Argentinean Amateur Star and Two-Time Olympian Alberto Melian to Turn Professional ‘LomachenkoStyle Against 23-2 Ricardo Santillan on December 16

Sampson Boxing’s newest promotional signing, Argentinean amateur star and two-time Olympian, Алберто “ImpactoMelián, will be taking the “Ломацхенко” route into the professional ranks by facing Diego Ricardo Santillan (23-2, 15 КОс) in an eight-round bout for his first professional fight on Субота, Децембар 16, at the Macro Stadium of the Argentine Federation of Boxing (FAB) in Buenos Aires.
A formidable foe for anyone, the 30-year-old Santillan, from Tartagal, Salta, Аргентина, is a former Argentina (FAB), WBC Mundo Hispano and South American Bantamweight Champion. Melian, међутим, has requested the fast track to a world championship and promoter Lewkowicz has agreed.
Alberto is regarded as one of the best Argentine amateur boxers ever and he’s ready for the best of the professional ranks. We hope to have him fighting for a world championship within 10 туче,” рекао је Левковицз.
Lewkowicz says that Melian’s amateur credentials are enough to let him forego the usual development period of a new professional.
In addition to his two Olympic appearances, Alberto fought in nearly every international tournament and won dozens of titles. He’s ready for anyone in the world going into his first fight. We have every confidence in him.

Melián vs. Santillan will be televised live by TyC Sports Argentina.

О Сампсон Бокинг
Након веома успешне рок као матцхмакер и саветник, Сампсон Левковицз прешла на промотивном страни професионалног бокса у јануару 2008.
Сампсон Бокс је израстао у једну од најпрестижнијих светских фирми промотивних, заступање многи од најбољих бораца на свету и најперспективнијих младих такмичара.

Сампсон Бокс има промотивне партнере широм Северне и Јужне Америке, Африка, Азија, Нови Зеланд, Аустралија, Европа и Централна Америка и Сампсон Бокс догађаји су емитован на таквим премијере мрежама као ХБО, Сховтиме, ЕСПН, ВС. и неколико међународних мрежа.

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