Tag Αρχεία: Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο

David HayeTony Bellew LIVE this Saturday on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment AND www.klowdtv.com

HayeBellew Press Conference Video
1 Μ.μ. ET / 10 AM PT
SAN DIEGOBelow is the contentious press conference video between former Heavyweight and Cruiserweight world champion David Haye and current Cruiserweight world champion Tony Bellew before their Heavyweight grudge match that will take place αυτό το Σάββατο στο Λονδίνο, Αγγλία.

The fight card can be seen LIVE in the United States on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and for fans who want to see the fight that do not have AWE, they can watch the fight on the AWE channel on www.klowdtv.com ξεκινώντας από 1 Μ.μ. ET / 10 AM PT

Haye - Bellew Press Conference
HayeBellew Press Conference
KlowdTV Boxing McDonnell vs Vargas
KlowdTV Boxing McDonnell vs Vargas

Από κοντά και προσωπικά με την ανερχόμενη προοπτική της Λίβερπουλ, Dayle Gallagher


Συνέντευξη του Τζιανλούκα Ντι Κάρο.

Φωτογραφία: Ομάδα Gallagher



Το θέμα αυτής της συνέντευξης είναι ο Dayle Gallagher, ο οποίος αποδεικνύεται ότι είναι ένας από τους πιο συναρπαστικούς νέους προοπτικές που έχουν αναδυθεί στη σκηνή του μποξ στο Merseyside τα τελευταία χρόνια.


Την Παρασκευή Μαρτίου 3RD Ο Ντέιλ πρόκειται να αγωνιστεί στον πιο σκληρό αγώνα του μέχρι σήμερα, ένα εξάρι στρογγυλεμένο στην κρεμάστρα 34 Club στο Λίβερπουλ, εναντίον του Μάικλ Κέλι του Μπέλφαστ, ένας αποδεδειγμένος αγωνιστής του Πρωταθλήματος, που τον περασμένο χρόνο πολέμησε τον Γάλλο Mohamed Larabi για τον τίτλο του WBF International και πιο πρόσφατα τον Σκωτό Lee McAllister για τη ζώνη WBF Inter-Continental, καθώς και διαγωνίστηκε σε τεράστιες τηλεοπτικές εκδηλώσεις στη Ρωσία και τη Σουηδία.


Αήττητος σε τέσσερις εξόδους μέχρι σήμερα, δύο με πρόωρες διακοπές, εναντίον του Αλεξέις Νικιτένκο, το Μάιο 2015 και τον Τζακ Τζόνσον τον Δεκέμβριο 2016, και δύο από σταθερά σημεία απόφαση, Marty Kayes τον Απρίλιο 2016 και τον Phil Townley τον Ιούνιο του ίδιου έτους, Ο Ντέιλ έχει ήδη τραβήξει τα βλέμματα σε μερικά από τα μεγαλύτερα ονόματα του αθλήματος, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του δύο φορές Παγκόσμιου Πρωταθλητή Amir Khan.


Στην πραγματικότητα ευγενική προσφορά του κ. Khan και της ομάδας του, Ο Ντέιλ κέρδισε σταθερά τη θέση του στα βιβλία της Ιστορίας του αθλήματος, ως ο πρώτος νικητής ενός διαγωνισμού επαγγελματικής πυγμαχίας στο Πακιστάν, μετά την εξαιρετική νίκη του επί του Phil Townley του Μπέλφαστ τον περασμένο Ιούνιο.


Περισσότερα για αυτό αργότερα, καθώς αυτή τη στιγμή νομίζω ότι ήρθε η ώρα να συνεχίσω τη συνέντευξη.



Σε ευχαριστώ που μίλησες μαζί μου σήμερα Ντέιλ, ενώ προφανώς αυτή η συνέντευξη αφορά την επαγγελματική σας καριέρα, ειδικά τον επερχόμενο αγώνα εναντίον του Michael Kelly στις 3 Μαρτίου, Θα ήθελα να ξεκινήσω τη συνέντευξη με το να μιλάς στους αναγνώστες λίγο για τη μη επαγγελματική σου πυγμαχία, ειδικά την ερασιτεχνική σου καριέρα, που κατάλαβα ότι ξεκίνησε με μια νίκη επί ενός από τα κορυφαία παιδιά της κατηγορίας εκείνη την εποχή.



Ξεκίνησα την πυγμαχία σε ηλικία 14, μετά από προπόνηση για περισσότερο από ένα χρόνο, είχα μερικά διασυλλογικά γεγονότα πριν κάνω τον πρώτο μου ερασιτεχνικό αγώνα που ήταν σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα για να εκπροσωπήσει το Λίβερπουλ την πόλη μου, που ήταν εναντίον του νούμερο ένα της Ουαλίας εκείνη την εποχή στην πατρίδα του, Ρέξχαμ.


Πάντα θυμάμαι τον προπονητή μου να λέει ότι κανείς δεν θέλει να πολεμήσει αυτό το παλικάρι, οπότε πάτε να τον νοκ-άουτ, και στον δεύτερο γύρο αφού τον έβαλε κάτω δύο φορές ήδη, ο διαιτητής δεν είχε άλλη επιλογή να το σταματήσει.


Πολλοί άνθρωποι μου είπαν ότι είχα ένα λαμπρό μέλλον στο άθλημα, αλλά η εστίασή μου εκείνη την εποχή ήταν να γίνω επαγγελματίας ποδοσφαιριστής που κατέληξε σε έναν πολύ άσχημο τραυματισμό και μετά 18 μήνες φυσικής κατάστασης και αποκατάστασης στον τραυματισμό μου.


Τελικά επέστρεψα στην πυγμαχία για φυσική κατάσταση και αμέσως ξανά ερωτεύτηκα το άθλημα, Μετά από μόλις λίγους μήνες προπόνησης, πήρα έναν αγώνα με λευκούς γιακά στο Νιούκαστλ.


Αφού το κέρδισα, πήρα πολλά καλά σχόλια και συνειδητοποίησα ότι πρέπει να αρχίσω να το παίρνω σοβαρά και να δω πόσο μακριά μπορώ να φτάσω στο άθλημα, Κέρδισα τη Βόρεια περιοχή, Οι βρετανικοί και ευρωπαϊκοί τίτλοι στη σκηνή χωρίς άδεια κατάλαβαν ότι έπρεπε να στραφώ στην επαγγελματική πλευρά του παιχνιδιού.




Η επαγγελματική σας σταδιοδρομία ξεκίνησε καλά, με νίκη επί του Λετονού Aleksejs Nikitenko, πρώτον πώς ένιωσε η πυγμαχία στις επαγγελματικές τάξεις για πρώτη φορά και δεύτερον μπορείτε να πείτε την άποψή σας για τον αγώνα σας παρακαλώ?



Παρόλο που είχα πάει στο ρινγκ πολλές φορές στο παρελθόν, Το επαγγελματικό μου ντεμπούτο με είχε πιο νευρικό από κάθε άλλο αγώνα, αλλά η αίσθηση δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι καλύτερη.


Ο αγώνας δεν κράτησε πολύ 1 λεπτό νομίζω ότι πριν ο διαιτητής έπρεπε να παρέμβει και να σταματήσει τον αγώνα που οδήγησε στην πρώτη μου νίκη στις επαγγελματικές τάξεις και είναι μια μέρα που δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ.




Πέρασε σχεδόν ένας χρόνος πριν επιστρέψεις στο ρινγκ, εναντίον του Marty Kayes τον Απρίλιο του περασμένου έτους, αλλά ακόμα και με τόσο μεγάλο διάστημα μεταξύ των αγώνων ήσουν σε κορυφαία φόρμα, νικώντας τον Marty στα σημεία. Πώς καταφέρατε να διατηρήσετε το κίνητρο κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου και ξανά, παρακαλώ δώστε στους αναγνώστες την άποψή σας για τον αγώνα?



Ήταν πολύ δύσκολο γιατί περνούσα πολλές επιπλοκές με τον υποστηρικτή μου εκείνη τη στιγμή και δεν μπορούσα να αγωνιστώ και σκέφτηκα ότι μπορεί να μην ξαναπαλέψω ποτέ, αλλά μετά από μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, Ο αδερφός μου με βοήθησε και με τσάκωσε.


Ήξερα πολλά για τον Marty και ήξερα ότι δεν θα ήταν εύκολο να γνωρίζω πόσο έμπειρος ήταν, αλλά ήθελα να δείξω σε όλους ότι ακόμα και με όλο αυτό το διάστημα πόσο καλός μπορώ να είμαι και πήρα τη νίκη και ένιωσα ότι δεν είχα ποτέ χρόνο έξω από το ρινγκ.




Ο επόμενος αγώνας σας, εναντίον του Φιλ Τάουνλι, ήρθε μόλις λίγους μήνες αργότερα και ακόμη περισσότερο ήταν στο εξωτερικό σε ένα ιστορικό γεγονός, η πρώτη εκδήλωση Pro Boxing που έγινε ποτέ στο Πακιστάν. Μπορείτε παρακαλώ να πείτε στους αναγνώστες πρώτα πώς προέκυψε αυτό και επίσης να πείτε στους αναγνώστες όχι μόνο για τον αγώνα αλλά και για ολόκληρη την εμπειρία?



Δεν πίστευα ότι ήταν αλήθεια όταν έμαθα για πρώτη φορά για το Πακιστάν. I had just come back from my holiday and next minute am on the phone to Amir Khan’s uncle about a possible fight in Pakistan.


Even though I knew I wasn’t at my fittest or at my preferred weight I couldn’t miss out on the opportunity so I stepped up two weight classes just for the opportunity.


Within a couple of hours of the fight getting offered to me I was in Bolton at the Amir Khan Academy filling out all my paper work and my visa and literally three days later was on a plane going to fight in Pakistan.


On arriving in Pakistan I was treated like royalty, my bags where collected and carried for me. I was greeted by the Pakistan Army and Police and escorted to my hotel.


I could never thank the people enough from Pakistan on how they made my time there so welcome, it’s a great country with great people even when I fought they where screaming my name, so much so that I thought I was back in Liverpool with a home crowd.


It was one of my most amazing experiences of my life and one that I will have for the rest of my life as I made history as the very first professional boxer to fight and win on Pakistan soil.




Your fourth fight, against Jak Johnson back in December and on home turf once more, was both dramatic and I would expect anti-climatic for you. I was there so know all that occurred but could you enlighten the readers about the dramas that unfolded that night from your view please?



If you’ve seen the whole fight it looks like I wasn’t too happy at the end but that’s because am a fighter and all I want to do is fight.


I trained so hard and felt in the best shape of my life so when the fight was over In 30 seconds it annoyed me but that’s just something I have to deal with its boxing and fights can be over with one shot.


After watching it back I was happy with my performance and I’m blessed with punching power that can pop someone’s shoulder out of its socket with one shot.




Στο 3rd March you’ll be in action once more at the Hanger 34 Λίβερπουλ, where you are due to face Ireland’s Michael Kelly. Do you know much about Michael and his fighting style and also how do you see this fight panning out?



I know about the people he’s fought and what he’s achieved I know it will be a tough fight but that’s why my team and me asked for the fight.


I don’t watch my opponents on old fights because they could turn up an box a completely different fight so I like to figure them out when am in there.


I think it will be an entertaining fight for people to watch, but I see it ending with a knockout, if I hit anybody at welterweight with one of my power shots in eight-ounce gloves I will be shocked to see anybody still standing there in front of me.




So out of the fights you’ve had to date, whether pro or not, which has been your favourite and why?



My favourite has to be Pakistan making history and challenging myself, it was a big risk stepping up two weight divisions but I like a challenge and this is why I’m in this fight game, and also boxing in front of two time World Champion Amir Khan and getting great feedback from him, you can’t ask for anything better than that.




How would you describe your fighting style?



My fighting style I believe is different to the average British style boxer which I think makes me stand out more, I’m a counter fighter with power, I’m a southpaw and I know I can be a nightmare for any boxer out there on the boxing circuit.




Should you be successful on the 3rd March, you will be unbeaten in five, whilst perhaps it’s still a bit early to be thinking of Championship accolades, I’m sure that you must have been thinking about opportunities like that already, as such could you please outline your future plans for the readers.



I’m in the sport to win titles, it’s a dream of mine that I know I can achieve and when the opportunity comes I will take it.


I will keep climbing the ladder winning fights and when my team think the time is right, I will get my title shot and I will become Champion.





I’m sure you must have been an avid watcher of pro boxing even as a youngster, as such my next question is which fighters, past or present, have had the most influence on you and your career?



Growing up from a young age I used to watch videos of Roy Jones Jr, I love his cockiness and confidence.


I always wanted to be an entertainer and give people the feeling I had when watching him.


My favourite fighters that I like to watch a lot of now is Floyd Mayweather, Άντριαν Μπρόνερ, Chris Eubank Jr and Errol Spence Jr, these are the type of fighters I like to take a lot from and try to make into my own style.




Moving away from the fights etc., who are the main people that make up Team Gallagher?



Even though I’m the one who gets in there to fight I couldn’t do it without my team, from my brother Kyle who prepares me for every fight, to all my teammates at engine room.


It’s not just my team though; my sponsors also help me to get ready for fight night, Goodness Grill, who prepares my food, which help me with my diets. Spartan Dynamic who train me for my strength and conditioning and get me in great shape and make me feel stronger than ever.


James Harris who helps me with everything behind the scenes like interviews.


My friends my family and my girlfriend these all help me behind the scenes when I’m moody from weight cutting and preparing for fight night.

But the most important people on my team are the people who believe in my dream and buy tickets off me for my fights, because what a lot of people don’t realise without ticket sales fights can’t happen and I will always be thankful to every last person who buys a ticket from me!




Where do you train and what is your training schedule?



I train in Engine Room Boxing Club, Sports Direct Fitness and Spartan Dynamic, my normal routine for fight night is 6am I wake up have a banana then straight to Sports Direct Fitness for my running.


I like to get between 4-6 miles in every morning then I will do a bit of bag work and get a sauna, then I will go home and rest then at 10:30am depending on which day Δευτέρα, Τετάρτη, Παρασκευή I will be at Engine Room until at least Midday working on my boxing.


Τρίτη και Πέμπτη I will be at Spartan Dynamic until Midday working on my strength and conditioning, then I will go and pick up freshly prepared meals from Goodness Grill and then have work from 2:30pm until 9:30μμ.


It’s a hard routine to maintain but for my dream it’s all worth it.




What would you say your favourite part of training is?



I don’t really have a favourite part of training; my favourite part is probably getting told I’m finished because it’s really hard work.


It’s an addiction training that I couldn’t go without, but if I had to choose one thing it would probably be sparring. It’s the closest thing to fighting and there’s nothing better than landing devastating punches on opponents.




Outside boxing, what is your favourite sport?



Outside of boxing my favourite sport is football, I love to watch my team Everton but any game in general I will just watch for entertainment




Besides sport how else do you relax outside boxing?



Boxing is constantly on my brain when I have spare time I watch boxing videos or talk about it to people who don’t really care but it’s in my blood and I just can’t help it




These days Social Media is very much an important tool for professional sports people; do you utilize Social Media to engage with your fans?



I find social media is very important these days for professional athletes and I always interact with fans, because anybody who takes time to ask me anything about my career deserves a reply, I’m not a big name in the sport yet so to have people asking me questions about my boxing really means a lot to me.




Finally is there anything you want to say to your fans?



Thank you to everyone who follows my career and believes in me it won’t be long until I’m at the top, σας ευχαριστώ.


Dayle Gallagher versus Michael Kelly headlines the Kyle Gallagher Fight Club Promotions event at Hanger 34 in Liverpool on Friday 3RDΜάρτιος 2017, which will be broadcast on BOOM TV. Tickets are available from boxers competing or call Fight Club Ticket Line 07711 098025.

Welterweight title challengers make weight ahead of main event battle for the Cage Warriors world title at the Indigo at The O2 on Saturday night

Welterweight title challengers make weight ahead of main event battle for the Cage Warriors world title at the Indigo at The O2 on Saturday night. Key information, final card and timings listed for CW80.

The Cage Warriors 80 weigh-ins took place on Friday afternoon in London ahead of Saturday night’s event at Indigo at The O2.

The welterweight world title fight between Matt Inman and Karl Amoussou was confirmed as official, with both men successfully weighing in within the 170lb welterweight championship limit.

Unfortunately the fight card has suffered two enforced changes, with the postponement of two bouts from the event.

The originally-scheduled bout between bantamweights Vaughan Lee and Nathaniel Wood could be rescheduled for Cage Warriors 81 in Dublin on March 4 providing Wood receives medical clearance for the contest.

The bout between Håkon Foss and Martyn Harris also been rescheduled to CW81 after Harris was taken ill in the lead-up to the contest.

The scheduled welterweight bout between Brad Wheeler and Warren Kee will now go ahead as a catchweight contest after Kee came in at 174.4lbs, 3.4lbs over the non-title limit of 171lbs. The contest will go ahead after it was decided that an agreed percentage of Kee’s purse would go to Wheeler.

Everybody else on the card made weight for their respective contests, with the main card set to be televised live across Europe and Asia on BT Sport, Viaplay, Setanta Eurasia and ELEVEN, as well as being streamed worldwide on UFC Fight Pass.

The preliminary card will be streamed exclusively live, for free, globally (except in Scandinavia) via The Sport Bible’s Facebook page. Scandinavian fans can watch the prelims live via Viaplay.

Broadcast live on BT Sport, Setanta Eurasia, Viasat, ELEVEN and streamed worldwide on UFC Fight Pass
Matt Inman (169.2) vs Karl Amoussou (169)
Brad Wheeler (169.8) vs Warren Kee (174.4)
Martin Stapleton (149.7) vs Anthony Dizy (149.1)
Tim Wilde (156) vs Alexander Jacobsen (153.5)
Craig White (170.8) vs Thomas Robertsen (169.6)

Streamed live on The Sport Bible’s Facebook page for free.
Arvydas Juska (185.6) vs Djati Melan (183.9)
Aiden Lee (145.6) vs Fabien Gallinaro (145)
Thomas Terdjman (147.6) vs Decky McAleenan (149.7)


5:00μμ: Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν
7:00μμ: Preliminary card starts, available to watch for free on The Sport Bible Facebook page.
8:15μμ: Fan meet and greet with UFC stars & Paddy Pimblett DJ set
9.00μμ: Main card starts
10:30pm approx: CW title fight starts
11:00pm approx: Event finish

There are a very limited number of Cage Warriors 80 tickets still available στο axs.com from just £20.

For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.com και ακολουθήστε μας Έξαψη, Facebook και Instagram.


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ιρλανδία, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.


Cage Warriors welterweight stars talk respect, motivation and their joint aim to reach the UFC in this revealing head-to-head chat with Cage Warriors ahead of their main event title fight at Cage Warriors 80 in London on February 18.

Limited tickets for Cage Warriors 80 are available via the AXS website, priced from just £20. Included in the ticket price is a free meet and greet with UFC stars including Dan Hardy.


Karl Amoussou: That belt is my entry ticket to the UFC. I am bringing it back to France.

Matt Inman: This belt is my path, I’ve been with Cage Warriors a long time. This is my eighth fight with the promotion and I feel like I’ve been on this path along time. Είμαι έτοιμος.

Karl Amoussou: So am I.


ΜΟΥ: The only pressure I feel is the pressure I put upon myself to put in the best performance I can.

KA: Pressure is always present during a fight, I know I’m going to have the best version of Matt Inman facing me and he’s going to be ready for the best version of Karl Amoussou. No problem with the pressure, I’ll deal with it.


KA: Yes this is definitely a career-defining fight. Now I have to be in the UFC. I belong in the UFC, I should be in the UFC already and after this fight I will definitely be there, ΧΩΡΙΣ ΑΜΦΙΒΟΛΙΑ.

ΜΟΥ: Without a doubt, this is the biggest fight of my career against the highest-profile opponent.


ΜΟΥ: I’m excited to be headlining at Indigo at The O2. I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity and I’m just extremely excited to get in there.

KA: I’m very excited to be fighting at The O2 and headline the show, 10 years after my first fight with Cage Warriors. It’s proof of big improvements and I’m going to show where the improvements are now.


KA: Well-dressed, tough and well-rounded.

ΜΟΥ: Powerful, aggressive and experienced.


ΜΟΥ: I think this is a fight where both of us should have been fighting in the UFC a long time ago, there’s no question of that. This is a fight that could be on any main card, on any UFC event.

KA: Just like Matt I think exactly the same. We both have our place in the UFC and after this fight there is only going to be space for one but we definitely both deserve to be there.


KA: There is no need for me to have any animosity against an opponent, I think it’s a waste of energy. I know what my goal is, I’m pretty sure Matt knows what his goal is and I think we have the same. We are both going to do our job and, on my part, I know exactly what I’m going to do. So there’s no need for animosity.

ΜΟΥ: I never require animosity when facing an opponent. My focus is on performing the best I can and that would be the same whatever way I felt about my opponent and that’s what I guarantee I’ll do come fight night.


ΜΟΥ: I’m not going to make predictions for how this fight will end. I’m expecting a tough fight and a real challenge, but I’m ready to come out the winner.

KA: I’m going to make a prediction. This fight is going to end either by KO or submission. I’ll be ready for five rounds and I’ll be ready for a submission or a KO in every single round, so be ready for it, πάρα πολύ.

For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.com και ακολουθήστε μας Έξαψη, Facebook και Instagram.


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ιρλανδία, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.


Πέμπτη, February 16th, 2017

SBG Manchester fighter ready to make a statement at Indigo at The O2 on Saturday

With designs on world titles and a future shot in the UFC, Martin Stapleton says he’s ready to make a statement at Cage Warriors 80 αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο.

Stapleton (18-4) was a coveted free-agent who fielded multiple contract offers from around the world, but it was ultimately Cage Warriors that made the most sense to him as he looks to rise all the way to the top.

I had a lot of offers, and some really lucrative offers, πάρα πολύ,"Είπε.

But when I weighed it all up, Cage Warriors was the best route for me.

That’s because of the amount of guys that have come through, been a Cage Warriors world champion, gone on to the UFC and now they’re now kicking arse. And there’s a couple of guys who have won UFC world titles through that route.

“And with the fights being shown on BT Sport and UFC Fight Pass, it gives me the best platform to get into the UFC.

“They were all massive factors in signing with Cage Warriors rather than one of the other organisations.”

Stapleton will take on Anthony Dizy in a 150lb catchweight at Indigo at The O2 on Saturday night at Cage Warriors 80 as he sets his sights on world championship glory later in the year.

I want that featherweight belt,"Είπε.

I can fight at 145, 155 and even go up as high as 170. But right now, I’ve got my sights on that 145lb title. That’s the biggest fight, and I want big fights.

I’ve got 100% belief in myself. I know I’m battle tested. I know I’m ready to go in there with anyone.

You can put me in with anyone in the world right now and I’ll hold my own. Right now I’d beat 95% από αυτούς, and in a couple of years I’ll be at the point where I’ll beat 100% of them.”

And speaking about this weekend’s fight in London, Stapleton said his focus is on one thingclaiming a decisive stoppage win.

I never expect anything in my opponents, είπε.

I go in there with a clear mind, ready for anything that happens in the cage. I don’t watch my opponents’ fights either. I know his name. All I have to do is train my arse off, get in the cage and do it.

I wanna get in there and finish this guy. From the minute the bell goes to the 15th minute of the fight I’ll be trying to finish him.

Limited tickets for Cage Warriors 80 are available via the AXS website, priced from just £20. Included in the ticket price is a free meet and greet with UFC stars including Dan Hardy.

For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.com και ακολουθήστε μαςΈξαψη, Facebook και Instagram.


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ιρλανδία, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.


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Τρίτη, 7 του Φλεβάρη, 2017

Hugely popular Liverpudlian star will put his Cage Warriors featherweight world title on the line in the main event at the Echo Arena in Liverpool on April 1.

The fighting pride of Liverpool Paddy ‘The Baddy’ Pimblett will make his eagerly-awaited return to action in the main event at Cage Warriors 82.

Defending CW featherweight world champion Pimblett will take on fellow Brit Nad Narimani as he bids to further cement his position as one of the UK’s fastest-rising MMA stars.

Pimblett captured Cage Warriors gold when he knocked out French veteran Johnny Frachey for the vacant title at CW 78 in Liverpool last September.

He followed up his title win with a successful defence of his belt, edging out The Ultimate Fighter semi-finalist Julian Erosa at Cage Warriors Unplugged at the BT Sport studios last November.

Aged just 22, Pimblett returns to his stomping ground at the Echo Arena looking to continue his remarkable rise as one of the MMA world’s hottest young prospects.

He’ll face a stern test against Narimani, who enters the bout with a 9-2 pro record and took the previous Cage Warriors featherweight champ Alex Enlund all the way to the scorecards in a closely-contested battle at Cage Warriors 73, with just one point separating the two after five hard-fought rounds.

Narimani comes into the bout with Pimblett riding a two-fight win streak, with victories over Jeremy Petley (first-round KO) and Daniel Requeijo (third-round submission) setting up his April 1 clash with ‘The Baddy’.

Speaking ahead of his hometown return, Pimblett said: “I won the title in Liverpool, so there’s absolutely no way I’m going to lose it here.”

“This is my city, my arena and my title. Expect another huge partyand another huge winwhen I come back home to defend my belt.”

Cage Warriors President Graham Boylan said: “Paddy’s the hottest prospect in the sport on this side of the pond and the prospect of seeing him defending his featherweight world title in front of his hometown fans is a mouth-watering prospect for MMA fans.

“Nad will take him to the limit, just as he did with our previous featherweight champ Alex Enlund, so expect a tough test and a great matchup.”

Tickets for Cage Warriors 82 are available from the Echo Arena, from just £25: bit.ly/CW82tkts

For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.comκαι ακολουθήστε μας Έξαψη, Facebook και Instagram.

CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ιρλανδία, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.

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Matchroom Sport Announces Joshua To Defend Against Long-Reigning Heavyweight Kingpin Wladimir Klitschko Απρίλιος 29 At Wembley Stadium


Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ Για Φωτογραφίες; Πιστωτικές Matchroom Sport


Anthony Joshua extended his perfect record to 18-0 με 18 knockouts in a dominating defense of his IBF Heavyweight World Championship over American challenger Eric Molina Σάββατο on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester, Αγγλία. HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2hqHTo8.


Joshua floored Molina with a huge left in the third, leaving the Texas native crumpled in the corner. Molina looked dazed and barely beat the count, but he was again in trouble and defenseless seconds later, αναγκάζοντας το διαιτητή να σταματήσει το διαγωνισμό 2:02.


Μετά τον αγώνα, Matchroom Sport managing direction Eddie Hearn announced that Joshua will make the third defense of his title on Απρίλιος 29 against long-reining heavyweight kingpin Wladimir Klitschko at London’s Wembley Stadium.


“Disaster avoided απόψε,” Joshua said. “He started off teeing off with some haymakers early on. There are not too many tactics he can do. It’s hard for him to come in and fight when you aren’t giving him any options. Someone who is boxing with you can give you options, but someone who is boxing on his back feet cannot.”


“This is the start of my story and there will be many more things to come when I step into this ring. I’m not one to talk and I’m not one to mess around, but if I did start talking I think people would find out what I’m all about. I’ve stayed consistent and I’ve stayed patient and I’m still undefeated.”


“We are moving into a huge arena (Wembley). He’s a very respectful man outside of the ring, and he’s very competitive in the ring. This is the step up people have wanted. Klitschko wants his belts back and may the best man win.”


Said Klitschko: “He is the best man in the heavyweight division and his record speaks for itself. This is the fight that the fans want and that is why this fight will happen.”


“Do you want to see a big fight? Do you want to see a fight where two Olympic champs are involved? Do you want to see the fight between A.J. and W.K.? You got it.”



SHOWTIME ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ® Airs at 5:30 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/2:30 μ.μ. PT
Ζουν σε Showtime; Encore Presentation During Σάββατο SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ® Τηλεοπτική εκπομπή

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ To Download Press Conference Photos (Credit Matchroom Boxing)

IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua weighed in at 249 λίρες and American challenger Eric Molinaμετράται 237 ½ κιλά for their heavyweight showdown αύριο/Σάββατο at Manchester Arena live on SHOWTIME®(5:30 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/2:30 μ.μ. PT).

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® presentation originates from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, site of that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. WBC Παγκόσμιος Πρωταθλητής βαρέων βαρών Deontay Γουάιλντερ will join host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein και Paulie Malignaggi as part of the SHOWTIME announce team for Joshua vs. Molina.

Undefeated sensation and 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist Joshua (17-0, 17 KOs) will make the second defense of his title against Molina (25-3 19 KOs), a Texas native getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.

An encore presentation of Joshua vs. Molina will air as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast later that evening, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion Ο Ιησούς Cuellar and three-division former champ Abner Mares. Στο ομο-χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα, Jermall Charlo will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger Julian Ουίλιαμς.


“I want to shatter his dreams and keep that title.” – Anthony Joshua

“I’m not here to take it on points, I am here to put him on the floor and take his belt.” – Eric Molina


SHOWTIME ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ® Airs at 5:30 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/2:30 μ.μ. PT
Ζουν σε Showtime; Encore Presentation During Σάββατο SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ® Τηλεοπτική εκπομπή


Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ To Download Workout Photos (Credit Matchroom Boxing)


IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua and American challenger Eric Molina worked out for the British press την Τρίτη στο Μάντσεστερ, Αγγλία, as they prepare to square off αυτό το Σάββατο at Manchester Arena live on SHOWTIME® (5:30 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/2:30 μ.μ. PT).


The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® presentation originates from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, site of that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. WBC Παγκόσμιος Πρωταθλητής βαρέων βαρών Deontay Γουάιλντερ will join host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein και Paulie Malignaggi as part of the SHOWTIME announce team for Joshua vs. Molina.


Undefeated sensation and 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist Joshua (17-0, 17 KOs) will make the second defense of his title against Molina (25-3 19 KOs), a Texas native getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.


An encore presentation of Joshua vs. Molina will air as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast later that evening, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion Ο Ιησούς Cuellar and three-division former champ Abner Mares. Στο ομο-χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα, Jermall Charlo will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger Julian Ουίλιαμς.


Here is what Joshua and Molina had to say during fight week:




“Eric is coming here to win and he’s got a goal in his sights and dreams to fulfill. I want to shatter his dreams and keep that title. He gave Wilder a real test, rocked him, and boxed through the fight with an injury. So he’s got ability, power and heart.

“Eric has only lost to the best. He’s looked at as an underdog because a lot of it is about hype. This is his chance to announce himself. He might say he can beat me, but we won’t know until the night if he can pull it off.


“This fight isn’t about Deontay Wilder. Deontay is supposed to be this KO artist with one-punch power and he’s been a pro for eight years now so he’s got vast experience in the game. Eric put up a great fight against him and watching it I thought ‘that’s the type of guy that I want to be in.’ Someone that fights with their heart on their sleeve, that’s why we’re here now. It’ll be a comparison in the back of my mind but that doesn’t make me a better fighter than him or vice versa if I do better or worse than Deontay.


“A man that gets up after being knocked down has my full respect and he has shown he has massive heart. His mentality is that he’s got nothing to lose, and that makes him dangerous. There’s been upsets in the past but that’s not happening at this stage of my career.


“Molina is Wladimir Klitschko, he is David Haye, he is Wilder. He is a hurdle I have to overcome. It’s not about them, it’s about me. I won’t disrespect Eric, but I don’t play games, I come to dominate. I don’t care how long the fight with Molina goes; one or 12 γύρους, I just need to dismantle my opponent.


“I’m not fighting Klitschko. He’s going to be there Σάββατο, as is Haye, but they’re not in front of me. Η καριέρα μου, my discipline and my consistency, that’s the package that we’ve been sending out to the rivals and that speaks louder than any performance Σάββατο. Θέλω να κερδίσω, I want to look good and I want to entertainbut the most important thing for me is going in there and doing the job.


“I’m not learning in the shadows, I’m under the bright lights on Box Office in the UK and on SHOWTIME in the U.S. I have to perform every time that I box. There’s so many wolves in the pack that want to come and destroy what I’ve built.


“We’re close to getting some huge fights. If I get through Σάββατο then I fight Klitschko; it doesn’t get much bigger, so the division is moving forward. People have just got to be patient and enjoy the ride.


“The U.S. is a big market for me and I am sure it won’t be long until I make my U.S. ντεμπούτο. Whether that’s against Wilder, θα δούμε. He’s got the injury to recover from. I have a lot of people asking me when we’re taking the show to the States, but I don’t think they mean Alabama! They are hoping for Las Vegas, Νομίζω ότι — that’s a trip we’d all love to make.”




“Knockout is the only way I am going to win. I’m not here to take it on points, I am here to put him on the floor and take his belt. Any heavyweight can KO any other heavyweight, and I can KO Joshua. I’m a hard-punching heavyweight so I am extremely confident.


“I’m unpredictable – and any man in this division can be KO’d on any night. To become champion, that’s the ultimate goal, and I think I have what it takes to knock him out.


“Joshua has great balance, he’s athletic, tall, uses his reach – but there are things about him we don’t know yet and he knows it, πάρα πολύ. We know he can punch and has the attributes to become a legend, but that missing piece of the puzzle is the chin. Can he take a punch? He hasn’t taken anything up to this date. A good boxing puncher can KO you with a shot at any given moment.


“I don’t question his stamina, but I do want to see him take a good shot. It’s the big question – and I’ve hurt everybody that I’ve been in the ring with. Does he have grit and determination? We’ll find out.


“I’ve been an underdog all my life so it doesn’t faze me. Joshua is young, αυτός είναι ισχυρή, he’s got all the attributes of a great champion. But there are a lot of things that he’s yet to experience in the ring, and that’s what I have to capitalize on. Eventually he has to go through those things and get taken to those places that he hasn’t been yet. I have to take him there to win.


“Who else in the last 18 months is going to fight Joshua and Wilder? Who is willing to do that to win? No one wants to get in with this guy. This is my route to get the world title. It’s not about Klitschko, it’s about me. Any man can be destroyed on any given night. Joshua knows that’s true. He’s got to beat me to get the fight, but I have a great chance to KO this guy.


“I don’t pay too much notice to what people think. When I fought Wilder the whole world gave me one round — αυτό είναι. He’s going down in one round, he’s going to get blasted away. I’ve heard it all before, all the negative feedback. Let people think what they want, I feed off it. I have nothing to lose in a fight like this and everything to gain. It’s a very dangerous fight and the type of fight that I really perform in.


“Dillian Whyte has given Joshua his toughest test so far, then probably (Dominic) BREAZEALE. He hasn’t been pushed. He hasn’t been taken to a place where he’s had to dig deep. There are some holes in his game that we feel we can execute and hurt him.


“Lots of people didn’t want the fight; it’s a business and I wanted it. I’ve shared the ring with Wilder and now I’m going in with Joshua. These aren’t just words; I’m putting it into action, there’s a difference.


“Wilder is the most dangerous heavyweight in the world, Tyson Fury is the most skilled, the combination of both would beat Johsua. The most feared is Luis Ortiz. You have the heavyweights that no one wants to get in with. Everyone is calling everyone out, but when it comes down to it, it means nothing if you don’t get in there. You just have a certain bunch of guys that don’t want to fight another bunch of guys.


“Against Wilder I learned that I can get up. I can fight back and still win rounds. I learned I can fight through an injury; that I can bite down on the gumshield and give more than I ever thought I could give. It was a big stage against Wilder in his backyard so I’ve been on the big stage before. It doesn’t concern me at all – been there, κάνει αυτό. I’ve lost on the big stage but I’ve also won on the big stage.”