Top boxing judge Steve Weisfeld & Popular New York welterweight Johnny Turner Ring 8 Guest Speakers Tuesday, Aprel 18

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NYU YORK (Aprel 7, 2017) – One of the most respected boxing judges, Steve Weisfeld, and popular retired New York welterweight Johnny Turner will be Ring 8’s guest speakers at its April meeting, Tuesday night, Aprel 18 (7 p.m. VA start) at O’Neill’s Restaurant, da joylashgan 64-21 53rd Drive, Maspeth, NY 11378.
We are delighted to have both Steve Weisfeld and Johnny Turner appear as guest speakers at our next meeting,” Ring 8 prezident Jack Hirsch dedi. “Weisfeld is one of the best judges in the sport having worked some of the biggest fights. With all the controversial decisions we have seen over the years, it will be fascinating to hear Weisfeld’s take on things.
Johnny Turner was one of the most charismatic boxers on the New York scene in the 1970’s and 80’s. He also had a part in the movie, Raging Bull. It will conjure up a lot of warm memories hearing him reminisce about his career.
A native of New Jersey, Weisfeld has judged more than 1,200 fights during his 25-yeear-old career, including numerous world championships all over the world. His last was the world middleweight championship bout at Madison Square Garden between Gennadiy “GGG” Golovkin va Daniel Jacobs.
Turner (42-6-2, 32 KOS) was a staple on the New York boxing scene from 1979 uchun 1984. The Brooklyn welterweight fought just about everywhere in New York, including the famed Madison Square Garden and legendary Sunnyside Garden in Queens. His most notable opponent was future Hall of Famer Wilfredo Benitez, who became a three-division world champion.
Haqida RING 8: Ring 8 Milliy Veteran Bokschilarimizning uyushmasi deb nomlanuvchi nima sakkizinchi yordamchi bo'ldi – shuning uchun, RING 8 – va bugun tashkilotning shiori bo'lib qolmoqda: Ravishda kutib Helping Bokschilarimizning.
RING 8 to'liq to'lab ijaraga jihatidan yordam talab qilishi mumkin boks hamjamiyatida kamroq baxtli odamlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun harakat qilmoqda, tibbiy xarajatlar, yoki har qanday asosli sabab ehtiyoj.
Liniyasi bo'yicha Go to RING haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 8, ko'proq bilan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari o'z turiga eng katta guruh 350 a'zolari. Yillik a'zolik to'lov faqat $30.00 va har bir a'zo va RING bir bufet kechki ovqat huquqiga ega 8 oylik uchrashuvlar, iyul va avgust tashqari. Barcha faol bokschilar, havaskor va professional, a joriy boks bo'yicha litsenziya yoki kitob bilan bepul fikrlovchilarning huquqiga ega 8 yillik a'zolik. Ring Mehmonlar 8 a'zolari faqat bir xarajat xush kelibsiz $7.00 kishi boshiga.

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