Tag Archives: Showtime

U subotu navečer Šumenov vs. Wright se sada bori za WBA naslov svjetskog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji

LAS VEGAS (Svibanj 19, 2016) – Svjetski boksački savez (WBA) je u subotu navečer proglasio borbu između br. 1 rangirani kandidat Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) i br. 11-određen Junior “Uragan” Wright (15-1-1, 12 Kos) postat će WBA “regular” cruiserweight svjetski prvak. Borba u 12 rundi off-TV održat će se u Chelseaju unutar The Cosmopolitana u Las Vegasu.
Šumenov je bio WBA “privremeni” Svjetski prvak u kruzer kategoriji i obvezni izazivač za prvaka WBA super kruzer Denis Lebedev (28-2, 21 Kos), koji se također bori ove subote u ujedinjenoj utakmici protiv Međunarodne boksačke federacije (IBF) prvak Victor Emilio “Tyson de Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 Kos) u Rusiji.
WBA je odredio da će pobjednik Shumenov-Wright biti obvezni izazivač za jedinstvenog pobjednika Lebedev-Ramirez, koji se mora dogoditi unutar 120 dana.
Petak noćna borba u Francuskoj između br. 2 yunier Dorticos i Nema. 3 Youri Kalenga, pogrešno naplaćen kao za WBA “regular” naslov,sada će biti za WBA “privremeni” svjetsko prvenstvo u kruzer kategoriji.
Obožavatelji mogu prijatelj Beibut Shumenov na svom Facebook Fan Page nawww.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Erislandy Lara, Lopatice Martirosyan, Jermall Charlo, Austin Pastrva, Jermell Charlo & Citati završne konferencije za novinare Johna Jacksona & Fotografije

Svjetsko prvenstvo Tripleheader borbe za titulu od 154 funte uživo na SHOWTIME-u Subota Noć iz Chelseaja unutra
Cosmopolitan Las Vegas
Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije iz Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promocije
Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE Za preuzimanje grafike usporedne tablice Charlo Twins
LAS VEGAS (Svibanj 19, 2016) – Natječu se šest elitnih boraca od 154 funte na subotuSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader su se prvi put susreli licem u lice u četvrtak na posljednjoj konferenciji za novinare prije nego što su ušli u ring uživo na SHOWTIME-u iz Chelseaja unutar The Cosmopolitana iz Las Vegasa.
U četvrtak su nazočili i predvodili događaj bili su svjetski prvak WBA u super poluteškoj kategoriji Erislandy Lara i top kandidat Lopatice Martirosyan. Televizijski prijenos počinje uživo na SHOWTIME u 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT i sadrži IBF juniorskog svjetskog prvaka u srednjoj kategoriji Jermall Charlo preuzimajući bivšeg prvaka Austin Pastrva plus neporaženi izazivač Jermell Charlo bore hard-udaranje John Jackson za upražnjenu titulu prvaka svijeta u supervelter kategoriji po WBC-u.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira Mayweather Promocije i TGB Promocije, su na prodaju sada. Cijene ulaznica počinje u $39, i dostupni su online na www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.s ili putem Ticketmastera na adresi (800) 745-3000;www.ticketmaster.com.
Braća blizanci Jermall i Jermell Charlo proslavili su svoje 26th rođendan u četvrtak i proslavljeni su tortom na završnoj press konferenciji koja se održala u Roseu. Zec. Laž. u The Cosmopolitanu. U subotu oni izgledaju da će postati prva braća blizanci koji će istovremeno držati svjetske naslove u istoj težinskoj kategoriji.
Evo što su borci imali za reći u četvrtak:
“Planiram ući tamo i ući u svoju zonu i napraviti prilagodbe koje će mi omogućiti da budem pobjednik.
“Jedna razlika između ove i naše posljednje borbe je ta što ja ulazim u ovu borbu 100 posto zdravih. Ne opravdavam se, ali imao sam slomljen zglob u prvoj borbi. I dalje sam osjećao da pobjeđujem u borbi. Ovaj put neću ostaviti nikakvu sumnju tko je najbolji.
“Nemam pritisak na sebe. Osjećam se mirno. Dio toga dolazi s iskustvom, ali također znam da ću ući tamo i izvršiti svoj plan igre kao što to uvijek činim.
“Uvijek sam zapeo u kontroverznim borbama zbog svog stila borbe.
“Uzbuđen sam što ću dijeliti pozornicu s braćom Charlo. Zajedno smo trenirali, pa je super biti dio ovoga s njima.
“Vanes je puno pasivniji nego što je bio za prvu borbu. Govorio mi je da je bolje da budem spremna.
“Učinit ću ono što moram. Složi moj plan igre, spoji moje udarce, Učinit ću sve što moram da pobijedim u subotu noć.
O tome kako je napredovao od prve borbe…
“Osnove su uvijek tu. Svaki borac sa svakom borbom postaje bolji. Dobiješ malo više iskustva i to je razlika.”
“Imao sam sjajan kamp. Imam sjajnu momčad. Imao sam nevjerojatne sparing partnere i jedva čekam pravu stvar u subotu.
“U najboljoj sam formi u životu i nikad nisam bila tako spremna. Ne moram vam govoriti što ću ovdje gore, jer ćeš to vidjeti u subotu noć. Djela govore više od riječi. Ovo će biti najbolji Vanes koji ćete ikada vidjeti.
“Ovaj put ću definitivno biti agresivniji. jedva čekam Subota.
“Za mene je u ovoj borbi drugačiji osjećaj nego ikada prije. To je za svjetski naslov, ovo je onoliko veliko koliko može.
“To je 'San’ naspram 'Noćne more,’ i sigurno ćete vidjeti 'Noćnu moru’ u subotu noć.
Na ono što je vidio u Larinim očima kad su se suočili…
“Borac koji gleda drugog borca. Vidim glad u oba oka.
“Puno prve borbe, Bio sam nekako neiskusan, ali smo kroz godine dosta sazrijevali. Četiri godine u ovoj igri, puno iskustva, puno znanja u igri tako da sam puno naučio iz prve borbe.
“Cijela divizija je ovdje, to je sjajno. To bi trebali raditi češće i sretan sam što je SHOWTIME sastavio tako sjajnu kartu.”
“Svaka borba na ovoj karti mogla je biti glavni događaj. Biti na ovakvoj karti sa svim ovim sjajnim borcima je uzbudljivo.
“Boks ima puno velikih borbi s Charlosima koji dolaze u budućnosti. Ići ćemo korak po korak. Ovo je velika borba koju imamo pred nama.
“Jako sam ponosan na svog brata, da je postigao ono što ima sa 26 godina, dolazimo odakle smo došli.
“To je velika borba za mene. Ovo mi je više od osvajanja svjetskog naslova. Uložio sam sve u ovo. Ništa od Troutovog iskustva nije važno. Ja sam pravi lav i to ću pokazati.
“Austin Trout je za mene samo ime. Pobijedio je Cotta, pa što? Imam posla. Fokusiran sam na obavljanje posla.
“We (braća) oboje rade različite stvari, ali također imamo iste vještine i istu moć. Nitko u diviziji ne može nam se mjeriti.
“Uvijek smo mislili da ćemo biti pobjednici i da ćemo se natjecati na vrhunskoj razini. Sada je vrijeme za stvaranje povijesti. Želimo dokazati zašto smo na vrhu.
“Ja i moj brat oduvijek smo željeli biti prvaci u isto vrijeme. Nikada nije bilo ništa slično ovome. Ovo doba, imat ćete priliku uživati ​​u nama. Jako smo naporno radili da stignemo ovdje i vladat ćemo na ovoj razini.
“Nakon ovoga, dolazim po (160-borci za funtu). Da biste bili vrhunski borac pound-for-pound morate dominirati u različitim divizijama i to je moj cilj. To ne znači da se borim s kilogramima. Trenutno se osjećam dobro, ali mislim da ću u tome biti još jači 160.
Svibanj 21 ne postoji ništa što će me spriječiti da izgubim pojas.”
“Nije slučajno što sam se vratio na vrh i trčao za naslovom. Platio sam svoje obaveze i uložio sav potreban trud.
“Nemam ništa loše reći o Jermallu kao osobi ili borcu. Ali na kraju dan, povijest će biti moja. Iskoristit ću ga za svoju ostavštinu, ne obrnuto.
“Naporno sam radio da stignem ovdje. Oštar sam i na težini. Ne osjećam ništa što bi on mogao učiniti da me pobijedi te večeri.
“Charlo je riskirao ovom borbom. Nema greške u riskiranju. Ali hoće li šansa završiti u njegovu korist? Gotovo da ne sumnjam. Ovo neće biti lako. Nikad nisam u lakim borbama. Uvijek su sjajne borbe.
“Veličina neće biti problem. Još mora napraviti 154 funti.
“Želim zahvaliti Jermallu što je preuzeo ovu borbu. On radi nešto što mnogi ljudi neće učiniti. Ali na kraju dan, Ja ću biti krotitelj lavova. Ukrotit ću tog lava.”
Koje nedostatke vidite?…
“Ne želim vam govoriti o njegovim manama jer bi ih mogao popraviti Subota, ali vidimo par nedostataka.
Na ako bi ga boljelo da se pomakne na 160…
“Može, možda neće. Ne gledamo nikakav dodatni rub ili ne želimo sva svoja jaja staviti u jednu košaru. Ono na što se oslanjamo je naš skup vještina i naš stisak kako bismo izašli kao pobjednici. Bilo da ga boli ili ne, neće biti važno. Jedino što će to učiniti je olakšati mi.
“Ja sam bio tamo, Bio sam u dubokim vodama. Vidio sam mnogo različitih vrsta strategija i stilova. U smislu, ne postoji ništa što donosi na stol što nisam prije vidio.
“Imam velikog psa u sebi kojeg ćeš vidjeti Subota noć. Vidjet ćete što je trebao biti glavni događaj. Ja i Charlo, Bit će to velika borba i nadam se da ćete se uključiti jer ja uzimam taj pojas.”
“Cijenim sve koji su sudjelovali u sklapanju ove borbe. Za mene je ovo karta na koju ljudi moraju obratiti pažnju. Vjerujem da će svi na ovoj kartici dati sve od sebe, jer smo svi motivirali jedni druge da budemo ovdje.
“Borim se protiv Johna Jacksona, sin legende. Ne vjerujem da će John Jackson moći živjeti do svog oca i ako se njegov tata ikada morao suočiti sa mnom, I ja bih ga pobijedio.
“Stječemo sve više iskustva. Ljudi su mislili da je Gabriel Rosado prevelik test za mene, ali ja sam dominirao tom borbom. Proći ću svaki test koji mi stave. Tijekom vremena, na kraju ćete morati reći da smo iskustvo.
“Ponosan sam na ono što je moj brat učinio. Njegov uspjeh me motivira. On je svjetski prvak. To su stvari kojima se radujemo.
“Ovo je naše vrijeme. Nema više što možemo reći. Puno toga je pred nama.
“Dolazim osvojiti. Vredno sam trenirao. Vrijeme je za svjetski naslov za mene. Moram ispuniti svoj dio pogodbe. John Jackson je bio u ratovima, ali i ja sam. Ovo je naše vrijeme, ja i moj brat.
“Biti na istoj karti kao i moj brat je već visok standard, pa biti na karti s ostatkom undercard momaka, Počašćen sam i spreman sam pokazati što moram učiniti. Spreman sam stvarati povijest. Spreman sam osvojiti ovaj pojas i uživati ​​u svom odmoru nakon toga.
“držim se 154 odmah. volio bih otići 160 jer mi je lakše ali zato što je lakše zato ne bih išao gore. Izrada 154 za njega je i lako, on samo vidi druge opcije.”
John Jackson
“Izuzetno sam blagoslovljen što sam ovdje. Tražim napraviti povijest. Moj tata je bio prvak i ja ću učiniti istu stvar.
“Jermell samo prodaje borbu. Ništa što on kaže ne shvaćamo osobno. Ponizit ćemo ga i postaviti na njegovo mjesto.
“Ovo je ostvarenje sna i Jacksonovo naslijeđe će živjeti.
“To će biti velika noć. Ovo bi mogla biti najbolja borba na karti, lako. Ako gledaš moju karijeru, svaku borbu koju donesem. Vidjet ćete akciju i eksplozivnost.”
O komentarima Jermella Charla o njegovom ocu…
“To je bez poštovanja. Moj tata je platio svoje obaveze i govoriti o mom ocu tako je nepoštovanje. Ne dolazi do mene. Borci to koriste kako bi vam pokušali ući u glavu, ali u redu je, Pustit ću ga da plati u ringu.”
Ako Jermellov ego dopire do njega…
“Da, treba se poniziti. To je bilo malo izvan reda. Ali vidjet ćemo kako će izgledati u ringu.”
Na tome koje mane vidi u svojoj igri…
“Ima puno mana. Kako se naginje naprijed i puno čeka. Ali njegov stil je savršen za moj stil. Uvijek to donosim i dajem 100 posto i tražimo zastoj.
“Bit će eksplozivno, ne propustite. SHOWTIME, ide dolje.”
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Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com a uwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo i @Swanson_Comm, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

Ruslan Provodnikov – John Molina Jr.. Promotional video

Za Immediate Release
VERONA, Njujork (Svibanj 19, 2016) — Below is a promotional video in advance of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader that will take place on Subota, Lipanj 11 from the Turning Stone Resort Casino that will be headlined by Ruslan Provodnikov and John Molina Jr. in a 12-round junior welterweight bout.
Media outlets may copy/paste the embedded code on their digital platforms
Provodnikov - Molina Jr.. Promotional video
Provodnikov – Molina Jr.. Promotional video
Provodnikov-Molina Jr. will headline a tripleheader that begins live at 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT on SHOWTIME®. The event features a WBC Super Welterweight Elimination bout between Demetrius Andrade a Willie Nelson, plus a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship that will pit No. 1 Dejan Zlaticanin against No. 2 Emiliano Marsili.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc., su po cijeni od $85, $60, $45 a $35 te su na prodaju sada. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, ili online na Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com.
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Turning Stone Resort Casino is no stranger to hosting high caliber nationally televised boxing events. Prošle godine, Turning Stone hosted the epic battle between Provodnikov and Matthysee, selected over arenas in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Miami. When Provodnikov returns to Turning Stone on June 11th, it will mark Turning Stone’s 18th nationally-televised boxing event, cementing the resort as a mecca for knockout fights. Smješten u New Yorku, Turning Stone is an award-winning destination resort, offering world-class amenities including four hotels, 21 restaurants and dining options, two luxurious spas, 1,200 četvornih podnožju Las Vegas stil igre kat, five beautiful golf courses, and several bars, cocktail lounges and nightlife venues.
Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, ili postati fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Visit Banner Promotions at www.banner-promotions.com, follow on Twitter at @BannerBoxing, follow on Instagram at @BannerBoxing, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, follow on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/banner-promotions-inc-?trk=biz-companies-cym, and watch on Youtube at www.youtube.com/user/bannervideo.

For Turning Stone Resort Casino: www.turningstone.com ; Cvrkut: turningstone ; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurningStoneResort/

Prvak u teškoj kategoriji Beibut Shumenov bori se s Juniorom Wrightom iz Chicaga & Top Contender B.J. Flores se u subotu bori protiv Meksikana Roberta Santosa, Svibanj 21 Iz The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Više! Natjecatelj u super srednjoj kategoriji Lanell Bellows & Super lagani Prospect Tra-Kwon Pettis zaokružuje akciju u odvojenim undercard borbama
LAS VEGAS (Svibanj 19, 2016) – Prvak u kruzer kategoriji Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos)borit će se jednom pobijeđeni Junior Wright (15-1-1, 12 Kos)i top kandidat B.J. Cvijeće preuzima Meksiko je Roberto Santos (12-3, 5 Kos) u par borbi koje ističu akciju undercard Subota, Svibanj 21 iz The Chelsea iznutra Cosmopolitan Las Vegas.
svibnja 21 događaj sadrži SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING s početkom u 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT s tripleheaderom borbi za naslov svjetskog prvaka od 154 funte. Glavni događaj vidi revanš između WBA prvaka Erislandy Lara i USP. Olimpski Lopatice Martirosyanplus IBF prvak Jermall Charlo bore bivši prvak Austin Pastrva i neporaženi natjecatelj Jermell Charlo suočiti s glavnim natjecateljem John Jackson za upražnjenu titulu svjetskog prvaka u supervelter kategoriji po WBC-u.
Šumenov će braniti naslov u teškoj kategoriji u meču s Wrightom u 12 rundi, dok će Flores debitirati u teškoj kategoriji protiv Santosa u šest rundi.
Akciju zaokružuje Las Vegas rodom Lanell “KO” Mijeh (15-1-1, 8 Kos) u natjecanju super srednje kategorije u osam rundi protiv Virginije Scott Sigmon (26-8-1, 14 Kos) i nepobjediv izgled Tra-Kwon “Nadčovjek” Pettis (3-0, 1 Kos) u šest rundi superlake borbe protiv Meksika Carlos Rodriguez (6-2, 2 Kos).
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira Mayweather Promocije i TGB Promocije, sada su u prodaji. Cijene ulaznica počinje u $39, i dostupni su online na www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.s ili putem Ticketmastera na adresi (800) 745-3000;www.ticketmaster.com.
Rodom iz Shymkent, Kazahstan borbe iz Las Vegasa, Shumenov se nastoji nadovezati na svoju posljednju borbu, koji vidje ga zaraditi cruiserweight krunu pobijedio BJ. Flores u srpnju. Njegova prva obrana naslova bila je zakazana za prosinac, ali je otkazana jer je Šumenov zadobio ozljedu oka. 32-godišnjak osvojio naslov svjetskog prvaka u poluteškoj pobijedio Gabriela Campillo u Las Vegasu u 2010. The 2004 Kazahstanski olimpijac obranio je naslov pet puta i svoju prvu obranu od 200 funti odradit će protiv Wrighta iz Chicaga. Ovaj 29-godišnjak je pobjeđivao u uzastopnim borbama otkako je pretrpio jedini poraz u svibnju prošle godine.
Dvaput USP. Nacionalni prvak kao amater, Flores želi izboriti titulu svjetskog prvaka nakon što je u srpnju prošle godine izgubio odlukom sudaca od Šumenova. Rođen u San Franciscu, ali boreći se iz Chandlera, Arizona, Flores je pobijedio u sedam borbi zaredom prije svoje posljednje borbe, uključujući pobjede nad veteranima Kevinom Engelom i Anthonyjem Caputom Smithom. Suprotstavit će mu se izdržljivi Meksikanac Santos, koji nikada nije prestao.
Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com a uwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo i @Swanson_Comm, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingaND www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

Erislandy Lara, Lopatice Martirosyan, Jermall Charlo, Austin Pastrva, Jermell Charlo & John Jackson Media Workout Quotes & Fotografije

Fighters Prepare for Subota Night’s World Championship Tripleheader from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas live on SHOWTIME
Kliknite OVDJE For Photos From Amanda Wescott/SHOWTIME
Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije iz Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promocije
LAS VEGAS (Svibanj 18, 2016) – Fight week kicked off Wednesday with media workouts at the UNLV Boxing Gym for the six fighters competing in the SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks tripleheader of 154-pound world title fights this Subota, Svibanj 21 iz Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
Working out Wednesday and headlining the event were WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy Lara i top kandidat Lopatice Martirosyan. Televizijski prijenos počinje uživo na SHOWTIME u 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT and features IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo preuzimajući bivšeg prvaka Austin Pastrva plus neporaženi izazivač Jermell Charlo bore hard-udaranje John Jackson za upražnjenu titulu prvaka svijeta u supervelter kategoriji po WBC-u.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira Mayweather Promocije i TGB Promocije, su na prodaju sada. Cijene ulaznica počinje u $39, i dostupni su online na www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.s ili putem Ticketmastera na adresi (800) 745-3000;www.ticketmaster.com.
Evo što su borci imali za reći srijeda:
I’m not surprised that I’m fighting Vanes again. It’s my job to fight whoever they put in front of me.
I felt that I was a better fighter than him the first time and I’m a little better in almost every area since. One of the most important things is my way of training and my way of getting prepared. I feel that I am much more mature.
I like being back in Las Vegas again. I’m definitely prepared to do what I doand that’s win.
After I win Subota, I would love to fight GGG or Canelo, but I would prefer GGG. It’s not frustrating that I’m not fighting the biggest names all the time. I’m a headliner.
I don’t feel any pressure. I’m just going to do my job and just keep winning. Dokle god sam zadržati pobjedu, everything will take care of itself.
I’ve been fighting as a pro for over 10 godina. This is definitely the most important fight of my career. It’s do or die. Win and I move 10 steps forward, lose and I go 10 steps backwards.
Beating Lara this time is 10 times bigger than if I had won the first time. Lara has gotten better, maybe his style hasn’t changed much, but I feel that I’m much better too.
There has been lots of changes in my camp. All for the better. I’m more focused in training. We’ve gone back to doing things the way we used to. I’ve really been dedicated. More than ever.
I’ve given 100 percent every single day in the gym. To će biti teško boriti. I hope he comes to me. It makes for a good fight. Zapravo, I think he is going to come forward a little more than people expect, but I’m prepared to chase him. Whatever it takes to be effective.
If he is aggressive, once he feels my power, he is going to go back to what he does bestrunning.
I’m coming to give my all.
All of the lost opportunities were part of my journey to get to this point. I know people aren’t going to give me my credit for fighting Trout because people will feel like he has had his time in his career, which we all do, but now it’s my time and I’m taking every opportunity I can.
I look back at the situations I’ve had to get here and it’s exciting. I have a big name opponent in Austin Trout and I feel like the underdog. I’m the young buck in the game who’s trying to be the lion. Although I do have the belt, its because I had to take it from someone that didn’t deserve it.
Every time Austin Trout gets to this level, he fails. He didn’t fight the same Miguel Cotto, he just wasn’t himself that night. I have to come in there and take what’s mine.
“Što god se dogodilo, Uzbuđen sam. We train, we prepare for 12 kola. I’m prepared for whatever I need to be.
I’m excited to be here and fight and be able to support my brother. We’re able to roll through anything and keep looking forward. The good and the bad.
Everything I’ve been through; I try to move forward every fight. I got the belt from Cornelius Bundrage, I defended the belt and now I have the opportunity to fight Austin Trouta bigger name.
“Sam uzeti moj šešir mu. On je neporažen. On je prvak. I’ve been through more to get to where I’m at. I’m more of a dangerous fighter.
He’s not one to shy away from a challenge. I feel like I’m a better fighter. I’m shocked that I got a title shot this fast. I thought I was going to have to go back to the drawing board. The opportunity came and I’m so excited.
I’ve been working on my inside game. The things outside of the ringtightening up myself as a person. It’s been helping me in the ring.
On Jermall predicting a knockout:
He’s dreaming. Everyone has dreams, but I’ve been known to bust people’s bubbles. No one has been able to knock me out. He thinks he’s a great man. A better man than Canelo or Lara? He’s tripping.
I’m probably his toughest test to date.
The next chapter would be to fight my mandatory, unify and be undisputed champion.
This is history in the making. It’s extremely exciting. We never really thought about it like this. We knew we would be boxing and winning titles, but this is special. We have the opportunity to both be world champions at the same time.
We don’t know what to expect u subotu, but we’re excited to put on a show and make a mark.
I have to get in there and prove to my opponent and the rest of the world that I’m dangerous and I will be victorious.
We always wanted to fight. We always want to prove ourselves to each other. About everything. We caused trouble but found ourselves in boxing.
I thought my opportunity would come first, but everything happens for a reason. Look at this moment. It’s motivated me and now it’s paying off.
The new training camp has been an adjustment, not being with my brother every day. I’ve been able to define who I am and my brother is able to do his thing.
My motivation is that I was once with my brother everyday. What pushed me so much in camp was knowing that I’m not with my brother everyday, but I’m still in the same shape, even better and stronger. Not through coaches, but in general. Mentally I’m the same or better. We didn’t get worse because we split. The point is what we are doing to stay in shape physically and mentally to be the best we can be.
John Jackson
This is going to be a good fight. It could be the best fight on the card. I’m an explosive fighter so expect fireworks.
My dad has given me advice my whole career. I have a lot of great insight about how to manage my emotions. He’s instrumental in my corner. Ja sam 100 posto spreman.
There is a lot of pressure on Jermell, but I’m sure he’s not over thinking it. I’m expecting the best Charlo in there.
I go in there to go to war. Što god se dogodilo, happens. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and give the fans a great show.
I’m happy to be the underdog. I like to be the underdog and prove people wrong. I’m happy to be in this position. I was an underdog in the Olympics. I love the pressure. He has more to lose than I do.
I’ve been dreaming about this moment my whole life. Ja sam 100 percent ready for this and I can’t wait to perform under the lights.
Make sure you tune-in, because I’m going all out for the belt.
LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promocije
We’re very busy. We are going full steam ahead. We are doing events, putting butts in the seats and promoting our fighters.
This is a great card. Anytime you can put the top fighters in a single weight class on the same show, it is bound to be a great event for the fans and for the sport in general.
We’re happy to be working with SHOWTIME once again to put on another tremendously competitive fight card for the fans.
Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com a uwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo i @Swanson_Comm, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

Mario Heredia looking to score big upset on June 11 against Boxcino Heavyweight champion Andrey Fedosov

Live on SHO EXTREME® At 7 poslije podne. I/ PT
Za Immediate Release
DISTRITO, Meksiko (Svibanj 18, 2016) — Meksiko je Mario Heredia was denied a chance to prove that he is a top heavyweight contender when an injury forced him to withdraw from the 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight tournament
Heredia (11-1, 9 Kos, 1-2, 1 KO in WSB), Merida, Meksiko, will now get that opportunity when he takes on the Boxcino champion, Andrey Fedosov (28-3, 23 KO-a) živjeti SHO EXTREME® (7 poslije podne. I/PT) from The Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY. The fight precedes a SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOXING® tripleheader headlined by a 12-round junior welterweight showdown between Ruslan Provodnikov a John Molina Jr..
Heredia has been training hard in Mexico, and is now looking at this fight as his time to shine against the well regarded Fedosov.
This is one of the biggest chances of my life,” said Heredia. “This is the time to show the world what I am made of.
I was born ready to do this. You will see the rise of a great Mexican Heavyweight on Lipanj 11.”
Said manager, Sergio Zaragoza, “Not only will Mario win impressively, but I predict a knockout and it will be a Mexican style finish.
Provodnikov-Molina Jr. will headline a tripleheader that begins live at 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT on SHOWTIME®. The event features a WBC Super Welterweight Elimination bout between Demetrius Andrade a Willie Nelson, plus a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship that will pit No. 1 Dejan Zlaticanin against No. 2 Emiliano Marsili.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc., su po cijeni od $85, $60, $45 a $35 te su na prodaju sada. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, ili online na Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com.
# # #
Turning Stone Resort Casino is no stranger to hosting high caliber nationally televised boxing events. Prošle godine, Turning Stone hosted the epic battle between Provodnikov and Matthysee, selected over arenas in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Miami. When Provodnikov returns to Turning Stone on June 11th, it will mark Turning Stone’s 18th nationally-televised boxing event, cementing the resort as a mecca for knockout fights. Smješten u New Yorku, Turning Stone is an award-winning destination resort, offering world-class amenities including four hotels, 21 restaurants and dining options, two luxurious spas, 1,200 četvornih podnožju Las Vegas stil igre kat, five beautiful golf courses, and several bars, cocktail lounges and nightlife venues.
Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, ili postati fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Visit Banner Promotions at www.banner-promotions.com, follow on Twitter at @BannerBoxing, follow on Instagram at @BannerBoxing, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, follow on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/banner-promotions-inc-?trk=biz-companies-cym, and watch on Youtube at www.youtube.com/user/bannervideo.

For Turning Stone Resort Casino: www.turningstone.com ; Cvrkut: turningstone ; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurningStoneResort/

Comparing & Contrasting the Charlo Twins

(Photo Credit: SHOWTIME)
Jermall & Jermell Charlo Look to Both Hold World Titles Saturday, Svibanj 21, Uživo na Showtime® From The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas
Kliknite OVDJE For Charlo Photos From SHOWTIME
Kliknite OVDJE For Training Camp Photos From
Leo Wilson / Premier Boks prvaka
LAS VEGAS (Svibanj 17, 2016) – Undefeated identical twin brothers Jermall a Jermell Charlo have the opportunity to become boxing’s first twins to hold world championships in the same weight class when they enter the ring this Subota, Svibanj 21 živjeti SHOWTIME iz The Chelsea iznutra Cosmopolitan Las Vegas.
IBF Junior Middleweight Champion Jermall will defend his title against former champion Austin Pastrva u ko-glavni događaj, while unbeaten Jermell will battle fellow contender John Jackson for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Championship in the opening bout. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader begins at 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT and is headlined by WBA 154-pound championErislandy Lara in a rematch against top contender Lopatice Martirosyan.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira Mayweather Promocije i TGB Promocije, sada su u prodaji. Cijene ulaznica počinje u $39, i dostupni su online na www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.s ili putem Ticketmastera na adresi (800) 745-3000; www.ticketmaster.com.
While they definitely have their similaritieslook the same, have one letter different in their first names, have the same dreams and goals in the same sportlike any sibling relationship, they also have their differences. One likes the color black and while the other likes white. One likes horse racing, one likes basketball. Međutim, one of the things they agree on most, is their desire to make history.
We never dreamed of being able to make history on the same night and on the same card together,” said Jermell. “It makes it even more intense. The stakes are much bigger.
We’ve always planned on making history and the time is now,” said Jermall. “I need him to go in there and do his job and at the end of the night, we’ll both have our hands raised.
For more information on the Charlossimilarities and differences, please see the chart below:
Professional Record
23-0 (18 Kos)
27-0 (12 Kos)
Svibanj 19, 1990
(one minute older)
Svibanj 19, 1990
(one minute younger)
Svibanj 21 Opponent
Austin Pastrva
John Jackson
Current Boxing Status
IBF Junior srednjoj svjetski prvak
Fighting for Vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Title
Ronnie Shields
Derrick James
6 ‘0 “
5 ’11
73 ½”
Favorite Thing About Your Brother
How nonchalant he is about things
That he’s a control freak
Favorite Music To Listen To/Train To
80’s Soul
Hip-Hop & R&B
Favorite Boxing Exercise
Sit up and punch drill
Favorite Sport Other Than Boxing (to Play/Watch)
Horse Racing
Basketball, I’m a fanatic
Favorite Vehicle You Own
Mercedes GLE (AMG)
Mercedes 550
Favorite Shoes/Outfit
Rick Owens Runners
Lions Only Hat
Favorite Junk Food
Salt & Vinegar Chips
Favorite Health Food
Kale Salad
Ground Turkey
Favorite Color
Favorite Movie
Don’t have a favorite
Favorite Reality Show
Don’t really watch TV
Don’t really watch TV
Celebrity Crush Growing Up
Jada Pinkett Smith
Your Perfect Vacation
Bora Bora
Anywhere in Greece
First Expensive Thing You Bought As A Pro
My Cane Corso dog
Night Owl Or Early Riser
Early riser6:30 a.m.
Person Outside Of Boxing You Would Most Like To Meet
Serena & Venus Williams
Diddy, because he’s a businessman
Boxer You Idolized
Tommy Hearns & Evander Holyfield
Joan Guzman because of his underrated power and ferocious hand speed
Athlete You Idolize (Not A Boxer)
Allen Iverson
Chris Paul
One Person You Would Invite Over For Dinner (Dead or Alive)
Albert Einstein
Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com a uwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo i @Swanson_Comm, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing a www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions


SVIBANJ 15, 2016 – In the wake of the news on Friday that Alexander Povetkin tested positive for the banned substance meldonium, WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder and his representatives have been made aware of the WBC’s decision on Sunday that the fight will not occur in Moscow on May 21.
I’m very disappointed that due to Povetkin’s failed drug test the fight is not going to happen on May 21 U Moskvi,” said Deontay Wilder. “I had worked very hard to prepare myself for this important title defense, spending the last two weeks training in England to get accustomed to fighting in Europe. I wanted to give the fans a great show, but we understand the WBC’s position that the fight occur on an even playing field.
Povetkin, the WBC No. 1 heavyweight championship contender, tested positive for the substance in a urine test conducted by the Las Vegas-based Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA) travnja 27.
Based upon Povetkin’s positive test for meldonium, and with the health and safety of Deontay Wilder the paramount consideration, this fight could not take place next Saturday,” said DiBella. “As a result of Povetkin’s use of a banned substance and breach of contract, Deontay Wilder was deprived of an opportunity to defend his title as he was prepared toon an even playing field. He and his team have suffered substantial damages as a result. Any talk of rescheduling by Mr. Ryabinskiy at this point is unfounded and premature. Team Wilder will await further communications from the WBC and will weigh all our options given what has transpired.
The 30-year-old Wilder (36-0, 35 Kos) and his team were supposed to fly to Moscow on Sunday for a week of preparation and promotion leading up to the fight. Sada, Wilder will return home to Tuscaloosa, Alabama and await further information from the WBC.
This is a huge disappointment and a setback to my goals in boxing. I want to be an active heavyweight champion and it is still my goal to collect all the belts and become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world,” Wilder je rekao.



NEW YORK (Svibanj 11, 2016) - Showtime Sport original documentary series “ALL ACCESS” earned a Sports Emmy Award for the third consecutive year u utorak noć, taking home the honor for “Outstanding Edited Sports Coverage” for “ALL ACCESS: Mayweather vs. Berto Epilogue” at the 37th Godišnja Sport Emmy svečanosti u New Yorku.


The boxing business and the characters within it present unique challenges to anyone attempting to document it,” rekla Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Showtime Sport. “The ability to produce award-winning work in this sport year-after-year is testament to the excellence of this production team. On behalf of everyone that contributes to this great franchise – from the field to the edit facility, working all hours of the day and the night – we are grateful for and inspired by this award.


This is the second Sports Emmy ALL ACCESS has earned in the “Outstanding Edited Sports Coverage” category. The series, koji kronike buildup i posljedicama boks najvećih prizefights, won its first Sports Emmy Award at the 2014 ceremony for “Outstanding Edited Sports Coverage” with "All Access: Mayweather vs. Canelo Epilog."


U 2015, the revealing documentary series earned the overarching “Outstanding Sports Documentary Series” Emmy Award for its four separate multi-episode installments of ALL ACCESS. That year, the network documented the first and second showdowns between Floyd Mayweather and Marcos Maidana, Canelo Alvarez vs. Alfredo Angulo and Canelo Alvarez vs. Erislandy Lara.


SHOWTIME Sports has earned nine Sports Emmy Awards in the last five years for the premium networksprogramming.


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), stopostotnom vlasništvu podružnica CBS Corporation, posjeduje i upravlja Vrhunski TV mreža Showtime®, Filmski kanal ™ i Flix®, a također nudi Showtime NA UPIT®, Filmski kanal ™ na zahtjev i Flix na zahtjev®, a mreža je provjera autentičnosti usluga SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. Showtime Digitalni Inc, stopostotnom vlasništvu podružnica SNI, upravlja samostalan streaming servis Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS i telco usluga, i kao samostalni streaming usluge putem Apple®, Godine®, Amazon and Google. Potrošači također mogu pretplatiti na Showtime putem Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI also manages Smithsonian Networks™, joint venture između SNI i Smithsonian Institution, koje nudi Smithsonian kanal and Smithsonian Earth. SNI prodaje i distribuira sportskih i zabavnih sadržaja za izložbu pretplatnicima na pay-per-view osnovi kroz Showtime PPV. Za više informacija, ićiwww.SHO.com.

Erislandy Lara Prepares For World Title Rematch With Vanes Martirosyan Saturday, Svibanj 21 Live on SHOWTIME® From The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Training Camp Quotes & Fotografije
Kliknite OVDJE for Photos From Edward Jackson
HOUSTON (Svibanj 11, 2016) – WBA super velter svjetski prvak Erislandy “Američki san” Lara is set to defend his world title and settle his score against Lopatice “Nightmare” Martirosyan when the two meet in the main event of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®tripleheader featuring the top 154-pound talent in the sport on Subota, Svibanj 21 from The Chelsea, inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
Live televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT and features unbeaten IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo preuzimajući bivšeg prvaka Austin “No Doubt” Pastrvaand his twin brother Jermell Charlo battling top challenger John Jackson za upražnjenu titulu prvaka svijeta u supervelter kategoriji po WBC-u.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira Mayweather Promocije i TGB Promocije, sada su u prodaji. Cijene ulaznica počinje u $39, i dostupni su online na www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.s ili putem Ticketmastera na adresi (800) 745-3000;www.ticketmaster.com.
Lara and Martirosyan will meet after their 2012 bout ended in a technical draw. See below for the Cuban-born champion’s thoughts on training camp, the rematch and more:
On his rematch with Vanes Martirosyan:
“Ovo je vrlo važna borba za mene. Our last fight unfortunately ended in a draw because of a clash of heads so we have some unfinished business to take care of. This time I’m not going to leave any doubt on who the better fighter is. I’m coming to dominate and retain my world championship.
On training camp:
I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ve been pushing my body to get in the best shape possible. My body feels incredible and I couldn’t ask for a better training camp. I’ve been sparring a lot and my timing is getting better with each session. Everything is going as planned.
Na Svibanj 21 kartica:
It’s great to be fighting on this card, especially when there is so much on the line while I defend my title. Dodatno, the Charlo brothers are fighting on the undercard, which makes for a great night of boxing for the super welterweight division. The landscape of the 154-pound division will be laid out afterSvibanj 21.”
On the state of the super welterweight division:
Honestly I believe the 154-pound division is one of the strongest in all of boxing. I feel I’m leading the pack and my goal is to unify all the belts. I’m going to take it one fight at a time with the mindset to clean out the division.
On fighting in Las Vegas:
Vegas is the boxing capital of the world and fighting there is unbelievable. The fans are very supportive. The Chelsea at The Cosmopolitan is very intimate and every seat in the building is a good seat. I anticipate a lively crowd.
On his relationship with Ronnie Shields:
Ronnie is a great coach and his game plans are very well thought out. He keeps everything simple. If we have to make adjustments during the fight, he’ll be able to point them out. We both have a great mutual respect for one another.
Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com a uwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, slijediti na TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo i @Swanson_Comm, Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingaND www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions