Tag Archives: Vadim Finkelchtein

Vadim Finkelchtein: “Situácia Emelianenko-Maldonado dostáva smiešny”

Monte Carlo, Monaco(Júl 28, 2016)- Svetová MMA asociácie (WMMAA) Vadim Finkelchtein odišla verejnosti vysvetliť rozhodnutie nedávnej WMMAA o Team Maldonado odvolaní, čo malo za následok zmenu úradníka Fedor EmelianenkoFabio Maldonado bojovať výsledok remízou, navyše k zastaveniu jeho vedúci rozhodcov, Radmir Gabdullin.

WMMAA prezident Vadim Finkelchtein
Vadim, hovorí k nám prostredníctvom procesu odvolacieho. Prečo ste si ju prijať v prvom rade, pretože ruský MMA Union zamietnutá Maldonado manažérom odvolanie?
VF: “Každý videl, čo sa deje v médiách a MMA komunite po záchvate. Byť zakladateľom oboch ruského MMA úniou a Svetovou MMA asociácie, Dostal som veľa správ a volanie z žiadateľov o vysvetlenie o tom, ako to bolo možné, aby zamestnanci Russian MMA únie svoju funkciu svojím vlastným šéfom’ boj. Čítal som stovky negatívnych komentárov pohŕdavý ruský MMA únii a WMMAA. Niektorí dokonca šiel tak ďaleko, že to bolo asi ruská mafia tam podnikania, všetci ruskí sudcovia sú nakupované, etc. Snažil som sa držať ďalej od tohto debaklu, pretože boj nastal v inom propagácie, ale keď Maldonado manažér poslal odvolanie k WMMAA, žiada prehodnotiť výsledok boj, nemôžeme povedať nie. WMMAA povesť bola na linke, rovnako ako to ruský MMA scény, taky.”
To, čo urobil proces výberu prehodnotenie provízie vyzerať a prečo bola hlava sudca Radmir Gabdullin pozastavený?
VF: “V podstate, Musel som urobiť Radmir, ako hlavný rozhodca v WMMAA je, zodpovedný za celý proces. Avšak, pretože to bol jeden z dôvodov, prečo odvolanie vynoril na prvom mieste, najlogickejšie rozhodnutie bolo, že ho dočasne pozastaviť a vymenovať generálneho tajomníka WMMAA je (alexander Engelhardt) s ňou zaobchádzať.”
Vo svojom nedávnom rozhovore, Radmir Gabdullin bagatelizoval význam WMMAA verdiktu, hovoriť to bolo neoficiálne, a že nikdy nedostal odvolanie.
VF: “Na tom nie je nič pre komentár o tu. Je to čistá lož. Nechápem, čo sa snaží dosiahnuť tým, že hovorí niečo také. Ak je to nevyhnutné, Môžem vám ukázať e-mail manažéra so zamestnancami Russian MMA únie, Kamil Gadzhieva a zamestnanci WMMAA ako príjemcovia. Povedal, že nikdy dostal odvolanie je absurdné a hlúpe výhovorka.”
Zároveň urazil profesionálov, ktorá prehodnotila boj volaním im nekompetentní.
VF: “Keď som to čítal moja prvá reakcia bola obrovská sklamaním. Ako by mohol, ako oficiálny hlavného rozhodcu, Štát sa niečo také voči svojim kolegom, ktorí pozná naozaj dobre? Použil k celebrovať niekoľko udalostí s nimi. Ich skúsenosť je desať alebo možno dokonca stokrát väčší, než je Radmir. marco Broersen bol vykonávajúcich významné európske akcie, vrátane KSW, M-1 Global a mnoho ďalších, pre 15 leta. Už pracujú v tejto oblasti, keď Radmir bol ešte v škole. Je to škoda pre neho povedať niečo také. Je to ponižujúce pre Radmir a Ruskou MMA únie.”
Môžete mi vysvetliť, prečo 24-ročná Radmir bol vybraný, aby sa stal hlavný rozhodca v oboch WMMAA a ruského MMA únie, ktorý nemá skúsenosti alebo zodpovedajúce vzdelanie V NICH?
VF: “Viete, to všetko začalo v roku 2010-2011, keď som sa rozhodol začať rozvíjať amatérske MMA s cieľom poskytnúť tisícky mladých športovcov s pracovných príležitostí. Aby sa tak stalo MMA únie v Rusku bolo nutné, rovnako ako oficiálne uznanie Mixed Martial Arts ako šport. Bolo to ťažké. Nemal som skúsenosti z práce vo federácii; veľa papierovania. postrádal máme kvalifikovaných pracovníkov, kedy sme začali hľadať ľudí. Ponúkol som Fjodor Jemeljaněnko byť prezident Únie so mnou v čele WMMAA. Názov Gabdullin bolo spomenuté Fedor. Povedal, že tam bol tento mladý a nádejný chlapec, Uvidíme, čo sa dá robiť. Aj súhlasil úplne, aj keď som si uvedomil, že ani skúsenosti, ani vedomosti.”
Aká bola vaša reakcia na pripomienky Kamil Gadzhieva je vyhlasovať v každom rozhovore, že remíza bola najlepší výsledok, ale potom, čo výsledok bol zmenený Sherdog nadväzujúce na WMMAA verdiktu, si to rozmyslel a sľúbil zavolať a e-mail Sherdog na protest svoju činnosť?
VF: “Mal som telefónny rozhovor s Kamil. Dal jasne najavo, že mu dôveruje WMMAA a ruského MMA únii, zatiaľ čo opakujú svoj osobný názor, že remíza by bola spravodlivá rozhodnutie. Neviem, prečo sa jeho slová neboli následne podporovaný svojimi činmi.”
Ruský MMA únia má veľa úradníkov. Ešte, nikto by sa vyjadriť k situácii, Vrátane Fedor sám. Prečo je to, že?
VF: “Nemôžem odpovedať na túto otázku. Najdôležitejšie pre mňa je spravodlivosť aj povesť a to platí aj pre ruského MMA a WMMAA, tiež. Nemohol som sa prikloniť, čo je dôvod, prečo sa vytvorila medzinárodná komisia rozhodcov. Nikto sa snažil, aby sa ten druhý muž víťazstvo, ako niektorí tvrdili v komentároch. Ako prezident WMMAA, Hanbím sa situácia šiel tak ďaleko. Drvivá väčšina z popredných miest MMA podporil WMMAA verdikt; Sherdog zmenil výsledok. Ďalším príkladom je hlasovanie na výsledok zápasu TV, v ktorom 56 percent ruských voličov povedal Fedor nevyhral súboj. "Big’ John McCarthy to povedal. Sergey Kharitonov,Alexey Oleinik a mnoho ďalších povedal to isté. Ľudia, ktorí boli fandiť Fedor pre roky si uvedomil, že. A teraz tu máme jednu osobu, na ktorej je uvedený opak, hovorí naše rozhodnutie je neoficiálny, že skúsení sudcovia stali nekompetentní v žiadnom okamihu, a nikdy dostal odvolanie. Je to smutná situácia a musíme s ňou zaobchádzať zodpovedajúcim. Zvuk svet čaká a zdôvodnené rozhodnutie, ale dostane výhovorky a lži miesto. Naša povesť je v stávke, pretože to.”
Harmonogram Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8 – Asian MMA Championship v Hwasun, Južná Kórea
Sedem. 14-16 – European Championship MMA v Tbilisi, Georgia
Október. 7-9 – Inauguračnej Pan-americkej majstrovstiev v Santiagu, Čile
November. 18-20 – World Championship MMM v Macau, Čína
Neštebotajú: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

WMMAA končí šéf rozhodcov Radmir Gabdullin

Monte Carlo, Monaco(Júl 20, 2016)- Svetová MMA asociácie (WMMAA) ukončila svoju vedúcu rozhodcov, Radmir Gabdullin, vzhľadom k jeho nerozvážnosť, neskúsenosť, a technickú neschopnosť vyhodnotiť zmiešaných bojových umení (MMA) v profesionálnom sektore.
Pokiaľ ide o nedávne vyhlásenie, že sa v poslednej dobe v ruskom tlače, Gabdullin vyjadril neúctivo k ďalšie hudobné kolega sudca, Člen WMMAA Board alexander Engelhardt a Združenie sám, as Worldwide WMMAA prezident Vadim Finkelchtein vyjadrený, “Jedným z kľúčových faktorov MMA je úcta. Jedná sa o línie by sme mali a nikdy nemôže prekročiť. Ako už bolo povedané, to mi nedáva inú možnosť, než sa uvoľní Radmir Gabdullin zo svojej funkcie. Tiež sme hrozne radí, že ruský MMA Union to isté. (Ruský MMA únia je riadnym členom Svetovej MMA únie.)
“Usilovne pracujeme na štandardizáciu vo všetkých krajinách sveta, všetky kontinenty, v zmysle pravidlá, Regulácia a Rozhodcovskej komisie, vrátane proti dopingu.Sme realitný celosvetová organizácia, a preto tiež musí odrážať to vo všetkých WMMAA výborov. Tiež, Rusko bude, samozrejme, zastúpené v nich ako súčasť WMMAA. Ďalšie informácie budú čoskoro nasledovať.”
Finkelchtein, ktorý ako WMMAA prezident rezerv akejkoľvek inej činnosti smerujúce k prísediaceho, poznamenať, že, Počas November 4-6WMMAA Congress v Macau, Čína, doska rozhodcov budú diskutované a vytvoril.
Harmonogram Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8 – Asian MMA Championship v Hwasun, Južná Kórea
Sedem. 14-16 – European Championship MMA v Tbilisi, Georgia
Október. 7-9 – Inauguračnej Pan-americkej majstrovstiev v Santiagu, Čile
November. 18-20 – World Championship MMM v Macau, Čína
Neštebotajú: @theWMMAA

Team Maldonado files WMMAA appeal to reassess result of June 17th Emelianenko vs. Maldonado fight in Russia

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Júl 4, 2016) — The World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) has received an appeal from Stefano Sartori, manager of Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado, to reassess the result of his June 17thfight with Fedor Emelianenko, which headlined Fight Nights Global 50 in Saint Petersburgh, Rusko.
Emelianenko was awarded a win by majority decision, which Team Malondado has appealed, claiming a conflict of interest because all of the judges are employed by the Russian MMA Union, of which Emelianenko serves as president.
Team Maldonado believes Maldonando should have won the decision, or the fight declared a draw at the very least, in their opinion, as the Brazilian clearly won the first round, 10-8, Emelianenko came back to take the second round, 10-9, and the third round was a toss-up.
Because Russian MMA Union vice president Radmir Gabdullin was the head judge for the aforementioned bout, Team Maldonando feels that a fair judgement regarding its appeal can be rendered only by independent, international judges reviewing the fight.
Team Maldonando has appealed the decision on grounds that there was an obvious conflict of interest in terms of the Russian MMA Union judges and their close association with Fedor, as well as the quality of decisions they rendered. Rather than appeal the decision to the Russian MMA Union, which they claimed would place Russian judges under intense pressure, Team Maldonando made the appeal directly to the WMMAA because the Russian MMA Union is a sanctioned member of the worldwide sanctioning body WMMAA.
WMMAA prezident Vadim Finkelchtein has announced the following sequence of actions:
  • WMMAA Secretary General alexander Engelhardt has been appointed to handle the appeal procedure
  • A group of objective international judges, under the guidance of experienced referee/judge marco Broersen (Holandsko), to be appointed to assess the Emelianenko-Maldonado fight based on the tape and render an unbiased verdict regarding the fight and work of the judges
  • Temporarily suspend WMMAA head judge Radmir Gabdullin from his position
  • Discuss judgeswork at the next WMMAA Congress, taking into account the pending verdict of the independent commission
Harmonogram Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8 – Asian MMA Championship v Hwasun, Južná Kórea
Sedem. 14-16 – European Championship MMA v Tbilisi, Georgia
Október. 7-9 – Inauguračnej Pan-americkej majstrovstiev v Santiagu, Čile
November. 18-20 – World Championship MMM v Macau, Čína
Neštebotajú: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

Svetová MMA asociácie 2016 Asian Championship RESCHEDULED Aug. 17-21 v Južnej Kórei


Monte Carlo, Monaco (Máj 8, 2016)- The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that, due to venue availability issues, its second annual Asian Championship has been rescheduled from Máj 27-30 na August 17-21 at the same site, the Hwasoon Culture and Sports Center. in the Republic of South Korea.
The Asian MMA Championship will feature the top amateur MMA fighters in six different weight classes.
We had to postpone our annual Asian Championships but this way we’ll have even more time to prepare for the biggest amateur MMA event of the year on the Asian continent,” WMMAA prezident Vadim Finkelchtein povedal. “The location and venue remain the same, which is great news because the site our South Korean Federation was able to find really suits our championship very well.
An international judgesseminar will be held Augusta. 17-20, to certify and accredit judges. Only accredit judges will be allowed to work during the Asian MMA Championships. Preliminary and semifinal matches will be Aug. 19, followed by the championship final matches.
The official weigh-ins and competition draws will be conducted Aug. 27,
The Asia Division Congress: Battle of the Nomads of the WMMAA Pro Asian Division will be held Aug. 20.
Individual team competition will be held in accordance with the “Oficiálne pravidlá Mixed Martial Arts Competition, podlieha schváleniu WMMAA. vrátane revízií, dodatky a objasňovanie niektorých ustanovení. Matches will held in accordance with the Olympic system with two third-places in each of the six weight divisions.
Team scoring is awarded by the maximum amount of points scored by individual team members on the following basis: 1st – 10, 2nd – 8, 3rd – 6, 4th – 5, 5th – 4, 6th – 3, 7th – 2, 8th – 1.
All individual first-place winners will be awarded special championship belts and medals, second and third-place finishers will receive a medal and certificate. Teams finishing among the top three in the final standings will be awarded cups and certificates.
In addition to the host, Južná Kórea, other eligible countries to compete in the Asian MMA Championship include Afghanistan, Čína, Taiwan, Indie, Irán, Kazachstan, Kirgizsko, Mongolsko, Singapur, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Svetová MMA asociácie 2016 Asian Championship May 27-30 v Južnej Kórei

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Apríl 19, 2016)- The second annual World MMA Association (WMMAA) Asian Championship will be held Máj 27-30 at Hwasoon Culture and Sports Center in the Republic of South Korea.
The Asian MMA Championship will feature the top amateur MMA fighters in six different weight classes.
This year’s Asian MMA Championship is a significant milestone for our association,” WMMAA prezident Vadim Finkelchtein povedal. “We strive to educate people from each country in which we hold regional championships. This time will be no different with more people learning the beauty of Mixed Martial Arts. We’re also organizing a judges and referee seminar within a certification process. We are looking forward to this event and hope to have as many Asian countries participating as possible.
An international judgesseminar will be held Máj 24-27, to certify and accredit judges. Only accredit judges will be allowed to work during the Asian MMA Championships. Preliminary and semifinal matches will be May 28, followed by the championship final matches.
The official weigh-ins and competition draws will be conductedMáj 27,
The Asia Division Congress: Battle of the Nomads of the WMMAA Pro Asian Division will be held Máj 29.
Individual team competition will be held in accordance with the “Oficiálne pravidlá Mixed Martial Arts Competition, podlieha schváleniu WMMAA. vrátane revízií, dodatky a objasňovanie niektorých ustanovení. Matches will held in accordance with the Olympic system with two third-places in each of the six weight divisions.
Team scoring is awarded by the maximum amount of points scored by individual team members on the following basis: 1st – 10, 2nd – 8, 3rd – 6, 4th – 5, 5th – 4, 6th – 3, 7th – 2, 8th – 1.
All individual first-place winners will be awarded special championship belts and medals, second and third-place finishers will receive a medal and certificate. Teams finishing among the top three in the final standings will be awarded cups and certificates.
In addition to the host, Južná Kórea, other eligible countries to compete in the Asian MMA Championship include Afghanistan, Čína, Taiwan, Indie, Irán, Kazachstan, Kirgizsko, Mongolsko, Singapore and Tajikistan

WMMAA President Vadim Finkelchtein Leading sport into future

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Marec 14, 2016)- Svetová asociácia zmiešaných bojových umení (WMMAA) Prezident Vadim Finkelchtein, who founded the sanctioning organization in 2012, continues to lead WMMAA and the sport into a very bright future.
In four short years, WMMAA has alreadydeveloped into the strongest sanctioning body in the MMA world, hosting some of the sport’s most prestigious championships, as well as creating a highly respected culture in throughout sports worldwide.
Finkelchtein answered some pertinent questions below about WMMAA, its past and future, in addition to addressing the growth of mixed martial arts:
Can you tell us about you and your experience in Martial Arts?
VF: “I practiced judo when I was a kid. Back then there was no MMA whatsoever.

How did you first enter the world of MMA?
VF: “V 1995, I was offered an opportunity to sponsor an MMA event. That’s when I learned about and fell in love with no holds barred, or free-fight, as it was called then. V 1997, I organized my own event in Russia. The rest is history.

When did you first hear of MMA and what was your first impression? Did
you expect this sport to grow as much as it has today?

VF: “When I saw my first MMA event in 1995, I was amazed by its scale and how many people came to watch. People were genuinely interested. It was a whole other level and approach to a sports event. And I had seen a lot so I could compare empirically. I have always believed in MMA and expected it would eventually become the number one sport in the world, although back then no one would acknowledge MMA as a sport. Náš
athletes and fight teams had a hard time. They were not even welcome in sambo gyms to train there. It was a long and a hard way to change MMA’s image that was deemed as human cock fighting or closely related to organized crime. Thanks to the fact I have never had any relations to crime, when this sport landed in my hands in late 90’s, it
helped greatly as we were able to turn the tide and after all these years to help governments to officially recognize MMA.

What is your function and main activities within WMMAA?
VF: “I founded the World MMA Association in 2012 because I felt the time had come. MMA is the fastest growing sport and it’s time to start developing it at another level, giving it a new but essential dimension. Due to its popularity, thousands of fans of all ages started practicing in Mixed Martial Arts. At that moment, I had accumulated a vast network in multiple countries. I knew countless numbers of activists across the globe, so the start was destined to happen. From the get-go over 20 countries joined the WMMAA family. At this moment there are over 60 countries and counting.

How would you assess WMMAA’s progress during its three year existence?
VF: “WMMAA is still in its infancy. Áno, we lack experience and financing, and MMA is a new kind of sport in many regions. But I have to say that we’re growing and the last World Championship in Czech Republic proved it. Cez 40 national teams flew to Prague with over 200 športovci. The level of competition evolved so much. The organizational level was also high and we are thankful to our Czech MMA Federation for its great work. This World Championship proved there is demand for MMA around the world.

What are the main goals of WMMAA and what are the main obstacles facing
the association?
VF: “The goals are to encourage as many countries as possible to join the WMMAA
rodina, to facilitate them in their struggle to get MMA recognized in their respective countries, helping them develop amateur MMA. There are countless obstacles but I firmly believe we’ll prevail.

Were there any countries that stood out or surprised you?
VF: “China surprised me a lot. They joined WMMAA recently but since then they’ve shown solid results. Tiež, I enjoyed the performance of Latin American teams. It was their debut but one Colombian kid (Andrey Roa Ruiz Dumar) won a bronze medal and that was great.
Opäť, Russia won the majority of the medals due to amateur MMA there developing with extremely rapid strides ever since early 2012. Fedor Emelianenko is the main locomotive and driving force in Russia. The selection process there is just unbelievable. You can’t imagine how many steps one needs to make in order to become the champion of the Russian Federation. The City Championship, Oblast Championship, regional and national championship. Each of these events consists of at least three fights, which means that a Russian champion will probably have had at least won 15 fights under his belt by the time of the European or World Championships. Only truly the best get to the top. Imagine this: around 7,000 athletes participated in the aforementioned events in 2015.

What are the 2016 mid-term goals for WMMAA?
VF: “The normal routine is to hold the Asian Championship, Pan-American Championship, multiple referee and judge seminars and certifications, then prepare for the European and, consequently, the World Championship that will coincide with the annual Congress.

Can you describe what 2015 was like for WMMAA?
VF: “I was amazed with the Asian Championship in Tajikistan with thousands and thousands of fans at the stacked football stadium. I enjoyed watching how many people turned their eyes to an amateur MMA event.

What words of wisdom would you like to share with the members of WMMAA family?
VF: “I’d ask all WMMAA members to adhere to the agreements and decisions we reached collectively. It pertains to the set of rules, judging process, vybavenie, unified rules, and youth sports development.
WMMAA keeps expanding, však, there are still multiple countries that are not yet WMMAA members. Why should any local Federation apply for WMMAA membership?
VF: “WMMAA is the strongest MMA organization there is. We plan to continuously hold regional and world championships and keep developing and evolving. Športovci’ ethical upbringing is also our target. We believe this sport can give so much to the world in various ways and we put a lot of effort into its development. We’ll gladly accept strong and worthy partners into our ranks.
We are truly an amateur association, although others may think we are not. The thing is it’s rather hard to verify the real records of MMA athletes. There is no official and ubiquitous database or instance that would provide 100-percentreliable and accurate information pertaining to the amount of fights under someone’s belt. Some amateur fights might be recorded as professional and professional fights as amateur, which was the reason for us canceling the previous rule of pro fight limitation for the time being, in order to develop a new system of fighterseligibility evaluation. We are working on that as we speak.

People keep asking: why should we use SportID and SportData. Can you
explain why it is so essential?

VF: “We are an official and credible sport. Our association ought to be transparent. These databases show the data on athletes, their statistics and numbers. They show the quantitative as well as qualitative growth of mixed martial artists. They facilitate in overseeing the championships registered in SportData, helping to broadcast them. Okrem toho, they contain so many functions that it would take me forever to discuss it. Just think of rankings, both individual and national, bojovníci’ profiles and so on. I need to remind everyone that, based on the Congress decision, the use of and
registration in these databases are mandatory for all our members.

M-1 Challenge 64 Bonus Performances Announce

MOSKVA (Február 29, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced its M-1 Challenge 64bonus performances, highlighted by co-Fight of the Night awards, along with KO of the Night and Submission of the Night.
Veteran Russian fighter Alexander Shlemenklo (52-9-0), a three-time Bellator champion, won a close unanimous decision over former 2-division M-1 Challenge division Vyacheslav Vasilevski (28-3-0), Ruska, in their M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament co-Fight of the Night match (na obrázku nižšie).
Sharing top honors for Fight of the Night (Pozri nižšie) bol Pavel Vitruk (13-2-0) proti. Ukrajinský Vitaly Branchuk (21-5-0), in which Vitruk won a decision in their M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Semifinals Eliminator match.
Ruská ťažká váha Kurban Ibragimov (4-1-0) won KO of the Night honors with his opening-round stoppage of Ukrainian Dmitrij Mikutsa (5-3-0).
Predloženie noci (Pozri nižšie) was awarded to Russian strongman Alexander “Drago” Volkov (25-6-0), who captured the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship, for his winning third-round triangle choke Denis Smoldarev (11-2-0), Estónske.



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M-1 Challenge 64 Official Results & Obrázky

Shlemenko & Volkov victorious

Alexander Shlemenko’s hands is raised in victory after the decision was announced for his M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament semifinals match against Vyacheslav Vasilevsky

Alexander Volkov captured the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight title
MOSKVA (Február 20, 2016) – Veteran Russian fighters Alexander Shlemenkloa Alexander Volkov were the big winners in M-1 Challenge 64 action last night at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.
Shlemenko (52-9-0), a three-time Bellator champion, returned to M-1 Global in grand style, winning a close but unanimous decision over former 2-division M-1 Challenge division Vyacheslav Vasilevski (28-3-0), Ruska, in their M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament match. Shlemenko advances to the championship final later this year to face the winner of the other semifinals fight (Apríl 8) na M-1 Challenge 65between reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramadan Emeev (13-3-0) a brazílsky Maiquel “Big Rig” Falcao (35-8-0). Emeev was the 2015 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year.
M-1 Global’s newly signed Alexander “Drago” Volkov (25-6-0), Ruska, captured the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship, defeating Estonian strongmanDenis Smoldarev (11-2-0) by way of a third-round submission via a triangle choke.
In the M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Semifinals Eliminator matches, Pavel Vitruk (13-2-0) a ukrajinskej Vitaly Branchuk (21-5-0) both won unanimous decisions to advance to the championship final to determine the new M-1 Challenge bantamweight champion. Vitruk got past his previously undefeated Kazakh opponent Sergey Morozov (6-1-1), while Branchuk got the better of Antun “Killer” Racic (18-7-0), Chorvátska.
Neskorá výmena Vladimir Kathyhin (32-6-1), Ukrajiny, won a decision over American middleweight Joe Ray (13-5-0) in the other main card fight.
Na predbežnom karty, Ruská middleweight Magomed Mutaev (7-2-0), Ruská welterweight Maksin Grabovich (3-2-0) and Ukrainian featherweight Andrey “Iron” Lezhnev (8-5-0) were all unanimous decision winners, príslušne, against UkrainianVadim “ArchieOrischak (5-5-0), Nemec Stefan Larisch (8-4-0) a ruskýeast Nagibin.
Ruská ťažká váha Kurban Ibragimov (4-1-0) vyradení Dmitrij Mikutsa (5-3-0), Ukrajiny, v úvodnom kole, while Russian middleweight Valery “Ruské kladivo” Myasnikov (9-1-1) locked in a rear naked choke on Ukrainian foeVyacheslav “BisonBogomol (8-2-0) to win by second-round submission.
Kompletné výsledky a galéria obrázkov nižšie (všetci víťazi uvedené skôr):
Alexander Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusko
Vyacheslav Vaselevsky (27-4-0, M-1: 10-2-0), Rusko
(Shlemenko advances to M-1 Global Grand Prix middleweight final)
Alexander Volkov (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0), Rusko
WSUB3 (Triangle Choke – 0:32)
Denis Smoldaraev (11-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Estónsko
(Volkov captures M-1 Challenge heavyweight title)
Pavel Vitruk (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Rusko
Sergey Morozov (6-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Kazachstan
Vitaly Branchuk (21-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukrajina
Antun Racic (18-7-0, M-1: 3-4-0), Chorvátsko
(Vitruk & Branchuk advance to M-1 Challenge bantamweight title fighT)
Stredná váhy
Vladimir Katyhin (32-6-1, M-1: 2-0-0), Ukrajina
Joe Ray (13-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0, Spojené štáty americké
Ťažké váhy
Kurban Ibragimov (4-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0, Rusko
WKO1 (4:33)
Dmitrij Mikutsa (5-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukrajina
Stredná váhy
Magomed Mutaev (7-2-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rusko
Vadim Orischak (5-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusko
Valery Myasnikov (9-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Rusko
WSUB2 (Zadné Naked Choke – 2:37)
Vyacheslav Bogomol (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusko
Super-velterová váha
Maksin Grabovich (3-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusko
Stefan Larisch (8-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Nemecko
Andrey Lezhnev (8-5-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukrajina
east Nagibin (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusko


Neštebotajú & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Založené v 1997, M-1 Global usadil v Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ako predné subjekt pre objavy a vývoj na svete novej generácie hviezdnych bojovníkov. Vďaka svojej kancelárie v Petrohrade, Rusko, M-1 značka naštudoval viac ako 170 Udalosti vo svete, vrátane M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge, M-1 Global a M-1 Global HWGP udalosti, Okrem súčasne podporovať Strikeforce akcie a M-1 Global na USA. sieť, Showtime. Podmanivej naživo, televízne a širokopásmové publikum s jeho vynikajúce výrobné hodnoty a zápas-up, M-1 Global udalosti predstavoval niektoré z najlepších mien športu, vrátane legendárnej heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid vzniknuté a Stephan Struve. 2016 promises to be another sensational year of world-class competition, kde nájdete kompletný kalendár akcií Challenge, fueled by a talent-rich contention system to rank M-1 Global Champions among the greatest fighters in the sport.
O M-1GLOBAL.TV: Užite si MMA opatrenia teraz vo vysokom rozlíšení vám prináša M-1Global.tv, ponúka len tie najlepšie zápasy z M-1 Global a ďalších MMA organizácie. M-1Global.tv je skvelá platforma vyvinutá špeciálne spojiť najviac vyčerpávajúci boj Video databázy. Poskytuje tiež jednoduché a intuitívne rozhranie, každému pomôže začať používať platformu v žiadnom okamihu, keď sa vyhne spojlery. Okrem sledovania minulé zápasy na požiadanie kedykoľvek pohodlne zákazníkovi, diváci môžu tešiť na akčné LIVE, všetky dostupné užívateľom M-1Global.tv prostredníctvom lacného mesiaca na mesiac digitálne predplatné. Tvoj svet akcie. Kedykoľvek!

M-1 Challenge 64 Official Weights & Pictures WATCH LIVE ON M-1GLOBAL.TV

Fotogaléria nižšie
Alexander “Búrka” Shlemenko (51-9-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusko 184 ½ kg. (83.8 kilogram)
Vyacheslav Vasilevski (27-3-0, M-1: 10-1-0), Rusko 184 ½ kg. (83.8 kilogram)
Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-6-0, M-1: 8-3-0), Rusko 236 ½ kg. (107.5 kilogram)
Denis Smoldaraev (11-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0), Estónsko 269 ½ kg. (122.4 kilogram)
Pavel Vitruk (12-2-0, M-1: 6-2-0), Rusko 135 lbs. (61.3 kilogram)
Sergey Morozov (6-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Kazachstan 134 lbs. (60.9 kilogram)
Antun “Killer” Racic (18-6-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Chorvátsko 134 lbs. (61.0 kilogram)
Vitaly Branchuk (20-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukrajina 134 ½ kg. (61.1 kilogram)
Stredná váhy – 3 X 5
Joe Ray (13-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0, Spojené štáty americké 184 lbs. (83.6 kilogram)
Vladimir Katyhin (31-6-1, M-1: 1-0-0), Ukrajina 183 ½ kg. (83.4 kilogram)
Ťažké váhy – 3 X 5
Kurban Ibragimov (3-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0, Rusko 230 lbs. (104.5 kilogram)
Dmitrij Mikutsa (5-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Ukrajina 239 ½ kg. (108.8 kilogram)
Stredná váhy- 3 X 5
Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0),Rusko 185 lbs. (84.0 kilogram)
Vadim “ArchieOrischak (5-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusko 184 lbs. (83.6 kilogram)
Valery “Ruské kladivo” Myasnikov (8-1-1, M-1: 0-1-1), Rusko 185 lbs. (84.0 kilogram)
Vyacheslav “BisonBogomol (5-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) 183 lbs. (83.3 kilogram)
Super-velterová váha – 3 X 5
Stefan Larisch (8-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Nemecko 168 ½ kg. (76.6 kilogram)
Maksin Grabovich (2-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusko 168 lbs. (76.3 kilogram)
Andrey “Iron” Lezhnev (7-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0) 145 lbs. (65.8 kilogram)
east Nagibin (5-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusko 145 lbs. (65.8 kilogram)
CO: M-1 Challenge 64
KEDY: Piatok, Február 19, 2016
KDE: Olympic Stadium, Moskva, Rusko
Promotérov: M-1 Global
M-1 Challenge 64 bude vysielaný naživo z Moskvy vo vysokom rozlíšení dňa www.M1Global.TV. Diváci budú mať možnosť sledovať predbežné bojuje a hlavné kartu prihlásenie k registrácii nawww.M1Global.TV. Fanúšikovia môžu sledovať všetky akcie na svojich počítačoch, rovnako ako na Android a Apple chytré telefóny a tablety.

Neštebotajú & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

O M-1 GLOBAL: Založené v 1997, M-1 Global usadil v Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ako predné subjekt pre objavy a vývoj na svete novej generácie hviezdnych bojovníkov. Vďaka svojej kancelárie v Petrohrade, Rusko, M-1 značka naštudoval viac ako 170 Udalosti vo svete, vrátane M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge, M-1 Global a M-1 Global HWGP udalosti, Okrem súčasne podporovať Strikeforce akcie a M-1 Global na USA. sieť, Showtime. Podmanivej naživo, televízne a širokopásmové publikum s jeho vynikajúce výrobné hodnoty a zápas-up, M-1 Global udalosti predstavoval niektoré z najlepších mien športu, vrátane legendárnej heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid vzniknuté a Stephan Struve. 2016 promises to be another sensational year of world-class competition, kde nájdete kompletný kalendár akcií Challenge, fueled by a talent-rich contention system to rank M-1 Global Champions among the greatest fighters in the sport.
O M-1GLOBAL.TV: Užite si MMA opatrenia teraz vo vysokom rozlíšení vám prináša M-1Global.tv, ponúka len tie najlepšie zápasy z M-1 Global a ďalších MMA organizácie. M-1Global.tv je skvelá platforma vyvinutá špeciálne spojiť najviac vyčerpávajúci boj Video databázy. Poskytuje tiež jednoduché a intuitívne rozhranie, každému pomôže začať používať platformu v žiadnom okamihu, keď sa vyhne spojlery. Okrem sledovania minulé zápasy na požiadanie kedykoľvek pohodlne zákazníkovi, diváci môžu tešiť na akčné LIVE, všetky dostupné užívateľom M-1Global.tv prostredníctvom lacného mesiaca na mesiac digitálne predplatné. Tvoj svet akcie. Kedykoľvek!

M-1 Challenge 65 rescheduled from March 4 do apríla 8 v St. Petersburg, Russia Due to scheduling conflict

ST. PETERSBURG, Rusko (Február 15, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced that M-1 Challenge 65 has been rescheduled from March 4 do apríla 8 at Ice Palace Sports Center in St. Petersburg, Rusko.
The Ice Hockey World Championships will be held this May in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Many sports venues in St. Petersburg are closed in March due to renovations, resulting in the switched date for M-1 Challenge 65.
V M-1 Challenge 65 Hlavnou udalosťou, reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramadan Emeev(13-3-0, M-1: 7-1-0) will take on Brazilian challenger Maiquel “Big Rig” Falcao (35-8-0, M-1: 0-0-0) in the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals match.
The other M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals match is set as three-time Bellator championAlexander “Búrka” Shlemenko (51-9-0, M-1: 2-0-0) takes on former M-1 Challenge middleweight and light heavyweight titlist Vyacheslav Vasilevski (27-3-0, M-1: 10-1-0) at this Friday’s (Február. 19) M-1 Challenge 64 at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.
The winners of Shlemenko vs. Vasilevsky and Emeev vs. Falcao will advance to the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight championship later this year.
In other M-1 Global news, M-1 Challenge ľahké majster Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui'S (13-2-0, M-1: 2-2-0) title defense versus challenger Artium Damkovsky (20-9-0, M-1: 10-6-0), has been moved from M-1 Challenge 64 na M-1 Challenge 65.
Replacing Barnaoui vs. Damkovsky on M-1 Challenge 64 is a classic striker-wrestler matchup between American Joe Ray (13-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0) and Nodar Kudukhashvili (10-2-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Gruzínsko.
M-1 Challenge 64 & 65 bude možné sledovať naživo z Ruska vo vysokom rozlíšení na www.M1Global.TV. Diváci budú mať možnosť sledovať predbežné bojuje a hlavné kartu prihlásenie k registrácii nawww.M1Global.TV. Fanúšikovia môžu sledovať všetky akcie na svojich počítačoch, rovnako ako na Android a Apple chytré telefóny a tablety.


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global