33rd annual Ring 8 Holiday Event & Anugrah Upacara Dec. 8 ing New York

Amanda Serrano, Adam Kownacki, Iran Barkley, Junior Jones and Tim Witherspoon among 2019 major award winners

NEW YORK (November 11, 2019) – The 33rd annual Ring 8 Holiday Event and Awards Ceremony will be held Sunday afternoon (12:30-5:30 P.M. Lan), Desember 8, ing Russo On The Bay Howard Beach, New York.

Ring 8 wis announced sawijining 2019 pemenang penghargaan (ndeleng dhaftar lengkap ngisor), headlined by Fighter of the Decade Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (37-1-1, 27 KOs), of Brooklyn by way of Puerto Rico; undefeated heavyweight contender (Fighter of the Year) Adam “Babyface” Kownacki (20-0, 15 KOs), of Brooklyn by way of Poland; Legend Award winners three-time, three division world champion Iran “The Blade” Barkley (43-19,1 27 KOs), saka Bronx, and two-time, two-division world champion Junior “Poison” Jones (50-6, 28 KOs), Brooklyn; and two-time world heavyweight champion “Terrible” Tim Witherspoon (55-13-1, 28 KOs), Philadelphia, the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award winner.

2019 RING 8 Award Winners

Fighter saka Decade ing:  Amanda Serrano

Fighter of the Year: Adam Kownacki

Legends Award:  Iran Barkley & Junior Jones,

Muhammad Ali HumanitarianTim Lawler

Sam Kellerman Media Award Gerry Pitulung & Randy Gordon

Long & Meritorious Service:  Daryl Peoples

Uncrowned Champion: John Capobianco

Prospek of the Year: Left “2 Gunz” Gonzalez

Member of the Year:  James Monteverde

NYS Official of the Year:  Waleska Roldan

Trainer of the Year: Scott Lopeck

Manager of the YearKeith Connolly

Komunitas Service Award:  Michael Corleone

Amateur of the YearNisa Rodriguez

Amatir Official of the Year: Michael “Biggie” O’Conner

Good Guy Award:  Peter Frutkoff

The famous Jack Johnson Exhibit will be on display, Gerry Cooney will conducted a book signing and special guests will also be on hand.

David Diamante will once again serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.

Tiket sing $125.00 include a complete brunch with cocktail hour upon entry, ngiring dening lelenggahan ing upacara Anugrah, nedha bengi lan panganan cuci mulut, lan ndhuwur-beting mbukak bar saindhenging afternoon. Ana uga bakal lelangan bisu Kenangan boxing. This event is expected to sell-out and everybody is urged to purchase tickets as soon as possible to secure favorable seating. Donations of any denomination are welcome for those unable to attend the festivities.

Program ads are available for Back Cover ($500.00), Inside Front or Back Cover ($400.00), Full Page ($200.00), Setengah-Page ($100.00), lan Quarter-Page ($60.00). The deadline for all ads is November 24, 2019.  All checks for tickets or journal ads should be payable to Ring 8 (credit cards are acceptable).  Checks and journal ads should be mailed to Ring 8, P.O. Kothak 89, Massapequa Park, NY 11762

For additional information about Ring 8 utawa sawijining Events Holiday taunan lan Anugrah Upacara, contact Ring 8 president Charflie Norkus (516.781.3065 or Bob Duffy (516.313.2304), or go online towww.Ring8ny.com kanggo informasi sing luwih.

Russo kang Ing Bay dumunung ing 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. Howard Beach (718.843.5055).

ABOUT RING 8:  Kawangun ing 1954 dening Ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 became the eighth subsidiary of what was then known as the National Veteran Boxers Association — hence, RING “8″ — and today the organization’s motto remains: Boxers Ngewangi Petinju Amérika Sarékat.

RING 8 wis kebak setya ndhukung wong kurang Begja ing masyarakat boxing sing uga mbutuhake pitulungan ing syarat-syarat mbayar sewa, medical expenses, utawa apa wae justifiable perlu.

Pindhah ing bariswww.Ring8ny.com kanggo katrangan luwih bab RING 8, klompok paling gedhé saka sawijining jinis ing Amerika Serikat karo luwih saka 350 anggota. Iuran anggota taunan mung $30.00 lan saben anggota wis anduweni hak nedha bengi prasmanan ing RING 8 rapat-rapat saben wulan, excluding July and August. All active boxers, amatir lan profesional, sing anduweni menyang RING tambahan 8 yearly membership. Guests of Ring 8 anggota olèh ing biaya mung $7.00 saben wong.

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