بایگانی برچسب: پی اس

قهرمان شکستن وزن میانه وزنه برداری CHRISTINA HAMMER CAMP TRAINING CAMP

چکش قهرمان وزنه متوسط ​​WBO روز شنبه در مسابقات قهرمانی بدون مناقشه میان وزن قهرمان هم وزن کلاچسا شیلدز, آوریل 13 زندگی در SHOWTIME® از تالار بورد واک در آتلانتیک سیتی

کلیک کنید اینجا برای فیلم از تبلیغات سالیتا

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (آوریل 5, 2019) – قبل از اینکه او پنجشنبه برای آخرین قسمت از اردوی آموزشی خود به نیویورک برسد, WBO میان قهرمان جهان کریستینا چکشینظرات خود را در مورد مسابقه خود برای مسابقات بدون مناقشه وزن متوسط ​​در برابر WBA به اشتراک گذاشت, WBC و IBF قهرمان وزن متوسط کلارسا شیلدس شنبه آوریل 13 در SHOWTIME از تالار پیاده روی در آتلانتیک سیتی زندگی کنید, N.J.

آلمان از همان زمان قهرمانی وزن متوسط ​​را به دست آورد 2010, چندین بار از آن دفاع کرد ، از جمله در ایالات متحده. اولین حضور در ژوئن گذشته در SHOWTIME که در آن او توری نلسون را شکست داد. حالا او به دنبال این است که نام خود را در کتابهای تاریخ در این مسابقه برابر Shields که بسیاری آن را مهمترین مبارزه در تاریخ بوکس زنان می خوانند ، مهر کند..

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات Salita ترویج, در قیمت $150, $100, $55 و $35 و می توان از طریق Ticketmaster و در خریداری کردboardwalkhall.com.

در اینجا نکات برجسته ای از گفته های Hammer وجود دارد که ما هفته مبارزه برای این واقعه تاریخی را می گذرانیم:

چقدر از جنگ در ایالات متحده هیجان زده اید?

کریستینا چکشی: “من واقعاً از این موضوع هیجان زده ام زیرا این یک مبارزه بسیار بزرگ است. من نمی توانم صبر کنم تا به آنجا بروم, وارد رینگ شوید و عملکرد فوق العاده ای داشته باشید.”

این مبارزه چه معنایی برای شما دارد?

CH: “این بزرگترین جنگ زنان در طول تاریخ خواهد بود. ما هر دو قهرمان هستید, او مدال طلای المپیک و سایر افتخارات را دارد, بنابراین با تمام آن ترکیب شده است, این یک تغییر دهنده برای ورزش ما خواهد بود.”

برای برنده شدن چه کاری باید انجام دهید?

CH: “من یک قهرمان طولانی مدت هستم و می دانم در رینگ چه کار کنم. من می دانم که من توانایی ضرب و شتم او را دارم. من کار پا عالی دارم و هدف من ضرب و شتم بد او است.”

نظر شما درباره کلارسا در داخل و خارج حلقه چیست?

CH: “Claressa بدیهی است که با بازگشت به المپیک کارهای زیادی انجام داده است. این یک گام بزرگ برای او است و من فکر می کنم این یک چالش برای او خواهد بود. به عنوان یک شخص, او فقط حریف من است, این همه است.”

آیا می توانید سبک جنگ خود و آنچه هواداران در ماه آوریل انتظار دارند را توصیف کنید 13?

CH: “من برای تقسیم بندی خودم قد بلند هستم بنابراین از دسترسی خود استفاده می کنم. من از پا و تکنیک و قدرت عالی برخوردار هستم و می خواهم همه آن مهارت ها را به نمایش بگذارم. من قصد دارم نشان دهم که کریستینا هامر یک قهرمان بزرگ است. من دوست دارم با حریفم بازی کنم, و وقتی که لحظه مناسب است, من او را ضرب و شتم.”

آیا می توانید در مورد تجربیات خود به عنوان یک مدل مد صحبت کنید و اینکه چرا این مسئله برای شما مهم است?

CH: “من مدلینگ را دوست دارم زیرا قسمت دیگری از من است. می توانید زنانه و ورزشکار باشید. من اولین شلیک خود را سه سال پیش انجام دادم و هرگز چنین کاری نکرده ام. من هم آنجا روی مهارتهایم کار کرده ام.

“مدل بودن کار ساده ای است, این فقط به من اعتماد به نفس می دهد. مبارز بودن سخت است. شما باید همه چیز را بدهید, چون در حلقه نمی توانی فرار کنی. شما باید بجنگید و کسی را شکست دهید.”

آیا شما همیشه می خواهید در یک ورزش دیگر شرکت کنید؟?

CH: “نمی دانم. بوکس برای من بهترین ورزش است. این علاقه من است. من همه چیز را به این ورزش می دهم و آرزوی من این است كه در آمریكا موفق باشم.”

آیا در تاریخ بوکس کسی وجود دارد که دوست داشته باشید با آن مبارزه کنید?

CH: “لیلا علی یک قهرمان بزرگ بود و اگر با او می جنگیدم یک جنگ عالی بود.”

آیا بوکس بانوان را به عنوان یک ورزش در حال افزایش می بینید?

CH: “بله, واقعاً در سالهای اخیر رشد کرده است. در سیستم عامل های بزرگ دعواهای بیشتری برای ما وجود دارد و من فکر می کنم این فقط شروع است.”

آیا شما به زنان دیگر توصیه می کنید که بوکس کنند?

CH: “بوکس یک ورزش عالی است. شما به تکنیک نیاز دارید, هوشی و احساس اعتماد به نفس بیشتری در شما ایجاد می کند. اگر اتفاقی بیفتد, شما می توانید از خود مراقبت کنید. این بهترین تمرین است و من آن را به همه پیشنهاد می کنم.”

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درباره SHIELDS در مقابل. چکش
سپر در مقابل. چکش در نبردی برای تاج گذاری قهرمان بلامنازع 160 پوندی جهان ، قهرمانان جهان بدون شکست وزن جهان ، Claressa Shields و Christina Hammer را مقابل هم قرار می دهد, در آنچه مهمترین رویداد بوکس زنان در تاریخ است. این ویژگی مشترک باعث خواهد شد تا جرمین فرانکلین در یک مسابقه هیجان انگیز 10 دور سنگین وزن و در افتتاحیه تلویزیونی به مصاف ریدل بوکر برود., اوتو والین و نیک کیسنر در یک مسابقه 10 دوره به مصاف هم می روند. وقت نمایش بوکس: سه گانه SPECIAL EDITION در SHOWTIME در ساعت پخش مستقیم می شود 9 p.m. ET / PT از سالن Boardwalk در آتلانتیک سیتی, N.J.

SHIELDS قهرمان میانه وزن CLARESSA SHIELDS MIAMI MEDIA WORKOUT نقل قول ها و عکس ها

"کریستینا نمی داند چه چیزی برای او پیش می آید. من می خواهم آن چکش را از وسط نصف کنم " – سپر

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از خوزه پینیرو / SHOWTIME

WBC, WBA & كلارسا شیلدز قهرمان وزن متوسط ​​IBF خود را برای مسابقه بدون مسابقه قهرمانی وزن متوسط ​​در برابر كریستینا چكر آماده می كند شنبه, آوریل 13 زندگی در SHOWTIME®

از تالار بورد واک در آتلانتیک سیتی


کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس از خوزه پینیرو / SHOWTIME


MIAMI(آوریل 4, 2019) – WBA, قهرمان جهانی WBC و IBF در وزن متوسطکلارسا شیلدسمیزبان یک تمرین رسانه ای در 5هفتم ورزشگاه خیابانی در میامی روز پنجشنبه در حالی که نزدیک به مسابقه خود در برابر قهرمان جهانی WBO در وزن متوسط ​​استکریستینا چکشی برای مسابقات جهانی بلامنازع میان وزن شنبه آوریل 13 در SHOWTIME از تالار پیاده روی در آتلانتیک سیتی زندگی کنید, N.J.

دو بار مدال طلای المپیک سپر و چکش شکست ناپذیر به دنبال تبدیل شدن به ششمین مبارز تاریخ خواهد بود که هر چهار عنوان اصلی جهان را در رویداد اصلی یک BOXING SHOWTIME متحد می کند.: ویرایش ویژه (9 p.m. ET / PT).

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات Salita ترویج, در قیمت $150, $100, $55 و $35 و می توان از طریق Ticketmaster و در خریداری کردboardwalkhall.com.

شیلدز هفته گذشته در فلوریدا با مربی خود جان دیوید جکسون در حال آموزش است, پس از گذراندن پنج هفته قبلی در ایالات متحده. مرکز آموزش المپیک در کلرادو. این چیزی است که پنج شنبه شیلدز برای گفتن داشت:

کلارسا شیلدس

"کریستینا نمی داند چه چیزی برای او پیش می آید. من قصد دارم آن چکش را از وسط نصف کنم.

"وقتی ما آنجا هستیم, این در مورد کسی است که مشت محکم تری می زند. این یک مبارزه واقعی است. فقط به این دلیل که او قد دارد, به این معنی نیست که او تصمیم می گیرد چه اتفاقی بیفتد. او مجبور خواهد شد کارهای زیادی انجام دهد تا مرا از خود دور کند.

"من دو مدال طلای المپیک دارم, سه کمربند و بیشتر در آینده است. من همه عناوین را آخر شب در ماه آوریل خواهم داشت 13.

"سخت کار می کنم, واقعا سخت. اگر من یک مرد بودم, من احتمالاً یکی از معروف ترین بوکسورهای آنجا هستم. یک شکاف جنسیتی وجود دارد. همه ما آن را می دانیم. من در حال تلاش برای تغییر آن هستم. ما سخت کار می کنیم, ما پول کمتری به دست می آوریم و شناخت کمتری داریم, اما جهان در حال تغییر است. ما داریم آن را تغییر می دهیم.

“Hammer has been talking smack but I’m not worried about her. I’m just ready for a fight. She talks about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with boxing. I’m waiting for her to say she’s going to hit me with an uppercut or something, but it’s more of the same.

“Being here in Florida to finish up camp has really been ideal. I’ve still been working extremely hard, but here I have a little extra space and sunshine. It was time for some new scenery in camp and I think this was the perfect move to take me into fight week.

“I’ve been working on my ‘Ali shuffle,’ this gym inspired me. Don’t be surprised if you see me break it out during the fight. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. At the press conference there will be some surprises too — I have an outfit picked that is going to steal the show.”

“This fight is long overdue and I’m just glad I’m going to get my chance to show her what a real champion is. Someone is going down on April 13 and I promise it’s not going to be me.

“People can say they’re not paying attention to you and not studying you, but they’re lying. I’m glad she’s looking at me closely though. Hammer flew one of my friends out there to be a sparring partner, not even knowing that she hasn’t sparred me in years and knows nothing about me. It makes me know I’m on her mind. او می تواند با آن ولف بازی کند و هنوز هم نمی خواهد مرا کتک بزند. "

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درباره SHIELDS در مقابل. چکش

سپر در مقابل. چکش در نبردی برای تاج گذاری قهرمان بلامنازع 160 پوندی جهان ، قهرمانان جهان بدون شکست وزن جهان ، Claressa Shields و Christina Hammer را مقابل هم قرار می دهد, در آنچه مهمترین رویداد بوکس زنان در تاریخ است. این ویژگی مشترک باعث خواهد شد تا جرمین فرانکلین در یک مسابقه هیجان انگیز 10 دور سنگین وزن و در افتتاحیه تلویزیونی به مصاف ریدل بوکر برود., اوتو والین و نیک کیسنر در یک مسابقه 10 دوره به مصاف هم می روند. وقت نمایش بوکس: سه گانه SPECIAL EDITION در SHOWTIME در ساعت پخش مستقیم می شود 9 p.m. ET / PT از سالن Boardwalk در آتلانتیک سیتی, N.J.

وزنه برداری سنگین وزن و شکست ناپذیر JERMAINE FRANKLIN & OTTO WALLIN در آینده صحبت می کند & جاده ای به قهرمانی سنگین وزن – فرانکلین با ریدل بوکر می جنگد در حالی که والین شنبه ساعت شنبه با زنده یاد نیک کیسنر زندگی می کند, آوریل 13 از تالار بورد واک در آتلانتیک سیتی, N.J.

وزنه برداری سنگین وزن و شکست ناپذیر JERMAINE FRANKLIN & OTTO WALLIN در آینده صحبت می کند & جاده ای به قهرمانی سنگین وزن

فرانکلین با ریدل بوکر می جنگد در حالی که والین در SHOWTIME به صورت زنده با نیک کیسنر روبرو می شود® روز شنبه, آوریل 13 Leading Up to Claressa Shields vs.. رویداد اصلی Christina Hammer از تالار Boardwalk
در آتلانتیک سیتی, N.J.

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (آوریل 3, 2019) – مدعیان سنگین وزن در حال ظهور بدون شکستجرمین فرانکلین و اتو والین هنگامی که برای مسابقات جداگانه ای از SHOWTIME شنبه وارد عمل می شوند ، به دنبال ایجاد سر و صدا و اعلام حضور در بخش سنگین وزن هستند., آوریل 13 از تالار بورد واک در آتلانتیک سیتی.

وقت نمایش بوکس: هدیه سه گانه SPECIAL EDITION از ابتدا پخش می شود 9 p.m. ET / PT و عنوان آن Claressa Shields است که با کریستینا چکش برای قهرمانی بدون منازعه وزن متوسط ​​زنان مبارزه می کند.

فرانکلین با ریدل بوکر روبرو می شود در حالی که والین در یک جفت جاذبه 10 دوره که منجر به رویداد اصلی می شود ، نیک کیسنر را انتخاب می کند. هم برای فرانکلین و هم برای والین, آنها آوریل را می بینند 13 به عنوان گامی به سوی اهداف بزرگتر آنها.

“بوکر راهی است که من در نهایت سعی می کنم در آن باشم,” گفت فرانکلین. “من بخشی از نسل بعدی اوزان سنگین هستم و سخت کار می کنم تا وقتی گرد و غبار بریزم به عنوان قهرمان سنگین وزن خاتمه دهم. من همیشه راهی برای پیروزی پیدا می کنم و قصد دارم آن را در 13 آوریل نشان دهم.”

“آمدن به آمریکا. برای قسمت دوم کار من بسیار هیجان انگیز است,” گفت والین. “من در کار حرفه ای ام در اروپا به موفقیت های زیادی رسیده ام اما این یک آغاز جدید است. این لحظه ای است که از همان ابتدا که آرایش می کردم ، آرزو می کردم و نمی توانم صبر کنم تا خودم را به طرفداران اینجا معرفی کنم.”

جوانی 25 ساله از ساگیناو, میشیگان, فرانکلین امیدوار است بتواند نشان دهد که در مقام قهرمانی بعدی در مسابقات سنگین وزن آمریکا قرار دارد, و آماده است تا مانتو را از Deontay Wilder تیتراژ کنونی WBC و صف طولانی قهرمانان سنگین وزن آمریکا که قبل از او آمده اند ، بگیرد..

“من قصد دارم رقابت را در میان وزنه برداران بالا ببرم,” گفت فرانکلین. “بخش قطعاً به نقشه برمی گردد و من قصد دارم در ساختن آن که یک بار دیگر باید تلویزیون تماشا کند ، کمک کنم. آمریکا در مسابقات سنگین وزن به چهره دیگری احتیاج دارد و من خواهم بود.

“من قبلاً معتقدم که من بهترین سنگین وزن جهان هستم. بسیاری از بزرگ وجود دارد, strong heavyweights, but I’m a balanced athlete, which makes me different. من قوی هستم, سریع, athletic and getting better with each fight.

Although his native Sweden is not known for boxing, Wallin’s home country has previously produced a heavyweight champion in Ingemar Johansson, who famously stopped Floyd Patterson in their first fight at Yankee Stadium in 1959. After defeating fellow Swedish heavyweight Adrian Granat in his last fight, Wallin decided it was time to fight in the U.S., following previous training camps in New York with trainer Joey Gamache.

Training here in New York brings me a great energy and it shows in my performance,” گفت والین. “It’s the center of the world, and while I’m fully focused on training, I feed off the energy of the city.

Ingemar Johansson is of course a big inspiration for me. When he came to the U.S. and beat Floyd Patterson, he was the baddest man on the planet. I’m looking to take that mantle and become a hero for young Swedish boxers, just like he has been for me.

In addition to being Wallin’s U.S. اغاز کار, the unbeaten heavyweights will make their first appearances on SHOWTIME and it will be Franklin’s first time fighting in the northeast. They each hope to show off their respective talents and are prepared for what comes with the increased platform.

This is a great chance for me to showcase my skills, but I still treat it like just another fight,” گفت فرانکلین. “I’m going to adapt to my opponent and expose his weaknesses. I’m always improving because once you think you know it all, that’s when you find out you know nothing.

I’m just a kid from a small town in Sweden and I’ve worked hard to get to this point,” گفت والین. “Training here in the U.S. and fighting here is going to help me put on the best performance of my career. The fun begins on April 13 and I’m not stopping until I am champion.

Both recently signed with Dmitriy Salita’s Salita Promotions and on April 13 will begin a year that could leave each fighter on the precipice of a title shot.

“آوریل 13 two of the best heavyweight in the world, one from the U.S., one from Sweden, will both have a chance to make a claim that they are ready to challenge for the heavyweight title,” سعید ورد.

Jermaine Franklin is by far the best American heavyweight prospect who is soon to be a contender and a champion. He will have a great opportunity to showcase his skills and worth against the experienced, hungry and accomplished Rydell Booker.

Boxing is a sport of individual stories and Otto Wallin is a great example of that. A top-rated heavyweight from a small town in Sweden, he is showing that dreams, combined with hard work, can come true. He is one of the best heavyweight contenders from Europe and on April 13 he will show that he belongs with the elite in the U.S.

With this opportunity to announce themselves in the resurgent heavyweight division, Franklin and Wallin are keyed for eye-opening performances next Saturday.

My ultimate goal is to become world champion and I believe right now I’m on the right path,” گفت والین, است که بدون رتبه. 5 by the IBF and WBA. “I had good years fighting in Europe, but now is the time for me to go to the next level. I can’t wait to show everyone what I’m all about and give the fans great fights.

I’m planning to be a major force in the heavyweight division by the end of the year,” گفت فرانکلین. “It’s my coming out party. I feel like my dreams are going to come true. I’m going to show everyone who I am: the best new heavyweight in the world.

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات Salita ترویج, در قیمت $150, $100, $55 و $35 و می توان از طریق Ticketmaster و در خریداری کردboardwalkhall.com.

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درباره SHIELDS در مقابل. چکش
سپر در مقابل. چکش در نبردی برای تاج گذاری قهرمان بلامنازع 160 پوندی جهان ، قهرمانان جهان بدون شکست وزن جهان ، Claressa Shields و Christina Hammer را مقابل هم قرار می دهد, در آنچه مهمترین رویداد بوکس زنان در تاریخ است. این ویژگی مشترک باعث خواهد شد تا جرمین فرانکلین در یک مسابقه هیجان انگیز 10 دور سنگین وزن و در افتتاحیه تلویزیونی به مصاف ریدل بوکر برود., اوتو والین و نیک کیسنر در یک مسابقه 10 دوره به مصاف هم می روند. وقت نمایش بوکس: سه گانه SPECIAL EDITION در SHOWTIME در ساعت پخش مستقیم می شود 9 p.m. ET / PT از سالن Boardwalk در آتلانتیک سیتی, N.J.


Viktor Postol And France’s Mohamed Mimoune Battle in 140-Pound Title Eliminator Plus Rising Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Meets Once-Beaten Michael Wallisch on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Tickets on Sale Monday, آوریل 1!

LAS VEGAS – (مارس 29, 2019) – قهرمان سبک وزن سابق جهان رابرت جونیور عید پاک.and former two-division champion Rances بارتلمی will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title on Saturday, آوریل 27 live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

پوشش BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWTIME از آغاز می شود 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion ویکتور Postol taking on France’sMohamed Mimoune in a WBC super lightweight title eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation کارتون Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch در یکی از جاذبه های سنگین وزن 10-دور.

Easter vs. Barthelemy pits two highly skilled and explosive former 135-pound champions against each other as they look to grab a title and vault themselves back into the top echelon of the lightweight division.

Easter will return to the ring for the first time since losing his IBF title in a unification showdown with WBC Champion and pound-for-pound great Mikey Garcia last July on SHOWTIME. Barthelemy is undefeated at 135 pounds and returns to the lightweight division for his second fight since losing a 140-pound title rematch to Kiryl Relikh last March on SHOWTIME.

Two former champions looking to reclaim their championship status speaks for itself in terms of the action and will to win that Easter and Barthelemy will bring on April 27,” سعید لئونارد الرب، کارولینای شمالی, مدیر عامل شرکت از تبلیغات Mayweather. “Both guys have already proven that they have what it takes to take care of business at this level. The eliminator bout, with Postol bringing his experience and Mohamed looking to take advantage of the opportunity, is a great lead-in to the main event attraction. بیش, Efe Ajagba will bring his A+ game in pursuit of a victory over Michael Wallisch. The fans in attendance at the Cosmopolitanhere in Las Vegas, and tuning in on SHOWTIME, are in for a treat.

Easter vs. Barthelemy is a true 50-50 fight that will end with one of these fighters leaving the ring with one of the top spots in the lightweight division,” گفت: تام براون, رئيس جمهور از تبلیغات TGB. “Both are former world champions at lightweight and possess the styles and attributes that should make this an action-packed match. Combined with a very competitive title eliminator between Viktor Postol and Mohamed Mimoune, plus the can’t-miss punching power of Efe Ajagba, this is going to be a dramatic night on SHOWTIME and at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, دوشنبه به فروش می رسد, آوریل 1, و قابل خریداری در www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster.

The 28-year-old Easter (21-1, 14 کوس) won the IBF Lightweight Championship in 2016 by edging an exciting split-decision against then-unbeaten and current IBF titleholder Richard Commey. After two successful title defenses in his hometown of Toledo, اوهایو, Easter defeated former champion Javier Fortuna by decision in a January 2018 fight in SHOWTIME.

That victory set up a unification with WBC champion Mikey Garcia, in which Easter survived an early knockdown to push Garcia the full 12 rounds before coming up short on the scorecards. At 5-foot-11, Easter has continued to show the combination of size, skill and athleticism that made him a highly regarded prospect following an amateur career that featured a spot as an alternate on the 2012 آمریکایی. تیم المپیک.

I’ve wanted to fight Barthelemy since he had the lightweight title and vacated it, and now I have the chance,” گفت عید پاک. “He has an awkward style and I’m up for that challenge. I am still coming in as the taller fighter with a reach advantage and I’ll use it to make this fight go how I want it to. He is a former world champion and he is coming to bring it just like I am.

A decorated Cuban amateur who hails from a boxing family that includes his older brother, Olympic Gold Medalist Yan, and younger brother, unbeaten featherweight Leduan, Rances بارتلمی (27-1, 14 کوس) will return to lightweight to vie against one of the best fighters in the division. The 32-year-old now trains in Las Vegas and previously captured a 135-pound belt by defeating Denis Shafikov in December 2015.

Barthelemy won a 130-pound championship by defeating Argenis Mendez in 2014 and attempted to become the first Cuban three-division champion when he moved up to 140-pounds for his first fight against Relikh, a title eliminator that he won by decision. After dropping the rematch to Relikh in a vacant title fight on SHOWTIME, Barthelemy returned to the ring in December and stopped Robert Frankel.

I’m looking forward to a great fight against Robert Easter Jr,” سعید بارتلمی. “I know I have what it takes to beat him and capture another title and become a three-time world champ. My best performances have come at 135 پوند. Both of us are former world champions who are hungry and will give the fans a sensational night of boxing. I’ve never lost at lightweight and that will continue on April 27. Don’t miss this fight on SHOWTIME. یا الان یا هیچوقت!”

Originally from Ukraine, but now fighting out of Los Angeles, Postol (30-2, 12 کوس) previously earned a 140-pound world title by knocking out Lucas Matthysse in 2015. The 35-year-old dropped the title in a unification showdown with Terence Crawford in 2016 before bouncing back by defeating then unbeaten Jamshidbek Najmiddinov. Last June he dropped a decision to unbeaten contender Josh Taylor and most recently he defeated Siar Ozgul in November.

The 31-year-old Mimoune (21-2, 2 کوس) از آن زمان به صورت حرفه ای جنگیده است 2010 و خواهد ساخت آمریکایی خود. debut against Postol on April 27. Representing Haute-Garonne, فرانسه, او شکست نخورده در گذشته خود است 10 fights dating back to 2014. His last five victories have come in 12-round decisions, including two last year over then unbeaten Emiliano Dominguez and most recently against Franck Petitjean.

نیجریه Ajagba (9-0, 8 کوس) gained notoriety last August 24 وقتی حریف او, کورتیس هارپر, پس از لمس دستکش برای شروع دور اول از حلقه خارج شد. 24 ساله, 2016 Nigerian Olympian won the fight without throwing a punch as Harper was disqualified. In his last fight Ajagba, who lives in Stafford, Texas and trains with Ronnie Shields, defeated his toughest competition to date by stopping longtime contender Amir Mansour after two rounds.

مبارزه از مونیخ, آلمان, Wallisch (19-1, 12 کوس) برنده اول شد 19 طرفدار دعوا می کند بعد از تبدیل شدن به طرفدار 2010, including a German heavyweight title-winning performance in 2013 against Alexander Kahl. The 33-year-old fought three times last year, picking up two knockout victories before losing to Christian Hammer in December.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo,TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, وwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


روز شنبه, آوریل 13 from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City Headlined by Shields vs. Hammer Battle for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Live on SHOWTIME®

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (مارس 26, 2019) – Undercard action on Saturday, آوریل 13 at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City will feature an exciting lineup, including a women’s featherweight world title matchup and unbeaten prospects stepping in the ring, leading up to the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader headlined by the Claressa Shields vs. Christina Hammer showdown for the undisputed 160-pound world championship.

The undercard lineup is highlighted by unbeaten Russian النا گرادینار (9-0, 2 کوس) vying for her first world title when she takes on former two-time title challenger Brenda Karen Carabajal (15-4-1, 9 کوس) for the vacant IBF Featherweight World Championship.

Women’s boxing is experiencing monumental growth throughout the world and as part of this historic night, we wanted to showcase top talent in significant fights,” گفت دیمیتری Salita, رئيس جمهور از تبلیغات Salita. “I am delighted to feature two top contenders fighting for the vacant IBF Featherweight World Title as highly-regarded and unbeaten Russian fighter Elena Gradinar and longtime Argentinian contender Karen Carbajal will battle to become champion. بالا به پایین, آوریل 13 will be a memorable night for boxing fans around the world.

In super flyweight action, 23-year-old Detroit-native جاریکو اوکوئین (11-0, 8 کوس) looks to remain unbeaten in an eight-round fight against Northfield, مینه سوتا ویسنته آلفارو مارتینز (9-4, 3 کوس).

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات Salita ترویج, در قیمت $150, $100, $55 و $35 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster and at boardwalkhall.com.

The action will also include former heavyweight title challenger ساموئل پیتر (37-6, 30 کوس) مصرف در مکزیک ماریو هردیا (15-6-1, 13 کوس) in an eight-round matchup and جسی آنجل هرناندز (12-2, 7 کوس) از فورت ورث, Texas stepping in for an eight round super bantamweight contest against New Jersey’s Edgar Joe Cortes (6-4-1). سنگ چخماق, Michigan-native Darrion Lawson will look for his second pro win in as many fights when he faces سائول آلمیدا در یک جلسه میان فوق العاده.

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درباره SHIELDS در مقابل. چکش
سپر در مقابل. چکش در نبردی برای تاج گذاری قهرمان بلامنازع 160 پوندی جهان ، قهرمانان جهان بدون شکست وزن جهان ، Claressa Shields و Christina Hammer را مقابل هم قرار می دهد, در آنچه مهمترین رویداد بوکس زنان در تاریخ است. این ویژگی مشترک باعث خواهد شد تا جرمین فرانکلین در یک مسابقه هیجان انگیز 10 دور سنگین وزن و در افتتاحیه تلویزیونی به مصاف ریدل بوکر برود., اوتو والین و نیک کیسنر در یک مسابقه 10 دوره به مصاف هم می روند. وقت نمایش بوکس: سه گانه SPECIAL EDITION در SHOWTIME در ساعت پخش مستقیم می شود 9 p.m. ET / PT از سالن Boardwalk در آتلانتیک سیتی, N.J.


Every man I’ve faced; they’ve landed on the canvas. I’m going to continue to do that on May 18,” – متحیر کردن

I’m sick of seeing this guy walking around with his belt. I’m going to put him down,” – BREAZEALE

WBC قهرمان سنگین وزن دیونتای ویلدر
Defends His Title Against Mandatory
Challenger Dominic Breazeale on Saturday, مه 18
زندگی در SHOWTIME®از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از Amanda وستکات / SHOWTIME

BROOKLYN (مارس 19, 2019) – WBC قهرمان سنگین وزن دئوتای “بمب افکن برنز” متحیر کردن و چالش اجباری دومینیک “زحمت” BREAZEALE went face-to-face Tuesday at a heated press conference to officially announce their heavyweight title showdown taking place Saturday, مه 18 در SHOWTIME زندگی از مرکز بارکلیز, خانه BROOKLYN BOXING ™ و ارائه شده توسط Premier Boxing Champions.

Tickets for this BombZquad event go on sale Friday, مارس 22 در 10 صبح. ET و می توانید از طریق آن خریداری کنید ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, و یا با تماس 800-745-3000. شروع شنبه, مارس 23 در 12 p.m. و, tickets can be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from Barclays Center:

دئوتای وایلدر

It’s a pleasure to be back here in Brooklyn. Barclays Center is very close to my heart. I’ve been here so many times and I have a real connection to this arena. I’ve had some of my most memorable moments in the ring here.

It’s always great to get a mandatory out of the way. They’re like flies buzzing in my ear. I just want to get them out of the way so I can do great things for the heavyweight division. من یک قهرمان می خواهم, one face, one name, but you need a lot of cooperation to make that happen.

I want to prove to the world that I’m the best. That’s what I believe in my heart. Until someone proves me wrong, I will continue to believe that. Breazeale is the next man in line. نمی توانم منتظر این یکی باشم.

I’m just going to show everyone on May 18. The way I feel right now, the fight could be this week. The champion must always be ready for whatever a challenger can bring.

I hope he’s training his hardest. I’m glad he has Virgil Hunter on his side to show him something new. Every man I’ve faced; they’ve landed on the canvas. I’m going to continue to do that on May 18.

No man who gets in the ring will be able to defeat Deontay Wilder. I hold the keys to the heavyweight division. No fighter is doing what I’m doing. I’m trying to give the fans something they’ve never seen before.

Enjoy this one, because it’s going to be a massacre. مه 18 will be a beautiful day for me and a beautiful day to see what I’m planning to do for the sport of boxing.


I’m super excited for this. I’ve been waiting over a year and a half for a shot at this title. I’ve got three knockouts here at Barclays Center and I can’t wait for another.

I’m a great fighter but there are always things to be learned. I’ve learned a lot already with Virgil Hunter. I bring something that everyone wants to see from heavyweights, and that’s trouble. I’m going to bring pressure and action.

I’m sick of seeing this guy walking around with his belt. I’m going to put him down. People are going to be rising to their feet when I knock him down.

I’m so excited to get this fight. I’ve been on Deontay’s undercards and I steal the show every time. Deontay does nothing right in the ring. He looks like a circus-act. All he does is talk. But there’s nothing he can say on May 18.

Deontay loves to hear his own voice. All he does is talk and talk. It’s time to get in the ring. Nobody can get in there and save him. It’s just me and him. Leather on leather. We’ll see who lands first. Hopefully he gets off the canvas.

ویرژیل HUNTER, Breazeale’s Trainer

It’s a pleasure to be here at Barclays Center for a heavyweight championship fight. We have a monumental task to try to overcome. Dominic and I connected last month and after a few workouts, we saw we had a good fit and an understanding of what needs to be done.

Dominic works hard, he’s very determined and he knows that this is his opportunity and he can’t let it slip away from him. He also knows the risk at hand. We’re looking forward to May 18.

استفن اسپینوزا, ورزش رئيس جمهور & برنامه نویسی رویداد, پی اس شبکه های وارز.

We are thrilled to be bringing you Deontay Wilder vs. Dominic Breazeale on SHOWTIME. It would be an understatement to say that there has been a lot of speculation regarding Deontay’s future. We’re proud to have him on SHOWTIME. It was critical for Deontay, for the sport and his fans, that this fight be available not on pay-per-view, but on SHOWTIME. Because of his insistence, that’s the primary reason we’re standing here today.

SHOWTIME is where this fight belongs. We’re the home of the biggest fights and best talents, month in and month out. This is where a heavyweight title fight belongs. This will be Deontay’s 12هفتم appearance on SHOWTIME and or SHOWTIME PPV and we’ve built something special.

Recently ESPN named its World Fame 100, which lists the most talked about athletes in the world. Deontay is ranked 34, two slots behind Tom Brady and higher than any other active boxer in the sport. He’s a bonafide superstar, there is no question.

Dominic Breazeale is big, قوی, experienced and powerful. Above all, او انگیزه. It’s no secret that there is a personal rivalry between these two fighters. This will not be a friendly promotion. There is genuine animosity. This is a premium fight and this is the heavyweight championship on May 18 live on SHOWTIME.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, BrooklynBoxing وSwanson_Comm را پیدا کنید یا در Facebook در یک طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer Meet in
SHOWTIME بوکس: ویرایش ویژه® رویداد اصلی صفحه اصلی
To Crown Undisputed Women’s Middleweight Champion

نیویورک – مارس 7, 2019 – Two undefeated heavyweight prospects will put their unblemished records on the line when they fight in separate bouts on Saturday, آوریل 13 در SHOWTIME از تالار پیاده روی در آتلانتیک سیتی زندگی کنید, N.J on the undercard of the Claressa Shields-Christina Hammer groundbreaking event. بالا چشم انداز سنگین وزن آمریکایی جرمین فرانکلین will take on former No. 1-رتبه ایالات متحده قرار گرفت. غیرحرفهای ریدل بوکر in the 10-round co-featured bout while undefeated Swedish heavyweight اتو والین will battle highly decorated amateur نیک کیسنر in a 10-round clash that will open the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader at 9 p.m. ET / PT.

در رویداد اصلی, undefeated middleweight world champions Shields and Hammer will meet to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion in what is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history.

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات Salita ترویج, در قیمت $150, $100, $55 و $35 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster and at boardwalkhall.com.

The heavyweight division is as talented and exciting as ever,and we are thrilled to add two undefeated warriorsto the April 13 برنامه تلویزیونی,” گفت پروموتر دیمیتری Salita. “We have the best American heavyweight prospect in Jermaine Franklin and one of the best European heavyweight contenders in Otto Wallin. These fights will be tremendous lead-ins to the historic Shields vs. Hammer main event and will create a night to remember for boxing fans worldwide.

25 ساله فرانکلین (17-0, 13 کوس), از Saginaw, میشیگان, یک standout آماتور سابق و یک است 2014 دستکش های طلایی ملی قهرمان. کاندیدای احتمالی برای نشان دادن ایالات متحده قرار گرفت. در 2016 مسابقات المپیک, فرانکلین را رد کرد فرصت را به رقابت برای قرار گرفتن در این تیم و به جای تصمیم به شروع کار حرفه ای خود در 2015. به طور گسترده ای به عنوان چشم انداز بالا سنگین وزن آمریکا در نظر گرفته, فرانکلین رکورد شکست نخورده خود را با سهولت نسبی از تبدیل طرفدار ساخته شده است, ضربه زدن از نه نفر از اول خود را 10 مخالفان حرفه ای. Coming off a lopsided 10-round decision over Craig Lewis in July, Franklin aims to continue moving up the ranks of the resurgent heavyweight division in 2019 and position himself for a title shot.

“نمی توانم صبر کنم – I am ready to show that I am the new man in the heavyweight division,” گفت فرانکلین. “Rydell is a good fighter but he is in the way of my goal of winning the heavyweight world title. آوریل 13 will be my coming out party and I am very honored to have this opportunity on SHOWTIME.

کسی که برای مسافرین جا رزرو میکند و بلیط میفروشد (25-1, 12 کوس), from Detroit, میشیگان, is a former No.1-ranked U.S. amateur who was once a rising heavyweight prospect with a 22-0 رکورد. He suffered his lone defeat to former three-division world champion James Toney, who was coming off wins over Vassiliy Jirov and Evander Holyfield, به 2004. After serving a 12-year prison sentence, Booker has returned to the ring looking to get his life back on track and live up to his once promising expectations, registering three unanimous decision victories in 2018 under the tutelage of former world champion Jimmy Paul.

It means a lot to have this opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME,” said the 38-year-old Booker, who sparred with heavyweight world champion Anthony Joshua in preparation for his September 2018 bout with Alexander Povetkin. “I’m ready to show my talents on a national stage so everyone will know who Rydell Booker is once again. I think Jermaine Franklin is a pretty good fighter but he has never fought anybody with my experience, knowledge in the ring or my ring savvy. I am going to teach him some new lessons on April 13. I have a bag full of goodies and tricks at my disposal that I will teach this young whipper snapper.

والین (20-0, 13 کوس), خواهد شد که ساخت U.S خود. اغاز کار, طرفدار در تبدیل 2013 و به تدریج در رتبه بندی توسط ضبط افزایش یافته است 20 برنده متوالی. The 28-year-old southpaw, who originally played ice hockey and soccer in his native Sweden before finding the sweet science, won the Swedish Boxing Championship at 16-years-old, fought against Joshua twice as an amateur and was a member of the Swedish National Boxing Team. در حال حاضر رتبه نه. 5 by both the WBA and IBF, Wallin most recently won a 12-round unanimous decision over Adrian Granat in April 2018 and now has his sights set on becoming his country’s first Heavyweight Champion since Ingemar Johansson in 1960.

I’m very excited about making my U.S. اولین بار در SHOWTIME,” گفت والین, who has spent the last two years conducting training camp in New York with his trainer and former two-division champion Joey Gamache. “To be fighting on such a big card is very inspiring. I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I first started boxing at the age of 15. I will put on a good performance on April 13 and introduce myself to the American fans. I will be one step closer towards my goal of winning the heavyweight world title. Like I’ve said before, I’m a kid from a small town in Sweden and I’m proud of where I’m from and what I’ve achieved so far, but I feel like this is when all the fun starts.

The 28-year-old Kisner (21-4-1, 6 کوس) has competed at both cruiserweight and heavyweight since turning professional in 2010 after a successful amateur career. Among Kisner’s numerous amateur recognitions, the Baltimore, MD. native was a three-time National Silver Gloves Champion, two-time Junior National Golden Gloves Champion and Ringside World Champion. He holds the distinction of being the youngest boxer in American history ever to win a Men’s National Title in the heavyweight division at 17 ساله. As a pro, three of Kisner’s four losses have come against opponents who boasted an undefeated record on fight night. در آخرین جلسه خود, Kisner defended his WBA U.S. cruiserweight title with a majority decision win over Scott Sigmon.

I’ve dreamt my whole life of one day fighting on national television and now that the time is here, من از آن نهایت استفاده را خواهم برد,” said Kisner. “Wallin is very good but I’m going to prove I’m one of the best heavyweights on the planet. I have proven my ability to beat the best in the world at both the amateur and professional level and I will do it again on April 13.

بری تامپکینز خواهد SHOWTIME بوکس پاسخ: عمل نسخه ویژه از کنار رینگ با بوکس مورخ استیو فرهود و قهرمان سابق جهان رائول مارکز به عنوان تحلیلگران متخصص. The executive producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


Heavyweight Slugger Luis Ortiz Earns Unanimous Decision
Over Christian Hammer

Eduardo Ramirez Scores Ninth-Round TKO of Bryan De Gracia
در برنامه تلویزیونی بازکن

سازمان دیده بان دوباره به نواز دعوت ارائه دوشنبه در 10 P.M. ET / PT در

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از Stephanie تراپ / SHOWTIME
& اینجا برای عکس از تام کازینو / SHOWTIME

BROOKLYN (مارس 3, 2019) – Former 154-pound world champion Erislandy لارا and WBA Super Welterweight Champion برایان کاستانو fought to a highly competitive split-draw Saturday at Barclays Center, خانه بروکلین بوکس ™, در یک رویداد ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس. با قرعه کشی, Castaño retains the WBA belt in what was the toughest test of his career against the longtime top 154-pounder in Lara. قضات به ثمر رساند مبارزه 115-113 (Castaño), 115-113 (لارا) و 114-114.

Castaño (15-0-1, 11 کوس), who was fighting in his first U.S. رخداد اصلی, held a large advantage in power connects (181-103) while Lara (25-3-3, 14 کوس) found success landing his left hand down the middle on his way to a 34 درصد به 27 percent advantage in power accuracy.

In the close, difficult-to-score fight, five of the rounds were separated by three or fewer connects and three of those rounds favored Lara. در دو دوره پایانی, Castaño ramped up the pressure and connected on 44 مشت, while Lara landed only 24 punches across the championship rounds. Castaño won the final three rounds on all three judges’ scorecards. بدون انجام این کار, the Argentine would have lost his belt.

After the hotly contested fight, both fighters have options, including a rematch, in the talent-rich super welterweight division.

“I know I won the fight. I feel I was robbed,” a disappointed Castaño told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray. “If he wants the rematch, I’ll give him the rematch. I waited for him this time so I can wait for him again if he wants the rematch. I would give him the rematch if he wants. I can also go ahead and fight any other champion that wants to fight me. I’m ready for whoever they put in front of me. Hurd or anyone else.”

لارا, از سوی دیگر, felt he did enough to claim the belt: “I thought I won the fight by landing the more accurate and effective punches. Castaño came to fight but he never hurt me and I hurt him. All I can do is give the fans great fights and that’s what I’ll continue to do. I have a lot of fight left in me and I’m not going anywhere.

“If we have to fight him again, I’ll fight him. Hurd or Castaño. هر شخصی, I’ll have the rematch with both.”

در همکاری ویژگی, مشت زن سنگین وزن کوبا لوئیس اورتیز (31-1, 26 کوس) earned a unanimous decision victory over a game چکش مسیحی (24-6, 14 کوس). Although the judges scored the fight 100-90 و 99-91 دو برابر, both men fought through bloody noses at different points in the fight and both were stunned in a back-and-forth second round.

اورتیز, who earned his third consecutive victory since dropping a thrilling slugfest with WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder one year ago, is now looking for another world title shot.

“The fight wasn’t what I was expecting,"گفت اورتیز. “It was a hard fight and my corner really had to work with me. After I got the rhythm, I heated up a little bit. Every heavyweight out there should know that I still have it at 40-years-old. Anthony Joshua, دئوتای وایلدر, من حاضرم. "

Although Hammer fought with more energy and with more resolve than in previous fights with other top-tier heavyweights Tyson Fury and Alexander Povetkin, Ortiz used his superior technique and skills to eventually cruise to the lopsided decision. Ortiz averaged 45 jabs thrown per round and landed 61 jabs to just 20 برای چکش, while also connecting on 49 درصد از مشت قدرت خود. Ortiz made a conscious effort to attack Hammer’s body with 33.6% of his total connects (45 از 140) coming via body shots.

“I fought a fight that I hadn’t for years, which is box and work,"گفت اورتیز. “So I’m not disappointed I didn’t knock him out because I showed some of my boxing skills tonight.”

Ortiz is a very good and experienced fighter,” said the 31-year-old Hammer, who was making his American debut. “He’s technical and smart but he’s not as intimidating as people say he is. I respect Ortiz but I don’t think he’s the best fighter I’ve ever faced.

“I’m very confident going forward. I know that I can go the distance with anyone and I’m willing to fight anyone. People thought I’d get knocked out but I proved them wrong.

در بازکن برنامه تلویزیونی, ادواردو رامیرز (22-1-3, 9 کوس) گرفتار Bryan De Gracia (24-2-1, 20 کوس) with a vicious right uppercut in the ninth, stunning his opponent and suddenly breaking open a close fight. Ramirez pounced on the dazed De Gracia and unleashed a wave of punches which forced referee Benjy Esteves to call the fight at 2:10 of round nine.

The southpaw Ramirez, از لوس موچیس, سینالوآ, مکزیک, was trailing on the scorecards at the time of the stoppage according to two out of three judges (the third had it even). رامیرز, known to grow stronger in the later rounds, متصل شده بر روی 36 punches in round number nine, by far his highest connect total on the night. Although De Gracia was the more aggressive fighter, the Panamanian failed to consistently land punches. De Gracia was accurate on just 27 درصد از مشت قدرت خود, while Ramirez landed 38 درصد از خود.

“I definitely knew it was close but my corner kept telling me to keep going and going, and that’s when I caught him,رامیرز گفت, who was fighting with a heavy heart following the passing of his grandfather. “I didn’t just come here to fight. I came here to do something and I did it.”

با پیروزی, Ramirez is now in line to face WBA (منظم) Featherweight World Champion Can Xu and will be looking to challenge for a world title fight in the deep featherweight division.

In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN action that streamed live on theSHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook page, ادوین رودریگز (31-2, 20 کوس) won a 10-round cruiserweight fight via unanimous decision overMitch Williams (16-7-3, 11 کوس) توسط نمرات 96-94 دو بار و 98-92. Coverage on social media also saw آنتونیو راسل (13-0, 11 کوس), younger brother of WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr., stop Jose Maria Cardenas (16-4, 13 کوس) 22 seconds into the sixth round of their bantamweight fight. In the opening bout of the digital presentation, Leduan بارتلمی (14-0-1, 7 کوس) با تصمیم یکپارچه شکست نخورد Miguel Angel Aispuro (11-7-2, 7 کوس) توسط نمرات 80-72 دو بار و 79-73 in their eight-round super featherweight attraction.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports
در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
. The event was promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

DraftKings Delivers Knockout Gaming Experience in Collaboration with SHOWTIME Sports®

First-Ever Boxing Game for the Expanding Sports Entertainment Platform, Exclusive to SHOWTIME Sports, Debuts for SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Event

(فوریه 28, 2019) – DraftKings Inc. and SHOWTIME Sports today announced a collaboration that will combine forces to immerse boxing fans in the sport they love through a custom Pick ‘Em style game exclusive to SHOWTIME Sports that debuts with this Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event on March 2دوم.

This new Pick ‘Em style game asks players to choose the winner of each televised fight, determine the method of victory and predict when the bout will end for all SHOWTIME boxing events including SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, ShoBox: نسل جدید®, SHOWTIME بوکس: Special Edition and SHOWTIME PPV®. Players will be awarded points based on the number of correct predictions in each boxing match. Prizing for individual fight cards includes $5,000 in winnings with each of the top-five finalists receiving a SHOWTIME Boxing prize pack. علاوه بر این, the overall 2019 Pick ‘Em winner will be awarded
a free trip to every 2020 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® event.

To view and play the DraftKings and SHOWTIME Sports Pick ‘Em game please visit www.draftkings.com/showtime

“Our alignment with SHOWTIME Sports is another prime example of our endless efforts to innovate and satisfy our customers with the most comprehensive sports offerings possible,” said Ezra Kucharz, Chief Business Officer at DraftKings. “Boxing draws edge-of-the-seat fans with incredible passion and engagement with the sport, and this collaboration will further our ability to best connect with our burgeoning player community.”

“This unique collaboration with DraftKings delivers an entertaining companion experience for viewers and provides a year-long connection to all SHOWTIME boxing events,گفت: "استفان اسپینوزا, ورزش رئيس جمهور & برنامه نویسی رویداد, پی اس شبکه های وارز. “We’re excited to align with a leading sports-tech entertainment brand in the U.S. as SHOWTIME Sports continues to deliver fresh and innovative ways for fans to enjoy the best that boxing has to offer.”

Boxing is among the most storied and popular sports in the world with a passionate fan base, both domestically and internationally. Viewership trends for televised combat sports spectacles have been consistently impressive in recent years, with boxing accounting for the top selling pay-per-view television events in history. To serve this large and growing fanbase, DraftKings and SHOWTIME Sports are reshaping the fan sports entertainment experience through a creative collaboration, which will include custom fantasy games and other gaming innovations.

This Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event will be the first opportunity for fans to play this Pick ‘Em style game. Saturday’s three-fight telecast is headlined by former world champion Erislandy Lara challenging undefeated WBA Super Welterweight Champion Brian Castaño plus the return of heavyweight contender Luis Ortiz.

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About DraftKings
DraftKings is a global sports technology and entertainment company that believes life is more fun with skin in the game. Its mission is to bring fans closer to the games they love via a unique combination of daily fantasy sports, sports betting and media platforms that, combined, deliverThe Game Inside The Game.” در تاسیس 2012 by Matt Kalish, Paul Liberman and Jason Robins, DraftKings is headquartered in Boston, MA, and offers daily fantasy sports contests across 11 professional sports in 8 countries including the U.S., کانادا, U.K and Australia. Operating pursuant to state regulations in New Jersey and Mississippi, DraftKings Sportsbook mobile and retail, allows players in the state to engage in betting for major U.S. and international sports.

About SHOWTIME Sports
پی اس شبکه های وارز. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of CBS Corporation, دارای شبکه های تلویزیونی برتر SHOWTIME® است و از آن استفاده می کند, کانال فیلم ™ و FLIX®, و همچنین SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® را ارائه می دهد, The MOVIE CHANNEL™ ON DEMAND و FLIX ON DEMAND®, و سرویس احراز هویت شبکه SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. پی اس دیجیتال شرکت, یک شرکت تابعه کاملاً متعلق به SNI, سرویس پخش مستقل SHOWTIME® را اجرا می کند. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS, و ارائه دهندگان telco, و به عنوان یک سرویس پخش مستقل از طریق آمازون, Apple®, گوگل, تلویزیون های هوشمند LG, Oculus برو, Roku®, تلویزیون های هوشمند سامسونگ و Xbox One. مصرف کنندگان همچنین می توانند از طریق کانال های ویدیویی Prime Amazon در SHOWTIME مشترک شوند, DirecTV به حال, FuboTV, هولو, تلویزیون زنجیر, Sony PlayStation™ Vue, and YouTube TV. Viewers can also watch on computers at Showtime.com. SNI همچنین مدیریت شبکه اسمیتسونیان ™, سرمایه گذاری مشترک بین SNI و موسسه اسمیتسونیان, which offers Smithsonian Channel™ and Smithsonian Channel Plus™. SNI بازار و توزیع ورزشی و حوادث سرگرمی برای نمایشگاه به مشترکین بر اساس پرداخت هر مشاهده از طریق SHOWTIME PPV. برای اطلاعات بیشتر, رفتن به www.SHO.com.

SHOWTIME Sports® To Live Stream Undercard Bouts Featuring Veteran Contender Edwin Rodriguez and Unbeaten Prospects Antonio Russell & Leduan Barthelemy in Separate Bouts On Social Media Platforms TONIGHT FRom Barclays Center in Brooklyn

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN Begins Live at 6:30 p.m. و 3 /:30 p.m. PT On SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page

BROOKLYN (فوریه 27, 2019) – SHOWTIME Sports will provide live streaming coverage of three undercard fights on the network’s social media platforms as part of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN شروع 6:30 p.m. و 3 /:30 p.m. PT on Saturday, مارس 2 از مرکز بارکلیز, خانه بروکلین بوکس ™, و ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس.

Streaming action will see hard-hitting contender ادوین رودریگز نبرد Mitch Williams in a 10-round cruiserweight fight, چشم انداز شکست ناپذیر آنتونیو راسل square off against Mexico’s Jose Maria Cardenas in an eight-round bantamweight showdown and Leduan بارتلمی step in for an eight-round super featherweight matchup with Mexico’s Miguel Angel Aispuro,

The social media presentation will stream on the SHOWTIME کانال YouTube ورزشی و صفحه SHOWTIME بوکس فیس بوک leading up to the evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event. پخش تلویزیونی SHOWTIME با سه مبارزه به صورت زنده در 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by former world champion Erislandy Lara challenging undefeated WBA Super Welterweight Champion BrianCastaño.

بلیط برای رویداد, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, اکنون در فروش هستند و می توانید از آنها خریداری کنید ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, و یا با تماس 800-745-3000. بلیط را می توان در دفتر اکسپرس آمریکایی باکس در مرکز بارکلیز نیز خریداری کرد. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.

رودریگز (30-2, 20 کوس) has demonstrated his power-punching ability throughout numerous memorable contests in his career. The 33-year-old was born in Moca, Dominican Republic before moving to Worcester, ماساچوست. In his last fight he scored a unanimous decision over Lionell Thompson last February. He will battle Jackson, Michigan’s Williams (16-6-3, 11 کوس) who most recently scored a stoppage victory over Michael Sunkett in December.

آنتونیو راسل (12-0, 10 کوس) sits between Antuanne and WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell in the lineage of the Russell family dynasty, and will look to remain unbeaten when he steps into the ring March 2. The 26-year-old scored two knockout victories in 2018 and has stopped his last five opponents from lasting the distance. He will be opposed by the 22-year-old Cardenas (16-3, 13 کوس) از Tijuana, باخا کالیفرنیا, مکزیک.

The younger brother of two-division champion Rances and Olympic gold medalist Yan, بارتلمی (13-0-1, 7 کوس) most recently fought to a split draw against then-unbeaten Eduardo Ramirez in September 2017. The 29-year-old from Cuba now lives and trains in Las Vegas and adds another top Cuban fighter to a card already including Lara and heavyweight contender Luis Ortiz. He prepares to take on the 28-year-old Aispuro (11-6-2, 7 کوس), who enters this contest with a three-fight winning streak.

Non-televised action will feature 2016 Haitian Olympian and Brooklyn-nativeریچاردسون HITCHINS (7-0, 3 کوس) taking on Nicaragua’s David Morales (13-9, 13 کوس) in an eight-round super lightweight showdown, شکست نخوردگان فوق العاده سبک وزنTyrek Irby (6-0, 2 کوس) facing Kenya’s Dennis Okoth (2-1-1) for six rounds of action and unbeaten Aaron Anderson (3-0, 3 کوس)in a four-round middleweight fight against Atlanta’s چوکا ویلیس (4-9, 2 کوس).

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اریسلندی لارا در مقابل. Brian Castaño pits former super welterweight world champion Lara against the WBA Super Welterweight Champion Castaño on Saturday, مارس 2 in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from Barclays Center, خانه بروکلین بوکس ™, و ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس.

SHOWTIME coverage begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see Cuban heavyweight contender لوئیس اورتیز را در چکش مسیحی در یکی از جاذبه های سنگین وزن 10-دور, plus hard-hitting Bryan De Graciabattling rugged veteran ادواردو رامیرز in a 12-round featherweight clash that opens the telecast.

برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.