Таг Арцхивес: женски бокс


САН АНТОНИО, ТКС (Април 16, 2019)Undefeated NABF Women’s lightweight champion, селина “азтец Краљица” Комшилуци (5-0, 2 КОс), returns to the ring April 27, 2019, против бившег светског шампиона, MelissaThe Shark” Хернандез (22-7-3, 7 КОс). The six-round bout will take place at the Cajundome in Lafayette, ЛА, as a special feature attraction on the WBSS super-lightweight semi-final card, под насловом од Регис Програис (23-0, 19 КОс) вс. Кирил Реликх (23-2, 19 КОс).

Комшилуци, who has defeated three undefeated fighters in a row, last fought in September of 2018. She is eager to get back in the ring against a game opponent like Hernandez, who has been in the ring with many of the best female boxers in the world.

I have a lot of respect for Melissa Hernandez, who has been a big part of growing women’s boxing over the years,” Саид Бариос, who resides in San Antonio, Тексас. “This fight is going to be a classic Mexican vs. Purto Rican war. No disrespect to her, but I’m coming with straight heat, with the mindset of beating her down. This is the hurt game and that’s what I plan to do to Hernandez when she steps in the ring with me. None of these girls want to see me.

We know Melissa Hernandez is a dangerous fighter with a lot of experience,” Саид Бариос’ advisor Kerry Daigle. “Once DAZN sees this fight we feel it will be the swing bout on TV. Barrios is extremely TV friendly.

We believe Selina is the best female fighter in the world,” stated co-manger Colin Campbell. “Уз то се, рекао је, a win against a crafty veteran like Hernandez will surly give us the momentum we need going into our next fight.


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КликнитеОВДЕ Да бисте преузели Фигхт Нигхт Пхотос; Кредит Степхание Трапп / СХОВТИМЕ
Атлантиц Цити (Април 13, 2019) - Цларесса Схиелдс је неприкосновени првак света у средњој категорији. 24-годишњи Флинт, ми. доморока пружила је најбољи учинак у каријери и дошла до једногласне одлуке због Немице Цхристине Хаммер у суботу у СХОВТИМЕ у вероватно најзначајнијем боксерском мечу у историји. Судије су постигле борбу 98-92 и 98-91 двапут.

Двоструки олимпијски златник Схиелдс (9-0, 2 КОс), који је ушао у борбу држећи ИБФ, ВБА и ВБЦ наслови од 160 килограма, показала је свој комплетан арсенал вештина у доминирајућем наступу и сада се придружује Терренце Цравфорд, Јермаин Таилор, Бернард Хопкинс, Олександар Усик и женска велтер категорија Цецилиа Браекхус као једини борци који су објединили све четири главне светске титуле у било којој категорији тежине.

Цхристина Хаммер (24-0, 11 КОс), који је поседовао ВБО појас улазећи у борбу, јој је удар углавном неутрализован и одбрана експлоатисана од почетка до краја. Штит је слетео изванредно 44% њених удараца снаге и слетео 112 укупних удараца у поређењу са само 49 за Хаммер. Колико год њен увреда била импресивна, Схиелдсова одбрана и кретање главом били су беспрекорни јер је Хаммер могао да се повеже на само 13% њених укупних удараца, 11% њених убода и 18% њених хитаца снаге.

Обраћајући се аналитичару СХОВТИМЕ-ове Куће славних, Стевеу Фархооду, после историјске ноћи женског бокса, отворени и емотивни Штит ништа нису задржавали.

„Ја сам највећа жена свих времена,”Рекао је Шилдс, који је умало зарадио застој током баража у завршним тренуцима осме рунде. "Ја сам урадио то. Није победила ни у једном кругу. Скоро сам је нокаутирао. Кунем се да се тренутно осећам као да сањам. Хвала Цхристини Хаммер и њеном тиму. Рекли су да је имала јак ударац и да нису лагали. Њен убод је с ланца.

„Управо сам калкулирао у првом кругу и након тога почео сам да је растављам,”Наставила је. „Знао сам да бих је могао повредити. Мислио сам да сам је завршио у осмој рунди. Мислио сам да је тучу требало зауставити. Држала ме је. Управо сам рекао себи, остани кул, остани кул. Покушавао сам да погодим савршен ударац да је извучем одатле. "

Свежа највећа победа у њеној професионалној каријери, новопечена неприкосновена шампионка света већ је уперила поглед на другог противника.

„Женски бокс, ми смо у пламену. Једва чекам да видим следећу супер борбу. Дајте ми Цецилију Брӕкхус 154 фунти. То је оно кога желим даље. Или она или Саваннах Марсхалл “.

„Нисам се борио баш добро или брзо,”Рекао је пригушени Чекић. „То је бокс, свашта се може догодити. Желео сам ову борбу. Она је победила, поштовање према њој. Она је тешка, јака жена и то је све што могу да кажем.

„Брза је, она излази напред. Има брзе руке. Нисам могао да спустим ударац онако добро како сам очекивао. Вратићу се и вратићу се јачи. “

“Мислим да ће вечерашња борба ући у књиге о историји као епска битка са људима попут Али-Фразиера, Леонард-Хеарнс и Де Ла Хоиа-Тринидад,” рекао је Дмитриј Салита, Председник Салита Промотионс.“Овим доминирајућим и задивљујућим наступом постала је крунисана неприкосновена шампионка у средњој категорији заједно са њеном листом рекордних достигнућа, Цларесса Схиелдс је на добром путу да буде поштована као Мухаммад Али, Сугар Раи Робинсон, Серена ВИллиамс, Мицхаел Јордан, Пеле и други на врху своје игре.”

У сарадњи-феатуред борбе, Јермаине Франклин (18-0, 13 КОс), широко сматран главном америчком перспективом у тешкој категорији, задржао свој непоражени запис нетакнутим једногласном одлуком од 10 кругова о бившем бр. 1-рангирао САД. аматер Риделл Боокер (25-2, 12 КОс). Судије су постигле борбу 99-91 и 98-91 двапут.

Двадесетпетогодишњи Франклин је цијело вријеме диктирао темпо и био је далеко активнији и агресивнији од свог 38-годишњег колеге. Боокер је имао својих тренутака, посебно у раним рундама када је спустио неколико удараца из воде, али млађахни Франклин се повукао у другој половини борбе док је Боокер био уморан и Франклин циљао тело. Франклин је у просеку 54 ударци по рунди у Боокер-ов 35 и водио 146-94 у укупним ударцима.

„Мислим да сам имао пристојан наступ,”Рекао је Сагинав, ми. домородац. „Постоје неке ствари на којима бих могао да радим. Мало сам се претрпао и био сам мало претерао. Имао је много више искуства од мене и искористио га је у своју корист. Могао је да види шта радим.

„Научио сам да будем стрпљивији јер сам га неколико пута повредио, али једном сам се претерао, цео мој план игре изашао је кроз прозор. Почео сам да забрљам и правим луде грешке које нисам смио. Сад се враћам на таблу за цртање да радим на мојим грешкама и следећи пут изађем већи и лошији. “

„Осетио сам да ме је претерао, али било је много ближе него како су га постигле судије,”Рекао је Боокер. „Недостајао сам му много више него што сам изгледао. Пуцао сам пуно хитаца и погодио га.

„Знао сам да ће он извршити притисак, али му треба много посла. Остаје превише центриран главом. Добро је. На његовој страни је младост. Оценио бих свој учинак око седам. Имао сам повреду у тренинг кампу са којом сам се суочавао. Бићу активан и вратићу се јачи него икад. “

У отварачу теле емисије, непоражени петорки рангирани тешкаш Отто Валлин (20-0, 13 КОс, 1 НД) и Балтиморов Ницк Киснер (21-4-1, 6 КОс, 1 НД) прекинули су меч од 10 рунди када су се два тешкаша сукобила главом у уводној рунди. Валлин је задобио рану на боку главе, док је Киснер задобио посекотину на десном оку, ометајући његову способност вида. По савету лекара поред прстена између прве и друге рунде, судија Еарл Бровн зауставио је борбу, што резултира не доношењем одлуке.

У време застоја, Валлин је повео 14-3 у укупним ударцима, 7-1 у убодима и 7-2 у ударним ударцима.

"Мени, његов рез није изгледао тако лоше,”Рекао је разочарани Валлин, који је правио свој САД. деби. „Штета је јер сам јако вредно тренирао за ову борбу и желео сам да приредим представу за навијаче у Америци. Једноставно нисам имао времена да кренем.

„Волео бих да се вратим тамо ускоро и покажем шта могу. Схватићу ово као искуство учења “.

„Ухватио сам ударац главом и судија је дошао до мене,”Рекао је Киснер. „Видео ме је како прелазим по оку и рекао„ видиш ли?' Рекао сам, ‘Чим извадим крв из ока, сигурно. ’

„Осећам се ужасно након толико напорног тренинга. Осећао сам се добро у првом кругу. Судије су му вероватно дале први круг, али увек скинем прву рунду. Осећао сам се као да бих могао на крају доћи до њега. Видели сте ме како добро слетам. “

Вечерашњи догађај уживо промовисао је Салита Промотионс.

Презентација на бис вечерашњег триплехера биће приказана у понедељак у 10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ на СХОВТИМЕ ЕКСТРЕМЕ и биће доступни путем мрежних платформи Он Деманд.

Кућа славних Барри Томпкинс позвао је акцију заједно са колегом аналитичарем Халл оф Фамеом Стевеом Фархоодом и бившим светским прваком Раулом Маркуезом. Светски познати спикер и Халл оф Фамер Јимми Леннон Јр.. заокружио је телевизијски пренос. Извршни продуцент СХОВТИМЕ БОКС-а: ПОСЕБНО ИЗДАЊЕ био је Гордон Халл са продуцентом Рицхардом Гауганом и режијом Рицком Пхиллипсом.

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Схиелдс вс.. Хаммер ће супротставити непоражене светске прваке у средњој категорији Цларессу Схиелдс и Цхристину Хаммер у борби за крунисање неприкосновеног светског првака од 160 килограма, у вероватно најзначајнијем женском боксерском догађају у историји. Ова играна игра ће Јермаинеа Франклина преузети против Риделл Боокер-а у узбудљивој борби од 10 рунди у тешкој категорији и у отварачу за телевизијски пренос, тешкаши Отто Валлин и Ницк Киснер бориће се у окршају од 10 рунди. СХОВТИМЕ БОКС: СПЕЦИЈАЛНО ИЗДАЊЕ триплехеад емитоваће се уживо у емисији СХОВТИМЕ у 9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ из Халлвалк Халл-а у Атлантиц Цитију, Н.Ј.


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half” – Схиелдс

Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME

ВБЦ, ВБА & IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Prepares for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Showdown Against Christina Hammer Saturday, Април 13 Ливе он СХОВТИМЕ®

from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City


КликнитеОВДЕ for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME


МИАМИ(Април 4, 2019) – ВБА, WBC and IBF Middleweight World ChampionЦларесса Шилдсhosted a media workout at 5тх Street Gym in Miami Thursday as she nears her showdown against WBO Middleweight World ChampionЦхристина Хаммер for the undisputed middleweight world championship Saturday April 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, Н.Ј.

The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields and unbeaten Hammer will look to become the sixth fighter in history to unify all four major world titles in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ).

Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише Салита Промоције, се по цени од $150, $100, $55 и $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

Shields has been training in Florida for the last week with her trainer John David Jackson, after spending the previous five weeks at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado. Here is what Shields had to say Thursday:


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half.

“When we’re in there, it’s about who punches harder. Ово је права борба. Just because she has height, doesn’t mean she’s going to dictate what happens. She’s going to have to do a lot to keep me off of her.

“I have two Olympic Gold Medals, three belts and more coming. I’ll have all the titles at the end of the night on April 13.

“I work hard, really hard. If I was a man, I would probably be one of the most famous boxers out there. There is a gender gap. We all know it. I’m working towards changing that. We work hard, we get less money and less recognition, but the world is changing. We are changing it.

“Hammer has been talking smack but I’m not worried about her. I’m just ready for a fight. She talks about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with boxing. I’m waiting for her to say she’s going to hit me with an uppercut or something, but it’s more of the same.

“Being here in Florida to finish up camp has really been ideal. I’ve still been working extremely hard, but here I have a little extra space and sunshine. It was time for some new scenery in camp and I think this was the perfect move to take me into fight week.

“I’ve been working on my ‘Ali shuffle,’ this gym inspired me. Don’t be surprised if you see me break it out during the fight. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. At the press conference there will be some surprises too — I have an outfit picked that is going to steal the show.”

“This fight is long overdue and I’m just glad I’m going to get my chance to show her what a real champion is. Someone is going down on April 13 and I promise it’s not going to be me.

“People can say they’re not paying attention to you and not studying you, but they’re lying. I’m glad she’s looking at me closely though. Hammer flew one of my friends out there to be a sparring partner, not even knowing that she hasn’t sparred me in years and knows nothing about me. It makes me know I’m on her mind. She can spar with Ann Wolfe and she still isn’t going to beat me.”

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Схиелдс вс.. Хаммер ће супротставити непоражене светске прваке у средњој категорији Цларессу Схиелдс и Цхристину Хаммер у борби за крунисање неприкосновеног светског првака од 160 килограма, у вероватно најзначајнијем женском боксерском догађају у историји. Ова играна игра ће Јермаинеа Франклина преузети против Риделл Боокер-а у узбудљивој борби од 10 рунди у тешкој категорији и у отварачу за телевизијски пренос, тешкаши Отто Валлин и Ницк Киснер бориће се у окршају од 10 рунди. СХОВТИМЕ БОКС: СПЕЦИЈАЛНО ИЗДАЊЕ триплехеад емитоваће се уживо у емисији СХОВТИМЕ у 9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ из Халлвалк Халл-а у Атлантиц Цитију, Н.Ј.


САН ФРАНЦИСКО, КАО ШТО СУ (Март 26, 2019)Last night at the Okada Manila Hotel and Casino in Paranaque City, Филипини, Prince Ranch Boxing’s female flyweight Цасеи “Lady Hawaiian Punch” Мортон (8-1-3, 1 КО), retained her WBO Asia Pacific title with a split decision victory over Japan’s Chie Higano (8-8-1, 2 КОс). Прочитани семафори 94-96 for Higano and 97-93, 96-94 for Morton.

I felt good to come back down to flyweight,” said Casey Morton, “I feel this is the weight where I can make my run toward a world title. Higano was a very tough opponent and I have a lot of respect for her. It’s very difficult to get a win overseas but I was able to do it. Now my goal is to capture the WBO world title. I’m hoping to get my shot by the end of the year.

Casey is a natural flyweight and she is best when fighting at this weigh,” said manager Greg Hannley одПринц Ранцх Бокс. “For her to go to the Philippines and pull off another monumental win is just amazing. A world title shot in 2019 is something I can see happening. I know she is ready to become a world champion.

Мортон, who is trained by Nonito Donaire Sr., feels she has the perfect team in place to take her career to the next level.

With Nonito Donaire Sr. as my coach, I feel he’s the right person to make me into a world champion as a trainer,” Morton Continued. “Додатно, my manager Greg Hannley is providing everything I need for these big fights, као и Victor Conte who has my back every step of the way. The team I have in place now is the best in boxing and I’m grateful for all their support. Together we will go to the top.

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ИБФ, WBA And WBC Champion Shields To Meet WBO & WBC Champion In Recess Hammer In Arguably The Most Significant Women’s Boxing Event In History


NEW YORK – February 12, 2019 - Undefeated middleweight world champions Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer will meet on Saturday, Април 13 live on SHOWTIME to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion. The blockbuster unification from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, Н.Ј. will be the main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION ливе ат 9 п.м. ET/PT and is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history.

Схиелдс вс.. Hammer features two of the consensus top-10 pound-for-pound fighters in the world squaring off to crown only the second undisputed champion in female boxing history.The fight, originally scheduled for November 2018, was postponed due to a now-resolved medical issue suffered by Hammer.

The 23-year-old Shields (8-0, 2 КОс) is a two-division champion who holds the IBF, ВБА и ВБЦ наслови од 160 килограма. The 28-year-old Hammer (24-0, 11 КОс) owns the WBO belt, is the WBC Champion in Recess, and has dominated the women’s middleweight division for more than eight years. Shields and Hammer fought on the same card last June on SHOWTIME, with both fighters winning impressively to set up the first undisputed showdown in the women’s 160-pound division.

The winner of Shields vs. Hammer will join Terrence Crawford, Јермаин Таилор, Бернард Хопкинс, Олександар Усик и женска велтер категорија Цецилиа Браекхус као једини борци који су објединили све четири главне светске титуле у било којој категорији тежине.

Схиелдс вс.. Hammer is promoted by Salita Promotions. Ticket prices and on-sale date will be announced next week by Boardwalk Hall.

“I always seek the biggest challenges and set the highest goals. I will be ready like never before and will defeat Christina Hammer on April 13,” said Shields. “Nothing will stop me from becoming undisputed champion and continuing my journey to carry women’s boxing to never-before-seen heights. I want to be the greatest of all time and change the game forever for all women in sports, and April 13 is an important step on that road to history.”

“I have waited a long time for this moment,” said Hammer. “I am bigger, stronger and more experienced than Claressa Shields. I am undefeated and have been a champion for over eight years. I can’t wait to show the world that I am the best and undisputed middleweight champion of the world.”

“SHOWTIME Sports has a long history of featuring the best in women’s combat sports, whether it was with Laila Ali and Christy Martin in boxing, or Gina Carano, Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey in MMA,” said Gordon Hall, Извршни продуцент SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION. “More recently, од 2016 we have featured today’s elite with Claressa Shields, Цхристина Хаммер, Katie Taylor and Amanda Serrano appearing in an industry-leading 10 presentations of women’s boxing. Male or female, SHOWTIME has delivered the best fighters in their toughest matchups, and April 13 неће бити другачији. We have two of the best pound-for-pound female fighters in the world facing each other with all four middleweight titles at stake. It doesn’t get much better than that.”

“The biggest women’s fight of all time is set to take place on April 13 at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer, оба шампиони, both in their prime, are not only taking on the biggest challenge in their respective careers by meeting each other in the ring, but are breaking barriers for boxing and for women in sports. Април 13 is destined to be an electric and historic night of boxing live on SHOWTIME.”

“Shields vs. Hammer is the biggest and most important fight in women’s boxing history – two undefeated unified champions in their prime battling for the undisputed middleweight championship of the world,” said Shields’ manager Mark Taffet. “Christina Hammer is indeed a very good fighter and champion, but Claressa Shields is once-in-a-lifetime. The same intense focus and determination that got Claressa through life, earned her two Olympic gold medals, and won her five world titles in eight pro fights will carry her to victory on April 13.”

“We are very excited to bring world-class championship boxing back to Atlantic City’s Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall,” said Matt Doherty, Executive Director of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority. “This reinforces the CRDA’s commitment to attract world-class sporting events and increase visitors to our destination.”

Shields was the first American boxer in history – male or female – to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. Флинт, Мичиген, native turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight. Shields moved down to middleweight for her June 22 headliner on SHOWTIME, defeating Hanna Gabriels to win the IBF and WBA titles and become a two-division champion in just her sixth professional contest. After Hammer was named WBC Champion in Recess due to her medical issue, Shields picked up the vacant WBC title last November with a unanimous decision over Hannah Rankin. She most recently defended all three titles in December against Femke Hermans.

Чекић, of Dortmund, Немачка, has been the dominant force in the women’s middleweight division since winning the WBO title in 2010. Hammer became unified champion in 2016 with a unanimous decision over WBC titlist Kali Reis and made four defenses as unified champion. In her eight years as champion, Hammer has lost just a handful of rounds across 16 Ворлд Титле туче. Чекић, who also models professionally and was recently featured at Fashion Week in New York City, made her U.S. debut on June 22 after campaigning mostly in Germany since turning professional in 2009. After being forced to withdraw from the November unification due to the health issue, Hammer won a non-title fight via second round knockout last Saturday, Фебруар 9 у Немачкој.

The undercard for the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Fan-friendly, interactive FREE platform averaging almost 323,000 views per show in Season II as it opens 2019 у 2300 Арена у Филаделфији.

Оффлине: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ/

  ЊУЈОРК (Јан. 1, 2019) – Having eclipsed the four-million views mark to close out the 2018 calendar yearФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ Покреће Еверласт opens the first quarter of 2019 with an outstanding six-card lineup featuring six different promotions and spanning five cities, beginning on Friday, Јан. 8 in South Philadelphia.
The free and interactive Facebook series rings its opening bell next Friday at 2300 Arena in South Philly by showcasing an exceptional, standing-room-only card put together byРагинг Бабе. Partnering with forward-thinking promoterМишел Росадо on next week’sPhilly Specialfeaturing several undefeated prospectsincluding bantamweightChristian Carto (17-0, 11 КОс) и тешкој категоријиDarmani Rock (13-0, 8 КОс) – FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is sure to get its 2019 schedule off to a hot start.
We’re excited to partner with FIGHTNIGHT LIVE for our debut Philly event,” рекао је Росадо. “The fights on the card and the fighters themselves have captured the attention of fight fans all over, even outside of the Philadelphia area, so we’re thrilled to give people the opportunity to see the fights live.
Carto meets veteran southpawВицтор Руиз (22-10, 15 КОс) у главном догађају, as the 22-year-old prospect looks to continue to make his case as a contender.Rock will fight in the card’s co-feature, док непораженMarcel Rivers (6-0, 4 КОс) of North Philadelphia meetsDerrick Whitley (4-0-1) Спрингфилд, Маса. in a special welterweight attraction. Amateur heavyweight standoutSonny Conto of South Philadelphiaa recent signee of monolithic promotion Top Rankwill also be featured in his pro debut as part of a seven-bout card.
We couldn’t be happier to begin our New Year at 2300 Arena with the outstanding lineup that Raging Babe has assembled for the Feb. 8 ‘Philly Special,'” said Mark Fratto, Директор и директор пословног развоја, Линацре Медиа. “We’ve been able to showcase nearly 500 up-and-comers on our platform, and Christian Carto is special prospect who we’re really pleased to feature on Facebook. Darmani Rock always brings the thunder, and watch out for the pro debut of Top Rank signee Sonny Conto as well.
Сада у својој другој сезони, ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ Покреће Еверласт је Фацебоок платформа прилагођена фанима – поред осталих аспеката – поноси се разговорима у реалном времену између коментатора борбе и гледалаца. ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је приказао више од 450 борци и 15 промоције током 26 преноси уживо догађаја из 18 различитих градова од маја 2017, и при томе, интерактивна платформа изазвала је лојално интересовање љубитеља борбе широм Сједињених Држава и широм света, укључујући значајну публику у Мексику, Уједињено Краљевство и други делови Европе, па чак и навијачи у Јужној Америци, Asia and Australia.
Од маја 2017, the numbers on the 26-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of166,508 views per event ивише од 4.3 милиона прегледа укупно за франшизу. Од септембра. 2018,Season II shows have averaged almost 323,000 прегледа.
Тхе Септ. 2018 “Краљеви бокса у уторак увече” (594,447) из песка у Витлејему, тхе Дец. 2018 “Квинс и Кингс оф Куеенс Цард” (379,758) у Њујорку, тхе Нов. 2018 “Снажна ударна сарадња у време приказивања” (372,662), тхе Дец. 2018 “Рои Јонес Јр. Текас Тхровдовн” (318,886), тхе Оцт. 2018 “Хард Хиттинг Пхилли Специал” (297,545), тхе Оцт. 2018 сатни Барекнуцкле “Фреевиев” (292,253), тхе Нов. 2018 “Титани у престоници” (256,871), септембра. 2017 “Реал Деал Промоције: Емпире стате” од Ресортс Ворлд Цасино (225,000), и августа 2017 ЦЕС “Супер Сатурдаи” од Фоквоодс (203,000) сви пријављени 200,000 или више приказа, and collectively the 26-show series has seen a total of more than4,329,206 прикази на свим уређајима.
Поред бројевима гледаности, потпуно-интерактивна, продукције погодне за обожаватељевише од 377,000 колективни ливе пост ангажовања (више од 14,500 по емисији), укључујући и више од 293,000 “свиђа” или “воли,” више од 46,000 comments and almost 16,000 акције.
Тхе Септ. 2018 “Краљеви бокса у уторак увече” из песка у Бетлехему поставили нову летву са594,447 прегледа and the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. Тхе Септ. 2017 ДиБелла карта тестеравише од 40,000 виевер интеракције укључујући готово 39,000 “свиђа” или “воли” и марта 17, 2018, Мурпхи’с “Ст. Патрицк'с Даи Цласх” поставили нову ознаку високе воде задели са 2,182.
Страница ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку има више од 86,000 фанови и више од92,000 следбеници.
Створио и продуцирао Линацре медија из Њујорка, ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе серија поседује и професионалне анноунцерс, више углова камере, телевизијске графике, Реплаис и иза-тхе-сцене приступ и интервјуи. У Стримовани емисије су доступни глобално где год Фацебоок је доступан. Иницијатива не само да омогућава навијачима из целог света да подесите, али одустаје-и-долази борце глобалну платформу за представљање своје способности, даје промотери приступачно “емитовање” решење и даје спонзорима могућност да дође до масовног публику преко брендираних садржаја.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter and Spring 2019 датуми ће бити званично објављен у наредним недељама.
ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је доступан на адреси: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ/
Пратите сву акцију путем друштвених мрежа на ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку, @ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ на Инстаграму и @ ФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ_ на Твиттеру, или коришћењем хештега #ФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ. За најновије Линацре медијских манифестација и распоред емитовања, пратите @ЛинацреМедиа на свим друштвеним платформама или користите ознаке #ЛинацреМедиаЕвентс или #ЛинацреМедиаОнТВ.
О компанији Еверласт Ворлдвиде Инц.
Врхунски бренд у боксу од 1910, Еверласт је водећи светски произвођач, маркетер и давалац лиценце бокса, ВМА и фитнес опрема. Од легендарних шампиона Јацка Демпсеија и Сугар Раи Робинсона до тренутних супер звезда Деонтаиа Вилдера и Дустина Поириера, Еверласт је бренд избора за генерације професионалних спортиста светских шампиона. Изграђен на основу наслеђа бренда снаге, посвета, индивидуалност и аутентичност, Еверласт је неопходан део живота безбројних првака. Са седиштем на Менхетну, Еверластови производи се продају преко више од 75 земље и 6 континенти. За више информација, посетаввв.еверласт.цом.

2019 International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame (IWBHF) Inductees Announced

Source/IWBHF Press Release
/Bernie McCoy

Јануар 27, 2019 PORTLAND, ИЛИ – (Јануар 27, 2019) WBAN is proud to announce the International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame (IWBHF), Класа 2019.

This sixth annual induction represents a record breaking number of honorees in the history of this signal institution which has recognized and honored those individuals who have, over the history of the sport of Women’s Boxing, contributed to, advocated for and brought esteem and distinction to the sport in and out of the ring.

Included in this year’s class are seven former boxers: Terri Cruz, Melissa Fiorentino, Lisa Holewyne, Carina Moreno, Bridgett Riley, Wendy Rodriquez и Martha Salazar. The Non-Boxer category includes Дејвид Авила, Stephen Blea и Blanca Gutierrez. Pat Emerick and Patricia [Сенди] Martinez-Pino are recipients in the Pioneer Female Boxer and the Posthumous categories, односно.


Terri Cruz compiled a 17-7-2 запис, over a nine-year career (1999-2008), highlighted by winning the IFBA bantamweight crown over highly regarded Heather Percival in 2005. Cruz’s love of and dedication to the sport brought her out of retirement in 2009 to challenge top ranked Alesia Graf for WIBA Flyweight title, losing a close decision and again in 2011 for another bout with unbeaten Susie Ramadan.

Melissa Fiorentino, a 5’1dynamo, imbued with the appropriate sobriquetFury”, put up a sterling 17-2 record over a seven-year (2001-08) career during which she stepped in with the top ranked fighters in the featherweight class, including wins over Belinda Laracuente, Esther Schouten, Jaime Clampitt and Cindy Serrano. She capped her career, у јануару, 2008, winning the IWBF super featherweight title.

Lisa Holewyne fought to a 25-17-2 record over almost eight years (1998-2006) као професионални боксер. A common boxing dictum states, “you are what your record isand Holewyne is exactly that. Coming to the ring after a four year stint as a pentathlete at the University of Texas, Holewyne quickly established herself as ananyone/anywherelightweight boxer, fighting Sumya Anani twice (when very few ranked fighters would come within a couple of time zones of that matchup), unbeaten Mary Jo Sanders twice, splitting two fights with the formidable Sunshine Fettkether to mention only some of the top opposition Holewyne sought out during a career that should serve as a signpost for any boxer seeking to do the sport the right way.

Carina Moreno was a standout in the flyweight ranks, борба, over her ten year career (2003-13), 203 rounds while compiling glittering 23-6 record against the best boxers in this competitive weight class. In addition to wins over Eileen Olszewski, Yessica Bopp and Holly Dunaway, she held the WBC and WIBA minimumweight titles for several years. She finished her career still competing against the best in her class, winning the WBA flyweight title against Susi Kentikian in Germany in December ’12, before losing a close decision to Kentikian seven months later in the same country.

Bridgett Riley fought in the ring, for nine years (1994-03), састављање 15-3 запис, exactly how she lived life, in perpetual motion. “Busy fightermight be an understatement, since from the opening bell, Riley had one gear, full speed ahead. She held the IFBA bantamweight title beating Yvonne Trevino over ten rounds in February ’98 and, in possibly her most remembered bout, Riley KO’d Englishwoman, Alicia Lahsen, in June ’98, after surviving an early knockdown. It was her first defense of the IFBA title. Among Riley’s other pursuits in her active life range from martial arts champion to movie stunt person.

Wendy Rodriguez is another of the West Coast fighters who brought the female bantamweight division to the attention of the boxing public. Along with her co-2019 IWBHF inductee, Carina Moreno, Rodriquez set a standard of competitive excellence in the ring that raised the public perception and appreciation of the division. Rodriquez, in her seven year (1999-08) career put up an exemplary 19-4-3. Early on, (Нов. 2000) she fought an 8 round draw with Margaret Sidoroff and in her penultimate bout, she stepped in with Regina Halmich, (Regina was inducted into the Inaugural Class of the IWBHF in 2014) . Rodriquez finished her career on a high note, revenging an earlier loss to Holly Dunaway in the process of winning the vacant IBA minimum weight crown.

Martha Salazar competed as a professional boxer for 15 (2001-16) године, борба 18 times and winning 13 of those bouts. It is an unfortunate reflection of the dearth of competition at the female heavyweight level. But for those athletes who posses persistence, combined with a don’t quit attitude, упоредо са, најважније, ring talent, the top rung of this division is attainable. Martha Salazar has those qualities in world class supply. Salazar won the WIBF heavyweight title via TKO over Pamela London in November ’04 and finished her career winning the WBC crown in a November ’14 by decision over Tanzee Daniel, before relinquishing the title via a close decision to Alejandra Jimenez in the final bout of her career in March of 2018.


Дејвид Авила is a prominent and widely followed West Coast boxing writer. His linage to the sport comes from his father who fought a number of times at the Olympic Auditorium in the 1950s. Avila began his journalism career as a writer for the LA Times in the 1990s and is currently working for the Riverside (КАО ШТО СУ) Press Enterprise and La Prensa newspapers. Али, unquestionably, it is Avila’s longtime support for and advocacy of the sport of Women’s boxing and it’s athletes that has earned him this well deserved IWBHF honor.

Stephen Blea, Blea’s reputation as a boxing official has been well documented and has led him to be ranked among the finest in the sport. But it is his myriad additional contributions to the benefit to the sport and it’s athletes that makes Blea singular in the sport. He has been a coach at USA Boxing along with providing his referring and judging skill to that organization. He has coached boxing at the Denver Police department. He has managed WBC Cares for the state of Colorado and overlaid those efforts with a long time, full throated support of the sport of Women’s boxing whenever the opportunity arises.

Blanca Gutierrez is proof positive that the promotion of the sport of boxing begins with whole-hearted empathy, and few promoters in the sport of Women’s boxing can match the personal connection and caring that Gutierrez brings to the sport and it’s athletes. Her father, Хавијер, was a professional boxer in Mexico and and Gutierrez’s interest and love for the sport came early and fervent. She is the driving force behind Beautiful Brawlers, a West Coast promotional powerhouse, that continues as a prime force behind the recent resurgence in the sport of female boxing.

David Avila and Stephen Blea are the second and third males to be inducted into the IWBHF.


Pat Emerick reduces her outlook on the sport of boxing to it’s most basic, “put one foot in front of the other and be prepared.If only getting a chance to climb through the ropes was that easy for a female in the middle of the previous century. It wasn’t. Emerick’s opportunities were essentially limited to her hometown, South Bend, ИН, где, at 5’4″, 123кг, after losing her first bout, she reeled off 18 узастопне победе, highlighted by a TKO win over Jo Ann Hagan in November ’54 before 4,000 fans in Council Bluffs, IA., winning the Ladies World Boxing Association Championship. Emerick becomes the second oldest living IWBHF Pioneer Boxer inductee, born five months after Year 1 honoree Barbara Buttrick.


Patricia “Сенди” Martinez-Pino, who passed away in September of last year, was a longtime leading advocate for the sport of Women’s boxing in this country. She worked tirelessly within the sport, with the AIBA to open up opportunities for females as referees and judges and served with U S Boxing as President (Hispanic), as well as terms as Vice President and Secretary. Her untiring efforts in support of and improving conditions and opportunities for women in the sport will be well remembered and sorely missed and are best described by her co-inductee, Stephen Blea, “Sandy broke down barriers and achieved accolades no woman had achieved in this sport.

As previously noted, the 2019 IWBHF Class of Inductees is the largest, and quite possibly, the most diverse, in the six year history of the Hall, conceived and formulated in 2014 by Sue Fox, founder and publisher of Women’s Boxing Archive Network (WBAN). Fox envisioned the Hall as a needed addition to the boxing community, a way of honoring those, у и ван ринга, upon whose athleticism, support and advocacy for the sport of Women’s Boxing continues to stand on and progress.

An induction ceremony for the 2019 inductee class is being discussed and details will be announced forthcoming.

Rosalinda Rodriguez takes on Liliana Martinez for the UBA Bantamweight title on Saturday, January 26th at The Santander Arena in Reading, ПА

Хектор Камачо, Јр. to appear in the co-feature

Reading’s Nicholas Hernandez in action

Plus undefeated Martino Jules

Читање, ПА (Јануар 3, 2019)У суботу увече, January 26th, championship boxing returns to the Santander Arena у Читање, Пенсилванија as Phoenix Promotions stages a big Pro-AM card.

У главном догађају, it will be a 10-round battle for the UBA
Bantamweight title as Rosalinda Rodriguez поприма Liliana Martinez.

Rodriguez of Miami has a record of 8-0 са два нокаута.

The 32 year-old Rodriguez is a four-year professional who
has wins over two undefeated fighters in Frederica Blanco and Samantha Salazar.

In her last bout, Rodriguez won an eight-round unanimous
decision over Crystal Hoy on December 8th in Louisville,

Martinez of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic has a record of 21-18 са 13 нокаута.

The 35 year-old Martinez is a 19 year-professional is coming off a decision loss to Sandra Atanassow on February 3rd in Germany.

У осам кола ко-функцијом, Хектор Камачо, Јр. returns to the ring when he takes on Vladimir Hernandez in an middleweight bout scheduled for eight-rounds.

Цамацхо, Јр. Нев Иорк, has a record of 58-7-1 са 32 нокаута.

Цамацхо, 40 година стар, је 23 year veteran of the squared circle.

Camacho went undefeated in his first 34 туче,
which included wins over Freddy Curiel (14-3-1), Роберто
Nunez (15-3), Miguel Angel Ruiz (21-5-1), Menard Reed (20-1), former world champion Phillip Holliday (36-3-1), Џо
Hutchinson (18-1-2), Роки Мартинес (34-4-1), former world
title challenger Larry LaCoursiere, Arturo Urena (19-3), Fredd Ladd (45-9), Nelson Estupinan (12-1), Kenny Kost (14-3),
Израел Кардона (36-9) & Former world champion Yory Boy
Студентски град(92-14-1).

Hernandez of Denver, Colorado has a record of 10-3 with six knockouts.

The 29 year-old Hernandez is a 10 year-professional has two wins over Danny Valdivia (14-0 & 14-1).

У шест-округлих налетима:

Нicholas Hernandez (9-3-1, 2 КОс) of Reading takes on
Jauvan John (3-7-1) оф Брооклин, NY in a junior middleweight

Frank Trader (11-2-1, 3 КОс) of Philadelphia fights Зацк Рамсеи (8-5, 4 КОс) Спрингфилд, MA in a junior lightweight bout.

У четири округла налетима:

Harold Lopez (4-0-1, 1 КО) од Аллентовна, PA fights pro debuting Rondarius Hunter in a flyweight bout.

Rakym Dyer will make his pro debut against fellow first-timer Earvin Young Милваукее, WI in a welterweight

мартино Жил (5-0) од Аллентовна, PA will take on an opponent to be named in a featherweight contest.

There will be an amateur show that begins at 4 увече, и
tickets that that portion of the show only are $25.

Ticket Prices are as follows for Pro Show, that begins at 8 АМ

1) $1,500.00 VIP Tables.
2) $150.00 Ring Side Seats.
3) $75.00 Silver Seating.
4) $50.00 Bronze Seating.
5) $25.00 Опште Улаз.

All Tickets can be purchased at At The Santander Arena’s
Blagajna -700 Penn Street Reading Pa. 19602;
Ticketmaster.com and at The Reading Extreme Boxing Club
налази на 1419 Н. 5th Street Reading Pa. 19602.

Women’s World Champion Hanna Gabriels Returns to Defend Against Sarah Dwyer on January 26

Having solidified herself as a legitimate women’s star in her own right with her gallant performance against Claressa Shields last June, world champion Hanna Gabriels (18-2-1, 11 КОс) will return to her homeland to face Australia’s Sarah Dwyer on Saturday, Јануар 26, at the Avenida Escazu in San Jose, Costa Rica.

The 10-round battle will be in defense of Gabriels’ WBA Super Welterweight Championship.

Dwyer (3-4-2, 1 КО) is coming off a draw for the Australian Championship against undefeated Tayla Harris in November.

This will be Gabriels’ first fight since the impressive showing against Shields, where she had the women’s superstar down in the first round before losing an exciting and close decision. The fight is being called the Women’s Fight of the Year for 2018.

“I’m feeling amazing training with my husband and just ready to get back,” said Gabriels. “She’s (Dwyer) a warrior will try to come and chop my head off, but we will send her back to Australia quick enough.”

Gabriels’ manager, Hector Cordova, says Dwyer is the first stop of a comeback that includes a return go with Shields and some other big names in women’s boxing.

“I am really proud of Hanna and everything she does for the community in Costa Rica. She is a hero inside and outside the ring; a real-life world success story. Our goal is to unify the 154-lb. подела. We want to raise women’s boxing to new heights and eventually rematch Claressa and fight (women’s unified welterweight champion) цецилиа Браекхус. Hanna is the best 154-lb fighter in the world: a point we look forward to proving once again on January 26.”

Promoter Dmitriy Salita says that Gabriels’ name belongs among the best names in the sport. “Hanna is one of the best female fighters in the world. Her world-class skills make her one of the biggest names in all of women’s boxing. Јануар 26 is going to be a great night and will open a door of exciting new opportunities for Hanna.”

“I want to thank all of my fans for supporting me always and showing me love even in defeat,” said the always gracious Gabriels. “That’s what makes me want it more and more. I want to fight Claressa and Cecilia and give my fans all I can before I leave the sport. I also want to thank my team because they’re amazing. Bryan Vasquez, мој муж, Hector Fernandez de Cordova, мој менаџер, Pedro Gonzalez and Esteban Quesada, my co-trainers and Dmitriy Salita for lending a hand when needed. I won’t disappoint you.”

Claressa Shields Is The BWAA’s 2018 Жена борац оф тхе Иеар

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By Joseph Santoliquito/BWAA President

In a pivotal year for women’s boxing that saw the sport reach more
people than ever before, two-time United States Olympic gold medal
winner Claressa Shields continued to soar, as she successfully defended her two world middleweight titles, then added three super middleweight belts before the end of a campaign that earned her the 2018 Christy
Martin Award, which is given to the Boxing Writers Association of
America’s Female Fighter of the Year.

I am thrilled and honored to receive the Fighter of the Year award from the Boxing Writers Association of America. It is a dream come true, and it furthers my goal to lift women’s boxing to new levels,” Shields said.

“У 2019 my goals are to become undisputed champion, to be ranked in the top 10 pound-for-pound list regardless of gender, and to continue
the march of women’s boxing toward equality with men.

The 23-year-old from Flint, Michigan becomes the second winner of the award, which was established in 2017. She will be honored at the
BWAA’s annual award dinner, which will take place in 2019 at a site and date to be determined.

In such a big year for women’s boxing, it wasn’t a surprise that there
were so many worthy nominees for this award, but in 2018, Claressa
Shields took things to a new level by becoming a two-division world
champion and successfully defending her titles at both 168 и 160
pounds in Showtime and HBO-televised bouts,” said Thomas Gerbasi,
chairman of the BWAA’s women’s boxing committee. “That’s impressive in its own right, but the fact that she’s done this all before her tenth pro
fight and under the glare of the spotlight that comes with being the face of the sport in the United States made her a unanimous choice for this
year’s Christy Martin Award.

Joining Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward and the late Emanuel Steward as
members of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame’s Class of 2018, Shields began the year on a collision course with middleweight
champion Christina Hammer, but first she finished up her business at
168 pounds by successfully defending her IBF and WBC titles with a
shutout victory over Tori Nelson in January.

Next was Shieldsmiddleweight debut against Hanna Gabriels in June,
and what followed was a Fight of the Year candidate that saw Shields
rebound from the first knockdown of her career to win a clear-cut
decision and the IBF and WBA belts. Убрзо након, the news came that
Hammer had to withdraw from her November clash with Shields due to
injury, али “T-Rexdidn’t slow down, as she defeated Hannah Rankin and Femke Hermans to successfully defend her middleweight titles while
adding the WBC crown to her trophy case.