Tag Archives: West Point

Melson Nominated for Most Inspirational of 2015!

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New York,, NY (December 29, 2015) – Junior middleweight boxer and philanthropist Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson has been nominated for Most Inspirational by Ring Magazine.

Having dedicated most of his life during the last 13 years to help cure Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries, Melson’s selfless efforts have been chronicled by various media outlets. The visibility of the cause he fights for and organization he donates 100% of his fight purses to, Team ambulate ad proelium, has grown tremendously during the last few years.

The 2003 West Point graduate also helped organize three successful “Fighting for the Cure” galas and successfully lobbied New York’s powers that be to reinstate a bill that allocates a percentage of each moving violation towards Spinal Cord Injury research. Last summer, autem 15-1-1 junior middleweight along with Dr. Wise Young, Dr. Patricia Morton and others met with Congressman Chaka Fattah at a briefing at the Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC to discuss clinical trials that could help hundreds of thousands suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries walk again. Word from Congress about the trial going forward is expected within 90 diebus.

Altiore, Melson’s raised more than $350,000 for Team Fight to Walk.

"Last December the WBC honored me with their Ambassador Of Peace Award and this past July the NABF honored me with their Humanitarian Award,"Dixit Melson, who captured the WBC USNBC title with a career best performance in May 2015. “A sport that I was forced to first partake in because of a mandatory gym class at West Point my Plebe (freshman) year along with my belief how I could use the boxing ring in order to help find a way to help people walk again has turned into this.”

"My only hope is that any human being learning of this story, especially children, internalize the following: understand your power of creating a vision, understanding what your own abilities are to achieve that vision and prepare to suffer while holding on to that vision for as long as their is air in your lungs. I believe my experience throughout this journey so far has shown again how one person can be the raindrop that creates the storm of change. What is real in our minds is real. I’m honored that Ring Magazine included me and I hope the publicity helps raise funds and awareness for Spinal Cord Injuries. Thank you to the sport I love for sharing my dream.”

To support Melson, please visit the comment section ofringtv.craveonline.com/news/407191-2015-ring-awards-finalists-for-most-inspirational or tweet @Ringmagazine. For more information about Team Fight to Walk, placere visitaboTeamfighttowalk.com. Tax deductible donations can be made on the website or by texting “Walk” to 20222.

Team proelium ad ambulate hospitio "Pugnans enim Cure" Gala October 15!

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New York,, NY (September 24, 2015) - WBC-USNBC junior middleweight fortissimus Boyd Melson et christan Zaccagnino, Providerant conditores ex diversitate Team Certa est ambulate, et tertius ordo exercitus annua "Cure pro pugna" beneficium Gala Thursday, October 15 at 6:15 pm

ad Beckwith Pointe in Rupella, NY.

Nullam ut sarcinas et auctore "Cure pugnans pro" via praesto teamfighttowalk.com/gala siue uocatio 914-497-5727. Omnes donationes sunt eleifend per IRS ordinationes.
Multa sint in New York Knicks John Starks honoris Praesidem speciali vespere et aliorum complurium hospitum miscerentur tessera habitum sit amet. In current hospes list includit priori mundo propugnatrix et libram pro libram superstar Paulus Williams, Eximius Crater XXV Champion Baker Stephen of Novum Eboracum Gigantes, middleweight fortissimus Danny Jacobs, priores pugiles Junior Jones et Chris Algieri cum priore New York Knicks Herb Williams et Johannem Waleys. More hospitibus nuntiari mox. Huius tam praeclari fa vesperam hospitii et notitia includit cocktails & gulae inritamenta, cenam, silent auction, Aenean tabulas, vivunt music, aperta bar, DJ et hospes loquentium.
Per duos nouissimos anni, Team proelium ambulare hosted prospere galas in New York featuring comoedia actus ex artie Lange et Damon Rozier cum permotionem oratio Melson, Zaccagnino, Major Max Brewer, mundi nominati Dr. Wise Young, Eric LeGrand cancer superstes et conversus mundi fortissimus pugil Danny Jacobs.
In June, Melson, Dr. A puero usque ad Dr. Patricia Morton convenisset Congress in Washington, DC exhibere testimonium prospere Medulla Theologiae Moralis Herm Laesio iudiciis in Sinis. Seres iudiciis vidit 15 de 20 aegros reduceret facultatem ad ambulare iterum et 10 aegros habere vesica et alvus munus return. Haec eadem ratio est in hoc iudicio FDA Americae publice responsum exspectatur ut veniat ad finem huius anni.
Si iudicia fiant, est Lorem nequeo vulneribus $150,000 et per patientiam 100% illorum sumptibus elevantur publico donationibus. Novo Iudicio tenebitur hospitalis University, NJ et involvit 12 aegros. Currently, foederati publica impensas adiuuante non apponente, etiamsi injuriarum Medulla Theologiae bello redit milibus armatorum.
Ab eo tempore occurrit clava choro junior anno in West Point 2002, maxime res in vita fuit Melson ambulant iterum videre Zaccagnino. Christan fregit collum aetatis 10 post tribuo accidens et tantummodo a wheelchair usque in diem hanc. Ad spearhead funding conatus praemissis iudicio, Melson s donated 100% eius ex zonis 16 eius 17 professionalis Team ambulate ad proelium, a 501(c)(3) una manu sua habebat filium Amelech proeliabatur amicus a pueritia ad cerebrum cancer. Inter duos galas et professio bouts, Melson scriptor omnium decernente sententia, quam plures $330,000.
"Instant differentia facit ut semper in America,"Dixit Melson. "Team proelium et hoc ambulare est opus difficillimum fuerit conatus nonstop fundraising. Tamen, nihil longius ire, etiamsi nostrarum adducimus probante Sede a FDA. Novissima nostra duas galas fuisse praestantes, et nos animo intento tum ad expediendas pecunias etiam hoc anno ad causam. Ibi ab omnibus indigeamus auxilio. Levate oculos vestros et oportet quod in singulis diebus ducens Aliquam conscientiae participes planetam. Our galas have passione movetur multis attendees qui audiebant fabulis et certamina dolentibus ex Chronic Medulla Theologiae Moralis Herm Iniuriarum qui non possunt habere surgery in America ut darent quam haberent posse ambulare iterum. Et si in alieno fideles non potuerunt curare Gala, velim existimes donating ad Teamfighttowalk.com. Omnis pupa aliquam diversitatem faciunt!”