Tag Archives: boxe femminile

Selina Barrios spaventa il suo avversario, Zarina Tsoloyeva si ritira dalla lotta

RAYNE, LA (Novembre 2, 2017) – Due giorni dopo Halloween, sensazione femminile imbattuta, leggero Selina “Regina Aztec” Quartieri (2-0, 1 KO), ha spaventato il suo avversario, Zarina Tsoloyeva (Pro Debut) da Zhaksy, Kazakhstan, mentre si è ritirata dal loro incontro programmato di 4 round, che si terrà oggi al Rayne Civic Center in Louisiana. Tsoloyeva ha rifiutato di salire sulla bilancia durante il peso di ieri.
Selina Barrios è una delle donne combattenti più evitate negli Stati Uniti e ora in Kazakistan. Ebony Jones dall'Alabama, Alpha Patricia Lopez dal Messico, e ora Zarina Tsoloyeva dal Kazakistan, tutti firmarono per combattere Selina ma si ritirarono per combatterla all'ultimo minuto. Jones e Lopez non erano spettacoli, mentre Tsoloyeva che viene dalla lontana terra del Kazakistan, si è presentato al peso, ma ha rifiutato di salire sulla bilancia.
“Ero disposto a combattere Zarina Tsoloyeva, il dilettante decorato del Kazakistan, ma si è tirata fuori all'ultimo minuto, come i miei ultimi due avversari.” ha detto Selina Barrios da San Antonio. “È stato molto difficile convincere gli avversari a combattere contro di me. L'ho sempre detto, Non mi interessa chi mi mettono di fronte, Combatterò chiunque. Ho tanta fiducia nelle mie capacità. Non ho altra scelta che andare avanti, ma sto rispettosamente inviando un messaggio a tutti nelle divisioni leggere e super leggere, Non vado da nessuna parte, alla fine dovrete combattermi tutti.”
Niente farà deragliare Selina poiché rimane positiva e continua a lavorare sodo, cercando quell'opportunità per sfidare il meglio che le divisioni leggere e super leggere hanno da offrire. I gestori di Selina devono ora spostarla subito a sei e otto turni, per vincere e arrivare a una lotta per il campionato mentre acquisisce più esperienza sul ring come professionista.
“Guardando tutti i migliori pesi leggeri e super leggeri, Prevedo che Selina lotterà per un campionato del mondo prima del suo decimo incontro,” ha detto il consigliere Kerry Daigle. “Forse dalla lotta numero sette o otto. La sposteremo in sei e otto rounder che vanno avanti. Sono già in trattative con gli organi sanzionatori per classificarla.”
“Se nessuno vuole combattermi, poi chiamo tutti i nomi dei combattenti nella divisione,” Selina Barrios ha continuato. “Amanda Serrano, Mikaela Mayer, Jessica McCaskill e naturalmente, Katie Taylor, Sono disposto a combattere contro di voi ragazzi in qualsiasi momento, dovunque. Come ho detto, ad un certo punto, dovrete combattermi tutti.”

Selina “Regina Aztec” Barrios monta team dinamico

Foto dal Team Barrios
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Ottobre 31, 2017) – Dopo due lotte pro, super-leggera sensazione femminile, Selina “Regina Aztec” Quartieri (2-0, 1 KO), che proviene da San Antonio, TX, ha riunito un team dinamico per aiutare a guidare la sua vertici del pugilato femminile.
Dr. Charles Campbell e suo figlio Colin Campbell da Corpus Christi, TX, sarà co-gestire Selina Barrios. Colin gestirà il giorno per giorno le operazioni, mentre il dottor. Charles aiuterà a guidare la sua carriera come pugile, e occupazioni personali nella sua vita professionale.
“Mio figlio Colin ed io siamo molto eccitati di poter lavorare con un combattente di talento come Selina Barrios.” ha detto il dottor. Charles Campbell. “Selina ha l'unico elemento nel pugilato che tutti i fan vogliono vedere, e questo è potere di perforazione. In aggiunta, Selina ha la mentalità cerchi in un combattente. Il fatto che lei è disposto a combattere un dilettante standout come Zarina Tsoloyeva, in solo il suo terzo incontro pro, dice tutto.”
“Selina è il tipo di combattente che tutti nel pugilato dovrebbe radunarsi dietro,” Colin Campbell ha dichiarato. “Lei è superare un sacco di avversità per arrivare dove lei è a oggi, e la ragazza può combattere. Lei è sicuramente più emozionante allora la maggior parte dei pugili di sesso maschile che vediamo in TV oggi. Selina è nato per essere sul grande palco, e con il suo stile di combattimento, lei diventerà un beniamino dei tifosi, non appena la vedono combattere.”
Kerry Daigle, da Baton Rouge, Louisiana, che gestisce Keeppunching intrattenimento, rimane acceso ha Barrios’ consulente / consulente, e aiutare a ottenere Selina nelle grandi lotte che le donne di boxe in grado di fornire.
“Diversi promotori stanno cercando di lavoro con Keeppunching Entertainment e Selina Barrios perché lei potrebbe essere il più accogliente TV combattente femminile in 20 anni, con la possibilità di vendere le sedi, ancora migliori controparti allora maschili.” Detto Kerry Daigle.
passo padre di Selina Martin Barrios, che è stato nel suo angolo da quando era un dilettante top, servirà come capo allenatore. Ha giocato un ruolo significativo nell'aiutare Selina acquisire un record impressionante amatoriale di (80-3), in aggiunta al suo sostenere un record imbattuto da professionista.
“Selina è un combattente formidabile con il potere di perforazione di cambiare una lotta con un solo colpo.” Martin Barrios ha affermato. “Non sto solo dicendo che perché lei è mia figlia, Ho visto il suo distruggere la gente in palestra. Sono super felice di essere stato in grado di ottenere il signor. Dailge a credere in Selina. So che con le sue connessioni e il talento di Selina, noi come una squadra, può fare qualcosa di speciale nel pugilato femminile.
Rick Nunez, obbligherà come assistente allenatore. Nunez, da San Antonio, TX, ha lavorato fianco a fianco con Martin, aiutare Selina diventare uno dei più pericolosi combattenti nella boxe femminile.
“Con la boxe femminile in aumento, Selina ora ha tutto impostato in atto per diventare una grande star di questo sport,” Rick Nunez ha dichiarato. “Avete bisogno di una squadra solida dietro di voi per renderlo nel pugilato, e questo è esattamente ciò che abbiamo ora andare avanti.”
Maurice “Termite” Watkins da Houston, TX, e Ben Flores, di Corpus Christi, TX, condivideranno doveri di coordinatori Camp per i formatori. Watkins, che ha combattuto nella divisione leggera come professionista negli anni '70, 80‘S e '90, ha avuto un record spettacolare (61-5-1, 42 KO).
Il fratello minore di Selina, imbattuto contendente super-leggero, Mario Barrios (20-0, 12 KO), è stato in soggezione di sua sorella da quando era dilettante dominare.
“Crescendo, mia sorella era il miglior combattente in ogni torneo siamo entrati.” Ha detto Mario Barrios. “Ha letteralmente distrutto tutti nella sua classe di peso. Non è stato fino a quando ero un adolescente tardi che ero in grado di appendere con lei. Amo mia sorella e so con la squadra potente che ha dietro di lei ora, lei può diventare un campione del mondo.”
Ann Wolfe, che fu uno dei più devastanti della storia punzoni boxe femminile, è stato un grande fan di Selina da quando i suoi giorni come un dilettante dominare. Lupo ha visto Selina distruggere la sua concorrenza mentre combatteva nei dilettanti.
“Selina Barrios è una bestia,” ha detto l'ex campione del mondo Ann Lupo. “Non ho visto niente di simile lei da quando i miei giorni come un pugile professionista. Ha sicuramente il talento per diventare un campione del mondo multipla.”
“Non vedo l'ora verso una grande carriera, che spero durerà molti anni,” detto Selina Barrios. “Ho una grande squadra dietro di me ora, So che se ho messo nel duro lavoro, tutto si risolverà, ed i miei sogni si avvereranno.”

Salina Aztec regina Barrios torna sul ring novembre 2 Contro decorato Amateur Zarina Tsoloyeva

Foto per squadra Barrios
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Ottobre 27, 2017) – Imbattuto sensazione femminile, super-leggero Selina “Regina Aztec” Quartieri (2-0, 1 KO), torna sul ring Giovedi, Novembre 2, 2017 in Louisiana presso il Centro Civico Rayne. Barrios dovrà affrontare la altamente sollecitato Zarina Tsoloyeva (Pro Debut) da Zhaksy, Kazakhstan, in un periodo di 4-tutto nella divisione super-leggera. La scheda dal titolo “RAYNE RISING” è presentato da Promozioni Boxncar di Bad Chad.
Quartieri, che proviene da San Antonio, TX, è la sorella maggiore di imbattuto contendente super-leggero, Mario Barrios (20-0, 12 KO). Come un dilettante, Selina ha avuto un notevole record di (80-3), la maggior parte dei quali provenienti da fermo. Ha una vittoria notevole contro gli Stati Uniti olimpionico e Top Rank combattente, Mikaela Mayer (2-0, 2 KO), e giura di fare una dichiarazione contro Tsoloyeva.
“Anche se Tsoloyeva sta facendo il suo debutto pro, lei è un grande passo avanti nella competizione,” Selina Barrios ha detto. “Ha avuto una grande carriera amatoriale e so che sarà un avversario difficile. Tutto quello che so è ho intenzione di portare il calore, e mostrare il suo perché io sono il combattente più pericoloso nel pugilato femminile.”
Selina Barrios è guidata da lungo tempo direttore di boxe, Kerry Daigle, che crede Barrios è uno dei più emozionanti pugili che ha visto negli anni.
“Selina ha quello stile di combattimento che ogni boxe amori fan,” Detto Kerry Daigle. “Lei è azione non stop ogni volta che passi sul ring. Non ho visto un combattente come lei in un lungo periodo di tempo, maschio o femmina. Lei ha quel qualcosa di speciale che non si può spiegare, ma si sa è straordinario. E 'in una lotta molto competitivo, contro un combattente molto abile in Zarina Tsoloyeva. Quando le ho chiesto se era disposto a combattere un combattente amatoriale quali decorato, lei ha detto sì, senza alcuna esitazione. Questo è quello che mi piace di Selina, lei è pronta a combattere chiunque, dovunque.”
Zarina Tsoloyeva, meglio conosciuto per la sua somiglianza con l'attrice Angelina Jolie, ha vinto una medaglia di bronzo ai campionati nazionali kazake. E 'un campione dilettanti altamente realizzato con grandi capacità di boxe.
I biglietti per “RAYNE RISING” prezzo $25 Ammissione Generale (Pre-sale), ($30 biglietti d'ingresso generali alla porta), $125 VIP Ringside, e $800 1Tabelle st Row esecutivi, sono già in vendita presso http://www.boxncar.com/buy-Biglietti/ o chiamando (337) 298-7658.

Il Rayne Civic Center si trova a 210 Frog Festival Dr, Rayne, LA 70578. Apertura delle porte alle6:00 p.m. prima campanella alle 7:00 p.m.

Salita Promotions Signs Elite Russian Female Elena Gradinar to Co-Promotional Contract

The female fighting stable of promoter Dmitriy Salita has grown again, as Salita proudly announces the signing of Russian featherweight Elena Gradinar to a co-promotional contract (insieme a base di russo Alexander Nevskij Promotion Group).
L'imbattuto 27-year-old Gradinar (6-0, 1 KO) come un pugile professionista, è andato 73-8 come un dilettante, vincendo numerosi tornei nazionali ed internazionali amatoriali.
A resident of Saint Petersburg, Russia, Gradinar has attained the designation of Sport Master of Russia. Come un dilettante, she notched victories over current World Amateur Bantamweight Champion Dina Zheloman of Kazakhstan, current European and Russian Amateur Super Lightweight Champion Alexandra Ordina, current Russian Featherweight Champion and Bronze medalist of Europe, Natalia Samokhina, as well as two victories over former Russian Featherweight Champion Ekaterina Sycheva.
Trained and managed by well-known Russian boxing figure Igor Shafer, Gradinar says she hopes the co-promotional deal with Salita will improve her visibility in North America, leading to greater opportunities.
I am very proud to sign with a Russian/American promoter, Dmitriy Salita, who is doing great work with Claressa Shields and becoming one of the main North American promoters of female boxers,” detto Gradinar. “I look forward to fighting in the United States against the best they have to offer and becoming a world champion.
Elena is a talented boxer that will add international flavor to the outstanding female bantamweight division which includes outstanding boxers like Heather Hardy, Cindy Serrano, Jelena Mrdjenovich and others,” Detto Dmitriy Salita. “Russia has many male world champions and Elena will follow in their footsteps.”\

Elena Gradinar will fight for the first time under her new co-promotional banner in a 10-rounder against Maria Jose Nunez in Narva, Estonia, su Ottobre 21.

Salita Signs Russia’s Heavily Decorated Former Amateur World Champion Elena Savelyeva to a Co-Promotional Contract

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions is proud to announce the signing of one of the most decorated female amateur boxers in the world, Russia’s Elena Savelyeva, to a co-promotional contract, insieme a base di russo Alexander Nevskij Promotion Group.
Savelyeva, ora 1-0 come un pugile professionista, è andato 134-15-1 come un dilettante, winning the world, Europeo (2X) e russo (6X) championships during her illustrious career. She represented her homeland in the 2012 Summer Olympics and competed in the first-ever women’s Olympic boxing match in history.
Turning her sights on professional boxing, she is now looking to win a world title in the pros and looking to settle the score with her amateur arch rival Nicole Adams.
My goal is to become a world champion in all the major sanctioning bodies and be recognized as one of the best boxers in the world,” said Savelyeva. “Signing with Salita Promotions will progress my career and open doors for me to help me reach my goals. I look forward to fighting the best in the world and reaching the highest levels of pro boxing soon.
Parola, who already promotes women’s superstar Claressa Shields, says his latest signing will add spice to an already heating-up world of women’s boxing.
Elena is one of the most accomplished female boxers in the world,” detta parola. “And with her numerous international, national and world titles, she will add flavor and excitement to the growing sport of woman’s professional boxing. Russia has some of the best boxers in the world and now there is a very skilled lady boxer joining that elite group.

Salita’s co-promoter, Alexander Nevskiy, says the deal with Salita will give Savelyeva greater reach and strengthen her possibilities. “This is a great initiative to do a joint boxing business with a growing US promotional company, said Nevskiy. “This partnership is very important for us to develop and advance both our male and female boxers from the FSU territories in the US and Global market.

Savelyeva’s next fight is scheduled for Settembre 23 in Borisov, Belarus. It will be an eight-rounder against fellow Russian Eugenia Zablotskaya.


Foto di Robert Elizondo – Boxeo Imperio
SAN ANTOINIO, TX (Settembre 11, 2017) – Lo scorso Sabato at the San Antonio Event Center, Selina “Regina Aztec” Quartieri (2-0, 1 KO), remained undefeated with a dominating four-round unanimous decision victory against Jasmine Clarkson (4-10).
Dalla campana di apertura, Barrios applied a tremendous amount of pressure, never letting Clarkson breathe. Hard shots to the body and head forced Clarkson to fight going backwards the entire bout. The bout almost ended when Selina stormed landed a barrage of punches at the end of round three, but Clarkson was saved by the bell. Clarkson was able to survive and make it to the final bell. Score cards read 40-36 due volte, e 39-37.
I felt really good going into this fight and it showed in my performance,” detto Selina Barrios. “I was able to cut off the ring and put a lot of pressure on Jasmine. She was very tough and I give her a lot of credit for going the distance. I felt I won every round but one judge didn’t see it that way. My goal is to get back in the ring as soon as possible.

SELINA “QUEEN AZTEC” BARRIOS Returns To The Ring This Saturday at the San Antonio Event Center

Foto per squadra Barrios
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Settembre 6, 2017)Questo Sabato Settembre 9, 2017, Selina “Regina Aztec” Quartieri (1-0, 1 KO) makes her way back to the ring as she battles Jasmine Clarkson (4-9) alla San Antonio Event Center in Texas. The four-round bout, set at 140 libbre, will be Barriossecond fight of 2017. Nel suo ultimo incontro, Barrios scored a first round knockout against the battle tested Tammy Franks, a veteran of over twenty-five fights.
I’m ready to give my hometown fans a great show questo Sabato.” detto Selina Barrios, “I know Clarkson has been in the ring with some good fighters, più recentemente Katie Taylor, who everyone is saying is the next great female fighter. Taylor was able to stop Clarkson for the first time in her career, so my goal is to do the same, but in more spectacular fashion. This will be my second time fighting in San Antonio and I want to make it a memorable one. I have a lot of family and friends coming out to support me and I promise to bring an exciting fight to those in attendance.
I biglietti al prezzo $25 ammissione generale (Pre-Sale) $30 (At the door), along with Ringside VIP $75, $65, $60 sono già in vendita chiamando (210) 449-5599. The San Antonio Event Center is located at 8111 Meadow Leaf Dr. San Antonio, TX 78227.
This pro-am event is brought to you by, Triple A Promotions, SOBA Recovery Center,Malibu Films, Barber Bros, e Real Gutta Music, in associazione con TMB Entertainment e Bud Light Presents. Apertura delle porte alle 1:00 P.m. CT with first amateur bell starting at 2:00 P.m. Professionals first bell starts at 7:45 P.m.
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DETROIT (Agosto 8, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields became the unified WBC and IBF World Super Middleweight Champion last Friday night with a dominant fifth-round TKO of now former champion Nikki Adler.
Fighting in front of her home state fans at MGM Grand Detroit and in the main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: La nuova generazione, Shields put on a display of skills and power seldom seen by a first-time world-title challenger. Without any answers to the level of talent in front of her, Adler was forced to cover up and withstand the blazing speed of Shieldsfists for five one-sided rounds.
A driven competitor, Shields is on a mission to become the GWOAT (Greatest Woman of All Time) and the performance against Adler has the entire world watching. Four fights into her professional career and Shields is already the face of women’s boxing.
It was a dream come true to win two world title belts in one night!” , ha detto Shields. “I was very proud of my performance, and I can’t wait to defend my belts and then give Christina Hammer her first defeat.
For Team Shields, the victory was more than could ever be asked for from their young fighter.
Congratulations to a unified world champion Claressa Shields!” detto promotore Dmitriy Salita. “In less than a year as a pro, she has already achieved what no other woman has done in the sport. America’s first two-time Olympic Gold Medalist has become a professional unified world champion in just her fourth professional fight! Congratulations also to the great team behind her: long-time trainer Jason Crutchfield, Berston Field House, and to her managers who work diligently behind the scenes Mark Taffet and Jamie Fritz. I and everyone at SP is proud and excited to be part of this exciting journey of a lady who is on a quest to be GWOAT!”
Shields co-manager, Mark Taffet, a long-time TV exec in boxing, says he’s never seen a performance like the one Shields turned in against Adler. “Claressa Shields’ win over Nikki Adler was the most dominant performance I have ever seen in a championship fight, maschio o femmina. She is staking her claim to be GWOAT in spectacular fashion. Claressa is carrying women’s boxing forward on her broad shoulders.
Having fought three times this year already, winning two regional and two world title belts along the way, Shields says she will take some time to enjoy her historic accomplishments before plotting the next move with her team.



In diretta su Showtime® a 10:30 p.m. E/PT from MGM Grand Detroit


“The game plan is simple: Win the fight.” – Nikki Adler

“I think I can get her out in six rounds.” – Claressa Shields


Fare clic QUI Per scaricare Pesare-In; Credit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


DETROIT (Agosto. 3, 2017) – WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler and hometown favorite, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields officially made weight il Giovedi, one day before they headline a doubleheader domani/Venerdì, Agosto. 4 su ShoBox: La nuova generazione vivere ORARIO DELLO SPETTACOLO® (10:30 p.m. E/PT, in ritardo sulla West Coast) da MGM Grand Detroit.


Shields (3-0, 1 KO) pendere la bilancia a 165 ¼ pounds with the champion Adler (16-0, 9 KO) of Germany coming in at 166 libbre anche. Nel ShoBox co-feature, world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (15-0, 9 KO) of Russia will face Jesse Hernandez (8-1, 6 KO) di Fort Worth, Texas, durante un incontro otto round. Both fighters weighed in at 123 ¼ libbre.


Shields’ good friend and newly crowned UFC Featherweight World ChampionCris “Cyborg” Justino was on hand Giovedi and will walk Shields into the ringil Venerdì. Also in attendance at the weigh-in was a potential future Shields’ opponent, five-time world champion Christina Hammer, who is undefeated at 21-0 and currently holds the WBC and WBO Middleweight titles.


Justino and Hammer met with the media in a forum moderated by Shields’ co-manager Mark Taffet before the weigh-in.


“I never thought it would happen, that the sports of MMA and boxing would come together like it has with the upcoming Mayweather-McGregor fight,” said Justino, the former Strikeforce and Invicta FC champion. “I think it’s great and incredible and could possibly open the door for other fights between the sports.”


“I’m looking forward to watching Claressa win the fight domani notte,”Ha detto Hammer. “I want to see her keep winning so we can fight one day. I only want to fight the best and she seems to be one of the best.”


Tickets for the event promoted by Salita Promotions are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 e $60. They will be available atwww.ticketmaster.com.


Programming Note: Episodio 2 di tutti gli accessi: Mayweather vs. McGregor will air Venerdì night before the ShoBox trasmissione televisiva a 10 p.m. E/PT. To watch an exclusive clip of the episode, clicca qui: http://s.sho.com/2u8OxWK.



Nikki Adler: 166 Pounds

Claressa Shields: 165¼ Pounds

Vladimir Tikhonov: 123¼ Pounds

Jesse Angel Hernandez: 123¼ Pounds




“This fight is very big in Germany, and I know there will be a lot of eye on me. It will be 4:30 in the morning, but there will be live streaming and viewing parties.


“I’m going to be defensive in the early going and know that Claressa is going to come forward. I want to get the fight into the later rounds. Sono le 10 rounds of boxing and there will be lots of action.


“I know I will be tough to knock out and have no plans of going down. Claressa has gotten all the hype so far and she wants to put on a show for her fans. I’m going to do everything I can to send those fans home upset after I beat her and carry those belts out of the ring.


“This is my second fight with my trainer Rene [Friese]. I wanted to train with the best and I need a trainer who had worked with the top fighters.


“My trainer has really been stressing strategies. We have a lot of them. The game plan is simple: Win the fight.


“Fighting for the first time in the United States is going to be amazing. I’ve only fought in Russia and Germany, so to be here in a main event on SHOWTIME is really special.”

Claressa Shields:

“I feel like I’m a lot healthier and hydrated than I did fighting at 160. I’m not sluggish. I used a chef who prepared my meals for the first time and I feel great.


“I’ve known about Nikki Adler and Christina Hammer for a long time. I like both of the girls, but when it comes to getting in the ring it’s all about business.


“Technically I see that [Nikki] is very poised and calm. She’s patient, but not too patient.


“Even though she may be the bigger fighter, I know I’m the aggressor. I think I can get her out in six rounds.


“Of course everyone wants to get the big knockout, but I haven’t found the right punch that gets the girls knocked out. I’m young so I know it will come.


“I’m glad Cyborg is here to support me. She hits hard and we’ve sparred. She’s strong and she is fast. She’s picked up a lot from me, and I’ve learned from her. She’s the most feared MMA fighter, and I’m most feared in boxing. So it’s great for both women’s sports.”



“This is my first time ever in America. I’m pretty impressed with it. There’s so much to do and see, but I can’t let distractions get in the way.


“I’ve been here for about a month training at Kronk Gym. Russian fighters are known for being very disciplined, and we know the opportunity that is in front of us. There is no room for slip ups and to get lazy. This is my big shot and I’m going to take advantage of it.


“The sparring has been the biggest thing. I’ve been sparring with pros and amateurs. It’s so much more powerful here and the variety is something I would never get at home.


“I can box and I can brawl. Whatever I have to do to get the win.”



“I had a layoff of about five years and worked construction jobs because I had to pay the bills, but now I’m back and focused on boxing.


“In the past I’ve been known to be too aggressive, so I’m going to try and slow things down and be a more tactical boxer.


“I have six brothers who were professional boxers and I’ve learned from them. My nickname is ‘The One’ because now I’m the only left fighting.


“I’m the youngest of 15 bambini, all with the same parents. We are a very close family.


“I’m a natural right-hander and I’m ready to fight a lefty like Tikhonov. I’ve fought some southpaws and I’ve been sparring with lefties.


“He’s undefeated for a reason. I don’t think he’s been in there with someone as tough as I am; as aggressive as I am.”


RENE FRIESE, Adler’s trainer

“We came all the way over here to bring home the belts back to Germany.


“We have our plan and our strategy in place. We are ready for this fight.”


JASON CRUTCHFIELD, Shields’ trainer

“There hasn’t been much smack talking for this fight. I told her you need to let your fists do your talking. Your mouth can’t help you in the ring.


“We are ready for 10 round. I’m not going to say it’s hard; it’s doable. It’s her first time doing it. We’ve trained for it and she’s been 10 rounds in training three or four times.”


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DETROIT (Luglio 28, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields (3-0, 1 KO) says she’s in the shape of her life to take on reigning WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler (16-0, 9 KO) of Germany next Venerdì, Agosto 4, at the MGM Grand Detroit.
Shields will challenge for her first world title in the 10-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “BATTLE OF THE BEST” evento, which will be televised live on ShoBox: La nuova generazione (10:30 p.m. E/PT).
Shields says she’s not rattled by Adler’s recent remarks, that the United States should be ready for their golden girl to taker her first loss. Infatti, she’s never rattled. She also gives her thoughts on her recent Twitter war with another top female fighter.
Give me your thoughts on Nikki Adler’s remarks about the US being ready for her to beat you.
Nikki has to pump herself up, so she will say a lot the week of the fight. The US is ready alrightready for its 2x Olympic gold medal winner to win her first pro world title!
Does it intimidate you or make you train harder when an opponent talks this way?
I’ve never been intimidated by anyone. I have had worse things said to me, I was gonna punish Nikki whether she talked trash or not.
Talk to me about the pressure surrounding this fight. You’re going for your first world title so early with the entire world watching.
I always have the entire world watching. Some people want me to win and some want the opposite! But I know what I can do, I’m just going to do it and dominate like always. No pressure!
Tell me about winning all these awards and coming even further to the forefront of national celebrity.
Winning awards is great; being recognized and respected is great also. I’ve done something that no other person in America has done, I’m the GWOAT!
Do you do anything different in training for a world title fight?
Sì, you focus more, recover more, spar more rounds, and drink plenty of water! I’ve never been more ready!
Do you believe Nikki Adler has never watched you fight?
Non, I don’t believe she hasn’t ever watched me fight. That’s all mind games! She wants me to believe that. Ma in tutta onestà, nothing on the internet can help her in a fight against me!
Do you dislike her now?
(Laughs) Dislike is for emotional females! I love her! I’m gonna kick her ass! And give her a big thank you after.
Tell me about your Twitter feud with (fellow top female boxer) Layla McCarter. What’s going on there?
Layla McCarter talks too much. For no reason. I didn’t have a problem with her at first, but she just upset because I say I’m P4P! And it’s the truth. She is just in denial! One minute she supports me and the next she is coming at me. In her interview after she beat Szabados, a girl I TKO’d in the fourth round previous, she says she can come to 160 and beat me. Then whenever I get props, or recognition, there she is again just saying slick stuff. I had to let her have it.
What will your philosophy be as world champion if you win?
I don’t do ‘ifs.WHEN I become world champion, my philosophy will be to be so great that even your enemies will start to love me. God has been my rock for many years. He says ‘be humble to him,’ which I am! But I don’t have to be humble to man when I speak about my God-given ability.
Per aprire la trasmissione televisiva, undefeated world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (16-0, 9 KO) of Russia will face Texas slugger Jesse Angel Hernandez (8-1, 6 KO) over eight tough rounds between southpaws.
Tickets for the event promoted by Salita Promotions are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 e $60. They are available at www.ticketmaster.com.
A proposito di ShoBox: La nuova generazione
Fin dalla sua nascita nel luglio 2001, l'acclamata serie di boxe SHOWTIME, ShoBox: La nuova generazione ha caratterizzato giovane talento abbinato dura. La filosofia è quella di ShoBox teletrasmettere emozionante, folla-piacevole e partite ufficiali, mentre fornendo un banco di prova per le prospettive che vogliono determinati a combattere per un titolo mondiale. Alcuni crescente lista del 69 combattenti che sono apparsi sul ShoBox e avanzate per raccogliere titoli mondiali include: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams, Errol Spence Jr. e altro ancora.