Tag Archives: USA BOXING

Yang terbaik….. Roy Jones, Jr.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS, kelas 2018 Orang yg ditunjuk

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan September 6, 2018) – Legenda hidup Roy Jones, Jr., diakui secara universal sebagai salah satu petinju pound-for-pound terbesar sepanjang masa, memimpin kwintet ternama Kelas 2018 dilantik ke Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS.




Penerimaan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS yang kedua, diadakan sehubungan dengan 2018 USA Boxing Elite dan Youth National Championships dan Junior and Prep Open, Bulan Desember 2-8, akan diadakan Desember. 7, di Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) di Salk Lake City, Utah.





Selain Jones, Class of 2018 juga mencakup dua AS. Peraih medali emas Olimpiade dan dunia (profesional) juara, Andre Ward dan Claressa Shields, serta mantan Direktur Pelatihan Nasional Tinju USA Emanuel Steward dan pejabat veteran USA Boxing Tom Cleary. Dua yang terakhir akan dilantik secara anumerta.




Termasuk kelas charter yang dilantik tahun lalu Muhammad Ali dan Evander Holyfield, serta pelatih veteran Roosevelt Sanders dan Tom Coulter.




“Saya merasa terhormat terpilih untuk dilantik ke dalam Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS,” Jones berkomentar, “terutama sebagai anggota kelas yang hebat ini dengan teman-teman yang dilantik.




“Tinju amatir memberi saya kesempatan untuk mempelajari keterampilan hidup serta menghadapi setiap skenario yang mungkin terjadi di dalam ring.”




Jones, ironisnya, terjun ke tinju pada usia 11 karena Ali. “Saya melihat Ali vs.. (Joe) Frazierdan hanya merasa seolah-olah Ali dan saya memiliki konsep mental yang sama tentang hidup,” Jones menjelaskan.




Jones kemudian menjadi salah satu petinju amatir terbaik di dunia, menyusun laporan 121-13 catatan, termasuk penampilan medali emas di 1984 Olimpiade Junior Nasional dan 1986 & 1987 Turnamen Sarung Tangan Emas Nasional.




Pada 1988 Olimpiade di Seoul, Korea Selatan, Jones mencapai final kejuaraan divisi kelas menengah ringan melawan Taman Si-Hun, dari Korea Selatan. Jones bisa dibilang menderita keputusan terburuk dalam sejarah tinju, kekalahan 3-2, meski mengalahkan lawannya, 86 untuk 32 pukulan mendarat, dan dia dipaksa untuk menerima medali perak. Bahkan lawannya mengakui bahwa Jones memenangkan pertarungannya, memimpin AIBA untuk kemudian menangguhkan tiga juri yang memilih petarung kampung halaman sebagai pemenang.




Betapa memalukan keputusan ini? Jones terpilih sebagai pemenang Trofi Val Barker sebagai petinju terbaik 1988 Olimpiade dan, karena kontroversi, sistem penilaian untuk tinju Olimpiade diubah, mengganti sistem 20-poin must dengan penilaian elektronik.




“Saya marah,” Jones mengakui, “belum dipromosikan untuk membuktikan bahwa saya petarung terbaik di sana, dan di dunia, pada waktu itu.”




Jones melakukan debut profesionalnya Mei 6, 1989, di rumah di Pensacola, Florida, dalam pertarungan delapan ronde yang dijadwalkan, di mana RJJ berhenti Ricky Randall di babak kedua. Nya panjang, Perjalanan gemilang telah membuahkan hasil yang luar biasa 66-9 (47 Biaya) catatan pro, disorot oleh sembilan gelar dunia utama dalam empat kelas berat yang berbeda.




Di 2003, Jones kalah John Ruiz melalui keputusan bulat 12 ronde untuk menjadi mantan juara dunia kelas menengah pertama yang menjadi pemegang gelar kelas berat dunia dalam lebih dari satu abad.




Pemilik kecepatan tangan dan kaki yang luar biasa, atletis, gerakan dan refleks, Jones tidak terkalahkan melalui yang pertama 34 perkelahian pro, 22-3 (14) dalam perkelahian gelar juara dunia. Melawan mantan, juara dunia sekarang atau masa depan, Jones dulu 19-9 (8 Biaya) dan termasuk di antara korbannya adalah orang-orang hebat seperti Bernard Hopkins, James Toney, Mike McCallum,Vinnie Pazienza, Virgil Bukit, Antonio Tarver dan Felix Trinidad.




Hari Ini, Jones yang berusia 49 tahun, berbicara secara teknis, masih petarung aktif. Dia juga memiliki dua perusahaan promosi dan pusat kebugaran, terletak di Pensacola dan Las Vegas, melatih beberapa petinju profesional dan berfungsi sebagai komentator warna untuk HBO Boxing. Dia baru-baru ini membuka gym di Afrika Selatan.




Selama dua tahun terakhir, Jones telah menjadi tuan rumah “Bintang Turnamen Tinju Masa Depan” di Las Vegas, menampilkan beberapa petinju amatir terbaik di dunia.




“Menjadi tuan rumah turnamen di Las Vegas memberi saya kesempatan untuk membalas tinju amatir,” Jones menjelaskan. “Ini adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa bagi para petinju dan mengingatkan mereka bahwa siapa yang mungkin mereka miliki atau masih mereka hormati, sedang mengawasi mereka juga.”




Roy Jones, Jr. dengan salah satu dari banyak petinju amatir yang berpartisipasi tahun ini “Bintang Tinju Masa Depan” turnamen di Las Vegas (foto milik Promosi Tinju RJJ)




“Ketika alumni USA Boxing mendiskusikan petarung favorit mereka,” tersebut Chris Cugliari, Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS, “Roy Jones berada di dekat bagian atas daftar semua orang. Bakatnya yang spektakuler, dedikasi untuk keahliannya, dan kepribadian yang menular membuatnya tidak perlu dipikirkan lagi untuk menjadi tajuk utama di kelas Hall of Fame tahun ini. Dia terus memberikan kembali kepada tinju amatir dan mendukung generasi berikutnya. Roy pantas dirayakan atas semua yang telah dia capai, dan kami berharap untuk menghormatinya di bulan Desember.”




Diciptakan untuk juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS.




Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar di alumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.



Kutipan Catatan dari Juara Dunia lainnya


George Foreman: “(Jones) hits seperti kelas berat dan bergerak seperti ringan.”


Montell Griffin: “Floyd (Mayweather, Jr.) tidak ada perbandingan sejauh kecepatan. Roy jauh lebih cepat.”


Mike McCallum: “(Jones adalah) petarung terhebat sepanjang masa.”





Jika dia pernah menutup sarung tangannya untuk selamanya, Roy Jones, Jr. akan menjadi penerima suara pertama di International Boxing Hall of Fame. Mungkin tidak akan pernah ada petinju lain yang seperti RJJ.




Kegugupan: @USABoxing, SABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing


TENTANG USA BOXING: Misi USA Boxing adalah untuk memungkinkan Amerika Serikat’ atlet dan pelatih untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan, mengembangkan karakter, mendukung olahraga tinju, dan mempromosikan dan mengembangkan gaya tinju Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat. Tanggung jawab USA Boxing tidak hanya menghasilkan emas Olimpiade, tetapi juga mengawasi dan mengatur setiap aspek tinju amatir di Amerika Serikat.


Garcia and Stevens Close Out 2018 Youth World Championships with Wins

Team USA leaving Budapest with 4 medals

BUDAPEST, Hongaria (Bulan Agustus 31, 2018)The final day of the 2018 Youth World Championships in Budapest, Hungary was another golden day for Team USA, as both Heaven Garcia (El Monte, California.) dan Asa Stevens (Waianae, Hawai) won the female and male flyweight titles..




Stevens began the final day of boxing in the first bout against 2018 European Champion Ivan Price of England. Leading up to this showdown, Stevens and the USA Boxing coaching staff worked on a plan that would result in victory.




“The past three days we were creating a game plan of keeping distance and doing a lot of faints,” said Stevens after his gold medal performance. “I feel like we utilized it very well and that is how I got the win.”




The flyweight boxed a total of five times through the 11-day tournament, which included a split decision win over Patrick Clancy (Irlandia), unanimous decision wins over Ibrahim Boukedim (Perancis) and Samandar Kholmurodov (Uzbekistan), as well as a split decision win over Bhavesh Kattimani (India) di semifinal. His unanimous decision victory today over Price earned him his first World Championship title and the first youth flyweight title since Shakur Stevenson in 2014.




“This means a lot, no words can really explain how I feel,” stated Stevens. “This is the best feeling in the world.”




Garcia picked up her second World Championships title to add to her 2015 Junior World Championship title with her 4-1 split decision victory over India’s Anamika.




“My game plan was to use my jab and use that as a key,Kata Garcia. “I wanted to also work in the body shots and wear her down with those and plenty of combinations.”




Like her teammate, Garcia boxed a total of five days in a grueling bracket that included three bouts in a row. Her victories included a split decision over Hatice Akbas (Turki) di babak pertama, unanimous decision wins over Rinka Kinoshita (Jepang) and Simran Kaur (Inggris), as well as her rematch with Zhanssaya Abdaimova (Kazakhstan) by split decision in the semifinals.




Garcia’s win today adds her to a list of female American boxers that have won multiple amateur world titles that includes JaJaira Gonzalez and Claressa Shields. Garcia is the first American to win both a junior and youth world title since Gonzalez did so in 2013 dan 2014/2015. Garcia will also look to join Gonzalez in the record books with a win at this October’s Youth Olympics.




“This win feels great because it was harder than my first title in 2015,” continued Garcia. “Everyone is older and more experienced at this level, and I worked very hard to get to the top spot.”




Following the conclusion of the tournament, Augie Sanchez (Las Vegas, Nev.), Team USA’s Head National Junior and Youth Coach, was awarded Best Coach of the Tournament honors, sementara Isamary Aquino (Universal City, Texas) was awarded her bronze medal during the medal ceremonies.




“I am very happy with the team,” said Sanchez at the end of the competition. “It was the whole staff that made this happen, and I am happy how our team performed overall.”




Team USA will begin their return home tomorrow with a total of three gold medals and one bronze after ten intense days of boxing. This year’s tournament brought over 350 boxers from over 50 countries from around the World. Joining Sanchez in the boxers corners throughout the tournament were assistant coaches Timothy Back (Cincinnati, Ohio), Eliza Olson (Redwood, California.) dan Rosario Solis (Irving, Texas).




Team USA Results

51 kg: Heaven Garcia, El Monte, Calif./USA, dec. over Anamika/IND, 4-1

52 kg: Asa Stevens, Waianae, Hawaii/USA, dec. over Ivan Price/ENG, 5-0




Kegugupan: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

Team USA Advances 3 to Youth World Championships Finals

Isamary Aqunio Wins Bronze

BUDAPEST, Hongaria (Bulan Agustus 28, 2018)On the eighth day of competition at the 2018 Youth World Championships in Budapest, Hongaria, Team USA advanced three boxers to the championship bouts, sementara Isamary Aquino(Universal City, Texas) picked up her second Youth World Championships bronze medal.




Kelas terbang Asa Stevens (Waianea, Hawai) started the Americans off on a winning note with a 3-2 win over Bhavesh Kattimani of India to advance to the championship bout. Stevens will be looking to become the first flyweight Youth World Champion for Team USA since Shakur Stevenson won in 2014 when he steps into the ring on Friday against England’s Ivan Price, itu 2018 European Champion.




2015 Junior World Champion Heaven Garcia (El Monte, California.) revenged her quarterfinal loss to Kazakhstan’s Zhansaya Abdraimova at last year’s Youth World Championships by taking the rematch with a 3-2 keputusan. Garcia will join Stevens on the second day of finals, as she will face Anamika Urang of India, itu 2018 Asian Confederation silver medalist.




The third American to advance to the finals, Iyana Verduzco (Los Angeles, California.), continued her impressive World Championships debut with a 4-1 victory over Aycan Guldgai of Turkey. Verduzco will be the first member of Team USA to box in the finals, as she will take on Aizada Yeslyamgali, itu 2018 Asian Confederation silver medalist, pada hari Kamis.




Aqunio, the final member of Team USA to box in the semifinals, fell short of advancing to the championship bouts against Sakshi of India. This marks Aquino’s second Youth World Championships bronze medal after taking home the bronze at last year’s Youth World Championships.




Team USA will leave these World Championships with four medals total and have been under the leadership of National Junior and Youth Coach Augie Sanchez(Las Vegas, Nev.) throughout this tournament, dengan Timothy Back (Cincinnati, Ohio), Eliza Olson (Redwood, California.) dan Rosario Solis (Irving, Texas) serving as assistant coaches.




You can follow all of the action from the championship bouts by mengklik di sini.




Team USA Results

51 kg: Heaven Garcia, El Monte, Calif./USA, dec. over Zhanssaya Abdaimova/KAZ, 3-2



52 kg: Asa Stevens, Waianea, Hawaii/USA, dec. over Bhavesh Kattimani/IND, 3-2



54 kg: Iyana Verduzco, Los Angeles, Calif./USA, dec. over Aycan Guldagi/TUR, 4-1



57 kg: Sakshi/IND, dec. lebih Isamary Aquino, Universal City, Texas/USA, 5-0



Kegugupan: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: Dr. Wilbert “Skeeter” McClure

1960 OLYMPIC GOLD: (L-R) Wilbert McClure, Cassius Clay and Eddie Crook, Jr.


COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Agustus 20, 2018) – One of the classiest boxers to ever lace-up a pair of gloves is Dr. Wilbert “Skeeter” McClure, who is the only American boxer to capture an Olympic gold-medal and also earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D).




When I think of ‘Skeeter’ McClure,” USA Boxing president John Brown tersebut, “I think of the grassroots of our sport. When ‘Skeeterwas a young boy growing up in Toledo, Ohio, he had a twinkle in his eye and a desire to box. We would learn later in life how talented, gifted and passionate ‘SkeeterMcClure was about the sport of boxing.




It would be impossible for me, somebody who has spent his entire life in boxing, to find a better representative of our sport than ‘SkeeterMcClure.




Dijuluki “Skeeter” because his father thought he looked no bigger than a mosquito at birth, McClure was born October 29, 1938 in Toledo, Ohio, and he developed into the perfect example of brains and brawn.




The now 79-year-old McClure earned degrees in literature and philosophy in 1961 from the University of Toledo and a doctorate in psychology from Wayne State University in Detroit. He was a professor at Northeastern University and late became a Massachusetts state boxing commissioner. Di 2012, he was honored for his life’s work by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School.




McClure had an incredible boxing career, highlighted by his gold-medal performance at the 1960 Olimpiade, defeating his Italian opponent in Rome, Carmelo Bossi, to capture the light middleweight gold medal, despite fighting with a severely damaged hand suffered in the semifinals. The two other American gold medalists that year was his roommate and team co-captain, Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali) and Eddie Crook, Jr.




Selama karir amatirnya yang terkenal, McClure was dominant in 1959-1960, winning gold medals at the 1959 Pan-American Games, two-time National AAU tournaments, 1958 International Diamond Belt. He was also named Outstanding U.S. Amateur Boxer in 1959.


Al Valenti, Special Projects Consultant for USA Boxing, has known McClure as long as anybody alive, “I had the pleasure of meeting ‘SkeeterMcClure in the late eighties,” Valenti noted, “and since the day I met him I’ve held him in the highest esteem. I cannot find another boxer who has achieved what ‘Skeeterhas during his life in boxing. He was a talented amateur boxer who won at every level and, beyond that, he served in the U.S. Angkatan Darat, earned a Ph.D in psychology, and he also had a long career as a college professor. One thing that stands out among his accomplishments is that he’s the kindest, most sincere gentlemen I’ve ever met.




During his tenure on the Massachusetts Boxing Commission, he fully understood the sport and what was needed. Sebagai promotor, I was never busier than when he oversaw boxing in Massachusetts. One of the highlights of my life is when I introduced ‘Skeeterto crowds at our events, after listening to his lists of accomplishments, how the crowd always gave him a standing ovation.




“Dr. Wilbert ‘SkeeterMcClure is a true champion and a class act. No American boxer will ever accomplish what he did.




I first met Wilbert at the 1964 National AAU Championships,” 1972 Peraih medali perunggu Olimpiade Jesse Valdez berkomentar. “I had just turned 16. I had won the National Golden Gloves for the first time and went to the National AAU and got beaten by Quincy Daniels, who had won a bronze medalist at the 1960 Olympics with Wilbert. I said hello but really didn’t know Wilbert. I was young, shy and kept to myself. I didn’t realize he was an Olympic gold medal winner until later, while taking with the other guys. I was really impressed by his background.




Wilbert is somebody kids today need to look up to. He’s a great example for kids coming up and dreaming about winning an Olympic gold medal. And Wilbert went on to get an education. He’s a great example for kids today in the program (USA Boxing).”




Legendary amateur boxing coach Roosevelt Sanders, who last year was inducted into the first class of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame, lost to McClure in the 1960 USA Olympic Trials.




“Dia (McClure) has always been nice to me,” Sanders added. “Saya tidak kenal dia, sendiri, but met him, fought him, and saw him fight on television. He’s a smart guy, always a gentleman, and being a U.S. Laut, we were taught to absorb that.




Di 1961, McClure turned pro and he was billed as the next Sugar Ray Robinson, largely due their similar boxing style. No endorsements, meskipun, and the odds were really stacked against McClure reaching the same heights as a pro that he had attained as an amateur. During the early part of his professional career, McClure served in the U.S. Angkatan Darat, attended college and was married with a baby. After only 14 perkelahian pro, the mismanaged McClure was rushed into difficult matches against the likes of future world champions and Hall of Famers Luis Rodriguez (dua kali) dan Jose Torres, plus No. 1 juara harapan Ruben “Angin Topan” Tukang gerobak (dua kali), dari 1963 untuk 1966. McClure was on the losing end of four of those five fights, all by decisions, but he did fight Carter to a draw.




McClure retired from the ring in 1970 dengan 24-9 (12 Biaya) record profesional. He eventually resettled in the Boston suburb of Chestnut Hill, where he taught at Northeastern University and later was a consultant to industry and government, teaching administrators how to deal with people.




1960 USA Olympic Boxing TeamWilbert McClure is standing, third from the right, in front of Cassius Clay


Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS


Diciptakan untuk juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.




Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar di alumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.





An eloquent speaker who was equally comfortable with corporate executives and boxing fans alike, McClure remained close friends with Ali, Carter and so many others he befriended in boxing. Hari Ini, he is in ill health but still receives unparalleled respect from all those he’s touched in and out of the ring and classroom.




Simply said, Dr. Wilbert “Skeeter” McClure is another outstanding USA Boxing product, as well as class personified.




Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS mengumumkan Kelas Hall of Fame 2018

Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward, Claressa Shields,
Emanuel Steward & Tom Cleary
Desember. 7 resepsi di Salt Lake City, Utah


COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Agustus 6, 2018) – Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS telah mengumumkan kelas keduanya yang akan dilantik menjadi Hall of Fame, Bulan Desember 7, di Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) di Salk Lake City, Utah.




Resepsi diadakan sehubungan dengan 2018 USA Boxing Elite dan Youth National Championships dan Junior and Prep Open, Desember. 2-8, juga diadakan di Salt Lake City.




Kelas 2018 termasuk AS. Peraih medali Tim Olimpiade dan dunia (profesional) juara Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward dan Claressa Shields, serta mantan Direktur Pelatihan Nasional Tinju USA Emanuel Steward dan pejabat veteran USA Boxing Tom Cleary. Dua yang terakhir akan dilantik secara anumerta.




Orang yang dilantik tahun ini dipilih di antara sekelompok 17 dinominasikan oleh ratusan anggota Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS yang terdaftar selama bulan Juni dan Juli.




“Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS sangat bersemangat untuk menghormati kelas Hall of Fame tahun ini, karena setiap orang yang dilantik mewakili semua hal baik yang ditawarkan tinju amatir,” tersebut Chris Cugliari, Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS. “Kelas tahun lalu berkontribusi pada penerimaan Hall of Fame perdana yang fantastis dan kami menantikan penghargaan kelas tahun ini dengan acara yang lebih baik.”




Diciptakan untuk juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.




Termasuk kelas charter yang dilantik tahun lalu Muhammad Ali dan Evander Holyfield, selain pelatih veteran Roosevelt Sanders dan Tom Coulter.




“Setiap orang yang dilantik telah memberikan banyak hal untuk tinju amatir gaya Olimpiade dan komunitas alumni ingin berterima kasih kepada mereka, untuk melakukannya,” Cugliari menambahkan. “Kami berharap untuk melihat anggota Alumni Tinju AS keluar berbondong-bondong untuk mendukung kelas Hall of Fame tahun ini di bulan Desember.”




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS.




Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar di alumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.




Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: JASON “Big Six” ESTRADA

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Juli 30, 2018) – 2004 DIRI KITA. Olimpiade Jason “Big Six” Jalan fully believes that boxing saved his life, preventing him from running the streets of Providence, Pulau Rhode, and molding him into the man he is today.




I didn’t have any money growing up and could have easily gone the other way in the streets,” Estrada explained. “A lot of my friends from back then were selling drugs are many are either dead or in jail. I knew them all, they knew me. Instead of becoming a drug dealer, I beat them up and took their money. I could have easily ended up seller drugs on a bigger scale, shot them, or gotten shot by them. I was broke, but boxing saved me!”




Estrada’s first amateur match was in 1987, when he was only seven years old, and he developed into one of the most dominant amateur boxers in the world between 2001-2003, in which he was athree-peatchampion at the USA National Championships, PAL National Championships and U.S. Tantangan. “Big Six” also remains the only American boxer to capture a gold medal in the super heavyweight division of the Pan-American Games (2003), in addition to representing the U.S. dalam 2004 Olimpiade di Athena, Yunani.




After qualifying for the 2004 DIRI KITA. Olimpiade Tinju Tim, much of the pre-Olympic Games boxing interest surrounded an expected showdown between the top two super heavyweights in the world, Estrada and Russia’s Alexander Povetin. Sayangnya, Estrada was hampered by a severe case of planta faucitis, which left Jason in an air cast and unable to train other than swimming throughout the entire pre-Olympics camp. Estrada won in the opening round, but he was eliminated in the second by Cuban Michel Lopes, who Estrada had fairly easily defeated in the championship final of the 2003 Pan-American Games. Povetkin went on to capture the gold medal.




I would have loved to fight himEstrada said. “I was super sharp, mental, but physically I couldn’t bounce and move. I just had to deal with it. I found out that it was amazing how quickly people forget in boxing.




Not only does Estrada credit his father, optometrist Dr. Roland Estrada, for helping to keep him on the straight and narrow, he also taught him to box. “My father didn’t have any boxing experience when we started,” Jason noted. “We went from gym to gym, sparring guys, and picking up things from other coaches. I appreciated my father so much because he always knew that his style wasn’t the only style. We experienced different styles and met some great coaches. Two of my favorite coaches are Barry Hunter (Washington DC.) dan Mike Stafford (Cincinnati). I’m cool with fighters I met in the amateurs like Andre Dirrell. The guy I’m closest with is George Garcia, who I fought and beat nine times. He’s one of my coolest friends, meskipun. His son is a good prospect coming up, but he’s the opposite of his father, who was short and stocky. His son is a tall, lanky boxer.




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS




Diciptakan untuk juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.




Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar di alumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.





Estrada fought professionally for more than a decade, kompilasi 20-6 (6 Biaya) catatan, as an unusually quick-handed, slick-moving heavyweight. Hari Ini, Estrada and his father own and operate Big Six Academy in Providence, coaching amateur and pro boxers.




Boxing is like a marriage,” commented Estrada, who retired from the ring 3 ½ tahun yang lalu. “Saya suka itu, but we’re not together anymore. We’re still good friends. I still love boxing as a friend. I get my boxing fix by coaching, it’s still a part of my life. I spar with some of the fighters. I can do what I want for four rounds. There’s no challenge, no pressure. I could still fight, if not for the rigorous training. Physical problems I had when I fought – bagian belakang, knee and feetno longer hurt.




My dad understands the knowledge I havehe never foughtand a lot of times in the gym we’ll say to each other, ‘I was just thinking that.He has no experience (fighting in the ring) dan sekarang, he lets me handle all the pads work. He’s putting more and more on me, work wise, but he closely watches us and takes care of the business end.




I really enjoy helping our fighters prepare for media interviews. I’m thankful to USA Boxing for that, because we were trained to be in the right state of mind for interviews.




Estrada had an opportunity to travel the world as a member of USA Boxing’s elite teams, boxing in Cuba, Dominican Republic Kazakhstan, Irlandia (3 kali), Germany and Brazil.




Now giving back to young boxers what he learned in USA Boxing ranks, the 37-year-old Estrada has one boxing goal left on his wish list.




I’d love to work with somebody who becomes world champion and makes money to support their family,” Estrada concluded, “but more than anything, I’d love to work with a boxer who becomes a U.S. Olympian because I was a U.S. Olympian.




And nobody can ever take that away from Jason “Big Six” Jalan, one of America’s most decorated amateur boxers of all-time, and a proud USA Boxing Alumni Association member.




Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

Team USA’s newest boxing star Light heavyweight Khalil Coe

(L-R) – USA head coach Billy Walsh, USA National assistant coach Kay Koroma, Khalil Coe and coach Jeff Mays

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (Bulan Juli 9, 2018) – A star was born last month at the 45th Chemistry Cup in Halle, Jerman, when American light heavyweight Khalil Coe shocked the amateur boxing world, stopping Cuban’s multiple world champion Julio Cesar La Cruz in the opening round of the championship final match.




Hampir 100 boxers represented 16 different countries at the Chemistry Cup, termasuk di dalamnya, Rusia, Ukraina, Irlandia, India and host Germany, in addition to the United States and Cuba.




The 21-year-old Coe, who was boxing in only his 25th match, his first on the International scene, stole the show and he was named Most Outstanding Boxer of the tournament. In the semifinals, Coe knocked out Matus Strnisko, dari Slowakia, di babak pertama.




Khalil Coe is a candidate for the USOC Best Male Athlete of the Month for June. Voting ends this evening at https://awards.teamusa.org/







Coe respected but he wasn’t intimidated by his much more experienced opponent, 2016 Olympic gold medalist and four-time world champion La Cruz, who had one less fight in the World Boxing Series than Cue did during his entire amateur career.




My first fight in the tournament was the hardest I’d had,” Coe explained. “I studied him (La Cruz) a lot and watched him fight in the semifinals (defeating three-time European champion Joseph Ward (Irlandia), which was right after my semifinals fight. Dia (La Cruz) is very elusive and flashy, but he doesn’t like to get hit in the body. He moves his body, but he forgets about his head. I pulled him, on him, moving around with my footwork and shuffling. He threw a lazy jab and I hit him right on the chin with a right.




Coe’s short, compact right-hand punch landed right on the button, dropping La Cruz a little less than two-minutes into round one. The Cuban beat the count, but the referee ruled that he was unable to continue. La Cruz was still “Orang Itu” in the light heavyweight division and by knocking him out, Coe proved that he truly belongs with the elite, and that the No. 1-rated American is the fighter to beat in terms of qualifying for the 2020 DIRI KITA. Tim Olimpiade.




I let everybody know that I’m here,” Coe added. “I still need to work on a lot of different things. I need to throw more combinations, keep by stamina up, and improve everything to be better. I’m more of a pure boxer, but I have strength and punching power. Coach (Tongkat polisi)Walsh doesn’t change his fighters, he adds to what they have. The coaches put together a fight plan and I executed it.




Khalil’s performances in Germany were world class,” Team USA head coach Walsh said, “To be truly world class, we now have to repeat those performances regularly, and that’s where the challenge lies.




On this year’s USA vs. Ireland Northeast Tour, Coe was 2-0 against his Irish counterparts in Boston and Springfield




Coe often got into fights in school, until his mother sent him to a local gym, and his first amateur bout was when he was 12. If he wasn’t boxing right now, 6′ 1″ Coe believes he would probably be playing college football, as a fullback or defensive end.




Close with his USA teammates, particularly Keyshawn Davis, Coe lives and trains with them in Colorado Springs. “We’re more than a team,” the Jersey City, New Jersey boxer concluded, “we’re like a family – orang, gals and coachesin Colorado Springs.




I’m going to turn pro after the Olympics, one way or the other, God-willing, after I win a gold medal.




Tokyo is legitimately in Khalil Coe’s sights!




Kegugupan: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing


Mohegan Sun & Star Boxing mendukung Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS Sabtu ini

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Juni 25, 2018) – Tinju USA “Bulan Penggerak Keanggotaan Asosiasi Alumni” diakhiri hari Sabtu ini dengan pertemuan lainnya saat Mohegan Sun dan Star Boxing Joe DeGuardia mendukung upaya kelompok tahun pertama untuk menghubungkan alumni USA Boxing.




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS (USABAA) meminta anggota yang sekarang dari New England dan New York untuk membawa tamu untuk mendaftar sebagai anggota baru ($40.00 Registrasi). Baik anggota saat ini maupun baru akan menerima tiket gratis, sedangkan 40 tiket yang disumbangkan terakhir, untuk malam itu “Slugfest di The Sun” kartu tinju pro, disajikan di Mohegan Sun Arena oleh Star Boxing.




Headliner Joe “The Beast” Pandai besi, Jr. (23-2, 19 Biaya) adalah mantan pemain amatir dari Long Island, NY, siapa yang tidak. 3 dan Tidak. 7-peringkat kelas berat ringan di dunia, masing-masing, oleh Dewan Tinju Dunia dan Asosiasi Tinju Dunia.




Semua anggota USABAA diundang untuk menghadiri pertemuan sebelum pertarungan di Bow & Arrow Sports Bar di Mohegan Sun., antara 5 untuk 6:30 p.m. DAN, untuk menikmati makanan, percakapan dan bersatu kembali dengan teman-teman di tinju.




“Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS ingin berterima kasih kepada Joe DeGuardia, Bintang Tinju, dan Mohegan Sun untuk mendukung misi kami,” kata Christopher Cugliari, Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS. “Sebagai bagian dari drive keanggotaan bulan Juni kami, kami berharap dapat terhubung dengan anggota Asosiasi Alumni saat ini dan yang baru pada Sabtu malam ini untuk malam persahabatan dan kompetisi yang luar biasa. Kami juga ingin berterima kasih kepada anggota kami atas dukungan yang telah mereka berikan selama penggalangan keanggotaan selama sebulan ini dan meminta dukungan berkelanjutan ini dari anggota New England dan New York akhir pekan ini.. Anda tidak akan mau ketinggalan!”



Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS


Diciptakan untuk juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.




Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.




Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, langsung saja daftar di alumni @ usaboxing,.org untuk a $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.





Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing


TENTANG USA BOXING: Misi USA Boxing adalah untuk memungkinkan Amerika Serikat’ atlet dan pelatih untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan, mengembangkan karakter, mendukung olahraga tinju, dan mempromosikan dan mengembangkan gaya tinju Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat. Tanggung jawab USA Boxing tidak hanya menghasilkan emas Olimpiade, tetapi juga mengawasi dan mengatur setiap aspek tinju amatir di Amerika Serikat.

USA Boxing Announces Four Boxers to Compete at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Boxing at Youth Olympics set to begin Oktober. 14


COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Juni 2, 2018 – USA Boxing announced today the four boxers who were nominated to represent the United States at the Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018, pending approval by the United States Olympic Committee. The Youth Olympic Games will be held Oct. 6-8, with the boxing competition to take place Oct. 14-18 di Argentina.




Following the 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships and 2018 Youth Continental Championships, two men and two women have been nominated for the prestigious competition. The team will be comprised of Heaven Garcia (El Monte, California.), Otha Jones III (Toledo, Ohio), Roma Martinez (Rendah hati, Texas) dan Harley Mederos (New York, N.Y.).




We’ve got a great group of young talent representing Team USA at the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires,” said USA Boxing High Performance Director Matt Johnson on the nominated boxers. “Each one has good international experience, having participated in a junior or youth world championships over the past few years. That experience will be key as they face some of the world’s best up and coming boxers this October.




Garcia has been on the international scene since her impressive World Championships debut in 2015, where she became the Junior World Champion. The bantamweight represented Team USA at the 2017 Youth World Championships in Guwahati, India before clinching her spot to Argentina with her winning performance at the 2018 Youth Continental Championships this May. She is a two-time USA Boxing Youth National Champion, and currently has a record of 53-7.




Garcia described being able to represent the United States at the Youth Olympics asamazing.” “Knowing that only four boxers are nominated, and I was one of them is a very huge accomplishment for me,” she stated.




Being able to represent my country at the Youth Olympics is something I have worked hard for and now that I get the opportunity, I will be sure to work even harder to bring home that gold medal.




Light welterweight Jones III solidified his position on Team USA by winning gold at the 2018 Youth Continental Championships. Jones III will be looking to add his third international medal in 2018 at these Games, after his silver medal performance earlier this year at the Emil Jechev Memorial Tournament in Bulgaria. Jones, who has a record of 267-11, is also the 2017 USA Boxing Youth National Champion, as well as a member of the 2015 Junior World Championships team.




Not only is it an honor to represent Team USA in a huge tournament such as the Youth Olympics, I am pleased to represent my family as well,” stated Jones III.




I grew up in the boxing gym. My family owns a gym, Soul City Gym, and all my brothers and sisters were brought up in the gym to show kids a better way to live than violence and making it this far will help me show that even more.




Martinez was the sole American to qualify from the 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships last November. The featherweight was the 2016 USA Boxing Youth National Champion and 2017 USA Boxing Youth National Championship silver medalist. The Youth Olympic Games will be Martinez’s first international tournament of 2018, where she will be looking for her first international medal.




When I received the notification that I was nominated for the Youth Olympic Games, I felt resurrected,” kata Martinez. “I have experienced a few devastating life losses in the past six months, and was feeling confused about my future in the sport,” she explained.




“Namun Begitu, when I was contacted about this amazing opportunity, my vision became clear, my mind focused and my heart determined to take this opportunity not only for myself, but for every person who hoped and dreamed for a chance like this. I plan to take on this journey to Argentina with me; my faith, my boxing skills and a quote from my late teammate: ‘a boxers favorite scriptureit is better to give than to receive.




Mederos is the final member of Team USA to be nominated for the Youth Olympic Games. The lightweight won bronze at the 2015 Junior World Championships prior to his transition to the youth division. Mederos is the 2017 Youth National Champion and earned his place to Buenos Aires following his impressive gold medal winning performance at the 2018 Youth Continental Championships.




It feels amazing to be able to go to Argentina and represent my country in what I love to do most and get the chance to showcase my talent in front of everyone,” stated Mederos.




I can guarantee you, the best Harley you’ve ever seen, baik secara fisik maupun mental, will go out there and do the best that I can do and make everyone proud.




All four boxers will return to Colorado Springs in July to begin training for the Youth Olympics. Garcia, Jones and Mederos will use the 2018 Youth World Championships in Budapest, Hungary in August as a tuneup leading to the event before heading to Argentina in late September.







Kegugupan: @USABoxing



Instagram: @USABoxing



Muka Buku: /USABoxing

Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger successfully transitioned from amateur to pro boxing



COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Juni 13, 2018) — Hall of Fame referee Steve “Double SSmoger, arguably the most recognizable and respected official in boxing history, holds the unique distinction of officiating in more states and countries than any of his peers.




Smoger ranks among the top six all-time, Tidak. 2 Amerika, in terms of most pro boxing matches officiated (1015), including an incredible 220 world time matches. He has been a referee in some of the greatest boxing matches everVernon Forrest-Shane Mosley, Bernard Forrest-Felix Trinidad, Kelly Pavlik-Jermain Taylor, Roy Jones, Jr.-Hopkins, Micky Ward-Emanuel Burton, Andre Ward-Carl Froch and Miguel Cotto-Antonio Margarito II among the most notable.




Juga, Smoger has refereed matches featuring a Who’s Who of Boxing: Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis, Larry Holmes, Evander Holyfield. Roberto Duran, Hector Camacho Sr., James Toney, Mike McCallum, Vinny Paz, Floyd Mayweather Jr., Arturo Gatti, Felix Trinidad, Diego Corrales, Gennady Golovkin, Lucia Rijker, Christy Martin and so many others..




In addition to the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Smoger has also been inducted into four other Hall of Fames in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.




As a youngster, Smoger got hooked on boxing, primarily because his father was anawesome fan”, who religiously watched the popular Friday night boxing series, Gillette Cavalcade of Sports, with his son. Steve’s father told him that boxing was the last version of will and skill, one-on-one, to determine the better man that night.




Smoger said he was too small to play football, too short for basketball, so he became a cross-country runner in high school. A friend invited Smoger to the local YMCA in New Jersey to get checkout its boxing program. Only one day working with a pro boxer was enough for Steve to realize that being a boxer wasn’t for him. But he still loved boxing.




After he started refereeing amateur matches in southern New Jersey and Delaware, Smoger got the break of his life that dramatically changed his life. “Everything in life is timing,” Smoger explained. “The gentleman who gave George Foreman the small American that he proudly waved after winning a gold medal at the 1968 Olimpiade, Pat Duffy, opened a gym in southern Jersey. I told him that I wanted to train as a referee. I trained under the great Frank Cappuccino and then had to honor to train with Zach Clayton. He trained to music so referees moved without being herky-jerky. Di 1978, I started officiating then-AAU boxing and worked out of the Atlantic City PAL gym, which remains a vibrant amateur boxing club. I’m still there 40 bertahun-tahun kemudian, serving on its Board of Directors, and I’m also its legal counsel.




“Kemudian, the boxing gods shined on me. Casinos were coming to Atlantic City in 1978 and boxing was involved at all the casinos there. I was the district attorney in Atlantic City, so after work I went to the PAL gym to workout with the kids. Satu hari, the phone rang in the gym. Nobody else was there, so I answered. It was the New Jersey Boxing Commissioner, ‘JerseyJoe Walcott, who asked me who was in charge. I said that, saat itu, I was in charge. He said there was a pro show that night and they were short of inspectors. He said that they need somebody to watch the hand wrapping. I told him I was well versed in hand wrapping and that was it, I was hired to work that show and they gave me the royal treatment.




Walcott’s chief second was Chief Roy Johnson, who Walcott brought into the state commission. He hired me in 1982 as a probationary referee. Dua tahun kemudian, I was a licensed referee and, seperti yang mereka katakan, the rest is history.




Hari Ini, Smoger is still a very active referee, traveling around the world to officiate, as well as co-chairman of the International Boxing Association (IBA) pejabat, and a valued USA Boxing Alumni Association advisor. Steve has made several appearances at Alumni Association gatherings across the country.




I am honored to be the ‘unofficialrepresentative of all officials who’ve made the transition from amateur to pro boxing,” Smoger commented. “I’m the only active referee (Alumni Association advisor) who made the transition from the amateur to the pro level.




The accent has always been No. 1, on boxers, dan Tidak. 2, pelatih. USA Boxing is the best group I’ve ever been associated with and, for me personally, I’ve seen what amateur boxing does for kids in this country. They learn under difficult circumstances, through boxing, to successfully reach different levels in life. I enjoy watching the development of youths who go through the USA Boxing program and do very well.




Boxing enables boxers. My accent is on youths, to watch them grow and develop, not turn pro, to better their lives.




Kegugupan: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing