标记档案: 联合王国

Boxing Commission Launches Boxer Health & Safety Advisory Website


The British & 爱尔兰拳击局 (比巴) today announced the launch of the BIBA Health & Safety Executive websitewww.boxbiba.co.ukthat not only covers Health & Safety advice, resources and information for boxers, but also features Mental Health awareness information and resources.





因为 2016 the British & Irish Boxing Authority have strived to improve all aspects of Boxer Health & Safety, including appointing a number of specialists, including renowned sports injury specialist Professor Michael Graham MBChB; PhD; FRSM; BASEM; MICR; MCSFS; PCCMH; APIL Expert; FSB to the BIBA Medical Advisory Board to develop additional Boxer Health and Safety procedures, such as Cognitive Testing both as part of their licensing procedure as well as the post event medical, as well as to head up a team of experts to undertake long term research into Combat Sports related head injuries.





三月 2017 the British & Irish Boxing Authority were the first commission to introduce Infra-Scanners, a portable infrared brain scanner that can detect signs of bleed to the brains, at events sanctioned by themselves, following a number of serious head injuries within the sport, including the death of Mike Towell in 2016.



Another recent British & Irish Boxing Authority initiative was the introduction in January 2018 of permitting Rehydration drinks in the corner for all contest of eight rounds and over, in an attempt to ensure that boxers remain hydrated in longer contests, which in itself can also reduce the risk of potential swelling or bleeds to the brain.



On announcing the new Health & Safety Executive website BIBA CEO and Executive Vice President Gianluca Di Caro stated;



Back in February we signed up to the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation and as part of our action plan we decided to create a specific website to raise Mental Health awareness within the sport.



During the discussions with the committee that overseas our Mental Health policies it dawned on me that whilst it is essential that we get the information and resources available on the very important subject of Mental Health, that we should also cover other equally important Health & Safety matters, especially those that may reduce the potential risks of bleeds to the brain as well as take a serious look at the current rules of the sport to improve the Health & Safety of those that compete.



Another factor that led us to decide to create an all-encompassing HSE website was that our leading team of specialists are currently undertaking a long-term research project into head injuries within not just Boxing but all Combat Sports.



Even though we are only a few months into this research project we have already highlighted a number of areas, within the current rules, that need to be seriously looked at and changes made, we will also be highlighting these proposed changes on the new HSE website ahead of lobbying all World and Regional Championship Organisations, the Boxing and Combat Sports Industry Associations as well as other Commissions around the world to try and get these incredibly vital changes to the rules introduced.



Those of us who govern the sport need to consider making much needed changes to the rules now, as well as move with the times and embrace new technology, especially if these can prevent further tragedies, as I believe it is our, the Commissions that Govern the Sport’s responsibility to ensure that the Health & Safety of those that compete is of the highest level possible, not to do so would be dangerous and irresponsible and could even destroy our beloved sport, by basically help in making the case, by our own inaction, for those that want Professional Boxing banned.”



The British & 爱尔兰拳击局 (比巴) Health & Safety Executive websitewww.boxbiba.co.ukwent live today and will be updated regularly to provide boxers with an unequalled information and resources reference point.



BIBA Main Website: www.boxbiba.com



BIBA HSE Website: www.boxbiba.co.uk


比利·乔·桑德斯 (Billy Joe Saunders) 将于 12 月登上擂台 16 在加拿大成为 WBO 中量级卫冕冠军, 早在 12 月就赢得了一条腰带,成为他自豪的拥有者 2015 击败同路人安迪·李时.


但自从以多数票胜出爱尔兰人李之后 在曼彻斯特竞技场成为世界冠军, 桑德斯仅两次为其辩护, 以一致判定战胜了阿图尔·阿卡沃夫和小威利·门罗。, 最近.


对阵俄罗斯阿卡沃夫比赛, 这位不败的世界冠军得主最终在苏格兰土地上的泻湖休闲中心做出了如此轻松的决定,这远非令人印象深刻,甚至可能是幸运的. 对美国挑战者小门罗的胜利要好得多, 随后任命多米尼克·英格尔为他的最新教练.


但后一场比赛仍然是一场单调的比赛,并没有进一步或提振桑德斯’ 吸引更广泛的受众, 因为他轻松地击败了纽约出生的左撇子. 对于大部分卫冕, 他几乎没有被要求去工作, 门罗的比赛计划极其低效.


然而, 28岁的 接下来无疑将面临他迄今为止最严峻的职业考验 对阵前 160 磅冠军 David Lemieux, 这是一个比缺乏经验且年轻的小克里斯·尤班克(Chris Eubank Jr)更严峻的挑战, 冷漠的安迪·李和远没有威胁的小威利·门罗.


加拿大选手勒米厄 (Lemieux) 实力强劲,将进入环绳赛场 作为最新拳击赔率中的局外人 在本土取得胜利, 对于最近胜利激增的战斗机来说,这是一个有前途的价格. 自从十月份在与分区主力根纳季·戈洛夫金的英勇表现中被恶意阻止以来 2015, 这位28岁的选手已经取得了四连胜, 其中包括格伦·塔皮亚(Glen Tapia)和柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯(Curtis Stevens)的两次大击倒.

迄今为止,桑德斯在所有对手中都曾正面交锋过, 没有人拥有勒米厄那样的出拳力量, 这可能是战斗之夜的决定性因素. 后者的主场希望是由奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚的金童推动的, 他们似乎热衷于将加拿大人与主要摇钱树索尔·卡内洛相匹配’ 阿尔瓦雷斯明年, 而不是把他扔进“GGG”’ 再次在备受期待的复赛中.


尽管他是最有希望获胜并保持不败记录的人,但这将是他职业生涯中在英国以外的首次冒险, 看来桑德斯在最近的这次遭遇中胜算不大.


已经很明显了, 太, 桑德斯并不拥有强大的力量,能够让脚步敏捷的勒米厄在比赛中远离危险区域. 淘汰赛艺术家勒米厄(Lemieux)在三月份残酷地将史蒂文斯击倒时,创造了最终被评选为年度最佳停赛的比赛’ 纽约市熄灯.


在本土,另一场恶性停赛是否会成功?? 桑德斯和英格尔需要完美地执行他们即将到来的比赛计划,以确保在客场取得一场令人印象深刻的胜利, 但这看起来可能是魁北克真正考验的夜晚.

Decastro Vs Landaeta Showdown For IBF European Crown on October 21st



香港仔, 联合王国. 星期六 9 九月 2017.



British Super Middleweight Nathan ‘Nightmare’ Decastro (9-0-0 with 8KOs) is set to challenge Spain’s Ronny Landaeta (12-0-0 with 8KOs) 为空置国际拳击联合会 (IBF) European Super Middleweight European Championship at the Palacio de Deportes José María Martín Carpena 马拉加, Spain on Saturday October 21ST.


Decastro, the current MBC International Champion, 目前排名 #13 in the IBF Intercontinental ratings, spoke briefly on learning of the golden opportunity.


“I can’t put into words what this fight means to me, I am a fighting man and fighting is my life.


This is a golden opportunity that I will take with both hands and show everyone what I’m made of.


Huge thanks to Lee (Manager Lee McAllister) for sorting this, 我能说什么, I only signed with his Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management company a few weeks ago and already he’s already got me a shot at title.


To fight for any title is an honour, but to fight for a coveted IBF belt is something else.


I know this is not an easy fight, Ronny’s undefeated in twelve and has successfully defended his Spanish title twice against top class opposition, but then again he’s not fought me yet, I’m not called the Nightmare for nothing.”


Nathan’s Manager, Three Time World Champion Lee McAllister, then added


“This a cracking opportunity for Nathan to catapult himself in to the World rankings, exciting times ahead for him if he’s successful.


We know we are going into the Lions den as massive underdogs, but I will be making sure that Nathan has space in his bag for the belt when coming home.


这还不是全部, If all goes well in the next few days I hope to be announcing another Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management boxer challenging for an IBF title, here in the UK this time though”





十月星期六,前世界冠军安东尼·克罗拉对阵瑞奇·伯恩斯, 7日

住在AWE – 娱乐的财富
圣迭戈 (九月 8, 2017) -上 周六下午, 10月7日, 两位前世界冠军将作为前轻量级世界冠军碰撞 安东尼克罗拉 与前三级冠军的战斗 瑞奇伯恩斯 在预定的 12 回合轻量级比赛中 曼彻斯特球场曼彻斯特, 英国, 并将播出 LIVE & 仅限美国AWE- 娱乐的财富.
这场战斗也将在 www.klowdtv.com 在亚洲国际博览馆频道.
“这将是一场精彩的比赛,安东尼·克罗拉和瑞奇·伯恩斯都希望发表声明并重返冠军争夺战. 这两位冠军都渴望夺回金腰带,所以当他们相遇时 10月7日, 这将是一场最高水平和质量的比赛,我们 AWE 很高兴能够将这场比赛带给美国的粉丝,” 查尔斯说鲱鱼, 亚洲国际博览馆主席– 娱乐的财富.
克罗拉, 30 曼彻斯特岁数, 英国有纪录 31-6-3 同 13 击倒. 他一拳击倒达利斯·佩雷斯,让家乡球迷兴奋不已,赢得了 WBA 轻量级冠军. 克罗拉 (Crolla) 在伊斯梅尔·巴罗佐 (Ismael Barroso) 的防守下奋力反击,卫冕冠军. 克罗拉 (Crolla) 在一致判定输给豪尔赫·利纳雷斯 (Jorge Linares) 时落后,丢下了金腰带. 在他的最后一个回合, 克罗拉在复赛中连续第二次一致判定输给了利纳雷斯。 3月25日 在曼彻斯特.
科特布里奇的伯恩斯, 苏格兰有一项记录 41-6-1 同 14 击倒. 九月 4, 2010, 伯恩斯12回合一致判定战胜罗曼·马丁内斯,夺得WBO青少年轻量级世界冠军. 伯恩斯三度成功卫冕, 之后升入轻量级,并以 12 回合一致判定战胜迈克尔·卡特西迪斯 (Michael Katsidis) 夺得 WBO 轻量级临时冠军. 伯恩斯晋升为正式冠军,并继续战胜前世界冠军保卢斯·摩西, 凯文·米切尔和不败挑战者何塞·冈萨雷斯, 以及与顶级竞争者雷·贝尔特兰 (Ray Beltran) 打成平局,然后将桂冠输给了优雅的特伦斯·克劳福德 (Terence Crawford). 5月,伯恩斯赢得WBA超轻量级世界冠军,成为三级拳王 28, 2016 一致决定战胜 Michele Di Rocco. 他在 12 轮比赛中一致判定战胜基里尔·雷利克 (Kiryl Relikh),卫冕了一次冠军头衔,但在上一场比赛中输给了不败的朱利叶斯·英东戈 (Julius Indongo),他失去了冠军头衔。 4月15日在格拉斯哥, 苏格兰.
“我想做的就是参加大赛,而瑞奇·伯恩斯是三重量级世界冠军, 我非常尊重他,” 说克罗拉. “他是一位伟大的战士,只输给最优秀的人.

“这对我们俩来说都是一个好时机. 一场胜利让我们重新回到冠军争夺战中, 我不会说失败者无处可去, 但这将是一条艰难的回归之路. 我们都失去了世界冠军,动力就是赢得比赛并重返赛场.


“以前好几次都差点发生过这样的事, 几年前在超羽量级和轻量级. 这件事已经被谈论很多年了. 看起来这不会发生,但现在我们终于要见面了,这很好。”

“我真的很高兴比赛在曼彻斯特举行,” 说克罗拉. “这将是自那个可怕的爆炸之夜以来的第一场演出之一,所以回去意义重大. 很多人都要求我回到竞技场参加下一场比赛. 但如果有复赛的话, 我很高兴去格拉斯哥.

“该 24 与利纳雷斯的回合让我处于有利地位. 在这些比赛中,我并没有受到重击,巨大的子弹将我的头弹回来. 除了击倒之外, 我并没有双腿颤抖. 我很享受这次经历. 我在组织进攻方面取得了进步,但当晚我没有表现出来,这要归功于豪尔赫.

“我对瑞奇没有任何敌意, 他是个好人. 但一旦钟声响起,我们都愿意深入挖掘. 我想要这个很久了, 我等不及了。”

“这将是一个伟大的斗争,” 伯恩斯说. “最近几周有很多讨论, 我们得到的回应令人难以置信. 人们想看到它,现在交易完成了,我很期待.

“无论我在哪里战斗,都不会打扰我, 会有一大群人从苏格兰过来. 这是一场球迷们一直在为之奋斗的比赛,我相信他们会出现在他们的人数中.

“当我获得超羽量级和轻量级世界冠军时, 克罗拉的名字总是被提及,但从未发生过. 他是一个伟大的人,也是一个伟大的战士, 我认为在准备过程中你不会听到太多垃圾话. 最好的人将在当晚获胜.

“我升级到超轻量级是因为世界冠军来临了,创造历史的机会就在那里. 我很容易就减重到 140 磅,而且我已经对这场战斗有了足够的注意,尽管最后几磅总是很棘手,但我很高兴能回到 135 磅.

“我总是对托尼说我想我还有两三年的时间. 在我职业生涯的这个阶段,我不认为轻松获胜有什么意义. 我宁愿选择大牌. 如果我赢了, 我会进步并希望再次获得冠军. 这就是我的看法.

“每个人都不断地问我还剩多久. 第一次我挨了太多拳或者去参加训练但不喜欢 – 就是这样. 我不会让自己经历这一切. 尤其是在埃塞克斯进行训练 12 周, 但此刻我真的很期待.

“我对埃迪·赫恩说我是 100 百分之百的支持, 但我们已经在他们身边等了几个星期了,所以我不知道发生了什么.

“克罗拉(Crolla)刚刚落后于利纳雷斯(Linares), 尽管他输了两次,但他没有受到打击. 你必须举起双手 – 利纳雷斯非常好.

“这对我们双方来说都是一场生死攸关的战斗. 甚至在我和迪罗科交手之前我就一直说我只想一次打一场. 在我的职业生涯中,我一直都是这样,但祈祷这里的胜利可以带来更大的成就.

“这会很难, 攻坚战. 我们两个人会出来并继续努力 – 球迷才是真正的赢家。”

What a fight between two great warriors'” 所述启动子埃迪·赫恩. “安东尼和里基在职业生涯中都处于相似的位置,他们知道这个绝对必须获胜. 像我一样了解这两个人,这将是一场战斗,直到比赛结束,双方都不会后退一步. 这是一场在曼彻斯特竞技场举行的两位伟大的世界冠军和球迷之间的全英超级大战,天空体育频道的收看可以期待一场精彩的赛事。”


亚洲国际博览馆LIVE拳击设有现场的世界冠军锦标赛和消除较量,展示了当今最令人兴奋的战士. 由于亚洲国际博览馆的现场拳击事件以来 2011, AWE 已推出超过 50 世界冠军战斗.

AWE 为拳击迷带来了一些最激动人心和最具争议性的比赛, 其中包括瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 与雷·贝尔特兰 (Ray Beltran) 争夺世界冠军的对决. AWE 独家现场直播美国选手特伦斯·克劳福德 (Terence Crawford) 击败瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 夺冠. 亚洲国际博览馆的球迷见证了不败的重量级泰森怒的爆发力多次在网络上, 包括愤怒的战胜了凯文·约翰逊. 在 2017, AWE 是英国传奇重量级拳手大卫·海耶 (David Haye) 和托尼·贝柳 (Tony Bellew) 历史性对决的美国独家电视转播商.

关于亚洲国际博览馆 – 娱乐的财富

娱乐的财富 (“AWE”) 拥有各种生活方式和异国情调的旅游娱乐节目,令人发指的家庭生活世界拳击锦标赛. AWE 可用于一百多个有线系统, 包括AT&牛逼U-诗, CH 147 和 1147 在HD, Verizon的FiOS电视, CH 169 和 669 在HD. 和直播电视, CH 387.

Flying Scotsmen McGivern, 威尔逊, McRorie and Reilly Score Big Wins In Paisley


报告: 赞布罗塔迪卡罗 – Photo Courtesy of On The Ropes TV

周六 晚, at the On-X Centre in Paisley, the latest offering from Gerard Boyle-Welsh and his On The Ropes team took place. For those that have yet to attend an On The Ropes promoted event, this may be small hall boxing, but believe me the production quality of their events easily equals, if not betters, many of the larger Arena shows from far better known promoters.

It’s not often you see full blown light show, DJ, big screens, stunning promotional girls, full in house broadcast team not just filming the fights but also post fight interviews at small hall shows.

行, enough about the production let’s get to the point of the report – The fights themselves.

First fight of the night see Coatbridge’s Ben McGivern against debuting Malcolm Richardson from Blackpool.

Right from the off this bout had the hallmark of a classic small hall fight written all over it. Both lads got straight down to business, attacking from all angles in some style. However around the first minute or so of the round local lad McGivern landed a massive shot to the body. Have to admit, the shot was so venomous I was mightily surprised, no that should be impressed, that Richardson made the count.

On the restart McGivern didn’t need the partisan fans in attendance or his esteemed corner man on the night, three time World Champion Lee McAllister, encouraging him to get back in hard and fast, he just did, landing further big shots to back his not yet fully recovered opponent on to the ropes, before letting rip with yet another massive right to the body with much the same effect as the first, Richardson valiantly tried to rise as the count reached its conclusion, but just failed to do so – Referee Liam Bonner waved the bout off and declared McGivern the victor on the one minute and twenty eight second of round one.

Next up was Perth’s Gary Wilson against debuting James Calveley from Liverpool.

To an outside observer this may have looked a bit of a mismatch, as Wilson towered over Calveley by a good six inches or so, but fight wise it was anything but.

First round see the protagonists locked in a gladiatorial battle that wouldn’t have been out of place at the Colosseum in Rome all those years ago – seriously was a cracking round that swung one way and then the other as they battled it out in centre ring.

Initially it was more of the same in the second that was until Wilson landed a peach of a shot to send the plucky Scouser down.

Calveley made the count easily but Wilson had no intention of letting his opponent off that easily and kept the pressure up with some nice combinations culminating in another huge right to send Calveley down again.

Calveley just about made it to his feet as the count reached eight, but on rising was very, very unsteady on his feet, so much so that referee Liam Bonner had no option but to stop the contest on the one minute fifty one second mark of the second round.

The third contest of the evening see Bellshill’s Barrie McRorie take on tough and very awkward Latvian Vladislavs Davidaitis.

The round started quite sedately with both men sussing the other out for the first minute or so, then it was all action to the final bell, as the two warriors let rip from every conceivable angle.

Round two was more of the same although to be fair both protagonists had settled into a slightly more realistic pace and were landing far better shots than in the first.

Round three see Davidaitis getting more and more success, don’t get me wrong McRorie was landing some real tasty shots of his own, but have to say that was the Latvians round.

The fourth and final round was a cracker, as in the previous rounds the two lads went at it hammer and tongs throughout, however the pace had taken its toll on Davidaitis and the final minute he was fighting his heart out just to survive the continual onslaught from the fired up Scotsman.

After four scintillating rounds Referee Liam Bonners scorecard showed McRorie victorious by a 39-37 points score line.

So onto the final bout of the night, which featured Bellshill’s Paddy Reilly against Vadims Konstantinovs.

Konstantinovs’ fight style is similar to fellow Latvian Vladislavs Davidaitis, as such Reilly had his hands full, albeit right from the opening bell, as unlike in the previous fight both protagonists had only one thought in the mindattack, attack, attack.

It was a full on war, both lads were intent on throwing as many big punches as possible, at the expense of their defences I should add, which ultimately led to Konstantinovs being caught by a cracking shot, that sent him to the canvas around the end of the first minute.

The Latvian made a right mess of judging when to rise, whilst on one knee he kept looking between the referee and his corner as he awaited the signal, which he got back a fraction too late, rising only as referee Liam Bonner actually counted and signalled the eighth time, not just before.

Not only was Konstantinovs distraught when the referee signalled fight over but so was Reilly who was fired up and wanted the fight to carry on, well he’s a fighter and he wanted to fight so can understand that. Actual time of stoppage was one minute and forty-nine seconds of the first round.

What a great night, OK three of the four fights were over well inside the distance, but that can’t take away from the performances of the fighters or as I mentioned at the start, the quality of the promotion itself, I for one can’t wait for the next.

威利·梦露, JR. Media Day Quotes, Pictures and Videos

费城. Pa./Rochester, 纽约 (八月. 31, 2017) – 刚刚过去的这个 星期二 at the Rochester Fight Factory, 威利·梦露, JR. met a throng of media personel during his media day workout in advance of his 9月16日 showdown with WBO World Middleweight Champion Billy Joe Saunders at the Copper Box Arena in London, 英国.
Monroe held court and analyzed many topics regarding the fight and his career as he gets ready for his 2nd world title opportunity.
Below are quotes, video interviews and images from the event, which included a visit from Rochester Deputy Mayor Cedric Alexander.
I am battle tested, and I have gone through this and gave a good account of myself against Golovkin. 这次, I am going to enjoy the moment a little more. I am enjoying the process.

Nothing is given to you, so I have to go take it.

I give people from my city hope.

The one thing that Golovkin and Canelo need, I am going to get my hands on, so they will have to see me.

Saunders is a little mouthy. I am a humble guy. It has me motivated, 而来 9月16日, he will have heck to pay.

I want my rematch with Triple-G, but I think Canelo is the more skilled fighter. 这将是一个伟大的斗争. I appreciate both of them for fighting each other.

I might feel like boxing his ears off, or I may want to get him out of there.

My application to boxing, shows that I am strongrt then these guys.
威利·梦露, Jr roundtable interview
威利·梦露, Jr roundtable interview
威利·梦露, JR 1 上 1 面试
威利·梦露, JR 1 上 1 面试

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报告: 赞布罗塔迪卡罗

英格兰北部的拳击界确实蓬勃发展, 尤其是利兹和布拉德福德城市周边. 该地区职业拳击赛事增加的主要原因之一是布拉德福德自己的统治世界拳击联盟 (WBU), 全球拳击联盟 (GBU) 和世界拳击联合会 (WBC) 世界冠军塔西夫·汗, 在过去的几年里,他一直与利兹的发起人 Bridie Murtagh 密切合作,为该地区带来时尚的拳击晚宴表演.

最近的一次发生在皇家泰姬陵, 前身是康诺特厅, 位于布拉德福德, 其中不仅有前面提到的塔西夫·汗本人的行动, 对阵坦桑尼亚选手朱利亚斯·基萨拉维, 同时也预示着来自利兹的不败轻量级新秀贾斯汀·纽厄尔的回归, 谁面对拉脱维亚亚历山大·伯肯伯格

除了卡上的本地小伙子, 来自米德尔斯堡的令人兴奋的超次中量级新秀克里斯·伍德对阵贝尔法斯特的马蒂·凯斯, 然而,该赛事安排了两场顶级国际比赛, 伊斯梅尔·泰特 (Ishmael Tetteh) 和菲利普·科泰 (Philip Kotey) 之间的十回合中量级比赛, 以及弗兰克·多兹(Frank Dodzi)和阿迪法官(Justice Addy)之间的八回合次中量级比赛, 由于三名拳击手的签证未能及时抵达而未能成行.

虽然令人失望的是这两场比赛没有进行, 有足够多的动作让粉丝开心, 作为发起人布里迪·穆塔安排了两场由当地小伙子参加的表演赛,以取代职业选手之前的国际选手.

首先是克里斯·伍德(Chris Wood)在四轮比赛中对阵马蒂·凯斯(Marty Kayes).

专业版的开局真是太棒了, 从开场钟声开始,一切就开始了, 伍德明显被激怒了,继续进攻, 抓住每一个可能的机会,用大量的组合来压制他经验丰富得多的对手. 凯耶斯虽然很精明, 会掩盖,并且似乎很乐意让这位充满激情的年轻人在反击之前投篮.

经过四轮精彩的比赛后,裁判的记分卡毫不奇怪地显示为 40-36 蒂赛德克里斯·伍德 (Chris Wood) 取得积分胜利.

接下来是不败的贾斯汀·纽厄尔 (Justin Newell) 在六轮比赛中对阵非常强悍的拉脱维亚亚历山大·伯肯伯格 (Aleksandrs Birkenbergs).

纽厄尔着火了, 流畅的动作和非常快的双手 – 伯肯伯格斯没有被轻易超越,在回合中途右手击中, 为纽厄尔点亮了蓝色触摸纸, 他在进攻中奋力进攻,向身体和头部投出了一些美味的大球, 最终导致伯肯伯格夫妇参观了画布. 这孩子真难缠, 他笔直地站起来,与纽厄尔针锋相对,直到回合结束.

第二轮比赛非常精彩, 两个小伙子都毫不留情 – 两人的拳击都很漂亮, 但事实证明,纽维尔的水平对于这位勇敢的拉脱维亚人来说实在是太难了,这位利兹小伙子在下半场比赛中施加了巨大的压力,然后在比赛的最后几秒用双手齐射将伯肯伯格击倒在地。, 无论他如何努力,伯肯伯格都无法计数 – 纽维尔重返战场后取得了伟大的胜利,纽维尔以 TKO 获胜, 你会相信什么时候 2 分钟和 59 第二轮的秒.

头条战见WBU, GBU 和 WBC 世界冠军在十轮非冠军赛中迎战坦桑尼亚选手朱莉娅斯·基萨拉维 (Julias Kisarawe), 而不是世界拳击联合会原定的十二轮比赛 (WBC) 可汗的超级蝇量级冠军卫冕, 由于抵达基萨拉韦的签证迟到,无法完成 WBC 批准的比赛所需的锦标赛文件.

第一回合开局很快,Kisarawe 与 Khan 交锋, 然而布拉德福德小伙子坚持自己的立场并选择投篮以获得最大效果
第二轮有更多相同的内容, 只不过这次是可汗将战斗带到了基萨拉威.

第三轮比赛中,可汗真正开始进入状态, 经常支持他的对手,然后用快速的双手齐射撕开对手, 可汗的射门力量和速度终于达到了预期的效果,这位超级强悍的坦桑尼亚人在画布上进行了短暂的旅行.

比赛重新开始后,基萨拉维发起猛攻, 投出非常可靠的左路球,试图对汗做布拉德福德小伙子之前对他所做的事情 (同 14 KO 获胜记录 Kisarawe 非常有能力做到这一点)
第四回合是一场彻头彻尾的战争,观看起来很精彩, 与第五轮和第六轮一样,但原因截然不同. 可汗不仅迈出了一档,而且至少迈出了两档或三档,将坦桑尼亚人逼到了角落,并用双手飞鱼对他进行了简单的轰炸。

基萨拉维成功地数到了数,但所有人都清楚地看到他陷入了困境, 以至于裁判詹姆斯·安克利夫别无选择,只能在比赛进行到一分十二秒时终止比赛。.

接下来是塔西夫·汗在擂台上进行的三十分钟的庆祝活动, 他的团队和许多球迷!!!!

不得不说我参加过的 Khan/Murtagh 联合宣传的节目一直都是一流的, 然而这次活动, 即使短暂的几场战斗, 是迄今为止最好的一个, 所有的战斗都完美匹配所有动作事务, 拳击艺术爱好者还能奢求什么. 等不及下一个了, 我听说是十二月.



费城, PA / 曼彻斯特, 联合王国 (三月 30, 2017)–Legendary Philadelphia fight face Artie Pellulo lands in the UK early next week confident of adding a 45th world champion to his stellar CV.
该 61 year old Italian-American’s highly regarded lightweight Petr Petrov (38-4-2) makes a mandatory challenge to home hero ‘Turbo Terry’ 弗拉纳根, the undefeated WBO king, at Manchester Arena 周六 week and he looks like being frantic. BT Sport and BoxNation screen live in the UK.
Last Wednesday, Glynn Evans spoke to the Philly-based promoter.
It’s been extremely difficult to find any background info regarding Petrov’s personality. Can you enlighten us?
I’ve been promoting fighters for almost 30 多年来, 含 44 world champions and I have to say that Petr is one of the nicer individuals I’ve come across; the type you’d have over your house. He’s just married the girl he’d been dating for a very long time. He’s a gentleman, a pleasure to work with.
Psychologically, how will he cope performing before thousands of baying Brits?
I’ve consistently gone on record as saying that the British fight fans are terrific. You’ll recall I had dealings with Ricky Hatton. They support their heroes like no other. But I guarantee that the crowd will not adversely affect Petrov.
Being on the road is actually like being at home for him because he’s never ever fought in Russia and hasn’t featured in his adopted homeland of Spain for five years. He’s won all six of his fights in the US and, before that, he competed in Germany, Argentina and Montenegro. I guarantee that facing a partisan crowd in Manchester will not affect his job. 事实上, it will energize him, excite him.
And I’ve no problem whatsoever with the officials in the UK. 事实上, I won my first world title in Britain when Otis Grant outpointed Ryan Rhodes in his hometown of Sheffield for the vacant WBO Middleweight title way back in (十二月) 1997.
在此之前,, my fighter Tyrell Biggs was officially ahead on the referee’s card before Gary Mason knocked him out on a Mickey Duff show at the Royal Albert Hall (十月 1989) and John Thompson was up on the cards before Liam Smith put him to bed at this very venue 18 months back. You always get a fair shake with the Brits.
What are Petrov’s qualities as a fighter?
I discovered him during his involvement in the ESPN Boxcino Lightweight tournament in early 2014 和, 相信我, between the ropes, 他是真正的交易. You only have to watch his tapes to appreciate that he’s relentless, 聪明, can box or punch and he’s blessed with a very good eye. Petr has a real understanding of what is going on in the ring at any given moment and he can adopt accordingly. He gives a 110% effort every time.
What is your assessment of champion Flanagan? What does Petrov need to be mindful of?
I was ringside the night Terry Flanagan hammered Diego Magdaleno in two rounds because John Thompson challenged Liam Smith that night and what I saw was a very, 非常好的战斗机. Terry’s a smart southpaw who’s very tough and keeps coming. 毫无疑问, he’ll be looking to extend his very impressive unbeaten streak.
What course did you see the fight taking? What key factor will determine the winner?
This fight steals the show and could well be Fight of the Year, 严重地. It’s that good a match up. Both Terry and Petr are TV friendly and fan friendly. It’s gonna be great theatre.
There’s no main factor that distinguishes one over the other. It’ll be about how two fighters at the very top of their games handle the pressure and stay with their game plan.
门票 四月 8 priced £50, £70, £100, £150, £200, £300 and VIP £500 are available from eventim at www.eventim.co.uk 和 0844 249 1000 and the Manchester Arena at www.manchester-arena. 和 0844 847 8000.


星期四, 3月2日, 2017

凯奇勇士 82 都将成为促销历史上规模最大的演出, 堆满了最好的默西塞德郡人才的扑克牌.

默西赛德郡(Merseyside Derby)决定安菲尔德(Andfield)的纽约市足球吹牛权利后几小时, 利物浦的红色和蓝色两半将在4月的Echo Arena再次团聚以支持他们的当地英雄 1ST 笼子战士 82.

赛事以利物浦自己的世界冠军为标题, 轻量级国王帕迪·巴迪·蓬布列特(Paddy'The Baddy'Pimblett),他在最近的冠军争夺战中击败了纳德·纳里马尼(Nad Narimani). 凯奇勇士队其他默西塞德郡冠军, 克里斯Fishgold, 还将在当晚的主要景点中发挥作用, 捍卫他的轻质腰带.

两位世界冠军将得到另外七名利物浦最优秀的战士的支持 – 包括广受欢迎的埃弗顿轻量级选手莫莉·麦肯(Molly McCann) – 凯奇勇士队在活动开始前将当地明星堆在甲板上.

赛事确认为利物浦李(Lee'The Butcher'Chadwick)之间的中量级比赛 (21-13-1) 和爱尔兰老将汤米·奎因(Tommy Quinn) (6-3).

利物浦的另一架战斗机, 埃利斯·汉普森(Ellis Hampson) (6-3, 1NC), 还将在针对佩里·古德温(Perry Goodwin)的160磅轻量级比赛中出现在卡上 (6-4).

新的笼子勇士队签下了迪安·特鲁曼(Dean Trueman) (7-3) 当他击败不败的瑞典人弗朗茨·斯利奥亚(Sweden Frantz Slioa)时,他将继续他在CW79取得的惊人的12秒KO胜利,并获得另一个令人印象深刻的胜利 (4-0) 在轻量级比赛.

“与本次活动相比,我们已经售出了更多的门票。 3,000 人们看着帕迪去年在Echo赢得冠军,凯奇勇士总裁格雷厄姆·博伊兰(Graham Boylan)说.

“本场比赛将充分展示利物浦最优秀的战斗人才, 没有哪个城市比利物浦更加热情地支持自己的城市.

“这将成为我们有史以来最大的演出, 我预计4月1日在Echo竞技场会带来特殊的气氛。”

门票可通过回声竞技场获得 HTTP://bit.ly/CW82门票 从£33.50. 门票卖得很快, 因此,请确保您拥有自己的名字,并成为Cage Warriors有史以来最大规模的演出的一部分.

笼子战士 82: 确认的比赛
帕迪·彭布利特(Paddy Pimblett) (13-1) v Nad Narimani (9-2) – 笼勇士队的轻量级冠军 (145磅)
克里斯Fishgold (16-1) v待定 – 笼子勇士轻量级冠军 (155磅)
莫莉·麦肯(Molly McCann) (4-1) vs TBC – 轻量级回合 (125磅)
李·查德威克 (21-13-1) v汤米·奎因(Tommy Quinn) (6-3) – 中量级回合 (185磅)
埃利斯·汉普森(Ellis Hampson) (6-3, 1NC) v佩里·古德温 (6-4) – 轻量级回合 (160磅)
迪恩·特鲁曼(Dean Trueman) (7-3) vs弗朗茨·斯里奥 (4-0) – 轻量级回合 (145磅)
有关笼式勇士的最新消息和更新,请访问 CageWarriors.com并按照我们 叽叽喳喳, Facebook的Instagram的.

笼子战士争夺冠军 是欧洲领先且时间最长的混合武术促销活动. 爱尔兰人拥有的品牌,在英国设有办事处 & 爱尔兰, CWFC是这项运动发展最快的组织, 上演 80 发生的事件 12 自成立以来,遍布三大洲的国家 2002. MMA过去的一些巨星的故乡, 现在和将来.