Таг Арцхивес: ВБА


Бронер Баттлес шампион у полутешкој категорији Манни Пацкуиао у суботу, Јануар 19 на СХОВТИМЕ ППВ®из МГМ Гранд Гарден Арене у Лас Вегасу

КликнитеОВДЕ за фотографије Робби Илланес-а / СХОВТИМЕ

МИАМИ(Децембар 18, 2018) – Четворолигашки светски шампион и атракција која се мора видети Адриен “Проблем” Бронер био домаћин медијског тренинга у чувеном Мајами Бичу 5тх Стреет Гим у уторак док се припрема за сусрет са сенаторомМанни “Пацман” Пацкуиао, једини боксерски светски првак, за његову Светску боксерску асоцијацију у полутешкој категорији на СХОВТИМЕ ППВ® Субота, Јануар 19 из МГМ Гранд Гарден Арене у Лас Вегасу.

У акцији ундерцард на СХОВТИМЕ ППВ, два-подела светски првакБадоу Џек бориће се против непобеђеног најбоље оцењиваног кандидатаМарцус Бровне за ВБА привремену титулу у полутешкој категорији и бившег светског првакаРау'схее Ворен преузеће ФранцускуНордине Оубаали за упражњено ВБЦ Бантамвеигхт Светско првенство у реваншу њиховог 2012 Олимпијски меч који је организовао Оубаали. У уводној борби четвороструког ППВ телевизијског преноса, неумућенЈхацк Тепораће преузети бивши првак светаХуго Руизу окршају у перолакој категорији од 12 рунди.

Карте за догађај,коју промовишу МП Промотионс, Маивеатхер Промотионс и ТГБ Промотионс у сарадњи са Абоут Биллионс Промотионс, су у продаји сада и почињу од 100 УСД, не укључујући примењиве наплаћивања услуга, и могу се купити на мрежи преко АКСС.цом, пунити на телефон 866-740-7711 или лично на било којој благајни МГМРесортс Интернатионал.

Цинциннати’с Бронер, једна од најпопуларнијих и живописних личности бокса, тренира под паском Кевина Цуннингхама у оближњем Вест Палм Беацх-у, Фла.

Ево шта су Бронер и Цуннингхам имали да кажу у уторак:

Адријен Бронер

“Ова борба је заиста важна. Ово је паклена борба не само за мене већ и за спорт. Ово је борба која се требала догодити за овај спорт и ми ћемо приредити паклену представу.

“Одувек сам знао да ћу једног дана водити овакве борбе. Искрено, мислио сам [Пацкуиао] до сада би био готов са боксом, али увек сам знао да ћу се на овој платформи борити овако великог нивоа, паи-пер-виев и све и сад сам овде.

“Знао сам шта да очекујем. Знао сам га [Кевин] било је стварно строго, а ја сам само дошао припремљен. Спреман да све то ставим и све поставим на коцку.”

На ономе што ради у време застоја:

“Трудим се да се одморим што више. Толико тренирам и стварно вредно тренирам. Ово ће ми бити други тренинг у дану, а после тога имам још један тренинг у 8:30 п.м. тако да ће то бити трећи тренинг за тај дан, тако да знате све моје слободно време да се трудим да се храним правилно, останите хидрирани и будите фокусирани.”

О томе какав је осећај тренирати у теретани која је угостила великане попут Мухамеда Алија:

“Дивно је. Никад нисам знао да ова теретана постоји и ово је први пут да сам био овде или да сам икада чуо да је ова теретана легендарна. Мухаммад Али отворио је пут момцима попут мене и Шећера Реја Леонарда и свима осталима, то је легендарно.

“Увек кажем другим борцима и другим људима да је потребно више да би био звезда, него само бокс. Једноставно имам све што је потребно да бих постала мега звезда.”

О последњој борби Пацкуиао-а против Лукаса Маттхиссеа:

“Нисам видео, али чуо сам да изгледа добро. Не знам шта да очекујем. Само тренирам за најбољег Пацкуиаа. И изаћи ћу тамо и учинити оно што морам да постигнем победу.”

Како се осећате на тренингу на Јужној Флориди?

“Нисам фокусиран на клабирање и остало и све те ствари ће бити овде након борбе. Ја сам 110 процената усредсређено на ову борбу.”

Шта ће радити после борбе Пацкуиао?

“Бокс морате да водите по једну борбу. Мој главни фокус је прво проћи поред Маннија Пацкуиаоа, а онда можемо разговарати о другим стварима.”

На то да ли или не Пацкуиао има слабост:

“То није мистерија. Има седам пораза. Није мистерија да он може изгубити, али свако може изгубити било ког дана. То је онај ко се најбоље припреми, а ја се припремам да учиним оно што треба. Не занима ме заустављање или је то једногласна одлука, све док сам победник.”

На то да ли је ово највећа борба у његовој каријери или не:

“Ово је дефинитивно моја највећа борба, највеће величине, највећа платформа на којој сам икада био, али никад се не зна. Вероватно бих могао да уђем тамо и да ово изгледа као најлакша борба у мојој каријери коју никад не знате.”


“Мислим да има чак и бољи камп од претходног. Додао је новог тренера снаге и кондиције и све иде савршено и камп иде изузетно добро и глатко. АБ изгледа брзо и експлозивно. Немам примједби.

“Адриен има све; он је прави борац за повраћај. Има брзину, он има моћ, он има брзину, има стопала. Може да удара и може да лупа и може да боксује. Има вештине и може бити углађен ако жели да буде. Дакле, он је укупан пакет.

“Имамо идеју о начину на који ће борба ићи. Проучили смо тоне снимака Пацкуиао-а и он се прилично бори исто у свакој борби. Манни се бори за ритам, тако да је све у томе да уђе у његов ритам. Прилично ради своје. Али изван тога, никада га заиста нисам видео да прави превише прилагођавања. Прилично је исти тип.”

Two-Division Champion Badou Jack Battles Undefeated Top Contender Marcus Browne for WBA Interim 175-Pound Title On Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner SHOWTIME PPV®

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, Јануар 19

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Више! Former World Champion Rau’shee Warren Meets Unbeaten Nordine Oubaali for Vacant WBC Bantamweight Title &

Unbeaten Featherweight Jhack Tepora Takes on

Former World Champion Hugo Ruiz

ЛАС ВЕГАС (Децембар 17, 2018) – Две подела светски шампион Бадоу Џек бориће се против непобеђеног најбоље оцењиваног кандидата Марцус Бровне for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title Saturday, Јануар 19 on the Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner SHOWTIME PPV® event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view undercard will also see former world champion Рау'схее Ворен taking on France’s Нордине Оубаали за упражњено ВБЦ Бантамвеигхт Светско првенство у реваншу њиховог 2012 Olympic match up that was edged by Oubaali. In the opening bout of the four-fight PPV telecast, неумућен JhackTepora ће преузети бивши првак света Хуго Руиз у окршају у перолакој категорији од 12 рунди.

У главном догађају, Senator Manny “Пацман” Пацкуиао, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “Проблем” Бронер.

Карте за догађај, коју промовишу МП Промотионс, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, не укључујући примењиве наплаћивања услуга, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, пунити на телефон 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Not only will the fans witness a tremendous main event, they will get to enjoy three action-packed match-ups that will add another level to the pay-per-view portion of the card,” рекао је Леонард Еллербе, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Both Jhack Tepora and Hugo Ruiz are looking to make a name for themselves in the stacked featherweight division, while Rau’shee Warren and Nordine Oubaali are in the prime of their careers and battling for the WBC title. Маивеатхер Промоције’ Badou Jack has made an exemplary statement for his career inside and outside of the ring and is focused on further strengthening his resume, while Marcus Browne is looking to showcase his talent on boxing’s biggest stage.

Утичница (22-1-3, 13 КОс) has fought twice at light heavyweight since relinquishing his super middleweight world title to campaign at 175 фунти. The 35-year-old, who was born in Stockholm, Шведска, represented his father’s Gambia in the 2008 Olympics and now lives in Las Vegas. Jack won the super middleweight world title with a majority decision against Anthony Dirrell in 2015 and successfully defended the title three times before he relinquished the belt following a hard-fought majority draw against James DeGale in one 2017’s best fights. In his first bout at 175 фунти, Jack stopped Nathan Cleverly to pick up the WBA light heavyweight title before fighting to a majority draw against Adonis Stevenson in his last fight on May 19.

I’m looking forward to getting back onto another big stage to perform for my fans across the globe and prove I am one of the best fighters in the world,” said Jack. “I plan to show off my skills with a dominating performance on January 19. I always want to fight the best, and he’s the best that’s available right now. I’m always 100 percent ready and I’m going into this fight stronger, faster and with more experience than ever before.

The 28-year-old Browne (22-0, 16 КОс) will be taking a step up to face an elite opponent when he battles Jack. Члан од 2012 У.С. Olympic boxing team, Browne moved up the contender ladder in the 175-pound division with brute force and power, scoring three straight knockout victories against Thomas Williams, Јр., Sean Monaghan and Francy Ntetu. Бровне, who was born and raised in Staten Island, НИ, scored a unanimous decision victory over Lenin Castillo in his last fight on August 4.

This is really an honor and a privilege to have an opportunity to showcase my talents on a big time pay-per-view card featuring Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner,” Browne said. “Badou Jack is a championship-caliber fighter and one of the toughest guys you can fight in the light heavyweight division. I’m ready for the step up in competition and focused on being a household name in the sport sooner rather than later.

Одгајивачница зечева (16-2, 4 КОс) is looking to return to the world championship ranks with a victory over Oubaali. The 31-year-old became the first three-time Olympic boxer from the U.S. when he qualified for consecutive Olympic teams in 2004, 2008 и 2012. His Olympic run came to an end against Oubaali when he lost a narrow 19-18 decision in the first round of the 2012 London Games. A southpaw from Cincinnati, Охајо, Warren won the WBA Bantamweight World Championship with a majority decision over Juan Carlos Payano in 2016 and lost the title the next year to Zhanat Zhakiyanov by split-decision.

This fight means everything for me and it’s about to be the biggest moment of my career,” Warren said. “Not only am I fighting for the WBC belt, but it’s on pay-per-view. When I first won the title it was like winning the gold medal at the Olympics. After I lost the title, it made me much hungrier and I want to get it back even more. I fought this guy in the Olympics, so I’m fighting for revenge. This isn’t the Olympics. This is 12 rounds and I don’t think he’s fought anybody like me. I have no choice but to put it all on the line on January 19.

The 32-year-old Oubaali (14-0, 11 КОс), an unbeaten southpaw from Lens, Pas-de-Calais, Француска, has knocked out his last five opponents. His most recent KO of Luis Melendez on April 17 moved Oubaali up the ranks to position him for a world title shot. Oubaali, who is the sixth of 18 children born in France to parents who are from Morocco, twice represented France at the Olympics, qualifying in 2008 и 2012 when he defeated Warren.

Many people are waiting for this fight because it’s the second time we meet,” said Oubaali.I beat Rau’shee Warren at the 2012 London Games in a great battle. In the meantime, Rau’shee captured a world championship and lost it. Odmah, I’m the WBC No. 1 ranked bantamweight fighter in the world. It will be a great fight in Las Vegas on January 19 and I intend to beat Rau’shee again to become the new WBC world champion.

The 25-year-old Tepora (22-0, 17 КОс) has steadily risen up the ranks since turning pro in 2012 and most recently captured the WBA interim featherweight crown with a ninth-round stoppage of Edivaldo Ortega in July. Representing Cebu City, Филипини, Tepora enters his U.S. debut on January 19 with stoppage wins in 11 од његова последња 12 такмичења.

It has always been a dream to fight in the United States,” said Tepora. “I never dreamed that my first fight in the U.S. would be on a card with Senator Manny Pacquiao vs. Адријен Бронер. I look forward to a tremendous fight on January 19 and defending my title versus former world champion Hugo Ruiz. As you all know the best rivalry in boxing is Filipino vs. Мексиканац. It’s going to be a great fight.

Fighting out of Los Mochis, Синалоа, Мексико, Руиз (38-4, 33 КОс) will make his featherweight debut on January 19 after picking up two victories in 2018. The 30-year-old won a super bantamweight world title with a first round stoppage of Julio Ceja in 2016, avenging his previous loss to Ceja in one of 2015’s most exciting fights. He now seeks to position himself for a world title at 126 pounds with a victory against Tepora.

I expect it to be a good fight because Tepora is undefeated and a good Filipino champion,” said Ruiz. “But I’m ready. I don’t think he can handle my power. Идем да га нокаутирати. I want to do my best to win the title. I’ve been watching videos of him and I’ve been training hard. I’m really focused on how to beat him. I’m still young, but I’ve got the experience to handle him in this fight.


Субота, Јануар 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena


Кликните ОВДЕ За Фотографије; Кредит: Естер Лин / Сховтиме

Watch the Full Press Conference ОВДЕ

BEVERLY HILLS, Калиф. – November 20, 2018 – Boxing’s only eight-division world champion Manny “Пацман” Pacquiao and former four-division champ Adrien “The Problem” Broner were all business on Tuesday as they concluded their two-city press tour in Los Angeles announcing their Saturday, Јануар 19 showdown for Pacquiao’s WBA Welterweight World Title. Манифестација ће се производити и дистрибуирати уживо од СХОВТИМЕ ППВ (9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ) from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Promoted by MP Promotions, Маивеатхер Промотионс и ТГБ Промотионс у сарадњи са Абоут Биллионс Промотионс, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event will go on sale on Saturday, Новембар 24. Улазнице се по цени од $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, не укључујући примењиве наплаћивања услуга, и могу се купити на мрежи преко АКСС.цом, пунити на телефон 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Here are what the fighters and executives had to say on Tuesday.

Манни Пацкуиао:

“This fight is going to be a good fight. I have to pass through him before fighting Floyd Mayweather. I want to prove to the boxing fans that Manny Pacquiao is still in the pack. You will see more fights with Manny Pacquiao here in the United States.

“He’s young and he’s fast – and he’s fast with his mouth. There will be more action in the ring – we know what the people want. It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a fight you will never forget.

“I continue my career as a boxer because boxing is my passion. When I hung up my gloves once, I felt sad not being in the ring and giving inspiration to people in the Philippines and boxing fans.”

On potentially fighting Floyd Mayweather again:

“I don’t think Adrien will agree with that, because I need to pass through him. This is not an easy fight.”

On working with Al Haymon:

“I have only good things to say about Top Rank – they helped me a lot. But I’m really thankful to be partnered with Al Haymon and have a chance to work with him.”

"[Broner’s] a funny guy. I think after his boxing career, he could have another career as a comedian. I don’t get upset about the jokes. I can’t help but laugh when I look at his face.”

Will the Mayweather rematch be next?

“I can’t give you an answer, but if you ask me, it would be good for me to have that fight.”

Адријен Бронер:

“January 19, I am coming to win. Screw the money, I’m going to be victorious. They keep talking about a Pacquiao-Mayweather 2, but I’m going to mess those plans up. I just don’t see Manny Pacquiao beating me.

“He’s still in great condition. He’s trained his ass off. I have to keep my composure and stay focused on my game plan. But I’m not going to tell you what that plan is.

“Hope isn’t my strategy – there will be no luck. I feel like he can’t beat me. Look at my resume – what do I do to southpaws? I stop them. Going into this fight, Веома сам уверен. I’m going to do what I always do to southpaws and dismantle him.”

Степхен ЕСПИНОЗА, President Sports & евент Програмирање, Сховтиме Мреже доо.

“These two fighters have resumes that you’re all familiar with. On the surface they seem very different, but they’re more similar than you’d think.

“They’re two of the most entertaining and popular fighters in the sport. They are also two fighters who are all heart. We’ve seen them in tough fights, and there’s one thing you know you’re going to get out of Manny Pacquiao and AB, and that’s 100 percent effort throughout the fight.

“When Adrien Broner and Manny Pacquiao fight, it’s a huge event. Add in Mayweather Promotions and MGM Grand and Las Vegas, and it’s one of the biggest fights of the year. There’s a lot at stake – this will be an all action fight. It will be a special weekend, and we can’t wait.”

JOE RAMOS, Head of MP Promotions

“We all know Adrien is hungry, but he’s fighting boxing’s only eight-division champion. Manny will show the world that he’s the best fighter on the planet come January 19. Don’t miss a chance to be part of history.”

Леонард Еллербе, Директор Маивеатхер Промотионс

“We know we have a great fight come Jan. 19. You’ll see a future Hall of Famer in Manny Pacquiao, and a guy in Adrien Broner who has never backed down from a challenge. He knows he has to be at his best to beat Manny Pacquiao. The style matchup with these two guys is very intriguing. I promise you this will be a great fight.”

Равоне ЛИТТЛЕЈОХН, Co-Head of About Billions Promotions

“It’s going to be a great fight. If my man AB hits the right shot, it could be a short night. We’ve never been down for the count, and we’re not going to start now. We know the position we’re in. It’s a pleasure to fight a legend like Manny Pacquiao.”

RICHARD STRUM, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports

“This fight kicks off another tremendous year of entertainment for MGM. I’d like to welcome Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner, two of the sport’s most iconic fighters, back to MGM Grand and Las Vegas.”

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, Новембар 24



Субота, Јануар 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena

Live On SHOWTIME PPV® Presented

By Premier Boxing Champions


Кликните ОВДЕ За Фотографије; Кредит Аманда Вестцотт / Сховтиме

Watch the Full Press Conference ОВДЕ

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, Новембар 24

NEW YORK – November 19, 2018 – Senator Manny “Пацман” Pacquiao and Adrien “The Problem” Broner announced their Saturday, Јануар 19 mega-fight during the first leg of a two-city press tour at New York City’s Gotham Hall on Monday. The welterweight championship showdown will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV (9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ) from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.



Boxing’s only eight-division world champion, Pacquiao will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Broner.




Promoted by MP Promotions, Маивеатхер Промотионс и ТГБ Промотионс у сарадњи са Абоут Биллионс Промотионс, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event will go on sale on Saturday, Новембар 24. Улазнице се по цени од $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, не укључујући примењиве наплаћивања услуга, and can be purchased online through АКСС.цом, пунити на телефон 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.




Here are what the fighters and executives had to say on Monday.

Манни Пацкуиао:



“I just want to prove that I’m still in boxing and my journey in boxing is continuing. I want to entertain people and give a good show on January 19. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to see this great and prestigious fight in the ring with Adrien Broner. I know my opponent is fast and a top caliber fighter, he’s good and we have to work hard and train hard for this fight so the people will be happy. We will give a good fight for the fans.




“I chose Broner because we can have a good fight and entertain the fans. Adrien is a top caliber fighter and a good boxer. We cannot underestimate him.




“When I met up with Floyd [Маивеатхер] у Јапану, we talked and he said he wants to come out of retirement to challenge me. All I know is fighting in the ring and entertaining people. That’s my job. Floyd has come out of retirement and we’ll see after this fight, but we cannot underestimate Broner and this fight. We will discuss anything with Floyd Mayweather after that.




“I can fight at 140 pounds or 147 pounds and I want to fight the biggest fighters in the world and one of those is Adrien Broner. I can fight anybody.



“I expect more action in the ring, that’s what we want. We don’t talk too much outside the ring but we will do it in the ring.



“Yes, I still have the [knock out] снага. Заправо, I have learned how to develop that and by the grace of god, who has given me this power and with hard work and training, that technique is my weapon for this fight.




“I have already accomplished my dream and what I want to accomplish in this sport. I just want to continue in the top of boxing and give honor to my country.”


Адријен Бронер:



“I’m real thankful hearing that he was coming over to PBC, ‘Pacquiao’s Broner Crisis’. I’m happy – there are a lot of people that wanted this fight and god blessed me to get it. I guess I’m just the chosen one. What can I say about Pacquiao, he’s a future Hall of Famer.




“I had to call my momma after I looked in the mirror this morning. I had to let her know she has a beautiful son. We finally made it to pay-per-view at 29. I’m the only African-American do to that.




“It’s going to be a hell of a fight. I’m not coming to just pick up a check. I know when I win this fight, there’s more money to come.




“This fight means a lot to me. A win and I turn legend overnight. I got the whole hood with me just like he has the whole Philippines with him. I don’t even know how to spell that. But I have the whole hood with me: H-O-O-D.



“Of course I consider Manny one of the elite fighters at 147. The things he’s done in this game are unbelievable. I talk trash, I play but I know on January 19 I have to be on top of my game. This is his break-out fight to be on the A-side. I know he isn’t trying to look bad. But I’m here to knock him out. I feel like a bum trying to fight for a sandwich.




“I’m not worried about what Manny does. He has to worry about what I’m doing. I have three losses and he has eight. But he has been knocked out three times so we know he can go to sleep. He doesn’t need Nyquil for that, and I have the power to do it. He better be on his p’s and q’s because I’m trying to knock him out.




“If the knockout comes, it comes. I’m just focused on my win. I’m trying to win in good fashion. I’m going to train my ass off and give it my all.




“This fight is very important from a business standpoint and for About Billions. A lot of young fighters want to work with me and I have to show them the way. As a leader, if I win this fight it gives them something to brag about. I’m not only fighting for me, I’m fighting for my family and my kids. It’s the longevity, it’s for after boxing. I have a chance to set myself up so that my kids’ kids can live comfortably.




“We’re boxers. We’re not afraid of nobody. We bleed the same, we walk the same, we put our pants on one at a time. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m trying to knock this guy out. I might laugh, I might play around but I’m trying to get him out of here.




“Every fighter is different. I don’t compare fighters to each other. Every fighter has their good habits and their bad habits. Свуда около, Он је велики борац. He’s done something that nobody has ever done in the sport but it’s time to turn over a new leaf. Adrien Broner will be the biggest name in boxing.




“I feel good at any weight. Осећам јак. I will let everything show January 19. То ће бити паклена борба. I just want to beat the man in great fashion. It’s nothing personal, it’s just for me so I can wake up and say I beat Manny Pacquiao.”


Степхен ЕСПИНОЗА, President Sports & евент Програмирање, Сховтиме Мреже доо.

“SHOWTIME is thrilled to be hosting this press conference and to be bringing this matchup of two must-see fighters – there is a very short list of must-see attractions, and of course these two active fighters are on the top of the list.




“Boxing’s only eight-division world champion taking on the youngest boxer ever to be a four-division world champion. We would like to welcome Manny Pacquiao back to SHOWTIME, back to the U.S. as this is his first fight in the U.S. за две године. These two are perennial draws at the box office, ratings, and in the streets. Two of the most well-known, widely recognized boxers in the sport of boxing. Two of the most athletically gifted fighters in the sport – power, брзина, quickness, they have it all.




“At this point, odds makers have favored Pacquiao. That’s understandable because he is a Hall of Famer with a Hall of Fame resume. But it would be a mistake to overlook Broner in this fight. Broner never backs down from a challenge. As long as I’ve known him and worked with him he’s never turned down a fight, not against bigger opponents like Shawn Porter, not against big punchers like Marcos Maidana, not against the guys that no one wants to fight. Broner gives them tough fights: 12 rounds against Porter, 12 grueling rounds against Maidana. So for those of you that think this is an easy fight, or easy bet because of the odds, think again. These are two of the most talented fighters of this generation, two of the most athletically gifted fighters of this generation. I guarantee this fight will be a must-see attraction.”


JOE RAMOS, Head of MP Promotions



“This is a fight that we’ve been trying to make for several years. Our new partnership with the great Al Haymon and the PBC has finally made this possible. I’d like to thank Al and his team for making this happen. I’d like to acknowledge our new partners in this fight, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, our broadcast partner SHOWTIME and Manny’s home away from home, the MGM Grand. To Team Broner, thanks for stepping up to the plate. I hope you have a great training camp and I wish you all the best. To Senator Manny, thank you for giving all your fans this opportunity to showcase your greatness and show you are still the best fighter in the world.”

Леонард Еллербе, Директор Маивеатхер Промотионс



“This is a huge fight. I can’t say enough about what I personally think will be the biggest fight of 2019. You have Manny Pacquiao, a future Hall of Famer, who’s fought everybody in this era against Adrien Broner, one of the most exciting fighters in the sport. He’s the biggest attraction with the biggest ratings and never shy about the cameras. This will be a great promotion. We expect the fans across the world to tune in to this great event. Will Manny Pacquiao be able to use his plethora of experience to defeat a young Adrien Broner whose still in the prime of his career? Or will Adrien Broner be able to utilize his outstanding speed and his skillset to defeat the legendary Hall of Famer, Манни Пацкуиао? Tune in, SHOWTIME PPV on January 19.”


Равоне ЛИТТЛЕЈОХН, Co-Head of About Billions Promotions



“This is the biggest fight that we’ve been involved with, so I would like to thank everybody involved. Adrien knows what he needs to do. I’ve been with him since we were 18-years-old and we’ve been through a lot. I’ve never seen him back down from anything and anybody who’s watched him fight knows that. We look forward to bringing it and we’re going to bring it. I’m very happy to be in this position and we’re going to go far.”



Субота, Јануар 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena

Live On SHOWTIME PPV® Presented

By Premier Boxing Champions

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, Новембар 24


NEW YORK – November 19, 2018 – Senator Manny “Пацман” Пацкуиао, једини боксерски светски првак, will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his World Boxing Association welterweight world title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “Проблем” Бронер. The Pacquiao vs. Broner world championship event will take place Saturday, Јан. 19 у МГМ Гранд Гарден Арени. Пацкуиао. Broner and its co-main event fights will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV and presented by Premier Boxing Champions beginning at 9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ.




Pacquaio is coming off a vintage performance in July where he stopped Argentine slugger and world champion Lucas Matthysse inside seven rounds. Сада, Pacquiao returns to the U.S. in his remarkable fourth reign as welterweight world champion. Бронер, one of the most talented fighters in boxing, is aiming for his second stint as 147-pound champion. If victorious, Broner also will add a career-defining win against a future Hall of Famer to his already stellar resume.




I have missed fighting in Las Vegas. It has been a second home to me,” said Pacquiao. “Returning to the MGM Grand Garden Arena to defend my world title against Adrien Broner is an exciting way to stage my homecoming. Adrien is a tough opponent with an accomplished record. But if I have learned one thing while serving in the Philippine Congress and Senate, it is problem solving.




Broner said, “I have paid my dues in this sport, and now it’s time for me to get mines. I get more views than everybody when I fight. A lot of people are going to see me pack off Pacquiao into retirement, and without his belt.”




Promoted by MP Promotions, Маивеатхер Промотионс и ТГБ Промотионс у сарадњи са Абоут Биллионс Промотионс, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event go on sale Saturday, Новембар 24. Улазнице се по цени од $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, не укључујући примењиве наплаћивања услуга, and can be purchased online through АКСС.цом, пунити на телефон 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.




“Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner are two of the most gifted athletes in boxing today,", Рекао је Стивен Еспиноза, Председник, Sports and Event Programming, Сховтиме Мреже доо. “Both men throw punches with eye-opening speed and carry significant power in both hands. These attributes have made them two of the biggest draws in the sport. Pacquiao is a proven pay-per-view attraction, while Broner has consistently delivered many of the highest-rated boxing events on television. This matchup promises explosive action from bell to bell.”




MP Promotions is very excited about launching its new relationship with the PBC by presenting Senator Manny’s return to Las Vegas in the first defense of his WBA welterweight world title,” said MP Promotions head Joe Ramos. “Manny has a rich boxing history at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, and he will train hard to keep that title when he battles Adrien Broner on January 19. This will be another opportunity for Manny to add another highlight to his spectacular career and entertain his millions of fans. Али што је још важније, to prove to the world that he still belongs in the pound-for-pound discussion. It’s going to be a great night for the sport.




Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to working with our co-promoters and SHOWTIME to bring this spectacle between Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner to the fans at the top of the year,” said Leonard Ellerbe of Mayweather Promotions. “This is going to be one of the biggest fights of 2019 with Broner looking to defy the odds and shut everyone up when he steps in the ring on fight night. Pacquiao has faced everyone top fighter in this era and is looking to add another signature win to cap off his historic career.




“This is an intriguing matchup between two highly skilled boxers who provide entertainment every time they step in the ring,” said Tom Brown of TGB Promotions. “Manny Pacquiao is an iconic future Hall of Famer with a resume that includes a Who’s Who of some of the greatest boxers of this generation. Adrien Broner has become must-see TV in winning world titles in four different divisions, and a victory over Pacquiao will move him back into the championship ranks and add luster to an already sterling career.”




Ричард Штурм, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International, рекао, “We are excited to host this championship fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena which will kick off another great year of entertainment programming for MGM Resorts. This will be a terrific matchup between two great champions and we look forward to welcoming both of them back to the MGM Grand and Las Vegas.”




A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s reigning Fighter of the Decade, Пацкуиао (60-7-2, 39 КОс), who hails from Sarangani Province in the Philippines, is the only sitting Congressman and Senator to win a world title. After serving two terms as Congressman, Pacquiao was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing over 16 million votes nationally. Pacquiao’s boxing resume features victories over at least seven current and future Hall of Famers, укључујући Оскар де ла Хоја, Рицки Хаттон, Марцо Антонио Баррера, Ерик Моралес, Мигел Цотто, Схане Мослеи, and Juan Manuel Marquez. У свом последњем борби, with Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duerte and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad in attendance (the first time two heads of state attended a championship boxing event), Pacquaio, 39, regained the welterweight title for a fourth time with a vintage performance on July 15 at Axiata Arena in Kuala Lampur, Малезија, by knocking out defending WBA champion Lucas Matthyssee in the seventh round.




Pacquiao recently had the high honor of speaking to the Oxford Union and the Cambridge Union on the campuses of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, односно, on consecutive days, another historic first in a career of historic firsts for the international sports icon. Pacquiao’s speeches about his life attracted standing room only crowds and huge ovations.




Цинциннати’с Бронер (33-3-1, 24 КОс) is a former four-division world title holder and one of boxing’s most popular and colorful personalities. The brash and outspoken 29-year-old has faced some of boxing’s best en route to winning titles at 130, 135, 140 и 147 фунти, including Mikey Garcia, Paulie Malignaggi and Shawn Porter. Бронер, who will face his 10тх world champion in Pacquiao, scored a draw in his last fight in April on SHOWTIME against former two-division world champion Jessie Vargas.


О Сховтиме Нетворкс Инц.

Сховтиме Мреже доо. (СНИ), потпуном власништву компаније ЦБС корпорације, поседује и управља са премија телевизијске мреже Сховтиме®, Мовие Цханнел ™ и ФЛИКС®, а такође нуди Сховтиме НА ЗАХТЕВ®, Мовие Цханнел ™ на захтев и Флик ОН ДЕМАНД®, и Мреже потврда идентитета сервис СХОВТИМЕ АНИТИМЕ®. Сховтиме Дигитал Цо., Лтд., потпуном власништву компаније сни, управља самостални стреаминг сервис Сховтиме®. СХОВТИМЕ је тренутно доступан претплатницима путем кабла, ДБС и телцо провајдера, и као самостални стреаминг сервиса кроз Аппле®, Година®, амазонка, Google and Samsung. Потрошачи такође да се претплатите на СХОВТИМЕ преко Хулу, ИоуТубе ТВ, слинг ТВ-, Сони Плаистатион® Vue and Amazon Channels. СНИ такође управља Смитхсониан Нетворкс, заједнички подухват сни и Смитхсониан Институције, који нуди Смитхсониан Цханнел, и нуди Смитхсониан Земљукроз СН Дигитал ЛЛЦ. СНИ пласира и дистрибуира спортских и забавних манифестација за изложбу претплатницима на основу паи-пер-виев кроз СХОВТИМЕ ППВ®. За више информација, иди на ввв.СХО.цом

Training Camp Almost Complete; A Confident and On-Weight Claressa Shields Ready for Hannah Rankin DAZN Showdown on November 17

Women’s superstar and two-division world champion Claressa Shields is in Florida with trainer John David Jackson, finishing up preparations for her showdown with Glasgow, Scotland’s Hannahh Rankin on Saturday, Новембар 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Канзас.




Схиелдс (6-0, 2 КОс) will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships, and be looking to add the vacant WBC title, against Rankin (5-2, 1 КО) in the 10-round co-featured bout to Salita Promotions stablemate Jarrell Miller’s heavyweight showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




Both fights, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Ramon Alvarez, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias, will be broadcast live on DAZN.




23-year-old Shields, a former two-time Olympic Gold Medallist, has reignited interest in women’s boxing and become a ratings favorite for her nationally televised championship exploits. A proud native of Flint, Мичиген, Shields mixes her brash pronouncements of greatness with a genuine and continued effort to inspire female athletes and render aid to members of her home community.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons.


Did the change of opponents from Hammer to Rankin affect your training?




I don’t train for my opponents, I just push to get the best out of me, физички и ментално. If I’m the best ‘me,’ I don’t have to worry about who the opponent is. The change of opponents didn’t bother me at all; the worst thing about this camp for me was just all the date changes – constantly having to get my mind focused on the pace and timing of training depending on the fight date. I can’t wait to get in the ring!


You’ve fought at super middleweight 168 and recently at middleweight 160 фунти. How is your training, diet and any other efforts different to make 160?




Training is always hard and I’m constantly learning. I’ve had a completely different diet this camp – a real change and a positive one for me. I’ve teamed up with Perfecting Athletes for my daily meals, and I feel great. I’ve always tried to eat healthy but these folks are pros and are more educated in that field than myself. I have this magic drink that makes my stomach smile – I love it! It’s watermelon mixed with a green vegetable. I’m not going to tell you what vegetable it is, but I’ve been drinking it everyday, and I feel GREAT.


Your viewership numbers have been very strong. Why do you think people are drawn to you?




I believe that people are drawn to how real and honest I am, како у и ван ринга. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I’m hard but I have a soft side also. And I think people are drawn to how I fightnot only do I talk a good game but I fight my aoff too! дајем 1000% every time – I want to change the game and bring a whole new generation of fans to women’s boxing and boxing overall.


What do you know about your opponent Hannah Rankin?




I know that my opponent Rankin is very tough and determined to be a world champion. I like her drive, I like her heart. I know that she has been in the ring as a sparring partner for many champions, one being Christina Hammer. So Rankin has seen some good fighters. But one thing is for sure – she has never seen a fighter like me. And since Hammer couldn’t fight because of her medical condition, in many ways the next best thing is to fight and beat her sparring partner and let Rankin tell Hammer what she’s in for when she returns!


What needs to be done to solve the Flint water crisis?



To solve the flint Water crisis, I think that people should continue to give water and also keep it in the news that there is a city in America where, unbelievably, US citizens don’t have clean water. And hopefully the president or our governor do something to fix all the pipes.


What’s the secret to becoming the best of the best in any sport?




I believe the secret starts with believing in yourself, being dedicated, working hard and just always striving to be better. I feel I’m my biggest critic when I train and box. It’s hard to watch film of my fights because even though I’m doing 97 things right I just can’t stand to see the 3 things I’m doing wrong. I’m a person who strives to pull out my full potential. It takes guts to be great. Nothing will stand in the way of achieving my goals, which includes being the GWOAT and creating equality for all women fighters when it comes to the money, opportunities and coverage the men get.





New WBA Middleweight Champion Rob Brant Basking in the Glow, but Ready for ‘Next Assignment’

Brand-new WBA World Middleweight Champion Rob “Bravo” Brant says he goes everywhere with his new best friend. “The belt hasn’t left my side since they handed it to me,” laughs the personable new champion from Saint Paul, Минесота.




28-година Брант (24-1, 16 КОс) says he went into his main-event showdown with then champion Ryota Murata (14-2, 11 КОс), last Saturday night at the Park MGM in Las Vegas (and live on ESPN+), unaware he was such a heavy underdog.




“I really did go into it very confident I would win, just off the preparations we did,” said Brant, who was having his first fight with former world champion Eddie Mustafa Muhammad as his trainer. “I tried to stay away from news when I was in training, so I had no idea how big of an underdog I was. We had a post-fight press conference and that was when I found out. When reporters were asking about it. I had no idea. It wouldn’t have deterred me anyway if I had known.”




Despite the doubts of the bookmakers, Brant cruised to a lopsided 12-round unanimous decision over 2012 Olympic gold medalist Murata, with two judges giving him all but one round, the other all but two. Brant busted up the now ex-champion with a piston-like jab and peppered him with combinations throughout what turned out to be a surprisingly dominant performance.




According to CompuBox statistics, Brant landed 356 од 1,262 ударци (28 проценат) while Murata connected with just 180 од 774 (23 проценат).




“As a pro, he hasn’t seen what I gave him,” explained Brant. We knew he had a hard time with hand speed and jabs. He locks up when punches are being thrown, so we made sure we kept him backing up and worried about the jab and punches in general. The more he thinks about my shots, the less he throws. We knew we’d be able to keep him on his back foot. Eddie Mustafa is very strict on letting the hands go. We were big on the cardio in training and keeping the punch rate high. And when you’re keeping the jab out there all the time, other shots open up.”




Brant says at fight’s end, he wasn’t worried about the decision going his way.




“I’ve always felt that judges’ decisions are out of my hands. I was nervous about it, you don’t know until they announce your name, but I knew I had done what I felt was my best work. I had a great sense of pride and relief knowing I put it all out there and did everything possible to win. But now that I have won, it’s kind of like having giant weight lifted off my shoulders. It’s definitely my biggest accomplishment ever, winning in Vegas against a former Olympic gold medallist. It’s everything I ever worked for. It was the best feeling in the world. I knew how much I worked for that. Boxing gives back what you put into it and I put my everything into it.”




Although Brant and promoters GCP reportedly agreed to a rematch before the fight, the new champion says he’s not sure the now ex-champion wants it.




“All the talk of a rematch has been from his promoters. I haven’t heard him say anything about it. He might be a little discouraged right now. I’m not saying he won’t be able to come back, but I don’t think he wants it right now. I’ll just go on to bigger and better in the division. Once you win a title, there are no more easy fights. Until you are the undisputed king, you’re always taking steps up in class in every fight.”




Brant says he took a week off but is now back in the gym and ready for what comes next.




“I’m just waiting for the next assignment to work toward. I want to know who my next opponent is as soon as possible, so I can go to sleep at night thinking of what I’m going to do. Watching film and looking for flaws and things I can exploit. That’s when I‘m really the most comfortable. When I have an assignment. It’ll be a big name eventually. I’m there now. So I’m just waiting to see who is next for me to spend all my time watching that person.”




Brant gives a big piece of the credit for his upset victory to the only man to ever beat him. Прошлог октобра, he stepped up in weight to participate in the World Boxing Super Series as a super middleweight and lost a one-sided decision to former light heavyweight champion Juergen Braehmer in Germany.




“The thought of what happened against Braehmer was always in the background. That’s what really motivated me to be the best I could in this fight. I knew I was better than I was in that fight. I had to prove it by doing what I’m capable of. The loss to Braehmer will be in the back of my mind forever. I won’t let anyone else do that to me again. I will never forget that loss and I’ve been a better fighter from that point forward.”

Women’s Superstar Claressa Shields to Defend IBF and WBA Middleweight Championships and Looks to Add WBC Belt Against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin, Live on DAZN on November 17

У суботу, Новембар 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Канзас, superstar two-division women’s world champion Claressa Shields of Flint, Мичиген, will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships and be looking to add the vacant WBC title against Hannahh Rankin from Glasgow, Шкотска.




The 10-round Shields (6-0, 2 КОс), and Rankin (5-2, 1 КО) battle will serve as the co-featured bout to Brooklyn-born heavyweight contender Jarrell Miller’s WBA World Heavyweight Championship showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




These two fights will be broadcast live on DAZN, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Ramon Alvarez, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons. Hammer has been named a champion in recess during her recovery. The two champions are now projected to do battle in the first quarter of 2019.




“Claressa is a once-in-a-generation athlete that transcends the sport,” said her promoter, Дмитриј Салита. “She will take another step in her goal to achieve the status of GWOAT as she makes the first defense of her middleweight world titles against the skilled and durable Hannah Rankin.”




A bonafide women’s superstar and TV ratings favorite, 23-year-old “T-Rex” Shields is a two-time Olympic gold medallist and already a world champion in two weight divisions. In her fourth professional fight, she won the IBF and WBC Super Middleweight Championships in August 2017 with a dominant stoppage of Germany’s Nikki Adler. Онда, in June of this year and in just her sixth pro fight, she dropped down to 160 pounds and won the IBF and WBA Middleweight titles with an exciting unanimous decision over Hannah Gabriels.




“I’m so excited to be able to give my fans another chance to see me defend my championship this year and to have the opportunity to win the WBC middleweight title on November 17,” said Shields. “I appreciate the efforts of Salita Promotions, my manager Mark Taffet, and Matchroom Boxing in putting this fight together so quickly. I will be in great shape and will provide a great performance.”




“I want to thank Salita Promotions and Matchroom Boxing for providing Claressa with another chance to fight this year and an opportunity to attain a third middleweight world championship,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa is hungry and motivated to put on a great performance on November 17 on DAZN. Claressa has lofty goals and I have no doubt that she’s going to achieve every one of them, including fighting and defeating Christina Hammer early next year. I expect Shields vs Rankin to be an action-packed fight that fans will enjoy tremendously.




28-year-old Rankin put in an impressive and brave performance while losing a challenge for Alicia Napoleon’s WBA Super Middleweight Championship in August of this year. Пре тога, she picked up the WBC Silver Middleweight Championship with a dominant victory over Finland’s Sanna Turunen in June.




“I’m excited about the fight and proud to be representing Scotland on such a big stage,” said Rankin. “In boxing, nothing is impossible and on November 17, it will be just us in there when the bell rings and I think it’s going to be one hell of a fight.”


Photo by Ardie Crenshaw / The Site Media Group


ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Октобар 5, 2018)Undefeated phenom, DevinThe DreamHaney(20-0, 13 КОс), is making noise in the lightweight division as the 19-year-old fighter is now ranked #8 by the WBA after his 10-round unanimous decision win over Juan Carlos Burgos(33-3-2, 21 КОс) last Friday night on СхоБок: The Next Generation, broadcast worldwide by Showtime.




Haney, a blue-chip prospect, dominated the former three-time world title challenger Burgos in their recent clash. The impressive feat has many fans and media members alike clamoring for Haney to be in contention for a world title shot.




I believe in my skill and speed, I am second to none,” said Haney. “I’m the next superstar in the sport. Odmah, I am focused on each and every fight. The media and fans can bring up exciting fights for me to take or even mention my name amongst world champions, but the main goal for me is to focus on the fights presented in front of me.




Haney, who is not just a world title contender, but also a promoter, who promoted his fight last Friday night on Showtime under his promotional banner, Devin Haney Promotions.




I am doing things differently than others my age,” Haney continued. “I am a promoter and a world-class fighter, so it is important that I stay very focused. I’m knocking on the doorstep of a world title. My time is coming.

Cuban vs. Cuban: Livan Navarro and Armando Alvarez Ready for War at Heavyweight Factory’s “Rumble at the Rock 2” on Friday, Седам. 28 at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино – Холивуд


Cuba’s undefeated Livan “Machine Gun Kid” Navarro (8-0, 5 КОс) loves a good test.




Never one to shy away from a challenge, the Miami (via Havana) welterweight will be in tough once again this Friday night, when he takes on fellow Cuban Armando “The Gentleman” Alvarez (18-1, 12 КОс) of Key West.




The rare Cuban vs. Cuban showdown, also Navarro’s first fight scheduled for 10 метака, highlights a stacked undercard on Friday, Седам. 28, у “Rumble at the Rock 2,”professional boxing event at the Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино у Холивуду, Фла.




Пресентед би Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory, in the night’s 10-round main event, Хонолулу, Hawaii’s undefeated Logan “The Korican Kid” Yoon (12-0, 10 КОс) will defend his WBO-NABO Youth Junior Welterweight Championship against John “El Emperador” Rentería (16-4-1, 12 КОс) of Panama. In the 10-round co-main event, Miami via Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan’s Mussa “Warrior” Tursyngaliyev (7-0, 6 КОс) will face Monteira, Colombia’s Deivi “El Cabo” Bassa (20-5, 12 КОс) над 10 rounds for the WBA International Featherweight Championship.


Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock 2” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 и $500 VIP and are available through тицкетмастер.цом.




Тако, is Navarro ready for a former WBC Latino Welterweight Champion in just his ninth fight?




"Он је добар борац, but I feel my style will overpower whatever his so-called experience advantage is,” said a confident Navarro. “I was 312-17 as an amateur and I’m already 8-0 као професионалац. I’ve been brought in as an opponent, supposedly to lose, on a Golden Boy card and a PBC show in Miami, and I knocked both those guys out. I fight my best when people don’t think I can win.”




To prepare, Navarro has reunited with trainer Herman Caicedo and gone back to what works best for the Cuban power puncher.




“I’m coming to scrap. This won’t be chess match. We’re going to scrap. That’s my style. Долазим да се борим. I wait on the KO and when I see my opening I take it.”




Navarro says he doesn’t mind being part of an unusual “Cuban vs. Cuban” showdown.




“I’ll fight anyone. I’ve fought Cubans all my life back home, so no, it doesn’t bother me. This is a business. You see Mexican vs Mexican and Puerto Rican against Puerto Rican, so why can’t it be Cuba vs Cuba? Good fighters should fight one another, and the cream will rise to the top. It’s all business when I step in the ring. I wish Armando all the luck in the world. He will need every ounce.”




Alvarez says he knows he looked vulnerable in his last fight, a nationally televised loss to undefeated Jaron Ennis in July, and that’s why Navarro is willing to fight him.




But Alvarez says Team Navarro has made a big mistake.




"Ја сам 100 percent injury free and mentally ready,” said Alvarez. “That’s what his team didn’t take into account. I fought Ennis with an injury that badly affected my performance. They’re expecting that Armando Alvarez to show up that night, but I’m ready to prove ‘The Gentleman’ is here and alive. He’s a good boxer and he comes to fight, but amateur and pro are two different things and he’s not ready.”




Alvarez says he also doesn’t believe in the unwritten code some fighters carry that says Cubans can’t fight each other.




“It’s rare for two Cubans to face each other, but I think the best should fight the best. I don’t believe in not fighting another Cuban. He’s Cuban from Cuba from Cuba. I’m Cuban too, but I was born and raised here and I think anybody can fight anybody else.”




Alvarez says he’s looking forward to getting back in the win column in front of a large group of his fans.




“I’ll have the majority of the supporters at the fight. I’ll have lots of family and friends. It always helps me when my fans are there live. It pushes me to go that much harder.”


A treasure for Florida’s fans of live boxing, Heavyweight Factory’s fights at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino have become the nation’s strongest off-TV boxing series. На фигхт нигхт, Врата се отварају у 6 п.м. и акција почиње у 7 п.м. Семиноле Хард Роцк Хотел & Casino is located at 1 Seminole Way in Hollywood, Фла. More exciting bouts will be announced shortly.