Архивы: Великобритания

Комиссия по боксу запускает программу «Здоровье боксера» & Консультативный веб-сайт по безопасности


Британский & Ирландский боксерский орган (BIBA) сегодня объявила о запуске BIBA Health & Веб-сайт руководителя службы безопасности – www.boxbiba.co.uk– что касается не только здравоохранения & Советы по безопасности, ресурсы и информация для боксеров, но также содержит информацию и ресурсы по вопросам психического здоровья..





С 2016 британский & Ирландское управление бокса стремится улучшить все аспекты здоровья боксеров. & Безопасность, включая назначение ряда специалистов, в том числе известный специалист по спортивным травмам профессор Майкл Грэм МБЧБ; кандидат наук; ФРСМ; БАС; МИКР; МКСФС; ПККМХ; Эксперт АПИЛ; ФСБ совместно с Медицинским консультативным советом BIBA разработает дополнительные процедуры по охране здоровья и безопасности боксеров, такие как когнитивное тестирование как часть процедуры лицензирования, а также медицинское обслуживание после мероприятия., а также возглавить группу экспертов для проведения долгосрочных исследований травм головы, связанных с боевыми видами спорта..





В марте 2017 британский & Ирландское боксерское управление было первой комиссией, представившей инфракрасные сканеры., портативный инфракрасный сканер мозга, который может обнаруживать признаки кровоизлияния в мозг, на мероприятиях, санкционированных ими самими, после ряда серьезных травм головы в спорте, включая смерть Майка Тауэлла в 2016.



Еще один недавний британец & Инициатива Irish Boxing Authority была представлена ​​в январе. 2018 разрешения хранить напитки для регидратации в углу на всех соревнованиях продолжительностью восемь раундов и более., в попытке гарантировать, что боксеры сохранят водный баланс в длительных боях, что само по себе также может снизить риск потенциального отека или кровотечения в мозг..



Об объявлении нового здравоохранения & Веб-сайт Safety Executive заявил генеральный директор и исполнительный вице-президент BIBA Джанлука Ди Каро.;



“Еще в феврале мы подписали Хартию психического здоровья для спорта и отдыха и в рамках нашего плана действий решили создать специальный веб-сайт для повышения осведомленности о психическом здоровье в спорте..



Во время обсуждений с комитетом, который занимается нашей политикой в ​​области психического здоровья, меня осенило, что, хотя крайне важно, чтобы мы получали доступную информацию и ресурсы по очень важному вопросу психического здоровья., что мы должны также охватить другие не менее важные вопросы здравоохранения. & Безопасность имеет значение, особенно те, которые могут снизить потенциальный риск кровоизлияний в мозг, а также серьезно взглянуть на текущие правила спорта для улучшения здоровья. & Безопасность участников соревнований.



Еще одним фактором, побудившим нас принять решение о создании всеобъемлющего веб-сайта по Вышке, стало то, что наша ведущая команда специалистов в настоящее время реализует долгосрочный исследовательский проект по травмам головы не только в боксе, но и во всех единоборствах..



Несмотря на то, что мы занимаемся этим исследовательским проектом всего несколько месяцев, мы уже выделили ряд областей., в рамках действующих правил, над этим нужно серьезно задуматься и внести изменения, мы также будем освещать эти предлагаемые изменения на новом веб-сайте ВШЭ, прежде чем лоббировать все мировые и региональные организации чемпионатов., Ассоциации индустрии бокса и единоборств, а также другие комиссии по всему миру, чтобы попытаться добиться этих невероятно важных изменений в введенных правилах..



Тем из нас, кто управляет этим видом спорта, следует подумать о внесении столь необходимых изменений в правила прямо сейчас., а также идти в ногу со временем и осваивать новые технологии, особенно если это может предотвратить дальнейшие трагедии, как я считаю, это наше, Комиссии, управляющие спортом, обязаны гарантировать, что здравоохранение & Безопасность участников соревнований находится на самом высоком уровне., не сделать этого было бы опасно и безответственно и даже могло бы разрушить наш любимый вид спорта., в основном помогая в рассмотрении дела, из-за нашего собственного бездействия, для тех, кто хочет запретить профессиональный бокс».



Британский & Ирландский боксерский орган (BIBA) Здоровье & Веб-сайт руководителя службы безопасности – www.boxbiba.co.uk – вышел в свет сегодня и будет регулярно обновляться, чтобы предоставить боксерам непревзойденную информацию и ресурсы..



Главный сайт БИБА: www.boxbiba.com



Сайт БИБА ВШЭ: www.boxbiba.co.uk

Может Сондерс Закрепить Его Наиболее впечатляющую победу на сегодняшний день более Лемие?

Билли Джо Сондерс на ринг в декабре 16 в Канаде, как царствующий и защищающий WBO в среднем весе, будучи гордым владельцем пояса, который он выиграл еще в декабре 2015 когда побеждая попутчик Энди Ли.


Но так как outpointing ирландец Ли с успехом решения большинства чтобы стать чемпионом мира в Манчестере Arena, Сондерс только защищал ее два раза, с единодушными триумфами решения над Артуром Akavov и Вилли Монро младшим, в последнее время.


Против игры российской Akavov, непобедимый держатель титул чемпиона мира был далек от впечатляет и, возможно, даже повезло получить такую ​​удобную решение в конце в Лагуна-развлекательный центр на шотландской почве. Победа над американским претендентом Монро младшим было намного лучше, будучи затем проводится Dominic Ингл в качестве своего нового тренера.


Но последний бой был еще однообразное делом и не сделал ничего, чтобы дальше или повысить Сондерс’ обратиться к более широкой аудитории, как он outworked Нью-Йорк-рожденного левша вполне комфортно. Для большинства из защиты титула, он только сделал, чтобы работать на всех, с Монро, придя в с причудливо неэффективной тактикой.


Однако, 28-летний будет следующим столкнуться, несомненно, его жесткий тест карьеры на сегодняшний день против бывшего чемпиона 160lbs Дэвид Лемье, гораздо более серьезная проблема, чем неопытный и юношеский Юбенк младший, безразличное Энди Ли и отнюдь не угрожает Вилли Монро младший.


Нелицеприятная канадский Лемье войдет в кольцо веревки как посторонний эвенами.дль последних боксов шансов превалировать на своей территории, Перспективная цена истребителя на сильный всплеске побед в последнее время. С тех пор как злобно остановились в галантного показ против разделения вора в законе Геннадий Головкин в октябре 2015, 28-летний заработал четыре последовательных побед, в том числе две больших нокаутов Глена Тапиа и Кертис Стивенс.

Из всех противников Сондерс пошел нога в ногу с на сегодняшний день, ни один не обладал пробивки силы Лемье, и это может стать решающим фактором прийти борьба ночь. Последний дом надежды способствует Golden Boy Оскар Де Ла Хойи, которые, казалось бы, стремится соответствовать Канадской с основной дойной коровой Сол «Канело’ Альварес в следующем году, а не бросить его в с «GGG’ еще раз в весьма ожидаемом реванше.


Несмотря на то, любимца превалировать и поддерживать его непревзойденный рекорд на то, что будет его девичья предприятие за пределами Великобритании, в его профессиональной карьере, кажется, что шансы на самом деле сложены против Сондерса для этой последней встречи.


Это было очевидно,, слишком, что Сандерс не превозносится массивной силы, способной держать в быстроногое Лемии от зон опасности на протяжении всей их матч-. Нокаут художник Лемье производства, что в конечном итоге может быть признан перебой года назад в марте, когда он жестоко подавлено Стивенс’ отбой в Нью-Йорке.


Может еще один порочный успех перебоя быть на картах на родной земле? Это до Сондерс и Ingle выполнить их наступающий плану, идеально, чтобы обеспечить то, что было бы весьма убедительную победу на дороге, но это выглядит скорее того, чтобы быть по-настоящему испытывать ночью в Квебеке.

Decastro Vs Landaeta Showdown For IBF European Crown on October 21st



Абердин, Великобритания. Суббота 9й Сентябрь 2017.



British Super Middleweight Nathan ‘Nightmare’ Decastro (9-0-0 with 8KOs) is set to challenge Spain’s Ronny Landaeta (12-0-0 with 8KOs) за вакантный Международной федерации бокса (IBF) European Super Middleweight European Championship at the Palacio de Deportes José María Martín Carpena в Малаге, Spain on Saturday October 21улица.


Decastro, the current MBC International Champion, который в настоящее время занимает #13 in the IBF Intercontinental ratings, spoke briefly on learning of the golden opportunity.


“I can’t put into words what this fight means to me, I am a fighting man and fighting is my life.


This is a golden opportunity that I will take with both hands and show everyone what I’m made of.


Huge thanks to Lee (Manager Lee McAllister) for sorting this, что я могу сказать,, I only signed with his Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management company a few weeks ago and already he’s already got me a shot at title.


To fight for any title is an honour, but to fight for a coveted IBF belt is something else.


I know this is not an easy fight, Ronny’s undefeated in twelve and has successfully defended his Spanish title twice against top class opposition, but then again he’s not fought me yet, I’m not called the Nightmare for nothing.”


Nathan’s Manager, Three Time World Champion Lee McAllister, then added


“This a cracking opportunity for Nathan to catapult himself in to the World rankings, exciting times ahead for him if he’s successful.


We know we are going into the Lions den as massive underdogs, but I will be making sure that Nathan has space in his bag for the belt when coming home.


Это не все, If all goes well in the next few days I hope to be announcing another Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management boxer challenging for an IBF title, here in the UK this time though”





Former World champions clash as Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns on Saturday October, 7й

В прямом эфире на AWE – Богатство развлечений
Сан-Диего (Сентябрь 8, 2017) -На Субботний полдень, 7 октября, A pair of former world champions will collide as former lightweight world champion Энтони Crolla battles former three-division champion Рикки Бернс in a scheduled 12-round lightweight clash at the Манчестер Арена в Манчестере, Англия, и будет транслироваться В прямом эфире & EXCLUSIVELY IN THE UNITED STATES на AWE- Богатство развлечений.
The fight will also be available on www.klowdtv.com on the AWE Channel.
This will be a terrific bout with both Anthony Crolla and Ricky Burns looking to make a statement and get back into title contention. These two champions are both itching to get their belts back so when they meet on 7 октября, it will be a fight at the highest level and quality and we at AWE are ecstatic to be bringing this fight to the fans in the United States,” сказал Чарльз Херринг, Президент AWE– Богатство развлечений.
Crolla, 30 years-old of Manchester, Англия имеет запись 31-6-3 с 13 нокауты. He won the WBA Lightweight title when he thrilled his hometown fans by scoring a one-punch body shot knockout over Darleys Perez. Crolla defended the title with a hard-fought come from behind stoppage over Ismael Barroso. Crolla dropped the belt when he was on the short end of a unanimous decision to Jorge Linares. В своем последнем бою, Crolla lost his 2nd straight unanimous decision to Linares in a rematch that took place on 25 марта в Манчестере.
Burns of Coatbridge, Scotland has a record of 41-6-1 с 14 нокауты. В сентябре 4, 2010, Burns won the WBO Junior Lightweight World championship with a 12-round unanimous decision over Roman Martinez. Burns made three successful defenses of his title, before moving up to lightweight and capturing the WBO Interim Lightweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Michael Katsidis. Burns was elevated to full champion and went on to score wins over former world champion Paulus Moses, Kevin Mitchell and undefeated challenger Jose Gonzalez, as a well as a draw with top contender Ray Beltran before losing his crown to the classy Terence Crawford. Burns became a three-division champion as he won the WBA Super Lightweight World Championship on May 28, 2016 with a unanimous decision over Michele Di Rocco. He defended the title once with a 12-round unanimous decision over Kiryl Relikh before dropping the title in his last bout to undefeated Julius Indongo on 15 апреляв Глазго, Шотландия.
Crolla Quotes
All I want to do is be involved in big fights and Ricky Burns is a three weight World Champion, I’ve got a lot of respect for him,” сказал Crolla. “He’s a great fighter and only lost to the very best.
I’m looking forward to going to battle and putting on a display for the fans.

It’s at a good time for both of us. A win puts us back in the mix for titles, I’m not going to say the loser has nowhere to go, but it’s going to be a tough road back. We’re both coming off losing our World Titles and the incentive is to win the fight and get back in the frame.

I could have a tune up fight on the undercard of somewhere and an easier opponent to get me back into things and then a big fight after but I’m not interested in that.

It’s nearly happened before a good few times, a few years ago at Super-Featherweight and again at Lightweight. It’s been talked about for years now. It looked like it wasn’t going to happen but it’s good now we’re finally going to meet.

I’m really happy the fight is in Manchester,” сказал Crolla. “It’s going to be one of the first shows since that horrible night with the bombings so it means an awful lot to go back. A lot of people have been asking me to come back to the Arena for my next fight. But if there’s a rematch, I’ll happily go to Glasgow.

“The 24 rounds with Linares puts me in good stead. They weren’t fights where I took a serious beating with huge shots bouncing my head back. Other than the knockdown, I wasn’t on wobbly legs. I enjoyed the experience. I made improvements in the build-up which I didn’t get to show on the night which is a credit to Jorge.

I’ve got nothing against Ricky, he’s a good guy. But once that bell goes we’ll both be willing to dig deep. I’ve wanted this for a long time, Я не могу ждать.”
Burns Quotes

“Это будет великий бой,” сказал Бернс. “There was a lot of talk in recent weeks, the response we got was unbelievable. People want to see it and now the deal is done I’m looking forward to it.

It doesn’t bother me where I fight, there will be a good crowd coming down from Scotland. It’s a fight the fans have been getting up for and I’m sure they will turn up in their numbers.

When I held World titles at Super-Featherweight and Lightweight, Crolla’s name was always mentioned but it never happened. He’s a great guy and a great fighter, I don’t think you’ll get much trash talk in the build-up. The best man will win on the night.

I moved up to Super-Lightweight because the World title came up and the chance to make history was there. I’ve been making 140lbs too easily and I’ve had enough notice for this fight and although those last pounds will always be tricky I’m happy to be back down at 135lbs.

I’m always saying to Tony I think I’ve got two or three more years left. At this stage of my career I don’t see the point in getting an easy win. I’d rather go in with a big name. Если я выиграю, I’m going to progress and hopefully get another title shot. That’s the way I’m looking at it.

Everyone keeps asking me how long I have left. The first time I take too many punches or turn up to training and don’t enjoy it – это оно. I won’t put myself through it. Especially with training down in Essex for 12 недели, but at the minute I’m really looking forward to it.

I said to Eddie Hearn that I was 100 per cent up for it, but we’ve been waiting for a couple of weeks from their side so I don’t know what’s been going on.

Crolla just fell short with Linares, although he lost twice he didn’t take a beating. You’ve got to hold your hands upLinares is very good.

It’s a make or break fight for the both of us. Even before I fought Di Rocco I always said I just want to take it one fight at a time. I’ve been the same the whole way through my career but fingers crossed a win here can lead to bigger things.

It’s going to be hard, жесткая борьба. The two of us will come out and go for itthe fans are the real winners.

What a fight between two great warriors'” сказал промоутер Эдди Херн. “Both Anthony and Ricky are in similar places in the careers and they know that this absolute must win. Knowing these two like I do this is going to be a fight until the finishing bell with neither taking a backward step. It’s an all-British super fight between two great World champions and fans in the Manchester Arena and watching on Sky Sports can expect a wonderful event.

О AWE жить бокса

AWE эфире Бокс имеет живой мир чемпионский титул и устранение приступы демонстрации современных самых захватывающих бойцов. С момента создания живых бокс событий AWE в 2011, AWE представила более 50 титул чемпиона мира бои.

AWE подарил поклонникам бокса одни из самых захватывающих и неоднозначных поединков., включая матч Рики Бернса против Рэя Белтрана за титул чемпиона мира. AWE показали в прямом эфире и исключительно коронацию американца Теренса Кроуфорда над Рики Бернсом. Вентиляторы AWE стали свидетелями взрывную мощь непобежденным супертяжелом Тайсон Фьюри несколько раз в сети, в том числе победы над Фьюри Кевина Джонсона. В 2017, AWE был эксклюзивным поставщиком телевидения США исторического матча между легендарным британским супертяжеловесом Дэвидом Хэем и Тони Беллью..

О AWE – Богатство развлечений

Богатство развлечений (“AWE”) предлагает широкий спектр жизни и развлекательных программ из экзотических путешествий и возмутительные дома, чтобы жить чемпионат мира по боксу. AWE доступен в более чем ста кабельных системах., в том числе на&T U-Verse, ч 147 и 1147 в HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ч 169 и 669 в HD. и DirecTV, ч 387.

Flying Scotsmen McGivern, Уилсон, McRorie and Reilly Score Big Wins In Paisley


Отчет: Джанлука Ди Каро – Photo Courtesy of On The Ropes TV

В Субботу вечер, at the On-X Centre in Paisley, the latest offering from Gerard Boyle-Welsh and his On The Ropes team took place. For those that have yet to attend an On The Ropes promoted event, this may be small hall boxing, but believe me the production quality of their events easily equals, if not betters, many of the larger Arena shows from far better known promoters.

It’s not often you see full blown light show, DJs, big screens, stunning promotional girls, full in house broadcast team not just filming the fights but also post fight interviews at small hall shows.

ХОРОШО, enough about the production let’s get to the point of the report – The fights themselves.

First fight of the night see Coatbridge’s Ben McGivern against debuting Malcolm Richardson from Blackpool.

Right from the off this bout had the hallmark of a classic small hall fight written all over it. Both lads got straight down to business, attacking from all angles in some style. However around the first minute or so of the round local lad McGivern landed a massive shot to the body. Have to admit, the shot was so venomous I was mightily surprised, no that should be impressed, that Richardson made the count.

On the restart McGivern didn’t need the partisan fans in attendance or his esteemed corner man on the night, three time World Champion Lee McAllister, encouraging him to get back in hard and fast, he just did, landing further big shots to back his not yet fully recovered opponent on to the ropes, before letting rip with yet another massive right to the body with much the same effect as the first, Richardson valiantly tried to rise as the count reached its conclusion, but just failed to do so – Referee Liam Bonner waved the bout off and declared McGivern the victor on the one minute and twenty eight second of round one.

Next up was Perth’s Gary Wilson against debuting James Calveley from Liverpool.

To an outside observer this may have looked a bit of a mismatch, as Wilson towered over Calveley by a good six inches or so, but fight wise it was anything but.

First round see the protagonists locked in a gladiatorial battle that wouldn’t have been out of place at the Colosseum in Rome all those years ago – seriously was a cracking round that swung one way and then the other as they battled it out in centre ring.

Initially it was more of the same in the second that was until Wilson landed a peach of a shot to send the plucky Scouser down.

Calveley made the count easily but Wilson had no intention of letting his opponent off that easily and kept the pressure up with some nice combinations culminating in another huge right to send Calveley down again.

Calveley just about made it to his feet as the count reached eight, but on rising was very, very unsteady on his feet, so much so that referee Liam Bonner had no option but to stop the contest on the one minute fifty one second mark of the second round.

The third contest of the evening see Bellshill’s Barrie McRorie take on tough and very awkward Latvian Vladislavs Davidaitis.

The round started quite sedately with both men sussing the other out for the first minute or so, then it was all action to the final bell, as the two warriors let rip from every conceivable angle.

Round two was more of the same although to be fair both protagonists had settled into a slightly more realistic pace and were landing far better shots than in the first.

Round three see Davidaitis getting more and more success, don’t get me wrong McRorie was landing some real tasty shots of his own, but have to say that was the Latvians round.

The fourth and final round was a cracker, as in the previous rounds the two lads went at it hammer and tongs throughout, however the pace had taken its toll on Davidaitis and the final minute he was fighting his heart out just to survive the continual onslaught from the fired up Scotsman.

After four scintillating rounds Referee Liam Bonners scorecard showed McRorie victorious by a 39-37 points score line.

So onto the final bout of the night, which featured Bellshill’s Paddy Reilly against Vadims Konstantinovs.

Konstantinovs’ fight style is similar to fellow Latvian Vladislavs Davidaitis, as such Reilly had his hands full, albeit right from the opening bell, as unlike in the previous fight both protagonists had only one thought in the mind – атака, атака, атака.

It was a full on war, both lads were intent on throwing as many big punches as possible, at the expense of their defences I should add, which ultimately led to Konstantinovs being caught by a cracking shot, that sent him to the canvas around the end of the first minute.

The Latvian made a right mess of judging when to rise, whilst on one knee he kept looking between the referee and his corner as he awaited the signal, which he got back a fraction too late, rising only as referee Liam Bonner actually counted and signalled the eighth time, not just before.

Not only was Konstantinovs distraught when the referee signalled fight over but so was Reilly who was fired up and wanted the fight to carry on, well he’s a fighter and he wanted to fight so can understand that. Actual time of stoppage was one minute and forty-nine seconds of the first round.

What a great night, OK three of the four fights were over well inside the distance, but that can’t take away from the performances of the fighters or as I mentioned at the start, the quality of the promotion itself, I for one can’t wait for the next.

Вилли Монро, Младший. Медиа День Цитаты, Картинки и видео

Филадельфия. Pa./Rochester, Нью-Йорк (Август. 31, 2017) – В прошлом Вторник на Рочестерской битве, Вилли Монро, Младший. встретил толпу медиа-персонала во время его дневной тренировки перед его 16 сентября противоборство с чемпионом мира по версии WBO Билли Джо Сондерсом на Copper Box Arena в Лондоне, Англия.
Монро провел суд и проанализировал множество тем, касающихся борьбы и его карьеры, так как он готовится к тому, чтобы получить свой второй титул чемпиона мира.
Ниже приведены цитаты, видео-интервью и изображения с мероприятия, который включал визит заместителя мэра Рочестера Седрика Александра.
“Я испытан в бою, и я прошел через это и дал хороший отчет о себе против Головкина. На этот раз, Я собираюсь наслаждаться моментом немного больше. Я наслаждаюсь процессом.”

“Вам ничего не дано, поэтому я должен пойти и взять его.”

“Я даю людям из моего города надежду.”

“Единственное, что нужно Головкину и Канело, Я собираюсь получить в свои руки, поэтому они должны будут увидеть меня.”

“Сондерс немного болтливый. Я скромный парень. Это меня мотивировало, и прийти 16 сентября, ему придется заплатить.”

“Я хочу реванш с Triple-G, но я думаю, что Канело более опытный боец. Это будет отличный бой. Я ценю их обоих за борьбу друг с другом.”

“Я мог бы почувствовать, как его уши, или я могу хотеть вытащить его оттуда.”

“Мое приложение к боксу, показывает, что я сильнее этих парней.”
Вилли Монро, Jr интервью за круглым столом
Вилли Монро, Jr интервью за круглым столом
Вилли Монро, Младший 1 на 1 интервью
Вилли Монро, Младший 1 на 1 интервью

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Хан и Ньюэлл в сенсационной нокаутирующей форме Reign Supreme в Брэдфорде

Отчет: Джанлука Ди Каро

The boxing scene in the North of England is really booming, especially around the cities of Leeds and Bradford. One of the main reasons for the increase of professional boxing events in the area is due to Bradford’s very own reigning World Boxing Union (ВСС), Global Boxing Union (GBU) and World Boxing Confederation (WBC) World Champion Tasif Khan, who for the past couple of years has been working closely with Leeds based promoter Bridie Murtagh to bring stylish Boxing Dinner Shows to the area.

The latest of these took place at the Royal Taj, formerly the Connaught Rooms, in Bradford, which not only featured the aforementioned Tasif Khan himself in action, against Tanzania’s Julias Kisarawe, but also heralded the return of unbeaten Lightweight prospect Justin Newell from Leeds, who faced Latvian Aleksandrs Birkenbergs

Besides the local lads on the card, exciting Super Welterweight prospect Chris Wood from Middlesbrough was in action against Belfast’s Marty Kayes, however two top class International bouts scheduled for the event, a ten round Middleweight contest between Ishmael Tetteh and Philip Kotey, as well as an eight round Welterweight contest between Frank Dodzi and Justice Addy, failed to materialise due to visas for three of the boxers failing to arrive in time.

Whilst disappointing that these two fights didn’t go ahead, there was more than enough action to keep the fans happy, as promoter Bridie Murtagh arranged for two exhibition bouts featuring local lads to replace the Internationals ahead of the pro element.

First up was Chris Wood against Marty Kayes in a four rounder.

What a cracking start to the pro section, it was all action right from the opening bell, Wood was clearly fired up and went on the attack, closing down his far more experienced opponent before letting rip with a vast array of combinations at every conceivable opportunity. Kayes though is as savvy as they come, would cover up and seemed more than content to let the fired up youngster get his shots off before countering.

After four scintillating rounds the referee’s scorecard unsurprisingly read as a 40-36 points victory for the Teesider Chris Wood.

Next up was unbeaten Justin Newell in a six rounder against the very tough Latvian Aleksandrs Birkenbergs.

Newell was on fire, slick movement and very fast handsBirkenbergs was no walk over and landed a cracking right hand about midway through the round, which lit the blue touch-paper for Newell, who went hard on the attack throwing some tasty big shots to body and head, which ultimately led to Birkenbergs taking a visit to the canvas. This kid’s tough, he was straight up and going toe to toe with Newell until the end of the round.

Round two was fantastic to watch, both lads giving no quarterbeautiful boxing from both, but Newell’s class proved just too much for the plucky Latvian as the Leeds lad piled some serious pressure in the second half of the fight before letting rip with big double handed salvos that sent Birkenbergs to the deck in the dying seconds of the round, no matter how hard he tried Birkenbergs just couldn’t make the countgreat win on his return to the fray for Newell who won by TKO, the time would you believe 2 minutes and 59 секунд раунда два.

The headline fight see WBU, GBU and WBC World Champion take on Tanzania’s Julias Kisarawe in a ten round non-championship contest, instead of the scheduled twelve round World Boxing Confederation (WBC) Super Flyweight title defence for Khan, due to lateness of the visa arriving for Kisarawe to complete the necessary Championship paperwork for the contest to be sanctioned by the WBC.

First round started fast and see Kisarawe taking the fight to Khan, however the Bradford lad stood his ground and picked his shots for maximum effect
More of the same in round two, except this time it was Khan that took the fight to Kisarawe.

Round three see Khan really start to get in a flow, regularly backing his opponent up before letting rip with wickedly fast double handed salvos, the power and speed in Khan’s shots finally had the desired effect and the super tough Tanzanian took a very brief trip to the canvas.

On the restart Kisarawe went hard on the attack, throwing seriously solid lefts in an attempt to do unto Khan what the Bradford lad did to him moments before (с 14 KO wins on his record Kisarawe is very capable of doing just that)
Round four was an outright war and fascinating to watch, as was round five and six but for very different reasons. Khan stepped not just one gear but at least two or three and corralled the Tanzanian into a corner and just plain bombarded him with double handed Exocets throughout

More of the same in round seven but this time Khan managed to penetrate Kisarawe’s world class defence and sent him to the canvas for the second time.
Kisarawe managed to make the count but it was clear for all to see that he was in some distress, so much so that referee James Ancliff had no option but to stop the contest on the one minute twelve second mark.

What followed then was a good thirty minute celebration in the ring by Tasif Khan, his team AND many of the fans!!!!

Have to say the Khan/Murtagh co-promoted shows I’ve attended have always been top class, however this event, even though a couple of fights short, was by far the best one yet, the fights were all beautifully matched all action affairs, what more could any fan of the pugilistic arts wish for. Can’t wait for the next, which I hear is going to be in December.



Филадельфия, Пенсильвания / Манчестер, Великобритания (Март 30, 2017)–Legendary Philadelphia fight face Artie Pellulo lands in the UK early next week confident of adding a 45th world champion to his stellar CV.
The 61 year old Italian-American’s highly regarded lightweight Petr Petrov (38-4-2) makes a mandatory challenge to home hero ‘Turbo Terry’ Фланаган, the undefeated WBO king, at Manchester Arena в субботу week and he looks like being frantic. BT Sport and BoxNation screen live in the UK.
Last Wednesday, Glynn Evans spoke to the Philly-based promoter.
It’s been extremely difficult to find any background info regarding Petrov’s personality. Can you enlighten us?
I’ve been promoting fighters for almost 30 лет теперь, в том числе 44 world champions and I have to say that Petr is one of the nicer individuals I’ve come across; the type you’d have over your house. He’s just married the girl he’d been dating for a very long time. He’s a gentleman, a pleasure to work with.
Psychologically, how will he cope performing before thousands of baying Brits?
I’ve consistently gone on record as saying that the British fight fans are terrific. You’ll recall I had dealings with Ricky Hatton. They support their heroes like no other. But I guarantee that the crowd will not adversely affect Petrov.
Being on the road is actually like being at home for him because he’s never ever fought in Russia and hasn’t featured in his adopted homeland of Spain for five years. He’s won all six of his fights in the US and, before that, he competed in Germany, Argentina and Montenegro. I guarantee that facing a partisan crowd in Manchester will not affect his job. На самом деле, it will energize him, excite him.
And I’ve no problem whatsoever with the officials in the UK. Matter of fact, I won my first world title in Britain when Otis Grant outpointed Ryan Rhodes in his hometown of Sheffield for the vacant WBO Middleweight title way back in (Декабрь) 1997.
До этого, my fighter Tyrell Biggs was officially ahead on the referee’s card before Gary Mason knocked him out on a Mickey Duff show at the Royal Albert Hall (Октября 1989) and John Thompson was up on the cards before Liam Smith put him to bed at this very venue 18 months back. You always get a fair shake with the Brits.
What are Petrov’s qualities as a fighter?
I discovered him during his involvement in the ESPN Boxcino Lightweight tournament in early 2014 и, Доверьтесь мне, between the ropes, он настоящая сделка. You only have to watch his tapes to appreciate that he’s relentless, умный, can box or punch and he’s blessed with a very good eye. Petr has a real understanding of what is going on in the ring at any given moment and he can adopt accordingly. He gives a 110% effort every time.
What is your assessment of champion Flanagan? What does Petrov need to be mindful of?
I was ringside the night Terry Flanagan hammered Diego Magdaleno in two rounds because John Thompson challenged Liam Smith that night and what I saw was a very, очень хороший боец. Terry’s a smart southpaw who’s very tough and keeps coming. Без сомнения, he’ll be looking to extend his very impressive unbeaten streak.
What course did you see the fight taking? What key factor will determine the winner?
This fight steals the show and could well be Fight of the Year, серьезно. It’s that good a match up. Both Terry and Petr are TV friendly and fan friendly. It’s gonna be great theatre.
There’s no main factor that distinguishes one over the other. It’ll be about how two fighters at the very top of their games handle the pressure and stay with their game plan.
Билеты на Апреля 8 priced £50, £ 70, £ 100, £ 150, £200, £300 and VIP £500 are available from eventim at www.eventim.co.uk и 0844 249 1000 and the Manchester Arena at www.manchester-arena.с и 0844 847 8000.


Четверг, 2 марта, 2017

Cage Warriors 82 is all set to be the biggest show in the promotion’s history, with a stacked card full of the best Merseyside talent.

Just hours after the Merseyside Derby decides the City’s footballing bragging rights at Anfield, the red and blue halves of Liverpool will reunite once more to support their local heroes at the Echo Arena on April 1улица for Cage Warriors 82.

The event is headlined by Liverpool’s own world champion, featherweight king Paddy ‘The Baddy’ Pimblett who takes on Nad Narimani in his latest title defence. Cage Warriors other Merseyside champion, Крис Fishgold, will also be in action in the night’s co-main attraction, defending his lightweight belt.

The two world champions will be backed up by another SEVEN of Liverpool’s finest fightersincluding popular Evertonian flyweight Molly McCannas Cage Warriors stack the deck with local stars ahead of the event.

Confirmed for the event is a middleweight bout between Liverpool’s Lee ‘The Butcher’ Chadwick (21-13-1) and Irish veteran Tommy Quinn (6-3).

Another Liverpool fighter, Ellis Hampson (6-3, 1Северная Каролина), will also feature on the card in a 160lb catchweight bout against Perry Goodwin (6-4).

And new Cage Warriors signing Dean Trueman (7-3) will look to follow up his spectacular 12-second KO win at CW79 with another impressive victory when he takes on undefeated Swede Frantz Slioa (4-0) в полулегком конкурса.

“We’ve already sold more tickets for this event than we did when more than 3,000 people watched Paddy win the belt at the Echo last year,” said Cage Warriors president Graham Boylan.

“This show is all set to showcase the very best of Liverpool’s fighting talent, and no city supports their own more passionately than the city of Liverpool.

“This is shaping up to be the biggest show we’ve ever done, and I’m expecting a special atmosphere in the Echo Arena on April 1.”

Tickets are available via the Echo Arena HTTP://bit.ly/CW82tickets from £33.50. Tickets are selling fast, so make sure you get yours and be a part of Cage Warriors’ biggest ever show.

Paddy Pimblett (13-1) v Nad Narimani (9-2) – Cage Warriors featherweight title (145фунтов)
Крис Fishgold (16-1) v TBCCage Warriors lightweight title (155фунтов)
Molly McCann (4-1) vs TBC – бой в наилегчайшем весе (125фунтов)
Ли Чедвик (21-13-1) v Tommy Quinn (6-3) – в среднем бой (185фунтов)
Ellis Hampson (6-3, 1Северная Каролина) v Perry Goodwin (6-4) – catchweight bout (160фунтов)
Dean Trueman (7-3) vs Frantz Slioa (4-0) – featherweight bout (145фунтов)
For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.comи следовать за нами на Щебет, Facebook и Instagram.

CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP является ведущим и старейшим в Европе промоушеном по смешанным единоборствам.. Ирландский бренд с офисами в Великобритании. & Ирландия, CWFC является самой быстрорастущей спортивной организацией, устроив 80 события в 12 странах на трех разных континентах с момента своего создания в 2002. Дом некоторых из крупнейших звезд ММА прошлого, настоящее и будущее.