Tag Archives: Team Walk to Fight

Melson to speak at Rutgers Student Society for Stem Cell Research!

Boyd and fan.jpg

New York, NY (April 26, 2015) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will serve as a special guest speaker Asteartea, April 28 as part of a special fundraiser for the Rutgers Student Society for Stem Cell Research. The event is named “Knocking out Spinal Cord Injury One Punch at a Time” and benefits Rutgers’W.M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience. Admission is $4 and the start time is 8 PM. The fundraiser is taking place at the Busch Student Center’s Multipurpose Room.

In addition to Melson’s speech, there will be performers from the Rutgers Belly Dancing Troupe and RU Salsa Club. Dinner is also included for all attendees.

A close friend of the Rutgers Foundation through his involvement and donations to Spinal Cord Injury research, Melson’s generosity has helped make him one of the biggest local attractions on the east coast. The 2003 West Pointgraduate is a former world military champion and founded Team Fight to Walk along with best friend Christan Zaccagnino. As a pro, Melson is 14-1-1 batera 4 knockout garaipen. His next bout takes place Maiatza 8 against Mike Ruiz for the NABA championship at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, NY.

Having worked closely with Dr. Wise Young and Dr. Patricia Morton from the Rutgers Foundation with the ultimate goal being to cure Spinal Cord Injuries, Melson considers the campus his second home.

“Rutgers has a special place in my heart and I visit whenever I get the chance. I’ve received a tremendous amount of hospitality from students, teachers and members of the athletic staff. Eric LeGrand is a member of Team Fight to Walk and a close friend of mine, so speaking on this subject at Rutgersabout something that can potentially get him out of his chair is extraordinarily humbling for me. I look forward to meeting many new friends and growing the support system we’ve built to finally get the trials in the United States so those suffering can walk again.”

Tickets for Melson’s fight are available by going tohttp://teamfighttowalk.com/tickets-for-boyd-melsons-may-8-fight/

Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.

For more information or to make a donation, joanteamfighttowalk.com. All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent tobamstrong1981@gmail.com. Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson or Facebook.com/Boydmelson

Melson to return against Ruiz May 8!

New York, NY (April 7, 2015) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson returns to the ring following a fifteen month layoff when he battles fellow popular New Yorker Mike “El Cangri” Ruiz in the ten round main event of a DiBella Entertainment and New Legend Boxing card Friday, Maiatza 8 at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, NY.


Sarrerak aurrerako $40 are on sale now at http://teamfighttowalk.com/tickets-for-boyd-melsons-may-8-fight/.


Out of action since February 2014, Melson has an excellent professional record of 14-1-1 with four wins by knockout. The Manhattan resident, who is one of the biggest box office draws in the Big Apple, was slated to face contender Glen Tapia last June at Madison SquareGarden but withdrew after suffering a shoulder injury in training. Bere azken bout, du 2003 West Point grad outpointed Donald Ward while fighting through a stretched brachial plexus. The injury, which a ringside doctor said he’s never seen in more than 30 years of working with fighters, caused temporary paralysis in Melson’s right arm during the last five rounds of the match.


A Long Island based Puerto Rican, Ruiz has a solid 17-8 batera Ledger profesionalak 9 knockout garaipenekin. Uztailean 2012, Ruiz scored the best win of his career, traveling to Atlanta, GA to knockout title contender Paul Delgado in his hometown. Having faced the aforementioned Tapia, often-avoided Martin Wright (bitan) and contender Charlie Ota, Ruiz is Melson’s most experienced opponent to date.


“Ruiz is a tough fighter with a lot of experience,” Melson said of his next foe. “This is also my first ten rounder and in order for me to get to the next level, I’ve got to defeat him impressively. I know I’ve been out of the ring for awhile but at this stage of my career it’s time to step up. Even with the inactivity on paper, I’ve spent a lot of time in the gym so I expect no ring rust come Maiatza 8."


Melson also has personal ties to the area, which further inspires him to put forth a career best performance.


“The high school I graduated from is right down the road. (Team Fight to Walk Founder) Christan Zaccagnino lives a mile away from the venue and we’re expecting a great turnout on fight night.”


After his fight with Ruiz, Melson will continue his pledge assist in curing chronic Spinal Cord Injuries by donating 100% of his purse to Team Fight to Walk in support ofAmerica’s first trial of its kind.


Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.


For more information or to make a donation, joan teamfighttowalk.com edo Justadollarplease.org. All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent to bamstrong1981@gmail.com. Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson orFacebook.com/Boydmelson

Team Walk to Fight hasten Pushups paralisiaren!

New York, NY (Urtarrilaren 27, 2015) -Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson eta Team Fight bueltatxo paralisia erronka Pushups hasi dira. Melson sortutako erronka fundraising ahaleginak forAmerica lehen epaiketa kliniko sendatzeko kronikoak muin Lesioak laguntzeko laguntzeko.


Atzo, Melson, nor dona 100% trial bidean bere purses, etan bideo bat non hamar pushups amaitu zuen. Pushups amaitu ondoren, Melson deituak beste taldeko kideek borrokatzea barne Danny Jacobs Walk, Marcus Browne, Riddick Bowe, Anthony Mason, Christan Zaccagnino, Paul Williams eta Eric LeGrand erronka osatzeko.


ELA Ice Bucket Challenge Like, Paralisia 'helburua Pushups da, bai funtsen eta sentsibilizatzea gizarte komunikabideen bitartez. Parte-hartzaile bakoitzak desafioa da egin 10 pushups, deitu besteei hartzeko orduan eman $10 ra teamfighttowalk.com. Ezin hamar osatzeko badira, Parte-hartzaile osagarri bat dohaintzan eskatuko $1 osatu gabe pushup bakoitzerako. Adibidez, pushups soilik sei dira amaitu bada, dohaintza litzateke $14. Helburua da abiaraziko $5,000,000 beraz, epaiketa eta erabakia ere 2015 Ondorengo ondorioz finantzaketa gai atzerapenak.


"ELA Ice Bucket Challenge zenbaterainoko indarra izan Mundua ikusi eta parte hartu denok" esan Melson. "Baino gehiago $100 milioi ELA planteatu zen eta denek horri buruz hitz egiten zen. Erronka naiz, ez out mundu osatzeko 10 pushups eta eman $10 ra Teamfighttowalk.com to help cure paralysis. Hedatuago ahaleginak bidez, Zalantzarik gabe, gure helburuak ezagutu ahal izango daukat. Azken batean, America izango jendeak ehunka mila ikusita etekina mugatzen den muin Lesioak berriro oinez entsegu honako hauetatik aulkia erabiltzen ".


Teamfighttowalk buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, joan teamfighttowalk.com. Parte-hartzaile guztiak hashtag #pushupsforparalysis erabiltzeko eskatzen zaie.


Bideo bat Melson en Pushups Paralisia beharreko ikus daiteke http://teamfighttowalk.com/push-ups-for-paralysis/

Melson Saria "txapeldun baten Heart" jasotzeko

New York, NY (Urtarrilaren 15, 2015) - Humanitarioa eta junior middleweight boxeolari Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson St saria "txapeldun baten Heart" jasoko. Jude Haur Research Hospital Igandea, Urtarrilaren 25.


Saria St hartzeko deia berezia zehar emango du. Jude "NY St Champions for izenburua. Jude "egiten ari O'Neill Maspeth en Queens at, NY. Baino gehiago 2,000 Jende gertaera bilduko direla espero, bertan hainbat kirol atleta profesionala zenbatekoa ona bat sartuko du, ospetsu, eta St aldekoak orokorra. Jude eta bere eginkizuna. Bertan izango dira, New York Rangers kondaira eta Hockey Hall Famer Brian Leetch of ospatuko dute.


Urtean sortu 1962 Entertainer Danny Thomas, St helburua. Jude Haur Research Hospital da sendabideak eta bitartekoak pediatriako hondamendi gaixotasunen prebentzioaren aurrera egiteko ikerketa eta tratamenduaren bitartez. Urteetan zehar, St. Jude has focused significantly on providing care for children suffering from different forms of cancer. Consistent with the vision of Thomas, seme-alaba ez da ukatu tratamendu arraza, erlijioa edo familia gaitasuna ordaindu.


Pro inflexio geroztik 2010, Melson en jasotako arreta nagusietan eta kanpotik boxeo munduaren emateagatik 100% bere borroka purses sendabiderik aurkitu muin Estatu Batuak Min laguntzen bidean. Melson, Christan Zaccagnino batera, fundatu Team Fight oinez eta nabarmenak atleta profesional kontratatu borrokan sartu paralisia sendatzeko. Azken bi urteetan, Team Walk en Fight urteko fundraising gala "Cure alde borrokan anfitrioi,"Lagundu osagarriak fondoak esanguratsua goratzeko. Bere taldeak bidez miresgarri ahalegin Dela Aurkako oinez, Melson eta Zaccagnino hainbat hedabide handiek profiled ziren.


"Hau ohorea sinestezina da." Melson St aintzatespena esan. Jude Haur Research Hospital. “Neska gazte bat ezagutu nuen urte batzuk atzera, nor zen 10 urte momentuan zaharra, eta bere izena Lilly da; Bere nire lil 'lore deitzen dut. Hilabete Noiz zen batzuk zaharrak, astrocytoma garatu zuen, non bere bizkarrezur kablea zehar minbizi tumore bat garatu zuen. Zirujau tumorea kendu denean, zuen zen utzi geldiarazi. Ez zen, are urte zahar, eta orain 14. She bizitza ezagun bakarra gora begiratzen du gurpil-aulki batetik. Minbizia geldiarazi zuen. "


"Beno Lilly nire lil 'lorea, minbizia geldiarazi duzu, eta beraz, niretzat oso berezia, harro nire bizitza arriskuan Biribilean besterik ez, beraz, egun batean selfishly naizela, Duzu dut besarkatu dezake zutik ari zaren bitartean. Sari hori jasotzen dut da eneganic nire esateko modu bezala opari eskerrik asko nire bizitzan izateagatik. Little egin Lil 'lore lagundu duzula niri inoiz amore eman badakizu.” Melson dela esanez itxi “St bezalako. Jude Haur Ospitalean, Team Fight Walk gola da itxaropena ekartzea familiei eta erakutsiko diren itxaropen hori jasaten dutenen iluntasunean argia da ".


Tickets to the fundraiser are available www.eventbrite.com/e/ny-champions-for-st-jude-tickets-14424781911?aff = eac2 and the event takes place from 1-8 pm. Helduen ticketholders guztiak buffeta osagarri bat gozatu ahal, Zuzeneko musika, enkanteak isila eta zuzeneko eta zozketa marrazki zuzeneko bat. Urtetik beherakoek 12 Buffet jasoko dute, zukua mugagabea edo soda eta familia errespetatzen entretenimendu.


Team buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko borrokatzea edo oinez eman, joan Teamfighttowalk.com. All questions about Team Fight to Walk or Spinal Cord Injuries can be emailed to Boydmelson@Teamfighttowalk.com.