Tag Archives: Arată Timpul


„Experiența mea în interiorul și în afara ringului a dus la asta. Acum este momentul să pun totul în joc,”- Charlo

„Aceasta este lupta vieții mele... Șansa de a deveni de necontestat este justă 10 zile distanță și abia aștept," - Castan

WBC unificat, Campionul WBA și IBF, Charlo, se luptă cu Campionul Mondial WBO Castaño într-o confruntare incontestabilă pentru titlul de 154 de lire sâmbătă, Iulie 17 În direct la SHOWTIME de la AT&Centrul T din San Antonio în cadrul evenimentului Premier Boxing Champions

SAN ANTONIO (Iulie 7, 2021) – WBC unificat, Campion mondial WBA și IBF Jermell Charlo și campion mondial WBO Brian Castano a luat parte la o conferință de presă virtuală miercuri pentru a-și anticipa lupta pentru campionatul incontestabil de 154 de lire sterline, care titrează acțiunea în direct pe SHOWTIME sâmbătă, Iulie 17 de la AT&Centrul T din San Antonio într-un eveniment Premier Boxing Champions.

Biletele pentru evenimentul live, care este promovat de Lions Only Promotions și TGB Promotions, sunt în vânzare acum și pot fi achiziționate prin www.attcenter.com.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX începe la 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT și îi vor vedea pe puternicul campion unificat Charlo și pe excitantul argentinian Castaño mergând în picioare, deoarece toate centurile din campionatul super welter sunt în joc pentru prima dată în era celor patru centuri..

Aici este ceea ce luptătorii au avut de spus miercuri:


"Avem 10 mai sunt zile și sunt entuziasmat. Acesta este cel mai important moment din viața mea. Îmi place asta. Fac asta de când eram copil. Experiența mea în interiorul și în afara ringului a dus la asta. Acum este momentul să pun totul în joc.

„Castaño va lăsa totul în ring. Deci nu jucăm niciun joc. M-am antrenat foarte greu. Am adăugat lucruri care m-au făcut mai bun pentru că știu cu adevărat că aceasta va fi o luptă grozavă.

„Îmi place statul meu natal, Texas, și îmi place să lupt acolo. Suntem crescuți diferit. Suntem un stat care a purtat propriile noastre războaie. Acesta este uriaș. Este o luptă moștenită pentru mine și sunt gata pentru ea.

„Știu ce am în ring. Când e timpul pentru a lupta, Devin instantaneu cel mai bun războinic care există acolo.

„Am suferit toată viața, așa că nu există nimic pe lumea asta care să mă facă să sufăr mai mult decât prin ceea ce am trecut când am crescut. Castaño este un mare luptător care pune multă presiune. Dar îmi cunosc abilitățile și îmi cunosc puterea. Fiecare lovitură pe care o arunc este dominantă și fiecare lovitură pe care o arunc este dureroasă pentru adversarul meu. Am o mulțime de abilități unice în mine și voi aduce câteva trucuri în această luptă.

„Nu l-am lovit încă pe Castaño, așa că nu știu ce va face bărbia lui când îl voi lovi.. Știu că are o inimă mare. O să fac doar ceea ce fac, ceea ce toată lumea știe că fac. Toată lumea vede ce pot face de fiecare dată când intru în ring.

„M-am simțit foarte bine în cantonament. Mai bine decât m-am simțit vreodată. Sunt în floare acum și mă simt mai puternic luptă cu luptă. Am dezvoltat fiecare tabără.

„Eu am curele pe curele și el are o centură. Sunt gata să iau și cureaua aceea. Am fost atent la ceea ce a făcut. Nu am stat doar de când m-am luptat cu Jeison Rosario. am lucrat.

„În acest moment, nu sunt îngrijorat de ceea ce se întâmplă după această luptă. Mă pot concentra doar pe ceea ce am în fața mea. Sunt vizionat de tunel chiar acum. Asta îmi doresc și nu văd nimic în afară de victoria din iulie 17.

„Veți vedea un Jermell Charlo mai dezvoltat în iulie 17. Vă garantez că veți vedea un luptător de top liră-la-liră. În orice moment, lupta asta s-ar putea termina.

„Aceasta este o luptă majoră pentru că este istorie pentru mine și familia mea. Este enorm pentru toți cei pe care îi reprezint și asta m-a susținut în toți acești ani. Era timpul să intrăm acolo pentru această luptă. Curelele și banii nu sunt în mintea mea. Ceea ce am în minte este moștenirea.

„Nu mulți oameni beneficiază de aceste oportunități. Această luptă va consolida o mulțime de lucruri diferite în mintea oamenilor despre Charlos.”


„Aceasta este oportunitatea mea. Aceasta este lupta vieții mele. Eu sunt campion mondial și Charlo este campion mondial. Șansa de a deveni de necontestat este justă 10 zile distanță și abia aștept. Acesta este timpul meu. Această luptă este atât de importantă pentru viața mea. Sper să devin de necontestat în iulie 17 pentru țara mea și pentru susținătorii mei latini.

„Aceasta este una dintre cele mai importante lupte din istoria Argentinei. Este pentru patru curele, de necontestat la 154 de lire sterline. Este o oportunitate grozavă pentru echipa mea, managerul meu, familia mea și cel mai important, pentru mine. Aceasta va fi cea mai grea luptă din cariera mea.

„Charlo este un mare luptător, nu există nicio îndoială. Dar am venit aici pentru a-mi face treaba și voi veni în față. Sunt genul de luptător care merge mereu după tine. Sunt mereu acolo să te presez. Chiar dacă Charlo a spus că nu am nimic din ce să nu fi văzut până acum, nu a văzut pe nimeni cu stilul meu de luptă.

„L-am văzut pe Charlo doborând o mulțime de luptători cu o singură lovitură. Este ceva de care trebuie să fii atent. Totuși, Am mai multă varietate în arsenalul meu decât oricine a mai luptat înainte. Dacă trebuie să fiu mai agresiv și să merg după mai multă putere în loc de finețe, fii sigur că îl pot doborî și pe el.

„Rugina inelului nu va fi deloc o problemă. Mă antrenez în fiecare zi. Mă duc de trei ori pe săptămână. M-am antrenat de două ori pe zi în ultimul timp. Sunt în ritm și în formă. Vin după cele patru curele.

"In iulie 17, Pot garanta că îmi voi descoperi sufletul, Îmi voi lăsa inima în ring și voi face tot ce îmi stă în putere pentru a deveni necontestat, campion unificat al lumii.

„Cred că și Charlo este în floarea carierei sale. De aceea am căutat această luptă. Aceasta este lupta pe care am căutat-o ​​pentru că amândoi suntem în cel mai bun moment al carierei noastre, si vreau sa profit de ea.

„Sunt în căutarea gloriei. Vreau să fiu primul din istorie care să fiu campion incontestabil la 154 lire sterline în era celor patru centuri și, de asemenea, să fie unul dintre cei mai buni boxeri argentinieni și latino-americani care au trăit vreodată. Mă duc pentru toate. O să las totul acolo sâmbătă seara și nu există niciun motiv pentru care să nu pot fi atât unul dintre cei mai buni luptători liră la liră, cât și unul dintre cei mai buni boxeri argentinieni vreodată..

"Dacă câștig, gloria ar fi egală cu un potențial titlu la Cupa Mondială din Argentina anul viitor. Totuși, fotbalul este diferit pentru că ai 10 alte persoane pe care te poți baza. Messi are 10 coechipieri cărora le poate trece mingea atunci când lucrurile devin grele, dar când sunt în ring sunt pe cont propriu. Boxul este mai mult o provocare individuală. Când sunt de frânghii, Trebuie să ies singur din asta. Gloria și entuziasmul unei victorii ar fi aceeași cu o Cupă Mondială din Argentina pentru țara mea.

„Această oportunitate de a face istorie pentru țara mea și pentru oamenii din America Latină scoate la iveală emoții foarte puternice în mine. Nu vreau să-mi dezamăgesc oamenii din America Latină din toată lumea. Simt o imensă mândrie de asta și sunt la înălțime provocării.

„Nu am avut ocazia să-l cunosc pe Manu Ginobili, dar este o icoană în sportul argentinian. Este unul dintre cei mai buni din toate timpurile și ceea ce reprezintă este iconic atât ca sportiv, cât și ca persoană. Are atât admirația, cât și respectul meu.

„Sunt conștient că oamenii s-ar putea să nu mă cunoască, dar sunt aici pentru a-mi crea propria cale și pentru a-mi deschide propriul drum. Știu că nu m-am luptat atât de mult în ultima vreme și poate că asta face parte din motivul pentru care oamenii nu mă cunosc, dar am refuzat luptele împotriva adversarilor care nu erau de calibru cu care voiam să-l înfrunt. Scopul meu a fost întotdeauna să mă înfrunt cu cei mai buni dintre cei mai buni și cu elita diviziei mele. Am această șansă acum și voi demonstra de ce merit această șansă și de ce merită urmat.”


Rising Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Scores Impressive
Knockout Victory in Co-Main Event

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Premier box Campionilor

CARSON, CALIF. (Iulie 4, 2021) - Stea în ascensiune nepierdute Chris “Primetime” Colbert cruised to a unanimous decision victory over Tugststogt Nyambayar Saturday night to retain his Interim WBA Super Featherweight title in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif. in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The 24-year-old Colbert (16-0, 6 KO) rode a dominant jab to victory as he landed 112 across the 12 rounds according to CompuBox, buoying a 218 pentru 78 advantage in punches landed. The Brooklyn-native used the jab to set up a variety of effective power punches that he was able to land from orthodox and southpaw stances.

We had a tremendous training camp,” said Colbert. “We sparred a lot with a bigger guy in Michel Rivera, so I had a lot of practice using my speed and jab in camp. The jab is always a key in this sport.”

Mongolia’s Nyambayar (12-2, 9 KO), who now fights out of Los Angeles, stepped in to fight Colbert on less than two weeks’ notice, replacing former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa after he suffered a training camp injury. Nyambayar had successful moments in his 130-pound debut, with Colbert even noting the Olympic silver medalist’s power, but he was unable to keep up a sustained attack or keep the busier Colbert from controlling the tempo.

He carried power for a 126-pounder,” said Colbert. “Boxing is about hitting and not getting hit. I had to use my Muhammad Ali tactics and float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. This was a great fight and ‘Tugdid a great job coming in off only a week and a half of training for me. I take off my hat to him and wish him nothing but the best in his career.
Colbert’s post-fight interview: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1411543856345145345

Colbert rode his versatile offensive arsenal to a big advantage on the scorecards and statistically, dominating Nyambayar in punches landed as he connected on 106 power punches to 78 total punches landed by Nyambayar. După 12 runde, the judges’ scores confirmed Colbert’s dominance, as he won the decision with scores of 117-111 și 118-110 de două ori.

“I’m number one in the WBA,” said Colbert. “So you know what time it is. I’m going to follow the plan and see what happens next.”

În cazul în care co-principal, rising lightweight contender Michel Rivera (21-0, 14 KO) scored a highlight-reel knockout over Jon Fernandez (21-2, 18 KO) in the eighth round of their WBA Lightweight Title Eliminator.
Watch the knockout here: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1411521691201724417

“I’m so excited and beyond happy to get this win,", A spus Rivera. “Fernández was a strong, experienced opponent that forced me to change the game plan I had going in.”

An unbeaten Dominican fighter who now trains in Miami, Rivera seemed to take control of the action in round four, as he began to find a home for the straight right hand that would eventually end the fight. The tables turned momentarily in round six however, as Fernandez connected with a clean right hand to the head that put Rivera on the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I knew since the first round that I would have to be careful with him,", A spus Rivera. “He had heavy hands and was taller than me, but I was faster and more skilled overall.”

The 23-year-old was able to weather the storm brought by the Spaniard Fernandez and made it through the round despite the knockdown. After regaining his momentum in the seventh round, Rivera broke through with a decisive right hand that crumpled Fernandez early in the eighth, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave off the bout 44 seconds in the frame. Rivera held an 87 pentru 76 advantage in punches landed, and connected on 37% de pumni sale de putere, comparativ cu 27% from Fernandez.

“I want the fight with Rolando Romero next,", A spus Rivera. “Once I do face him, I would like to go up against Gervonta Davis or Teofimo López.”

Before the night of fights, SHOWTIME host Brian Custer interviewed Bellator MMA No. 1-ranked Featherweight contender A.J. McKee, who will face current champion Patricio Pitbull in the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix final on July 31 at The Forum in Los Angeles.
McKee interview: https://twitter.com/SHOsports/status/1411527740646465537

“I am going to go out there and dig into my bag of tricks and I am going to shock the world,” McKee said. “He’s done a lot for the sport and he has been my target for a long time, ever since I started to come up. I’ve been calling his name for 17 fights and it is time now to get it on.”

Asked if this fight was for the No. 1 spot on the Bellator pound-for-pound list, McKee said: “Definitely. Hands down. This fight is for the pound-for-pound best, Ma simt, in lume. La 145 de lire sterline, there’s not too many guys that can stop myself or Pitbull.”

McKee added: “This is not going the distance. Stilistic, it’s a bad match up for him. Nothing personal but my style is not a good match up for him…. I have to stay long, keep positioning and my feet. Distance is a big part of this fight. And catching him on the angle.”

Immediately following the SHOWTIME telecast, Acces nelimitat: Davis vs. Barrios Epilogue premiered on the network. It is also available now on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube page and can be watched AICI.

Saturday’sSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGtelecast will replay Sunday, Iulie 4 la 9 a.m. ET/PT pe SHOWTIME EXTREME. On Monday, Iulie 5, Gervonta “Tank” Davis vs. Mario Barrios will re-air and will include the exciting Erickson Lubin vs. Jeison Rosario WBC Super Welterweight title eliminator at 10 p.m. ET/PT pe SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The executive producer is four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jr. The telecast was produced by Ray Smaltz III and was directed by Chuck McKean. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

CHRIS COLBERT VS. TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES AND PHOTOSUnbeaten Rising Star Chris Colbert Faces Hard-Hitting Contender Tugstsogt Nyambayar This Saturday, Iulie 3 Live pe SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Premier box Campionilor

CARSON, CALIF. (Iulie 1, 2021) – Unbeaten Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert and hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they meet in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Iulie 3 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif.

Also featured at Thursday’s press conference were unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera and lightweight contender Jon Fernández, who square off in the co-main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Pentru a deschide transmisiunii, SHOWTIME will air a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis and Mario Barrios.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

Aici este ceea ce luptătorii au avut de spus joi:


“I was going to knock [Yuriorkis] Gamboa out cold, and now ‘King Tug’ has to take the knockout.

“My hard work is finally paying off. All I have to do is stay focused, dedicated, and disciplined, and then I’ll be the face of boxing in a couple of years.

“This venue is really known for wars. Come Saturday night I’m definitely going to bring the heat.

“I’m ready for this fight. Nyambayar knows he’s in for trouble on Saturday. Nobody out there can take a fight with me on a week-and-half notice and not be in for trouble.

“Me and Michel Rivera got a lot of rounds in together during training down in Miami. We did a great job all camp and I’m just ready and excited to get in the ring.

“I’ve been knocking out everyone they put in front me. They still don’t give me the respect I deserve yet. I just have to keep doing my thing on Saturday night and embarrass him.

“I can’t tell you if he’s my toughest opponent yet. I know that he’s not beating me, and that’s a promise. There’s no way a 126-pounder will come up in weight and beat me.

“He’s a fighter with only one loss, he can come back from that. But it’s not going to matter on Saturday night. He’s supposed to be confident in himself. He can’t say he’s going to get washed Saturday, but that’s what is going to happen.

“I appreciate ‘Tug’ for taking the fight, but Saturday night I’m going to get in there, dominate and beat him up. This is a Nissan vs. a Lamborghini, and I’m the Lambo.

“I agree that ‘King Tug’ might be better opposition than Yuriorkis Gamboa would have been. But it doesn’t matter if it was Gamboa, ‘King Tug’, or Arnold Schwarzenegger in there with me, it was always going to be the same outcome on Saturday night.

“My hair is orange this week as a dedication to the cause of fighting Multiple sclerosis. One of my friends, Dave, back in New Jersey has it and he told me his story of how he was paralyzed as a kid and also had MS. Then I saw him on the Stairmaster in the gym the next day for like an hour. I saw that and realized there’s no excuses I can make for not being in the gym. I do the different hair colors to make people feel special. I want them to know that I’m fighting for them.

“Nobody in the 130-pound division can beat me. I’m going to continue to prove that every time I step into the ring. I’m going to deliver a dominating performance. Don’t be surprised when I stop him.

“I don’t think this is going past 10 runde. I’m going to keep proving that I have power on Saturday night. I’m not discrediting his skills, but I’m just different.”


“I’m really excited for this fight. It’s my first fight at 130 pounds and I want to show what I can do. I’m ready for this opportunity.

“Just know this, we are here to win. My team is here to win. I’m ready for Chris Colbert. Asta e.

“I don’t care that I’m fighting on short notice at a higher weight. I believe in myself. I can fight at 122, I can fight at 126 and I can fight at 130.

“Two weeks’ notice is enough for me. If I didn’t take the fight, Colbert wouldn’t have a fight. So he should be thankful. Let’s see what happens. I’m going to whoop his ass.

“I believe in my speed and I believe in my power. I believe in myself. I just want to test myself. This is a good opportunity versus a good fighter.”

“I don’t think that he can stop me. Watch me on Saturday night. Sunt gata.

“I’m not worried about anything he says. I’m just focused on the sight. I really believe in myself and that I’m going to hurt him on Saturday night.

“Colbert has similar speed compared to Gary Russell Jr., so it’s not going to be anything I haven’t seen before. The adjustments from the Russell fight have been made in the gym over time.

“I’m very happy to be fighting at Dignity Health Sports Park because Los Angeles is my second home. It’s very exciting to be fighting here and with a crowd there watching. The Mongolian fans are going to show up on Saturday.”


“I had a good camp and I have a good team, led by Herman Caicedo who is my coach along with Jukka Toivola. I know that this is a good opportunity and I worked so hard for this fight. I’m so excited for July 3 and I know that this is my chance to show I’m great and to shine.

“Jon Fernandez is a good boxer and he’s a good puncher. I don’t know much about him, but I know that he’s Spanish and he’s a tall guy. He hits hard but I’m in the type of condition to be great in this fight.

“I’m sure that on July 3 when people are watching the fight, they will see who the best boxer is. I’m ready for everything. If he wants to fight instead of box, I will fight too. I have the skills. I believe that I am faster than him. I don’t have problems with his height. You can see in my past fights where I was fighting at 144, and I looked good with big boxers too. I don’t have a problem with it. Everybody will have to tune in July 3 pe SHOWTIME, and they will see Michel Rivera beating Jon Fernandez.

“I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I’m Dominican, and in the Dominican Republic you don’t get much opportunity. I came here and I am making my name. Everybody will know that I’m ready to fight the top names at 135 – the best boxers. I have the skills and the talent. I’m young and I’m pretty, prea.

“It’s good that he sounds confident. I am confident too. That makes for a great war. He has a lot of knockouts, but they weren’t against any boxers like me. I’m focused. Cum am spus, he’s a good boxer, but I’m better. I’m trusting my talent and I’m trusting my condition.

“My perspective remains the same after this press conference. Fernandez is a proud fighter and I expect nothing less than what he said. I’m also a proud fighter and I’m convinced that I’m better than him. I consider myself better prepared and ready to be considered one of the top boxers in the 135-pound division.

“Training with Chris Colbert was a great experience, and the sparring sessions were awesome. He made me better, just like I made him better. Este o persoană grozavă. My fellow Dominican fighter Jeison Rosario wished me luck and told me he knows I’m going to be a world champion someday, and that he will be supporting me and watching the fight from the Dominican Republic.

“Of course I believe that I am the next world champion from the Dominican Republic. I can beat all of the top boxers, the top five, in the 135-pound division. I want to make my name at 135 because I know this is a strong division now. I want everybody to know me at this weight.

“I promise a good fight. Everybody will see the next superstar in the ring on July 3.”


“I’m very excited to be here for this fight. Training camp in Madrid and Mexico have been great. We’ve had an outstanding preparation. I’m facing a great opponent in Michel Rivera, but this is the door I need to open to be in the big leagues of boxing. I don’t plan on missing out on this chance.

“I’m glad he’s confident in his abilities, but I think this is a 50-50 match. It’s going to be a great fight and we’re definitely on the same level. There’s no difference in skill levels. I’m going to use my height and show off my boxing ability on Saturday night.

“Rivera is a very good boxer, and has many skills, but I believe that I have equal skills and more power. If I get the opening, I can knock Rivera out.

“I promise that we’re going to put on a great show and deliver fireworks in the ring. My hand will be raised when the fight is over.

“There’s nothing like fighting in Los Angeles. I have already been here before, but nothing can compare to being in the big show.

“Everyone in Spain is supporting me. My city of Bilbao has sent me all its love and they believe in me 100%. Even some famous soccer players have reached out to me. Players from Athletic Bilbao and (former Spain national team striker) Fernando Torres.

“I would like to win in order to open the door for other Spaniard boxers who come behind me and relish this opportunity – like my brother Eker, who is about to make his professional debut. I want to make him proud and put Spain on the map as far as boxing is concerned.

"Dacă câștig, it’s not just because of my power. It’s going to be a close fight, but I’m going to give everything I have to come out with the victory.”

# # #

Colbert vs. Nyambayar will undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert face hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar sâmbăta, Iulie 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis și Mario Barrios prior to the live co-main event from California featuring unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera battling lightweight contender Jon Fernández.

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.



LOS ANGELES – BELLATOR MMA has confirmed the full fight card for BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz pe Vineri, Iulie 16 at the Mohegan Sun Arena. The event airs LIVE on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by undefeated flyweight world champion Juliana Velasquez (11-0) versus BELLATOR Kickboxing’s Flyweight World Champion and No. 3 clasat pe locul Denise Kielholtz (6-2) for the promotion’s 125-pound belt.

In addition to the must-see main event, four other exciting main card bouts are confirmed for Bellator 262 pe SHOWTIME, including No. 5 clasat pe locul Tyrell Fortune (10-1, 1 NC) taking on former New York Giants football star and No. 7 clasat pe locul Matt Mitrione (13-8, 1 NC) la categoria grea, a women’s featherweight matchup between No. 2 ranked former title challenger Arlene Blencowe (13-8) și Brazilia Dayana Silva (9-6), a men’s heavyweight contest pitting No. 4 clasat pe locul Linton Vassell (20-8, 1 NC)versus BELLATOR newcomer Marcelo Golm (8-3), and undefeated No. 5 clasat pe locul Johnny Eblen (8-0) cu care se confruntă în afara împotriva Travis Davis (10-4) in an explosive middleweight bout to open the main card.

The preliminary card is confirmed for six bouts and features a heavyweight slugfest between knockout artist Ronny Markes (19-8) și Said Sowma (6-2), as well as a featherweight contest pitting undefeated top prospect Cody Law (3-0) împotriva Theodore Macuka (1-0). În plus, South Florida’s Roman Faraldo (5-0) welcomes John Ramirez (5-5) to the fray in a welterweight clash, while Team Pitbull Brothers-product Matheus Mattos (12-2-1) faces off against Cee Jay Hamilton (15-8) in a bantamweight battle. în cele din urmă, Johnny Soto (4-1) și Adil Benjilany (5-3, 1 NC) square off in a 145-pound matchup and the undefeated Diana Avsaragova (3-0) ia pe Gabriella Gulfin (2-2) in a flyweight showdown.

All prelims will stream live at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV. Full bout listings are below:

SHOWTIME streaming service is offering a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up at SHO.com/BellatorMMA. Subscribers will be delivered two live premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 si dincolo, anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

# # #

BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz Card de principal:
Vineri, Iulie 16 – Live on ARATĂ TIMPUL
9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Flyweight World Title Main Event: C-Juliana Velasquez (11-0) vs. #3-Denise Kielholtz (6-2)
Grea Bout: #5Tyrell Fortune (10-1, 1 NC) vs. #7-Matt Mitrione (13-8, 1 NC)
Grea Bout: #4-Linton Vassell (20-8, 1 NC) vs. Marcelo Golm (8-3)
Pană Bout: #2Arlene Blencowe (13-8) vs. Dayana Silva (9-6)
Mijlocie Bout: #5-Johnny Eblen (8-0) vs. Travis Davis (10-4)

Card de preliminară:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | Pluto TV
6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Cocoș Bout: Matheus Mattos (12-2-1) vs. Cee Jay Hamilton (15-8)
Grea Bout: Ronny Markes (19-8) vs. Said Sowma (6-2)
Pană Bout: Cody Law (3-0) vs. Theodore Macuka (1-0)
Semimijlocie Bout: Roman Faraldo (5-0) vs. John Ramirez (5-5)
Atacul cu greutatea muște: Diana Avsaragova (3-0) vs. Gabriella Gulfin (2-2)
Pană Bout: Johnny Soto (4-1) vs. Adil Benjilany (5-3, 1 NC)

*Cardul poate fi modificat.

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, vizita BELLATOR.com.


National Powerhouse Attorney Thomas J. Henry Steps into the Ring to Back Up Mario “aztecul” Barrios Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV Fight this Saturday

Photo Credit /Clarissa Castaneda Click Here Pentru mai multe fotografii

National Powerhouse Attorney Thomas J. Henry Steps into the Ring to Back Up Mario “aztecul” Barrios Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV Fight this Saturday

ATLANTA, GA (Iunie 23, 2021) – Texas personal injury attorney Thomas J. Henry, whose record-breaking verdicts and recoveries have been featured in Fortune, Forbes, and Newsweek magazines, is now using his powerhouse image to sponsor undefeated World Champion boxer, Mario “aztecul” Cartiere (26-0, 17 KO). At the press conference in San Antonio, TX, for the upcoming championship fight against four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis, the famed attorney flew in the undefeated Barrios, and gave him the entrance and introduction he deserves, with the red carpet off a private jet accompanied by a professional Aztec Dance Troupe.

Thomas J. Henry’s partnership with Mario “aztecul” Barrios begins June 26, 2021, with Barrio’s championship fight against Gervonta Davis (24-0, 23 KO). In SHOWTIME PPV main event, Davis will attempt to become a Three-Division World Champion as he faces the reigning, defending, and unbeaten champion from San Antonio, Mario Barrios. The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

The new multi-fight deal will also transcend the sport of boxing and allow Mario Barrios to work alongside Thomas J. Henry on multiple philanthropic endeavors hosted and promoted by Thomas J. Henry and his law firm.

My initial interest in Mario was derived from his commitment to excellence both in and out of the ring,” said Thomas J. Henry. “He is dedicated to personal growth at all levels, training tirelessly to hone his craft as a boxer while also committing himself to philanthropy and giving back to the San Antonio community. Mario is exactly the kind of athlete and individual we should support and celebrate.

“This experience has been a wild and fun ride and yesterday, as my team and I got picked up in the Bay Area from a private jet that my title sponsor, Thomas J. Henry, provided,” Said Barrios. “Thomas is a well-respected gentleman in the state of Texas, and especially in my hometown of San Antonio, where his law firm headquarters is located. An incredible press conference was waiting me at the airport when I was picking up my family in San Antonio, all because of TJH. All the local media showed up in support of my fight with Gervonta Davis airing this Saturday on SHOWTIME PPV. The press conference was like a movie scene (smiling), with Aztec dancers, DJs, and all, it was great. I’m looking forward to doing some incredible community work with Thomas J. Henry.”

“Right now, my dreams and aspirations are becoming reality as these special moments are happening in real time,” Barrios a continuat. “We arrived in Atlanta last night and El Azteca is in warrior spirit, and best believe I’m coming for this man who is trying to take my belt. I want to thank all my San Antonio fans and everyone in Texas for their continued support. I want to let them know that we are going into battle together, as one. Tank has his army of fans, and I have mine. It’s going to be a great fight and may the best man win.”

Thomas J. Henry is nationally recognized for his charitable events and actions, and regularly seeks out like-minded individuals and organizations to amplify their vision for giving back to the community.

În luna martie, Thomas J. Henry partnered with Christy’s Hope, The Purple Door, and SAFE Alliance, to launch a campaign against domestic violence. Anul trecut, Thomas J. Henry created and hosted ‘Austin Elevates,’ using his professional connections and celebrity status to recruit top entertainers such as Kygo, Daddy Yankee, DaBaby, and 88Glam, to perform a one-of-a-kind charity concert at the Austin 360 amphitheater. The event raised more than $160,000 for its beneficiaries which Thomas J. Henry personally matched, bringing the total amount to $327,720.


Mai Mult, Rising Unbeaten Michel Rivera Faces Lightweight Contender

Jon Fernández in WBA Title Eliminator on Saturday, Iulie 3

At Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif.

CARSON, CALIF.(Iunie 22, 2021) – Undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight ChampionChris “Primetime” Colbertwill face hard-hitting contenderTugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayarsâmbăta, Iulie 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Nyambayar replaces Yuriorkis Gamboa, who was originally scheduled to face Colbert before suffering an injury during training camp.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature unbeaten rising starMichel Riverabattling lightweight contenderJon Fernándezin a 135-pound WBA title eliminator in the co-main event.

The telecast will also feature highlights of undefeated super lightweight contenderRichardson Hitchinsdisputându-se împotrivaDarwin Pricein a 10-round duel.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased atAXS.com. Hitchins vs. Price is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

“This lineup on July 3 features highly-touted rising stars in tough matchups against opponents looking to make statements of their own,” said Tom Brown, Președintele TGB Promoții. “Chris Colbert has been impressive fight after fight, and he will have a big test against the always-tough Tugstsogt Nyambayar. Also facing perhaps the toughest test of his career, Michel Rivera will enter the ring in an exciting matchup against contender Jon Fernández. This is a card that is lined up to deliver drama all night long.”

Representing his native Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (15-0, 6 KO) has quickly shot up the 130-pound rankings, taking on high-level competition in his first 15 lupte pro. Already established as a fighter with dazzling boxing skills, Colbert showcased his ability to fight toe-to-toe in his last outing, as he stopped hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda in round 11 of their December 2020 clash. The 24-year-old turned pro in 2015 and beat three unbeaten fighters in his first eight contests. Prior to the Arboleda fight, Colbert scored a highlight-reel first round knockout against Miguel Beltran Jr. în luna septembrie 2019 and a dominant 12-round decision victory over former champion Jezreel Corrales in January 2020.

“I’m very excited to be back in the ring on July 4 weekend,” said Colbert. “I get to set off my fireworks on SHOWTIME the night before. We’re taking this one to Dignity Health Sports Park in California, but I know I’ll have my New York family behind me. This is just another day, another dollar. I have a job to do, and that’s to get the win by any means necessary, but I’m looking to dominate. I expect Nyambayar to bring his A-game though because he knows he’ll be in there with a monster. I may not be the biggest puncher in the world, but I know how to finish a guy and get him out of there, and on July 3 that’s exactly what I’ll be looking to do.”

The 28-year-old Nyambayar (12-1, 9 KO) won a silver medal representing his native Mongolia in the 2012 Olympics and now lives in Southern California, where he’s trained by John Pullman. Nyambayar ascended the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. He earned his first world title shot when he defeated former champion Claudio Marrero in January 2019, before dropping his championship bout against long-reigning WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. în februarie 2020. Ahead of his super featherweight debut on July 3, the WBC’s second-ranked featherweight Nyambayar most recently handed Cobia Breedy his first loss by scoring two knockdowns and eventually earning the decision in September 2020.

“When I got the call about this fight, I jumped at the opportunity,” said Nyambayar. “I can’t wait to compete. I was born for fights like this. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and give the fans a great show on July 3.”

Născut în Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Rivera (20-0, 13 KO) burst onto the scene in 2019 making his U.S. debut with a victory over Juan Rene Tellez. The 23-year-old continued his ascent in 2020, adding a stoppage win against Fidel Maldonado Jr. and a unanimous decision triumph against lightweight contender LaDarius Miller. Cel mai recent, Rivera stepped back into the ring to knock out Anthony Mercado in February of this year.

“I can’t wait to be showcasing my skills once again on July 3,” said Rivera. “Fernández will be bringing his A-game and that’s exactly what I want. My coach Herman Caicedo and I have been zeroing in on the best approach to this fight and I’m excited to execute it. Jon is a rough and tough fighter and probably the best fighter I’ve faced to this point and I’m looking forward to the challenge. I know that I will be fighting for a world title soon, so I’m just staying focused and disciplined until that time comes.”

The 25-year-old Fernández (21-1, 18 KO) enters this bout on a five-fight winning streak following his only career blemish, a decision loss to O’Shaquie Foster in 2018 peShoBox: Noua generatie. A native of Bilbao, Spania, Fernández will fight in the U.S. for the fourth time on July 3. Fernández has been mentored by boxing great Sergio Martinez and will look to put himself back in position for a world title against Rivera. În ultimul său luptă, Fernández knocked out Aristides Perez in the first-round of their February 2020 clash.

“The fans are going to enjoy this fight with Rivera very much,” said Fernández. “Both of us are going to give our all in the ring for the opportunity to become a champion. This is the kind of fight that boxing is all about. Our division is full of great fighters, so you need to fight the best to be the best. My training is going very well and I believe that at this moment, I am in the prime of my career.”

A native of Brooklyn, Hitchins (12-0, 5 KO) a devenit profesionist în 2017 after representing Haiti at the 2016 Jocurile Olimpice. The 23-year-old has flashed impressive skills as he’s amassed an unbeaten record in the pro ranks, which is the product of an extensive amateur career. În ultimul său excursie, Hitchins scored a career-best victory, as he earned a decision over former world champion Argenis Mendez. Hitchins has increased his competition in winning 10-round decisions in his last three fights.

“After my last fight in December, I got right back in the ring and have been training and tweaking things to help me really get to that star level,” said Hitchins. “I’ve always had the tools, but people are just now recognizing my talents. Each opponent has brought something different out of me, and I plan to keep rising to the occasion and putting on a show for the fans.”

Price (17-1, 10 KO) returned to the ring in April to knock out Saul Corral in the fifth round. His previous outing had come in December 2019 when he suffered a knee injury that forced him to take a TKO loss against Malik Hawkins in a fight Price led on the scorecards. Originally from St. Louis and now fighting out of Houston, Price was a standout track and field runner at Grambling State University before turning pro and winning his first 16 lupte.

“Every dream has a process and a price tag,” said Price. “Those who embrace the process and pay the price, live the dream. Those who don’t, just dream. I can’t wait to get back in the ring on July 3 and put on a great performance.”

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Pentru mai multe informații vizitațiwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


WBA Super Lightweight Champion Barrios Takes on Four-Time World Champion Gervonta Davis Headlining SHOWTIME PPV®Sâmbătă,
Iunie 26 from State Farm Arena in Atlanta

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

HAYWARD, CALIF. (Iunie 10, 2021) – Unbeaten WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios shared updates on training camp and previewed his upcoming showdown against four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis before they square off in the SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Iunie 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions, sunt la vânzare acum și pot fi achiziționate laticketmaster.com.

The 26-year-old Barrios will be looking for a signature victory on June 26, and will bring a 5 ½ inch height advantage into the matchup against Davis. Since moving up to 140-pounds, Barrios is 9-0 cu opt knock-out, and scored multiple knockdowns in the only fight that went the distance, his title-winning performance over Batyr Akhmedov. The San Antonio-native is buoyed by having renowned veteran trainer Virgil Hunter in his corner.

Here is what Barrios and Hunter had to say about training camp, Davis and more:


“This is a huge opportunity for me. Gervonta Davis has a huge name in the sport and outside of it. This is the type of fight that can accelerate both of our names after June 26.

“I think Gervonta and his team might have bit off more than they could chew with this fight. I’m not one to talk too much, but we’ll see how it plays out when we step into the ring on June 26.

“’Tank’ is going to be in there with a full blown 140-pounder. He’s not going against someone past their prime or going up in weight. I’m a guy who goes out and gets stoppages. He’s facing someone just as dangerous as he is, but two weight classes higher than what he’s used to seeing.

“We know Gervonta is a dangerous fighter. We know the threat that we have in front of us. But I’m just as dangerous, if not more dangerous. I’ve been dangerous at 140 pounds for quite some time now.

“I have speed, power and explosiveness, just like Gervonta. But I have the length and physical stature to present problems that he’s never faced before.

“I know that I have power that carries from round one through round 12. He’s not used to being at this weight and we’re going to see how he handles that move up.

“I’m confident because I have a great team behind me. I’ve had a tremendous training camp. I go into every fight with confidence in my preparation. Just like every fight, I’m more than prepared for fight night.

“This is going to be fireworks from the opening bell. We have everything we need to make this the ‘Fight of the Year’.

“This is the moment that I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid. It just goes to show that everything I’ve been working for my whole life is now unfolding in front of me. This is just the beginning and I’m ready to seize this opportunity.”

VIRGIL HUNTER, Barrios’ Trainer

“The preparation is going really well. We feel really good. Mario is as ready as he can be, so we’re looking forward to an exciting fight. He understands the importance of this fight. It’s a career-defining fight at this stage of his career, so he understands the significance of it. He understands what a victory means and what a setback means. He understands right where he is. His career is still in front of him because he’s a young fighter. But at this stage, it’s a very important fight and a victory would mean a lot.

“You always have to acknowledge ‘Tank’s’ punching power. You have to acknowledge his quickness and his IQ. His attributes appear to be very much real from what I’ve seen. There’s not anything about him that you cannot take seriously. You have to take everything about him seriously. He’s got a good corner and good people behind him so that makes for a formidable opponent.

“Mario’s reach and height is an advantage if you know how to use it to your advantage. It could be an advantage or could be a disadvantage. The thing is that we’re going to find the avenues to take advantage of it and make it work for us. Pe de altă parte, it could be a disadvantage. Height and reach has never meant much to me in boxing because there are ways to overcome each stature that a fighter possesses. It’s who imposes their strategy and who imposes their will on the other who I think is going to come out victorious.

“The work ethic is there. Mario has a high ceiling that he hasn’t reached yet. He’s going towards that, but when he came here, he came with a high ceiling. A lot of fighters come and they’ve reached their ceiling, so there’s only so much you can do with them. But Mario has a lot of room for improvement and growth and I would say the best Mario Barrios is coming a couple years from now. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t be victorious on June 26. He definitely has what it takes to be victorious.”

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Davis vs. Barrios will see four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis set his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Iunie 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson “Hammer” Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Former unified super welterweight champion Julian “J-Rock” Williams returns to the ring to take on Brian Mendoza in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

The event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing și https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

GERVONTA DAVIS LAS VEGAS MEDIA WORKOUT QUOTES AND PHOTOSFour-Time World Champion Davis Prepares for SHOWTIME PPV® Main Event Showdown Against WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Saturday, Iunie 26 from State Farm Arena in Atlanta


Four-Time World Champion Davis Prepares for SHOWTIME PPV® Main Event Showdown Against WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Saturday, Iunie 26 from State Farm Arena in Atlanta

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (Iunie 10, 2021) – Four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis held a media workout in Las Vegas Wednesday as he approaches his showdown against WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios which headlines a SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Iunie 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions, sunt la vânzare acum și pot fi achiziționate la ticketmaster.com.

One of boxing’s biggest stars at just 26-years-old, Davis moves up to 140-pounds for the first time in his career as he aims to add super lightweight champion to his stellar resume. With a victory, Davis will hold world championships in three different divisions simultaneously, a feat only accomplished by a few fighters in history, including Henry Armstrong and Canelo Alvarez.

Here is what Davis, along with trainer Calvin Ford, și Mayweather Promoții CEO Leonard Ellerbe, had to say Wednesday from the Mayweather Boxing Club:


“We can’t say who the bigger puncher is until we get in that ring and test his power. It doesn’t matter who is stronger, I want to be better than him across the board and in every aspect of the game.

“People who are here in the gym with me see a lot of things that I don’t need to bring out, even in my fights. Floyd is always telling me to box and use my skills, and don’t always look for the knockout. This camp we’ve actually been working on getting back to that and letting the knockout come.

"Pentru mine, greatness is just not going backwards. I just want to keep going forward no matter what. No matter who’s in front of me, I just have to go through them. Where I’m from, a lot of people don’t make it out, so I’m doing something right. It doesn’t even have to be an opponent, it can be something outside of the ring. I’m always chasing greatness.

“My thing is just beat whoever is put in front of me. When it’s time, we’ll see who the top guy is. Pana atunci, I don’t need to speak on any other fighter than the one in front of me.

“Barrios and I have been through the amateurs together. He’s known what I’ve been doing. It’s crazy how life works out sometimes.

“I’m a team player, so whatever my team tells me has to be done to better myself, I’m all for it. That’s what’s made me so good. I don’t just stand out by myself. I have the best team in boxing.

“My last fight people complained that Leo Santa Cruz was too small, so I’m basically going out there and showing that a size difference doesn’t matter. I’m going to beat whoever they put in front of me. I’m trying to chase greatness.

“I’m definitely looking to walk down the bigger guy. He might feel like he can walk me down. I was definitely watching Floyd fight a much bigger guy in Logan Paul and taking a few pointers from it.

“I don’t know what Barrios will bring, but from my side, I’m bringing everything I’ve got. You know whenever I fight, I’m bringing something for the fans to enjoy.”

CALVIN FORD, Davis’ Trainer

“’Tank’s’ pay-per-view numbers opened up the doors for the rest of them. It’s because of ‘Tank’s’ social media. When people ask me why people gravitate towards himhe’s just like any kid that’s coming up from the inner cities. Look at basketball players – inner cities. Look at football players – inner cities. He’s showing them that if you put the right people around you and you put your mind to something, orice este posibil.

“’Tank’, Devin Haney, Teofimo Lopez and Ryan Garcia will be the Four Kings if the fights happen. Să-l păstrați reale. Chiar acum, they’re doing the same thing that the Four Kings did at the beginning stage. All we have to do is sit back and let the minds that be, do their thing. It’s going to happen. All these fights that people want to see are going to happen.

“Have you noticed that ‘Tank’ don’t call anybody out? He never did. But if you put him in front of somebody, he’s going to show you. If you know ‘Tank’ from the amateurs, he’s going to show up in the ring. He’s like a baby Mike Tyson.

“The weight isn’t what I’m focused on, it’s actually the opponent. When I started studying the opponent, his coach and I go way back in the amateurs. When we see each other, we know each other. It’s about the minds. He knows his athlete and I know my athlete. În acea noapte, it’s about the minds. It’s about who is going to hold fast to what they’re supposed to be doing. That’s the fight for me.

“I wouldn’t say this is the toughest test of ‘Tank’s’ career because nobody can show me the best of ‘Tank’ yet. I know the best of ‘Tank’. Ya’ll ain’t seen ‘Tank’.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO al Mayweather Promoții

“From top to bottom this is one of those pay-per-view events that you don’t want to miss. Anytime you have the most exciting fighter in the sport, you know it’s going to be big. Don’t expect anything less on June 26.

“Coach Calvin Ford is a tremendous trainer who’s been with Gervonta since day one and they have a great game plan in place. I fully expect him to be able to execute. But Barrios is coming for him. He’s got a great trainer himself in Virgil Hunter and has made great progression with Virgil.

“We know this is going to be a tough fight, but Gervonta just has to figure it out from the opening bell. And I believe he’ll do that, but it will take some time. Barrios is looking to upset the apple cart.

“Gervonta is molding into his comfort zone. He’s becoming more comfortable with the media because he truly understands what he has in front of him. He knows that his ceiling is to be the biggest star in the sport. On the inside of the ring though, nothing has changed.

“The co-feature is a terrific bout with Erickson Lubin taking on Jeison Rosario. That’s going to be a very entertaining fight. A win for Lubin puts him one step closer to his ultimate goal. Lubin feels like he’s the best in the weight class and eventually right that wrong of his loss to Jermell Charlo. But he has a tough rugged fighter in front of him and that should be an exciting bout.

“Former unified champion Julian Williams is looking to bounce back against Brian Mendoza on the pay-per-view. Julian is obviously one of the top fighters in the division, and he’s looking to get back what he lost.

“In the opening bout the very tough Batyr Akhmedov is up against Argenis Mendez, who is always in go-mode. So it really shows you how highly entertaining this card is all the way through. I’m really excited to be back at State Farm Arena.”



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LOS ANGELES – Liz Carmouche (15-7), who is No. 5 in the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, will face the promotion’s No. 3 ranked flyweight Kana Watanabe (10-0-1) during the co-main event of BELLATOR MMA 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky vineri, Iunie 25.

The Bellator 261 main card airs live on SHOWTIME la 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and takes place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. A limited number of tickets starting at $60 are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

Newly announced preliminary matchups feature a bantamweight tilt pitting Jaylon Bates (2-0) împotriva Cody Matthews (1-1) and middleweight matchup between Taylor Johnson (6-2) și Lance Wright (5-1).

The preliminary portion of Bellator 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky incepe la 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT and will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

Bellator 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky is anchored by an interim heavyweight title bout between No. 1 clasat pe locul Timothy Johnson (15-6) și nr. 3 clasat pe locul Valentin Moldavsky (10-1). A featherweight fight featuring former title challenger No. 5 clasat pe locul Daniel Weichel (40-12) against Hawaii’s undefeated Keoni Diggs (9-0) and a light heavyweight re-booking between No. 10 clasat pe locul Christian Edwards (4-0) și Ben Parrish (4-1) have also been confirmed for the main card.

Additional prelims include a lightweight bout featuring No. 6 clasat pe locul Myles Jury (19-5) versus No. 7 clasat pe locul Sidney Outlaw (15-4), a women’s strawweight fight pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 NC) împotriva Kyra Batara (8-4), a light heavyweight contest seeing Lee Chadwick (26-15-1) contra Simon Biyong (7-1), and a lightweight affair between Søren Bak (14-1) și Bobby Lee (12-5).

Carmouche is a highly skilled veteran of the sport who joined BELLATOR’s women’s flyweight division in 2019 following a six-year run in the UFC. Luptând din San Diego, the 37-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, bifând o pereche de victorii odată cu promovarea. Since signing with BELLATOR, “Girl-Rilla” has rallied off two straight wins, defeating Vanessa Porto and DeAnna Bennett. Prior to Carmouche’s days as a professional athlete, Lafayette, Născut în Louisiana a petrecut cinci ani servind ca electrician în aviație în United Stated Marine Corps, unde a realizat trei tururi de serviciu în Orientul Mijlociu.

“I’m looking forward to getting back in the cage. I plan to end this fight with a dominant finish that stamps my name as the top contender for the belt,” Carmouche said.

Undefeated through 11 lupte profesionale, Japan’s Watanabe steps into the BELLATOR MMA cage for the third time in as many years. Cu frying-pan-bending putere, the 32-year-old judoka boasts an impressive 60% finishing rate and has bested fellow BELLATOR flyweights Alejandra Lara and Ilara Joanne since joining the promotion’s ranks. The No. 3 ranked flyweight is looking to make a statement of her own and stake her claim to a shot at BELLATOR’s coveted 125-pound championship.

“I am very grateful to be given another opportunity to fight during these hard times. Liz Carmouche has tons of experience and has constantly been fighting the best which makes her without a doubt one of the best in the world,” Watanabe said. “I fully respect her in every aspect and am truly honored to face such an athlete. Acestea fiind spuse, I am excited to take on this challenge to prove to everybody and myself that I have what it takes to become the best in the world. I want to win this fight in a convincing way, to open up the doors for a title challenge shot.”


BELLATOR MMA 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky Card de principal:
9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Interim Heavyweight Title Main Event: #1-Tim Johnson (15-6) vs. #3-Valentin Moldavsky (10-1)
Flyweight Co-Main Event: #2Liz Carmouche (15-7) vs. #3-Kana Watanabe (10-0-1)
Puterea cărții principale greutăți: #5- Daniel Weichel (40-12) vs. Keoni Diggs (9-0)
Light Heavyweight Main Card Bout: #10Christian Edwards (4-0) vs. Ben Parrish (4-1)

Card de preliminară:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | Canalul YouTube SHOWTIME Sports | Pluto TV
5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT

Strawweight bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 NC) vs. Kyra Batara (8-4)
Bout ușoare: #6-Myles Jury (19-5) vs. #7-Sidney Outlaw (15-4)
Bout ușoare: Søren Bak (14-1) vs. Bobby Lee (12-5)
Cocoș Bout: Jaylon Bates (2-0) vs. Cody Matthews (1-1)
Mijlocie Bout: Taylor Johnson (6-2) vs. Lance Wright (5-1)
Lumină grea Bout: Lee Chadwick (26-15-1) vs. Simon Biyong (7-1)

*Cardul poate fi modificat.

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, vizita BELLATOR.com.


Faceți clic peAICI pentru Fotografii din Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

MIAMI(Iunie 4, 2021) – Social media superstar and undefeated pro boxerJake “The Problem Child” Paul faced off with his next opponent, five-time UFC championTyron Woodley, at the historic 5lea Street Gym in Miami on Thursday ahead of their highly anticipated summer showdown on SHOWTIME PPV.

Here is what Paul and Woodley had to say following their heated stare down in Miami:


“I told him I’ll pay you double your purse if you beat me. But if you lose, you have to pay your purse to my charity. He lacks confidence. Why wouldn’t you take that bet as a fighter if you knew you were going to win? To make double the money? This is the biggest pay day of your life and you can make double? Put your money where your mouth is.

“He’s a good striker. He’s known for knocking people out. But I think when I beat Tyron, people have to put respect on my name. But that’s not what I’m here for to be honest. I already know how good I am. I know that this is going to be another easy fight. That’s why SHOWTIME is in business with me. Te uiți la viitorul box.

“He’s not as good as me and he’s playing catch-up. We see holes in his whole entire game and he has try to learn how to box. He’s stiff. Muscles don’t fight and he’s going to be out of his element. This is boxing. This isn’t MMA. You can’t learn how to box in this amount of time. Now we’re going to show him the reins. The Disney kid is going to beat up the five-time UFC champion of the world. It’s going to be hilarious.

“I haven’t even shown my fighting abilities at all. I haven’t even made it past two rounds in my professional career. I haven’t been hit in the face. Nobody can even see if I have a chin or my inside fighting game. I haven’t even warmed up yet. And by the way, I’m the type of fighter that gets better the longer the fight goes on. I get better in sparring so I haven’t even been able to warm up and I’m excited to show my ability if he can make it out of the first round.

“I’ve predicted every single one of my fights. I said Ben Askren, primul tur. I said Nate Robinson, primul tur. He got to the second. I said in my first pro fight, primul tur. I don’t think Tyron will make it out of two rounds. You might not even get to see my boxing abilities in this fight to be honest.”


“I’ve always wanted to box my whole life but never did it. This is my opportunity. This is a kid that’s a power-puncher. He’s got a lot of strength behind him. This is going to be a big platform to showcase what I can do in a boxing ring. And he’s a fighter. El poate lupta. La sfârșitul zilei, you can watch him and the timing, the rhythm and the footwork is there.

“He hasn’t fought very long. But the little action that I have seen was clean. Good defense. Nate was rushing him, he protected himself and he came out of his shell and cracked him.

“He’s trying to downplay his ability. He’s a fighter. Don’t let him play you by saying, ‘I’m just a YouTuber.’ Last week, he was a fighter. When he was saying nobody wanted to fight him, he was a fighter. You’re not a YouTuber anymore. You’re not on Disney. It’s been a long time since he was on Disney. That’s like me saying I’m just a collegiate wrestler and I don’t punch people.

“I just want to have fun. I want to train hard. I want to get better. I want to go out there and do things on my terms and be the one to call the shots. I want to go out there and make history. I always make history. I may not always get the credit for it but I’m always the first. Fighters always hit me up asking what they should do, what they’re doing wrong. Now it’s time for me to go do it myself.”