Unique event gives fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, ọkpọ siri na ụlọ ọrụ ndị mmadụ na-elu-nso, onye ọnọdụ

Ldị ka Vegas (April 27, 2015) - Igbe Fan Expo organizers announced the second annual Box Fan Expo will return to the Las Vegas Convention Center Saturday, Asaa. 12.

The novel event, nke kwere Fans izute na-ekele ọkpọ akụkọ na-emeghị, n'oge gara aga ma ugbu a mmeri na ndị ọzọ na siri nke egwuregwu, debuted ikpeazụ September. It will run from 10 a.m. ka 5 p.m. na otu ugboro ọzọ, ekwe ka Fans a ohere na-anakọta autographs, na-foto na zụọ ahịa na ngwá ahịa na irighiri.

Exhibitors dị ka ọkpọ gia, n'uwe, akpọsa media na ndị ọzọ na ika na ụlọ ọrụ ndị na-achọ na-ekere òkè ga na-enwe ohere ngosi ha na ngwaahịa Fans na dum ọkpọ ụlọ ọrụ.

Ikpeazụ afọ inaugural Igbe Fan Expo agba ụfọdụ ndị kasị ewu ewu alụso na ọkpọ siri na-adịbeghị anya mere eme. Fans e mesoro ka nleta na Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Obere, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Juda, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija ,Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, Mia St-John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean onwa na Austin trout. Ọzọkwa idem ndị ugbu a WBC mmeri Deontay Wilder, na-adọrọ adọrọ Vinny Pazienza, Paul Williams, noted commentator Al Bernstein and Roger Mayweather of Mayweather Promotions.

“There are few opportunities like this that allow the boxing fan to come face-to-face with their favorite boxers and boxing celebrities, which is what makes the Box Fan Expo a truly unique and must-see experience,” event organizer said. “Last year’s Box Fan Expo, was a big success and we were excited to bring boxing back into the spotlight by gathering the boxing industry all under one roof for one special day and for all the fans to enjoy. This is a great opportunity to show the world just how sweet the “sweet science” can be.

“We know this is going to be again an even more popular event this year with all the major boxing stars, so we advise people to get their tickets early, so they are assured of meeting and greeting their favorite fighters.”

The roster of attendees for this year’s Box Fan Expo will be announced throughout the next several months and weeks.

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