Tag Archives: WBA

Two More Fights Announced for Heavyweight Factory’s “Rumble at the Rock 2” on Friday, Septiņi. 28 at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Kazino – Holivuda

More exciting bouts have been announced for “Rumble at the Rock 2,” profesionāls boksa pasākums, ko iesniedza Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory, taking place on Friday, Septiņi. 28 jo Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla.




In the night’s 10-round co-main event, Miami via Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan’s Mussa “Warrior” Tursyngaliyev (7-0, 6 Kos) will now take on Monteira, Colombia’s Deivi “El Cabo” Bassa (20-5, 12 Kos) vairāk 10 rounds for the WBA International Featherweight Championship.




In an important “All Florida” bout, promising undefeated welterweight Livan “Machine Gun Kid” Navarro (8-0, 5 Kos), a former heavily decorated amateur from Miami (via Cuba) will face once-beaten former WBC Latino Welterweight Champion Armando “The Gentleman” Alvarez (18-1, 12 Kos) of Key West.




Both of these terrific showdowns are in support of the night’s 10-round main event with Honolulu, Hawaii’s undefeated Logan “The Korican Kid” Yoon (12-0, 10 Kos) defending his WBO-NABO Youth Junior Welterweight Championship against former WBA Fedecentro Super Lightweight, WBA Fedecaribe Welterweight and WBA Fedecentro Welterweight Champion John “El Emperador” Rentería (16-4-1, 12 Kos) of Panama.


Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock 2” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 un $500 VIP and are available through ticketmaster.com.




“These three fights are indicative of the quality match-ups we are able to consistently present to South Florida boxing fans,” said Henry Rivalta, Director of Boxing Operations of The Heavyweight Factory. “Mussa is in against a very tough veteran for his second professional title and Livan Navarro has asked us to challenge him. You have to commend him for being willing to take tough challenges and that’s exactly what Armando Alvarez is. They are both very good fighters, and this should be a great fight.”




A treasure for Florida’s fans of live boxing, Heavyweight Factory’s fights at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino have become the nation’s strongest off-TV boxing series. On Fight Night, durvis atvērtas at 6 p.m. un rīcība sākas 7 p.m. Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is located at 1 Seminole Way in Hollywood, Fla. More exciting bouts will be announced shortly.

World-Rated Super Middleweight Aslambek ‘The Hulk’ Idigov Returns to the Ring on September 5 in Grozny, Russia against Daniel Wanyonyi


World-rated Russian super middleweight prospect Aslambek “The Hulk” Idigov will return to action on Wednesday, Septembris 5, in his hometown of Grozny, Krievija, against former African champion Daniel Wanyonyi for the WBA Asian Championship.




Idigov (13-0, 5 Kos), novērtētie #14 ko WBO, will face the experienced Kenyan Wanyonyi (27-12-2, 22 Kos) at the five-star Grozny City Hotel in Grozny, and televised live in Russia on Match TV.




In his 11-year career, Wanyonyi has held the Kenyan Middleweight, interim East & Central African Professional Boxing Federation Middleweight, and African Boxing Union Light Heavyweight Championships.




Undefeated Idigov, who trains in Detroit with Javan SugarHill Steward and co-trainer Rick Phillips, at Kronk Gym, was last seen winning an impressive unanimous 10-round decision over once-beaten Detroiter James Ballard. He won the IBO Youth Super Middleweight Championship in December 2016 with a unanimous decision over countryman Igor Selivanov.




The 22-year-old says he’s closing in on his dream of a world championship.




“I am in great condition for this fight, training at the Kronk Gym in Detroit has done wonders for me,"Viņš teica. “I am very excited about my next fight in September, climbing up the ranks and challenging for the world title some time next year.”




Idigov’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says that the Idigov’s remarkable strength and power make him a serious force at 168 lbs.




“Aslambek is truly “The Hulk,”Teica Salita. “His physical strength and size at super middleweight are remarkable. He is only 22 years old and is steadily improving with each camp. I believe he will have an impressive performance September 5 and big opportunities are in his near future. He is a prospect boxing fans should mark as one to watch.”

KlowdTV ēterā & Ekskluzīvi Usyk v. Gasijevs ŠO SESTDIENĀ Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs

Neuzvarēto WBC un WBO pasaules čempionu īpašnieks Oleksandrs Usiks gatavojas cīņai ar neuzvarēto IBF un WBA čempionu Muratu Gasijevu par četru kruīzera svara jostu apvienošanu tiešraidē un tikai KlowdTV


SANDJEGO, Calif. – Jūlijs 17, 2018 – Sestdienas pēcpusdienā, 21. jūlijs, pasaules labākie un neuzvarētākie kreiseri, Oleksandrs Uisks un Murats Gasijevs, cīnīsies par četriem pasaules čempionu tituliem un lielīšanās tiesībām, kas tiks kronētas par neapstrīdamo pasaules kruīza svara čempionu. Abiem cīnītājiem ir nevainojami rekordi, milzīgs sprādzienbīstams spēks, un uzvarētājam paņemot visas galvenās atzītās jostas, šī ir obligātā gada Cruiserweight cīņa. Šī apbrīnojamā izrāde, kurā piedalās Usiks pret Gasijevu neapstrīdamajam “Cruiserweight” čempionātam, un to tiešraidē un ekskluzīvi demonstrēs KlowdTV Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs.




Sacensības notiks Maskavā, Krievija sākas plkst 3 PM ET. “Mēs esam ļoti lepni, ka varam nodot šo izcilo cīņu KlowdTV,” sacīja Roberts Siļķe vecākais., KlowdTV izpilddirektors. “Es zinu, cik liela interese ir par šo cīņu, no visas intereses par boksa vietnēm un sociālajiem medijiem. Fani ir izteikušies par cīņu par Amerikas Savienoto Valstu mājas atrašanu, un KlowdTV atkal pastiprina atbildi uz ASV boksa fanu zvaniem.”




Usyk (14-0, 11 Kos) no Kijevas, Ukraina ir WBC un WBO pasaules čempions kreiserā.

The 2012 Olimpiskās zelta medaļas ieguvējs izcīnīja WBO pasaules čempiona titulu, septembrī ar 12 raundu vienbalsīgu lēmumu pār Kšištofu Glowacki 17, 2016 Polijā. Usiks divreiz aizstāvēja titulu ar 9. kārtas apstāšanos pār Thabiso Mchunu un ar 12 raundu vienbalsīgu lēmumu pār Maiklu Hanteru..




Usiks ieguva 10. kārtas apstāšanos pār bijušo pasaules čempionu Marko Haku. Viņa pēdējā cīņā, Usiks izcīnīja WBC pasaules kreisera svara titulu ar vairākuma lēmumu pār Mairi Briedi 27. janvārī Latvijā.




Gassiev (26-0, 19 Kos) Krievijas, ir IBF un WBA Super Cruiserweight čempions.

Tagad Gasijevs trenējas Lielajā lācī, Kalifornija pie slavenā trenera Abela Sančesa. 24 gadus vecais Gasijevs decembrī uzvarēja IBF čempionātā 3, 2016 ar 12 raundu vienprātīgu lēmumu par Denisu Lebedevu.




Gasijevs reģistrēja bijušā pasaules čempiona Kšištofa Vlodarčika iznīcināšanu 3. kārtā. Savā pēdējā cīkstēšanās, Gasajevs ar 12. kārtas pārtraukumu ieguva WBA pasaules superkreisera svara titulu pār iepriekš neuzvarēto Yunier Dorticos februārī. 3, 2018.




KlowdTV ir jūsu 24/7 tiešraides straumēšanas pakalpojums, attēlots pāri 30 tiešraides kanāli plus 50 mūzikas kanāli. Cīņa KlowdTV abonentiem ir brīva. Jaunie abonenti var baudīt cīņu par abonēšanas maksu USD 9,99 mēnesī, kas ietver daudzus tiešraides kanālus, tostarp Fight Network, GolTV, FNTSY Sports Network, Pursuit Channel, Sony Movie Channel un daudz ko citu. Lai to izbaudītu, vienkārši apmeklējiet vietni www.klowdtv.com “nevar palaist garām” cīņa un 30 dienas KlowdTV tikai $9.99 mēnesī. KlowdTV var piekļūt no jebkuras ierīces, kas ietver Smart TV, datori, GADS, Amazone, Android un iOS tālruņi un planšetdatori.

WBSS vienotais pasaules čempionāts Oleksandrs Usiks vs.. Murat Gassiev

Oleksandrs Usiks vs.. Murat Gassiev
Vienotais pasaules čempionāts kruīzeriem
2 p.m. UN sākums / 11 a.m. PT
WBSS vienotais pasaules čempionāts
Oleksandrs Usiks vs.. Murat Gassiev
Izžāvēšana dzīvoju Kanādā Šo sestdien
(Attēlu pieklājīgi no pasaules boksa supersērijas)


Edmonton, Kanāda (Jūlijs 17, 2018) – Kanādas boksa fani varēs noskatīties ļoti gaidīto Pasaules boksa supersēriju (WBSS) kreisera svara čempionāta fināls šo sestdienas pēcpusdienā, kā tas ir bijis visā savvaļas izklaidējošajos pusfinālos un ceturtdaļfinālos, tikai uz Super Channel.




Visas četras galvenās sankcijas par ķermeņa pasaules jostām, vairāk Ring žurnāla siksna, būs uz līnijas Olimpiskajā sporta kompleksā Maskavā, kad WBC / WBO čempions Oleksandr “Kaķis” Usyk (14-0, 11 Kos) un IBF / WBA titula īpašniece Murat Gassiev (26-0, 19 Kos) kvadrāts par atklāšanas Muhammad Ali Trophy, papildus tam, lai noteiktu pirmo pilnīgi vienoto kreisera svara čempionu pasaulē, kas ir likumīgs gada cīņas kandidāts.




31 gadu vecais Usiks, the 2012 Olimpiskā zelta medaļniece no Ukrainas, apstājās Marco Huck jo 10th viņu WBSS ceturtdaļfināla spēles kārta, un viņš ieguva 12 raundu vienbalsīgu lēmumu Mairis Briedis pusfinālā. Krievzemnieks Gasijevs, 24, pieklauvējām Krzysctof Wlodarczyk un yunier Dorticos, attiecīgi, trešajā un 12th ceturtdaļfināla un pusfināla kārta.




“Viņš (Gassiev) ir spēcīgs puisis,” Usiks teica, “Un tagad, Paldies Dievam, Mēs ar Muratu cīnīsimies par Muhameda Ali trofeju un absolūto pasaules čempionu’ virsraksts.




“Es jūtos lieliski par (kaujas Krievijā) to. Es esmu sportists, karavīrs. Man ir vienalga, kur es cīnos, Es tikai gribu cīnīties. Es zinu, ka no Ukrainas tiks sniegts liels atbalsts.



Esmu gatavs, mana komanda ir gatava. Kad spēcīgie puiši satiekas, cīņas ir interesantas! Tas ir tas, kas ir tik lieliski šajā turnīrā. Tas ir nepieciešams sportam. Esmu to teicis jau iepriekš un teikšu vēl: līdzjutējiem vajadzētu sagaidīt skaistu finālu.




“Treniņu nometne pirms fināla ir bijusi tāda pati kā pirms citām manām cīņām,” Gassievs komentēja. “Mans pretinieks ir dienvidu ķepa, tāpēc man ir bijuši dažādi sparinga partneri, un jums taktiski ir jādara mazliet savādāk. Bet, turklāt nekas nav mainījies.




“Esmu darījis tikpat daudz skriešanas, fiziski vingrinājumi un sparings. Es nedomāju par to, ko viņš dara. Man jābūt Muratam Gasijevam un jādara viss iespējamais… Es domāju tikai par sevi, manas prasmes un mans stāvoklis. Tas arī viss.




“Es cīnītos jebkurā pasaules malā, bet tas ir pluss manai mātei un brālim, ka viņi viegli var vērot cīņu tiešraidē. Esmu pārliecināts, ka fināls būs ļoti interesanta un laba cīņa faniem visā pasaulē. Var labākais cilvēks uzvarēt!”

Četras potenciāli sprādzienbīstamas cīņas notiek “Usiks vs. Gassiev” karte, iepazīstināja Patriot Boxing Promotions, kanāls Super Channel kanālā.




In 10 apaļā sadarbības funkciju, bijušajam pasaules čempionam Briedim sejas Brendons Deslaurier (11-1-1, 10 Kos). Neapstrīdama mārciņa - 4 mārciņas boksa karaliene, nepārspēts kolumbietis Sesīlija “Pirmā lēdija” Braekhus (33-0, 9 Kos), kurš cīnās ārpus Somijas, aizstāv savus vienotos pasaules pusvidējā svara titulus pret krievu izaicinātāju Savādāk “Ledus karaliene” Sagaydakovskaya (7-0, 3 Kos) 10 apļu mačā. WBA International čempions vidējā svara kategorijā Fedor Čudinovs(17-2, 12 Kos) aizstāvas mājās pret Nadžibs “Dzelzs Džibs” Mohammedi (40-5, 23 Kos), Francijas, 12 raundu cīņā,




Super Kanāls ieguvusi ekskluzīvas tiesības Kanādā pārraidīt Pasaules Boksa Super Series no MP & Silva, vadošais starptautiskās mediju uzņēmums, kas nodrošina mediju tiesības, digitālais, tehnoloģiju un sponsorēšanas pakalpojumi.




Visas WBSS cīņas būs pieejamas arī vietnē Super Channel On Demand. Atliktais WBSS pasaules čempiona vidējā svara vidējā svara fināls šobrīd nav pārcelts.




Papildus visām WBSS ceturtdaļfināla un pusfināla spēlēm, "Super Channel" ēterā galvenie boksa pasākumi tika demonstrēti pagātnē 1 ½ gadi ieskaitot Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo, Smith vs. Williams II, Frampton vs. Donērs, un Fury vs Seferi.




Skatīties tiešraidē pasaules boksa supersērijas kreisera svara čempionāta finālu, kā arī aizraujošāks bokss 2018, cīņas fani Kanādā var sazināties ar vietējo kabeļtelevīzijas pakalpojumu sniedzēju, lai abonētu Super Channel un visu tā piedāvāto, ieskaitot premium sērija, filmas un vēl daudz vairāk, tik zema kā $9.95 mēnesī.



Christina Hammer Defends WBC and WBO Middleweight Belts With Unanimous Decision Against Tori Nelson

Catch The Replay Pirmdiena, Jūnijs 25, Pie 10 p.m. UN/PT Showtime EXTREME®

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Lai lejupielādētu fotogrāfijas; Credit Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


DETROIT (Jūnijs 23, 2018) – Claressa Shields became a two-division world champion, and Christina Hammer retained her two world title belts as both scored unanimous decision victories on Friday night on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION from the Masonic Temple in Detroit, mani.




And now they have their sights set on one another.




The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields of nearby Flint, Mich., was knocked down for the first time in her career 53 seconds fani pirmajā kārtā, but she was able to come back and win every round after that to become a two-division world champion capturing the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships against Hanna Gabriels. The judges’ scored the fight 98-91, 97-92 divreiz.




Hammer entered the ring after the Shields fight, and an emotional Shields pressed toward Hammer and some pushing and shoving ensued. (see video ŠEIT)




“I’m just tired of Hammer disrespecting me all the time,” Shields (6-0, 2 Kos) teica. “She comes into the ring after all my rights, talks trash, and then she goes in there and looks like [crap] against Nelson. I’m sick of it. But I let her know I’m more than ready for a fight against her. She wanted me to lose tonight, but I wanted her to win because I want to fight her. We have to unify now.”




Shields and Gabriels started the fight swinging furiously, but it was Gabriels (18-2-1, 11 Kos) who connected on a right uppercut sending Shields to the canvas. (see the knockdown video ŠEIT)




“Once I went down, I took a deep breath and I remember thinking to myself, ‘I’m about to whip this girl’ ” Shields said. “I just remember thinking let’s use the jab and be smart.”




Costa Rica’s Gabriels, a unified 154-pound titleholder, was coming up in weight and attempting to become a three-division world champion. (see Shields-Gabriels highlights ŠEIT).




“I trained to go the distance but my heart betrayed me, because after that first knock down, I was looking for another one,” said Gabriels, the reigning WBA and WBO champion who was fighting in her 12th straight world title fight since winning the welterweight title in 2009. “I wanted to show everyone I had a warrior’s heart.




“I didn’t feel I had an advantage after the knockdown. I felt I had to work round after round to even have a possibility to win.”




Added Gabriels: “She has a lot of power. It was a great fight and you have to accept the judges’ decision. She’s powerful and for the fans I think it went well.




Shields suffered a cut on the left cheek in round 10, and also overcame a head butt. She recalled being hurt by Gabriels’ punches to the head just three times in the fight. “The first round, fourth round and the eighth round, other than that she didn’t hit me with no head shots.”




Shields – in her first fight with new trainer John David Jackson – said she learned something about herself after the fight. “I can get put on my ass, get up and come back and win,” she said. “Tonight was my night and I have to show the world I’m the greatest of all-time. I showed who I am. Tagad, I’m really dangerous because you can even put me down, and I’ll still come back to win.”




The difference in the fight was Shieldsaccuracy, especially in terms of her power shots as she connected on 42 percent compared to Gabriels’ 26 procents.




Shields was asked after the fight when she would like to face Hammer. “Hopefully it’s next,” she said. “I don’t need no rest. I could have whipped her tonight. I’m just so sick of her and her whole team.”






In a lopsided win in her highly anticipated U.S. debija, Āmurs (23-0, 10 Kos) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision against Tori Nelson (17-2-3, 2 Kos). Punkti bija 100-90, 99-91 divreiz, to retain her WBC and WBO Middleweight World Title belts. (see Hammer-Nelson highlights ŠEIT).




“It would have been better to get a KO,” said Hammer, kurš ir 27 years old and from Dortmund, Vācija. “I tried everything I could to get the knockout. She was tough. I hope the USA is good with this and I’m still the champ.”




“I’m really looking forward to fighting Claressa. She will try and fight me on the inside but my footwork and my reach will make the difference. The fight with Claressa will be a game-changer. It will be the biggest women’s fight ever. I would like to fight her at a neutral site.”




“I’m very disappointed in my performance tonight,” said an emotional Nelson after the fight. “It’s a loss, of course it’s disappointing. I wasn’t busy enough, I guess.”




In her last fight, Nelson lost a unanimous decision to Shields back in January. “Claressa is better,” Nelson said. “Shields has a jab and uses the ring. Claressa stands there and wants to fight. She has all the punches. Hammer only has one.”




In the telecast opener, Umar Salamov (21-1, 16 Kos) connected on a lethal right hand in knocking out Brian Howard (13-2, 10 Kos) 53 seconds into the ninth round of a scheduled 10-round light heavyweight bout.




Salamov, from Alkhan-Kala, Krievija, was making his United States debut and trains at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit with Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward. In a fight between two long and lanky fighters, Salamov landed 34 percent of his power punches compared to 27 percent for Howard and was ahead on all three judges’ scorecard at the time of the knockout.




“I was hurt a little bit in the second round from one of his shots, but I didn’t let it bother me because this is my U.S. debija,” said Salamov, a six-year pro who is 24 gadus vecs. “I just kept fighting. After I got hit with that punch, I started coming forward and as soon as I did that, the fight changed.”




Salamov said he knew once he connected on the first right that Howard was hurt. “I knew as soon as I landed the punch that he would be very hurt,"Viņš teica. “I felt it up to my elbow. I didn’t want to hit him after that because I knew he was finished.”




The former cruiserweight Howard had a couple of highlights and was able to effectively land his right hand on several occasions, including one powerful right cross in the seventh round that seemed to stun Salamov.




“I would say I did fair, I did OK,” said Howard, a former minor league football player who lives outside of Atlanta and was making his SHOWTIME debut. “I was fortunate to get the call by Salamov’s team and by SHOWTIME. I’ll be back.”




Friday’s tripleheader will replay on Monday, Jūnijs 25 pie 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.




Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


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Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports, Sekojiet par čivinātSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,



From Masonic Temple in Detroit, mani.

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Fotogrāfijām; Credit Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME




IBF and WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championship

Claressa Shields – 159 ½ kg.

Hanna Gabriels – 159 ½ kg.

Tiesnesis: Gerard White (Kalifornija); Judges: Michael Ancona (Ohaio), Jeremy Hayes (Toronto, Kanāda), Pasquale Procopio (Monreāla, Kanāda)


WBC and WBO Women’s Middleweight World Championship

Christina Hammer – 159 ½ kg.

Tori Nelson – 157 ½ kg.

Tiesnesis: Frank Garza (Michigan); Judges: Katealia Chambers (Michigan), Benoit Roussel (Monreāla), Pasquale Procopio (Monreāla, Kanāda)

Light Heavyweight 10-Round Bout

Umar Salamov – 174 ½ kg.

Brian Howard – 174 ½ kg.

Tiesnesis: Sam Williams (Michigan); Judges: Ansel Stewart (Michigan), Michael Ancona (Ohaio), Pasquale Procopio (Monreāla, Kanāda)

PIEZĪME: see PDF email attachment for bout sheet and all weights.




“I have John David Jackson now and I’ve learned so much from him since we got together back in February. I’ve had coaches in the past who tried to change my style and game, but at the end of the day I just have to go in there and fight like I know how to.




“Being in Flint for my last camp, you wouldn’t believe all the things I had to deal with. Just stuff that shouldn’t be happening to a world champion. It was stressful, and I was stressed even the week of the fight [janvārī]. I had to get out. I was able to train in Florida this time around.




"[Hanna’s] a good fighter. She has skills and just the way she carries herself. She’s very calm and her facial expressions never change. I watched the fight where she got knocked out, and even then her facial expressions didn’t change. I think she’s tough, but not as tough as I am. I know I’m the better fighter.




“Tori underestimated my power. I think Tori has a punchers’ chance [against Hammer]. I don’t wrap my career around Hammer. Our lives don’t intertwine. I have to worry about what’s in front of me. I’m not going to watch that fight.




“I was focused on my diet for this fight. I don’t have much family in Florida and didn’t have any distractions.”





“We need to step up to the plate and make sure our game plan is on point and we give the fans what they want to see, which is a great fight. You have to overcome a lot and sacrifice to get to this point, and my team has done that.




“I’ve never feared anyone. Words don’t do anything. When I get in the ring I’m going to be a beast.




“I’m OK with whatever comes, win or loss. I’m a champion and that’s my mentality in the ring. We’re going for the victory, and I’m appreciating everything that’s happening preparing for this fight.




“I don’t underestimate her power. But boxing isn’t just about power, there’s so much more. You can be powerful, but can you land the punch? Can it be precise? There are so many things going on in the ring that you have to worry about.”





“I was very disappointed that I wasn’t able to fight back in January because of my visa issues.




“I was at the Claressa Shields-Tori Nelson fight and now it’s my turn to get in the ring. I like to go forward and be aggressive. When you can finish, you finish. The American people will like my style.




“Boxing is my passion and my job, and I’m prepared and looking forward to this. Now the day is here and it’s on SHOWTIME. We aren’t thinking about Claressa Shields. Out of respect to Tori Nelson, I’m focused on this fight only.”





“I’m a power puncher and I’ve been using my legs more in camp so this camp has been so much different than what I’m used to.




“They say lighting strikes only once, but I got another chance. I am so grateful I got the call for this fight. This is my second chance. A lot of people don’t get second chances.




‘I really have something to prove. A lot of people have believed in me and I’ve got to show what I can do in the ring.




“I think Christina is overlooking me. It’s disrespectful but I’m glad. It’s better for me that she does overlook me.”





“This fight is going to be a good test. I know I can make it into the top 10, and this is my start.




“There’s a big difference living here in Detroit, but it’s a lot like Moscow, a big city.




“I love to fight, and this is a dream come true coming to America. Brian Howard is a tough opponent. It will not be an easy fight but I’m confident I can beat him.”





“I have a little bit of ring rust, but I’m going to be sharp. I’ve prepared well and I’m in shape. I have great metabolism, and can lose weight easily.




“I took my first loss in 2012 and after I took that loss I didn’t have the support I needed. I got back into it and it was just tough getting a fight. I got a lot of nos.




“I’ve seen some tape of my opponent. But you don’t know if he will change or bring something else.




“I box better than I play football. My nickname is MVP – Most Vicious Puncher.




“I don’t look at it that I’m the B-side fighter. This is a real opportunity for me, and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”




Biļetes uz notikuma, ko jāsekmē Salita Promotions, ir pieejami Ticketmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 un $35.


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Christina Hammer Battles Tori Nelson in Co-Feature

Umar Salamov Takes On Brian Howard In Opening Bout

Piektdiena, Jūnijs 22 Live Showtime®

“When somebody says that they’re going to beat me, it angers me. I get mad and I punch the bag until it falls.” – Claressa Shields

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Shields To Fight for World Title in Second Weight Division as She Faces Gabriels for IBF & WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships Piektdiena, Jūnijs 22 On SHOWTIME®

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT par Fotogrāfijas no Stephanie Trapp / Showtime


DETROIT (Jūnijs 19, 2018) – Vienota Sieviešu Super middleweight Pasaules čempions Claressa Shields and unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels spoke to the media at a workout session in Detroit just days before the two clash to decide the IBF & WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships this Friday on SHOWTIME.




The SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast begins at 10 p.m. ET/PT and features the No. 1 cīnītājs at 168 pounds facing the No. 1 cīnītājs at 154 pounds as they both attempt to become champions for the first time in the middleweight division. The telecast also features unified women’s middleweight champion Christina Hammer defending her WBC & WBO titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson. Arī, light heavyweight prospects Umar Salamov un Brian Howard will meet in a 10-round matchup that will open the tripleheader from Masonic Temple in Detroit.




Biļetes uz notikuma, ko jāsekmē Salita Promotions, ir pieejami Ticketmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 un $35.




Here is what Shields and Gabriels had to say today at the Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit:




“It’s been seven weeks of really hard work. A lot of people don’t know and I really don’t like to be open about it, but I got to 183 pounds after my last fight in January and now I’m 160. Tas ir 23 mārciņas. I was in camp running and getting ready for the fight and having to focus on weight was very different for me.



“I feel good and ready to go. I’m happy that she made it in safe and all that but now I’m just excited. You all know how I get before fights. The champ is here.





“So much has changed since I first turned pro. In my first fight, I was frustrated against Franchon (Crews Dezurn) during our fight. I was frustrated throughout camp and I really couldn’t handle everything that was going on. Now I know how to handle the media, the workouts, the interviews and still remain disciplined. The fact that I had to lose so much weight this camp only added more discipline.




“It makes me so happy and it just touches my heart to see four female fighters on the main fight poster. I was so happy that they decided to put them on TV. They have put me on before but it’s always been my goal to put other women on so when they decided to put Tori Nelson and Christina Hammer on I was so excited because this has never been done before. Women’s boxing is going somewhere.




“I always knew that it would take me to turn professional for women’s boxing to go to a higher level. That’s why I waited to win a second Gold Medal before I turned professional. To be the one to be the leader is special. I feel like I go out there every fight and give my best and show that I can box better than 90 percent of the men that box. If you have a choice to make a man the main event or me the main event, I always want them to choose me.




“There’s always mutual respect between me and my opponents. I’m thankful for them because I can’t do this by myself. I thank Hanna for stepping up and it’s mutual respect until Friday. I start getting really mean on Thursday,Friday is the fight and then after that we can exchange numbers and be friends.




“I expect her to use her gifts. She’s really good on her legs and she’s strong up top. I think she lacks in speed so I expect her to try to counter me and try to force me to make mistakes with her movement. I think she underrates my power.




“I never said that I wanted to get more knockouts. I’m perfectly fine being 5-0 ar divām knockouts. Beigās dienas, I’m fine with that. The longer I’m in the ring boxing, labāk. The more they get to see me on TV, that’s fine. Of course I would love to get the big knockout but look how disappointed Errol Spence Jr. was to get such a quick knockout of Ocampo. That didn’t please his fans. Ja nokauts nāk, it comes.




“This will be my toughest fight. She’s the most skilled and has the most experience. She’s a three-time world champion. I’ve fought former world champions but she’s a three-time world champion to date. The girl that beat her, Hanna avenged that loss. I’m looking forward to her coming out and putting 100 percent in and I hope for us to have a great fight.


“I’m always confident going into fights. I’m not leaving the ring without having two new belts.”




“I think that this is a time right now where women can have this type of platform. Claressa is a great champion and I have faced great women’s champions. I think it’s a great time for boxing fans to enjoy a quality fight. She’s a champion. I’m a champion. This will be a great matchup.




“You are going to see a very technical and aggressive fighter. That’s the only way that you can fight Claressa because she’s so aggressive herself and so tough, you can’t go in the ring passive against her. You have to put your life on the line in there and that’s what I’m planning to do.




“I feel honored to be on such a great card. This is a great opportunity and I just hope everybody sees this the way that I do. We trained hard. In my case, I wanted to bring the very best out of myself so the fans could leave the arena feeling great. Tas ir tas, ko bokss ir viss. Bringing entertainment and emotions that most other sports don’t bring to people.




“This fight means a lot to me. Every person that I love is going through a hard time right now, including my family. I just want to lead by example and show everybody that all odds are nothing. You can still fight the battle with as many resources or as little resources as you have. I’m dedicating this fight to all my loved ones because I promise there will be better times for us.




“When I was five years old I was sexually abused so my teenage years were tough. Sports always took me away from that. When I got an injury and I had to stop competing in track, I thought my life was over. For the next five or six years, I was very destructive and felt like I didn’t have a purpose. When I turned 24, I started a different passage and learned that everything that happened to me just made me the person I am today.




“We don’t really focus on anybody’s weaknesses because we believe if you’re a good professional and you are dedicating your life to this, you are supposed to get better at your weaknesses. So we focus on her strengths and I think we have a great plan. They say that she’s been underestimating me a lot but I think it’s part of her game and part of what she does.




“I think her strengths are pretty obvious. She has great feet. I don’t know if she punches hard but she’s very explosive. She must have a lot of power and she’s very defensive. She keeps her distance and she’s so big and I’m so small that we will have to risk a lot of things. Her confidence is one of her biggest strengths.




“This will probably be my toughest fight so far. I never had an amateur career, I had just one fight. Claressa has fought 80-something times so my schooling has been in the professional environment and I have had to learn in the process. Every fight has been a hard fight because I have to solve problems and I think she is definitely the toughest opponent because she’s so tall and so fast. She must walk around normally at 185 pounds and I’m not as big so we were a little worried at the beginning at how we would reach her body but we finally were able to figure that out in training and I’m confident that my game is going to surprise her a lot.




“Hopefully we can bring a surprise and people will get to see me and let everybody know that there are more great boxers out there that aren’t getting the same exposure or marketing that Claressa is getting. I don’t feel disrespected, I see this is an opportunity to show what I’ve been working on. Let them plan. Maybe those plans will fall.




“It’s going to be a great fight. She’s coming for the victory and I’m coming for the victory as well. She’s in for a big surprise.”


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Hizni Altunkaya challenges 2-division World Champion Beibut Shumenov for Vacant WBA Cruiserweight World title

Jūlijs 7 Astanā, Kazahstāna

ASTANA, Kazahstāna (Jūnijs , 2018) — Pasaules Boksa asociācija (WBA) Do Not. 3-rated cruiserweight HizniThe WarriorAltunkaya (30-1, 17 Kos) isn’t concerned about hitting the road to fight local hero and two-division World Boxing Association (WBA) Pasaules čempions, Shumenov Beibu, for the vacant WBA World cruiserweight title, Jūlijs 7 Astanā, Kazahstāna.




A 2004 Kazahstāna olimpietis, Shumenov (17-2, 11 Kos) retired a year ago due to an eye injury that required surgeries, piespiežot viņu atteikties no viņa WBA cruiserweight pasaules titulu. Shumenov has fully recovered and he’s on a mission to recapture his WBA world cruiserweight title.


Shumenov vs. Altunkaya is a presentation of Shumenov’s company, KZ Event Productions, Inc. The July 7thgala event will be part of the 20thanniversary celebration of Astana being the capital of Kazakhstan. Many political dignitaries from Kazakhstan and around the World are expected to attend Shumenov’s comeback fight, which will air nationally on Qazaqstan TV and QAZSPORT TV, as well as internationally, including BoxNation in the United Kingdom.




I have no reservations about fighting Shumenov in his country,” 30-year-old Altunkaya said. “I believe that there will be a fair decision and the better fighter that evening will win. I will arrive in Kazakhstan with enough time for me to acclimate.




I have great respect for what he has achieved. Shumenov has a lot of experience and he is a strong boxer. We are studying some fights to find his weaknesses. I think it will be, technologically, a good fight, in which both of us will take chances to get a knockout. Es esmu bokseris, but when I see the chance for a knockout, I can change my style. It will be a tough fight and I will do my best to go home as world champion.



Altunkaya, who was born in Turkey but now lives and fights out of fighting out of Germany, pieklauvējām Mathias Reinhardt pirmajā kārtā, uz Vitali Klitschko pret Shannon Briggs Pasaules Boksa padome (WBC) Heavyweight World Championship card in 2010, at O2 World Arena in Hamburg, Vācija.




Uz 2011, Altunkaya won a 12-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Salvatore Aiello (29-0) for the Interim World Boxing Federation (WBF) World cruiserweight crown. The gifted Turk captured the vacant Global Boxing Council (GBC) Intercontinental cruiserweight title in 2016, His pro loss happened last year, when he was stopped in round five by former World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World champion Krzysztof Glowacki (26-1).




Shumenov has a tremendous quality experience advantage over Altunkaya, who did not box as an amateur. Although Altunkava has fought more pro rounds than Shumenov, 147-140, the chiseled Kazakh has fought 88 rounds in major world title fights compared to zero for his Turkish opponent.




The fight against Glowacki was one of the most important experiences in my career,” Altunkaya added. “I know what I did wrong and I will not repeat those mistakes against Shumenov.




Papildu cīņas drīz tiks paziņots. Visas cīņas un kaujinieki ir pakļauti izmaiņām.



Čivināt: Beibut_Shumenov

Instagram: @BeibutShumenov

Facebook: www.Facebook/BeibutShumenov/fanpage

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Christina Hammer vs. Tori Nelson in the Co-Feature

All Four Women’s Middleweight Titles To Be Contested on Piektdiena, Jūnijs 22 LIVE On SHOWTIME®

NEW YORK (Jūnijs 13, 2018) – Light Heavyweight prospects Umar Salamov un Brian Howard will meet in a 10-round matchup that will open the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader Piektdiena, Jūnijs 22 dzīvot Showtime® (10 p.m. UN/PT) from Masonic Temple in Detroit.




Galvenajā pasākumā, unified champions from different divisions will meet in the middle. Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and Unified Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields saskarsies Unified Jr. Middleweight Pasaules čempions Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships. Both fighters have a lot at stake when they meet as Shields will look to become a two-division champion and Gabriels will seek to win titles on a third weight class. In the co-feature bout, women’s unified WBC and WBO Middleweight World Champion Christina Hammer will defend against former world champion Tori Nelson as all four women’s middleweight world titles will be at stake.




Salamov (20-1, 15 Kos), of Alkhan-Kala, Krievija, will be making his United States debut and is currently in training at Kronk Gym in Detroit with famed Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward. In his six-year career, the 23-year-old has already won the IBO Youth and World Light Heavyweight, WBO Youth World, European and International, and the IBF East/West Europe Light Heavyweight Championships.




Howard (13-1, 10 Kos) of Bartow Fla., currently resides in Loganville, Ga., outside of Atlanta. He started boxing 12 years ago at the age of 26, after playing three years in minor league football for the Polk County War Eagles. Despite being 38, Howard has shown natural talent and has knocked out previously undefeated fighters in two of his last three appearances.




I waited a long time to make my U.S. debut and I am thrilled that it’s going to be on SHOWTIME,” said Salamov. “Training at the Kronk Gym in Detroit has been a phenomenal experience. I look forward to putting my skills and experience together to make a powerful statement. Howard is an accomplished and skilled boxer. I am coming in ready and know that it will be an exciting fight for the fans at Masonic Temple. This is my opportunity to show that I belong at the top of the light heavyweight division.




Howard is also excited to be making his SHOWTIME debut. “It’s one of the opportunities that every fighter hopes to get,"Viņš teica. “I want to thank team Salamov for giving me the chance to take part in this event. I look forward to future opportunities and putting on a great show on fight night. I know he’s a champion, which I respect. He’s a skilled fighter who handles himself well in the ring, but I predict I will get him out of there between the fifth and 10thround.




“I believe Umar has the skills, experience and hunger to be the best light heavyweight in the world,” said event promoter Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “Umar will have a chance to prove a point against a big puncher and spoiler in Brian Howard. It will be an exciting fight with both fighters needing a win to get into world title contention.”




Biļetes uz notikuma, ko jāsekmē Salita Promotions, ir pieejami Ticketmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 un $35.