Tag Archives: women’s boxing

Salita Promotions Yn llongyfarch Shields On 2017 Gwobrau Diwedd y Flwyddyn

Hyrwyddwr Dmitriy Salita o Salita Promotions yn dymuno llongyfarch ei ymladdwr, superstar benywaidd, dau-amser Enillydd Medal Aur Olympaidd a IBF Super Bencampwr y Byd Canol CLlC a, Claressa “T Rex” Tarianau, am ei rhestr drawiadol o fuddugoliaethau yn y 2017 dyfarniadau ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn.
Mewn dim ond ei blwyddyn lawn gyntaf fel gweithiwr proffesiynol, Y Fflint, Roedd Shields Michigan yn enwir UDA Heddiw: Fighter Benyw y Flwyddyn, Chwaraeon Yahoo: Fighter Benyw y Flwyddyn, WBA: Rising Star poethaf a WBAN: Mae'r rhan fwyaf ysbrydoledig, yn ogystal â Prospect Gwyddoniaeth Sweet y Flwyddyn.
Shields hefyd yn cael ei henwebu ar gyfer Fighter Christy Martin Merched y BWAA Of The Flwyddyn a Bill Crawford am Courage yng Ngwobrau Trallod Goresgyn, a fydd yn cael ei gyflwyno ym mis Chwefror.
Ar ôl troi'n broffesiynol ym mis Tachwedd 2016, Ymddangosodd Shields dair gwaith yn 2017, creu hanes paffio ar Showtime drwy ddod yn ferch gyntaf i pennawd ddigwyddiad bocsio ar y teledu premiwm. Ym mis Awst, Enillodd Shields Cyngor Llyfrau a Phencampwriaethau Canol Super wag IBF o ddiguro o'r blaen ac yn hynod o bencampwr ystyried Nikki Adler mewn ffasiwn dominyddol. Ac ym mis Mawrth, hefyd ar Showtime, mae hi'n rhoi'r gorau i Hwngari Szilvia Szabados mewn pedwar rownd.
Enillodd Shields Teitl CLlC Arian Super Canol yn unig ei thrydydd ymladd proffesiynol trwy sgorio penderfyniad shutout unfrydol dros Louisiana yn garw Sydney LeBlanc o flaen ei gefnogwyr adoring ym Michigan ym mis Mehefin.
“2017 yn flwyddyn cyflawni iawn i mi,” Dywedodd Shields. “Troi pro ac ennill fy dau deitl y byd cyntaf cyffro mawr. Ond dw i'n falch fwyaf am fod y fenyw gyntaf i pennawd prif ddigwyddiad ar y teledu a chael dau o fy ymladd byw ar Showtime, gan ei fod yn fy nod i arwain bocsio merched i gyrraedd y brig.”
Hyrwyddwr Salita yn dweud yr awyr yn y terfyn ar gyfer 22-mlwydd-oed Shields, gan fod ei enwogrwydd yn parhau i godi momentwm gyda phob frwydr heibio.
“Claressa yn ffenomen yn bocsio; yn ymladdwr superstar atgyfodi'r gamp cyfan o bocsio merched gyda'i thalent anhygoel,” Said Word. “Mae'r gwobrau hyn yn haeddiannol a dim ond y cyntaf o nifer, gan ei bod yn creu hanes drwy gydol hyn a fydd yn ei gyrfa chwedlonol. Rwy'n falch o fod yn gweithio gyda'r ferch ifanc anhygoel ac yn rhoi fy llongyfarchiadau diffuant iddi.”
Bydd Shields nesaf yn cael ei gweld Dydd Gwener, Ionawr 12, wrth iddi amddiffyn ei deitlau 168-punt ar ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd yn erbyn undefeated IBF cystadleuydd gorfodol Tori Nelson yn fyw ar Showtime (10 p.m. A/PT) o droi Stone Resort Casino yn Verona, Efrog Newydd.
“Alla i ddim aros i barhau â'r daith yn 2018, beginning with my Ionawr 12 frwydr yn erbyn Tori Nelson ar Showtime,” Shields parhau. “Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ymladd uno gyda Christina Hammer yn yr haf. Yr wyf yn diolch i Dduw, fy cefnogwyr, y cyfryngau, Salita Hyrwyddiadau, a fy nhîm am yr holl gefnogaeth.”
Hefyd i'w gweld ar y Ionawr 12 telecast, Uzbekistan pŵer-dyrnu Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) yn wynebu cyd diguro a top-ranked 10 Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) o Toledo, Ohio. Yn y cyd-nodwedd, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) bydd yn cymryd ar Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) mewn 10 rownd bout Pwysau Bantam super.
Uchafbwyntiau yr Unol Daleithiau ymladd cyntaf o CLlC cyfredol a Hyrwyddwr WBO Canol Merched, a gwrthwynebydd Shields yn y dyfodol, Christina “Lady Hammer” Morthwyl (22-0, 10 Kos) Bydd hefyd yn cael ei ddangos.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Salita Promotions, ar hyn o bryd ar werth ar gyfer $75 ar gyfer y ddwy res gyntaf o ringside, $65 am weddill seddi ringside a phawb arall costio $49 ac $37, ynghyd ag unrhyw ffioedd sy'n gymwys. Gellir prynu tocynnau yn bersonol neu drwy ffonio'r Swyddfa Docynnau Stone Resort droi at800.771.7711 neu ar-lein yn Ticketmaster.

Selina Barrios a Lisa Porter Gwneud Pwysau ar gyfer NABF Ysgafn Teitl

Selina Barrios vs. LISA PORTER
Mae'r ddau Diffoddwyr Gwneud Pwysau Ar gyfer
Pencampwriaeth Ysgafn NABF

ALEXANDRIA, ALl (Rhagfyr 28, 2017) – diffoddwyr benywaidd undefeated, Selina “Aztec Queen” Cymdogaethau (2-0, 1 KO) ac “Lovely” lisa Porter (1-0-1), y ddau gwneud bwysau ar gyfer eu upcoming deitl bout NABF Ysgafn, gosod i ddigwydd yma Dydd Gwener, Rhagfyr 29, yn y RAPIDES Coliseum Parish yn Alexandria, ALl. Barrios weighed in at 131.2 pwys. tra Porter dipio y graddfeydd ar 134.5 pwys.
I’m ready for war. I know Lisa Porter is in great shape and will bring everything she’s got. All the hard work is done. Now it’s time to fight.” – Selina Barrios
“gwneud Barrios ac rwy'n pwysau ac mae'n mynd yn amser bellach. I’m ready to take my career to the next level.” – lisa Porter

Salita Promotions Signs Women’s Superstar Christina Hammer to Multi-Fight Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of undefeated women’s unified world middleweight champion Christina Hammer to a multi-fight promotional contract.
Already a superstar in Europe, “Lady Hammer” (22-0, 10 Kos), from Dortmund, Yr Almaen, (via Novodolinka, Kazakhstan) is the current WBC and WBO Middleweight Champion. She has also previously held the WBF Middleweight, as well as WBO and WBF Super Middleweight Championships.
Under Salita’s promotional direction, Hammer will make her United States boxing debut on Dydd Gwener, Ionawr 12, yn y Troi Stone Resort Casino yn Verona, Efrog Newydd, on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd telecast (10 p.m. A/PT), featuring unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa ShieldsWBC and IBF title defense against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson. Hammer is scheduled for a 10-round fight, highlights of which will be shown on SHOWTIME.
I never had any doubt that my manager Harald Pia and I would reach an agreement,” said a happy Hammer of the signing. “I love the U.S.,” parhaodd. “If you are successful here, you will be successful everywhere. Ers dechrau fy ngyrfa bocsio mae wedi bod yn freuddwyd i mi i ymladd yn y U.D.A.. Alla i ddim aros am Ionawr 12.”
Hammer yn ymuno â'r Promotions Salita roster sydd hefyd yn cynnwys superstar merched, unedig pencampwr ganol super ac enillydd medal aur dau-amser Claressa Shields, yn ogystal â byd, Ewropeaidd (2X) a Rwsia (6X) hyrwyddwr amatur a 2012 Olympaidd, Elena Savelyeva.
“Mae gan Christina holl offer i fod yn seren yn y U.D.A.,” Dywedodd Dmitriy Salita. “Mae ei sgiliau, personoliaeth ac apêl y tu allan i'r cylch yn gwneud Christina yn ymladdwr unigryw ac arbennig yn yr adran Canol talent-lenwi. Yr wyf yn credu 2018 yn mynd i fod yn flwyddyn hanesyddol i bocsio merched ar draws y byd.”
Hammer yn focsiwr dechnegol rhagorol, ond mae ei chryfder corfforol eithriadol yw'r hyn yn ei gwahanu oddi wrth weddill y diffoddwyr y byd 160-punt. Enillodd bleidlais WBF Benyw Fighter y Flwyddyn yn 2011 ac 2013; y WBO Benyw Fighter y Flwyddyn yn 2013; y BDB Benyw Boxer y Flwyddyn yn 2016; y HERQUL Benyw Boxer y Flwyddyn yn 2017 a dyma'r unig ferch yn Ewrop i ennill y Ring Diamond y WBO.
“Mae bob amser yn bleser i weithio gyda phartneriaid proffesiynol iawn,” rheolwr meddai'r Pia y fargen. “Rwy'n hyderus gennym gontract sy'n dda ar gyfer yr holl bartïon. Christina yn hapus iawn i fod yn ymladd yn y U.S. Mae'n cael ei breuddwyd o iddi fod yn llwyddiannus dros yma ac ni all aros i ddangos y U.S. cyhoedd a Christina Hammer yn!”
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Salita Promotions, ar hyn o bryd ar werth ar gyfer $75 ar gyfer y ddwy res gyntaf o ringside, $65 am weddill seddi ringside a phawb arall costio $49 ac $37, ynghyd ag unrhyw ffioedd sy'n gymwys. Gellir prynu tocynnau yn bersonol neu drwy ffonio'r Swyddfa Docynnau Stone Resort droi at 800.771.7711 neu ar-lein yn Ticketmaster.
Yn yr agoriad telecast Uzbekistan pŵer-Puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) yn wynebu cyd diguro a top-ranked 10 Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) o Toledo, Ohio. Yn y cyd-nodwedd, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) bydd yn cymryd ar Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) mewn 10 rownd bout Pwysau Bantam super.

Selina Barrios vs. Lisa Porter NABF Lightweight Title On The Line

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Rhagfyr 18, 2017)The two most avoided female boxersin the country are about to face each other, in what looks to be an all-out war, when undefeated sensation, ysgafn Selina “Aztec Queen” Cymdogaethau, takes on the dangerous “Lovely” lisa Porter.
On the line will be the NABF lightweight title, as both fighters were granted by the NABF committee to fight for this respected belt. The 10-round bout will take place at the RAPIDES Coliseum Parish ar Rhagfyr 29, 2017, yn Alexandria, ALl. The only other female pro to fight for a major title this quickly is 2-time gold medalist Clarissa Shields.
When everyone in the lightweight division has refused to fight Barrios or Porter, the two agreed to fight each other. Barrios is a winner of four Ringside World Amateur Titles to go along with her many national championships. Porter was a decorated amateur herself, winning three National PAL championships, US Golden Gloves, and was a US National Silver medalist. Both fighters are coming in with undefeated records.
To put things in perspective, Cymdogaethau’ last opponent Jasmine Clarkson, was world champion Katie Taylor’s sixth opponent, before Taylor fought for the WBA world title. In Porter’s case, she fought to a draw with Katonya Fisher, who defeated Jessica McCaskill, who is just went the distance with Taylor for WBA world title.
I’m very excited to be fighting for the NABF title,” said Selina Barrios. “All I want is an opportunity to win a world title, and winning the NABF belt will get me closer to my dream of becoming a world champion. I know I’m going to be facing a dangerous opponent in Lisa Porter, but nothing comes easy in boxing. Gyda hynny cael ei ddweud, I’m willing to fight anyone they put in front of me. I’m confident I can win this fight. I just want to fight the best and prove I’m elite.
I’m glad Selina Barrios and I have come to an agreement to make this fight happen, especially for the NABF title,” stated Lisa Porter. “It’s been tough getting opponents to step in the ring with me, so this is truly a blessing. I’m very grateful to the folks at the NABF for sanctioning this fight. Selina Barrios is going to be a tough test, but one I believe I can pass. The fans are going to see a great fight.
With Selina being the most avoided female fighter in boxing, I had to do my part on getting her ranked by the NABF,” said advisor Kerry Daigle. “It’s not going to be an easy road to the top. There’s a lot of good fighters out there with a lot of experience that she’s going to have to fight. That will be the case when Selina steps in the ring with Lisa Porter, who has a plethora of amateur experience. She, also is one of the most avoided fighters in the lightweight division. This will be a battle of two fighters who are putting everything on the line to advance their career to the next level.
# # #

SHOWTIME Sports To Live Stream Katie Taylor vs. Jessica McCaskill Women’s World Title Fight Tomorrow At 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT

SHOWTIME Sports will deliver live coverage of women’s boxing sensation Katie Taylor’s first defense of her WBA World Lightweight Title against Jessica McCaskill yfory/Dydd Mercher on social platforms. The full eight-fight card from York Hall in London will be available for free exclusive to the U.S audience on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and the SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook page beginning at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT.


Coverage from London will be provided by Sky Sports and also feature Conor Benn, Lawrence Okolie, Josh Kelly and Joe Cordina in separate bouts.


This last-minute opportunity comes in cooperation with Matchroom Boxing and furthers this network’s industry-leading commitment to the resurgence of women’s boxing and to expanding boxing’s penetration on social media. This will be the fourth women’s world championship fight offered live by SHOWTIME in 2017, and the fifth world championship bout that the network has distributed live on its social channels this year.

Credyd Photo: Showtime

Jessica McCaskill Gets Her Wish to Face Katie Taylor: Social Media Challenges Turn to Women’s Super Fight on December 13 yn Llundain

Christmas comes a little early this year for hard-punching Warriors Boxing lightweight Jessica ‘CasKILLAMcCaskill.

All year, she and manager/trainer Rick Ramos have been expressing their wish, via social media, to face Irish gold medalist turned professional world champion Katie Taylor.
Ar Dydd Mercher, Rhagfyr 13, they will get their wish, as Chicago-based McCaskill (5-1, 3 Kos) will challenge Taylor (7-0, 4 Kos) for her WBA Lightweight Championship at York Hall in London, Lloegr, and live before a massive audience on Sky Sports.
I’m relieved. I’ve been working toward this fight for a long time,” said McCaskill, Rated #2 in the world at 135 lbs and #1 in the United States in women’s boxing. “We have been training for this fight since my last fight because we knew it was coming and we’ve definitely bumped up the intensity.
Before turning professional a year ago, the popular Taylor, from Bray, won lightweight gold at the 2012 London Olympics, as well as an impressive assortment of world and European amateur championships. Known as the Irish athlete of her entire generation, Taylor is regarded as a superstar in the UK because of her aggressive and crowd-pleasing style.
I’ve never watched a full fight of hers,” professed McCaskill. “I’ve seen some highlights. I see mistakes she makes, but it’s not so much what I see in her. It’s what I see in all her opponents. They’ve all been scared of her. I am not. You won’t see any fear in me. Everybody else was terrified to engage her. They just showed up. I’ll be fighting to the last bell.
Much of the credit for landing the fight must go to Ramos, who doggedly pursued Taylor and her promoter, Eddie Hearn of Matchroom Boxing, on social media.
I felt like offended about comments Katie and Eddie made about how no one wants to fight her,” explained Ramos. “I remember thinking, ‘well, NO ONE called Jessica. We would love to fight Katie!’ That kind of started everything. Eddie Hearn finally did contact me via Instagram and things started getting real. I was happy that my social-media tactic worked!”
McCaskill, who also works full-time in Regulatory and Reporting at R.J. O’Brien & Associates investment bank in Chicago, says she’s not intimidated about stepping into Taylor’s home field for this fight. Yn wir, she’s expecting a number of her fans to be there as well.
It’s funny because of my job and my previous investment banking job, I have a lot of contacts and friends over there who are excited to show up for me. My company I work for has a branch that is three miles from the venue. I’ll be expecting a lot of fans there for me as well that night. It would be incredible to headline over there and to break her undefeated record and get my first world title in one night in front of them. Alla i ddim aros!”
Ynglŷn â Rhyfelwyr Bocsio
Wedi'i lansio yn 2003, Rhyfelwyr Bocsio gweithredu o dan syml athroniaeth-dod â'r bocswyr gorau yn y byd i ymladd cefnogwyr, eu cyfateb mewn pyliau cystadleuol, ac wrth wneud hynny yn helpu ail-sefydlu'r gamp o focsio ar gyfer cenhedlaeth newydd.
Gyda chyfres o sioeau llwyddiannus Talu-Per-View a thai llawn at ei credyd, y model busnes Rhyfelwyr yn rhyfeddodau yn gweithio mewn camp a oedd yn daer y mae angen y arloesedd ac egni bod y cwmni yn dod at y bwrdd.
Pan ddaw i lawr iddo er, cwmni hyrwyddol ond cystal â'r diffoddwyr ac yn ymladd mae'n hyrwyddo. Rhyfelwyr Bocsio wedi cyflawni ym mhob maes, gyda pyliau rhagorol megis Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda I a II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana a Ibragimov-Holyfield.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Rhyfelwyr Bocsio, visit their website at www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Field set for 2017 USA Boxing Women’s Elite National Championships

Rhagfyr. 5-9 in Salt Lake City, Utah
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO (Tachwedd 30, 2017) – Team USA women’s boxing hopefuls will be competing in the prestigious USA Women’s Elite National Championships, Rhagfyr 5-9, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This year’s field is stacked with talent, Gan gynnwys 2016 Olympic Trials Champion Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, Texas), who will be looking to close out an impressive 2017 year that included four international titles and an undefeated 16-0 cofnod, and two-time World Champion and 2014 Youth Olympic Champion Jajaira Gonzalez (Ffynnon, Colo.)
Other top contenders include featherweight Christina Cruz (Efrog Newydd, N.Y.), ysgafn Rashida Ellis (Lynn, MA), as well as middleweight Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, CO) a pwysau welter Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio)
Following a year of highly-competitive national events, the best U.S. female amateur boxers are set to compete in the 2017 USA Boxing Elite National Championship. With up to six spots in each division already secured, based on the results of the 2016 Elite National Championships, 2017 Elite Western Qualifier and 2017 Elite Eastern Qualifier, the remaining spots have been filled based on the wild-card application process to complete the field of elite boxers.
A total of 88 boxers applied for a wild card qualification with 35 allocations awarded to finalize the Elite National Championships brackets.
With this being the first year of the new elite athlete selection process, we are excited to see the top talent in the country compete to represent Team USA in 2018,” Dywedodd Matt Johnson, USA Boxing High Performance Director. “We are looking forward to a high level of competition during these championships, and are confident that the increased competitiveness at the national stage will translate to further improvement of USA’s performance internationally on the road to Tokyo in 2020.
Below is the final list of elite boxers, in order of ranking, who will contend for the title of national champion:
Jacquelyn Cuddleback – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Hillary Perez – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Mia Valdez – 2017 Western Qualifier
Jazzelle Bobadilla – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Veronica Rodriguez – 2017 Western Qualifier
Elimarie Torres – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Monica LazadaleWild Card Selection
Sabrina SlatteryWild Card Selection
FLYWEIGHTS (112 pwys.)
Virginia Fuchs – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Kristyn Juarez – 2017 Western Qualifier
Maryquenn Vellinga – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Indeya Smith – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Leslis RosasWild Card Selection
Pwysau plu (119 pwys.)
Christina Cruz – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Dacia Jacquez – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Mikiah Kreps – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Mariana Gonzalez – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Kristen McMurtree – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Jayda Davis – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Melanie CostaWild Card Selection
Trudy Li – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Carmen Vargas – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Eliza Peralta – 2017 Western Qualifier
Nephateria Miller – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Brittany Sims – 2017 Western Qualifier
Clarice Morales – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Rianna RiosWild Card Selection
Leslie SotoWild Card Selection
LIGHTWEIGHTS (132 pwys.)
Rashida Ellis – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Jajaira Gonzalez – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Lupe Gutierrez – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Stacia SuttlesWild Card Selection
Diana EstradaWild Card Selection
Wendy CaseyWild Card Selection
Amelia Moore – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Whitney Gomez – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Annalicia Sustaita – 2017 Western Qualifier
Destiny Jones – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Nargis Shanghais – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Raven BrownWild Card Selection
Ashleigh Moore – Wild Card Selection
Stephanie Malone – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Oshae Jones – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Deseree Jamison – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Naomi Graham – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Leah Cooper – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Brooke Mullen – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Krystal Dixon – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Amber Montoya – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Kristen Leija – 2017 Eastern Qualifier
Fallon FarrarWild Card Selection
Heavyweights (178+ pwys.)
Danielle Perkins – 2016 Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol
Shadasia GreenWild Card Selection
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Citlalli Ortiz Grabs First Win of Women’s Youth World Championships

Team USA finishes 1-1 on second day; six Americans to enter ring today
GUWAHATI, India (Tachwedd. 21, 2017) — Day two of the 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships in Guwahati, India brought two members of Team USA into the ring looking to advance one step closer to a world title.
Pwysau welter Citlalli Ortiz (Coachella, Calif.) grabbed Team USA’s first win of the championships with a split decision victory over Nadezhda Ryabets of Kazakhstan. She will return to the ring on Dydd Mercher, Tachwedd. 22 for a quarterfinals match-up against
The second American in today’s field, Canol Sharahya Moreu (Albuquerque, N.M.), fell short of taking the judges card over Russian Anastasiia Shamonova.
Yfory the remaining six members of Team USA will make their tournament debut, Gan gynnwys 2015 Junior World Champion Heaven Garcia (El Monte, Calif.) The other five boxers will all be making their international debuts.
Prif Hyfforddwr Billy Walsh (Colorado Springs, Colo.), Koroma (Colorado Springs, Colo.) ac Jeff Mays (San Antonio, Texas) are guiding the American delegation in India. This year’s tournament has brought 160 boxers from 31 different countries looking to take one of the ten World titles up for grabs.
Continue to follow USA Boxing on social media for more coverage of the tournament.
Team USA Results:
69 kg: Citlalli Ortiz, Coachella, Calif./USA dec. over Nadezhda Ryabets/KAZ, 4-1
75 kg: Anastasiia Shamonova/RUS dec. dros Sharahaya Moreu, Albuquerque, N.M./USA, 5-0
Tomorrow’s Atodlen
48 kg: Amy Salinas, Las Cruces, N.M./USA vs.Gloria D’almeida/FRA
51 kg: Heaven Garcia, El Monte, Calif./USA vs. Chaewon Kim/KOR
54 kg: Isamary Aquino, Universal City, Texas/USA vs. Kateryna Rohova/UKR
57 kg: Roma Martinez, Humble, Texas/USA vs. Emily Mauermann/GER
60 kg: Diana Estrada, Hillsboro, Oregon/USA vs. Fatia Benmessahel/FRA
64 kg: Aidyl Cardenas, Calexico, Calif./USA vs. Khongorzul Batbold/MGL
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing




Hyrwyddwr Unedig & Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Headlines ShoBox: The New Generation From Turning Stone Resort Casino In Verona, N.Y..


NEW YORK (Tachwedd. 8, 2017) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields will defend her 168-pound titles against undefeated IBF mandatory challenger Tori Nelson on Friday, Jan. 12 yn byw ar Showtime.


A two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, Tarianau (4-0, 2 Kos) will face her second consecutive undefeated opponent in the main event of ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd fyw 10 p.m. A/PT from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..


Shields dethroned previously unbeaten Nikki Adler Awst. 4 on SHOWTIME to pick up the WBC and vacant IBF titles less than one year after she became the first American boxer to capture back-to-back Olympic gold medals. The 22-year-old native of Flint, Mich., returns to face Nelson, a seven-year veteran with seven times the professional ring experience.


I’m truly excited to have the chance to demonstrate my skills against an opponent the caliber of Tori Nelson,” Shields said. “I’m honored to be headlining the firstShoBox o 2018, and I know Ionawr 12 will be a great night for the fans. This will be the beginning of a historic year for me and for women’s boxing.


Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) won a middleweight world championship in 2011 and owns wins over previously unbeaten Alicia Napoleon and Mia St. John. The 41-year-old Ashburn, Va., native looks to capture her second world title in a showdown with the fastest rising star in women’s boxing.


Ever since Claressa turned pro, I have wanted this fight,” Nelson said. “She’s young and talented, but my experience will make the difference. Since I became a boxer, I have dreamed of being in big fights on television. I am confident that I will win this fight and remain undefeated. And I plan to retire as an undefeated world champion.”


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Salita Promotions, mynd ar werth Dydd Llun, Tachwedd. 13 am $75 ar gyfer y ddwy res gyntaf o ringside, $65 am weddill seddi ringside a phawb arall costio $49 ac $37, ynghyd ag unrhyw ffioedd sy'n gymwys. Gellir prynu tocynnau yn bersonol neu drwy ffonio'r Swyddfa Docynnau Stone Resort droi at 800.771.7711neu ar-lein yn Ticketmaster.


“Claressa’s determination to challenge the best available contenders shows why she is one of the most accomplished fighters in the sport today,” promoter Dmitriy Salita said. “This is a great matchup and I am confident that we will witness another memorable performance.”


Said Gordon Hall, Cynhyrchydd Gweithredol ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd: “Claressa is a star both in and out of the ring who possesses all the intangibles to become the face of women’s boxing. In just four professional fights, two as headliners on ShoBox, she is already unified champion at 168 with plans to conquer the 160 and 154-pound divisions. Tori Nelson is undefeated, cyn bencampwr, and represents what should be the toughest test of Claressa’s young career. Only time will tell, but I don’t know if there is any fighter in the world who can stop Claressa Shields.”


Shields compiled an amateur record of 77-1 and won her first Olympic Gold when she was only 17 years old in the inaugural women’s boxing competition at the 2012 London Games. She won a second gold medal at the 2016 Olympics in Rio and turned professional three months later.


Ym mis Mawrth 2017 yn Detroit, Shields stopped Hungary’s Szilvia Szabados in four rounds in the first women’s main event in premium television history. Shields returned to headline her second ShoBox telecast in August, knocking out Adler in the fifth round to become unified champion in just her fourth professional fight. Gyda'r fuddugoliaeth, Shields became the 70fed world champion in the history of the prospect developmental series.


Active in her community, Shields advocates for several social issues and serves as an inspirational figure in her hometown of Flint, a city beset by problems.


Nelson turned professional at the age of 29 and won the WBC 160-pound title in just her fifth professional fight. She twice fought to a draw in middleweight world title bouts with Teresa Perozzi.


The high-pressure Nelson is one fight removed from a unanimous decision over the previously unbeaten Napoleon, and is fresh off a second round knockout of Latashia Burton in her first hometown fight in Ashburn, A fydd.


Undercard bouts for the ShoBox telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Combat Sports star Seini Draughn to make professional boxing debut on Friday, November 17th at Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, North Carolina

Pro Wrestler and MMA Fighter to step into ring in heavyweight main event
Charlotte, CC (Tachwedd 8, 2017) – Combat sports star Seini Draughn will step into the ring on Dydd Gwener, 17 Tachwedd at The Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The show is promoted by Pretty Girl Promotions.
Draughn, who maybe better known as a professional wrestler Lei’D Tapa has appeared for TNA Impact Wrestling, Ohio Valley Wrestling, Global Force Wrestling and WWE Developmental territory NXT .
The native of Tampa, Florida via Tonga also has appeared in MMA fights in Japan, and is a 2-time IBJJF, 2-time Naga, and New Breed Champion.

Draughn’s opponent in the four-round heavyweight main event will be Melissa Holmes (1-3) of Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Also scheduled to appear will be middleweight Santario Martin (3-2, 2 Kos) of Gainsville, Florida; banta,weight Frank Gonzalez (2-0) o Cuba; welterweight Jamaal Gregory (1-1, 1 KO) o Charlotte; heavyweight Willie Harvey (0-0-1) o Plainfield, New Jersey and many more bouts to be announced.
Tickets can be purchased at www.prettygirlpromo.com