Tūtohu Archives: Showtime



Middleweights Rob Brant a Louis Rose farerei i roto i te Takahanga Main

E ora i 10:30 p.m. AND/PT

NEW YORK (Oketopa. 9, 2015) - ShoBox: Ko te Generation New hoki i runga i Rāmere, Oketopa. 23, ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (10:30 p.m. AND/PT) ki te quadrupleheader e ōrite waru opuaraa taitamariki ki tahi i te tahi i roto i te whawhai uaua o to ratou mahi hua.


I roto i te hui matua i te Celebrity Theatre i roto i te Phoenix, Ariz., tūturu Rob "Bravo" Brant (17-0, 11 Koó, 0-3 i roto i te Ao Series o Boxing), o St. Paora, Mai., kanohi Louis "Te Unknown" Rose (13-2-1, 5 Koó), o Los Angeles, i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio mo wātea te taitara whitu WBC Continental Amerika.


I roto i te-āhuatanga tahi teata, hinga kore amanaki Philipino Harmonito "Hurricane Gensan" Dela Torre (16-0, 11 Koó) ka meinga e tona U.S. tuatahi ki Anahera "El keti" Luna (12-1-1, 7 Koó), o te Dominican Republic; i roto i te mau taumahamaha, tūturu Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller (14-0-1, 12 Koó), o Brooklyn, N.Y., Ka fehangahangai Akhror "Ha" Muralimov (14-1, 11 Koó), o Houston, Texas mā Uzbekistan; a Lavarn "Baby Bowe" Harvell (15-1, 8 Koó) o ka fehangahangai Atlantic City southpaw Hamuera "Takahanga te Main" Clarkson (16-3, 10 Koó), o hita Hills, Texas, i roto i te marama taumahamaha kēmu-ake. Hanga e katoa ko Clarkson kia ratou ShoBox debuts.


E whakaritea e toru pāngia co-ngā katoa hoki e waru rauna.


Tikiti mo te takahanga, kawea e Greg Cohen Whakatairanga me Roy Jones Jr. Whakatairanga mekemeke i roto i te feohi ki Iron Boy Whakatairanga, GH3 Whakatairanga, Whawhai Whakatairanga Kāri, Salita Whakatairanga me Winner Tangohia Productions katoa, E utu i $65 Ringside, $50 i whakatoea me $30 whakauru whānui me Kei te wātea tuihono i www.celebritytheatre.ticketforce.com.



Brant vs. Rose:

Ko te Brant 5-waewae-11½-inihi, ko wai ka tahuri 25 i runga i Oct. 2, ko te 2010 National Golden karapu toa i 178 pauna a ko te mema o te U.S. rōpū mekemeke motu. Kua riro ia katoa 17 o mai i tahuri pro i roto i tona whawhai 2012, tae atu i te whakamutunga e rima i roto i te rarangi i te knockout. Piro ia he TKO tuatoru-a tawhio noa ki runga Lekan Byfield i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Aug. 28. Brant tēnei wā whakaako i roto i Dallas te taha o runga amanaki Errol Spence Jr.


Ko te Rose 5-waewae-11-inch, Ko 26 tau me te pro mai i Whiringa 2011. Kua mea patu e ia e ono whawhai tūturu me ko 8-1-1 i roto i tona whakamutunga 10 whawhai. Haere mai te mate ana'e ki tino te whakaaro, hinga kore (a 2011 toa runaruna te ao, me te 2012 Ukrainian Häkinakina) Ievgen Khytrov i runga i Nov. 21, 2014. Kua riro Rose ana haerenga whakamutunga e rua tae atu i te TKO te ono-a tawhio pouri ki runga ki amanaki mua tūturu Milorad Zizic (11-0 haere i roto i te) i runga i March 13 a i roto i tona haerenga tino tata, he miramira-hurori, hopea-minuti TKO tuawaru-a tawhio noa ki runga Andrew Hernandezi runga i Aug. 15.



Dela Torre vs. Luna:

Dela Torre, he 5-waewae-te £ 7-inihi, 21-tau-tau, Ko te whakaaro tetahi o te kuao taranata tino whaihua i roto i te Philippines. I muri i te mahi runaruna e ngā 47 toa ki 40 Koó me mema i runga i te rōpū mekemeke runaruna motu Filipaini, Tahuri ngaio dela Torre i te matahiti o 17 i roto i te Hānuere 2012. Tata nekehia ia ki Las Vegas, a ka kia whawhai i waho o Ahia mo te wa tuatahi. Noho dela Torre kua itoito i roto i te whakakai, whawhai ono nga wa i roto i 2012, E rima nga wa i roto i 2013, e toru nga wa i roto i 2014, a ka waiho tona whawhai toru tenei tenei tau. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Pipiri 7, tuhia e ia tona knockout karapīpiti te ono i runga i te mutu te wha-a tawhio noa ki runga Eusebio Baluarte.


Hoki Luna ki te mowhiti mo te wha i roto i te wa 2015, patuki ia Jose Lopez i roto i tona a'ee tino tata i runga i Pipiri 6 i te whakatau loto. Whawhai Luna ana ngā kēmu tuatahi waru ngaio i roto i tona whenua Dominican Republic, toa e rima i te knockout. I roto i tona U.S. tuatahi i runga i Mei 21, 2014, Kāniwha Luna he knockout tuarua-a tawhio noa ki runga Joey Arroyo. I tukua e te inihi 5-waewae-5 'amanaki Kōmāmā teina tona mate ana'e ki amanakiTevin Farmer i roto i tona tuarua ki te muri a'ee i runga i April 17.


Miller vs. Muralimov:

Miller, 27, tu e ono-waewae-wha inihi me he Force faahiahia e te ringa nohopuku, me te kaha. Ko te mua New York Golden karapu whiringa i whanau, me whakaarahia i roto i Brooklyn, a hanga ana tuatahi ngaio i roto i te Hōngongoi 2009, notching he knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa. Ko a Miller rima whawhai o tenei 2015. Riro ia tona whakamutunga e toru whawhai i te knockout, katoa i roto i nga rauna tuatahi e rua, tae atu ki te tuatahi- knockout a tawhio o Rawa ake Holmes i roto i tona a'ee tino tata i runga i Pipiri 2. Ahakoa te Miller kakato arotahi inaianei i runga i tona mahi mekemeke, mai ia i te papamuri MMA me kickboxing, ka whakataetae 10 wa i runga i te taumata o te ao. Kua sparred Miller ngā ki taumahamaha Champion Wladimir Klitschko.


-Tau 27-tawhito te Muralimov, i whanau nei i roto i Uzbekistan, engari inaianei e ora ana me te tereina i roto i te Houston, i te mahi runaruna whakamīharo ki runga 150 whawhai me tata'uraa aito ao i toru rerekē wehenga. I tukua e Muralimov anake te mate o tona mahi i runga i Feb. 14 mā te whakatau loto 10-a tawhio noa ki te hōia uaua Derric Rossy. Ka waiho Miller tika te tuarua toa tūturu i faaruru e Muralimov me titiro ki te hei i tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā. I mua ki tona mate ki Rossy, Tuhia Muralimov ono knockouts i roto i tona pāngia e waru whakamutunga.


Harvell vs. Clarkson:

Harvell Ko te 27 tau tawhito i te wāhanga Ventnor Heights o Atlantic City nei kua rä whawhai mai tahuri ngaio i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2008 (ahakoa e tona whawhai toru tenei tenei tau, me te puta ia ki te tata runga puka). Kua riro Harvell rua i roto i te rarangi mai i te mamae tona hinga ana'e i roto i tona 14th whawhai i te rawa, pouri whakatau ono-a tawhio noa ki te underdog nui Edgar Parete i runga i Pipiri 14, 2014. I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga i runga i Aug. 22, Harvell patua Quincy Minor i te knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa.


Tonu 6-waewae-1-inch 25-tau-tawhito te Clarkson ki te mahi ki te fakavavevave kaha Ua muri ia kua nuinga tukunga rite te amanaki tika muri e toru parekura matekiri i runga i tona record. He mai e arotahi ana ki te tipu ano he toa i roto i te whakakai me rite ki te tangata i waho o te reira, Kua whakawhanakehia Clarkson he whakakotahitanga ahurei o te tere, mana me te māia. Takatakahia e ia ia ia ano he amanaki super ki te mataara i roto i tona ShoBox ngā haerenga tuatahi e rua i mua, no te hua ia he TKO tuatoru-a tawhio auheke i runga pakeke-patu, tino te whakaaro Jerry Odomi runga i Hōngongoi 17. I roto i tona mau tino tata, piro ia he 1:30, knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki runga Raniera Rayford Johnson i runga i Aug. 28. Clarkson Ko te rua-wā Texas Golden karapu State Champion me Pirihimana Athletic League National Champion i 175 pauna.

Barry Tompkins Ka karanga i te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Steve Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua, ko te Gordon Hall ki Richard Gaughan te whakaputa me te Rick Phillips aratai.


I te po whawhai, tatau tuwhera i 5 p.m. a ka tīmata te mahi i 6 p.m. E tū ana te Celebrity Theatre te i 440 N te 32raa o Street i Phoenix, THE. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, karanga (602) 267-1600 toronga ranei www.celebritytheatre.com. Mō ētahi atu pārongo i runga i Greg Cohen Whakatairanga, torongawww.gcpboxing.com. Twitter: gcpboxing. Tirohia ranei matou i roto i runga i Facebook i www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.


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ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.


TANIELU Jacobs VU. Korukī PRESS AMUIRAA Pita QUILLIN ME Whakaahua HEI Tīhema. 5 Taupatupatunga ON SHOWTIME®

“E kore e mea faufaa te reira te mea e haere ana ia ki te tepu ki, ka to tatou he puni 10-wiki mo tenei whawhai, a ka riro matou rite rawa.”
– Daniel Jacobs
Titau ahau Danny ki te kawe i tana kauwae nui ki tenei whawhai. Kihai ahau i kite i te aroaro o te reira engari titiro ki tona kauae rawa nui.” – Peter Quillin
SATURDAY, Dec. 5, Te noho i SHOWTIME®
MEI Barclays CENTER i Brooklyn
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Tickets I te Sale Na!!!
NEW YORK, N.Y.. (Oketopa. 7, 2015) –WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó)me te toa o mua ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó)whai wāhi i roto i te amuiraa tīmata press runga i te Wenerei i Planet Hollywood Times Squarei roto i te New York City ki te kauwhau ōkawa ratou tino tūmanako Dec. 5 pupūtanga i roto i te hui matua oSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora i runga i SHOWTIMEi Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn.
Ka te undercard mo te pupūtanga o Brooklyn e kauwhautia hohoro.
Kei raro ko te mea i te whawhai, me whakahaere i ki te mea i teie mahana:
“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei. Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki Brooklyn tenei. Kihai i taea e kua tupu te reira i te wa pai. Kua kua ahau te karanga ia ia i roto i hoki e rua nga tau, engari i reira ki te tango i taua wa ki te hanga me te mo to tatou mahi ki te tupu.
“Ko te pā, e te toa i te mutunga o te ra. Kei te haere tenei matchup ki te katoa Kikī mahi-. Ko te he matchup rawa ngā.
“E whakawhetai ahau kia Pita mo te fariiraa i te wero, me te mo te hoatu i te faingamālie ahau ki te whai i te whawhai mahi-te huri.
“Whakapono ahau toku wa inaianei ko. E mohio ana ahau i reira ko hype a tawhio noa ahau ano he amanaki. Te tangata i to ratou whakaaro e pā ana ki ahau, engari e whakapono ana ahau i tenei wa hakari e kua pakari ahau ano he tangata whānui. Ahau i roto i toku pirimia.
“Ki ahau, tenei whawhai te tikanga o nga mea katoa ki a Brooklyn. Ko te pa matotoru-kiri i whakaarahia i runga i whawhai tenei. Tonu i koe ki te paruru ia outou. To tatou e whakapehapeha o ia whawhai nui e haere mai i konei, a Au waimarie nui ki te waiho i taua toa ki te haere tonu i te faufaa ai'a ahau.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki tenei whawhai he rota o te hiranga ki reira, e kore e tika i roto i te New York, engari ki te hākinakina o te mekemeke i roto i te whānui. He rota o te iwi kua tono hoki tenei whawhai, a inaianei e te reira konei, ka kite koe i te nui rahi o te aro a tawhio noa te reira.
“Whakaaro ahau tamarikitanga he katoa i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Ahakoa he pakeke Quillin atu ahau, ia e wheako me te mana e ka kawea e ia ki te mowhiti. Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu i roto i tenei hākinakina.
“Ko ahau te mea powhiriwhiri taua o tenei whawhai ngā, kei te haere i tēnei whawhai ki te waiho i te whawhai mīharo.
“Just no te mea he kohakore i roto i te wāhi kotahi Pita, Ka taea e ia te hoki ki te knockout kotahi-tokua e ake, na i nga wa e koe ki te kia rite mo e.
“Kohakore a Pita te hunga e utaina ana e ia ki runga i ona matā rawa nui, He puhoi i runga i ona waewae, me te he e kore e hikaka. Ki te taea e mahia e ahau i te mahere kēmu whakaaro ahau e waiho hei putanga tina.
“Whāngai matou rite ki tetahi o Brooklyn o ake a Pita, engari haere po whawhai koutou e kite i te katoa, he papatu, i whanau Brooklyn-.
“E kore e mea faufaa te reira te mea e haere ana ia ki te tepu ki, ka to tatou he puni 10-wiki mo tenei whawhai, a ka riro matou rite rawa.
“Kua ahau i runga i te kai tino, Kahore ahau i kai tiakarete. Otiia i muri i Hakihea 5th, Kei te haere ahau ki te kia te Monster Pihikete, e kore e haereere ki reira.”
“Tenei whawhai te tikanga o nga mea katoa ki ahau. Ko te eé rua mo te whawhai o Brooklyn. E haere tatou e ki te whai nui te tautoko i roto i te whare, me te tino ka tenei whawhai faauru iwi.
“I roto i te New York City e kore koutou whiwhi ki te kite ko eé e rua i tenei taumata o te tapawha mekemeke atu ki tetahi ki tetahi. Te tikanga o te reira i te rota, me te Ahau rawa oaoa e pā ana ki tenei whawhai.
“Titau ahau Danny ki te kawe i tana kauwae nui ki tenei whawhai. Kihai ahau i kite i te aroaro o te reira engari titiro ki tona kauae rawa nui, na e te aha e tatou titiro i teie nei.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau te tama a Brooklyn. Ahakoa ahau i Michigan, riro tenei pa kua ahau i roto i rite ahau tetahi o ratou ake. Kite koe i te aha i Las Vegas mo Floyd Mayweather, e te mea i mea ai Brooklyn hoki ahau.
“Ko te taata pai vs tenei. taata pai whawhai a te reira pai mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Au e haere mai ahau ki te maka poma. Ehara i te e pā ana ki te pire. Te reira e pā ana ki te huru o Au whawhai ahau te tangata. Ko te momo o te whawhai kei te haere e ki te kawe i te pai i roto i o Pita Quillin tenei.
“Arahina ahau i te āhua noho rawa hauora me te tereina noa, no te kore ahau e ahau te whakarite mo te whawhai. Pupuri ahau i ahau kia rite ki te kuao rite taea.
“E haere koe ki te kite i maha o Hōngongoi i roto i te marama o Hakihea. E haere tatou i ki te ngohe etahi hukarere.”
Brett YORMARK, Tumu o Center Barclays
“A, no te feruri e ahau o Center Barclays inaianei, tatou mau kei roto i te mahi hui nui.
“A, no te feruri e ahau e pā ana ki te toenga o 2015, i reira i ngā rā e rua i runga i toku maramataka, me te he tetahi o ratou Battle mo Brooklyn i runga i Dec. 5. Ko te rangatira e rua ake konei ko e konga o te Center Barclays. Ko to ratou fare tenei atu i te kāinga. Kahore he pai he wahi mo kia whiwhi ratou i te reira i runga i.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te kia tino hoatu matou i runga i te whakaatu nui mo nga pā i roto i Brooklyn. Kei oaoa ki te kite i te pā katoa i runga i matou Dec. 5.”
Lou DIBELLA, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment
“Riro Center Barclays kua te whare o te mekemeke me tetahi o nga wahi nui ki te whanga ki mekemeke matau i teie nei.
“Fafau atu nei au ki a koe, tenei ka waiho i te undercard o te tau. Te haere ki te waiho i te undercard tino ngā o te tau. Haere koutou tīkiti i teie nei.
“Kua whakawhanakehia SHOWTIME e rua o enei tangata taitamariki. Ko enei toa e rua i hanga e rua o ratou ingoa ano whawhai SHOWTIME. Tika ka mutu tenei whawhai i te tau i runga i SHOWTIME.
“Kua mohio ahau e rua o enei tangata taitama mai i ratou tamariki. Ko ratou nga tangata faahiahia, me te nama pono ki te hākinakina. Whiwhi takatu enei kua tonu haere, faatura ratou tahi i te tahi rite whawhai, engari i reira ko te whakapono pono i runga i to ratou wahi e rua e ratou te pai.
“Tangohia te auhoaraa katoa, me maka te reira i roto i te matapihi. Kei te haere tenei ki te e tohe. Kei te haere tenei ki te e nanakia. He ka mekemeke engari ka maka enei takatu poma. E kore e taea e ratou te tauturu ia ratou, e te aha hanga ratou na nui.
“Ko te toa o tenei i taea e te superstar.
“Tenei whawhai ko te whakaatu i te tangata i roto i te pa, ko te nei. Ko te toa, ka ake Brooklyn. Ki te kei te tangata i roto i Brooklyn koe, kei te tangata e koe. Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai o te kaitono tau, e kore feaa.
“Titau ahau nga tangata e rua ki te haere ki raro,. Ka hei te pā o ratou waewae te wa katoa i runga i. Ko te whawhai e kore e taea e mahue i waenganui i toa me takatu Me tenei wikitoria te hunga e hiahia ana, me te rua whakanoho iho ki āu tenei.”
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports
“E oaoa tatou ki te mahi ki te DBE me Barclays Center i runga i tenei kaupapa. You’re going to hear a lot of genuine excitement because this is the right fight, i te wāhi tika, me te i te wa e tika.
“Brett [Yormark] kua puta ke Center Barclays ki te whare o te mekemeke i runga i te Tai Te Tai Rāwhiti.
“Tango matou i te nui nui o te whakapehapeha i roto i enei tangata taitamariki tokorua, no te mea he ratou nga mea katoa e te mea tika ki te hākinakina.
“Kei tino rerekē taitama ki kōrero ātahu ratou. Ratou kua rua hinga te aroaro maere. Arahina ratou o ratou ara ki tahi i te tahi. Ka riro te reira pakeke hoki ki a tatou e whiriwhiri nei ki te unu mō te rua kuao nui tangata me kaimekemeke nui no te mea he enei.”
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Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment awww.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

Adrien Broner WINS WORLD MAHA TITLE WITH mīharo Tuhinga 12-rauna OVER uaua mua KHABIB ALLAKHVERDIEV

Pedraza riro ia Ritua whakatau Neke atu i te Edner Cherry
Easter and Herring Notch Victories on Sho EXTREME®
Pāwhiri ki konei FOR Whakaahua (Photos ahu)
Credit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME® Announces ALL ACCESS Epilogue: Adrien Broner E kia wātea i runga i SHOWTIME Sports® Digital Platforms Next Week
Cincinnati, Ohio — (Oketopa. 3, 2015) – Cincinnati’s Adrien Broner won a world title in his fourth weight division with an impressive 12-round TKO over Khabib Allakhverdiev whawhai i roto i te mua o 5,932 o ona pā oire i te U.S. Bank Arena and live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®\\. Broner (i teie nei 30-2, 22 Koó) kuhua ana ona ringa nohopuku, pātōtō te mana me te aroha o te showmanship i runga i te whakaaturanga i roto i te mahi whakaongaonga.
Allakhverdiev (i teie nei 19-2, 9 Koó) ka mau pai matā a Broner, kahore haere iho, engari ki te i roto i-āhua Broner, engari ki upping te whiu i roto i te taka noa whakamutunga, Referee Harvey Dock decided to mercifully wave the fight over at 2:23.
Titiro koi Broner i tona hokinga mai ki te wehenga super Kōmāmā. U ia 50 ōrau o ana nifó mana, ki te uppercut tika te tona taputapu whai hua tino.
“Pono, a young guy like me, they just threw me a lot of cash at a young age. It was hard to adjust to the fame, to the lights. After my last fight I said I wasn’t putting my all into it,” Said Broner. “Ko te tino ake katoa ki ahau. I muri i taua pere, no one can help me. I’m still AB, engari Kei te haere ahau tenei hawhe i muri o toku mahi ki te kia e pā ana ki te mekemeke me e pā ana ki te mahi. Ke kua Kahore. I’m comfortable at whatever weight my opponent is comfortable at. But I’m getting wiser, Au te kimi ahau pakeke.”
“No pātai Broner riro te whawhai. He is the real thing and tonight he showed it,” ka mea kaiwhakatairanga o Allakhverdiev Vlad Hrunov.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, IBF Junior Kōmāmā World Champion Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Koó) i noho tūturu, me te pai te awhina tona taitara mā ritua whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki runga o Florida Edner Cherry (34-7-2, 19 Koó).
Ka kaha Pedraza i roto i te whawhai tata i tautohea e me uaua-ki-whakawa, e tatau o 117-111 Pedraza, 116-112 Cherry me te whakatau 117-111 Pedraza.
U Cherry te nifó maro, a aki te whakaeke, i ko i te southpaw Pedraza rawa parori ka Ua pai ki ngā tere.
I won the fight. It was a very tight fight and very hard fight, engari e ahau riro tino te whawhai,” Said Pedraza. “Ko ahau rawa marino, i te tai'oraa i ratou i te tatau i mohio hoki ahau riro ahau. Au rawa hari. I matou he mahi nui, a tīmata kaha, engari i Edner ana taime. Ki te taku rōpū, whakamahia tatou i to tatou maramarama ki te tiki i te wikitoria. Ko ahau taea ki te huri i toku kāhua, whakawhiti ki te southpaw a kihai i taea e Cherry rahurahu te ringa i mahue.”
Ko atawhai i roto i te hinga i mea Cherry, “Mahue noa ahau i te reira i roto i te kaiwhakawa’ ringa. If I knocked him out it wouldn’t be up to the judges. It’s them. That’s the judges. That’s what happens when you leave it to the judges. Au e kore tango ahau tetahi mea atu i ia. It was a good fight.
Fighting in the main event of the SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i Sho EXTREME® wahi o te po, Toledo, Ohio lightweight Robert Aranga Jr. neke tona record tūturu ki 16-0, 13 KOs with a three-round demolition of Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Solis (i teie nei 25-10, 9 Koó).
Aranga Jr. hanga titiro te reira ngāwari rite keria e ia e pātōtō pupuhi tinana i Solis, ka ru ia ia ki te pakeke, tika matā ki te matenga. Maka Aranga 177 nifó katoa a ka u 68 o ratou. Maka Solis 44 a ka u noa iwa.
Na te toru o tawhio, Solis’ i kite kokonga nui, ka tono te paahitia i te :45 tohu tuarua.
“Taka ana e koe mo te kino i roto i te omaoma, ki enei momo o whawhai e kore koutou e matau, Said Aranga Jr. “Ki te mahi rite tenei, e mohio ana koe kei runga i te taumata i muri ia koe. I showed that tonight.
Hei whakatuwhera i te telecast, 2012 U.S. Olympian and undefeated lightweight Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 Koó) haere 10 rounds for the first time in his career while scoring a dominant unanimous decision over durable Ghanaian Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amide (19-8-2, 19 Koó).
Whakakitea hopu i tona tere rahi, me te pai te kaha i te pupuhi ngā tere-ahi ki te matenga o Amidu me te tinana. Ki tona nama, Whakairihia uaua mo te roanga Amidu me kahore e mutu tamata.
“I mohio ahau ko te pai ia. I whakaaro ahau te mea i tona wheako, me te mea i maka ana e ia ki raro,,” Said Herring. “Whakakitea e ahau toku mohio, a haere i te tawhiti ki te hōia kore i e kua heke iho. Te reira i te haamaitairaa ki te whakaatu i toku taranata i runga i te atamira ao. Kua mahi ahau pakeke ki te tiki i konei me nga mea pai mai ki te hunga e tatari.”
Ko te kaiwhakawa’ kaute (99-91, 100-90, a 100-90) kitea mana o Herring.
I roto i te teata-kore mahi, Neke ake Jamontay Clark a Cincinnati ki 7-0, 4 Koó ki te mutu a e rua-a tawhio nanakia o o Hartford Joe Wilson Jr. (i teie nei 3-3).
Mā te tika, me te kaha te ringa maui rite tona patu tuatahi, Clark i Wilson iho e rua i roto i te tuatahi, me te kotahi atu ki te timata i te tuarua i te aroaro o te mutu tohu i :28.
# # #
Broner vs. I whakatairangatia ana Allakhverdiev e Warriors Mekemeke me Mō Piriona Whakatairanga.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports a www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner


Kell Brook vs. Diego Chaves

Gary Russell Jr. vs. Oscar Escandon

James DeGale vs. Lucian Bute

Daniel Jacobs vs. Peter Quillin

Plus e toru nga utunga o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
I te Oketopa. 23, Nov. 6 ko Dec. 11

NEW YORK (Oketopa. 3, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® ka tapae e whitu telecasts mekemeke ora i roto i te whanganga o te waru tika wiki ki te kati i roto i 2015, tae atu e toru whakaaturanga o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, te SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast a e toru nga utunga o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New.

Ka rangi te telecasts whitu ora i runga i SHOWTIME® a ka ngā i te iti rawa 16 whawhai, e rave rahi pāngia taitara ao me te neke atu i te 10 matchups i runga i te raupapa 'amanaki whanaketanga ShoBox.

Ka whana te mahi atu ki te ShoBox quadrupleheader i runga i Rāmere, Oketopa. 23 i 10:30 p.m. ET / PT i runga i SHOWTIME i te Celebrity Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz. In the 10-round middleweight main event, tūturu Rob Brant (17-0, 11 Koó, 0-3 i roto i te Ao Series o Boxing) Ka Square atu ki Louis Rose (13-2-1, 5 Koó). In eight-rounders, hinga kore amanaki Philipino Harmonito Dela Torre (16-0, 11 Koó) tutaki Wanzell Ellison (10-1-1, 5 Koó) i roto i te mau Kōmāmā teina, Jarrell Miller (14-0-1) e i runga i Akhror Muralimov (16-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te boutand taumahamaha Lavarn Harvell (15-1, 8 Koó) ka tutaki southpaw Samuel Clarkson (16-3, 10 Koó) i roto i te mau taumahamaha marama.

Ko te ra e whai ake nei, Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 24, tūturu Brook Kell (35-0, 24 Koó) ka meinga e te toru o te korero o tona taitara IBF Welterweight Ao ki Diego Chaves (23-2-1, 19 Koó) i Motorpoint Arena i Sheffield, Ingarangi. Ka whakaatu i te telecast SHOWTIME BOXING Ä mā Sky Sports i roto i te UK, a ka AIR ora i runga i SHOWTIME i roto i te ahiahi ki te whakaaturanga encore i muri i taua ahiahi (SHO, 9 p.m. ET / PT).

ShoBox: Ko te Generation New hoki Rāmere, Nov. 6 i Hotel D i Las Vegas ki te telecast wha-whawhai: Up-a-haere mai whitu hinga kore Antoine Douglas (18-0-1, 12 Koó) ka whawhai Les Sherrington (35-7, 20 Koó) i roto i te hui matua. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Taras Shelestyuk (12-0, 8 Koó) will be opposed by an opponent to be determined. Rounding out the card are eight-round scraps between Keenan Smith (7-0, 2 Koó) a Pineamine Whitaker (10-1, 2 Koó) a O'Shanique Foster (8-0, 5 Koó) a Samuel mehua (7-1, 5 Koó) i roto i super Kōmāmā me te ono tekau whawhai, aua.

I Rāhoroi, Nov. 14 tere-fisted Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Koó) ka aituä tona WBC mā World Championship ki Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 Koó) i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.

Rua wiki noa i muri mai, i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 28, i roto i te kore e taea e taha kēmu-ake hou karaunatia IBF Super whitu World Championship James DeGale (21-1, 14 Koó) Ka fehangahangai toa mua ao Lucian Bute(32-2, 25 Koó) i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING i te Videotron Centre i Quebec City, ora i runga i SHOWTIME. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, tūturu toi knockout me te toa runaruna Russian mua Artur Beterbiev (9-0, 9 Koó) Ka fehangahangai te hoariri ki te kia kauwhautia i roto i te marama taumahamaha aito te ao eliminator taitara.

Brooklyn te te'ote'oraa i me te WBA Whitu Ao Championship e ki runga ki te raina i runga i Rāhoroi, Dec. 5 ka paruru i toa Daniel Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) e i runga i te toa o muaPeter Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó) i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora i runga i SHOWTIME i 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. Ka te hui matua mākī kia mua e te whawhai tahi-āhuatanga ki te pāngia atu i runga i te kāri whakakitea ora i runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Tukú e i roto i te tau mekemeke mo SHOWTIME Sports ka waiho i te ShoBoxora e rua, e toru-whawhai aureretanga kāri i runga i Rāmere, Dec. 11.
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), he āpiti whakapau ki te-ngā o CBS Corporation, nona a mahi nga kupenga moni pouaka SHOWTIME®, Te kiriata Channel ™ a FLIX®, a ka tuku hoki SHOWTIME ON tono®, I te kiriata Channel ™ ON tono me FLIX ON tono®, me te motuhēhēnga ratonga SHOWTIME wā o te whatunga®. Showtime Mamati Inc., he kamupene whakapau ki-whenua o SNI, whakahaere i te ratonga tu-anake roma SHOWTIME®. SNI whakahaere hoki Smithsonian Networks ™, he mahi ngātahi i waenga SNI me te Smithsonian MoE, e tuku Smithsonian Channel ™. Markets SNI a tohatoha hākinakina, me ngā kaupapa whakangahau mo te whakaaturanga ki kaiohauru i runga i te kaupapa utu-ia-tirohanga i roto i SHOWTIME PPV. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, haere ki tewww.SHO.com.


“Ka waiho e ahau upootia i runga i Rāhoroi Po.” – Adrien Broner
Katoa e taea clown ia a tawhio noa te hinaaro ia, engari e kore e e te tauturu ia ka
we are in the ring.” – Khabib Allakhverdiev
MEI U.S. BANK Arena I Cincinnati
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos
Credit Photo: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
Tickets tonu i runga i Sale!!!
Cincinnati, Ohio — (Oketopa. 1, 2015) –E rua nga ra i te aroaro o Adrien Broner haere hoki tona taitara wha ao i roto i te kāwanatanga tana whare o Ohio, Broner me hoariri tona, Russia o Khabib Allakhverdiev whai wāhi i roto i te amuiraa press whakamutunga Rāpare i te US. Bank Arena i Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mua e toru-wehenga toa ao Broner(30-2, 22 Koó)hoki mai ki tona oire ki hoa toa mua ao Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 Koó) mo te WBA taitara Super Kōmāmā ao teneiRāhoroi, Oketopa. 3 ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT) i U.S. Bank Arena.
I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-āhuatanga, tūturu IBF Junior Kōmāmā World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 Koó) ka tiakina e tona taitara ki mua kaiwero taitara aoEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 Koó).
I roto i te hui matua i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i Sho EXTREME®, runga amanaki tūturu Robert Aranga Jr. (15-0, 12 Koó), o Toledo, Ohio, me te hōia Argentina Juan Ramon Solis (25-9, 9 Koó) ka Square atu i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā 10-a tawhio noa.
Te whakatuwhera i te telecast Sho EXTREME (8 p.m. AND/PT), hinga kore U.S. Häkinakina Jamel Herring (13-0, 8 Koó), o Cincinnati e ātete i te toa African mua Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amide(19-7-2, 19 Koó), i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whawhai Kōmāmā.
Kei raro ko te mea i te whawhai i ki te mea i teie mahana:
“Korerotia e ahau ki a koutou kihai ahau i pai kia meatia tetahi'initaviu korero ranei. Ke kua Kahore. Noa e hinaaro e ahau ki te whakawhetai katoa mō te haere mai. Ka waiho e ahau upootia i runga i Rāhoroi po, October 3.”
“E kore e nui rawa ahau kōrero. Ko ahau rite ki te whawhai Rāhoroi.
“E ia [Broner] Ko io. Ko te aha ngā mahi ia, ano he hangareka.
“Ko tona ake whenua tenei. Ko te tona faingamālie whakamutunga mo te taitara ao, me te whakaatu ia ake te mutunga, ka hanga titiro te reira rite te hangareka ana a tawhio noa ki nga tangata katoa, me te kore e tiaki. Whawhai te mahi i tenei i te aroaro o kua kite ahau, a te reira no te mea ko ia mataku.
He knows what will happen i runga i Rāhoroi. Katoa e taea clown ia a tawhio noa te hinaaro ia, engari e kore e e te tauturu ia ina e tatou i roto i te whakakai.
“Ite e ahau te kitenga ia nui io. Hoki ahau, Ko te tika whawhai tetahi, me te tika i tetahi atu win tenei me e te aha e waiho te reira. He wikitōria mō ahau i runga i tenei hangareka io. E haere ana ahau ki te whiua ana ia i mua o ona hoa katoa.”
Jose Pedraza, IBF Junior Kōmāmā World Champion
“Te tangata ta e haere ana ratou ki te haere mai patoto ahau i roto i, waimarie pai ki a ia. E kore te tupu te reira.
“Kei a ia te rota o te wheako rite ki te ngaio, engari kua whawhai e ahau mo te wa roa me te kia e kore ahau māharahara e pā ana nei ngā faaruru ia.
“Ahau rite hoki 12 rauna engari e hiahia ana ahau ki te tiki i a ia i roto i te reira wawe. Kei te haere ahau ki te mahi i te tinana pakeke ki te ngana ki te tiki i mea ai.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te kanohi i te pai. E hiahia hiahia ahau kahore ki te kanohi tetahi Rican Puerto engari ki te mea i te whawhai pai i roto i reira, Ka fehangahangai ahau tangata.
“Kahore ahau e matapae mō te whawhai. I ahau i te rautaki pai mō te whawhai, me ki te mahi i taua, Ka riro ahau i te knockout.”
Edner Cherry
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki te pā. Te tangata e kua ahau i tautoko. Tune in Rāhoroi po. Ka riro te reira i te whakaatu nui.”
“Au e haere mai e ahau i roto i ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu nui. E mohio ana koe e kore ahau e rite ki te kia i roto i te whakakai roa rawa, ka kite koe i te knockout.
“E kore ahau e mataara te rota o te rīpene ranei tetahi mea rite taua. Ahau tika pakeke mahi i roto i te omaoma, me te mahi i te pai e taea e ahau.”
“Toku aravihi hangarau ko oku 'ulungaanga pai i roto i te whakakai. Ko toku mahi tenei ka whawhai ahau ki te honore.
“Mohiotia e kaimekemeke Argentina mō te hoatu mea katoa i roto i to ratou whawhai. I am going to do everything to win Rāhoroi po.”
JAMEL Herring
“Kua whakahonoretia ahau ki te kia i konei. Te tangata e matau ki ahau, e matau ana e mai e ahau ki waho, ka hoatu e ahau ki taku reira katoa.
“Mahara ki te kite i te whawhai nui. Te faatura nui ki toku hoa tauwhainga mō tango i tēnei whawhai, engari e te wahi e mutu te reira. Kia tatou te tiki i roto i te whakakai ona katoa e pā ana ki te mahi.”
Yakubu pärönaki, me te rawa
“Kua whawhaitia e ahau te tahi mau whawhai nui. I ahau wheako i roto i te kēmu mekemeke. Ko ahau konei kia hoatu Jamel Herring he whawhai pai. E hiahia ana ahau ki a koe haere mai me te mataara i te whawhai pai.
“Ahau i Ghana. E ora ana ahau i roto i Los Angeles. Kua ahau e noho ana i reira mo nga tau e ono. Tīmata ahau mekemeke ano he pro i Ghana. Haere ahau ki Awherika ki te Tonga. Katahi ka haere ahau ki Ingarangi, a ka haere mai ahau ki konei. I ahau i te painga nui i roto i te wheako.”
Mike Stafford, Adrien Broner o Trainer
“Adrien kei i tona piha taimaha tenei wa. Kua whawhai tatou i 146 a 147, ngā i ia te taitara i 147, tena ko tenei hoki ia i tona taimaha. Ko te toharite, me te kikokore ia.
“Mohio Adrien te faufaa rahi tenei. E mohio ana ia Khabib ko te toa nui mua. Whakawhetai matou ki a koutou mo te haere mai ki to tatou pa. Kihai i tokomaha rawa te iwi e haere mai ki tenei āhuatanga.
“Te haamauruuru nei matou i to tatou mau utuafare e te mau hoa, a kihai i pai i enei eé, kahore kia ake konei. Ko te paihere nui o te takatu enei. Ko ahau, ano he papa tu-i roto i te ki katoa o ratou, me mauruuru e ahau te tautoko ia koutou ki a ratou.”
Leon Margules, Peresideni o te Warriors Boxing
“Tangata katoa e mohio nei Adrien Broner he. Adrien He kamupene whakatairanga i huaina Mō miria Whakatairanga me kua ratou ngahau, ngā, me te tumanako ahau whiwhi tatou ki te mahi tahi ano.
“E kore anake te mahi to tatou he kāri nui te ao, engari to tatou e rave rahi whawhai, ake-a-tonutia ana i tenei rohe.
“A, no te titiro koutou i tenei kāri, to koutou tetahi o te atu taikaha whawhai pā mekemeke e kite i tenei tau. Kingi IBF Junior Kōmāmā Champion Jose Pedraza me kaiwero taitara mua kei te whawhai e i te piha haapiiraa taimaha e te hinaaro nei ia – Edner Cherry.
“Ko Cincinnati he pa nui. Ko te hoki he pa hākinakina piha haapiiraa te ao. Bengals, Takahanga, University o Cincinnati, Xavier University me nga Huripari e tākaro i roto i tenei whare. Ratou i Adrien Broner hoki.
“Ko ia te toa tino pūmanawa, me te noatia pūmanawa i roto i te ao nei i teie mahana. E whakapono ana ahau e taea e ia te superstar muri i roto i to tatou hākinakina. Ko ia 26-tau-tau. Tona tere finesse me te mana kei te pērā tetahi kua kite ahau i roto i te wa roa. Ko ahau whakakake ki te hei tona hoa, me te mahi ki a ia i runga i tenei whawhai.”
RAVONE LITTLEJOHN, Peresideni o Mō Piriona Whakatairanga
“Mihi Adrien mō te whakaatu ake. Kua kawea mai e ia te tahi mau mea nui ki tenei puni.
“Mauruuru Adrien Broner mō te hoatu i te whai wāhi ki te whakatairanga i tēnei whawhai ki ahau. He rite ki te haere tatou. Tickets e tonu e wātea ana. Ka kite koe Rāhoroi po.”
VLAD HRUNOV, O mekemeke Ao
“Mauruuru e koe te tino nui. He aha e kore tonu matou hoko i roto i? Ki te mea ko tatou i roto i to koutou whenua. Nau mai ki te whawhai pai o tenei pa i roto i te hītori mekemeke.”
Javier Bustillo, Peresideni o Universal Whakatairanga
“Ko te he ahuareka, me te honore ki te mahi ki a Leon Margules. Kua mahi ahau i roto i te mekemeke mo 20 tau, me te kore i kite ahau i tetahi rite Jose Pedraza. E matau ana matou e whawhai tatou Edner Cherry – he kaimekemeke pai.
“Karanga e maua Jose te 'Sniper.’ You are going to see a sniper Rāhoroi po. E kore e mahue i ia he tokua.”
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports a www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner

Adrien Broner vs. KHABIB ALLAKHVERDIEV, Vs. Jose Pedraza. Whakaahua tūmomo Edner Cherry MEDIA & Korukī mō MAA TE AO CHAMPIONSHIP doubleheader

Mai i U.S. Bank Arena i Cincinnati, Ohio
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos i Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
Cincinnati, Ohio — (E whitu. 30, 2015) – Adrien Broner (30-2, 22 Koó) a Khabib Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 Koó) tū te īngoa pāpāho i te Punch House i roto i Cincinnati i runga i te Wenerei a faaineine ai ratou no te a tenei Rāhoroi WBA Super Kōmāmā World Championship, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT) i U.S. Bank Arena.
I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-āhuatanga, tūturu IBF Junior Kōmāmā World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 Koó) ka tiakina e tona taitara ki mua kaiwero taitara aoEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 Koó).
SHOWTIME EXTREME whawhai me opuaraa tūturu Robert Aranga Jr. a Jamel Herringwhai wāhi hoki i roto i Wednesday o īngoa. Aranga Jr. (15-0, 12 Koó) Ka tangohia i runga i Juan Ramon Solis(20-9, 9 Koó) i Herring (13-0, 8 Koó) Ka fehangahangai Yakubu Amido (19-7-2, 17 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa pāngia motuhake Kōmāmā tenei Rāhoroi. FAKATOKANGA: Solis Ko te whakakapinga mutunga mo te Miguel Acosta kauwhautia mua hei hoariri mo Aranga Jr.
I tonu Broner tona taurangi o puku ki te pāpāho, te toa e toru-wehenga ao “kia mahi i tana ringa ki te korero” i roto i te tūmomo spirited i roa tata 90 meneti.
Tenei te aha i te era atu nga whawhai SHOWTIME o ki te mea i runga i te Wenerei:
“Titau ahau Broner ki tamata ki te tākaro tona kēmu, engari ka tākaro tatou i to tatou kēmu.
“Ko te wheako e ahau riro i muri i ngaro i te taitara i roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga [ki Hehe Vargas] Ko e tino matau ahau te faingamālie e ahau kei te hoatu e ahau e haere ki tenei whawhai.
“E kore ahau māharahara e pā ana whawhai i roto i te whenua o Broner. I have fought many fighters in their own cities and it doesn’t bother me.
I te Rāhoroi po, Ka whakaatu ahau i te pā he whawhai nui, me te haere mai i roto i ki te wikitoria.”
Jose Pedraza:
“Whakangungu tatou pakeke te wa katoa, Ko tatou i roto i te āhua nui, me te faaineine tatou no te nga whawhai kia rite ki te hoa tauwhainga ko te toa.
“Edner Cherry Ko te toa tino mātanga. He is a strong guy and good puncher.
“Ko ahau i roto i te āhua nui, me te ahau rite ki te whawhai 12 rauna.
This could very well be the toughest fight of my career. He hasn’t lost in seven years. But we are very prepared, ako te puna whawhai a ka he rite ki te haere mai Rāhoroi.
“Ka tākaro i te wahi nui toku tamarikitanga i roto i tenei whawhai. Ahau nui muri atu ia ia, me te, i waho i te feaa, Ka riro ahau i tenei whawhai.
“E kore e taea e ahau e tatari mo te pā ki te whanga ki tenei whawhai, a ki te kahore e taea e ratou i konei i to tumanako ahau mataara ratou i runga i SHOWTIME. It will be a great fight.
Edner Cherry:
“Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai tino uaua. We’ve been training hard and had a great camp.
“Au e kore tango ahau tetahi mea atu i ia, te ia he toa uaua. Te ia he toa mo te take. Ko i runga i Rāhoroi Au e haere mai ahau po mo taua taitara, e te toku mahi.
“Ako'i matou hoki 12 rauna pakeke, engari ki te haere mai te knockout, na, ko ahau rawa fiefia. All I’m looking for is a very hard 12-round fight.
“Ake mai i toku mate taitara ki Timoteo Bradley i roto i 2008, I’ve pushed myself to get back into this position and to give myself the opportunity for a title shot at the right weight class. I’m finally in the right weight class for me.
“Bradley ko te toa nui nui, no te whawhai matou [i roto i te 2008]. Ko te pohehe i runga i to tatou mutunga. Ia ko noa te taata nui, engari ko ahau i roto i te whakakai ki tetahi te whawhai pai i roto i te ao o me ahau tino ako i taua whawhai.
“Korerotia e ahau e ahau kia hari e kore ahau i riro i taua taitara ki a Bradley no te iwi, i roto i toku ngakau, E kua whawhai ahau i 140, engari e kore e ko e toku piha taimaha. E kua ahau i te ihupuku whawhai i toku ora 140. I glad I didn’t win it, engari au hari whakairihia ahau i roto i reira, ka eke ahau hoki ki roto ki te whawhai nui ano ahau.
“Kua kua ahau te whakarite mo tenei whawhai mo 15 tau, a haere ana a reira ki te whakaatu i runga i Rāhoroi.”
“I ahau i te rota o te iwi e haere mai ana i Toledo kia kite i ahau. Kei oaoa katoa e pā ana ki reira ratou.
“Ko te rua taku wa whawhai i runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME tenei a ahau pono manaakitia. It’s a good opportunity to showcase my skills on national television.
“Ahau tetahi mea e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga e mohio, engari e ahau te mahi e runga i te whakaaro. It’s been the same thing as the rest of my 15 hoariri. Kihai ahau i ako ia ratou i te katoa. Whoever they put in front of me, e te te whakamātautau i ahau ki te hinga, me te kia tawhiti kua ahau te mahi pai a haere ratou katoa.”
JAMEL Herring:
“Te ia toku hoa tauwhainga pai ano. He’s a tough guy, tino roa. He’s a lot more durable than my last few opponents.
“Ahau e tango tetahi mea i a ia, engari au hihiri, me te titiro whakamua ki atu ahau e aki atu i te tetahi mea e ahau. It’s going to be a great step up and people are going to see a lot more than they’ve seen from me in the past.
“Ahau i roto i te āhua nui. I just had a fight back at the end of August. I took literally three days off instead of a whole week and came right back, na kua ahau i hoki e toru nga marama mua whiwhi ki tenei rā i roto i te āhua.
“Te reira i te haamaitairaa ki te e taea ki te whakaatu i toku taranata i runga i te atamira ā-motu hei utu o te wāhi o te rohe ranei te i runga i te kāri nui, engari e kore e whiwhi ahua o te TV te rongo tetahi. Now I’m part of the big show.
I don’t take anything for granted or let it get to my head. To me it’s another fight and I take every fight seriously. E kore e mea faufaa te reira nei Au i ahau ki, nga whawhai ko te kohatu takahi ki te taitara, na he nui nga whawhai.”
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports a www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner


Toa e te whitiki ME Brooklyn!
Te noho i SHOWTIME® AT 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
General Tickets On Sale Rātū, October 6 I 10 a.m. AND
Brooklyn (Mahuru 30, 2015) – I roto i te pupūtanga tino tūmanako i waenganui i rua o whawhai whakaongaonga rawa, me te pūmanawa o Brooklyn, WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó)Ka tango i te toa mua ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó)i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn ora i runga i SHOWTIME (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT).
“Kahore te kahore te ruarua tenei te haere ki te tetahi o te nui whawhai kua kite ake Brooklyn,” Said Jacobs. “Pita me ahau haere hoki te wa roa, engari ko te mahi tenei. Ahau te toa me te ia i te kaiwero. Kei te haere ahau ki te mahi i nga mea katoa e taea e ahau ki te riro i runga i Hakihea 5 ka whakaatu i te ao e ahau te pai kua Brooklyn ki te whakahere.”
“Kua tatari te pā he wa roa mo tenei whawhai, a inaianei te reira te mutunga konei,” Said Quillin. “Ko hoki i roto i te omaoma ahaui runga i te Mane i muri i toku whawhai ki [Michael] Teuteu ki he Zerafa Hakihea 5. E mohio ana ahau ki reira he pera nui i te tĭtĭ no te ahau -a tika whakamanamana whitiki, me te Brooklyn. Te haere ki te waiho i te po ki te mahara hoki ahau, a mo te katoa o Brooklyn.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko Rātū, October 6 i 10 a.m. AND a taea te hokona ipurangi mā te torowww.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com mā te karanga ranei 1-800-745-3000. Ka hoki kia wātea i te Tari Pouaka American Express Tickets i Center Barclays timatanga Wednesday, October 7 i 12 p.m., ki te he e wātea ana tonu tīkiti.
Kua ēnei whawhai kaha e rua i runga i te akoranga tutukinga mo e rave rahi tau, teiti ki ka ko Quillin i muri i noho i roto i runga i te tau e tika ana ki te mate pukupuku i te mahi i te WBO Whitu Champion me Jacobs hoki ki te tūnga nguha.
I tukuange Quillin tona whitiki e tika ana ki te whanau o tana tama, me te mate o tona matua keke, Tonu Jacobs ki whakatika i roto i te tūranga, ka roaa tona taitara ao ki te knockout i August o 2014 mo Jarrod Fletcher i Brooklyn. Kua roaa ia toa knockout whakaora i roto i te marama whakamutunga e rua, a ka hoki mai kaimekemeke e rua ki te pae o to ratou ao taitara-toa mahi ina taupatupatu ratou i Center Barclays.
“Ko te-ma'iri kahore e tenei, pick'em whawhai i waenganui i rua o nga Middleweights pai i roto i te ao,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “He pono ko te whawhai o Brooklyn tenei, ki e rua Danny me Pita matou te mana ki te waihanga i pahū i roto i te po taikaha. Pono e mutu SHOWTIME 2015 ki te bang…ranei, he tokomaha o ratou.”
“Daniel Jacobs vs. Pita Quillin Ko te matchup ahurei o rua bona whetu whitu tūturu, ia i roto i te pirimia o tona mahi,” Na ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Matua Vice te peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “Kei te rite whakanoho iho ki āu reira rite ka kitea e koe i roto i te wehenga, a ka tu te reira ki te riro i te whawhai umanga-faufaa no nga tangata e rua. Titau tatou ka hanga i te mahi i roto i te whakakai me te huru i Center Barclays mo te po rawa fakangalongata'a. No te pā mekemeke, e kore e tetahi i pai ake i tenei te tiki.”
“Ko te matchup Brooklyn hopea tenei,” Na ka mea a Brett Yormark, Tumu o Center Barclays.
“Miracle tangata vs. Chocolate Kid Ko e pā ana ki te neke atu i te taitara te ao, te reira e pā ana ki ngā tika whakamanamana Brooklyn me te kororia. Ko te rite hoki te taone Hakihea 5.”
He ahua ranga nei e whawhai i Center Barclays mo te rima o nga wa, Oti a Brooklyn Jacobs tona ara ki te toa ka patua e ia Fletcher mo te taitara whitu. I roto i te 2011, i te whai i te taitara i roto i te whakakai, whakawehi pukupuku tona ora, ka puritia e ia i te hiti no te 19 marama. A ka hoki mai ia, tangohia ake e ia te wahi i mahue atu e ia, e kore, kua ka ngaro mai. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito kei te haere mai atu o te mutu a tawhio tuarua o te toa mua ao Sergio Mora i August.
Quillin whiwhi hoki i roto i te whakakai i muri i, no te patototanga i Michael Zerafa mua i tenei marama ki te whai ake i tona Unuunu pakeke-whawhai ki te toa whitu ao Andy Lee i roto i Paenga-whāwhā. Riro ia te whitiki whitu tekau i roto i 2012 ki tona miramira-hurori, turakitanga ono-knockdown ki Hassan N'Dam i roto i te kāri mekemeke tuatahi i whakahaeretia i Center Barclays. Fanauhia i roto i Chicago, whakaarahia i roto i Rapids Grand, Michigan, engari e noho ana i roto i Brooklyn, haere te-tau 31-tau i runga i ki te paruru i taua taitara ki contenders kaha Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado a Ruka Konecny. Na, “Chocolate Kid” titiro ki te hoko i te toa ao mo te rua o nga wa.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

Adrien Broner oroko UP MŌ tona mahi, Hape o te taure'are'ae MO HONO KAHA'Ú I BOXING

* * * VIDEO Matohi * * *
You have to learn from your mistakes. When you understand and you know why you’re losing, then you can fix it. This next half of my career I’m going to be the AB that’s about business and about boxing.” – Adrien Broner
Pāwhiritia te hononga i whakaahua i raro nei e aore ki te whanga ki, te hora me te / ranei tāmau i tenei ataata
Credit Photo: SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME Sports® tutaki ki Adrien Broner i HeadBangers Faleva'inga i Washington, D.C., rite faaineine ia ki te kanohi Khabib Allakhverdiev tenei Rāhoroi i runga i SHOWTIME®. During the lengthy interview Broner spoke candidly about his approach to the sport and learning from past mistakes. We found the interview compelling and, i roto i te whakakapi o kōpipiri te whai wāhi ki Broner i roto i te arahi ake ki tenei hui, ua te reira e tika ana ki te faaite i tenei putanga roa puka i roto i te faaineineraa no te kōrero matatau koutou kia mahi ai i runga i.
Broner vs. Allakherdiev mo te wātea WBA Super Kōmāmā World Championship tenei Rāhoroi ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT) i U.S. Bank Arena i Cincinnati.
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports a www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner



E ora i 5:45 p.m. AND/ 2:45 p.m. PT ki te Whakaaturanga Encore i 9 p.m. AND/PT


NEW YORK (E whitu. 29, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® ka tapae te IBF Welterweight Ao Championship i waenganui i wawao i te taitara tūturu Brook Kell me te nguha Diego Chaves i runga i Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 24, ora i runga i SHOWTIME i 5:45 p.m. AND / 2:45 p.m. PT i Motorpoint Arena i roto i te Sheffield, Ingarangi.


Te SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL whakaaturanga o te Sky Sports telecast will feature analysis from SHOWTIME boxing experts before and after the world championship showdown. An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHOWTIME later that evening at 9 p.m. AND/PT.


"Ahau e pai ki te kia whakakitea i roto i te US e toku whawhai ki a Chaves te haere ahau," ka mea a Brook, who hails from Sheffield and will be the favorite in this fight. “I was thrilled when I saw my name in the top 10 o te rārangi i roto i te Ring Magazine pauna-no-pauna, a inaianei ko te wa e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te pā i roto i te US. ko ahau te toa pau-kite.


"Chaves He kaimekemeke katoa-mahi e haere mai ana i nga wa katoa ki te whawhai, me e ko te kāhua tino ki ahau mo whiti runga i Oct. 24. I look forward to putting on an explosive performance and making the U.S. e tu ki runga, ka tango pānui e ahau te Welterweight pai i roto i te ao nei ".


"Brook matau ana matou he toa uaua, tino hangarau,"Ka mea a Diego Chaves. "Otiia e kore e he ia he toa nohopuku me te ngāwari hēmanawa ia e nifó tinana, which is one of our strengths. I believe he has problems going backwards, a e haere tatou ki te whakamātau i tona kaha pahaki, rawa.


"Ite ahau e tupu taku e whakawhirinaki ki tenei wero, knowing that I will have to face a champion like Kell Brook in his home country in England. This raises the stakes for me, going up there as an Argentine and as a huge underdog. We know all the bad blood that exists between Argentina and England and this will give me much more strength. I will make history if I defeat an Englishman in his own country.”


"E hiamo matou ki kia hoki i roto i te mahi ki a Brook Kell, Matchroom mekemeke me Eddie Hearn a ki te whakaora i tenei matchup whakaongaonga o runga 10 Welterweights ki te U.S. whakarongo,"Ka mea Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General o SHOWTIME Sports. “Kell won the world title on SHOWTIME in an action-packed victory over Shawn Porter last fall, te whakatū ia ia kia rite ki tetahi o nga Welterweights runga i roto i te ao - engari Diego Chaves ko te toa tiketike nei i kï hoki e taea te whakataetae ia ki te whiriwhiri o te wehenga ".


Brook (35-0, 24 Koó) ka meinga e tona toru karapīpiti taitara korero o 2015 i roto i tona whenua Ingarangi i muri i haere mai ki te U.S. a dethroning mua tūturu IBF Welterweight World Champion Shawn Porter i roto i te August 2014 i runga i SHOWTIME. The Sheffield native has scored knockouts in each of his defenses – a fourth round TKO of Jo Jo Rana i runga i March 28 me te TKO a tawhio ono o Frankie Gavin i runga i Kia 30. Brook aims for a similar result against the veteran Chaves, nana nei i faaruru etahi nga whawhai runga o roto i te wehenga 147-pauna.


Chaves (23-2-1, 19 Koó), o Buenos Aires, Argentina, kua he toa huarahi i roto i whawhai tata, facing favored Americans on the road in three of his last four bouts. He challenged 147-pound titlist Keith Thurman i roto i te Hōngongoi 2013 a, i muri i toa i te knockout i roto i te whenua te whawhai i roto i Argentina, ko mua i runga i scorecards te kaiwhakawa, ki Brandon Riosi roto i te August 2014 until he was disqualified for an intentional elbow to the face. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga, Whawhai Chaves ki te Unuunu ki te toa Welterweight te koiora Timothy Bradley.


Tuhinga tūturu ROBERT EASTER JR. & JAMEL Herring KI FIGHT roto i te pāngia CO-ngā ON SHO EXTREME ®

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 MEI U.S. BANK Arena I Cincinnati, ◊OHAIOÓ Na◊e fakahoko ◊e
Adrien Broner Hei Kanohi Khabib Allakhverdiev hoki
WBA Super Kōmāmā World Taitara
Night ki tonu i te Mahi Non-teata roto te Arena ano Āhuatanga
Hinga Up-A-tonutia ana Jamontay Clark me Raynell Williams
Cincinnati (Mahuru 24, 2015) – Opuaraa tūturu Top Robert Aranga Jr. a Jamel Herring ka tomo i te whakakai i roto i pāngia motuhake i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i Sho EXTREME® i runga i Rāhoroi, October 3 ora i8 p.m. AND/PT (roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru) i U.S. Bank Arena i Cincinnati.
Ko te telecast SHO EXTREME ka arahi ki SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora i runga i SHOWTIME® i10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT. I roto i te hui matua, Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner (30-2, 22 Koó)Ka tangohia i runga i Khabib “Ko te Hawk” Allakhverdiev (19-1, 9 Koó)mo te WBA Super Kōmāmā World Championship. I roto i te hui tahi-matua, IBF Junior Kōmāmā World Champion Jose “Ko te kaipupuhi” Pedraza (20-0, 12 Koó) tohe tona taitara ki hōia Edner “Cherry Bomb” Cherry (34-6-2, 19 Koó).
Aranga Jr. (15-0, 12 Koó) ko Herring (13-0, 8 Koó) ka titiro ki te noho tūturu, ka fehangahangai ratou toa mua ao Miguel Acosta (29-8, 23 Koó) me te toa Awherika mua Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amide (19-7-2, 19 Koó), aua, i roto i te 10-a tawhio Kōmāmā whawhai.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Mekemeke me Mō Piriona Whakatairanga, E utu i $154, $104, $79, $54, a $29 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea ana ngā tīkiti i te U.S. Bank Arena tari pouaka, putanga Ticketmaster katoa tae atu toa Kroger tīpako, karanga 1-800-745-3000, ranei online i Ticketmaster.com.
Ka puta tētahi atu tokorua o opuaraa rohe tūturu i runga i te mahi undercard: Jamontay “Kaikōhuru Kati” Clark (6-0, 3 Koó) kanohi Roma Barber (5-9, 4 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee ono-a tawhio noa, me te Raynell Williams(9-0, 5 Koó) whakataetae i roto i te waru- a tawhio noa a hakoa Kōmāmā ki te hoariri ki te kia kauwhautia.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te mahi ko te 32-tau-tawhito taumahamaha Danny Calhoun (5-1 3 Koó) i roto i o Chicago tango i runga i-tau 24-tawhito Toledo-Māori Calvin Pritchard (2-6-3) i roto i te whakataetae e ono-a tawhio noa, 27-whanau Cincinnati-tau-tawhito Arona Hollis (3-0, 2 Koó) anga-tau 27-tawhito DeWayne te whakaaro nui (6-25-1, 3 Koó) i roto o Indianapolis i ono rauna o te mahi mā whitu, me te 29-tau-tawhito Mel “Black Diamond” Crossty (7-0-1, 1 KO) whanau Cleveland-roto o Cincinnati haere ake ki te 25-tau-tawhito Thomas Mattice (3-0, 3 Koó) i roto i te 6/8 a tawhio noa attraction Kōmāmā.
He runaruna ta'na ko wai te 2012 U.S. Kē Orimipia, te-tau 24-tawhito Aranga Jr. e rapu ana ka wha o tona wikitoria 2015 i muri i kato ake knockouts mo Osumanu Akaba, Miguel Mendoza ko Alejandro Rodriguez. Hinga mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2012, te Toldeo, Whanau Ohio-amanaki anga te wero uaua i roto i te Amidu-tau 30-tawhito. Fanauhia i roto i Ghana, Amide, e whakaako nei i roto i Los Angeles, e whawhai mo te toru o te taime i tēnei tau.
29-tau-tawhito te hopu māngai te United States i te 2012 Olympic Games i muri i toa i te U.S. National Amateur taitara te taua tau. Whawhai i roto i Cincinnati, Herring e tumanako ki te wha wikitoria tika i roto i 2015 i muri i te patu Hector Velazquez, Ariere Vasquez me Hector Marengo. Anga ia i te hoariri uaua o tona mahi pro ka sitepu ia ake ki te Acosta-tau 37-tawhito. Fanauhia i roto i Venezuela, me te whawhai i roto i Philadelphia, Acosta riro te taitara ao, a ka mau ia ki a Paulus a Mohi raua ko Armando Cordoba whawhai mua hinga kore.
Ko tētahi atu toa taitamariki pūmanawa ki te haere mai i roto o Cincinnati i roto i nga tau tata nei, Clark Arā Arona Pryor rite ki tetahi o ana whakapakoko mekemeke. Ko te patipati 20-tau-tawhito tata oti tona a'ee ono-a tawhio tuatahi ki te whakatau loto mo Honatana Garcia i Mei, a mutu Marco Reyes i Mahuru. Hoki ia i roto i tona whenua ki te Barber-tau 33-tawhito i roto i o Wichita, Kansas.
Whawhai i roto i te Cleveland, te 2008 U.S. Kua Häkinakina Williams kua pukumahi i roto i 2015, kato ake whakaora e wha tae atu e rua i te Tuhinga. Ko te whawhai-tau 26-tawhito i U.S. Bank Arena mo te wa tuarua i roto i tona mahi i runga iOctober 3 a ka titiro ki te hanga i te reira i te tino 10 whakaora i roto i te rarangi ki te tīmata i tana mahi.
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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSportsa www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner