Yorliq Archives: Qabih Amidu

Hugo RUIZ ESPN shanba kuni Premer boks chempionlar SUPER BANTAMWEIGHT DUNYo TITLE kurashgan Julio Sezar CEJA urushlar, AUG. 29 Los Anjeles STAPLES MARKAZI From 10 P.M. QILISh / 7 P.M. PT

Undercard Harakat Full Night Meksika Star Alfredo Angulo Xususiyatlar & Mahalliy Favorites Alejandro Luna, Jessie Roman & Paul Mendez
Los Angeles (Avgust 20, 2015) – Meksika davlat-Perforatörler Hugo Ruiz (35-2, 30 KOS) va Julio Sezar Ceja (28-1, 26 KOS) uchun televidenieda ochishi kabi super bantamweight dunyo huquq o'yinda off kvadrat Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) bo'yicha ESPN va ESPN bo'yicha Shanba, Avgust 29 STAPLES markazi Los Anjeles da boshlangan 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT.
kechqurun asosiy voqea mag'lub ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni o'rtasida orziqib kutilgan tuklar hesaplaşmaya xususiyatlari Sher “Zilzila” Santa Cruz (30-0-1, 17 KOS) va sobiq uch-bo'limi jahon chempioni Abnur Mares (29-1-1, 15 KOS).
Bundan tashqari, boks, bu buyuk kechaning bir qismi mashhur Meksika yulduz bo'ladi, deb xususiyatli Alfred “It” Angulo (23-5, 19 KOS), a o'rta Butning qarshi kim kurashadi Hector Munoz (23-15-1, 14 KOS).
Bundan tashqari, yuqori istiqbollari bir qator mahalliy Sevimlilar, shu jumladan xususiyatli bo'ladi Alejandro Luna (18-0, 13 KOS) kim urushlar Qabih Amidu (19-7-2, 17 KOS) 10-dumaloq engil jalb, Jessie Roman (19-2, 9 KOS) kim oladi Hector Serrano (17-4, 5 KOS) sakkiz doira ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jangda va Paul Mendez (19-2-2, 9 KOS) kim qarshi off maydonlar Saralegui andrik (19-2, 15 KOS) super o'rta harakatlar 10-turda.
25-yoshli argentinalik ko'rasiz keyingi harakat Brian Castano (12-0, 9 KOS) Domincan Respublika qarshi o'rta amalda Jonathan Batista (14-6, 7 KOS), plus uning ukasi, 22-yoshda Alan Castano (8-0, 5 KOS) 23 yoshli Michigan tug'ilgan kuni olib Thomas Howard (8-4, 4 KOS) olti davra o'rta Butning ichida. Harakat yaxlitlash 25 yoshli featuring jang bo'ladi Entoni Flores (8-0, 5 KOS) chiqib Los Anjeles 32 yoshli Nyu-Yorker olib Curtis Morton (3-4-3) a ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jangda, va Leo Santa Cruz amakivachchalari of pro debyut Antonio Santa Cruz kim oladi Ishayo Najera(0-1)to'rt dumaloq bantamweight Butning ichida.
Sinaloa Meksika orqali A 28 yoshli kurash, Ruiz to'rt kurash g'alaba tasma va g'olibi sifatida bu kurashni kiradi 26 Uning oxirgi 27 jang. U Jean Sampson sevadi ustidan g'alaba sohibi, Yilda boshlangan bir pro martaba davomida Yonfrez PAREJO va Francisco Arce 2006. U eng oxirgi noyabr oyida Karlos Medellin elendikçe 2014 va uning U.S qilish bo'ladi. debyut Avgust 29.
22 yoshli Ceja ketma-ket besh-jang qo'lga kiritdi va bu dunyo nom imkoniyat eng qilish izlaydi. Atizapan de Saragosa chiqib qiruvchi, Meksika uning U.S qiladi. debyuti Avgust 29 va shu yilning mart oyida Oskar Blanquet ustidan g'alaba off keladi. U Iso Acosta pastga o'tdi, A pro Xuan Xose Montes va Henry Maldonado.
Monterrey'dan yilda tug'ilgan A qattiq kurash Meksika jangchi, Baja Kaliforniya, Meksika lekin Coachella chiqib jang, Calif., Uning Janubiy Kaliforniya muxlislari oldida yana bir yirik g'alaba izlab Angulois. Sport eng yaxshi qarshi har doim tayyor, 33 yoshli dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ba'zi barmog'i-to-oyoq ketdi va Gabriel Rosado ustidan g'alabalari nokaut ushlab oldi, Joachim Alcine va Joel Julio eng so'nggi iyun oyida Delray Raines ustidan nokaut g'alaba daromad esa. U Albuquerque chiqib urushqoq Munoz oladi, Nyu-Meksiko.
Faqat 23-yoshda, Lunahas allaqachon birga ta'sirchan qo'yish 18 Pro o'girilib buyon professional g'alaba 2010. Bellflower chiqib jang, Kaliforniya, u eng so'nggi iyun oyida sakkiz turdan ortiq sobiq jahon chempioni Kristobal Cruz mag'lub. Uning oxirgi to'qqiz muxoliflari olti chiqib Taqillatib vaqt oldin u tajribali jangchilar Daniel Attah va Serxio Rivera ustida birgalikda g'alaba qo'yish edi. U o'z ona Gana yo'li bilan Los Anjeles chiqib jang tajribali 30 yoshli Amidu oladi.
5 A baland engil″10″, 24 yoshli Roman o'zining uchinchi to'g'ri g'oliblik uchun ko'rinadiAvgust 29. Yaqin Santa Asosiy chiqib jang, Kaliforniya, Roman, bu yil Janubiy Kaliforniyada ikki marta qo'lga kiritdi allaqachon qildi, Donald Ward va Evincii Dikson ustida sakkiz-dumaloq qarorlar bir juft topish. U Huntingon Beach chiqib 30 yoshli Serrano oladi, Besh kurash g'alaba tasma bu kurashni kiradi Kaliforniya.
Boshqa bir mahalliy kelajak, Delano chiqib jang, Kaliforniya, U tarafidagi olganda 26 yoshli Mendez uning oltinchi to'g'ri g'oliblik uchun ko'rinadi Avgust 29. U David Alonso Lopez ortiq g'alabalari off bu kurashda keladi, Santiago Perez, Raul Casarez va Ernesto Berrospe ikki marta. U Los Mochis chiqib Saralegui bo'yicha o'tadi, Meksika.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.staplescenter.comva www.TGBPromotions.com. TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions VaSwanson_Comm va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter vawww.facebook.com/ESPN. #PBConESPN Yordamida suhbat qiling.




Takroriy Catch Dushanba, Jan. 12 da 10 p.m. VA/Showtime On PT EXTREME®

Bosing Bu Yerga Rasmlar Yuklab uchun

Kredit: Ester Lin / kvplt_fan®


CABAZON, Calif. (Jan. 9, 2015) – Undefeated prospect Ivan Redkach (18-0, 14 KOS) was impressive in a sixth-round knockout victory over Qabih Amidu (19-6-2, 17 KOS), who failed to get off his stool following the sixth round in Juma ning main event of ShoBox: Yangi avlod ushbudan boshlab: Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa Cabazon ichida, Calif.


Working for the first time with new trainer Robert Garcia, REDK, of Los Angeles by way of Ukraine, started out slow as he found his range, with the durable Amidu handling his power in the opening rounds. Sherzod, of Los Angeles by way of Ghana, started slow but picked up the pace in the fourth and then was docked a point by referee Ray Corona for repeated low blows in the fifth.


Sherzod, who had never been knocked down in 26 professional jang, suffered two knockdowns in the sixth, with the first coming after a quick right followed by a hard left and the second after an onslaught of power punches. Amidu barely beat the count both times, but he simply couldn’t handle the power of Redkach, kim qo'ndi 45 Uning kuchi musht foizi.


“I was getting ready to knock him out,” Redkach said. “I was going to finish him before his corner stopped the fight. I would have finished him in the next round.


“I hadn’t been in the ring for sixth months, so I had to feel him out in the beginning before we attacked,” said Redkach. “That was the game plan with Robert Garcia. I was in perfect physical condition. I will be a world champion very soon. That is my dream.”


Amidu complained that a leg injury was the reason he quit on his stool.


“I hurt my knee in the last round when I fell on it,” Amidu said. “I was OK after the knockdown, but when I stood up I felt something in my knee. I didn’t stop fighting because of the punches; I stopped because I hurt my knee.”


While Amidu complained of a hurt knee after the fight, the California State Athletic Commission stated that the bout was stopped due to punches. By rule, the commission rules that a knockout.


SHOWTIME Analyst Steve Farhood was impressed by Redkach, who has been labeled by many boxing pundits as a hot prospect to watch.


“It was a very impressive victory because Amidu had never been down and had fought much better opposition,"Farhood dedi. “It’s not that Redkach beat him, it’s the way he beat him. When Redkach debuted on ShoBox we billed him as a lightweight terror and he didn’t really fight that way. But tonight he fought smart and in the sixth round the terror came out. He showed he had legitimate power.”


CO-xususiyati, undefeated junior middleweight prospect Alantez “SlyAza” Fox, of Forestville, MD, kept his undefeated record intact with an eight-round majority decision victory over previously unbeaten Patrik Day, yozildi 76-76, 78-74, 80-72.


Tulki (14-0-1, 4 KOS), who is 6-foot-5, was able to keep Day at distance with his highly effective jab, averaging 54 jabs a round with a total of 436 jabs thrown in just eight rounds. Day (9-1, 5 KOS), who went past six rounds for the first time in his career, wasn’t able to come forward and looked frustrated in later rounds as he entered unchartered territory.


“I was able to land my jab,” said the 22-year-old Fox. “I kept moving and was able to stay off the ropes. I kept him on the outside with my jabs and movement. That definitely was the advantage that I had over him in the fight. It wasn’t just my height that worked; it was my movement and range.


“I was anxious before the fight, but once I was in the ring I settled down,” said Fox, who was making his SHOWTIME debut. “I’m very thankful for the opportunity and am very excited for big things to come.”


Day seemed frustrated with the decision saying, “I think I did enough to win. I think that I landed the better, harder, Silvaning o'rta vazn toifasidagi hukmronligi ilgari noma'lum bo'lgan Kris Veydman kelib, hech qanday qo'rquvni ko'rsatmay, Silva bilan kurash olib borganida tugadi., more effective punches. I thought that’s how professional boxing is scored, but I guess not tonight. His height wasn’t a huge issue because I still think I won, but it was definitely an obstacle.”


In ShoBox: Yangi avlod opening bout, 2012 Marhamatli Ievgen “Ukrainian Lion” Khytrov (8-0, 8 KOS) remained undefeated with a dominating third-round technical knockout victory over outmatched Maurice “The Natural” Louishomme (8-1-1, 4 KOS).


Khytrov, Bruklinning, N.Y., Ukraina orqali, controlled the fight from the outset, lighting up Louishomme, Kolorado Springs, Colo., with aggressive right hands and uppercuts to the body that sent Louishomme staggering on multiple occasions in a fight that was entirely one-sided.


Khytrov was highly accurate, qo'nish 53 Uning kuchi musht foizi, 51 percent of his jabs and 52 Uning umumiy musht foizi. Referee Ray Corona stopped the fight just 24 seconds into the third round after a hard right from Khytrov sent Louishomme’s mouthpiece flying for the third time and awarded Khytrov the technical knockout.


“I was just concentrating and trying to get some work in,” Khytrov said. “I wasn’t in there just looking for the knockout. I was looking for chances, but I wasn’t going to force it. The plan was to get some rounds in and really start pushing in the fourth.


“I’m ready to take on anyone. It’s been hard to get fights, but we’re just going to go home and prepare for the next one.”