Tag Archives: WBC

A KlowdTV az élő közvetítéshez & Kizárólag Usyk v. Gassiev Ez a szombat az Egyesült Államokban

A legyőzhetetlen WBC és a WBO világbajnok, Oleksandr Usyk harcba indította a Nemzetgyűjtött IBF és a WBA bajnok, Murat Gassiev ellen a négy nagy sebességű öv egyesítését élőben és kizárólag a KlowdTV-n keresztül


SAN DIEGO, Kalifornia. – Július 17, 2018 – Szombat délután, Július 21, a világ legjobb és legyőzhetetlen cruiser-súlyai, Oleksandr Uysk és Murat Gassiev, harcol a négy világbajnokért és a szabad lelkesedési jogokért, hogy koronázhassa a vitathatatlan Cruiserweight Champot. Mindkét harcos tökéletes, legyőzhetetlen rekordokkal rendelkezik, óriási robbanásveszély, és a győztes elveszi az összes fő elismert övet, ez az év óriási csata. Ez a csodálatos show, amely Usyk v Gassiev-t mutatja be a vitathatatlan Cruiserweight bajnokság számára, és élőben, és kizárólag a KlowdTV-n keresztül fog megjelenni az Egyesült Államokban.




A csatára Moszkvában kerül sor, Oroszország kezdetén 3 PM ET. “Nagyon büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy ezt a kiemelkedő harcot eljuthattuk a KlowdTV-hez,” mondta Robert Herring Sr., A KlowdTV vezérigazgatója. “A bokszoldalak és a közösségi média érdeklődése alapján tudom, hogy mennyire érdekli ez a harc. A szurkolók az Egyesült Államok otthona megtalálásának harcát szorgalmazzák, és a KlowdTV ismét lépést tett, hogy válaszoljon az amerikai boksz rajongók hívására.”




Usyk (14-0, 11 KO) Kijevben, Ukrajna a WBC és a WBO cruiserweight világbajnoka.

A 2012 Olimpiai aranyérmes győztes szeptemberben 12 fordulóban egyhangú döntéssel elnyerte a WBO világbajnokot, egyhangú döntéssel Krzysztof Glowacki felett. 17, 2016 Lengyelországban. Usyk kétszer megvédte a címet egy 9. forduló leállásával Thabiso Mchunu felett és 12 fordulóban egyhangú döntéssel Michael Hunter felett..




Usyk 10. fordulóban állt le, a korábbi világbajnok, Marco Huck felett. Legutóbbi csatájában, Usyk január 27-én Lettországban többségi döntéssel elnyerte a WBC World Cruiserweight címet Mairis Briedis felett..




Gassiev (26-0, 19 KO) Oroszország, az IBF és a WBA Super Cruiserweight bajnok.

Gassiev most a Big Bear-ban vonatozik, Kaliforniában Abel Sanchez híres edzője alatt. A 24 éves Gassiev decemberben megnyerte az IBF bajnokságot 3, 2016 egy 12 körös egyhangú döntéssel Denis Lebedev felett.




Gaszszjev regisztrálta a korábbi világbajnok, Krzysztof Wlodarczyk harmadik fordulójának pusztítását. Az utolsó roham, Gassiev megnyerte a WBA World Super Cruiserweight címet egy 12. fordulóban leállított játékkal, szemben a korábban vereség nélküli Yunier Dorticos-nal februárban. 3, 2018.




A KlowdTV az ön 24/7 élő streaming szolgáltatás, felvázoló 30 élő csatornák plusz 50 zenei csatornák. A harc ingyenes a KlowdTV előfizetők számára. Az új előfizetők élvezhetik a 9,99 USD / hónap előfizetési díjért folytatott küzdelmet, amely számos élő csatornát tartalmaz, ideértve a Fight Network csatornát is, GolTV, FNTSY Sports Network, Pursuit Channel, Sony Movie Channel és még sok más. Egyszerűen látogasson el a www.klowdtv.com webhelyre, hogy ezt élvezze “Nem látom a kihagyásos” harc és 30 napok alatt a KlowdTV $9.99 havonta. A KlowdTV bármilyen eszközön elérhető, amely tartalmazza az intelligens TV-t, számítógépek, ÉV, amazon, Android és iOS telefonok és táblagépek.

WBSS egységes világbajnokság Oleksandr Usyk vs. Murat Gassiev

Oleksandr Usyk vs. Murat Gassiev
Egységes Cruiserweight Világbajnokság
2 p.m. ÉS kezdet / 11 a.m. PT
WBSS egységes világbajnokság
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Murat Gassiev
Sugárzási él Kanadában EZEN A SZOMBATON
(Kép jóvoltából a World Boxing Super Series)


EDMONTON, Kanada (Július 17, 2018) – A kanadai boksz rajongók megnézhetik a sokat várt World Boxing Super Series játékot (WBSS) cruiserweight bajnokság döntője szombat délután, ahogy a vadul szórakoztató elődöntők és negyeddöntők körében zajlanak, kizárólag a Super Channel.




Mind a négy fő szankcionáló test világbajnoksága, több A Ring magazin hevederét, a vonalon lesz a moszkvai olimpiai sportkomplexumban, amikor WBC / WBO bajnok Oleksandr “A macska” Usyk (14-0, 11 KO) és IBF / WBA címet kapott Murat Gassiev (26-0, 19 KO) térjen el az Muhammad Ali Trophy megnyitójára, amellett, hogy meghatározták a világ első teljesen egységes motorkerékpár-bajnokát, amely az Év Fightjának legitim jelöltje.




A 31 éves Usyk, a 2012 Ukrajnából származó olimpiai aranyérmes, megállt Marco Huck a 10th a WBSS negyeddöntőjének meccse, és 12 fordulóban egyhangú döntést hozott Mairis Deer az elődöntőben. Oroszországban született Gassiev, 24, kiütötte Krzysctof Wlodarczyk és yunier Dorticos, illetőleg, a harmadikban és 12th a negyeddöntők és az elődöntők fordulója.




“Ő (Gassiev) erős fickó,” - mondta Usyk, “És most, hál 'Istennek, Murat és én a Muhammad Ali Trophy és az abszolút világbajnokért harcolunk’ cím.




“Kiválóan érzem magam (harcok Oroszországban) azt. Sportoló vagyok, egy harcos. Nem érdekel, hol harcolok, Csak harcolni akarok. Tudom, hogy Ukrajnából érkezik támogatás, amely nagyszerű.



Készen állok, a csapatom készen áll. Amikor az erős srácok találkoznak, a harcok érdekesek! Ez az, ami olyan nagyszerű ebben a versenyen. A sporthoz szükséges. Mondtam már korábban, és újra meg fogom mondani: a rajongóknak kellene egy gyönyörű döntőt várniuk.




“A döntő előtti edzőtábor ugyanaz volt, mint a többi harcom előtt,” Gassiev kommentálta. “Az ellenfelem egy déli mancs, tehát különböző sparring partnereim voltak, és taktikailag kissé másképp kell tennie a dolgokat egy Southpaw ellen. De, ezen kívül semmi sem változott.




“Ugyanazt a mennyiséget futtam, fizikai gyakorlás és sparring. Nem gondolkodom azon, amit csinál. Murat Gassievnek kell lennem, és mindent megteszek… Csak én magamra gondolok, képességeim és állapotom. Ez az.




“Harcolnék bárhol a világon, de anyám és testvérem számára plusz előnye, hogy könnyedén élőben nézhetik meg a harcot. Biztos vagyok abban, hogy a döntő nagyon érdekes és jó harc lesz a rajongók számára az egész világon. Lehet, hogy a legjobb férfi nyerni!”

Négy potenciálisan robbanásveszélyes küzdelem zajlik a “Usyk vs. Gassiev” kártya, a Patriot Boxing Promotions által bemutatott, kizárólag Kanadában, a Super Channel-en.




A 10 körös co-szolgáltatás, Briedis volt világbajnok Brandon Deslaurier (11-1-1, 10 KO). A vitathatatlan font-négy font font a Boxing Queen, legyőzhetetlen kolumbiai Cecelia “Az elnök felesége” Braekhus (33-0, 9 KO), ki harcol Finnországból, megvédi az egységes világhős súlyokat, szemben az orosz kihívással másik “Jégkirálynő” Sagaydakovskaya (7-0, 3 KO) egy 10 fordulóban. WBA Nemzetközi szuper közepes súlyú bajnok Fedor Chudinov(17-2, 12 KO) otthon véd Najib “Iron Djib” Mohammedi (40-5, 23 KO), Franciaország, egy 12 fordulóban,




Super Channel megszerezte a kizárólagos jogok Kanadában közvetíteni a World Boxing Super Series MP & Silva, vezető nemzetközi médiavállalat, amely a közvetítési jogok, digitális, technológia és a szponzori szolgáltatások.




Az összes WBSS harc a következő napon lesz elérhető Super Channel On Demand. A halasztott WBSS világbajnoki középsúlyos bajnoki döntőt ebben az időben még nem módosították.




Az összes WBSS negyeddöntő és elődöntő mérkőzésen felül, A Super Channel sugárzott jelentősebb boksz eseményei a múlt élnek 1 ½ év, beleértve a Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo, Smith vs. Williams II, Frampton vs. Donaire, és Fury vs Seferi.




A World Boxing Super sorozat cruiserweight bajnokságának döntőjét élőben nézni, valamint izgalmasabb boksz bejutni 2018, A kanadai harci rajongók felvehetik a kapcsolatot a helyi kábelszolgáltatóval, hogy feliratkozzanak a Super Channelre és az általuk kínált szolgáltatásokra, beleértve a prémium sorozat, filmek és még sok más, olyan alacsony, mint $9.95 havonta.


Photos By Robert Elizondo


CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Július 8, 2018) – Last night in star fashion, San Antonio’s undefeated female boxing sensation, Selina “Aztec királynő” Környező,” javult (4-0, 2 KO), with devastating one punch knockout over current WBF international lightweight champion, AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-1-1). Barrios landed a crushing picture perfect left hook to the chin of Satybaldinova, véget a viadal a 1:24 mark of round four, in what many would say is a candidate for “Knockout of the Year”. The fight that took place at the American Bank Center Water Garden room in Corpus Christi, TX, presented by Reyna Promotions.




From the opening bell both fighters went bombs away, with Selina landing the cleaner, more powerful blows to Satybaldinova. “Lady Spartawas all game as she went toe-to-toe with Barrios, holding her ground for the time being, but taking a lot of damage. A második körben, both fighters continued to leave everything in the ring, throwing power punches with both hands. Barrios again was getting the better punches off. A kerek három, Barrios hurt Satybaldinova with a combination flurry of punches, but Aida being the warrior that she is, made it to round four. After another aggressive being to the round, Barrios landed that massive left hook to the jaw of Satybaldinova, and the fight was over.




I wanted to come out tonight and give my Texas fans a night to remember,” said Selina Barrios, who is the current NABF lightweight champion. “After feeling her out in the first couple of rounds, I knew I was going to land a big shot at some point in the right, because she was standing right in front of me. When I landed that left hook, I knew she wasn’t going to get up. I set it up nicely, and she walked right into it. I have a lot of respect for Aida, she fought like a warrior, and if she wants the rematch, I’ll give it to her.




I fought hard but didn’t get victory tonight,” said Satybaldinova. “Next time I will win. I will continue to work harder to fight the best. I will never give up. I hope to fight Selina again in rematch.





A győzelem, Selina gets the fourth win of her career. Barrios said she is willing to fight anyone in the lightweight division, including all champions. When asked about what next Barrios stated.




I want to call out all the women fighting in the lightweight division.” Barrios tovább. “You might have took the Olympics from me, but you cant run from me now. Katie Taylor és Mikaela Mayer, you can’t hide forever, I’m coming for all Y’all.




Selina put on a spectacular show tonight,” mondott Colin Campbell, co-manager of Barrios. “A performance like this puts her at the top of all females vying to be considered the most dangerous fighter in women’s boxing.




What an unbelievable knockout Selina displayed tonight,” megállapított Charles Campbell, who co-manages Barrios with his son Colin. “Once the knockout hits the masses, its going to go viral. Selina belongs up there with Clarissa Shield as one of the best female boxers in the sport. No female boxer is more exciting to watch then Selina Barrios, no one!”




All females fighting at lightweight and super featherweight better take notice of Selina Barrios.” Said Barrios’ advisor-promoter Kerry Daigle, a Keep Punching Entertainment.Although Selina had a remarkable performance tonight, the best is yet to come. We still haven’t seen the best Selina Barrios yet, and that is scary. She is taking the boxing world by storm.

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Július 9, 2018) – For those who missed the war that everyone is talking about in women’s boxing between Selina “Aztec királynő” Környező (4-0, 2 KO), és AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-1-1), please click the video link above to see the full fight in its entirety. Környező’ knockout over Satybaldinova is a candidate for “Knockout of the Year”.




SAN ANTONIO, TX (Július 3, 2018) – Undefeated female sensation, Selina “Aztec királynő” Környező (3-0, 1 KO), returns to the ring this Saturday night, Július 7, 2018, as the main event in Corpus Christi, Texas, in the well-established American Bank Center Water Garden Room, bringing a loaded card of fistic fury.

Környező, who owns the NABF lightweight title, which she won in her 3rd professional bout, szembe kell néznie AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-0-1) Asztana, Kazahsztán, best known as theFemale GGG”, and is the current WBF International Lightweight Champion. Both girls are undefeated and hold titles as lightweights. Barrios is also rated #18 a világon az WBC (Bokszvilágtanács). This bout will be held over 8 forduló.

This bout is promoted by Reyna Promotions A Corpus Christi. The promoters were looking for a first-class main event and landed a fight that is a solid television fight. The local ABC-TV affiliate (KSAT) in San Antonio will be in Corpus to broadcast this fight live and stream it across the internet. Female and male fight fans across the world that know these two pugilists will be tuning in to watch an action-packed fight as both warriors step forward and throw punches without grabbing and holding or running. Barrios and Satybaldinova are both guaranteeing a knockout.

Selina has never been pressured in a boxing ring with a fighter like myself,” said the WBF Champ Satybaldinova. “I’m a pressure fighter that will take two punches to throw one bomb, and I feel I will be too strong for her. I do know I don’t have to look for Selina and have watched her fights. She stands and fights, which is made to order for me,”

Selina shoots back stating, “I have watched Aida’s videos and her comments about coming into my area of south Texas where I’m from, and saying she is going to knock me out, infuriates me. If it’s a war she wants, she just lit the fuse. No one is coming to south Texas to beat the “Aztec királynő” and we will find out how tough she is. Ez a háború ideje. Let’s do this.

Undefeated Super lightweight contender and brother of Selina, Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 KO), called his agents and promoters to let them know he is leaving camp, to go to this fight and is bringing a huge fan base with him. George Foreman’s former camp organizer is coming in to work the corner with Selina, and Deborah Hawkins, the representative for the NABF Female title fights, will be there to discuss a possible rematch for the championship, if the fight is as competitive as she thinks it will be.

GM3 Promotions from California, Keeppunching Entertainment from Louisiana, and CCC Entertainment from Corpus Christi, among other promoters are eyeing these two warriors for future shows and will also be in the audience along with other well-known agents, menedzserek, and promoters. Eying this fight from long distance is DiBella Entertainment in New York as Lou DiBella is building a huge stable of top notch female fighters across the globe.

Great athletes, especially boxers and in this case female boxers, are very fascinating. It will be thrilling to watch two undefeated female athletes compete against each other, while the rest of the world of female fighters avoids the undefeated stars. The difference between the greats in boxing and the contenders are those who appear to be fearless and accept all challenges and how they respond to adversity. The greats put in persistent effort to excel while the contenders lose steam and regress by fighting easier competition on regular basis. This will be Barriossecond undefeated opponent in only her 4th fight, and both have had very advanced amateur backgrounds. Satybaldinova, másrészről, is coming into unfamiliar territory. That is what the greats do. Two potential greats meeting head to head early in their careers with each having the utmost confidence that they will win by KO.

Robert Hunt of GM3 Promotions: I am glad we were able to come to an agreement to make this fight happen because I know Aida is going to win. Barrios is good but has never fought a fighter like Aida. One thing I know for sure is the fans are in for a great night of boxing and know this is a match-up that helps keep female boxing on the forefront.

Colin Campbell of CCC Promotions:The boxing community in south Texas is going bonkers over this fight and plans to set a record for attendance. It’s fights like this that creates raving fight fans.

Ernest Reyna of Reyna Promotions: “This is my 3rd show and to be able to make this fight on this show is outstanding. Fighting as the co-main event is former heavyweight champion of the world, Oliver McCall. I am more excited about this show as a fan than a promoter. I’m pumped.

Charles Campbell of CCC Promotions:I travel the USA going to top fights. To think this is going to be in south Texas says a lot about the emergence of boxing here in Corpus Christi.

Kerry Daigle of Keeppunching Entertainment:In my 45 years of working in boxing, this may be one of the most fun matches to be made in professional female boxing. Kazakhstan vs Mexico. You can’t ask for better athletes to compete against each other. Two champions…. both undefeated…. going head to head.

Jegyek ára $25 General Admission and $40 Ringside are on sale now and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com vagy hívja Krystal @ (361) 434-7750 vagy Able @ (361) 425-3900. Doors open up at 5:30 PM, első harc van 7:00 PM. The American Bank Center Water Garden Room is located at 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, Krisztus teste, Texas 78401.


Photo By Stephanie Trapp – Showtime

SAN FRANCISCO, ILYEN AS (Június 12, 2018)Today unbeaten WBC Youth and USBA Lightweight champion, Devin “Az álom” Haney (19-0, 13 KO), will be a special guest speaker at the Booker T. Washington Community Center San Francisco, ILYEN AS. Devin is looking forward to sharing his story of being a system described problem child at Booker T. Washington.




Devin will be speaking on the importance of setting goals, being positive under adversity, remaining humble, staying out of trouble, eating a well-balanced diet, Keményen dolgozunk, and becoming a young champion.




Speaking to the kids at the Booker T. Washington community center today holds a special place in my heart. I spent a lot of time at Booker T. and know what it’s like to be characterized a troubled kid,” said Devin Haney. “I want to let these kids know that with hard work and discipline, one can become successful at anything they put their mind to. Just because a kid might be labeled troubled at a young age, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. It’s an honor to be giving back to the organization that helped me find my way as a young youth.




The Booker T. Washington Community Service Center provides a variety of programming for school aged students. The activities range from after-school academic coaching to enrichment classes.


WHO: Devin “Az álom” Haney and Booker T. Washington Staff


MI: Devin Haney will talk to youth about being a champion in life, és a

rewards of working hard with a positive attitude.


WHERE: Booker T. Washington Community Center

800 Presidio Ave, San Francisco, ILYEN AS 94115


AMIKOR: Szerda, Június 13, 2018

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Velasco Looking Forward to War with Prograis

Upcoming world super-lightweight challenger Juan JoseEl PitbullVelasco says he’s happy to be facing a fighter being labeled a potential new star in boxing on Saturday, Július 14.




Velasco (20-0, 12 KO), from Buenos Aires, Argentína, will challenge interim WBC World Super Lightweight Champion Regis Prograis at the Lakefront Arena in Prograisbirthplace of New Orleans, Louisiana.




The southpaw Prograis became champion last March with a head-turning TKO 2 over capable former champion Julius Indongo.




I am glad he is being called a new star,” said Velasco. “I only want to fight the best, so I can become the best myself. He’s a very good fighter and I know it will be a true war.




31-year-old Velasco says he’s in great shape, training in Miami, and looks forward to making his dream of a world title come true.


How is training going?

Training is going fantastic! I am in Miami at Caicedo Sports Training Camp, working with Herman Caicedo. Herman is relentless. As soon as he picked me up, traveling from Argentina to Miami. He took me straight to the track and ran drills for an hour.


Talk to me about the opportunity to fight for world championship?

Ez egy valóra vált álom. My whole pro career it has been my dream. I found out I was fighting for the championship immediately after my last fight. Saját promoter, Sampson Lewkowicz, informed me of the opportunity and told me I would be training in Miami with Herman.


You haven’t left your home country to fight much, are you going to be your usual self fighting basically in his hometown in the US?

Ne, I haven’t been out much and it’s an honor to be fighting in the USA. I don’t know any other way than to be myself in a fight. Herman is improving on my skills and adding some details to it. Herman and I have gelled immediately. I am sure, due to his experience with champions, that he knows how to adapt to individuals. Fighting in his hometown is on him. I have zero pressure and can only gain fans fighting there.


Why will you win this fight?

I will win this fight because I am hungry to be a champion. I’m hungry to be where he is at and hungry to better my family.


Describe yourself as a fighter for American fans who haven’t seen you yet.

I am a boxer puncher who can adapt to what is in front of me. Are you doing anything different in training for this fight? Answer: igen, the major difference is training with Herman Caicedo in Miami. He has had great success with lots of fighters and one of the few coaches to develop a fighter into a champion from pro debuts. He is a teacher. I look forward to much success with him.

Silva to face Lopez July 14 az ESPN





Növényváros, FL (Május 16, 2018) – Fire Fist Boxing Promotions’ William “Baby Face” Silva will challenge undefeated Olympian Teofimo Lopez in a ten round lightweight contest Saturday, Július 14 at the Lakefront Arena at the University of New Orleans.




Silva-Lopez opens a Top Rank promoted ESPN telecast headlined by New Orleans’ own Regis Prograis, 21-0 (18 KO), against Argentina’s Juan Jose Velasco, 20-0 (12 KO), for the WBC interim junior welterweight championship.




Hailing from Sao Paulo, Brazil and fighting out of Plant City, FL, Silva has an outstanding professional ledger of 25-1 a 14 kiütéssel. Az ő legújabb mérkőzés, Silva shutout Rogelio Casarez to capture the IBO Continental and NBA World lightweight championships. The 31-year-old Silva trains under Jose Rodriguez at the Plant City Boxing Gym and made significant strides since his lone setback against Felix Verdejo in 2016.




Widely regarded among America’s best young fighters, Lopez is a perfect 9-0 a 7 nyer kiütéssel. Május 12, Lopez demolished once-beaten Vitor Jones Freitas in 64 másodperc. Born in Brooklyn, NY and based in Davie, FL, the highly-touted Lopez represented his parents’ home country of Honduras in the 2016 Olympics but lost in the opening round eventual silver medalist Sofiane Oumiha of France.




The Silva-Lopez bout is for the NBA World and IBO Continental lightweight titles.




“We’re extremely excited for the opportunity to get William back on a major platform,” – mondta Jody Caliguire, a Fire Fist Boxing Promotions munkatársa. “Lopez is a very talented fighter and we respect his ability but William has a major edge in experience. He’s improved tremendously since his last big fight against Verdejo and I think the boxing world is in for a surprise July 14.”




More information on the card will be available shortly.


Photos by Cami Vazquez – cukor promóciók

Aguascalientes, MX (Április 30, 2018)
This past Saturday, cukor promóciók presented FERIA de CAMPEONES, an eleven bout card from Aguascalientes, Mexikó. In the 12-round main event, szuper középsúlyú Bruno Sandoval (20-2-1, 16 KO), who recently signed with Sugar Promotions, picked up a first round TKO over Devis Caceres (28-9-3, 19 KO) capturing the WBC Latino Silver Super Middleweight title in the process. A powerful right hook landed flush on the face of Caceres, véget a viadal a 2:50 jele az első fordulóban, as Sandoval claimed the vacant title in style.





It means a lot to have won this fight by knockout and the fact it was for a WBC title makes it even better,” said Bruno Sandoval, who took the fight on late notice. “I am a complete fighter that can challenge anyone in my division right now! I am excited for what the future holds.





The co-main event saw Damien “Cukor” Vazquez (14-0, 7 KO) pick up a ten round unanimous decision win over Luis Golindano (9-1, 6 KO). The fight was close in the beginning as the two unbeaten fighters showed that neither wanted to taste defeat, but Vasquez began to pull away with his superior boxing skill as he claimed the WBC Youth super flyweight world title. Scorecard-olvasni 97-92 kétszer 96-93, all in favor of Vazquez.





I am overjoyed to have won this title and beyond that, I am happy to have been able to do it against a tough and hungry undefeated fighter,” said Damien Vazquez. “My opponent was very talented and really brought the best out of me. I’m looking forward to my next fight as I march up the rankings.


Maryan Salazar (8-2) picked up a unanimous decision over Joselyn Casilla Martinez (4-3-1) to capture the WBC FECOMBOX light flyweight title. Salazar dominated this bout from start to finish to claim the title. Scorecard-olvasni 98-92, 98-91, 99-91 all in favor of Salazar.





I have always wanted to win a title and to do it in my hometown of Aguascalientes, Mexico made it even better,” said Maryan Salazar. ‘I am very excited at what the future holds. My goal is to fight for a world title by the end of the year.





I’m very pleased that all my fighters were victorious in Aguascalientes,” - mondta az igazgató Greg Hannley a Prince Ranch Boxing. “The plan is to keep everyone busy as they position themselves to fight for world titles in the future.





We had a great show for all the fans who attended.” mondott Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions. “Our plan is to come back in June with another great show here in Aguascalientes.


Undercard eredmények:

6-Round Featherweight Bout
edwing Davila (18-0, 11 KO) legyőzött Juan Mendoza (6-3) by first round knockout.
6-Round Featherweight Bout
Issac Avelar (15-0, 9 KO) legyőzött Luis Ramierz (14-6, 2 Kos) by first round knockout.
6-Kerek szuper könnyű Bout
Donovan csillag (12-0, 4 KO) legyőzött Jose Flores (2-1) egyhangú határozattal. Scorecard-olvasni 59-55 az egész fórumon.
4-Kerek nehézsúlyú Bout
Kye Brooks (3-0, 2 KO) legyőzött Eduardo Vitela (2-2, 1 KO) egyhangú határozattal. Scorecard-olvasni 40-36 az egész fórumon.
4-Round Lightweight Bout
Sebastian Diaz (16-4-1) legyőzött Juan Pineda (0-1) by second round TKO.

4-Round Featherweight Bout
Brandon Jiménez (3-0, 2 KO) legyőzött Luis Diaz (0-2) egyhangú határozattal. Scorecard-olvasni 40-36 az egész fórumon.

4-Round Super Welterweight Bout
José Luis Zúñiga (14-3-1, 5 KO) legyőzött Jesus Morales (3-16) egyhangú határozattal. Scorecard-olvasni 39-37 az egész fórumon.

4-Round Featherweight Bout
Pedro Hernandez (8-0) legyőzött Anthony de Jesús (0-1) egyhangú határozattal. Scorecard-olvasni 40-36 kétszer 39-37.


Aguascalientes, MX (Április 30, 2018) – Super middleweight prospect, Humberto “Tito” Velazco (19-1-1, 13 KO), who is promoted by cukor promóciók, is taking heat from the Government of Mexico for pulling out of his scheduled fight with Devis Caceres (24-8, 19 KO), that was supposed to take place this past Saturday in Aguascalientes, MX.




Velazco was set to face Devis Caceres (24-8, 19 KO) for the vacant WBC Silver Super Middleweight Title at the Feria de Campeonescard promoted by Sugar Promotions, but pulled out at the last minute, putting the entire card in jeopardy.




We have programs here in Mexico that are funded by the government of Mexico in Aguascalientes,” mondott Dr. Lorenzo Soboranes Maya, director of Latino public relations for Sugar Promotions in Mexico. “One of which was this weekend’sFeria de Campeonesboxing event that took place at the Plaza de Toros San Marcos arena. After signing the contract, Velazco pulled out of the fight, leaving everyone involved scrambling for a replacement. This kind of conduct will not be tolerated, and legal action will be addressed. Velazco will be prosecuted by the full extent of the law, and he is not welcome to fight in this city ever again.




As Velazco’s promoter, I did everything on my end to get him a shot at the vacant WBC Silver Super Middleweight Title,” mondott Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions. “We came to an agreement on what his purse would be, he signed the contract, and then pulled out of the fight in the final days leading up to the fight. I have Velazco under contract. If Velazco thinks he’s going to fight with another promoter, that promoter better think twice, as I have my lawyers ready to file a lawsuit with anyone trying to promote him.

Unified Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Relinquishes WBC title Due to Injury Rehabilitation

Will Remain WBA Champion and Fight for

WBC Crown Once He Has Fully Recovered

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA (Április 24, 2018) Unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman has voluntarily relinquished his WBC title while he recovers from the effects of elbow surgery last year and a hand injury he suffered in training camp last month.




After speaking with WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman recently, Thurman decided that he would relinquish the title and open the way for former champions Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter, the two leading contenders for the WBC title, to fight each other for the championship while Thurman made a full recovery from his injuries.




Due to my rehabilitation from my injuries, I agreed to relinquish my WBC title at this time. I continue to rehab my hand and elbow and I look forward to getting back in the ring this summer. This is a temporary setback and I will be the unified champion once again and look forward to winning back my WBC title as soon as possible,” Said Thurman.




Keith Thurman unfortunately has suffered two consecutive injuries that have kept him out of the ring after his sensational victory over Danny Garcia and he has graciously relinquished his title, and the WBC has mandated that Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter will fight for the title,” said Mauricio Sulaiman. “Keith will have a direct path to fight for the title once he has healed just as Vitali Klitshcko and other WBC champions have done in the past. Keith is a tremendous athlete, champion and role model. The WBC will support him completely during this difficult time. ”




Garcia (34-1, 20 KO), a former unified champion at 140 pounds and the former WBC welterweight champion, lost the WBC title to Thurman by 12-round split decision in 2017. He bounced back with a knockout victory over former champion Brandon Rios in February. The WBC had made that fight a title elimination match, which put Garcia in line to fight Thurman again for the title.




Viselet (28-2-1, 17 KO), a former welterweight champion, lost a close 12-round decision to Thurman in 2016. He became the mandatory challenger for the WBC title when he knocked out Andre Berto last year. He maintained his status with a 12-round decision over Adrian Granados in November.




The 29-year-old Thurman (28-0, 22 KO) has been plagued by a string of injuries the last two years.




Thurman injured his neck in a car accident in February 2016, which delayed his match against Porter by three months. When they met Thurman defeated Porter by unanimous decision on June 25.




He defeated Garcia by split decision in a welterweight unification match on March 4, 2017. A month later he had major surgery on his right elbow to remove bone spurs and calcium deposits. He is still in rehabilitation from that surgery.




Thurman injured his hand hitting the heavy bag last month and aggravated the injury sparring with some amateurs at his gym in St. Petersburg, Florida. An MRI revealed bruises to the metacarpal bones in the hand, which also has extensive swelling. Thurman can’t have any impact with the hand for at least 8 weeks, which added another delay to his ring return.




He now hopes to return to the ring in the late summer or early fall.