بعد انتصار مثير على دونوفان دينيس, السماء هي الآن الحد الأقصى للوزن الثقيل Slugger Jarrell 'Big Baby’ طحان


يقول المروج جريج كوهين من Greg Cohen Promotions إنه لا يمكن أن يكون أكثر سعادة بالأداء الذي قدمه ليلة الجمعة الماضية من قبل المقاتل الذي شارك في الترويج له (مع ديمتري ساليتا من ساليتا الترقيات), لاعب الوزن الثقيل غير المهزوم جاريل “كبير الطفل” طحان.
طحان, الآن 16-0-1, 14 كوس, أظهر قوته المخيفة ومهاراته الممتازة في الملاكمة أثناء تسجيله TKO الوحشي 7 over an extremely game Donovan Dennis. Fighting in the co-main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: The New Generation from the Casino Del Sol in Tucson, أريزونا, Miller made believers out of many by displaying depth and ring intelligence to go with his sledgehammer fists.
Jarrell showed he’s not just a big puncher,” وقال جريج كوهين. “He showed the ability to change up his game plan during a fight. That’s very important at the higher levels of the division. He nearly took Dennishead off in the first round, but when he saw that somehow he was going to survive for a while, he switched up to boxing and re-established his dominance that way. It was exactly what he should have done in there.
طحان, who won the NABA Heavyweight Championship with the victory, is now in line for an even higher-profile showdown with a rated contender.
Jarrell is a force to be reckoned with and with his power, skill, athleticism and charisma, he can become a worldwide star and be the man to restore the heavyweight division to its glory of yesteryear,” تابع كوهين. “People love him and can’t enough of him!”
Cohen says that even though Miller called out the champions of the division after the victory, the probable next step will be a top-ten fighter in one of the sanctioning organizations.
We believe he can beat any of the champions right now, اليوم. But to get him there we will have to next focus on someone rated above him and take their spot by force. But I have every confidence we are less than a year away from getting Jarrell the world title shot he wants more than anything.

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