Архивы: Время Для Шоу

Адриен Broner & JESSIE VARGAS FIGHT высококвалифицированного Занимательного ТИРАЖА мажоритарной СУББОТА НА SHOWTIME®FROM Barclays Center в Бруклине

Джермалл Чарло Посылает заявление, чтобы в среднем весе дивизии с нокаутом Уго Сентено Jr.; ВИДЕО: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2vxBnDM

Gervonta Дэвис Reclaims 130 фунтов титул с техническим нокаутом Иисуса Куэльяром; ВИДЕО: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2vusWsW




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Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Janer Биджио / Мэйвезер Promotions

Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Ed Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment




Бруклин (Апреля 22, 2018) – Four-division world champion Адриен Broner и два-чемпион мира Джесси Варгас боролись с очень занимательной 12-раундовом большинство ничья в субботу вечером на SHOWTIME в главном событии SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС перед 13,964 вентиляторы в Barclays Center в Бруклине, в мероприятии, представленных Премьер бокса чемпионов.




Назад и вперед бой был рассказ о деятельности против. точность. Варгас был значительно более активным бойцом, метание 839 Всего ударов, 300 более, чем его противник. Тем не менее кричащий Broner был в высшей степени точным, подключения на 44 процентов его мощность выстрела и 38 процентов его общего объема ударов, по сравнению с только 27 и 24, соответственно, для Варгаса.




Broner (33-3-1, 24 КО) вышел на сильный во второй половине боя, собирание раундов восемь через 10 на всех трех судей’ системы показателей. The 12й раунд был решающим в определении жеребьевки, который был забит 115-113 Бронер и 114-114 дважды. Судьи согласились на восьмерку 12 раундов, но не смогли договориться о последнем туре, которая управлялась по-разному двумя судьями, которые набрали бой вничью.



“Я хочу поблагодарить Джесси Варгас. Он двукратный чемпион мира по причине,” Саид Broner, который работал в первый раз с Кевином Cunningham, как его главный тренер. “Он пришел, чтобы бороться, но в конце дня, Вы все знаете, что я избил его. Точка пустой, период.




“Я соединялся с правами. Я был разогрет в ранней части боя. Мой тренер был большой помощью сегодня. Я хочу поблагодарить тренер Каннингем, а также мой первоначальный тренер, Майк Стаффорд, для реализации мне нужно сделать что-то другое.




“Я хотел бы снова бороться Варгаса, но давайте вернемся в мой город, чтобы сделать это.”




Варгас (28-2-1, 10 КО) отрабатывали удар и был невероятно эффективным с его телом выстрелов в только его второй бой с тренером и экс-чемпион мира Майк “Тело Похититель” МакКаллум.




“Я думал, что я выиграл бой,” Варгас сказал. “В конце дня я не могу спорить, потому что я дрался на внутренней стороне кольца, так что я не знаю, что вы видели, с внешней стороны. Я был посадки чистых ударов. Это был хороший бой, но в конце дня я не могу оспорить решение.




“Он должен был рукопашный бой для судьи, чтобы забить его так, как они сделали. Я чувствовал, что я выиграл бой, и я был два тура. Я полагаюсь на судей, чтобы принять правильное решение.”




Бывший чемпион 154 фунтов Jermall Charlo направила заявление в среднем весе в со-главном событии, выбивания ранее некогда избитый соперник Уго Centeno младший. захватить временный титул WBC 160 фунтов. ВИДЕО:HTTPS://s.sho.com/2vxBnDM




Charlo теперь обязательная для Геннадия “GGG” Головкин и не уклоняться от вызова вне WBC, WBA и IBF в среднем весе World.




“Это было удивительное путешествие, чтобы получить здесь,” Саид Charlo, брат-близнец WBC 154 фунтов чемпиона Чарло. “Я двукратный чемпион мира. Принесите на «GGG.’ Я хочу, чтобы этот бой. Я 27-0 с 21 нокауты. Все это видит. Что я могу еще сказать?”




Charlo (27-0, 21 КО) доказал, что его власть переводит в среднее, как он нокаутировал свой второй соперник, так как отказ от своего титула и переезда 160 фунты. Хьюстон родной теперь выиграл через нокаут в пяти из шести поединков, так как первоначально становится чемпионом 2015. Серия снимков открыли огромный левый крюк в открытии минуте второго раунда, полы Centeno (26-2, 14 КО), который не смог обыграть 10-счет и отсчитал в :55.




“Все всегда избегал меня, и теперь, Вот как это будет,” Саид Charlo. “Вы видите, что вы получите.”




После боя, Centeno было известно об ошибках, которые привели к потере.




“Я думал, что я начал очень хорошо. Я хотел выйти на моем щите, но это был не мой день,” Centeno сказал. “Он поймал меня и получил нокаут. Я пытался работать мой удар. Я думал, что я получил его с парой хороших снимков, но я задержалась слишком долго в кармане, и я не получил вовремя.”




В первом бою телепередачи, Gervonta Дэвис стал двукратный чемпионом мира в эмпатической моде с третьим раундом технического нокаутом бывшего чемпиона Иисус Куэльяр чтобы захватить вакантный WBA 130 фунтов чемпионата мира. ВИДЕО: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2vusWsW




Непобедимый Дэвис (20-0, 19 КО), который потерял титул IBF 130 фунтов на весах в августе прошлого года, забил три нокдауна в течение менее трех раундов, чтобы выиграть свой второй титул в супер полулегком дивизионе. 23-летний на связи 49 процентов его мощности выстрелов в своем первом бою с новым тренером Кевин Каннингем.




“В андеркарте боя Мейвезер-McGregor, Я просто не был сфокусирован,” Дэвис сказал,. “Это был второй раз борется с карты Мэйуэзер так он попал мне в голову, и он показал. После боя, Я пошел домой и разговаривал с моей командой, и мы решили, что пришло время покинуть Балтимор. Я сосредоточен, и он показал, потому что я чемпион снова.




“Там всегда натыкается на дороге, когда вы хотите, чтобы стать успешным. Это все о том, как вы отскакивают назад и сегодня я показал, что я настоящий чемпион.”




Дэвис использовал комбинацию выстрелов тела, апперкотов и эффективное возмездие, чтобы сломать Куэльяр, бывший весе в 126 фунтов. Дэвис Балтимор сражен Куэльяр с ударом тела во втором туре и не смягчится оттуда. Левша напирал в третьем, назойливое Куэльяр против веревки и отправить его вниз, во второй раз с серией комбинаций. Куэльяр (28-3, 21 КО) встал, но в серьезные неприятности и рефери Benjy Эстевес вмешалась, чтобы остановить конкурс на 2:45 с аргентинским падают на холст в третий раз.




“План игры был боксировать немного и открыть его с некоторыми выстрелами,” Дэвис сказал,. “Когда пришло время, Я пошел вперед и поймал его с достаточным количеством выстрелов, чтобы вытащить его из.




“Я хочу IBF пояс назад, и я готов объединить его с теми, кто выигрывает [Tevin] Фермер против. [Билли] DIB бороться.”




На телепередаче субботу, было объявлено, что Эррол Спенс Jr. сделает вторую защиту своего чемпионата мира IBF в полусреднем против непобедимым обязательным претендентом Карлос Окампо июня 16 на SHOWTIME в возвращении на родину бой в Далласе.




Субботний tripleheader SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС повторит на Mondayat 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.


# # #




Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsиwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. ПБК был организован Corona, Ла Cerveza Мас Fina и способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, ДиБелла Развлечения и TGB Promotions.

Полулегком весе Гэри Рассел младший. Сражения непобедимого Вверх Претендент Joseph «JoJo’ Диас-младший. от MGM National Harbor в Мэриленде


Два основных события в прямой эфир на SHOWTIME

в Split-сайте Даблхедер субботу, Мая 19

Нелицеприятные 175-фунтовый весе Адонис Стивенсон

Защитить титул против двух-чемпион

Badou Джек Из Канады &

Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов

Билеты уже в продаже для MGM National Harbor Show

NATIONAL ПОРТ (Апреля 20, 2018) – будут представлены два захватывающих главные события в тот же вечер, Суббота, Мая 19 живет на SHOWTIME в рамках Даблхедера телепередачи сплита-сайте.




Полулегком чемпион мира Гэри Расселл-младший. будет защищать свой титул WBC против непобедимого обязательного претендента Иосиф “JoJo” Диас-младший. в субботу, Мая 19 в столкновении живут на SHOWTIME от MGM National Harbor в Мэриленде.




Другая половина разделенного сайта SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС телепередаче будут представлены WBC в полутяжелом весе чемпион мира Адонис Стивенсон защищать свой титул против два деления чемпиона мира Баду Джека в главном событии из Канады, представленного Премьер бокса чемпионов.




Билеты на шоу MGM National Harbor, который способствует TGB Promotions в ассоциации с Golden Boy Promotions,, уже в продаже и доступны по адресуHTTP://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




Рассел-младший. и Диас-младший. оба были сенсационные профессиональные и любительские карьеры, в том числе, представляющий U.S. на два разных Олимпийских играх – Рассел в 2008 и Диаз в 2012. Рассел отметил, что некоторые из самых быстрых рук в боксе, но будет проверен молодым, голодный соперник в его титуле первой мировой борьбе.




“Полулегкое разделение является одним из самых талантов, загруженных в боксе и Гари Рассел, Младший. находится во главе класса потрясающих боксеров в 126 фунты,” сказал Том Браун TGB Акции. “Джозеф Диас-младший. молодой, голодный и непобежденный, и он идет за титул, и он собирается бить Рассела перед его родном городе толпы, чтобы принять его. Он имеет задатки классики. Любители бокса будут настоящими победителями 19 мая.”



“SHOWTIME продолжает поставлять наиболее значимые и футуристические бой в боксе, неделя за неделей,” сказал Стивен Эспиноза, Президент, Спорт и программирование событий для SHOWTIME. “Мая 19, у нас есть два события, которые требуют топ-биллинг, с чемпионами мира сталкиваются с их жесткими соперниками в международном Даблхедере сплита-сайте. Гэри Рассел и JoJo Диас встретится в последнем, что стало де-факто полулегком турнир весной этого года на SHOWTIME. В течение следующих двух месяцев, SHOWTIME поставит четыре стержневые матчей с изображением трех чемпионов мира и семь консенсуса топ-10 Featherweights в мире. Адонис Стивенсон против. Badou Джек, безусловно, самый большой бой в полутяжелом весе в 2018, собратья 175-фунтовые чавкает, столкнувшись лицом в том, что имеет задатки прочного соперничества.”




29-летний Рассел (28-1, 17 КО), родился в Вашингтоне, D.C. и в настоящее время живет в Capitol Heights, Мэриленд, будет защищать свой титул перед родным городом толпа. Это будет вторым прямым боем Рассела в MGM National Harbor после его нокаута победы над Оскаром Escondon в своей первой защите титула там мае 20, и вторая защита в целом. Это был его третий раз подряд победу нокаутом в бою титул чемпиона мира, поскольку падение решение большинства Василию Ломаченко в его названии первой мировой выстрел в 2014.




Рассел, который тренирует его отец, Гэри, Старший, является частью семьи бокса. Двое из его младших братьев, Гэри Антонио и Гэри Antuanne, В настоящее время непобедимым профессионалов, также обучены их отец и будет бороться на андеркарте своего старшего брата мая 19.




“Я не вижу в этом будет долгой ночью,” Рассел сказал младший. “Если он безрассудно, это может закончиться рано. Я не планирую расстояние с кем я ступаю в кольцо с. Я знаю, что он в течение грубого пробуждения. Я не чувствую, что он имеет силу удара, скорость рук или кольцо IQ, чтобы сделать что-нибудь для меня. В конце дня он будет иметь возможность сказать, что он попал в кольцо с г-ном. Гэри Расселл, Младший.




“Это будет ранний подарок на день рождения для моего папы. В прошлом году я боролся с днем ​​рождения, Мая 20. Это довольно прохладно. Я люблю борьбу на MGM. Я люблю удобство. Я люблю, что все мои друзья и поклонники, и люди, которые сигналят на меня из своих автомобилей, когда я бегу может прыгать в своих автомобилях, а сесть на самолет, чтобы прийти и увидеть меня бороться.”




Диас-младший, который также тренирует его отец, Иосиф, Старший, был двукратный любитель национального чемпиона в дивизионе легчайшем. Он представлял U.S. на 2012 Олимпийские игры в Лондоне. Незамедлительно после, Диас-младший. подписал контракт с Golden Boy Promotions и начал звездную карьеру, которая принесла ему место на вершине полулегком разделения.




“Я рад, что они борются за мой первый титул чемпиона мира против лучшего 126 фунтов чемпиона мира,” сказал Диас-младший. “Я докажу всем, что я принадлежу на этом полулегком трон пришел 19 мая.”




“Я буду больше человек пришел бой ночью, и я сломаю его вниз физически и психически. Он просто лучше дать мне кредит, я заслуживаю, когда я бил его, а не винить его за то, что пассивность фактором в его потере.”





Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, TGBPromotions, @MGMNatlHarbor и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing иwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. Мероприятие спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Adrien Broner vs. Jessie Vargas Plus Jermall Charlo vs. Уго Centeno младший. & Гервонта Дэвис vs. Jesus Cuellar Final Press Conference Quotes & Фото

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader This Saturday, Апреля 21 от Barclays Center в Бруклине & Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов


Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME


Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Janer Bigio/

Мэйвезер Акции


Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Ed Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment


Бруклин (Апреля 19, 2018) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader, headlined by four-division champion Адриен Broner battling two-division champion Джесси Варгас, went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference in Brooklyn before they enter the ring this Saturday, Апреля 21 в Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™, в случае, представленном Премьер бокса чемпионов.





Live coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashing with once-beaten Уго Centeno, Младший. for the interim 160-pound world title and former champions Gervonta “Бак” Дэвис и Иисус Куэльяр as they square off for the vacant WBA 130-pound Super World Championship.





Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, ДиБелла Развлечения и TGB Promotions, начинаются $50 и могут быть приобретены наticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.





Also in attendance Thursday was popular local fighter and unbeaten contender Вереск “Тепло” Выносливый, который берет на себя Paola Torres in undercard action Saturday night.





Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn:


Адриен Broner






“Я просто готов к бою. I’m not worried about Jessie. This is a very important fight for my career. I know that Jessie trained hard to beat me. This is a win that could take either of us to the next level. I’m ready to fight right now and get after it.





When he stepped up and fought Tim Bradley and Manny Pacquiao, он потерял. I’m a four-time world champion so I don’t want to hear anything about my losses. Jessie Vargas is not as good as those guys I lost to.





I hope I get credit when I beat Jessie Vargas. I hope I get the credit I deserve. People want me to lose and go away, but guess what? I worked harder than ever for this fight. I’m not losing to Jessie Vargas. I’m a four-time world champion and soon to be five-time world champion this year.





I’m still one of the best fighters of this era. When I’m done with my career, I will be one of the best to ever lace up a pair of boxing gloves. I just can’t wait to give everyone something to remember on Saturday.





Being with Kevin Cunningham in camp changed a lot. It took a while to get used to it. This is the first camp I’ve done since I was kid with a new coach. There were no distractions down at camp. It was all work, no play.





I’m on a different level than him. Я докажу это в субботу. I don’t worry about any of the negativity that surrounds my name. I’m just ready to go put on a show.






I’m taking over this year. It all starts with Jessie Vargas on Saturday night. I’m going to be myself, и устроили отличное шоу.”







Everything in training camp has gone fantastically. Я не могу дождаться этого боя. This isn’t a game. I’m here to win and I plan to do that. This is going to be action.





I’ve seen the mistakes Broner has made in the past. I have to come out and worry about my performance though. I’m versatile and I’ll do what I have to do. We’re both former world champions but at the end of the day there will only be one winner, and It’s going to be me.





I think I have an advantage being the taller and stronger fighter. I’m a full grown welterweight. I’m ready for victory.





We both bring experience and we’re both talented guys. We are definitely going to give the fans entertainment on Saturday night. I’m in a great part of my career because I haven’t received that much punishment. I’m a two-division world champion for a reason.






My weight has been on point this camp. My nutritionist has done a great job and I’m going to be perfect on the scale tomorrow. My whole team has been perfect and it’s going to lead to the best Jessie Vargas you’ve ever seen on Saturday.






Saturday night is going to be a great show. It’s a great card and then main event will be all fireworks. Come out and enjoy a great night of boxing and see me get the win.







I’m looking to make a statement on Saturday night. I’ve been training hard since my last fight. I promised my fans something they’ll remember from this fight. You’ll have to wait and see.






Once you step in front of me, it’s a fight. I put my life on the line each time. I’m just looking forward to even bigger things that are in front of me. I’m giving the fans something special to take home from my performance.





“Я чувствую себя очень хорошо прямо сейчас. It was another one of those camps that I was able to start early and get in the gym early. I can do whatever you need to do in the ring. I’m ready to make this fight all fireworks.






I do a lot of good things in camp to make myself feel stronger. It was a little tough with the delay, but nothing that I couldn’t work through. I’m on weight right now this far out. I have a great team that’s helped me get there.






I’m focused on what I have going on. Hugo thinks I’m overlooking him but that’s not happening at all. I want to take him out and make a statement that I’m ready for the big names in the division.






We’re going to turn Brooklyn up. I want to really make a statement. No matter how I’m feeling throughout the fight, we’re going to make it rock.




I feel like I’m being overlooked. I haven’t been able to make myself a household name by being on these platforms. Come April 21, I’m going to make my name known.





The rib injury was tough to take at first. We were very close to the end, but once I resumed training, I was already in phenomenal condition. It took me to another level and now I’m in the best condition of my life.





I feel perfect right now heading into this fight. We had great sparring in camp and I’m ready to step into the ring.






Even just being in this position shows people that I’ve earned my way here. No one has handed me anything. This is one of the hardest divisions in the world and I’m here for a reason. Этот бой означает, что мир для меня. Это было 20 years of hard work coming together Saturday.





I know Charlo is coming to fight, and I’m definitely coming to fight. No matter what the strategy or style is, I’m going to be ready for whatever comes my way.





I expect him to come out strong. We know he’s looking for a knockout. But I think if he doesn’t have the opportunity, it will come down to who is the smarter fighter.








Saturday night you can expect an action packed fight. I know Cuellar is going to come to fight. I’m definitely coming to fight. I’m ready to pick up where I left off, as a champion again.






I had a lot of distractions last camp that led to me missing weight. From that day forward I was focused on getting back to a world title shot. I let people down when I lost the title on the scale, but now I’m more focused.






It was great being in camp in Florida instead of back home in Baltimore. This way it’s only boxing that I’m worried about each day. I’m eating right and really just 100 percent focused on boxing. It was a great move and it’ll show on Saturday.






I have the skills and the charisma to be at the top of the sport. I just need the right opponents, but I’m not going to rush it. I have to make smart decisions in this sport to get where I want. I want to continue to put on great performances.






I believe this fight is going to put me back on the map as one of the youngest rising stars in boxing. I believe I have the skills to do that.






I’ve been training so hard with Adrien in camp. We’ve been pushing each other and I just want to be able to look back at this fight and be able to say this was one of my best performances. I want to show that I have the skills and ability to take over the sport of boxing.


Иисус Куэльяр







I understand that Davis is a great opponent, but inside the ring, it will just be the two of us, going toe-to-toe. I know that it’s going to be a great fight.






This is going to be all action. Expect to see a war with me raising my hand at the end of the night. I’m going to do whatever it takes.






The plan is to go out there and win that belt. We’ve had great training and sparring to get us in this position. My coaches worked really hard to get me ready.






“Этот бой очень важен для меня. I want to become a two-division world champion and I have the chance I’ve waited for on Saturday night.






I think I made the right decision to take some time away from boxing. Now I’m back stronger than ever. I feel great and everyone will see that on Saturday night.






We have a game plan and we’re going to execute that. I’m going to be aggressive like I always am, but also show some new things that I’ve worked on.





“Я готов идти 12 раундов, если это необходимо, but If I have the opportunity early for a knockout, Я собираюсь взять его. I’m here to give it my all and win this fight, это так.”








There’s really nothing like fighting at home. As exciting as it was to be in the cage, this is like being in my backyard.






This is always a dream to box at Barclays Center and there’s nothing like being here in front of my people. I hope that my opponent trained hard because I’m ready to brawl.






I’m really excited to be back working on my boxing skills. I can’t wait to give my fans a great show. They know I always give it my all and leave it in the ring. I’m going to give my fans their money’s worth.


Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции







On Saturday night we have the biggest and baddest boxing card in the entire sport. It will be a great event right here in front of the passionate Brooklyn boxing fans.






The main event has the four-division champion Broner taking on the two-division champion Vargas, in a fight that means a great deal to both fighters.







Plus Jermall Charlo facing Hugo Centeno in a great middleweight fight to look to establish themselves as contenders in the star-studded middleweight class.






The opener of our telecast will have a rising superstar in boxing in Gervonta Davis, battling former world champion Jesus Cuellar in an entertaining world title fight. Это то, что бокс это все о. It’s big time boxing here in Brooklyn.


Лу ДиБелла, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment






This is a great fight card. That’s why tickets are selling. There are a lot of up-and-coming stars on this dais. It was put together to be great televised boxing, and that’s why we’ll have a full room on Saturday.






Barclays Center truly is the home of big-time boxing. This is the venue with the most dedication to a regular boxing program and you see that with the great fights coming here month after month.






This card is stacked from top to bottom. The off-television undercard is sensational and features a load of undefeated talent. Heather Hardy will make her return after two consecutive matches in the cage to step back into the ring on this show. We’re here to offer fans the best we can all night long.






The first televised bout of the night has Gervonta Davis, one of the rising young stars of the sport, going for his second world title. He’s fighting a former world champion in Jesus Cuellar, who’s an accomplished guy in his own right. Gervonta has his hands full, but he’s going to have a lot of fans up from Maryland supporting him Saturday.






There’s a lot of action and controversy in the middleweight division. Jermall Charlo might be the hardest puncher in that division. Him and his brother might be the most accomplished twins in the history of boxing already. He’s got a tough matchup because Hugo Centeno Jr. is also a terrific young fighter with power and great boxing ability. He has star potential if he can overcome this obstacle against Charlo.






Adrien Broner is a terrifically skilled boxer, who has star power and brings a lot of attention. You don’t have to be loved by everybody, you have to have people want to see you. A lot of people want to see Adrien Broner. They’re going to see him in a tough fighton Saturday night. Jessie Vargas is already a two-time world champion, who’s had a terrific career and will arguably be the bigger and stronger guy on Saturday. Adrien knows that everything is on the line on Saturday night.


Стивен Эспиноза, Президент спорт & Events Programming, Showtime Sports Inc.






SHOWTIME Boxing is in the midst of an unprecedented run. It has been meaningful fight after meaningful fight.






Back in January we made an unprecedented announcement of 11 events this first part of the year. I’m not sure any network has done that many events this year.






“Barclays Center, like SHOWTIME, has become home to the most meaningful fights in the sport. This isn’t happening by accident. This is an intentional strategy. It’s a plan to promote and elevate the sport and itsfighters to heights we haven’t seen before. We’ve put real effort into elevating this sport.






Saturday’s stacked card has three must-see matchups. These are star fighters versus star battles. There are no ‘no-namesin this. All six fighters here have headlined fights. These fights are as good as any card that I can remember.


BRETT YORMARK, генеральный директор Бруклин Спортс & Развлечения






I’m excited about Saturday night’s fights. It’s packed from top to bottom and should be a great night of BROOKLYN BOXING. It’s a great tripleheader and in many respects this defines Brooklyn boxing. Evenly matched fights, the biggest stars in the sport, some established and some on the rise. You have a bit of everything this weekend






We are so thrilled to have Heather Hardy back at Barclays Center on Saturday after a few fights in MMA. She’s a boxer and we can’t wait to have her here this weekend.






A big thank you for everyone who has helped establish BROOKLYN BOXING and been partners with us here in Brooklyn. Everyone involved continues to elevate the sport and we’re looking forward to seeing you on Saturday night. Tickets are moving and this could be one of the biggest fights we’ve ever had at Barclays Center.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions и www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Devin Haney vs. Mason Menard to Fight for USBA/IBF Lightweight Title on ShoBox: Новое поколение

ЛАС-ВЕГАС, Невада (Апреля 16, 2018)When undefeated lightweight sensation, Девин “Мечта” Хейни (18-0, 12 КО), делает его ShoBox: Новое поколение debut on Friday, Мая 11, 2018, против Мейсон Менар (33-2, 24 КО), the vacant USBA/IBF lightweight title will be on the line. The 10-round main event bout will air live on ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. ET / PT) от 2300 Арена в Филадельфии.

Хейни, кто сражается из Лас-Вегаса, Невада, is looking to become the youngest boxer to possess a world championship belt, and acquiring the vacant USBA/IBF title would get him one step closer to eventually fighting for the IBF World Championship.

Capturing the USBA lightweight title against a tough opponent like Mason Menard, у кого есть 35 бои под его поясом, will certainly inch me closer to fighting for the IBF championship crown,” сказал Девин Хейни, who captured the WBC Youth title in his 14й про бой. “This fight against Menard is very important to me and my brand. I want to show the world that I’m the next big star in boxing. A dominating win against Menard on SHOWTIME will give the fans a taste of what I’m all about.

Билеты на мероприятия, которую продвигает Greg Cohen Promotions, Девин Хейни Promotions & Жесткие удары Акции, по цене $125 для VIP, $75 для ринга и $50 для общего приема и доступны на 2300 Касса Арены или онлайн на www.HardHittingPromotions.com.

Former World Champion Raushee Warren & Top Prospect Fabian Maidana Compete in Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, Апреля 21 от Barclays Center в Бруклине

Stacked Night of Action Includes 2016 Olympians Gary Antuanne Russell & Ричардсон Хитчинс & Rising Prospects Chordale Booker, Georgia Arias, Desmond Jarmon & Dylan Price Entering the Ring

Бруклин (Апреля 16, 2018) – Former bantamweight world champion Raushee Warren и верхней перспективой Фабиан Майдана will step into the ring at Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™, в субботу, Апреля 21 in separate attractions as part of an exciting night of undercard fights.



The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by four-division champion Адриен Broner battling former welterweight world champion Джесси Варгас. The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashing with once-beaten Уго Centeno, Младший. for the interim 160-pound world title and former champions Gervonta “Бак” Дэвис и Иисус Куэльяр as they square off for the vacant WBA 130-pound Super World Championship.




Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, ДиБелла Развлечения и TGB Promotions, начинаются $50 и могут быть приобретены на ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.


Кроличий садок (15-2, 4 КО) will return to action in an eight round bantamweight fight against Juan Medina (10-2, 9 КО), в то время как Майдана (14-0, 10 КО) steps in for a 10-round super lightweight showdown against Hevinson Эррера (22-14-1, 16 КО). The undercard attractions also include popular local female contender Вереск “Тепло” Выносливый (20-0, 4 КО)as she competes in a featherweight contest against Mexico’s Paolo Torres (10-2-1, 3 КО).




The action inside the arena will also feature a pair of 2016 Olympians in separate six-round super lightweight attractions as U.S. Олимпиец Гэри Рассел Antuanne (4-0, 4 КО) enters the ring against Эндрю Роджерс (4-2-1, 2 КО) and Haitian Olympian Ричардсон Хитчинс (4-0, 2 КО) бои Alexander Charneco (4-4, 4 КО).




Brooklyn’s unbeaten Chordale Букер will step into the ring for a six-round super welterweight fight against Daniel Calzada while the Bronx’s undefeated heavyweight Джордж Ариас competes in an eight-round attraction against Тирелл Райт.



The action rounds out with unbeaten super featherweight Desmond Jarmon сражаясь Кендрик Latchman in a four-round showdown, беспроигрышная перспектива Shyngyskhan Tazhibay in a four-round welterweight contest against Джастин Сави (31-15-2, 21 КО) и непобежденным перспективы Дилан Прайс, который отвечает Edson Noria for a six-round super flyweight bout.




The 31-year-old Warren became a world champion in 2016 when he defeated Juan Carlos Payano to capture the WBA Bantamweight World Championship. The Cincinnati-native represented the U.S. three times at the Olympic games during a prolific amateur career and most recently defeated former champion McJoe Arroyo last July at Barclays Center. He returns to Brooklyn to face the 25-year-old Medina, who fights out of the Dominican Republic.




The brother of former welterweight champion Marcos Maidana, Fabian will look to remain unbeaten when he makes his 2018 debut on April 21. The 25-year-old from Santa Fe, Argentina most recently defeated former interim champion Johan Perez by unanimous decision last November in his first fight to go 10 раундов.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsиwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Jermall Charlo & Уго Centeno младший. Discuss Upcoming Showdown Saturday, Апреля 21 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Charlo & Centeno Battle for Interim WBC Middleweight Title

In Premier Boxing Champions Event

Бруклин (Апреля 13, 2018) – Undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo and once-beaten contender Уго Centeno младший. discussed their upcoming matchup before they step into the ring on Saturday, Апреля 21 for the WBC Interim Middleweight Title live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by a showdown between four-division world champion Адриен Broner и два-чемпион мира Джесси Варгас. ВЫСТАВКА ЧЕМПИОНАТА ПО БОКСУ® Телепередача начинается в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with former world champions Gervonta Дэвис и Иисус Куэльяр battling for the WBA 130-pound Super Featherweight World Championship.




Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, ДиБелла Развлечения и TGB Promotions, начинаются $50 и могут быть приобретены наticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




Charlo против. Centeno bout was moved from an original date of March 3 due to a Centeno rib injury, and now the rescheduled bout is just over a week away, with Centeno fully recovered from the ailment.




My ribs are fine,” said Centeno. “It was a minor injury, but there was no way I could have fought on our originally scheduled date when it happened. I feel great now though. It healed perfectly.




Centeno will now finally face Charlo, the former 154-pound champion and one half of the devastatingly powerful Charlo twins, along with his brother, current 154-pound champion Jermell. For Jermall, this fight is a chance to begin making his mark in a second division.




I want to send a message to the world that I’m going to dominate the 160-pound division, while my brother proves he’s the best 154-pounder on the planet,” Саид Charlo. “Once I get my shot, you will all see what I’m talking about. Уго Centeno младший. is just in the way of that process. After April 21, you’ll be able to see what I’m really made of.




As Centeno winds down training camp at Wild Card Boxing in Hollywood with head trainer Eric Brown, he has made sure to focus on what will happen April 21 instead of any pre-fight talk or hype.




I am just excited by this opportunity,” said Centeno. “Charlo can say whatever he wants. None of it is going to affect me. Апреля 21, it’s just me and him in that ring and anything can happen.




This has been another great camp for me, even with the injury hitch. I’m a night owl who likes to train at all hours. We go late into the night and I think that helps me on fight night.




Centeno put himself back into the ranks of middleweight contenders with a highlight reel knockout of Immanuwel Aleem last August. Charlo, однако, knows that he will pose a different set of problems for Centeno.




I’m not Immanuwel Aleem and I’ll let you all see that when April 21 gets here,” Саид Charlo. “It’s a whole different ball game when you get in there trying to trade with me. You better have power, so I hope he’s ready for it.




Charlo has been hard at work in his hometown of Houston, working with head trainer Ronnie Shields. With the extended training camp, Charlo has had time to improve on his already lethal arsenal.




I’m still improving as a fighter,” Саид Charlo. “I’ve gotten faster, sharper and I’m able to take more punches than I used to. I’ve been working hard to increase my punch output as well. Nobody can do what I’m doing in the ring.




Boxing is all about adjusting and that’s what I’m good at. That’s my best attribute and my team has worked with me so I can make that adjustment on fight night. We always go into the ring ready to fight a different fight than the time before.




With fight night nearing, both fighters are gearing up to head to Brooklyn with the hopes of announcing themselves as a danger in the 160-pound division on April 21.





I’ve fought on some big stages in my career, but nothing compares to this,” said Centeno. “This is my first title shot and I’m going to take full advantage. I’m not worried about Charlo or being the underdog or anything really. I know I have what it takes to win this fight.




Hugo is in the way of my process right now,” Саид Charlo. “I’ve got to go through him to get to my goal. We’ll see if he’s able to hold up against the power, speed and athleticism that I have. Если не, Я собираюсь сделать ему больно, real bad.



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Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.SHO.com/Sports, иwww.PremierBoxingChampions.com. Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @JVargasBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsи www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Jessie Vargas Las Vegas Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Former World Champion Battles Adrien Broner in Main Event Showdown Saturday, Апреля 21 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from John Gurzinsky/Mayweather Promotions


Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Лео Уилсон / Premier бокса чемпионов

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 12, 2018) – Два-чемпион мира Джесси Варгас hosted a media workout in Las Vegas Thursday as he prepares for his main event showdown against four-division world champion Адриен Broner в субботу, Апреля 21 живут на SHOWTIME из Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС.




The Premier Boxing Champions event will also feature unbeaten former champion Jermall Charlo и однажды избитый Уго Centeno младший. squaring-off for the WBC Interim 160-pound title. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with former world champions Gervonta Дэвис и Иисус Куэльяр battling for the WBA 130-pound Super Featherweight World Championship.




Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, ДиБелла Развлечения и TGB Promotions, начинаются $50 и могут быть приобретены на ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




В апреле 21 showdown against Broner will be Vargassecond fight being guided by head trainer and former three-division world champion Майк “The Bodysnatcher” МакКаллум.




Vargas conducted the media workout from Mayweather Boxing Club as he prepares for the pivotal matchup against Broner. Вот что Варгас, МакКаллум и генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции Леонард Эллерб had to say Thursday:






Adrien Broner and I are entertaining fighters who come in and give it our all. This is a fight that will have a lot of fireworks.




I brought in a nutritionist for camp who has done a great job informing me of some things that I’ve never done before in my career. I feel stronger and I’ve been finishing up this camp stronger than normal.




If he comes to fight me on the inside then that’s going to feed right into my game plan. Давай. If he wants to come and fight, then we’ll pick him apart bit by bit. We’re ready for any type of fight. Как только он почувствует мою силу, he’s going to back up and choose a better route.




I’m going to switch it up. I’m here to give the fans entertainment. Some moments I’ll go after him and some moments I’ll be the counter-puncher. It’ll be based off what he brings to the ring and we’ll take it from there.




If Broner feels that he’s going to perform better with coach Kevin Cunningham, then good for him. I want to face the best Adrien Broner. I don’t want any excuses after this. I’m looking forward to beating the best Broner possible on April 21.




Adrien is fast and explosive, but we’re prepared for it. I have those same skills too. We’ve had great sparring including Devin Haney and Phil Lo Greco just to name a couple. These guys have been able to elevate my skills.




I feel very fortunate that coach McCallum was able to take on the task of training me and I’m happy to be in my second fight with him. We feel like we’ve already accomplished so much in this relatively short amount of time we’ve been working together.




Coach McCallum is a tremendous trainer who’s been able to teach me some different techniques. Obviously he’s known as ‘The Bodysnatcher’, so we’ve worked on body shots, but he also knew how to maintain his distance and he emphasizes the mental game. He tells me how he saw every situation during a fight.




Throughout every round and every day coach is on top of me to make sure I’m feeling good and that my energy is at the right level. He tells me exactly what I need and it’s gotten me here and in the best shape of my career.




This is a fight that should garner a lot of attention from boxing fans. They deserve a fight like this. It’s two guys coming in at the top of their game and only one of us can take this step forward in our career.




I’m planning on having my hand-raised in victory. I’ve worked hard in camp so that I can go out there and prove to everyone that I’m a threat to any fighter out there.


MIKE MCCALLUM, Варгас’ Тренер





We picked up where we left off from Jessie’s last fight in December. He has all the tools he needs, I’m just here to make sure he knows how and when to use them in the ring.




Everybody knows Broner is a good fighter. It’s going to be an exciting matchup because Jessie is in shape and ready to go.




We’re ready to fight any kind of style that will beat Broner. We know we’re going to have to box, if he has to do it for 12 раундов, Jessie will be ready. Once they get in close, Jessie has a good punch too and that might surprise Broner.


Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции




This is the best card in the sport right now. The main event is a sensational bout. Это 50-50 борьба. Both guys need to win this. In Jessie’s case, this win will elevate him with the other elite welterweights that are out there.




“Это огромный бой. It’s a great fight for the fans and we’re very proud to be helping promote this event. It’s going to be a great night and thrilling main event.


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Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.SHO.com/Sports, and www.PremierBoxingChampions.com. Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @JVargasBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsи www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.


Red Hot 154-pound Division Continues to Sizzle With Undefeated World Champion Jermell Charlo Defending His Title Against Former World Champion Austin Trout Saturday, Июнь 9 Прямой эфир в SHOWTIME из центра STAPLES в Лос-Анджелесе


Лев Санта-Крус & Abner Mares Battle in World Title Rematch in the Main Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions


ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Апреля 11, 2018) – The 154-pound division continues to heat up as undefeated world champion Jermell Charlo defends his belt against former world champion Остин “Без Сомнения” Форель Суббота, Июнь 9 in a 12-round showdown live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.





The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by WBA Super World Featherweight World Champion Лев Санта-Крус battling WBA Regular Featherweight World Champion Авенир Mares in an anticipated world title rematch.





Билеты на турнире, которая способствует Ringstar спорта и TGB Promotions, начинаются в $50, плюс применимые сборы, and are on sale now To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click ВОТ.





Super welterweight is one of the deepest and most ferociously contested divisions in boxing with unified champion Jarrett Hurd and Charlo on a collision course for supremacy in the weight class. Virtually all of the most significant fights in the division are taking place in 2018 на SHOWTIME, with the three consensus best fighters, and at least five of the consensus top-10, facing off in what has become an unofficial tournament.





Charlo (30-0, 15 КО) has blasted his way to the top of the division, having stopped four of his last opponents by knockout. The 27-year-old from Houston won the title with a knockout victory over John Jackson in 2016. Since then he has successfully defended it twice, including scoring a devastating first round knockout victory over top contender Erickson Lubin in his last fight in October and a Knockout of the Year contender against Charles Hatley in April. Charlo and his twin brother, Jermall, were the only twin brothers to hold world titles in the same weight class simultaneously before Jermall relinquished his 154-pound championship to campaign at 160 фунты.








Trout is no journeyman. He’s a former world champion, someone who has a name and he comes to fight. The name means he’s worthy of another title challenge,” Саид Charlo. “Trout is the man that has been chosen for me and I have to take care of him. I’m super excited to be fighting and defending my title again.






The only thing I’m going to tell you about what I’m going to do against Trout is, I’m going to surprise you guys. I plan to show my skills and show why I’m the best at 154 фунты. The most important thing is to make my mark and claim my territory.





The 32-year-old Trout (31-4, 17 КО) is one of most accomplished boxers in the 154-pound division, having stepped into the ring against champions like Miguel Cotto, Саул “Канело” Альварес, Эрисланди Лара, Jermall Charlo and Jarrett Hurd. Representing Las Cruces, Нью-Мексико, he won the super welterweight title with a unanimous decision victory over Rigoberto Alvarez in 2011. He successfully defended the title four times, including a victory over Cotto, before losing the championship to Alvarez in 2013 and a decision to Lara eight months later.





After winning four straight, Trout stepped in for a world championship against Jermall Charlo but lost a close unanimous decision in 2016, although he is the only person to go the distance with Jermall since 2015. Last October he took on Hurd for the title, but lost via 10й раунде техническим нокаутом – the first time in his career that he’d ever been stopped. Trout is coming off a unanimous decision victory over Juan De Angel on Feb. 17.






“Я более чем взволнованы. I’m happy because I’m still a threat in this game,” сказал Траут. “People can write me off all they want. Even when I was a champion people wrote me off. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. I’m approaching it is as my last opportunity. Everybody is counting me out and I’m hoping he is too. I’m going to shock him and the world.





I feel like I’ve done this before because I fought his brother. Jermell uses more of his skills where Jermall uses more of his brute strength. I fought the bigger one and I fought Hurd who was like his bigger brother. Now I get to fight someone who is closer to my size.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comи www.staplescenter.comследовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по адресуwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Адриен Broner & Gervonta Davis Exclusive Training Camp Quotes & Фото



Broner & Davis Talk Training Camp, Upcoming Matchups & More Ahead of Saturday, Апреля 21 Showdowns Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME

WEST PALM BEACH, Флорида (Апреля 11, 2018) – Four-division world champion Адриен Broner and unbeaten former champion Gervonta “Бак” Дэвис shared updates from their training camp in West Palm Beach, Florida as they prepare for their respective showdowns on Saturday, Апреля 21 живут на SHOWTIME из Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Адриен Broner battling former welterweight world champion Джесси Варгас в схватке из 12 раундов. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и особенности Дэвис встреча Иисус Куэльяр as they square off for the WBA 130-pound Super Featherweight World Championship plus undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashing with once-beaten Уго Centeno младший. for the interim 160-pound world title.




Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, ДиБелла Развлечения и TGB Promotions, начинаются $50 и могут быть приобретены на ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




Broner and Davis are sharing camp in West Palm Beach for the first time under the guidance of head trainer Kevin Cunningham, a former St. Louis police officer who has worked with former world champions Devon Alexander and Cory Spinks.




Вот какие бойцы, plus coach Cunningham, had to say about camp, Апреля 21 и более:


Адриен Broner

On changing trainers

I felt like it was time to change. I hear people say, ‘You are expected to change but you don’t, that’s why you end up in the same spots over and over’. Так, I have to change something to get a different result. That’s why I had to step outside of the box and go for it.




I had to change things. I had to add to my repertoire because I’m getting all that I can do out of what I’m doing but I keep coming up short for these fights that I’m supposed to be winning. Так, it was time for a change.




Looking back at all of my defeats, the only real punishment that I’ve taken in this sport was against [Маркос] Maidana-I got a fractured jaw. In the Shawn Porter fight, he outwrestled me and in the Mikey [Гарсия] борьба, he just outworked me. Так, it’s time to add to my team and that’s why I got coach Kevin Cunningham. He’s going to bring out the best of Adrien Broner.


On why he chose Kevin Cunningham?

I’ve known Coach Cunningham since my amateur days. We used to go up to St. Louis all the time and fight in his tournaments, on his shows. I have even fought for St. Louis in the Ringside Tournament. Это было большой опыт.






I’ve known Coach Cunningham for a long time. He is the real deal He is not going to B.S. мне. He’s going to keep me on my toes. I need that.





There are coaches that change when their fighters get to certain levels. They still coach, but they don’t provide the structure the fighter needs. When I was fighting at 130, 135, Coach Mike [Стаффорд] will be at my door yelling ‘Get your butt up. We have to run. We have to train. Get up! Get up!’ But time went by and things changed.






Coach Mike stopped being a coach and started being more of a friend. I needed him to keep being my coach. I need someone to keep me in line. Не поймите меня неправильно, he’ll always be like a father figure but when it comes to training and my career. I needed a change.


На сборах…

I’m very happy with this camp. It’s just what I needed. I’m catching up with sleep, eating well. The isolated training is really good. I love everything about this camp.






Training in isolation is really good for me. I told everybody that they were not coming to Florida with me, that I will see them all after the fight and that if they really love me they will understand the situation and they will be cool with it.





I actually did a camp with Coach Kevin before when Devon Alexander fought Timothy Bradley. And I’ve seen the way he is. We had our arguments and he cussed me out almost every day, but I was just missing the structure and that’s what I need.


On how he felt after losing to Mikey Garcia

I was upset. В конце концов,, nobody fixes my problems but me. I can take care of everybody when they have a problem, but nobody fixes my problems. There are one or two people that are there for me but at the end of the day, I told myself I have to get my life and career together.


Reflecting on his career

I started my career young. I won titles in four weight classes. I’ve accomplished a lot and there’s still more to come. I got a lot of fighting left to do.



On why he decided to do training camp with Kevin Cunningham

I was actually going to go to Colorado to train, but Adrien invited me to come down here to West Palm Beach to check out the camp. He said I should come to Florida to train with him and Kevin. So I came down, I saw Kevin’s routine and I really liked it.





There were a lot of distractions in Baltimore and I think they were a problem for me. I needed to straighten my head and focus on the things I have to work on. It was time to set my camp somewhere else.





I needed a change after my last fight. I let myself down. I learned to be a different fighter, more responsible. I let others down, but think I let myself down more than anything.

On becoming one of the youngest champions in boxing

I was one of the youngest world champions in boxing. It is not that I was not prepared for it. I was just so young and it happened so quickly. I had to adapt to it. Live up to the hype. It was hard.


По его противника, Иисус Куэльяр…

I’m not really into researching my opponents-or other fighters other than the ones that I like. I just train hard and fight who is in front of me. I know a little bit about him [Иисус Куэльяр]. I know that he can hit, that he’s not going to back down and that he’s a tough opponent. I believe he’s my toughest opponent to date. Апреля 21, we will see if he is ready. I know for sure I will be.

On life in training camp when not at the gym
We have a big house that the coach provided for us. We all live together-Adrien and I. We go swimming and to the movies. We just chill. We are being responsible. No South Beach, no clubbing. Just training hard.

On his relationship with Adrien Broner

What people don’t know is that I’ve been around Adrien since I was younger. I looked up to him. When Adrien came on the scene, he was super sharp and fast. I remember him. He used to come to the amateur tournaments.





Adrien is like a big brother to me. We are just like a little brother, старший брат. We are very competitive. We do not say it but we always want to outdo each other. Например, I usually run faster than he does, but sometimes he beats me. Yesterday he ran so fast I could not catch him. So today, I took the lead and ran even faster. We push each other to our best.

On his plans for the future

I want to win more belts. I want to become a big star in boxing. I am going to put my work in the gym, put on a great performance in the ring and get back on track to become a world champion again.





Being a world champion again is just a step closer towards my goal: I want to be a pay-per-view star. I want to be able to fight on pay-per-view against the big fighters and do big numbers.



On his relationship with Adrien Broner

I’ve known Adrian Broner for a very long time. I think I’ve known him since he was like eight years old and 60 фунты. He’s always been an extremely talented fighter. When he was a kid he was one of the most talented kids. He has always had boatloads of talent.


On Broner’s shortcomings as a fighter

I think sometimes, he could be a little more focused and have a little more discipline in a lot of the different things he’s doing. I think he’s trying to turn the corner and get things moving in the right direction.


On what caused Broner to come up short in recent big fights at higher weights

There are several things that could cause him to lose focus and come up a little short in some of the major fights. Some of it is the focus but there needs to be a little more discipline in terms of the training aspect and more structure. I think that’s what we’re working on here.


On what he can do to improve Broner’s game

I think coming over here with me, he’s finding a lot more structure in the training aspect. It’s a totally different training program that I have him doing. I think that he’s ready for some new leadership. He’s ready to be a little more disciplined in his profession and I think it’s going to show on the 21st.


On why this time will be different

I’ve heard from him like everybody has, but this time Broner really has done everything possible to rectify the situations that needed to be straightened out to help him propel his career and get back moving in the right directionand it’s not just his boxing career; it’s also as a personhis personal lifeand I’m here to help him out with that. He’s really working hard to get it right this time.


On his history and background as a trainer and how it applies here

I’m known to be a stern and disciplined trainer, тренер, and teacher. I’ve got a military and police background, so I don’t play a lot of games. We’re serious and we’re about business. When Broner made the decision to come with me, I knew that he was ready to take his career seriously because he knows what it’s like being here with me. He has to be about business, he has to be serious, and he has to be focused and disciplined. He made the choice to have me take over his training and take the lead as his head trainer and that’s what he’s getting when he’s dealing with me.


On how he and Broner came together

A couple of weeks after the Mikey Garcia fight, he called me and he told me he was thinking about making some changes and that he wanted me to consider being his guide and taking the lead as head trainer. He asked me what I thought about that and I said, ‘You know what you’re getting when you come to me and if you’re going to be serious and focused about this, I’ll give you all I’ve got.And he said, ‘I’m serious.We started training together before camp started and I just saw a different look in his eyes. Ever since camp started he’s been nothing but hard work, преданность, and focus.


On if he had any fears about their partnership

I told him upfront what I expected and what we needed to do and how things had to go. I told him that if he wasn’t ready to adhere to what I’m expecting, he shouldn’t waste his time or mine. He has done everything I’ve asked of him. Everything and more. He’s going to show that he’s ready to get himself together. He’s going to show the world onApril 21 that he’s rededicated himself, he’s ready to reclaim the thrown.


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Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.SHO.com/Sports, и www.PremierBoxingChampions.com. Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @JVargasBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsи www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Лео Санта-Крус vs. Авенир Mares 2 Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Фото

Featherweight World Champions Battle Saturday, Июнь 9 In World Title Rematch Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Скотт Хирано / SHOWTIME

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Апреля 10, 2018) – Featherweight world champions Лев Санта-Крус и Авенир Mares met face to face at a press conference in downtown Los AngelesTuesday and discussed their world championship rematch taking place Saturday, Июнь 9 прямая трансляция SHOWTIME из центра STAPLES в Лос-Анджелесе на мероприятии, организованном Premier Boxing Champions.





Santa Cruz and Mares first battled in August 2015 at STAPLES Center with Santa Cruz earning the majority decision and a vacant featherweight title. Сейчас, Санта-Крус поставит свой титул WBA в суперлегком весе на карту против чемпиона мира WBA в регулярном полулегком весе Мареса..





Билеты на турнире, которая способствует Ringstar спорта и TGB Promotions, начинаются в $50, плюс применимые сборы, and are on sale now To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click ВОТ.





Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday at the open to the public press conference from STAPLES Center in Star Plaza in Los Angeles:


Лео Санта Крус





It was a really close fight the first time. Before the fight, I told him I would give him the rematch, just like I would have wanted if I lost. Now is the time and I think this fight is going to be even better than the first fight. Mares will be better with Robert Garcia. He has many champions and I’ve seen the improvement. That’s great motivation for me.





I know he’s going to seek revenge, but I’m not going to let that happen. My dad is a smart man too and he always knows how to send me to the ring with the right style.





When two Mexicans get in there, you know it’s going to be a war. I hope everyone comes out June 9 because it’s going to be a fight to remember.





“Каждый шаг по времени я в кольцо, I do it for the fans. If it weren’t for them, Я бы здесь не было. I always want the fans to go home happy. I want to give the fans a great show onJune 9 just like in the first fight.





I think that Abner is going to be a little smarter than the first fight. He said in the first fight he didn’t train for the right fight. I know Robert Garcia will have him bring a smarter fight. We’ll be able to adjust and do what we have to do to win this one.





I have to make some little changes. There will be adjustments. We have to be prepared to box. I’ll listen to what my dad tells me to do. We’ll know early and take it from there. I know how to fight different styles, but brawling is what the fans love. I’m going to do that while still being smart in the ring.





This fight is dedicated to my dad as he battles cancer. The only way I can pay him back or try to lift his spirits is to train hard in the gym and give him this win. If he sees me not giving up, I think it will give him the courage to keep fighting his battle.





It was hard after the loss to Carl Frampton. I got a lot of fan support that inspired me to get back to training and win my title in the rematch. My plan was to retire undefeated, but at the end of the day, the loss means nothing. As long as I give the fans great fights, that’s all that matters.


Авенир Mares





This is going to be another great one. Leo Santa Cruz is a great person and a humble guy. You have to be the bad guy against Leo. I could talk about what I’m going to do in the ring, but my fists and my brain will do the work for me.





“Как только мы получим в кольце, you already know what it’s going to be. It was war from the first bell last time. Nothing could stop either of us. We pleased the fans and gave them a great night. This is going to be the same thing. We’re two young fighters, fighting for pride.





The fight is here now and it’s official. I’m eager to get this win and get redemption. There were things I could have done that would have made the fight easier for myself. Once you get in there, I know we all have a plan, but once you hear the crowd, it can go out the window. I’m a warrior and that type of fighter who’s looking to get the win no matter what.





I’m not worried about the decision in the first fight. I think he landed the clearer punches but it was definitely a close fight. I was happy with my performance as far as pleasing the crowd. I’ve moved on to the rematch. I’m going to make adjustments and get the win.





I can talk about how I’ve changed, but you just need to look at my last two performances. People thought Jesus Cuellar was going to knock me out, but I was the one who dropped him That lets you know what type of team I have and what kind of Abner Mares you will see on June 9.





It feels good to be back fighting Leo for the second time at STAPLES Center. Every time I fight here in Los Angeles the people show me love. This is my hometown and STAPLES Center is my house.





I’ve always seen holes in Leo’s game that I can take advantage of. It’s a matter of going in there with the perfect game plan. I feel like there’s no way I can lose this fight. That makes it a more exciting fight. If he wants to box, I’m more natural than him doing that. We’ll see who’s done their homework and who can translate it to the ring.


ХОСЕ SANTA CRUZ, Отец Санта Круса & Тренер






My fight with cancer is the toughest one of all. But I’m fighting very hard and I’m not going anywhere. I’m right there by Leo’s side all the way for this fight.





For the first fight for Frampton, I had to try to prepare Leo from a distance. This fight is different because I’m right there every step of the way. I’m telling him what to do and guide him every day.





I think Leo is even more prepared this time than for the first fight with Mares. Leo is doing great mentally because he’s such a brave kid. I tell him not to worry about me and to keep working hard. He seems really motivated right now. He knows he’s doing well.





Right now we’re working on maintaining speed, being smart and not looking for too much of a clash of a fight. I know Leo can win with his speed and his brain. He’s learning and growing as a fighter. I think Mares has reached his peak. Роберт Гарсия великий тренер, but at a certain point, there’s nothing the fighter can do to surprise anyone.


Роберт Гарсия, Матери’ Тренер





I was there live for the first fight and it was a great matchup. I knew then that Abner was much better than the fight he gave that night. He left the fans happy, which is all that matters to him. But with me in the corner, it should be a different fight.





I think the fans have seen what we’ve done with Abner for his last two fights and they know that it’s going to lead to a totally different outcome in this fight.





Abner tried to blitz Leo from the first bell and he knows that was a mistake. Leo is a tremendous fighter and you can never count Leo out. He takes a great punch and throws a lot. I think working with me for three years now will work out in Abner’s favor.






Leo always goes out and pleases the crowd. That’s what he loves to do. It’s my job to get Abner to fight smart and not focus on the crowd. He has to focus on what I’m telling him. I’ll do what I have to to make sure he is.






We’ve been training already for a little over a month. Sparring will start next week. Having Abner in the gym, we’ve taken his strength and conditioning to a level where he’s really doing the right work. He’s giving me good work each day so I know he’s focused.


Ричард Шафер, Председатель & Генеральный директор Ringstar спорта





This is one of the most anticipated fights of the sport. It’s a rematch we’ve all been waiting for between great warriors in Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares.






STAPLES Center has a rich tradition of bringing the best and biggest fights in Los Angeles here to this fantastic venue. STAPLES Center always seems to bring out the best in fighters as they fight under the brightest lights.






Week after week we are witnessing great battles and great matchups on SHOWTIME. Every week is another ‘Fight of the Year’. They are pushing the best to fight the best and that is what we are going to see with these two great fighters on June 9 in Los Angles.






We all witnessed the great first fight. На 2,000 punches were thrown between these two fighters. It’s impossible when you have Leo and Abner in the ring to see a boring fight. We are going to have the pleasure of seeing these two guys going again. Еще раз, it’s a 50-50 борьба. We don’t know who’s going to win, but we do know it will be all action here at STAPLES Center.






Abner is a tremendous fighter inside of the ring and one of the most decorated fighters in recent history to come out of Mexico, but he’s equally impressive outside of the ring. He has a fantastic family and is truly one of the good guys in the sport of boxing.






I’ve known Leo and his family for a long time and have been involved in many of his fights. He is truly, just like Abner, a family man who just so happens to be one of the best fighters in the world. He’s certainly one of the most exciting fighters in the world and it’s my pleasure to be able to watch him fight again on June 9.


Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции





This is going to be an incredible night. Los Angeles has always been a great fight town going back more than a hundred years. Any time you put two Mexican warriors together like this, you can’t help but get another great fight night in Los Angeles.





In the first fight, Santa Cruz won an incredibly hard fought decision over Mares. From the opening bell they blasted away at each other, the crowd went wild and there was an all-out brawl underway for 12 grueling rounds.






The last fight with this kind of significance in Los Angeles was when Bobby Chacon stopped Danny ‘Little RedLopez in a now legendary featherweight fight in 1974. They fought for the mythical city championship on that night. While there are world titles on the line in this fight, I also know that these fighters have a lot of pride in Los Angeles and they’ll be fighting for the championship of this city on June 9.





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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comи www.staplescenter.comследовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по адресуwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.