Saatos 31 knockout kadua, Dawejko looks forward to ShoBox date with Visinia on August 28

Philadelphia, Pa (Agustus 18, 2015)– Dina tanggal 7 di Ballys di Atlantik City, Angga Dawejko dijieun karya gancang Robert Dunton ka alus of 31 kadua 1 punch stoppage jeung ayeuna Philadelphia Heavyweight kasampak ka hiji Agustus 28 showdown jeung balad alus Sesepuh Visine dina bout dijadwalkeun pikeun 8-rounds di Nu D Las Vegas. The bout will be televised live on ShoBox: Nu Generation New.
Ngan poe sanggeus win over Dunton, Dawejko boarded a pesawat jeung palatih Sobat McGirt jeung asisten palatih Nagreg Hackett jeung indit katuhu deui ka gawé mimitian olahan pikeun tarung jeung Visinia.
“Urang nyokot fight nu ngan pikeun meunangkeun Angga deui dina pigura menang tina pikiran. After the fight with Amir Mansour, Sobat mimiti koréksi nu salah dina tarung nu. The Mansour fight was the first fight with Buddy and by the time August 28 asalna di sakuliah, Angga jeung Sobat bakal dasarna geus gawe pikeun 10 minggu lempeng. I believe that the familiarity will produce the results that we are looking for,” ceuk manager Dawejko Kang Mark Cipparone of Club 1957 Manajemén.
“Ieu gelut pohara penting pikeun Angga. He knows that this is the next opportunity to prove that he is a top Heavyweight contender on national television. It is also important because he is a promotional free agent and we have a couple of nice deals already presented to us and a good win over a tough opponent in Natu is another way to showcase himself to all those who are interested.
Angga Dawejko
Angga Dawejko

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