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中量级冠军盾牌 & 锤战无可争议的女子中量级世界ChampionshipSaturday, 四月 13 住在Showtime® 从浮桥厅

SHOWTIME体育® 宣布两部分 ALL ACCESS: 盾牌VS. 锤子 同月在社交媒体平台分期付款 29 四月 5

门票限量发售本周五现场直播, 三月 1 在
11 A.M. AND!

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从玛丽莲·保利诺/的Salita促销图片

纽约 (二月 26, 2019) – 两个不败的中量级冠军去的脸对脸周二 Claressa盾 克里斯蒂娜·哈默 在新闻发布会上无可争议的女子中量级冠军在纽约会见他们的争斗周六提前, 四月 13 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城住在Showtime, N.J.

欣欣拳击: 特别版本 在开始 9 P.M. ET / PT将展出什么可以说是女子拳击历史上最显著事件期待已久的统一. 除了世界冠军来自四个制裁机构, 这场斗争将是环杂志女子中量级冠军, 第一次环划分标题已危在旦夕的女子拳击比赛.

门票现场活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 售价为 $150, $100, $55 和 $35 和上周五发售, 三月 1 在 11 A.M. AND. 门票可通过特玛和购买 boardwalkhall.com. 预售门票现已在链路 这里 通过使用代码拳击.

同样在周二, 欣欣体育宣布,将纪事沾附盾VS. 锤与体育艾美奖的两部分数字分期付款® 获奖编程 ALL ACCESS. ALL ACCESS: 盾牌VS. 锤子 将首映三月 29 与上月的第二批 5 在欣欣体育YouTube频道和Showtime拳击的Facebook页面,并采取观众到两个冠军的训练营. 相机将被嵌入盾牌在中美. 奥林匹克训练中心在科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州。, 与锤塞费尔德在奥地利阿尔卑斯山小镇的不败的对手为自己的职业生涯中最显著准备战斗.


下载VS盾. 锤新闻资料在 bit.ly/ShieldsvsHammerPressKit


“这已经姗姗来迟. 我很高兴锤是在这里,战斗设置. 她一直在我的面前打架,但我不能迫不及待地想在环内,让她我是真正的冠军.

“我去过很多不同的国家和被废黜的冠军世界各地. 在一天结束时, 我来打,我认识到她是一个伟大的冠军. 对于所有这些年表演冠军,她是一个好战士. 但我也看简历, 和她的简历是不如我的.

“我不是一个人来放下. 我不是怕她. 你不念叨赢得腰带. 你要争取. 我说,两年前,我要争取克里斯蒂娜锤在我的第七个战斗. 这本来如果不是因为她的医疗问题. 但是现在我们在这里,准备四月 13.

“四月 13 你会看到有人倍. 我答应你, 它不会是我. 确保你所有调入.

“我认为,女子拳击,这是一个真正的超级斗争,我们以前从来没有得到. 我们从来没有在女子拳击像这样的战斗. 我们很高兴地做到这一点和我们世界的两个部分是更好地使这场战斗.

“她不是我曾经战斗过的最高的女孩. 我比她强,我知道它. 我从一个击倒和韩元起身. 她不能这样做. 我不相信她知道如何在里面打, 但她更好地学习.

“我希望让她退出. 我不希望她只知道我是一个好战士, 我想让她知道我很好. 我希望我们能去 12 发, 但我会为所有准备 10 轮。”


“我很高兴能够来到这里,使这场战斗发生. 我很期待四月 13. 我想我是谁向世界展示.

“这是一个很大的风险来自德国,美国, 但我认为最好应该争取最好的,我做了什么,我不得不让这可能发生. 这场战斗可能是一个改变游戏规则为我们的运动.

“我会付出一切的赢家环的走出. 我知道Claressa盾也是一个伟大的冠军. 她的不败像我这样的,这就是为什么人们希望看到的斗争,这就是为什么我们做了这一点.

“我要感谢大家谁做斗争中的现实,把我们带到了这个阶段. 这是巨大的,我是在纽约,我期待赢得上月 13.

“这场战斗是真正的交易. 这将是一个改变游戏规则的女子拳击. 我认为,我们将鼓励许多谁不想活了自己的梦想的女运动员. 这对每个人的动机.

“我有过的标题很长一段时间. 我总是强迫自己. 这是我想告诉大家谁是最好的战斗. 我将成为无可争议的冠军.

“希尔兹是不可战胜. 汉娜Gabriels的抓住了她在第一轮他们的战斗和我比Gabriels的更高,更强. 我想,如果我有机会来完成这项工作.

“任何事情都有可能在拳击比赛中发生. 我准备走的距离. 淘汰赛是我们的目标,但最重要的, 我要赢。”

德米特里WORD, 的Salita促销总裁

“我很荣幸能够带给球迷女子拳击历史上第一个超级斗争. 很多问题围绕着这场战斗. 这会不会是一个典型的像伦纳德VS. 赫恩斯, 其中金牌得主处理经验丰富的专家, 或类似VS莫斯利. 霍亚, 如拳击亲拿了金牌下降. 这场战斗将是所有皮带和这个认识这场斗争的真正价值和影响.

“克里斯蒂娜锤一直是世界冠军超过九年,并赢得了冠军,在两个部门. 她的魅力和在德国和欧洲的超级明星. 作为一个冠军,她是, 她的旅行到世界的另一边,以证明她是最好的.

“Claressa所做的国奥队时,她 17 岁, 赢得我们只有拳击金牌的 2012 奥林匹克运动会. 她在中美唯一的拳击手. 历史上赢得拳击两枚奥运金牌. 她有一个令人印象深刻的职业生涯, 击败世界冠军和顶级竞争者在她所有的战斗. 她对她的旅程,是最好的,这个斗争是朝着巩固自己作为GWOAT一大步 (有史以来最伟大的女人).

“这将是拳击的一个历史性的夜晚. 如果你看这场战斗生活和人, 你会想守住你的车票作为纪念。”

MARK TAFFET, Claressa盾’ 经理

“这场斗争的媒体支持是优秀. 这是一个非常特殊的时刻. 这场战斗是我在我的职业生涯参与的最显著的战斗之一, 因为地方将举行历史.

“两年前,我遇到了Claressa盾,我们讨论了她转为职业选手. 我们做了一个梦幻般的名单,我答应Claressa我会尽我的力量来满足他们每个人所做的一切. 我们有一个奇妙的旅程在一起. 其中一个梦想就是让这无可争议的冠军战斗发生. 我们要不断的梦想发生。”

TOM LOEFFLER, 克里斯蒂娜锤的顾问

“在不希望这场斗争的战士, 像这样的事件不会发生. 克里斯蒂娜锤希望这一挑战,她想证明她是最好的中量级冠军在那里.

“这两种战斗机可以为很多男性拳手的例子. 这些都是风华正茂2名不败的战士把它全部上线,以显示谁是最好的. 你没有看到,很多时候这些天.

“这将是一个有趣的促销. 这是一个斗争,这是一个真正的 50-50 战斗. Claressa将与她的风格和坚韧是未来前进, 往上走对克里斯蒂娜的经验. 这对所有的弹珠”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司.

“让我们一件事直这里. 这不仅是一个重要的女性的战斗. 这不只是一个高品质的女子拳击比赛. 这是一个高品质的拳击比赛. 这是一个重要的战斗. 所以当然我们有两个非常熟练的妇女, 我们不会忽视这一事实. 但是,这是一个可以在这项运动做出的最好的战斗之一. 两磅磅的拳击手, 最好的战斗最好的. 如果您没有在这场斗争中感兴趣, 那么坦率, 你是不是一个拳击迷. 这是好,因为这项运动得到.

“我们在SHOWTIME有着悠久的历史展现在女子拳击和MMA最好. 名称,如莱拉·阿里, 克里斯蒂·马丁, 龙达·鲁西, Miesha Tate, 吉娜·卡拉诺, 克里斯人造人。; 那些是谁在Showtime制作他们的首次亮相这也成为明星的所有战士. 这是一个长期的承诺.

“第一次全国电视转播的女子MMA的事件是在Showtime. 国内首家电视MMA女性的主要活动是在Showtime. 这是全国直播的第一个女子拳击比赛是在Showtime. 第一个妇女的主要事件拳击回合也是在Showtime, 那显然是Claressa只是一对夫妇几年前.

“所以这里这个舞台上,你有两个最优秀运动员的运动. 不是两个精英妇女运动的战士, 但有两个这项运动中的优秀运动员. 两届金牌得主, 美国唯一这样做连续, 和两带世界冠军与谁主导了该师近十年的长期中量级冠军.

“这是一个可以在整个体育用最好的战斗之一. 我们有两个在拳击比赛中的优秀运动员,他们都值得具有自带的精彩表演选取框事件的一切, 包括我们荣获艾美奖的所有门禁系列。”

JIM温库普, 总经理, 浮桥厅

“我们很高兴能有这个伟大的斗争来到浮桥厅. 这将是我们在几年的第一个总冠军的斗争,我们不能等待.


# # #

WBO 腰带 Yomar Álamo 在 波多黎各

好水 – 在阿瓜斯布埃纳斯城市高中举行的情感活动中, 世界拳击组织 (WBO), 与其主席一起, 旧金山 “帕科” 瓦尔卡塞尔, 先生。, 交付WBO北美赛 (邻居) JR. 拳击手尤马尔获得次中量级冠军 “魔术” 上周五在佛罗里达州赢得阿拉莫冠军, 在全明星拳击赛事中以一致判定击败墨西哥人曼努埃尔·门德斯后.

“什么时候 尤马尔与之前的战斗, 我们不高兴, 尤马尔的人民创造了 决定让他跟随伊万·卡尔德隆一起训练,以便他学习一些技术 伊万已经用得很好. 伊万是这个的建筑师,我 认可他作为负责抛光这颗钻石的教练的工作. 作为一个 战斗机, 伊万制作 18 世界冠军卫冕 105 和 108 WBO的英镑 并将成为名人堂的一个安全赌注”, 瓦卡塞尔说.

一个 阿拉莫兴奋地说: “我对这个致敬感到非常高兴. 这场战斗是为了 我的阿瓜斯布埃纳斯和波多黎各人民, 谁那么需要幸福的时刻. 生活中一切都可以做, 只是设定一些目标并为之奋斗, 不 无论风有多大. 如果你在耶稣基督的手中, 我们的 救主, nothing will be missing and I know that many young people will achieve it”.

Álamo’s trainer Iván Calderón said: “I want to thank Ángel Cotto, who was the one who physically prepared Yomar Álamo for the fight and without that work, you can’t do what you did. Thanks to Efraín Román and Armando for giving me the confidence to join the team. The discipline that Yomar had to represent Aguas Buenas with a lot of pride, knowing that his people are behind him, motivated him a lot”.

From the Cagüitas neighborhood, we have a young man who, since he was a child, trained in the municipal gym of Aguas Buenas with Efraín Román and his father Armando Álamo. His dedication is remarkable throughout the town. Always running at 4:00 早上,这让我们充满自豪. 他的称号当之无愧 感谢 WBO 举办的这次精彩活动”, 好水说 哈维尔·加西亚·佩雷斯少校, 代表豪尔赫·纳瓦罗 (Jorge Navarro) 也加入其中, 代表波多黎各众议院.

为了 世界拳击组织, 其他来自 Valcárcel, 财务主管阿道夫·弗洛雷斯, 副主席 冠军委员会恩里克·门多萨, 先生, 评级委员会主席埃德加多 洛佩斯·萨索, 先生, 和顾问古斯塔沃·奥利维耶里, 先生, 也出席了会议. ��7D����z5üH

Espinoza vs. Nuñez Main Event Added to “Rumble at the Rock IV” on Friday, 三月 1, 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达州. and Live on Boxeo Telemundo

A second main event has been added to the professional boxing 活动上 星期五, 三月 1, 硬石活动中心 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达州。, 和住在 远程世界拳击 (11:35 PM ET / PT).

主讲 克里斯·劳伦斯和重量级工厂, 与联想 全明星拳击, Rumble at the Rock IV will now also feature highly touted WBO No.1-ranked and WBO Bantamweight Latin Champion Ricardo “Hindu” Espinoza (22-2-19 科斯) 蒂华纳, 墨西哥, defending his title against Panama’s rugged veteran RicardoEl Matematico” 奥图尔 (29-8-23 科斯).

In the 10-round welterweight co-main event, Miami via Puerto Rico’s 德里克·奎瓦斯(18-0-1, 14 科斯) will face fellow Floridian Ed “The Lion” Paredes (38-7-1, 25 科斯) of Pembroke Pines, 佛罗里达州.

Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock IV” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 和 $500 并且可以通过 ticketmaster.com.

奥图尔, 前世界冠军挑战者, is looking to test his young opponent by bringing him into deep waters and kickstarting his boxing career for one last shot at a world title. 另一方面, Espinoza is coming off a second-round stoppage of then undefeated Colombian prospect Yeison Vargas (17-1-12 科斯).

My opponents tend to underestimate me because of my young age,” said Espinoza.“They soon realize my power once in the ring. I never underestimate anyone who has two hands.

I’ve seen that Espinoza has never fought into later rounds,” said Nuñez. “I’m looking to take him into uncharted waters to see if he still has the power he claims when we get into rounds 8, 9 and 10.”

搏击之夜, 硬石活动中心的开门时间为 6 下午, 和行动开始于 7 P.M. 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 赌场位于 1 好莱坞的塞米诺尔路, 佛罗里达州.

Claressa盾VS. CHRISTINA HAMMER无可争议的妇女的中量级世界冠军SET星期六, APRIL 13 住在SHOWTIME®从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城

IBF, WBA和WBC的冠军盾,以满足WBO & WBC的冠军在凹部锤在可以说是最显着的女子拳击历史大事

欣欣拳击: 特别版本® 住在 9 P.M. ET / PT

纽约 - 二月 12, 2019 - 中量级不败的世界冠军Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜锤将在周六见面, 四月 13 住在Showtime加冕女子无可争议的160磅重的世界冠军. 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城的大片一统, N.J. 将是重头戏 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 住在 9 P.M. ET / PT,可以说是最显著妇女在历史拳击事件.

盾VS. 锤有两个共识前10磅磅战斗机在世界现蕾冠只在女子拳击history.The打第二无可争议的冠军, 原本定于11月 2018, 由于被推迟到通过锤遭遇了现在已经解决了医疗问题.

这位23岁的希尔兹 (8-0, 2 科斯) 是谁拥有IBF两科状元, WBA和WBC的160磅重的冠军. 这位28岁的锤 (24-0, 11 科斯) 拥有WBO带, 是WBC的冠军在休会, 并称霸女子中量级划分为八年多. 盾牌和哈默在同一张卡上去年六月战斗在Showtime, 两架战斗机赢得赫然建立了第一个无可争议的对决在女子160磅重的部门.

希尔兹的VS胜者. 锤将加盟泰伦斯 - 克劳福德, 前锋泰勒, 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学, 奥莱克桑德·塞克和妇女的次中量级塞西莉亚Braekhus作为唯一的战士已经全部统一四大世界冠军在任何重量级别.

盾VS. 锤是由的Salita促销推广. 门票价格和销售日期将在下周通过浮桥厅公布.

“我一直寻求的最大挑战,并设置最高目标. 我将准备好前所未有,将击败克里斯蒂娜锤04月13日,”希尔兹说. “没有什么能够阻止我成为无可争议的冠军,并继续我的旅程,携带女子拳击以前从未见过的高度. 我想成为最伟大的所有时间和永远改变游戏体育所有妇女, 四月 13 是道路的历史上迈出的重要一步。”

“我已经等了很久了这一刻,”哈默说. “我是大, 更强,比Claressa盾更有经验. 我不败,并已超过八年的冠军. 我迫不及待向世界展示了我是世界上最好的和无可争议的中量级冠军。”

“欣欣体育有特色的女子格斗运动最好的悠久历史, 无论是与莱拉·阿里与克里斯蒂·马丁在拳击, 或吉娜·卡拉诺, 克里斯机器侠和龙达·鲁西在MMA,”戈登·霍尔说, 执行制片人 欣欣拳击: 特别版本. “最近, 因为 2016 我们今天精选的精英与Claressa盾, 克里斯蒂娜·哈默, 凯蒂·泰勒和阿曼达·塞拉诺出现在一个行业领先 10 女子拳击的演讲. 男女不限, SHOWTIME已交付最好的战士中最棘手的对决, 四月 13 将没有什么不同. 我们有两个互相面对岌岌可危所有四个量级冠军的最好的磅磅的女战士,在世界. 它没有得到更好的比“。

“最大的妇女的所有时间斗争被设置为发生在四月 13 在浮桥霍尔在大西洋城,“所述启动子德米特里Salita. “Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜·哈默, 这两个冠军, 无论是在风华正茂, 不仅在环双方各承担在各自的职业生涯中最大的挑战, 但打破了拳击,女性在运动障碍. 四月 13 注定是在Showtime直播拳击的电和历史性的夜晚“。

“盾VS. 锤是在女子拳击历史上最大和最重要的战斗 - 两个不败统一风华正茂作战的冠军,为世界无可争议量级冠军,”盾牌经理Mark Taffet说. “克里斯蒂娜锤确实是一个非常好的战斗机和冠军, 但Claressa盾是一次在一个千载难逢. 同样的强烈关注和决心得到了Claressa通过生活, 她赢得了两枚奥运金牌, 并为她赢得了五个世界冠军在八个亲打架将携带她的胜利在4月13日”

“我们很高兴能带来世界级拳击锦标赛返回到大西洋城的吉姆·惠兰浮桥厅,”马特·多尔蒂说, 赌场再投资发展局执行董事. “这加强了档案室的承诺吸引世界级的体育赛事,提高游客对我们的目的地。”

希尔兹是历史上第一个美国拳击手 - 男性或女性 - 连续赢得奥运金牌. 弗林特, 密歇根州。, 原生转为职业选手后的 2016 在她的第四场职业比赛中,奥运会成为了女子超级中量级世界冠军. Shields在6月份移至中等身高 22 SHOWTIME的头条新闻, 在第六届职业比赛中击败汉娜·加布里埃尔斯赢得国际羽联和WBA冠军,并成为两分区冠军. After Hammer was named WBC Champion in Recess due to her medical issue, Shields picked up the vacant WBC title last November with a unanimous decision over Hannah Rankin. She most recently defended all three titles in December against Femke Hermans.

锤, 多特蒙德, 德国, 自从赢得WBO冠军以来,一直是女子中量级比赛的主导力量 2010. 锤子成为了统一冠军 2016 with a unanimous decision over WBC titlist Kali Reis and made four defenses as unified champion. 在她担任冠军的八年中, 锤子只输了几回合 16 世界冠军战斗. 锤, 他还专业模特,最近在纽约时装周上亮相, 使她在美国. 六月登场 22 自从在 2009. After being forced to withdraw from the November unification due to the health issue, Hammer won a non-title fight via second round knockout last Saturday, 二月 9 在德国.

SHOWTIME BOXING的底牌: 特殊版电视广播将在未来几周内宣布.

The WBO Kids Drug Free Program Continues To Impact Puerto Rican Children

In a festive family atmosphere, 世界拳击组织 (WBO), through its successful WBO Kids Drug Free program, delivered bicycles, school supplies and sporting goods to the children of Cubuy in the town of Canóvanas, 波多黎各.

The event was led by the WBO President Francisco ‘Paco’ 瓦尔卡塞尔, 先生, coach Jesús ‘Chuito’ 阿亚拉, and referee José H. 里维拉.

Every day we work with children to be world champions in the ring or, 更重要的是, in life. We work to be disciplined for life. We thank the WBO for helping in this process with their activities for the children, who are the future”, said coach Ayala.

WBO President Valcárcel told everyone present thatthe work everyone is doing here is tremendous. Thanks to people like ‘Chuito’, who work very hard and unselfishly for the benefit of the children, that are our priority. Here we give them some gifts they can take home because they behaved well. If they respect their elders, behave well, and respect their parents, the Three Kings will arrive”.

Participating in the event were interim Latino WBO Heavyweight champion Víctor Bisbal, WBO Latino Jr. Welterweight champion Jean Carlos “Lobo” Torres, WBO/NABO Jr. Flyweight champion Wilfredo “Bimbito” Méndez, WBO Latino Jr. Bantamweight Champion Yenifel Vicente, and WBO Latino Featherweight Champion Luis “Popeye” Lebrón. Other boxers who were present included Alberto Mercado and David Reyes and amateur boxer Armani “The Legacy” Alméstica.

Also in the event were managers Raúl Pastrana, Margaro Cruz and José Ortíz; coaches Jesís “Tongui” Ortiz, Yoel “Yowy” González, and Oro Lebrón. The referee Roberto Ramírez,小, physical trainer and nutritionist DJ, and the Vice President of Spartan Boxing Club Mayra Pastrana also attended the event. For the WBO, Executive Director of the NABO / Intercontinental Diana Meléndez, the Treasurer Adolfo Flores, Vice-Chairman of the Championship Committee Enrique Mendoza, 先生, and Ratings Committee Chairman Edgardo López Sasso were present.

WBO Kids Drug Free is an international program aimed at children and young people in order to carry a message of drug prevention and motivate them to continue studying, using sports as a tool to stay on the right path, as well that support causes directed to those in need in order to ensure a better quality of life.

Video by Victor Planas / WBO

Video for downloadhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1R-pZoGSAtiwQaJusX19XcHjxOPjicon0/view?usp=sharing P

Aston Palicte vs. Jose Martinez WBO Jr. Bantamweight World Title Eliminator

星期四, 一月. 31, 2019 * Viejas Casino & 度假村 * Alpine, 例如

LAS VEGAS (十二月 20, 2019) – 罗伊·琼斯JR. Boxing Promotions and Miguel Cotto Promotions will co-promote a potential early candidate for the 2019 年度扑灭, when world title challengerMighty
在那之后 (24-2-1, 20 科斯) 保持不败 何塞 “Chiquiro
马丁内斯 (20-0-2, 13 科斯) in a World Boxing Organization (WBO)
junior bantamweight title eliminator on Thursday, 一月 31, at Viejas Casino & Resort in Alpine, 加利福尼亚州.

Palicte vs.Martinez will headline a soon-to-be-announced card in the 12-round main event, held on the Thursday night of Super Bowl week, in the Oak Ballroom. Viejas Casino & Resort is located 35 miles outside of San Diego.

的获胜者 Palicte vs. 马丁内斯 title eliminator will become the
mandatory challenger for the winner of the New Year’s Eve match in
China for the vacant WBO Junior Bantamweight World Championship,
between No. 1 竞争者 在那之后 (41-1-5, 23 科斯) 和No. 3
额定 Kazuito Ioka (23-1, 13 科斯).

Palicte and Martinez will continue a Philippines-Puerto Rico boxing
rivalry that dates back many years, 也许, 通过突出 2009
之间的对决 帕奎奥米格尔·库托, in which the
fabulous Filipino defeated the Puerto Rican warrior by way of a 12
一轮技术淘汰赛. It marks the first time Jones and Cotto, 两
of the greatest boxers of all-time, will be in opposite corners, in terms of competing fighters they promote, 分别, Palicte and Martinez.

Having our new partnership with Viejas Casino & Resort allows us to
host these great fights,” 罗伊·琼斯JR. Boxing Promotions
CEO/Co-founder Keith Veltre 评论过. “Having a Roy Jones Jr. 和
Miguel Cotto fighter face-off makes this fight even more exciting. 2019 is going to be the biggest and most active year for RJJ Boxing.

This is the type of fight that changes your career,” Hall of
Famer/promoter Cotto said. “We know ‘ChiquiroMartinez is ready for
the challenge and it will be an exciting fight. Promoting this fight,
together with Roy Jones, 小, will be great for boxing. We really look
forward to start 2019 with a great fight like Martinez vs. Palicte.

All of us at Viejas are excited to be working with Roy Jones, JR. and look forward to this amazing event,” 额外 Jimmy Wild, GM Viejas Casino & 度假村.

戳 (WBO无. 2) heads the latest wave of world-class Filipino boxers, who is coming off a controversial 12-round split draw with his fellow
乡下人, 3-division world champion Nietes, for the vacant WBO
Junior bantamweight title this past September in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州. Many at ringside felt that Palicte should have won the Filipino showdown, based on his relentless pressure and considerably higher activity rate, throwing 300-plus more punches than Nietes.

Palicte is also ranked No. 9 in independent world ratings by 午夜凶铃

马丁内斯 (WBO无, 4), who captured the vacant WBO North American Boxing Organization (邻居) Championship on November 16, 2017,
淘汰 Jesus Martinez (23-2-1, 11 科斯) in Cancun Mexico, 有
also held the World Boxing Council Latino and WBC USNBC Silver

I want to thank God for this great opportunity,” Martinez commented. “谢谢, Miguel Cotto and the WBO. I feel excited because this is
the most important fight of my career with a high-level boxer as Palicte. I will train really hard to be in the best condition. We are really focusing on getting the big win on January 31ST.”

售价 $65.00, $55.00 和 $45.00, tickets go on sale tomorrow (周五, 十二月. 21), and are available to purchase by going online at


Websites: www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com

叽叽喳喳: @RoyjonesJRfa, @CottoPromotions, @viejascasino, @阿斯顿帕利克特

Instagram的: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear,
@Viejascasinoresort, @astonmightypalicte

Facebook的: /RJJBoxing, /ViejasCasinoAndResort, /MiguelCottoPromotions

WBO Kids Drug Free program impacted the children of Aguas Buenas

好水, 波多黎各 – With its consistent social commitment, 世界拳击组织 (WBO), 由旧金山“帕科”Valcárcel主持, 先生, and through the program WBO Kids Drug Free, brought joy and gifts for the children of the ‘Educational Center: Play, Explore & Learn’ and ‘Hacienda Don Antonio’. Both centers are located in the city of Aguas Buenas.

During the busy event that took place in the municipal boxing gym of Aguas Buenas, the children received backpacks with school supplies and sporting goods. 还, motivational speeches were given, bicycles were raffled, and lunch was served for them.

We have no words for what the WBO did for our city. It was the second time this year our children saw the WBO visiting and helping us. In the future, this will reflect on their lives. Our gratitude is infinite. Thanks Paco, for this gesture of love”, said the mayor of Aguas Buenas, Javier García Pérez.

Thanks to the mayor for putting the sport of his city first. These activities serve to motivate, but the most important thing is that we have to be consistent in maintaining that. This isn’t done overnight; this is a process that we work with a lot of love and in the long term, we see extraordinary results”, Valcárcel said.

The WBO Interim Latino Heavyweight champion Víctor Bisbal, WBO Latino Jr. Welter Champion Jean Carlos “Lobo” Torres, WBO/NABO Flyweight Champion Jonathan “Bomba” González, and WBA World Featherweight Champion Jesús Rojas participated as volunteers, along with prospects Yomar Álamo, Emmanuel “Tito” Morales, Alfredo “El Salsero” Cruz, Patrick Cora and John Karl Sosa. Amateur boxing was represented with the presence of Alexamil Cotto, Tatiana Ortiz, Ryan Montes, Ramón Montes, Kenneth Molina, Ivan Silva, Yadel Hernández, Gabriel Menard, Joshua Carrión, Carlos Rivera, Carlos Díaz, Ángel Javier, Christian Rivera and Adrián Ortiz.

Also in attendance was manager Orlando Piñero, trainers Álex Caraballo, Jesús “Tongui” Ortiz, Yoel “Yowy” González, 费利克斯异教徒平托尔, Armando Álamo, Efraín Román, Eliezer González and Edwin Delgado. The professional boxing referees Luis Pabón, José Hiram Rivera, Melva Santos and Roberto Ramírez,Jr were also present, as well as professional boxing judge Luis Ruiz. From the WBO, other than Valcárcel, legal advisor Gustavo Olivieri,先生, treasurer Adolfo Flores, and the Vice Chairman of the Championship Committee Enrique Mendoza, Esq were also in the activity.

WBO Kids Drug Free is an international program aimed at children and young people in order to carry a message of prevention of drug use and to motivate them to continue studying and using sports as a tool to stay on the right path, as well that support causes directed to those in need in order to contribute to a better quality of life.

Photos and video by Victor Planas / WBO

Video linkhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18KVJBNJGIEhLTjE9TtM55DnRYs3F4_4M p2�

WBO Kids Drug Free program visits the Sor Isolina Ferré Center in Ponce

PONCE, 波多黎各 – In an emotional and busy Christmas activity, 世界拳击组织 (WBO) and its president Francisco “帕科” 瓦尔卡塞尔, accompanied by former world champions, prospects, WBO World Jr. Flyweight Champion Ángel Acosta, regional champions, and other figures of the sport were delivering gifts to children at the Sor Isolina Ferré Center in Ponce, as part of the successful world ‘WBO Kids Drug Free’ program.

An emotional Sister Mildred Vázquez, Spiritual Director of the centers of Puerto Rico, 说: “The WBO and Paco Valcárcel have been committed to us for around 20 years.There are many gifts that will be distributed to the other centers that we have in Puerto Rico. Since day one, which was a long time ago, I remember that Paco told us that the WBO was never going to forget us. His deed is very important for all of us. We will never forget the great help you gave us then Hurricane María hit us hard; we are very grateful”.

Respect for the school, respect for the church, respect for their fathers and mothers, respect for the elderly and respect for their peers. Respect is the most important priority in life said our Savior”, Valcárcel expressed to the large number of children present. “Sister Sor Isolina always knew how to multiply the fish and bread. She was sent from God. They can count on us every year, the commitment will continue, and we love them very much”.

The world champion Ángel “铁托” Acosta said: “Many children left happy with their gifts and bicycles. I always tell the youth that they have to get away from the streets to concentrate on their studies”.

Participating in the activity were Acosta, former professional basketball player JavierToñitoColón, WBO Latino Featherweight Champion Luis”大力水手” 勒布朗, WBO Interim Latino Heavyweight Champion Víctor Bisbal, the former world champions Samuel Serrano, 亚历克斯 “El NeneSánchez and ÁngelCholoEspada, along with boxers Alfredo “salsero” 十字, Jean M. 里维拉, 埃德温· “ChinValentín, and amateur boxer Bryan Rodríguez.

Also in the event were boxing managers Margaro Cruz, coaches JesúsTongui” 奥尔蒂斯, Ángel Vargas, YoelYowy” 冈萨雷斯, and Félix Pagán Pintor, referees José Hiram Rivera and Ramón Peña; professional boxing judge César Ramos. For the WBO, other than Valcárcel, legal advisor Gustavo Olivieri, WBO Treasurer Adolfo Flores, and WBO Chairman Ratings Committee Edgardo López Sasso were also present.

WBO Kids Drug Free is an international program aimed at children and young people in order to carry a message of prevention to the use of drugs and to motivate them to continue studying, using sports as a tool to stay on good steps, as well supporting causes aimed at those in need in order to contribute to a better quality of life.

About the Sor Isolina Ferré Center:

CSIF has contributed to the well-being, security and socioeconomic development of Puerto Rico since its foundation 49 years ago at the Ponce Beach by Sister Isolina Ferré, MSBT. Its corrective programs and prevention, human development and community development provide solutions to address problems such as school dropout, 暴力, and unemployment and the economic crisis. The different programs and services are offered in 24 towns of the Island, including regions of Ponce, GUAYAMA, 圣胡安, and Canóvanas, 等等.

萨拉莫夫在索契以一致判定加纳队卫冕冠军, 俄罗斯

周六, 十二月 1, 索契 Galaktika 文化中心, 俄罗斯, 乌马尔·萨拉莫夫将在一场爆炸性的 10 回合对决中迎战曾经击败过的伊曼纽尔·“马力”·阿尼姆,捍卫他的欧亚拳击议会和 WBO 国际轻重量级冠军头衔.




萨拉莫夫 (22-1, 17 科斯), 从Alkhan-Kala, 俄罗斯, 目前排名WBC #10, WBA #13, IBF #7 和WBO #10 在世界上. 动画 (13-1-1, 11 科斯), 从 阿克拉, 加纳, 是前加纳超中量级和轻重量级冠军. 这场比赛也将在俄罗斯的 Match TV 上进行直播.




“我认真对待每一场战斗,”萨拉莫夫说. “我对这场比赛的准备工作非常出色. 今年我在所有胜利中都取得了 KO,12 月 1 日我将再次做到这一点。”




去年六月,萨拉莫夫在北美拳击界引起了拳击界的关注,他以残酷的一拳击倒了值得尊敬的前景布莱恩·霍华德. 被各大制裁机构评为前 10 名, 对于这位 24 岁的强击手来说,这只是时间问题.




“轻重量级是拳击界人才最丰富的部门之一,”萨拉莫夫的发起人说道, 德米特里Salita. “奥马尔是世界上最好的球员之一,他在 12 月取得了令人印象深刻的胜利 1, 他将距离成为世界冠军的目标又近了一步。”

空缺的WBC 154 庞德银带锦标赛非常有意义FOR A利亚姆·史密斯,罗伯托·加西亚·MATCH-UP


迪尔菲尔德海滩, FL (十月 31, 2018)-Roberto加西亚想收回他的WBC银腰带锦标赛和什么比,以配合他与英格兰的利亚姆·史密斯空置标题的方式更好.

加西亚 (41-4, 24 科斯), 因为失去了银色皮带马丁·默里在12轮一致决定在六月谁一直在训练中 23, 准备采取的耐用史密斯 (26-2-1, 14 科斯) 对于带.

“我看到史密斯的对抗海梅蒙吉亚斗争电视上的WBO超中量级​​冠军,”加西亚说,. “这是一场全面战争,我觉得我们两个人能带来同类型的战斗和强度的成环为标题. 我已经准备好了。”

史密斯去拉斯维加斯的距离与蒙吉亚,失去了他的临时WBO超中量级​​冠军, 这是他在上月击败利亚姆·威廉斯曾荣获 8, 2017 并在辩护11月与威廉姆斯复赛. 11, 2017 在赢得了多数人的决定.

“加西亚是愿与利亚姆·史密斯的斗争,所以是他的启动, 唐金,说:”经理李霍利迪. “这两种战斗机都是真的猛士, 因此,让我们得到它的称号“。
