Arkivji Tag: Vasyl Lomachenko

Rebbieħ tistabbilixxi Throwdown Fantasy Punti rekord għall #BradleyRios logħba

NEW YORK (Diċembru 3, 2015, 2015) – A punti logħba rekord wieħed kien ġie stabbilit mill-rebbieħ tal-aħħar $2000 Throwdown Fanatasy Boxing Game bħala Ernesto Lopez(“Ring_King24”) kisbet 474.5 punti totali fantasija biex jaqbdu l- $400.00 check rebbieħ.
“Ir-raġuni għaliex I play Throwdown Fantasy huwa għaliex I am a fan hardcore boxing u I attwalment boxed bħala dilettanti,” Lopez said. “Aktar, what’s better than getting paid for doing something I love and follow 24/7. is the best! I am on it all of the time and my wife thinks I’m addicted. Ħej, huwa jħallsu lura.”
Hawn ħarsa mill-qrib lejn Lopez’ rebbieħa tim:

Lopez mibnija tim rebbieħ tiegħu madwar tliet Favourites solidi fil Tim Bradley, Edwin Rodriguez ($5800) u Vasyl Lomachenko ($5800). This trio cost him a total of $16,400 fi flus kamp ma biss $8600 remaining for him to spend on his final two fighters. The helping hand was provided by Karim Guerfi ($4300), it-tielet ġlied irħas u underdog deċiżiv kontra Alejandro Gonzalez, Jr. Jarrett Hurd kien Lopez’ pick finali.
Billi huwa l-uniku plejer li pick ħames rebbieħa, Lopez setgħet tikkompila tiegħu 474.5 record-setting points. The rest of the top 10 finishers kienu kapaċi biss biex tagħżel erba 'rebbieħa f'dan il-logħba u li wera li d-differenza.
Time kollha winningest plejer Throwdown Fantasy, “Yuggy,” tieni lok maqsuma ma 436.4 punti għal $130.00 prize. Madankollu, daħal tim tiegħu tliet darbiet biex tirbaħ kważi kemm bħala r-rebbieħ logħba, $390.00. The beauty of Throwdown Fantasy is that players may enter a contest as many times as he or she chooses, titjib tal-possibbiltajiet ta 'rebħ flus.

Billi huwa l-uniku plejer li pick ħames rebbieħa, Lopez setgħet tikkompila tiegħu 474.5 record-setting points. The rest of the top 10 finishers kienu kapaċi biss biex tagħżel erba 'rebbieħa f'dan il-logħba u li wera li d-differenza.
Time kollha winningest plejer Throwdown Fantasy, “Yuggy,” tieni lok maqsuma ma 436.4 punti għal $130.00 prize. Madankollu, daħal tim tiegħu tliet darbiet biex tirbaħ kważi kemm bħala r-rebbieħ logħba, $390.00. The beauty of Throwdown Fantasy is that players may enter a contest as many times as he or she chooses, titjib tal-possibbiltajiet ta 'rebħ flus.
Hemm tliet modi faċli biex tilgħab Throwdown Fantasy : 1. Agħżel ħames ġellieda mill-grupp logħba, użu tal- $25,000 għatu salarju (ara hawn fuq); 2. Imbagħad skorja fil-ħin reali track, jaqilgħu punti għal jirbaħ, knockouts u Compubox istatistika (ara l-eżempju dijagramma hawn taħt); 3. Skorja l-aktar punti jirbaħ. Logħob l-aktar aħħar ġimgħa sħiħa u kull wieħed għandu rebbieħa multipli.
Ġellieda jirċievu punti bbażati fuq kif huma jwettqu, ppremjati kull stil ta 'boxing. Compubox istatistika ġlieda huma disponibbli għar-riċerka għall-għajnuna fit-teħid
Parteċipanti ġodda li jiffirmaw issa jirċievu dħul FREE fis Throwdown Fantasy Boxing tal mensili Freeroll logħba. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 roll ħielsa li l-plejers tista 'tidħol użu Punti Throwdown (3 kollu b'xejn fuq ir-reġistrazzjoni) u $25.00 free game. Jiffirmaw u playing huwa b'xejn. In-nies għandhom l-opportunità li jirreġistraw u play b'xejn u mbagħad jimxu fuq logħob mħallsa.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing


Live Fuq Showtime® fi 10:45 p.m. U/PT

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Team Escandon
LAS VEGAS (Novembru 2, 2015) – Kif huwa joqrob lejn tiegħu IS-SIBT, Novembru. 14 Showdown kontra WBC featherweight Champion tad-Dinja Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos), konkorrent featherweight Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Kos) is primed and ready for the challenge. 12-round SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing® prinċipali-avveniment se tixxandar live fuq Showtime (10:45 p.m. U/PT, ittardjat fuq il-Kosta tal-Punent), minn Hard Rock Hotel & Casino fil Las Vegas. L-avveniment ko prinċipali tal-lejla se tara welterweights super undefeated Frank “Notorji” Galarza (17-0-2, 11 Kos) u Jarrett “Swift” Hurd (16-0, 10 Kos) fi kunflitt 10-round.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma pprezzati għal $155, $105, $80, $55 u $30, li ma jinkludux miżati applikabbli, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti jistgħu jinxtraw fil-Rock Hotel Hard & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino, billi ċċempel 888-9-AXS-TIX, jew online fuq
Inqas minn xahar wara Russell Jr. u Escandon kwadru off, Showtime Sports® will present another high-profile matchup between elite 126-pound fighters as WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar defends against Puerto Rico’s Jonathan Oquendo on Diċembru. 5 minn Barclays Center fil Brooklyn.
Filwaqt li jaħdmu fl Las Vegas ma Coach Ruben Guerrero, Escandón taw ħsibijiet tiegħu fuq kamp ta 'taħriġ, ġlieda kontra Gary Russell Jr, u tfittxija tiegħu biex issir champion dinja.
Fuq matchup tiegħu ma Gary Russell Jr.:
“Gary Russell Jr. is a very skilled fighter but he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in a rugged fight. Everyone knows I come to fight and Russell is going to find out firsthand what it’s like to be in a war. Huwa aħjar tkun lesta li tieħu xi kubi.”
Fuq it-taħriġ fil Las Vegas:
Running in the high elevation here in Las Vegas has been great for my stamina. I’ve adjusted to the atmosphere and my body feels extremely strong. I’ve gotten some great sparring with a lot of different looks, guys li jiċċaqalqu bħal Russell. I ma setax jiġi aktar ippreparati imbagħad I ser tkun għal din il-ġlieda.”
Dwar il-ħidma ma 'Ruben Guerrero:
Ruben and I have been working great together. His knowledge of fighting southpaws is excellent and we have a great game plan going into this fight. Everyone can expect to see me throw a lot of punches.
Fuq tfittxija tiegħu biex issir champion tad-dinja:
Becoming a world champion is something I’ve wanted my whole life. I’ve been close a couple of times. In those fights I made the mistake of leaving the decision in the judges’ idejn. This time around, Jien ser għall-eliminatorja, biex jassiguraw myself rebħa.”
Għal aktar tagħrif żur segwitu TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV USwanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook fil


MILL HOTEL HARD ROCK & Casino fil Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (Ottubru 28, 2015) – Welterweights super undefeated Frank “Notorji” Galarza (17-0-2, 11 Kos) u Jarrett “Swift” Hurd (16-0, 10 Kos) se jiltaqa importanti ta 'kunflitt ta' 10 round li jservi bħala l-avveniment ko dehru għall Showtime kampjonat boxing (10:45 p.m. U/PT) fuq IS-SIBT, Novembru. 14 minn Hard Rock Hotel & Casino fil Las Vegas.
L-avveniment prinċipali, jgħixu fuq Showtime®, se karatteristika WBC featherweight Champion tad-Dinja Gary Russell Jr.(26-1, 15 Kos) fl-ewwel difiża tat-titolu tiegħu dinja kontra Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Kos).
“Stajt kien hawn qabel imma naf li għadni xi ħaġa biex tipprova,” Said Galarza. “Jien grat għal din l-opportunità u jien lest li juru d-dinja jien wieħed mill-aħjar ġellieda 154-lira kollha ta 'boxing.”
“Huwa aħjar li jkollhom inqas Thunder fil-ħalq u aktar sajjetti fl-idejn,” Said Hurd. “Jien eċċitati dwar din il-ġlieda u lesti biex juru d-dinja abilità tiegħi come Novembru. 14.”
“Galarza u Hurd jirrappreżentaw tnejn mill-prospetti undefeated aqwa fid-diviżjoni welterweight super,” qal Tom Brown ta Promozzjonijiet TGB. “Huwa riskju għoli, ġlieda premju għolja li se jġibu l-aqwa fl-żewġ ġellieda għal dawk ħars fuq Showtime u fl-attendenza fil Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.”
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma pprezzati għal $155, $105, $80, $55 u $30, li ma jinkludux miżati applikabbli, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti jistgħu jinxtraw fil-kaxxa uffiċċju Hard Rock Hotel, billi ċċempel 888-9-AXS-TIX, jew online fuq
A konkorrent fid-diviżjoni 154-lira, Galarza rebaħ sitt tissielet dritta mill-bidu ta ' 2014, inkluż eliminatorja tat-tieni rawnd thrilling fuq qabel unbeaten John Thompson. A nattivi Brooklyn li daru pro 2010, l Galarza popolari ispira ħafna ma istorja personali tiegħu ta 'perseveranza. Fl-aħħar dehra tiegħu fuq April 10, Galarza skorja t-tielet rawnd ta 'eliminatorja Sheldon Moore fil Hometown tiegħu ta' Brooklyn fuq ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida. The 30-year-old will look to make his mark in his first shot on a big stage when he enters the ring on Novembru. 14.
Il-ġlieda kontra minn Accokeek, Md., Hurd għandu rekord professjonali qatt ma ġew kundannati minħabba tidwir pro 2012. Il-25-il sena fetaħ 2015 bil-waqfien round terz tal veteran Eric Mitchell u segwiti bi waqfien seba 'rawnd ta' qabel unbeaten Jeff Lentz f'Awissu. Huwa se jieħu pass-up fil-kompetizzjoni meta isfidi Galarza fuq Novembru. 14.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur segwitu TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV USwanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing® fuq Novembru. 14, Live Fuq 10:45 p.m. U/PT fuq Showtime®Mill Hard Rock Hotel & Casino fil Las Vegas
Ikklikkja HERE Biex Download Ritratti mill Rosie Cohe / Showtime
WASHINGTON, D.C. –(Ottubru. 28, 2015) -Nattiva Beltway-żona Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) kellu workout media fil Il enigma Boxing Club fil Capital Heights, MD nhar it-Tlieta kif hu jipprepara għall bout kampjonat tiegħu fuq Novembru 14 fuq Showtime.
Russell Jr. se tagħmel l-ewwel difiża tal WBC featherweight World Championship tiegħu kontra l-Kolombja Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Kos) fil-każ prinċipali ta ' SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing fuq IS-SIBT, Novembru. 14, jgħixu fuq Showtime (10:45 p.m. U/PT) minn Hard Rock Hotel & Casino fil Las Vegas.
Hawn dak Russell Jr, Gary Russell Sr. (Missier Gary u trainer) u Gary Antonio Russell(Brother iżgħar Gary u boxing prospett undefeated) kellhom jgħidu nhar it-Tlieta:

“Kamp ta 'taħriġ li qed jiġri kbira, aħna qed dritt fuq kors. Kien hemm sulluzzu minuri fil-kamp minħabba I kien suppost għall-ġlieda kontra fuq Ottubru. 24. I bdew sparring, but once the fight got pushed back to Novembru 14 I cut the sparring off. I ma riedx li quċċata kmieni wisq.
“Illum (It-Tlieta) kienet l-ewwel jum tiegħi mill-ġdid lura sparring. Jien jaħdmu fuq timing tiegħi, ring generalship and lateral movement. We’re right on course.
“Oscar Escandon huwa b'saħħithom u dejjiema. Ikun ġej dritta 'l quddiem. Jekk kantuniera tiegħu kien intelliġenti huma jippruvaw li jieħdu bogħod veloċità naħa tiegħi li se jkun fattur kbir fil-ġlieda. Huwa bzonn biex tagħlaq id-distanza, smother puntelli tiegħi hekk veloċità mhix fattur.
“Aħna qed jaħdmu fuq isir ġlied daqstant komdi fuq barra kif I am ġlied fuq ġewwa.
“A lott ta 'ġellieda huma one-dimensjonali. Aħna qed jippruvaw jagħmlu dan shine djamant min-naħat kollha.
“Naf li jien se tkun rebbieħa mingħajr dubju. Xi ħadd li inti tikseb fil-ċirku ma 'dawn żgħir, 8-ounce gloves always has a possibility of creating an upset whether he’s a big puncher or not. Huwa jieħu biss wieħed sparatura. It’s the fightersjob to take away that opportunity.
“Jien eċċitati għall-ġlieda kontra, perjodu. I don’t even think about this fight being a title defense. Huwa jieħu ċertu tip ta 'toughness mentali u s-saħħa psikoloġika li jiksbu fil-ċirku u jwettaq. Kull min gets fil-ċirku kontra tiegħi huwa champion fl-għajnejn tiegħi.
It’s been about seven months since I fought. I’m always anxious to get back in the ring.
“Jekk niġi passat Escandon I imħabba għall-ġlieda kontra Leo Santa Cruz, we fought in the amateurs. But we never underestimate any opponent and we are focused on getting this fight out of the way first. Lee Selby is another guy that we’re looking at. Of course Abner Mares, anki jekk ikun tilef, would be a great fight. These are the type of guys that we’d like to fight.
“Wara familja tiegħi miegħi matul kamp ta 'taħriġ tfisser dak kollu għalija. Huwa fejn nista 'nikseb l-enerġija tiegħi minn. A lott ta 'guys jħossu bħal dawn ikollhom li jitbiegħed għal kamp ta' taħriġ, imma jien ma jkollhom leave għad-dar. Familja tiegħi hija l-forza wara kamp ta 'taħriġ tiegħi u fejn nsib enerġija tiegħi u l-motivazzjoni. Fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, I kaxxa għall-familja tiegħi.
“Jekk my brother jispiċċa ġlied fuq undercard tiegħi jkun ħafna jibred għalija. Se jkun umoristiċi għaliex jekk ma jikkompetu, inti żgur ser tara lili jaħdmu kantuniera tiegħu qabel ġlieda titolu tiegħi.”
“Naf huwa ġlieda kampjonat, iżda immorru fis-kull ġlieda bħal din hija ġlieda titolu. Ma nafux ton dwar avversarju tiegħu, aħna biss ferrovija bħall ċampjins.
“I ikollhom sitt ulied, kollha kemm huma ġellieda. Dawn kollha għandhom attributi differenti kif in-nies li jittraduċu differenti fis min huma bħala nies u fil-ċirku.
“Antonio Russell huwa 4-0, hu ħadem verament diffiċli kollha tal-ħajja tiegħu. Barra mill-gym, huwa jista 'jiffissa xejn. Antoine, li sempliċiment kwalifikata għall-provi Olimpiku, hija brillanti. Jien kburi ħafna minnu minħabba li huwa biss bil-gradwazzjonijiet valedictorian tal-klassi tiegħu ma 'l-ogħla GPA ta' xi ħadd fil-kontea Prince George s. Imbagħad għandek Gary, li qed tant diffiċli taħdem, hu l-Patrijarka futur tal-familja. Huwa għandu spirtu qodma.
“Jien kburi kollha tal-gidjien tiegħi u jien kburi li aħna qed unità tal-familja b'saħħtu. Aħna tgħallimna ħafna minn telf Gary li Vasyl Lomachenko. Għandna motto fil-ġinnasju li prekarja minn strixxa bi slogan, jgħid "Suċċess hija l-vendetta Ultimate’ u konna għexet minn dak li qatt minħabba li telf. Aħna tgħallimna lezzjoni importanti minn din il-ġlieda u mxew fuq.
“Boxing hija ħaġa trasmessi, inti ma tagħmel dan għal dejjem. Aħna qed tagħmel ħaġa tagħna stess. M'inix inkwetat dwar liema nies oħra għamlu.
“Bħala missier, istint paterna tiegħek kicks għaliex f'dan l-isport, xejn jista 'jiġri. Inti ma tridx tara tifel tiegħek jispiċċaw iweġġgħu. Allura aħna ferrovija għal kwalunkwe ċirkostanza. Minħabba li istint, Stajt ġiet stretta u iebes fuq wlied tiegħi sabiex tipprova biex jinżammu sikuri.”
GARY ANTONIO RUSSELL (Il-ġlieda kontra fuq il- Il-ġimgħa, Ottubru. 30 mhux televiżjoni Premier Boxing Champions fuq Bounce TV undercard u potenzjalment l- Novembru 14 undercard.):
“Bil-mod kif aħna ferrovija u ġlieda, difiża tagħna tistabbilixxi reat tagħna u reat tagħna tistabbilixxi difiża tagħna.
“Ix-xogħol tiegħi huwa li jmorru fil hemm u irbaħ tissielet. Naf avversarju tiegħi huwa Guy tall, imma naf ukoll li hu mhux se jirbaħ. Huwa ma jkollu l-poter titqib jew ċirku generalship li għandi.
“Ladarba I win, Jien għal dak li jmiss. Jien mħarrġa għall-ġlieda kontra konsistenti. I hope I nikseb dan Guy out kmieni, jekk niġu u tippreżenta ruħha. Imbagħad I imħabba biex jiġġieldu fuq il-karta brother anzjani tiegħi ġimgħatejn wara.”
# # #
Għal aktar tagħrif żur segwitu TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV USwanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook

GARY RUSSELL JR. Li jiddefendi WORLD TITOLU KONTRA Oscar ESCANDÓNON is-Sibt, Novembru. 14 MILL HOTEL HARD ROCK & Casino fil Las Vegas

Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA
Live fuq Showtime® Fil 10:45 p.m. U/PT
LAS VEGAS (Ottubru. 21, 2015) – Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) se tagħmel l-ewwel difiża tat-Titolu WBC featherweight World tiegħu meta jieħu fuq Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Kos) fil- SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing® avveniment prinċipali fuq IS-SIBT, Novembru. 14 minn Hard Rock Hotel & Casino fil Las Vegas, jgħixu fuq Showtime (10:45 p.m. U/PT, ittardjat fuq il-Kosta tal-Punent).
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma pprezzati għal $155, $105, $80, $55 u $30, li ma jinkludux miżati applikabbli, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti jistgħu jinxtraw fil-Rock Hotel Hard & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino, billi ċċempel 888-9-AXS-TIX, jew online fuq
“Huwa ser jieħdu l-ħiliet tiegħi u armament kollu tiegħi biex jiddefendi ċinturin tiegħi fuq Novembru 14,” Said Russell Jr. “Escandón hija b'saħħitha, ġlied li ddum ma 'lott ta' enerġija. I se jkollhom jiġu fuq tiegħi A-logħba u nemmen jien se tkun kapaċi li nuru l-ħiliet tiegħi meta I nikseb fil-ċirku.”
“Jien thankful ħafna għall-opportunità għall-ġlieda kontra Gary Russell Jr. għat-titolu tiegħu dinja,” Said Oscar Escandon. “I feel strong going into this fight. Moving up to featherweight has given me the added weight to be at my full strength. I’ve been training hard with Ruben Guerrero, who’s been doing a great job preparing me for Russell’s southpaw attack. I guarantee that I’m going to make it a rough fight.
“Gary Russell Jr. huwa wieħed mill-isports brillanti istilel żgħażagħ,” qal Tom Brown tal Promozzjonijiet TGB. “Winning the featherweight world title against Jhonny Gonzalez was an outstanding feat and he’s chosen a very tough initial defense against the heavy handed Oscar Escandón. We’re very excited to work with the great teams at SHOWTIME and Hard Rock Hotel & Casino fil Las Vegas fuq dan l-avveniment terrific.”
Avveniment ko-prinċipali tal-lejla se jitħabbru dalwaqt, kif ukoll il-undercard mimlija azzjoni.
Russell Jr, tal Capitol Heights, Md., makes his first start since dethroning defending champion Jhonny Gonzalez via fourth round TKO in March in Las Vegas. The talented and quick-fisted southpaw dropped the veteran Gonzalez three times en route to capturing his first world title. The only blemish on the record of the 2008 U.S. Olympian huwa qrib telf deċiżjoni tal-maġġoranza li Vasyl Lomachenko fi bout għal kampjonat dinji vakanti f'Ġunju tal- 2014 fuq Showtime.
Escandon, tal Ibague, Kolombja, huwa ex titlist interim WBA World Super Bantamweight – huwa tilef il-ċinturin f'April fil-qrib, deċiżjoni maqsuma biex Moises Flores at StubHub Center but complained after the loss that a broken finger in his right hand prevented him from throwing any meaningful punches. A former amateur standout who represented his native Colombia in the 2004 Olimpjadi f'Ateni, Escandón rebaħ U.S tiegħu. debutt u l-ċinturin WBA interim ma 'deċiżjoni qasma 12-round fuq Tyson Cave last December. He has knocked out 10 tal-aħħar tiegħu 14 avversarji u huwa mħarreġ minn Ruben Guerrero, missier ta 'konkorrent welterweight żmien twilRobert Guerrero.
Escandon, li jkollu TKO-karriera aħjar seba 'round fuq allura-undefeated Ġesù Cuellar fil 2011, se tkun qed tagħmel bidu konsekuttiva tiegħu terzi fl-Istati Uniti. kif hu jiċċaqlaq fil-piż li 126 liri biex jikkontestaw Russell Jr.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur segwitu TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, Escandonbox; TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV USwanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook fil

Guillermo Rigondeaux’ manager accepts offer From Vasyl Lomachenko’s manager

SUFRA, Irlanda (Lulju 13, 2015) – Irishman Gary Hyde, l-amministratur ta 'bantamweight super unifikata (122 lbs.) champion dinja Bill “Il Jackal” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), aċċetta fil-prinċipju l-offerta magħmula minn Egis klima, maniġer tal-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija Boxing (WBO) featherweight (126 lbs.) champion Vasyl “Hi-Tech” Lomachenko (4-1, 2 Kos), għal Ġlieda Super.


Rigondeaux hija l-World Association Boxing renjanti (WBA) Super, WBO u Il-Ring champion rivista bantamweight super.


Kuban indiġeni Rigondeaux, li issa jgħix fi Miami, u Ukraini tat-twelid Lomachenko huma t-tnejn żewġ time medalists deheb Olimpika.


“"Rigo’ se ġlieda Lomachenko fi catchweight ta 124 liri, li għandu jkun hemm ebda problema għall Lomachenko għaliex huwa jintiżnu 125 liri għal wieħed mill-ġlied professjonali tiegħu, Hyde qal. “"Rigo’ huwa żgħir 122-pounder li tista 'tagħmel 118 mingħajr ħafna problemi, imma kien se tingħata bogħod daqs u piż vantaġġi li jiffaċċjaw Lomachenko.

“Aħna se tinsisti fuq klawżola ta rijidrattazzjoni ta 135 liri għal lejl ġlieda. Jekk Klimas jaqbel ma 'dan, imbagħad, għandna ġlieda. Lomachenko huwa ġlied masterful bħal "Rigo’ u din il-logħba- up se jkun klassika. Aħna jkollhom par ta 'żewġ time medalists deheb Olimpika u ċampjins tad-dinja attwali għaddej fuq dan. Nemmen "Rigo’ huwa l-aktar ferocious taż-żewġ ġellieda u Nemmen bis-sħiħ "Rigo’ se jiddominaw Lomachenko. Klima, inti taf dak li inti trid tagħmel biex jagħmlu l-ġlieda, biss pick up-telefon u sejħa me. "Rigo’ hija lesta!”


Segwi Hyde fuq Twitter fil @ NoWhere2Hyde u ħabib lilu = ts.



Displaying image001.jpg


Network’s Distinctive And Award-Winning “Epilogue” Episode Focuses

The Spotlight On The Unpredictable Drama Of Fight Week


Click On The Image Below To Watch A Clip Lift:


The fourth and final installment of ĠEWWA Mayweather vs. Pacquiao-Epilogue–premieres din is-Sibt immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delayed telecast at 9 p.m. U/PT. In this clip, witness Mayweather and Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach arguing just moments before the fight. And tune in din is-Sibt to witness all the drama and intensity immediately before and after last Saturday’s historic showdown.


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Minn Stephanie Trapp / Promozzjonijiet Mayweather

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Mill Chris Farina / Top Rank

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Mill Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Ikklikkja HERE For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

FLOYD Mayweather

“Hu [Manny Pacquiao] is a hell of a fighter. I take my hat off to him. Now I see why he’s one of the guys that are at the pinnacle of the sport of boxing.


I knew he was going to push it and win some rounds. He had some moments in the fight, but I kept him on the outside, I was a smart fighter. I wasn’t getting hit with a lot of shots until I sat in the pocket, that’s when he would land a lot of shots.


“Għamilna dak li aħna kellha tagħmel tonight and I’m truly blessed.


I’m a calculated fighter, he’s a tough competitor.


I have to take it off to my dad, without him I wouldn’t be where I’m at.


He’s a very awkward fighter, so I had to take my time and watch him close.


“Kollha 47 fights before I got to this fight played a major key in my career.


Manny Pacquiao is a true champion and we both did our best tonight.


When the history books are written, this fight will have been worth the wait.


I have one more fight. My last fight is in September and then it’s time for me to hang it up. I’m almost 40 years old now. I’ve been in the sport 19 years and have been a champion for 18 snin, I’m truly truly blessed.




“Kienet ġlieda tajba; I thought I won the fight.


He didn’t do anything. He was always moving outside.


I got him many times, I saw his punches.


He was moving around too much, it wasn’t easy throwing punches at him. If he would’ve stayed in one place then I could’ve thrown punches.


I was cutting him and countering. I wanted to fight.


I was able to handle his power; he’s not strong like previous opponents like [Anthony] Margarito.


I thought I was up in the fight, so that’s why I didn’t attack harder in the 11th u 12th rawnds.


He’s not bigger than me, it’s not about the size. The size doesn’t matter. I’ve fought guys bigger than him and had no problem.



* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao was a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Lulju 24 u l-Messiku, Ngħixuha li Jemmnu. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast was co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® u HBO Pay Per View® li tibda fl 9 p.m. U/ 6 p.m. PT.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur,,, u and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, mayweatherpromoMannyPacquiao, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing USwanson_Comm, u isiru fan fuq Facebook, / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,



Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Minn Stephanie Trapp / Promozzjonijiet Mayweather

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Idris Erba / Promozzjonijiet Mayweather

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Mill Chris Farina / Top Rank

Ikklikkja HERE For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Mill Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


LAS VEGAS (April 30, 2015) – Undefeated WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Lion “Terremot” Santa Cruz, WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko, their opponents and non-televised fighters participated Il-Ħamis in the undercard final press conference before their respective fights taking place this Saturday, Mejju 2, live on pay-per-view at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


In pay-per-view fights before Floyd “Flus” Mayweather jissodisfa Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao in their epic welterweight championship unificiation showdown, the Mexican star Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Kos) will take on fellow Mexican countryman Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 Kos) in a 10-round featherweight contest and Ukraine’s Lomachenko(3-1, 1 KO) se tiddefendi kontra Puerto Rico tal Gamalier Rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 Kos).


The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® u HBO Pay Per View® li tibda fl 9 p.m. U/ 6 p.m. PT.


Also appearing at the press conference were boxers fighting on the non-televised portion of the card: Promising unbeaten Chris “Young King” Pearson (11-0, 9 Kos), li jissodisfa Said El Harrak (12-2, 7 Kos) fi bout middleweight 10-round; hard-laqtu Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 Kos), who’ll face fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 Kos) in a 10-rounder for the NABO, USBA and NABF Super Middleweight titles, power-punching Andrew “Il-kruha” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Kos), who will be opposed by Anthony Caputo Smith (15-4, 10 Kos) in a cruiserweight eight-rounder and undefeated super middleweight Brad Solomon (24-0, 9 Kos), li jissodisfa Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 Kos) in a 10-round scrap.


Here is what the fighters and executives said Il-Ħamis at the Copperfield Theater at the MGM Grand:


I’m more than excited to be on this undercard. This is the biggest card I could have been on. I want to show the whole world who I am.


I prepared very hard for this fight, like I always do. It’s going to be a historic night and I’m happy to be a part of that history.


I know that everybody is here for Mayweather and Pacquiao but there will still be millions seeing me fight and I want to show them who Leo Santa Cruz is so that I can get a lot more fans.


“”I’m still young and there are many more fights to come. The fights the fans want, we’re going to give it to them. I know those fights are going to happen.


I want to look spectacular and I want to get Cayetano out of there really fast. Sometimes these kind of fighters are the ones who give you the hardest fights because they come hungrier and have nothing to lose.


Seeing my family here and having them in the arena on fight night is a huge motivation for me. I feel happier and more relaxed and I’m ready.


I never underestimate a fighter. Any fighter in the ring is dangerous. I hope that Cayetano is ready so that we can give the fans a great show.


I know that Leo Santa Cruz is a strong, difficult fighter but he also has weaknesses and that is what we prepared for, to give him a surprise.

I’m a man that takes challenges and I’ve been preparing very hard, I’m always prepared for these types of fights. I’m very prepared and I feel very strongly that I will win.

I came here for the opportunity to beat Leo Santa Cruz and for the opportunity to participate in such a grand event that is Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.

I’m very happy and very grateful and very excited to get into the ring. It’s a huge commitment, the entire world will be watching me but that is why I accepted the fight, I know that if I beat him, bigger and better opportunities will come my way.

I’m not nervous because it’s not the first time that I’ve faced a tough opponent. I’ve never faced a world champion but I’ve faced opponents that throw hard punches, so I’m not nervous, I’m excited.



This is an opportunity to show everyone what I’m capable of doing and for millions of viewers to see that I can do it.


The best fighters get the best opportunities in the ring, there are a lot of great fighters getting those opportunities including myself.


It’s always a good feeling when people are saying good things about you.


I’m very excited to be involved in a bout such as this one, Mejju 2 will be a big show shown around the world. I’m very happy to be in the opening bout for this huge fight.


I’m looking forward to this big fight nhar is-Sibt. It’s a blessing to participate in this type of press conference and come IS-SIBT, I se jirbaħ! I’m sure of it. I will be champion.

All of the attention toward Vasyl Lomachenko gives me motivation. I’ve been a fighter and a boxer since I was young and it’s added motivation to come out on top this weekend.


I know that Lomachenko is a good and technical fighter but it doesn’t compare to my hunger and drive to be world champion.

I wanted to take the opportunity during my speech at the press conference to let everyone know that I can here to fight. It’s going to be a hard fought battle and I’m very confident that I’ll win and become the champion this Saturday.


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO ta Promozzjonijiet Mayweather

I am so excited to be here today to discuss the great undercard which will be the lead-in to our long awaited, history making event taking place this Saturday night.


The lead-in fight for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will be a very exciting fight featuring Leo Santa Cruz and Jose Cayetano.


Leo Santa Cruz is one of the classiest gentleman in the sport. He’s a very fan-friendly fighter and a Mexican warrior. He represents Mexico very well.


BOB ARUM, Sala tal-Eroj Promotur, Top Rank

I know that every fighter deems it a tremendous honor to be part of this great event. We hope and believe that we will be presenting to the public through Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank, the best of boxing and the best fighters.


Vasyl Lomachenko is considered to be the greatest amateur fighter of all time. Issa, he looks for the same type of success he had as an amateur in the professional ranks. But this will be a very competitive fight, because Gamalier Rodriguez is a Puerto Rican who comes to fight and believes that he can upset Vasyl.


A lot of the young men up here believe they are the next big thing in boxing, and many will be. But I know that Vasyl Lomachenko will be a big superstar in the sport of boxing.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 u l-Messiku, Ngħixuha li Jemmnu.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur,,, u and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, mayweatherpromoMannyPacquiao, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing USwanson_Comm, u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil, / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,


"Mayweather VS. Pacquiao "

Dan IS-SIBT, Mejju 2, Jgħixu fuq Pay Per View

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Idris Erba / Promozzjonijiet Mayweather

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Minn Stephanie Trapp / Promozzjonijiet Mayweather

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Mill Chris Farina / Top Rank

Ikklikkja HERE For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti Mill Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


LAS VEGAS (April 29, 2015) - Floyd "Flus" Mayweather u Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao faced off for only the third time L-Erbgħa during the final press conference for their long-awaited welterweight world championship unification fight this IS-SIBT, Mejju 2, fil-MGM Grand Garden Arena, live on pay-per-view.


The last time the boxing superstars met face-to-face was at the Los Angeles press conference to formally announce the mega-fight on Marzu 11. The first time they were photographed up close and personal came at a Miami Heat basketball game in January.


In the most eagerly awaited showdown in years – and the richest fight in boxing historythe undefeated and universally recognized No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer Mayweather (47-0, 26 Kos), an 11-time world champion in five weight divisions, will take on the fighting pride of the Philippines, Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos), the only boxer to capture world titles in eight weight classes.


Here is what the fighters and executives said L-Erbgħa at the KÀ Theatre at the MGM Grand:

FLOYD Mayweather

“The only thing I can do is take it one day at a time. When the fight gets here I will go out there and do what I do best and that’s go out and fight.


“From the beginning of my career, I’ve always had a game plan. It’s just like chess. We make calculated moves in the ring and outside the ring. I got with the right team and surrounded myself with the right chess pieces.


“I’m a lot wiser than I once was. This fight sells itself. Our ultimate goal was to get to this point, whether it was Manny or another fighter.


“I don’t take anything away from Manny Pacquiao. He’s a solid fighter; a solid competitor and it will be an intriguing matchup come Saturday.


“Everything takes time, it’s all about timing. I’m glad that we had patience and didn’t rush. The time is now, this is the right time for this fight.


“I want to thank all the writers for being here. Some have been around since I was 10-years-old, some have been here for my 19 years in this sport. I’m thankful for all the writers, whether the stories were good stories or bad, you guys kept me relevant for 19 snin.


“This fight is about one fighter who is at the top fighting another fighter who is at the top. It’s about giving you guys excitement. We don’t know how this fight is going to play out, but I believe in my skills. I believe I am going to be victorious.


“When I went to training camp I worked extremely hard to win this fight and I’m pretty sure Manny did the same. That’s why this is an intriguing matchup.”


“I don’t have a prediction, but I’m excited. I’m confident and I feel for the first time that I’m ready for the fight.

"I’m so happy because that feeling and that focus that I had many years ago, huwa lura. I’m confident and relaxed.

“My love and eagerness for this fight has made me especially interested.

“I would like to invite everyone to witness the great fight between Floyd and I this Saturday.

“I want to be an example and inspiration to people.

“Before I became a boxer, I used to sleep on the street. I can’t believe that I am in this position. The boy who didn’t have food and slept on the street can have this life.

“On Saturday our goal is to make the fans happy with our performance. Both of us will work very hard to entertain the fans and give a good fight.

“I hope that both Floyd and I do our best on Saturday and to put our name in boxing history.

“The most important thing I hope for is that after the fight I can talk with Floyd about being an inspiration to people all around the world.”

SR FLOYD Mayweather., Missier Mayweather tal & Trainer


“Whatever happens on Saturday, it’s going to be one-sided. Pacquiao is going to sleep.


“I’m a trainer, I know what’s going on with fighters. Pacquiao doesn’t have it.


“Everybody can say what they want to say. I’ve said it before, Pacquiao can’t punch. I’m not worried about it. I’m going to have Floyd walk him down.”


FREDDIE ROACH, Trainer Pacquiao tal-

“When this fight was announced, Manny’s training level went way up. He’s really excited about this fight.


“I think we will win a decision and outpoint this guy. If the knockout comes then that will be a bonus.

“I think Manny likes to be the underdog. We like pulling upsets and doing things we’re not supposed to do. Manny is going to be that guy.

“We will put a lot of pressure on Floyd. Manny likes to exchange and with his hand speed, this fight will go in our favor.

“Manny is reckless, but that’s his style. He tries to win fights and people enjoy his fights. He gives it his all and sometimes you get knocked out, that’s part of boxing.”


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO ta Promozzjonijiet Mayweather


“The worldwide attention and interest in this event has been unbelievable and Floyd and Manny deserve it.


“Las Vegas has a rich history of hosting the biggest and best fights in the sport. Over the years Floyd Mayweather has made the MGM his home. This will be his 11th consecutive fight at MGM Grand and the 14th in his career.


“There are two great fighters that will be fighting on Saturday night and the focus needs to be on the fighters, no one else. The focus is on the fighters on Saturday night.


“On May 2, Floyd faces another huge challenge in fellow world champion Manny Pacquiao, in a fight that the whole world is waiting to see. Once again Floyd is out to prove that he is The Best Ever and I know he will on Saturday night.”


BOB ARUM, Sala tal-Eroj Promotur, Top Rank


“This is a great promotion with two great fighters. I hope that this fight will help elevate the rest of boxing. I think based on the interest in this fight, there has been increased interest in boxing as well, and that’s great.


“People have spent a lot of time during this event watching Manny train, but more importantly, watching Freddie teach. It’s great to see two guys on the same wavelength, working on the strategy and then working it out in the ring.”


KEN HERSHMAN, President, HBO Sports


“The journey to this fight has been a remarkable one. In addition to the great writing and reporting that all the media has been doing, HBO has been putting on terrific programs for fight fans to enjoy and bring them closer to the sport.


“One important note for everyone, please order the pay-per-view Saturday night early, or if possible today or tomorrow. We expect that the ordering systems will be overwhelmed. Wkoll, there will be two undercard events starting at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and those events can end at any time. We want to make sure that no one misses any of the main event. Tune-in and tune-in early.”


STEPHEN Espinoza, Viċi-President Eżekuttiv u General Manager, Showtime Sports


“This event is about two world-class athletes, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, who have been working for weeks and weeks, all of their lives really, to get to this precise moment.


“These two fighters have worked their entire lives to get to this moment.


“Floyd and Manny have great teams. Floyd will be the first one to tell you that his team deserves a lot of the credit for his success and I’ve heard Manny say very similar things.


“What makes this event so special and so historic, is that we have two once-in-a-generation athletes who will be meeting in the ring in about 72 sigħat. We are so proud to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a highly anticipated event.”


STORM RICHARD, President tal Entertainment & Sports għall Resorts MGM Internazzjonali


“It is an honor for the MGM Resorts to house this highly anticipated event. Sports fans around the world will have the unique opportunity to watch two of boxing’s top champions, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, as they go toe-to-toe at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


“Excitement for this event has resonated throughout our MGM Resorts properties and the entire Las Vegas community.


“We have created additional programming at the resorts including closed circuit viewing that gives fans the chance to experience MGM’s great championship fights.


“We just want to thank everybody involved in this great event. We’re excited, we’re proud and we can’t wait for Saturday night.”


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions –Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 u l-Messiku, Ngħixuha li Jemmnu. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast is co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® u HBO Pay Per View® li tibda fl 9 p.m. U / 6 p.m. PT.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur,,, u and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, mayweatherpromoMannyPacquiao, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing USwanson_Comm, u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil,,,