Tag Archives: Sugar Ray Leonard

Premier dambe gasar zakarun ON NBCSN jirgin saman soja Kafofin Watsa Labaru WORKOUT Quotes & Hotuna

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Bashi: Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Boston (Oktoba 8, 2015) – Mayakan dauki bangare a cikin wani kafofin watsa labarai motsa jiki a yau a Welch ta Gym ta Kudu Boston zuwa shura kashe yaki mako don wannan Asabar dare ta Premier dambe gasar zakarun a kan NBCSN katin a Lowell Memorial masu sauraro a Lowell, MA, headlined daDanny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos) vs. Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos) tare da sau uku-BBC ɗaukar hoto lokacin da na fara a 8:00 p.m. DA/5:00 p.m. Santa.
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment a cikin tarayya, tare da Murphys dambe, An saka farashi a $125, $85, $50 da kuma $35, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. Musamman dalibi, tsohon soja da kuma babban jami'in tikitin farashin ma samuwa. Ga tikiti ziyarar www.lowellauditorium.com
Ga a nan abin da mahalarta ya ce Laraba:
“Wannan shi ne duk game da ni yaki da tsari. Gabriel Bracero beat me but I really beat myself. Just like training for this fight, we had a baby son. Two weeks before our first fight, my first son was born and I didn’t know how to separate sport from such life-changing events. Na yi 14-0 da kuma yaki da a kan Showtime. We just had a baby boy two weeks before this fight. I want to prove to myself that I can beat this process. Bracero is my redemption!
“Wannan yaki ne ni vs. ni. The time was right for this fight. I was offered this fight five times during the past few years but the time wasn’t right.
I was a scared little kid with no experience in our first fight. I couldn’t handle the pressure, I didn’t even know it was there. Yanzu, I’m a mature man who is a husband and father. I’m a totally different person.
This fight could be in my living room. I’m at peace in the ring doing what I love to do. It’s great being back in the ring in Lowell, inda na lashe New England Golden Guanto take da zan fada a kan kasa TV, amma da taron ne tsakanin hudu sasanninta, kuma lalle ne abin da gaske kirga.”
Jibra'ilu BRACERO
“Ba ni da m. I’ve trained for this fight like I’ve never fought Danny before. I beat him but that was four years ago. I can’t overlook him. He has obviously made improvements and I did also to get where we are today.
“Ina mafi gogaggen. I moved to train in Orlando and get away from distractions. I hit a few bumps and got incarcerated. Tommy Gallagher (mai horo) saved my lie. He was there when I went to prison and there when I got out. I added a new trainer to our corner, Alexander Lopes, amma Tommy da mahaifina, Kiro, are still there. Tommy gives the orders and he likes what Lopez has done with me.
Tommy Gallagher is my guardian angel. He believed in me more than I believed in myself. He had this vision before I did.
Danny has become a better fighter. Ba zan iya daukar wani abu daga gare shi, amma ina fatan sa a kan wani m yi Asabar dare.”
“Zan je su sa shi 20-ga-20, a! I’m powerful because I make strong moves. My left hook is my best punch. Zan iya jin da ikon ta hanyar ta dukan jiki lokacin da na buga wani hakki.
“Ba na damu da na abokin gaba, ko kuma abin da ya ke yi a baya.
Lawrence is my home now. I will go back to the Dominican Republic in December for the holidays. I feel like a Bostonian. This is the sixth fight I’ve trained here for and I love the Boston Red Sox.
Danny Aquino
“Ta karshe yaki propelled ni (tada ta yanke shawara a kan Ryan Kielczweski). It made me more confident in myself. Ta karshe yaki yana kan ESPN kuma wannan daya ne a kan NBCSN.
I don’t know too much about my opponent other than he has power that I’ll be looking out for. A win over him should put me in the top 10 kuma shi ne ya sa ba ni da haka motsa domin wannan yaki.
“I lashe New England Golden Guanto gasar a Lowell Memorial masu sauraro a 2007.
“Na horar da wuya da kuma ba ni da ko da yaushe a kyau isa siffar doke wani.”
I like fighting at home and this is one of my favorite venues. I won the New England Golden Gloves there twice.
“Na horar da wannan ya zama toughest yaki na rayuwa.
“(Vasquez) is tough with a lot of power. He’s going come forward, amma na ji su iya fita-akwatin shi.
“Ya ke rated a saman 10 na duniya da kuma nasara ya kamata sa ni da baya a saman 10 yaƙi don a duniya suna a cikin shekara ta gaba.”
“Wannan shi ne babban damar a gare ni. I think this fight will put me on the map fighting on national TV and showing fans what I’ve got.
“Ba ni da wani jin yunwa, small fighter determined to win. I fight for my wife, Sandra, wanda ya mataki da huɗu ciwon daji da kuma ta takwas mai shekaru 'yar, Kaline, who has autism. It’s not just me fighting in the ring, it’s the Vasquez family. With God’s grace, wani abu mai yiwuwa ne.
“Ryan motsa mai yawa. He uses the ring and boxes. He lost to Aquino and I know he’ll be coming back to prove himself. “
Gary “Karu” O'SULLIVAN
Boston is my second home. I love it here. The people are so nice and there are good gyms.
“Ina da farin ciki, nishadi jirgin saman soja wanda ko da yaushe ya zo ku yi yãƙi.
“Bayan da na gama kashe Eubanks, Zan zama Babu. 1 contender a cikin WBA da Golovkin ba zai iya riƙe ni kashe wani tsawon.
I watched a few clips of my opponent. We have identical records. We both knock people out, so I have to be careful. I’d like to get in a few rounds, amma lokacin da na buga mutane, suka fada.”
Stephen ORMOND
My first four fights were here in the US. Boston is like my second home. The people are so nice. Boston is a real fight city. I can’t wait for these people to see me in the ring.
I saw my opponent fight last year in Boston. He’s an experienced guy with a lot of fights. He fought for a world title a long time ago.
“Tare da Ken Casey baya ni, an impressive victory will get me a title shot. I’ll take any of them. Na yi yaki tafi da daya, losing a qualifier. My grandmother passed away the day of my fight. I’m ready now!”
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A Asabar, Oct. 10 edition na Premier dambe gasar zakarun a kan NBCSN, ciyar da DiBella Entertainment a cikin tarayya, tare da Murphys dambe, siffofi da wani O'Connor(26-2, 10 Kos) da kuma Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos) rematch a cikin wani 10-zagaye welterweight super middleweight showdown, Jonathan “Sulemanu Sarki” Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos) Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos) a cikin wani 10-zagaye super bantamweight wasan har, da kuma Ryan “A Yaren mutanen Poland Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos) ya gana Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos) a cikin wani 10-zagaye featherweight fadan don buɗe PBC a kan NBCSAN watsa shirye-shirye a 8:00 p.m. DA/5 p.m. Santa.
Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.lowellauditorium.com da kuma www.dbe1.com, bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, NBCSports DaSwanson_Comm da zama a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys,www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxingda kuma www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Danny O'CONNOR VS. Jibra'ilu BRACERO II, Ryan KIELCZWESKI VS. Rafael VAZQUEZ ci gaba Boston VS. NYC zobe kishi

Premier dambe gasar zakarun ON NBCSN
Asabar, OKTOBA 10 DAGA LOWELL tunawa masu sauraro IN LOWELL, Massachusetts
8 P.M. DA/5 P.M. Santa
LOWELL, Mass. (Oktoba 6, 2015) – Babban Boston vs. New York City wasanni kishi ci gaba Asabar, Oktoba 10 a cikin zobe a kan kasa talabijin da arewa maso gabashin bragging yancin kan layi kamar yadda Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) a kan NBCSN ta zo tarihi Lowell Memorial masu sauraro a Lowell, Massachusetts.
A Boston gida tawagar aika daga welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos) and featherweight Ryan “A Yaren mutanen Poland Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos), bi da bi, da Brooklyn invaders Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos) da kuma Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos).
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment a cikin tarayya, tare da Murphys dambe, ne a kan sayar da saka farashi a $125, $85, $50 da kuma $35, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji. Musamman dalibi, tsohon soja da kuma babban jami'in tikitin farashin ma samuwa. Ga tikiti, Ziyarar www.lowellauditorium.com.
O'Connorwill a neman fansa ga 2011 hasãra ga Braceroin da 10-zagaye main taron, yayin da Kielczweski fuskantar da toughest gwajin na aiki a kan Vasquez a cikin 10-zagaye fadan don buɗe NBCSN watsa shirye-shirye a 8 p.m. DA/5 p.m. Santa.
A cikin sauran shirya talabijin yaki, undefeated Dominican super bantamweight KO artistJonathan “Sulemanu Sarki” Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos), yaki daga nan kusa Lawrence (MA), daukan kan Connecticut ta kau da shiryayye Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos) a cikin 10-zagaye co-alama.
Boston vs. New York ne mai classic matchup abin da ya mamaye wasanni Adadin labarai a arewa maso gabashin shekaru a matsayin New York Yankees, kuma Boston Red Sox kulla akan ubangiji m yaƙe-yaƙe yayin da New England yan kishin kasa fuskantar da New York Kattai biyu Super bowls kuma ci gaba da madugun kishi da sabon York jiragen sama. A arziki al'adar wannan kishi ya kuma zub da cikin zobe a matsayin masu yawa saman mayakan daga kowane yanki sun fuskanci-kashe a tsawon shekaru.
Na farko gagarumin Boston vs. NYC yaki ke mayar da 1927 a Yankee Stadium, a lokacin da Jack Dempsey tsaya Jack “A Boston Gab” Sharkey a cikin bakwai zagaye na matakin matsakaicin nauyi take eliminator zuwa kalubalanci duniya zakara Gene Tunney. Controversy surrounded this fight as Sharkey, wani ma'aikacin jirgin ruwa a cikin U.S. Navy, suka yi jihãdi da dambe tsafi, Dempsey, wanda tare da Mace Rut ruled Manhattan during America’s Golden Age of Sports in the 1920s. Sharkey out-boxed Dempsey for six rounds until, gunaguni da alkalin wasa game da Dempsey ta low punches, ya buga daga sanyi da hoto-cikakke hagu ƙugiya.
Wani almara matakin matsakaicin nauyi Zakaran daga yankin Boston, M Marciano, dã ba su yi ritaya tare da shahara 49-0 record if one round or another were scored differently against Bronx favorite Roland LaStarza in 1950. Marciano took a questionable 10-round decision from LaStarza at Madison Square Garden. Shekaru uku daga baya a Polo filayen, Marciano samu nasarar kare ya duniya take, yin karan daga LaStarza a cikin 11ga watanzagaye na 1953 Yaki na bana.
A biyu daga Hall of daraja Olympics daga Brooklyn, Floyd Patterson da kuma “Iron” Mike Tyson, bi da bi, buga daga Boston ta Tom McNeeley da ɗansa, Peter McNeeley. McNeeley dropped Patterson once but he hit the deck 11 sau kafin a karshe succumbing a karo na hudu zagaye na 1961 title fight in Toronto. His son, Bitrus, rasa ta farko-zagaye disqualification zuwa Tyson wanda aka fada da farko tun ana sake daga kurkuku.
A mai kashe gobara daga Boston da gaggautsa hannayensu, Paul Pender, sau biyu ci arguably da yarjejeniya Mafi Girma na All-lokaci, Harlem ta “Sugar” Ray Robinson, ba sau ɗaya amma sau biyu ta 15-zagaye raba yanke shawara a 1960 duniya middleweight take yi yãki a Boston Aljanna.
“M” Marvin Hagler, a transplanted New Jersey jirgin saman soja da suke zaune a Marciano ta garinsu na Brockton, Taro., ji yage kashe a lõkacin da ya aka ba a Draw a ta farko da duniya take yaki da Brooklyn ta kare Zakaran Vito Antuofermo a Las Vegas. Bayan shekaru biyu, a 1981, Hagler kama da coveted kambi a Boston Aljanna kamar yadda Antuofermo ritaya bayan hudu akai-akai.
Ko Lowell ta “Dan Ailan” Micky Ward yana da New York City kishiya a Brooklyn ta Zab Yahuza, who he dropped a hard-fought 12-round decision to in 1998. For many years Judah said Ward was the toughest opponent he ever fought.
More kwanan nan, Irish wasannin Kevin McBride, yaki daga cikin Dorchester sashe na Boston, ƙare Tyson ta aiki a 2005 da shida-zagaye TKO nasara cewa ya bar duniya dambe a buga, da kuma Boston matakin matsakaicin nauyi John Ruiz – kadai Latino matakin matsakaicin nauyi zakara na duniya – ya lashe a 2008 yãƙi a Mexico da Harlem ta Jameel McCline ta 12-zagaye yanke shawara a duniya da take eliminator.
A kan Oktoba 10, O'Connor, Bracero, Kielczweski da Vazquez, suna da damar da za su ba kawai wakilci su hometowns, amma don etch kansu a cikin tarihin da kishi.
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Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.lowellauditorium.com da kuma www.dbe1.com, bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, NBCSports DaSwanson_Comm da zama a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys,www.facebook.com / MurphysBoxingda kumawww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Sugar Ray Leonard ya kõmo zuwa LOWELL tunawa masu sauraro 42 SHEKARU bayan ya lashe NATIONAL Golden safofin hannu MUƘAMIN BABU

Danny O'CONNOR VS. Jibra'ilu BRACERO rematch Adadin labarai
Premier dambe gasar zakarun ON NBCSN
Asabar, Oct. 10 DAGA CIKIN LOWELL, Massachusetts
(Photo Credit: Premier dambe gasar zakarun)
LOWELL, Mass. (Oktoba 1, 2015) – Arba'in da shekara biyu bayan da ya kama ta farko National Golden Guanto gasar take a Lowell Memorial masu sauraro, Hall-na-Famer Sugar Ray Leonard dawo Asabar, Oktoba 10 to wannan tarihi gini a matsayin talabijin Analyst for Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) a kan NBCSN, ciyar da DiBella Entertainment a cikin tarayya, tare da Murphys dambe, airing live daga Lowell, Massachusetts.
PBC a kan NBCSN ne headlined da wani 10-zagaye rematch tsakanin Framingham (MA) welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos), wanda aka fada to saka masa 2011 hasãra ga Brooklyn welterweight Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos). O'Connor da Leonard biyu na kawai hudu mutane su taba lashe National Golden Guanto da National Amateur Championship a cikin wannan shekara. O'Connor tattara biyu accolades a 2008.
Leonard kama saman karrama a cikin hur rabo (132 fam) na 1973 Kasa Golden Guanto gasar, outpointing Hilmer Kenty a cikin gasar karshe a Lowell Memorial masu sauraro. Leonard ya lashe National Golden Guanto gasar a hasken welterweight take a shekara, yayin da shekara bakwai daga baya Kenty zama na farko da masu sana'a duniya zakara, daga Emanuel Steward's nan da nan-da-zama almara Kronk Gym a Detroit.
“Daya daga cikin mafi m lokacin da rayuwa ta faru a Lowell, Massachusetts,” Leonard recently said about his aforementioned experience. “Shi ne m.”
Bugu da ƙari, Leonard da Kenty, biyar sauran nan gaba duniya zakarun – Marvin Hagler,Aaron Pryor, Art Frias, Leon da kuma Michael Spinks – competed a cikin 1973 Kasa Golden Guanto gasar. Leonard, Hagler, Pryor da Michael Spinks ne International dambe Hall of daraja inductees.
Leonard yana da wani taye zuwa Lowell, the fourth-largest city in Massachusetts. A 1978, ya lashe a 10-zagaye yanke shawara a kan Dicky Eklund a Hynes masu sauraro a Boston. Eklund shi ne shugaban horo daga cikin rabin wa, “A Pride of Lowell” da uku-lokaci “Yaki na bana” ɗan takara “Dan Ailan” Micky Ward, wanda na murna da 50ga watan ranar haihuwar wannan zuwa Oktoba 4.
Har ila yau, featured a PBC a kan NBCSN telecast ne undefeated super bantamweight tanã fita star Jonathan “Sulemanu Sarki” Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos), a Dominican Republic 'yan qasar wanda a yanzu na zaune a cikin kusa da nan Lawrence (MA), daukan kan kau da gwani Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos), na Meriden (CT), a cikin 10-zagaye co-alama.
Da watsa shirye-shirye fara a 8 p.m. DA/5 p.m. Santa kuma zai Showcase Quincy, Mass. featherweight mai yiwuwa Ryan “A Yaren mutanen Poland Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos) da Brooklyn ta Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos) a cikin wani 10-zagaye fadan.
Lowell Memorial masu sauraro, wanda ya hada da shirya da 1995 Kasa Golden Guanto gasar, wakiltar wani makõma take ga O'Connor da Kielczweski, wanda duka lashe New England Golden Guanto gasar sunayen sarauta nan.
Tikiti ne sayarwa da kuma saka farashi a $125, $85, $50 da kuma $35, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji. Musamman dalibi, tsohon soja da kuma babban jami'in tikitin farashin ma samuwa. Ga tikiti ziyarar www.lowellauditorium.com.
# # #
Don ƙarin bayani, Ziyarar www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.lowellauditorium.com da kuma www.dbe1.com, bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, NBCSports DaSwanson_Comm da zama a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys,www.facebook.com / MurphysBoxingda kumawww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.




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Photo Credit: Lucas Noonan / Premier dambe gasar zakarun

Brooklyn (Afrilu 12, 2015) – Premier dambe gasar zakarun a kan NBC returned with two exciting bouts Asabar night as Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia (30-0, 17 Kos) ci Lamont Peterson (33-3-1, 17 Kos) by majority decision and “Dan Ailan” Andy Lee (34-2-1, 24 Kos) da kuma Bitrus “Yaro Chocolate” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Kos) fought to a split draw at Barclays Center.


The evening’s second main event saw the undefeated Garcia stalk the lightning quick Peterson around the ring while consistently attacking Peterson’s body. Peterson moved well in the first half of the fight, but did not begin engaging offensively until the later rounds.


The two exchanged blows throughout a raucous twelfth round that stirred the crowd of 12,300 at Barclays Center into a frenzy. The judges tallies ended at 115-113 for Garcia twice and one score of 114-114.


“Ina jin mai girma. I prepared for a war. He was moving a lot. I thought it was close, not going to lie,” Said Garcia. “It was definitely close the whole way through. I did enough to win and I’m happy with my performance.


[On going up in weight] “I feel like I have to go up. It’s affecting my performance, but I feel like I did a great job.


I did my part. I’m not calling it a robbery but it was a good fight,” Said Peterson. “I don’t expect an easy journey for me to get where I’m going. Ina jin mai girma. That’s probably the least contact I’ve ever had in a fight.


In the first main event, Quillin scored a huge knockdown in the first round and followed it up by putting Lee on the canvas in round three. Lee made adjustments as the fight went on and began to box Quillin effectively, even putting him down in the seventh round.


Lee and Quillin landed almost the same percentage of punches with Lee connecting on 38 percent and Quillin on 39 kashi. One judge scored the bout 113-112 for Lee with another scoring the bout 113-112 for Quillin and the final had a score of 113-113.


There’s a reason why judges are judges. They see it their way. I respect the decision,” Said Quillin.


[On being knocked down] “There’s a first time for everything. I’m very thankful that I was able to get back up and keep fighting. I took a year off and I was able to go 12-rounds and I could have kept going.


“Wata m yaki. He dropped me early because I was being lazy. I got my momentum late in the fight and I boxed consistently. I understand why with two knockdowns people felt he won the decision. I could have done better yau da dare. If my next fight is Peter Quillin.


Premier Boxing Champions on NBC was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and sponsored by Corona.


Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com da kuma www.dbe1.com, bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports da kuma www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Bi hira ta yin amfani da #PremierBoxingChampions da #BKBoxing.

Premier dambe gasar zakarun ON NBC Final JARIDA Labarai Quotes & Hotuna

Click NAN Domin Photos

Photo Credit: Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Brooklyn (Afrilu 9, 2015) – As Asabar ta fight night rapidly approaches, mayakan gasar a ranar Asabar ta Premier dambe gasar zakarun a kan NBC night of fights held a final press conference Thursday at the Edison Ballroom a New York City.


PBC on NBC main event bouts at Barclays Center feature undefeated superstar Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) ta Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) and the middleweight championship bout between “Dan Ailan” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) da undefeated Bitrus “Yaro Chocolate” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos). Na biyu biya kashi-kashi na PBC a kan NBC fara a 8:30 p.m. DA.


Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 da kuma $50, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji, kuma suna sayarwa now.Tickets suna samuwa a www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.comkuma a American Express Box Office a Barclays Cibiyar. Don cajin da wayar, kira Ticketmaster a (800) 745-3000. Ga kungiyar tikiti, a iya kiran 800-GROUP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say at Thursday’s press conference:




I’ve been working on fighting hard, but also smart. I’m going to go in there and dictate the pace and I’m always looking for the knockout. If I can’t knock him out then I’ll be ready to go 12 akai-akai.


It’s always hard making weight, but I’m on weight now. Right now I’m growing into my prime and my body is getting bigger and it’ll be time soon for me to go up in weight.


I’m looking at this as a very big fight. So I’m going in there mentally and physically ready. He’s coming to fight and I’m coming to fight. Asabar is going to be about who can make the right adjustments.


I love Brooklyn. This is my fourth fight here and I’ve heard that the tickets for this fight are selling faster than any other fight they’ve held here. So I must be doing something right in Brooklyn. The atmosphere is great at Barclays Center.


I’ve always felt that I’m one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. I’ve won a lot of big fights with a lot of great fighters, and my goal is just continue winning one fight at a time.


LAMONT Peterson

Danny’s talk makes no difference to me. I think I’m even more confident than him and I’ll get the victory Asabar night and that will be that.


The stakes are high. This can definitely push me to the next level in this boxing game. I’ve been at the top for a while but there’s a difference between being at the top and being an elite fighter. I think this will solidify me as an elite fighter.


I looked at a few of Danny’s fights but nothing really stood out to me. I know Danny is a counterpuncher, that’s what he does. We’ve come up with a game plan to stop that.


I’m a different person than the other guys Danny has fought. I’m a different person with a different style. I trust myself to make adjustments in the ring.


This fight will be different than either of our fights with Matthysse. It’s two different fights and styles make fights. There will be different results. I had to prepare for Danny Garcia and Danny Garcia had to prepare for me.


There’s no pressure fighting on this big card, but I know what it brings. This brings more exposure and I want to use that exposure in the right way. I know I’m looked up to as a role model and I just want to use this exposure.


This will put a big spotlight on boxing and I’m happy to be a part of it.


“Ba ni da shirin yin yãƙi, I’ve prepared well and I’m ready to put on a show.




I’m eager to fight and ready to go. I’m feeling very dangerous right now.


My ring generalship is one thing, but overall I feel like I have a good idea of what I want to do in the ring. Peter has an idea too, but it’s more moment to moment for him, which can be good as well, when you improvise. I’m more of a guy who will set you up and work to a plan.


Coming back and winning a fight really strengthens your resolve. You know in your mind that at any time, you have a chance of winning. I never plan to be behind but it happens. This time I plan to lead from the front.


Peter is offensive, which leaves openings. He might be cautious for a while because both of us know that we might pay the price of being offensive. Eventually we’ll exchange and it will be explosive one way of the other.


I’m a southpaw puncher who can box and I’ve never been in a dull fight. I have a ‘never say dieattitude and I’m not someone who is just going to go out there and play it safe. I’ll risk it all to win.


My confidence is very high. I’m the champion of the world and there’s no higher station than that in boxing. I’m the champion and he’ll have to come and take my title.




Everyone tune in on Afrilu 11 because we’re going to do more than just try to take that belt, we’re going to take that belt because that’s what we do.


Andy is the champion of the world but this is the second time I’ve been the challenger to a world champion. I’ve been here before. I know he’s a newly crowned champion so I have nothing bad to say about him.


Andy’s greatest strength is that he lost twice and was able to come back and make himself look very good.


This is a totally different caliber fight than either of us has had. I’m not any of those fighters that he’s faced. I can’t go in there and try to fight like a Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.


I’m only concerned about working hard, which I’ve done every day leading up to this fight. So I have no concerns at all.


I’m motivated period. My heart is built on motivation in all things. Talking to media, being on NBC, fighting for the belt and being a positive person. I’m thankful that every day I can put out a positive story about myself.

Lou DIBELLA, Shugaban DiBella Entertainment


We have a great night of boxing from beginning to end, you will be hearing a lot more from these young fighters.


If you want to see everything, get there to Barclays Center at 5 p.m.


We’re very thrilled that this is going to be televised in primetime on NBC. PBC a kan NBC. It has a nice ring to it.


The first main event of the evening features Andy Lee, middleweight champion and the fighting pride of Limerick. He is a warrior, he’s at the most confident point of his career and he’s going to need to be because he’s fighting an undefeated champion.


Peter Quillin makes Brooklyn his home. It’s his third fight at Barclays Center and he has a perfect record of 31-0. He’s going to try to take Andy’s belt, amma shi ba zai zama da sauki.


The bout that will close the show is one of the most eagerly anticipated bouts in all of boxing. Lamont Peterson is noted for being one of the most technically sound boxers in the game and he has an outstanding record to a back it up.


Danny Garcia really embodies what it means to be a Philadelphia fighter. He’s a tough guy with an undefeated record. He’s going to look to keep that record perfect against Lamont Peterson.


JON Miller, Shugaban kasar, Shirye-shirye, NBC Wasanni & NBCSN


On behalf of NBC Sports we’re thrilled to be a part of this and to be in our own backyard. We couldn’t pick a better venue than Barclays Center. The card put together is spectacular. There are great fights once again and we’re excited about the progress that this new property has taken for us.


I think one of the most unique things about wannan Asabar night is that it’s going to make history in television because three of the most venerable and outstanding sports television personalities will be working together for the first time as Al Michaels will be our host, Marv Albert will be doing play-by-play and for the first time ever they will be joined by Bob Costas.


These three iconic figures have worked Olympics and Super Bowls but it’s the first time they’ve ever worked together on one event and that is a tribute to what the entire has put together in delivering this great card.


BRETT YORMARK, Shugaba na Barclays Cibiyar


Wannan Asabar marks a historic moment for Barclays Center as we host our 11ga watanprofessional boxing event and our first Premier Boxing Champions event.


When you combine the talent in the ring, the production of the show and the iconic broadcasting team of Al Michael, Bob Costas and Marv Albert plus boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard this will be one of the best fight nights that New York has hosted in decades.


Signifying the magnitude of the event, tickets have sold faster than at any other boxing show Barclays Center has hosted.


“A Barclays Center, we have not only served as a launch pad for many local boxerscareers, but have relished in the role of becoming the home for Champions.


Photo Credit: Angela Cranford/Barclays Center

Brooklyn (Afrilu 7, 2015) – Mayakan gasar a ranar Asabar ta Premier dambe gasar zakarun a kan NBC night of fights participated in a media workout today at Barclays Center in anticipation of their upcoming bouts.


PBC on NBC main event bouts at Barclays Center feature undefeated superstar Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) ta Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) and the middleweight championship bout between “Dan Ailan” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) da undefeated Bitrus “Yaro Chocolate” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos). Na biyu biya kashi-kashi na PBC a kan NBC fara a 8:30 p.m. DA.


Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 da kuma $50, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji, kuma suna sayarwa now.Tickets suna samuwa a www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.comkuma a American Express Box Office a Barclays Cibiyar. Don cajin da wayar, kira Ticketmaster a (800) 745-3000. Ga kungiyar tikiti, a iya kiran 800-GROUP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say at Talata ta motsa jiki:




I just want to give the fans a great fight. I want them to see the best Danny Garcia. A karshen ranar, this is the fight the fans want to see. My main focus is putting on a great show for the fans.


I’ve faced a lot of skillful boxers in my career and I’m still undefeated. That should tell the fans around the world who has more skill. Kamar Afrilu 11 when he’s feeling these two bombs on his face he’s going to forget about his skill.


I just want to give fans a great fight. I’m not too worried about the ‘0’ on my record. I fight hard to protect it but my main focus is to go in there and get the job done one fight at a time.


Everything I’ve done in my career is for a reason. Now I’m here on NBC fighting on this big playing field. This is great for boxing and a breath of fresh air for the sport.


I just want to be confident and humble at the same time. I want the fans to love me because I’m being myself. It’s very important for a young champion.


I’m going to try to dictate the pace, be smart, move my head, use my feet and land good punches. I can’t try to chase him down.


I used to love other great Puerto Rican boxers like Felix Trinidad, Miguel Cotto and Hector Camacho. I feel like I’m definitely working my way up into the ranks with them and following their footsteps.


I have to be smart in the ring. I have to go in there and be Danny Garcia. I’m here because I’m a smart fighter. Everyone knows that. Ina da ikon. I’m going to find my opening and capitalize on his mistakes.



LAMONT Peterson


This is just another fight for me. I’m not worried about being the main event. I just son yaki. As long as I’m fighting I’m happy.


A lot of people see us fight and see us take punches, but that’s just the easy part. The sacrifice in the gym and putting my body through punishment is the rough part.


I’m not trying to prove anyone wrong, but this fight is important to me and I want to win it. I want to be the top guy and that means beating the top guy.


People talk about him beating Matthysse and Matthysse beating me, but anyone who knows about boxing knows that doesn’t mean anything. Kamar Asabar night I will prove to everyone that I’m a better fighter than Danny Garcia.


Angel Garcia has his opinion on this fight, and I respect it. He can go on record and say anything he wants, but if he says Danny Garcia is stronger than me, I’ll tell you that’s a lie.


We’re not worried about Danny’s power. A lot of people have asked me about that but I’m not worried. Danny Garcia had a split decision with Kendall Holt, who I knocked out. No one seems to mention that.


I’m comfortable with whatever way this fight goes. I’m almost guaranteeing the win.


I don’t think they’re taking me lightly. A karshen ranar, Garcia knows this is a fight and he knows he hasn’t fought anyone like me. I’m expecting a big victory Asabar dare.


You never know what you’re going to see with me. Whatever I feel like I need to do to win, that’s what I’ll do. Ina shirye 100 kashi. I’m in shape for 30 rounds and I’ll be ready for anything. ”




We’ve made unbelievable progress in the last year on my skills and everything has really just clicked for me and my team and now we’re seeing the results in the ring.


I’m very proud to be an Irishman from Limerick defending his world championship in New York, it doesn’t get much better than that.


There’s been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders since winning the world-title. It’s what I always wanted to do and I’ve been touted as a champion for years and if I never got it I would have been disappointed. Now the monkey is off my back and I can just box and show people who I am.


We’ve made physical and tactical improvements in the gym since the last fight and hopefully they’ll show up in the ring a ranar Asabar.


I think this could be a technical fight or it could be a bit of a fire fight. It’s going to be a little of both at times. There will be moments where we’re looking at each other, figuring each other out, but once we exchange it could be explosive.


Quillin is sure of himself, but he has to be, I have the same mentality. You have to be to compete in this sport.


Fighting at home like Quillin is a ranar Asabar, brings a different kind of pressure to the table, it’s the pressure of expectations and people you know coming to the fights. That’s also pressure and I know all about that.


I haven’t needed to build up my confidence for this fight. It’s not time to think. It’s time to do what I’ve been doing every day in the gym.




I never trailed in a fight and came back and won like Lee. I’ve just won all the time right out of the gate. Those other guys aren’t ‘Kid Chocolateso I think that’s why this fight was made.


It’s a big fight for him and a big fight for me. He’s a smart fighter when he’s in trouble so I have to watch out for that. Most importantly I just need to be true to myself.


A lot of people had Lee as the underdog in his last fight but he came out and did great. That’s the thing about boxing; one punch can change the fight.


I’m getting paid for 12 rounds so I’m preparing for 12 rounds but if I can get him out of there early I will.


My whole life has been struggles and I’ve had to overcome every single one of those struggles. This is going to be no different from that.


Being a father of course made me more inspired and watching my uncle pass has made me more motivated than ever to accomplish everything I want.


When I gave up the belt I learned that I can be a bigger man and make tough decisions like that all of the time. People think losing is easy, but winning all the time is a different kind of pressure.




I am the best young prospect in the game. I’m on the borderline of contender status and I believe I’m one fight away from being a contender.


I’m a little bit of a mix style-wise. Ba ni da wani ɗan dambe, I can punch and I can fight if I have to.


The fight I learned the most from was with Emanuel Lartey, he was undefeated along with me and it was my first real fight and first time going the distance.


I see myself fighting all the top guys in the welterweight division. I see myself with Keith Thurman, Amir Khan and any top welterweight.


I’m going to look good as always a ranar Asabar dare, It’s going to be fantastic and I’m going to come out with the victory.




I’m just blessed to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the eighth time in front of my hometown fans.


I love performing in in Brooklyn. The fans here are fantastic and they know when I get in the ring they’re going to see something special.


I have a tough opponent in front of me. Ya ke samu, very lanky fighter but we’ve trained very hard and I’m ready for anything he’s got.


Asabar is going to be a great night for Team Browne, Staten Island and all of my fans. Don’t blink cause you might miss it!”


Luis Collazo


I’ve spent some time with the family, regrouping and making sure I still have the same passion for this sport. I’m excited to be back and I jumped at the opportunity to be on this card.


This is what I live for. Dambe ne rayuwata.


After the Khan fight I took about a month off and then I went straight to the gym. I couldn’t go out like I did against Khan. Kãwo wani uzuri, but it was time to go back to the drawing board and stay motivated throughout the whole year.


The fans can expect the same excitement I always bring. I’m more motivated now and hopefully after this fight I can get a big fight and give the fans what they want.


Amanda Hardy


I have the same mindset going into every fight. I train to fight my fight and make adjustments when get in there.


I feel strong and I feel capable of whatever needs to be done.


I’ve only been boxing for four years so I’m still learning a lot of boxing technique in camp plus working three or four days a week with my strength and conditioning coach.


Fans can expect a good show and a big win out me a ranar Asabar.”

Premier dambe gasar zakarun ON NBC mayakan ANDY Lee, PETER QUILLIN, Marcus BROWNE & Heather Hardy zobe NYSE rufe BELL®

Click NAN Domin Photos

Photo Credit: NYSE / Valerie Caviness

Click NAN for Replay Of The Ceremony

Brooklyn (Afrilu 6, 2015) – Fighters Andy Lee, Bitrus Quillin, Marcus Browne da Heather Hardy, who are fighting a ranar Asabar night on the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) a kan NBC show a Barclays Cibiyar a Brooklyn, halarci cikin ringing na NYSE Rufewa Bell® a yau. Mayakan aka hadu ne da Barclays Cibiyar Shugaba Brett Yormark, DiBella Entertainment shugaban kasar Lou DiBella, Swanson Communications shugaban kasar Kelly Swanson, Barclays Cibiyar Babban Jami'in Communications Barry Baum, kuma Haymon dambe mataimakin shugaban kasar na Communications Tim Smith ga bikin.


Click to see photos and a replay from today’s ceremony at NYSE.


Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 da kuma $50, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. Tikiti suna samuwa a www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com kuma a American Express Box Office a Barclays Cibiyar. Don cajin da wayar, kira Ticketmaster a (800) 745-3000. Ga kungiyar tikiti, a iya kiran 800-GROUP-BK.


# # #


Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,

www.BarclaysCenter.com da kuma www.dbe1.com, bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports da kuma

www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Bi hira ta yin amfani da #PremierBoxingChampions da #BKBoxing.


Click NAN Domin Photos

Photo Credit: Jeff Fusco

Philadelphia (Afrilu 1, 2015) – As fight week nears for the second installment of Premier dambe gasar zakarun a kan NBC (8:30 am ET/5:30 p.m. Santa), undefeated SuperStar Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia held a media workout in his hometown of Philadelphia in preparation for his showdown with fellow world champion Lamont Peterson a kan Asabar, Afrilu 11 a Barclays Cibiyar a Brooklyn.


Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 da kuma $50, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji, kuma suna sayarwa now.Tickets suna samuwa a www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com kuma a American Express Box Office a Barclays Cibiyar. Don cajin da wayar, kira Ticketmaster a (800) 745-3000. Ga kungiyar tikiti, a iya kiran 800-GROUP-BK.


Check out what Garcia and his father and trainer Angel had to say a ranar Laraba.




“Horo da yake faruwa da, I’ve done everything I have to do and I’m still focused. It’s a week and a half until the fight and I’m ready to go. If the fight were gobe I’d be ready.


It’s a big fight and it’s the fight that the fans wanted. We’re going to give the fans a great night of boxing on NBC and it’s time the show the world that Danny Garcia is the star of NBC.


We have common opponents like Khan and Matthysse and we’ve had different results. They say styles make fights so those results don’t matter. Da kyau, my style is to kick his butt.


I know that this second PBC on NBC show is going to be even bigger and I just feel blessed to be a part of it and I can’t wait to go out there and showcase my skills.


I’m ready for whatever Peterson brings. If he tries to box then I’m going to go with that and if he wants to fight, I’ll be ready. I’m not going to go in and just try to knock his head off, I’m going to be Danny Garcia.


I’d love to be fighting on the biggest stage in boxing against the Mayweather and Pacquiaos, but for now it’s just about taking it one fight at a time, this is history in the making.


A lot of things have changed for me in the last few years, everybody knows me now. A lot of people look at you different now but it doesn’t make my head bigger, it just motivates me to work hard.


I love Brooklyn, it’s my fourth fight at Barclays Center and I’m looking to make it 4-0 a kan Afrilu 11.


This is a blessing for the sport of boxing. Millions of fans haven’t had the opportunity to watch boxing on primetime in years and this is great for the sport.


Mala'ika GARCIA


I’ll give Peterson credit for putting the gloves on. He thinks it’s going to be an easy night for him. He sees himself already on top of the mountain. It’s not going to happen like that, we’re going to ruin his party.


I want Peterson to act confident and come forward. They’re talking like Danny isn’t special but he lost to the guys we beat.


It doesn’t matter what anyone says as long as Danny is in here putting in 100 percent every day. It’s all about Afrilu 11.


We’re not going to train for eight weeks to go in there and worry about what Peterson is going to do, we’re going to do what we have to do. We train to go in there and win on Afrilu 11.”



# # #


Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com da kuma www.dbe1.com, bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports da kuma www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Bi hira ta yin amfani da #PremierBoxingChampions da #BKBoxing.


Legendary Announce Trio Has Combined to Work

25 Super bowls, 25 NBA kusa da na karshe,

23 Olympics & 19 Duniya Series

Costas zuwa kawo fasalin a kan Tarihin dambe a birnin New York

PBC a kan NBC Dawo Asabar, Afrilu 11, Rayuwa a

8:30 PM ET a kan NBC, Featuring

Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia (29-0) vs. Lamont Peterson (33-2-1) &

“Dan Ailan” Andy Lee (34-2) vs. Bitrus “Yaro Chocolate” Quillin (31-0)

Stamford, Conn. – Maris 31, 2015 – One of America’s iconic big-event broadcast voices, Bob Costas, will serve as a special contributor for NBC’s Asabar, Afrilu 11 primetime telecast of Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) a kan NBC, aka sanar a yau.


Back, host Al Michaels, and blow-by-blow announcer Marv Albert will work together on a broadcast for the first time ever on the PBC a kan NBC show Asabar, Afrilu 11 m at 8:30 p.m. DA daga Barclays Cibiyar a Brooklyn. Costas zai gabatar da wani alama a kan tsawo da kuma storied tarihin dambe a birnin New York.


Kõmãwa zuwa ga 'yan qasar New York domin telecast (Albert kuma Michaels ne daga Brooklyn, Costas daga Commack, Long Island), da uku ne synonymous da babbar faru a wasanni – hada aiki 25 Super bowls, 25 NBA kusa da na karshe, 23 Olympics, 19 Duniya Series, da yawa gasar dambe abubuwan a talabijin da rediyo.


“Muna burge zuwa da uku na wasanni’ duk lokaci watsa labarai Olympics – a martabar, ba nauyi – aiki tare a talabijin a karon farko,” ya ce Sam Ambaliyar, M Shiryawa, NBC Sports da NBCSN. “Ayi kasafi, wadannan su ne uku teammates a kan wani primetime NBC dambe telecast.”


“Duk da yake na yi yawa watsa shirye-shiryen da Al kuma da Marv, wannan wata daya-lokaci damar aiki a kan wannan watsa shirye-shirye da biyu daga cikin dukan lokaci kwando, da yana da damar a gare ni da kuma Al ya sabunta mu gudana muhawara tare da Marv, wannan ne kuwa shi ne mafi girma cinematic nasara – Baseketball ko A Fish Wannan Sami Ceto Pittsburgh,” Said Costas, wanda a 2014 Sochi Winter Wasanni zama U.S. talabijin ta farko 10-lokaci Olympic primetime rundunar (Jim McKay shirya takwas sau ga ABC).


“Ban taba iya tunanin wannan,” ya ce Michaels, wanda a 2015 a kan Lahadi Dare kwallon kafa begins his record 30th consecutive season as the play-by-play voice of the NFL’s premier primetime broadcast package. “Kuma a yi shi duka faru kusa da inda muka dukan girma ya sa ya cewa yafi na musamman. Very, sosai sanyi.”


“Yana da wani daraja ya zama wani ɓangare na wannan kungiya,” ya ce Albert, wanda ya kasance cikin mafi recognizable kasa muryar NBA tun 1990 ban da wa 37 shekaru a matsayin rediyo da talabijin muryar New York Knicks. “Na ko da yaushe na da babban sha'awa ga aikin da Al kuma Bob yi a cikin shekaru, kuma ina alfahari don kira su abokai.”


Michaels, Albert, kuma Costas za a sãdar a kan telecast da Analyst da shida lokaci duniya zakara “Sugar” Ray Leonard, corner analyst B.J. Flowers, da labaru Kenny Rice.


A Asabar, Afrilu 11 PBC a kan NBC primetime show features four boxers with a combined 127-4-1 rikodin da 80 Kos – undefeated SuperStar Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) vs. Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos), and middleweight champion “Dan Ailan” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) vs. Bitrus “Yaro Chocolate” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos).


Wadannan ne ƙarin dubi almara wasanni watsa labarai uku aiki farko taron tare.


Labari NA tef


Kamar yadda play-by-play sanarwa ya ko rundunar, a talabijin ko rediyo, Back, Michaels da kuma Albert yi kowane aiki da Super kwano, Olympics, NBA kusa da na karshe da kuma World Series a kan mahara lokatai. Wadannan ne mai fashewa


Mai sanarwa Events yi aiki
Bob Costas 11 Olympics, 11 NBA kusa da na karshe, 7 Super bowls, 7 Duniya Series
Al Michaels 10 Super bowls, 8 Olympics, 8 Duniya Series, 2 NBA kusa da na karshe
Marv Albert 12 NBA kusa da na karshe, 8 Super bowls, 4 Olympics, 4 Duniya Series


Abin tunawa Kira


AL MICHAELS“Shin, ba ku yi ĩmãni da al'ajibai? A!” – 1980 Hunturu Olympics, U.S. Hoki tawagar kashi Tarayyar Soviet a semifinal


MARV Albert“A, kuma shi kirga!” – M NBA telecasts


BOB COSTAS“New York Yankees…Duniya gasar zakarun….Tawagar da shekaru goma…mafi nasara ikon amfani da sunan kamfani na karni.” – Final fitar da Yankees] share Braves a 1999 Duniya Series




Duk da yake za mu guji kwaɗayin kwatanta Costas-Michaels-Albert watsa labarai uku zuwa daidai karbabbun Three Tenors (Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, kuma Luciano Pavarotti), wadannan ne mai daukan samfur na babban wasanni trios cewa a kalla daya daga cikin uku ya rufe:


LeBron James-Dwayne Wade-Chris Bosh – Karkashin jagorancin Mai Star uku, the Miami Heat advanced to four consecutive NBA Finals, lashe biyu (2012 da kuma 2013).


Greg Maddux-Yohanna Smoltz-Tom Glavine – Daga 1993-2002, da pitching uku ya jagoranci Atlanta Braves ga playoffs kowace kakar, ya lashe uku National League pennants da kuma kama da 1995 Duniya Series suna.


Troy Aikman-Emmitt Smith-Michael Irvin — Lakabi “A Triplets,” da Hall of daraja quarterback-guje da baya-fadi da mai karɓar hade jagoranci Dallas kaboyi zuwa uku Super kwano nasarori a hudu yanayi (1992-95).


Sihiri Johnson-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar-James Cancanta – Da Hall of daraja Los Angeles lakers uku sun ci gaba zuwa shida na bakwai NBA kusa da na karshe daga 1983-89, lashe uku da sunayen sarauta tare da kowane samun NBA kusa da na karshe MVP karrama sau daya.


Wayne Gretzky-Markus Messier-Jari Kurri – Da Hall of daraja Edmonton Oilers gaban line uku ya lashe hudu Stanley kofin a shekaru biyar tsakanin 1984-88.


“Sugar” Ray Leonard-Thomas “Hitman” Hearns-“M” Marvin Hagler – Hall of daraja welterweight / middleweight uku kama 15 dambe sunayen sarauta a marigayi 1970s kuma 1980s.


Larry Bird-Kevin McHale-Robert Parish – Da Hall of daraja gaban kotu ya jagoranci Boston Celtics zuwa uku NBA lakabi da biyu ƙarin tafiye-tafiye zuwa NBA kusa da na karshe a 1980s.


Pete Rose-Joe Morgan-Johnny Bench – Stalwarts na “The Big Red Machine,” ya jagoranci Cincinnati Reds zuwa uku a jere National League pennants, lashe Duniya Series a 1975 da kuma 1976.


Willis Reed-Walsh Frazier-Dave DeBusschere – Uku ya jagoranci New York Knicks da ikon amfani da sunan kamfani na biyu kawai NBA sunayen sarauta a shekaru hudu span (1970 da kuma 1973).


The debut PBC a kan NBC telecast on Saturday, Maris 7 a kaddarance 3.4 miliyan masu kallo, ranking kamar yadda mafi-kallo masu sana'a dambe watsa shirye-shirye a 17 shekaru (“Oscar De La Hoya ta ku yãƙi Night” a Fox, 5.9 da miliyan, Mon., Maris 23, 1998). A PBC a kan NBC debut also led NBC to a Asabar primetime victory among Adults 18-49, tare da 1.08 rating a cikin alƙaluma.


NBC da NBCSN zai gabatar 20 rayuwa “PBC a kan NBC” dambe faru a 2015. A cikin 20 live nuna, NBC Sports Group zai gabatar fiye da 50 hours na PBC ɗaukar hoto, ciki har da NBCSN- kuma post-yaki shirye-shirye domin NBC telecasts. The Premier Boxing Champions series is created for television by Haymon Boxing. A PBC a kan NBC za ƙunshi yawa daga yau haske taurari, a cikin mafi tursasawa matches.


Duk PBC a kan NBC shows will be streamed live on NBC Sports Live Karin via “TV A ko'ina,” ba masu amfani da ƙarin darajar su biyan kuɗi sabis, da kuma yin high quality abun ciki samuwa ga MVPD abokan ciniki biyu a kuma daga cikin gida da kuma a kan mahara dandamali. NBC Sports Live Karin yana samuwa ga Kwamfyutocin a NBCSports.com/liveextra. A NBC Sports Live Karin app is available on the iTunes App Store, Google Play kuma Windows Store.




Click NAN To Download Photos

Photo Credit: Ka kwaɗaitar Photography Group

Washington D.C. (Maris 26, 2015) – A little more than two weeks in advance of his highly anticipated bout at Barclays Cibiyar a Brooklyn, Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) ya shirya kafofin watsa labarai a Bald Eagle wasanni Cibiyar a Washington, D.C. Lamont, ɗan'uwansa, Anthony kuma Lamont ta horo, Barry Hunter, took some time out of their training schedule to discuss Lamont’s Premier dambe gasar zakarun showdown da Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) a kan Afrilu 11.


Da ke ƙasa don Allah sami sananne quotes daga taron, wanda ya samu halartar buga, watsa shirye-shirye da kuma online kafofin watsa labaru daga ko'ina cikin yankin:


Lamont Peterson, Super Hur Duniya Champion


“A shirin zai yi wa kawai fita a can, kuma ku yi yãƙi da shi. Ko da kuwa yadda na za i su yi yãƙi, Ina ji kamar zan iya lashe. Ban da sauri ƙafa, amma ba zan iya amfani da su yi wasu abubuwa ma. Ina iya zuwa gaba. Ba na ko da yaushe dole a je na baya. Zan tsaya wasan shirin, amma ba mu san abin da wasan shirin ne a yanzu.


“Ta haukan ko da yaushe ya nuna a zobe, musamman ma a cikin marigayi akai-akai. Ka tambaye mai yawa jikinka a cikin wannan zobe da kuma mai yawa sau Ba sai an fada kan abin da ya sani. Sabõda haka, ka hali shakka fita, kuma ina ganin shi ke inda na haskaka fiye da sauran mayakan. Da daga baya akai-akai ne lokacin da na kullum yi a kan yãƙi,. Mai yawa lokacin da na so mu iya tafi mafi akai-akai.


“Magoya baya so ya ga wannan yaki don haka sai na so ya tabbatar da cewa ya faru. Ban taba gaske kirãyi sunaye ko magana a kan wanda ina so na gaba. Na bar shi, har zuwa magoya baya kuma zuwa ga kafofin watsa labarai saboda akwai kuri'a na ta faɗa cewa, magoya so su ga cewa ba faru. A karshen ranar, Ina fada wa magoya kuma kafofin watsa labarai don haka me ya sa ba ku yãƙi waɗanda suka suka so in yi yãƙi?


“Kallo kawai na ya dauki abin da na yi da kyau da kuma kashe, sa'an nan kuma Ina neman domin ya dauke abubuwa Garcia ya aikata da kuma tilasta shi ya yi abin da ba ya yi kyau fiye da sau da yawa. Ba na dubi wanda ya gabata yaki ya kuma yi tunanin namu da yake faruwa je wannan hanya.


“Ni mafi alhẽri jirgin saman soja. Ya ke shakka a counter-puncher kuma muna neman ka tabbata cewa ba mu samu lissafi hanyar wasu mutane sun.


“A nan an rubucen da hambarar da a sansanin. Wani lokacin yana da lokaci a cire baya da kuma shakata, amma wani lokacin yana da lokaci zuwa aiki tukuru. Overall Ina jin mai girma. Mai yawa mutane sun ce wannan, amma wannan ya na mafi kyau atisayi abada ba ni da farin ciki inda ba ni da a yanzu. Ba ni da shirin yin yãƙi.


“Wannan shi ne babbar yaki a gare ni. Bayan wannan akwai kome ba bar yi a cikin aji nauyi. Ina so su matsa daga bãyan wannan gaba yaki.”


Barry Hunter, Peterson ta Trainer


“Lamont ne mai matukar m jirgin saman soja. Ya ke yi a cikin zobe daruruwan sau. Zai iya akwatin. Zai iya yãƙi biyu ciki da waje. Zai iya strategize, amma ya iya zama sosai m.


“Danny ne mai m jirgin saman soja. Ba ya aikata daya ko biyu abubuwan mai girma, amma ya aikata mai yawa abubuwa da kyau. Akwai wasu abubuwa da yake cewa mun gani a masa cewa mun yi zaton za mu iya amfani da za mu fita can da niyyar yin haka. Overall Ina ganin Lamont yake shi ne mafi jirgin saman soja.


“Akwai kawai 'yan babban sunaye bar a 140, kowa ya koma har zuwa 147. Don haka Lamont ta hanyar tunanin shi ne cewa kadai hanya da wannan yaki ya sa a ji 140 An idan ya iya fuskantar Danny Garcia. Wannan shi game da ba da magoya abin da suke son ganin. Wannan da yake faruwa ba magoya mai girma free yaki sake a kasa TV.


“NBC ne mai gaskiya wasanni na cibiyar sadarwa. Bã su da NBA, WNBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS da kawai wasa da yake bata shi dambe. Dambe amfani da su tabbata a kowace cibiyar sadarwa da suna da almara faɗa da almara mayakan. Ba ko da yaushe game da bel ko dai. Sa'an nan abubuwa canza, amma wannan ne yake ba mu damar kawo dambe a mayar da shi gaskiya magoya.”


Anthony Peterson

“Ba na juyayi game da kallon wannan yaki. Ina kawai za su zauna baya da kuma duba. Lamont ta haka shirye.


“Danny ne m jirgin saman soja. Yana da a cikin DNA, amma Lamont ne don haka mayar da hankali ba ni da m ya ke faruwa lashe.


“Lamont koya a kan yãƙi kare ni a kan tituna.”


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Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da DiBella Entertainment, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 da kuma $50, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. Tikiti suna samuwa a www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com kuma a American Express Box Office a Barclays Cibiyar. Don cajin da wayar, kira Ticketmaster a (800) 745-3000. Ga kungiyar tikiti, a iya kiran 800-GROUP-BK.



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