Tag Archives: Steve Cunningham

Travis Kauffman vs. Amir Mansour Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos

Heavyweight Showdown Headlines Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce Petek, Marec 17 iz Santander Arene v Readingu, PA

Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos to be added shortly)

BRANJE, PA (Marec 15, 2017) – Exciting heavyweights Travis Kauffman in Amir Mansour went face-to-face Wednesday at the final press conference before they enter the ring Petek, Marec 17 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce from Santander Arena in Reading, PA.
Televiziji pokritost začne pri 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT and features former champion Kermit Cintron battling once-beaten David Grayton plus undefeated prospects Chordale Booker and Moshea Aleem squaring-off in a super welterweight contest.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja kraljevih Promocije, začeti na $20 in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na blagajni VF Outlet v areni Santander, po telefonu 800-745-3000, ali na spletni strani Ticketmaster.com.
The heavyweight brawlers Kauffman and Mansour will look to go through each other on their way to the top of the division. Here is what the fighters and their trainers had to say Četrtek v Readingu:
TRAVIS Kauffman
This is a fight that has been building for a while. There will be fireworks in the ring v petek noč.
I accepted this fight because of the caliber of fighter that Amir is. Come fight night, it is going to be a war.
I made a lot of sacrifices for this fight. We have prepared for the best Mansour to show up in the ring. I can’t fall asleep for five seconds in this fight or else I can get stopped. I think that Amir is one of the most feared and avoided heavyweights in the world.
I got myself a bottle of anti-aging juice. I’m ready for this fight and excited to give the fans another show.
“Ljubim boks. I don’t fight bums. I love to make sparks fly every time I step in there. Everyone knows what they’re going to see v petek noč.
This is a great opportunity for me as I continue my quest for the heavyweight championship of the world. Travis is a tough guy, and he has a scientist in his corner, but it won’t be enough v petek.
NAAZIM RICHARDSON, Kauffman’s Trainer
Mansour is one worddangerous. He is dangerous at all times.
This is not a comfortable fight. You have to be prepared to deal with a man like Mansour. We put together a plan to negate his attributes.
I am trying to fine tune Travisweapons. The Arreola fight opened eyes, this fight will open doors.

DANNY DAVIS, Mansour’s Trainer

Amir and Travis have sparred each other in the past and those sessions were very exciting and I’m expecting that same type of action in the ring v petek noč.

This is going to be a great heavyweight brawl. These styles are going to clash for something great for the fans.

Travis Kauffman training camp notes

Heavyweight Showdown Between Exciting Contenders
Travis Kauffman & Amir Mansour Headlines
Premier Boxing prvakov: The Next Round on Bounce on Petek, Marec 17 iz Santander Arene v Readingu, PA
9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT


BRANJE, PA (Marec 14, 2017) -Težji Travis “Moj čas” Kauffman (31-1, 23 Kos) has been training hard for his showdown with Amir “Hardcore” Mansour (22-2-1, 16 Kos) that will headline Premier Boxing prvakov: Naslednji krog na BouncePetek, Marec 17 iz Santander Arene v Readingu, PA.

Televizijska oddaja o Bounceu se začne ob 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT

Kauffman trained in Houston, Texas with famed trainer Naazim Richardson, and is ready for the hard punching Mansour.

Evertything is great. I was in Houston starting on December 20th and I came home on March 5th,” je dejal Kauffman.
I have been motivated knowing that I have a killer in front of me. Amir wants what I want, and that is a shot at the Heavyweight title.
Kauffman has sacrificed a whole lot for this fight, as he missed important family moments in order to give himself the best opportunity to put his family in the best situation in the long run.
I missed the holidays with my family. I also missed my sons birthday. I have never done that before. This has motivated me, and gives me such a mental edge and a bigger purpose for this fight.
Being that Kauffman and Mansour (who has trained a majority of his career in Philadelphia) are only geographically separated by an hour, Kauffman knew this fight was bound to happen, and always visualized a fight with Mansour.
I have always been confident that I could beat him. I was down in Texas working hard, and now I am in better shape, but I know when I win it will get me to the next level.

That next level would be a shot at one of the heavyweight champions, and just on February 25th, WBC Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder took out Gerald Washington in 5 krogi, for which many thought the champion showed some flaws, which Kauffman thinks he could exploit more should that match up occur.

I watched the Wilder fight. I did expect Washington to present some problems for him, But Washington doesn’t have the experience. Deontay can punch, but Gerald showed that Deontay can be beat. He showed that Deontay is the most amateurish Heavyweight champion ever, but you have to give the man credit, he is 38-0 s 37 Knockouts. He can punch and has a beautiful jab.
But before a fight with Wilder or one of the other beltholders, Kauffman knows he has a tough task in front of him in Mansour.
This fight will put me in the top-five. I just want to win this and fight one of the champions. I don’t care who I fight. I been working so hard in this fight so expect a better Travis Kauffman.

Težka tekma med razburljivimi tekmovalci Travisom Kauffmanom & Amir Mansour Naslovi Premier boksarski prvaki: Naslednji krog v petek, Marec 17 iz Santander Arene v Readingu, PA 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Več! Nekdanji premagani Omar Douglas, nekdanji dvakratni svetovni prvak Steve Cunningham v ring v križarjeni akciji
Vstopnice so že na voljo!
BRANJE, PA (Februar 15, 2017) – Obračun med razburljivimi težkimi kandidati Travis “Moj čas” Kauffman (31-1, 23 Kos) in Amir “Hardcore” Mansour(22-2-1, 16 Kos) naslovi ukrepanje na Premier Boxing prvakov: Naslednji krog na Odbij Petek, Marec 17 iz Santander Arene v Readingu, PA.
Televizijska oddaja o Bounceu se začne ob 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT in na njem bo nekdanji izzivalec naslova Edner Cherry (35-7-2, 19 Kos) jemlje enkrat pretepen Omar Douglas (17-1, 12 Kos) v dvoboju 10-krat v lahki kategoriji plus nekdanji dvakratni svetovni prvak Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-8-1, 13 Kos) bo v ring vstopil v 10-krožni atrakciji za križarke. Najnovejši Premier Boxing prvakov – Naslednji krog na Bounce (Brezplačno. Februar. 10) doseženo 1.5 milijonov gledalcev in dostavili serijske zapise za gledanost.
Readingova Kauffman in Philadelphia's Mansour se bosta srečala v 12-krožni bitki tekmecev iz Pensilvanije, ki si prizadevata, da bi šli skozi drugega na poti do svetovnega naslova..
“Zelo sem navdušen nad tem bojem 17. marca,” je dejal Kauffman. “Treniram zelo trdo, in pripravljen sem poskrbeti za posel. Ta zmaga me bo pripeljala na naslednjo stopnjo. Amir je trden borec, ki še nikoli ni bil v slabi borbi. Je obupan borec, ki ve, da je to njegova zadnja priložnost, da obdrži svoje mesto v težki kategoriji, zato pričakujem, da bom videl najboljšega Amirja Mansourja. Bom zelo oster. Pričakujem boljši nastop, kot sem ga imel proti Chrisu Arreoli.”
“To je boj, ki ga težkokategornik potrebuje,” Said Mansour. “To sta dve vrhunski kakovosti, obrnjeni drug proti drugemu. Sem najtežji borec, s katerim se je kdaj soočil, vendar ni najtežji borec, s katerim sem se soočil. Rekel bom, da je eden najboljših boksarjev v težki kategoriji. Ima izjemne boksarske sposobnosti, in veselim se, da ga bom pomešal z nekom, ki zna boksati in se boriti.”
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja kraljevih Promocije, začeti na $20 in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na blagajni VF Outlet v areni Santander, po telefonu 800-745-3000, ali na spletni strani Ticketmaster.com.
Lokalna znamenitost, ki se bori iz Readinga, Kauffman je sin dolgoletnega trenerja in promotorja Marshalla Kauffmana. Kauffman je osvojil svojega prvega 18 pro se bori in sestavi 12 zmagovitih nizov, preden je Chrisa Arreolo spustil v porazni odločitvi, ki je bila kasneje odločena brez odločitve. Kauffman je nazadnje ustavil Josha Gormleyja v dveh krogih v areni Santander septembra lani in vrnil se bo v areno, da bi izboljšal svoj status v težki kategoriji.
Vznemirljiv borec za pritisk, 6-metrski leni Mansour je izkušen in pripravljen na najboljšo priložnost v diviziji. Šel 20-0 preden je aprila v boju izgubil 10-krožno odločitev proti Cunninghamu 2014 v katerem je dvakrat spustil nekdanjega svetovnega prvaka v križarki. V njegovem naslednjem začetku, Mansour je v sedmi rundi izločil Kassija. V 2015, Joeyja Dawejka je narisal čez 10 krogih maja in se oktobra borili za neodločen izid neporaženega Geralda Washingtona. Njegov zadnji izlet je bil, da je podrl Dominica Breazeala in nato neporaženega, preden se je moral zaradi poškodbe umakniti.
Cherry, od Wauchula, Fla., vstopi v ta boj po zmagi Haskella Rhodesa junija lani in je 11-1 saj 2009. Njegove edine napake od takrat 2007 sta izgubi Timothyja Bradleyja in Paulieja Malignaggija pri 140 kilogramih in njegov naslovni izziv leta 2015 proti Joseju Pedrazi, v kateri je odstopil ločeno odločitev. Cherry, ki se je rodil na Bahamih, ima v lasti zmage nad Vicentejem Escobedom, Monte Meza Clay in Wes Ferguson bosta poskušala ubiti še enega kandidata na poti do drugega naslova.
Boj proti Wilmingtonu, Delaware, Douglas se zdi, da se bo vrnil, potem ko je novembra izgubil ozko odločitev proti nekdanjemu svetovnemu prvaku Javierju Fortuni. 26-letnik je v prejšnjih dveh izletih navdušil, ko je v okrepljeni borbi premagal tekmeca Franka De Albo 2015 in sledil juniju s sedmim krogom Alekseja Collada 2016. Douglas je imel zadnjih pet borb v Pensilvaniji po amaterski karieri, zaradi katere je postal petkratni prvak Pensilvanije zlate rokavice.
Predstavlja velik boj mesto Philadelphia, Cunningham se po vznemirljivem izzivu prvaka v križarki Krzysztof Glowacki aprila vrača v akcijo. Dvakrat svetovni prvak v križarki, je premagal Krzysztof Włodarczyk v 2006 da zajame njegov pas pred branil svoj naslov proti Marco Huck preko dvanajstega okrogli TKO. Spet je postal svetovni prvak v 2010 ko se je ustavil Troy Ross v petem krogu. Izkušeni veteran ima v lasti tudi zmage nad prej neporaženima borcema Amirjem Mansourjem in Natu Visinia ter dosegel knockdown Tysona Furyja v izgubljenem naporu med njihovim 2013 konec.
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Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com, sledite na Twitterju @ PremierBoxing, @, BounceTV, in @Swanson_Comm ter spremljajte pogovor s pomočjo #PBConBounce, Postani fan na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions in www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC na Bounce sponzorira Corona: Finest Beer.
Bounce je najhitreje rastoči Afroameričan (AA) omrežje na televiziji in oddajanje na oddajnih signalih lokalnih televizijskih postaj in ustrezni kabelski prevoz. Mreža vsebuje programsko mešanico izvirnih in zunajmrežnih serij, gledališke filmov, Posebej, v živo šport in več. Odbijanje je postalo na voljo v več kot 94 milijonov domov po ZDA in 93% vseh afroameriških televizijskih domov, vključno z vsemi televizijskih trgov top AA. Med ustanovitelji Bouncea so ikonične ameriške figure Martin Luther King, III in veleposlanik Andrew Young.
Za lokalno lokacijo kanala, obiščite BounceTV.com.

Cuba defeats Team Pittsburgh, 7-4 pred več kot 2,500 fans at Battle on the Bridge

Pittsburgh, PA (Avgust 1, 2016) – A group of some of the best amateurs from boxing hotbed Cuba defeated Team Pittsburgh 7-4 v soboto night in front of a packed crowd of over 2,500 on the Roberto Clemente Bridge adjacent to to PNC Park.
The meet, which was a year in the making that saw the team from Pittsburgh travel to Cuba in May for a dual-training session between the teams and culminated with the historic event.
Not only was the meet staged in front of a capacity crowd, but was broadcast live back to Cuba with an estimated viewing audience of 11 million people.
In attendance were 1996 Olympic Gold Medal winner Maikro Romero of Cuba, who came over as an ambassador for his home country as well as two-time world champion, Steve “USS” Cunningham, who was a coach for Team Pittsburgh and father of team participant, Steve Cunningham Jr.
The younger Cunningham, along with teammates Nehemiah Hollinger, Sylvio Cercone & Kiante Irving were the four members from Team Pittsburgh to have their hand’s raised.

For more information on the event, www.cubasipgh.org
History of the Event

In the sport of amateur boxing, Cuba has established itself as a world power house. Despite only having a population roughly equal to that of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cuba has won an unbelievable 67 Olympic medals in boxing, 34 of which are Gold. By all accounts, Cuba is a world leader in the sport.

In November of 2015, a diverse delegation of business and community leaders led by Congressman Mike Doyle, County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, and Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak traveled to Cuba to invite Cuba to take on Team Pittsburgh. Danes, Julij 30, 2016, right here in Pittsburgh, you are a witness to an unprecedented athletic exchange with Cuba. While Pittsburgh has had a long-standing relationship with the City of Matanzas, Cuba and has engaged in countless academic, cultural, and humanitarian exchanges with our friends in Cuba, this athletic exchange will be a first. Our belief is that if Pittsburgh wants to be the best in the world, we have to learn from the best in the world. Having the opportunity to compete against Cuba provides our athletes with a tremendous opportunity to challenge them to become better boxers while making friends and learning about a different culture

This competition will be unique in the fact that unlike the athletic exchanges of the past between USA and Cuba, this event will be afriendlyclub match. Each of the bouts athletes are evenly matched. The goal of the evening’s competition is to provide young boxers of all skill levels a chance to compete on the international level and ultimately grow as boxers and individuals. Because of the historic nature of this event, we endeavored to stage the boxing match in a manner that reflects its significance. Matanzas is Cuba’s City of Bridges, and Pittsburgh holds that designation in the U.S.A. Because of the need to create a symbolic bridge between the U.S. and Cuba to move past the Cold War Era, we have chosen to hold this match on the Roberto Clemente Bridge, honoring at the same time a man who gave his life building unity among nations.

History of Pittsburgh Matanzas
The Pittsburgh-Matanzas Sister Cities Partnership was founded to create an opportunity for our residents, public officials, and leaders of organizations to engage in mutually beneficial ‘people to peopleexchanges with the residents of Matanzas, Cuba. Februarja 20, 1998 a signing agreement took place in Matanzas officially designating our sister city relationship.

The Mission of the Pittsburgh-Matanzas Sister Cities Partnership is to expand our sister city relationship between the City of Pittsburgh and the City of Matanzas, Cuba, to foster understanding and bilateral cooperation through mutually beneficial exchanges between individuals, government officials, community groups, organizations, izobraževalni, environmental, cultural, sports, business, and other institutions. It is important that ordinary people be able to experience Cuba for themselves and form their own opinions. V preteklih letih, our work has expanded to encompass bilateral relationships within the entire nation of Cuba.
Our work focuses on these 4 objectives:
1. Lift the illegal and immoral blockade (Extra-territorial economic and trade sanctions that impact world trade)
2. Lift the Travel Ban (Allow Americans the same freedom of travel enjoyed by every other democratic nation.)
3. Building International Relations that respect the independence and Sovereignty of Cuba
4. Ending the illegal and immoral occupation of Guantanamo Bay (US is in outright violation of Treaty)

Despite decades of travel restrictions placed on U.S. residents by our own government that remain in place even to this day, as do crippling economic sanctions against Cuba, which have been condemned worldwide as immoral and illegal under international law, we have continued our work to engage in peaceful and constructive activities with the people and institutions of Cuba.

History of Hibernian Celtic Athletic Fund

The Celtic Athletic Fund was created by members of Ancient Order of Hibernians to help make sports accessible for low-income Pittsburgh youth of all nationalities throughFriendship, Unity, and Christian Charity”.
Boxing on the Bridge is the brainchild of the organization.

Michael Diven, a former Pittsburgh councilman and former state representative, is a member of the Hibernian Celtic Athletic Fund and the Pittsburgh Matanzas Sister Cities Partnership. For the past three years on St. Dan Patrika, the fund has sponsored an exchange with Irish boxers called the Donnybrook organized by Mr. Diven.

The Cuban Constitution guaranteesaccess to study, culture and sports.But in the U.S., youth sports, as well as art and music, are among the first to be cut when school district funding shrinks. “Boxing on the Bridgecontinues the work of the fund to support sports initiatives for Pittsburgh’s youth and builds on decades of work by the Pittsburgh-Matanzas Sister Cities Partnership

For Pittsburgh, it will be a unique opportunity for our amateur youth boxers to learn from the best boxers in the world. And for our nation, it will help build bridges with Cuba and public support for congressional action to finally end the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba, which continues, despite President Obama’s March visit to the island.

Undefeated Rising Star Errol Spence Jr. Makes A Statement In The Welterweight Division With Dominating Fifth-Round Stoppage Of Former World Champion Chris Algieri In Primetime On Premier Boxing Champions On NBC Live From Barclays Center In Brooklyn

Krzysztof Glowacki Drops Steve Cunningham Four Times On His Way To Retaining Cruiserweight World Title
2012 U.S.. Olympian Marcus Browne Remains Undefeated With Split-Decision Over Previously Unbeaten Radivoje Kalajdzic
Kliknite TUKAJ For Photos From Leo Wilson/Ryan Greene
Premier Boxing prvakov
Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografije iz Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Kliknite TUKAJ For Fight Highlights from Premier Boxing Champions
BROOKLYN (April 17, 2016) – Undefeated rising welterweight star Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr. (20-0, 17 Kos) went emphatically from prospect to contender with a fifth-round stoppage of former world champion Chris Algieri (21-3, 8 Kos) na Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na NBC Sobota night from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
It meant a lot to get the stoppage,” je dejal Spence Jr. “I did something Manny Pacquiao and Amir Khan couldn’t do. That shows where I’m at in the welterweight division.
Spence Jr. was superior in every regard as he took control of the fight from the beginning with world-class bodywork and blazing speed. Algieri was expected to be a major step-up for the 2012 U.S.. Olympian, but was unable to bother his opponent despite landing 31 percent of his punches to Spence Jr.’s 30 percent per CompuBox stats.
I can’t take anything away from this young hungry lion,” Said Algieri. “He did a great job. I trained really hard for this fight. I hope that people appreciate me and how hard I worked and what I brought to the fight.
“Resnica” dominated by landing 41 percent of his power punches over the five rounds and only lost one round on the three judges’ zdravstvu. Spence Jr. sent Algieri down for the first time in the fourth round with a combination finished off by a straight left hand.
Algieri survived the round, but Spence Jr. was determined to get a stoppage and he connected with another straight left that put Algieri on the canvas early in round five.
It was pretty one-sided, Počutil sem,” je dejal Spence Jr. “I started slowly. He said he was going to take me to deep waters so I wanted to pace myself.
I just wasn’t sticking to the style and the strategy like I should have,” Said Algieri. “We had a couple of different styles that we were going to show him and I never stayed in one style long enough to be effective.
Spence Jr. saw his opportunity and launched a vicious attack in an attempt to end the fight. A massive left hook connected clean with Algieri’s jaw and put him on the canvas for the third and final time, as referee Benjy Esteves waved off the bout at :48 seconds into the fifth round.
Everyone wanted to see what I could do against a proven fighter and I blew him out of the water,” added Spence Jr.
V uvodnem dvoboju na televizijska oddaja, Polish star Krzysztof Glowacki (26-0, 16 Kos) sent former world champion Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-8-1, 13 Kos) to the canvas four times on his way to a unanimous decision to retain his cruiserweight world title in front of a raucous Polish-heavy crowd.
Power and precision is my trademark,” said Glowacki. “That’s always been my game. I was a little bit reluctant because of the surgery, but I got more comfortable as the fight went on.
Glowacki got the action going early as he scored his first knockdown with a left hand that he would use to control the fight and knocked down Cunningham a second time shortly after the former champion rose to his feet.
I’m just disappointed,” Said Cunningham. “I knew I just had to work. The corner kept telling me to go to the body more in the later rounds. I’ve been down before. I knew I had to go at this guy.
The southpaw from Walcz, Poland and the orthodox veteran from Philadelphia combined for several exciting exchanges as Cunningham was able to land his share of power right hands but was more often than not met with Glowacki’s thudding left.
The plan from the beginning was to hit him with the left hand and you could tell I was hitting with full power,” said Glowacki. “I couldn’t hit that hard against Marco Huck because of my injury and now I’m hoping to keep that power up in my next fight.
Cunningham went down again in the 10th round from a short right hand but was able to rally and stun Glowacki with a big right hand. The champion recovered quickly, but Cunningham did arguably his best work of the fight in the 11th round as he aggressively attacked Glowacki with combinations to the head and body.
The fireworks continued in the final round as a strong combination put Cunningham down for the fourth time in the fight. The challenger rose to his feet and attacked effectively at times, but the left hand proved to be too much.
He punched with me and caught me coming in,” Said Cunningham. “I knew after the second round knockdowns that I had to get rounds back and go get him. He’s a smart fighter.
Cunningham was actually able to land a higher percentage of punches than Glowacki as he connected on 34 percent versus just 25 percent from Glowacki. However the knockdowns and Glowacki’s output advantage of 462 da 366 was enough for him to retain his title by scores of 116-108 in 115-109 dvakrat.
The fans were my motivation throughout the fight,” said Glowacki. “I just wanted to give them more and more. I want to thank everyone who came and watched me.
The televised swing bout saw 2012 U.S.. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne (18-0, 13 Kos) remained undefeated with a narrow split-decision victory over previously unbeaten Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdžić (21-1, 14 Kos) in an eight-round light heavyweight contest.
Establishing my jab was the key,” Said Browne. “Once I did that, he couldn’t get past it. He got me with a couple of good shots.
Kalajdzic was emphatic that the judges were wrong in their decision.
I don’t see how I lost,” said Kalajdzic. “I was the aggressor. Sem pokazal moje srce. If he feels like he beat me, give me the rematch.
The southpaw Browne was able to jab his way into control of the fight by landing 52 jabs to the 54 thrown by Kalajdzic the whole fight. Browne was able to bruise and eventually open up a cut over Kalajdzic’s left eye late in the fight.
V prvem krogu, Browne was credited with a controversial knockdown as it appeared via replay that a slip had occurred and Browne had hit Kaladjzic after he was down.
Kalajdzic was effective with his power punches throughout the fight as he landed 36 percent of his power punches to 29 percent from Browne. His most effective moment came in round six when he sent Browne to the mat with a right hand.
He caught me with something that grazed me,” Said Browne. “I didn’t even know what it was. I walked into the punch but I was able to get up from it and get back in rhythm.
He didn’t do anything that bothered me,” said Kalajdzic. “I was doing my thing. I should have listened to my coaches more and I would have stopped him.
Browne was able to recover for the final two rounds and earn the split-decision by scores of 76-74 for Kalajdzic, 76-74 for Browne and 76-75 again for the still unbeaten Staten Island-native.
I love fighting in front of my fans and family. We gutted this one out and it’s on to the next one,” added Browne.
PBC on NBC was promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Star Boxing.
Barclays Center’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ programming platform was presented by AARP. PBC on NBC was sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.
Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing,NBCSports, @BarclaysCenter in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment in www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Hluči na voljo na www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Errol Spence Jr., Chris Algieri, Krzysztof Glowacki, Steve Cunningham, Marcus Browne & Radivoje Kalajdzic Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos

PBC on NBC Live From Barclays Center On Sobota, April 16
(8:30 p.m. IN/5:30 p.m. PT)
Kliknite TUKAJ For Photos From Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment/Premier Boxing Champions
BROOKYLN (April 13, 2016) – Undefeated rising welterweight star Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr. in nekdanji svetovni prvak Chris Algieri went face-to-face Sreda to kick-off fight week activities with the final press conference before they meet in the main event of Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na NBC to Sobota, April 16 od Barclays Center v Brooklynu.
Also in attendance at the Highline Ballroom in Manhattan were cruiserweight championKrzysztof Glowacki in nekdanji prvak StevenU.S.S” Cunningham plus undefeated 2012 U.S.. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne and unbeaten light heavyweight Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdžić who round out a stacked tripleheader v soboto noč. Poleg tega, popular Brooklyn undefeated fighter Heather “Heat” Hardy was in attendance as she nears her undercard bout against Sweden’s Anna Hultin.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja Dibella Entertainment v sodelovanju s Star Boxing, začeti na $25, ne vključuje ustrezne provizije, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice je mogoče kupiti na spletu z obiskom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 1-800-745-3000. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi na blagajni American Express v Barclays Centru. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.
Tukaj je tisto, kar tiskovne udeleženci konference imeli za povedati Sreda:
This is a great card with great fighters and its a fantastic opportunity. A lot of people think I’m a prospect on the verge of being a contender. Sobota night is going to be a great performance.
I never thought fight week would come. I’m just so excited to put on a show. It’s going to be the best Errol Spence you’ve ever seen.
I just need to stick with my game plan. The game plan that my coach laid out for me and do what I do and get the win.
“Karkoli se zgodi, happens. I’m going to have to feel it out in the first round. I just need to fight smart.
I’ve always felt like I was ready for this level. Sobota noč, I’m looking for a coming out party. My focus is 100 percent on this fight.
I was ready two fights ago to fight for a title. After this fight we can talk about what’s next, ampak zdaj, Chris Algieri is in front of me.
Chris has been in a lot of hard fights. At the end of the day he’s a boxer and so am I. It’s going to be a war.
Brooklyn has treated me very well. I’ve had some of my best performances here at Barclays Center and I look forward to another.
It’s always an honor to share the stage with such illustrious guys in our sport. A lot of these guys really bring honor and respect to the business that we do.
I don’t think I’ve gotten as much respect as I deserve throughout my career. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t really matter. At the end of the day I go out there and perform. More often then not I’m victorious.
I think everyone knows that I’ll fight anybody. Spence is a guy people don’t want to fight, so they brought him to me.
The best thing about working with John David Jackson is the confidence he gives me. He let’s me be who I am. He gives me the faith to trust in my abilities. I’m looking forward to putting on another great display with him in my corner.
The hard work is done. Training camp was long, hard and grueling. Not much more to be said. It’s time to fight. It’s going to be a great night of fights. “
Glowacki Krzysztof
I’m so happy to be back in the United States and I’d like to thank my team for preparing me so well.

I’m very happy to be healthy. Training camp went the way I wanted to and I feel 100 percent ready to get in the ring
“Moram zmagati. That’s the most important thing. It’s nice to be fighting on such a great card, but all that matters is keeping my belt.
Fans can expect to see beautiful boxing. It will be a war inside of the ring. Most importantly, Bom zmagal.
A lot of things have changed since I won my world title. Nobody used to know me and now everyone knows me. I’m happy with my career so far. I don’t like to talk about the future of my career until after the fight.
Steve Cunningham is not only a great fighter but a great human being, so I expect a tough fight. He wants to take the belt from me but it’s not going to be easy. I want everyone to come out for a great show v soboto.”
This is my first time fighting at Barclays Center and I’m very excited about that. Pripravljen sem se boriti. Usposabljanje tabor je končan. You know it’s grueling and hard work.
I know I have a great opponent. He took the belt from the champion. He got up off the canvas so I can’t look at him lightly at all. But I’m here to do a job.
I’m was sick of getting cheated and robbed of opportunities at the heavyweight division. I decided to come back down. It’s no problem. Three pounds or four pounds, no big deal. Here we are.
We are coming to steal the show. I’d like to steal the show without me getting hit too much. A fight is a fight. You know I come to win, so we’re going to have some fun.
There are some adjustments you have to make when you fight a southpaw. A guy throwing two gloves at you and you have to throw gloves back at him. Doesn’t matter if he fights me upside down, I have to fight smart and beat him regardless.
There’s always something special with Naazim Richardson. He’s a great mind. One of the great trainers out there. We’ve always got something special prepared. We have to do what we have to do and that’s win.
When you beat a guy like Marco Huck who was about to make history and you beat him like Glowacki beat him, you have to think he’s good and realize you can’t take Glowacki lightly. On je bojevnik. He’s a problem, something I’m going to have to deal with.
I’m not 40-years-old yet. Give me a few more months! I don’t feel 39 ali 40. Počutim se odlično. I just want to go in there and perform and do what I do.
I’m not one of those predicting guys. I know things happen in the ring. But come Sobota noč, I want things to go my way. Če ne, we’re able to evolve. Let’s go, it’s work time.
We’ve done a lot of talking leading up into this fight. I want to talk with my hands. He said he’s ready to fight. We’ll see v soboto noč.
“Počutim se odlično. Training camp has gone great. Right now the focus is to win and look good. Whatever happens after that is going to happen.
I’m going to do what I do best and that’s take care of business no matter what.
I’m ready for whatever he brings to the table. We will know that after the first minute of the first round.
It’s an incredible honor to be representing my hometown. Fighting in front my home fans is always very motivating and I can’t wait to put on another show for them.
People have said a lot about how this will be my toughest fight. I can’t listen to anything on the outside. I’m prepared to my fullest and we’ll see what he has v soboto noč.”
“Jaz sem pripravljen. I don’t have too much to say. Jaz sem samo pripravljeni na boj.
“Usposabljanje tabor šel super. We got a full eight weeks in. Roadwork, naprava, vse. Jaz sem samo pripravljeni na boj.
I want to introduce myself to the fans by knocking out Marcus Browne. If that doesn’t come, Rad bi dal na veliki uspešnosti. Being on the big stage doesn’t bother me, once the bell rings its just another day.
I know Marcus is fast and has pop to him. I don’t want to give too much away.
I’m a boxer puncher. I’ve got the power to knock a fighter out. Most of my knockouts have come in the first round.
I feel like I came up the right way. I didn’t have that much amateur experience, but I stepped up to this big opportunity at the right time.
Heather HARDY
I’m expecting to face a good strong boxer v soboto noč. She’s coming down in weight to fight me, so don’t miss it.
We changed a little bit during this training camp. I added another conditioning coach. A guy that has been putting me through torture three times a week.
My opponent is strong, she has a good record, she’s from overseas. I know I have my hands full.
It’s a real honor to fight at Barclays Center. I couldn’t ask for a better place. There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather fight than right here at home. As far as my career progressing, I’d like to be up there on stage and be on TV.
“Komaj čakam, da boj (unbeaten contender) Shelly Vincent. I think that will be the big breakthrough fight that let’s me establish who I am in this game and who I am for the bigger competition. That’s a perfect fight for TV. Fingers crossed.
LOU DIBELLA, Predsednik DiBella Entertainment
This great card features a fighter who is believed to be the top prospect in boxing, in Errol Spence Jr. versus New York’s own, a former world champion in Chris Algieri in what promises to be an exciting primetime main event.
Marcus Browne has fought more times at Barclays Center than any other professional fighter. He has the chance to make the jump towards a world title by taking out another young undefeated fighter. ‘Hot Rodis not planning on letting that happen without serious resistance.
Glowacki’s fight with Huck was one of the best of last year and he can expect the Polish fans in Brooklyn to be behind him v soboto noč.
Steve Cunningham is one of the most respected fighters by his peers. Not just for his quality in the ring, but his quality as a family man and as a human being. He knows he’s fighting a great champion and I know he’s got a great game plan.
JOE DEGUARDIA, Predsednik Star Boxing
It’s a pleasure to be back in Brooklyn and to have Chris Algieri fighting at Barclays Center again. It’s very rewarding that he will be in the main event on national television on NBC. It’s a real testament to this fight.
Chris has had some great performances at Barclays Center. He’s going to have another one in front of him v soboto. Spence Jr. is a challenge that Chris is looking forward to and one he has faced before.
Everyone wrote him off when he faces Ruslan Provodnikov. We’re looking forward to Chris Algieri pulling off a surprise just like that v soboto noč.”
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment
Barclays Center is thrilled to have Chris Algieri back for his fourth fight and we expect a great turnout from the Long Island fans who are looking forward to Sobota kot tudi. We’re also looking forward to a new name to headline Brooklyn and we welcome Errol Spence Jr.
We welcome Marcus Browne back for your 11th fight and we thank you for calling Barclays Center home. Heather Hardy is also back at Barclays Center for the sixth time and we are thrilled to have all of them fighting in our building.
It’s fitting that Sobota nights card features Chris Colbert and Earl Newman who got their start at Golden Gloves.
“Mislim 2016 will be our biggest year yet and we look forward to welcoming everybody back in the coming months.
Barclays Center je BROOKLYN BOKS ™ programsko platformo je predstavil AARP. PBC na NBC ga sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.
Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing,NBCSports, @BarclaysCenter in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment in www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Hluči na voljo na www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

2012 U.S.. Olimpijci Errol Spence Jr. & Marcus Browne razmišlja o olimpijskih izkušnjah, ki se odpravljajo na naslov premiernih boksarskih prvakov na obračunih NBC, ki potekajo v soboto, April 16 Iz centra Barclays v Brooklynu

(Photo Credit: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME)
Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografije Spence Jr. & Browne z olimpijskih iger
“Olimpijska etapa te pripravi na vse.” – Spence Jr.
“Vedno smo razmišljali o takih nočeh, kje
oba sva v središču.” – Browne
BROOKLYN (April 12, 2016) – Neporažene vzhajajoče zvezde Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr. in “Sir” Marcus Brownezačeli kot soigralci na 2012 U.S.. olimpijsko reprezentanco in se bodo soočili z najtežjimi preizkušnjami v svoji karieri, ko bodo v udarnem terminu vstopili v ring Premier Boxing prvakov na NBC Sobota, April 16 od Barclays Center v Brooklynu.
V vzponu v velterski kategoriji Spence Jr. bo na nekdanjega svetovnega prvaka Chris Algieri v glavnem dogodku, medtem ko Browne začne televizijsko poročanje ob 8:30 p.m. IN/5:30 p.m. PT, ko nastopi neporažen Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdžić.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja Dibella Entertainment v sodelovanju s Star Boxing, začeti na $25, ne vključuje ustrezne provizije, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice je mogoče kupiti na spletu z obiskom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 1-800-745-3000. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi na blagajni American Express v Barclays Centru. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.
Z 2016 Poletne olimpijske igre v Riu se bližajo otvoritveni slovesnosti, poetično je, da tako Spence Jr. in Browne bo imel priložnost, da se izstreli v zgornji ešalon športa, ko se bo nova generacija vzhajajočih zvezd na olimpijskih igrah preizkusila proti najboljšim na svetu.
Evo, kaj so borci povedali o svojih olimpijskih izkušnjah, boj na isti karti, nasvet za 2016 ekipa in še več:
O bojih v televizijskih bojih na isti karti:
Errol Spence Jr.: “Moj profesionalni prvenec je bil na Noči olimpijcev’ in me je imelo, Terrell Gausha, Marcus Browne, in Rau'Shee Warren. Takšne noči smo si zamislili. Tako lepo je videti, da moji prijatelji in olimpijski bratje delajo tako dobro kot jaz.
Marcus Browne: “Vedno sva razmišljala o takšnih nočeh, ko sva oba v središču. To se ne bi moglo zgoditi, če ne bi vodili svojih evidenc in se trdo borili. Neverjetna stvar je priti do te točke skupaj z olimpijskim soigralcem. Veselim se, da bova oba dvignjena na naslednjo raven.”
Na njihove najljubše olimpijske spomine:
JE: “Moj najljubši spomin je tekmovanje in druženje z vsemi odličnimi športniki. Moram spoznati Kobeja Bryanta, Lebron James, Carmelo Anthony, Serena Williams in Michael Phelps. Vsi ti športniki, ki sem jih videl na televiziji. V takšnem vzdušju sem spoznal, da sem med drugimi velikimi športniki odličen športnik.
MB: “Sliši se materialistično, ampak vsa brezplačna oprema, ki smo jo dobili, je bila neverjetna. Prihajam od koder prihajam, Kaj takega mi še nikoli ni bilo dano. Bil sem presenečen nad oboževanjem, ki sem ga deležen od ljudi. Vsi so želeli, da se počutimo del tega neverjetnega dogodka.
O tem, kako so jih olimpijske igre pripravile na profesionalce:
JE: “Olimpijska etapa te pripravi na vse. To je največji turnir na svetu. Imeti medijski dan in se pogovarjati z vsemi temi mediji in nato trenirati, pripravlja te na poklicne uvrstitve. Ko prideš na vrh, boste morali narediti popolnoma iste stvari.
MB: “Boj pred 10,000 ljudje, ki navijajo proti tebi, te bodo pripravili na vse v tem športu. Veliko ljudi tega ne razume, dokler niso na najvišji ravni. Vzdušje je tako intenzivno in olimpijski navijači so tako strastni.
Na vezi, ki jo delijo s svojimi olimpijskimi soigralci:
JE: “Vsi v ekipi imamo odlično vez. Kadarkoli preživite štiri mesece v kampu z isto skupino fantov in skupaj trenirate in hujšate, postaneš zelo blizu. Samodejno ustvari naravno vez in povezavo. Zame so kot bratje.
MB: “Ta bratska vez bo vedno obstajala, ne glede na to, ali govorite vsak dan ali vsaka tri leta. Preživeti vsak trenutek budnosti s temi fanti in prepeti "Star Spangled Banner".’ vsako jutro, gradimo skupinsko vez in individualna prijateljstva, ki so nam tako pomembna.
Na njihove vtise o drugem:
JE: “Marcus je bil vedno glasen v olimpijskem vadbenem centru. Marcus je vse spodbujal, naj trdo delajo in bolj trenirajo. Želim biti kot Evander Holyfield. On in njegovi olimpijski soigralci, kot je Pernell Whitaker, so imeli pasove hkrati.
MB: “Z Errolom sva si nekakšna nasprotja. Errol je bolj tih in zadržan tip. Trdo dela in teče kot gazela. Trdo se bori in na koncu dneva je le dober fant. Načrt je, da bomo vsi svetovni prvaki in naredili velike stvari.
Po njihovem nasvetu za 2016 U.S.. olimpijska ekipa:
JE: “jaz bi povedala 2016 ekipe, da samo še naprej delajo to, kar počnejo. Ostani zbran. Ne bodite preveliki. Poslušajte svoje trenerje in naredite vse, kar ste počeli. Olimpijske igre so pred vrati in letos si želimo medalje v moški kategoriji.”
MB: “Ekipi želim samo povedati, naj poskrbi, da boste pridobili vse mednarodne izkušnje, ki jih lahko pridobite, in se trdo borili za svojo državo.”
Barclays Center je BROOKLYN BOKS ™ programsko platformo je predstavil AARP. PBC na NBC ga sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.
Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing,NBCSports, @BarclaysCenter in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment in www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Hluči na voljo na www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.


Stacked Card Features Local Talent Including
Heather Hardy, Chris Colbert & Earl Newman & International Stars Lukasz Maciec & Dardan Zenunaj
BROOKLYN (Marec 29, 2016) – Undefeated prospect Mario Barrios (14-0, 8 Kos) and top super lightweight contenderLuca “Črna mamba” Giacon (27-1, 23 Kos) compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Saturday, April 16 od Barclays Center v Brooklynu.
aprilski 16 ima dogodek Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na NBC tripleheader z naslovom neporažene vzhajajoče zvezde Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr. ob na nekdanjega svetovnega prvaka Chris Algieri. Televiziji pokritost začne pri 8:30 p.m. IN/5:30 p.m. PT and will see cruiserweight world champion Krzysztof Glowacki defending his title against former cruiserweight champion Steve “U.S.S. Cunningham in neporažen 2012 U.S.. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne battling fellow unbeaten Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdžić.
Barrios makes his east coast debut in an eight-round super featherweight bout while Giacon looks to put the 140-pound division on notice when he competes in an eight-round affair.
A trio of exciting fighters representing Brooklyn will enter the ring as undefeated star Heather “Heat” Hardy (15-0, 3 Kos) competes in an eight-round junior featherweight bout while Golden Gloves champions Chris Colbert (4-0, 2 Kos) in Earl Newman (8-0, 6 Kos) compete in a four-round featherweight bout and an eight-round cruiserweight bout respectively.
International action will heat up the ring at Barclays Center as 26-year-old Polish contender Lukasz Maciec (22-3-1, 5 Kos) fights in an eight-round super welterweight bout, 28-year-old Belgian Dardan Zenunaj (11-1, 9 Kos) fights in an eight-round junior lightweight affair and 22-year-old Russian Radzhab Butaev (1-0, 1 KO), boj iz Brooklyna, in a six-round super welterweight fight against South Carolina’s TyKeem Sadler (6-1, 4 Kos)
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja Dibella Entertainment v sodelovanju s Star Boxing, začeti na $25, ne vključuje ustrezne provizije, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice je mogoče kupiti na spletu z obiskom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 1-800-745-3000. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi na blagajni American Express v Barclays Centru. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.
A tall featherweight at more than six feet, the 20-year-old Barrios picked up seven victories in a jam-packed 2015 in which he stopped five opponents inside the distance, including an uppercut left hook combo that ended the night of Manuel Vides in December. The San Antonio-native turned pro in 2013 and is on the fast track towards a world title shot as he makes his 2016 debut.
A winner of six-straight fights, Giacon is coming off of a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Steve Jamoye in October 2015 that put him in the top contender status in the division. The 27-year-old has fought in Spain, Panama and Italy throughout a pro career that dates back to 2007 in bo tako njegova U.S. debut on April 16.
A popular Brooklyn fighter who competed in Barclays Center’s first-ever professional female boxing match, Hardy je postala rezana v areni saj. On April 16, she will be making her sixth appearance at Barclays Center. Malo več kot dve leti po njeni pro prvenec, Hardy je osvojil mednarodni naziv pas v diviziji super bantamweight v oktobru 2014 and followed it up in 2015 with a victory over Renata Domsodi and two over Noemi Bosques.
Fighting out of Lublin, Poljska, Maciec will be making his second start in the U.S. and his first in the Polish-heavy borough of Brooklyn. The 26-year-old owns victories over veteran contenders Lanardo Tyner, Laszlo Fazekas and previously unbeaten Sasun Karapetyan.
Originally from Kosovo but fighting out of Belgium, Zenunaj made his U.S. decembra debitiral 2015 and stopped Bryant Cruz in the seventh round to announce his presence stateside. The 28-year-old has won 10 fights in a row including eight in a row by knockout.
Barclays Center je BROOKLYN BOKS ™ programsko platformo je predstavil AARP. PBC na NBC ga sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.
Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing,NBCSports, @BarclaysCenter in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment in www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Hluči na voljo na www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Errol Spence Jr., Chris Algieri, Krzysztof Glowacki, Steve Cunningham, Marcus Browne & Radivoje Kalajdzic Media konferenčni klic Izpostavljeno Quotes

(Photo Credit: Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment)
“Mislim, da sem eden izmed najboljših talentov v športu, vendar se moram dokazati v tem boju.” – Spence Jr.
“To je zelo težko nalogo, da gredo od možnosti, da kandidat. Menim, da je to velik korak za Errol.” – Algieri
BROOKLYN (Marec 24, 2016) – Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na NBC borci potekala konferenčni klic medijev danes razpravljali o njihovih Sobota, April 16 matchups pri Barclays Center v Brooklynu.
Neporažen vzhajajoča zvezda Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr., Nekdanji svetovni prvak Chris Algieri, cruiserweight svetovni prvak Krzysztof Glowacki, Nekdanji cruiserweight prvak Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham, neporažen 2012 U.S.. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne in neporažen lahka težka Radivoje Kalajdzic govoril z mediji pred njihovim primetime showdowns na NBC, s televiziji pokritost z začetkom ob 8:30 p.m. IN/5:30 p.m. PT.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja Dibella Entertainment v sodelovanju s Star Boxing, začeti na $25, ne vključuje ustrezne provizije, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice je mogoče kupiti na spletu z obiskom www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com ali s klicem 1-800-745-3000. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi na blagajni American Express v Barclays Centru. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.
Tukaj je tisto, kar so borci imeli za povedati Četrtek:
“To je odlična priložnost za mene. To je še en korak v moji karieri, da bi dobili, kjer želim biti, ki je naslov svetovnega prvaka boj.
“Kamp se bo velika. Jaz sem na teži in veselim k dajanju na veliko, enostransko delovanje na April 16.
“Imam nekaj dokazati. Mislim, da sem eden izmed najboljših talentov v športu, ampak se moram dokazati v tem boju. Obstaja veliko vprašanj, ki potrebujejo odgovor na. April 16 Se moram dokazati in sem pripravljen za to.
“Bo od možnosti, da kandidat je preskok, ampak moraš iti skozi to. Veliko pričakuje od mene. To je tisto, kar moram storiti, da se v teh petih najvišji ravni.
“Chris ima veliko srce. On je kašaste. Vem, da se dogaja, da pridejo na boj in da je resnično zabavno boj.
“Jaz ne dajo nobenega pritiska na sebi. Jaz usposabljanje težje kot kdajkoli prej, vendar bom prišel, kot da je vsaka druga boj. Pripravljen sem dati na veliki razstavi.
“Želim se boriti vsaj trikrat letos. Dokler sem zdrav in vse, kar se dogaja tudi, Želim, da ostanejo aktivni. Nočem čakati približno za nasprotnika. Želim, da bi dobili v ring in bivanje zmago.”
“Mi smo veseli, da dajanje na drugem odličnim nastopom. Imel sem nekaj mojih najboljših predstav v Barclays in bo to še en.
“Jaz sem vedno bolj navdušena, kot smo dobili za boj noč. Res se veselim April 16.
“Ta fant ne bi bilo tukaj, če ne bi bil dober borec. Obstaja veliko pritiska na njega. To je zelo težko nalogo, da gredo od možnosti, da kandidat. To ni enostavno, da bi ta skok. Moraš biti previden pri tem velike skoke. Menim, da je to velik preskok.
“Bil sem v ringu z velikimi fanti in trdih hitters. Stili, da se bori, ampak to je vse o matchups. Boks je ritem šport. Moraš biti s fantom, in videli, kako se oblike mreže.
“Boril sem se na 147 in 154 ko sem brcnil-škatlah, tako da sem bil v ringu s temi večjimi fanti. Nikoli nisem imel težav z velikostjo.”
Glowacki Krzysztof
“Tako sem vesel, da lahko spet boj v Združenih državah Amerike in bom dostaviti en velik boj. Upam, da sta poljski in ameriški oboževalci se bodo tam za to eksplozivno boj.
“Jaz sem absolutno pripravljen priti v ZDA in brani svoj naslov.
“Bilo je zelo neprijetno, da imajo poškodbe, ki sem imel. Nisem mogel storiti ničesar. Sončni žarek je, da sem tako neverjetno lačen, da se vrnete. Jaz sem še bolj lačna kot običajno.
“Moj sprejem nazaj domov, ko je Huck boj neverjetno. Ko sem prišel iz letališča so bili ljudje s cvetjem in sem dobil policijsko spremstvo na moj rojstni kraj. To je neverjetno občutek, da je svetovni prvak. Rad bi še enkrat imel ta občutek, ko se vrnem. Bil sem dokaj neznan, a zdaj me ljudje pristop na ulicah in to je super občutek, da imajo.”
“Jaz sem navdušena, da še eno priložnost na svetovni naslov v delitvi cruiserweight. Jaz sem vedno pripravljen, Vedno sem pripravljen in v telovadnici.
“Glowacki je mogočna sovražnik. Naredil je velik pljusk v njegov zunaj ZDA. prvenec in ljudje bodo želeli, da vidim, če je mogoče živeti do da. Bomo dobili skupaj in narediti nekaj ognjemet.
“To ni novo ozemlje zame le nov nasprotnik. Mi ne videti mimo nikogar in smo pripravljeni za to eno. To je vojna čas.
“Vem, da usmerjajo, vendar sem tudi posledica. Sem borili po vsem svetu. To je novi spopadi blizu doma, vendar je še vedno dogaja, da se počutim kot na Poljskem, v Barclays Centru. No, sem se borili na Poljskem pred, tako da smo samo bo trajalo vse od kampa in ga prinese v boju.”
“To je samo še en korak za mene na poti, da postane svetovni prvak. Vsakdo si želi, da bi bilo videti, kot da je najboljši borec sem jih kdaj soočili. April 16 bomo videli.
“Vidim, kaj vidim iz "Hot Rod". On je mlad, on je nepremagan in noče izgubiti njegov 0. Jaz bom poskrbel za to v ringu.
“Te vrste bojev so bistvenega pomena za obe strani in da bo povzročil ognjemet. Ni bila na radar, preden pa pridemo April 16 bova oba na radarju drug drugega zagotovo.
“Je najboljši nasprotnik sem se soočajo v strokovni boju? Da. Vendar to ni najboljši fant sem bil v ringu z. April 16Jaz bom poskrbel za moje podjetje v ring. Tako smo pogovarjati v boksu.
“Saj ne more iti tja, misleč, da tisto, kar ste storili v amaterji vas naredi velik pro. To je dva povsem različna igre. Sem bil tam z veliko dobrih fantov iz mladosti.”
“Vesel sem, da se borijo v Barclays Centru za super nastop. Jaz sem samo pripravljeni na boj in upam, Marcus Browne je preveč.
“Sem delal z Keith Thurman pred in prišel v ring z njim, ker sva oba vlaka dol v St. Petersburg, Florida. To je resnično dobro delo. On je velik borec.
“Marcus je očitno hitrost in moč. Ne bom vam povedal, svoje slabosti, ampak če gledaš na boj noč, Pokazal vam bom.
“Mi smo v glavnem osredotočeni na to, kaj bom naredil. Delamo na našem načrtu igre in bomo noter in izkoristiti svoje slabosti.
“Jaz sem navdušena, da se borijo v Brooklynu. Sem se borili v mojem domačem kraju in sem navdušena, da imajo množice proti meni. To je samo še za njega in me je v ringu.”
* * *
Barclays Center je BROOKLYN BOKS ™ programsko platformo je predstavil AARP. Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter InSwanson_Comm ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment in www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Poudarki so na voljo na www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC na NBC ga sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.

Chris Algieri Supporting Alma Mater Stony Brook University Ahead Of First NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Game in School History

It’s an inspiration to see their hard work and determination. They can be the latest ‘Cinderella
story to come out of the tournament.” – Algieri

(Photo Credit: Ed Diller/Star Boxing)
Algieri takes on rising star Errol Spence Jr. in primetime as
Premier Boxing Champions on NBC returns to
Barclays Center v Brooklynu
Sobota, April 16 (8:30 p.m. IN/5:30 p.m. PT)
BROOKLYN (Marec 17, 2016) – Nekdanji svetovni prvak Chris Algieri is excited to cheer on his alma mater, the Stony Brook University Seawolves, as they hit the court for the first men’s basketball NCAA Tournament game in the school’s history.
“Starejši dobim, the less I believe in luck, but I want to wish good luck to my alma mater, the Stony Brook Seawolves, in the opening game of the NCAA tournament later Nocoj,” Said Algieri.
The Long Island-native graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Health Care Sciences and is currently on the advisory board of the Seawolves United Athletic Department. V 2015, he established theChris Algieri Champion Lifestyle Scholarship Fund” v 2015.
The program has come such a long way over the past few years,” Algieri continued. “It is an inspiration to see what hard work and determination can do. This is their first ever trip to March Madness and I think they can be the latest ‘Cinderellastory to come out of the tournament.
The 13th-seeded Seawolves will take on the fourth-seed Kentucky Wildcats in Des Moines, Iowa Nocoj in the first round of the East Regional, with tip-off scheduled for 9:40 p.m. IN.
I know what it’s like to be the underdog,” Said Algieri. “I’ve been the underdog numerous times in my life and career and it’s all about digging deep and having the heart of a champion. I know those guys on the Stony Brook team have that championship mettle.
Algieri takes on Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr. v glavnem primeru, da je Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na NBCtripleheaderon Sobota, April 16 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn with televised coverage beginning at 8:30 p.m. IN/5:30 p.m. PT.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja Dibella Entertainment v sodelovanju s Star Boxing, začeti na $25, ne vključuje ustrezne provizije, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice je mogoče kupiti na spletu z obiskom www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com ali pokličite 1-800-745-3000. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi na blagajni American Express v Barclays Centru. Skupinski popusti so na voljo s klicem 844-BKLYN-GP.
Barclays Center je BROOKLYN BOKS ™ programsko platformo je predstavil AARP. Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter InSwanson_Comm ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment in www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Poudarki so na voljo na www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC na NBC ga sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.