Arkivji Tag: Spike TV




SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Awissu 29, 2016) – On Oct. 21, Bellator MMA will come to FedExForum in Memphis, Tenn., when the Scott Coker-led promotion presents a card headlined by the return of former middleweight champion Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (53-9), li jissodisfa Kendall Grove(23-15) fl-azzjoni middleweight.

B'żieda, during the card’s co-main event, the always-exciting former WWE superstar Bobby Lashley (14-2) jissodisfa Josh Appelt (12-5) fl-azzjoni heavyweight.

Tickets for the event go on sale Settembru 2 fil, Ticketmaster or FedExForum Box Office. Bellator Nation ( will have special access to a pre-sale offering from Awissu. 31-Seba. 1. Main card action kicks off LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT and additional main card and undercard bouts will be announced shortly.

A former Bellator MMA Middleweight Champion, the “Storm” has kept busy, racking up a pair of wins already in 2016, and adding to his seemingly endless resume of victories since turning pro in 2004. A natural born finisher, Shlemenko’s success in MMA has also translated to coaching, as he’s played a pivotal role in the ascension of current Bellator MMA welterweight kingpin Andrey Koreshkov.

Also of note, due to Shlemenko’s recent suspension, Bellator officials have enlisted the services of The Mohegan Department of Athletic Regulation to administer drug tests before and after Shlemenko’s fight against Grove. The former middleweight champion is presently licensed with the Mohegan commission.

Fixated on getting another shot a Bellator’s middleweight title, Grove has strung together two emphatic stoppage wins since losing his bid to attain gold at"Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Masġar. " The winner of “The Ultimate Fighter: 3" on SPIKE, the Maui, Hawaii, native has also been competing professionally for longer than a decade, racking up victories and a plethora of finishes along the way. An experienced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt and Muay Thai practitioner, Shlemenko will need to be on his A-game when the two square off in the card’s main event on Ottubru. 21.

Lashley is a must-see mixed martial artist, as well as professional wrestler, and will make his first appearance inside the Bellator cage in 2016 during the co-main event at FedExForum. “The Dominator” will be looking to run his current winning streak to eight fights, and five-straight finishes. With the heavyweight belt recently vacated, there’s an argument that can be made that the Aurora, Colo., native is the big man to beat in Bellator MMA’s heavyweight weight class.

Appelt was set to make his fifth appearance under the direction of Bellator MMA against Sergei Kharitonov fi "Bellator 154: Davis vs. King Mo," but after the 35-year-old Russian withdrew due to illness, Appelt was forced to wait. Issa, “The Juggernaut” is once again set to return, and again, the 33-year-old California native will have his hands full. With ten stoppages in 12 rebħiet, Appelt will look to use his striking ability to nullify the strong wrestling pedigree of Lashley.

Updated “Bellator MMA: Shlemenko vs. Grove” Main Card:

Middleweight Main Event: Alexander Shlemenko (53-9) vs. Kendall Grove (23-15)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Bobby Lashley (14-2) vs. Josh Appelt (12-5)



Ritratti Tlesti Lejl Hawn Hawnhekk / Jenfasizza l-Avveniment Hawnhekk

ANAHEIM, Calif. (Awissu 26, 2016) - Benson Henderson (24-6) kiseb l-ewwel rebħa tiegħu minn meta ngħaqad mal-ġlieda Bellator MMA fil-Honda Centre f'Anaheim, Calif., Ġimgħa bil-lejl. Kikka difettuża minn Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-4) wassal għal ħsara fis-sieq, jisforzah jitlef it-telf żewġ minuti u 26 sekondi fis-tieni rawnd.


Wara li għamel il-qabża għad-diviżjoni ta ’170 libbra ta’ Bellator MMA, Henderson irritorna fejn kien dominanti fil-UFC bħala ħafif. Wara l-rebħa, Henderson irċieva kelma dwar l-avversarju li jmiss tiegħu; Iċ-Champion Lightweight attwali ta ’Bellator MMA, Michael Chandler. It-tnejn huma skedati li jħabbtu lil Novembru 19 fl-avveniment ewlieni ta 'dak imħabbar reċentement "Bellator MMA f'San Jose."

‘Il-Kandidat tal-Ġlieda tas-Sena Jispiċċa f’Deċiżjoni Unanima Rebħa għal Anderson

Ħadu t-tliet rawnds kollha biex jiddeterminaw ir-rebbieħ fl-avveniment ko-prinċipali tal-lejla, imma fl-aħħar, Derek Anderson (14-2) ħareġ rebbieħ b’deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 29-28 darbtejn) jirbaħ fuq You Awad (19-8). "Il-Barbaric" ikompli x-xejra reċenti tiegħu li jestendi l-ġlied matul l-aħħar rawnd, hekk kif ir-rebħa timmarka t-tielet ġlieda konsekuttiva tiegħu biex tmur għall-iskorecards tal-imħallfin. L-indiġen ta ’San Diego issa rreġistra ħames rebħiet taħt id-direzzjoni tal-promozzjoni mmexxija minn Scott Coker, inklużi rebħiet multipli fuq ħbieb ħfief Patricky "Pitbull" Freire, jaqla ’lilu nnifsu rispett mistħoqq fost l-elite tad-diviżjoni.

In-Knockout "Insane" ta 'Karakhanyan Tpoġġi tmiem bikri għal Jenkins' Night

Georgi Karakhanyan (25-6-1) meħtieġa biss 53 sekondi biex tispiċċa Bubba Jenkins (11-3), hekk kif il-piż tar-rix Russu ħa ħsieb ta '"The Highlight Kid" għat-tieni darba f'sentejn. "Ġenn" ħareġ jispara, inżul daqqiet multipli li bagħtu lil Jenkins fuq it-tapit bi knockout bikri, jaqla 'tiegħu 11th jirbaħ fl-aħħar tiegħu 14 tissielet. It-telf huwa biss it-tielet tal-karriera żgħira ta 'Jenkins u t-tieni tal-varjetà tal-ewwel rawnd, it-tnejn li huma issa responsabbli għalihom Karakhanyan. Ir-rebħa hija l-ħames eliminatorja tal-karriera ta ’Karakhanyan u hija t-tielet tiegħu fil-qafas tal-ftuħ.

McKee Jibqa 'Mingħajr Ma Jitlef Bil-Finitura Impressjonanti tal-Giljottina


Fil-konkors tal-ftuħ fi "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull," A.J. McKee "Merċenarju" (5-0) baqa 'mhux megħlub b'sottomissjoni ta' ċowk tal-giljottina 32 sekondi fis-tieni rawnd. Billi testendi l-ġlieda wara l-qafas tal-ftuħ, Walker kien kapaċi jagħmel dak li ma għamel l-ebda avversarju ieħor, hekk kif kull waħda mill-erba ’rebħiet preċedenti ta’ McKee kienet irriżultat f’finitura tal-ewwel rawnd. Ir-rebħa għalaq lejl impressjonanti minn Team Bodyshop, bħala sħabu tat-tim ta ’McKee Joey Davis (1-0) u Gabriel Green (4-0) kellhom ukoll armi mgħollija fil-parti preliminari tal-avveniment. Bħala wieħed mill-aqwa talenti żgħażagħ ta ’Bellator MMA, iż-żagħżugħ ta ’21 sena McKee kien kapaċi juri għal darb’oħra li hu parti mill-elite tad-diviżjoni. Wara l-ġlieda, imsejjaħ l-indiġen ta ’Long Beach Patrick “Pitbull," qal "Mhu xejn personali, Irrid (Daniel) Straus."


Riżultati Card preliminari:

Jake Roberts (7-0) defeated Stephen Martinez (11-5) permezz tat-TKO fi 4:24 ta round wieħed

Chinzo Machida (4-2) defeated Mario navarro (4-5) permezz tat-TKO fi 2:57 ta round wieħed

Jacob Rosales (4-2) defeated Mike Segura (4-4) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 29-28 darbtejn)

Andy Murad (13-2) defeated Jonny Cisneros (9-5) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28)

Gabriel Green (4-0) defeated Alex Trinità (1-2) permezz tat-TKO fi 2:01 ta 'round tnejn

Joey Davis (1-0) defeated Keith Cutrone (1-1) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27)

Steve Ramírez (5-1) defeated Ron Henderson (4-3) permezz tat-TKO fi 2:24 ta round wieħed

David duran (4-4) defeated Kyle Estrada (3-3) permezz deċiżjoni maqsuma (29-28)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Awissu 16, 2016) – Just nine days before the highly anticipated "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” avveniment fuq Awissu 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., injuries sustained by main card fighters Henry Corrales u Lena Ovchynnikova have shaken things up a bit. Featherweight undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) issa se jiffaċċjaw Cody Walker (7-2), filwaqt Bubba Jenkins (11-2) u Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1) find themselves in a featherweight feature fight during the SPIKE-televised main card.

The fights join a main card that spotlights a super fight at 155-pounds between Benson Henderson (23-6) u Patrick "Pitbull" (25-3), as the two will duke it out for a shot at Michael Chandler’s championship belt. B'żieda, an explosive lightweight contest pitting You Awad (19-7) kontra Derek Anderson (13-2) will serve as the evening’s co-main event.

In preliminary action, welterweights Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. u Joey Davis will make their professional debuts, filwaqt Chinzo Machida (3-2) will compete for the first time under the Bellator MMA banner.

Tickets for the event start at $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at Honda Center Box Office. Bibien miftuħa fi 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on u Il-Mobile App Bellator — jibda fil 5:00 p.m. PT.

After beginning his career 7-1 bħala dilettanti, the 21-year-old “Mercenary” has made a splash on the professional circuit, recording a perfect 4-0 mark through his first four bouts. McKee has fought under the Bellator MMA banner ever since he made his professional debut in 2015, finishing all of his contests in the opening frame, including three knockouts and a rear-naked choke submission. McKee’s most recent victory came at the expense of Italian Danilo Belluardo during the mixed martial arts portion of Bellator MMA’s first-ever event overseas, "Bellator 152: Freire vs. Souza.” The Long Beach, Calif. native will now take his flashy personality to the Honda Center, where he will have the chance to put his unique skill set on full display in front of his hometown fans.

Agreeing to take a professional mixed martial arts contest on short notice is no easy task, doing so against an undefeated fighter the caliber of McKee is even more daunting. But that’s exactly the scenario Walker finds himself in now ahead of next Friday’s avveniment. A two-time competitor for Bellator, “The Crow” will look to move above .500 within the promotion when he enters the cage at Honda Center. The 28-year-old Texan has ended all seven of his professional victories via TKO or KO, including four in the first round.

A longtime veteran of Bellator MMA, Karakhanyan will look to get back on track after dropping two closely contested decision losses against Jenkins, who he handily defeated nearly two years ago via guillotine submission. Known to many mixed martial arts fans as “Insane,” the 31-year-old has finished 18 ta 'dmirijietu 24 jirbaħ bħala professjonali, earning himself multiple titles in regional promotions along the way. Following multiple setbacks to his knee, the Russian fighter is finally healthy and now looks to climb the 145-pound ladder in a competitive division that he once sat atop as the No. 1 konkorrent.

Just a few years ago, Bubba Jenkins was widely regarded as the top MMA prospect in all of the sport, though the title became tainted following the aforementioned loss to Karakhanyan at “Bellator 132.” The former NCAA National Champion wrestler with Arizona State University now has three consecutive wins under his belt, and is looking for redemption. Heading into his 11th fight under the Scot Coker-led promotion, the 28-year-old “Highlight Kid” looks to put on a standout performance in Bellator’s incredibly deep featherweight division. Tune in Awissu 26 to see if the Corona, Calif., native can return the favor and finish Karakhanyan in front of his local supporters.


Tlesti "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Henderson (23-6) vs. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Ko-Main Event ħfief: You Awad (19-7) vs. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (4-0) vs. Cody Walker (7-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1) Preliminary Card:

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Chinzo Machida (3-2) vs. Mario navarro (4-4)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joey Davis (Pro Début) vs. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro Début) vs. Jon Tomasian (Pro Début)

Preliminari Ħfief: Gabriel Green (2-0) vs. Alex Trinità (1-0)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Steve Ramírez (4-1) vs. Ron Henderson (4-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Kyle Estrada (3-2) vs. David duran (3-4)

Preliminari Ħfief: Mike Segura (4-3) vs. Jacob Rosales (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Jonny Cisneros (9-4) vs. Andy Murad (12-2)

Preliminari Ħfief: Jake Roberts (6-0) vs. Stephen Martinez (11-4)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Awissu 8, 2016) - Chinzo Machida (3-2) will make his promotional debut in featherweight preliminary action at "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” fuq Awissu 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., kontra Mario navarro (4-4).

The fight joins a main card that includes a lightweight main event between fellow superstars Benson Henderson (23-6) u Patrick "Pitbull" (25-3). B'żieda, artist eliminatorja undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) clashes with former KOTC titlist Henry Corrales (12-3), while explosive lightweights You Awad(19-7) u Derek Anderson (13-2) go toe-to-toe in a matchup that you do not want to miss. Rounding out the televised action is a women’s flyweight encounter pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) kontra Jaimelene Nievera (4-1).

During the must-see preliminary portion of the event, Bubba Jenkins (11-2) will look for revenge against Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (24-6-1) in a featherweight rematch. Fir-rikors welterweight, both Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. u Joey Davis will both suit up for the first time under the Bellator umbrella and make their professional debuts.

"Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” sseħħ fuq Awissu 26 inside Anaheim California’s Honda Center, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. U/9 p.m. CT.

Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on u Il-Mobile App Bellator — jibda fil 5:00 p.m. PT. Biljetti għall-avveniment jibda fil biss $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at the Honda Center Box Office.

Machida, the elder brother of former light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida, has only fought five times in his career, but is currently riding a two-fight winning streak. Machida impressively finished Brian Wood via flying knee for Resurrection Fighting Alliance in 2014 u fuq Awissu 26 Machida will be fighting an opponent who’s currently on the opposite end of the spectrum, and has lost his last two outings. If unfamiliar with Machida’s handy work, look no further than his aforementioned finish of Wood here.

Navarro, 33, has competed almost exclusively in his home state of California, ma 7 ta 8 fights taking place a short drive from his home in Huntington Beach. A two-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, “Handsome” has competed against Cleber Luciano and Brandon Bender under the Scott Coker-led promotion and will look to get back to his winning ways in Anaheim, Calif., fuq Awissu. 26.

Tlesti "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Henderson (23-6) vs. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Ko-Main Event ħfief: You Awad (19-7) vs. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) vs. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (4-0) vs. Henry Corrales (12-3) Preliminary Card:

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Chinzo Machida (3-2) vs. Mario navarro (4-4)

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joey Davis (Pro Début) vs. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro Début) vs. Jon Tomasian (Pro Début)

Preliminari Ħfief: Gabriel Green (2-0) vs. Alex Trinità (1-0)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Steve Ramírez (4-1) vs. Ron Henderson (4-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Kyle Estrada (3-2) vs. David duran (3-4)

Preliminari Ħfief: Mike Segura (4-3) vs. Jacob Rosales (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Jonny Cisneros (9-4) vs. Andy Murad (12-2)

Preliminari Ħfief: Jake Roberts (6-0) vs. Stephen Martinez (11-4)


SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Awissu 4, 2016) – A flyweight bout pitting Anastasia Yankova (3-0) kontra VETA Arteaga (2-0) has been added to the SPIKE-televised portion of "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson," li sseħħ fuq Settembru 16 at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, Texas.

The fight joins a main card that features a heavyweight main event pitting French phenom Cheick Kongo (24-10-2) against the streaking Tony Johnson (10-2). Additional main and preliminary contests will be announced shortly.

Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 7:45 p.m. CT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on u Il-Mobile App Bellator — jibda fil 8:00 p.m. CT. Biljetti għall-avveniment jibda fil biss $25 and can be purchased now at, Ticketmaster, or the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park Box Office.

The 25-year-old Yankova will make her second appearance of the year, after garnering the attention of the MMA world with an impressive promotional debut in Italy at "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza.” The Russian submission specialist began her professional career 2-0, before earning her first victory under the direction of Bellator MMA with an impressive first round armbar victory. An avid artist outside of the cage, Yankova hopes to carve out her next masterpiece when she returns to action on Seba. 16.

Since making her professional debut earlier this year, Arteaga has strung together back-to-back wins, including a unanimous decision victory over Jackie Vandenburgh in her promotional debut at "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef. " S'issa, each of Arteaga’s first two wins have gone to the judges’ table, leaving the 28-year-old Boise, Idaho native itching for her first career stoppage win.


Aġġornata "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (24-10-2) vs. Tony Johnson (10-2)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (3-0) vs. VETA Arteaga (2-0)

Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs Takes On Former World Champion Sergio Mora in Rematch That Headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Friday, Settembru 9 From Santander Arena in Reading, Pa. (9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT)

Aktar! Undefeated Lightweights Robert Easter Jr. &
Richard Commey Meet for Vacant World Title
Local Heavyweight Travis Kauffman in Action
Biljetti dwar il-Bejgħ Issa!
SANTANDER, PA. (Awissu 4, 2016) – Middleweight world champion Daniel “Il-Man Miracle” Jacobs (31-1, 28 Kos) will defend his title in a rematch against former world champion Sergio “L Snake Latin” Mora (28-4-2, 9 Kos) li aħbarijietPremier Boxing Champions fuq Spike, Il-ġimgħa, Settembru 9 from Santander Arena, Qari, Pa.
Kopertura televiżjoni jibda fil 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated lightweights colliding for a vacant world title as Robert Għid Jr. (17-0, 14 Kos) jieħu fuq Richard Commey (24-0, 22 Kos). Wkoll fuq il-karta, konkorrent heavyweight Travis “Ħin My” Kauffman (30-1, 22 Kos) will be featured in a 10-round fight.
Jacobs and Mora met in an August 2015 firefight that saw both men hit the canvas in round one. Mora was floored by a Jacobs right hand but the tricky veteran recovered and caught Jacobs with a clean left that put Jacobs on the ground. The action was halted in round two after Jacobs knocked Mora down again, rendering him unable to continue after fracturing his ankle on his way to the mat.
This is business for me, but it is also more personal than any fight I have ever had,” Said Jacobs. “Sergio has been using these antics online to get this rematch and he has gotten under my skin. There has been a lot of back and forth as far as people’s opinions as to who would have won the fight had he not gotten hurt. I am looking at this as an opportunity to clarify that I am the real champion. I want to shut his trap in primetime.
I don’t think Jacobs wanted this rematch, but it was destined to happen and now he has to deal with it,” Said Mora. “I thought the first fight was going my way. I knocked him down in the first round and was out boxing him in the second round. He knows that I have enough power to hurt him. He has more to worry about going into this fight than in the first fight. Look at my resume, I have fought solid opposition. Jacobs doesn’t have that type of resume.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l-Promozzjonijiet Re, tibda fil $20 and are on sale now via Ticketmaster.
This is going to be one of the best cards of the year,” qal Marshall Kauffman tal Promozzjonijiet Re. “There are two great world title fights with Jacobs and Mora plus Easter and Commey. The first JacobsMora fight was headed to be a shootout before Mora got injured. Easter and Commey has all the makings of a war. Add that to Travis Kauffman continuing his road to the heavyweight title plus the best fighters from Reading on the card, The Santander Arena will be electric both inside the ring and in the building on September 9.
The 29-year-old Jacobs followed up his victory over Mora with a sensational first round knockout of previously unbeaten former champion Peter Quillin in their highly anticipated December showdown. An inspirational figure representing Brooklyn, New York, Jacobs completed his road from cancer survivor to champion when he defeated Jarrod Fletcher for the middleweight title in 2014.
Ir-rebbieħ ta 'l NBC “Il Konkorrent” serje, the 35-year-old Mora is a former world champion at super welterweight and looking to add a middleweight crown to his name as he returns to the ring for the first time since the injury suffered in the first Jacobs fight. L-indiġeni Los Angeles tippossjedi rebħiet fuq Ishe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. and Vernon Forrest.
Dilettant mwettqa li kien 2012 U.S. Sostitut Olimpiku, the 25-year-old Easter Jr. picked up four victories in 2015 including knockouts over Osumanu Akaba, Miguel Mendoza, Alejandro Rodriguez and Juan Ramon Solis. Unbeaten peress tidwir pro fl 2012, the Toledo, Ohio-born prospect faced the toughest challenge of his career in April when he impressively stopped former world champion Algenis Mendez also on Spike.
Representing Accra, Ghana, Commey has climbed the ranks since turning pro in 2011 and has yet to be defeated. Il-29-il sena rebaħ l-ewwel tiegħu 11 bouts fighting out of Ghana before going to London, Danimarka, South Africa and Germany to improve his record to 24-0. Commey fought in the U.S. kif ukoll, stopping Bahodir Mamadjonov in the eighth round last May.
A local attraction fighting out of Reading, Kauffman is the son of longtime trainer and promoter Marshall Kauffman. Kauffman won his first 18 pro fights and entered his last bout on a 12-fight winning streak. The 30-year-old dropped Chris Arreola in his last outing before losing a majority decision that was later changed to a no decision. Issa, Kauffman looks to impress in his hometown as he returns to the ring.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur uċampjins. Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, DanielJacobsTKO, @TheLatinSnake_, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook PBC on Spike is sponsored byCorona Extra, ifjen Birra.



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Awissu 2, 2016) – A flyweight matchup pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) kontra Jaimelene Nievera (4-1) has been added to the main card of "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” fuq Awissu 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif.


The fight joins a main card that includes a lightweight main event between fellow superstars Benson Henderson (23-6) u Patrick "Pitbull"(25-3). B'żieda, artist eliminatorja undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) clashes with former KOTC titlist Henry Corrales (12-3), while explosive lightweights You Awad (19-7) u Derek Anderson (13-2) go toe-to-toe in a matchup that you do not want to miss.


During the must-see preliminary portion of the event, Bubba Jenkins (11-2) will look for revenge against Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (24-6-1) in a featherweight rematch. Fir-rikors welterweight, both Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. u Joey Davis will both suit up for the first time under the Bellator umbrella when they make their professional debuts.


"Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” sseħħ fuq Awissu 26 inside Anaheim California’s Honda Center, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. U/9 p.m. CT.


Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on u Il-Mobile App Bellator — jibda fil 5:00 p.m. PT. Biljetti għall-avveniment jibda fil biss $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at the Honda Center Box Office.


Fighting out of Ukraine, Ovchynnikova will enter the cage in search of her first win under the Bellator MMA banner since joining the promotion at the beginning of this year. After making her professional debut in 2006, “Hunter” came out guns blazing, earning victories in each of her initial eight bouts. Of her 11 career wins, eight have come by way of submission, including six of the armbar variety.


Nievera will prepare to challenge the Ukrainian star in what is surely the stiffest test of her young career. Fresh off an emphatic knockout win over Stephanie Frausto at "Bellator 154: Davis vs. King Mo," the Union City, Calif., native is eager to once again step back into the cage and represent Bellator MMA. Nicknamed “Queenie,” the 31-year-old Dragon House MMA product has her eyes set on building off of her current three-fight winning streak when she takes center stage in Anaheim on Awissu 26.


Aġġornata "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Henderson (23-6) vs. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Ko-Main Event ħfief: You Awad (19-7) vs. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) vs. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (4-0) vs. Henry Corrales (12-3) Preliminary Card:

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joey Davis (Pro Début) vs. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro Début) vs. Johnny Tomasian (Pro Début)

Preliminari Ħfief: Gabriel Green (2-0) vs. Alex Trinità (1-0)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Steve Ramírez (4-1) vs. Ron Henderson (4-2)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Awissu 1, 2016) – The announcement of his Bellator MMA arrival had “Baby Slice” Kevin Ferguson Jr. trending on social media for two-straight days, and today, Bellator Officials have confirmed that his first challenge as a professional mixed martial artist will be Jonathan Tomasian in a welterweight attraction at “Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull.”


B'żieda, Ferguson’s teammate at “Body Shop Gym," Joey Davis will also make his professional debut, meta hu jieħu fuq Keith Cutrone (1-0) at 170-pounds.


The stacked event takes place on Awissu 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. U/9 p.m. CT. Tickets start at just $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at the Honda Center Box Office. Doors for “Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull”miftuħa 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on u Il-Mobile App Bellator — jibda fil 5:00 p.m. PT.


These two welterweight matchups join a card that features a stellar 155-pound main event between Benson Henderson (23-6) u Patrick "Pitbull" (25-3). Barra minn hekk, two standout featherweight fights have also been announced, seeing the young and undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) meet former KOTC titlist Henry Corrales (12-3) and NCAA National Champion Wrestler Bubba Jenkins (11-2) jieħdu fuq Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (24-6-1).


Signed to a developmental deal in April, “Baby Slice” makes his pro debut on the event’s preliminary card. The son of the late, great “Kimbo Slice,” Ferguson Jr. broke onto the scene very quietly earlier this year in an amateur bout in Western Massachusetts, where he scored a knockout victory just 83 sekondi fl-ewwel rawnd. MMA reporter Chuck Mindenhall was on-site to cover the story. ‘Baby Slice’ trains at Antonio McKee’s “Body Shop Gym” in Long Beach alongside other “Bellator 160” competitors McKee, Jenkins and Davis.


Tomasian makes his professional debut under Bellator’s bright lights in a high profile situation that he hopes to make the most of. The 20-year-old Santa Clara, Calif., native has slightly more cage time than Slice, winning both of his amateur outings, once by knockout and the other by decision. Tomasian is currently training with Manny Rocha at Strive Jiu Jitsu Academy in Lodi Calif., where he has earned a purple belt in the art.


Davis is a 21-year-old standout wrestler who competed at Notre Dame College, where he accumulated an incredible undefeated 131-0 record and four consecutive NCAA Division II Championships during his college tenure, becoming the only Division II wrestler to ever win four national titles and go unbeaten in a career. Issa, Davis looks to parlay his wrestling success in the mixed martial arts cage on Aug. 26 in the Anaheim, where Davis will have plenty of hometown fans in attendance.


Amassing an 8-1 record on the amateur circuit, Cutrone has previously gotten his feet wet professionally, winning his pro debut via stoppage this past March. “The Bone” is a Strikeforce veteran, competing at the promotion’s “Challengers 11” card in 2010. With a strong base in wrestling and jiu-jitsu, Cutrone held a regional title at 185-pounds before permanently moving to welterweight as a professional.


"Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Henderson (23-6) vs. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Karatteristika Ħafifa: You Awad (19-7) vs. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (4-0) vs. Henry Corrales (12-3)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1) Preliminary Card:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joey Davis (Pro Début) vs. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro Début) vs. Jonathan Tomasian (Pro Début)





SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Lulju, 22) – Bellator MMA is heading back to the “Lone Star State,” where a heavyweight bout pitting Cheick Kongo(24-10-2) kontra Tony Johnson (10-2) will serve as the main event of "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson," li sseħħ fuq Settembru 16 at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, Texas, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.


The Scott Coker-led promotion will be holding its first-ever event at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, which is just a short drive from Austin. Biljetti għall "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” jibda $25 can be purchased at, Ticketmaster, or the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park Box Office starting next Il-ġimgħa, Lulju 29 with an exclusive Bellator Nation pre-sale running the L-Erbgħa u Il-Ħamis prior. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


Hailing from Paris, Kongo will enter the cage for the ninth time under the direction of Bellator MMA and make his third consecutive appearance in a card’s main event. An 18-fight veteran of the UFC, Kongo hopes to add to his current two-fight winning streak and 6-2 mark since joining the Viacom-owned promotion back in 2013. Standing 6 sieq 4, Kongo will have a noticeable height advantage over his shorter opponent. With half of his 24 career wins coming by way of knockout, Kongo will also attempt to finish Johnson for the first time of his professional career.


A native of North Platte, Nebraska, Johnson has strung together an impressive streak of three straight victories, including two in a row since re-joining the Bellator MMA fray. After making his professional debut in 2008, the 30-year-old made his Bellator MMA debut with a unanimous decision win over Derrick “The Black Beast” Lewis at “Bellator 46.” Since challenging current UFC Champion Daniel Cormier in 2010, Johnson has gone 6-1 with three knockout finishes, including noteworthy victories over Alexander Volkov and most recently Raphael Butler, waqt"Bellator 148: Daley vs. Uhrich” aktar kmieni din is-sena.


Aġġornata "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (24-10-2) vs. Tony Johnson (10-2)




LAS VEGAS (Ġunju 15, 2016) -World Serje ta 'Fighting ( ħabbret illum li Thiago Meller has withdrawn from his scheduled welterweight (170 liri) konkors kontra John “Doomsday” Howard (23-12), li issa se jiffaċċjaw“Mad” Mike Arrant (15-10) in a middleweight (185 liri) bout at the much-anticipated WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland world championship doubleheader Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) avveniment, jgħixu fuq NBCSN (9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT) minn Foxwoods Resort Casino fil Mashantucket, Conn. fuq Il-ġimgħa, Ġunju 17.

B'żieda, undefeated Marcus Surin (3-0) of Stamford, Conn. has been tabbed to step in for Sam Watford fil-skedat ħfief (155 liri) preliminary card contest against Christian “The Terminator” Torres (0-0) of Endicott, N.Y..

Originally hailing from Orlando, Fla., il-5-marda ta '9, 28-year-old Arrant, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt, resides in Las Vegas, where he is a member of legendary champion Randy “The Natural” Couture’s Xtreme Couture fight squad.

Arrant is looking to return to the win column following a unanimous decision defeat in his last start on August 7, 2015, at the hands of two-time UFC veteran Brock Jardine.

Prior to the loss, Arrant had reeled off six consecutive victories, five of which he produced in the first round, by way of (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni. Sal-lum, 12 ta 'dmirijietu 15 professional wins have been finishes.

During the six-fight win streak, Arrant seized his first championship – regional promotion SteelFist Fight Night’s welterweight title – with a first round (5:00) WHO (retirement) ta Carl Dieckmann fuq Lulju 12, 2013.

Like Arrant, the 5-foot-7, 33-year-old Howard boasts a phenomenal finish rate with 15 ta 'dmirijietu 23 professional victories having come by way of (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni.

Howard will make his promotional debut with World Series of Fighting following a second stint with the UFC that spanned seven fights and included wins over Uriah Hall, Siyar Bahadurzada u Cathal Pendred.

Pprezzati minn $39.99, tickets for WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland are on sale at and

Doors at The Grand Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 5 p.m. U, and the first of seven preliminary card bouts will begin at 5:45 p.m.

Il-karta kollu ġlieda preliminari se stream live fuq video player embeddable fuq

In the main event of the five-bout, jgħixu telecast NBCSN, reigning World Series of Fighting heavyweight champion Blagoy Ivanov (13-1) will put his title on the line against Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland (12-3).

Fil-każ ko prinċipali ħfief, superstars Jason "Il-Belt Bandit Kansas" High (19-5) u Mike "Il Martian" Ricci (11-4) will square off with their division’s number one contender ranking at stake.


CARD MAIN (Jgħixu fuq NBCSN)

World Series of Fighting Heavyweight Championship Main Event:
Blagoy Ivanov (Champion) vs. Josh Copeland (Challenger)

Ko-Main Event ħfief:
Jason Għoli vs. Mike Ricci

Middleweight: John Howard vs. Mike Arrant
Featherweight: Luis Palomino vs. Sheymon Moraes
Middleweight: Phil Hawes vs. Josh Key


Ħfief: Tom Marcellino vs. Devin Powell
Heavyweight: Juliano Coutinho vs. Justin Willis
Heavyweight: Tyler King vs. Lorenzo Hood
Welterweight: Robert Fonseca vs. Sean Lally
Ħfief: Bruce Boyington vs. Saul Almeida
Bantamweight: Rodrigo Almeida vs. Ben Pierre-Saint
Ħfief: Marcus Surin vs. Christian Torres