Tag Archives: women’s boxing

Imos oín-lo das nenas – Marston, Ferreiro & Presupostos Brown Presser

Había máis que unha pizca de glamour presentes na rolda de prensa recente, para as próximas Mark Lyons e Billy James Elliott-promovido señores do evento anel II, que tivo lugar en The Pie Square en Mercado Spitalfields, como todos os tres puxilista femininas que participarán estaban presentes, xunto con outros boxeadores que han competir neste evento histórico.


Señores do Anel II é garantir o seu lugar nos libros de historia do deporte como este será o primeiro evento de boxeo profesional, no Reino Unido, para caracterizar tres combatentes do sexo feminino.


O primeiro en falar foi o equipo GB atleta Shaunagh Brown, de Peckham, Londres, un atleta de éxito en tres disciplinas, Tiro Putt, Tiro Hammer and Discus, que fai o seu debut profesional en agosto 29th.


"Estou animado para estar facendo miña estrea a próxima semana, Eu non podo esperar.


Sempre traballei duro para se preparar para unha competición, pero o traballo que ten que facer como un boxeador é outro nivel completamente.


Meu adestrador Mark (ex Commonwealth Champion Mark Reef) foi brillante, Eu aprendín moito con el, el realmente fixo este movemento de atletismo ao boxeo moito máis fácil do que debería ser.


Eu só estou ansioso para entrar no arena agora e facer o que Mark ensinoume a facer "


Preto de falar foi Leeds, De Yorkshire Sam Smith, que recentemente gañou Zsofia Bedo para garantir o título Internacional Masters International, en só a súa terceira loita profesional.


"Foi unha longa xornada para chegar aquí hoxe, pero valeu a pena, foi o meu soño de loitar no Salón York un día e agora estou.


Isto todo aconteceu tan rápido, Eu loitei en agosto 2nd e estaba indo a tomar unha semana de adestramento, pero cando Lee (ex Irish Champion Lee Murtagh) dixo que podería me levar no concerto que foi directo para fóra da porta, Tiven que levala, polo que só levou un par de días de descanso e, a continuación, en liña recta de volta ao ximnasio para estar preparado.


Estou preparado e ansioso para ir, non pode esperar. "


Finalmente británico #1 e reinando MBC Campión Internacional, Woolwich, Marianne Marston de Londres levou ao micrófono.


"Non quere só agradecer a Mark e Billy (promotores Mark Lyons e Billy James Elliott-) para darme a oportunidade de loitar na súa agosto 29th mostra, pero tamén agradecerlles por inabalável apoio de boxeo feminino.


É unha honra estar implicado nun evento tan histórico, teño que dicir que el foi un longo tempo próximos.


Todos esperaban que boxeo feminino ía despegar aquí, tras o éxito do deporte no London 2012 Xogos Olímpicos, pero é só agora que é, aínda dicindo que debo destacar que isto só é posible por mor do MBC (Malta Comisión de Boxeo), como son a única organización pro operando no Reino Unido que fomentar e apoiar activamente da Muller Boxeo Profesional.


Esperemos que este é o inicio de grandes cousas para nós, o ano pasado, tivemos a min mesmo e Angel (McKenzie) loitando no mesmo programa, agora temos Sam, Shaunagh e eu todo loitando no mesmo evento, esperemos que por esta época o próximo ano imos crear aínda máis historia con un todo evento femia.


Eu non podo esperar para volver no arena, Fai case 10 meses desde a última vez loitou, que é un camiño moi longo.


Teño o pracer de dicir que a lesión que me deixou de loitar no inicio do ano xa está curado, entón eu teño sido capaz de adestrar totalmente para do próximo sábado loita.


Estamos todos esperando que haberá algún bo apoio dos fans, non só é a nova apertura da tempada ea primeira oportunidade de incorporarse algunha acción de boxeo na Capital tras as vacacións de verán, pero tamén é a primeira vez que hai tres loitas de boxeo das mulleres nun show pro.


Polo tanto, obter as entradas agora, este é sempre un espectáculo a non perder. "


As Mark Lyons e Billy James-Elliott para Wise Guys promocións SEÑORES DO anel II evento terá lugar no Salón York, Bethnal Green, Londres o sábado 29th Agosto 2015.


Este evento é sancionado cortesía da Comisión de Boxeo Malta (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Ingresos, prezo £ 35 (estándar sentado) e £ 65 (Ringside) están dispoñibles a partir de calquera dos boxeadores que participan, en liña enwww.tkoboxoffice.com e www.wiseguypromotions.com ou chame 07960 850645 ou 07807 282559.

Boxeo Feminino: Marston, Smith e Brown Na Acción En Londres, 29 de agosto

Anunciou promotores Mark Lyons e Billy James-Elliott hoxe que engadiu dúas loitas profesionais Feminino, ademais do que xa está na tarxeta, para os seus próximos señores do evento anel II, que ten lugar no famoso York Hall, en Bethnal Green, Londres o sábado agosto 29th.


Encabezando o continxente feminino na nova apertura da temporada da Capital, é británico #1 clasificados (Super Bantamweight & Libra por libre) e reinando MBC Internacional Super Bantamweight Campión Marianne Marston.


Esta será a primeira oportunidade para os fans de Marston para vela en acción este ano, como ela sufriu unha recaída ao músculo piriforme severamente danado ela resgou durante a formación para a loita polo título WBU Europea contra Hana Horakova marzo do ano pasado.


Marston estará mirando para estar na súa mellor forma, Agora, a lesión está completamente curada, como o londiniense foi aliñados para disputar un título mundial este ano.


Xuntando Marston sobre os señores do evento anel II será invicto leve Sam Smith desde Leeds e un compañeiro londiniense Shaunagh Brown, que estará facendo o seu debut profesional.


Ferreiro, que loita fóra do Ximnasio Belén en Leeds, fixo unha declaración moi, desde que se fixo profesional en marzo deste ano, marcando tres vitorias paralización, así como xa garantir o seu primeiro premio Championship, cando bateu Zsofia Bedo por paralización terceira rolda para garantir o título Máster Internacional Bronce Leve.


Facendo o seu debut profesional no evento é o equipo GB Atleta Shaunagh 'The Hammer' Brown de Peckham, South London.


Marrón, que é adestrado polo ex Commonwealth Champion Mark Reef no ximnasio Campións TKO en Hackney, gozou de éxito envexable ao longo da súa carreira atletismo, incluíndo a conquista da medalla de ouro (Disco) no Campionato ESAA en ambos 2005 e 2006, Prata nos AAA U20 Championships tamén en 2006.


Nas Inglaterra U20 Campionato de Atletismo en 2008, Brown asegurou non unha, senón dúas medallas en diferentes disciplinas, Ouro para o disco e prata para o lanzamento do Peso. En 2009, nos Aviva Inglaterra U20 Campionato de Atletismo, Brown, a continuación, engadiu a Medalla de Ouro de Lanzamento do Peso para a súa colección.


Falando máis cedo promotor Mark Lyons deixou claro que el eo seu compañeiro de empresas Billy James Elliott-se feliz por volver estar na vangarda do boxeo feminino no Reino Unido,


"Esta é a nova apertura da tempada para o boxeo en Londres e decidimos que nova tempada, novo comezo de xeito que mellor que traer á tona algúns dos magníficos combatentes do sexo feminino que temos neste país.


Sen dúbida é sobre o tempo que había loitas máis mulleres nas filas profesionais, ao longo dos últimos anos sobre os únicos loitadores do sexo feminino británicos que viron a acción regular son Marianne (Marston) e Angel McKenzie, pero agora con Sam (Ferreiro), Shaunagh (Marrón) e outros, como Juliette inverno está a bordo, Boxeo feminino pode realmente comezar a gañar algún impulso.


É inédito de ter tres loitas sexo feminino nun evento profesional no Reino Unido, despois 29th Agosto espero que este non será o caso e temos que ver estas novas en acción, , Así como obter a cobertura dos medios de comunicación que merecen.


Marianne ten máis que probado que é o nivel do campionato e con razón gañou un tiro no título mundial este ano e eu non dubido por un minuto que Sam tamén vai ser un desafío para títulos importantes nun futuro próximo demasiado, como a vontade Shaunagh.


Shaunagh houbo un éxito na área deportiva anteriormente, Disco, Lanzamento do Peso e Martelo Lanzamento, nacional e internacionalmente, a nena é un gañador e estou seguro que vai ser tan exitoso como un boxeador como ela era está nos seus outros deportes escollidos.


Vai ser un gran evento, Ademais dos tres ataques femia, hai unha morea de grandes loitas aliñados que presentan algúns loitadores top, tales como WBF Campión do Mundo de Chris Goodwin, ex estrela do equipo GB Iain Weaver e Jimmy Campbell, Jimmy foi co mellor da súa división, tales como Campións do Mundo Anthony Dirrell e Virgil Hill.


Na parte superior de que temos unha tarxeta Forzado coas próximas novos talentos, así como algunhas estrelas futuras facendo o seu debut pro, por iso sempre é un evento que serve para todos os fans de boxeo, mozo, vello, macho ou femia, hai algo para todos. "


As Mark Lyons e Billy James-Elliott para Wise Guys promocións SEÑORES DO anel II evento terá lugar no Salón York, Bethnal Green, Londres o sábado 29th Agosto 2015.


Este evento é sancionado cortesía da Comisión de Boxeo Malta (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Ingresos, prezo £ 35 (estándar sentado) e £ 65 (Ringside) están dispoñibles a partir de calquera dos boxeadores que participan, en liña enwww.tkoboxoffice.com e www.wiseguypromotions.com ou chame 07960 850645 ou 07807 282559.

Undefeated Super Middleweight Derrick “Take It To The Bank” Webster back in action on TONIGHT in Memphis

Memphis, Tennessee ( Maio 29, 2015)HOXE Á NOITE at the W.C. Handy Pavilion in Memphis, Tennessee, undefeated Super Middleweight, Grúa “Take it to the Bank” Webster will make his first start of 2015 when he takes on William Johnson in a six-round bout that is part of a card that will be televised live on CBS Sports Network.
Webster is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions.
Webster de GLASSBORO, New Jersey ten unha marca de 18-0 con 9 knockouts and has not been sitting idle during the six months he has not been in the ring.
“O adestramento foi grande. We had some dates moved on us, so we stayed at home for camp. We used a lot of different sparring partners and I have a new strength and conditioning coach. I did a lot of new things such as running the bleachers, some great ab work as well, ” said Webster.
Webster has been no stranger to layoffs as guys are not running fast to face the 6’4inch southpaw who has displayed good boxing ability and power.
It frustrates me but I have been dealing with it my whole career. I know I should be a lot further along but now I have promoters and managers (D & D Management) that should help ease that problem. Entón, con iso en mente, I can’t wait to see what is to come.
In Johnson, Webster is fighting a guy with a pedestrian record but that was not by choice.
It is hard to get up for this opponent. We had at least 12 guys turn down the fight for one reason or another. There is nothing I can do to make guys fight me. I am just going into this fight to get a win and start fighting the upper echelon guys. I think I will come right back in July and we will be fighting for some regional titles.
I appreciate the support. I love my family and fans. This fight will end in a knockout. I am glad I can display this on national television and the world will finally recognize what they have been missing and that is that I am the best southpaw in boxing.
GH3 Promotions presenta invicto dos medios Antoine Douglas, Do Super Middleweight Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez as well as Boxcino Jr. Campión dos medios John Thompson, invicto Welterweight Jerrell Harris,invicto Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, invicto leve Oscar Bonilla, Heavyweight Natu Visinia e light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ao GH3 Promotions estable.

Lightweight Contender Tony Luis to Serve on Broadcast Commentary Team on CBS Sports Network, este venres, Maio 29 en Memphis

Lightweight contender Tony “Lóstrego” Luis says it’ll be the realization of a childhood dream when he serves as guest analyst on the broadcast team this Friday, Maio 29.

Luis will join Ron Kruck, Steve Kim and Patrick Ortiz for the live call of “Campionato de Boxeo na CBS Sports Network,” will air live on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, E) from the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee.

Presented by Greg Cohen Promotions, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network will be headlined by a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “Poder” Kayode (20-0, 16 Kos) e “Esvaradío” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 Kos).

No co-main event, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut against Batesville, Arkansas’ Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 Kos). Also featured in televised action that night will be women’s superstar Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos) in a six-round super featherweight showcase against Nairobi, Kenya’s Fatuma Zarika (24-10-2, 14 Kos), as well as super middleweight Derrick “Envíea ao Banco” Webster (18-0, 9 Kos) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder against Mississippi’s William Johnson.

Os ingresos para “Campionato de Boxeo” custa $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236. Na noite da loita, doors open @ 6:00 pm. The live television telecast will run from 10 am para 12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. Para obter máis información, visita www.gcpboxing.com.

It’s another childhood dream come true,” said Luis of doing commentary. “My mom was a stickler with me over reading when I was little, but once I got the hang of it and discovered boxing, look out! I drove her crazy reading my dad’s boxing collection to her all the time. And she would always say I had what it took to do what the guys on HBO were doing. I can hear the ‘I told you so,’ from heaven.

Luis will be joining a solid broadcast team of veterans. Blow-by-blow man Ron Kruck is an MMA correspondent for the longest-running Mixed Martial Arts news show on television, Dentro MMA, on Mark Cuban’s AXS TV. Long-time boxing journalist Steve Kim is internationally recognized for his commentary and opinion preceding major pay-per-view boxing bouts. Patrick Ortiz is the President of Ringside Ticket Inc and Lords of the Cage, which specializes in providing Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing events for Tribal Casinos.

Max Kellerman motivated me when i was younger,” said Luis of his influences. “I saw a young guy with a passion for boxing. Max is a very good commentator and has developed a good eye for the sport, but I feel I have an edge because I actually live it and know what it is like to be in that ring.

Luís (19-3, 7 Kos), who lost a controversial decision in a world-title fight in England against England’s Derry Matthews in April, will next be seen, in ring, en xuño 25 en Niagara Falls, New York against an opponent that is TBA.


Maio 2 Installment Of Annual Breakfast Celebrated Hard Working Professionals in Sports and Entertainment

Las Vegas (Maio 20) – Promocións Mayweather kicked-off the Saturday, Maio 2 Mayweather vs. Pacquiao festivities with the Titans of the Trade breakfast entitled “Breakfast of Champions,” in celebration of the hard working professionals in sports and entertainment. Este ano, the Titans of the Trade Committee honored three formidable women who have forged their own paths to success in the sports industryrenowned sportscaster Lesley Visser, ex-campión mundial Mia St. Baño and New York State Athletic Commission Chairwoman Melvina Lathan.


I accept this award on behalf of anyone who has faced the odds and over came them,” said Visser. “Mandela once said, ‘Sport has the power to change the world,’ and I agree because this honor I’ve received today is an example of how sport has changed the world.


In addition to the honorees, there was a full program of speakers and other activities. Guest speakers included boxing legend and Hall of Famer Lucia Rijker e Andrea Haynes e Dr. Rena Menard of the United States National Committee for United Nations Women (Houston Chapter).


Haynes and Menard spoke specifically about HeForShe, a solidarity movement for gender equality developed by UN Women to engage men and boys as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights. The campaign encourages them to speak out and take action against inequalities faced by women and girls.


Why I’m passionate about the HeForShe campaign is because it is important that we get the men involved to support us,” said Haynes. “UN Women and He for She is dear because what it’s saying is that we all recognize that for us to be better and do better, we have to support our women.


Titans of the Trade has created a platform for the revered honorees, noteworthy speakers and worthy causes to be front and center on the biggest days of the boxing calendar and will continue to do so moving forward.


What started as a women-only event with 25 attendees has grown to a Floyd Mayweather fight day tradition with over 100 women and men from across the sports industry and it has been a pleasure to see the event thrive,” Nicole dixo Craig, Vicepresidente de Marketing e Operacións para Promocións Mayweather. “This year we honored three incredible women and welcomed new guests that got the opportunity to network and form lasting relationships.

NY women’s boxing history to be made Friday by Ring 8 & FDNY pro boxer Susan Reno


Nova York (Maio 14, 2015) – New York women’s boxing history will be mademañá noite (Venres, Maio 15) as FDNY boxing team and Ring 8 membro Susan Reno loitas Paola Ortiz in a 6-round bout featuring 3-minute rounds for the first time. Women professional fights in New York have always had 2-minute rounds in the past.


Reno vs. Ortiz II is a scheduled 6-round bout between fighters who originally fought to a 4-round majority draw this past Febreiro 13 at Long Island City in Queens. The rematch will be held Friday evening on a card presented by Uprising Promotions at Masonic Temple in Brooklyn, Nova York.


Susan is making New York State boxing history by being the first woman to compete in 3-minute rounds,” Anel 8 presidente Bob Duffy dito. “We’re very proud of her. She is opening doors for female boxers to compete on a level playing field with their male counterparts. You can only be first once. Not only will Susan be the first woman in New York State history to fight 3-minute rounds, we want another first from her by winning the first women’s 3-minute round fight every held in New York.

Sobre Ring 8: Anel 8 tornouse a oitava filial do que era entón coñecido como o veterano National Association Boxers – aquí, Anel 8 – e hoxe o lema da organización aínda permanece: Boxers Axudar Boxers.


Anel 8 está totalmente empenhada en apoiar as persoas menos afortunadas na comunidade de boxeo, que poden necesitar de asistencia en termos de pagar o aluguer, gastos médicos, ou o que quere necesidade xustificada.


Go en liña para www.Ring8ny.com Para máis información sobre anel 8, o maior grupo de seu tipo en Estados Unidos con máis de 350 membros. Anualidades é de só $30.00 e cada membro ten dereito a unha cea buffet no anel 8 reunións mensuais, excepto en xullo e agosto. Todo boxers activos, afeccionado e profesional, cunha licenza de boxeo ou libro actual teñen dereito a un anel de cortesía 8 adhesión anual. Os hóspedes do Anel 8 membros son benvidos a un custo de só $7.00 por persoa.

Amanda Serrano ‘Honoredto Represent Women’s Boxing’s Return to Network Television

Serrano to Face Jackie Trivilino, Live on CBS Sports Network on Venres, Maio 29, en Memphis, TN

Women’s multiple-time world champion Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano says she considers it a great honor to be part of the return of women’s boxing to network television.

Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos), de Brooklyn, will face Plattsburgh, New York’s two-time world title challenger JackieThe ForceTrivilino in a six-round super bantamweight rematch on Venres, Maio 29, at the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee, and broadcast nationally on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, E).

Serrano vs. Trivilino will serve as one of the televised supporting bouts on a show, titulado “Campionato de Boxeo na CBS Sports Network”, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions, produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions. Headlining the show will be a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “Poder” Kayode (20-0, 16 Kos) e “Esvaradío” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 Kos).

No co-main event, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut in a regional title fight against Batesville, Arkansas’ Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 Kos). Also featured in televised action will be super middleweight Derrick “Envíea ao Banco” Webster (18-0, 9 Kos) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder.

Os ingresos para “Campionato de Boxeo” custa $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236.

Serrano will be facing Trivilino for the second time. The pair met in both of their pro debuts in 2009, with Serrano winning a majority decision. “I’m excited and ready,” she said. “I’m honored to have a team in place that can put me on TV and showcase women’s boxing across the country. Girls can fight too! It’s a great honor. I’m super pumped and getting ready to show my talent.

She (Trivilino) is the one that got away,” said Serrano’s career-long trainer, Jordan Maldonado. “We only won a majority decision against her. Jackie has got skills and is very tough and durable, but Amanda has progressed a long way since then. We will be looking to make a statement against Jackie. It’s awesome to have a promoter behind us that believes in female boxing. We’re ready to put on a great performance.

David Schuster of Winner Take All Productions, who will be producing the Maio 29 mostra, is a close associate of both Maldonado and promoter Greg Cohen. It was Schuster along with Sarah Fina who arranged the co-promotional deal with the Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy, who signed with Cohen not long ago.

I applaud Greg Cohen for having the courage to put female fighters back on national TV,” said Schuster. “I’ve been working with Jordan Maldonado and the girls since 2012 and they are ready to dominate. The Serrano sisters have the talent to not only produce ratings, but generate respect from both male and female fans of the sport. Amanda is one of the most feared female fighters in the world and that pool of talent includes Rhonda Rousey.

Amanda is a force of nature in the ring, of course I want her on national television”dixo Greg Cohen. “Women’s MMA has shown there is a market for talented fighters, regardless of gender and Amanda and Cindy are two fighters ready to take it to the next level as female ambassadors of a suddenly rejuvenated and thriving sport. It is my honor and pleasure to be making this rematch happen on CBS Sports Network.

Several local favorites will be showcased on the night’s undercard. Na noite da loita, doors open @ 6:00 pm. The live television telecast will run from 10 am para 12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. Para obter máis información, visitawww.gcpboxing.com.

Support KeisherFireMcLeod-Wells in her Next Title Championship Fight


New Legend Boxing and DiBella Entertainment continue their support of Women’s Boxing at Resorts World Casino on Sábado, Maio 30, 2015.


Gleason’s very own World Champion KeisherFireMcLeod-Wells will be featured in a title bout for the NYS super flyweight title.


Fire has a professional boxing record of 7 vitorias e 2 perdas.


The address is 110-00 Rockaway Blvd, 43rd Ave. Xamaica, Nova York 11420.


As portas abren ás 6:00 pm and the first bout starts at 7:00 pmsharp.


Os prezos das entradas son $50 (Admisión Xeral), $75 (Reserved Seating), $125 (Ringside) e $150 (VIP Ringside)


The event will be a sell out so order your tickets early.

Buy the tickets through Gleason’s Gym and you will be supporting Fire.

Chamada 718 797 2872 or Email info@gleasonsgym.net




GCP Signs Fighting Serrano Sisters to Exclusive Promotional Contracts

Greg Cohen de Greg Cohen Promocións, in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, proudly announces the signing of Brooklyn via Puerto Rico’s fighting Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy to exclusive promotional contracts.

The heavily decorated family duo made boxing history in 2013 when both sisters held Universal Boxing Federation titles in the same super featherweight division.

26-year-old southpaw Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos) is a former Staten Island amateur champion, New York City Golden Gloves amateur champion, and Empire State amateur champion. She turned professional in 2009 and has already won the NABF Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation World Featherweight, Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight, IBF World Super Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation Inter­Continental Super Featherweight, and WBO World Lightweight Championships.

Older sister, CindyCheckmate” Serrano (22-5-3, 10 Kos), fought to a draw for the Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight Championship in 2005 and has gone on to win the Women’s International Boxing Association International Lightweight, Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight International and Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight World Championships. The 32-year-old orthodox fighter turned professional in 2003 after winning the 2003 Empire State Games Tournament as an amateur. Cindy Serrano was unbeaten in her first 16 bouts as a professional.

Both Serrano sisters are currently ranked in world’s top ten at super featherweight: Amanda is #1 and Cindy is #8 and both work with dedicated, no nonsense trainer Jordan Maldonado, who has been a key catalyst to their success.

These are two of the best female fighters to ever lace up the gloves,” said a happy Greg Cohen. “I am honored to be working with them and we’ve got big plans for them. They are a history-making fighting family and both sisters still have plenty of fight left in them. This is a huge acquisition for my company.

I’ve been working with Jordan and the girls for years. These are two of the toughest women in pro boxing today. I am very excited to see them involved with GCP!” said David Schuster.

Afeccionado Feminino Boxers querido para o 11 de abril de evento no Ximnasio de Gleason

Noso Seguinte Show no Gleason é

Sábado, 11 de abril



Estamos á procura de boxeadores femininas para competir. Juniors, Persoas maiores e Mestres son benvidos.


Se quere competir, póñase en contacto co noso matchmaker Jieun Lee en matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net ou texto dela en 917 858 3955.

Todos matchmaking está feito por correo electrónico ou de texto.


Todas as nosas loitas son sancionados por USABoxingMetro. Todos os puxilista deben ter o seu libro de boxeo con eles, a fin de participar.


A pesaxe para este concerto terá comezo ás 4:00PM ea primeira loita comeza ás 6:00PM.


O prezo do billete é de $20 por persoa. Nenos 6 e baixo non son cobrados. Todos os membros da academia e afeccionados rexistrados cos seus libros na man pay $15 por persoa.


P.S. Se non pode facelo, pero aínda quero ver as loitas, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website: www.gleasonsgym.net






Todos clínica Feminino