Таг Архива: UFC

Емисија за борба против спортот на ФНУ: Шумо за почит на Лу Дува, Психичкиот Том Паџет апсолутно го уништува УФЦ 209 Предвидувања, Гарсија наспроти. Турман преглед и анализа

Тони Penecale (лево) и Лу Дува (право) во Броктон, Посвета на Масачусетс на статуата Роки Марчијано.

Нашата емисија оваа недела беше посветена на Лу Дува (горе десно со нашиот ко-домаќин Тони Пенекале). Лу почина на почетокот на оваа недела на зрела старост во 1994. Тој беше голем пријател со Роки Марчијано, промотор на 19 светски шампиони, и човек кој ги имаше сите свои пегли во огнот што му го запали животот: бокс. Промоторот / тренерот / менаџерот / легендата се појави на FNU Combat Sports шоуто со години наназад, но за жал, аудиото е зрнесто и дамкаво. Ако внимателно ги слушате скапоцените камења, нашиот говор е поголем од тешките точки за слушање.

Целосното интервју со Лу Дува е тука:

http://домаќини.blogtalkradio.com/fightnewsunlimited/2009/07/03/joy-giambra-the-acrowned- шампион

Овде објавувам и неколку специфични ремастерирани клипови:






Том, Тони и Рич го повлекуваат и Гарсија vs.. Турман, Најновиот на Мејведер vs.. Мекгрегор, UFC 209 и приложените многу полемики, Темно предупредување на GSP за намалување на тежината, и шокантното вознемирување на Тони Белеу од Дејвид Хеј.


Еве ја лентата: (ЛЕТОТ НЕ ЛА LИ)


FNU Борбен спортови Прикажи: UFC, Прегледи / прегледи на белатор и бокс; Дана Кралицата на драмата; Мухамед Али rуниор. Притворен на аеродромот во Флорида; Трансродовиот борач ја освои титулата во борба за жени во Тексас

Том, Рич и Тони ги повторија главните борбени спортски настани од минатата недела, вклучувајќи голема пресметка во тешка категорија помеѓу Деонтеј Вајлдер и eraералд Вашингтон, успешна одбрана на титулата од Лиам МекГири минатиот петок во Даблин, Шоу на Ирска Белатор, и врвен кам-бек на arарет Херд над Тони Харисон. Исто така, со нетрпение го очекуваме инаугуративниот меч за титула во перо категорија за жени во Белатор утре вечер и УФЦ со starвезди 209 борбена картичка, вклучувајќи два од најочекуваните ко-главни настани во поновата историја на УФЦ. Стивен Томпсон го доби својот реванш со шампионот во тешка категорија УФЦ, Тајрон Вудли во главниот натпревар, додека Хабиб Нурмагомедов и Тони Фергусон се борат за удар да се соочат со Конор Мек Грегор за титулата во лесна категорија во главниот настан. Ние, исто така, разговараме за борбата за враќање на GSP против Мајкл Биспинг, трансродова жена на пат да стане маж, освојувајќи титула во борење во Тексас, и синот на Мухамед Али беа приведени на аеродромот во Флорида на почетокот на февруари. Проверете ја нашата прва целосна борбена спортска претстава FNU организирана на YouTube:


Вторник, February 28th, 2017

As we look forward to our long-awaited return to Dublin this weekend, the former voice of Cage Warriors remembers the raucous atmosphere of the Irish fight fans and recalls the moment he took a knee from a man who would go on to become the biggest star in the sport – Конор Мекгрегор.

Before he started calling fights for the UFC, British play-by-play man John Gooden was the voice of Cage Warriors.

And nobody knows the passion of the Irish fight fans quite like John who, during the now-famous rise to prominence of Conor McGregor, ended up right in the thick of it with the legendary Irish fight fans during both of ‘The Notorious’ one’s Cage Warriors championship victories.

We chatted to Gooden at CW80 in London where he shared his memories of his Irish fight night experiences ahead of our return to Dublin this weekend for Cage Warriors 81.

I think my first taste was the Helix when Conor won his first world title,” he began.

I got injuredConor kneed me in the face! But I stayed here to live to tell the tale!

He jumped the fence. His fans were going absolutely bonkers, and I think if he didn’t go out, they were coming in. So strategically he did the right thing, although he sort of ran through me to get to them!

But Josh (Палмер, Cage Warriors co-commentator) and I were covered in beer and it was just this melee of craziness. So that was really cool, because I can say I took a knee from Conor McGregorwhich he apologised for, како и!

The Helix was an interesting venue. It was on different levels and the last time I was there the Irish were having mixed results. Then Conor came out and, as he does, rouses everyone and came away with the victory in the fashion that he did. That just put the capstone on the night and just made it celebratory.”

After that fight both McGregor and Gooden were UFC bound, where they would reunite in Dublin at the 3Arena for UFC Борба Вечер: McGregor v Brandao, an event that has gone down in folklore as one of the most raucous in UFC history.

I’ve been over to Dublin twice (with the UFC) but the first time in 2014 – McGregor-Brandaoit’s gonna be difficult to top that,” Gooden smiled.

The fans were SO good. The Irish fighters went 100%. They won, they won, they won and the crowd loved it. They got behind every single one and it was just a big celebration.

Going back there, it was a sensory overload and I’m gonna take that to the grave with me.”

That event has been held up as the standard by which all fight night atmospheres are now judged, but there have been plenty of examples of the Irish fans’ passion since then, whether it’s at home for a host of different events, or on the road supporting their heroes overseas.

And on Saturday night the Irish fight fans have the opportunity to cheer on their boys on home soil once again at Cage Warriors 81. With a host of Irish fighting talent set for action, including Karl Moore bidding to capture the vacant Cage Warriors light-heavyweight title against American Josh Clark, we’re expecting another party atmosphere at the 3Arena.

Tickets are available via Ticketmaster.ie, priced €98, €38 and €24, with ticket holders also able to attend a special meet and greet session with our special guest fighters Neil Seery, Nicolas Dalby and the newly crowned Cage Warriors Welterweight Champion Karl Amoussou.

The bout will be televised live on eirSPORT 1 in Ireland, BT Sport in UK and Ireland, and streamed worldwide on UFC Fight Pass.

Bout order TBC

Karl Moore (7-1) v Josh Clark (10-3) – Cage Warriors light-heavyweight title (205фунти)
Catherine Costigan (5-2) v Wendy McKenna (1-0) – atomweight bout (105фунти)
Joe McColgan (3-0) v Arnold Quero (13-5, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) – lightweight bout (155фунти)
Darren O’Gorman (4-1) v Blaine O’Driscoll (3-1) – bantamweight bout (135фунти)
Hughie O’Rourke (за деби) v Arann Maguire (0-1) – bantamweight bout (135фунти)
Håkon Foss (7-3) v Martyn Harris (4-2) – боксер од полусредна категорија рунда (170фунти)
Lloyd Manning (2-0) v Paul McBain (2-0) – featherweight bout (145фунти)
Eric Nolan (за деби) v Marcin Zembala (за деби) – catchweight bout (150фунти)

Bill Farrell v David Piotrowicz – светло-тешкаш рунда (205фунти)
Richie Stack v Pawel Politylofeatherweight bout (145фунти)
Mark Gallivan v Makinde Adeyemi – боксер од полусредна категорија рунда (170фунти)
Francis Treacy v Stephen Treacylightweight bout (155фунти)
Austin Lynch v Alex Brophybantamweight bout (135фунти)
Colm O’Regan v Mateusz Kopytocatchweight bout (161фунти)
Ivan Blanita v Gary Coffey – боксер од полусредна категорија рунда (170фунти)
Gary Wallace v Darren Sarsfieldcatchweight bout (161фунти)
David Whelan v Brandon Myersbantamweight bout (135фунти)
Adam Darby v Leon Hilllightweight bout (155фунти)
Barry Hanna v Matthew Whytecatchweight bout (132.2фунти)

For the latest Cage Warriors Fighting Championship news and updates, keep track of us on Фејсбук, Твитер и Instagram. View past CWFC action, free and on-demand, online via Cage Warriors TV.

Фото: John Gooden & Dan Hardy Dolly Clew for Cage Warriors


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ирска, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.

UFC 209: Вудли vs.. Wonderboy и Khabib vs.. Преглед и предвидување на Фергусон

Со: Богата Бергерон

UFC 209 бргу се приближува со две динамични борби со кои се наслови картичката, вклучувајќи го и многу очекуваниот реванш кој го затвори шоуто. Фановите сакаат да гледаат солидна борбена картичка откако повеќе разочарувачки настани „Плаќаат за преглед“ ги оставија да сакаат повеќе во последните месеци. Ова е картичка што дефинитивно може да испорача спакувана во акција, fansубителите на спектаклите исполнети со адреналин се очекуваа за цената на приемот. Еве ги моите прегледи и предвидувања за двете блокбастер борби на врвот на сметката.

Стивен Томпсон (13-1-1) добива уште една пукнатина во титулата во полутешка категорија против Тајрон Вудли (16-3-1) во главниот настан. Дури и креаторите на шансите (Проверете го М88 спортска книга за повеќе информации за обложување) имајте тешко време предвидувајќи како ќе се одвива овој високо наполнет реванш. Вудли влегува како мал асистент во +110 до Томпсон -140.

Сепак, шампионот беше близу до завршување на првата борба во четвртото коло. Наместо да продолжи со неговиот моќен пристап кон земјата и фунтата против неволја Томпсон, Наместо тоа, Вудли се префрли на неуспешен обид за задави. Томпсон беше во можност да ја издржи бурата и да го извлече ремито, но тој исто така победи на три од петте кола на резултатот. Експертите кои ги поставуваат линиите за обложување очигледно се свесни за тоа и го факторираат во своите пресметки.

Може ли Вудли да се стави во позиција да го добие нокаутот овој пат или Томпсон ќе ги направи вистинските прилагодувања за победа во секое коло овој пат?

Предвидување: Стивен Томпсон направи една очигледна грешка во првата борба што доведе до тоа Вудли да има огромна шанса да победи со нокаут. Вудли ги собра своите места и ја направи борбата конкурентна, но со обајцата борци кои толку многу знаат едни за други, сега тој можеби нема да може да ги повтори или подобри своите перформанси во првата борба. Во меѓувреме, Томпсон е вешт тактичар, и овој пат ќе се фокусира на контролата на кафезот. Тој ќе искористи удирање на далечина, врвна одбрана, и постојано движење за да не го направи Вудли голема штета овој пат. Вудли секако има шанса да ги смири сите свои сомневачи со еден удар, но Томпсон е тип на борец кој можеби нема да му даде шанса на шампионот да го спушти тој удар.

ТОмпсон победи со едногласна одлука

Ко-главниот настан ќе ја постави сцената за враќање на Конор Мек Грегор во кафезот УФЦ. Ирската суперarвезда на крајот ќе се соочи со победникот на ко-главниот настан на УФЦ 209: Khabib Nurmagomedov (24-0) наспроти. Тони Фергусон (22-3). Оваа борба може потенцијално да се качи на главниот настан, и покрај фактот дека Хабиб е А. -205 омилен кај Фергусон +165 коефициенти за победа. Двајцата борци имаат доволно моментум за да заработат титула без да се борат меѓусебно, но тоа не го прави овој натпревар помалку возбудлив на хартија. Фергусон е 12-1 во УФЦ со единствената загуба која му припадна на последниот противник на Хабиб: Мајкл Џонсон. Фергусон загуби од Johnонсон во 2012 со едногласна одлука, додека Хабиб го достави Johnонсон преку Кимура во третиот круг на нивниот УФЦ 205 судир минатиот ноември.

Двајцата борци имаат подеднакво импозантни сили. Хабиб ги задушува многуте свои противници со остри вештини за борење за да одговара на неговата повеќе од способна ударност и поднесување. Самбо и џудо се исто така основни елементи на интензивниот пристап на Нурмагомедов во борбите во кафези. Тој е толку добро заокружен што има еднаков број (8) на поднесување, одлука и Т / КО победи, и сите негови одлуки добиени се едногласни.

Фергусон е во серија од девет борби. Тој е повеќе напаѓач на волумен, и тој искористи одличен бокс за да им ја наметне својата волја на противниците со кои доминираше досега. Тој е исто така добро заокружен како Нурмагомедов и може да го искористи тој врвен удар за да обезбеди поднесување на зачудени противници. Тој има 8 поднесоци со кои треба да се оди 9 Т / КО и пет одлуки.

Предвидување: Фергусон можеби е во огромна серија во моментов, но Хабиб апсолутно доминираше со секој противник со кој се соочил во неговата ММА кариера. Мек Грегор можеби навива за изедначување во оваа борба за да може да има дополнително време да преговара за боксерски натпревар со Флојд Мејведер, Џуниор. додека овие двајца претенденти поставуваат неизбежен реванш. Меѓутоа, врските се доволно ретки во УФЦ, што е овде далеку замислено да се замисли. Многу поверојатно е дека оваа борба завршува со еден борец на платното, надвор ладно или премногу зашеметено за да продолжиме. Сите знаци покажуваат дека тој борец е Фергусон, оставајќи го Мек Грегор со можноста да мора да ја докаже својата безумиест со тепање човек што никој не можеше да го победи. Се разбира,, сè може да се случи во тој кафез и секој може да има лоша ноќ во канцеларијата, но со совршенството е тешко да се расправаме.


FNU Combat Sports Show Featuring Ivan “Ѕверот” Baranchyk

Џон “Ѕверот” Baranchyk (15-0, 10 КО) joins the broadcast tonight to talk about his recent war on ShoBox with Abel Ramos (17-2-2, 12 КО). Baranchyk launched an incredible effort in the later rounds to hand Ramos his second professional loss and establish himself as a spirited, tough-as-nails brawler. Some experts claimed the fight was one of the most entertaining bouts in the 17-year history of the ShoBox series. Том, Tony and Rich discuss the fight, other highlights of Ivan’s career, and get Baranchyk to explain how his early start in Jiu Jitsu eventually led him to the Sweet Science. The 24-year-old is already solidifying his legend, which explains why he points to “Железо” Mike Tyson as one of his role models in the sport of boxing.


Том, Tony and Rich also discuss the latest Mayweather/MacGregor news, an odd suspension of an MMA fighter for going after his opponent’s corner man, the calling off of Chris Brown vs. Soulja Boy, and Roy Jones Jr. re-establishing his goal of fighting Anderson Silva in a boxing match (he now wants it to be on the Mayweather/MacGregor undercard).


We also recap last week’s combat sports events and preview Bellator 173 and this week’s upcoming boxing matches.

Part One: Interview starts around 30 minutes in


Part Two:


Mayweather наспроти. MacGregor Hype Reaching New Heights


Со: Богата Бергерон

Can a pro mixed martial artist beat a pro boxer is the kind of question that started the UFC in the first place, but now the wildly popular fight league seems to be trying to avoid that question entirely when it comes to a potential boxing match between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.

Though recent reports indicated a deal was in the works with only a third party failing to agree on terms (most likely the UFC), it seems that the UFC brass knows this could be a lose/lose situation for the promotion. For one, Conor is almost guaranteed to lose the fight. Secondly, the purse he will command should be extremely hefty, which will mean he will demand the same kind of money for every fight after this one. This is why UFC President Dana White put his ceiling at $25 million for McGregor to fight Mayweather.


The UFC could end up paying dearly for letting this fight happen. It could make McGregor much too popular and shift the balance of power from the UFC bosses to their star employee. Conor will be the one calling the shots from here on out if this boxing match happens, especially if it ends up being a $100 million payday forMystic Mac.

Just consider this segment on UNDISPUTED, starring Shannon Sharp and Skip Bayless:


The inevitable loss for McGregor would really be a huge win for the cocky, arrogant and outspoken fighter who seems like he actually believes he can pull off a miracle win. Even if he’s knocked out, beaten by a wide unanimous decision, or disqualified for engaging in illegal strikes, Conor stands to make enough money to potentially retire from MMA for good. It’s either that, or he could just continue in MMA with the stipulation that no fight purse in his future be any less than what he makes for the Mayweather bout. If Conor even shows the slightest bit of skill in the boxing ring, he could also end up being the combat sports version of Bo Jackson and maintain a career as a two sport athlete in the future. All of this is simply bad for the UFC as a whole, as they will at best have to share one of their top talents and will have to pay him outrageous fees to keep him fighting in their Octagon.

It would be much much smarter for Conor fans to play some casino games at คาสิโน MarathonBet than it would for any of them to put down money on their hero to win this fight. Whatever odds this fight does finally generate in Vegas, McGregor is sure to be a huge underdog that will tempt his fans to make the bet on the slim chance of a huge payout. It just isn’t a good idea considering the lack of experience Conor has as a boxer and the invincibility of Mayweather in the final years of his boxing career.

What is crystal clear is that Mayweather wants only one fight to leave the comfort of retirement, and McGregor is the only man who will face him in that fight. The fact that this should be a walk in the park is not lost on Floyd. There’s no downside to trouncing McGregor. Floyd has been itching to prove MMA fighters as a whole don’t have the punching power or prowess that a boxer of his caliber has. He will no doubt get his chance, but don’t ask the UFC to pay astronomical record numbers to facilitate a fight of this magnitude if it means raising the fight pay bar to a level they can never recover from if they want to keep their ultimate superstar on the books.


McGregor can talk all he wants, and sports pundits will eat it up like candy. People will either have some insane belief that he can pull off this walk on water routine, or they will want to pay to see his ego crushed in defeat. Во секој случај, this bout could reap huge rewards for both fighters. People WILL pay to see it, even if it does prove to be a complete and utter disappointment.

Welterweight title challengers make weight ahead of main event battle for the Cage Warriors world title at the Indigo at The O2 on Saturday night

Welterweight title challengers make weight ahead of main event battle for the Cage Warriors world title at the Indigo at The O2 on Saturday night. Key information, final card and timings listed for CW80.

The Cage Warriors 80 weigh-ins took place on Friday afternoon in London ahead of Saturday night’s event at Indigo at The O2.

The welterweight world title fight between Matt Inman and Karl Amoussou was confirmed as official, with both men successfully weighing in within the 170lb welterweight championship limit.

Unfortunately the fight card has suffered two enforced changes, with the postponement of two bouts from the event.

The originally-scheduled bout between bantamweights Vaughan Lee and Nathaniel Wood could be rescheduled for Cage Warriors 81 in Dublin on March 4 providing Wood receives medical clearance for the contest.

The bout between Håkon Foss and Martyn Harris also been rescheduled to CW81 after Harris was taken ill in the lead-up to the contest.

The scheduled welterweight bout between Brad Wheeler and Warren Kee will now go ahead as a catchweight contest after Kee came in at 174.4lbs, 3.4lbs over the non-title limit of 171lbs. The contest will go ahead after it was decided that an agreed percentage of Kee’s purse would go to Wheeler.

Everybody else on the card made weight for their respective contests, with the main card set to be televised live across Europe and Asia on BT Sport, Viaplay, Setanta Eurasia and ELEVEN, as well as being streamed worldwide on UFC Fight Pass.

The preliminary card will be streamed exclusively live, for free, globally (except in Scandinavia) via The Sport Bible’s Facebook page. Scandinavian fans can watch the prelims live via Viaplay.

Broadcast live on BT Sport, Setanta Eurasia, Viasat, ELEVEN and streamed worldwide on UFC Fight Pass
Matt Inman (169.2) vs Karl Amoussou (169)
Brad Wheeler (169.8) vs Warren Kee (174.4)
Мартин Стејплтон (149.7) vs Anthony Dizy (149.1)
Tim Wilde (156) vs Alexander Jacobsen (153.5)
Craig White (170.8) vs Thomas Robertsen (169.6)

Streamed live on The Sport Bible’s Facebook page for free.
Arvydas Juska (185.6) vs Djati Melan (183.9)
Aiden Lee (145.6) vs Fabien Gallinaro (145)
Thomas Terdjman (147.6) vs Decky McAleenan (149.7)


5:00часот: Отворени врати
7:00часот: Preliminary card starts, available to watch for free on The Sport Bible Facebook page.
8:15часот: Fan meet and greet with UFC stars & Paddy Pimblett DJ set
9.00часот: Main card starts
10:30pm approx: CW title fight starts
11:00pm approx: Event finish

There are a very limited number of Cage Warriors 80 tickets still available на axs.com from just £20.

For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.com and follow us on Твитер, Фејсбук и Instagram.


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ирска, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.


Cage Warriors welterweight stars talk respect, motivation and their joint aim to reach the UFC in this revealing head-to-head chat with Cage Warriors ahead of their main event title fight at Cage Warriors 80 in London on February 18.

Limited tickets for Cage Warriors 80 are available via the AXS website, priced from just £20. Included in the ticket price is a free meet and greet with UFC stars including Dan Hardy.


Karl Amoussou: That belt is my entry ticket to the UFC. I am bringing it back to France.

Matt Inman: This belt is my path, I’ve been with Cage Warriors a long time. This is my eighth fight with the promotion and I feel like I’ve been on this path along time. Јас сум подготвен.

Karl Amoussou: So am I.


МОЈОТ: The only pressure I feel is the pressure I put upon myself to put in the best performance I can.

KA: Pressure is always present during a fight, I know I’m going to have the best version of Matt Inman facing me and he’s going to be ready for the best version of Karl Amoussou. No problem with the pressure, I’ll deal with it.


KA: Yes this is definitely a career-defining fight. Now I have to be in the UFC. I belong in the UFC, I should be in the UFC already and after this fight I will definitely be there, не се сомневам.

МОЈОТ: Without a doubt, this is the biggest fight of my career against the highest-profile opponent.


МОЈОТ: I’m excited to be headlining at Indigo at The O2. I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity and I’m just extremely excited to get in there.

KA: I’m very excited to be fighting at The O2 and headline the show, 10 years after my first fight with Cage Warriors. It’s proof of big improvements and I’m going to show where the improvements are now.


KA: Well-dressed, tough and well-rounded.

МОЈОТ: Powerful, aggressive and experienced.


МОЈОТ: I think this is a fight where both of us should have been fighting in the UFC a long time ago, there’s no question of that. This is a fight that could be on any main card, on any UFC event.

KA: Just like Matt I think exactly the same. We both have our place in the UFC and after this fight there is only going to be space for one but we definitely both deserve to be there.


KA: There is no need for me to have any animosity against an opponent, I think it’s a waste of energy. I know what my goal is, I’m pretty sure Matt knows what his goal is and I think we have the same. We are both going to do our job and, on my part, I know exactly what I’m going to do. So there’s no need for animosity.

МОЈОТ: I never require animosity when facing an opponent. My focus is on performing the best I can and that would be the same whatever way I felt about my opponent and that’s what I guarantee I’ll do come fight night.


МОЈОТ: I’m not going to make predictions for how this fight will end. I’m expecting a tough fight and a real challenge, but I’m ready to come out the winner.

KA: I’m going to make a prediction. This fight is going to end either by KO or submission. I’ll be ready for five rounds and I’ll be ready for a submission or a KO in every single round, so be ready for it, премногу.

For the latest news and updates from Cage Warriors please visit CageWarriors.com and follow us on Твитер, Фејсбук и Instagram.


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ирска, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.

FNU Борбен спортови Прикажи: MacGregor/Mayweather Talks; Soccer Headers as Dangerous as Heavyweight Boxing; UFC резимирања и прегледи; Fedor наспроти. Mitrione Bellator Preview and Predictions

Тони, Rich and Tom come back from a week off with a ton of stuff to talk about. From the controversy of Holly Holm’s UFC 208 main event title fight with Germaine De Randamie to the upcoming battle between Matt Mitrione and Fedor Emelianenko, we cover a wide range of past and upcoming MMA events. We also look back at Ivan Barnchyk’s masterful comeback last weekend against Abel Ramos in a thrilling boxing match. We also go over the upcoming week’s boxing schedule. We also update the Mayweather vs. MacGregor negotiations with a big surprise: The UFC is the big stumbling block at this point. Additionally we discuss the recent study showing soccer players can suffer the same damage as heavyweight boxers after long careers in the sport where heading soccer balls repeatedly can bring on CTE in retired players. We also spend time discussing Brock Lesnar’s retirement and GSP’s imminent return.

Part One:

Part Two:

FNU Combat Sports Show Featuring PRESIDENT Donald Trump Interview

Hosts Tom, Tony and Rich of The Fight News Unlimited Combat Sports show had the awesome experience of catching up with President Donald Trump for an exclusive interview contained in tonight’s broadcast. We askThe Donaldabout everything from Mayweather vs. McGregor to Iran and China. The interview starts about 23 minutes into the full show tape, but we will also place the interview alone in another audio file below the main show file on this post. We also discuss some MMA labor union issues, Aisling Daly retiring young from the UFC, Conor McGregor claiming his next bout will be in a boxing ring and Dana White saying Ronda Rousey is all done with fighting professionally. We also recap the first big UFC and Bellator events of the year from last week and look forward to UFC Fight Night 104 in Houston on Saturday night. We take time at the end of the broadcast to talk boxing with a recap of last week’s stunning rematch between Leo Santa Cruz and Carl Frampton. We also talk about the Thursday night bouts on FS1 tonight. Here is our full show:

And here is the Trump interview by itself:

And if you didn’t catch why Rich gave a shout out to the movieGood Morning Vietnamyou can listen to Rich’s first interview with Trump from 2008 тука: