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Perrella back in training; excited for next Opportunity

BP Gym.jpg
Fort Myers, FL (Iyun 22, 2016) – Welterweight rising star Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella has returned to the gym and is training in anticipation of his next bout.
Iyun kuni 4, Perrella destroyed previously unbeaten two time National Golden Gloves champion David Grayton on ESPN. Rather than go on vacation or celebrate his victory, Perrella immediately wanted to resume training. At the advice of his team, he took a short period of time off before getting back into the gym less than two weeks after his career best victory.

Even though he’s currently waiting to get the word on his next fight date, the 27-year-old Fort Myers native believes he’ll be in another televised bout in the coming months. Naturally, his immediate goal is to raise his record to 15-0 while continuing to fight his way into the upper echelon of the 147 funt bo'lish.

I live, eat and sleep boxing,” said Perrella. “This is what I do for a living and I take my career seriously. Since I’m moving up and believe I’m ready to take a big step forward in the welterweight division, there’s no time to waste. I don’t have any vices and stay in shape year round. Keyingi kurash, I’ll be even better and want there to be no doubt in anybody’s mind that I’m one of the next stars in the welterweight division.”
Fans can follow Bryant on Twitter @Bryantperrella.
Information on Perrella’s next move will be available in the near future.



Featherweight Title On The Line In Cuellar vs. Mares Fight


Presented by Premier Boxing Champions From Barclays Center


For Team Mares Training Camp Photos Click Bu Yerga


Los Angeles, Calif. (Iyun 9, 2016) – Abnur Mares, the former three-division world champion boxer, will be taking class, technique and power into the ring when he meets WBA Featherweight World ChampionIso Cuellar bo'yicha Shanba, Iyun 25 yashash Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS bo'yicha CBS tomonidan taqdim Premer boks Chempionlar Bruklindagi Barclays markazida, N.Y.. Live qamrov da boshlanadi 9 p.m. EST/6 p.m. PST.


Chiptalar tashrif bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.


Mares returns to the ring after a loss in one of 2015’s most-watched fights against featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz. Yilda 2016 Mares changed his training camp to work with former world champion boxer and two-time “Yilning Trainer,” Robert Garcia (Mikey Garcia, Antonio Margarito, Marcos Maidana) out of his Riverside, Calif., facility. Mares has continued to work with his longtime strength and condition coach Luis Garcia (Boshqa Berto, Amir Khan). His fight against Cuellar not only marks his first fight of 2016 but a chance to capture a fourth world title.


This is going to be a technical fight,” dedi Mares. “Cuellar is a hard-hitting fighter and since the fight was made we’ve been preparing for a real battle. I have no personal vendetta against him, however I am excited to see what monster the Mares-Garcia combination has created and gets unleashed. My power and spirit are 1000 foiz. Fans are going to see a fantastic, clean, technical fight.


For Maresfans the direction under the guidance of Garcia brings new possibilities for the fighter, and one that Garcia sees as the next step and progression for Abner.
I’ve been seeing the Abner that the world knew three to four years ago,” said Garcia about Mares’ ta'lim. “A warrior with tremendous boxing skills, that’s the Abner I see now. He’s in tremendous shape but it’s a different Abner. He’s been a warrior all his life and he will come to fighthe has that mentalitybut his jab, his straight punches and footwork are better than what fans have seen in the past two years.


This fight marks the first fight for Mares in New York.


It’s my first time fighting and being in New York and I plan on giving the fans at Barclays a ‘Fight of the Yearperformance,” dedi. “New York is the home of the American dream. Being a Mexican who came to the U.S. as a young child, it’s hugely symbolic for me as well as my family. This is my chance at winning my fourth world title and to do it in the city that started so many dreams and careers and on the first primetime fight on CBS in almost 40 yil, it’s an important moment.


Abnur MARES:

How are you preparing for this fight? …

I’ve been training with Robert since December. When the original March fight was postponed and I had a chance to fight Cuellar for the title so we never really took a break. We did change our training regimen a bit to stay fresh, get stronger and work on some tactical and technical skills. Robert has a great eye and knowledge of the sport, having worked with so many fighters, including Cuellar. It gives me an advantage in preparation.


Why the change in trainers? …

I knew I needed to change my camp after the last fight. I felt that we had a solid camp but in the end, I didn’t stick to the plan and it resulted in a loss. I am a warrior, Men hech qachon olaman, always come back. I am not afraid to take a fight. But I knew I needed a trainer whose plan I would have to follow versus having a trainer who would fit into mine. Robert and I come from similar backgrounds, his record speaks for itself and I know this partnership is going to deliver big wins.



What is Abner’s untapped skill? …

Abner is very candid as a boxer. He has great skills in speed, footwork and powerhe has all three and when combined he’s unstoppable. Sparring has been tremendous and if he does exactly what he is doing in gym and follows instructions then he can compete against any top featherweight in the world in my opinion.


How is sparring? …

Abner’s a beast. He’s doing great in our sparring sessionshis power is tremendous and his boxing has just become more effective. He’s always been a tremendous fighter who can box inside and on the outside. What the world saw and loved from him in Augusthis heart and ability to get in and fighthas been focused and strengthened. We’re very focused on winning and beating a hard-hitting fighter.


Barclays Markaz Bruklin BOKS ™ dasturiy platforma aarp tomonidan taqdim etiladi. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports vawww.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @ShowtimeBoxing @PremierBoxing, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentva www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

King’s Promotions signs former world champion Kermit Cintron

READING, PA (Qadam tashlamoq 28, 2016)–Marshall Kauffman’s Shohning Aktsiyalar is proud to announce the signing of of former IBF Welterweight champion Kermit Cintron.
Reading Cintron, PA bir rekord bor 35-5-2 bilan 28 knockouts.
Cintron won his first twenty-four bout and established himself as one of the most feared welterweight’s in the world.
Of those twenty-four wins were stoppages over Said Ouali (7-0), Omar Davila (12-2), Ian Mackilop (14-1), Elio Ortiz (25-6) and Teddy Reid (22-5-1).
After coming up short against WBO world champion Antonio Margarito, Cintron stopped David Estrada (18-2), which set up a title opportunity against Mark Suarez.
Oktyabr kuni 28, 2006, Cintron stopped Suarez in five founds ton win the title in Palm Beach, Florida.
Cintron made two defenses of his crown with stoppages over Walter Matthysse (26-1) and Jesse Feliciano, before losing to Margarito for a second time.
O'shandan beri, Cintron has posted many quality wins over the likes of Lovemore N’dou (46-10-1), Juliano Ramos (15-2), Antwone Smith (20-2-1), Jonathan Batista (14-1) and his last bout, which took place on March 15, 2014,when won a ten round unanimous decision over Ronald Cruz (20-2).
I am very happy to add Kermit to the King’s Promotions stable,” Qirol aktsiyalar Marshall kauffman dedi. “Kermit and I have a long history together and we did some special things when I trained him. I am glad Kermit has come back home and now as a promoter, we feel we can get Kermit back into some big opportunities and get him in position to become world champion again.
I am excited to finally sign with a promoter,” Said Cintron. ” I have had some offers but this is more exciting. This is the best thing for me in my career because Marshall trained and managed me. He knows me personally and he knows what I need in my career and I think its a great match. I am focusing on staying busy and getting another crack at a title, and I know Marshall will do the job in getting me the right fights and I will get that title shot.

UFC prezidenti Danaga ochiq fU “Effing” Oq rang!


Tomonidan: Rich Bergeron

Meni shaxsan taniganlarning barchasi meni yumshoq odam deb aytishardi, meni jiddiy kesib o'tguncha, kabi, masalan, Agar Siz men ishlayotgan tergov hisobotining mavzusiga aylaning, yoki meni sudga berish $25 million. Ba'zan men shunga o'xshash narsalarni alomat sifatida qabul qilishim mumkin, mendan kimligingizni va yopiq eshiklar ortida nima qilganingizni bilishni istamasligingiz mumkin..

Bu hafta, meni Twitter-da kuzatib borishimga imkon bermaydigan ma'lum bir shaxs (https://twitter.com/danawhite) faqat bir narsani o'ylashim mumkin bo'lgan darajaga meni piss qildi. Men UFC jezi tomonidan har qanday yo'l bilan rasman qora ro'yxatga kiritilganim sababli, va hatto Fertittas va UFCning har qanday jangchisiga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri murojaat qilishimga qarshi cheklov buyrug'i berilgan, my best option is to publish a drastic diatribe here I am just going to call my “OPEN FU” to Dana “Effing” Oq rang.

I’m sure Mr. White will not take my calls or subject himself to a one on one interview with me. Shunday, I will have to settle for a written FU…and a multi-tiered and multi-purpose FU.

FU, Dana “Effing” Oq rang… for many, many reasons…too many for one small blog post to do justice, but let’s just say Most of all FU….

For what you THINK you know about Holly Holm…

Hey, Dana, you wanna talk about your “effing” reality show “Looking For a Fight????” I was actually looking for a fight when I watched that old reality “shit show” when you were supposed to box Tito Ortiz, but HE magically backed out at the last minute.

Hozir, you, DANA “EFFING” WHITE, are telling Holly Holm about a decision YOU think she didn’t think through enough??? Va endi siz Uatiesda g'azablangan odam kabi harakat qilyapsiz, chunki UFCda ikkita g'alabangiz bor 196 atrofida ishlash va qandaydir ma'noga ega bo'lishni aniqlash.

Boo “effing” hoo, do'stim.

Qanday qilib ba'zan jang biznesida narsalar rejalashtirilganidek ketmasligiga xush kelibsiz, noshukur zarba.

Siz bo'lishni xohlaysizmi? “effing” Targ'ibotchisi, Dana “effing” Oq rang???

Xolli Xolm HER menejeriga ruxsat berganda UFC-ning Bantamweight chempioni bo'lgan (Dana emas “effing” Oq rang) uning nomidan Teyt jangini muhokama qilish, va u bilar edi (va uning uzoq yillik menejeri bilar edi, ham) u nima qilayotgani va nimani xohlaganligi. Va taxmin qiling “effing” nima, Dana? U jang qilmoqchi edi.

Kechirasiz, Dana “Effing” Oq rang, ammo Xolli o'tirishni xohlamadi “effing” Ronda Ruzining uni tugatishini kutish “effing” Yo'lni qayta tiklash!

Xolli ishga ketmoqchi edi… afsuski, u o'zining ofisiga kirib, uning kunlik ish yukini shunday qat'iyat bilan bajarishni nima ekanligini bilmaydigan boshliq uchun ishlashi kerak., sinf, qadr-qimmat va inoyat.

Va, ehtimol, u orqasiga sizdan ko'ra boshqacha qaraydi, Dana, yo'q bilan “effing” bu jangga mutlaqo borini bergani uchun va afsuski, u uch raundlik jangda g'alaba qozonishi mumkin bo'lgan jangda o'zining zaif tomoniga tushib qolgani aniq.. Ehtimol, agar siz jangchi bo'lsangiz, Dana, butun kontseptsiyani olishingiz mumkin. Ehtimol, bu holatda yutqazish uni yanada yaxshilaydi, kuchli, va martaba aralash jang san'ati ustasi sifatida ancha bardoshli. Agar u sizning ko'zingizda uni kamroq bozorga aylantirsa, kim uni tanqid qiladi? Siz aslida nimani bilasiz, har holda?

SIZGA YOQ, Dana “Effing” Oq rang, Xolli aslida Miesa Teytni hurmat qiladi va unga qarshi kurashish qiyin bo'ladi deb o'ylardi. Yeah, u yutqazdi, lekin la'nat, u bu qiyin bo'lganligi haqida juda to'g'ri edi. O'ylaymanki, jang ayol MMA tarixidagi eng buyuk janglardan biri bo'lib qoladi.

Hozir, nega siz o'zingizni ochmaysiz “effing” ko'zlar, Dana, yana jangni tomosha qiling, va o'zing bilan hech qachon jang qilmagan qafasda nima bo'lishi kerakligi haqida xayolotni tashla.

Siz hozirgina to'lagan chempioningiz borligidan minnatdor bo'ling $92,000 kurashda ish haqi (bonuslardan oldin) g'olib chiqishni xohlagan qizdan tashkilotingizning kamarini olish (va pullik $500,000 faqat u erda bo'lish uchun). Siz kutgan narsa bo'lmasligi mumkin, ammo bu haqda tashvishlansangiz, UFCni qurgan jangchilarga bunday dushman bo'lganingiz uchun nimani xohlasangiz arziydi..

Dana uchun bu mavzu bo'yicha mening eng katta savollarim: Nega bunaqa tarafkashlik qilasiz?, Miesaga kunning vaqtini berishga qiynalmaydigan qiyshiq eshak? Nega kreditni kerak bo'lgan joyda berolmaysiz…o'sha jangning ikkala tomonida ham? Nega yopolmaysiz “eff” Xolli yoki uning rahbariyati kutishi kerak bo'lgan yoki kutishi mumkin bo'lgan narsalar haqida?

Orqaga qarash uchun bu sizning joyingiz emas 20/20 o'yladim va Xolli va uning menejeri kabi harakat qilishim kerak edi, chunki siz bu bok kelayotganini ko'rmaganingizda, butun Nostradamusni bu jangga sarflashi kerak edi., yoki, siz gumbazli dimvit.

Fighters “effing” jang, Dana. Bu ular “effing” qil, buni bilishingiz kerak, chunki siz ilgari an bo'lganligingizga aminman “effing” o'zingizning MMA jangchilaringiz menejeri. Ha, bu juda ko'p oy oldin edi, ammo qanday qilib unutishingiz mumkin edi?

Jangchilar korporativ samolyotlarda eshaklariga o'tirishmaydi va kun bo'yi matbuot oldida shohsupalarda turishibdi. “effing” sizning tashkilotingiz ularning ko'pchiligiga to'laydigan kam ish haqi. Aksariyat jangchilar shunchaki axlat sodir bo'lishini yoki kimnidir kutishni kutish imkoniga ega emaslar “munosib” sizning ko'zingizda ular bilan kurashish va kurashish uchun etarli.

Ba'zi jangchilar bolalarini boqishlari kerak. Ularning barchasi to'lovlarni to'lashlari va o'quv-mashg'ulot yig'inlari bilan bog'liq barcha narsalar uchun to'lashlari kerak, kunlik yashash xarajatlari, sayohat va tibbiy sug'urta harajatlari har qanday jarohatni davolashga to'g'ri kelganda qoplanmaydi. Sizning shafqatsiz Reebok bitimi Ko'plab jangchilar uchun shunga o'xshash narsalarni to'lashga yordam beradigan boshqa tashqi homiylarni olish imkonsiz bo'lib qoldi, Dana.

Xarid qilish va qayerdan kelganingizni unutishga xush kelibsiz, Dana. Siz jangchilar haqida ko'proq g'amxo'rlik qilardingiz. Endi siz xuddi boshqa qafasda jang qilish kabi harakat qilyapsiz 9-5 ish. Emas. Uning “effing” qiyin ish.

Shunday, ha, Xolli Ruzining javob uchrashuviga tayyor bo'lishini kutish o'rniga kurashni tanladi. Va endi sizning fikringiz unga kerak deb o'ylaysiz, chunki hamma narsa siz uchun rejalashtirilganidek ishlamadi?

FU, Dana.

U sizdan ham yomonroq azob chekadi, va men bunga qodirman.

Oh…va…aytmoqchi…jangchilar UFC / Zuffa tashkilotining o'sishi va muvaffaqiyati uchun avvalgidan ko'ra ko'proq mas'uldirlar. Va bu haqiqiy gap, siz eshagingizni tayoq bilan boy kaltak, chunki siz hech qachon o'zingizning rasmiy kurashingiz uchun hayotingizda etarlicha yaxshi bo'lmagansiz.

Shunday, Xudo majmuasini engib, HAMMA jangchilaringizni hurmat qilishni o'rganing, nafaqat siz ko'rishni istaganlar g'alaba qozonishadi, chunki ular bilan yaxshiroq ishlash mumkin deb o'ylashingiz yoki ular tashkilotni yaxshi yo'nalishga olib boradi deb o'ylaysiz. Harakatlarni hurmat qiling, qurbonlik va azob BARCHA jangchilaringiz har kuni borgan joylariga borish uchun har kuni o'tishadi. Siz Mieshaning beliga bog'lab qo'ygan belbog 'topildi, va buni hech qachon o'ylamaysiz “effing” Xolli Xolmning Miesa Teyt bilan yuzma-yuz turishga jur'ati bor edi “Xato.”

U ichi bo'sh, Ayniqsa, MMA haqida gaplashish uchun sizga mikrofonni berish sportning eng katta xatosi edi deb o'ylardim, davr! O'zining tashkilotida sobiq chempionni qoziqni shu tarzda yiqitmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi ushbu tashkilot prezidenti sifatida tan olinishga loyiq emas..

Sizda aslida qanday jang qilish kerakligi haqida hech qanday ma'lumot yo'q, va sizning Xolli Xolmga bo'lgan tanqidingiz menga shuni aytadiki, siz uni Teyt bilan jang qilishga va Ronda uchun bo'sh yil kutmaslikka undagan fikrni hech qachon tushuna olmaysiz. “effing” Rousey sizning qimmatbaho shoularingizdan birida chiqishga tayyor.

Shunday, FU Dana Uayt sobiq chempioningizga u ahmoqdek munosabatda bo'lgani uchun u o'z karerasini qanday boshqarishni bilmaydigan ahmoqona munosabatda bo'lgani uchun, unga kal bosh. Xolli sizning maslahatingizsiz yaxshi, va u menejeriga ishonadi, bu sizga tanish bo'lmagan narsa bo'lishi mumkin, lekin boshqa odamlar uchun bu qonuniy odamlar bilan biznes qilish haqiqatdir.


FU, Dana sportning yomon elchisi bo'lgani uchun, qon to'kadigan jangchilarni hurmat qilmaslik (va ba'zan umrbod jarohatlar oladi) siz va sport uchun, va umuman boshqa jangchilar bilan raqobatlashadigan professional jangchi bo'lish uchun nima kerakligini tushunmaslik va umuman tushunmaslik…

Yodingizdami, boks bo‘yicha murabbiyingiz Boston bir marta qulog‘ingizga qattiq tarsaki tushirgani uchun past bokschi bo‘lishga rozi bo‘lgan kunlaringizni eslaysizmi?? Siz hayotingizda hech qachon raqobatbardosh jang o'tkazmagansiz, Dana “effing” Oq rang, va bu HUJJATLANGAN FAKT!

Kumush qoshiq bilan oziqlangan Fertittalar ochko'zligingizni engishga yordam berganidan oldingi kunlarga ham nazar tashlaganmisiz?, xudbin, Xudbin eshak RASMIY UFC MOUTHPIECE lavozimiga?

Bularni eslaysizmi “tukli” o'tib ketgan kunlar $40 millionlab Fertitta mablag'larini amalga oshirish uchun “Zuffa afsonasi” UFC brass uchun kredit da'vo qilib, sportni qonuniylashtirish va uni tartibga solish hammasi sizniki “effing” o'zlari? Go'yo MMAga ochko'z panjalaringizni botirmasdan oldin kashshof bo'lgan bironta ham FIGHTER yoki boshqa soha mutaxassislarining bunga aloqasi yo'qdek.?

Sizning onangiz ularni eslaydi “da'vogar bo'lishi mumkin edi” kun, Dana..Agar siz boshqa odam bilan haqiqiy janjallashishingiz mumkin deb o'ylaganingizda. O'z onangiz eslaydi, garchi siz va sizning ahmoq do'stlaringizdan biri uning ovozini o'chirishga harakat qilgan bo'lsangiz ham, UNI ONLAYN BO'LING, va hatto uni qora ro'yxatga kiriting KITOB, ham.

Hatto Floyd Meyvezer ham bo'lgan kunlarni eslaysizmi, Jr. sizni zo'r deb o'yladim, Sizning kundalik haydovchingiz bo'lganida “effing” Honda, Dana? Floyd eslaydi. U sizni ancha oldin bilar edi Siz oddiy odamning yillik maoshini bir poker o'yiniga sarflashingiz mumkin.

Siz hozir boshqa joydasiz, Dana “effing” Oq rang, va bu xayolparast joy. Siz yashayotgan uzoq sayyoradagi kabi, odamlar sizga haqiqatan ham ishonishadi, halol, haqiqatan ham “effing” bo'lish ASLIDA nima ekanligini biling “effing” jangchi? Siz haqiqatan ham bu tuyg'uni qandaydir tarzda bilishingizga ishonasizmi??

Haqiqatan ham?

Bilasiz JANCH nima, qilmayapsizmi, Dana? Jangchi - bu boshqa odamga qarshi turishga jur'atiga ega bo'lgan yigit va qizlarni tanqid qilish o'rniga boshqa haqiqiy erkak yoki ayolga qarshi qurolsiz jangga kirishga jasoratga ega bo'lgan erkak yoki ayol. qabul qilingan maqsad bir-birini jismonan yo'q qilish ekanligini ichkilashtirish.

Jangchi, oddiyroq qilib aytganda, hisoblanadi “kurashayotgan kishi.” Va biriga aniqlik kiritaylik “effing” narsa, Dana “effing” Oq rang, Men jangchilarni bilaman, va SIZ jangchi emaslar.

Siz jangchiga o'xshamaysiz, Dana “effing” Oq rang, va siz hech qachon “effing” bo'ladi. Siz juda zaifsiz, ham jismonan, ham ruhiy jihatdan. Olti haftalik mashg'ulotdan o'tganingizni va keyin kimgadir qarshi qafasga kirib, uning eshagini tepganingizni ko'rmagunimizcha, biz bir la'natni tinglashimiz shart emas “mumkin edi,” “kerak,” yoki “bo'lardi” har qanday jangchining ishlashi yoki qaror qabul qilish jarayoni haqida nima deb o'ylayotganingiz haqida makkajo'xori og'zingizdan. Bu odamlar siz hech qachon o'zingiz qila olmaydigan narsani qilishga jasoratga ega, va siz buni hurmat qilishingiz kerak.

FU Dana White…Miesha Teyt va Neyt Diaz kabi haqiqiy jangchilarni tan olmagani uchun, ular nima bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar buni davom ettiradilar va HECH QACHON O'ZBEKISTON IQTISODIYoTINGIZNI QO'Yolmaydilar.….

Neyt Diaz Konor MakGregor bilan jang qilish uchun bir sababga ko'ra kuchaygan. Uning yo'qotadigan hech narsasi yo'q edi, va u bir oz qo'rqitmadi. U mashhur Fox Sports bilan televizorga chiqdi 1 O'sha yarim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang oldidan Konor bilan bo'lingan ekranda va uning dushmani avvalroq bo'g'ilib qolganini kinoya qilgan edi., “ikki cho'loq tomonidan.” Diaz shuningdek, MakGregorning bo'g'ilib qolgan yo'qotishlarini hazil bilan qo'shish uchun mukammal instinktga ega edi., “bir hafta oldingi kabi.”

Diaz Konorni shapaloq urib, qafasda uning bo'yniga osib qo'yishidan ancha oldin uni bo'g'iq gaplar o'yinida mag'lub etgan.. O'sha freakshou jangi natijasida yaratilgan ommaviy axborot vositalari sizning kattaligingizning nazoratsiz yuksalishini to'xtatgan bo'lishi mumkin, qalin, olti boshli ajdaho chempioni, lekin bir vaqtning o'zida yangi yirtqich hayvonni yaratdi. Va u Reebok-dan nafratlanadi, qichishish, qasam ichish, Stokton shapaloq olayotgan ona-F$#qirol YAYVON, u nima qilayotgani yoki aytgani haqida boshqalar nima deb o'ylashiga ahamiyat bermaydi.

Siz Diaz va uning munosabati shunday deb o'ylashingiz mumkin “biznes uchun yomon,” lekin menimcha, uning g'alabasi siz UFCni boshqarayotgan beadab panklar bilan sodir bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan eng yaxshi narsa edi.. Bu MMA olamini nazorat qilmasligingizni bir marta isbotlaydi.

Neyt Diaz uzoq vaqt davomida MMA kashshofi va yaxshi UFC askari bo'lganligi uchun hurmat va hurmatdan mahrum bo'ldi.. Achchiqlik uning ichida qaynadi va qaynadi, Men uning jangdan keyingi intervyularida u Konorni bo'g'ib qo'yganidan so'ng, irlandiyalik yigit ovozini bosganiga qadar har bir soniyasini yaxshi ko'rardim. “eff” tashqariga chiqdi va Dana Uaytni katta guruh a'zosidan ko'ra ko'proq o'lik dushmanga aylangan odamni tabriklash kerakligini o'ylab, hang-mang bo'lib qoldi. “jamoa.”

Nate va barcha aqldan ozganlarga ko'proq kuch, abraziv, Sizning yuzingizda Diaz akasi UFCda Dana bilan jang qiladi “effing” Uaytning o'ziga xos jasoratli va jasoratli nutqi bilan yorqin olov. Ular har doim aytishlari mumkin, “Men buni sizni ko'rib o'rgandim, Kal ota!”

Miesha Teytga kelsak, Rouseyga og'ir mag'lubiyatga uchraganidan so'ng o'zini ikki marta gilamdan chetlatib, endi chempion bo'lgani uchun haqiqiy hurmat va ehtiromga loyiqdir.. Teytga karerasini davom ettirgani va o'sha Rousey qo'lidan bir marta va umuman o'tib olishga tinimsiz e'tibor qaratgani uchun rahmat..

Garchi Miesha hech qachon Rousey topshirish dilemmasini hal qilmagan, UFCda to'langan dividendlar kamarida yana bir yorilish olish uchun har qanday holatda ham harakat qilish 196. Uning hech qachon to'xtamagan munosabati uni umr bo'yi imkoniyatga olib keldi, va u buni katta hajmda yozdi. Hozir, Dana, Siz aslida bu yosh xonimga uning ko'pchilik muxlislari uni uzoq vaqtdan beri qadrli bo'lganini aytganini to'lashingiz kerak.

Va endi siz noshukur hayotingizda bir marta Teytga ozgina hurmat va minnatdorchilik bilan munosabatda bo'lishingiz kerak., Dana “effing” Oq rang. Bilaman, bu yosh xonimga juda ko'p mehnat qilgani uchun minnatdorchilik bildirish sizni juda qiynaydi., chunki, ehtimol u o'tmishda sizni chinakam aqlsiz va hurmatsiz nayrang deb chaqirganida asabiylashdi.. U haq edi, va siz uning jang qilishda qanchalik zo'r ekanligi haqida noto'g'ri edingiz. Keyin yana, qafasda urishayotgan ayollar haqida ham NOG'OSI bo'lmaganmisiz, davr?

Shunday, siz jangchi bo'lishni xohlamaysiz, Janob. Oq rang? Keyin chetga o'ting va jangchi bo'lishni xohlaydigan odamlarga siz uchun jangga kirishiga ruxsat bering, shunda siz o'zingizning samolyotingizda dunyo bo'ylab sayohat qilishingiz va nima ekanligini bilgandek harakat qilishingiz mumkin. “eff” Siz mikrofon oldida turib, sportning haqiqiy sportchilari va ular aralash yakkakurashlarda tirikchilik qilish uchun nima qilayotgani haqida gapiryapsiz..

Dananing butun bu halokatda men uchun eng kuchli BS sifatida ajralib turadigan chizig'i shu:

“U keksa bokschi, u o'zini aqlli deb hisoblaydi, ammo aqlli emas,Uayt Freskes haqida aytdi [Xolm menejeri]. "Men Xolli uchun xafaman, chunki u nimani yo'qotganini biladimi yoki yo'qligini bilmayman."

Menda yana ikkitasi bor “effing” Dana sizga savollar “effing” Oq rang…

1.) Sizni haqiqatan ham har qanday narsada deb o'ylashga majbur qiladigan narsa “effing” Xolli Xolm boshqa kechada nima yo'qotganini HAM bilish yoki tushunish uchun pozitsiya? Chetga bir necha yomon poker qo'llari va hurmat tonna, Siz yo'qotgan yagona narsa bu sizning fikringizdir.

2.) Xolmning menejeri haqidagi iqtibosingiz sizning jirkanch xarakteringizni janobnikidan ko'ra yaxshiroq tasvirlamaydimi?. Fresk?

VA…Bularning barchasini o'qib bo'lgandan so'ng, har kimga HANIY Taqir ota bilan mol go'shti qilish uchun yana bir sabab kerak bo'ladi:

Split-T Management signs world ranked welterweight Ray Robinson

Nyu York, NY (Fevral 25, 2016)–Boxing managers Split-T Management are proud to announce the signing of world ranked welterweight contender Ray Robinson to a managerial contract.

Robinson of Philadelphia, PA. bir rekord bor 20-2 with nine knockouts and is currently ranked number-seven by the WBC.

Robinson, professional o'girib 2006 is on a seven fight winning streak that is over a 5 and a half year period.
The 30 year-old Robinson has wins over previously undefeated Roberto Acevedo, Darnell Jiles Jr & Aslanbek Kozaev.
Robinson has collected the Pennsylvania Welterweight title with an explosive 2nd round stoppage over former U.S. Olympian Terrence Cauthen (36-7). He won the vacant WBA-NABA interim title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Alberto Morales (11-1). Robinson captured USBA title with a 7th round stoppage over Ray Narh (26-2). He won the the WBO NABO title with the win over Kozaev.
Uning eng so'nggi Butning In, Robinson retained the WBO NABO title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Sherzodbek Alimjanov (22-2) bo'yicha Aprel 17.

I felt David McWater can help me get to my dream and become world champion.
I feel like it’s a matter of time before I get my shot to show everyone I am the top welterweight in the world. I fought some tough guys in my career and show I can compete and beat them,” said Robinson.

Said Split-T management CEO David McWater, “I think Ray is the most underrated fighter in America let alone in the welterweight division and can beat any welterweight on any given day. I’m unbelievably proud to be associated with such a class individual. Ray gives back to the community selflessly.
Along with McWater, Robinson will be co-managed with Philly fixture Tom Moran who formerly represented Tim Witherspoon and Kassim Ouma and currently represents 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist John Joe Nevin.

I feel Ray has matured so much as a fighter over the years and feel confident he can beat any welterweight when given the chance. He has always been a class act in and out of the ring and we feel great that he is a part of our team. It’s just a matter of time when the world will see he is the best in the welterweight division,”Joe Quiambao, Director of Boxing for Split-T Management.

Robinson, who is entered as a wild card entry in the WBC Welterweight tournament is a promotional free agent.

Split-T Management growing roster includes Undefeated Bantamweight Antonio Nieves; Undefeated Light Heavyweights Joseph Williams and Mighty Joe Jones; Undefeated Welterweights Wesley Tucker; Boubacar Sylla; Undefeated Super Middleweight Deandre Ware, Undefeated Heavyweights: Darlington Agha and Trent Rawlins and Adonis Stevenson conqueror, Super Middleweight Darnell Boone.

Split-T Management can be reached by at 917-627-6559 yoki elektron pochta orqali joematchmaker@yahoo.com


NYU YORK (Feb. 24, 2016)—After extensive discussions between DiBella Entertainment, Showtime Networks and Mohegan Sun, The Qadam tashlamoq 12 boxing event has been canceled.


Following the injury to Keith Thurman and the postponement of the Thurman vs. Porter bout, we evaluated several options for salvaging the card, but various factors, including scheduling and programming issues, prevented the parties involved from doing so.


The featherweight bout between fellow three-division world champions Abner Mares and Fernando Montiel will remain paired with the Thurman vs. Porter welterweight world championship event, which is being rescheduled for a later date on CBS. The other bouts on the card will be rescheduled on a date or dates to be announced.


Every effort was made to move forward with the remainder of this excellent card, despite the tight time frame,” Lou DiBella dedi, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti. “Ammo, scheduling conflicts and other factors forced us to make the unfortunate decision to cancel the entire event. There are a number of attractive fights on the table and we look forward to presenting all of them to the fans as soon as possible.


Tickets purchased for the Qadam tashlamoq 12 event will be refunded at the point of purchase.


DiBella Entertainment, Mohegan Sun and Showtime Evaluating Options to Continue with the Remainder of the Qadam tashlamoq 12 Jang kartasi
NYU YORK (Feb. 22, 2016)–Undefeated world champion Keith Thurman sustained an injury as a result of a car accident that has forced his Qadam tashlamoq 12 welterweight title defense against Shawn Porter to be postponed. The announcement was made today by promoter Lou DiBella, president of DiBella Entertainment. According to his doctors, Thurman’s injuries are not considered serious and he is expected to be cleared to resume training in the coming weeks. Thurman vs. Porter was the main event of a scheduled two-fight card to be broadcast in prime time on CBS. This fight and the network broadcast will now be rescheduled for a later date.
DiBella Entertainment, Mohegan Sun and Showtime are evaluating the option of continuing with the remainder of the fight card on Shanba, Qadam tashlamoq 12 with a transition of television coverage to SHOWTIME. Complete details are forthcoming.
While it’s unfortunate that we must temporarily postpone this marquee matchup, a main event of the magnitude of Thurman vs. Porter requires both fighters be healthy and at their best.said DiBella. “Keith is anxious to resume training as soon he is able and both he and Shawn are looking forward to a new fight date.


Former Champion Porter Challenges Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman In Exciting Primetime Matchup Shanba, Qadam tashlamoq 12

Live On CBS (8:30 p.m. VA/5:30 p.m. PT)

Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Premier Boxing Champions

Las Vegas, (Fevral 19, 2016) – Welterweight star “Showtime” Shawn Porteropened up his training camp to media Payshanba at Porter Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas as he prepares for his primetime showdown with welterweight world champion Keith “One Time” Thurman bo'yicha Shanba, Qadam tashlamoq 12 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS presented by Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) from Mohegan Sun Resort in Connecticut.


Televidenieda faoliyat boshlanadi 8:30 p.m. VA/5:30 p.m. PT with an all-action showdown between former multiple division world champions Abnur Mares va Fernando Montiel.


Porter worked out for media along with his father and trainer, Ken Porter as he looks to become a welterweight world champion for the second time. Porter defeated multiple-division champion Adrien Broner in a primetime PBC main event last year and is looking to again find success under the bright lights.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, fiyatlandırılır

$300, $150, $75 va $35 (Ortiqcha to'lovlari) and are on sale now through

Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster customers may log on to ticketmaster.com; chaqirish (800) 745

3000; or visit any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets are also available at the Mohegan Sun

Teatr kassasi.


Here is what Porter and his father had to say Payshanba:



On training camp…


“Training camp is going great. It’s been hard work as always and nothing really different specifically for this fight. Obviously it is always a different game plan for a different fighter but that’s about it.


“I’m not making too many adjustments from my previous fight, just taking what I learn from each fight and take those learning experiences with you. Going into this fight we will definitely have some of our past experiences show up.


“It is getting closer. I feel it every day. It’s approaching and the excitement is brewing. The closer it gets the more excited and more focused that I get.

On being perceived as the underdog…


“I do not feel like I am coming in as the underdog. In order to be the champion, Agar chempioni ura bor. That is my outlook on this fight, not only to outpoint him but to make it very decisive and dominate the fight.


”My motivation is to prove the doubters wrong.


“I have faced a tougher opposition than Keith Thurman. I feel like that may work most to my advantage. I think that there will come points in this fight where I will put him up against things that he has never been up against. It is all about how he reacts to what I throw at him.


“My plan is to go in there and shake him up, make him uncomfortable and carry the fight just like that.


“I am ready and whatever Thurman has to bring. Men uchun tayyor emasman 12 tur, I’m ready to knock him out. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win. Men tayyorman.

On sparring with Thurman…


“We expect what we saw in sparring with him to show up in the fight. He moved around a lot when we sparred. There weren’t very many clean shots landed by either of us, but I know from sparring with him that I have to be aggressive and that I have to cutoff the ring.


“I would say that for the majority of this fight it is probably going to be me as the aggressor. He likes to bully guys at the beginning of the fight to wear them down to feel himself out.. We’re expecting him to move a lot more against me.


“We’re going to be aggressive, we’re going to be smart, we’re looking beyond this fight.

“In my last fight I didn’t get hit very much and I am taking that same mindset and defense into this fight.

On being the next Floyd Mayweather Jr…


“I am expecting to beat Keith and be the guy that everyone looks at.


“When you go up against someone at a high level like this, you go up and you show out.


“As far as Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, I think those faces are going away. The welterweight class is exciting and there’s going to be a new face on the top of that ranking. I’d like that face to be me.


“I don’t make any predictions; I just know I am going to win.


“I have been waiting for this fight since 2013. I had just gotten my title then and I could see the way his career was moving that there was a collision course. We didn’t know how long this fight would take to happen or when it would happen, but we knew it was coming.


“When I was told this fight was happening all I could think was ‘Ok, let’s do it’ and it took some time to make the fight happen but when we finally did our faceoff, it felt great to look him in the eyes and let him know ‘I’m coming after you.’


“For me to fight Keith it has always been something that was a part of my career, all business not personal. It was just something that I needed to do to get to where I want to be.


“Keith Thurman is a good fighter. Nothing really sticks out to me as something I should worry about. He’s a good athlete and a good boxer, but he is very beatable, he just hasn’t been beat yet.


“You’re only as good as you’re last competition. If you look at the Kell Brook fight, I was not as good as I should’ve been. Since then I am very good, but still I feel that you are only as good as your last fight until you prove otherwise.


“It is and isn’t personal. For Keith to be considered one of the top dogs in this weight class, it is personal to me to beat him and reign over him. Other than that, it is all business.”


Ken tok

On being his son’s trainer…

“Because I have the history of working with a lot of top-level amateurs who have moved on to the professional level, I think that Shawn sees that in me as an edge.”


On his history with Keith Thurman…


“Men uni yaxshi bilaman. I’ve had opportunities to work with him in the amateurs. I’ve had opportunities to work with him in the pros. I’ve worked in his corner in an amateur fight before, I’ve worked in his corner in a pro fight.


“Keith knows Shawn, they’ve sparred about 30 tur. He knows speed and won’t come in the ring trying to land a significant shot from the beginning. If he’s throwing that punch, he’s probably running the other direction at the same time.


“I would challenge [Turman] to come in the ring and fight, but I know he’s going to fight. I know he will try to outbox us and try to land a slick and unexpected punch. Anyone can land a shot on you, that happens, but it’s what you do after the punch that counts.


“We’re looking forward to trading punches, boxing with him, slugging with him. We’re looking for a fight.”

On what it will take to win this fight…


“Vaqt ichida bu nuqtada, there’s going to be a lot of adjustments that have to be made, and I can’t just determine what it’s going to take to do it, but I know it’s going to take everything – speed, quickness, kuch, aggressiveness, condition, making adjustments mentallyit’s an intellectual fight.


# # #


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports vawww.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions va www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Robert Guerrero to be inducted into California Boxing Hall of Fame 2016 sinf

Ghost vs. Aydin SJ Merc.jpg
Gilroy, KABI (Fevral 17, 2016) – The California Boxing Hall of Fame is happy to announce that multiple division world champion, Robert “Sade” Jangchi, will be one of its 2016 inductees. The ceremony will take place at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center in Studio City, CA on Oktyabr 22, 2016.
“Sade” who once fought at super-bantamweight (122 lbs) successfully moved up several weight classes to compete at welterweight, winning multiple world titles along the way, becoming one of boxing’s most notable warriors. Still active today, Guerrero has plenty of fight left in him and wants nothing more than to get the fans more great fights. He is thrilled to be part of the 2016 sunmaktadırlar sinf.
To be inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame is a great honor,” Robert Guerrero dedi. “I have to thank my family and team for getting me to where I’m at today. I couldn’t have done it without them. As fighters, we put our lives on the line every time we step into the ring, and we do it for the love of the sport. The fans are the ones who benefit from our sacrifices and that’s what it’s all about. I love boxing and I want to let the fans know that I’m always going to give it my all every time I fight. To be part of the 2016 inductees is unbelievable.
NIMA: 2016 California Boxing Hall of Fame induction ceremonies
QACHON: Oktyabr 22, 2016
Starts at 11:00 emasman
QAERDA: Sportsmen’s Lodge Event CenterEmpire Room
12833 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, KABI 91604
Telefon: (818) 755-5000
Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel Phone: (818) 769-4700
Ticket Information
Luncheon Ticket – $75.00 (tax, tip incl.)
Send check payable toCalifornia Boxing Hall of Fame
c/o Don Fraser
10516 Addison St, North Hollywood, KABI 91601
For Advertising Information – Chaqirish (818) 761-4887 yoki Email: neicyrox@sbcglobal.net

Undefeated Alex Martin ready for first national television exposure on TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 and BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX DEPORTES

Seshanba kuni, FEVRAL 9
Televidenieda qamrov kunda boshlanadi 11 P.M. VA/8 P.M. PT
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Fevral 3, 2016) – Eng yaxshi kelajak Alex Martin (11-0, 5 KOS) steps up in the co-featured bout when he takes on Rossemberth Gomez (17-4-1, 13 KO) of Minagua, Nicaragua in a welterweight bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
The bout takes place on an exciting night of boxing that will be part of Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) TOE-TO-TOE seshanba FS1 va Boks Chempionlar bo'yicha FOX Deportes Tuesday, Fevral 9 from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pensilvaniya.
Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 11 p.m. QILISh / 8 p.m. PT and is headlined by undefeated 2012 U.S. Marhamatli Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 KOS) taking on Colombia’s Luis Eduardo Flores (21-2, 17 KOS) 10-tur engil Butning.

Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Kingning aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $100, $75 va $45, amaldagi xizmat to'lovlari, soliqlar, shu jumladan, va hozir indirimdedir emas. Chiptalar mavjud www.ticketmaster.com. Da telefon Ticketmaster tomonidan zaryad qilish uchun (800) 745-3000.

In addition to his 2012 National Golden Gloves Championship, Martin won three Chicago Golden Gloves and a National PAL championship fighting out of nearby Harvey, Illinoys. An owner of 340 amateur wins, he made it to the United States finals where he lost to eventual Olympian, Errol Spence Jr. Martin turned pro in 2013 and is yet to lose. The 26-year-old picked up four victories in 2015 and will begin 2016 against the 29-year-old Nicaraguan Gomez who will be making his U.S. debyuti.

Training is good. I really do not know much about Gomez, but that doesn’t matter much at all because I just go in there and like to fight.
Martin is ready to showcase his skills for the first time in front of a nationally televised audience and he knows this is just the beginning of positioning himself into bigger fights.
It is a big step for me. This will show me and the fans how good I am and where I can go in my career.
Without looking too far down the line, Martin would love a chance at his old amateur rival, Spence. Martin knows that he needs to continue winning and looking good to get that opportunity within in the next year.
Spence is definitely on my radar. I can see us fighting by the end of 2016 or early 2017. I feel that I will be ready for that fight. He is just one of a few guys that I want to fight on my way to the top. I am just hoping that everyone tunes in on February 9th and the fans will remember my national television debut.
TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, @JamelHerring, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes vawww.Facebook.com/the SBEC. Mavjud Highlights www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.