Class vs Mwale and Pulev vs Meroro co-headline historic ‘Rumble-in-Dar’ Global TV event on Jan 29th

Over the years African Boxing has been seen as the poor relative when it comes to Global audiences for professional boxing from the Continent. America and Europe have dominated the scene it seems forever, but that had already began to change, mivel újabban a Közel-Kelet került előtérbe a nagy események megrendezésével, amelyek felkeltik a globális érdeklődést.

Alig több mint egy hét múlva Boxing Afrikából, visszarohan a helyszínre, elhatározva, hogy olyan hatást vált ki, hogy a sport rajongói is a kontinens felé kezdenek váltani.

Az afrikai ökölvívás történelmileg vonzotta a globális közönséget, aki el tudta felejteni, hogy minden idők egyik legnagyobb küzdelme zajlott Afrikában. Vissza októberben 1974 a világ szeme Zaire-re szegeződött, amikor Muhammad Ali kihívta George Foremant a világkoronája miatt Kinshasában.

Miközben dübörög a dzsungelben, század vitathatatlanul legnagyobb sporteseménye, volt a legnézettebb bokszesemény, becslések szerint globálisan egymilliárd nézőt vonz, az afrikai boksz várható öröksége nem valósult meg. Igen, azóta a kontinensen volt néhány küzdelem, amelyet Amerika és Európa legnagyobb hálózataiban mutattak be, ezek egyszeri kedvezmények voltak, nem voltak rendszeres nemzetközi események, amelyek fenntartanák a lendületet, de mindez megváltozik ...

Január 29-én 2021, A botswanai Global Boxing Stars és a tanzániai Jackson Group a Tanzániában tervezett hat Fight Night esemény közül az elsőt mutatja be, hangulatosan „Rumble-In-Dar” néven, remélik, hogy helyrehozza az egyensúlyt és vonzza a pugilisztikus művészetek rajongóit szerte a világon.

Az úttörő eseményt Tanzánia Ibrahim osztálya vezeti (24-6-0) szemben a dél-afrikai székhelyű malawi Dennis Mwale-vel (8-0-0), akik versenyezni fognak a Boksz Világszövetségért (WBFed) Intercontinental Lightweight Championship.

Bulgaria’s Tervel Pulev (15-0-0), the brother of Heavyweight Kubrat Pulev, who was KO’d by Anthony Joshua back in December, versus Namibia’s Vikapita Meroro (29-9-0) co-headlines in a non-championship ten rounder.

The packed undercard features a further Championship contest, between Tanzania’s Shaban Hamadi Jongo (7-1-2) és New York, USA’s Shawn Miller (18-5-1) for the WBFed International Heavyweight belt.

Unbeaten Zambian World Prospect Lolita Muzeya (16-0-0) makes her return to the ring on the event and South Africa’s rising Heavyweight sensation Ardi “The Iron Fist” Ndembo (1-0-0) makes his second pro outing.

‘Rumble-in-Dar’ will take place in front of an audience at the Next Door Arena in Dar-Es-Salaam, as Tanzania, unlike much of the World today, a COVID alig érintette 19 világjárvány és globálisan fogják közvetíteni, Ingyenes hozzáférés biztosítása több mint hárommilliárd házhoz és további milliárd eszközhöz.

Tehát kik azok az emberek, akik annyira meg akarják változtatni az afrikai ökölvívás megítélését, hanem az afrikai tehetségek bemutatását is egy globális platformon.

Scott Patrick Farrell, a Global Boxing Stars alapítója, a Ringstar Boxing korábbi vezérigazgatója és a Commvault Inc. korábbi ügyvezető igazgatója, egy nagyvállalat, amelynek az ipója volt a vége 500 millió dollár, míg Scott a vezető menedzsment csapat tagja volt.

„Az üzleti életben és az életben az időzítés minden, Úgy gondolom, hogy ez a megfelelő idő, Tanzania is the right place and between GBS and the Jackson Group we have the right partnership to take this platform to the next level, plans are afoot to deploy world titles, world title eliminators as well as international non-title bouts on the future bills, so as to raise the profile and quality of the bills show by show. We have a strategy to position Dar es Salaam as a new sports tourism hub.”

Scott lives the dream and works regularly with the only Boxing hall of fame eight division World champion Senator Manny Pacquiao as co-promoter and producer/event director for the Manny Pacquiao Championship Boxing Series.

Over the years Scott has built and been a very integral part of numerous contenders becoming World Champions, such as; IBF Bantamweight number one contender Michael Dasmarinas. Scott took the unknown boxer from the Philippines to become the IBO world champion, and then to a victory in the IBF world title eliminator. Making Dasmarinas the mandatory challenger for the much-sorted crown of the IBF world title. Other success comes with four division World Champion and current WBO World Champion John Riel Casimero as part of the Sean Gibbons & Manny Pacquiao Championship Boxing team, and Paulus ‘The Rock” Ambunda former WBO and IBO world champion, Scott secured his third world title victory with Ringstar Asia.

Scott has now taken all his life lessons and experience and partnered with Jeremy Bean, who has Pan African connectivity and experience in staging live broadcast events from all major economic hubs of the continent to create Global Boxing Stars, a professional management company to represent and build a fighter’s career. His focus is developing fighters based in Africa and other parts of the world, to build new World Champion prospects to sign with the top promoters in the USA, UK and other parts of the world. Scott has a great working relationship and proven track record with the giants of the boxing industry such as Top Rank, PBC, Golden Boy, DAZN and Matchroom, and many more

“We are extremely energised by this collaboration partnership, we have alignment, a common vision and the energy is good. Together Global Boxing Stars and the Jackson Group seek to develop a new commercial model for Pan African boxing and unlock value through pooling of our networks, resources and operational capacity. Myself and Kelvin are marketing guys that the boxing bug has bitten, we see Pan African boxing as a sleeping giant and believe our partnership will pioneer a new approach that will bring corporate partners with a Pan African footprint to the table.” Said fellow Director of Global Boxing Stars Jeremy Bean.

Jeremy comes from an advertising background, along with practical sports marketing and event staging experience along with a proven track record of producing international, live broadcast boxing events across the African continent.

While producing the Pan African boxing content for the Kwesé ESPN partnership, Jeremy staged fights in all the major economic hubs of Southern, East and West Africa.

Joining the dynamic duo on this major project is Kelvin Twissa, CEO of The Jackson Group.

“Jeremy and I first connected when I was doing shows with Sport Pesa in Kenya and he was producing the Pan African boxing content for the ESPN Kwesé partnership, now under different banners and with what appears opportune timing we are teaming up to position Tanzania as a new fight mecca and sport tourism hub. The Jackson Group and Global Boxing Stars have formed a powerful, cross functional team – we can talk marketing and commercials to brands and sponsors, we can talk television and production specs to broadcasters and now we can talk boxing, all as a single powerful partnership unit.”

Kelvin, a high-level marketing strategist with experience managing campaigns and brands across Africa, is the former Global Chief Marketing Officer of SportPesa, brings to the team vast experience via various marketing roles at Exco level with some of the largest corporates and Telcos on the African continent.

Now in the role of CEO under the banner of the Jackson Group, Kelvin is able to unlock value through commercial partnerships and connectivity across the East African hub and the continent at large. Kelvin’s experience in sports ranges from football working with Clubs and Leagues in Africa and Europe including the Everton, Arsenal, Laliga and Cape Town City FC.

During his time at SportPesa Kelvin created the SportPesa Fight Night, as well as brought Tony Bellew to Kenya as part of the Everton SportPesa Boxing Road Show. The Nairobi Figth Night Series commanded over 7.4 million audience in Kenya alone being shown in over 7 channels across Africa.

Without doubt the stage appears set for a new energy and approach to Pan African boxing, with Tanzania providing the backdrop and this exciting partnership between Global Boxing Stars and The Jackson Group pioneering a new commercial and collaborative model.

Rumble in Dar, co-headlined by Ibrahim Class versus Dennis Mwale for the World Boxing Federation (WBFed) Intercontinental Lightweight Championship and Tervel Pulev versus Vikapita Meroro takes place at the Next Door Arena, Masaki, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania on Friday the 29th January 2021.

Joining host broadcaster Azam TV are numerous broadcast platforms worldwide such as NBC Namibia, Astro Arens (Malaysia) plus more (check local Channel/Cable Network schedule) and will also be streamed live and free to view onFITE.TV, Gineko Network, Boxing TV, PPV Live,  360 PR App etc (further Streaming Channels to be announced soon) as well as on the Go Boxing YouTube and Daily Motion Channels, Rumble in Dar will also be available as Video on Demand seven days after the event on Sports channel Network (SCN) and other VOD platforms.


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