Tūtohu Archives: Showtime

MEDIA & Whawhai runga hoatu rātou matapae ON TANIELU Jacobs VU. QUILLIN AO Pita INGOA Showdown MAA NIGHT AT Barclays CENTER


Tenei Rāhoroi, Dec. 5, E ora i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. ET / PT i runga i SHOWTIME®; Whitu Taitara Championship World Fight ki Barclays Center i Brooklyn

NEW YORK (Dec. 2 2015) – I roto i te matchup pai i waenganui i whawhai i roto i te pirimia o ratou mahi, toa whitu tekau te ao Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) will take on undefeated former 160-pound world champion Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó) teneiRāhoroi, Dec, 5 i Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT).
Na ko wai e riro e kore e taea te mahue, tino ki te kia rahi tautohe 12-a tawhio noa e kore tetahi titau nei ki te waiho i te hinganga?
Ko te hua o te 28 pāpāho nei whai wāhi i roto i te Matapae Poll SHOWTIME te titiro atu Quillin i te tawhē 3-ki-1. Quillin, he mua WBO whitu World Champion, ko te kōwhiringa o 21 tohunga, Jacobs, he toa o 10 tika tonu i te knockout me te WBA Whitu World Champion nāianei, te huri i runga i 7.
Kotahi tekau ma iwa kaimekemeke, e rima o nei e toa o te ao, ka hoatu e ratou matapae, ka haere ki te mutunga rerekē atu i te kaituhi ake. I kite etahi reira rite tata rawa ki te karanga, te hunga i mea ai hanga matapae i kite te reira no te Jacobs, 8-5-2.
Kia pehea te nga pāpāho me whawhai kite “Jacobs VU. Quillin“:
Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press, (Jacobs): “Ahau rite Jacobs i roto i te whawhai uaua, toa i te whakatau tata. Ki te kaha o Quillin kia haere ai ia ki raro, i ētahi wāhi i roto i te whawhai, engari e ahau i rite ki Jacobs’ mekemeke IQ me ngā pūkenga ki te wahia a ia ki te wini tata.”
Kevin Iole, Yahoo Sports, (Quillin):Pita Quillin i te whakatau: Tenei ko tetahi o te hunga whawhai ahau mooni tika flipped he moni ki te tiki. Ahau rite Jacobs’ whānui, me te whakaaro e ahau, kua fehangahangai ia pai whakataetae i runga ki raro, engari Quillin he puncher tika, me te kaha pai me te whakaaro e ahau e riro ia i te dogfight.”
Bob Velin, USA teie mahana, (Jacobs):”Ahakoa Quillin he nui me te puncher nui, Ka pae waho Jacobs ia. Ite noa ahau ki katoa hoki kua Jacobs i roto i roto i tona oraraa, Te hinaaro nei neke atu i te Quillin tenei ia. Ko e te rerekētanga. Jacobs toa whakatau loto.”
Lance Pugmire, Los Angeles Times, (Quillin) “Kua Pita Quillin kua mahi ki te wikitoria rite tenei mo nga tau. Ko te wā ki te hoatu ake tutakina ake ranei, me tenei whakamātautau ki te kaka Daniel Jacobs ka tukua kotahi, me te mo katoa tatou e mohio ki te mea he whiriwhiri Quillin ranei e tika. Quillin i te whakatau loto.”
Mark Jacobsen, New York Magazine, (Quillin): “Ka riro Quillin. Jacobs he ingoa pai (tango reta e rua) engari ko ia te marama i roto i te anō. Whiua Quillin Andy Lee (tuhipoka: Unuunu ritua) a he onepü.”
Robert Morales, Los Angeles Group News, (Quillin): “Au tango ahau Pita Quillin ki te tango Daniel Jacobs’ taitara mā te whakatau. Noa, Whakaaro ahau Quillin Ko te toa pai a e ka kawea ona pūkenga pai ia te rua o tona taitara ao i roto i tenei wehenga. Toku āwangawanga anake ko te hanga Quillin taimaha. Otiia ki te kahore i takatakahi ia kia nui ki te rave i te reira, ka riro ia.”
Brian Campbell, ESPN, (Quillin): “He aha tenei hanga whitu whawhai taitara na tūmomo he tonu kua whawhai e rua pātai ki te whakahoki kupu e pā ana ki ranei he ratou i te pono whiriwhiri. E rua He tu'aro, me te kaha, a whakakitea ia kua he taumata etahi o te whakaraeraetanga. I te pae hopea, Whakaaro ahau Quillin nei te kauae kaha me e ka riro te rerekētanga. Quillin e KO.”
Damian Calhoun, Orange County (Calif.) Rēhita, (Jacobs): “Kua karanga ratou tahi i te tahi i roto i hoki tau, me te inaianei haere te mutunga ratou e ki te whakatau i roto i te whakakai. Titau ahau tenei whawhai ki te kia tata. Ka taea e kite ahau i whawhai e rua whiwhi whakamatauria a pa ana ki te koaka i roto i tenei whawhai. I roto i te mutunga, Ahau whakaaro Jacobs, ki ona pūkenga mekemeke whānui, ka taea ki te mahi i nui ki te mata Quillin mo te wikitoria whakatau loto. Me waiho i te whawhai nui.”
Lyle Fitzsimmons, CBSSports.com, (Quillin): “E kore te whawhai pakeke ki te rite, i waenganui i rua whawhai nei kāhua e fakamānako. He te Admittedly iti ki te wehe i waenganui i te rua, na i roto i te kotahi tata ka haere ahau ki te taata i nei ngā nui ake ngā whai wāhitanga nui-atamira — Quillin. Ka taea e ia te pupuri i tana ake i roto i te kēmu hangarau, a ka ngā ia nui kuri i roto ia ia ki te waha i te huri i roto i te kotahi uaua, rawa. Quillin i te whakatau tata.”
Kelsey McCarson, BleacherReport.com, (Quillin): “Tona aravihi rite ki te kaipatu o Chocolate kuao koati whakamatauria i roto i tona Unuunu ki te Andy Lee, a e kore ngā reira kua pātai tetahi e pā ana ki tona kaha. Ko te huinga o aua mea e rua, te taha o tona wheako, will lead him to victory in a close and entertaining bout. Quillin by decision.”
Ricardo Lopez, La Whakaaro, (Jacobs): “Whakaaro ahau Jacobs toa tenei tetahi ki te whakawhānui i tona 10-whawhai KO kakī mīharo. Ngā kï ia ki te kia tino kaha, engari ka waiho hei tetahi tata.”
Andreas Hale, Ring Magazine, (Jacobs): “Kua Danny Jacobs kua primed mo nui te taime tīmata ia i tana mahi pro. E kore e whakaaro ki tona mate ki Dmitry Pirog, kihai ko ia hinengaro i roto i te kēmu. Peka atu i te taua koho, ngā whakaaturia e ia pūkenga faahiahia, me te ngāwari hoki te mutu. Kua Quillin kua koi, e kore kua engari haere rawa i te whakamātautau kanohi mo ahau. Tona whawhai ki a Andy Lee ko pea tohu o te mea e tupu ina sitepu ake Quillin i roto i te whakataetae. Ki te Jacobs te te atu pūkenga o te rua me te i runga i te misioni ki te pupuri i nga kaiwhakawa i roto o te whakatau, Kite ahau tango mutunga ia mo roto i te whawhai whakataetae i reira āta mau iho Quillin Jacobs en huarahi ki te mutu te mutunga o.”
Jake Donovan, BoxingScene.com, (Quillin):”Ka taea e Quillin anganga, engari waiho ana pūkenga mutunga te rota ki te e minaminatia. Ko mea, He ano Jacobs ki te whakamatau taea ia ikuna'i i-mowhiti ati. Wikitoria pukupuku he taiâ ore atu tetahi whawhai ka wheako ake ia i roto i te whakakai … engari tae noa ki tenei whawhai e haere, ki runga ki a ia rānei ki te pouaka e cleanly hoki 12 rauna i waho te pae mau ma te ani i te rota. Ko te kāri mohoao hopea he ahakoa e kore ranei e taea e Quillin tōtika kia taimaha. Te whakarato e kore ia e aro i roto i taua whakaaro, toku hunch ko e mutu ia te whawhai i ētahi wāhi ki tetahi tokua nui ki te riro i te whitu titlist e rua-wā. Toa Quillin e KO.”
Doug Fischer, RingTV.com/Ko te makasini Ring, (Quillin), “Ahau whakaaro Daniel Jacobs, te kaimekemeke atu oro o te Middleweights e rua, Ka outclass Pita Quillin i runga i te hawhe tuatahi o te kēmu mekemeke kaha. Whakapono ahau e whakamahi Jacobs tona technique koi ki te hopu Quillin i waenganui i waipūtanga mana whānui. Ai maturuturu ia Kid Chocolate wawe. Ko whakaaro ahau āta ka Quillin tangohia tona rahi nui me te kaha i runga i Jacobs. Whakaaro ahau e hopu Quillin ka hipokina e Jacobs te mutunga i roto i te whawhai ki te riro i te TKO”.
Mike Sloan, Sherdog.com, (Quillin): “Ko te taua whawhai faahiahia tenei, tetahi e taea te haere rānei ara. Ki te tangohia pera maha taurangi i ki pūkete, ki e rua Quillin o me Jacobs’ huinga pükenga, te reira mau te kalokalo-ake. Tangata e rua i te mana faahiahia, to ratou e rua tere ringa nui a kua tangohia e ratou i runga i te pato'iraa kounga. Toku punuatuna te tīmatanga korerotia ki ahau kia haere Quillin i runga i runga, engari kua ahau ake ake mai faaite tenei whawhai i Takahuri-flopping. Ki te taua mea, Kua ahau ki te piri ki toku punuatuna, me te haere ki te Kid mā nuinga whakatau Chocolate.”
Anson Wainwright, Moheni RingTV.com/RING, (Quillin):An excellent matchup for the middleweight championship of Brooklyn. Kite ahau i tenei rite 50-50. Takatu e rua i te mana tino pai, me te he pakari o te pupuri i te tahi atu. Ka taea e kite ahau i rua i runga i te koaka ki Quillin mahi nui ki te riro i te whawhai rawa te pai i runga i ngā, with talks of a rematch afterwards.”
Joe Santoliquito, RingTV.com/Sherdog, (Quillin): “Ahau rite te kaha tere ringa, me te kekeno o Quillin. Ahau ite hoki ngā tata nei kua ia i roto i te pato'iraa pai, faaineine ia hoki whawhai kia rite ki tenei. Quillin toa te whakatau.”
Miguel Maravilla, FightNews.com, (Quillin): “Ka riro te reira i te whawhai tata engari hoatu e ahau i te mata ki Quillin ki te riro i te whakatau.”
Percy Crawford, FightHype.com, (Quillin): “Whakakitea Quillin te rota o te tupu te mauiui tona koha tuatahi (te utu ki a Andy Lee). Ano i whawha atu i floored ia mo te wa tuatahi tino pai ki te Lee tino kino i roto i taua whawhai. Tika e kore e kite i ahau te Raniera Jacobs taea ki te hoatu ki a ia i roto i ngā āhuatanga e kore e taea e ia te hapai i. Quillin mai i runga i roto i waenganui i te rauna me mutu Jacobs i te TKO tuawaru-a tawhio noa!”
Diego M. Morel (Xn Sports, RingTV.com), (Quillin): “Ko te whawhai tino tata i runga i te pepa, a ka ora i te reira ki runga ki nga tūmanako. He rite mohio whawhai e rua, me te kï e rua e i tenei taimaha, engari i roto i ngā o te resilience, me te mana, haere te painga ki Quillin i te tawhē iti, engari e whai kiko. Chocolate Kid Ko te tangata e fehangahangai kua te kaha, te nuinga o hoariri kaha kia tawhiti, a kua ona hua kua mīharo mo te wahi tino. Ki te taea e Jacobs whakapumautia tona tawhiti, me tona tere, ia he tupono. Otiia ki te taea ki te tahuri atu i tenei ki te whawhai ko Quillin ka piro ia te wini papau i te whakatau mutu te mutunga o ranei.”
Steve Lillis, Pouaka Nation, (Quillin): “Ōrite nui me te whakamanamana rohe tika hanga sexier ara te reira. Kua'o'ete ahau ki Quillin nei ko whakapakeke-whawhai atu. Quillin e TKO 8.”
Eric Raskin, Mekemeke Writer/PBC Ringside kaitapeke (Quillin): “Kua Jacobs tetahi o nga kōrero ongo'i-pai pai i roto i te mekemeke i runga i te tau torutoru whakamutunga, engari kōrero ongo'i-pai e kore e riro koutou uaua whawhai. Quillin Ko te hoa tauwhainga ërä teitei ngā fehangahangai ia mai i tona mate pouri ki Dmitry Pirog, a tatari ana hoki ahau roa Kid Chocolate o me te kaha ki te momotu ia ia i Jacobs. Titiro hoki te tahi-friendly, whawhai whakataetae, ki Quillin toa i te whakatau, te pakeke te waru rauna ki te wha.”
Brad Berkwitt, RingsiderReport.com, (Jacobs): “I te pepa, Ko te matchup nui, me te New York City tenei, nei etahi o nga pā mekemeke rahi i roto i te ao nei e te aroha te reira! Ko te tino he whawhai uaua i roto i toku pukapuka ki te karanga, engari Kei te haere ahau ki a Danny Jacobs i te whakatau tata uaua i roto i te 115-113 whānui.”
John J. Raspanti, MaxBoxing.com, (Quillin); “I’m going with Quillin for two reasons: Taranata, me te pāhau. Quillin has also been in with the better fighters during his time in the ring. He showed a strong chin against Andy Lee seven months ago. Cancer survivor Jacobs is a great guy, but looked vulnerable against Sergio Mora in his last fight. If the feather-fisted ‘Latin Snake’ can knock him down, Quillin, ki 23 mahi Koó, can stop him. Quillin e TKO 9.”
James Slater, FightNews.com, (Quillin): “Ahau rite Quillin i roto i te whawhai nui. Jacobs ko ha ngāue piha, i te mea he Quillin; Tika whakaaro ahau e hiahia Quillin reira atu. Ka taea te patua e rua, tukino i a te patototanga iho, a ka kite te tino pea tatou o knockdowns te tokorua. Tango ahau Quillin ki rānei te tiki i te ngā i te wini mutu te mutunga o ranei.”
Jason Gonzalez, Examiner.com, (Quillin): “Whakaaro au e, e Jacobs hi'a ki te pēhanga e, e faaohipa Quillin. I te patototanga Jacobs iho wawe i a te marama-patu rawa Sergio Mora. E mangere koe ki te kore e ui i te sturdiness o te kauwae o Hakopa. Titau i Quillin ki te whakamātau i te tīmatanga o te kauae o Jacobs me riro i TKO 7.”
Erika Fernandez, BlackSportsOnline.com, (Jacobs): “Whakaaro ahau tenei e waiho hei whawhai tino tata, engari ite e ahau Jacobs nei te huinga pai pūkenga e me ko fiekaia mo te wikitoria. A, no te whakakotahi koutou mohio ki te matekai e ko te huinga whakamate. Whakaaro ahau ahei te haere ki rānei ara, engari ahau matapae ahau Jacobs e KO tuawaru-a tawhio noa.”
Phil D. Jay, WorldBoxingNews.com, (Quillin): “Whakapono ahau Jacobs v Quillin ko te whawhai pai-ki āu. E rua taea e Kilisimasi pouaka rite ranei me ka hiahiatia kia kite ahau i te whawhai te he tata oma mea. E kore e waiho e ahau maere ki te reira te he whakatau wahia, engari e mea ana, either fighter could also end the contest at a moment’s notice. Pushed on it, Hiahia whai ahau ki te hoatu i te mata iti ki Quillin – otiia e kore kahore he whakamataku e rua ranei. Toa Quillin i te whakatau wahia.”
Chris Algieri, Mua WBO Super Kōmāmā World Champion, (Quillin): “Whawhai uaua ki te karanga. Whakapono ahau tetahi taea whakapuaki ratou whawhai mutunga ka tango i te wikitoria. Me Danny ki te whakaturia te tere nohopuku me te pouaka atamai. Ka titiro Quillin ki kia taikaha, me te kawe i te pēhanga. Tata rawa ki te matapae hoki i ahau, engari ka haere ki te tangata atu mātanga i roto i Quillin ki te tango i te reira.”
Chris Arreola, Mua taumahamaha Taitara kaiwero, (Jacobs): “Whakaaro ahau te mea he whawhai tino pai. Au tango ahau Jacobs i roto i te whawhai tino tata. Whakaaro tika ahau Jacobs nui ake ki te whakamatau me te kua i ki te hinga kia nui. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te whanga ki tenei whawhai!”
Andre Berto, Mua WBC Welterweight World Champion, (No Pick): “Whawhai uaua, ngā te maka tino te reira ake. Ki te haere te reira i te tawhiti i ahau Jacobs toa. Ki te kore e te reira i ahau Quillin i te knockout.”
Gabriel Bracero, Welterweight nguha i Brooklyn (Jacobs) – “Whakaaro ahau kei rua whawhai pai, me te kaha e rua ratou. Whakaaro ahau te haere te reira ki te haere mai ki raro, ki te tangata e te mātau me te nei koi te po o te whawhai tata, ano te whaikīngi kaitaua ōrite te tangata tuatahi ki te hanga i te hape kei te haere ki te utu.. Ngakau rua ahau e haere te whawhai i te tawhiti, a ratou e raua haere i roto i reira rite ratou tokorua i te tahi mea ki te whakamatau. Whakaaro ahau Jacobs nui ake o te whare taonga, ka wawahia e te reira atu.”
Dominic Breazeale, 2012 U.S. Häkinakina & Tūturu taumahamaha, (Jacobs) – “Toku matapae ko Danny Jacobs toa i te ara o KO i roto i te 6 tawhio. Te ia te hunga mahaki rawa, tangata pakeke e mahi e tika he nui atu te whakaoranga.”
Jermall Charlo, IBF Junior whitu World Champion, (Unuhia): “Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te whawhai mutunga i roto i te Unuunu. Whakaaro ahau te haere te reira ki te waiho i te Unuunu. He ko eé rua tūturu kaha me nga ra pai to ratou e rua me nga ra kino i ratou e rua. Otiia ki te tangata toa, Ko te tangata i roto i te āhua pai ka riro te reira.”
Anthony Dirrell, Mua WBC Super whitu World Champion (Unuhia): “Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te reira i te Unuunu, a ka whakaaro ahau kia te reira. Whawhai e rua ko oku eé. Ka haere a Raniera a ahau i roto i āwangawanga hauora rite i kawea mai matou ofi, engari tupu ake a Pita i roto i Rapids Grand. Na tino tika kia te pai win tangata e hiahia ana ahau ki te kite i te whawhai nui, me te. E mohio ana ahau ko eé e rua ia faatura te tahi, me te tumanako ahau e ka waiho tonu te take.”
B.J. Flowers, Cruiserweight nguha & NBC mekemeke Kaitātari (No Pick): “Ko te kotahi taratara tenei. Tino rite ahau Danny Jacobs’ mekemeke aravihi me ana taputapu piro me patu. Kei a ia te tere me te mana. Ko te pātai, ko te, ki te kei te haere Danny ki te e taea ki te tu i reira, ka tango i te täia i Pete ina whenua ia. Taime atoa e ia te whenua, it will be interesting to see if Danny will come in with a game plan to neutralize Peter or if there is really going to be a battle of brooklyn head to head and fight thats the right fight for peter quillin not for danny jacobs. Me Danny ki te tango i ngā huanga o tana me a Pete mea matua e taea e ia he tokua, na ka taea ki te tangohia atu e taua i Pete Danny te pātai ko. Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki e rua, me te reira e taea e tetahi kingi o te pa anake.”
Tony Harrison, Super Welterweight nguha, (Jacobs): “Au e ahau ake i roto i te rangi i runga i tenei tetahi, engari au e okioki ana ahau ki Jacobs no te mea e matau ana ia ki nga mea ati, me pēhea te taea te reira. E ka e ia tetahi mea ki a los me ngā whawhai ia i roto i tona whenua. Kia whai ia he pahuka i runga i tona pokohiwi.”
Amir Khan, Mua Unified Super Kōmāmā World Champion, (Quillin): “Whakaaro ahau Pita Quillin toa te whawhai. Ko te he matchup tino whakaongaonga i waenganui i eé rua whawhai i roto i to ratou ake iāri i Brooklyn. He iti rawa ki te whiriwhiri i waenganui i whawhai e rua engari ki te mea i ahau ki te whakaputa hoki kotahi taata e te mea Quillin. Tino faatura ahau whakamārama Danny Hakopa a me te ara kua whawhai ia ki hei toa. Ngā whakakitea e ia ki nei ia i te vilitakí, pūkenga me te mana ki pahaki ki te haere i roto i, me te whiua te Middleweights pai a tawhio noa engari whakaaro ahau e te haere Quillin ki te titiro ki te outwork ia, ka whakamahi i tona kaupapa ki te riro i te tata ngā whakatau. Jacobs te painga i roto i te mea tawhiti, me te tiketike kia taea e rawa, ki te riro ia ia tona werohanga i te waho e haere me ngā pouaka e meinga raruraru Quillin. Otiia, te reira i te whawhai tino uaua ki te karanga, me te reira e ngā tohenga rānei ara engari i reira te kahore he feaa te haere te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai nui no te mea ka hiahia e kore taata ki te tango i te taahiraa hoki i roto i to ratou whenua.”
Erislandy Lara, WBA 154-Pauna World Champion, (Quillin): “This is a great matchup between two young hungry fighters and I think it’s going to be a very close fight. Ki te taua te mea, Au kato ahau 'Chocolate Kid’ ki te riro. E ka e ia rere te toto Cuban na roto i ona uaua me kua whawhai pai whakataetae. Ka hoki ahau matakitaki rawa tata no te mea i taea e te toa kia kotahi o oku hoariri kaha'ú.”
Andy Lee, WBO whitu World Champion (No Pick): “Whakaaro ahau te mea he whawhai tata. Pea nei Danny te tumu pai mekemeke a ka titiro ki te pae waho a Pita. Ko Pita Ko tino te puncher nui a ka ki te whenua nifó taimaha titiro i te mekemeke ki a Danny. Ko te he uaua whawhai whakaongaonga me te tetahi pakeke ki te karanga.”
Aron Martinez, Welterweight nguha, (Jacobs) – “Ka haere ahau ki Jacobs i te whakatau. Ka riro te reira i te whawhai nui ahakoa tino taea e kite ahau haere te reira rānei ara.”
Sergio Mora, Mua WBC Super Welterweight World Champion, (Quillin) – “E rua Jacobs & Quillin he punchers nui ki technique mele. In the battle of power punching, Rahi o Quillin & ka mau ake pai pai kauwae, engari Ki te whakatau Jacobs ki pouaka & nuku taea e kite ahau outpointing ia Quillin. Ka waiho te reira i te whawhai tata rānei ara. Au kato ahau Quillin i te Tuhinga mutunga.”
Victor Ortiz, Mua WBC Welterweight World Champion, (No Pick): “Kia te tangata pai riro. Ko te he whawhai nui. Kokonga Blue me kokonga whero. Toku matapae ko e kei te haere tetahi o te hunga koki ki te riro.”
Edwin Rodriguez, IBF No. 10 Light taumahamaha nguha, (Jacobs): “”Jacobs he kaimekemeke pai, me te rite tonu te pai o te puncher rite Quillin ki koi pūkenga hangarau. E tika ana kia he whawhai whakangahau engari ka riro Jacobs i te whakatau loto.”
Leo Santa Cruz, WBA Super World mā whitu Champion, (Quillin): “Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai pakeke hoki e rua o ratou, engari he kaha Pita Quillin me kore ngā Kua tukino i ia, kia whakaaro ahau kia tangohia e ia te reira. Quillin e KO whitu-a tawhio noa.”
Keith Thurman, WBA Welterweight World Champion, (Jacobs): “Matau Jacobs me tona whakamārama runaruna whakapono ahau e ia nga pūkenga me te matauranga ki te wahia atu te wikitoria, engari Quillin he slouch. Kei a ia rahi te puai e te te kaha ki te mutu ranei kino ia Danny i tetahi taime. Au pono ahau titiro atu ki tenei whawhai. Ko tetahi matchup nui mo te pā whawhai tenei tau tenei.”
Sammy Vasquez, Tūturu Welterweight nguha, (Jacobs) – “Ka taea e haere rānei ara tenei. E rua i te mana, me te he toa pai ki ngā momo e rua rerekē rite Pita tika mai i mua, engari ano te noho waenganui whānuitanga me he pai i reira, Danny turai te rota, me te he koki pai, E hoatu e ahau a Danny te mata mo tona kaupapa engari hiahia ia ki te noho pukumahi, me te tūmanako e kore e ia rere ki tetahi nifó engari te mea he kalokalo ki runga ki ahau.”
# # #
Ko te whawhai ora tuatahi i 4:30 p.m. AND. Tīmata Tickets i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
I roto i te undercard runga, teata-kore kēmu, tūturu whetu wahine Brooklyn me sensation mekemeke,Heather “Ko te Tuatahi Lady” Hardy (14-0) tutaki Naomi Forests (10-3-2, 2 KO o) i roto i te waru-a tawhio whā super rematch.
Mua i te whawhai Jacobs-Quillin katoa-Brooklyn i runga i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, whakaongaonga, pakeke-patu WBA mā whitu World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó), o Buenos Aires, Argentina, ka tiakina e ki Puerto Rico o Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (26-4, 16 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio āhua-matua.
I SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 p.m. AND/PT), rongonui toa ao o mua, me te Long Island-MāoriChris Algieri (20-2, 8 Koó) Ka ātete e Ecuador o Erick Bone (16-2, 8 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee 10-a tawhio, a fafau tūturu taumahamaha marama Staten Island Marcus Browne anga Francisco Sierra (27-9-1, 24 Koó) o Tepic, Mexico, i roto i te waru-rounder.
Daniel Jacobs vs. Peter Quillin is a 12-round middleweight championship fight taking place Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn, N.Y.. ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT). I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® co-āhuatanga, WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar will face exciting Puerto Rican contender Jonathan Oquendo. Whakatairangatia ana te hui e DiBella Entertainment me pütea e kurahauao. Ko te Algieri vs. Bone me Rosinksy vs. Smith Jr. E hāpaitia ana whawhai i roto i te feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.


Quillin & Floyd Mayweather Pose Kooti taha

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Watch Video o Player Intros
Pāwhiri ki HERE Hei Tikiake Photos o Jacobs & Quillin
Credit Photo: Pokapū Barclays
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos o Mayweather & Quillin
Credit Photo: Anthony Meinga
Brooklyn (Hakihea 2, 2015) – I mua i tomo ratou te mowhiti i Center Barclays, Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs a Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin took center stage at the arena in Brooklyn as they conducted the pregame player introductions of the Brooklyn Nets before their win Rātū night against the Phoenix Suns.
I tua atu, recently retired pound-for-pound king Floyd “Money” Mayweather was in attendance and posed with his fellow Grand Rapids born fighter in Quillin.
Ka tapawha te rua kuao whawhai mana atu hoki Jacobs’ WBA Middleweight World Title this Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 as the headlining attraction live on SHOWTIME. Mua i te whawhai Jacobs-Quillin katoa-Brooklyn he whakaongaonga, pakeke-patu WBA mā whitu World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó) as he defends against Puerto Rico’s Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (26-4, 16 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio āhua-matua.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.ki,www.barclayscenter.comor by calling 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.



Tags Live I 5 p.m. AND/PT i runga i SHO EXTEME


NEW YORK (Dec. 1, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® ka tapae te WBO Whitu Ao Championship i waenganui i te parururaa i titlist Andy Lee me te kaiwero hinga kore Billy Joe Saunders i runga i Saturdaa, Dec. 19, ora i runga i Sho EXTREME (5 p.m. AND/PT) i Manchester, Ingarangi.


Te SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL whakahere o te Pouaka Nation telecast will feature analysis from SHOWTIME boxing experts Brian Custer, Al Bernstein a Paulie Malignaggi before and after the world championship showdown. An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHO EXTREME later that evening at 9 p.m. AND/PT.


"Kei oaoa ki te whakaora i tenei matchup nui o runga Middleweights ki te US matou. whakarongo,"Ka mea Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General o SHOWTIME Sports. “The 160-pound class is one of boxing’s hottest and deepest divisions right now, a kia patia i te toa o tenei whawhai ia mo te pupūtanga matua whakakotahitanga ranei i roto i 2016. "


A Ireland Lee (34-2-1, 24 Koó) riro te wātea WBO taitara ki te TKO te ono-a tawhio noa o na-tūturu Matt Korbov i roto i te Hakihea 2014. Te 6-waewae-2, 31-tau tahi i runga i te wini pūkenga e ono-whawhai i mua i mekemeke te utu i te afa 12-a tawhio noa ki te toa tūturu mua Peter Quillin i runga i April 11, 2015, i roto i te Brooklyn. Both fighters went down in a highly competitive scrap that was scored 113-112 mo Quillin, 113-112 mo Lee me 113-113.


I mua i tahuri ko pro Lee te runaruna runga, me te kanohi Ireland i roto i te 2004 Olympic Games i Atene.


"E mea rahi e oku pā i roto i te U.S. ka whiwhi ki te kite i te whawhai i waenganui i ahau, me Saunders me kī ahau te haere te reira ki te kia whakaongaonga,"Ka mea a Lee.


Saunders (22-0, 12 Koó), of Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Ko o te WBO No. 1 whitu tekau nguha. The 26-year-old is coming off a fourth-round TKO over Yoannan Bloyer whakamutunga Hōngongoi 24 i roto i te London.


E rua tīmata ki muri, i roto i te nuinga o te wikitoria tuhipoka-utu o tona mahi, te 5-waewae-11, Ka mau Saunders i te afa whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki runga Chris Eubank Jr. i runga i Nov. 29, 2014, i roto i te London. Kua riro wahi katoa engari kotahi o Saunders 'whawhai i roto i Ingarangi; te tahi atu ko Airangi ki te Raki.


Was Saunders hoki te runaruna ta'na; kanohi ia Ingarangi i roto i te 2008 Olympic Games rite te Welterweight i te tau o 18. Saunders is the great-grandson of one of Britain’s most famous gypsy bare-knuckle champions, Absolom Beeney.


"He po nui hoki ahau tenei me te oaoa vau e te haere i te reira i roto i ora ki Amerika ahau,” Saunders said. “The U.S. viewers will get to see just what I can do when I face Lee and become world champion. It’s a big boost for me and takes the fight to another level when American TV comes on board and then you know it’s a big fight on the world stage. I hope that (Gennady) Golovkin me (Miguel) Ka waiho cotto rua matakitaki no e ahau nohopuku tata ratou taumata a ka whiwhi ratou ki te kite i te aha ahau katoa ahau e pā ana ki ".


Ka mea kaiwhakatairanga Frank Warren, "Au oaoa e ka pouaka inaianei SHOWTIME Lee vs ahau. Saunders ora i roto i te U.S. as it confirms the importance of this fight on the world scene. My relationship with the network goes back many years with fights like Joe Calzaghe vs. Jeff Lacy, Ricky Hatton vs. Kostya Tszyu, Frank Bruno vs. Oliver McCall, plus Naseem Hamed and Nigel Benn fights. I believe that Lee vs. Saunders will be another great fight to add to that list because of what’s at stake for both fighters. What lies ahead for the winner will make them fight to their very best.”

PETER QUILLIN, Ko Ihu Cuellar, A Honatana OQUENDO & Chris ALGIERI MEDIA workouts korukī & Whakaahua

Quillin, Oquendo & Algieri Kaihautū Media I roto i Miami Ahakoa mau a'oraa Cuellar Ki Media

I Faleva'inga I roto i Marina del Rey, Calif., Ārahi ki runga ki Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 Showdowns Mai Center Barclays, Ora i te SHOWTIME®
Pāwhiritia HERE Hoki Quillin, Oquendo & Algieri Photos Mai
Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
Pāwhiritia HERE Hoki Cuellar Photos i Ehetere Lin / SHOWTIME
Brooklyn (Nov. 25, 2015) – I muri i hautū workouts motuhake tai-ki-Tai pāpāho i roto i Miami a Marina del Rey, Calif., Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin, Ihu Cuellar, Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo a Chris Algierikorero ki te pāpāho e pā ana ki o ratou showdowns mahi Rāhoroi muri i Center Barclays i Brooklyn, ora i runga i SHOWTIME.
Quillin, Puritia Oquendo ko Algieri ratou īngoa pāpāho i te 5th Street Faleva'inga i Miami i whakahaeretia Cuellar pāpāho i CMC Pro mekemeke i Marina del Rey.
Quillin Headlines te Dec. 5 whakaatu ina e ia i runga i WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs. Cuellar ko Oquendo tapawha-atu i roto i te whawhai mo te Cuellar WBA mā World Taitara i Algieri punga SHOWTIME EXTREME kapinga ina e ia i runga i Erick Bone. Kapinga i runga i SHOWTIME tīmata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT i haamata SHOWTIME EXTREME i 7 p.m. AND/PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, tīmata i $50, kore
tae atu ki ngā utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
Whakatairangatia ana te whawhai Algieri i roto i te feohi ki Star Mekemeke.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea Rātū:
PETER QUILLIN, Tūturu mua whitu World Champion
“Kua tēnei kua tetahi o nga puni tino ranga e kua ahau i roto i toku mahi. Ahau te iwi a tawhio noa nui. Ahau i roto i te āhua pai o toku ora, me te rite haehaa rite taea. E haere tatou ki tenei whawhai ki tetahi mea, engari māia.
“Au hinengaro me kaha fakalaumālie ahau. Kua ahau i roto i 33 o enei whawhai i roto i toku mahi. Mea katoa tetahi o te hunga takatu kua e haere ana ratou ki te whiua 'Chocolate Kid’ engari e patua ana kahore he tangata kua ki ahau. Kua ahau i roto i ki te rota o te eé rerekē me ahau kia ano ki te whiua.
“Au haehaa e haamaitaihia ki te hei i runga i tenei pūhara ahau. Te ti'aturi nei au e taea e ahau te faauru i te feia e hiahia ana ki te tiki ki Ahau te wahi i. Kua ahau i roto i tenei wahi ki te aroaro o. Kua ahau i te tihi mo te ia, me te haere ahau ki te noho i konei. E kore toku tirohanga o ahau ke me e te aha tonu ahau ki te riro.
“Te mea nui hoki toku haerenga me toku rōpū ki te tiki i tenei wini. Kua hoatu matou he rota o te toto, me te werawera ki tenei, a e auraa katoa hoki ki te utu i te reira atu ki te wikitoria. Tenei mahi pakeke katoa nei ki te haere ki te tahi mea.
“E kore ahau e whai i te matapae mō te pō whawhai. Ko te ki runga ki a Raniera Jacobs ki te whakatau i taua — because I’m here to win.”
Ko Ihu Cuellar, WBA mā World Champion
“Kua puni Training kua haere nui. Pau ahau toku wiki tuatahi e wha o te puni i roto i Argentina, a ka nga wiki e whitu mua ahau kua i roto i Los Angeles whakangungu. E kore toku pakirehua i roto i tenei puni ke i nga mea katoa i teie nei e ahau te parururaa i ahau toku taitara mo te wa tuatahi.
“Mai a Honatana Oquendo i te wehenga o raro, me te kua whawhai whakataetae nui. Ka rite ki te roa rite mai ahau i roto i rite mo tenei whawhai, Oquendo he tika hoariri tetahi, e kore te whakararuraru i ahau. E mohio ana ahau ki te aha ahau nehenehe o nga ritenga i roto i tenei whawhai e ahau.
“Ko ahau haamaitaihia ki te waiho i runga i te taua kāri whaimana ka whai kororia ahau ki te waiho i te wahi o reira. Ko te kua he aha i puni whakangungu kia roa, Kuo pau ke ahau rawa rite.
“Kahore he rerekētanga ki ahau i roto i te toa i te whitiki wā versus te taitara. A, no te ahau te tuatahi i riro te whitiki wā whakaaro ahau i ahau i te toa. Ki ahau, Kua tonu kua ahau he toa.
“Kihai i ahau e mahara ki te kia whawhai Honatana Oquendo, engari whakahuatia ana e ratou toku ingoa, me te hiahia ahau ki te whawhai i te whawhai pai i roto i reira. Tetahi nga whawhai pai o ka whawhai ahau i roto i te wehenga.
“E mohio ana ahau e te reira e rima toa nui i roto i tenei wehenga, me tetahi o ratou e whawhai ahau.
“I muri i te whawhai Oquendo tumanako ahau ki te whawhai i tetahi atu wa i 126 ki te toa ingoa-nui, me te reira ahau ka neke ake ki te 130 pauna. Ka whawhai tetahi i roto i te wehenga mā ahau.
“Kāore te meka e ahau te toa anake o nāianei i Argentina pā ahau. Mohio ahau e pai kia ahau i te toa ao mai i te kuao tonu me e te aha kia pakeke ahau whakangungu.
“Te whakatipu ake i roto i Argentina ko tino uaua. Ko ahau tetahi o waru tuākana me te kotahi anake te tangata ko te kaimekemeke. Toku papa tuatahi whakaurua ahau ki te mekemeke no te mea ko ia he toa ngaio i roto i Argentina. Kua ahau i roto i te omaoma mai ko ahau e ono tau.
“Mai riro ahau te taitara iwi kua tino timata ia ite ahau atu i roto i Argentina. Kua ahau i mohio mai ko ahau i runga i te Team National Argentina, engari toa i te taitara tauturu toku āhukahuka i roto i te whenua.
“Toku ingoa ko 'te Autaia’ no te mea ko taua te ingoa o toku hoiho i roto i Argentina. Haunga mekemeke, Kua tonu ahau i hiahia i roto i te hoiho hariata.”
A Honatana OQUENDO, Mā whitu nguha
“Cuellar Ko te toa tino kaha. Te ia he toa i roto i te whakakai, so I’m preparing myself for a very tough fight. I’m getting ready for his aggressive style.
“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei. Fighting i roto i New York, ki he mea whakamiharo nui te turanga tahi Rican Puerto me haere kore ahau ahau ki te haukotia ratou.
“Kua ahau konei i roto i te Florida mo te whakangungu marama, a ka e ahu ahau ki runga ki New York i runga i Hakihea 1. Taku mahere ko ki te haere hoki ki Puerto Rico i muri i ahau riro i tēnei whawhai, ka riro i te toa ao.
“Ahau tino tau te mauri. Whakapono ahau e haere ana ahau ki te riro i tēnei whawhai. Ahau e hiahia ana ki te whai i roto i te taahiraa avae o te tahi atu toa nui ao i Puerto Rico.”
Chris ALGIERI, Mua Super Kōmāmā World Champion
“Kua puni Training kua fantastic. Kua ki i te hua e rima wiki ki a Hoani Rawiri Jackson me kei rite ki te hurihia ki tenei whawhai tatou. Kua mahi matou mutu-kore mai i te whawhai Amir Khan me ahau i roto i te āhua nui.
“Wheua ko te taata scrappy nei e haere mai i roto i te āhua. Ko tona whawhai taitara ao tenei. Te haere ia ki te rite ineine rite taea mai. Kua ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, ka whakahaere i te whawhai ki toku taumata pūkenga me te maramarama.
“Aroha whawhai ahau i Center Barclays. Kua ahau i etahi o oku mahi pai ki reira, me te whakamahere e ahau ki te mahi i ano te reira, ka pupuri i okeoke te reira ki 2016.
“Kei te haere ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, a whakaatu toa puka. Kei te haere ahau ki te whakamahi i taku wheako ki te nuinga i te whawhai.”
# # #
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

Dec. 5 SHOWTIME BOXING ON SHO EXTREME® KI TUHAA Chris ALGIERI vs. Erick wheua & Tūturu Light Heavyweight Marcus Browne



Chris Algieri vs. Erick Bone - 10 Rauna Welterweight a'ee

Marcus Browne vs. Francisco Sierra - waru Rauna Light taumahamaha a'ee


Daniel Jacobs vs. Pita Quillin - WBA Whitu World Championship

Ihu Cuellar vs. Honatana Oquendo - WBA mā World Championship


NEW YORK (Nov. 23, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports® Ka televise te Welterweight matchup 10-a tawhio noa i waenganui i toa mua ao me Long Island-Māori Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 Koó) ko Ecuador o Erick Bone (16-2, 8 Koó) i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING ON SHO EXTREME, Rāhoroi, Dec. 5, ora i 7 p.m. AND/PT i Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn.


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga i runga i SHO EXTREME, whetu maranga tūturu me 2012 U.S. HäkinakinaMarcus Browne (16-0, 12 Koó), o Staten Island, Ka tangohia i runga i hōia mātangaFrancisco Sierra (27-9-1, 24 Koó).


Te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® haamata telecast i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT ora i runga i SHOWTIME ki WBA mā World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó) te parururaa i tona whitiki ki nguha Puerto Rican whakaongaonga A Honatana Oquendo(26-4, 16 Koó).


Arata'i te reira i katoa ki te #BattleForBrooklyn ka WBA whitu World Champion Daniel Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) tohe tona whitiki ki toa tūturu mua Peter Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó). Winner e te whitiki, me te Brooklyn.


Tikiti mo te tīmatanga hui ora i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays. Whakatairangatia ana te hui e DiBella Entertainment me pütea e kurahauao. Ko te Algieri vs. Bone me Rosinksy vs. Smith Jr. E hāpaitia ana whawhai i roto i te feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke.


Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, JesusCuellarBOX , jonathanoquen; ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Brooklyn (Whiringa 18, 2015) – New York City Fire Department (FDNY) Kamupene Engine 234 i roto i te Brooklyn tāmate Will Rosinsky (19-2, 10 Koó) Ko te rite ki te tohu i te FDNY ina e ia i runga i Joe Smith Jr. (19-1, 16 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tukinga marama taumahamaha i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn.
Rosinsky ka fehangahangai tetahi o nga wero mai- o tona mahi i roto i te tūturu Semita tamaiti, engari ia e kipaina i runga i te tangata maia mahi ia ki waho te mowhiti i runga i te rā, “Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau te tari katoa ahi ki te tohu me e te mea kei te haere ki te pei i ahau i roto i te whawhai,” ka mea a Rosinsky.
“Fighting i roto i New York, tautautefito Brooklyn, te wahi i toku whakangungu tīmata tuatahi, homai ki ahau he tikanga o te whakamarie me te hihiri. Te riroraa i te koati o te rohe me te mahi i roto i taua paro, Ite e ahau kia rite ki e te FDNY i Barclays Pirihitini katoa ki te tautoko i ahau i te taha o toku pā ra-kotahi.”
A 2005 U.S. toa runaruna, Riro Rosinsky nga karapu Golden New York whakataetae he wha nga wa faka'ohovale i mua i te tahuri pro i roto i 2008. Puta noa i tona mahi pro, I te mahi ia tamau i rite te mātanga EMT.
Heoi, i muri i te wikitoria i roto i te Hakihea 2012, I takoha Rosinsky ki te manga atu i te takaro i whakawhiti ki te hoko ko ha mēmipa taimi kakato o te FDNY. I te mutunga o tona wā'ahi'ahi'anga i te FDNY, Rosinsky ko te mutunga taea ki te tīmata anō tana mahi mekemeke i roto i te puna o tenei tau. Na, Whakapauhia e ia wa i runga i rua o ona hihiritanga ngaio.
“Kua ahau ki te whai fakatapui rite ki toi e rua, me te taea e tino rite te faaineineraa,” ka mea a Rosinsky, nei ka timata tana mahi 14-0. “E koe ki te faaineine no te te wheako take kino i roto i te tauira e whawhai a kino take ki te ahi. He nui atu kino te hunga ahi ahakoa.”
Tikiti mo te a'ee Rosinsky-Smith, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
Te Hakihea 5 headlined hui e te hui matua SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING e rua toa whitu ao Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) ki te toa o mua te ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó) ki te kapinga teata timata ora i runga i SHOWTIME i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

TANIELU JACOBS, Yuri kaiwhakahauhau & Heather Hardy Brooklyn korukī MEDIA workout & Whakaahua

(Photo Credit Rosie Cohe / SHO)
“WÄTEA KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin” Premieres te pō nei I SHOWTIME®
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Watch Jacobs Kauwhautia mai tona Walk Ring Ki Marching Band
I Brownsville Recreational Center: http://s.sho.com/1H7jcVC
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Brooklyn (Nov. 17, 2015) – WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs, toa o mua te ao Yuri Foreman me te super tūturu whā nguha Heather “Ko te Heat” Hardy whakahaerehia te īngoa pāpāho Rātū i a Gleason Faleva'inga i to ratou whenua o Brooklyn faaineine ratou mo o ratou whawhai rātou ki runga i Rāhoroi, Dec. 5 i Center Barclays.
Jacobs ka tiakina e tona taitara ki toa tūturu mua Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin i roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® hui matua ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/PT. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, WBA mā World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó) Ka fehangahangai nguha Puerto Rican whakaongaonga Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (26-4, 16 Koó).
“WÄTEA KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin,” e lēkooti te buildup ki te katoa-Brooklyn pupūtanga, premieres tenei po i 8:30 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME. This clip features Jacobs as he watches The Approaching Storm marching band rehearse his ring walk music at the Brownsville Recreational Center: http://s.sho.com/1H7jcVC
Ei tuhaa o te undercard tāpae ki runga taranata NYC, Ka tangohia Hardy i runga i Naomi Forests i roto i te waru-a tawhio rematch whā super o te wikitoria a Hardy ritua whakatau mo bosques i Mei. Hoki mai Foreman ki te mowhiti i muri i tango atu te wa i mekemeke ki te riro i te lāpai fakanofo a ka whakataetae i roto i te waru-a tawhio whakataetae super Welterweight.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, tīmata i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com mā te karanga ranei 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea Rātū:
“Whakaaro ahau oku pūkenga e he painga. Skills utu i nga pire. I te mutunga o te ra i ahau he rota o te pūkenga mo 'Chocolate Kid.’ Tere he kotahi. Te ia pea he puncher nui me fakanatula taimaha. Ki te taua katoa mana, nei ia ki te tiki ki ahau. E ia ki te e taea ki te whenua te hunga pupuhi.
“Kei te haere ahau ki te whakarite. Aroha ahau knockouts. Ki te taea e mutu e ahau ki te knockout e te aha e meatia e ahau. Ko te whai ahau ki te whakamahi i taku pūkenga me oku painga.
“Hanga Quillin taimaha i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga a kua pera tūmanako ia he kaiako hou kaha i hanga e ia taimaha mo tenei tetahi. E hiahia ana ahau ki a ia kia ki 110 ōrau kia kahore he ngatahi ka taea e hoatu e matou te pā he whawhai nui.
“Au ahau i pā ana ki 170 pauna tika i teie nei, kia whai ahau 10 pauna ki te haere. Ko te wai te nuinga kia ka haere te reira hohoro a ka riro matou pai i te po whawhai.
“Ko Time te wheako nui taea e koe. I tata katoa tangohia atu te reira i ahau. Hinengaro, Ahau i reira. Te pae tino, Ahau i reira. Ko te toku wa, me te tika i ahau ki te kia rite Dec. 5.
“Kua hāngai ahau i roto i Long Island, a Brooklyn mo te puni whakangungu. Whiwhi ahau ki te kite i Brooklyn i nga ra katoa. Ahau i roto i te huarahi, me te ki te iwi faata'i-i roto i. Te i konei te tikanga o atu a tae noa ki ahau.
“Te haere ki te waiho i te pai, whawhai tahi-friendly. Kua rongo ahau i rota o rerekē whakaaro e pā ana ki te tangata e haere ki te riro, me ahau i rite e. I te mutunga o te ra, te reira e pā ana ki ata mohiotia tatou nei e te toa.
“Kua kua ahau whakahau mo tenei whawhai mo te wa roa. Kihai i whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki te hunga e hiahia ana ahau ki te haere i muri i te mea te riro ahau engari haere ahau ki te whawhai i te pai, me te mahi i toku ara ki te i te pai i roto i te wehenga.”
Yuri kaiwhakahauhau
“Mekemeke Ko te hākinakina rawa varua. Whai ara rerekē tatou katoa. Toku whakapono Nā faatumuhia i ahau, ka arotahi. Taea e koe te tangata. Ka taea e koe te rabbi, me te tonu kia whawhai i runga i te atamira nui i Center Barclays.
“Ko te te mahi taua, (Kua ahau i) mahi pakeke mai i Pipiri me te maka ana i roto i te rota o te haora i roto i te omaoma. I roto i ngā o te faaineineraa, Te tamata tonu ahau ki te pana ahau. A, no te whiwhi ahau ngenge, E hiahia ana ahau ki te pana ahau uaua noa.
“Ka rite te tango koe i te reira ngāwari ki runga ki koe, e te ka whai koe i te raruraru. Rawa i roto i te mekemeke. Kua kore tangohia e ahau tetahi pokatata. Ki te tangohia e koe pokatata i roto i tenei hākinakina e haere koe ki te tiki kino ia.
“He rerekē katoa kaimekemeke kotahi rite e ahu whakamua ana, na e kore ahau e arotahi ana ki te titiro tetahi e taea e te taata e hoatu ki ahau. Arotahi ahau ki runga ki ahau, me te mahi ki te hei i te pai Yuri Foreman taea e ahau.
“Ko te motuhake rawa ki te whawhai i Center Barclays no te mea ko toku whare tenei a mau e ora ana ahau tika poraka atu i te ao. Nōku te ahau ki te kia a tawhio noa kia maha whawhai nui te hunga i runga i tenei kāri. Taea e te katoa te haere mai tahi i raro i tetahi tuanui ki te mataara i te hākinakina nui.
“Au noho ahau pai e pā ana ki Dec. 5. E kore e taea e ahau matapae no te mea te reira mekemeke a taea tetahi mea tupu. Te reira e anake kotahi pere. Kei te pėhea e ahau he po angitu me te wikitoria mīharo hoki ahau.”
Heather Hardy
“Kihai i Holly Holm whakamatau e kore i taea e Ronda Rousey whawhai, no te mea ko Ronda he toa pai. Ia tika whakamatauria e reira he rota o whawhai wahine pai. He wahi katoa whawhai wahine pai, me te tūmanako ka whiwhi tatou i te āhukahuka i reira tetahi wai kaukauranga kei nui o kaitäkaro wahine e kore e e mōhiotia.
“Ko te he whawhai nui te wa whakamutunga. To tatou tahi momo hoa, ka hoatu e matou a ratou he whakaatu. He aroaro nui i roto i te whakakai ia na koa ana au ki te hoatu ki a ia he rematch.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau ki te hanga i te tauākī taime atoa e haere e ahau i roto i reira tika ki te whakamatau e no te mau vahine i roto i te whakakai. Te reira tonu te whawhai ki te whakamatau e no tatou. He pera maha whawhai wahine pai i roto i reira.
“Kua pai kia ki ahau Brooklyn mekemeke, kua me ahau lāngilangi'ia ke e taea ki te whawhai i Center Barclays. Kau Quillin riro taua whawhai i roto i te Hakihea tīmata ahau te ani Lou DiBella ki te hoatu i ahau i runga i te kāri, me te inaianei kei konei tatou.
“Whakaaro ahau kei te haere i te hui matua ki te waiho i te whawhai nui. E kore e taea e ahau te tiki i te toa. E kore koe e taea e tatau i roto i te toa. He toa he ngakau nui, me te taea te whawhai tahuri i tetahi taime.”
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

"URU KATOA: Jacobs vs. QUILLIN "ATAATA topenga PETERO QUILLIN whakamārama Tuhinga o Miami TRAINING CAMP ON" URU KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin "



FOR Tīhema. 5 KATOA-Brooklyn Showdown WITH TANIELU Jacobs

Premieres Tomorrow / RĀTŪ, NOV. 17 ON SHOWTIME®


Pāwhiritia I te Hono raro Ki Watch, Share me / ranei Tāmau tenei Topenga



Tirohia atu tenei topenga i "URU KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin "ki te whakarongo ki te aha faaoti Pita Quillin ki mawhiti i te ano'ino'io me atee o New York no te the whakamaries of Miami Beach as he prepares for the biggest fight of his career. "URU KATOA: Jacobs vs. Quillin "premièresapopo / Rātū, Nov. 17 i 8:30 p.m. ET / PT i runga i SHOWTIME®a ka waiho wātea Ki te hiahiatia, me te ipurangi.

Jacobs vs. Quillin: Rāhoroi, Dec. 5, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) i Center Barclays. Winner e te whitiki, me te Brooklyn.


# # #


I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® co-āhuatanga, WBA mā World Champion Ihu Cuellar Ka fehangahangai nguha Puerto Rican whakaongaonga A Honatana Oquendo.


Tikiti mo te tīmatanga hui ora i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays. Whakatairangatia ana te hui e DiBella Entertainment me pütea e kurahauao. Ko te Algieri vs. Bone me Rosinksy vs. Smith Jr. E hāpaitia ana whawhai i roto i te feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke.


Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, JesusCuellarBOX , jonathanoquen; ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter

Jarrett Hurd KNOCKS I FRANK GALARZA I matchup o tūturu Super Welterweight Tuhinga I MATUA MAHINGA OFSHOBOX: THE NEW whakatupuranga ON SHOWTIME®



Sergiy Derevyanchenko & Rawiri Benavidez Ulo Ki te knockouts Tere

I Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas


Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos

Credit Photo: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


Las Vegas (Nov. 14, 2015) - Tūturu amanaki Welterweight superJarrett Hurd ringa Frank Galarza te mate tuatahi o tona mahi ki te TKO a tawhio tuaono i roto i te hui matua o ShoBox: Ko te Generation Newi runga i Rāhoroi i te Joint i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas.


Galarza (17-1-2, 11 Koó), i whawhai hoki tona wa wha i runga iShoBox ka titiro atu ki te Hurd āhua unknown, ka te 136th toa ki te tukua tona mate tuatahi i runga i te raupapa, whanaketanga amanaki. NGä ATAATA: http://s.sho.com/1NTILdM


Hurd (17-0, 11 Koó) ko te koi, more accurate fighter from the opening bell against the largely stationary Galarza. Hurd floored Galarza with a huge right uppercut –his favorite weapon– with less than 30 hēkona e toe i roto i te wha o, knocking “The Brooklyn Rocky” down for the first time in his career. Galarza made it to the bell, engari i āta tukino i a kore ora ake.


Hurd, o Accokeek, MD., i ngingio Galarza ki tetahi uppercut nui i roto i te ono, forcing a clearly finished Galarza to turn his body away in defeat. Referee Russell Mora had seen enough and stepped in to stop the bout at :59.


"Mohio ahau i ia he ite, toa uaua, engari piri ahau ki toku mahere kēmu, whakarongo ki toku kokonga, a ka puta mai i roto i te wikitoria,” Hurd said. “Once I was able to set up my counter shots, I mohio ahau e ahau

taea e kino ia ia.


This was my first time on national TV and I knew how important it was to be successful. I’d like to fight again soon, hopefully early in 2016. I’m ready to take my next step.”


Fafau Galarza ki kia hoki i muri i te kuru hinga.


"Matamata ahau toku pōtae atu ki Hurd, ko ia te pai i te po nei te tangata,” Galarza said. “I didn’t fight my fight and he did. This type of stuff happens in our sport. I’m disappointed in my performance, engari tohu aku kupu ka waiho hoki i ahau, pai me te kaha ake ake. "


"Ko te he patunga ki te mahi a Galarza,"Ka mea ShoBox analyst Steve Farhood. “Because of his late start in boxing and his age, he can’t afford a loss like this. After the first round, kihai i puta ia tetahi whakarerekētanga, ka ngaro nga tawhio muri.


"Ki te taua mea, te kōrero Ko te mārama Jarret Hurd, kihai nei i whawhai i te o te pato'iraa te taumata tiketike e haere mai i roto i, engari piri ki te mahere tangi kēmu, executed it well and showed no nerves in his national television debut. He made a name for himself in stopping a legitimate tough guy in ‘The Brooklyn Rocky.’”


I roto i te ShoBox co-āhuatanga, puru-kongakonga amanaki Sergiy Derevyanchenkopatua Jessie Nicklow ki te kai mīharo o ngā matā tinana me uppercuts i roto i te tūtahi, TKO a tawhio tuatoru.


Derevyanchenko (7-0, 5 Koó) whakaekea Nicklow i te tīmatanga, ū te maere 72 ōrau o nifó mana, me te 56 percent of his total shots. The durable Nicklow, i tango nei i te whawhai i runga i pānui poto, could do nothing against the former Ukrainian amateur standout. In the third, I tautokohia Derevyanchenko Nicklow (25-8-3, 8 Koó) ki nga taura, ka tuku i te raupapa o whiunga matā ki te hoariri rākau, akina kaitautoko Jay Nady ki te taahi i roto i, me te aukati i te whakataetae i 2:18 o te tuatoru.


"Ko tenei he mahi nui e ahau,” Derevyanchenko said. “Jessie was a very tough opponent. I feel like I showed another element to my game tonight. No one has done to Jessie what I did to him tonight.


"Au whakapai ake ahau wa katoa, me te ite e ahau kia rite ki te ka waiho e ahau rite mo te taitara koperea e te mutunga o 2016."


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, piro marama tūturu amanaki taumahamaha Rawiri Benavidez toru knockdowns en huarahi ki te TKO a tawhio tuatahi (2:00) of veteran Felipe Romero. NGä ATAATA:http://s.sho.com/1NxpwT0


Benavidez (11-0, 10 Koó) i kahore raruraru e anga tona hoa tauwhainga tino mātanga ki te rā, patoto Romero (15-10-1, 9 Koó) down with a series of lefts to the body and head with less than a minute into the fight. Romero got up, but Benavidez continued to pepper Romero and floored him again with a left hook to the body. Ramirez again beat the count, engari anake roa he torutoru hēkona i mua i mutu Benavidez ia atu ki tenei knockdown tuatoru i roto i tika e rua meneti.


“E matau ana ahau ki te kaha ko toku matā tinana, a mohio ahau e ratou whai hua,” Benavidez said. “I wanted to make a great impression in my first nationally televised fight. I’m ready to get back in the ring gain as soon as possible.


I roto i te a'ee-teata kore, mua WBC Heavyweight World ChampionGold Cup (25-2-1, 21 Koó) patua Derric Rossy (30-11, 14 Koó) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu (95-94, 96-93, 96-93) i roto i tona whawhai tuatahi mai i ngaro i te taitara ki Deontay Wilder January whakamutunga.


“Ahau ongo'i pai-te reira i nui ki te kia hoki i roto i te whakakai ano,” Stiverne said. “Kihai i ahau faaiti, but maybe I sparred too much in the gym. He was a tough guy. The knockdown was more of a flash knockdown. It was a good punch, engari ko ahau he toenga iti atu, rawa.


"Au rite ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai hohoro, ka mahi i aku ara hoki ki te riro i te toa ao ano ahau.”


Patototanga iho Stiverne ki 10 hēkona e toe i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.


Te ShoBox tripleheader ka anō-rangi i runga i te Mane, Nov. 16 i 10 p.m. ET / PT runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME a ka kia wātea i runga i SHOWTIME ON tono® timata Rātapu, Nov. 15.


Barry Tompkins ka karanga te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua ko Gordon Hall ki Richard Gaughante whakaputa me te Chuck McKean aratai.


# # #


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterNotorious_FG, Swift_JHurd, SHOSports, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Mō ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Kua ngā te Generation New āu uaua taranata taitamariki. Ko te kaupapa ShoBox ko ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox ka whakatu a ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.

ShoBox: Te whakatupuranga NEW pauna FINAL, Korukī & Whakaahua


"Ko e Brooklyn Rocky" Frank Galarza Faces hoa Tūturu Jarrett Hurd

Ētahi atu, Prospects BlueChip Sergiy Derevyanchenko & Hinga taumahamaha Light Rawiri Benavidez Ngā i roto i ShoBox Tripleheader

Apopo/Rāhoroi, Nov. 14 I 10:45 p.m. AND/PT

Mai i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Ora i te SHOWTIME®


Pāwhiritia ki HERE Tikiake Photos Mai Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


Las Vegas (Nov. 13, 2015) - He ShoBox: Ko te Generation Newtripleheader, kitea e te matchup Welterweight super i waenganui i opuaraa tūturu Frank Galarza a Jarret Hurd, amanaki kongakonga puru Sergiy Derevyanchenko me te taumahamaha te marama tūturu Rawiri Benavidez Kei te whakaturia hoki apopo/Rāhoroi, Nov. 14 ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. AND/PT, roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru) i te Joint i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas.


Ngā roto i te hui matua, Frank "Notorious" Galarza (17-0-2, 11 Koó), o Brooklyn, N.Y., ka meinga e tona wha ShoBox ahua rite anga ia hoa tūturu Jarrett Hurd (16-0, 10 Koó), o Accokeek, MD., i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa Welterweight super a'ee.


Mua amanaki Häkinakina me te tūturu Ukrainian Sergiy Derevyanchenko (6-0, 4 Koó, WSOB: 23-1, 7 Koó) anga hōiaJessie Nicklow (25-7-3, 8 Koó) i roto i te whitu super waru-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga. I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te tripleheader, Rawiri Benavidez(10-0, 9 Koó), o Phoenix, Ariz., hanga ana ShoBox tuatahi ki hōia Felipe Romero (15-9-1, 9 Koó), o La Paz, Mexico, i roto i te waru-a tawhio matchup taumahamaha o te marama.


Galarza ko Hurd, nōhia te rua nga pauna i 154 ½ pauna ia. Whanganga Derevyanchenko i 164 ¾ pauna, i te hoariri i tana, Nicklow, tautaha 165 ½. Whanganga Benavidez i 171 ¼ pauna i tona tauira, Romero, paunatia-i roto i te i 173 ½ pauna.


I roto i te teata-kore mahi, Gold Cup paunatia-i roto i te i 254 ½ pauna, ia Derric Rossy i whanganga ano i 230 ¾ pauna. Charvis Holifield paunatia 142 ¾ pauna, a Dwain Victorian paunatia-i roto i te i 140 ¼ pauna. Sanjarbek Rahkmannov i whanganga ano i 143 ½ pauna, i te hoariri i tana Somner Martin paunatia-i roto i te i 143 ¼ pauna meTrakwon Pettis matamata te tauine i 138 ¾ pauna, i te hoariri i tana,Marquis Hawthorne taimaha i 140 pauna ara.


Tenei te mea i te whawhai i ki te mea mua ki Rāmere o paunatia-i roto i te:


Fank Galarza

"E kore ahau e whakaaro wero whawhai. Hoatu ahau e koe i roto i ki te hoariri uaua, me te e haere koe ki te kite i te uaua Frank Galarza.


"Kua matou i konei kua. E matau ana matou he aha e te reira ki te hoatu i taku record tūturu i runga i te raina. I’ve faced the tougher fighters. I know I can swing, engari he rite ia ki te piu? I’ve been the [i raro i] kuri a kua i roto i ki te mango i mua i. Na ka kauhoe atu ahau ki a ratou.


"E kore e whakaaro ahau te rite mo te mea kawea mai e ahau ki te tepu ia. E kore kua i roto i ia ki te tangata kia rite ki ahau.


"Te haere ia ki te tamata i te haere mai i mua, me te houtamaki ahau, engari e kore e haere ngā ki te tupu.


"E te reira i te taata uaua ki te haere i roto i taua mowhiti. Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu. I te mutunga o te ra, haere mai ki raro ki te tangata e hiahia ana te reira atu.


"Ahau rite hoki te 10 rounder. Kua titiro ahau mo te kotahi hoki te ia.


"Noa'tu te nui ataata mataara tatou, kahore tetahi tangata e mohio he aha kei te haere te reira ki te tupu i roto i te whakakai. To tatou ki te whakanui ana hoki i tona mau hape. Mekemeke Ko e pā ana ki huri me ahau urutau tino pai ".

Jarrett Hurd

"Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki tatou. Ua feruri matou i pā ana ki whawhai [Frank] Galarza mai i Hakihea whakamutunga.


"Ai Frank māia, otiia e kore ia e whakawehi i ahau. Kei te skyrocketing taku e whakawhirinaki. Ōrite toku kāhua ake tino hoki ia.


"E mohio ana ahau ki ta ahau e nehenehe e rave. Sparred ahau ki takatu e whawhai whiriwhiri -Lamont Peterson, Antoine Douglas, Dominic Wade, Austin taraute, Jerry Odom. Kua kua tatou i mākutu ki etahi o te pai i roto i [Washington] D.C. ko Maryland.


"Ko te whawhai nui hoki ahau tenei. I taea e whakatuwhera te reira i te tatau e kua ahau e tatari. "

Sergiy Derevyanchenko

"E ia [Jessie Nicklow] e kore e whai tetahi mea kahore ahau i kite i te aroaro o. Kei a ia wheako, engari au e ahau rite ki te whakaatu atu he aha kua ahau i mahi i runga i i te omaoma.


"Ka taea e tonu ahau tiki pai. Au ako ahau i roto i nga whawhai. He te te rerekētanga nui i waenganui i te amateurs me nga AtAKi. Au e okioki ana ahau e ngaahi kautaha hou, tikanga hou. Ako ahau i toku hoa mākutu i nga ra katoa.


"I te faaineineraa e ahau mo te whawhai i roto i te Hakihea, na e te whakapā aha te te taimaha i 166. Ko ahau te whitu -te heke mai ko 160.


"Ahau rite ki te tango i te taahiraa i muri mai. [Gennady] Golovkin Ko te toa o te ao, o te akoranga e hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai ki a ia.


"Toa i te Ukraine, no te mea e matau ana tatou mai tatou wahi i tatou pakeke mahi. Kihai i faingofua Life mo tatou tipu ake ".


Jessie Nicklow

"Ka taea e ahau hoki tenei taata ake. Ko te taata [Sergiy Derevyanchenko] Ko 30 tau, me te ia e ono pro whawhai. Whakaaro ratou he whawhai ngāwari tenei, engari Kei te haere ahau ki te whiua te crap i roto o ia. Ahau tino harikoa.


“Whakaaro ahau he poauau e kore e taea e au te whakapono e rere ana ratou i ahau i roto i ki te whawhai tenei taata ka nei ngā ono whawhai enei iwi. E ka e ia he papamuri nui runaruna, engari te ka anake ia e ono pro whawhai. E kore e taea e ahau e tatari ki te tiki i roto i te whakakai Rāhoroi po.


"Kua ahau whawhai he [Ryota Murata] Olympic Gold mētara i te aroaro o. Kāore tēnei taata i tetahi mea e kore i kite ahau i te aroaro o. E kore ahau e ahau e haere mai ki te ngaro. Te ia i runga i toku oneone me ahau e haere ana ahau ki te whiua ia.


"Ahau 100 ōrau. This guy is smaller than me. I’m used to fighting big guys.”

Rawiri Benavidez

"[Fernando] Romero he pai atu te nuinga o nga hoariri kua fehangahangai ahau, na ko te tino tenei he taahiraa-ake hoki ahau.


"Kua patototanga ahau ki raro nga toa kua fehangahangai ahau. Te rapu atu ahau ki maka ana tenei taata iho.


"Sparred matou ki southpaws i roto i te puni, na kei tatou rite ki te huri ia ki runga ki a tatou.


"Ia pai ki te maka te rota o te nifó mohoao. E matau ana matou i reira e te rota o te tuwhera whai wāhitanga hoki ahau.


"Sparred ahau ki Kelly Pavlik, Gennady Golovkin, Peter Quillin, Julius Jackson. Ahau 18 a kua ahau mākutu ki etahi i nga whawhai pai o roto i te ao.


"Au arotahi ahau i runga i whawhai i 168. E kore ahau e whai tetahi raruraru hanga i te taimaha. Kirimana ahau teitei mo tenei whawhai [173], engari 168 Ko te heke mai mo tatou. Ahau rawa fiefia ki te whawhai i runga i te TV motu mo te wa tuatahi.


"Whakamahia ahau ki te waiho i te rota nui atu i ahau inaianei. Ko ahau 5-waewae-4, 250 pauna ka ko ahau 13-tau-tau. Ngaro ahau i te taimaha, a tīmata ahau ki te tupu.


"E kore ahau e tatarahapa e kore whawhai nui i roto i te amateurs. Ua oaoa vau i tahuri ahau pro i 16. I ahau ki te neke ki Mexico ki te rave i te reira, engari ko te reira te tere e tika ana mo toku mahi. "

Felipe Romero

"Ko te taimaha mo ahau pai tenei. Ahau i te taumahamaha o te marama tūturu.


"Kei te mahi ahau ki te kaiwhakangungu hou, me te kua mahi matou i runga i te tahi mau mea hou. Au e ahau arotahi wā tonu i runga i whawhai.


"E mohio ana ahau ki te pai ia, te ia kaha, te ia taitamariki, engari kua ngā whawhai ia takatu e kore e tino pai nei. Kahore i faaruru i tetahi ki toku wheako ia. Kua fehangahangai ahau ko eé inäianei me ahau e haere ana ahau ki te whiua ia.


"Me ahau ki te kia atamai, me te whakamahi i toku wheako. He hasn’t fought many rounds so we’re going to push him. He’s not going to knock me out.


"Kua ahau whawhai katoa i runga i te ao. Fighting hei underdog he mea hou ki ahau. "


Gold Cup

“Kua Training kua pai me ahau rite ki te whawhai apopo po.


I’m excited to be fighting again. I’ve been off too long.


I’ve climbed the mountain to become a world champion and I’m prepared to do it again. I want to get my title back.

# # #



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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterNotorious_FG, Swift_JHurd, SHOSports, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Galarza vs. Hurd, 10-Welterweight super a tawhio noa hui matua o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New tango te wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Nov. 14 i te Joint i Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas ka whakatairangatia ana e TGB Whakatairanga. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Sergiy Derevyanchenko anga Jessie Nicklow i roto i te whitu a'ee waru-a tawhio noa, me i roto i te kaiwahi i telecast, Mehua Rawiri Benavidez ki Felipe Romero i roto i te waru-a tawhio matchup taumahamaha o te marama.


Mō ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Kua ngā te Generation New āu uaua taranata taitamariki. Ko te kaupapa ShoBox ko ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox ka whakatu a ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.