بایگانی برچسب: پی اس


Jose Pedraza Remains Unbeaten With Unanimous Decision Over Stephen Smith In IBF Junior Lightweight Championship

این دوشنبه در 10 p.m. و/PT در شو EXTREME®

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس From Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


MASHANTUCKET, را هدایت کردن. (آوریل. 17, 2016) – WBC Featherweight World Champion گری راسل جونیور. retained his title with a remarkable TKO of Irishman پاتریک Hyland روز شنبهon SHOWTIME from Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, را هدایت کردن. در همکاری ویژگی, خوزه Pedraza از تیم defended his IBF Junior Lightweight title with a unanimous decision over استفان اسمیت.


امشب event was a family affair with Russell Jr. working his brother Antonio’s corner during امشب undercard and boxing’s Smith brothers, including current WBO Super Welterweight World Champion Liam Smith, cheering from the crowd.


A relentless Russell brought the main event to a quick halt by registering three knockdowns in the second round, the last of which forced referee Danny Schiavone to end the contest at 1:33. از زنگ اول, واشنگتن, D.C. native came out swinging with his trademark hand speed and dangerous power. راسل, یک southpaw, successfully broke down—and knocked out—Hyland with multiple vicious right hooks.


“We stuck to the game plan. We stayed sharp,” said Russell Jr., که پرونده خود را به بهبود می بخشد 27 برنده, one loss, 15 knockouts به.


“I’m ready to fight anyone in the division – Santa Cruz, لی سلبی. We are ready. But what I really want is [واسیل] لوماچنکو. I don’t care if he moves up to 147 پوند. I will go anywhere to get that fight,” Russell said.


“There aren’t many fighters who you instantly know are special,” said SHOWTIME Sports expert analyst Steve Farhood. “The combination of Gary Russell’s hand speed and accuracy instantly shows us that he’s special. That was plainly evident امشب and at times his hand speed was frightening.”


Pedraza از تیم (22-0, 12 کوس) remained disciplined and came out victorious during his second IBF 130-pound world title defense. A combination of timing, hand speed and good defense allowed the Puerto Rican native to dominate the 12-round championship fight.


“This definitely was a tough fight but the training really came to advantage in this fight,” Pedraza told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray. “I knew he was a tough fighter so I was always aware.”


“I had better focus امشب. I had a better training camp,” said Pedraza, referring to his controversial split decision win over Edner Cherry two fights ago. “I knew that Stephen Smith was a great fighter and even after the knockdown, we were very cautious not to rush in.”


“Pedraza won امشب with different weapons. Mostly right hands to the head,گفت: "فرهود. “I had the fight even after eight rounds and once Pedraza dropped Smith in the ninth, he gained momentum that he never lost and he pulled away. It was an impressive performance but also an important one because it erased a lot of the negative criticism Pedraza received in his controversial win over Edner Cherry.”


Pedraza was the more accurate fighter, فرود 50 percent of his power punches over the 12-round bout. The Sniper was able to pick his spots and pocket rounds once he figured out the distance. Smith had his moments, but wasn’t active enough.


برایان کاستر میزبان برنامه تلویزیونی SHOWTIME, با مائورو Ranallo خواستار عمل, تالار مشاهیر تحلیلگر آل برنشتاین و قهرمان سابق دو بار جهان پائولی Malignaggi commentating و جیم گری گزارش. در پخش می اسپانیایی, آلخاندرو لونا به نام ضربه-های-ضربه و قهرمان سابق جهان رائول مارکز خدمت به عنوان مفسر رنگ. تهیه کننده اجرایی SHOWTIME مسابقات قهرمانی بوکس بود دیوید Dinkins جونیور. با باب Dunphy کارگردانی.


VIDEO: Menard Knocks Out Previously Unbeaten Eudy Bernardo: HTTP://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW

گرفتن پخش سهشنبه, آوریل 19, در 10 p.m. و/PT در SHO EXTREME®

کلیک کنید اینجا دانلود عکس

عکس های اعتباری: رزی Cohe / SHOWTIME®


VERONA, N.Y.. (آوریل 15, 2016) – Undefeated bantamweight prospects نیکولای Potapov و Stephon جوان fought to a majority draw in theShoBox: نسل جدید رخداد اصلی جمعه on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..


The bout was scored 96-94 Potapov and 95-95 دو برابر.


پوتاپوف و یانگ با سخت ترین حریفان خود مقابل هم قرار گرفتند. Potapov (14-0-1, 6 کوس) سرعت را با ضربه سریع کنترل کرد و مبارز فعال تری بود, پرتاب تقریباً دو برابر مشتهایی که یانگ انداخت. جوان در دورهای میانی بخار برداشت و اعتماد به نفس پیدا کرد و هنگامی که عمل را فشار داد و دستانش را رها کرد در بهترین حالت بود.. اما پوتاپوف روسی, که حداقل رفته بود 10 در شش مبارزه آخر خود, با پیشرفت جنگ به وضوح راحت تر بود.


بعد از کند شدن در هفتم و هشتم, جوان (14-0-3, 6 کوس) چرخ دنده دیگری را در یک نهم چشمگیر یافت, برنده شدن در دور آخر در تمام کارتهای امتیازی داوران. اما, حتی پس از دستورالعمل های فوری از گوشه او, جوان نمی توانست حرکت را به 10هفتم و دور آخر را در هر سه کارت امتیازی از دست داد.


"من از تصمیم گیری بسیار ناراضی هستم. برای هر بار که او مرا زد, دو ضربه بهش زدم,”گفت پوتاپوف, که انداخت 315 ضعف در مقایسه با فقط 113 برای یانگ. "من مبارز بسیار سرگرم کننده ای بودم. من نمی دانم قضات چه نبردی را تماشا می کردند. حداکثر در چهار دور باختم.


"من قبلا هرگز قرعه کشی نکرده ام. احساس می کنم از یک برد فریب خورده ام. من از اینکه در آمریکا می جنگیدم بسیار خوشحال شدم اما اکنون احساس فریب خورده ام. "


پس از مبارزه با, سنت. جوان ، اهل لویی ، ناامید شد اما می دانست که لازم است مشت های بیشتری پرتاب کند.


"من احساس می کنم که این یک جنگ خوب بود, اما من باید تصمیم می گرفتم,"جوان گفت. "من هر وقت او را می زنم او را آزار می دهم. به او اجازه دادم شلوغتر از من باشد, اما تا آنجا که تماس, احساس می کنم مشت های م moreثرتری را به زمین فرود آورده ام. این استراتژی من بود.


"من باید کمی زودتر می آمدم. نقشه من این بود, اما در مبارزه کمی آرام شدم. من در دور نهم وارد زمین شدم که مربی ام به من گفت او را از آنجا بیرون کن.


"من قطعاً یک بازی برگشت می خواهم. دوست دارم دوباره این کار را انجام دهم. "


سبک وزن لوئیزیانا که یک بار شکست خورده است میسون منارد زدم قبلا شکست نخورده اودی برناردو با KO یک مشت شرور در2:11 از دور سوم. VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW


روبرو شدن با سخت ترین حریف خود تا به امروز, منارد کفپوش کرد (31-1, 23 کوس) برناردو برای اولین بار در کار خود با یک سری حقوق نزدیک به پایان دور دوم است. برناردو دومنیکن شمارش را شکست داد و دور را تمام کرد, اما او پاسخی برای قدرت منارد نداشت. کمتر از یک دقیقه به سوم رسیده است, منارد با یک حق بزرگ ارتباط برقرار کرد, در زدن برناردو (21-1, 15 کوس) قبل از اینکه حتی به بوم ضربه بزنه.


"من بیانیه دادم امشب. افراد زیادی نمی دانستند که من به دنبال چه کسی می روم, اما آنها اکنون من را می شناسند,"گفت منارد, که تقریباً فرود آمد 50 درصد از عکس های قدرت خود را. "سرعت من, قدرت و کار پا تفاوت بود.


"من در وسط حلقه برای او دعا کردم که او سالم به خانواده اش برگردد."


برناردو, به عنوان یک اقدام احتیاطی با استفاده از برانکارد از رینگ خارج شد, او به نزدیكی بهداشت Oneida منتقل شد و در آنجا بیدار و پاسخگو بود.


در جلسه افتتاحیه این برنامه تلویزیونی, وزنه برداری بدون شکستکنستانتین بنجارو دست آلکسی Zubov اولین باخت در حرفه خود در یک تصمیم متقاعد کننده هشت دور متفق القول 77-74, 78-73 دو برابر.


صرفه جویی در یک ناک داون دور هفتم, Bejenaru (11-0, 4 کوس) مبارزه را از همان ابتدا کنترل کرد. بومی مولداوی بر یک ضعف قد چهار اینچ غلبه کرد, حمله از زوایای مختلف و کنترل مبادلات داخلی و خارجی. دندانها (10-1, 6 کوس) هرگز وارد ریتم نشد و نتوانست از مزیت دستیابی خود در برابر پنجه جنوبی فعال و ورزشی استفاده کند.


او بوکسور کلاسیک خوبی بود, اما او خیلی صاف است و نمی تواند خودش را تنظیم کند,"Bejenaru گفت. "ضرب و شتم او به آسانی به نظر نمی رسید. سبک خودم را برای این کار تنظیم کردم زیرا می دانستم این کار او را دچار تردید خواهد کرد. من می دانستم که اگر فقط مدام به او حمله کنم ، نمی داند چه کاری انجام دهد. "


زوبوف و برناردو اکنون این افراد هستند 146هفتم و 147هفتم بوکسورها اولین ضرر حرفه ای خود را در سری توسعه چشم انداز متحمل می شوند.


جمعه پخش تلویزیونی سه مبارزه دوباره پخش خواهد شد سهشنبه در 10 p.m. و/PT در SHOWTIME EXTREME و از اوایل آوریل در SHOWTIME ON DEMAND در دسترس خواهد بود 16

بری تامپکینز به نام ShoBox عمل از کنار صحنه ورزش با فرهود و قهرمان سابق جهان رائول مارکز خدمت به عنوان تحلیلگران متخصص. تهیه کننده اجرایی بود گوردون تالار با ریچارد Gaughanتولید و ریک فیلیپس کارگردانی.


“من need to maintain control of the fight, close the distance, and maintain the jab. Complete dominance.
گری راسل جونیور.
To fight for the WBC title is everything I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid.
– پاتریک Hyland
I have been waiting a long time for this day to come and we are going to demonstrate to Smith that I am a weapon.” – خوزه Pedraza از تیم
I believe I have what it takes to fight anyone and nothing will keep me from becoming a world champion.” –
استفان اسمیت

کلیک کنید اینجا دانلود عکس; اعتبار: استفانی Trapp / SHOWTIME
نیویورک (آوریل 13, 2016) – WBC ورزشکار پروزن قهرمان گری راسل جونیور. (26-1, 15 کوس), از کاپیتول ارتفاعات, دکتر., and Irish contender پاتریک Hyland (31-1, 15 کوس), of Dublin, faced off at the final press conference چهار شنبه at Highline Ballroom in New York, as they approach این روز شنبه Featherweight World Title fight live on SHOWTIME® from the Fox Theater in Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.
The SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® برنامه تلویزیونی آغاز می شود در زندگی می کنند 11 p.m. و/8 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME with IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship clash between unbeaten Puerto Rican خوزه Pedraza از تیم (21-0, 12 کوس) و چالش اجباری استفان اسمیت (23-1, 13 کوس), of Liverpool, انگلستان.
Here’s what the fighters had to say at چهارشنبه final press conference.
گری روسل JR.
(On Patrick Hyland…)
“اولین و مهمترین, I gotta tip my hat off to him. I heard him say he was being trained by his father. Me and my younger brothers are also trained by my dad. My father is my favorite superhero, so it is very hard to deal with a situation like this and to bounce back and to grind and put all the hard work and effort into it after all the heartache and loss, I gotta tip my hat off to him for that.
I know that anytime you have a fighter that trains for six to eight weeks and prepares for no one else but you, is a dangerous fight. او قد بلند, he’s long, but we can take him. We’re going to handle it.
(On returning from injury…)
“من احساس می کنم خوب. من حاضرم; I put the work in at the gym. مثل من که قبلا گفت, I got cussed out several times and sometimes I left the gym feeling like the worst fighter ever. اما, همین الان, we’re ready and we’re prepared to invest in my ability.
(On what it means to have his brother Antonio on the card he’s headlining…)
It means a lot. من مشتاقانه منتظر آن هستم. I’m actually more looking forward to watching my brother compete than my own fight. I will definitely be working his corner in that fight. It means a lot for us to be able to pass this information down from generation to generation and watch it grow and watch us build as a family and as a unit. این شگفت انگیز است.’
He definitely has the potential to be the best. Him as well as Antuanne, who is now on the 2016 تیم المپیک. It’s all information passed down from generation to generation. I feel as though they definitely have the ability to be better than me. I would want them to be anyway.
(On what he needs to win the fight…)
I need to maintain control of the fight, close the distance and maintain the jab. Complete dominance; I want to touch the body early. He likes to move a lot, so we’re going to cut all that down.
(On potential future opponents…)
God willing, everything goes right come آوریل 16, we would love to unify with Lee Selby. If I had my choice, I would go with Lee Selby first to unify. Immediately after that, I want Leo Santa Cruz and after that I need Lomachenko.
I don’t care where [لوماچنکو] moves. He can lose his next 10 دعوا, but before my career’s done he has to see me.
(On what gives him the sense of satisfaction in boxing…)
To fight for the WBC title is everything I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid and all of the hard work that I have put in to get to this position to fight for it. I am happy and I am just living for it now for روز شنبه شب.”
(On being the first Irish boxer since Barry McGuigan to hold a featherweight world title…)
It’s a whirlwind and it’s great. I’m just a local lad from Johnstown in Dublin and to be fighting on the big stage and to be fighting for a major world title, and again to be named the second featherweight ever to win a world title would be just amazing; a real dream come true for myself.
(On Gary Russell…)
I know he’s got fast hands. He’s a great southpaw and a great boxer so I have to be at the best of my ability در روز شنبه night for that. I worked on a game plan in the gym to counter his hand speed and it all has to come together on fight night. I can do all this and say all that, but I just have to perform در روز شنبه night and put it in by doing everything I’ve worked on to become champion.
خوزه Pedraza از تیم
(در اردوی آموزشی…)
I am feeling really good, we’re in the last stretch of conditioning. It was a very long and intense training camp but we saw improvements in my abilities. I have been waiting a long time for this day to come and we are going to demonstrate to Smith that I am a weapon.
(On Stephen Smith)
Smith is a very good boxer, he has a lot of abilities and intelligence. He’s a boxer with very good defense, but we already utilize a variety of strategies to be able to neutralize all of his abilities.
(On what he plans to demonstrate در روز شنبه…)
With my abilities, مانند روز شنبه, I will demonstrate that I am above Smith and that I am at the level of what I am, a champion. به طور کلی, I just want to put on a show and I hope that the fan base will enjoy this great card.
(On what he learned from fighting Edner Cherry)
I learned what I have always said and what I have always done to this very day, which is never watching. I never watch too many videos of my opponent because on the day of the fight he could be a completely different fighter and I think that is what occurred then. Aside from that, he utilized a great strategy.
(On his thoughts on other Puerto Rican boxers)
Actually I am a world champion just like Rocky Martinez; there are many Puerto Rican prospects. مانند [فلیکس] Verdejo but I don’t consider him as a world title contender just yet. He hasn’t fought with a boxer of championship caliber but he is currently among the top fighters in Puerto Rico.
(On other fights he may be interested in at 130 پوند…)
I have always said that the less Puerto Ricans I fight, بهتر. If it is the last option, I will fight with Puerto Ricans too but aside from that Rocky [مارتینز] the world champ, there’s Francisco Vargas, [خاویر] ثروت, to name a few that are at the top of my list.
(On his first time fighting in the U.S….)
“من بسیار هیجان زده هستم. If you want to make a name in boxing, then you’re going to do it in the states and that’s what I plan on doing by becoming a world champion Saturday.
(On what he knows about Pedraza)
“خوب, not quite a lot. I know his name from the amateur days. He’s well established, he’s an Olympian and he’s a talented man. To fight somebody consists of winning or not, it goes beyond tactics, beyond style and beyond skillset really. I believe I have what it takes to fight anyone and nothing will keep me from becoming a world champion.
(On what he needs to do to get the victory)
It can be a different type of fight; we know he likes to switch it up and box from different stances. He’s obviously talented so it’s going to take a different set from each way but we know what to expect. I’ve gone over everything with my trainer Joe Gallagher and we’re ready to go.
(On his brothers Liam and Callum being champions and what it could mean to potentially join them)
It’s special. Two weeks ago Liam and Callum won a European world title and it just gives me the confidence, the spirit to hike. I’m in a really good place mentally and I couldn’t be feeling better going into it. After my boot camp going successfully, it just makes you feel better going ahead to become a world champion.
(On UK champions on the rise in the past year)
There’s a lot of history there and for myself and my family, so we do what we’ve always wanted to do and we’re looking to just keep moving forward.
(در اردوی آموزشی…)
It was good. Obviously it boiled up to Callum’s win. There’s a good momentum. Callum and then Stephen has his world title opportunity. It’s been a slow burning rise with Stephen but he’s got, as I call it ‘his World Cup final’ — something that is going to take heart and strength. His strength is going very well. Pedraza is a very good fighter, good orthodox, good southpaw, he can mix it up and we’re prepared for whatever style he wants to bring در روز شنبه.”
(On the process of preparing for a fighter like Pedraza)
It’s a nightmare. It’s hard enough when you’re fighting a quality orthodox or a quality southpaw, of which he is, but not only that. He can also box on the back foot and on the front foot so we’re varying sparring partners, we’re mixing up the sparring in between the rounds, switching stances, and whichever way Pedraza wants to fight at the end of the night, I’m sure we’ll have an answer for.
(On how he feels the fight will play out)
I think that’s all up to Pedraza, looking back at a few of his fights, he boxes slow and gets off to a good start but then he seems to lose his way a little in rounds. When you watch him against [آندری] Klimov, he started out very well, put him under manners very quickly and had him nearly beat by the fourth round but [آندری] managed to stay in very well and boxed really well. He got to the middle rounds, lost his way a little bit, switched southpaw, so either way it’s going to be fascinating. We’ve just got to make sure we don’t get caught to early when he’s quick and he’s sharp and he’s trying to put manners in Stephen Smith and then take him into the deep waters like Edner Cherry.
(His prediction)
“استفان اسمیت. Possibly by knockout. نکن, definitely by knockout.
# # #
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Three World Title Fights Come To Las Vegas

Best Of 154-Pound Division Takes Center Stage As Erislandy Lara & Vanes Martirosyan Meet In World Championship Rematch
بیش! Unbeaten World Champion Jermall Charlo Defends Against Former Champion Austin Trout & Twin Brother Jermell Charlo Vies For Vacant Belt Against Hard-Hitting John Jackson
روز شنبه, مه 21 From The Chelsea Inside
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Live On SHOWTIME
بلیط در فروش جمعه, آوریل 15 در 10 صبح. PT
LAS VEGAS (آوریل 13, 2016) – The 154-pound division will take center stage on روز شنبه, مه 21 in a stacked tripleheader featuring three world title fights in the same division. Five of the division’s top-six fighters* will square off live on SHOWTIME from چلسی, a one-of-a-kind 40,000-square-foot venue, داخل جهان وطنی از لاس وگاس.
در رویداد اصلی, احساس کوبا Erislandy “رویای آمریکایی” لارا will defend his WBA Super Welterweight World Championship against U.S. المپیکی و مدعی برتر پره “کابوس” مارتیروسیان در یک مسابقه برگشت از خود 2012 bout that ended in a technical draw.
Brothers Jermall و Jermell چارلو، مونتانا will look to make history in co-featured bouts as the first twins to hold world titles in the same division. Unbeaten IBF Super Welterweight World Champion Jermall faces his toughest test when he makes the second defense of his belt against former world championآستین “بدون شک” ماهی قزل آلا. Jermell will take on exciting contender جان جکسون in a bout for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Championship.
Promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, venue pre-sale tickets will go on-saleپنج شنبه, آوریل 14 در 10 صبح. PT. Tickets for the general public will go on-sale جمعه, آوریل 15 در 10 صبح. PT. قیمت بلیط در شروع $39, و در دسترس هستند آنلاین در www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com از طریق کارتون در یا (800) 745-3000 و www.ticketmaster.com.
Doors to The Chelsea will open at 3 p.m. PT with SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action beginning at 9 p.m. و / 6 p.m. PT. The versatile yet intimate space inside The Chelsea will create an unparalleled experience for viewers and boxing fans alike.
I’m looking forward and I’m excited to be making my 2016 debut in the boxing capitol of Las Vegas come May 21,” سعید لارا. “I can’t wait to get in the ring as I have unfinished business to take care of with Vanes. I’m the champion and will remain the champion. I will leave no doubt who the better fighter is and will show the world that I’m the best fighter in the 154-pound division. I am dedicating this fight to a great man and boxing idol Gilberto Mendoza Sr. May he rest in peace and enjoy this display of master boxing from heaven, that I will put on for him when I step in the ring on fight night.
Erislandy Lara and I have unfinished business from our first fight,” سعید مارتیروسیان. “I had him beat that night and I’ll beat him on May 21. My time is now and I know I will be the new champion of the world on مه 21.”
The 25-year-old Charlos are aiming for history against stiff opposition from a former champion in Trout and the Olympian from the Virgin Islands in Jackson.
This will be a history-making, record-breaking night for the Charlo twins,” said Jermall Charlo. “It means everything to us to be able to fight in two championship fights on the same card. This is everything we’ve ever dreamed of. This is going to be a great night of boxing and I’m preparing myself for war. Austin Trout is a seasoned vet. He’s fought world champions and has beaten future Hall of Famer Miguel Cotto. This is one of my biggest fights to date, but I’m preparing the same way I always do. I’m going to be on my ‘A’ بازی. I’m ready to make history.
I’m extremely excited and grateful for the opportunity to fight for the world title on مه 21,” گفت: ماهی قزل آلا. “It’s a twice-in-a-lifetime chance for a second world title and I’m going to take full advantage of it. I’m working hard and have already been in training camp in D.C. and ready to take full advantage of the moment. I’ve sat at the championstable before and am ready to go back again and eat from it again. Destiny brought me here not to lose, اما به نفع خود. I’m going to show up and show out and this world title.
“این یک مبارزه بزرگ برای من است,” said Jermell Charlo. “It’s my first opportunity to fight for a title and my brother is on the same card defending his belt. There has never been identical twin brothers that are both world champions in the same weight class. We’re going to go out there and make history and send a message to the whole division. I’m excited to get in the ring and I know John Jackson is too. This is an important time in my career and I will be well prepared. Let the best man win.
I’m very grateful for this opportunity to become a world champion,” گفت جکسون. “I’ve been training very hard for the last two months for this fight and come مه 21 I will be victorious over Jermell Charlo and realize my lifelong dream of becoming a world champion, like my dad, the great Julian Jackson.
This is yet another example of SHOWTIME Sportscommitment to delivering the best lineup in boxing,” گفت: استفان اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور & مدیر کل, SHOWTIME ورزشی. “We’re featuring three important championship fights in one of boxing’s most intriguing young divisionsa tripleheader that will bring our 2016 tally of world title bouts to 14 – all free to SHOWTIME subscribers. We’re excited to offer this rare opportunity to see the top fighters in a division all on the same telecast.
Mayweather Promotions is thrilled to bring this fantastic tripleheader of super welterweight world champions to fight fans,” سعید لئونارد الرب، کارولینای شمالی, مدیر عامل شرکت از تبلیغات Mayweather. “The best of the 154-pound division will be on display on مه 21 and we expect an action-packed night of drama.
We’re very excited to work with SHOWTIME on this action-packed tripleheader,” گفت: تام براون از تبلیغات TGB. “Erislandy Lara and Vanes Martirosyan have a huge score to settle from their 2012 پایان, and Jermall and Jermell Charlo are in high-stakes matchups against Austin Trout and John Jackson, به ترتیب, in what promises to be a highly entertaining evening of boxing.
32 ساله لارا یک بوکسور نرم و صاف است و توانایی تحمیل مجازات را دارد در حالی که در عوض مقدار کمی از آن را مجازات می کند. لارا برابر آلفردو آنگولو پیروزی های ناچیزی داشته است, آستین ماهی قزل آلا, Ishe Smith and Freddy Hernandez. به عنوان یک آماتور, لارا موفق به کسب عناوین متعدد از جمله مسابقات قهرمانی ملی در سبک وزن و همچنین در شرکت 2007 بازی های پان هستم. جنگنده در اصل از گوانتانامو, Cuba dominated Delvin Rodriguez in June of last year and followed that up with a third-round stoppage of former champion Jan Zaveck.
در ارمنستان متولد, اما مبارزه از گلندیل, کالیفرنیا., مارتیروسیان به نمایندگی از آمریکایی. در 2004 بازی های المپیک. به عنوان یک حرفه ای, he won his first 32 fights before fighting Lara to a draw in 2012. The 29-year-old suffered a narrow defeat by split decision in his first world title shot against Demetrius Andrade, but has rebounded with solid victories over Mario Lozano, Willie Nelson and most recently Ishe Smith.
A newly crowned champion at 25-years-old, چارلو، مونتانا grabbed his title with a dominant third-round stoppage of Cornelius Bundrage in September 2015. ساکن در هوستون, Charlo در ساخته شده است تا رزومه کاری خود را در 2014 with dominant triumphs over Hector Munoz, Norberto Gonzale, Lenny Bottai and Michael Finney. در تفرج اخیر خود, he successfully defended his title with a fourth-round stoppage of Wilky Campfort in November.
به 2004, ماهی قزل آلا won the U.S. آماتور ملی سبک وزن مسابقات قهرمانی و بعد از بالا رفتن از صفوف به عنوان یک بوکسور نخبگان طرفدار, او در مسابقات قهرمانی جهان سبک وزن فوق العاده در برنده 2011 با شکست دادن ریگوبرتو آلوارز. He went on to make four successful defenses, including a career-best, dominant victory over Miguel Cotto in New York. He is currently on a four-fight win streak after knocking out Joey Hernandez in September to set up his world title opportunity.
Younger-by-one-minute than Jermall, Jermell چارلو، مونتانا is a highly ranked young fighter looking to get one step closer to a world title shot. جنگنده های بلند برای بخش خود را, the 25-year-old earned his shot at a world title with victories over Gabriel Rosado, Charlie Ota and Mario Lozano in 2014 and Martirosyan and former world champion Joachim Alcine in 2015. He impressed last time out by disposing of Alcine in the sixth-round of their fight in Houston in October.
Since representing his native Virgin Islands in the 2008 بازی های المپیک, جکسون has put together an impressive pro career. سنت. Thomas-born fighter won his initial 13 fights after making his debut in January 2009. The 27-year-old earned the No. 1 spot and the title shot with a shutout victory over Dennis Laurente in August. Jackson comes from a fighting family; his father Julian Jackson was a world champion and feared power-puncher while his brother, ژولیوس, is a contender in the 168-pound weight class.
*via Transnational Boxing Rankings
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.sports.sho.comو www.mayweatherpromotions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, LaraBoxing, VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, MayweatherPromo وSwanson_Comm, تبدیل شدن به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions
ارتباطات سوانسون: (202) 783-5500
کریس DeBlasio, پی اس شبکه شرکت: (212) 708-1633
Matt Donovan, پی اس شبکه شرکت: (212) 708-1663
Flo Jocou, پی اس شبکه شرکت: (212) 708-7319
John Beyrooty BZA/Showtime: (562) 233-7477
Nicole Craig, جوایز Mayweather: (702) 807-1788
Bernie BahrmaselTGB Promotions: (773) 592-2986
Nicole Sanchez, جهان وطنی از لاس وگاس: pr@cosmopolitanlasvegas.com / (702) 698 7150
Tasha Walker, Kirvin Doak Communications: thecosmopolitan@kirvindoak.com / (702) 737-3100
Media Credentials: www.magnamedia.com

THE BOX NATION OF UK حقوق حق پخش POTAPOV VS را بدست می آورد. نمایش جوان, آوریل 15 AT تبدیل STONE RESORT کازینو

بروکلین, NY (آوریل 13, 2016) – شبکه محبوب بوکس انگلستان Box Nation این حق را دارد که شب تبلیغاتی سالیتا را در بوکس کلاس جهانی پخش کند جمعه, آوریل 15, در عطف سنگ توچال کازینو در ورونا, نیویورک.
Headlined by the 10-round NABA Bantamweight Championship showdown between نیکولای Potapov (14-0, 6 کوس), از Podolsk از, روسیه, و Stephon جوان (14-0-2, 6 کوس), سنت. لوئیس, میسوری, the event also features اودی برناردو (21-0, 15 کوس) of the Dominican Republic faces بناء “سنگ سخت توانا” منارد (30-1-0, 22 کوس), of Rayne, لوئیزیانا, در یک نبرد هشت دوره.
In a third match-up, former amateur standout now rising cruiserweight pro sensation Alexey Zubov (10-0, 6 کوس) مصرف در کنستانتین بنجارو (10-0, 4 کوس, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, مولدووا, in an eight-round test.
The exciting tripleheader of fights will also be broadcast live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. و/PT, تاخیر در سواحل غرب) and Match TV of Russia.
BoxNation is a 24-hour dedicated boxing Pay television channel, operated by Boxing Channel Media and promoter Frank Warren, available in the United Kingdom and Ireland. BoxNation features live cards with domestic and international fights, classic match footage, magazine shows and interviews with current and former fighters. The channel has already broadcast over 70 live world title fights featuring Floyd Mayweather Jnr, به Vitali Klitschko, ناتان هوشمندانه, امیر خان, میگل کوتو, Dereck Chisora, and Bernard Hopkins amongst many others.
بلیط برای رویداد, presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers, are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, و یا آنلاین در Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 برای صندلی کنار صحنه ورزش, $35 و $25.
# # #
در باره

جوایز Salita
تبلیغات سالیتا در سال تاسیس شد 2010 توسط دیمیتری Salita, یک بوکسور حرفه ای و رقیب عنوان جهانی که نیاز به یک نهاد تبلیغاتی برای داشتن بهترین جوان بوکس و مدعیان معتبر در آمریکای شمالی و سراسر جهان را دید. بینندگان تماشای مبارزان در شبکه های تلویزیونی سراسر جهان از جمله Showtime, ESPN, اسپایک تلویزیون, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. ما به خود فرصت می دهیم که به جنگنده هایمان فرصت هایی را در داخل و خارج از حلقه ارائه دهیم. Salita Promotions منتظر ادامه رشد و تأمین نیازهای طرفداران مبارزه در سراسر جهان است.

روسلان Provodnikov, جان مولینا جونیور. & Demetrius Andrade Luncheon Quotes & عکس




Tickets On Sale Today For SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Tripleheader During International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend From Turning Stone Casino in Verona, N.Y..

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس ها از

Emily Harney/Banner Promotions


نیویورک (آوریل 12, 2016) – Former junior welterweight world champion روسلان Provodnikov, عنوان جهان سابق رقیب جان مولینا جونیور. and undefeated former 154-pound world champion دمتریوس آندرادهparticipated in a media luncheon on Tuesday hosted by SHOWTIME® و تبلیغات بنر before beginning training camp for their ژوئن 11دعوا, زندگی در SHOWTIME® از Turning Stone Casino به ورونا, N.Y..


Former Fight of the Year participants Provodnikov and Molina will meet in theژوئن 11 SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® رخداد اصلی. The tripleheader begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features former WBO Junior Middleweight Champion دمتریوس آندراده مواجه برابر ویلی نلسون در حذف کننده عنوان WBC Super Welterweight. در جلسه افتتاحیه, WBC بدون. 1-سبک وزن رتبه بندی شده است Dejan Zlatcanin will challenge No. 2-رتبه Emiliano Marsili for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship.


بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, شرکت, در قیمت $85, $60, $45 و $35 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, و یا آنلاین در Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).


در زیر همان چیزی است که مبارزان به حال برای گفتن:



“As soon as I heard the name John Molina, I jumped on it. Molina fights with the type of style that people want to see. He brings the action.


"ژوئن 11 is another Fight of the Year-type fight. شما می توانید آتش بازی انتظار.


“People expect action fights when I get in the ring. I appreciate that SHOWTIME saw a value in what I can offer and I want to make sure that I don’t let them down.


“I’ve only seen one fight of his, and that was the fight with (لوکاس) Matthysse. That fight shows the type of fighter he is.


“I think our styles are going to clash. The reason people love this is because it’s unpredictable. Nobody knows what’s going to happen on ژوئن 11. Nobody can even predict which way it’s going to go. We’re both punchers, we both go forward, we both fight in a risky style. I think that’s going to make this fight a fight that everybody should watch.


“The fight is already a huge motivation, but the fact that the Hall of Fame is the same weekend is definitely great. I’m definitely pleased to know that because hopefully one day I can be a part of that.”





“We’re never say die fighters. We come forward. It’s literally like two trains that are going to collide. It’s a can’t miss fight.


“He’s a hell of a fighter. He has a big heart and a big will.


"همین الان, my only focus is – and I know it sounds generic – but my only focus is on Ruslan Provodnikov. He deserves my undivided attention right now because he’s that kind of fighter.


“I have to prepare for someone that has a never say die attitude. He’s like a virus that will never go away. He’s a hell of a fighter – he has a big heart and a big will. It’s tough to beat a guy that wants to win.


“We’re going to give the fans a treat, a Gatti-Ward type fight. I expect nothing less. We can have a phone booth, we don’t need a big ring.


“The judges probably don’t even need to be there because we’re going to decide the fight ourselves.”


دیمیتریوس آندراد


“Willie Nelson, he’s going to come in and he’s going to try and throw those power shots. He’s going to try to stomp me down and make a statement, but I’ve been doing this for too long. I’m just ready to be where I need to be, where I deserve to be, and that’s on the top.

“I’m not worried about ring rust. I stayed in the gym like a true champion should. I’m still young in the game so I don’t think I should have any problems seeing or ducking any punches.


“I’m confident and I know I’m the best 154-pounder out there and this fight right here is going to let people know that I’m back in business.


“Everybody knows the work that I’ve put in. The time is now and the time is coming.


“I’m ready to re-introduce myself to boxing fans and show them I’m the best 154-pounder in the world.


“After this fight with Willie Nelson, I plan on fighting the winner of Jermell Charlo and John Jackson and getting that WBC belt. و بعد از آن, I want to face the rest of the division and prove I’m the best.”



برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.banner-promotions.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, BannerBoxing;RuslanProvod, @johnmolinajr135 و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports. www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions


BROOKLYN, NY (آوریل 12, 2016) – As a kid growing up in Magnitogorsk, روسیه,cruiserweight آلکسی Zubov heard stories about the fabled Kronk Gym and the late legendary trainer Emanuel Steward, but never thought he’d have a chance to join the team. But then one day, the former amateur champion was asked to come to Detroit to spar with Kronk’s Johnathon Banks … وبقیه ماجرا تاریخ است.
این جمعه, آوریل 15, the undefeated Zubov (10-0, 6 کوس) will face Mandilesti, Moldova’s کنستانتین بنجارو (10-0, 4 کوس, WSB: 0-1-1) in the eight-round opener of an internationally televised ShoBox: نسل جدید live on SHOWTME (10 p.m. و/PT, تاخیر در سواحل غرب) در عطف سنگ توچال کازینو در ورونا, نیویورک.
Presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers,the mainevent will featureIBF No. 10-در رده سنی بانتام نیکولای Potapov (14-0, 6 کوس), از Podolsk از, روسیه, مصرف در Stephon جوان (14-0-2, 6 کوس), سنت. لوئیس, Missouri in a 10-round bout. در رویداد شرکت اصلی, اودی برناردو (21-0, 15 کوس) of the Dominican Republic faces بناء “سنگ سخت توانا” منارد (30-1-0, 22 کوس), of Rayne, لوئیزیانا, در یک نبرد هشت دوره.
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, و یا آنلاین در Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 برای صندلی کنار صحنه ورزش, $35 و $25.
I’ve been in Detroit for the last two months and I am so happy; I want to stay here, train here and live here,” said Zubov. “Every Russian fighter knows about Kronk Gym and Emanuel Steward.
Zubov is currently winding down camp with his trainer and Steward’s nephew Javan “قند” Hill at the resurgent Kronk Gym. “I like Javan’s style,” said Zubov, “and I’ve learned so much about hand speed and footwork and about using intelligence in the ringhow you need to think when you’re in a fight.
Alexey is able to learn a lot and absorb boxing knowledge easily,” said Hill. “He barely speaks English and yet he soaks it in. این شگفت انگیز است. I brought him in to spar with Banks and when we were training, Alexey just sat on the side and watched. بعد, he was sparring with Johnathon and I told him to stop. I said ‘listen here. I’m training Jonathon Banks and you’re doing everything I told him to do. What’s wrong with you?’ Then I laughed and said ‘I like that. Keep watching. I’ll teach you everything you want to know.’ “
Hill says this camp with Zubov was a transition for the fighter. “We are moving into the championship level where you train for a specific fighter. A lot of it is strategy and planning. The only thing I worry about is him being too excited. He’s very high-strung and wants to prove things. I have to control him and keep him from getting over-excited. That’s what we’ve been working on. He gets antsy when he’s excited.
Training was prefect. من 100 درصد آماده,” said Zubov. “I know Bejenaru is a southpaw and he is a short guy with a good record. It’s my first time on SHOWTIME and I am so happy to be showing the world what I can do.

Demetrius Andrade vs. Willie Nelson WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator Added to SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®on June 11


All Logos3

Dejan Zlaticanin To Face Emiliano Marsili For WBC Lightweight World Championship In Opening Bout Of Ruslan Provodnikov vs. جان مولینا جونیور. Tripleheader

زندگی در SHOWTIME® در 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT

During International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend

From Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..

نیویورک (آوریل 11, 2016) – An outstanding super welterweight clash has been added to SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس بر روز شنبه, ژوئن 11 به عنوان بدون شکست, former WBO Junior Middleweight Champion دمتریوس آندراده will face hard-hitting perennial contender ویلی نلسون در حذف کننده عنوان WBC Super Welterweight. The winner of the 12-round co-feature will become the mandatory challenger to the winner of the مه 21 showdown between Jermell Charlo and John Jackson, who face off for the vacant WBC 154-pound title on SHOWTIME.


Andrade vs. Nelson will serve as the chief support to the all-action matchup between former junior middleweight world champion روسلان Provodnikov و رقیب سابق عنوان جهانی جان مولینا جونیور., زندگی در SHOWTIME (9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT) از Turning Stone Casino در ورونا, نیویورک. Andrade vs. Nelson is a co-promotion with Banner Promotions, Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing and DiBella Entertainment


In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader during International Boxing Hall of Fame weekend, WBC بدون. 1-سبک وزن رتبه بندی شده است و Dejan Zlaticanin will take on No. 2-رتبه Emiliano Marsili for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship.


Fighting out of his native Providence, R.I., the 28-year-old Andrade has compiled an unblemished record of 22-0 با 15 knockouts since turning professional in 2008 after representing the United States in the 2008 بازی های المپیک در پکن, چین.


A crafty southpaw with a piston-like jab and knockout power in each hand, Andrade won the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight World Championship with a career-best performance over Vanes Martirosyan on November 9, 2013 and successfully defended the title against No. 1-ranked mandatory challenger Brian Rose on June 14, 2014. Most recently Andrade, who is a consensus top-5 super welterweight, scored a second-round knockout over Dario Fabian Pucheta on October 17, 2015.


A true road warrior who is extremely tall for a junior middleweight at 6-foot-3, نلسون (25-2-1, 15 در KO) has faced and defeated numerous top contenders over his 10-year career. Fighting only once in 2015, the Cleveland native upset highly regarded and undefeated junior middleweight prospect Tony Harrison with a ninth-round knockout on جولای 11 در تمپا, فلوریدا. In his first start of 2016, Nelson stopped Jonathan Batista in the second round on March 25.


Other notable names the all-action Nelson has defeated include John Jackson, لوچیانو Cuello, Michael Medina and Yudel Jackson. در اکتبر 14, 2014, Nelson came up just short against Martirosyan, losing a hotly contested 10-round decision on SHOWTIME.


The southpaw Zlaticanin (17-0, 10 کوس) was an accomplished amateur in Eastern Europe before making a statement in his U.S. debut with an impressive fourth-round TKO of previously undefeated Ivan Redkach in a 135-pound title eliminator last ژوئن 13در SHOWTIME.


Two bouts prior to the win over Redkach, و Dejan (pronounced “DAY-han) Zlaticanin (silent “z” – pronounced “la-ti-CAH-nin) earned a well-deserved 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and former two-division world champion Ricky Burns in 2014.


The 31-year-old Zlaticanin is an offensive-minded fighter who constantly pressures his opponents, آنها outworks می پوشد و آنها را. Zlaticanin, کشور جنوب شرقی اروپا مونته نگرو, will be making his first start in nearly 12 ماه.


The win over Redkach last June earned Redkach the WBC’s mandatory position at 135 پوند. He was scheduled to face WBC Champion Jorge Linares in early 2016, but Linares pulled out of the bout with a broken hand. Due to the injury, the WBC has since named Linares their champion in recess, creating the opportunity for the vacant title shot.


The Italian Marsili (32-0-1, 14 کوس) خواهد شد خود 2016, آمریکایی. and SHOWTIME debut. The undefeated southpaw has fought all but one of his professional fights in Italy, the lone exception a 2012 TKO of veteran contender Derry Matthews in Britain.


The 39-year old fought twice in 2015, a seventh-round TKO of Gyorgy Mizsei Jr., for the European lightweight belt and a 12-round unanimous decision over Gamaliel Diaz for the WBC’s 135-pound silver title.


برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.banner-promotions.comدر توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, BannerBoxing; RuslanProvod, @johnmolinajr135 و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSports. www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions

Former World Champion Chad Dawson, Featherweight Contender Ryan Kielczweski & Undefeated Prospects Antonio Russell & Carlos Gongora Highlight Undercard Action on Saturday, آوریل 16 From Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

Doubleheader of World Title Fights Featured on
SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس
(11 p.m. و/8 p.m. PT)
MASHANTUCKET, CT (آوریل 11, 2016) – A stacked undercard of action featuring former world champion “بد” چاد داوسون (33-4, 18 کوس), مدعی ورزشکار پروزن رایان Kielczweski (24-1, 7 کوس) and undefeated prospects آنتونیو راسل (5-0, 4 کوس) و کارلوس گانگورا (4-0, 3 کوس) می آید به Foxwoods توچال کازینو به Mashantucket, CT., بر روز شنبه, آوریل 16.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس doubleheader of world title fights: WBC ورزشکار پروزن قهرمان جهان گری راسل جونیور. battles Ireland’s پاتریک “تنبیه کننده” هایلند and IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion خوزه “Sniper” Pedraza از تیم takes on top contender استفان “Swifty” زرگر from the UK, با پوشش تلویزیونی آغاز زندگی می کنند در SHOWTIME در 11 p.m. و/8 p.m. PT.
Dawson will face the veteran Cornelius White (23-4, 17 کوس) در 10 دور مسابقه سنگین وزن نور, Kielczweski enters the ring for eight rounds of featherweight action, Gongora competes in a super middleweight attraction while Russell takes on Leonardo Reyes (3-9, 1 ضربه فنی) in a bantamweight fight.
Also entering the ring is popular super bantamweight contender Shelley Vincent (16-0, 1 ضربه فنی) out of Providence, RI., who will have plenty of support behind her when she takes on New Mexico’s Elizabeth Anderson (4-7, 1 ضربه فنی) در یک جلسه شش دور.
Rounding out the action are a pair of prospects making their pro debuts as Providence’s Anthony Marsella Jr. fights in a four-round junior welterweight match and Connecticut’s Mykquan Williams in a four-round welterweight contest. Williams is a highly touted local prospect who fought to a 45-13 amateur record including three gold medal performances at the Ringside World Tournament.
یک قهرمان سابق سنگین وزن جهان در نور, داوسون returns to the ring looking for the 34هفتم پیروزی موفقیت حرفه ای خود. 33 ساله صاحب پیروزی بر قهرمان سابق جهان برنارد هاپکینز, Antonio Tarver and Tomasz Ademek and most recently defeated Shujaa El Amin in December 2015. The veteran owns a 17-1 record in fights in his home state of Connecticut. He takes on the veteran White out of Houston who picked up victories in his last two starts over Marcus Oliveira and William Johnson.
نفر دوم در 2008 مسابقات ملی دستکش طلایی, 25 ساله Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his native New England. متولد و بزرگ شده در Quincy, توده., he bounced back from his first defeat to deliver a first-round knockout over Anthony Napunyi in May 2015 and followed that up with a victory over veteran contender Rafael Vazquez in October of last year. During this camp, Kielczweski served as a chief sparring partner of the 126-pound champion Russell Jr.
Twice a National Golden Gloves runner up, راسل won the national championship in 2013 and he now looks to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and current 126-pound world champion Gary. A 23-year-old fighting out of Washington, دی سی, Antonio has won four of his five fights inside of the distance. He faces the 22-year-old Mexican ریس.
Fighting out of Brooklyn but originally from Esmereldas, اکوادور, Gongora was an Olympian in 2008 و 2012. از آنجا که تبدیل طرفدار در 2015, the 26-year-old has picked up four victories, including a fourth-round stoppage of Derrick Adkins in his most recent triumph in January.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر, بازدید www.SHO.com/Sports, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, و www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

آنتونی جاشوا زند چارلز مارتین را به نفع خود IBF سنگین وزن قهرمانی جهان شنبه در SHOWTIME®FROM O2 در لندن

ارائه دوباره به نواز دعوت SHOWTIME بین المللی بوکس®ایر دوشنبه در 10 p.m. و/PT در SHOWTIME EXTREME®

مشخص می سازد VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1S9DGSs

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس; اعتباری Matchroom ورزشی


لندن (آوریل 9, 2016) - آنتونی یوشع جدید IBF قهرمان سنگین وزن جهان است.


هنرمند حذفی شکست نخورده در دور دوم لعنتی دفاع از قهرمان چارلز مارتین را به تصرف کمربند IBF در روز شنبه در مقابل جمعیت شهر محرک در O2 در لندن در SHOWTIME بین المللی بوکس.


جاشوا, کسانی که رکورد KO کامل خود را در تدبیر برای پیشبرد به نگه 16-0 با 16 کوس, کمربند سنگین وزن در کمترین تعداد از دعوا به دست آورده پس از مایکل Bentt تامی موریسون در فقط ضرب و شتم خود 12هفتم بازی حرفه ای در 1993.


یک قدرت پانچ KO جاشوا آشکار زود بود. پس از حتی یک اول, the 2012 طلای المپیک مدال مارتین با مستقیم راست کمتر از یک دقیقه به دور دوم طبقه. southpaw را نگاه حیرت زده کرد و به آرامی افزایش یافت به ضرب و شتم تعداد, اما دوباره با دست راست دیگر فقط ثانیه بعد floored شد. که آن را برای مارتین بود (23-1-1, 21 کوس), که کمربند در ژانویه در شرایط عجیب و غریب به دست آورده بود و در حال حاضر صاحب دومین کوتاه ترین زمان سلطنت برای یک قهرمان سنگین وزن.


"من فقط یک چهارم از راه هستم وجود دارد,گفت: "جاشوا., که بیان کرده است تمایل خود را برای متحد کردن بخش سنگین وزن. "من قصد ندارم به بیش از حد دور انجام چون ما هنوز کار باید انجام دهید. ما داریم (داود) دانلود Haye من خواستار, تایسون فری من خواستار. من نیاز به نگه داشتن در هل دادن اگر من قصد دارم برای حفظ در سطح بالا.