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BELFAST (Augusts 14, 2018) - Lineal smagsvaru čempions Taisons Fjūrijs un bijušais divkārtējais smagā svara titula izaicinātājs Frančesko Pianeta otrdien stājās pretī Belfāstā pēdējās preses konferences laikā par savu 10 raundu smagsvaru cīņu šo sestdien no Vindzoras parka. Bijusī vienotā čempiona otrā atgriešanās cīņa tiešraidē notiks tikai ASV. auditoriju SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. PT (lūdzu, atzīmējiet jauno sākuma laiku). SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Dusmas vs. Pianeta kalpos kā galvenais atbalsts Kārļa Framptona pagaidu aizsardzībai pret spalvu svarā pret nezaudēto pretendentu Luku Džeksonu laukumā Vindzoras parkā., kur gaidīts 30,000 fani būs liecinieki pirmajam boksa notikumam Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājās.




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Belfāstas, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta.




Bijušais IBF, WBA un WBO čempions Fjūrijs (26-0, 19 Kos) jūnijā atgriezās ringā un otro reizi cīnīsies mazāk nekā 75 dienas pēc gandrīz trīs gadus ilgas atlaišanas. Pirms viņa pagarinātā pārtraukuma, 6 pēdas 9 gadus vecais Fjūrijs kļuva par pasaules labāko bokseri smagajā svarā, kļūstot par pirmo cilvēku, kurš vairāk nekā vairāk nekā divus gadus uzvarēja Vladimiru Kļičko. 11 gadiem.




Planēta (35-4-1, 21 Kos), 6 pēdu 5 dienvidķepas, kas cīnās no Vācijas, divas reizes ir cīnījies par pasaules čempiona titulu smagajā svarā. Gadā Pianeta stājās pretī apvienotajam čempionam Vladimiram Kļičko 2013 gadā zaudēja, pretendējot uz sekundāro titulu pret Ruslanu Čagajevu 2015.




Lūk, ko kaujinieki teica otrdien Belfāstas viesnīcā Europa:


Tyson Fury

“Vecā Taisona Fjūrija vairs nav. Tyson Fury pirms trim gadiem un vēlāk ir pabeigts. Atzīsim, mēs visi ejam uz priekšu dzīvē ar vecumu un pieredzi, un es nevēlos kavēties pagātnē. Es vēlos dzīvot šodienai un uzlabot to, kas esmu rīt. Tagad ir klāt jaunais Taisons Fjūrijs, un mans solījums ir kārtīgi cīnīties. Vai tas ir labāk vai sliktāk nekā vecais Taisons Fjūrijs, uzzināsim sestdienas vakarā.




“Tas, ko jūs, iespējams, no manis redzēsit sestdien, ir smagsvars Cukurs Rejs Leonards. Viss mazāk ir neveiksme.




“Es vēlos vēlreiz izcīnīt pasaules čempiona titulu, tāpēc man ir jāpaaugstina sava spēle. Gandrīz trīs gadus esmu ārpus gredzena. Tā ir kalna cīņa, lai zaudētu zaudēto svaru. Tas ir bijis izaicinājums un ilgs laiks, grūta cīņa, lai atgrieztos tur, kur esmu.




“Es pētu savus smagsvarus un zinu, ka Frančesko ir cīnījies ar dažiem ļoti labiem vīriešiem. Viņam bija ļoti labs uzvaras gājiens, viņš bija 28-0 kad viņš cīnījās ar Kļičko. Es nenovērtēju par zemu Frančesko. Es zinu, ka viņš ir ļoti liels, spēcīgs puisis, un viņš zina, ja uzvarēs šajā cīņā, tad varēs turpināt cīņu (Deontay) Vailders manā vietā. Tas viss ir jāspēlē.




“Boksā smagajā svarā, ja uz desmit sekundēm novērsīsit skatienu no mērķa, jūs vairs nebūsit. Es zinu, ko gaidīt, Es sagaidu, ka viņš atnesīs savu spēli “A”, un viņš mēģinās mani izsist, jo to viņi visi dara. Cerams, viņam neveicas, un mēs rīkojam lielisku šovu un izklaidējam līdzjutējus.




“Ja es nākšu tam cauri, tad Vailderam ir iespēja cīnīties ar mani par līnijas čempionātu. Es neesmu tas, kurš saņem iespēju cīnīties ar viņu. Atzīsim, viņš nav īsti cīnījies ne ar vienu. Viņš ir 40 cīnās, un tas ir tas, kas tas ir. Mēs vispār neesam šeit, lai runātu par Vailderu. Tikpat labi nākotnē tas var būt miljons gadu, Man ir jākoncentrējas uz šo vīrieti manā priekšā. Es esmu pārliecināts, ka viņš vēlas man atņemt manu slavu.




"Es esmu upurējis visus pareizos upurus. Es ļoti labi trenējos, ēda pareizi, es labi gulēju, un man bija četri vai pieci sparinga partneri, kuri visi bija dienvidu ķepas. Ja es daru to, ko domāju, ka varu, tad es atstāšu iespaidu, sarīkot labu šovu un uzvarēt cīņā. Ja es nedaru to, ko domāju, ka varu darīt, tad es saņemšu žņaugu apmēram pēc desmit sekundēm, un tā būs, "Tiekamies vēlāk Taisons Fjūrijs un sveiks Frančesko Pianeta."




“Dienvidķepas ir daudz neveiklākas, jo divīzijā to ir mazāk. Jūs nesaņemat pārāk daudz darba ar dienvidu ķepām, izņemot gadījumus, kad cīnāties ar viņiem. Ir grūti panākt, lai dienvidu ķepas trenētos, jo visā pasaulē nav daudz smagsvara dienvidķepu. Bet man ir viens interesants fakts, katru dienvidķepu amatieri vai profesionāli, ar kuru esmu saskāries, esmu izsitis. Tas nav labi Frančesko.




“Būt divkārtējam smagā svara čempionam ir labi. Tas nav lieliski, jo ir bijis daudz. Būt trīskārtējam smagā svara čempionam, tas ir darīts agrāk. Tāpēc es domāju, ka vēlos radīt precedentu kļūt par pieckārtēju smagā svara čempionu, nezaudējot cīņu. Tas ir mans mērķis. Es vienmēr tiecos uz zvaigznēm un izvirzu lielus mērķus.




“Ja es varu sestdienas vakarā pārspēt Frančesko Pianetu, Esmu uzvarējis citu bokseri. Liels darījums. Bet ja viņš mani sita, viņš gatavojas kaut kam ļoti lielam. Viņam tas mainītu dzīvi. Es nevaru pārspēt Frančesko, tad es nekur neiešu.




"Es domāju, ka esmu lielākais smagsvars, kāds jebkad piedzimis, tāpēc man vajadzētu rīkoties ar Frančesko Pianetu. Un kurš cits ir ārā, Deontay Wilder, Anthony Joshua, visi bomži tur.




“Ir ļoti viegli atgūt visas jostas. Man jāpārvar tikai divi bomži, būtībā. Vailders un Džošua, un viss. Viņiem abiem nav smadzeņu šūnu, tāpēc tādam lieliskam bokserim kā man nevajadzētu būt pārāk grūti. ”


Bens Deivisons, Fjūrija treneris



“Ar Taisonu viss ir kārtībā. Labi, ka viņš atkal iekļūst ringā. Kopš pēdējās cīņas tas ir labs progress, un viss ir ideāli. Mēs esam gatavi sestdienas vakaram. No šī brīža jūs nevarat darīt neko vairāk.




"Kopš pēdējās cīņas viņš ir zaudējis daudz svara. Man, jūs varat sasniegt tikai noteiktu fiziskās sagatavotības līmeni, un Taisons jebkurā gadījumā darbojas ar diviem ļoti labiem dzinējiem. Par to nekad nav bijis satraukuma. ”


Frančesko Pianeta



"Es došu visu iespējamo un ar nepacietību gaidu cīņu. Man ir gods boksēties šādas auditorijas priekšā.




“Man ir augsts viedoklis par Taisonu. Mani ļoti pārsteidza viņa uzvara pār Kļičko, Es viņu vērtēju ļoti augstu. Viņš saka, ka ir izsitis katru dienvidu, ar kuru viņš jebkad ir saskāries, bet mēs redzēsim, vai viņš to var izdarīt sestdienas vakarā. ”




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Šakāla diena & atraisījis Dusmu

Ekskluzīvi superkanālā Kanādā
2:45 p.m. UN / 11:45 a.m. PT
Carl Frampton vs. Lūks Džeksons
Pasaules čempionāts WBO Spalvainajā svarā
Kristofers Rosaless vs.. Padijs Bārnss
WBC pasaules čempionāts lidojumā ar vieglo svaru
Tyson Fury vs. Frančesko Pianeta
Izžāvēšana dzīvoju Kanādā Šo sestdien


(visas bildes, pateicoties Queensbury Promotions)

Edmonton, Kanāda (Augusts 13, 2018) – Viena no gada labākajām pro boksa kartēm no augšas uz leju tiks rādīta sestdienas pēcpusdienā, Augusts 18, Kanādā tikai Super Channel kanālā, tiešraidē no Vindzoras parka Belfāstā, Northern Ireland, Lielbritānija.




Trīs laika, divu divīziju pasaules čempions Karls “Jackal” Framptons pārņem Luku “Darbība” Džeksons 12 posmu galvenajā turnīrā Pasaules Boksa organizācijā (WBO) Pasaules čempionāts spalvu svarā 12 apļu pamatturnīrā. Trīskārtējs Īrijas olimpietis Padijs “Līgava” Bārnss izaicina Pasaules Boksa padomi (WBC) pasaules svara čempions lidojumā Kristofers “Pātaga” Rosales 12 raundu līdzjutēju pasākumā. Īpašā smagā svara atrakcijā, nepārspēts bijušais vienotais pasaules čempions smagajā svarā Taisons “Čigānu karalis” Fjūrijs turpina atgriešanos 10 raundu mačā pret veterānu Fransisko Pianetu.




Frampton vs. Jackson, iepazīstināja Frank Warren's Queensbury Promotions, pārraidīs visā Kanādā tikai ar Super Channel kanālu, sākot 2:45 p.m. UN / 11:45 a.m. PT.




“Kanādas boksa fani šo sestdien vēlēsies pieskaņoties Super Channel kanālam, kad mēs viņiem parādīsim vēl vienu neticamu galveno boksa vitrīnu,” teica Trojs Vasils, Super Channel programmēšanas direktors. “Ar Framptonu vs. Džeksons kā galvenais notikums un Rosalesa vs.. Bārnss kā līdzīpašība, nemaz nerunājot par ļoti gaidīto Taisona Fjūrija atgriešanos, viss atrodas leģendārajā Vindzoras parkā, tas ir augsta kalibra, pilnībā sakrauta karte, kuru neviens boksa fans nevēlas palaist garām.”




AIZIET ŠEIT, LAI PROMO VIDEO: https://atom42.app.box.com/s/8kugvkgvxt9ktn9ml4kx6pxj5qz21eo0




Frampton (25-1, 14 Kos), kaujas mājās Belfāstā, ir bijusī Pasaules boksa asociācija (WBA) virssvara un superbantam svara čempions, kā arī starptautiskā (IBF) superbantam svars pasaules titula īpašnieks, kurš ir 5-1 pasaules nosaukumā cīņas, 7-1 pret esošajiem vai bijušajiem pasaules čempioniem. "Frampton" ir pieveikusi pasaules čempionu Stīvu Molitoru – dzimtā kanādiete – Kiko Martinez (divreiz), Hugo Fidel Cazares, Scott QUIGG, Leo Santa Cruz un Nonito Donaire.



“Ja viņš veic savu labāko, un es - pēc iespējas labāk,” Framptons teica par Džeksonu, “Es viņu izsitu, tik vienkārši. Man pienākas nokauts. Jau sen neesmu nevienu izsitis. Viņš redz, ka ir pilnīgs neveiksminieks un uz viņu nav spiediena. Cilvēki viņu noraksta. Tas var palīdzēt cīnītājiem. Kad uz viņu pleciem nav cerību, viņi var iet un uzstāties no savas ādas.




“Es noteikti neuztveru Luku Džeksonu ne mazākajā mērā. Es to jau esmu darījis pret Alehandro Gonsalesu, un pirmajā kārtā divas reizes nokļuvu aizmugurē. Esmu mācījies no šīs cīņas. Es esmu labākā cīnītāja, un jūtos piemērota un asa. Es uzskatu, ka esmu viens no vislabāk atbalstītajiem cīnītājiem uz planētas, un tas ir atkarīgs no kaislīgajiem Ziemeļīrijas sporta faniem.




“Es gribu atkal būt pasaules čempions. Ja es zaudēšu šo cīņu, mana karjera ir beigusies, tā ir patiesība, bet es nedomāju to pazaudēt. Uzvara pār Džeksonu izveido potenciāli asu izspēli ar citu cīnītāju, kuram ir milzīga fanu bāze, Džošs Varingtons, jaunais IBF čempions svarā no Līdsas. Lūpas jau laiza, gaidot to vienu.”








Valdošais WBO Austrumu čempions spalvu svarā, Jackson (16-0, 7 Kos) pārstāvēja savu dzimto Austrāliju Austrālijā 2012 Olimpiskās spēles. Satraukumā noskaņotais Džeksons uzskata, ka Framptons ir pabeigts.



“Visā dēlī,” atklātais austrālietis runāja par Framptonu, “bet es nedomāju, ka viņš ir tik labs kā kādreiz. Pirmajā cīņā pret Leo Santa Cruz viņš boksējās no savas ādas un bija pelnījis uzvaru, bet kopš tā laika viņš nav izskatījies tāds pats. Kārlis ir ļoti labs cīnītājs, kurš dara visu labu, bet es nedomāju, ka viņš dara kaut ko lielisku. Es cienu viņu kā cīnītājs, Es viņu cienu kā vīrieti, bet es nāku viņu sist, nenākt draudzēties.




“Es nezinu, vai viņš vēlas, lai es viņu saucu par Slavas zāles cīnītāju vai par lielāko, bet es nedomāju, ka viņš ir. Viņš ir ļoti pieveicams, un es domāju, ka varu viņu pārspēt, tik vienkārši.”




Rosales (27-3, 18 Kos), kaujas no Nikaragvas, pirmo reizi aizstāvēs pasaules čempionu titulu, ko viņš ieguva pagājušā gada aprīlī Japānā, kad viņš apturēja Daigo Higu devītajā raundā. Rosalesa ir Romana Gonsalesa māsīca, bijušais mārciņas-4 mārciņu boksa karalis.



Valdošais WBO starpkontinentālā čempions mušiņās, Barnes (5-0, 1 KO) cīnīsies arī mājās Belfāstā savas kaislīgās fanu bāzes priekšā. Viens no visu laiku izcilākajiem īru bokseriem, Bārnss tikai sestajā profesionālajā cīņā cīnīsies par pasaules čempiona titulu. Viņš ieguva divas bronzas medaļas (2008 & 2012) trijos braucienos uz olimpiskajām spēlēm, kā arī zeltu 2019 Eiropas čempionāts.




“Šī ir cīņa, kas nosaka manu boksera karjeru,” Bārnss apgalvoja. “Bija lieliski sasniegumi kā amatieriem, ieskaitot olimpiskās bronzas medaļas, bet tā ir tikai trešā vieta pasaulē, kas ir liels. Būt labākajam pasaulē ar savu svaru, WBC pasaules čempionāts noteikti ir tas, kurš uzvar. Kā amatieris man veicās lieliski, un cilvēki mani atcerēsies par sasniegto, bet pasaules profesionālais tituls ir tas, ko es patiešām vēlos. Es mainītu visu, ko darīju kā amatieris, lai uzvarētu šajā cīņā.”




Divas citas aizraujošas cīņas “Frampton vs. Jackson” karte, papildus iepriekš minētajam galvenajam notikumam un kopīgajai funkcijai, Kanādā tiks rādīta tikai Super Channel kanālā.




(L-R) – Taisons Fjūrijs sarūgtināja Vladimiru Kļičko




Dusmas (26-0, 16 Kos) pagātnē bija palicis bez garīgās veselības problēmām 2 ½ gadus, pēc šokējošās boksa pasaules novembrī 28, 2015, kad viņš uzvarēja topošo Slavas zāliVladimiru Kļičko (64-3, 53 Kos) Izdarot 10 kārtas vienprātīgu lēmumu (116-111, 115-112, 115-112).




6′ 9″ Fjūrijs kļuva par neapstrīdamu pasaules čempionu smagajā svarā, nodrošinot IBF, WBA, WBO, IBO un The Ring čempionāti, tikai tikt atkailinātam un/vai atteikties no titula jostām bez vienas aizsardzības. Fjūrijs ringā atgriezās pagājušā gada jūnijā pret Seferu Seferi, kurš nespēja turpināt pēc četrām kārtām.




Planēta (35-4-1, 25 Kos), Itālijas dzimtene, kas dzīvo Vācijā, ir divkārtējs pasaules čempiona titula izaicinātājs. Bijušais WBO Eiropas čempions ir izdzīvojis no vēža.




Īru pussmagsvars Stīvs Kolinss, Jr. (12-1-1, 4 Kos), bijušā divu divīziju pasaules čempiona Stīva Kolinsa dēls, Sr., saskaras ar Stīvu “Klusais cilvēks” Aizbilstamais (7-0, 3 Kos), no Belfāstas, reģionālajā cīņā par titulu, lai atvērtu pārraidi.




Lai noskatītos Frampton vs. Džeksons tiešraidē, kā arī aizraujošāks bokss 2018, cīņa fani Kanādā var sazināties ar savu vietējo kabeļtelevīzijas pakalpojumu sniedzējs, lai abonētu Super kanālu un visu, ko tā piedāvā, ieskaitot premium sērija, filmas un vēl daudz vairāk, tik zema kā $9.95 mēnesī.




Super Channel pārraidīja lielus boksa notikumus tiešraidē pēdējos divus gadus, piemēram, Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.

Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo, Smith vs. Williams II, Frampton vs. Donērs, un Fury vs. Sefari, papildus atklāšanas Pasaules boksa supersērijai.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator today announced the signing of 24 Lielbritānija. and Ireland-based athletes to bolster the roster as the organization continues its growth initiative in the region, following already-announced plans for an exclusive fight series set to take place throughout the U.K., Ireland and western Europe.


Notably, former two-division BAMMA champ Terry Brazier, TUF: The Smashes lightweight winner Norman Parke, popular Irish lightweight Paul Redmond, undefeated SBG Ireland product Kiefer Crosbie and TUF season 27-veteran Richie Smullen, are among the names now signed to exclusive multi-fight agreements with Bellator.


“Growing the Bellator organization throughout U.K. and Ireland has been a top priority for us for quite some time,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Adding up-and-coming, as well as established, talent from the region to our roster plays a crucial role in us being able to take the next steps in this market. Our fans in the U.K. and Ireland can anticipate a much stronger Bellator presence and can look forward to seeing some of western Europe’s best MMA fighters inside the Bellator cage in the near future.”


Bellator has previously held events throughout the U.K. and Ireland, including London, Dublina, Belfast and Newcastle. Pavisam nesen, historic Bellator 200 emanated from The SSE Arena, Wembley on Maijs 25 and featured Maikls "inde" Page, Linton Vassell, Aaron Chalmers un Mike Shipman among other top talent from the market.


Bellator is pleased to welcome the following fighters to the roster:



  • Terry Brazier (10-1; fighting out of England)
  • Pedro Carvalho (8-3; fighting out of Ireland by way of Portugal)
  • Constantin Gnusariev (1-0; fighting out of Ireland by way of Moldova)
  • Luka Jelcic (10-3; fighting out of Ireland by way of Croatia)
  • Charlie Leary (15-9-1; fighting out of England)
  • Lewis Long (16-5; fighting out of Wales)
  • Norman Parke (25-6-1, 1 NC; fighting out of Northern Ireland)
  • Myles Price (10-7, fighting out of Ireland)
  • Paul Redmond (14-8; fighting out of Ireland)
  • Daniele Scatizzi (9-4; fighting out Ireland by way of Italy)
  • Sam Slater (2-0; fighting out of Ireland)
  • Richie Smullen (3-1-1; fighting out of Ireland)
  • Tim Wilde (12-3; fighting out of England)



  • Ruben Crawford (16-3; fighting out of Ireland by way of Germany)
  • Kiefer Crosbie (4-0; fighting out of Ireland)
  • Walter Gahadza (17-3; fighting out of England)
  • Richard Kiely (2-1; fighting out of Ireland)
  • Ion Pascu (18-8; fighting out of Ireland by way of Romania)
  • Jim Wallhead (29-11; fighting out of England)


Ļoti viegls priekšmets:

  • Dylan Logan (2-3; fighting out of Ireland)
  • Nathan Rose (6-1; fighting out of England)


  • Claudio Conti (7-5-2; fighting out of Ireland by way of Italy)
  • John Redmond (7-13; fighting out of Ireland)


Women’s Flyweight:

  • Antonela Orlic - (par debiju; fighting out of Ireland by way of Croatia)


Cīņa ziņojumu: Thomas and Dudzinski Impress on Debuts as Preece, McIntyre and McGivern Score Big Wins In Cardiff

Ziņojums Gianluca Di Caro


Ben McGivern vs. Ben Hough
Carl Thomas vs. Kyle McNicholas
Kacper Dudzinski vs. Michael Kelly
Levi Griffiths vs. Scott McIntyre
Liam Preece vs. Steffan Hughes

Photographs courtesy of Thomas Jones



Sestdien I made the trip west from my London home to the beautiful city of Cardiff for the Owen Watkins promoted event at the Ice Arena Wales.

The event was due to be headlined by the much anticipated all Welsh Heavyweight title clash between Hari Miles and Dorian Darch, for the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) European Heavyweight Championship. However the fight had to be postponed as Darch was unable to take part due to a suspension he received following a fight on a different event a few weeks prior.

Despite this setback Owen Watkins had decided that the show must go on and I for one am pleased he made that choice, as the planned undercard featured a number of top class amateurs I have been looking forward to watching making their professional debuts.

First up was debuting Carl Thomas versus Kyle McNicholas in a four round Light Heavyweight Contest.

Both lads started really well exhibiting their respective boxing skills.

As the round progressed Thomas stepped up the pressure, backing McNicholas onto the ropes and began letting rip with shots to the body and head of the Liverpudlian.

As the round progressed into the final minute Thomas landed a cracking right to the head that shook McNicholas to the core, Thomas followed up with a left to the body followed almost immediately with a big left to the body that sent McNicholas to the canvas.

Surprisingly McNicholas made the count, they sure breed them tough on Merseyside, as that was a vicious body shot just below the lower rib, you just don’t see people get up after those that often.

On the restart Thomas went straight back on the attack, firstly firing off a stiff jab followed by another stinging left to the body and a double right to the head.

Thomas kept up the pressure, peppering McNicholas with a wicked body-head combination followed by another good stiff jab to back McNicholas into a neutral corner before letting rip with a sensational left hook to the body, that sent McNicholas down for a second time.

Referee Roger Riley began the count and as it just reached the eight count point McNicholas began to try and rise without success, leaving the referee no option but to wave the fight off just as the bell tolled to signal the end of the first round.

I’m pleased to say that McNicholas was perfectly OK and did get to his feet shortly after.

My final thoughts on this particular fight are; it may have only lasted one round but what a cracking round it was.

Next up see Kacper Dudzinski making his pro debut against Belfast’s Michael Kelly in a four round Super Welterweight contest.

Right from the off Dudzinski got behind his seriously strong jab and began controlling the proceedings with fast hands and stiff double jabs.

Kelly is no mug, ne ar garu shot, he’s as savvy as they come, but even he had to concede to taking a defensive stance and patiently wait for any opportunity, no matter how slender, to counter, which to be honest were few and far between.

Dudzinski seriously impressed against Kelly and has a fantastic future in the sport.

It may have been his debut, but based on his performance sestdien nakts, against a former genuine title challenger, I reckon he’ll go all the way to the top and deserves it too, anyone who can keep Kelly on the back foot the way Dudzinski did for virtually the full four rounds is without doubt something special.

Don’t get me wrong Kelly landed some cracking shots but Dudzinski’s sensationally fast hand speed and superb defence kept those opportunities to the bare minimum.

Nice little touch from Kelly late in the final round, following a ‘matrix style’ reaction move, that almost prevented him touching a glove down, tomēr, much to his annoyance he received a count from referee Chris Kelly, although Kelly was convinced he’d actually had avoided his glove touching the canvas, but instead of standing there and protesting he dropped down and proceeded to do push ups throughout the count to show his disapproval, daudz prieks par pūļa.

After four brilliant rounds it came as no surprise that it was Dudzinski whose hand was held aloftthe official result showed Dudzinski scoring his maiden pro victory by a 40-35 punkti rezerve.

Next up was Ben McGivern versus Ben Hough in a four round Cruiserweight contest.

Kas cīņa, McGivern mainly bossing the proceedings, forcing Hough on to the back foot as well as the ropes for a good chunk of the first stanza. Hough may have been on the defensive for a good part of the first but when the opportunities arose he took them in style.

It was virtually a complete turnaround in Round Two, with Hough wrestling control and putting McGivern on the back foot, and ropes, similar to the way the Scot had bossed the first round.

The third stanza was a much closer fought affair, so much so I found it hard to split them, points wise.

The fourth started out more or less as the third ended, with both protagonists going for it hammer and tongs, but as the Round progressed McGivern stepped up the pace enough to not only secure the round, but also the victory.

After four sensational all action rounds, as I gave away above, it was McGivern that came away victorious, referee Roger Riley scoring the excellent contest 39-37 in favour of the Scotsman.

Following the fight both boxers agreed to a rematch, which I have been reliably informed is likely to take place in Liverpool on 8. septembris put the date in your diary this is a fight no one should miss!

The penultimate fight of the night see Blackwood, South WalesLiam Preece versus very, very late replacement Pentrefoelas, North WalesSteffan Hughes in an all Welsh contest.

What a corker this fight was, it was an all action thriller from start right through to the final bell.

Considering Preece had a considerable weight disadvantage to deal with, he really went for it, taking the fight to his more experienced, and heavier, pretinieks.

Preece boxed confidently not only when on the attack but also when defending against the pinpoint accurate exocets launched by Hughes.

Preece was impressive throughout, and I’m sure it didn’t surprise anyone in the Ice Arena Wales when referee Chris Kelly’s scorecard was read out as a 40-36 points victory for the South Wales Lad.

The final pro fight of the night pitted highly rated former amateur star Port Talbot’s Levi Griffiths versus Liverpool’s Scott McIntyre.

Griffiths is so slick, the classy youngster began well and landed some stinging shots, which forced McIntyre to switch to ‘plan B’ early on in an attempt to keep on the inside to prevent the Welshman from getting his big shots off.

McIntyre’s plan B may not have been pretty, but boy oh boy it was highly effective.

After the initial ‘open’ periods, which allowed the slick Welshman to achieve a good level of success, the majority of the fight could have taken place in a phone box.

McIntyre clearly had no intention of giving Griffiths any opportunity to let rip with any big shots, he just kept him tied up throughout, sometimes by foul means, so much so that after numerous warnings for holding or not breaking when told, referee Roger Riley deducted a point, however even that point deduction wasn’t going to prevent the Liverpool man from securing the victory, the official score being 39-36.

Jāsaka, whilst personally disappointed that the Miles-Darch WBF European title fight didn’t take place, promoter Owen Watkins had put together such a top class support card that I, as well as am sure everyone else in attendance had their Pugilistic Appetite well and truly sated by the fare on offer and look forward to his next promotion, which will take place at the Cwrt Herbert Leisure Centre in Neath on the 22nd September.

McConville Set For Tough First Title Shot, Liverpool Man To Face India’s Goyat


Promoter Kyle Gallagher announced earlier today that unbeaten Welterweight prospect Jonny McConville, is set to challenge Chandigarh India’s Neeraj Goyat for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Silver Welterweight Championship, at the Jubilee Sports Bank in Liverpool on Saturday 8th September 2018.





McConville is in fine form and comes into this Championship contest off a first round stoppage win over Belfast’s Michael Kelly back in March this year, his third stoppage win in as many contests, the other stoppage victories being over Marty Kayes in December 2017 and Will Cairns in September 2017.





However McConville is in no doubt that this will be the toughest fight of his young career to date, his esteemed opponent on the8th September is not only far more experienced but also Championship experienced, having been crowned the World Boxing Council (WBC) Asian Boxing Council Welterweight Champion following his victory over Nelson Gulpe in New Delhi back in May 2015 and successive successful defences against Ben Kite in New Delhi back in October 2016 and then against Allan Tanada in Mumbai in August 2017.





By time Goyat faces McConville he may have successfully defended his title for a third time, as he is currently in camp preparing to defend his title in Canada later this month.





His esteemed opponent’s Championship successes do not seem to have fazed McConville one iota, kā viņš skaidri, kad viņš runāja agrāk.





I’m very grateful for this opportunity it’s something we have been working and training very hard towards.





I am very excited to fight for my first title and to put on a show against such a decorated and experienced opponent as Goyat.





I want this so bad, I am definitely ready for this.





Jonny McConville versus Neeraj Goyat for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Silver Welterweight Championship will take place on the Kyle Gallagher promoted Victory Fight Club event at the Jubilee Sports Bank in Liverpool on Saturday 8th September 2018.





Tickets for the event are available from any of the boxers competing or direct from the VFC Ticket Line on 07711 098025

Freeman Battles Through Injury To Secure Victory In Liverpool


Martin Freeman (R) vs. Dmitrijs Ovsjannikovs, Photography Courtesy of Chris Kearns

Ziņojums: Gianluca Di Caro

Sestdienas vakarā, whilst most British boxing fans were either at the Manchester Arena or watching BT Sport as Tyson Fury made his long awaited return to the ring, a large number of local boxing fans still made the pilgrimage to the Jubilee Sports Bank in Liverpool for local promoter Kyle Gallagher’s latest offering.


Over the past few years Gallagher has built himself a very good reputation for putting on quality shows, one where the local fans know they are in for a great night out and watching well matched all action fights featuring local prospects and on Saturday normal service resumed.


Headlining the show was local unbeaten prospect Martin Freeman, against seriously tough opposition in Latvia’s Dmitrijs Ovsjannikovs.


On his last appearance, on a Gallagher promoted show back in March, Ovsjannikovs secured victory over Freeman’s gym mate Mitchell Walsh, via a second round TKO, which added an extra bit of spice to this particular bout.


The opening round see Freeman on the front foot, Ovsjannikovs seemingly content to counter for the majority of the round, with the occasional attacking foray whenever the opportunity arose.


Initially it was more of the same in round two, however as the round progressed Ovsjannikovs began to get a bit busier, actively taking the fight to the Liverpudlian, but all said and done it was still Freeman’s round.


Freeman’s movement in the third was poor, he was limping at times, and Ovsjannikovs clearly noticed this and started to be more assertive in his approach, so much so that often he would corral Freeman in a corner before letting rip with a flurry of shots.


Freeman’s corner were screaming at their charge to get out of the corner, can’t blame them as it was this tactic by Ovsjannikovs that led to their man Walsh being stopped by the Latvian back in March.


Freeman made it through the round, but now was just the one round up as the third was clearly Ovsjannikovs’.


Freeman’s corner worked frantically on his leg during the break, but when the opening bell for the round rang it was clear to all that the injury was really troubling the Liverpudlian.


The fourth mirrored the third, Ovsjannikovs controlling the proceedings, but Freeman dug in deep and survived the round. Again in the break Freeman’s team worked hard on their charge.


With the scores equal going into the fifth Ovsjannikovs went on the offensive once more, however Freeman, whilst still limping, didn’t just settle for countering, oh no, he decided if it was do or die and started to plant his feet once more and let rip with big shots, so much so that Ovsjannikovs reverted to a defensive approach and countering at times, much to the relief of Freeman’s corner I would think.


The sixth and final round was a stormer, again Ovsjannikovs went hard on the attack in an attempt to back Freeman into a corner, however the Liverpudlian wasn’t having any of it and some excellent toe to toe slugging ensued, it was a thrilling final round, control switching back and forth throughout until the final bell.


After six hard fought rounds Referee Chris Kelly’s scorecard read 58-56 in favour of Martin Freeman.


The penultimate bout of the night sees Widnes, Cheshire’s Jamie Oldfield, in action against Belfast’s Marty Kayes, in a four round Welterweight contest.


Oldfield came into the fight off a first round stoppage win over Edgars Sazanovics on his pro debut back in March, whilst Kayes, a well- known and always busy opponent, came into the fight off the back of two excellent points victories in April, his first wins since July 2016, some sixteen fights previously.


Right from the off it was Oldfield that took the fight to Kayes, the Irishman though stood his ground and countered effectively and so began a fantastic all action round.


It was a great round, you just couldn’t take your eyes off the fight for a second as these two warriors went to war, both digging deep into their arsenals of shots, each time one of them seemed to be taking control, the other would counter with equal force to wrestle control.


Great round just couldn’t split them, definitely a drawn round in my eyes.


More of the same in the second and third, although in both Oldfield seemed to just about secure the rounds due to more effective attacks. I must just mention a couple of exchanges, where Oldfield and Kayes went toe to toe exchanging double handed combinations, both guys letting rip with 10-12 punch combinations at the same time, wow, really enjoyed those.


The fourth and Final round was more or less a mirror image of the first, again I couldn’t split them, score-wise, and was mightily chuffed that I had scored it the same as the Referee Chris Kelly – 40-38 in favour of Jamie Oldfield


Another local debuting fighter, David Tayor, was next up, against Latvia’s Vladimirs Slikovs in a four round Super Middleweight contest.


Both protagonists came out hard and fast, both battling hard for centre ground, what’s more it was clear that neither had any intention of backing down for a second.


Throughout the first round it was hard to split the two, each time either let rip with a shot the other countered in similar fashion, no surprise that even Referee Chris Kelly couldn’t split them on his scorecard.


Round two was once again an all action round, Slikovs maybe being more on the front foot, however even though Taylor was having to defend more often, it was he that landed the most shots, more importantly the most telling shots.


Vairāk par to pašu trešais, with Taylor clearly winning the round, however the fourth, whilst similar to the previous rounds, except now Slikovs was able to get his range right and land some big shots.


After four all action rounds Referee Chris Kelly’s scorecards showed just how close this bout was, as they read 39-38 to David Taylor.


Following the interval local debuting lad Steven Sunners faced Latvian Eduard Belas in a four round Middleweight contest.


Right from the off Sunners went on the attack, however Belas is as savvy as they come and used his experience to keep Sunners from landing a serious shot initially.


However Sunners kept calm and used his jab to great effect to fashion a good opening early in the round and landing a cracking body-shot.


Belas changed tactics and went on the offensive. Sunners didn’t seem that concerned and just kept jabbing to the head, forcing Belas to keep his guard high.


After a few more exchanges, Sunners threw a neat combination, creating just enough of an opening to slip in another good solid shot, this time with the required effect of sending the Latvian to the canvas.


Belas made the count, immediately after the restart Sunners was all over the Latvian like a rash, letting shots off whenever an opening presented itself.


It wasn’t that long until another chink in the Latvian’s armour appeared, Sunners reacted immediately and again sent Belas to the canvas.


Belas again made the count and defended well until the end of the round.


Round two started in much the same way as the previous round ended, with Sunners in full flow and Belas covering up and defending with an occasional shot of his own.


Tomēr, after about fifteen seconds or so Sunners landed a big right hand that sent the Latvian heavily to the canvas, Referee Chris Kelly immediately waved the fight off, he didn’t even start the count, instead summoned the medical team to enter the ring and attend to the stricken Belas.


I’m pleased to say Belas was OK and when he eventually rose to his feet, received a warm round of applause from all in attendance.


Official time of the stoppage was just 22 seconds of the second round.


Just prior to the interval the fifth fight of the night pitted local lad Craig Kennerdale against Prestwick, Scotland’s Leon Roberts in a four round Welterweight contest.


This much anticipated contest between two highly rated young fighters was expected to be a cracker, but it turned out to be much more than that it was a sensational fight between two equally matched warriors.


It reminded me very much of the classic Battle Royale between Carl Frampton and Ian Bailey in Belfast a few years back, after that one the entire crowd at the King’s Hall were on their feet applauding both warriors, and it comes as no surprise that after their fight on Saturday night that Kennerdale and Roberts also received a standing ovation from the crowd in Liverpool, boy oh boy they deserved it one hundred percent.


As with Frampton-Bailey, it was non-stop action throughout, Kennerdale and Roberts fought magnificently for every second of each round.


These two serious talents really went for it throughout the contest, control switching between them with such regularity you just couldn’t take your eyes of the fight for a second.


On many occasions this battle had the highly vocal fans standing and applauding the action, especially a couple of double handed exchanges, where both protagonists not only matched each other punch for punch but also flowing combination for combination.


Referee Chris Kelly scored the contest 40-37 in favour of Kennerdale, which to be honest whilst the correct result just doesn’t reflect just how close every single round was.


Loved every second of this fight, it really was something special, so if you get the chance try and watch the video, which I have been told will be on YouTube later this week, definitely well worth watching.


Have to say this was my first choice of Fight of the Night, just as you would have already read above there was definitely more than one contender for that accolade.


The fourth bout of the night pitted Bradley Muldoon against debuting David Calveley in a four rounder.


Prior to the fight there was quite a bit of talk about this match-up on social media, apparently they had fought twice previously, word was that it was the debuting Calveley that had won both.


Right from the opening bell it was Calveley that went straight on the attack, Muldoon initially covered up but soon began to utilise his jab effectively to prevent the hard charging Calveley to corral him against the ropes.


Throughout the round it was Calveley virtually bossed the round from start to finish, effectively keeping Muldoon on the back foot.


More of the same in the second and third, but the fourth was a much more closely fought round, one in which Muldoon held his own.


After four rounds of action Referee scored the contest 40-37 in favour of Calveley, however that wasn’t the end of the matter, as Muldoon protested that it was supposed to be a six rounder and called for the fight to be declared a no-contest. Apparently the promoters running sheet in the changing room showed it as a six rounder not the four as announced at the beginning of the fight and listed by the commission on the schedule.


Liverpool’s Dean Ferreira versus Latvia’s Andrejs Konovalovs in a four round Super Featherweight contest was the third fight on the card.


Ferreira seemed determined to make a big statement in this fight, coming out hard and fast right from the opening bell and letting rip with big shots, Konovalovs initially covered up, but soon realised he’d have to fight his way out of danger and proceeded to do just that.


Ferreira though is as tough as they come and he soon wrestled back control and backed his Latvian foe back onto the ropes before letting rip with fast double handed shots to send Konovalovs down within the first thirty seconds or so.


Konovalovs made it to his feet almost immediately, on the restart Ferreira went straight back on the attack.


Konovalovs got behind his jab in an effort to keep the hard charging Liverpudlian at bay, but that didn’t last for long once Ferreira started targeting the Latvian’s body and on around the one minute mark Ferreira let rip with a big shot to the Latvian’s lower rib, which sent Konovalovs down like a sack of potatoes.


Konovalovs was clearly in distress so referee Chris Kelly stopped the count on three and waved the contest off so the medical team could attend to the Latvian.


Official time of the stoppage was 1 Minute and 3 sekundes.


The second fight of the night pitted debuting Lee Cooper against one fight veteran Kyle McNicholas in an all Merseyside four round Super Middleweight contest.


Cooper approached the opening round in determined fashion, taking the fight to McNicholas right from the off.


Throughout the fight Cooper was well and truly on the front foot and very, very focused, Cooper controlled the proceedings more like an established prospect than a debuting fighter.


Don’t get me wrong this wasn’t a one sided contest, far from it, McNicholas fought hard for every second of every round, just Cooper’s performance was exceptional.


After four excellent action filled rounds referee Chris Kelly rightly scored the bout 40-36 in favour of the debuting Lee Cooper.


The opening fight of the night featured Warrington’s Ben Hough in action, against Blackpool’s Malcolm Richardson, in a four round Cruiserweight contest.


Right from the off Hough got behind his jab, Richardson responded in kind, however Hough just doubled up his jab and began to back Richardson up towards the ropes.


What followed next was about a minute or so of engaging action, which see Hough on the front foot with Richardson defending his position, then just as Richardson went to let rip with a shot Hough got through the Blackpool man’s excellent defence with a big right, that sent Richardson down heavily to the canvas.


Immediately referee Chris Kelly waved off the fight and the medical team entered the ring.


I’m pleased to say Richardson was perfectly OK, but must praise both the referee and medical team for the prompt actions, as the way Richardson went down it did look like a full on knockout.


Official time of the stoppage was 1 minute and 16 sekundes pirmajā kārtā.


Once again a great event from Kyle Gallagher and his team, word is his next event will be in September and from what I’ve heard on the grapevine this will be a ‘don’t missevent as not only will top prospects from his stable be in action, but also featured on this event will be a number of unbeaten prospects from abroad.


Deerfield Beach, FL (Jūnijs 6, 2018)—Martin Murray is one very upset fighter.

Murray was scheduled to fight for the WBO Middleweight Championship at the O2 Arena in London, England on June 23, but champion Billy Joe Saunders has pulled out of the fight because of an injury for a second time.

WBC Silver Middleweight Champion Roberto Garcia has just the cure for the upset Murray.

“I’m not like Saunders,” said Garcia. “I’m not afraid of Murray. I’m willing to risk my title and come to London to fight Murray before his hometown fans. Iesim to!"

Saunders postponed the originally scheduled April 14th fight with Murray because of a alleged hand injury. Now he is pulling out of the June fight because of an alleged hamstring injury.

“My manager, Lee Holliday, informed me today that my promoter, Don King, has reached out to Warren’s team about making this fight. I have a “have Belt and will Travel” attitude and ready to back it up tomorrow if necessary.

“No more whining about Billy Joe and his excuses. If you want to fight on June 23, then put up or shut up. Ja tā nav, then you are just Billy Joe with different excuses.”

This Week’s FNU Combat Sports Show: UFC and Bellator UK Show Recaps, Bisping Retires, Cop Boxing Teen Goes Viral

This week on the FNU Combat Sports show, Tom, Tony and Rich discuss a slow week for boxing and recap two huge MMA cards in the United Kingdom last weekend. We also talk about Michael Bisping deciding to retire, weight cutting issues in the UFC, and a cop nicknamedBladegetting his 15 seconds of fame in a viral video where he boxes a teen in full uniform and comes out on top. Listen to the whole show below:



WATCH THE FULL FIGHT: https://s.sho.com/2L5dV4G


NEW YORK (Maijs 19, 2018) – Josh Warrington became the new IBF featherweight world champion by upsetting Lee Selby in a split-decision victory. The bout was streamed live to U.S. audiences via the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page from Elland Road Football Ground in Leeds, Lielbritānija. Tiesneši ieguva cīkstēšanās 116-112, 115-113 un 113-115.




Warrington (27-0, 6 Kos), from Leeds, used the energy of the home crowd and established control of the fight from the onset. He was the more aggressive fighter, catching Selby with a clean left hook to the jaw and an equally powerful right hand in the second round. In the same round, Selby, who was making the fifth defense of the IBF title that he earned in 2015, suffered a substantial cut above his left eye from an accidental headbutt. The cut would plague him for the remainder of the fight. In the middle rounds, Warrington continued the barrage to the head of Selby, who was taken to the corner in the sixth round for inspection after a second accidental headbutt but was allowed to continue. (Klikšķiniet ŠEIT to watch the accidental headbutt)




Selby (26-2, 9 Kos), of Cardiff, Velsa, showed the experience and skills that made him champion in the later rounds despite the blood flowing down his face. He was able to regain his composure, establish his jab and land several impressive combinations, doing enough to earn the win in the eyes of one judge. But in the eyes of Warrington, who becomes Leeds’ first ever world champion, it was clear who the victor was. (Klikšķiniet ŠEIT to watch Warrington’s reaction to victory)




“I can’t put into words how I feel. I got into the ring tonight with the expectation of the city on my shoulders,” said Warrington. “I outboxed the boxer tonight.




“I’m overcome with emotion. We worked on gameplans but that all went out of the window and it was sheer grit and determination and this crowd got me through tonight.”




Following Carl Frampton’s uzvara pār Nonito Donaire pagājušajā mēnesī, Warrington’s victory was the second of four high-stakes featherweights’ fights in quick succession on SHOWTIME platforms featuring seven of the consensus top-10 ranked featherweights, including three world champions and four former multi-division champions. Also on Saturday night, WBC pasaules čempions Gary Russell Jr. aizstāv savu jostu pret Joseph Diaz live on SHOWTIME and on June 9, Leo Santa Cruz un Abners Mares will meet live on SHOWTIME in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA Featherweight World Title.


AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment yet again shows instant classic

SANDJEGO, Calif. – Maijs 5, 2018 –Tony Bellew scored his 2nd knockout over David Haye in the last 14 months as the former star ofCreedscored a 5th round stoppage in a battle of former world champions at the O2 Arena in London.




The Epic rematch was shown live and exclusively in the United State on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and www.klowdtv.com




Haye came out Early and landed a couple of right hands. After that it was all Bellew in a big way, as in round three, Bellew scored two monstrous knockdowns. The first one came from a huge counter right hand. Moments vēlāk, it was a smashing left hook to the jaw that sentThe Hayemakerto the canvas.




Bellew continued to dominate, and in round five, Bellew landed another head turning left hook that sent Haye to the deck for a third time. Bellew ended the fight by landed two hard punches on the ropes, un cīkstēšanās apstādināja 2:14.




Bellew of Liverpool is now 30-2-1 ar 20 knockouts. Haye of London is 28-4.


John Ryder stopped Jamie Cox in round two of their scheduled twelve-round super middleweight bout.




Ryder landed a right to head that Cox went down after a delayed reaction. Cox got up just as referee Ian-John Lewis reached the count of 10 and the bout was called at 50 seconds in round 2.




Ryder of Islington is now 26-4 ar 14 knockouts. Cox of Swindon is 25-2.


Emmanuel Rodriguez won the IBF Bantamweight title with a 12 round domination of Paul Butler.




In round one, Rodriguez landed a perfect left hook that deposited Butler on the canvas. Seconds later it was a flurry of shots to the head that put Butler down again. In kārtā trīs, Butler began to bleed from the nose.




Rodriguez coasted home by boxing and moving for which Butler had no answer for the skilled Rodriguez.




Butler was ineligible to win the vacant title as he checked in 3 1/2 pounds over the 118 mārciņa robeža.




Rodriguez of Puerto Rico won by scores of 120-106 divreiz un 118-108, un tagad 18-0. Butler Ellesmere Port is 26-2.




2016 Olympic Silver Medal Winner, Joe Joyce stopped Lenroy Thomas in round 2 of their scheduled 12-round heavyweight bout.




At the end of round one, Joyce landed a left to the body that sent Thomas down at the bell. Divos kārtā, Joyce landed two crushing rights rights that sent Thomas down. Joyce ended things with a flush left hook to chin that sent Thomas slowly to his knees. Thomas did not beat the 10 count, un cīkstēšanās apstādināja 2:36.




Joyce of Putney is 4-0 ar 4 knockouts. Thomas of Jamaica is 22-5-1.


Joshua Buatsi remained perfect by stopping Stephane Cuevas in round five of a scheduled eight-round light heavyweight bout.




Buatsi dominated the fight and then landed a huge combination that hurt Cuevas at 50 seconds of round five.




Buatsi, 178.4 lbs of Croydon is now 6-0 ar 4 knockouts. Cuevas, 175 lbs of Toulouse, France is 8-2-3.


James Tennyson survived a 2nd round knockdown, and came back to defeat previously undefeated Martin J Ward via 5th round stoppage in a terrific action-packed super featherweight bout.




Divos kārtā, Ward dropped Tennyson with a crunching left hook to the body. In kārtā trīs, Tennyson started to bleed from his nose.




The tide turned in round four when Tennyson began to hurt Ward, and round five, Tennyson landed a big 3 punch combination that sent Ward to the canvas. Moments vēlāk, Tennyson landed a flush uppercut that sent Ward Sprawling to the canvas, un cīkstēšanās apstādināja 2:24.




Tennyson of Dublin is now 22-2 ar 18 knockouts. Ward of Brentwood is now 19-1-2.





The fight card will also be streamed live via KlowdTV on the AWE channel. Vizītewww.klowdtv.com papildu informācija.