태그 아카이브: 레슬링

IMPACT 레슬링 새로운 U.K 발표. 스파이크 영국과 TV 거래


즉시 출시 용 – 3 월 2, 2017



토론토 | LONDON – Anthem Sports & 엔터테인먼트 사. announced today a new broadcast deal for 영향 레슬링 to be televised exclusively on Spike UK, making its flagship weekly show available throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

From Spring 2017, 영향 레슬링, TNA pay-per-views, ...을 포함하여 One Night Only specials will be available on Spike UK, and TNA Xplosion exclusive to My5, which is part of the Channel 5 stable available on Sky TV (160), 프리뷰 (Freeview) (31), Freesat (141), 버진미디어 (154) and other DTT platforms.

새로운 에피소드 영향 레슬링 will premiere on Friday nights, quenching the appetite of U.K. fans to view 영향 레슬링 within hours of the US premiere broadcast.

“Since our acquisition of IMPACT Wrestling, growing the brand in the UK has been one of our most important initiatives,” said Ed Nordholm, president of IMPACT Wrestling. “We are thrilled to be partnering with Spike UK to fill this important spot in their programme schedule and look forward to rebuilding our presence in the UK market. As one of the hottest wrestling scenes in the world right now, we look forward to taking an active role in the market, both on television and with live events.”

Anna-Belen Dunlop and Kris Graham, Acquisitions and Channel Managers of Spike UK, 추가: “We are excited that Spike will be the new exclusive home of IMPACT Wrestling in the UK With Anthem’s new leadership and founder Jeff Jarrett back, this is a watershed moment for the franchise, which is a perfect fit for our Spike audience.”

자세한 내용은, 방문하시기 바랍니다 www.impactwrestling.com/www.spiketv.co.uk.

더 많은 정보를위한 연락처:

축가 스포츠 & 엔터테인먼트 사.
아리엘 Shnerer

감독, 프로그래밍 & 통신


About Anthem Sports & 엔터테인먼트 사.

축가 스포츠 & 엔터테인먼트 사. is a global sports media company and a leader in operating targeted specialty video channels on linear, digital and mobile platforms with offices and studios in New York, 토론토, 로스 앤젤레스. Anthem’s portfolio includes 전투 네트워크, the world’s premier combat sports channel now broadcasting in the U.S., 캐나다 이상 30 other countries, 판타지 스포츠 네트워크 (개미), 세계 최초이자 유일한 판타지 스포츠 전용 채널, GameTV, a Canadian specialty channel available in over 9 만 가구, RotoExperts.com, a leader in fantasy sports news and analysis, DailyRoto.com, the most comprehensive and far-reaching daily fantasy sports website and Edge Sport, an extreme and action sports network recently launched in Canada in partnership with IMG. Anthem also has a significant ownership interest in 추구 채널, one of the top outdoor channels in the U.S. available in over 40 만 가구, and it owns SportsGrid.com, a leader in general sports entertainment commentary.

About IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling specializes in television properties, 이벤트, 제품, merchandise and music, as well as the management and promotion of professional wrestlers. The roster features such greats as EC3, 바비 래쉴리, Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, James Storm, the high-flying X-Division, Gail Kim and the lovely and lethal Knockouts. Its highly successful flagship, IMPACT WRESTLING, broadcasts in more than 120 세계 각국, including Thursdays at 8 시이. ET/PT on Pop, a joint venture of CBS Corporation and Lionsgate, in the United States and on Fight Network in Canada.

About Spike UK

Spike UK is a general entertainment channel from the Channel 5 stable which launched in the UK in 2015. Spike is available on main digital TV platforms in the UK, including Sky TV (160), Freesat (141) 프리뷰 (Freeview), TalkTalk and BT (31) and Virgin Media (154). Spike UK offers a mix of original commissions, smash hit acquired drama (The Transporter series, From Dusk Till Dawn, Powers, Wynonna Earp) blockbuster films, factual library content and adrenalin-fuelled sports blended with a range of reality series from Spike in the US, which is consistently amongst the highest rating basic cable networks. Both Spike in the US and Channel 5 are owned and operated by Viacom International Media Networks, a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms.

World Class MMA on FITE

This week we have some MMA events from around the world coming to FITE and they are here to show that they have what it takes to compete with the best.


Starting early on the Friday the 3rd of March we have Diamondback Fighting Championships live from Australia. It will feature Shane Mitchell vs. Brandon Ropati. If you can’t catch it there will be a replay.


Later we are going back to Missouri to stream Gateway Fighting Series 8 with Trevon Crawford vs. Jace Kyle Burcham and Brittany Cloud vs. Savannah Shahan.

On the 4th it is Austrian Fight Challenge 5 that will hook you in with the fight between Aleksandar Rakic and Sergio “Kreator” Souza.


Wrestling fans can enjoy the match between Mr. Anderson and Alberto El Patron this Sunday, live from the UK when Big League Wrestling: Gold Rush will stream.


And just to remind you that Kayfabe commentaries are now on FITE – here are some interesting interview excerpts just for you


NEF 월 11 일에서 바위에 라이언 글로버 준비


로: 칼레 오크스

IMMEDIATE RELEASE에 대한: 폴 이사님, 메인 (2월 9, 2017) - 대회 라이언 글로버의 젊은 인생에서 결정적인 역할을.

전통 날짜는 산 계곡 고등학교에서 자신의 학년에 백업하는 것이, 글로버는 3 개월의 공간에 축구 팀 상태 대회 및 개별 헤비급 레슬링 제목의 희귀 더블을 달성 할 때.

그는 혼합 무술 아티스트로 그 전통을 계속하고있다, 뉴 잉글랜드에서 우승하면 케이지에 단지 그의 네번째 경력 진출에 라이트 헤비급 아마추어 끈 경기는 관중.

블루 칼라에서 Rumford, 멕시코에서 자라는 스포츠 다 아니라는 것을 글로버를 가르쳐, 그러나. 그 이유 "NEF에서 빅터 어윈에 대한 그의 첫 타이틀 방어 27: 부활은 "육각형에서 자신의 첫 등장 할 것이다 에 53 주.

글로버 - 어윈 의지 헤드 라인 야심 찬 카드의 아마추어 세그먼트 토요일, 2월 11 폴 이사님의는 Androscoggin 은행 Colisee에서.

"나는 일을위한 많은에게 플로리다와 버지니아 도로에 모든 여름을하고 있었고, 난 보통과 훈련 사람과 함께 훈련 할 시간이 없었다,"글로버는 말했다. "당신은 당신이 물건을 이동하기 전에 요금을 지불해야. 이것은 단지 재미를 위해이다. 나는 희망 (어윈) 나는이 일을 위해 준비 할 것이다 알고있다. "

오프닝 벨 통행료 번, 장갑 제조 인 (3-1) 비 제목 시험보다 케이지에서 더 많은 타이틀 복싱을 경험합니다. 그는 또한 NEF 아마추어 헤비급 벨트에 대한 잊을 수없는 타격에서 싸웠다, 가까운 그러나 만장일치 결정에 의해 그 싸움에서 그의 상대에 가서 하나.

그의 경험은 글로버는 승리의 수익을 구상하는 이유 중 하나입니다.

"그는 좋은 선수이다, 하지만 어린 아이는 누가 첫 라운드를 벗어난 경험이없는,"글로버는 말했다. "내가 처음으로 타이틀 싸움을했다하면, 그건 내 처음으로 두 번째 라운드로 가고 있었고, 난 그 시점에서 물 종류 죽은이었다. "

글로버는 마이크 윌리엄스 팔 잠금 장치를 통해 두 번째 라운드 제출과 함께 우승.

이렇게 일찍 그의 경력에 ​​뉴 잉글랜드 헤비급 계급을 통해 빠른 상승은없는 놀라운 사람 글로버의 운동 성과를 따랐다해야하는 사람들 있음. 그는 항상 일반적인 학습 곡선의 앞서있다.

무패에 주니어로 2010 수석 탁월한 성과를내는 캠 Kaubris 기독교 Durland을 기능을 갖춘 산 계곡 축구 강국, 그는 올해의 폴 이사님 일 저널 플레이어라는 것을 라인 배커에서 글로버의 작품은 매우 인상적이었다.

"그것은 도움이,"글로버는 그의 석쇠 배경 말했다. "나는 고등학교 스포츠가 제공 될 때 가장 큰 장소의 일부를 보았다."

매트에 글로버의 4 년 동안 - 오거스타 시빅 센터 및 이전 뱅거 강당 - 주 레슬링 결승전은 메인의 가장 신성한 실내 스포츠 시설이 포장.

글로버에 215 파운드 클래스에서 점프를했다 285 2 학년, 그는 한계 아래까지 비늘을 밀고에도 불구하고. 그것은 전통 버서커의 MMA stablemate 한 동료 NEF 스타 마이크 육년 이전에 대해 "콧수염"한센에 의해 시작되었다.

"마이크는 그 큰 거물급에 대해 레슬링의 기니 돼지의 종류이었다,"글로버는 말했다. "그렇게하는거야 (코치) 게리 Dolloff 나에게 그것을 판매. 나는 마이크가에 성공했기 때문에 그 그가 나와 함께 그것을 시도하기로 결정 이유라고 말을 기억. 물론 그는 옳았다, 우리는 그것의 상태 우승을 얻었 기 때문에. "

학년은 중학교 약속에 부응하지 않았다. 질병 및 부상 제목을 축구 모두 방어와 레슬링에서 글로버를 유지하기 위해 공모.

"나는 아니오 평가되었다. 1 내 학년 얻은 병으로가는,"고 말했다. "그건 그냥 가끔 생활이 방해가 보여 간다."

글로버는 대학 트랙을 따라하지 않았다, 대신 노동력 말인가, 자신의 스포츠 일 이상이었다 듯.

그는 잠시 동안 자동차 경주 시도, 다음 모양으로 돌아 가야 복싱과 MMA 훈련으로 향했다. 월 데뷔에 LED가 2015, 세 개 케이지 싸움과 좋은 측정을위한 아마추어 권투 시합에 의해 신속하게 다음.

그의 작품의 약속은 지난 가을 강 계곡에 돌아 왔을 때 만 글로버는 고려 않았다 케이지에 다시 점점. 가족의 의무는 첫째왔다, 그는 말했다. 그리고 네, 그는 지난 몇 년 동안 자신을 위해 만들어졌다 이름에 자부심도 요인이었다.

"그것은 당신이 그것을하려고하면 당신이 다칠 수있는 스포츠는 확실히이다 (중도의), 특히 내가 싸우는 것 같은 상대에 대하여,"글로버는 말했다. "그는 좋은 선수이다. 그는 내가이었다로 레슬링에 좋은대로입니다, 어쩌면 더. "

가족과 밀접한 친구, 신출내기 버서커 캠프는 글로버 더 그 어느 때보 다 준비했습니다. 라이언의 동생, 매트, 또한 자신의 신용이 NEF의 모습을 가지고.

"나는 내 형제와 다른 사람들과 함께 압연했습니다 250 이상,"글로버는 말했다. "그것은 게임 체인저입니다. 난처럼 좀 더 스크램블러보다 더 많이 느낀다 (어윈) 이다. 나는 무게를 절단해야 볼 수있는 곳, 특히에 도착합니다 205, 나는 힘의 우위를해야합니다. "

그는 다른 하나의 뚜렷한 장점을 즐길 수 있습니다: 팬 지원.

이름 인식은 권한이. 아니면 그것은 그의 팬들의 마음을 정하고 성장하고 글로버의 부재의 경우가. 어떤 경우, 그의 싸움은 NEF에서 가장 기대되는 관광 명소 중 하나로서 형성된다 27.

"오른쪽은 내가 판매 한 싸움을 일으킨 후 50 혼자 티켓,"글로버는 말했다. "내 노래가 켜지면, 나는 장소가 날려 버릴 것입니다 알고. 영의 (반 고르) 항상 큰 군중을 제공합니다, 그래서 우리는 그 지원이 필요합니다. "

NEF "의 오프닝 벨 (Bell) 27: 2 월 재기 " 11 설정되어 7 시이. 티켓에서 시작 $25 과에서 확인할 수있다 www.TheColisee.com 또는 Colisee 박스 오피스를 호출하여 207.783.2009, 신장 525.

축가 스포츠 & Entertainment Forms Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, LLC., Acquires Control of IMPACT Wrestling

For Immediate Release – January 4, 2017

토론토, 캐나다 (1월 4, 2017) 축가 스포츠 & 엔터테인먼트 사. today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a majority interest in TNA IMPACT Wrestlin, and has formed Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, LLC. Anthem also owns Fight Network, 세계 최고의 24/7 멀티 플랫폼 채널은 전투 스포츠의 전체 범위에 전념, which is IMPACT Wrestling’s exclusive broadcast partner in Canada and worldwide digital partner.

“We are thrilled to have acquired TNA IMPACT Wrestling,” said Ed Nordholm, Executive Vice President of Anthem Sports & 엔터테인먼트 주식회사, the parent of Fight Network. “As we grow Anthem’s linear, digital and mobile platforms globally, top tier content with global appeal is key to that success and this acquisition is a perfect strategic addition to our portfolio. IMPACT has been a dominant wrestling brand around the world for more than a decade and we are confident that Anthem can leverage its assets and strategic partnerships to take IMPACT Wrestling to even greater heights.”

씨. Nordholm, who has been the managing director of the IMPACT Ventures Board of Managers since October 2016, will assume the position of President of Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, LLC. Dixie Carter will resign from her position as Chairman of Impact Ventures and join the Advisory Board of Fight Media Group, which holds all of the combat sports-related assets of Anthem, where her focus will be on the global growth of the combat sports-related brands owned by Anthem.

“Anthem has been a great partner for many years,” added Dixie Carter. “We have worked hard to find the right company who would acquire TNA, use its strategic influence and have a long-term commitment to the brand. TNA’s incredible fans, talent and staff deserved to see the brand continue to thrive after 15+ years of incredible growth. I’m excited to move to a new position and work with Anthem on their global strategic plan, and I am confident TNA IMPACT Wrestling is going to be a huge part of their success.”

리. Carter will remain a minority equity stakeholder.

BELLATOR MMA, 독점 MMA 계약에 3 회 내셔널 챔피언 ROMERO 코튼에 서명

산타 모니카, 칼리프. (11월 7, 2016) – Bellator MMA는 레슬링 유망주 선수의 영입을 발표하게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 로메로면 독점에, 멀티 싸움 계약.

26 세의 그는 현재 심리학 학위를 마치는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 네브래스카 키 어니 대학교, 하지만 그의 프로 MMA 데뷔를 할면을 찾아 2017, 그가 185 파운드에서 경쟁 할 곳.

“제 MMA 경력 초기에 Bellator와 같은 프로모션에 참여할 수있는 기회를 갖게 된 것은. 스포츠를 막 시작했기 때문에이 정도 규모의 회사에 도달하기 전에 2 ~ 3 년 동안 사다리를 오르고 작업해야한다고 생각했습니다.,”코튼이 말했다. “Belletor의 최근 레슬링 선수들이 어떻게 대우를 받고 공연을하는지 보았습니다., 나는 최신 선수가 된 것을 영광으로 생각하며 레슬링 선수 로서뿐만 아니라 평생 습득 한 기술을 세상에 보여주는 것보다 더 기대되는 것은 없습니다., 하지만 운동 선수로서. 지금, 나는 내 경력의 다음 단계로 넘어 가고 균형 잡힌 전투기로 계속 발전 할 것입니다.”

NCAA Division II 전국 챔피언 3 회 197 파운드., Cotton은 또한 4 번의 All-American이며 Nebraska Kearny University의 111 년 역사에서 처음으로 3 번의 챔피언입니다.. 그는 대학 생활을 환상적인 기록으로 마쳤습니다. 66-10. 원래 등록 된 네브라스카, 코튼은 대학에서 축구도했다, Cornhuskers에 대한 그의 신입생을 redshirting, UNK로 이관하기 전에, 그가 3 년 동안 축구를했던 곳.

코튼, 우량 아마추어 레슬링 전망에 합류: 아론 피코, 조이 데이비스, Jarod 올리다, 타이렐 포춘 명단에 올라 미들급 부문에서 경쟁 할 것입니다, 현재 옹호하고있는라파엘 카르발류.

Romero Cotton에 대한 자세한 정보, 이 기사를 살펴보십시오. FloWrestling.com.


RUMFORD, 메인 (7월 20, 2016) - 뉴 잉글랜드 싸움 (NEF), America’s number one regional fight promotion, earlier today announced the winners of this year’s contest to attend the University of Southern Maine’s (USM) annual “Brawlin’ Lobster Wrestling Clinic.”


Isaiah Cogswell, a junior at More High School in Bath, Maine and Benjamin Mahoney, a junior at York High School in York, 메인, will both have their tuition costs covered to attend this year’s clinic and will both receive a unique NEF prize package that includes tickets to “NEF 25: 영웅 & VILLIANS” to be held on September 10 폴 이사님의 ANDROSCOGGIN 은행 Colisee에서, 메인. The contest was sponsored by NEF and NEF professional featherweight mixed martial artist, Brandon “The Dream Killer” Bushaw. In order to enter, applicants needed to submit a 200-word essay outlining how attending the 2016 clinic would help them to achieve their wrestling goals. Cogswell and Mahoney were selected out of over 40 applicants.


“I want to attend this camp so I can achieve my goal of Maine heavyweight champion and this camp will help me not only keep my skills but to improve upon them,” wrote Mahoney, who has placed at both mid-states and the Atlantic Invitational tournament since he began wrestling on the varsity team his freshman year. “I would like to show to my coaches that I am willing to take the extra step to show leadership and experience, so that I could also be a team captain this year.”


“This camp would give me an opportunity to be exposed to more coaching styles and learn more about who I am as a wrestler,” Cogswell, a varsity wrestler and KVAC Champion, wrote in his essay. “I am not done, I still have work to do to reach my goals.”


This year’s dual sponsorship to send two wrestlers to the clinic was made possible by the contribution of Brandon Bushaw, a two-time state wrestling champion and member of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame. After a successful career at Westbrook High School, Bushaw went on to wrestle at Michigan State University alongside teammates and UFC-standouts Rashad Evans and Gray Maynard. 거의 20 fights under his belt between his amateur and professional mixed martial arts careers, Bushaw has never forgotten his wrestling roots and the lessons he gained from competing in the sport.


Wrestling has molded my life on and off the mat since my freshman year of high school,” said Bushaw. “I look back and am so thankful to this day that Coach Walsh wouldn’t leave me alone about coming out for the Westbrook wrestling team all those years ago. If I can give back even one percent of what I got out of wrestling, it would be monumental to me. That’s why when I saw NEF was paying for a young wrestler to go to camp, I called Matt and told him I would like to send someone as well! I’m glad he accepted my offer and I hope that wrestling has the same impact on this young man’s life that it did mine!”


“Wrestling is one of the oldest and most effective martial arts in the world,"진술 NEF의 공동 소유자와 중매 매트 피터슨. “Participating in the sport of wrestling has the potential to improve one’s performance in all areas of life. We’re proud to send these two deserving young men to the USM clinic this summer and hope this plays a part in helping them to achieve their goals both on and off the wrestling mat next season.”


Myself and our coaching staff appreciate NEF and Brandon for sponsoring these wrestlers and giving them an opportunity to attend our camp,” stated Mike Morin, USM Head Wrestling Coach, himself a two-time All-American, 언급을 할 때. “We are the only NCAA program in the state and will have coaches from all over the Northeast as clinicians. These sponsorships are allowing these wrestlers to participate and learn at a high level. 차례로, this only helps the state as a whole grow and get better.


뉴 잉글랜드의 경기는 관중 '다음 이벤트, "NEF의 선물 데이나 화이트: 싸움을 찾고” 에 일어난 금요일, 위엄있는 5, 2016 뱅거에서 십자가 보험 센터, 메인. 티켓은 지금에 판매되고있다 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com 또는 박스 오피스를 호출하여 800.745.3000.


이벤트와 싸움 카드 업데이트에 대한 자세한 내용은, 에서 승진의 웹 사이트를 방문하시기 바랍니다 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 게다가, 당신은 NEF의 비디오를 감상 할 수 있습니다 www.youtube.com/NEFMMAwww.flocombat.com, 트위터 @nefights에 그들을 따라 공식 페이스 북 그룹에 가입 "뉴 잉글랜드의 경기는 관중을."

선수의 안전을 혁신할 스포츠 기술 스타트업

NYU incubator-winning competitive wrestling helmet
to roll out on BATSTOI.com in November

뉴욕 - 12 월 19, 2016 –BATS-TOI™ (Bah’tua), a startup sports technology company dedicated to improving athlete health and safety through the production of innovative consumer equipment, today announced the launch of its official website, www.BATSTOI.com, which will serve as the online home for its flagship product – the award-winning, 최첨단, protective wrestling helmet, The Mercado™ – that is slated to hit the market in November.

Named after its founder, sports industry entrepreneur and standout wrestler for NCAA Division I Syracuse University, Mario R. 시장, 주니어., the patent-pending helmet, a winner of the inaugural New York University (NYU) Summer Incubation Program (SIP) competition in 2012, was meticulously designed and developed over a four-year period by an elite team of biomedical and mechanical engineers as well as leading neurologists that Mercado assembled with the assistance of engineering faculty at NYU and Columbia University, 각기.

The result is a sleek, modern-looking product that meets the safety needs of the athlete by covering and protecting an unprecedented amount of the head region relative to traditional headgear models that have been worn by competitive wrestlers for decades.

“We are extremely proud and excited to unveil our web platform, which will serve as the online home to The Mercado™, to the global marketplace,” said Mercado, 주니어, a 20-year veteran of the combat sports industry and recent appointee to the position of New York State Athletic Commission (NYSAC) Regulator by Governor Andrew Cuomo 누구, 4 월, signed the historic bill legalizing Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) competition in The Empire State.

The effectiveness of The Mercado™ was recently measured through several impact tests conducted at the renowned Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings Institute, as well as at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, and the outcomes were compared with those produced by other models of contemporary wrestling headgear.

“Beginning with The Mercado™ helmet and the sport of wrestling,” Mercado, 주니어. 계속되는, “BATS-TOI™ is challenging, and is determined to improve safety standards in competitive sports and the overall quality of life of athletes who perform at all levels, from amateur to world-class, to professional.”

While serving a market comprised of over 50 million competitive combat sport athletes worldwide, the team at BATS-TOI™ plans to modify The Mercado™ to suit the needs of athletes who compete in other contact sports.

The Mercado™ will retail for $150, and initially be available for purchase exclusively in the BATS-TOI™ website store.


Newest Bellator MMA acquisition Joey Davis

산타 모니카, 칼리프. (유월 15, 2016) – Bellator MMA is thrilled to announce the signing of NCAA Division II wrestling star 조이 데이비스, 독점 멀티 년, 멀티 싸움 계약. The signing was first reported by FloWrestling.com’s Jeremy Botter.


Davis joins a string of recent signings by Bellator president Scott Coker including standout wrestlers the likes of three-time All-American Jarod 올리다 and Olympic contender 타이렐 포춘. The 21-year-old standout wrestler competed at Notre Dame College, 그는 무패 놀라운 축적 곳 131-0 그의 대학 임기 동안 연속 4 개 NCAA 사단 II 우승을 기록하고, 지금까지 네 개의 국가 타이틀을 이기고 경력 무패 갈 수있는 유일한 부문 II 레슬링 선수가되고. Davis will look to compete in Bellator MMA’s stacked welterweight division and will make his professional debut before the end of this year.


“With God you can achieve anything, and I’m gonna do it with high fashion,”데이비스는. “Joining Bellator is my latest achievement to date. I don’t remember what it’s like to lose, and I’m not planning on finding out any time soon.”

(R L에) 조이 데이비스, Antonio McKee and A.J. 맥키


Named 2016 “Man of the Year” by Wrestling USA Magazine, the Compton, 캘리포니아., native began his stretch of domination as early as the ninth grade, when he attended Sante Fe High School. Davis was crowned the California State champion at 152-pounds in his junior year and followed that impressive campaign with a second State Title at 160-pounds in his senior year.


Davis will train at Antonio McKee’s Body Shop Gym in Long Beach, 칼리프. alongside childhood best friend and Bellator featherweight wrecking machine AJ 맥키. Davis joins a budding roster of Bellator MMA talent, with recent signings that include: 맷 미트 리온, 벤 헨더슨, Jarrod Trice, 세르게이 하리토노프, and recent re-signings the likes of Darrion 콜드웰마이클 챈들러.


마이크 한센

폴 이사님, 메인 (유월 15, 2016) – Fighting anyone, 어디든지, anytime and under any circumstances has become Mike Hansen’s calling card with New England Fights.

No surprise, 그때, that the 30-year-old father of three from Rumford, ME will gladly entertain the idea of a mixed martial arts contest … against an opponent about whom he admittedly knows precious little … on the eve of Father’s Day.

한센 (4-4) will take on Robert Laroski in a heavyweight clash at “NEF 24: Promised Land” on 토요일, 유월 18 폴 이사님의는 Androscoggin 은행 Colisee에서.

There is no fear of the unknown in a man who has carved out his reputation confronting substantially bigger foes since his days as a state champion wrestler at Mountain Valley High School. During his relatively short time in NEF, Hansen has fought as a middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight.

“When I took the fight (NEF에서 23 in Massachusetts) against Brendan Battles, people were saying, ‘You’re crazy! He’s going to bust your head!’ I understand why the weight classes exist, and I respect that it’s about safety and all that, but I’ve always felt that a fighter should be ready to fight anybody, 무슨 일이 있어도,"한센 말했다. “In high school, I would drink two gallons of water and put lead in my uniform just so I could get to the minimum weight for the unlimited class.”

That’s the attitude of a fighter whose skill and talent level far exceed his current record as a professional.

Hansen’s docket includes a stoppage win over former NEF “Fighter of the Year” Crowsneck Boutin. His record also includes TKO losses to Battles and Cody Anderson and a choke-out at the hands of Zach Elkins.

When he reflects upon his unique life story, 한센, who fought twice for the World Fighting League as a 20-year-old college student, marvels that he ever got back into the cage at all.

“I started the winter of 2004-05. I started training because I had gone from 187 에 242 pounds in a few months. I was seeing stretch marks,” Hansen recalled. “I was pretty upset with myself for allowing that to happen. I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu two nights a week to get in shape. Then I went home for the summer and ended up with my first fight in August. My friends got me the fight without my coaches knowing about it. They told me it was a good thing I won, or they would have kicked my butt.”

Hansen kept a promise to his father to quit the sport after a knockout loss to Alexander Chianurashvili in 2006. He was studying at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, with intentions to enter the medical field.

He was stabbed and attacked with a baseball bat by three men in a case of mistaken identity not long thereafter. “I walked out of the hospital the next day, and all three of them were still in there from the beating I gave them in self-defense,” Hansen said proudly.

That dogged determination served Hansen well in the United States Army, where he studied in the elite Combatives program.

“They ask you ‘Who wins the fight?’ and the answer is, ‘Whoever’s buddy gets there first to help him clean up.’ That’s what Combatives taught me: How to survive that extra 30 에 60 초,"한센 말했다. “Work ethic is what it taught me. It helped me grow and do things I might have questioned mentally whether or not I could do. Not many people find that extra little motivation. The Army taught me how to find it and utilize it.”

A few years later, Hansen found that inner fire again. Even as he returned to coaching wrestlers in his hometown, his own physical fitness suffered as work and fatherhood took precedence.

Hansen vividly describes sitting in a bean bag chair, eating snack food, watching TV at 2:11 시에 남긴. when his phone rang. He assumed it was a friend in trouble.

“It was (NEF의 공동 소유자) 매트 피터슨. Our families grew up maybe 200 yards apart. My high school wrestling coach had called him, unbeknownst to me, to tell him he needed to get me back in the cage,"한센 말했다.

Three weeks later 과 20 pounds lighter, Hansen dispatched super heavyweight fixture Artie Mullen at “NEF 16: New Blood Rising,” and the comeback was on.

에서 15 months that have followed, Hansen has been instrumental in launching Berserkers MMA and building his reputation as both a fighter and an instructor.

Life is blossoming at home, 또한. Hansen is the father of two girls, 나이 5 과 2, and a boy of four months. His older daughter, Kaydn, often accompanies Dad to the gym at Greater Rumford Community Center. He returns the favor by chaperoning field trips for her kindergarten class.

“She and her friends will be on the playground practicing boxing stances and stuff,"한센 말했다. “Her teacher says it’s adorable. Hopefully she is learning to take care of herself so I don’t have to.”

Kaydn’s parents are making plans to take her to her first live NEF show after she turns 6. 지금은, she is content to watch her Dad’s fights on YouTube.

“If we’re watching TV together,"한센 말했다, “we have a thing where I get two shows and then she gets two shows. If I put in a fight tape, she’ll say, ‘Daddy, I know this doesn’t count as one of your shows, because this is your work.’”

의 오프닝 벨 (Bell) 유월 18 설정되어 7 시이. NEF "티켓 24: 약속의 땅은 "시작 $25 과에서 확인할 수있다 www.TheColisee.com 또는 Colisee 박스 오피스를 호출하여 207.783.2009, 신장 525.

이벤트 및 전투 카드 업데이트에 대한 자세한 내용은, 에서 승진의 웹 사이트를 방문하시기 바랍니다 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 게다가, 당신은 NEF의 비디오를 감상 할 수 있습니다 www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 트위터 @nefights에 그들을 따라 공식 페이스 북 그룹에 가입 "뉴 잉글랜드의 경기는 관중을."

명예의 국립 레슬링 홀 수감 년에 개조 시설의 그랜드 다시 개방와 40 클래스를 기념, 오클라호마. 6 월 3-4

The National Wrestling Hall of Fame is turning 40 세에서 2016. The Hall of Fame will be inducting and honoring the 40th class at the 40 Anniversary Honors Weekend on 유월 3-4 with a grand re-opening in its Stillwater, 오클라호마. location.


현재 $3.5 million complete renovation will allow visitors to experience the rich history of wrestling in a new way, including interactive exhibits. There is a vast and expanded use of digital technology to preserve photographs, videos, and other historical items. The Hall of Fame has a striking new layout, which has been modernized to offer an even more stunning experience for guests.


Much has changed since America’s shrine to the sport of wrestling opened its doors on Sept. 11, 1976. The first class enshrined was Raymond G. Clapp, Fendley Collins, Tommy Evans, Edward C. 갤러거, Art Griffith, Danny Hodge, Clifford P. Keen, Dave McCuskey, George Mehnert, Hugo Otopalik, Rex Peery, Myron Roderick, Billy Sheridan, and Jack VanBebber.


The interior of the Hall of Fame and Museum building will be all new, but it will not change how Distinguished Members are honored. The four Distinguished Members in our 40th Anniversary Class will be enshrined with granite plaques like the original 14 members in the Class of 1976.


의 클래스 2016 포함

Distinguished Member William B. Harlow

Distinguished Member Carlton Haselrig

Distinguished Member Brandon Slay

Distinguished Member Dick Wilson

Medal of CourageRandy Bortles

Outstanding AmericanJoseph Galli Jr.

Meritorious OfficialMarcia D.W. Haise

Order of MeritRon Good

Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award – Mark Hall II

Tricia Saunders High School Excellence Award – Katie Brock


This year’s Distinguished Members each had tremendous careers. Slay was a 2000 Olympic champion in freestyle, two-time NCAA runner-up for the University of Pennsylvania and current Assistant National Freestyle Coach with USA Wrestling. Haselrig won three NCAA Div. I and three NCAA Div. II heavyweight national titles for Pitt-Johnstown. Harlow was a three-time NCAA finalist and an NCAA champion for Oklahoma State and won a World silver medal in freestyle. Wilson was a three-time Olympian in Greco-Roman and a three-time NCAA runner-up for the University of Toledo.


Another constant from that first day is the life-size green marble statue, which not only greets visitors to the museum, but is also commemorated in the Hall of Fame logo. It is a copy of the classic Greek statue “The Wrestlers” by Cephisodotus in the Uffizi gallery in Florence, 이탈리아. The statue in the Hall of Fame is the only one in the world in green marble, and was first seen by the late wrestling legend and past Hall of Fame president Myron Roderick when he was in Europe for the Olympics.


The NWHOF has developed countless exhibits, books and other projects in the last 39 년. It has showcased great moments and individuals, but more importantly we’ve highlighted the diversity of the sport with special-themed exhibits featuring females and ethnicities including African Americans, Native Americans, and Latino Americans.


The first time the public will have the chance to see the new National Wrestling Hall of Fame will be on Friday, 유월 3 at its Reception and Presentation of Plaques at 6 시이. 에 405 West Hall of Fame Avenue. 의 클래스 2016 induction will be on 토요일, 유월 4 at OSU Student Union, South Hester St in Stillwater starting at 6 시이. with a reception in French Lounge, followed by the 40th Honors Banquet in Student Union Ballroom.


Media is invited to these special activities and can attend by contacting Jack Carnefix of National Wrestling Hall of Fame at 732-213-2121. Those wishing to interview any of the inductees during the weekend by phone should contact Gary Abbott of USA Wrestling at 719-659-9637.