisive victory against Carvalho at Bellator 200, Mousasi will defend his crown against Rory MacDonald, entering the bout with his current unbeaten streak at seven fights. “The Dreamcatcher,” who trains out of The Netherlands, holds one of the most impressive resumes in all of the sport, at one time winning the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles.




Over the last several years, “The Red King” Rory MacDonald has become the most popular Canadian mixed martial artist due to his classic stand-up wars and wins over some of MMA’s best in Paul Daley, Nate Diaz, Tyron Woodley, B.J. Penn and Demian Maia. Bellator’s welterweight champion joined the Viacom-owned promotion in 2016 and went on to defeat Douglas Lima for the welterweight title at Bellator 192. Agora, the Tristar Gym-trained fighter sets his sights on winning gold in not one, but two separate weight classes.


“Rampage” vs. Silva:



A six-fight veteran of Bellator, “Rampage” Jackson’s legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Dan Henderson |, “King Mo,” Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Wanderlei Silva, who he now meets at heavyweight on Sete. 29.



Wanderlei Silva’s wars with “Rampage,” Tito Ortiz, Mirko Cro Cop, Vitor Belfort, Dan Henderson |, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. “The Axe Murderer” is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man he has already competed against three times before. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), KO do Ano (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards. Mais recentemente, the Brazilian native made his Bellator debut against Chael Sonnen in the main event of Bellator: NYC.


Updated Bellator Fight Card:

Luta pelo título mundial dos médios: Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) vs. Rory MacDonald (20-4)

Luta de recursos pesados: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-13) vs. Wanderlei Silva (35-13)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout



*Cartão sujeitas a alterações.

Ruben Villa Defends WBO Youth Title Saturday from Sacramento, TAL COMO

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxe


PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / LARANJA, Califa. (Junho 26, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight standout Ruben Villa (11-0, 4 KOs) of Salinas, Calif stars in the main event this Saturday when he takes on Mexico’s Ricardo Lopez (7-2-2, 6 KOs) in an 8-round fight that will mark his third start of the year.




The bout will take place this Saturday, Junho 30, from Omega Products International in Sacramento.




The slick southpaw defends his WBO Youth title that he won in April in his hometown. Villa thoroughly outpointed Marlon Olea for his first championship as a professional.




I’m anxious to get back in the ring,” said Villa, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “I like being active. I’m defending my title for the first time. I’ll have a lot of fans in attendance so I’m ready to put on a great show.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Os ingressos para “Sangue novo” custam $40, $60, & $100, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or online at




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook and




The livestream starts at 7:45 p.m. PT / 10:45 p.m. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




As portas abrem às 6:30 p.m. local time with the first bout at approximately 7:45 p.m. Omega Products is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, TAL COMO 95826, and can be reached at 916-635-3335.


For regular updates on our fighters, eventos, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , e siga-nos no Instagram e Chilro BannerBoxing






Fotos de Prince Ranch Boxing


LAS VEGAS, NV (Junho 25, 2018) – Perspectiva invicta, Blair “O charme” Cobbs (7-0-1, 5 KOs), que é gerido pelo Príncipe Rancho Boxe Greg Hannley e promovido pela Golden Boy Promotions, está se preparando para sua segunda luta de 2018, quando ele enfrenta Jhon Sanchez León (3-1-1, 2 KOs) no Teatro Belasco no centro de Los Angeles, TAL COMO, em julho 6 edição do LA FIGHT CLUB. A luta de 4 rounds será fora da TV.




Cobbs, que vem da Filadélfia, mas agora treina em Las Vegas com o ex-bicampeão mundial, Bones Adams, está animado para fazer seu retorno ao ringue.




“O campo de treinamento está indo muito bem e estou saudável,” disse Blair Cobbs. “Estarei pronto e disposto a soltar minhas mãos quando entrar em julho 6th em Los Angeles.”




Blair vai subir para os meio-médios, onde ele fará campanha avançando em sua carreira. Às 6’0, Cobbs estava lutando para ganhar peso em 140 lbs. Com o movimento, Cobbs sente que estará em sua categoria de peso ideal.




“Eu me sinto muito mais forte agora que subi de peso,” disse Blair Cobbs. “Os fãs podem esperar que eu seja muito mais explosivo e eletrizante. Eu preciso fazer uma declaração nesta luta para que toda a divisão dos meio-médios saiba que eu cheguei.”




Os ingressos para O CLUBE DA LUTA comece com o preço amigo dos fãs de $25 e já estão disponíveis para compra em e a página do Facebook Golden Boy Promotions. Para mais informações visite,




Siga no Twitter em @GoldenBoyBoxing e @EstrellaTV. Torne-se um fã no Facebook em, e Visite-nos no Instagram em @GoldenBoyBoxing, @belascola e @EstrellaTV. Acompanhe a conversa usando #LAFIGHTCLUB e #BoxeoEstelar.



Three-Fight Telecast Features Six Fighters With A Combined Record of 82-1, Including Five Unbeaten Boxers



NOVA IORQUE (Junho 25, 2018) – A battle of unbeaten welterweight prospects will headline a ShoBox: A Nova Geração tripleheader na sexta, Julho 20 vivo no canal Showtime® em 10 p.m. E/PT when Jaron Ennis squares off against Armando Alvarez in the 10-round main event from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.




Philadelphia’s Ennis (20-0, 18 KOs) has knocked out 10 consecutive opponents and was the 2015 National Golden Gloves Champion before turning professional in 2016. The 20-year-old former amateur standout will face his first undefeated opponent in Alvarez (18-0, 12 KOs), a native of the Florida Keys who has knocked out six of his last seven opponents.




The three-fight telecast features six prospects with a combined record of 82-1, with all six fighters facing what is likely the toughest tests of their careers.




Na co-metragem, undefeated lightweight Thomas Mattice (12-0, 10 KOs) returns to Iowa for his second ShoBox appearance of the year when he clashes with former Armenian amateur standout Zhora Hamazaryan (9-0, 6 KOs) em um ataque 10-round.




Também no cartão, undefeated super lightweight prospect Montana Love (11-0, 5 KOs) will take on former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (12-1, 4 KOs) em um oito-redonda luta super leve.




Tickets for the show, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions, Promoções de vitória, Ringside Ticket Inc., Banner Promotions & Thompson Boxing are priced from $10-$60 e pode ser comprado em


JARON ENNIS vs. ARMANDO ALVAREZ – 10-Round Welterweight Bout

Ennis will debut on ShoBox following a statement second round knockout of former junior welterweight contender Mike Arnaoutis earlier this month, sua 10th consecutive KO victory. The Philadelphia native had a standout amateur career, notching an impressive record of 58-3 and winning the 2015 National Golden Gloves tournament. Ennis, who was ranked No. 1 as an amateur at 141 libras, narrowly missed the opportunity to represent the U.S. no 2016 Olympics after losing a box-off to Gary Antuanne Russell at the Olympic Trials.




“This is the opportunity I have been waiting for,” Ennis said. “I can’t wait to show the world my talent.”




Só 20 anos, Ennis currently trains under his father Derek “Bozy” Ennis Sr., who also trained his other sons Derek Jr. and Farah. The 5-foot-10 Ennis will be the third brother to appear on ShoBox; Derek Jr. appeared on the series in 2007, and Farah faced Badou Jack on the series in 2013.




“A win on this platform would mean everything,” Ennis continued. “From here on out, I want to fight only the big names in the division. I feel grateful for this opportunity to show the world my talents and skills. It’s great to follow in my brother’s footsteps, and I am ready to take the Ennis last name to the next level.”




The 28-year-old Alvarez turned professional in 2014 and has gradually increased his level of opposition. Alvarez, who now lives in Key West, compiled a 26-4 amateur record and won the Florida State Championship in 2013. His headlining fight with Ennis will be his second fight of 2018 and by far his toughest test to date.




“This is the biggest opportunity I have ever received,” Alvarez said. “This is it. It’s on. Ennis is a great young fighter, but I think he has stepped out of his league. He is just a kid. The world will find out who Armando Alvarez is on July 20.”


THOMAS MATTICE vs. ZHORA HAMAZARYAN – Eight-Round Lightweight Bout

A 27-year-old from Cleveland, Mattice turned pro in 2014 and had an amateur record of 72-18. He was a three-time Ohio State Golden Gloves Champion and bronze medal winner in the USA National Tournament in 2014.




Mattice will be making his second ShoBox appearance following a strong debut Feb. 2, when the undefeated lightweight rallied from behind to score a seventh round TKO of ShoBox veteran Rolando Chinea. Mattice has recorded five straight KOs and nine overall in 11 lutas profissionais.




“I am excited for the opportunity to showcase my talent again on ShoBox," Mattice said. “I’m going to go out there and do what I did before. I’m going to get a win, hopefully in knockout fashion. Esse cara (Hamazaryan) doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into.”




Undefeated lightweight prospect Hamazaryan, who signed with Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing in February, is originally from Armenia but fights out of Los Angeles. Part of a long line of Armenian fighters who have fought in the U.S., Hamazaryan won his U.S. debut on Feb. 16, when he scored a unanimous decision win over the previously unbeaten Sergio Ramirez. Prior to his win against Ramirez, all of Hamazaryan’s victories were earned in Russia.




The 22-year-old was considered the No. 1 fighter in Armenia after an amateur career that spanned over 200 lutas. Hamazaryan turned professional in 2015, turning down an opportunity to fight for the Armenian Olympic Team in 2016.




“This fight is very important for me, and I am very excited to be fighting on national television in America,” Hamazaryan said. “I know [Mattice] is undefeated but I normally don’t look at my opponent. I’m just looking to put on a great performance and make a statement for fans in the U.S.”


MONTANA LOVE vs. KENNETH SIMS JR. – Eight-Round Super Lightweight Bout

Cleveland native Love was an accomplished amateur who compiled a 174-13 registro e ganhou uma medalha de bronze no 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old recently sparred with Adrien Broner, and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. before his lightweight title defense against Javier Fortuna on Jan. 20.




Love has won two consecutive bouts against lesser opposition since defeating Samuel Teah in his ShoBox debut on Feb. 2.




“I am excited and happy to be back,” Love said. “I want to put on another great performance. Sims and I grew up as amateurs together. Ele é um bom lutador, but I am hungry and want to keep rolling. I can’t let anything get in my way.”




Chicago native Sims makes his return to ShoBox just over a year after suffering the first loss of his career against Rolando Chinea via close majority decision in what was his toughest test to date. The 24-year-old Sims, who has sparred with Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, era um 2013 U.S. National Amateur Champion and a 2012 Olympic Trials semifinalist.




“I am happy to be back fighting after having surgery on my elbow that had been bothering me for the last year and a half,” Sims said. “This is my chance to prove that I’m back and the loss on ShoBox was a fluke. I remember Love from the amateurs and I know I have what it takes to beat him.”




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Para mais informações visite no Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou tornar-se um fã no Facebook em


Photos by Team Sanginov

LAS VEGAS, NV (Junho 25, 2018)Undefeated WBC Youth middleweight prospect Mekhrubon Sanginov (6-0, 4 KOs), scored an impressive third round TKO over Carlos Lopez, this past Saturday in Tijuana, MX.




Sanginov, who trains out of Las Vegas by way of Dushanbe, Tajiquistão, took the fight to Lopez from the opening round. Sanginov, who has power in both hands, landed some devastating hooks to the head of Lopez in the first two rounds, softening up him up. After landing a powerful straight right cross to the face of Lopez in the middle of round three, Sanginov was able to end the fight with a TKO victory. Com a vitória, Sanginov extends his winning streak to six in a row.




This was my first time fighting in Mexico and I wanted to make it a memorable one,” said Mekhrubon Sanginov. “I landed some powerful blows in the early rounds and got him out of there in round three. Agora, I’m focused on getting back in the gym to get ready for my next fight. There is no time to relax, I need to stay busy.




Sanginov is a promotional free agent. His goal is to sign with a promoter and stay busy, fighting at least three more times before the end of the year.




I want to prove to all the promoters in boxing that I’m a special fighter who will work hard to get to the top,” Sanginov continued. “I’m dedicated and I’m willing to fight anyone. All I need is a chance to prove myself.




Uncasville, Conn. (jUNE 25, 2018) –With June 30th rapidly approaching, the hype for STAR BOXING’SSLUGFEST at the SUN continues to build as two of the premier fighters on the card will be making their New England homecoming. In the co-feature bout, KALIKO MEQUINONOAGREIS (13-7-1 4KO) da Providência, Rhode Island will be making her third appearance at Mohegan Sun against PATYLA ELEGANTERAMIREZ (11-5 5KO). Adding to the excitement, Connecticut própria ACTIONANTHONY LAUREANO (7-0 3KO) of East Hartford is set to make his return home at Mohegan Sun in his bout against JUAN de la CRUZ RODRIGUEZ (8-9-1 6KO).




Rhode Island’s Native Warrior, Kali Reis, is no stranger to bright lights and pressure. Coming off an impressive performance on HBO against undisputed champion and #1 pound-for-pound female fighter in the world, Cecilia Brækhus, Reis looks to return home, back to New England and put her full warrior spirit out on display at the Mohegan Sun.




When commenting on her upcoming fight, Reis had this to say, “Fans can expect to see an even more determined, skilled, faminto, evolving WARRIOR in there! The fight on HBO with Braekhus was such a learning experience and I am grateful for making history in not only women’s boxing but my own personal journey as well.




The last time Reis fought at Mohegan Sun was in November of last year. She is thrilled to be making this homecoming.




I am excited to be back ‘homeat Mohegan Sun June 30th,” said the Rhode Island native. “Star Boxing always has action packed fights lighting up this beautiful area. My fans love coming to Mohegan Sun. There isn’t a bad seat in the house and their hospitality is fantastic. Joe DeGuardia is keeping me very productive since we signed with him back in November. I am so pleased with the decision myself and manager Brian made to sign with them.




Another local warrior on the card to watch is Anthony Laureano. Laureano earned the nickname “Ação” for his relentless, coming-forward fight style. If the East Hartford native is in the ring, fans can always expect an exciting show from start to finish. Star Boxing’sSlugfest at the Sunalways brings fireworks to Connecticut, and Laureano looks to continue the tradition with his homecoming at Mohegan Sun.




Laureano was asked what he will provide the fans at Mohegan Sun, and his response was simply, “The same thing they always see, ação. Ação, é isso aí. The people are coming to pay money and they are going to get what they paid for. Even in my last fight, people got what they paid for. They came to see action and to see somebody come forward. They don’t want to see nobody dancing around. I’m not saying that style is bad, I can do it too, but people like two guys who come forward and want to fight. I’m that fighter. I’m that fighter that always wants to fight.




This bout against Rodriguez will mark the third time in his career that Laureano is fighting at Mohegan Sun.




When asked about the venue, this is what Laureano had to say, “I love MoheganMohegan is my home. There is no place like it. I love the ring, everything is just so beautiful. The atmosphere, the crowd, my hometown crowd is there, and when they’re there it’s loudMohegan is my home, sem dúvida. The casino treats me good, and when I go there I feel this is where I belong. I’ve never felt that anywhere else.




No evento principal “SLUGFEST at the SUNon June 30th, JOE SMITH JR. will make his long anticipated return to the ring against tough Kentuckian, MELVIN RUSSELL. After eleven months out of the ring due to a broken jaw, o “Common Man”, Union Local 66 laborer, Joe Smith Jr. returns at the beautiful Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut. After coming off a stellar KO win on NBC against Andrzej Fonfara, and knocking out the legend, Bernard Hopkins, clear out of the ring, na HBO, Smith Jr. has his eyes set on winning a world title. Smith Jr. is currently rated #3 (WBC) e #7 (WBA) no mundo.


Get your tickets to JUNE 30th, #SLUGFESTattheSUN live from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT.
Tickets start at JUST $30. (mais $5 venue fee)

Mohegan Sun & Star Boxing supporting USA Boxing Alumni Association this Saturday

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Junho 25, 2018) – Boxe nos EUA “Mês da Unidade de Associação dos Alumni” concludes this Saturday with another gathering as Mohegan Sun and Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing support the first-year group’s efforts to connect USA Boxing’s alumni.




EUA Boxe Alumni Association (USABAA) is asking present members from New England and New York to bring a guest to register as new member ($40.00 registration). Both the current and new members will receive complimentary tickets, enquanto o 40 donated tickets last, to that evening’sSlugfest at The Sunpro boxing card, presented at Mohegan Sun Arena by Star Boxing.




Headliner Joe “The Beast” Ferreiro, Jr. (23-2, 19 KOs) is a former amateur standout from Long Island, Nova Iorque, who is the No. 3 e n. 7-ranked light heavyweight in the world, respectivamente, by the World Boxing Council and World Boxing Association.




All USABAA members are invited to attend a gathering prior to the fights at Bow & Arrow Sports Bar at Mohegan Sun, entre 5 para 6:30 p.m. E, to enjoy food, conversation and reunite to friends in boxing.




USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank Joe DeGuardia, Star Boxing, and Mohegan Sun for supporting our mission,” said Christopher Cugliari, EUA Boxe Alumni Association Diretor Executivo. “As part of our June membership drive, we look forward to connecting with current and new members of the Alumni Association this Saturday night for a great evening of camaraderie and competition. We also want to thank our members for the support they’ve provided throughout this month-long membership drive and ask for this continued support from our New England and New York members this weekend. You won’t want to miss it!”



EUA Boxe Alumni Association


Criado para defender uma vida inteira, relações mutuamente benéficas entre EUA Boxing e seus ex-alunos, –boxers, funcionários, treinadores e fãs de boxe — A Alumni Association conecta gerações de campeões, inspirando e retribuindo aos futuros campeões de boxe dos EUA, dentro e para fora do anel de.




A Associação de Alumni de Boxe dos EUA está aberta a todos que gostam de boxe e gostariam de permanecer conectados ao boxe amador.. Os membros têm acesso a uma ampla variedade de eventos especiais organizados pela Alumni Association, incluindo a recepção anual do Hall da Fama da Associação dos Antigos Alunos de Boxe dos EUA.




Para ingressar na Alumni Association, basta se registrar em ex-alunos @ usaboxing,.org por um $40.00 taxa de associação por ano. Novos membros receberão uma camiseta, chaveiro e carteira eletrônica.




Chilro: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


SOBRE EUA BOXING: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, desenvolver o caráter, apoiar o esporte do boxe, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Hall of Fame Promoter, J Russell Peltz to be be 1st guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour LIVE on Tuesday at 6:30 PM ET

Show can be viewed live on

Filadélfia, PA (Junho 25, 2018) – Amanhã, Hall of Fame Promoter J Russell Peltz will be the guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour beginning at 6:30 PM ET / 3:30 PM PT. The show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.








Peltz will discuss the June 29th fight card at The Parx Casino in Bensalem, PA. The card will feature Miguel Cartagena (15-4-1, 6 KOs) taking on Carlos Maldonado (10-2, 7 KOs) plus the rematch between Anthony Prescott and Isiah Wise.




Peltz will also talk about some of the highlights of his nearly 50 year Hall of Fame Career as well as some of today’s hottest boxing topics.







The show, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.