Архівы: у суперсреднем

Super Channel further increases commitment to boxing with acquisition of World Boxing Super Series

(Photo Courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Канада (Жнівень 30, 2017)супер канал is pleased to announce that it has acquired the rights in Canada to broadcast the Сусветная баксёрская Super Series (WBSS) ад MP & Сільва, вядучая кампанія міжнародных сродкаў масавай інфармацыі, якая забяспечвае правы медыя, лічбавай, тэхналогіі і спонсарскія паслугі.
Our acquisition of the World Boxing Super Series further reinforces our commitment to make exciting world-class boxing a regular staple of Super Channel SPORTS,” said Don McDonald, President and CEO for Super Channel. “It is a strategic step in our quest to establish Super Channel as the go-to destination for boxing fans looking for unique and exciting boxing action, at all levels.
Frank Uddo, MP & Silva’s President, North America, пракаментаваў: “We are delighted to work with Super Channel and World Boxing Super Series in Canada to help promote and distribute what we believe is a refreshingly premium international boxing competition. The new format, transparency, and potential match-ups should excite all boxing fans in Canada.
Сусветная баксёрская Super Series is a new revolutionary bracket-style elimination tournament featuring the world`s best boxers and a total of $50 мільён прызавых грошай. У фармаце накаўт-конкурсу ўбачаць, што лепшыя баксёры ў канчатковым рахунку пазмагаюцца за тралей Мухамада Алі, найвялікшы прыз у боксе. Турнір арганізаваны нядаўна заснаванай кампаніяй Comosa AG, зарэгістраваная ў Швейцарыі кампанія з асноўнымі ўладальнікамі Highlight Event & Забавы, Група Modern Times і каманда Sauerland. Comosa AG працуе ў партнёрстве з баксёрамі, прамоўтэры і менеджэры па ўсім свеце, і ў адпаведнасці з чатырма асноўнымі федэрацыямі бокса, стварыць новую глабальную пляцоўку для спорту.
The tournament, the first of its kind which is planned to take place on an annual basis, will kick off on Верасня 9. The inaugural season of the World Boxing Super Series will feature two weight classes, 16 баевікі, and a total of 14 main events. Экспертная група запрасіла на спаборніцтва лепшых баксёраў свету, namely the top 15-ranked fighters of the four major federations: WBA, WBC, IBF і WBO. In each weight class, eight boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarterfinals (Верасня & Кастрычнік 2017), two semifinals (Студзеня & Лютага 2018) and one championship final (Мая 2018).
I can’t think of a better home than Super Channel for the World Boxing Super Seriessaid Troy Wassill, Дырэктар праграмавання, Domestic Distributors and Sports for Super Channel. “We couldn’t be more thrilled to have this exciting opener with Usyk vs Huck as the lead-in to the quarter finals, with eight consecutive weekends of top-flight action.
Schedule for World Boxing Super Series 8 quarterfinal matches coming to Super Channel:
Верасня 9, 2017Cruiserweight Quarter-Final:
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Германія
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship

Аляксандр “Cat” вусік (12-0, 10 КО), Чэмпіён, Кіеў, Украіна

2-Time Ukrainian Olympian, 2012 Алімпійскі чэмпіён, Кальцо #1
Марка “Kapt’n” Гек (40-4-1, 27 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Berlin, Germany by way of Serbia
Former WBO Cruiserweight World Champion, Кальцо 7
Верасня 16,2017Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Echo Arena, Ліверпуль, Вялікабрытанія
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Каллум “свет” Каваль (22-0, 17 КО), Ліверпуль, Merseyside, Вялікабрытанія – Кальцо #5
Эрык Скоглунд (26-0, 12 КО), Nykoping, Швецыя
Верасня 23, 2017Cruiserweight Quarter-Final:
Alamodome, Сан - Антоніо, Тэхас, ЗША
WBA Cruiserweight World Championship
Юниер Дортикос (21-0, 20 КО), Чэмпіён, Маямі, Фларыда, USA by way of Cuba
Дзмітрый “руская молат” Kudryashov

(21-1, 21 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Volgodonsk, Расія
Верасня 30, 2017Cruiserweight Quarter-Final:
Riga Arena, Рыга, Латвія
WBC Cruiserweight World Championship
Mairis Deer (22-0, 18 КО), Чэмпіён, Рыга, Латвія – Кальцо #4
Майк “The Rebel” Перэс

(22-2-1, 14 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Cork, Ireland by way of Cuba
Кастрычнік 7, 2017 [A1] Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Германія
IBO Super Middleweight World Championship
Крыс “Next Gen” Eubank Jr (25-1, 19 КО), Чэмпіён, Brighton, Sussex, Вялікабрытанія – Кальцо #7
Аўні Йылдырым (16-0, 10 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Sivas, Turkey

Кастрычнік 14, 2017 [A2] Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Арэна SSE, Уэмблі, Лондан, Вялікабрытанія

WBA Super Middleweight World Championship
“Святой” Джордж Гровс (26-3, 19 КО), Чэмпіён, Hammersmith, Лондан, Вялікабрытанія – Кальцо #3
Джэймі Кокс (24-0, 13 КО), Swinton, Wiltshire, Вялікабрытанія

Cruiserweight Quarter-Finals:

IBF Cruiserweight World Championship
“Жалеза” Мурат Гасіеў (24-0, 17 КО), Чэмпіён, Vladikavkaz, Расія – Кальцо #2
Krzysztof “Diablo” Влодарчик (53-3-1, 37 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Piaseczno, Польшча – Кальцо #10
Former IBF & WBC Cruiserweight World Champion

Супер сярэдняя вага, чвэрцьфінал:

Юрген Braehmer (48,3 35 КО), Швэрын, Мекленбург-Заходняя Памеранія, Германія
былы WBO & WBA ў паўцяжкай вазе World
Рабаваць “Добра” Казарка

(22-0, 15 КО), St.Paul, Мінесота, ЗША
All fights will also be available on Супер канал па патрабаванні.
Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.
Супер канал нядаўна трансляваў асноўныя спаборніцтвы бокса, як Брук супраць. Спенс малодшы, Пакьяо-Horn, Eubank, Малодшы. супраць. Абрагам, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga and Crawford vs. Indongo.
To see all the World Boxing Super Series action live, а таксама больш захапляльны бокс прыйсці, бой прыхільнікаў у Канадзе могуць звязацца са сваім мясцовым пастаўшчыком кабельнага, каб падпісацца на супер канал, і ўсё, што ён прапануе, у тым ліку прэміум-серыі, фільмы і многае іншае, па цане $9.95 памесячна.
Eight weekly bouts of world class boxing action
Субота, Сем. 9 на 9 p.m. І kickoff
Alexsandr Usyk vs Marco Huck cruiserweight quarterfinal bout,
Max Schmeling-Halle in Berlin
Пра супер-канал
супер каналз'яўляецца нацыянальнай сеткай тэлебачання з узнагародамі, складаецца з чатырох HD каналаў, чатыры каналы SD, і Super Channel On Demand.
Місія Super Channel заключаецца ў забаўцы і прыцягненні канадскай аўдыторыі, забяспечваючы унікальнае і эксклюзіўнае відовішча. З асноўнай асновай сумленнасці і адказнасці, мы прысвячаем сябе рэалізацыі інавацыйных стратэгій праграмавання і непараўнальнай каманднай працы, што дае гледачам выключную каштоўнасць і разнастайнасць.
Super Channel належыць Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., медыя-кампанія на базе Эдмонтона.
У цяперашні час Super Channel даступны на тэлеканале Bell TV, Шоў прамы, Роджэрс Anyplace TV, Шоў кабель, Cogeco Cable, Доступ да камунікацый, Тэлевізар Bell Alliant, Крыніца кабеля, SaskTel, МТС, Новус, EastLink, TELUS, Відэатрон, Westman Communications і іншыя рэгіянальныя правайдэры.
Падключыцеся да Super Channel:
Шчэбет: @SCSportsTV
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /SuperChannel

Hammer Time! World Boxing Super Series comes to the U.S. as Dorticos vs. Kudryashov set for September 23 at Alamodome in San Antonio

Сан-Антоніо (Жнівень 16, 2017) – The quest for the World Boxing Super Series Muhammad Ali Trophy in the cruiserweight division comes to San Antonio, Texas на Верасня 23 when Cuban WBA World Champion Yunier ‘The KO Doctor’ Дортикос (21-0, 20 КО) faces Russian Dmitry ‘Russian HammerKudryashov (21-1, 21 КО) in a quarter-final bout at the Alamodome.
Квіткі на турніры, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, па цане $250, $125, $100, $50, і $30, і ўжо ў продажы. Квіткі можна набыць у Ticketmaster.com ВОТ.
It’s a thrill to promote the first World Boxing Super Series fight in the United States,” said Richard Schaefer, Chairman and CEO of Ringstar Sports. “This fight may very well turn out to be the best clash of the entire tournament. The WBSS is a first class organization and I am proud to be working with them to bring the best fighters in the world to the US competing for the Ali trophy. San Antonio is a great boxing town and the Alamodome is the perfect place to kick-off the US leg of the tournament.
We can’t wait to bring the Ali Trophy to San Antonio,” said Kalle Sauerland, Comosa’s Chief Boxing Officer. “This is a real boxing Mecca and the US will get their first taste of what this tournament is all about
A full slate of undercard bouts will be announced soon.
I’m proud to attend a tournament where Muhammad Ali’s name is on the trophy and I’m looking forward to proving that I’m the best cruiserweight in the world,” said 31-year-old Dorticos from Miami, Фларыда.
I am also happy that this bout is in the United States, which I now consider my country. I am sure that on September 23rd, Я буду пераможцам.”
There are two KO specialists, two effective hammers colliding when the World Boxing Super Series hits Texas.
Kudryashov calls himself ‘Russian Hammer’, but do not forget that there is also a Cuban hammer in this fight. My nickname is ‘The KO Doctor’, and Kudryashov is my next patient.
The Draft Gala in Monaco in July paved the way the clash of the KO kings between fourth-seeded Dorticos and unseeded Kudryashov.
I can’t wait for this fight to take place. Адна рэч, гэта дакладна – the crowd in San Antonio gets an explosive affair that doesn’t go the distance!” said 31-year-old Kudryashov from Volgodonsk in Russia.
I think it’s amazing that this tournament only contains the best of the best, all four reigning cruiserweight champions. I have respect for Dorticos and the other participants, but they will also respect my hammer because it will bring me all four titles and the Muhammad Ali Trophy,” said Kudryashov.

For more information visit worldboxingsuperseries.com or www.ringstar.com

Follow on Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/WBSuperSeriesі Facebook.com/RingstarSports




Photos are free to use, but please credit World Boxing Super Series.
09/09/17Cruiserweight Quarter-Final:
Аляксандр Усык супраць. Марка Хук (WBO World)
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Германія

16/09/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Callum Smith vs. Эрык Скоглунд (WBC Diamond)
Echo Arena, Ліверпуль, Вялікабрытанія

23/09/17Cruiserweight Quarter-Final:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Дзмітрый Кудрашоў (Свет WBA)
Alamodome, Сан - Антоніо, Тэхас, ЗША

30/09/17Cruiserweight Quarter-Final:
Mairis Briedis vs. Майк Перэс (WBC World)
Riga Arena, Рыга, Латвія

07/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Аўні Йылдырым (IBO World)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Германія

14/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
George Groves vs. Джэймі Кокс (WBA ў суперсреднем)
Арэна SSE, Уэмблі, Лондан, Вялікабрытанія

Cruiserweight Quarter-Finals:
Murat Gassiev vs. Кшыштаф Влодарчик (IBF World)

Супер сярэдняя вага, чвэрцьфінал:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Роб Брант

Number of participants: 16
Number of belts: 7
Number of world champions: 6
Number of former world champions: 3
Number of undefeated fighters: 9
Combined Record of participants: 423 перамог, 17 страты, 294 КО

Organized by Comosa AG, the World Boxing Super Series will kick off in September 2017, featuring the Cruiserweight and Super Middleweight divisions. In each weight class, eight elite boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarter-finals (fall 2017), two semi-finals (early 2018) and one final (Мая 2018). This makes for seven top fights per weight class, and a total of 14 fights in Season One to be staged in premier venues around the globe. The winners of the World Boxing Super Series will rightfully receive The Greatest Prize in Boxing, the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

David Benavidez Promising Fireworks Against Ronald Gavril

Benavidez Vying to Become Youngest Super Middleweight Champion in History onВерасня 8
Red-hot super middleweight contender DavidEl Bandera Roja/Red FlagBenavidez is promising his best performance to date when he faces Ronald Gavril for the WBC Super Middleweight Championship.
The 20-year-old Benavidez (18-0, 17 КО), ranked WBC #4, will be vying to become the youngest super middleweight champion in boxing history when he faces NABF champion Gavril (18-1, 14 КО), намінальны #8, на Верасня 8.
Benavidez was originally scheduled to face former champ Anthony Dirrell until Dirrell was injured. And with top contenders Callum Smith, Avni Yildirim and Chris Eubank Jr. all competing in the WBC Diamond Tournament, Gavril is the highest available contender. The winner of the tournament will become the mandatory to the winner of Benavidez vs. Гаўрыла.
“Я ўсхваляваны,” said Benavidez. “My goal is always to knock a guy out. But even if it doesn’t come, we’ll look magnificent in the fight and I’ll win that title.
Benavidez says opponent Gavril is capable of a number of different styles, but he’ll be ready for any of them. “I have been watching film on him. He’s more of a boxer, but he does have a brawling ability. He was a great amateur as well. He had a lot of fights, but we’re training hard. I’m working with a lot of different types of styles, boxers and brawlers, so whatever he brings on the 8й Я буду гатовы.”
The culmination of a lifetime of hard work, Benavidez says it would be a huge honor for him to become the youngest 168-lb champion in history. “It would be a great honor to become the youngest super middleweight champion ever. That would be a really great accomplishment for me. I’ve been training for this my entire life.

With four weeks already banked and five to go at Big Bear training camp, Benavidez says he’ll be in the shape of his life on Верасня 8. “This will be my best performance ever. As long as they put top-notch guys in front me, they will always bring the best out of me.

Аб Сампсон бокса
Пасля вельмі паспяховага запуску ў свацці і дарадцы, Сэмпсан Ляўковіч перайшоў на рэкламных бок прафесійнага бокса ў студзені 2008.
Сампсон бокса вырас у адзін з самых прэстыжных рэкламных фірмаў у свеце, якія прадстаўляюць многія з лепшых байцоў у свеце і самых перспектыўных маладых супернікаў.

Сампсон бокса мае рэкламныя партнёры па ўсёй Паўночнай і Паўднёвай Амерыкі, Афрыка, Азія, Новая Зеландыя, Аўстралія, Еўропа і Цэнтральная Амерыка і Сампсон бокса падзеі былі транслявацца на такіх прэм'ерных сетках, як HBO, Час Для Шоу, ESPN, VS. і некалькі міжнародных сетак.

CHRIS EUBANK JR. супраць. ARTHUR ABRAHAM IBO Super Middleweight World Championship

Юбенк малодшы. супраць. Arthur Abraham card
Праветрыванне у гэтую суботу live on PPV in US & in Canada on Super Channel

TENAFLY, N.J.(Ліпеня 13, 2017) – The International Boxing Organization (IBO ў) World super middleweight title fight у гэтую суботу (Julky 15) between defending champion Юбенк малодшы.і прэтэндэнтам “Кароль” Артур Абрахам will be available to watch on Pay Per View in the United States, as well as in Canada exclusively on Super Channel, пачынаючы з 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 am PT, live from SES Arena, Уэмблі ў Лондане, Англія.
“Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам”, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, is presented in the United States by Integrated Sports Media and Protocol Sports Marketing, Ltd.
Integrated Sports Media will distribute “Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам” live in the United States on cable, satellite and online PPV via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DISH and FITE TV for a suggested retail price of only $29.95.
Outside of North America, “Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам” is being distributed to broadcasters worldwide by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, Protocol Sports Marketing Ltd.
In Canada, the event will be available on television to fight fans that subscribe to premium pay television network Super Channel. Contact the local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, у тым ліку прэміум-серыі, фільмы і многае іншае, па цане $9.95 памесячна.
The winner of the 12-round main event fight, matching Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 КО) against 3-time, 2-division world champion will earn a spot in the World Boxing Series for the inaugural Muhammad Ali Trophy.
Also on the PPV card, Міжнародная федэрацыя бокса (IBF) Featherweight World Champion “Маланка” Ці Селбі (24-1, 9 КО) defends his title for the third tine, versus former WBA Featherweight World Champion and IBF No. 1 месца суперніка, Argentinian challenger Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 КО), in the 12-round co-featured event.
Two other 12-round title fights will air on the broadcast from London as No. 11-месца Kid Galahad (22-0, 13 КО) defends his IBF Inter-Continental featherweight title against Mexican challenger Хасэ “El Tigre” Cayetano (21-5, 10 КО), while undefeated WBA Continental super lightweight champion Robbie Davis Jr. (15-0, 11 КО), Няма займае. 4 па версіі IBF, бярэ на сябе Міхал Syrowatka (18-1, 6 КО), Польшчы.
All fights and fighters subject to change.
Шчэбет: @IntegratedPPV, @SuperChannel, @fitetv

World Boxing Super Series spot at stake for Chris Eubank Jr. супраць. Arthur Abraham winner

Праветрыванне у гэтую суботу live on PPV in US

(L-Р) – Юбенк малодшы & Артур Абрахам
(photo by Sebastian Heger)
TENAFLY, N.J.(Ліпеня 11, 2017) – Much more is on the line than a world title and bragging rights for rising British Юбенк малодшы. and 3-time, 2-чэмпіён свету “Кароль” Артур Абрахаму гэтую суботу (Ліпеня 15), available to watch on Pay Per View in the United States, пачынаючы з 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 am PT, live from SES Arena, Уэмблі ў Лондане, Англія.
“Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам”, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, is presented in the United States by Integrated Sports Media and Protocol Sports Marketing, Ltd.
Integrated Sports Media will distribute “Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам” live in the United States on cable and satellite and online PPV via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DISH and FITE TV for a suggested retail price of only $29.95.
Outside of North America, “Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам” is being distributed to broadcasters worldwide by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, Protocol Sports Marketing Ltd.
In Canada, the event will be available on television to fight fans that subscribe to premium pay television network Super Channel. Contact the local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, у тым ліку прэміум-серыі, фільмы і многае іншае, па цане $9.95 памесячна.
Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 КО) will make his first International Boxing Organization (IBO ў) super middleweight world title defense against Abraham (46-5, 30 КО), but it has just been announced that the winner will now move on to compete in the World Boxing Series for the inaugural Muhammad Ali Trophy.
The super middleweight division of the World Boxing Series (WBC) already includes a star-studded field: Сусветная баксёрская асацыяцыя (WBA) Super champion Джордж Гровс (26-3, 19 КО), former WBA and World Boxing Organization (WBO) тытула Юрген Braehmer (48-3, 35 КО), Эрык Скоглунд (26-0, 12 КО), Джэймі Кокс (23-0, 13 КО), Калум Сміт (22-0, 17 КО), Роб Брант (22-0, 15 КО) і Avni “Містэр. RobotYildirim (16-0, 10 КО).
The official WBS draw was held this past weekend in Monaco and the No. 3 seeded Eubank Jr-Abraham winner is matched against Yildirim, the 25-year-old Turk and reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) International Silver champion, in the quarterfinals.
I look forward to testing myself against the best fighters out there,” Eubank Jr. сказаў. “The Muhammad Ali Trophy is a great idea and I am thrilled to participate. I am taking one step at a time and right now all my focus is on the fight with Arthur Abraham. With just one win between me and the World Boxing Series, I am extremely motivated.
The World Boxing Series, which also features eight elite cruiserweights competing in the other division, will be conducted in a bracket-style elimination tournament. There will be four quarterfinals (September/October 2017), two semifinals (early 2018) and one final in May 2018.
All my focus is on the difficult and spectacular fight in Wembley,” Abraham commented. “I have to and I will defeat Eubank in a big fight. Then things will take off with the World Series of Boxing, which really is amazing. There are so many great fights in such a short period of time, like blow-by-blow. The boxing fans will really love it. I have been dreaming of having a tournament with the world’s best boxers. I will become the world’s best super middleweight. This really is the Champions League of Boxing and I am really looking forward to it.

Міжнародная федэрацыя бокса (IBF) Featherweight World Champion “Маланка” Ці Селбі (24-1, 9 КО) makes the third defense of his IBF Featherweight World title, which he originally captured May 30, 2015, taking an eighth-round technical decision over previously unbeaten Evgeny Gradovich (19-0-1, 9 КО), in the 12-round co-feature against former WBA Featherweight World Champion and IBF No. 1 месца суперніка, Argentinian challenger Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 КО).
Also scheduled to air live are a pair of 12-round championship bouts as IBF No. 11-месца Kid Galahad (22-0, 13 КО) defends his IBF Inter-Continental featherweight title against Mexican challenger Хасэ “El Tigre” Cayetano (21-5, 10 КО), in addition to undefeated WBA Continental super lightweight champion Robbie Davis Jr. (15-0, 11 КО), Няма займае. 4 па версіі IBF, прымаючы наМіхал Syrowatka (18-1, 6 КО), Польшчы.
All fights and fighters subject to change.
Шчэбет: @IntegratedPPV, @SuperChannel, @fitetv

Юбенк малодшы. супраць. Arthur Abraham IBO Super Middleweight World Championship

AIRING IN CANADA У гэтую суботу
EDMONTON, Альберта, Канада (Ліпеня 9, 2017) – In a continuing campaign to make it a network destination for Canadian boxing fans, Super Channel has announced its subscribers across Canada will be able to watch гэта суботу action from London, headlined by International Boxing Organization (IBO ў) Суперсреднем чэмпіён свету Юбенк малодшы. against 3-time, 2-division world titlist “Кароль” Артур Абрахам, пачынаючы з 2:30 p.m. І / 11:30 a.m. PT, live from The SES Arena, Уэмблі, у Лондане.
Four championship fights on the exciting “Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам” карта, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, will air live on Super Channel.
Super Channel has recently aired Brook vs. Спенс малодшы. and Pacquiao-Horn, live from the UK and Australia, адпаведна.
We are delighted to have yet another world-class bout to bring to Canadian fight fans,” said Troy Wassill. Dorector of Programming, Domestic Distributors & Sports for Super Channel. “The phenomenal response on social media we had to the Pacquiao vs Horn bout we recently aired, goes to show that Canadian viewers are hungry for more great boxing action and we intend to deliver.
The 27-year-old, British-born Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 КО) is the son of Chris Eubank Sr., (45-5-2, 23 КО), былы Сусветнай баксёрскай арганізацыі (WBO) super middleweight and middleweight world champion, who co-trains and manages his son.
Eubank Jr. is a former Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) Чэмпіён свету ў сярэднім. The rising British star captured the IBO title this past February, прыпынак Рэнольд Квінлан (11-1, 7 КО) у 10й круглы. His July 15й fight versus Abraham will be his first IBO title defense.
Eubank is also world rated No. 5 Сусветная баксёрская рада (WBC), Ня. 8 by the International Boxing Federation (IBF).
The far more experienced Abraham (46-5, 30 КО), fighting out of Berlin, Германія, Is the IBO No. 1 месца суперніка. The tough Armenia-native is a two-time WBO super middleweight world champion, in addition to being a former IBF Middleweight World Champion. Remarkably, ён 18-4 (9 КО) in world championships, 7-4 (4 КО) against former or current world champions.
Past world champions Abraham has defeated during his 17-year professional career includes Рауль Маркес, Гектар Хаўер Веласко, Джэрмэйн Тэйлар, Robert Stieglitz тры разы, і Giovanni De Carolis. “Кароль” Arthur also holds victories over world-class opponents such as Martin Murray, Пол Сміт двойчы, Лахуана Simon, Эдысан Міранда двойчы, Khoren Gevor, Sebastian Demers, Kofi Jantuah, Kingsley Ikeke, Robin Krasniqi і Howard Eastman.
Four of Abraham’s five career losses have been to world champions Карл Фроч, Андрэ Уорд, Gilberto Ramirez and Stieglitz, who is the only opponent to stop Abraham, winner of 10 з яго апошніх 11 баі, the most recent a 12-round unanimous decision win over Krasniqi (46-4, 17 КО) this past April in Germany.
Abraham is the No. 1 ranked WBO super middleweight, WBA No. 4, і Няма. 7 by the IBF and Кальцо magazine.
Welshman “Маланка” Ці Селбі (24-1, 9 КО) makes his third defense of his IBF Featherweight World title, which he originally captured May 30, 2015, taking an eighth-round technical decision over previously unbeaten Evgeny Gradovich (19-0-1, 9 КО).
In the 12-round co-feature, the popular Selby will face his stiffest challenge in former WBA Featherweight World Champion Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 КО), of Argentina, the IBF No. 1 супернік.
Also scheduled to air live on Super Channel on July 15й are a pair of interesting 12-round match-ups as highly-touted Kid Galahad (22-0, 13 КО) defends his IBF Inter-Continental featherweight title against the stiffest test of his young career, Mexican challenger Хасэ “El Tigre” Cayetano(21-5, 10 КО), as well as undefeated WBA Continental super lightweight champion Robbie Davis Jr. (15-0, 11 КО), Няма займае. 4 па версіі IBF, puts his belt on the line versus Міхал Syrowatka (18-1, 6 КО), Польшчы.
To see the “Eubank Jr. супраць. Абрагам” жыць, а таксама больш захапляльны бокс прыйсці, fight fans in Canada can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it has to offer, у тым ліку прэміум-серыі, фільмы і многае іншае, па цане $9.95 памесячна.
Шчэбет: @SuperChannel
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World Boxing Super Series kicks off in style as quarter-finals are set during draft gala in Monaco

Манака, Ліпеня 9 2017
Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Mark Hermenau/World Boxing Super Series
For higher res images please email Matt Rich: MJR@WorldBoxingSuperSeries

The drama in Monaco unfolded when the super-middleweights were called onto the stage. As the top seed, WBA Super Champion George Groves had four opponents to choose from. He picked British rival Jamie Cox for adomestic dust-up.Second-seeded Callum Smith then selected Swedish sensation Erik Skoglund, with the WBC Diamond Championship on the line due to Smith´s status as the WBC´s top-ranked challenger. The third seed was given to the winner of next week´s showdown between Chris Eubank Jr. and Arthur Abraham. With both fighters in training, this pairing was represented by Chris Eubank Senior, who choseThe Dentist” Аўні Йылдырым. This set the stage for the fourth quarter-final between fourth-seed Juergen Braehmer and undefeated US challenger Rob Brant.

The cruiserweight line-up featured all four reigning champions, two former champions, a KO king and a rising challenger. Second-seed Murat Gassiev, the IBF Champion, did not get to pick an opponent because he has to face mandatory challenger Krzysztof Wlodarczyk. This left Olympic gold medal winner Oleksandr Usyk, the first seed, with Marco Huck, Dmitry Kudryashov and Perez as potential opponents. Usyk selected Huck, with third-seed Briedis then picking Perez. This also set up the clash between fourth-seeded Dorticos and “руская молат” Kudryashov.

There could not have been a more exciting start to the World Boxing Super Series,” said Roberto Dalmiglio, Comosa`s Head of Management Board. “This tournament will change the face of boxing because it pits the best against the best in a fan-friendly way. The fans will get to see a lot of exciting fights in a very short time. Something like this has never been done before. We promised the best fighters out there and today we brought them all together live on stage in the stunning setting of the Grimaldi Forum.

Said Kalle Sauerland, Comosa`s Chief Boxing Officer: “The last couple of days have been filled with intriguing discussions and speculations about the picks. The waiting is finally over and we are proud to present eight amazing fights. The inaugural season of the World Boxing Super Series will feature nine undefeated fighters, seven belts, five world champions and three former champions. To see all those stars on one stage was incredible and it will be even more exciting to see all of them in the ring in September and October. There will not be a dull moment in the Muhammad Ali Trophy.

Said Richard Schaefer, Comosa`s Chairman of the Americas. “I was fortunate to be promoting many fights of Floyd Mayweather, Oscar de la Hoya and so many others but I have to tell you this beats them all. I really believe this has an opportunity to become the brand in the sport of boxing, the kind of tournament fighters really want to participate in because it will elevate their exposure and it will elevate their careers.

The quarter-finals will be held in September and October, the semi-finals in January and February and the finals in May in top venues around the globe

Супер средневесов

Groves vs Cox:

Джордж Гровс:

Me and Jamie are old buddies. We’ve known each other a long time now. I quite fancied a bit of a domestic dust up. I wanted to pick my countryman. I know he wanted to fight me. I’ve provided him a great opportunity. He’s fighting for a World title. It’s also a strategic move. It’s a long tournament so I picked the easy guy first.

Джэймі Кокс:

I was looking forward to getting a UK dust up. George picked me and that makes for a great fight. It’s time to bury a seed!

Сміт супраць. Skoglund:

Калум Сміт:

There were four really good fighters to pick from, three left for me. I just think stylistically Erik is the best fight for me.

Эрык Скоглунд:

To kick off the quarterfinals against an undefeated top guy for the WBC Diamond belt is massive. I couldn’t be happier with the choice.

Winner of Eubank / Абрахам. Yildirim:

Крыс Юбанк:

Avni is a come forward fighter. I don’t think he knows how to go back. He brings war, and that will make for a spectacular fight. Once my son gets past Arthur Abraham, he will do the same to Avni. Chris Eubank Jr is an upgraded version of me.

Аўні Йылдырым:

I am very happy to be here. Good luck to the winner of Eubank and Abraham because it is my time now.

Брэмер супраць. Казарка:
Юрген Braehmer:

Since I could not pick any opponent any more, I got the strongest guy. The others apparently avoided him. I look forward to the start of the tournament and I am curious to find out when and where the fight will take place.

Роб Брант:

There’s not an easy fight in this tournament. Whether it was the first person to pick or the last person they are all champions. I’m ready to do my best.


Гасіеў супраць. Влодарчик:

Мурат Гасіеў

I want to say thank you for everyone who made this tournament. I’m very happy to be here. I’m fighting Krzysztof because he is my number one contender. He is a tough opponent and I’m sure we give boxing fans a great fight.

Кшыштаф Влодарчик

I’m very happy because Gassiev is a good fighter and a tough guy. We will give people a good fight.

Аляксандр Усык

I picked him for my fans.

Марка Хук

This is my wish opponent. People say he is really goodan Olympic and World Championbut we will see when he gets in the ring with me.

Mairis Deer

He is a great fighter from Cuba. He comes from heavyweight division and will give me a tough fight.

Майк Перэс

It’s a great challenge. He’s a champion so I’m looking forward to it. It’s going to be my first belt. I’m looking forward to the fight.

Юниер Дортикос

It’s going to be a great fight and something really interesting for the fans.

Дзмітрый Кудрашоў

I’m happy with this opponent. It will be a good fight.

Participants confirmed: 16 з 16
Number of belts: 7
Number of world champions: 5
Number of former world champions: 3
Number of undefeated fighters: 9
Combined Record of participants: 398 перамог, 16 страты, 275 КО (not counting Eubank/Abraham)
Confirmed Cruiserweights (8 з 8)
Аляксандр Усык (12-0, 10 КО), Чэмпіён свету па тэнісе WBO
Юниер Дортикос (21-0, 20 КО), Чэмпіён свету па версіі WBA
Мурат Гасіеў (24-0, 17 КО), Чэмпіён свету па версіі IBF
Mairis Deer (22-0, 18 КО), Чэмпіён свету па версіі WBC
Кшыштаф Влодарчик (53-3-1, 37 КО), former IBF / Чэмпіён свету па версіі WBC & IBF top-ranked challenger
Марка Хук (40-4-1, 27 КО), former WBO World Champion
Дзмітрый Кудрашоў (21-1, 21 КО)
Майк Перэс (22-2-1, 14 КО)
Confirmed Super-Middleweights (8 з 8)
Джордж Гровс (26-3, 19 КО), WBA Super Champion
Юрген Braehmer (48-3, 35 КО), former WBA & Чэмпіён WBO
Эрык Скоглунд (26-0, 12 КО)
Джэймі Кокс (23-0, 13 КО)
Калум Сміт (22-0, 17 КО)
Роб Брант (22-0, 15 КО)
Аўні Йылдырым (16-0, 10 КО)
Winner of Eubank (24-1, 19 КО) супраць. Абрагам (46-5, 30 КО)
Organised by Comosa AG, the World Boxing Super Series will kick off in September 2017, featuring the Cruiserweight and Super Middleweight divisions. In each weight class, eight elite boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarter-finals (fall 2017), two semi-finals (early 2018) and one final (Мая 2018). This makes for seven top fights per weight class, and a total of 14 fights in Season One to be staged in premier venues around the globe. The winners of the World Boxing Super Series will rightfully receive The Greatest Prize in Boxing, the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Please visit our website www.WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

World Boxing Super Series Announces Seeding for Inaugural Season of Muhammad Ali Trophy


World Boxing Super Series to feature Cruiserweight and Super Middleweight Divisions in Season 1 – Enrollment begins on May 15

Zurich, 9th May 2017
Comosa AG, the organiser of boxing´s first global knock-out tournament, is delighted to announce that the inaugural season of the World Boxing Super Series will feature the fiercely-competitive cruiserweight and super middleweight divisions. In each weight class, eight fighters will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament. The last man standing will receive the GREATEST prize in boxing, the Muhammad Ali Trophy.
We are thrilled to kick off the World Boxing Super Series in style with two of the sport’s most exciting divisions,”said Roberto Dalmiglio, Comosa’s Head of Management Board.The tournament will create never- seen before drama for fans around the globe.
Richard Schaefer, Comosa’s Chairman of the Americas, believes the World Boxing Super Series will lift boxing to a new level. Ён сказаў: “The cruiserweights and super-middleweight have time and time again thrown up thrilling contestsbut nobody has ever pitted the top fighters against each other in a fan-friendly, easy-to- understand way within a short period of time. Our revolutionary KO tournament will take less than a year and deliver the crème de la crème in these weights with a blend of past, present and future from the world’s finest fighters.
The tournament will kick off in September, with four quarter-finals per division. The semi-finals will be held in early 2018, and the winners will be crowned in May 2018. “We have an exciting format, two exciting divisions and now we will sign exciting fighters,” said Kalle Sauerland, Comosa´s Chief Boxing Officer. “These weights give a great opportunity for us to deliver a huge geographic spread. Акрамя таго,, I can imagine champions and challengers from other divisions, such as light heavyweight, stepping up or down in weight to join the quest for the Ali Trophy.
A special boxer selection process has been put in place to determine the contestants for Season One.
На Мая 15, tournament enrollment will commence where all WBA, WBC, WBO and IBF Champions as well as all top 15 world-ranked contenders (or their respective promoters, agents, managers or trainers with legal entitlement) can make their application to enter the tournament via enrollment@WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com.
Enrollment closes on Мая 26. All applicants will be verified and evaluated by the board of Comosa. The Comosa Sports Division will then contract eight fighters per weight class as well as potential back-ups.
У early July, Comosa will stage an official Presentation Gala in Monte Carlo to publicly announce all 16 participants and determine the draw. In each weight class, the four top seeds will select their quarter-final opponents from the four unseeded boxers in a live TV show.
Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, please visit the newly-launched webpage www.WorldBoxingSuperSeries.comor follow the tournament on Twitter (@WBSuperSeries), Facebook (@WBSuperSeries), Instagram (@WBSuperSeries) or Snapchat (@WBSuperSeries).

Derrick Webster battles Frankie Filippone for WBF International Super Middleweight title on Saturday, May 13th at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, Пэнсыльванія

Plus undefeated Vidal Rivera, Mike Hilton, Мікель LesPierre, Frederick Wilhite in action

Ikram Kerwat in co-main event against Althea Saunders for WBF Junior Regional title

Bristol, Пэнсыльванія (Мая 8, 2017)Super Middleweight’s Дэрык Webster і Frankie Filippone will battle in an 10-round bout for the WBF International Super Middleweight title on У суботу ўвечары, May 13th на The Grundy Arena у Bristol, Пэнсыльванія.

That bout will headline a card promoted by Deuce Promotions , Mis Downing Promotions & Kane 5 Акцыі.
Вэбстэр з Глассборо, Нью-Джэрсі запіс 22-1 з 11 накаўты.
The 34 year-old is an eight-year professional, who has amassed wins over Obodai Sai (23-1), and his most recent bout when he won a ten round unanimous decision over Thomas Awimbono on January 21st in Trenton, New Jersey in a bout he captured the USBO Super Middleweight title.
Webster will be gunning for his 4th consecutive victory since his lone defeat when he dropped a ten round unanimous decision to Arif Magomedov.
Filippone of Norfolk, Вірджынія мае запіс 22-5-1 з сямю накаўтам.
The 37 year-old Filippone has wins over Aaron Jaco (17-3) & Reggie LeCrete (4-1-2).
Like Webster, Filippone is on a winning streak, as he will be looking for 7th straight win. У сваім апошнім баі, Filippone won a six-round unanimous decision over Timothy Hall, Малодшы. Жнівень 25, 2016 in Virginia Beach, Віргінія.
У шэсць круглых са-функцыя, Ikram Kerwat (7-1, 5 КО) of Frankfurt, Germany will take on Althea Saunders (3-3-2) in a WBF Regional lightweight title.
Акрамя таго, у шасці круглых баі:
Мікель LesPierre (15-0-1, 7 КО) Нью-Ёрк, Нью-Ёрк возьме на сябе Jerome Rodriguez (7-8-3, 2 КО) Аллентаун, PA in a junior welterweight bout.
У чатыры круглых баі:
Mike Hilton (5-0, 5 КО) Трэнтан, Нью-Джэрсі возьме на сябе Eric Cason (2-5, 2 КО) of Davenport, Iowa in a cruiserweight bout.

Бачыў Рывэра (5-0, 4 КО) Камден, Нью-Джэрсі будуць змагацца Jose Homar Rios у полулегком бой

Mike Fowler (5-7, 2 КО) Мілўокі, WI will battle Frederick Wilhite (5-0, 3 КО) Пенсакола, Florida in a welterweight bout.

Брэндон Робінсан (2-1, 1 KO) of Upper Darby, PA will take on pro debuting Shalamar Bernard in an light heavyweight bout.
Дантэ Селбі (2-2-1) Of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a heavyweight affair.
Дэрыл Банцінг (3-1-2, 1 KO) з Asbury Park, NJ will take on pro debuting Quintaveous Rosser Атланты, Georgia in a super middleweight fight.
Gowar Karyah of Pennsylvania will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named ín a super bantamweight bout.

Jesus Salas (1-0, 1 KO) of Puerto Rico battles Deon Richardson у лёгкі бой.

Tickets for this night of championship boxing cost $125 для VIP, $75 for Front Row, $50 for Floor seating & $30 for General admission and can be purchased by calling 215-688-3546
The Grundy Arena is located at :
475 Beaver St, Bristol, Пэнсыльванія 19007