Lisa Milner

Asante, alama. Thanks everyone for calling in. We have a great call today to talk about the debut of PBC on CBS taking place next Jumamosi, Aprili 4, kutoka Pepsi Coliseum katika Quebec City, Canada. We are going to start with the main event guys it’s Adonis Stevenson, mwanga Heavyweight bingwa wa dunia; mkufunzi wake, “Sugar” Hill; Saki Taurus, zamani super middleweight bingwa wa dunia; na mkufunzi wake, Kevin Cunningham. We will also have Artur Beterbiev later. His opponent is training in Spain. Hivyo, he will not be joining us. Lakini, first let’s get some opening comments from the fighters and their trainers. Adonis, ungeweza kutupatia kidogo ya habari juu ya jinsi mafunzo ya kwenda kuongoza katika wiki ijayo wiki ya kupambana?


Adonis Stevenson

Shukrani kwa vyombo vyote vya habari. Nataka kuwashukuru Al HAYMON, meneja wangu, great job. This is a good person for me and fight on CBS since like ’80 like Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali. Unajua, this is amazing. And the first championship they want to start in Canada, Quebec City. This is amazing. And I’m very glad to be part of that.


L. Milner

Mkuu. “Sugar” Hill, unaweza kuongeza chochote na kwamba kuhusu mafunzo au maoni kuhusu jinsi Adonis ni kufanya katika kambi?

“Sugar” Hill

The training camp is going fantastic. We are here in his hometown of Montreal training at his gym. His gym is just opening. Hivyo, this would be the first training camp held at this gym and for such a fight of this magnitude where Adonis is defending his world championship for the fifth time. I’ve only been here for one week any other time, but Montreal is a great place and a great place for training as well. The city has been so good and warm welcoming me here, na mimi kuona nini Adonis anapenda Montreal, na mimi kuona nini Montreal anapenda Adonis pia.

L. Milner

Mkuu. Asante. Sakio, unaweza kutupa haraka ufunguzi maoni kuhusu kambi ya mafunzo?

Saki Taurus

Haki zote, Awali ya yote, I want to thank everybody for giving me this big opportunity at the world title. . My training camp is going really well. Nataka kumshukuru Mungu, unajua, to give me this opportunity. Tena, we have a good training camp here. Everyone is happy. Nina furaha, and my coach is happy. All my kingdom is happy. I’m just looking for on Aprili 4, kuwa tatu wakati bingwa wa dunia.

L. Milner

Awesome. Asante. Mr. Cunningham, uko pale? Could you add anything to that?

Kevin Cunningham

Ndiyo. To piggyback on what Sakio has just said, tumekuwa alikuwa kambi ya mafunzo ya kubwa, great sparing. Everything is going well. Sakio understands the opportunity that’s before him, and we look to come to Canada and Montreal. And we’re going to into Adonishometown. Hivyo, Nimekuwa huko, amefanya hivyo. You got to go into the lion’s den and take the title. So that’s what we’re working on doing and that’s what we plan on doing.


L. Milner

Mkuu. Asante. Okay, we’re going to go ahead and open it up for questions from the media. Operator, unaweza tafadhali kufanya hivyo?



Adonis, so much talk about you fighting the other light heavyweight champions and who the real light heavyweight champion of the world is. What are your thoughts about these other guys and it is interfering with your concentration for your fight with Sakio on Aprili 4 juu ya CBS?


A. Stevenson

Yeah, Najua wao sana kuzungumza juu ya kwamba, lakini nina sana ililenga Bika sasa, because Bika is in my face now. I don’t see anybody. I don’t see anybody in my face now. It’s Bika. And I don’t underestimate him, na mimi nina tayari sana kwa ajili yake. Nitakuwa tayari kwa ajili yake Aprili 4. Hivyo, mtazamo wangu ni juu ya Bika. Najua kwamba wana watu wengi kuzungumza na mimi kuhusu jinsi ya kupambana hii, lakini nina umakini sana juu ya guy hii.


Ni utaratibu kwa ajili ya madawa ya kulevya kupima kabla ya nini Aprili 4?

A. Stevenson

Mara tatu katika mafunzo na wakati mmoja ni 06:00 in the morning. Hivyo, they come into the condo and to do a drug test and two times in the training after sparing. I think it’s good for the boxers, to protect them. I’m very glad about that. And when I got to fight, Mimi daima kufanya mtihani, unajua? Hivyo, si mara ya kwanza mimi kufanya mtihani, but I always to do it. This is fantastic, I love kwamba.


Je, unafikiri ni muhimu kwa ajili ya ndondi kuwa na kwamba aina ya mtihani?

A. Stevenson

Bila shaka ni muhimu kwa sababu, ni husaidia. Hivyo, ni muhimu sana ili kuhakikisha kila kitu kinaenda vizuri sana. Na hiyo ni sehemu ya ndondi na kwamba mageuzi. Mimi nina furaha sana na furaha na msaada.


Sakio, unafikiri nini kuhusu kwamba?

S. Taurus

Nadhani ni sana, nzuri sana kwa sababu nina [unintelligible] since I’ve been here. I think it’s good for the new generation. It goes for this sport. Kwa maana mimi, Nadhani ni kamili. Ni kamili kwa sababu, watu wengi [unintelligible] kustaafu [unintelligible] drug and they never get tested. And now with new generation, Nadhani ni nzuri sana, unajua, for younger kids to try to see if they want to win. Once you come in this sport you have to have been clean. Ni shirika kamili ya kupata watu waliohusika katika na mtihani wao. Ni jambo kamili ya kufanya ni.


Hivyo wote wawili wa utapimwa mara tatu, mara mbili wakati kambi ya mafunzo, mara moja kabla ya vita? Is that correct, guys?

A. Stevenson

Sijui kwa ajili yake, but for me it’s three time. And we do a piss test, na sisi kufanya uchunguzi wa damu, pia.

S. Taurus

Yeah, for me it was three time. Then two blood testlike blood test and piss test. This is the third time them testing me since I was here.


swali la kwanza kwamba aliulizwa Adonis kuhusu maandalizi yake kwa ajili ya kupambana ujao na pia ovyo kuzunguka uwezo baadaye wapinzani wote, Ningependa kupata kuongeza swali moja kwa Adonis tena.


A. Stevenson

Unajua, aina ya mambo kama Bika ni pori na umeonyesha yeye kuja–unajua, he just keep coming. The kind of stuff like that, I love this kind of stuff because he’s large and keep pressuring. And so, inaonyesha kama wewe kufanya makosa kama hayo basi itakuwa mtoano haraka sana katika mapambano.


Swali langu ni kwa ajili ya “Sugar” Hill. “Sugar”, Mimi nataka tu kujua kama wewe walikuwa radhi na style kwamba alichaguliwa kwa ajili ya vita hii ya ujao, kama hii ni aina ya mtihani walikuwa wanatafuta kama mkufunzi.

S. Hill

Mbali kama kuangalia kwa mtindo kwa ajili ya Adonis kupambana–and actually it doesn’t really matter to me. I’m happy with the selection of Sakio Bika. I have no problem with his style. I actually like the style because he’s coming forward. He wants to fight, and Adonis loves to fight. Adonis likes to go to toe-to-toe, and he likes to box. This is important for the maturity and, kwa Adonis kujifunza zaidi juu ya ndondi kuwa na uwezo wa kuwa katika ni pamoja na mpiganaji kama Sakio Bika, ambaye ni nguvu, nia na mgumu mkongwe ambaye anaweza kuhimili. He can take a punch. He’s never been knocked out or anything like that. Hivyo, hii ni fursa kwa Adonis kwa labda kwenda 12 raundi au ndani ya raundi ya baadaye, ambayo inaweza kujenga na kuongeza kazi yake kama mapigano katika raundi ya baadaye, ambayo amekuwa na uwezo wa kufanya. Vita hii hapa na Bika ni mtihani, na Adonis anapenda kupimwa. I love for him to be tested as well. This is the only thing that’s going to make him grow and become more of a talented fighter and become a bigger superstar.


Adonis, ni wewe kuangalia ngumu 12 kupambana pande zote au unaona ni kama motisha kama kuwa wa kwanza kubisha guy hii nje kama fursa hiyo inatoa yenyewe?

A. Stevenson

It is motivation for me. That’s why I train very hard. I know he’s large as well in his punch. And he wants to keep me pressured. I love this kind of style. And if he goes for 12 raundi Mimi niko tayari kwa ajili ya 12 raundi. I fight and spar. My fight is, akiwaacha na mafunzo kwa ajili ya 12 rounds.When mimi kupata katika pete, Mimi nina kuangalia kwa mtoano. I don’t look for the 12 pande zote. If he goes the distance or 12 raundi, this is not a problem. Siwezi sanduku. I’m beautiful. I got a good skill. I’m a Superman. Hivyo, it’s not a problem for me. Lakini, first I’m looking for a knockout. And I think any boxer going in the ring to fight always looks for a knockout. Wakati mwingine, it’s not like that. Lakini, me, Mimi nina kuangalia kwa mtoano. And Emanuel said knockouts sell.


You said that you weren’t impressed with Kovalev’s performance over Jean Pascal. Do you want to put on a better performance? Do you feel pressure to put on a better performance since you said that? What do you think about that?

A. Stevenson

I’m not going to put pressure on myself. “Superman” haina kuhisi shinikizo. Mimi nina kwenda kutumia ndondi yangu ujuzi, na mimi nina kwenda kutumia kichwa yangu katika pete. I don’t have to put pressure on something like that. I don’t feel like that. I’m the man. I’m the guy to get beat.


Ilikuwa Sakio Bika kwanza mpinzani wao inayotolewa na wewe?

A. Stevenson

Yeah, it was the first. He was the first to open. We’re happy, and we don’t have a problem. And I know Sakio he was light–hawana, super middleweight champion. It’s very good, kwa sababu yeye ni boxer nzuri. He was champion last two fights. That’s a good opportunity for him, pia, kwenda kutoka mwanga Heavyweight kupambana na mimi. And it’s a good opportunity for me, pia.


Nataka kuuliza katika hatua gani gani unajiuliza, “Nina kupambana,” au “Nataka kupambana Sergey Kovalev kuunganisha mikanda yote katika mgawanyiko.” At what point did you say that in your career?

A. Stevenson

I don’t think about Kovalev now. I think about Bika. It doesn’t matter what I said now because I have a fight coming up with Bika. Lakini, hakika mimi wanataka kupigana kwa ajili ya majina, lakini sasa–kwa sasa mimi nimepata Bika katika uso wangu.


You walikuwa si hisia na njia ambayo Kovalev inaonekana katika mapambano wiki nyingine dhidi ya Pascal. Kwa nini?

A. Stevenson

I’m not impressed by it because this is the first big fight Pascal had since Bernard and he fights one time a year before Bernard Hopkins. Hivyo, in four years he fights one time. Hivyo, hiyo ndiyo sababu mimi nina si hisia juu ya kwamba, kwa sababu Pascal si boxer kazi kama yeye kutumika kuwa nyuma katika siku.



Unajua kwamba Kovalev, because of the WBC is going to be mandatory. I want to know how hard will you press for that mandatory if you’re successful again.

A. Stevenson

Bila shaka, Najua. I’m ready to fight a title. Lakini, Mimi basi timu yangu, Al HAYMON, huduma ya juu kwamba. Then after that Kovalev we can unify the title. It’s not a problem for me because the two titles he gets now he gets Bernard Hopkins’ cheo, na mimi lazima kupambana Bernard Hopkins.


Hii ni kupambana na kwamba kinaendelea kuwa katika televisheni ya taifa nchini Marekani, free TV. Have you given any thought about the fact that you’ll be performing in front of an audience probably bigger than has ever seen you fight ever?

A. Stevenson

Bila shaka. This is a good opportunity for that. And first of all, Nataka kuwashukuru Al HAYMON kwa kuwa, pia, kwa sababu, that’s him putting on the show. And since Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard, back in the day it was free. Sasa, we offer the public the fight for free and that’s a great opportunity for me. Hivyo, I have a good performance for Sakio Bika. Lakini, I know Sakio Bika is a tough opponent and he’s very awkward and tough. We’ll prepare for that, na tuko tayari. Pia ni nzuri sana kwa ajili ya watoto wadogo, kuangalia mapambano. Ni fursa nzuri kwa kila mtu.


Pamoja na kwamba kubwa uwezo watazamaji kuangalia bila kuwa kuweka wewe katika nafasi ambapo wewe ni kuangalia kwa mtoano?

A. Stevenson

Bila shaka. That gives me a lot of motivation. That’s why I train really hard for this fight and watch–hivyo watu kuangalia mimi. Since Muhammad Ali, I’m the first to be poor and the projects. Hivyo, Mimi nina sana, furaha sana, and I’m going to put a good performance. Like Emanuel said, knockouts kuuza.


Adonis, ambapo ni wewe mafunzo ya wiki hii? Na kisha, wakati ni wewe kweli kwenda Quebec City?

A. Stevenson

You know I opened a new gym in Quebec City. This is a good opportunity for me to train in my hometown. This is the first time since 2011. Mimi naona mtoto wangu, pia. Hivyo, I love kwamba. And we train very hard, mimi na mkufunzi wangu. We put the hard work pay off. This is different. This is a good opportunity for me, na I love kwamba.


Hivyo, uko katika Quebec City sasa basi?

A. Stevenson

I’m in Montreal now. Quebec City, Mimi nina kwenda wiki hii.


Hivyo, lini wewe kweli kwenda Quebec City?

A. Stevenson



Tena, my question goes to Adonis. I just want to know if a knockout is the result that you absolutely need or would you be disappointed if you didn’t win by a knockout against Bika?

A. Stevenson

I know Bika is a tough opponent. Hivyo, Mimi nina tayari kwa ajili ya 12 raundi. Kama mtoano ni pale, it’s there. If it’s not, it’s not. Lakini, katika pete, Mimi nina kuangalia kwa mtoano. Hivyo, haijalishi kwa ajili yangu, but I’m always looking for the knockout. That’s a Kronk. The Kronk Gym and my team we’re looking for that. Since the Kronk it’s been a while. They’re always looking for the knockout. If you’re training in the Kronk Gym and any fighter is looking for the knockout.


Lakini, inaweza kuwa hatari kwa daima kuwa na kuangalia kwa mtoano kwa sababu basi kama huna kupata kwa haraka kama unataka basi unaweza kupata mbali na style yako ya ndondi. Is that something that worries you?

A. Stevenson

Tunaweza kwenda 12 pande zote. It’s not a problem for me. We train for that. We train for that. I can go 12 pande zote. And I’m from Kronk Gym, Detroit. And this place, tuna nzuri, mkufunzi nzuri kama Emanuel “Sugar” Hill. They know boxing. They teach me very well my skill and everything and my balance. They know boxing. And so, wao kujua kama mtoano si kuna, lakini sisi ni kwenda kufanya kazi. We’re going to use the good ability to go for 12 raundi. It’s not a problem.


Sakio, Mimi nataka tu kujua, jinsi gani kuhisi kwa ajili yenu katika kambi hii ya mafunzo ya kutoa mafunzo kwa mwanga Heavyweight kupambana baada ya kulazwa pretty much wasifu wako wote katika middleweight super?

S. Taurus

Najisikia ni changamoto mpya kwenda juu na kujaribu kupambana na ng'ombe kubwa. Wakati unaweza kuona regimen yangu, hakuna milele anataka kupambana na mimi. Ni mara zote kidogo vigumu kwa sababu watu hawataki kupambana na mimi. Kwangu mimi ni changamoto kubwa kwasababu Stevenson, Adonis ni bingwa kubwa na mimi nataka kuwa bingwa wa dunia katika maisha. Mimi nina uhakika sana mimi wanaweza kushughulikia yake. Na kuja Aprili 4, kwa sababu mimi na maandalizi mazuri, , kubwa kuachiliwa huru mpenzi, Mimi kuangalia tu kwa ajili ya kuona jinsi gani naweza kushughulikia ng'ombe kubwa. Adonis ni moja ya kwanza kwa mimi katika uzito huu, but I just feel confident, Najisikia chanya. Mimi niko tayari, unajua, kwenda huko na kuonyesha watu katika ulimwengu naweza kuwapiga Adonis Stevenson juu ya Aprili 4. I want to tell the big bull. I want to move up in light heavyweight division, naAprili 4 watu wanaenda kuwa kuona ni.


Je, uzito kujisikia vizuri kwa ajili yenu? Do you see yourself staying at light heavyweight?

S. Taurus

Najiona kama Heavyweight mwanga. Najiona katika mwanga Heavyweight kwa sababu unaweza kuona mabingwa wa dunia hivyo wengi. For me just it’s just a challenge. I want to challenge myself. Siwezi kufanya mwanga nzito rahisi. It would be a struggle to do super middleweight. Unajua, Siwezi kufanya mwanga Heavyweight kweli kwa urahisi. Mimi wanaweza kushughulikia ng'ombe kubwa, kwa sababu mimi kushughulikia kila mtu. This is a big opportunity for me to try to see if can I handle the big bull. I can handle Adonis. kama vile Aprili 4, I will try to test myself. You all ready? Mimi niko tayari. Nina maandalizi mazuri,. Sisi kutoa mafunzo kwa bidii sana kwa vita hii. Mimi nina kuangalia tu kuja Quebec na kuchukua huduma ya biashara.


Wakati huo huo walikuwa katika Sergey Kovalev / Jean Pascal kupambana, na wewe akaenda juu ya HBO maoni wakati, Bernard Hopkins, and you told him that you guarantee that you will fight Sergey Kovalev. I wanted to see what your answer was to what you think of Sergey Kovalev and his performance Jumamosiusiku michache iliyopita mwishoni mwa wiki.

A. Stevenson

Pascal Haijalishi sasa kwa sababu tunazungumzia Bika. Mimi kwenda kupambana Aprili 4 na Bika. Ni jambo ngumu sana kuhusu Bika na Kovalev si mtu sasa wakati mimi nadhani kuhusu kupambana na Kovalev na Pascal na kisha baada ya mimi alisema, “Naam, yeah, Mimi nina kwenda kupigana.” He’s not a person for me now. The person now is Bika.


You uhakika kwamba mapambano yako ya pili itakuwa dhidi ya Kovalev nyuma katika Mei ya mwaka jana baada ya 12 rounds against Fonfara. You beat Fonfara.

A. Stevenson

You can’t guarantee. It’s not working like that. It’s not football. It’s not hockey. And one punch can change anything. So now I got Bika in my face, na mimi nina sana ililenga na Bika, because I know this guy gives problems to all the champions. He was champion. And I know this fighter is tough.

L. Milner

Okay. Gentlemen, thank you so much for your time. I think this call really set in motion a great week and a half heading into the fight. Hivyo, thank you so much. We’re going to switch over to Mr. Beterbiev.

Artur Beterbiev

Mimi kama mafunzo yangu, and I am training hard. And it was all planned. Hivyo, wote wakaenda kulingana na mpango. Ni mpinzani kubwa. Siwezi kusubiri kuwa kupambana na kwamba.


Artur, you defeated Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. What do you think of him as far as a professional opponent right now?

A. Beterbiev

Kwa kutilia maanani kauli yake yote yeye hivi karibuni zinazozalishwa, Ningependa kukutana naye na kumtia nyuma katika nafasi yake katika mtaalamu.


Unakumbuka nini juu yake kama guy ambaye ni kupambana na wewe? What do you remember?

A. Beterbiev

Nina kumbukumbu nzuri sana. Hivyo, Sikuweza kumpiga mara mbili katika safu amateur, lakini nina umakini zaidi juu ya mustakabali sasa hivi. Ningependa kumpiga tena.


Artur, unaweza kueleza jinsi kujisikia kazi yako ni kwenda katika hatua hii?

A. Beterbiev

Mimi kama njia Nimekuwa wakiongozwa katika kazi yangu ya kitaaluma. Mimi nina mafunzo ya kila siku na kufanya kazi ya kila siku na daima kufikiria juu ya kwamba. Mimi siku zote kujaribu kuboresha na kuboresha sehemu zangu si kwamba nguvu, as part of my preparation.I’m not a future teller. Hivyo, I’m ready to meet all the solid opponents. And I’m ready for the championship of the world, na mimi niko tayari kwa ajili ya kesi yoyote mazingira.


Je, kuna maslahi yoyote katika wewe mapigano mshindi wa Stevenson / Bika?

A. Beterbiev

Mimi naweza kupambana mtu yeyote.


Unafikiri ya Campillo na aina gani ya changamoto haina Campillo inatoa na wewe kwa sababu ana uzoefu sana kitaalamu zaidi kuliko ana?

A. Beterbiev

Ndiyo, I have a lot of respect for Campillo because he’s very experienced. For sure he has more experience than I do. He has experience winning and losing, na yeye mpinzani imara, lakini mapambano kinaendelea kuonyesha kama lugha yake ya kikazi inaweza kumsaidia katika vita hii.


Je, kujifunza kutoka kwa knockdown?


I don’t think that was a knockdown. I just lost my balance for an instant. I recovered right away instantly. But I still think that this is a good lesson for me for this not to happen in the future. And I’m going to try to avoid any dangerous situations in my future.


Unaonaje Campillo, aina gani ya mpiganaji ni yeye, na kuna sehemu yoyote ya mtindo wake–mambo yoyote ya mtindo wake ambayo inaweza kuwa inatia mashaka?

A. Beterbiev

Hii ni imara opponent.He ya kazi vizuri sana, very experienced at attack. He’s very experienced at defense. kupambana na ni kwenda kuonyesha nini kinaendelea kutokea.

L. Milner

Okay, kubwa. Asante. Asante, Artur. Thanks everybody for being on. A special thanks to the media. This is a great show Aprili 4 mara kwa mara CBS, PBC on CBS right from Quebec City. Hivyo, asante sana na kuwa na siku kubwa.


# # #


PBC juu ya CBS, kichwa na mwanga Heavyweight michuano ya dunia mapambano kati ya Stevenson na Bika, ni Kukuzwa na Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) na kuwasilishwa na Videotron na kwa kushirikiana na mise-O-jeu.
Tiketi ni juu ya kuuza sasa katika Pepsi Coliseum sanduku ofisi katika Quebec, kwa kupiga (418) 691-7211 au (800) 900-7469, online saa, katika GYM (514) 383-0666 na Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Bei ya tiketi mbalimbali kutoka $25 kwa $250 juu ya sakafu.

Kwa habari zaidi tembelea na, kufuata juu ya Twitter katikaSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman NaSakio_Bika, kufuata mazungumzo kwa kutumia #StevensonBika, kuwa shabiki juu ya Facebook au kutembelea Showtime Boxing Blog katika

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