الوسم المحفوظات: مصارعة

تم تعيين البطل الأولمبي وبطل UFC دانيال كورمير رئيسًا فخريًا لكأس العالم للمصارعة في لوس أنجلوس, يونيو 11-12

دانيال كورمييه, أولمبي مرتين في المصارعة الحرة للرجال وبطل UFC الحالي للوزن الخفيف الثقيل, سيكون بمثابة الرئيس الفخري لـ 2016 كأس العالم للمصارعة الحرة, المحددة للمنتدى في لوس أنجلوس, يونيو 11-12.

سيدعم كورمير الجهود الترويجية لكأس العالم (wrestlingworldcup.com) وتشجيع الجمهور على الخروج لمشاهدة الحدث, والتي ستعرض أفضل ثمانية دول حرة للرجال.

الولايات المتحدة. سيشمل فريق كأس العالم الستة كل من 2016 الامريكى. المصارعين الأولمبيين. العديد من الدول الأخرى سوف تشمل أيضًا 2016 الرياضيون الأولمبيون في قوائمهم.

"إنها فرصة عظيمة. يمكنك رؤية اللاعبين في المراحل الأخيرة من تحضيرهم. خلال سنوات خارج الألعاب الأولمبية, قد ترى الرجال الذين لم يبلغوا ذروتهم. هذا في المرحلة التي بلغوا فيها ذروتهم للألعاب الأولمبية, قبل شهرين من المسابقة. سيكون المصارعون الأجانب أيضًا في حالة الذروة. لن تتمكن فقط من رؤية شبابنا في أفضل حالاتهم, لكن يمكنك رؤيتهم يتنافسون ضد بعض من أفضل المصارعين في العالم في ذروتهم. من النادر جدًا أن نحصل على هذا النوع من الفرص هنا في الولايات المتحدة,قال كورمير.

هذه هي السنة الثالثة على التوالي التي تقام فيها نهائيات كأس العالم في لوس أنجلوس واستضافتها المنتدى. ينضم كورمير إلى اثنين من المصارعين السابقين الآخرين والشخصيات العامة الكبرى الذين عملوا كرئيس فخري لكأس العالم.

في 2014, كان الممثل الحائز على جائزة بيلي بالدوين هو الرئيس الفخري. في 2015, ستيفن نيل, مصارع بطل العالم وبطل سوبر بول ثلاث مرات مع NFL New England Patriots, شغل منصب الرئيس الفخري.

كان كورمير يتمتع بمهنة ناجحة في المصارعة الحرة الدولية. وكان عضوا في ل 2004 الامريكى. المنتخب الاولمبي, التي تنافست في أثينا, اليونان, فضلا عن 2008 الامريكى. المنتخب الاولمبي, التي تنافست في بكين, الصين. احتل كورمير المركز الرابع في 2004 مهرجان المباريات الأولمبية. وكان 2007 الحائز على الميدالية البرونزية العالمية والمركز الخامس في 2003 بطولات العالم. تصارع على ست مباريات متتالية في الولايات المتحدة. فرق عالمية أو أولمبية, وفاز بستة أمريكية متتالية. فتح الألقاب الوطنية.

كورمييه, الذي يتابع المصارعة الدولية عن كثب على الرغم من جدول أعماله المزدحم كلاعب رياضي UFC ومعلق تلفزيوني, متحمس بشأن الولايات المتحدة. الفريق الذي سينافس في كأس العالم وفي الألعاب الأولمبية.

"لدينا فريق رائع هذا العام. فرصة رؤيتهم على الهواء مباشرة هو شيء لا يمكنك استعادته بعد زواله. لدينا أحد أفضل الفرق الأولمبية التي كانت لدينا منذ فترة طويلة,قال كورمير.

مواطن من لافاييت, ال., كان كورمير بطلًا وطنيًا مرتين في NJCAA Junior College لـ Colby CC في كانساس. ذهب إلى ولاية أوكلاهوما, حيث احتل المركز الثاني في 2001 NCAA Div. أنا البطولات, التنافس على البطل الأولمبي مرتين جون سميث.

يتدرب كورمير البالغ من العمر 37 عامًا في أكاديمية الكيك بوكسينغ الأمريكية في سان خوسيه جنبًا إلى جنب مع زملائه المتميزين في UFC مثل كاين فيلاسكيز ولوك روكهولد. منذ انتقاله إلى كاليفورنيا, لقد تأثر بجودة المصارعة وثقافة الرياضة في الولاية.

"المصارعة في كاليفورنيا ضخمة. تستقطب بطولات الولاية أعدادًا هائلة. لدي نادي مصارعة شباب, وفي نهاية كل أسبوع, نحن نصارع في بطولات ضخمة. يصارع الأطفال خمسة, ست مرات في نهاية الأسبوع. في منطقة لوس أنجلوس, هذا هو صفقة كبيرة, ليتمكن الناس من رؤية المصارعة على هذا المستوى العالي. آخر مرة كنت في كأس العالم في المنتدى, كان رائع. يمكنك أن تشعر بتاريخ المبنى. خرج الفريق وقدم أداءً رائعاً. سيكون حشد كبير. يجب ألا يفوت الناس هذه الفرصة لرؤية الأفضل في العالم,قال كورمير.

فاز Cormier بميدالية فضية في 2005 كأس العالم الذي أقيم في طشقند, أوزبكستان.

"إن تاريخ الحدث هو ما يجعله مميزًا. يعود تاريخه بقدر ما أتذكر. فاز بعض أعظم المصارعين الأمريكيين بكأس العالم. إنه حدث مرموق للغاية. كأس العالم يختلف عن الأحداث الدولية الأخرى. إنه يعيدك إلى أيامك في مصارعة المدرسة الثانوية ومصارعة الكلية عندما تتصارع في لقاء مزدوج. نتيجتك تؤثر بشكل مباشر على الفريق وقدرته على الفوز. لقد تصارعت في كأس العالم مرة واحدة فقط, مع ست سنوات في الفريق العالمي وثماني سنوات في المنتخب الوطني. لقد كانت تجربة كبيرة,قال كورمير.

إنه متحمس لتلك المصارعة, رياضته المفضلة, سيُعرض مرة أخرى في لوس أنجلوس, الولايات المتحدة. مدينة العطاء ل 2024 مهرجان المباريات الأولمبية. بعد أن كان في فريقين أولمبيين (2004 في أثينا و 2008 في بكين), كان كورمير يرى استضافة الألعاب الأولمبية في الولايات المتحدة مرة أخرى.

"لوس أنجلوس الآن مدينة رياضية رائعة. ستظهر كأس العالم أن الرياضات الأولمبية يمكن أن تجتذب الناس. لم يكن لدينا أولمبياد في لوس أنجلوس منذ ذلك الحين 1984. إذا عادت الألعاب الأولمبية إلى لوس أنجلوس, سيكون رائعا. لوس أنجلوس مدينة ضخمة, مدينة رياضية. الناس في لوس أنجلوس سيحبونها. هذه فرصة لإظهار أن المدينة يمكن أن تستضيف منافسة على المستوى الأولمبي وأن تكون ناجحة. لوس أنجلوس متنوعة للغاية. لديك الجميع في لوس أنجلوس. لديك الكثير من الثقافات المختلفة في منطقة لوس أنجلوس,قال كورمير.

برع كورمير في مسيرته في فنون القتال المختلطة, تجميع مثير للإعجاب 17-1 سجل أثناء التنافس على الوزن الثقيل وخفيف الوزن الثقيل.

لن يتمكن كورمير من حضور كأس العالم هذا العام بسبب التدريب. يستعد Cormier حاليًا لقتال بطولة UFC للوزن الثقيل الخفيف ضد Jon “Bones” Jones في UFC 200, الذي سيعقد في لاس فيغاس, نيفادا. في يوليو 9. هذه معركة ضخمة, حيث احتفظ كل من هؤلاء المصارعين السابقين بحزام لقب UFC خلال مسيرتهم المهنية. فاز جونز على كورمير في معركته السابقة الوحيدة بالقرار, مباراة عنوان خلال UFC 182 في يناير 3, 2015.

"التحضير يسير بشكل رائع. لقد كان لدي إد روث في معسكر تدريب للمصارعة, ديرون وين في معسكر تدريب للمصارعة. لدي طفل من ولاية آيوا قادم ليصارع أيضًا. أنا أتصارع مع أفضل اللاعبين الذين يمكنني أن أجدهم لمحاكاة جون جونز. (Khadjimurad) كان جاتسالوف الروسي أفضل مصارع قاومته على الإطلاق, لكنه لم يكن لديه نوع الأسلوب والقدرة غير التقليدية لجونز. إد روث سلكي, مصارع صعب. أنا أحضر الرجال الذين يمكنهم أن يعطيني هذا الشعور. لقد تفوقت على القتال الأخير. دفعني على السياج وأنزلني مرتين أو ثلاث مرات. هذا لا يحدث مرة أخرى,قال كورمير.

ساعد كورمير في كأس العالم في لوس أنجلوس في الماضي, بمثابة الفخرية الأمريكية. قائد الفريق في 2014, الجلوس بجانب حصيرة الفريق وتقديم الدعم للرياضيين والمدربين.

كأس العالم هي بطولة دولية ثنائية للقاءات السنوية, حيث ستتنافس أفضل ثمانية فرق حرة للرجال ضد بعضها البعض. في 2016 كأس العالم, ستنضم الولايات المتحدة (أبجديا): أذربيجان, جورجيا, الهند, إيران, منغوليا, روسيا وتركيا. سيتم الإعلان عن تشكيلات المنتخبات السبعة الأخرى في كأس العالم قريبًا.

من المقرر أن تواجه الولايات المتحدة إيران, أذربيجان والهند في منافسة المجموعة الثانية. تتصدر روسيا عناوين الأخبار الصعبة من المجموعة الأولى التي تضم جورجيا أيضًا, تركيا ومنغوليا.

يمكن للحاضرين شراء تذاكر المنافسة الدولية الشهيرة من خلال Ticketmaster.

جدول كأس العالم للمصارعة فري ستايل

السبت, يونيو 11

الجلسة الأولى - الجولة 1 & 2 حمامات السباحة (3 مساءا - 7:30 عصرا.)

الأحد, يونيو 12

الجلسة الثانية - الجولة 3 حمامات السباحة, 5عشر & 7مباريات المركز (11 صباحا -2:30 عصرا.)

الجلسة الثالثة - مباراة تحديد المركز الثالث, تليها مباراة تحديد المركز الأول (5 مساءا - 7:30 عصرا.)

القبول العام لكل من السبت و الأحد الجلسات فقط $60 إجمالي أو $35 لأيام فردية. تتوفر خيارات الجلوس المفضلة لـ $85 لكليهما السبت و الأحد, أو $55 بشكل فردي.



في مايو 4, the world lost an incredibly talented mixed martial artist and an even better human being with the passing of Jordan Parsons. اليوم, Bellator MMA has committed to ensuring that his legacy lives on in the form of a yearly scholarship toPretty Boy’sfavorite wrestling camp. With the newly-announced Jordan Parsons Scholarship Fund, Bellator will annually send a young wrestler toThe J Robinson Intensive Wrestling Campwhere Parsons honed his skills.

“Jordan Parsons was an integral part of the Bellator family and his devastating loss is one that we are all continuing to mourn,"قال الرئيس Bellator سكوت كوكر. “In collaborating with Jordan’s family, we are very proud to announce this scholarship program in his name. We are hopeful that the future recipients of this scholarship will be afforded a wrestling education and honor Parson’s name by embodying the passion and intensity that he had for this sport and life in general.”

في 2007, a 16-year-old Jordan Parsons spent two weeks at the J Robinson Intensive Wrestling Camp, which offers several locations across the country taught by University of Minnesota Head Coach J Robinson.

“We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jordan Parsons,” said Robinson. “We are humbled and honored that the Parsons family and Bellator have committed to send a deserving wrestler to one of our Camps. We will work as hard as we can at helping that wrestler reach their goals and create a positive change in their life, while honoring Jordan’s memory.”

“I couldn’t be more grateful for all of the support that Scott Coker and Bellator are providing with this scholarship fund,” said Parson’s mother Anna Morsaw. “This camp really helped Jordan develop into a better wrestler, and more importantly a better young man. He came home with J Robinsons ‘Never Quit, Never Give up’ mentality engrained in him. he learned to set goals, reach his goals and then set new goals. Bellator is doing their part to make Jordan a legend, and that’s what he always wanted.”

Details on how to apply for the scholarship will be announced in the near future.

USA Junior stars Fix, ماكي, Hall and Valencia to wrestle Iranians at Beat the Streets “United In The Square,” in Times Square on May 19


UWW Junior National champs Daton Fix, Mitchell McKee, Mark Hall & Zahid Valencia face Iranian freestyle opponents in first international age-group bouts in Times Square

نيويورك, مايو 11, 2016 – The four Junior match-ups between the United States and Iran in freestyle wrestling have been finalized for the 2016 Beat the Streets international competition, which returns to New York City’s Times Square on الخميس, مايو 19.

This will feature talented stars from the USA and Iran in the UWW Junior age-group level, which is between 17-20 سنة. It will be historic, as the first international age-group matches featured in a Beat the Streets event in Times Square.

All four of the U.S. wrestlers competing in Times Square were champions at their weight classes at the recent UWW Junior Nationals held in Las Vegas, نيفادا., أبريل 29-30. This includes one college wrestling star and three of the nation’s best high school talents.

Daton Fix of Sand Springs, أوكلاهوما. will face Kheyrollah Ghahramani of Iran at 55 kg/121 lbs. Fix was a bronze medalist at the 2015 UWW Cadet World Championships, and has been a UWW Junior Nationals champion for the last two years. Fix won a silver medal at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and was a 2013 Cadet Nationals champion in both styles. Ghahramani was a 2013 Cadet World bronze medalist and a 2012 Asian Cadet silver medalist.

Mitchell McKee of Hanover, من. will battle Peiman Biabani of Iran at 60 kg/132 lbs. McKee won the 2016 UWW Junior Nationals in freestyle and was second at the 2015 UWW Junior Nationals. في 2015 Junior Nationals in Fargo, بدون تاريخ, McKee won a gold medal in Greco-Roman and a silver medal in freestyle. وكان 2014 Junior Nationals freestyle champion. McKee has signed with the University of Minnesota. Biabani was a 2015 Asian Junior champion and won a gold medal at the Senior-level Dan Kolov Tournament in Bulgaria this year.

Mark Hall of Apple Valley, من. has drawn Ahmad Bazrighaleh of Iran at 74 kg/163 lbs. Hall was a 2014 UWW Cadet World champion and was ninth in the 2015 UWW Junior World Championships. As a high school senior, he had an impressive 2-2 record at the 2016 الامريكى. Olympic Team Trials. وكان 2013 USA Wrestling Cadet Triple Crown winner, earning national titles in folkstyle, Greco-Roman and freestyle the same year. Hall was the 2015 USA Today High School Wrestler of the Year, and won the 2016 Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award from the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. قاعة, a six-time Minnesota state high school champion, has signed with Penn State University. Bazrighaleh was a 2014 Asian Cadet bronze medalist and was ninth at the 2014 Cadet World Championships.

Zahid Valencia of Bellflower, كاليفورنيا. will go up against Mojtaba Goleij of Iran at 84 kg/185 lbs. Valencia is a freshman at Arizona State University, where he took a redshirt year this season. Valencia was 10th at the 2015 UWW Junior World Championships, and won the UWW Junior Nationals for the second straight year. Valencia won the 2012 و 2013 Cadet Nationals in freestyle and the 2013 Cadet Nationals in Greco-Roman. وكان 2015 ASICS High School Wrestler of the Year and won the 2015 Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award from the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. Goleij was a 2015 Junior World champion, and won a bronze medal at the 2014 Asian Junior Championships.

These four Junior matches will be added to the Main Event, which features five U.S. Olympic Team members facing top international opponents.

2012 البطل الاولمبي, three-time World champion and 2016 Olympian Jordan Burroughs at 74 kg and 2016 Olympian and two-time NCAA champion J’Den Cox at 86 kg will face opponents from Iran. 2016 Olympian and three-time World champion Adeline Gray and 2016 أولمبي و 2015 World champion Helen Maroulis will battle Canadian stars in women’s freestyle. Two-time World bronze medalist and 2016 Olympian Andy Bisek will battle an Olympic and World champion from Korea at 75 kg in Greco-Roman.

The entire competition will be broadcast live on Flowrestling.

Billed as “United in the Square,” this will be the second time that Iran has been featured as part of the Beat the Streets Gala competition. في 2013, the event dubbed “The Rumble on the Rails,” was hosted in historic Grand Central Terminal and featured dual meets between Team USA, Russia and Iran.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square four previous times. في 2011, the United States defeated World Champion Russia, 5-2, the first sports event ever held in historic Times Square. في 2012, another U.S. مقابل. Russia dual meet was held in Times Square, along with the U.S. Olympic Team Wrestle-off for the 60 kg/132 lbs. position on the U.S. Olympic Team in men’s freestyle. في 2014, Team USA defeated a World All-Star Team in Times Square, 8-3. في 2015, “Salsa in the Square” featured a meeting between Team USA and Team Cuba in the three Olympic styles, held shortly after the historic change in USA and Cuban political relations.
This will be the seventh straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Gala activities. في 2010, an all-star challenge featuring top U.S. wrestlers was held on the USS Intrepid, an aircraft carrier docked on the west side of Manhattan.

Top Beat the Streets youth wrestlers will take the mat showcasing their skills in exhibition matches beginning at 3:45 عصرا. to start the evening. A new feature to be held is the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, featuring the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Then it’s Team USA vs. Iran and other guests at 6 عصرا., followed by the Beat the Streets Gala Celebration.

The Beat the Streets competition requires a ticket for reserved seating in Times Square, but is an outdoor event. Pedestrians and non-ticket holders are encouraged to watch. Admission tickets may be bought in advance atwww.btsny.org أو 212.245.6570. A ticket is required for the Gala Celebration at the PlayStation Theater. More details are available at http://www.btsny.org/gala. The Gala Celebration will follow the wrestling competition.

This unique and electrifying annual event helps Beat the Streets (BTS) raise significant funds to further its mission. Whether it’s providing a safe, constructive outlet for our urban youth, fighting childhood obesity, empowering women, or uniting entire nations, wrestling teaches persistence, إخلاص, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals, creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. BTS currently serve over 3,000 student-athletes every year.

“United In The Square,” Beat the Streets Matchups
In New York City, مايو 19, 2016
Men’s freestyle 74 kg/163 lbs. – Jordan Burroughs (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Pehman Yarahmadi (إيران)
Men’s freestyle 86 kg/189 lbs. – J’Den Cox (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Meisam Mostafa Joukar (إيران)
اليوناني الروماني 75 kg/165 lbs. – Andy Bisek (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Kim Hyeon-Woo (كوريا)
Women’s 53 kg/116.5 lbs. – Helen Maroulis (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Samantha Stewart (كندا)
Women’s 75 kg/165 lbs.– Adeline Gray (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Justina Di Stasio (كندا)
Junior men’s freestyle 55 kg/121 lbs. – Daton Fix (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Kheyrollah Ghahramani (إيران)
Junior men’s freestyle 60 kg/132 lbs. – Mitchell McKee (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Peiman Biabani (إيران)
Junior men’s freestyle 74 kg/163 lbs. – Mark Hall (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Ahmad Bazrighaleh (إيران)
Junior men’s freestyle 84 kg/185 lbs. – Zahid Valencia (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Mojtaba Goleij (إيران)
ملاحظة: Event will be broadcast by Flowrestling
Wrestling Schedule
3:45 عصرا. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 42nd and 43rd Streets
4:45 عصرا. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 42nd and 43rd Streets
6:30 عصرا. – World Class Wrestling: Team USA vs. Team Iran, Team Canada and Team Korea between 42nd and 43rd Streets
Followed by Gala Celebration

Beat the Streets Announces Man of the Year Award for Kyle Snyder and Lifetime Achievement Award for Ray Lewis among 2016 Gala Award Winners

National and local wrestlers and coaches to be honored at 2016 “United in the Square” Gala Celebration in Times Square on Thursday May 19

نيويورك, مايو 10, 2016 – Beat the Streets is pleased to announce that it will be presenting its 2016 Man of the Year award to champion international wrestler Kyle Snyder and its Lifetime Achievement Award to former NFL star Ray Lewis at its annual Gala celebration in Times Square on الخميس, مايو 19.

Kyle Snyder became the youngest American to win a Senior World title when he captured the 97 kg gold medal at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas at age 19. Snyder came out of Olympic redshirt and won the 2016 NCAA Wrestling Championships in Madison Square Garden as a sophomore for Ohio State, defeating two-time NCAA champion Nick Gwiazdowski of NC State in a classic heavyweight finals. في أبريل, Snyder defeated 2012 Olympic champion Jake Varner in the finals of the U.S. Olympic Team Trials to earn a spot on the 2016 الامريكى. Olympic Team at the age of 20. في 2014, Snyder was selected to represent Team USA as the youngest-ever member of the Beat the Streets All-Star team.

Ray Lewis is the former linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, two-time Super Bowl Champion, and 2000’s Super Bowl MVP. He was an All-American linebacker and a wrestling star at Kathleen High School in Lakeland, فلوريدا. He has received numerous awards and honors throughout his 17-year career with the Ravens, becoming the team’s all-time career leader in tackles. Lewis will be the Honorary Coach of the USA team at United in the Square.

Beat the Streets will also be awarding a number of New York City wrestlers and coaches in recognition of their achievements in the past year:

Junior League Girls Wrestler of the Year: Chloe Cabrera, سيد 129, برونكس
Cabrera is a three-year middle-school wrestler who has stood out every season. Her accomplishments include her three times as Junior League Champion and being a member of the National Junior Honor Society for the past two years. She attends clinics at Beat the Streets and travels in the spring with Head Girls Coach Jacque Davis to out-of-state tournaments. As one of her supporters puts it, “she is always trying to better herself as a wrestler and has a bright future.”

Junior League Boys Wrestler of the Year: Jayden Cardenas, سيد 582, بروكلين
Cardenas is from MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been wrestling for five years. He was the NYC City Champion and USA Wrestling Kids State Champion this year. Cardenas credits his family, مدرب, and supporters with giving him the drive to stay committed to the sport. He aspires to compete on his high school team and eventually wrestle in the Olympics, winning many more gold medals.

Female Student-Athlete of the Year: Dennielle Phillip, Wingate Educational Campus, بروكلين
Phillip has been wrestling for almost three years and already made quite an impact. She placed first at the Mohawk Valley tournament and also won the coveted PSAL Yankee Award. Phillip says that wrestling has opened many doors for her and helped her to become a more confident person. She plans to continue wrestling in college and pursue her studies in criminal justice.

Male Student-Athlete of the Year: Evan McFarland, Tottenville High School, جزيرة ستاتن
McFarland is an Eagle Scout and captain of his wrestling team at Tottenville High School. He is a member of the National Honors Society and involved in numerous volunteering activities, including Habitat for Humanity and the March of Dimes walk. “‘Resilient’ might be the best word to describe Evan,” said his Coach, John Cichon. “Leadership, حرف, إخلاص, and time management are some of Evan’s best qualities that he shares unknowingly with everyone he comes in contact with.” He hopes to become an engineer to best make a positive change in the world.

GRIT Award: Rachel Koltsov, The Bronx High School of Science
Koltsov is the captain of the Bronx Science Blended and female wrestling team and has been a member of the team for four yearsdating back to when it was an all-boys team. She was instrumental in the team’s victory at the PSAL Blended Wrestling Championship. From her three years wrestling, she finds that the sport has helped teach her a great deal of discipline and responsibility. Koltsov is known for being a hard worker and having an outstanding, personable character. She plans to continue wrestling in college while pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering.

LADY LIBERTY Award: Aileen Gonzalez, Brooklyn Technical High School
As a NYC high school boys coach said of this Brooklyn Tech veteran, “I’m glad my boys do not have to wrestle her next year.” Gonzalez won the Girls City Championship and placed fourth in Boys City Championship. Gonzalez likes to be pushed to the limit and aspiresafter winning the team city championshipsto attend and graduate college. The Lady Liberty Award is specifically given to a senior NYC female wrestler who has stood as a beacon of opportunity and promise, representing all that is strong and proud about the city’s women’s wrestling culture.

ATLAS Award and Become Your Own Dream Scholarship: Leonard Merkin, Poly Prep Country Day School, بروكلين
Merkin has made his mark at Poly Prep Country Day School by becoming a four-time NYS Private School Champion. The Atlas Award is given to a senior NYC wrestler who has picked up wrestling on his back and carried it into new territory, set new standards, and advanced the legacy of Beat the Streets. He has received All-American honors and will soon be wrestling for Princeton. Merkin is also the winner of the Become Your Own Dream Scholarship, which is given annually to a New York City student-athlete who has overcome obstacles, felt hardship, and plans to continue wrestling in college.

Junior League Coach of the Year: Michael Wurmbrand, سيد 582, بروكلين
Wurmbrand is the head coach of MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been involved in the sport for ten years. He’s committed to wrestling because it shows clear transformations in students’ behavior, attitude, and leadership with their teammates and in the classroom. Wurmbrand has done a good job maintaining a sizable team at a small school and looks forward to future changes now that he’s able to start training younger student-athletes in elementary school.

High School Assistant Coach of the Year: Anthony Mirra, Tottenville High School, جزيرة ستاتن
Mirra has been actively involved in Tottenville’s wrestling program since he was a student-athlete himself. He admits the sport for helping to make kids tougher mentally, emotionally and physically. As the lightweight coach, Mirra has helped to produce at least one Mayor’s Cup champion and at least one city champion every year. This past season, he saw six individuals crowned at the city championships and represent Tottenville at the state tournament in Albany, which has never been done by a large school’s team before. As one supporter said of Mirra, “his dedication does not end when practice endshe is the coach that wrestlers confide in when they are struggling.”

Girls High School Coach of the Year: Theodore Cook, Harry S. Truman High School, برونكس
A veteran of wrestling with over twenty years of experience, Cook has inspired a number of students with his coaching abilities. He’s widely respected for pushing his girls on the team that he started out of their comfort zones and daring them to try their hardest. “He is not afraid to go above and beyond to make sure his team reaches their full potential,” said one student. Another writes: “I can honestly said Coach Cook is probably the most trustworthy and reliable person I know.” Several of his supporters praise him as a father figure who helps lift everyone’s spirits and inspires the girls with life lessons.

Boys High School Coach of the Year: Peter Cardone, William Cullen Bryant High School, كوينز
Coach Cardone has made the most of having a dedicated wrestling room at WC Bryant High School and turned a program on the brink into city champions. Cardone’s leadership, with the help of coaches Joe Goetz and Joseph Weinstein, grew his team from fifteen wrestlers to fifty-five. Cardone has overseen numerous accomplishments during his time with the school, including the NYC Freshman and Sophomore Title and becoming undefeated Region 4 Division Champions. “He has changed the lives of many wrestlers in the school by being with them through both good and hard times as a friend and a coach.”

Volunteer of the Year: David Prado
Prado has been involved in wrestling since he was in elementary school and attended Arizona State on an athletic scholarship. He is committed to the sport because it has given him so much success and opportunity throughout his life that he seeks to “pay it forward” to other kids whenever possible. He shows tireless dedication to the cause of Beat the Streets, volunteering at practices several days a week.

The Beat the Streets gala is an annual fundraiser that raises money to support New York City student-athletes, having previously been hosted in such iconic locations as Times Square and Grand Central Terminal. The gala helps provide wrestling equipment and opportunities to 3,000 kids across the five boroughs every year. This year’s celebration, “United in the Square,” will see some of America’s top wrestlers, including Jordan Burroughs and Adeline Gray, going up against world-class competition from Iran, كندا, and South Korea. The gala begins at 3:45 رئيس الوزراء في الخميس, مايو 19 with exhibition matches featuring young wrestlers from NYC before the world class wrestling matches begin at 6:00 رئيس الوزراء. Tickets for seating in Times Square and attendance at the post-match reception are available on the Beat the Streets website. The event will be streaming live on FloWrestling.

About Beat the Streets
مهمة الفوز على الشوارع هو تطوير الإمكانات البشرية والرياضية الكاملة للشباب في المناطق الحضرية وتعزيز ثقافة مدينة نيويورك المصارعة. BTSW يعمل مباشرة مع مدينة نيويورك وزارة التربية والتعليم في شراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص لمساعدة الطلاب الرياضيين في مدينة نيويورك تحقيق الأهداف الشخصية والرياضية الخاصة بهم. من خلال تشغيل برامج المصارعة في المدارس المتوسطة والثانوية في الأحياء الخمسة, BTSW وزارة الطاقة توفير آمنة, الجو الإيجابي الذي حرمان والشباب المعرضين للخطر يمكن أن تتعلم المهارات الأساسية للحياة اللياقة البدنية, العمل الجماعي, والتمكين الذاتي. هدف تعزيز قوي, مكرسة, ويتم تسليم الاطفال تفاؤلا من خلال التدريب, برامج ما بعد المدرسة, and summer camps. ويمكن الاطلاع على مزيد من المعلومات في www.btsny.org.



الصورة الائتمان: Bellator MMA / للشمس.


سانتا مونيكا, كاليفورنيا. (مايو 2, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of three-time All American wrestling prospect للشمس. لمقابلة حصرية, متعددة المعركة العقد. The story was broken by Flo Combat و Flo Wrestling, who have chronicled a great deal of his wrestling career.


“We’re excited to be adding yet another world-class wrestling talent to our ever-growing roster of fighters here at Bellator,” said President Scott Coker. “I’ve always taken great pride in our ability to identify and build stars in this business, and I have great confidence that we’ve found a gem in Jarod Trice.”


In addition to his three All-American accolades, the 27-year-old Trice has an impressive trophy case that includes a National Title at 120 kg and two Greco Roman National Titles, with one at 120 kg and another at 98 كجم. The above photo features Trice after winning the Outstanding Wrestler Award alongside 2012 Olympic Coach J.J. جونسون (اليسار) والامريكى. National Greco-Roman Coach Matt Lindland (حق).


“Following in the footsteps of guys like [Ed] Ruth and [Tyrell] Fortune to Bellator MMA was a no brainer for me,” said Trice. “Scott Coker is a promoter that treats the fighters with so much respect, and dealing with him and his team through this signing process has been amazing. I’m really looking forward to fighting for Coker, the Bellator promotion, and for every wrestling and MMA fan out there before the end of the year. If you aren’t familiar with my name yet, you will be as soon as I get in that cage.”


Trice competed at Central Michigan University, where he achieved great success at both 120 كجم (264.5 رطلا.) and 98kg (216 رطلا.) after an impressive 50 رطل. weight-loss transformation. The standout wrestler will look to compete in Bellator MMA’s impressive light heavyweight division, and hopes to make his professional debut before the end of the year. The jury is out on whether he will keep his nickname, “Doughboy.”


Having trained literally all over the world, including stints at Iowa State University under Kevin Jackson and the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado before heading to Arizona, where he trains with other Bellator MMA stars with incredible wrestling pedigree’s like Darrion كالدويل و بوبا جنكينز. Trice credits Bellator MMA bantamweight شون بانش with giving him the idea to pursue MMA.


Trice is the latest prospect from the world of wrestling to join Bellator MMA’s incredible recruiting class of prospects including:هارون بيكو, وروث و تيريل فورتشن.

Pronabolin User Review: Boosting Testosterone Naturally

بواسطة: الأغنياء بيرجيرون


I recently had the opportunity to take a testosterone booster called Pronabolin, which is an all-natural product. As a logger with my own firewood company (www.deadwoodsociety.com), I could always use more energy and muscle, but that wasn’t the only reason I realized I needed more testosterone.

This year I am preparing for my debut in mixed martial arts as an amateur fighter. I will be adding Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and more dynamic striking to my background training in karate, boxing and wrestling. There are also certain rules I will need to observe in the amateurs forbidding elbows of any kind and all knees to the head. This training requires great strength, stamina and self-control.

Prior to learning about Pronabolin and trying it, I was a huge critic of older mixed martial artists using so-called TRT: Testosterone Replacement Therapy. There was just so much controversy around the subject, and the health benefits were still questionable when exemptions were allowed for the treatments. Prescribed testosterone treatments were popping up in those common commercials asking people who took the drugs and suffered severe consequences to contact a lawyer and get justice for the damage done. Heart attacks and deaths were among the most urgentside effectsof the more potent products.

هكذا, when Pronabolin promised to provide the same testosterone boost with natural ingredients (انظر أدناه), I gave it a shot.

supplemental facts

Notice the suggested use line above. This is the one and only issue I had with this product, and I hope they will look into changing their labels in the future. The instructions tell adults to “أخذ 3 capsules once a day.I would counter that by advising users to take one capsule with breakfast, one at mid-day or lunch and the other in the afternoon or early evening. Taking all three at one time as my introduction to the product gave me a very discomforting surge of energy and made my heart beat a mile a minute. I quickly adjusted my intake after that to one or two capsules at a time.

My chief concern with training was shedding weight, and this product helped tremendously in that department. I started out around 205-210 pounds and am able to maintain walk-around weight of 195 عند هذه النقطة. This is just ten pounds away from where I hope to have my fighting debut at: 185 جنيه. Prior to using Pronabolin, I had a really hard time with my metabolism being too slow and gaining too much weight. Using the product faithfully everyday helped my metabolism catch up, and the digestive benefits seemed to be the most pronounced effect of all.

One of the more surprising and pleasant developments I experienced while taking Pronabolin related to my love life. Deciding to take on a mixed martial arts match was just part of my campaign to change my life for the better in all the most important categories. I simply wanted to be a stronger physical, spiritual, mental and social being.

I began searching for dates a bit before I started taking Pronabolin, and I already had a wild appetite for sex and great stamina before taking the product. هكذا, while I didn’t really NEED help, Pronabolin actually took me to the next level as a lover. Once I did find the right lady and started getting serious, the lovemaking became more and more intense, more frequent (five or six times in one night at times), and always very satisfying for myself and my partner. I definitely noticed how Pronabolin could take me to a higher sexual plane and keep me there, and so did my new lady friend.

Meeting the woman of my dreams and finding out she loved our time in bed as much as I did also came with other benefits. She lives near a mixed martial arts gym where I can train, and she also has a friend with a dog who loves to go on long hikes with me. She is even on a weight loss quest of her own, so us meeting when we did was absolutely perfect timing.

I can definitely say that Pronabolin truly changed my life. It is no gimmick or placebo, and it WORKS! I hope to continue training harder and harder as my debut fight gets closer, and Pronabolin will be a huge part of that training regimen.

It is important to note that my first phase of using the product did not involve taking all three pills each and every day. I was also dealing with multiple sicknesses during the standard cold and flu season in New England. This had a severely negative effect on my training routine, as just when I seemed to be in a good rhythm, sickness knocked me out of it over the last two months in particular. Perhaps I need to look into some supplements to boost my immune system as well. The bottom line is, this was not a very scientific product review process. I took Pronabolin in a manner that many common users will likely be able to relate to.

During the next phase of my training I will be using Pronabolin more as a formal building block for the transformation of my physique. As of now I have more of a four pack set of abs than a six pack, and even that’s not very pronounced and defined. My chest is also in need of some more toning and shaping.

Before I step into the cage across from another combatant, I feel that it is essential for me to develop the best physical appearance I can possibly present. I want the crowd and my opponent to know I’m a serious contender, and that starts with showing off all the results of all the hard work that leads up to fight night.

في الوقت الراهن, I can unequivocally say that Pronabolin helped prove to me that all testosterone treatments are not dangerous or detrimental to an athlete’s long term health. The product also helped provide natural energy, boosted my metabolism, and gave me a new lease on my sex life.

I give Pronabolin five stars, and I look forward to entering the next phase of training and sharing the results here and on our YouTube Page.

I will track my progress and performance more closely during this next phase, and I will open up my training to the public eye to really highlight how Pronabolin can help anyone wanting to improve their physique and quality of life.

If you have any experience with this product you can share, please leave a comment and tell us about what Pronabolin did for you.

order this natural testosterone booster
Click this image to order today!

USA Women World champions Gray, Maroulis to face Canadian opponents in Beat the Streets “United In The Square,” in Times Square on May 19


3X World champion Adeline Gray to battle Justina Distasio at 75 كجم; World champion Helen Maroulis to face Samantha Stewart at 53 كجم

نيويورك, أبريل 18, 2016 – World champion women wrestlers Adeline Gray and Helen Maroulis of the United States will compete against talented Canadian opponents as part of the 2016 Beat the Streets international competition, which returns to New York City’s Times Square on الخميس, مايو 19.

Gray is a three-time World champion who earned a spot on the 2016 الامريكى. Olympic Team with her victory at the U.S. Olympic Team Trials on April 10. Gray will face 2015 Canadian World Team member Justina Distasio in a match at 75 kg/165 lbs.

Gray won World gold medals in 2012, 2014 و 2015, and is also a two-time World bronze medalist in 2011 و 2013. Gray is currently on a 37-match winning streak. She was a 2015 Pan American Games champion, is a two-time World Cup champion, and has also won World titles on the University and Junior levels. She is a native of Denver, كولو., and competes for the New York Athletic Club.

Di Stasio competed on the 2015 Canadian Senior World Team. She won gold medals in the 2015 و 2016 Pan American Championships, and was a silver medalist at the 2015 بطولة الألعاب الأمريكية. Di Stasio was second at the 2016 Canadian Olympic Trials. She was fifth in the 2012 بطولة العالم للناشئين. Di Stasio was a three-time WCWA Women’s College national champion for Simon Fraser University.

This is a rematch of the 2015 Pan American Games gold medal finals, won by Gray with a come-from-behind last-second score for a 9-6 فوز.

It will be Gray’s first time competing in Times Square at a Beat the Streets competition, and Di Stasio will be making her Times Square debut as well.

Maroulis was a 2015 World champion at 55 كجم, and has won a 2012 World silver medal and a 2013 World bronze medal. Maroulis recently won the U.S. Olympic Team Trials at 53 كجم, and will be competing at the World Olympic Games Qualifier in Ulaanbataar, منغوليا, أبريل 2224, where she will attempt to qualify the United States for the Rio Olympic Games at her weight class.

Maroulis is a six-time U.S. Open champion. She has won two World Cup gold medals and 2011 Pan American Games champion. She won three career Junior World titles. Maroulis won four WCWA women’s college national titles for Simon Fraser University. She is a native of Rockville, MD. and competes for the Sunkist Kids.

Stewart was a bronze medalist at the 2012 World University Championships, and was a 2016 Pan American Championships gold medalist. She placed fourth in the 2009 Senior World Championships. Stewart has won medals at international competitions in Germany, كندا, فرنسا, Brazil and Romania. She won the Canadian Team Trials in December 2015.

Maroulis has competed in a Beat the Streets event three previous times, scoring victories in all of her bouts. She first competed in the “Rumble on the Rails” in Grand Central Terminal in 2013, pinning Irina Kisel of Russia in the second period. في 2014, she scored a pin over Marcia Andrades of Venezuela in 5:53 in Times Square at the “Team USA vs. the World” event. في 2015, she scored a 10-0 technical fall over Yamilka del Valle of Cuba in the “Salsa in the Square” in Times Square. This will be Stewart’s first appearance in a Beat the Streets event.

Competitors for Team USA will also compete in men’s freestyle against world power Iran. There will be two Olympic-level matches and four Junior-level matches as part of the men’s freestyle competition. بالإضافة, there will also be Greco-Roman competition on the card. These matchups will be announced at a later date.

Billed as “United in the Square,” this will be the second time that Iran has been featured as part of the Beat the Streets Gala competition. في 2013, the event dubbed “The Rumble on the Rails,” was hosted in historic Grand Central Terminal and featured dual meets between Team USA, Russia and Iran.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square four previous times. في 2011, the United States defeated World Champion Russia, 5-2, the first sports event ever held in historic Times Square. في 2012, another U.S. مقابل. Russia dual meet was held in Times Square, along with the U.S. Olympic Team Wrestle-off for the 60 kg/132 lbs. position on the U.S. Olympic Team in men’s freestyle. في 2014, Team USA defeated a World All-Star Team in Times Square, 8-3. في 2015, “Salsa in the Square” featured a meeting between Team USA and Team Cuba in the three Olympic styles, held shortly after the historic change in USA and Cuban political relations.

This will be the seventh straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Gala activities. في 2010, an all-star challenge featuring top U.S. wrestlers was held on the USS Intrepid, an aircraft carrier docked on the west side of Manhattan.

Top Beat the Streets youth wrestlers will take the mat showcasing their skills in exhibition matches beginning at 3:30 عصرا. to start the evening. A new feature to be held is the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, featuring the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Then it’s Team USA vs. Iran and other guests at 6:30 عصرا., followed by the Beat the Streets Gala Celebration.

The Beat the Streets competition requires a ticket for reserved seating in Times Square, but is an outdoor event. Pedestrians and non-ticket holders are encouraged to watch. Admission tickets may be bought in advance atwww.btsny.org أو 212.245.6570. A ticket is required for the Gala Celebration at the PlayStation Theater. More details are available athttp://www.btsny.org/gala.

The Gala Celebration will follow the wrestling competition. This unique and electrifying annual event helps Beat the Streets (BTS) raise significant funds to further its mission. Whether it’s providing a safe, constructive outlet for our urban youth, fighting childhood obesity, empowering women, or uniting entire nations, wrestling teaches persistence, إخلاص, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals, creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. BTS currently serve over 3,000 student-athletes every year.

"United In The Square,” Beat the Streets Matchups

In New York City, مايو 19, 2016


Women’s 53 kg/116.5 lbs. – Helen Maroulis (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Samantha Stewart (كندا)

Women’s 75 kg/165 lbs.– Adeline Gray (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) مقابل. Justina Di Stasio (كندا)

ملاحظة: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مقابل. Iran freestyle matches and featured Greco-Roman bout to be announced later.
Wrestling Schedule

3:30 عصرا. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 42nd and 43rd Streets

4:45 عصرا. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 42nd and 43rd Streets

6:30 عصرا. – World Class Wrestling: Team USA vs. Team Iran between 42nd and 43rd Streets

Followed by Gala Celebration


طوكيو (رويترز) - أبريل 4, 2016- Re'zin FF, تعزيز القتالية الرياضية من قبل رئيس PRIDE FC الأسبق نوبويوكي ساكاكيبارا, announced today that legendary Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) pioneer and former professional wrestling standout Kiyoshi Tamura (32-13-3), will join forces with fellow decorated icon Wanderlei سيلفا(35-12-1, 1 NC) in the special grappling tag team matchup that will headline the highly-anticipated, star-studded extravaganza in Nagoya Japan, في الأحد, أبريل 17.

Tamura and Silva will tussle with another all-time great Kazushi Sakuraba, (26-17-1, 2 NC) و هيديو Tokoro (33-28-2) in the unique, one-of-a-kind bout.

The affair marks the first time since December 31, 2008 that the 5-foot-11, 46-year-old Tamura, recognized for his elite level catch wrestling skills and quick, fluid movements, will see action in combat.

In his last start under MMA rules on the K-1 – Dynamite!! New Year’s Eve mega-card in Saitama, اليابان, Tamura earned his third consecutive win, a unanimous decision over Sakuraba.

While competing for the likes of PRIDE, K-1, Rings, DREAM and UWF International, Tamura compiled an extensive resume of conquests, including those over eventual UFC champions Pat Miletich, Maurice Smith و Dave Menne, as well as superstars رينزو جرايسي و Jeremy Horn.

Tamura was groomed by famed pro wrestling trainers Billy Robinson,نوبوهيكو تاكادا و Akira Maeda, to eventually become a force in the sport’s middleweight division. In his final bout before retirement, Tamura notched a victory over fellow hybrid MMA star and professional wrestler جوش بارنيت, في نوفمبر 23, 2005.

سعرها من 100,000 ين, tickets for “Top Presents RIZIN Fighting Federation I” are on sale and can be purchased online at Ticketbis.com.

In other action on the star-studded fight card, 13-fight UFC veteran and action fighter دارون كروكشانك (16-8, 1 NC) will collide with submission expertشينجي "Torao سوبر نوفا" ساساكي (16-8-3) in a lightweight (155 جنيه) تنافسا.

In a women’s open weight bout, زينت بطل العالم البرازيلي جيو جيتسو ومجلس العمل المتحد احتمال الوزن الثقيل للمرأة غابي غارسيا (1-0) سوف تصطدم مع اثنين من مرة وبطل Pankration آنا Malyukova (1-0).

Hard-hitting knockout artists كريس "Huggy الدب" بارنيت (14-2) و كيريل Sidelnikov (8-4) will go to war in a heavyweight battle.

الزوار الريسين FF سباق الجائزة الكبرى بطولة الدور قبل النهائي تيودور التل (8-3) سوف مربع قبالة مع بطل العالم السابق K-1 جايديب "قلب" الأسبوع (2-1 MMA; 40-10, 13 الكيك بوكسينغ KO ل) في 216- الجنيه catchweight المعركة.

بطل العالم سامبو فاديم Nemkov (5-1) سوف تأخذ على مهزوم, المهاجم العدواني الذهن وكبار احتمال الشمال "الملك" كارل Albrektsson (4-0) في وزن خفيف الثقيل (205 جنيه) إمالة.

في مسابقة قواعد 180 جنيه MMA catchweight, المدمر الناخس السلطةHisaki كاتو (5-2) سوف تأخذ على مواطنه التشطيب يوتا "أخرى" واتانابي (19-6-4).

العودة إلى العمل لأول مرة في خمس سنوات, الوزن الثقيل الحبيب كازويوكي "را 'Ironhead" فوجيتا (15-10), سيواجه الأخير ريزين FF سباق الجائزة الكبرى بطولة الوصيف وخطير الفنان بالضربة القاضية جورج "دنيس" بروتشاتسكا (16-3-1).

في وزن الذبابة (125 جنيه) عمل, تقديم الآس ألان "قاتمة" الميلاد (14-3) سوف تغلق قرون مع بطل ملتهب يوكي Motoya (15-4, 1 NC).

Women’s amateur wrestling champion Kanako Murata (0-0) will make her highly-anticipated, professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) debut against rising starNatalya Denisova (2-1) in a 116-pound catchweight affair.

اتبع Re'zin FF:

الموقع – HTTP://www.rizinff.com/en/
الفيسبوك – HTTPS://www.facebook.com/rizinfightingfederation /
تغريد – HTTPS://twitter.com/rizin_PR

Re'zin FF: WOMEN'S تصارع PHENOM كاناكو موراتا يجعل MMA لاول مرة ضد النجم الصاعد ناتاليا DENISOVA الأحد أبريل 17 في ناغويا, اليابان

المرأة هواة المصارعة نجم كاناكو موراتا (في الصورة) وجعل لها طال انتظاره لاول مرة MMA المهنية ضد الروسية ناتاليا النجم الصاعد Denisova في هذا الحدث ريزين FF-النجوم في ناغويا, اليابان الأحد, أبريل 17.

طوكيو (رويترز) - مارس 29, 2016- Re'zin FF, تعزيز القتالية الرياضية من قبل رئيس PRIDE FC الأسبق نوبويوكي ساكاكيبارا, أعلن بطل المصارعة الهواة الشهير المرأة Kanako Murata (0-0) will make her highly-anticipated, professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) debut against rising star Natalya Denisova (2-1) في شأن catchweight 116 جنيه في "توب هدايا ريزين القتال الاتحاد I" الروعة في قاعة Gaishi نيبون في ناغويا, اليابان الأحد, أبريل 17.

5 أقدام و 1, 22-موراتا عمرها من ايمى, واليابان منافسة وفقا لقواعد MMA للمرة الأولى بعد بحشد مجموعة من الجوائز كما مصارع الهواة, بما في ذلك ثلاث ميداليات الأولمبية صغار.

وجاء معظم إنجاز مثير للإعجاب موراتا في 2011 عندما هزمت تقريبا ثلاث مرات الميدالية الذهبية الاولمبية ساوري يوشيدا خلال بطولة عموم اليابان.

طالب MMA منذ 2015, تم موراتا تدريب تحت قيادة DEEP وزن الريشة بطل كازونوري يوكوتا ومنافس DREAM السابق تاكيشي يامازاكي, وتم السجال في الغالب مع المقاتلين الذكور.

Denisova من تشيبوكساري, ستسعى روسيا الفوز الثالث لها على التوالي في ما سيمثل أول ظهور لها تحت راية ريزين FF. في الأخير لها بداية علىسبتمبر 26, وقالت انها تستخدم لها حاد, ترسانة ضرب العدوانية حتى النهاية مرسى Lvova في الجولة الثانية (:32) المعركة بوابل من اللكمات.

حصل على Denisova البالغ من العمر 25 عاما اعترافا عالميا للمرة الأولى منذ أربع سنوات بعد فيديو ظهرت لها هزيمة الخصم الذكور في نوبة MMA.

سعرها من 100,000 ين, tickets for “Top Presents RIZIN Fighting Federation I” are on sale and can be purchased online at Ticketbis.com.

في الحدث الرئيسي, السابق بطل الوزن المتوسط ​​PRIDE FC ونجم غزير Wanderlei "القاتل فأس" سيلفا (35-12-1, 1 NC) سوف فريقا مع المقاتلة التي سيعلن عنها قريبا, في تتصارع خاص "بطاقة المباراة,"والمعركة الثنائي تتكون من أبناء أسطورة, Kazushi Sakuraba, (26-17-1, 2 NC) و هيديو Tokoro (33-28-2).

مهاجم غزير و13-معركة UFC المخضرم دارون كروكشانك (16-8, 1 NC) will collide with submission expert شينجي "Torao سوبر نوفا" ساساكي (16-8-3) in a lightweight (155 جنيه) تنافسا.

Hard-hitting knockout artists كريس "Huggy الدب" بارنيت (14-2) و كيريل Sidelnikov (8-4) will go to war in a heavyweight battle.

في العمل الوزن المفتوح للمرأة, زينت بطل العالم البرازيلي جيو جيتسو ومجلس العمل المتحد احتمال الوزن الثقيل للمرأة غابي غارسيا (1-0) سوف تصطدم مع اثنين من مرة وبطل Pankration آنا Malyukova (1-0).

الزوار الريسين FF سباق الجائزة الكبرى بطولة الدور قبل النهائي تيودور التل (8-3) سوف مربع قبالة مع بطل العالم السابق K-1 جايديب "قلب" الأسبوع (2-1 MMA; 40-10, 13 الكيك بوكسينغ KO ل) في 216- الجنيه catchweight المعركة.

بطل العالم سامبو فاديم Nemkov (5-1) سوف تأخذ على مهزوم, المهاجم العدواني الذهن وكبار احتمال الشمال "الملك" كارل Albrektsson (4-0) في وزن خفيف الثقيل (205 جنيه) إمالة.

في مسابقة قواعد 180 جنيه MMA catchweight, المدمر الناخس السلطةHisaki كاتو (5-2) سوف تأخذ على مواطنه التشطيب يوتا "أخرى" واتانابي (19-6-4).

العودة إلى العمل لأول مرة في خمس سنوات, الوزن الثقيل الحبيب كازويوكي "را 'Ironhead" فوجيتا (15-10), سيواجه الأخير ريزين FF سباق الجائزة الكبرى بطولة الوصيف وخطير الفنان بالضربة القاضية جورج "دنيس" بروتشاتسكا (16-3-1).

في وزن الذبابة (125 جنيه) عمل, تقديم الآس ألان "قاتمة" الميلاد (14-3) سوف تغلق قرون مع بطل ملتهب يوكي Motoya (15-4, 1 NC).

اتبع Re'zin FF:

الموقع – HTTP://www.rizinff.com/en/
الفيسبوك – HTTPS://www.facebook.com/rizinfightingfederation /
تغريد – HTTPS://twitter.com/rizin_PR

Takedown Radio Champions Special this Saturday 9-12 Noon at TakedownWrestle.com

LIVE from the Casey’s General Stores Studios, The Fight Network presents a three hour Takedown Radio Champions Special brought to you by Kemin and Cookies BBQ.

Join us this Saturday from 9 أنا ل 12 رئيس الوزراء, LIVE on AM Radio KXNO 1460, online at KXNO.com or on your iHeart Radio App. لالمسابقات واستخدام محادثة 866-333-5966 أو 515-284-5966. Contests this week include a Defense Soap travel kit and Asics JB Elite 2.0’s. You must be listening to win!

This weeks scheduled guests include: (All air times and guests are subject to change)
Hour One

9:00- Nico Megaludis: 125 جنيه (ولاية بنسلفانيا)

9:20- Nahshon Garrett: 133 جنيه (كورنيل)

9:40Dean Heil: 141 جنيه (ولاية أوكلاهوما)

Hour Two

10:00Zain Retherford: 149 جنيه (ولاية بنسلفانيا) (pre-recorded audio)

10:20– إشعياء مارتينيز: 157 جنيه (إلينوي)

10:40– اليكس Dieringer: 165 جنيه (ولاية أوكلاهوما)

Hour Three

11:00Myles Martin: 174 جنيه (Ohio State)

11:10Gabe Dean: 184 جنيه (كورنيل)

11:25J’Den Cox: 197 جنيه (ميسوري)

11:40Kyle Snyder: 285 جنيه (Ohio State)


Now available in iTunes, ستيتشر, Sound Cloud and Spreaker.

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Enter our الأربعاء Warrior Contest to win a headgear from DanmarWarrior.com by following us on Facebook and on Twitter.

Special thanks to our friends at Asics, Casey’s General Stores, Adidas, كاديلاك, Dollamur, جميع المصارعة العرض الأمريكي, صابون الدفاع, نايك, أساطير مركز التدريب الوطني الذهب, سانت. لجنة لويس الرياضة, تيتان الزئبق نادي المصارعة, المصارعة عباد الشمس, علامات سريعة, روك القمر الصناعي دايركت, DanMarWarrior.com, Max Muscle Sports Nutrition, Louie’s Wine Dive, TheWrestlingSite.com, IAWrestle.com, Roller Productions, Kaldenberg Landscaping, Bakeris Roofing, Casey’s General Stores, Under Armour Wrestling and Cookies BBQ.

Casey’s General Stores now offers on-line ordering. زيارة caseystogo.com to order pizza, subs and more.