Bütün ismarışları tərəfindən FNU47


Keçmiş ağır Çempionlar & Ulduzlar Deontay Wilder vs Müzakirə. Tyson Fury Bu Şənbə Ağır Çəki Çempionatı Showdown'da reallaşdı, Dekabr 1 SHOWTIME PPV yaşayır® etibarən Los Ancelesdəki STAPLES Mərkəzi
Basın HERE Esther Lin / Showtime şəkillər üçün



LOS ANGELES (Noyabr 30, 2018) – ABŞ-dakı ən əhəmiyyətli ağır hadisədən bir gün əvvəl. artıq 15 il, Ağır əfsanələr Los Angelesdə Deontay Wilder vs vs müzakirə etmək üçün enmişdir. GÜNÜN PPV-də canlı yayımlanacaq Tyson Fury showdown® Şənbə gecəsi Baş Boks Çempionlarının təqdim etdiyi bir tədbirdə STAPLES Mərkəzindən.




Mediya dəyirmi masasında ağır çəkili möhtəşəmlər nümayiş olundu Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Riddick BÖWE, Gerry Cooney, Earnie Shavers, Buster Duglas Michael Spinks Şənbə günü məğlubedilməz nəhənglərin döyüşünü qırdıqları üçün.




Tədbirdə biletlər, BombZquad Müəssisələri və Queensberry Promotions tərəfindən təbliğ olunur, TGB Promosyonlar və DiBella Əyləncə ilə birlikdə, artıq satışdadır və vasitəsi ilə satılır AXS.com. Wilder vs. Qəzəb istehsal olunur və SHOWTIME PPV tərəfindən paylanacaq. Təklif olunan pərakəndə qiymət (TƏCİLİ) Görüş üçün ödənişli telekanal üçün $64.99 standart tərif üçün.




Dəyirmi masa, Westin Bonaventure Otelindən SHOWTIME Sports mükafatlı müxbiri Jim Grey tərəfindən aparıldı & Suites, Los Angeles. Ağır əfsanələrin Cümə günü söylədikləri budur:





I feel that Deontay Wilder will win because eventually he’ll land that right hand. He’s very patient. He’s a thinker, but he can also take chances. When people take chances, they win.




Deontay might not have as much experience as we did in our day, but he’s got the power. That’s what the people want to see and I think they’re going to be happy when they see it.




There was a point in time where every great heavyweight was from the United States. We had a very good amateur program. I was the last true heavyweight champion from the U.S. before Wilder and until I lost the decision against Lennox.




To be the heavyweight champion of the world, and to say you’re the best, you have to fight any man.






I think it’s going to be a great fight. Deontay Wilder'in dəhşətli bir sağ əli var və yerə düşəndə, çox insan buna dözə bilməz. Düşünürəm ki, vura bilmədiyiniz şeyə zərər verə bilməzsiniz. Tyson Fury vurmaq asan adam deyil. Böyük bacarığı və hərəkəti var. Deontay ilə erkən və ya qəzəblənməyə gec gedirəm.




“Hamımız bilirik ki, ağır çəkidə çempionluğu itirmək necə hiss olunur. Onu geri qazanmağın nə qədər çətin olduğunu bilirik. Qəzəb onu itirdi, indi onu geri istəyir. İndi görürəm ki, o qurban verib özünü itirməməli olduğunu söyləyir, indi onu yenidən almaq məcburiyyətindədir.




“Məncə U.K-da mənzərə. Tyson Fury addım atan adamdır. Pərçim oraya atıldı və İngiltərə üçün ayağa qalxdı. Deontay, Anthony Joshua'ya meydan oxumaq üçün İngiltərəyə gəldi, but it was Tyson Fury who answered the call.




I would say that there are a couple of meccas in boxing that are places where everyone wants to fight. Las Vegas, New York and of course, Los Angeles. My fight against Vitali Klitschko at STAPLES Center was a great fight. My plan that night was not to box to go the distance, I boxed to go a short distance and it did.






I’m going with Deontay Wilder tomorrow night. He’s going to put on a great show for everyone and get another knockout.




Tyson Fury is skilled and tall, lakin mənə, he doesn’t do enough on offense. He moves but he doesn’t move his hands enough.






I think it’s a great fight tomorrow night. We know that Fury is coming back motivated. If Wilder finds a home for that right, he’s going to take Fury out. I think he’s going to connect at some point during the fight.




I think Tyson Fury is a great man for how far he’s come back in his life and for standing up to Deontay Wilder. Fury called him out, so maybe he knows something we don’t know.




I’m so glad to be up here. Look at all these great heavyweights and great guys. It’s special and they’re all here to watch this fight tomorrow night.






Me and Deontay are both from Alabama. I’ll be inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame soon and Deontay will be there one day as well. Deontay is a great puncher and I’m pulling for him tomorrow night.




I fought in a great era. If you fight guys on the same level, you’ll get good fights. These guys today could get in there in our day and put on a good show.






I think this is going to be a good competitive fight. If I had to pick, I’d take Deontay Wilder by knockout in the eighth round.




I feel like Tyson Fury has already won by battling back and getting into great shape and being in this position. I’m sure many people thought they’d never see him back here. That’s a victory in itself.




My victory over Mike Tyson changed my life in a great way. I was now the heavyweight champion of the world. My dream had come true. Seeing my two youngest kids being born was the only thing that could top it.





“Ən yaxşı kişi qazanmaq bilər. Kimin ən yaxşı formada olduğunu bilmirəm, amma düşünürəm ki, Fury ringdən kənarda qalması məni Deontay Uaylderə söykənir. Qəzəb adamın dediyi qədər böyükdürsə, böyük şans qazandı.



“Əgər gizli deyilsinizsə, yalnız bildiyiniz və üzərində işlədiyiniz şeylərə davam etməlisiniz. Şübhə edənlərə diqqət yetirə bilməzsiniz. Özünüz üçün nə hazırladığınıza diqqəti yönəldin və hamısını verin. Həmişə özümü qazandığımı görürdüm. Zəngdən qalib çıxmaq ən böyük hissdir.”




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Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury, WBC Ağır Dünya Çempionu Wilder'i GÜNÜN PPV-də xətti ağır çəki çempionu Fury-ə qarşı vurur.® Şənbə, Dekabr 1 Los Ancelesdəki STAPLES Mərkəzindən və Premyer Boks Çempionları tərəfindən təqdim edilmişdir. PPV alt kartı başlayır 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT və yenilməz super super ağır çəkili dünya çempionu Jarrett Hurd-ı Jason Welborn-a getməyə qayıdır, Kubalı ağır atlet Luis Ortiz Travis Kauffmana qarşı məğlub və Joe Hanks ilə mübarizə aparan məğlubedilməz ağır Joe Joyce.




Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions, @STAPLESCenter və @Swanson_Comm ya da Facebook-da fanat olunwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.


Vahid 154 kiloluq çempion Jarrett Hurd, Kubalı Ağır Çəkmiş Luis Ortiz & Bu şənbə günü yüksələn ağır Joe Joyce Talk Müqəddəs Görüşlər, Dekabr 1 SHOWTIME PPV yaşayır® Los Angeles STAPLES Mərkəzi
Basın HERE Esther Lin / Showtime şəkillər üçün
LOS ANGELES (Noyabr 29, 2018) – Deontay Wilder və Tyson Fury arasındakı ağır çəki dərəcəsində çempionatın şousu ilə vurğulanan şənbə günü PPV alt paltarı ilə yarışan döyüşçülər GÜNÜN PPV-də rinqə girməzdən əvvəl cümə axşamı günü son mətbuat konfransında üz-üzə getdilər.® Baş Boks Çempionları tərəfindən təqdim olunan bir tədbirdə STAPLES Mərkəzindən.
PPV alt kartı başlayır 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT and features unified 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd defending against the U.K.’s Jason Welborn, Cuban heavyweight contender Luis Ortiz in a 10-round showdown against rugged veteranTravis Kauffman and rising heavyweight Joe Joyce alaraq Joe Hanks 10 dəyirmi ağır cəlb.
Tədbirdə biletlər, BombZquad Müəssisələri və Queensberry Promotions tərəfindən təbliğ olunur, TGB Promosyonlar və DiBella Əyləncə ilə birlikdə, are on sale now and are available via AXS.com. Wilder vs. Qəzəb istehsal olunur və SHOWTIME PPV tərəfindən paylanacaq. Təklif olunan pərakəndə qiymət (TƏCİLİ) Görüş üçün ödənişli telekanal üçün $64.99 standart tərif üçün.
Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites Los Angeles:
Everything that my team and I have spoken about has come to pass. I’m here as the co-main of a massive card and I’m just really appreciative of everyone who believed in me and helped push me to this moment.
Saturday night I want to show my versatility. Everyone has seen that I’m electrifying. I bring the action. But I want to show that I am swift and I do have defense. I know how to use my height and range. I’m still going to bring the action on Saturday, so you have to make sure to tune-in.
We don’t think of Welborn as a tune-up fight. Jason Welborn is a British champion for a reason. We just want to go out there and establish the game plan we worked on in camp.
I want to show my defensive side and show that I can box and move. I want to show that I don’t have to just keep coming forward. I’m going to be able to do that and start to break him down and get him out of there.
Everybody sees my demeanor, and they know that I carry that to the ring. My composure is my biggest attribute. Olursa olsun hər kəs deyir, I’m always going to be me.
I’m number one in the division and things are going to play out how I want them. Cənubi cəbhəçilər üçün üç çətin düşərgə təlimimiz var. Sonda döyüşəndə (WBC çempionu) Jermell Charlo, Çox yönlü və müdafiəli olduğum üçün bütün işlərə hazıram. Jermell Charlo üçün hazır olacağam.
“Həvəskar döyüşlərim çox olmadığı üçün aktiv çempion olmaq istəyirəm. Rinqdə qalmalı və bacardığım bütün təcrübəni toplamalıyam. Bu yaxşı döyüşləri hələ gənc və sağlam olduğum müddətdə almaq istəyirəm.
“Əməliyyatdan qayıtdım və köhnə Jarrett Hurd'a qayıdırıq. Mən edə biləcəyim hər şeyi hamıya göstərəcəyəm. Hamı bilir ki, həmişə hərəkət olacaq. Gözəl bir kartda gözəl bir mübarizə olacaq. Bu müddət ərzində yanıb-sönməyin.”
“Bu gün burada olmaq bir xəyaldır. Hurd, mənim olduğu kimi bura çatmaq üçün əlindən gələni etdi. Hal-hazırda, o mənim yolumdadır. Ümid edirəm ki, hər kəs şənbə günü masaya gətirdiyimdən ləzzət alır.
“Bu oyun üçün doğulduğumu və böyüdüyümü və şənbə günü bütün dünyaya göstərəcəyimə inam var. Mən həmişə insanların səhv olduğunu sübut edirəm.
“Son iki ildə İngiltərənin ən yaxşısı oldum və qarşımda qoyanların hamısını döydüm. İnsanlar mənə şübhə etdikdə, Daha da məşq edirəm. Qələbə üçün gəlirəm və itirəcəyim heç nə yoxdur.
“Mən layiq olduğumu əldə etməliyəm və şənbə günü bunu edəcəyəm. Mən artıq fırtınadan keçmişəm. İstədiyim var.
“Döyüşdən zövq almalı və istədiyimi əldə etməliyəm. İstədiyi hər şeyi mənə keçmişə baxa bilər, ancaq bir dəfə masaya gətirdiyimi hiss edir, onun necə reaksiya verdiyini görəcəyik. Onun masaya gətirəcəyi hər şeyə hazıram.”
“Bu fürsəti əldə etməyimə kömək edən hər kəsə təşəkkür etmək istəyirəm. Danışıqlarımı ringdə etməyi xoşlayıram, amma Travis Kauffmanın ayağa qalxdığından məmnunam. Çox ağır çəkilər bunu etmədilər və şadam ki, bu mübarizəni gerçəkləşdirə bilərik.
“İşimi görməyə gəlirəm. Bu ağır bir döyüşdür və bir yumruq hər şeyi dəyişdirə biləcəyini bilirik. Şənbə günü Travis üçün yaxşı bitməyəcək.
“Var 10 işi düzəltmək üçün turlar, və hər dövrə üç dəqiqə. İşimi qurtaracağam. İş axtarmaq və məhv etməkdir. Buna görə ümid edirəm Travis azarkeşlərə əla şou verməyə çox hazırdır. Şənbə axşamı 'King Kong'u görəcəksiniz’ Ring.
“Təlim-məşq toplanışında özümü daha da gücləndirdim. Əvvəlcə ailənin eyni oyun planına yapışırıq və inanıram ki, mükafat alacağam. Beş yaşlı oğlan uşağımın itkisi olduğunu xatırladır və məni daha ağır və daha ağır məşq etməyimə təşviq edir.
“Travisin göstərdiyi böyük etimadın olacağını gözləyirəm. Bu, onun üçün böyük bir şansdır və əminəm ki, onun motivasiyasına səbəb olacaqdır. Hər döyüşə həvəsləndirirəm, çünki bu sadəcə rəqibimlə əlaqəli deyil. Məqsədim ailəmi təmin etmək və Travis yolundadır. Mən heç vaxt bu zehniyyətdən çəkinməmişəm və şənbə gecəsinə hazırlaşmışam.”
“Bu mübarizəni apardığına görə Luis Ortizə təşəkkür edirəm. Hamı onunla döyüşməkdən qorxur, amma heç kimdən qorxmuram. Luis Ortizin yumruq vura biləcəyini hamımız bilirik, amma bunların heç birinə əhəmiyyət vermirəm. Mənim vaxtımdır. Kobud bir fondan gəlmişəm və geri dönmərəm.
“Bu, mənim vaxt. Məni bu adamı aşağı salmaqdan çəkindirəcək bir şey yoxdur. Deontay Uaylderdən çox narahatdır, ancaq hər hansı bir cavab oyunu etməzdən əvvəl məndən narahat olmalıdır.
“İndi kim olduğumu bilməyəcəksiniz, ancaq şənbə gecəsindən sonra edəcəksiniz. İnsanların mənim adımı xatırlamalarına əminəm.
“Luis Ortiz çox bacarıqlıdır, amma ən yaxşı olmaq istəyirsinizsə, ən yaxşısı ilə mübarizə aparmalısınız. Əslində heç kim bu mübarizəni qaldırmaq və almaq istəmir, amma həqiqətən vaxtım olduğuna inanıram. I bring some heat in the ring and I come to fight every time.
I’m excited to be on this massive card. I’m going to give the whole world a treat as part of a great event. You have to tune-in and watch me start the show off right on Saturday night.
Training in Big Bear has been a perfect environment for me. It’s in the mountains, it has the altitude and it’s secluded. I’ve seen what goes into their training camps and worked alongside the best in the world. They’ve helped me install the kind of style that will have me at my best.
I have the Olympic pedigree, but now it’s about advancing the brute strength and really getting the perfect snap on my shots.
Sparring against Tyson Fury was really top-level work. I know that it’s made me a better fighter. He’s looking fit and strong and it shows when you’re in the ring with him.
“Bu böyük bir imkandır. Abel Sanchez has done a tremendous job getting me ready for this position. I’m excited to show everyone my skills and everything I’ve learned.
I’m glad that Joe Hanks decided to take this fight. I can’t wait to lace up the gloves and get the party started. I’m going to keep my knockout streak going and I guarantee it’s going to be exciting
It’s been a long time coming for this moment. I’m thankful to my team and I’m excited to be on this card with other great heavyweights. It’s a great time to be a heavyweight. I’m ready to put my name in the ring to have the chance to really do something special with a great performance Saturday.
The work has been done. I did everything that I had to do. I’ve done more than I did preparing for my past fights. Being the underdog doesn’t mean much to me. I’m from Newark, New Jersey, and we’re all underdogs there.
I’ve put the time in and I’ve had everyone supporting me and pushing me and I think it’s going to get me over the hump. I’m just really excited to get in there.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezident İdman & Hadisə Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.
When we talk about Jarrett Hurd, he’s a fighter who has seemingly come out of nowhere and has had an incredibly rapid rise to the top. He was not a decorated amateur. He has learned on the job. All he has done since beating Oscar Molina in 2016 is impress. He is recognized as one of the bright young stars in boxing. He has been off due to injury and certainly could have taken an easier fight than Jason Welborn, who is a British Commonwealth champion. We’re expecting an action fight there.
Luis Ortiz is one of the top heavyweights in the world. He has one blemish on his otherwise perfect record, a loss to Deontay Wilder. Perhaps Ortiz was just seconds away from victory. We talk about a slim margin in fights, that was the slimmest of margins. I think he is going to be trying to make a statement on the undercard that he deserves a rematch against Deontay Wilder. Standing in his way will be Travis Kauffman. This is another all-action fight filled with big punchers.
In our opening bout, we have one of the most talked-about rising young heavyweights in the sport – Joe Joyce, who is taking on a tough veteran in Joe Hanks. As we know, the heavyweight division has been the focus more in the last six to nine months than we’ve seen in the last couple decades. Joe Joyce is at the top of the list on the potential next wave of future stars. He is certainly not wasting any time taking on a fighter of Joe Hankscaliber.
When you look at the card overall, you’ve got some of the biggest punchers in boxing. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see several knockouts on this card. Don’t miss the action.
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Introducing undefeated Junior Welterweight Antonio Magruder

Magruder battles Matt Murphy on Saturday night at The Entertainment and Sports Arena in Washington, D. Ç.
Tori Nelson to defend UBF Middleweight title against Sanna Turunen
Former world title challenger Dominic Wade in action
Beltway favorites Kareem Martin, Alexander Johnson, Jordan White & George Harris to appear
Undefeated Kiante Irving to see action
Washington, D. Ç. (Noyabr 29, 2018)Undefeated junior welterweight Antonio Magruder will be back in action after a two-plus year layoff when he takes on 36-fight veteran Matt Murphy in a six-round bout as part of a 10 bout kart THIS SATURDAY NIGHT at The Entertainment and Sports Arena ilə

Washington, D. Ç.
Magruder (5-0, 4 Kos) is looking to get back in the mix for the 1st time since his opening round stoppage over Ronnie Watson on September 30th, 2016.
Magruder has been back in camp, and working hard for the bout.
I have had a good camp. I always love training at home for fights,” bildirib 26 year-old Magruder,
Magruder of Washington, D. Ç. had an amateur career that saw him have about 100 döyüşlərdə, and for two years was considered the number-one fighter in the country in his weight class.
Magruder’s father, Sean, is one of the co-promoters of the event, and the younger Magruder has been helping out while staying completely focused on his opponent.
Most of my fights have been at home, and I love it. Its been a good learning experience helping out with the business end of things.
Magruder, who considers himself as a boxer-puncher, doesn’t go into fights looking for early stoppages.
I don’t go in there looking for knockouts, I just let the fight come to me, but it is great when it happens.
Even though doesn’t possess an outstanding record, he is battle tested who has faced a staggering 23 undefeated foes, and he has proved to be a sturdy opponent.
You can’t overlook anybody who goes in the ring. He is durable, and I know that he will try to win. Bildirib ki,, I do not know too much about him.
After the long layoff, Magruder sees an opportunity to start making some noise in the junior welterweight division.
I am looking to be more active. I think in 2019, I will make up for lost time, and look to get five or six fights in. That should take me to 12-0, and I should start to get noticed on those prospect lists. I just want people to come out on Saturday. It is a great card with a lot of good fighters. I have been training really hard, and I will put on a great show.
Tori Nelson (18-2-3, 3 Kos) of Ashburn, Virginia will defend her UBF Middleweight world championship against Sanna Turunen (4-1-1, 1 KO) of Tuusulam, Finlandiya.
Altı dəyirmi birgə xüsusiyyət, Keçmiş dünya adı iddiaçı Dominic Wade (18-1, 12 Kos) of Largo, MD takes on Ulises Jimenez (23-23-1, 15 Kos) of Xochimilco, Mexico in a middleweight bout.
Həmçinin altı dəyirmi bouts:
Kareem Martin (10-2, 3 Kos) Vaşinqton, DC takes on Jose Arturo Esquivel(10-8, 2 Kos) Chihuahua, Mexico in a welterweight fight.
Alexander Johnson (16-4-1, 7 Kos) Vaşinqton, DC mübarizə edəcək Mengistu Zarzar(6-5-1, 5 Kos) of Palmer Park, Maryland in a light heavyweight fight.
Sam keçdi (7-0, 5 Kos) Greenbelt, MD will fight Twon Smith (3-1, 2 Kos) of Oklahoma City, ,Oklahoma in a cruiserweight bout
Dörd dəyirmi bouts:
Antonio Magruder (5-0, 4 Kos) Vaşinqton, D. Ç. qalır Matt Murphy (3-30-3, 2 Kos) St. Louis, MO in a junior welterweight tussle.
George Harris (1-0, 1 KO) of Silver Spring, MD fights Lamar Lewis (0-3) of Arkansas in a heavyweight scrap.
Jordan White (6-1, 4 Kos) Washington, DC will square off with Ndira Spearman (1-3) of Lavergne, TN in a featherweight battle.
Kiante Irving of Beaver Falls, PA (2-0, 2 Kos) boxes George Sheppard (1-4-1) of Virginia in a super middleweight contest.
Tyrell Boyd of Baltimore makes his pro debut against David Rohn (0-8) of Villa Park, Il in a middleweight fight.
THE WEIGH IN WILL BE FRIDAY AT YARD HOUSE (812 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001) AT 2 PM ET
Tricky Entertainment has been promoting music, entertainment and lifestyle events in D.C. for the past ten years, and is run by Erwin Pendergrast.
DCFightNight is run by Sean Magruder, and this will be his second boxing show in DC.
The Matchmaker is Chris Middendorf.
Ticket Prices begin at $45 and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.



SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Begins At 7:45 PM ET/4:45 PM PT Live On SHOWTIME® And SHOWTIME Sports® Social Media Platforms Preceding Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV® Event.


Basın HERE Amanda Westcott / Showtime şəkillər üçün


QUEBEC CITY (Noyabr 29, 2018) – Boxing’s longest reigning world champion, Adonis Stevenson, və namağlup, mandatory challenger Oleksandr Gvozdyk faced off Thursday at the final press conference ahead of Stevenson’s 10ci defense of his WBC Light Heavyweight Title in a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast Saturday, Dekabr 1 from Videotron Center in Quebec City.


SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION will air live on SHOWTIME and stream for free on the SHO Sports YouTube channelSHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page başlayan7:45 dək. VƏ / 4:45 dək. PT, immediately preceding the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV. Wilder vs. Fury begins at 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT and also features unified 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd returning to take on Jason Welborn, Kuba ağır atlet Luis Ortiz facing-off against Travis Kauffman and rising heavyweight Joe Joyce mübarizə Joe Hanks.




Here is what Stevenson, Gvozdyk and their respective trainers had to say Thursday at Chateau Bonne Entente in Quebec City:






“Saturday is a big fight. I’m not underestimating Gvozdyk. I know he’s a good fighter and he’s hungry. He’s trained very hard to get my title. But everybody who comes to my home in Canada always wants my title, but it’s never happened and it’s not going to happen now.




“I’m looking for the knockout. That’s just my mentality and the way that I train. Şəkər [Hill Steward] trains me to think that way but I can also go 12 el, it’s not a problem. I know that if he makes a mistake, I’m going to catch him. He only has to slip up once in 12 el. One mistake, one punch. That’s all it’s going to take. Mən hazıram. I know I can punch and it’s 12 el. I just need one punch. Just one. I’m going to catch him and the night will be over.




“I’ve been pushing myself in training and I’m going to put on another great performance come Saturday and will defend my title once again. In the words of my old trainer, Emanuel Steward, ‘knockouts selland that’s what I’m going for in this fight. I know I’m facing a good boxer who’s coming in very determined. He’ll be ready, but it won’t be enough. Superman is in the building!"





“I’m glad to finally be here. Mən çox həyəcanlıyam. I want to thank Top Rank and GYM Promotions for finally making this happen. I respect Adonis Stevenson as a fighter, he’s a great champion. But I am ready to accept this challenge and on Saturday night there will be a new champion.




“I have one of the greatest trainers in the history of boxing so I’m very confident. We have a good strategy. We had an excellent training camp and I’m ready. Adonis is a great fighter. He’s a dangerous southpaw and this is a real step-up for me but it’s my time.




“People always ask about Stevenson’s age but George Foreman and Bernard Hopkins performed at a high level when they were 50-years-old. It really just depends on how you maintain your body, your living conditions, how you eat and how you train.




“I’m not worried about what the bookmakers say. It doesn’t mean anything that they think I am the favorite. I try to stay focused on the things that I need to be focused on, not what the bookmakers think. The further this fight goes, the better my chances are. My height, my movement and my patience will win me this fight.”






“I’m happy to be here once again. This is like a second home for Adonis. This fight is just going to be regular Adonis. Adonis wants to get a knockout. Mən knockouts sevgi. This is how we train for every fight. It’s no disrespect to any fighter, but that’s just the mentality that we have. Adonis and I don’t believe in leaving it in the hands of the judges and that’s been working so far. We will continue to do what we’ve been doing.”




“Adonis has been training his whole life for something like this. This is a big world championship fight against a former Olympian. Welcome to big time boxing, this is what it’s all about. Come December 1, Adonis Stevenson is going to get another knockout.”





“We knew that this would be a very difficult fight but what we didn’t know was how difficult it would be to get here. That part of the fight is over, thankfully. We spent eight weeks in California preparing for this bout. Preparing for a tremendous champion. I don’t have to speak about how long he’s been a champion, his reign, his experience, how talented and dangerous he is as a puncher. I believe he’s the best or second-best puncher in boxing today. It’s either him or [Deontay] Wilder, whatever you choose.




“Stevenson has all of the qualities a great fighter needs. He has a great heart, he’s gotten off the canvas and showed tremendous heart late in the Badou Jack fight. This is quite a task that’s in front of us. We understand that. The good news is that we know exactly what we’re facing and we’ve prepared the last eight weeks for that. We have not overlooked anything. I have no doubt that although we have a very steep challenge in front of us, that on Saturday night we will have a new Light Heavyweight Champion of the World.”




LOS ANGELES - Bellator is pleased to announce that the organization’s current bantamweight titleholder Darrion Caldwell (13-1) will represent the promotion in an exciting matchup against 2017 Rizin Bantamweight Grand Prix winner Kyoji Horiguchi (25-2). The two will compete for the inaugural Rizin bantamweight championship at Rizin 14 bazar ertəsi, Dec. 31 from Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Yaponiya.




In the three-round (15-minute) Rizin FF world championship bout – which will be held in a ring under Rizin’s unique rule set – the victor of Caldwell vs. Horiguchi will leave Japan’s historic combat sports venue a Rizin FF champion. Caldwell’s Bellator bantamweight title will not be on the line in the contest.




The latest agreement between Bellator and Rizin FF furthers a collaboration between the two companies which has seen multiple athletes, o cümlədən Fedor Emelianenko, "King Mo" Lawal Hisaki Kato başqaları arasında, compete interpromotionally, but never before has a title from either promotion been on the line.




“Working for the Japanese fight company K-1 was a magical time during my promotional career and I have always felt strongly that MMA in the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’ would rise again. It truly is amazing to see what Nobuyuki Sakakibara has been able to do thus far with Rizin FF, so when he reached out to me about putting Darrion Caldwell against Kyoji Horiguchi for Rizin’s belt, we spoke to Darrion and he jumped at the opportunity,"Bellator prezident Scott Coker bildirib. “Bellator wants to support Rizin, and by sending our bantamweight champion to compete during their New Year’s Eve event, we look forward to this leading towards more collaboration between the two promotions in 2019. I want to wish Darrion luck in his quest to prove he is the best 135-pound fighter on the planet.”




“I am very grateful and honored that Bellator and Scott Coker would send us their unarguable bantamweight champion to fight for Rizin’s first-ever world title fight. This title fight will be a true champion vs. champion to determine the world’s best bantamweight fighter,” Rizin FF President Nobuyuki Sakakibara said. “We hope this kind gesture will kick off of a series of exciting matchups between both promotions in 2019. My dream would be that eventually we can co-promote a mega event in both countries with a ‘Champion Carnival’ taking place where stories and rivalries can be built and told.”




Caldwell, a 30-year-old Rahway, N.J. native and the current Bellator bantamweight champion, most recently moved up a weight class to challenge himself, successfully finishing veteran Noad Lahat. San Dieqo xaricində döyüş, Calif., “The Wolf” has emerged as one of the most well-rounded fighters in the world, collecting 10 victories since signing with Bellator in 2013. Müəyyən artikl 2009 NCAA D-1 National Champion wrestler from NC State boasts a resume that includes five first-round finishes, a 25-minute war against Eduardo Dantas to claim the world title and a textbook guillotine choke submission victory over Leandro Higo in his first career title defense earlier this year. Caldwell will look for fifth consecutive win and a second world title belt when he enters the ring against Kyoji Horiguchi on New Year’s Eve in Japan.



Müraciət edin Bellator.com Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün.

Decastro: It’s My Destiny To Be World Champion.



Bardney, Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro (14-0-0) wholeheartedly believes it is his destiny to become World Champion. In just over a weeks time he finally gets the opportunity to make his childhood dream come true, when challenges Accra, Ghana’s Daniel Adjei Sowah (20-6-2) Dünya Boks Birliyi (WBU), Super Middleweight Championship of the World at the Glasgow Club in Bellahouston, Glasgow on Saturday the 8th December 2018.


Decastro, who is currently ranked #6 in the International Boxing Federation (IBF) Intercontinental rankings, earned the shot for the WBU World Crown with a solid points victory over West African Boxing Union (WABU) Champion Agoe Ashong (11-2-0) to secure the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Commonwealth title at Pride Park in Derby back in September.


Speaking from his home earlier Decastro could barely hide his joy at the opportunity to fight for his first World Championship.


I’m buzzing, I just can’t wait. I mean not only am I fighting for the World title, but will be fighting for it on the undercard of Scott Harrison’s return to the ring, exciting times.


My camps gone really well, I’m feeling fitter and stronger than ever. We’re not leaving anything to chance; we’ve covered every conceivable angle.


My father Frank has made sure of that, he’s a great coach, I really am blessed that he trains me.


We know he’s a banger, but so am I and what’s more I have a better KO ration of 11 ilə 14 against his 13 ilə 28 and more importantly I believe I am more hungry for this than him.


It’s been my dream since I started boxing as a youngster to win a World title and now I’m just over a week away from making my dreams come true.


Especially as I am fighting for the WBU Title, we have history with this Championship at the Bracebridge Boxing Club, as Kelly Oliver whose father owns the club also fought for the WBU crown, at Cruiserweight, so have to win it and bring the belt back to the gym I’ve trained at all my career.


Decastro then went on to vent his frustrations over the way bureaucracy had thwarted his previous Championship efforts.


I’ve had a really frustrating year or so, yes I won the Commonwealth title last time out but twice this year I was supposed to challenge for the World title.


Unfortunately bureaucratic red tape caused the fights to be cancelled, either Visa issues came into play, as with the original planned fight against Agoe (Ashong) in July or worse still unnecessary political interference by the EBU, which scuppered the IBF European fight against Ronnie (Landaeta).


This time though it’s different, Daniel has his Visa and the EBU can’t possibly interfere, so no excuses.


It’s my destiny to be World Champion, come 8th December, my dreams will come true, I will be crowned World Champion as I owe it to my legion of fans that have been awesome and so supportive.


Nathan ‘NightmareDecastro versus Daniel Adjei Sowah for the World Boxing Union (WBU) Super Middleweight Championship of the World, is the main support for the highly anticipated return to the ring of two time WBO World Champion Scott Harrison (27-3-2) against Tackie Annan (11-6-0) at the Glasgow Club in Bellahouston, Glasgow on Saturday the 8th December 2018.


Biletlər: Priced £60 (Ringside), £50 (Outer Ringside) and £40 (Standard Seating) are available from the Assassin Boxing Promotions Ticket Line: 07594 144433 and on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com.


M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Nate “Qatar” Landwehr To make first title defense vs. Andrey Lezhnev

Atırau M-1 Challenge Battle, Dec. 15, in Kazakhstan
Nate Landwehr is excited to make his first title defense
SANKT-PETERBURQ, Rusiya (Noyabr 28, 2018) — M-1 Challenge featherweight çempionu Nate “Qatar” Landwehr will make his first title defense December 15, headlining M-1 Global’s final event of the yearM-1 Challenge Battle in Atyrauversus challenger Andrey “Dəmir” Lezhnev, in Atyrau, Qazaxıstan.
Atırau M-1 Challenge Battle will be live-streamed from Kazakhstan in high definition onwww.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans bütün fəaliyyət onların kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi. M-1 Challenge 97 will also be is available onwww.FITE.TV(ilkin kart pulsuz, $7.99 əsas kart üçün).
This will mark the first M-1 Global show in Kazakhstan in three years, çünki M-1 Challenge 59: Battle of the Nomads 5 Astanada, in which Russian star Sergey Kharitonov Amerika nokaut etdi Kenny Garner ilk turda.
The 30-year-old Landwehr (11-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), fighting out of the Nashville suburb of Clarksville, Tennessee, captured the coveted M-1 Challenge featherweight title belt this past June at M-1 Challenge 95 in Nazran, İnquşetiya, Rusiya. The entertaining American fighter stopped defending champion Həmzət Dalgiev on punches in the second round. Dalgiev was making his first title defense, after he shocked the MMA world by knocking out longtime M-1 champion Ivan Buchinger açılış turunda.
“Qatar” keeps rollin
In two other M-1 fights that set-up his title shot, Landwehr won a split decision over Viktor Kolesnik at M-1 Challenge 85, preceded by a third-round stoppage of Mixail Korobkovda yumruq vasitəsilə M-1 Challenge 83.
“Heç bir səhv olun,” Lanwehr said, “I want to put an ass whooping on everyone in the division. Lezhnev is just the next in line. Don’t think of me as just the champion, think of me as the baddest S.O.B that can make 145 manat. I will be coming at him as if I am still a hungry challenger trying to make a statement to become a champion.
I would love to have a tournament with all the contenders. We’d all fight multiple times on one night against everyone and the last man standing is crowned King. Lakin, İndi, I will fight who M-1 feels is the next contender. If you have a problem with that, then it means you are not as impressive as a fighter as you think. Because I convinced them in two fights that I was the one for the job and I got the job done in my third (M-1) mübarizə.
Fighting out of Ukraine, Lezhnev (18-7-0, M-1; 6-3-0) earned this title shot by winning nine of his last 10 döyüşlərdə, including the last three in a row. His victims include another U.S., Küləktutmayan “American Bulldog” Morrison, who lost a unanimous decision to Lezhnev at M-1 Challenge 69 ilə 2016.
Andrey Lezhnev has earned his title shot against Lanwehr
Landwehr is a typical brawler with nice cardio,” Lezhnev commented. “Everybody who plays by his rules loses. He is also very provocative, he loves creating the hype around him. For a long time, he tried to avoid this fight, challenging guys who passed their prime, because he understood he had no chances against me. But now the time has come to beat that hype out of him.
Bütün döyüşlərdə və döyüşçüləri dəyişiklik obyektidir. Additional Atırau M-1 Challenge Battlefights will soon be announced.

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Gələcək M-1 Challenge Hadisələr:
Dec. 15 – Atırau M-1 Challenge Battle: Landwehr vs. Lezhnev in Atyrau, Qazaxıstan

Undercard Finalized for “Rumble at the Rock III” this Friday, Nov. 30, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla.

Main and Co-Main Events to be Featured Live on Boxeo Telemundo

The undercard has been finalized for “Rumble at the Rock III," bu Cümə, Nov. 30, at Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla.




Promoter Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory, ilə birlikdə Tuto Zabala of All Star Boxing, have put together an exciting night of boxing, featuring Colombian Bantamweight Champion Yeison Vargas (17-0, 12 Kos) of Cartagena, Colombia taking on WBO Latino Bantamweight Champion Ricardo Espinoza (21-2, 18 Kos) in a 10-rounder for the WBO-NABO Championship.




In the 10-round welterweight co-main event, Derrieck Cuevas (18-0-1, 14 Kos) of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, will face well-known Miami via Barranquilla, Kolumbiya, veteran Breidis “Khanqueror” Prescott (31-14, 22 Kos).


Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock III” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 və $500 VIP and are available through ticketmaster.com. The live Boxeo Telemundo telecast on Telemundo starts at 11:30 dək. EST.




In support of the televised action will be an eight-fight undercard, featuring several of the area’s most promising fighters.




In an eight-round super featherweight battle, Miami’s undefeated Hairon “El Maja” Socarras (19-0-3, 12 Kos) will take on former top-ranked veteran Mike “Machine Gun” Oliver (26-9-1, 8 Kos) of Hartford, Conn.




Also on the undercard is Miami heavyweight Jairus Gladney who will make his pro debut in a four-rounder against Miami’s Hector Hodge (2-3).




In a four-round light heavyweight scrap, Miami’s Ulysses Diaz (6-0, 5 Kos) will face Sonora, Mexico’s Fabian Valdez (3-4).




Undefeated super middleweight Irosvani Duvergel (4-0, 2 Kos) of Miami via Cuba, will fight six rounds against Miami’s Yendris Rodriguez Valdez (2-3, 2 Kos).




A featherweight six-rounder will pit Miami’s all-action Jessy Cruz (14-7-1, 6 Kos) against Mexican veteran Isaias Martin Cardona (25-14, 17 Kos).




Lightweights Dustin Arnold (6-1, 1 Kos) of Coral Springs and Miami’s Manuel Correa (2-0, 2 Kos) will go six rounds or less.




In the night’s opening bout, two Miami-based featherweights, Luis Melendez (2-1, 2 Kos) and Jonathan Conde (debüt), will go four rounds.




Döyüş gecə, the Hard Rock Event Center doors open at 6 günortadan sonra, və fəaliyyət başlayır 7 dək. Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino yerləşir 1 Seminole Way in Hollywood, Fla.


(Wilder & L.A. Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas)
Basın HERE Esther Lin / Showtime şəkillər üçün


LOS ANGELES (Noyabr 27, 2018) – WBC ağır Dünya çempionu Deontay Wilder and lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury presented tickets for this Saturday’s heavyweight title showdown to area first responders in recognition of the men and women who battled the recent fires in Southern California.




Before he meets Fury on SHOWTIME PPV®from STAPLES Center, Wilder delivered tickets for first responders alongside L.A. Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas at LAFD Station 3. Wilder spent time with the first responders and donned the firefighter uniform while conducting interviews.




These men and women risk their lives each and every day,” Səid Wilder. “When the duty calls, they’re at the top of their game. I really respect the hard work that they do and I’m blessed to be here and be amongst so many brave people.




I just really appreciate everyone here and I’m looking forward to seeing them at the fight on Saturday night. This donation is for all of the things that they do on a daily basis, and everything they do that people don’t see. They are always ready when the time comes. I know that the city and the state appreciates everything you do.




We’re very proud to host the champ here at LAFD Station 3,said Chief Terrazas. “We wish you well and we look forward to celebrating with you on Saturday night. It’s very special that Deontay wanted to come here and recognize all the hard work that these men and women do.




Qəzəb, who spent his training camp Southern California, joined L.A. County Fire Chief Daryl Osby at the L.A. County Fire Department Headquarters to meet with first responders.




These firefighters are heroes who have been out there every day saving lives,” said Fury. “Since I’ve been here I’ve been following the situation and the fantastic job these men and women have been doing. I’m glad to be here to tell them how thankful I am for what they do and help give them a break Saturday night.




Training in California has really opened my eyes to see so many different cultures and so many different things that are going on here. There’s a lot of homeless people on the streets and when I go home I’m going to build homes for the homeless and set up funds for those in need. Being here has given me that extra push to do more.




We’re very thankful for these tickets and for the support shown today for our firefighters,” said Chief Osby. “They put their lives on the line to protect our citizens and our community and we’re happy that their efforts are acknowledged.


(Qəzəb & L.A. County Fire Chief Daryl Osby)




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Tədbirdə biletlər, BombZquad Müəssisələri və Queensberry Promotions tərəfindən təbliğ olunur, TGB Promosyonlar və DiBella Əyləncə ilə birlikdə, are on sale now and are available via AXS.com. Wilder vs. Qəzəb istehsal olunur və SHOWTIME PPV tərəfindən paylanacaq. Təklif olunan pərakəndə qiymət (TƏCİLİ) Görüş üçün ödənişli telekanal üçün $64.99 standart tərif üçün.





Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury, WBC Ağır Dünya Çempionu Wilder'i GÜNÜN PPV-də xətti ağır çəki çempionu Fury-ə qarşı vurur.® Şənbə, Dekabr 1 from STAPLES CENTER in Los Angeles and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. PPV alt kartı başlayır 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT and will featureunbeaten unified super welterweight world champion Jarrett Hurdreturning to take onJason Welborn, Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortizfacing-off against Travis Kauffmanand rising undefeated heavyweight Joe Joycebattling Joe Hanks.




Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions, @STAPLESCenter və @Swanson_Comm ya da Facebook-da fanat olun www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha Battles Joey Hernandez & Two-Division Champion Rances Barthelemy & Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Enter Ring as Part of Stacked Undercard Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, Dekabr 22 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Daha! Rising Prospects Gary Antuanne & Gary Antonio Russell
Both in Action

BROOKLYN (Noyabr 27, 2018) – U.S. Olympian and super welterweight contender Terrell Gausha clashes with battle-tough veteran Joey Hernandez in a 10-round bout and former two-division world champion and Cuban star Rances Barthelemy competes in a 10-round super lightweight fight, while heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba, who is shaking up the division as a fearsome puncher, enters the ring in a six-round attraction all as part of an action-packed undercard on Saturday, Dekabr 22 Barclays Mərkəzi, BROOKLYN BOKS ™ ev və Premier Boks Çempionlar təqdim.




The stacked undercard leads into a blockbuster PBC on FOX show that features the Charlo Twins defending their world titles, and a heavyweight showdown between Dominic Breazeale and Carlos Negron in primetime. Jermall Charlo, who won a coin toss with his brother to determine their fight order, will headline the show in a 12-round WBC interim middleweight championship bout against Willie Monroe, Jr., while Jermell Charlo will defend his WBC super welterweight world title against Tony Harrison.




Also featured on the jam-packed undercard is middleweight contender Matt Korobov(28-1, 14 Kos) in an eight-round fight and a 10-round super welterweight showdown between Brandon Quarles (20-4-1, 10 Kos) və Todd Manuel (17-16-1, 5 Kos).




The action continues with rising unbeaten prospects and younger brothers of featherweight world champion Gary Russell Jr., kimi 2012 U.S. Olimpiyaçı Gary Antuanne Russell (7-0, 7 Kos) fights in an eight-round super lightweight bout and unbeaten Gary Antonio Russell (12-0, 10 Kos) looks to remain unbeaten in an eight-round bantamweight tilt.




şou biletləri, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, da başlayacaq $50 və indi satılır. Biletlər əldə edilə bilər ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, və ya axtararaq 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Qrup güzəştlər 844-BKLYN-GP zəng mövcuddur.




The 31-year-old Gausha (20-1, 9 Kos) lost for the first time of his career when he dropped a unanimous decision to Erislandy Lara in a super welterweight title match in 2017 Barclays Mərkəzində. A member of the U.S. boxing team at the 2012 London Games, Cleveland’s Gausha is looking to rebound against Hernandez.




Hernandez (27-4-1, 17 Kos) has strung together three straight knockout victories since losing to Austin Trout in 2015 FS1 haqqında. A 34-year-old southpaw from Miami, Hernandez is coming off a TKO victory over Jose Antonio Rodriguez on August 8.




A prolific amateur in his native Cuba, Barthelemy (26-1, 13 Kos) returns to the ring after the first defeat of his career, in a super lightweight world title fight against Kiryl Relikh in March. The 32-year-old became a world champion in 2014 when he defeated Argenis Mendez to capture a 130-pound title, and became a two-division champion when he bested Denis Shafikov for a vacant lightweight belt.




Ajagba (7-0, 6 Kos) grabbed attention this summer when his opponent walked out of the ring after touching gloves and the bell sounded to start the opening round live on FS1. He is the lone opponent to leave the ring unscathed against the 24-year-old Ajagba, who was a member of the Nigerian boxing team in the 2016 Rio Olympics and will step into the ring for the fifth time this year and for the second time at Barclays Center as a pro.




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FOX Sports app döyüşlərdə stream yaşaya bilər Fans, FOX ya FOX Deportes feeds vasitəsilə İngilis və ya ispan mövcuddur. döyüşlərdə FOXSports.com və app mağaza vasitəsilə masa üstü mövcuddur, və ya Apple TV, o cümlədən cihazlar bağlı, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One və Roku.




Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün: ziyarət www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, TwitterPremierBoxing edin, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.