Таг Арцхивес: велтер категорија

Ламонт Петерсон & Anthony Peterson Washington, Д.Ц.. Media Workout Quotes & Фотографије

Former World Champion Battles Welterweight World Champion Ерол Спенс Јр. Ливе он СХОВТИМЕ Субота, Јануар 20 Из Барцлаис центру у Бруклину &
Пресентед би Премиер Бокс шампиона
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Patrice Harris
ВАШИНГТОН, Д.Ц.. (Јануар 11, 2018) – Две подела светски шампион Ламонт Петерсон hosted a media workout in his hometown of Washington, Д.Ц.. Thursday as he prepares to take on unbeaten welterweight world champion Ерол Спенс Јр.Субота, Јануар 20 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН Бокс® и представила Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ и карактеристике лаган светски шампион Роберт Ускрс бори бившег шампиона Хавијер Фортуна.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, коштају са почетком у $50, и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на тицкетмастер.цом, барцлаисцентер.цом, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.
Also in attendance at the workout was Peterson’s brother, once-beaten contender Ентони Питерсон, who competes in undercard action on the Јануар 20 догађај.
Here is what the workout participants had to say Thursday:
ЛАМОНТ Петерсон
“Одлично се осећам. I’m already close to weight. I’m happy and eating up to five times a day. I feel strong and I’m ready for this fight.
I have to look at this as really just another big fight. When you’re at the top, you try not to make too much of each fight. We know what’s at stake. I know that when I keep it simple, that’s when I perform best.
Right now my body feels better than ever. I’m comfortable with everything that’s gone on in camp and I think you can see it in my body.
I’ve always trained hard since the first day I came here as a child. That’s been instilled in me since a young age and it’s carried me throughout my career.
Everything I do is for D.C. I’m trying to get as much recognition for this area the best way I can. That’s what we all strive for in this gym. This is the biggest one that’s been on the schedule for a while and I’m ready to bring it home.
It gets easier and easier the more championship fights I’m in. I was in shape for all of them, but I definitely put more pressure on myself when I was young. I’ve improved each time and now I feel like I’m really at the perfect place in my career.
Ентони Петерсон
I have to make a statement. I never feel comfortable with a decision. I think that’s a good thing because I have to be special under the bright lights.
Everyone knows I like to go to the body. You know I’m going to make him work so you can look out for me to break my opponent down on the Јануар 20.
I’ve been sparring with a variety of experienced fighters over the last year and they’ve helped me out even while I haven’t had a fight. Ring rust is all mental. It’s up to you to put the work in.
I haven’t gotten the fights that I want, but I’ll always stick to my game and stick to my craft. I know if I persevere, things will work out for me.
I know that I love this sport. I know that eventually I will be a world champion. I believe in my future and I’m looking forward to big fights.
It’s inspiring to watch Lamont do his thing and succeed. He’s going to beat Errol Spence, even if people don’t believe it. I think he’s going to take care of business.
Барри Хунтер, Петерсонову Тренер
It’s been a long grind in camp for these guys. When I think back on how long we’ve been on this journey, I’m very proud of them. They were 9 и 10 when they first came into the gym.
We don’t have the weight monster to deal with fighting at welterweight. Lamont is in a great place mentally and physically. I’m looking forward to an explosive fight.
When you look at the Spence-Brook fight, early on Brook had a lot of success. Down the stretch Errol imposed his will and broke Brook down. I know Errol well and I’ve coached him. He has a strong will. He’s not great in one area, but he’s good in a lot of areas. This is a different kind of guy he’s facing. Heart is something Lamont is nowhere near short on. I think this might start off tactical, and then turn into a war.
My job is to go in there with part of a plan, but it’s always about adjustments for us. Whatever Errol brings to the table, we’ll figure it out and put everything in motion.
This last week is a lot of game plan and mental preparation work. A lot of fighters don’t train the mind. You have to train the mind even more so than the body. We have to be ready for every scenario.
I think if Anthony goes in there and does his job there are a few vacant titles at 140-pounds and that’s a track for us. We want to get a strap around his waist and we’ll face anyone to get it.
“Ламонт, along with Anthony, Гари Расел Јр, Jarrett Hurd and Gervonta Davis, have been holding down boxing in this area for a long time. It would be huge to bring this title home. There are a lot of young Lamont Petersons in this area who want to reach this level. It would be a beacon of light shining down and showing these people the way.
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Пратите нас на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @ПремиерБокинг, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @БарцлаисЦентер, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОБокинг, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.

Ерол Спенс Јр. Даллас Медиа Воркоут Цитати & Фотографије

Велтер шампион чини Прво одбрана против Ламонт Петерсон уживо на СХОВТИМЕ Субота, Јануар 20Из Барцлаис центру у Бруклину & Пресентед би
Премиер Бокс шампиона
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Бирон Цраиг / Сховтиме
ДАЛЛАС (Јануар 10, 2018) – Пораза велтер првак света Ерол Спенс Јр.био је домаћин медија тренинг у свом родном граду Даласу у уторак испред свог дуелу против бившег два-дивисион светског првака Ламонт Петерсон Субота, Јануар 20ливе он СХОВТИМЕ из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН Бокс®, и представила Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс.
СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг ТВ пренос почиње у 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ и карактеристике лаган светски шампион Роберт Ускрс бори бившег шампиона Хавијер Фортуна у ко-Маин Евент.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, коштају са почетком у $50, и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на тицкетмастер.цом, барцлаисцентер.цом, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.
Ево шта Спенс и његов тренер, Дерик Џејмс, има да каже Уторак од Р&: Р Бокс клуб у Даласу:
“Свако ко је видео да се борим раније зна да неће бити досадна борба. Чак и ако је то једнострана, то увек бити акција паковане. Јануар 20 ће бити огромна борба и ја ћу ставити на одличне перформансе. Ја планирам да доминира.
“Одбрани титулу у Бруклину ће бити посебна. Имам породицу у Њујорку превише, тако да пуно значи да ћу моћи да брани у Барцлаис Центер. Њујорк је бокс град, тако да заиста ценим шампиони и знају спорт.
“Ја сам узбуђен да се бори против таквог типа Ламонт Петерсон. Не борим се редовну без име борца. Он ће довести најбоље од мене јер он је прави борац. Чини цео доживљај још боље.
“На врху место у спорту заиста за посезање сада и ја долазим за њу. Не занима ме ко треба да се суочи или гдје, Ја ћу бити Ласт Ман Стандинг. Зато смо сви ући у овај спорт. Ја сам веома уверен у себе.
“Ламонте и ја имам велике срца и мислим да сви ће моћи да виде да у рингу. Обојица смо паметни борци, тако да можда постоји неки осећај пре него што кренемо. Али очекујем да то буде кавга.
“Ова заједница у Даласу је веома важно за мене. Када сам био
одрастао овде није било професионалних боксери одавде да бих могао гледати као узор. Када имате ресурсе да врати, важно је да се то уради. Волим да будем у теретани и помажу стварно младе момке и даје им нешто да теже.”
Дерик Џејмс, Спенце тренер
“Ерол изгледа јако добро на тренингу. Он има велики фокус. Он је врло исцрпна и унет у екипи најбоља верзија себе. Утврђивање на његовом лицу омогућава ми да жели да напусти камен на камену и уверите се све иде својим путем у борби ноћи. Победили смо борбу у теретани не у рингу.
“Ерол мора да задржи тај менталитет иде у ову борбу и шире, и он зна да. Виннинг једну титулу није оно што он жели. Он жели да буде неприкосновени шампион велтер. Он је веома окренут ка циљу и верујем да ће до тог циља. Он не узима не као одговор. Он ће се гурати до крајњих граница и постићи своје циљеве.
“Ламонт Петерсон је веома духовит и интелигентан у прстену. Он је такође јак момак. Он доноси ту менталну храброст да треба да буду успјешни. Ми смо се да долази до ове борбе 100 посто и све време бити усмјерене. Ако то не урадимо, можемо доћи до кратког.
“Морам да будем најбоља верзија себе превише. Трудим се да све боље и боље сваки борбу и сваки дан у теретани. Знам да морам да будем на врху свега што може да се деси. Бери Хунтер је тежак, интелигентан тренер који доноси много на табели. Ламонте има велики тим. Било ми је задовољство и част да се суочи са њима у рингу.”
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Пратите нас на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @ПремиерБокинг, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОБокинг, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.

Ундерцард борци Талк Предстојећи обрачуна одвија у суботу, Јануар 20 у Барцлаис центру у Бруклину у догађај под насловом Еррол Спенце Јр. вс. Ламонт Петерсон

Лагана Шампион Роберта Ускрс Меетс Јавиер Фортуна у
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Co-Feature while Marcus Browne Сукоби са Франци Нтету & Адам Ковнацки Меетс Иаго Киладзе ин СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг Прелимс стреаминг Ливе он Сховтиме Спорт® дигиталним платформама
БРООКЛИН (Децембар 28, 2017) – Звезде у успону и ветерани кандидати ће ући у ринг на Субота, Јануар 20 у потрази за почетак њиховог 2018 са изјавом победом када се такмиче у ундерцард акцији из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН Бокс®, на ундерцард за велтер првенство обрачун ИБФ првака Ерол Спенс Јр. и два-подела шампион Ламонт Петерсон.
Undefeated 135-pound world champion Роберт Ускрс will defend his IBF Title against former world champion Хавијер Фортуна in the co-main event live on SHOWTIME (9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ).
У СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг Прелимс, unbeaten light heavyweight Марцус Бровне will take on once-beaten франци Нтету in a 10-round fight and undefeated heavyweight sensation Адам Ковнацки ће се суочити Јаго Киладзе из Кијева, Украјина у 10-колу боут а.
Жива дигитални понуда поток искључиво у ван САД. on the SHOWTIME Sports ИоуТубе channel and the SHOWTIME Boxing Фацебоок page.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, коштају са почетком у $50, и сада су у продаји. Ускршње-Фортуна борба је промовисана у сарадњи са Сампсон бокс и о милијардама Промоције. Карте се могу купити на тицкетмастер.цом, барцлаисцентер.цом, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.
Ево шта су борци су имали да кажу о свом јануара 20 Матцхупс и више:
Роберт УСКРС (20-0, 14 КОс) – Израда трећи одбрану ИБФ Лигхтвеигхт светску титулу
“Ова борба дефинитивно може поставити добар тон за мене 2018. Ја ћу да изјаву са ове борбе. Моје последње три борбе нисам добила нокаут. Ја ћу бити давање своје фанове и бори обожаваоцима добру представу.
“Ја ћу користити свој домет и дужину и уништи тог типа од спољног. Све моје каријере сам се борила краће момци. Сваки кратак момак не бори исто. Али ти у ринг и да га изгура ван и подешавање.
“Не постоји ништа посебно да морам да се припреми за са Фортуна. Ја се борим сваки исти. Сваки борац бори другачије, тако да се тамо, осећају га и подешавање успут. Не бринем о њему бити левак. Ја сам суочен доста левака у мојој каријери и аматере. То нема проблема уопште.
“Мислим да је оно што ме чини опаснијим боксер у овој борби има висину да радим и ударање снагу и брзину и начин размишљања као и. Мој начин размишљања је да ја не идем тамо да се играмо са њим. Ја сам спреман да уништи.
“Моји циљеви за 2018 су за снимање више наслова и да се уједињење нападе. Имали смо неколико шампиона у тежинској, али изгледа да нико није спреман да се бори остале шампионе. Ми смо спремни да урадимо све што је потребно, боре ко има титуле. Ми смо спремни да се за све те наслове кад год су остали момци су спремни да се пријаве за борбу.”
ЈАВИЕР ФОРТУНА (33-1-1, 23 КОс) – Бивши Супер Феатхервеигхт светски шампион
“Мој припрема за борбу иде јако добро. Ја сам радила у Доминиканској Републици, али ја сам се вратио у Бостон да завршим обуку. Сада смо на 75% и на трагу 100%. Ја ћу бити потпуно спреман када је време да се бори. Моја припрема и моја стратегија ја више опасан тип чине.
“Видим то као ниједна друга борба коју сам имао пре, јер сваки противник је другачији. Свако има своју нишу на овом нивоу, нешто што ради за њих. Његова ниша је да је висок. Он користи да у своју корист. Али то је ништа што ја не могу да превазиђу. Борио сам се високе момке пре.
“Радије своје противнике да буде виша. Он игра на оно што сам могао да урадим. Никада нисам имао проблем са вишим противника. абнер Кото (5-10) је један од високих момака који сам се борио. Борио сам се у Чикагу и ставити на одличне перформансе. (Фортуна је постигао 5тх округли КО против Цотто)
“Мој циљ за 2018 је да се бори све најбоље елитне борце у мојој класи, и ја покушавам да постане помиње као један од најбољих у спорту. Заиста желим да победим још једну светску титулу у другој класи,. То би био највећи тренутак сада у својој каријери и добити још једну светску титулу.”
МАРЦУС Браун (20-0, 15 КОс) – Топ 10 рангиран у 175 кг. (ВБЦ, ВБО, ВБА & ИБФ)
“Мој противник (франци Нтету, 17-1, 4 КОс) Изгледа као трајна, фацо. Видим ова борба је врло узбудљиво за фанове онолико дуго колико траје. Видео сам мало траке на њега. Знам да увек долази у тип-топ форми, а чујем да је доследан у свом наступу у рингу. I just know I’m going to have to be sharp on Јан. 20.
“То је увек част да се боре овде код куће и у Барцлаис Центер. То је посебан бити у стању да обавља пред овим навијачима, а ја не могу да дочекам да стави на добре перформансе који води до Спенс против. петерсон борба.
“Ова борба да ме ставите у позицију да морају да буду у да се бори за титулу. Ја не могу да недостају на било који начин. Морам да изађе јака са одличне перформансе од почетка до краја и не остављају сумњу у ту.
“За 2018, Желим да постанем светски шампион. Ја сам одлучан томаке да се догоди ове године. That vision starts on Јан. 20 at Barclays Center against Francy Ntetu.
francy НТЕТУ (17-1, 4 КОс) – Борио Давид Бенавидез у Барцлаис Центру у јуну 2015
I know Marcus Browne is probably taking me lightly and thinks he will simply go through me. Надам се да је то случај, јер ће бити шок за њега, навијачи и његов тим кад узмем његову место у реду за наслов. Желим да се суочи Елеидер Алварез у нашем родном Монтреалу након што добијем ову победу.
“Мој претходни борба у Барцлаис Центру против актуелног ВБЦ шампиона Дејвид Бенавидез је очигледно веома лош одлука судије да заустави борбу, посебно када је освајање рунде и Бенавидес је успоравање. Ја сам јача, док је слабија.
“Никад нисам био повређен и никада није пао у борби. Желим Маркус да се оспори и види да ли може да уради нешто што нико други није. Ја сам узбуђен да будем у борби ове величине. Марцус, Време је за нас да дају фановима шта желе!”
АДАМ Ковнацка (16-0, 13 КОс) – Пореклом из Пољске & бори из Бруклина
“Ова борба ће бити још један корак на путу да постане шампион. Знам да ћу морати да веома напорно и доказати да сам наставља да гради на свом победом против Сзпилка. Из видео сам видео на Иаго Киладзе (26-1, 18 КОс), сели много, тако да ћу бити потребно да се одсече прстен. Шта год да доноси прстен, Ја ћу имати одговор за.
“Три године заредом сада сам се борио у јануару. Волим поласка године јака. Моја супруга и ја заправо започео традицију “Ковнацки породица Покрени” у поноћ on New Year’s Eve. Пошто сам увек припрема за борбу око Нове године, смо схватили смо могли и забавити док радимо. Тако, ћемо имати неки пријатељи изаћи и покренути неколико миља код нас по крају током ватромета. То је забавно и помаже да ме спремни.
“На крају, Гледам да постане најбољи у тешкој категорији. Крајњи циљ за ову годину је да постане светски шампион. Али први корак је узимање Иаго Киладзе веома озбиљно. I can’t look past Јануар 20 одмах. Имам тежак противник који ће оспори и направи ми бољи борац на дуге стазе.”
ИАГО Киладзе, Трећа борба од потеза до тешкој категорији (2-0, 2 КОс)
I feel great and my training has been terrific. Мој тренер је Фреддие Роацх сада. спарред сам са (ИБФ хеавивеигхт Шампион) Мурат Гассиев три пута је недавно што је одлична припрема за мене. I believe I can knockout Kownacki but if I have to go the distance I’m prepared for that. Било како било, Ја ћу бити победник. Ја сам осећај да сам ја вештији борац и да ће показати у рингу.
“Ово је велика борба за моју каријеру и сјајан почетак за 2018. I know that if I win this fight I’ll be that much closer to a world title opportunity.
“Мој циљ је да буде светски првак на крају 2018. I want to continue improving and learning under Freddie and with his guidance I’m confident of success.
# # #
Пратите нас на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @ПремиерБокинг, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОБокинг, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.


Tickets are on sale NOW through CageTix.com/LFA
ЛАС ВЕГАС, Невада – Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце (ЛФА) CEO Ed Soares announced the promotion will kick off 2018 with an action-packed event in southern California.
The main event of LFA 30 will feature the long-awaited clash between southern California kingpins and top LFA welterweights “Цуртиоус” Curtis Millender and NickThe Phoenix” Барнс. ЛФА 30 – Миллендер вс. Barnes takes place Петак, January 12th at the Costa Mesa Hall at the OC Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, Калифорнија. The entire main card of LFA 30 – Миллендер вс. Barnes will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ.
I’m excited to kick off 2018 by bringing LFA back to southern California”, Наведени Соарес. “Curtis Millender and Nick Barnes are coming off big wins in LFA headlining bouts where they won in enemy territory. Now they get to face each other in the main event of LFA 30 on their home turf in a perfect headliner to start the new year.
Tickets for LFA 30 – Миллендер вс. Barnes are available for purchase NOW at CageTix.com/LFA.
Милл Завршава (13-3) returns home to the building where he fought and won his first seven fights. The Orange County juggernaut is looking to build off a perfect 2017 where he won three fights, including back-to-back LFA headliners. His most recent win came via highlight reel Head Kick KO in the main event of LFA 24. Millender will meet Barnes (12-2) in a long-awaited showdown between two of southern California’s finest. The welterweight stars started their careers in the southern California regional circuit, moved on to Bellator, and will finally meet in the main event of LFA 30. Барнс, like Millender, is coming off an impressive win in an LFA headliner this past August at LFA 20.
While the main event will feature a rivalry between two of the top welterweights in LFA, the co-main event will feature a rivalry between two of the LFA featherweight division’s most talented jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Fernando Padilla (10-1) put the division on notice in October, when he submitted longtime RFA vet Darrick Minner with a Triangle-Armbar in the first round of their co-main event bout at LFA 25. Padilla, who is a 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu brown belt, has now won 90% of his fights by first round stoppage. He will now face a man equally dangerous on the ground when he meets Talison Soares (9-2) in the co-main event of LFA 30. Soares is a jiu-jitsu black belt from the famed Checkmat BJJ team who has made a name for himself competing in his native Brazil. Soares has a 100% finishing rate in the nine bouts he has won and will now make his international debut in the co-main event of LFA 30.
Currently Announced Main Card (Televised on AXS TV at 10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ):
Маин Евент | Велтервеигхт Боут (170 лб)
– Цуртис Миллендер (13-3) вс. Nick Barnes (12-2)
Ко Маин Евент | Феатхервеигхт Боут (145 лб)
Fernando Padilla (10-1) вс. Talison Soares (9-2)
Фливеигхт Боут (125 лб)
– Мицхаел Перез (4-1) вс. Charlie Alaniz (11-2)
Миддлевеигхт боут (185 лб)
Craig Wilkerson (7-3) вс. Jordan Wright (8-0)
Велтервеигхт Боут (170 лб)
Christian Aguilera (8-4) вс. Maycon Mendonça (6-3)
Хеавивеигхт Боут (135 лб)
Vince Cachero (3-0) вс. ТБД
У Септембру 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) starting in January 2017. RFA and Legacy FC have launched the careers of over 150 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
ЛФА 30 will serve as the second LFA event to take place in the state of California after the merger. RFA hosted eight events insideThe Golden Statebefore the merger. The entire main card of LFA 30 ће бити уживо преносило и земље на АКСС ТВ на 10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ.
Молимо Вас да посетите ЛFAfighting.com за око ажурирања и информације. LFA is on Facebook at Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting и Твиттер у @LFAfighting.

2016 Olympic Silver Medalist SHAKHRAM GIYASOV Arrives in U.S.A. to Start Pro Career

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Децембар 18, 2017)Uzbekistani superstar and 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist, Shakhram Giyasov, has landed in the United States, and will settle in Las Vegas, НВ, to start his pro career. Као професионалац, Giyasov will campaign in the welterweight division, where he was a sensational amateur standout.
At age 24, Giyasov who stands at 5’9″, is one of the most talented boxers to enter the professional ranks in the last decade. This past summer in Hamburg, Немачка, the right handed Giyasov captured Gold (Велтер категорија) у 2017 Међународна асоцијација Бокс (АИБА) Свецка првенства. Giyasov’s victory in the finals against Cuba’s Roniel Iglesias, the 2012 Олимпијске златне медаље, came to no one’s surprise, as the Uzbekistan was the #1 seed entering the tournament. Shakhram was voted best boxer of the tournament by his peers, победа 56% of the AIBA online poll.
I have arrived in the United States of America and plan to establish myself as the next great champion from Uzbekistan,” said Shakhram Giyasov. “My goal is to conquer the welterweight division and become a pound-for-pound champion. I set my goals high because I believe in myself and the team I’ve put around me. Together we will go to the top.
Giyasov, who is a mega-star in his native land of Uzbekistan, is managed by Ruslan Khusinov, an international sports agent with ties to some of the best amateur boxers in the world. His reasoning for bringing Giyasov to the bright lights of Las Vegas was easy, to establish his brand in the mecca of professional boxing.
We are very please with our decision to bring Shakhram Giyasov to Las Vegas,” said Ruslan Khusinov. “Everyone recognizes Las Vegas as the mecca of boxing and this is where we want to build our foundation. I have big plans to make Giyasov a super-star here in the States, just like back home where his popularity is undeniable.
Training Giyasov, биће Justin Gamber, who guides the corner of undefeated world ranked contender, Калеб “Свеет Руке” Биљка (16-0, 10 КОс). Gamber believes Giyasov can jump on the fast track to a world title.
In today’s boxing game, you have many boxers with high amateur pedigree’s, fighting for a world title before their 15тх pro fight,” Justin Gamber stated. “I believe Giyasov fits that mold. I can see him fighting for a world title early in his career.


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ЛАС ВЕГАС, Невада – Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце (ЛФА) CEO Ed Soares announced the promotion will kick off 2018 са 1-2-3 punch in January with a trio of star-studded shows in California, Аризона, and Louisiana.

The main event of LFA 30 will feature the long-awaited clash between southern California kingpins and top LFA welterweights “Цуртиоус” Curtis Millender and NickThe Phoenix” Барнс. ЛФА 30 – Миллендер вс. Barnes takes place Петак, January 12th at Costa Mesa Hall at OC Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa, Калифорнија.
The following week, LFA heads to Arizona with a fierce interim featherweight title fight in the Valley of the Sun. У главном догађају, former RFA title challenger and BJJ black belt Bobby “Волфман” Moffett battles knockout sensation Thanh Le for the LFA interim featherweight title. ЛФА 31 – Moffett vs. Le takes place Петак, January 19th at the Comerica Theatre in Phoenix, Аризона.
LFA caps the month of January with a pair of title fights in southern Louisiana. У главном догађају, former LFA title challenger BrendanAll InAllen faces top undefeated prospect AnthonyFluffyHernandez for the vacant LFA middleweight title. У сарадњи оплати крова, red-hot Ryan “Натчовек” Spann will lock horns with UFC vet AlexThe SpartanNicholson for the inaugural LFA light-heavyweight title. ЛФА 32 – Allen vs. Hernandez takes place Петак, January 26th at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Казино у Лаке Цхарлесу, Луизијана.
The entire main card of all three of these events will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ.
I’m excited to kick off 2018 with three straight weeks of LFA action across the country”, Наведени Соарес. “Curtis Millender and Nick Barnes are coming off big wins in LFA headliners and will meet in the main event of LFA 30 in southern California on January 12th. The following week, we head to Arizona with top contenders Bobby Moffett and Thanh Le meeting for the interim featherweight title in the main event LFA 31. We finish the month with two title fights at LFA 32 in southern Louisiana. Brendan Allen faces Anthony Hernandez for the vacant middleweight title in the main event and Ryan Spann will take on Alex Nicholson for the inaugural light-heavyweight title in the co-headliner.
Милл Завршава (13-3) returns home to the building where he fought and won his first seven fights. The Orange County juggernaut is looking to build off a perfect 2017 where he won three fights, including back-to-back LFA headliners. His most recent win came via highlight reel Head Kick KO in the main event of LFA 24. Millender will meet Barnes (12-2) in a long-awaited showdown between two of southern California’s finest. The welterweight stars started their careers in the southern California regional circuit, moved on to Bellator, and will finally meet in the main event of LFA 30. Барнс, like Millender, is coming off an impressive win in an LFA headliner.
The main event of LFA 31 is a fight that casual fans and MMA purists alike are salivating over. It pits a rugged and accomplished BJJ black belt in Moffett (10-2) against one of the most dynamic strikers in all of MMA in Le (7-1) with the LFA interim featherweight title on the line. На папиру, this is a textbook grappler vs. striker bout at its highest form. Међутим, both men bring so much more to the table than what their respective martial arts backgrounds represent. ТЦМ, who trains out of The MMA Lab, has shown a willingness to throw down with anyone, while Le trains with BJJ wunderkind and UFC star Ryan Hall in northern Virginia.
LFA will conclude its busy month of January with a pair of title tilts in southern Louisiana. LFA standout and Louisiana native Allen (8-2) will get a second shot at LFA gold after going five rounds with current UFC star Eryk Anders for the inaugural LFA middleweight title in June. Allen quickly rebounded six weeks later with a submission win in the co-main event of LFA 18. He will face another highly-touted undefeated prospect for the title. This time it comes in the form of the northern California destroyer Hernandez (5-0). The man known asFluffyhas finished everyone he has faced inside the first round.
The co-main event of LFA 32 will crown the inaugural LFA light-heavyweight champion. Spann (12-5) is a former Legacy FC title challenger that will look to capture LFA gold in front of his home crowd. “Натчовек” is riding considerable momentum heading into this fight after dispatching a pair of top contenders in the first round of his last two bouts at LFA 23 and LFA 27. He will face Nicholson (10-4) who has been a man on fire since his four-fight run with the UFC ended in May. The Florida native has been a tour de force since then as he looks to make his way back. In the past two months, “The Spartanhas knocked out three quality opponents in grand total of 3 minutes and 28 секунде.
У Септембру 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) starting in January 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 150 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
Молимо Вас да посетите ЛFAfighting.com за око ажурирања и информације. LFA is on Facebook at Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting и Твиттер у @LFAfighting.

Ерол Спенс Јр. вс. Lamont Peterson Press Conference Quotes & Фотографије

Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP БОКС Субота, Јануар 20 из Барцлаис центра у Бруклину & Представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Аманда Вестцотт / Сховтиме
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
Кликните ОВДЕ for Press Conference Video from
ДиБелла Забава
БРООКЛИН (Новембар 29, 2017) – Пораза велтер првак света Ерол Спенс Јр. и бивши шампион Ламонт Петерсон went face-to-face for the first time Wednesday at a press conference in Brooklyn to discuss their world title showdownheadlining action on Субота, Јануар 20 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, дом БРООКЛИН Бокс®.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins live at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT and will feature undercard attractions that will be announced in the near future.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, коштају са почетком у $50, и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на тицкетмастер.цом, barclayscenter.com или позивом 800-745-3000. Улазнице се такође могу купити на благајни Америцан Екпресс-а у Барцлаис Центер. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП. СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг телевизији ће бити доступна и на шпанском преко секундарне аудио програмирања (САП).
Ево шта су учесници конференцији за новинаре имао да каже у среду:
You’re going to see the same Errol Spence that you’re used to. I can’t look ahead because I know how dangerous Lamont Peterson is. I’ve been in training camps with him and I know what he can do.
I’ve seen too many fighters look down the road and get beat before they get to the big fight. I have to be 100 percent focused and hungry. I’m fully dedicated to this fight.
Lamont can push me to even greater levels. I feel like he is a better fighter than Kell Brook and has even more heart than Kell Brook and he can bring out the best in me.
I think it’s going to start out as a boxing match, but as we go on, it’s going to be a dog fight. We both have big hearts. I’ve never known Lamont to turn down any fight. Not a lot of people wanted to fight me. The big names shied away from me but Lamont stood up and said he’d fight me. This is going to be a hard fight.
I used to watch Lamont and his brother Anthony Peterson before I ever met them. I like their styles, the way they throw body punches and the fundamentals that they learned from Barry Hunter.
I think I can be known as the best pound-for-pound in the sport, but I have to take it one fight at a time. I want to be the undisputed welterweight champion. That should be everyone’s ultimate goalto be the best fighter in the sport. But first I have a big test ahead of me Јануар 20.
This is the business of the sport. I was a young guy when Lamont was giving me advice. Now we’ve gotten to this point. It really shows his longevity in the sport and how I’ve reached the ranks of being a top pro fighter.
Sparring with Lamont Peterson was really great work. То је било искуство учења. I was an amateur so I was going at a fast pace and Lamont was being patient, blocking and countering and picking his shots. He was fighting at a pro pace and I didn’t really understand it until I got farther into my career.
You’ve seen me and Lamont fight. We’re not in boring fights. We have fan-friendly styles and you’re going to get a really good fight. We have the mentality to really go after it and give it our all to get this win.
I want the best in this division to all fight each other. It’s time for everyone else to stand up and proclaim that they want to be great. That’s how we get this division to the peak. I don’t feel like waiting to fight the best. I want to prove myself.
ЛАМОНТ Петерсон
This is a world title fight and I’m thankful for that. I try not to make too much out of each fight. I just want to take it one fight at a time. I’ve done this for 13 years as a professional. All fights are the same. I’m going to go in there and take care of business.
As a top fighter, you’re obligated to take what comes on the table. Regardless of who it is. It’s boxing. It’s a sport and we’re competitors. We want to go in there and compete to see who’s the best. We’re going to treat it like business like we always do.
You already know when I fight, it’s a feeling out process to start, but in my head, Спреман сам да идем. It’s going to get rough in the trenches and we’ll see who wants it more.
I knew six years ago when Errol was in my camp that we’d get to this point. I knew he would be a champion. Највећим делом, I’ve seen him improve and progress throughout the pro ranks and I believe he’s going to keep getting better.
I don’t pay any attention to the outside noise. I respect everyone’s opinion. I just go out and train to do what I love to do. I do this because I love to box. I’m not here to get on a list. I truly love this sport.
I can’t worry about people thinking that Errol is the next star in this sport. I believe that, but I can’t worry about it. It is up to me and my team to come up with the right type of strategy and execute it.
I’m not too worried about figuring out his southpaw stance. I’ve been around long enough and encountered enough southpaws. I’m confident I’ll be able to handle it.
The size may seem like an advantage for Errol, but it’s up to me and my team to figure out the best way to negate it. I know who I am. I’m a competitive person. Без обзира на све, I’m going to come to win.
Дерик Џејмс, Спенце тренер
We have a game plan in place. We’ll try to perfect everything leading up to this one. We’re working on making Errol a more complete fighter every time out. He’ll be better than he was when you saw him against Brook.
We’re looking for the perfect fight. It takes a great fighter to bring out the greatness in another great fighter. These guys are high caliber fighters and it’s about as good a matchup as you can have in the division.
These are two guys with the mentality to go after it. But they also have technical skill. This is going to be an old school fight between guys with real skills.
It’s one thing to do it, but it’s another to teach. I’ve really understood this sport since I became a trainer. Fighters are developed, not born. I’m going to keep working with these guys on the fundamentals so we can bring up the whole sport.
Барри Хунтер, Петерсонову Тренер
When I look at Errol Spence, I instantly fell in love with him because he reminded me of Lamont so much. They both have that dog mentality. I’ve always known he was a special fighter.
Lamont told me when he worked with Errol that he really liked the kid. He knew he would be a world champion. I had to remind myself that this is business. We have to fight our friends.
These are the two guys who are ready to fight anybody. The fight on Јануар 20 is going to be one to remember. It’s a fan-friendly fight.
Errol Spence is the best fighter in the welterweight division. You have athletes that can fight and athletes who are fighters. Errol and Lamont are both. They have the skills and they have the ability to fight.
To be the best in the world, you have to fight the best in the world. All the greats have done it. In order to get back to the glory days, we need to put the best against the best. I have confidence in Lamont Peterson against anybody.
ЛОУ ДиБелла, Председник ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
There are very few fights you could make that are better in the welterweight division than this fight. It’s going to take place at the home of big-time boxing, here at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.
Errol Spence is one of the most talked about fighters in the sport. Some think he could be the best fighter in the world. He’s consistently said he only wants to fight the best and on Јануар 20 he will be fighting another champion and another great welterweight. Lamont Peterson never backs down from a challenge and we know he’ll be ready for this fight on Јануар 20.
This is a great event that continues the run of significant meaningful matchups on SHOWTIME. It’s been great quality programming. The fight cards have all been incredibly easy to promote because the fights have been so strong. You have to make fights with great fighters battling other great fighters. That’s what we need to energize our fans and our sport.
Степхен ЕСПИНОЗА, Executive VP & Генерални директор, Сховтиме Спорт
As we come to the end of 2017 we look back on what has been a really strong year. 25 nights of live boxing, 80 live boxing matches and 27 Ворлд Титле туче. Not just title fights, but world title fights featuring top ranked challengers against top ranked champions.
We’ve brought you the most watched fight of the year in Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia right here at Barclays Center on CBS. It was also the most watched primetime boxing match in nearly 20 године. But we will not be resting on our laurels.
We’ll kick off next year with an incredibly strong card. Errol Spence has grown up on SHOWTIME and we’re proud of that. He made his debut on СхоБок and won his world title on SHOWTIME. He has knocked out nine straight opponents and in his last five fights his opponents have an impressive record of 141-7-3.
Not a lot of fighters are rushing to fight Errol Spence. Lamont Peterson not only stepped up to the challenge, but he relinquished his welterweight title to take this fight. That’s the kind of fighter he is. He has one of the strongest resumes in the division and he’s fought the best guys in the sport.
We’re thrilled to kick off the year with this matchup. It’s another great fight in the welterweight division, a division we’ve been paying a lot of attention to for years. We’ll see you on Јануар 20.”
Бретт ИОРМАРК, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Забава
We’re coming off of an incredible 2017 for BROOKLYN BOXING. It far exceeded my expectations. We’re very committed to boxing, not just now, but in the future. This fight kicks off what I think will be a great 2018 for BROOKLYN BOXING.
Lamont was on the first ever PBC card at Barclays Center in 2015 and Brooklyn is happy to have you back. Errol was here in the spring of 2016 and we’ve had him as a fan several times, but we far prefer having you here in the ring.
Barclays Center is known for hosting 50-50 fights and this is no different. We’re thrilled to be holding this event here in Brooklyn. We look forward to seeing you on Јануар 20.”
# # #
Пратите нас на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @ПремиерБокинг, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОБокинг, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.

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Уторак, Нов. 21 at O’Neill’s Restaurant
In Maspeth, НИ
ЊУЈОРК (Новембар 15, 2017)) – Сениор Евандер “Реал Деал” Холифиелд and former world welterweight champion Луис Цоллазо will be special guest speakers at Ring 8’s next monthly meeting,Уторак ноћ, Новембар 21, at O’Neill’s Restaurant (64-21 53рд Drive) in Maspeth, Њујорк,
Because a large crowd is expected, only Ring 8 members will be allowed to attend this meeting, but membership may be obtained at the door for those interested in joining Ring 8.
Evander Holyfield is one of the few living legends in our sport,” Ринг 8 председник Џек Хирш рекао. “Тако, you can imagine how thrilled we are to have him as a guest speaker. We had planned to present Holyfield with the Ring 8 Legends Award at our holiday banquet, but a lucrative business opportunity will prohibit him from being there that afternoon. Уместо тога, we will present him with that award at O’Neil’s. It says a lot about Evander that he adjusted his schedule to remain in New York to attend our meeting.
Luis Collazo is a terrific fighter in his own right, having been a former world champion. His career seems to be on an upswing once again and we are anxious to hear about his future plans.
Holyfield has retired as a boxer with an outstanding 44-10-2 (29 КОс), but this past year he has operated a New York City-based promotional company, Real Deal Boxing. A U.S. Олимпијски, Holyfield is the only unified world cruiserweight champion, as well as a four-time heavyweight champion of the world.
He had a 16-7-2 record in world title fights and won 19 од 30 fights with two draws against past or present world champions, defeating a Who’s Who list of all-time greats such as Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Георге Фореман, Ларри Холмес, Риддицк Бове и Мајк Тајсон (двапут), међу више познатих.
Born in Brooklyn and now a resident of Queens, Цоллазо (37-7. 20 КОс) captured the World Boxing Association (ВБА) welterweight world title on April 2, 2005, winning a 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and defending champion Хосе Антонио Ривера у Ворцестер, Масачусетс.
The 26-year-old Collazo, who has also defeated world champions Miguel Angel Gonzalez и Виктор Ортиз, remains a world title contender having upset 21-1 Самми Васкуез in his last action by way of a sixth-round knockout last February.
О РИНГ 8: Ринг 8 постао осми подружница шта је тада била позната као Националне асоцијације Ветеран боксера – отуда, РИНГ 8 – и данас мото организације остаје: Боксери Помагање Бокерс.
РИНГ 8 је у потпуности посвећена пружању подршке мање среће људе у бокс заједнице који могу да захтевају помоћ у смислу плаћања закупнине, медицински трошкови, или шта год оправдано потреба.
Иди на он лине ввв.Ринг8ни.цом За више информација о РИНГ 8, Највећа група те врсте у САД, са више од 350 Чланови. Годишњу чланарину је само $30.00 а сваки члан има право на бифе вечеру на Ринг 8 месечни састанци, искључујући у јулу и августу. Сви активни боксери, аматер и професионални, са тренутном бокс лиценце или књиге имају право на бесплатну РИНГ 8 годишње чланство. Гости Ринг 8 Чланови су добродошли по цени од само $7.00 по особи.


Tickets are on sale NOW through TheBombFactory.com

ХОУСТОН, Тексас – Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце (ЛФА) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will return to northern Texas next month at LFA 28 with a pair of talented veterans facing undefeated prospects at the top of the card.
У главном догађају, Legacy FC standout EvanThe ButcherCutts faces top undefeated prospect JaleelThe RealestWillis in a welterweight war. У сарадњи оплати крова, UFC vet DamonThe LeechJackson squares off with undefeated Kansan ThaiLandsharkClark in a lightweight showdown. ЛФА 28 – Cutts vs. Willis takes place this Петак, December 8th at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, Тексас. Цео главни картица ће бити уживо преносило и земље на АКСС ТВ у 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ.
Evan Cutts is a long-time Legacy FC standout that has made a name for himself by taking out big name prospects,” Наведени Соарес. “He will make his LFA debut against Jaleel Willis, who is one of the top undefeated welterweight prospects in the sport. LFA started at The Bomb Factory in Dallas in January and returned in July. ЛФА 28 will continue our exciting history in Big D on Петак, December 8th.”
Tickets for LFA 28 – Cutts vs. Willis are available for purchase NOW at TheBombFactory.com.
Cutts (8-3) is a longtime Legacy FC standout that will be making his LFA debut in front of his friends and family in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) област. “The Butcherhas made a career out of cutting through the dreams of highly-touted prospects, while proving to be one of the most formidable ground specialists in the 170-pound division. У 2011, not long after his 20th birthday, the now 26-year-old Texan made his pro debut and quickly gained global recognition later that year. This happened when he faced Reagan Penn, the prodigious younger brother of UFC Hall of Fame member B.J. Пен. Cutts eagerly took the high-profile bout and made the most of his opportunity by defeating the jiu-jitsu wunderkind. Cutts later reached the quarter-finals of Bellator’s hit reality television show Мајстор за борбу. Now the Legacy FC standout is looking to hand another highly-touted prospect his first career loss in the main event of LFA 28.

Вилис (8-0) makes his LFA debut to much fanfare. Widely-regarded as one of the top prospects in the world at 170-pounds, the Memphis native has done it all and made it look easy up to this point. The Bellator and WSOF vet has run roughshod over the competition throughout his three and a half year career. After winning a regional title in his hometown over the summer, Willis signed a multi-fight contract with LFA, the leading developmental organization for prospects looking to reach the UFC. His first assignment as an LFA fighter will be the perfect task for the hungry, young welterweight. The 25-year-old heads into enemy territory to face a man many consider a trueprospect killerin the headlining bout of LFA 28. If successful, the man known asThe Realestcould cement his case as the realest threat to current LFA welterweight champion James Nakashima, while also pushing himself up the overall pound-for-pound prospect list.

The co-main event of LFA 28 will feature another showdown between a battle-tested veteran looking to regain past glory and an aspiring undefeated prospect looking for a marquee win. Three-time UFC vet and former Legacy FC featherweight champion DamonThe LeechJackson is moving back up to the lightweight division, which is the same weight class where he made his UFC debut on the main card of UFC 177. He will take on undefeated Bellator vet ThaiLandshark” Кларк, who will be competing in his first live televised fight. The Kansas native is looking to take advantage of this opportunity by staying undefeated against his toughest test to date.
Главни картица (Televised on AXS TV at 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ):
Маин Евент | Велтервеигхт Боут (170 лб)
Evan Cutts (8-3) вс. Јалеел Виллис (8-0)
Ко Маин Евент | Лигхтвеигхт боут (155 лб)
Damon Jackson (12-2-1) вс. Thai Clark (7-0)
Light-Heavyweight Bout (205 лб)
– Алонзо Менифиелд (4-0) вс. Otavio Lacerda (9-4)
Хеавивеигхт Боут (135 лб)
Miles Johns (5-0) вс. Caio Machado (10-4)
Хеавивеигхт Боут (135 лб)
Steven Peterson (15-6) вс. Tristan Grimsley (7-7)
Велтервеигхт Боут (170 лб)
Melvin Jordan (5-2) вс. Nikolay Veretennikov (4-3)
Велтервеигхт Боут (170 лб)
Ramiz Brahimaj (4-0) вс. Chad Box (3-0)
У Септембру 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) starting in January 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 150 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
ЛФА 28 will be the third LFA event to take place in the City of Dallas. It will also be the seventh time that the LFA has traveled toThe Lone Star Stateof Texas. Further information about LFA 28 Ускоро ће бити расписан. The entire main card of LFA 28 ће бити уживо преносило и земље на АКСС ТВ на 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ.
Молимо Вас да посетите LFAfighting.com за око ажурирања и информације. LFA is on Facebook at Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting и Твиттер у @LFAfighting.

М-1 Цхалленге 84 Promo Video Alexey Kunchenko vs. Sergey Romanov M-1 Challenge Welterweight Title Fight

М-1 Цхалленге 84, Нов. 27, у Санкт Петербургу, Русија
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Русија (Октобар 11, 2017) – Undefeated M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Алексеј Кунцхенко (16-0-0, М-1: 8-0-0) will make his third title defense in the М-1 Цхалленге 84 main event against once-beaten challenger Sergej Romanov о (11-1-0, М-1: 5-0-0) Октобар 27 at Ice Palace in Saint Petersburg, Русија.
М-1 Цхалленге 84 will be streamed live from Saint Petersburg in high definition on ввв.М1Глобал.ТВ. Гледаоци ће моћи да прате прелиминарне борбе и главну картицу пријавом на региструју на ввв.М1Глобал.ТВ. Навијачи могу да гледају све акције на својим рачунарима, као и на Андроид и Аппле паметних телефона и таблета.



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М-1 Цхалленге 84: Октобар 27, 2017 у Ст. Петербург, Русија
М-1 Цхалленге 85: Новембар 10, 2017 у Москви, Русија