Tag Архив: WBA

Banner Promotions re-signs former world title challenger and Boxcino 2014 champion Willie Monroe Jr.

За незабавно освобождаване

Филаделфия, PA (Юли 12, 2016)–Banner Promotions is pleased to announce the re-signing of former world title challenger and Boxcino 2014 Шампион в средна категория, Willie Monroe Jr. to an exclusive promotional agreement.
Monroe на Рочестър, New York има запис на 20-2 с 6 knockouts and is coming off a 10-round unanimous decision over fellow former world title challenger and Boxcino champion, John Thompson on June 11th във Верона, Ню Йорк.
The 29 year-old Monroe turned professional in 2008 и спечели първата си 10 краища. Monroe won the 2014 Boxcino Middleweight tournament with wins over Donatas Bondorovas, Vitally Kopylenko, and Brandon Adams.
Those wins catapulted him into a bout with WBA/Interim WBC Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin.
Monroe performed admirably in the bout, which took place on May 16, 2015 По време на форума в Ингълууд, Калифорния.
I’m excited to re-sign with Banner Promotions. Artie has been nothing but great to me, and he’ll put me in position to fight against the Danny Jacobs and Canelos of the boxing world,” said Willie Monroe Jr.
It feels good to have a fresh start over. I am coming off of a huge win on Showtime vs. Джон Томпсън, and I now have a great team watching my back with my brother, Trent Monroe, TJ Nolan and Adrian Clark as my Strategic Partner.
Doing what was best for Willie was the focal point in negotiations. We put our heads together and structured a great deal for Willie with Banner Promotions. I am looking forward to working with Artie to map out things for Willie,” said Adrian Clark, Monroe’s Strategic Partner.
We are excited to have Willie back in the fold,” каза Банер Промоции председател, Arthur Pelullo.
Willie has showed not only in the Boxcino tournament, but in his fight against Golovkin, that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. He had a great performance against John Thompson, and now he is ready for any challenge in the division. We will be actively pursuing all of those opportunities for Willie.
Фото кредит: Emily Harney / Банер Промоции


Brooklyn, NY (Юни 15, 2016)– Руски Vladimir Tikhonov, a super bantamweight contender, is the latest signee to the Dmitriy Salita promotional slate. And it looks like the timing is right for the Brooklyner Salita, with word out that this Russian hitter is making his way up the ratings ladder.
Tikhonov (14-0 с 8 Нокаута) has entered the WBA world rankings at No. 13.

Той се обърна Pro в 2008, has fought once outside Russia, and Salita is looking to get him some more passport stamps.

A left-hander, Tikhonov is methodical and busy. He is active with his feet and can sting with both hands. Opponents need to be wary of him slipping punches in from underneath. He is ultra calm in the ring, получава в, gets off and gets out.

Vladimir is a talented boxer who has lots of experience and potential to compete with the best in the world,” said the Brooklyn based promoter, who is putting together an Август. 19 show in Rochester, NY to be headlined by Jarrell Miller. “Tikhonov is world ranked now and I will be looking to land a significant fight for him in the near future. He wants the toughest tests, like Guillermo Rigondeaux (the WBA super bantam champion; Moises Flores holds their interim title), Scott Quigg and Nonito Donaire. He is yet another Russian warrior, with fighting in his blood!”

Promoter Salita has climbed the mountain himself as a fighter, удивителния 35-2-1 mark as a professional within the welterweight class. He has kicked off successful fight series in NYC, and now Detroit, and word is spreading that his efforts as an effective promoter are informed by his having experienced what it’s like to campaign in the ring. Salita is planning the aforementioned NY show, as well as a return to Detroit, for the third “Детройт сбиване.”

Salita Promotions is poised to have a very strong second half of 2016, and our athletes such as Tikhonov will keep on being featured on premium broadcast channels,” Каза Word. “Our stable is strong, and growing all the time!”

Moises Chucky Flores remains undefeated winning IBO title wants Rigondeaux next

Photo By Team Pro Box Management
WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA (Юни 12, 2016)Last night at the Ramatex Factory in Windhoek, Намибия, Mexico’s super-bantamweight standout, Мозес “ЧъкиЦветя (25-0, 17 Нокаута) remained undefeated with a 12-round unanimous decision over hometown hero, Paulus Ambunda (24-2, 10 Нокаута). With the victory Flores captured the IBO championship and retained his WBA interim title.
Цветя, who hails from Guadalajara, Мексико, controlled the action from the opening round. Flores scored three knockdowns throughout the fight using superior boxing skills while applying pressure to keep Ambunda off balance. As Flores mounted a substantial lead he never looked back. Scorecards read 115-110, 115-111 и 114-111, all in favor for Flores.
It’s never an easy task going into someone’s hometown and getting the victory,” said Moises “Чъки” Цветя. “I had complete faith in myself, as did my team, fighting Ambunda in his hometown. We knew we had to dominate the fight to win on the judges’ скоркарти. He’s a durable fighter with a lot of heart but I was not going to be denied tonight. I want to be recognized as the next great fighter from Mexico. Искам Guillermo Rigondeaux следващия.”
Guided by Pro Box Management’s Gary Jonas и Henry Rivalta, a fight with Rigondeaux is on the horizon. Понастоящем, Flores is the mandatory challenger to fight Rigondeaux, who is the current WBA Super Champion at super-bantamweight.
Flores once again proved he’s an elite fighter winning in Ambunda’s backyard.said Gary Jonas. “Now we are focused on getting in the ring with Rigondeaux. Flores is the WBA interim champion and he’s hungry to become the super champion. Right now we are in talks with team Rigondeaux to get this fight made. Chucky is ready to take over the 122-pound division.

Един на един с Бейбут Шуменов

Световният шампион на WBA в тежка категория иска
Денис Лебедев се бори да се случи това лято

LAS VEGAS (Юни 5, 2016) – Световна асоциация Boxing (WBA) cruiserweight световен шампион Shumenov Beibu(17-2, 10 Нокаута) спряно Не. 11-Оценени Джуниър “Ураган” Wright (15-2-1, 12 Нокаута) в 10тата кръг на тяхното май 21вобитка за титлата, за да остане задължителен претендент за обединената WBA Super/Международна боксова федерация (IBF) cruiserweight световен шампион Денис Лебедев (29-2, 22 Нокаута). WBA разреши двубой Лебедев-Шуменов в рамките на 120 дни от май 21.

Shumenov, 32, е 2004 Казахстански олимпиец, който живее и тренира в Лас Вегас. По време на 9-годишната си професионална боксова кариера, Шуменов е победил четирима световни шампиони – Gabriel Кампило, Byron Mitchell, Уилям Joppy и Монтел Грифин – както и седем претенденти за световната титла. Той е 8-2 (4 Нокаута) в световната титла битки
По-долу вижте лично интервю с Шуменов:
(Снимка от Юмио Ямада)
Оценете представянето си срещу Джуниър Райт в последната ви битка?
BS: “Аз съм 100 процента напълно различен боец ​​от предишната ми битка срещу B.J. Цветя. Но, в началото на тази битка, Имах малко ръжда на пръстена. Бездействието е наистина трудно за мен. Бих искал да съм по-зает и да се карам по-често. Вече започнах да тренирам и правя леки упражнения, веднага след битката ми на 21 май. В следващата ми битка, Ще бъда още по-различен боец ​​срещу Лебедев.”
Какво е чувството да си единственият боец ​​от твоята страна, който е световен шампион във 2 дивизии??
BS: “Наистина не мисля за тези неща. Основната ми цел е да обединя всички титли и да се бия с всички най-добри бойци.”
Винаги сте искали да обедините като начин да определите кой е най-добрият или истинският шампион. В 20-11, вие почти се борихте за обединение като WBA в полутежка категория, но тогавашният шампион на WBO Juergen Braehmer, който внезапно се прибра у дома няколко дни преди насрочената обединителна битка. Какво е чувството да знаеш, че ще се биеш с Лебедев за титлите на WBA супер и IBF в тежка категория в рамките на 120 дни от май 21?
BS: “Това винаги е била целта ми – да се унифицират – и съм мотивиран още повече, знаейки, че ще се бия за тези две титли много скоро.”
Мислите ли, че ще се сключи сделка между вашия мениджър, Ал Хаймон и промоутър на Лебедев, Андрей Рябински, или ще отиде в наддаването в чантата?
BS: “Не ме засяга, дали отива към наддаване в чантата, или къде е местоположението. Обаче, Надявам се страните да постигнат най-добрата сделка за всички участници.”
Ако Лебедев не иска да се бие с вас и той се откаже от колана си за супер титла на WBA, къде отиваш от там, битка с втория задължителен претендент Юниер Дортикос?
BS: “Чувал съм слухове, че Лебедев не иска да се бие с мен, ако това е вярно и той се откаже от пояса си на WBA Super, тогава искам да се бия с Dorticos, защото всяка организация трябва да има само един шампион във всяка дивизия. Надявам се това да не е така, тъй като чаках да се бия с Лебедев, откакто спечелих временната титла на WBA (задължителен) още през юли на 2015. WBA ни нареди да се бием в рамките на 120 дни от 21 май. Готов съм, желаещ и способен да се бие с него и се надявам, че е готов, също.”
Вентилатори могат приятел Beibut Shumenov по негова Facebook Fan Page при www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

World champion Beibut Shumenov to defend title vs. Junior Wright this Saturday night in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Май 18, 2016) – Световна асоциация Boxing (WBA) Временното Cruiserweight световен шампион Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Нокаута) makes his first title defense тази събота нощ (Май 21) against WBA No. 11-Оценени Джуниър “Ураган” Wright (15-1-1, 12 Нокаута) at The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
I’m happy to get the opportunity to fight тази събота нощ,” Shumenov каза, “but I wish that I could fight more often. I’ve been ready since January. Every training session I gain new knowledge. I am a completely different fighter than in my last fight.
Shumenov’s last fight was back in July, in which he defeated B.J. Цветя (31-1-1, 20 Нокаута) by 12-round unanimous decision in Las Vegas to capture the vacant WBA Interim title, making the former WBA light heavyweight champion Shumenov the first professional boxer from Kazakhstan to be a two-division world champion.
By becoming the WBA Interim cruiserweight champion, Shumenov also became the No. 1 ranked mandatory challenger for WBA Super cruiserweight titlist Денис Лебедев (28-2, 21 Нокаута), who also fights тази събота in Russia against International Boxing Federation (IBF) шампион Виктор Емилио “Тайсън де Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 Нокаута) in a unification match.
The WBA has already mandated that the Lebedev-Ramirez must fight Shumenovв рамките на 120 дни. The WBA, обаче, has failed to explain why it also declared a WBA “редовен” cruiserweight world title fight този петък night in France between No. 2 Юниер Dorticos и Не. 5 Юрий Kalenga (since upgraded to No. 3), especially after announcing that it would work this year to have only one world champion in each weight class.
Shumenov, разбира се, is risking his mandatory position by fighting Wright, the former 5-time Chicago Golden Gloves champion. “I need to stay active,” Shumenov explained why he’s taking such a risk. “Всяка битка, I gain experience and it also helps me develop my fighting skills.
The 12-round Shumenov vs. Wright title fight is on the non-televised portion of The Cosmopolitan show.
Вентилатори могат приятел Beibut Shumenov по негова Facebook Fan Page приwww.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

WBA Interim Champ Zhakiyanov and Camp Respond to ‘Blatantly FalseRumors Being Spread by Super Flyweight Contender Zolani Tete

Interim WBA World Bantamweight Champion ZhanatZZZhakiyanov (26-1, 18 Нокаута) and his representatives are now forced to respond to the deliberate falsehoods being distributed by the team around South African super flyweight Zolani Tete.

Zhakiyanov of Petropavl, Казахстан, is a proud warrior, who has been willing to face anyone from the start of his career. Which is what makes the blatantly false and intentionally misleading allegations by Tete’s camp so infuriating.
Tete and his manager, Mla Tengimfene, have been feeding the media a fictional story that Zhakiyanov recently backed out of a purported fight between the two, supposedly scheduled for Юни 4 at Echo Arena in Liverpool.
One problem.
Zhakiyanov and his people were never even contacted about such a fight. It never existed.
I have never heard from anyone about this fight,” said Zhakiyanov. “They are saying I can’t make the weight and that’s why I can’t fight him. I was never supposed to fight him! He and his people are telling stories.
Zhakiyanov’s manager, Philippe Fondu, wonders why the media would even believe such a fight ever existed when a quick check of the WBA rule book would have eliminated all talk of such a match-up.
There were some unfounded rumors on the net about Zhanat defending against Tete a while ago, but having never received any concrete proposal from anyone, including his new promoter Frank Warren, I never paid any specific attention to these rumors. But let’s be honest here. Zhanat Zhakiyanov is the reigning interim WBA Bantamweight champion and Tete is actually boxing for other world organizations (IBF and/or WBO). Освен това, Tete is rated #9 in the WBA super-flyweight division (115 lb.). Such a contest could obviously not even be considered, as a WBA Interim 118-lb. champion can only defend his title against a WBA top-15 rated boxer in the 118 LB. division.
Fondu also says that Zhakiyanov, promoted by Hatton Promotions, is fully capable of making the 118-lb weight limit and welcomes any and all viable fight proposals approvable by the WBA.
I have been in boxing many years and I understand using the media to get a fighter’s name in print,” continued Fondu, “but they are using the name of a champion and proud representative of his home country of Kazakhstan to do it and it’s not right. Hopefully the media will get more responsible about checking the facts in the future.

Crolla scores stunning 7th round stoppage to retain Lightweight title in headliner on AWE–Богатството на Entertainment

Former world title challenger Martin Murray plus WBC International Silver Welterweight title clash added to CrollaBarroso Lightweight world title ; Pulev – Chisora twin-bill тази събота on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment
За незабавно освобождаване
Сан Диего, CALIF.- Май 7, 2016 – Anthony Crolla scored a stunning 7th round stoppage over Ismael Barroso to retain his WBA Lightweight title at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, Англия.
The bout headlined a seven bout telecast on AWE.

Barroso raced out and set a fast pace over the first four rounds. Crolla was biding his time landing some good shots on the the middle of the ring and he started to take over on a fading Barroso towards the end of round five. В шести кръг, Crolla began to hurt Barroso and the Venezuelan challenger started to break down and seemed spent as he walked to his corner. Crolla jumped on Barroso and landed a tremendous flurry of punches that put Barroso on the canvas for the ten count.

It was the second straight stunning knockout for Crolla on AWEA Wealth of Entertainment as he won his title with a knockout over Darleys Perez in November.

Crolla is now 31-4-3 с 13 нокаута. Barroso is 19-1-2.

What a day for boxing on AWE. Отново, AWE had a stellar show that was headlined by a great knockout by Anthony Crolla. We continue to put on exciting world title bouts and we should have some announcements about more great boxing action the coming months,” каза AWE председател, Charles Herring.

In the televised co-feature from Hamburg, Германия, Kubrat Pulev won the European Heavyweight title and an IBF Elimination Heavyweight bout by winning a 12-round split decision over Dereck Chisora.

Pulev controlled the action with quick combinations and Chisora was never able to get in a groove to land any hard power shots.

Pulev won by scores of 118-110 и 116-112. Somehow a judge saw the fight for Chisora by 115-113.

Pulev is 23-1. Chisora is 25-6.

Шейн Singleton stopped Anwil Anwar in round eight of their ten round welterweight contest.

Singleton looked like he was going to make it a quick and easy night as he dropped Anwar in round one from a left hook. Anwar was able to steady himself and have success over the next handful of rounds by getting in some good right hands. With the fight being on an even level, Singleton landed a big left that sent Anwar down in round eight. Anwar was clearly hurt, and Singleton jumped all over him and the fight was quickly stopped at 1:37 of round right.

Singleton is now 23-1 с осем нокаута. Anwar is 22-6.

Martin Murray tuned up for a Юни 25 showdown with George Groves by stopping an overmatched Cedric Spera in a scheduled 8-round Super Middleweight bout.

Murray dropped Spera with a left to the body in round two and finished him off with hard right that sent Spera down and out at 1:47 на втори кръг.

Murray is now 33-3-1 с 16 нокаута. Spera is 12-5.

Marcus Morrison scored a 2nd round stoppage over Jefferson De Souza in a scheduled 10-round Jr. В средна мач.

Morrison dropped De Souza with a left hook in round one and the bout was stopped in the 2nd.

Morrison is now 11-0. De Souza is now 16-2-2.

Hosea Burton scored a 4th round stoppage over Michal Ludwiczak in a scheduled 6-round light heavyweight bout.

Burton dropped Ludwiczak with a left hook in round three. Burton scored another knockdown from a left hook in round four and the fight was stopped shortly after at2:58.

Burton is now 16-0. Ludwiczak is 13-4.

Tommy Coyle (22-3) won a decision over Reynaldo Mora (7-13-1) in a super lightweight bout via referee score of 59-55.


AWE LIVE Boxing разполага живо световната титла на шампионата и елиминиране пристъпи демонстрират днешните най-вълнуващите бойци. Още от създаването на живи боксови събития AWE в 2011, и е включен над 50 битка за титлата от световна класа. AWE е спечелила множествена боксови Writers Асоциация на номинации за Америка “Fight на годината” и е черта над тридесет световни клас боксови събития. В 2013, AWE демонстрирани всички живи пристъпи участието в тежка категория Дейвид Прайс. AWE излъчен на живо зашеметяващите разстройства на Тони Томпсън над Давид Цена, заедно с Адонис Стивънсън и Тони Bellew карти, които са се борили помежду си за лека тежка категория първенство; 2008 Носител олимпийски златен медал James DeGale. AWE донесе феновете на бокса два от най-спорните пристъпи, които видяха Рики Бърнс запази Lightweight си титла срещу Ray Белтран. AWE фенове са свидетели на експлозивна сила на непобеден в тежка категория Тайсън Fury няколко пъти в мрежата, включително победата Fury над Кевин Джонсън. В 2014, AWE излъчи по телевизията коронясването на шампиона в лека категория Теренс Крауфорд с победата му над Бърнс, както и вълнуващите реванши между Карл Фрамптън и Кико Мартинес, заедно с Тони Белю, побеждавайки Нейтън Клевърли. В 2015, AWE привлече феновете на бокса на най-очакваните реванши за годината, Дарлис Перес v. Антъни Крола II за световната титла на WBA в лека категория.

В 2016, AWE беше ексклузивният американски предател на зашеметяващия нокаут на Лукас Браун над Руслан Чагаев, за да спечели титлата на WBA в тежка категория.

За AWE – Богатството на Entertainment
Богатството на Entertainment (“AWE”) разполага с широк набор от начини на живот и забавления програмиране от екзотично пътуване и скандално домове, за да живеят на световното първенство по бокс. AWE е черта на над сто доставчици на кабелна телевизия, включително AT&T U-Verse, CH 147 и 1147 в HD и Verizon FiOS TV, CH 169 и 669 в HD. За повече информация, моля, посетете www.awetv.com.

Former world title challenger Martin Murray plus WBC International Silver Welterweight title clash added to CrollaBarroso Lightweight world title ; Pulev – Chisora twin-bill this Saturday on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment

Сан Диего, CALIF.- Май 6, 2016 Тази събота следобед it will be a full day of championship boxing as two more big fights have been added to an already stacked broadcast on AWE- Богатството на Entertainment.
Already announced is the WBA Lightweight world championship between champion Anthony Crolla (30-4-3, 12 Нокаута) и Ismael Барозу (19-0-2, 18 Нокаута) от Манчестър, Англия
Also on the telecast will be an IBF Heavyweight elimination bout between former world title challengers Dereck Chisora (25-5, 17 Нокаута) и Kubrat Pulev (22-1, 12 Нокаута) from Hamburg, Германия.
Former WBA Interim Middleweight champion and three-time world title challengerMartin Murray will see action in a super middleweight clash against Cedric Spera.
Opening up the broadcast will be a battle for the WBC International Silver Welterweight title between Шейн Singleton и Adil Anwar.
The broadcast will begin at 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT.
Мъри на St. Хелънс, United Kingdom has a record of 32-3-1 с 15 knockouts and is looking to get back to the world title stage and a win over Spera will catapult him to aJune 25th showdown with George Groves.

Murray won the WBA Interim Middleweight championship with a 6th round stoppage over Jorge Navarro in 2012. When he has stepped up, he has come up just short in world title opportunities against Sergio Martinez, Gennady Golovkin and Arthur Abraham.

Spera of Belgium has a record of 12-4 с две нокаута, but has a win on his ledger over former contender Stephane Ouellet.

Singleton is an upstart contender from Colne, England and has a record of 22-1 със седем нокаути.

He is a former English Super Lightweight champion & WBC International Silver Welterweight titlist, and his record his highlighted by wins over Curtis Woodhouse (17-4) and Steve Jevons (8-0)

Anwar of Leeds, England is a former English Welterweight champion has a record of 22-5 с осем нокаута.
He has quality wins over Ben Lawler (5-1), Nathan Graham (11-1), James Finn (10-0-1), Джон Уотсън (13-2), Tyrone Nurse (20-0) & Dale Miles (13-1).

AWE LIVE Boxing разполага живо световната титла на шампионата и елиминиране пристъпи демонстрират днешните най-вълнуващите бойци. Още от създаването на живи боксови събития AWE в 2011, и е включен над 50 битка за титлата от световна класа. AWE е спечелила множествена боксови Writers Асоциация на номинации за Америка “Fight на годината” и е черта над тридесет световни клас боксови събития. В 2013, AWE демонстрирани всички живи пристъпи участието в тежка категория Дейвид Прайс. AWE излъчен на живо зашеметяващите разстройства на Тони Томпсън над Давид Цена, заедно с Адонис Стивънсън и Тони Bellew карти, които са се борили помежду си за лека тежка категория първенство; 2008 Носител олимпийски златен медал James DeGale. AWE донесе феновете на бокса два от най-спорните пристъпи, които видяха Рики Бърнс запази Lightweight си титла срещу Ray Белтран. AWE фенове са свидетели на експлозивна сила на непобеден в тежка категория Тайсън Fury няколко пъти в мрежата, включително победата Fury над Кевин Джонсън. В 2014, AWE излъчи по телевизията коронясването на шампиона в лека категория Теренс Крауфорд с победата му над Бърнс, както и вълнуващите реванши между Карл Фрамптън и Кико Мартинес, заедно с Тони Белю, побеждавайки Нейтън Клевърли. В 2015, AWE привлече феновете на бокса на най-очакваните реванши за годината, Дарлис Перес v. Антъни Крола II за световната титла на WBA в лека категория.

В 2016, AWE беше ексклузивният американски предател на зашеметяващия нокаут на Лукас Браун над Руслан Чагаев, за да спечели титлата на WBA в тежка категория.

За AWE – Богатството на Entertainment
Богатството на Entertainment (“AWE”) разполага с широк набор от начини на живот и забавления програмиране от екзотично пътуване и скандално домове, за да живеят на световното първенство по бокс. AWE е черта на над сто доставчици на кабелна телевизия, включително AT&T U-Verse, CH 147 и 1147 в HD и Verizon FiOS TV, CH 169 и 669 в HD. За повече информация, моля, посетете www.awetv.com.

Barroso and Camp Offer Sincere Respect for ‘Future Former Champion’ Crolla

Heading into his showdown with WBA World Lightweight Champion Anthony Crolla (30-4-3, 12 Нокаута) тази събота night at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, Великобритания, WBA #1-rated contender and interim champion Ismael Barroso (19-0-2, 18 Нокаута) and his team wish to offer their sincere respect to thefuture former champion.
He is a true champion,” said Barroso of Crolla. “There were easier domestic fights for more money he could have taken, but he wanted to do the right thing and face his top challenger. I admire him for that.
За съжаление, the murderous punching Barroso, Ел Тигре, Венецуела, says he’ll be ending the brave Englishman’s run as champion в събота нощ.
“Той (Crolla) won the WBA title by an upset last year and he’s a likeable man,” continued Barroso, “but all good things come to an end. When they help him up after the fightСъбота, he will have all my respect and I wish him very well for the rest of his life.
Greg Cohen, promoter of Barroso, agrees with his fighter’s sentiment.
Anthony is a true champion, but he’s in way over his head in this one. And him being in his home country and the fans backing him, that only makes Ismael that much more determined. Crolla has had a great and surprising run as champion, but there’s not much anyone can do for him in the face of the kind of power he’s up against.
За Greg Коен Промоции
Един от най-добрите рекламни съоръжения на бокса, Greg Коен Промоции (ДКП) е уважаван име за постановка от световна класа професионални боксови събития и насърчаване на елитни професионални бойци в целия свят.
Основател и главен изпълнителен директор Грег Коен е участвал с професионалния бокс в различни капацитети от края на 1980 г., усъвършенстване на занаята си и вече се е утвърдил като един хитър международна боксова бизнесмен.
Отличава се със способността си да се място и се развива вроден талант, Коен за първи път промоционални заглавия за неговото експертно ръководство на, и много други, Бившият WBA Junior шампион в средна категория Austin “No Doubt” Пъстърва, които Cohen помогна за употреба от неизвестен New Mexico перспектива да елитно ниво суперзвезда плащане на оглед.
В допълнение към Trout, Greg Коен Промоции работи с утвърдени имена като бившия единна и двукратен шампион в тежка категория Хасим “Скалата” Rahman и на всички времена-голяма многократна тегло клас световен шампион Джеймс “На тъмно” Тони.
Cohen currently promotes WBA Interim World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, Undefeated WBA NABA Heavyweight Champion and world-rated contender Jarrell Miller, undefeated WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and world-rated contender Robert Brant, former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including long-time elite middleweight “Среден” Джо Грийн, топ супер перо Arash Usmanee, Канадската герой лек и TV действия Тони Luis; WBA и петкратен Irish National Amateur Champion, Dennis Hogan; и Australian лека перспектива Джош King.
Greg Коен Промоции е домакин на световно ниво боксови събития в най-добрите места на територията на Съединените щати и по света и също така е гордо, предвидени талант и / или съдържание в продължение на няколко телевизионни мрежи, включително CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG и FOX Sports Net.
За повече информация, посещение gcpboxing.com. Намерете ни във Facebook най-www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Кикотене: GCPBoxing.

WBA Interim cruiserweight world champion & Mandatory challenger Beibut Shumenov protests Dorticos-Kalenga WBA “редовен” world cruiserweight title fight

LAS VEGAS (Април 29, 2016) – Световна асоциация Boxing (WBA) Interim cruiserweight world champion Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Нокаута), the only Kazakhstan-native to hold world titles in two different weight classes, is disputing the WBA’s sanctioning of the WBA “редовен” cruiserweight world championship fight, Май 20 в Париж, between two lower-ranked WBA fighters, Do Not. 2 Юниер Dorticos и Не. 5 Юрий Kalenga (recently upgraded to No. 3).
През юли миналата година, Shumenov defeated B.J. Цветя by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the mandatory challenger for WBA “редовен” шампион в Денис Лебедев, who was later elevated to “Супер” шампион.
Lebedev hasn’t fought a mandatory defense за една година, По ирония на съдбата, when he won a 12-round decision over Kalenga, who had earned his world title shot, like Shumenov, by becoming WBA Interim world champion. The WBA granted Lebedev an extension in terms of his due mandatory defense because of the Russian’s unification fight Май 21 in Moscow against International Boxing Federation (IBF) шампион Victor Emelio Ramirez.
I’m very disappointed the WBA is sanctioning Dorticos-Kalenga for its ‘regularcruiserweight title, when I am the No. 1 ranked and current WBA Interim champion,” Shumenov каза. “I repeatedly informed the WBA through emails, texts and verbally that I was ready to fight back in January. I preferred to fight Lebedev but I was willing to fight Dorticos or anybody else in the top 15. For the past few months, I’ve been laboring over what I believe is a very bad decision, letting two lower-ranked fighters, на NO. 2 и Не. 3 момчета, fight for the WBA ‘regular’ заглавие. I am shocked and bewildered and do not understand the WBA’s rationale to have either of these fighters declared the WBA ‘regularchampion without first defeating either Lebedev or me, the Interim champion and No. 1 rank contender.
I appealed the decision but, so far, the WBA has done little in response to my appeals other than delay and stall before finally ruling that I will fight the Lebedev-Ramirez winner months from now, още, ignoring my appeal to stop the regular title status of Dorticos-Kalenga and still sanction a fight between them, its No. 2 и Не. 3 rated fighters, for the WBA ‘regular’ заглавие. This is unfair to fans, who deserve to watch the best fighting the best, especially when a world championship is at stake! We now have this odd situation where there will be three separate WBA cruiserweight fights in May, all for a different version of WBA world title I just don’t feel anyone should get the WBA ‘regulartitle without first defeating a champion or at least the top-ranked fighter in the division. The WBA knew I was and am ready to fight. Its decision makes no sense and, според мен, diminishes the prestige and meaning of the title. I have respect for Dorticos and Kalenga but I think the legitimacy of any world title resulting from a fight between the No. 2 и Не. 3 ranked contenders, when the No 1 mandatory contender who already holds the WBA Interim champion is ready and available, меко казано, is highly questionable.
The WBA told me and announced to the media that it was working to have only one world champion in each division. While I’ve been sitting out the last four months waiting to fight, the WBA has decided to allow six different guys to fight for три WBA cruiserweight world titles, practically on the same day, instead of crowning only one WBA cruiserweight world champion. I look forward to returning to the ring and my manager, Al HAYMON, has advised me that I will fight in May and we will announce next week. I want to thank everyone for their support and I apologize to my family, приятели, fans and my country, Казахстан, for this chaos the WBA has caused that has damaged and delayed my professional boxing career. I will move forward and continue to fight inside the ring, letting my attorneys and manager fight this unfair situation outside the ring.
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