ટેગ આર્કાઇવ્ઝ: શો ટાઈમ

એરિક રેસ્કિન અને કીઅરન મલ્વની પોડકાસ્ટ સાથે શOWટાઇમ બXક્સિંગ, સ્ટેફિન એસ્પિનોઝા સાથેની મુલાકાત

રસ્કીન અને મુલ્વને બોક્સીંગની સ્થિતિની તપાસ કરે છે અને આગળ શું હોઈ શકે છે

શોટાઇમ બOક્સિંગ સાંભળોઅહીં

શું: એરિક રાસકિન અને કિઅરન મલ્ટાવની પોડકાસ્ટ સાથે શોટાઇમ બOક્સિંગના આ અઠવાડિયાના હપ્તામાં સ્ટીફન એસ્પિનોઝા સાથેની એક મુલાકાતમાં દર્શાવવામાં આવ્યા છે., પ્રમુખ, રમતો અને ઇવેન્ટ પ્રોગ્રામિંગ, શો ટાઈમ નેટવર્ક્સ ઇન્ક. નવા એપિસોડમાં, અનુભવી બ boxingક્સિંગ રીપોર્ટર્સ રાસ્કીન અને મલ્વાને એસ્પિનોઝા સાથે વિવિધ વિષયોની ચર્ચા કરે છે, વર્તમાન બોક્સીંગની વર્તમાન સ્થિતિ અને એકવાર વર્તમાન અંતરાલ સમાપ્ત થયા પછી નેટવર્કની બ boxingક્સિંગ પ્રોગ્રામિંગમાં શું હોઈ શકે છે તે શામેલ છે. સંપૂર્ણ ઇન્ટરવ્યુ માટે, નીચેની લીંક પર ક્લિક કરો: https://s.sho.com/3bkvFp1.

નીચે એસ્પિનોઝા સાથેના ઇન્ટરવ્યૂના અવતરણો છે:

શોટાઇમ સ્પોર્ટ્સની વચગાળાની સામગ્રી યોજના પર…

એસ્પિનોઝા - “આપણા માટે સામાન્ય જીવનનું પ્રતિબિંબિત વસ્તુઓ માટે આગળ નજર રાખવી અને યોજનાઓ કરવી એ ઉપચારાત્મક છે., સંપૂર્ણપણે. અમારું ધ્યેય એ છે કે તે જગ્યાને અમારી પાસે રહેલી ઘણી બધી સામગ્રીથી ભરવામાં આવે છે. અમારી પાસે દસ્તાવેજીઓની deepંડી લાઇબ્રેરી છે અને અમે ચોક્કસપણે બંનેને ઘણાં આર્કાઇવથી સરફેસ કરી રહ્યા છીએમાંગ પર અને અમે તેને વધુ નિયમિત રીતે રેખીય પર જોશું. "

જ્યારે બ boxingક્સિંગ ફરી શરૂ થાય ત્યારે આગળ શું છે ...

એસ્પિનોઝા - “તે જંગલી સવારી બનશે. ઘણું બધુ બનાવવાનું છે. ત્યાં ઘણા લડવૈયાઓ છે જેને બનવા માટે ઝઘડાની જરૂર છે, અને મને લાગે છે કે અમે એક સુંદર રસપ્રદ સમય માટે હોઈ શકીએ છીએ જ્યાં પ્રમાણમાં ટૂંકી વિંડોમાં ઘણી પ્રવૃત્તિ હોય છે … મને લાગે છે કે આપણે એક ક્રિયાથી ભરપૂર જોવા જઈશું, જ્યારે પણ આપણે પાછા ફરો ત્યારે જામથી ભરપૂર શેડ્યૂલ, પછી ભલે તે ત્રણ માં હોય, છ કે નવ મહિના - અને અમે લોકો લડત લેવા માટે જુદી જુદી રણનીતિ કરતા જોઈ શકીએ છીએ. "

તમે કઈ લડત પર ઈચ્છો છો કે તમે લાઇવ હાજરી આપવા માટે સમય પર પાછા જશો…

એસ્પિનોઝા - “ચાવેઝ વિ.. ફેબ્રુઆરી પર હોગન 20,1993 મેક્સિકો સિટીના એઝટેકા સ્ટેડિયમ ખાતે ડબ્લ્યુબીસી લાઇટ વેલ્ટરવેઇટ ટાઇટલ માટે… તે કોઈ મોટી લડત અથવા મહાન વિરોધી નહોતી પરંતુ શોટાઇમના હ hallલવેઝમાં લડતની સુપ્રસિદ્ધ સ્થિતિને કારણે તે મારી પસંદગી છે.. હતા 132,000 હાજરી લોકો, તમે ચાવેઝને રાષ્ટ્રપતિનું હેલિકોપ્ટર ઇવેન્ટ્સમાં લઈ જતા હતા [અને] તમે ડોન કિંગને એરપોર્ટથી હોટલ તરફ જતાંની સાથે જ તે શહેરમાં પ્રવેશ્યો હતો. વાતાવરણની આજુબાજુ ઘણી વસ્તુઓ હતી. તે તે સુપ્રસિદ્ધ ઘટનાઓમાંથી એક હતી જે મને વાતાવરણ માટે મળવાનું ગમશે. "

સાપ્તાહિક શોટાઇમ બOક્સિંગ પોડકાસ્ટમાં ર Rasસ્કિન અને મુલ્વનેય બ theક્સિંગ અને શOWટ ટાઇમ બ boxingક્સિંગ ઇવેન્ટ્સમાં dંડે ડાઇવિંગ આપે છે.. નવા એપિસોડ્સ દરેક સોમવારે બધા મોટા પોડકાસ્ટ પ્લેટફોર્મ પર પ્રકાશિત થાય છે, રેડિયો.કોમ સહિત.

માર્ચ પર લ્યુકસનો સામનો કરવા માટે અવિશ્વસનીય હેવીવેઇટ પ્રSPપ્ટ એપીટી ડવટીએવ 28 શોટાઇમ બોક્સિંગ: ખાસ સંસ્કરણ સહ-મુખ્ય ઇવેન્ટ

દ્વૈતવ ઓટ્ટો વinલિનની જગ્યા લે છે, કોણ દબાણ કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું નાની ઈજાને કારણે પાછો ખેંચો

NEW YORK – ફેબ્રુઆરી 26 – અપરાજિત હેવીવેઇટ પાવર પંચરઆપ્ટી દ્વૈતવ પીte સામનો કરશેલુકાસ બ્રાઉને માં શોટાઇમ બOક્સિંગની 10-રાઉન્ડની સહ-મુખ્ય ઇવેન્ટ: શનિવારે વિશેષ સંસ્કરણ, માર્ચ 28, શોટાઇમ પર રહે(10 વાગ્યાની. ET / 7 વાગ્યાની. પી.ટી.) પ્રીમિયર બingક્સિંગમાં લાસ વેગાસમાં પાર્ક એમજીએમ ખાતેના પાર્ક થિયેટરથી ચેમ્પિયન ઇવેન્ટ. દ્વૈતવ બદલી લે છે હેવી વેઇટના દાવેદાર toટો વ Wallલિન, જેને તાલીમ સ્થગિત કરવાની ફરજ પડી હતી અને તેના પગમાં ઇજાને કારણે સુનિશ્ચિત વારોથી પાછા ખેંચો.

કુર્ચલોઇથી, રશિયા, Davtaev (20-0-1, 19 કોસ) તેની સાથે 90 ટકા નોકઆઉટ રેશિયો મેળવ્યો છે આક્રમક શૈલી અને વિનાશક શક્તિ. એથલેટિક, 30-વર્ષ જુનું રહી ગયું છે માં તેની શિબિર યુનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટ્સ ખસેડવાની ત્યારથી સક્રિય 2017 સાથે સહી કર્યા પછી સલિતા બotionsતી. તે ડેટ્રોઇટના ક્રોંક જિમ ખાતે ટ્રેન કરે છે, મિચ., સમૂહ હેઠળ સુગરહિલ સ્ટીવર્ડ, સુપ્રસિદ્ધ હmanલ ઓફ ફેમ ટ્રેનર ઇમેન્યુઅલના ભત્રીજા કારભારી.

“ઓટ્ટો સહન એક નાની ઈજા અને નિલંબિત તાલીમ એ કરવા માટેની સ્માર્ટ વસ્તુ હતી,” કહ્યું વોલિનના પ્રમોટર દિમિત્રી સલિતા. “તે કોઈ પણ સમયમાં રિંગમાં પાછો આવશે. સદનસીબે, આપ્ટી ટોચની આકારમાં હતો અને જવા માટે તૈયાર હતો. તે હોશિયાર વજનદાર છે અને તે 28 માર્ચ પછી દરેકના રડાર પર રહેશે.”

તેની અંતિમ સહેલગાહમાં ફેબ્રુઆરી 21, છ ફુટ પાંચ ઇંચના દવતૈવ અગાઉ અણનમ જ્હોનને આપ્યો દુષ્ટ બીજા રાઉન્ડની નોકઆઉટથી નપરીએ તેનો પ્રથમ પરાજય આપ્યો. થોડા અઠવાડિયા પહેલાં, જાન્યુઆરી 10, તેણે પીte ઉપર ત્રીજી રાઉન્ડનો પ્રભાવશાળી સ્કોપ બનાવ્યો કીથ બાર. યુ.એસ. માં તેની આ પાંચમી શરૂઆત છે. અને પ્રથમ રાષ્ટ્રીય ટેલિવિઝન વારો.

નવી બહાર લડવું સાઉથ વેલ્સ, ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા, બ્રાઉન (29-2, 25 કોસ) તાજેતરમાં નોકઆઉટ બનાવ્યો નવેમ્બરમાં જ્હોન હોપોએટ પર વિજય, તેની બીજી જીત 2019. તે ચારમાંથી જીત્યો છે તેના છેલ્લા પાંચ બાઉટ્સ, તેની માત્ર કારકીર્દીની ખોટ સાથે ડિલિયન વ્હુટે અને યુ.કે. માં ડેવિડ એલન. બ્રાઉને તેની પ્રથમ જીત મેળવી 25 પ્રો ઝઘડા, સહિત એક માં રુસ્લાન ચાગાએવનું સ્ટોપેજ 2016 ડબ્લ્યુબીએ હેવીવેઇટ ચેમ્પિયનશિપ મેળવવા માટે. તે તેના યુ.એસ. બનાવશે. પદાર્પણ.

શો-ટાઈમ-ફાઇટ બOક્સિંગ: સ્પેશિયલ એડિશન ટેલિકાસ્ટમાં ભૂતપૂર્વ બેન્ટમવેઇટ વર્લ્ડની અજેય સુવિધા છે ચેમ્પિયન લુઈસ નેરી (30-0, 24 કોસ) અપરાજિત દાવેદાર આરોન અલામેડાને લઇને (25-0, 13 કોસ) ડબલ્યુબીસી સુપર બેન્ટમ વેઇટ ટાઇટલ એલિમીનેટર મુખ્ય ઇવેન્ટમાં. રાઇઝિંગ લાઇટ જોસેફ જ્યોર્જ (10-0, 6 કોસ) અને માર્કોસ સ્કુડેરો (10-1, 9 કોસ) તેમના નવેમ્બરના 10-રાઉન્ડ રિમેચ સાથે ટેલિકાસ્ટ ખોલોShoBox શોડાઉન જોયું કે જ્યોર્જ સાંકડી-વિભાજીત નિર્ણય જીતી રહ્યો.

પી Ve બ્રોડકાસ્ટર બ્રાયન કસ્ટર બહુમુખી લડાઇ સ્પોર્ટસકાસ્ટર સાથે ટેલિકાસ્ટ હોસ્ટ તરીકે સેવા આપશે મuroરો ર Ranનાલો હ Hallલ Fફ ફેમ એનાલિસ્ટ અલ બર્નસ્ટિનની સાથેની ક્રિયાને બોલાવે છે અને પૂર્વ વિભાગના પૂર્વ ચેમ્પિયન પાઉલી માલિગ્નાગી. બહાર ફરવું ટેલિકાસ્ટ ટીમ એમી છે® એવોર્ડ વિજેતા રિપોર્ટર જીમ ગ્રે, અનધિકૃત રીંગસાઇડ સ્કોરર સ્ટીવ ફરહડ અને વિશ્વ વિખ્યાત રિંગ ઘોષણાકાર જિમ્મી લેનોન જુનિયર. ડેવિડ ડિંકિન્સ જુનિયર. રે સાથે એક્ઝિક્યુટિવ નિર્માતા તરીકે સેવા આપે છે સ્માર્ટ્ઝ નિર્માતા અને બોબ ડંફી નિર્દેશન.

જીવંત માટે ટિકિટ ઘટના, જેને ટીજીબી પ્રમોશન્સ અને મેવેધર પ્રમોશન દ્વારા પ્રમોટ કરવામાં આવે છે, હવે છે વેચાણ પર અને ખરીદી શકાય છેticketmaster.com. દ્વૈતવ વિ. બ્રાઉનીને સલિતાના સહયોગથી બ isતી મળી છે બotionsતી.

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વધુ માહિતી માટે મુલાકાતwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter પર અનુસરો @ શોટાઇમબોક્સિંગ, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @ મેવેધરપ્રોમો અને @ સ્વાનસન_કોમ અથવા ફેસબુક પર એક ચાહક બનોwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Rakhmanov Replaces Malik Hawkins Who Was Forced To Withdraw For Medical Reasons

NEW YORK – February 24, 2020 – Undefeated rising prospect Keith “The Bounty” Hunter will face talented Sanjarbek “War” Rakhmanov in a rematch in the 10-round super lightweight ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન main event Friday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 28 શોટાઇમ પર રહે (10:45 વાગ્યાની. ઇટી / પી.ટી.) from Sam’s Town Casino in Las Vegas. Rakhmanov steps in to replace previously scheduled opponent Malik Hawkins who was forced to withdraw for medical reasons.

હન્ટર (11-0, 7 કોસ) and Rakhmanov (12-2-1, 6 કોસ) first met on February 5, 2019, in an eight-round welterweight contest that resulted in a narrow-split decision victory for Hunter. Although Hunter controlled the action in the early rounds and scored a knockdown in the second, Rakhmanov recovered and landed some heavy blows in the later rounds. The scorecards read 77-74, 76-75 અને 75-76.

Rakhmanov, who fought to a draw with Alfonso Olvera on ShoBox in May of 2016, will be making his second appearance on the prospect developmental series and his ninth start at Sam’s Town Live. In his most recent performance on September 20, 2019, he broke down Andre Byrd, delivering punishment to the body for four straight rounds, leading to Byrd taking a knee and ending the fight. He currently trains with Chris Ben-Tchavtchavadze at the Mayweather Boxing Club.

The 30-year-old Rakhmanov, who was born in Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan, was a top amateur with more than 140 અંત, including a Gold Medal win at the 2009 Asian Amateur Boxing Championship. માં 2013, he became the national champion of Uzbekistan. After signing with Mayweather Promotions in 2014, he turned pro with an impressive 1:21 first-round knockout over Brett Simmons in June of 2015.

માં ShoBox સહ મુખ્ય ઘટના, 2016 Olympian and undefeated super lightweight prospect Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 કોસ) takes on Rhode Island’s Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5 કોસ) 10-રાઉન્ડ વારો માં. Once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 કોસ) faces Albania’s Genc Pllana (7-1-1, 4 કોસ) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup to open the telecast.

બેરી ટompમ્પકિન્સ બોક્સીંગ ઇતિહાસકાર સ્ટીવ ફરહડ અને ભૂતપૂર્વ વર્લ્ડ ચેમ્પિયન રાઉલ માર્ક્ઝ સાથે નિષ્ણાત વિશ્લેષકો તરીકે સેવા આપશે.. કારોબારી નિર્માતા રિચર્ડ Gaughan ઉત્પાદન અને રિક ફિલીપ્સ દિગ્દર્શન સાથે ગોર્ડન હોલ છે.

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વધુ માહિતી મુલાકાત માટે: www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com, follow on Twitter: @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, , @mayweathersprts and, Instaram: @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, અથવા ફેસબુક પર એક ચાહક બની www.Facebook.com/SHOSports અને www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions
#ShoBox #SinCityShowdown


Quadrupleheader Will Feature Five Fighters With Undefeated Records

NEW YORK – February 20, 2020 – Talented undefeated super lightweight prospect Brandun Lee will headline his first ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન main event when he takes on Camilo Prieto in a 10-round super lightweight bout that headlines a quadrupleheader on Friday, માર્ચ 13 શોટાઇમ પર રહે (10 ઇટી / પી.ટી.) હિન્કલી માં ગ્રાન્ડ કેસિનો હિન્કલી થી, પ્રતિ.

The four fights include five boxers who have yet to taste defeat with a total record of 107 wins to just three defeats and two draws. સહ-દર્શાવવામાં વારો માં, અપરાજિત બ્રાયન નોર્મન જુનિયર. (16-0, 14 કોસ) તે ફ્લેવીયો રોડ્રિગ પર લેતી વખતે તેનો સંપૂર્ણ રેકોર્ડ લાઇન પર રાખે છે (9-1-1, 7 કોસ) આઠ રાઉન્ડના વેલ્ટરવેઇટ મેચઅપમાં. અજેજેન્ડ્રો ગુરેરોને અજેયત કરી (11-0, 9 કોસ) જોસ એંગુલોને મળે છે (12-1, 5 કોસ) આઠ રાઉન્ડના લાઇટવેઇટ સ્ક્રેપમાં જ્યારે બીજો અજેય ફાઇટર અરામ અવગ્યાન (9-0-1, 4 કોસ) સાથી અપરાજિત ડેગોબર્ટો એગ્યુરો પર લે છે (17-0, 11 કોસ) આઠ રાઉન્ડની ફેધરવેઇટ લડાઈમાં.

આ ઘટના માટે ટિકિટો, જેને ડી સાથે મળીને સલિતા પ્રોત્સાહન દ્વારા પ્રમોટ કરવામાં આવે છે&ડી બingક્સિંગ અને રacપacક્સ બingક્સિંગ, અંતે કિંમતની છે $75 Ringside, $50 અનામત, $25 સામાન્ય પ્રવેશ, અને $62.50 ટેબલ બેઠક (ન્યૂનતમ બે ટિકિટ), અને હવે ખાતે વેચાણ પર હોય છે ticketmaster.com અથવા ગ્રાન્ડ કેસિનો હિંકલી બ Officeક્સ .ફિસ.

“We are excited about our March 13 કાર્ડ, which includes amateur national champions, knockout artists and undefeated fighters,"ગોર્ડન હોલ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, executive producer for ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન. “We open up with a battle of unbeatens and that will be followed by three of boxing’s top prospects under the age of 22. These three very talented prospects all had stellar amateur careers and each are talented in their own way. They all have something in common and that’s power as the threesome have a combined 39 knockouts in their 45 ઝઘડા. You can expect an action-packed card and certainly some KOs.”

“On March 13th, boxing fans are in for a treat,"સેઇડ Dmitriy Salita, Salita પ્રમોશન્સ પ્રમુખ. “This fantastic ShoBox card is showcasing some of the most talented prospects in boxing. Top to bottom, is going to be a must watch night of fights, shining the spotlight in my opinion, in some of tomorrow’s champions.”

“These are four terrific matchups between up-and-coming young fighters,” said Cameron Dunkin of D&ડી મુક્કાબાજી. “Brandun Lee has a big test in front of him for his first main event on ShoBox. Brian Norman and Alejandro Guerrero will both be in the toughest fights of their careers as well. All four televised bouts have the potential to be explosive. These are the types of fights that boxing needs.”

માત્ર 20 જૂના વર્ષ, the knockout artist Lee (18-0, 16 કોસ) from La Quinta, કેલિફ., has KO’d all but two of his opponents (88.89 ટકા), સહિત 11 પ્રથમ રાઉન્ડમાં, four in the second and one in the third. The third-year pro is making his second ShoBox દેખાવ. સપ્ટેમ્બરમાં, Lee scored a second-round knockout against Milton Arauz in his ShoBox પદાર્પણ. (વિડિઓ). This is Lee’s second fight of 2020 as he knocked out Miguel Zamudio in a non-televised January 17 bout in Sloan, આયોવા.

Lee had a decorated amateur career with an estimated record of 196-5. તેમણે હતી 2015 યુ.એસ.. Junior National Champion, taking home the gold medal at 145 પાઉન્ડ. With lightning quick hands that also pack power, the exciting Lee has sparred with Mikey Garcia, Devin હેની, Mauricio હેરારા, Timothy Bradley Jr., થોમસ Dulorme, થોડા નામ. Lee is trained by his father Bobby Lee and is also a full-time college student.

“I’m excited to be headlining my first SHOWTIME show,"લીએ કહ્યું. “I’m looking forward to giving fans something different that they haven’t seen from me before. They’re going to see me display my boxing skills a lot more. In my last two fights, I feel like I didn’t really show how good my defense is. I’m going to use the left hand a lot more to feel him out. અને પછી, when the time is right, I will drop the bombs. Headlining my first ShoBox is a huge accomplishment. It’ll sort of be like graduating the high school of boxing. After this, I hope to move onto the University level of boxing like SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING or Pay-per-View.

The 33-year-old Prieto (15-1, 10 કોસ) is riding a seven-fight win streak with his last loss coming in February 2017. In his last fight in November, Prieto recorded a six-round unanimous decision against Yogli Herrera. Prieto trains at various gyms around Miami and for the past year has been working with former light heavyweight world champion and Roy Jones Jr. conqueror Glen “The Road Warrior” Johnson.

“It’s been great working with Glen,” Prieto said. “I am getting knowledge from an ex-world champion who knows what it takes to be at the top level and has been there before. He knows how to push and guide you the right way for big fights like this. Brandun Lee looks like a young, undefeated fighter to me, but I don’t see anything too impressive, પ્રમાણિકતા. You can expect to see fireworks that night. I’m going to really come and put Brandun to the test. He’s never faced anyone as good as me. તે ક્રિયા-પેક્ડ લડાઈ હોઈ ચાલે છે. "

Norman, the 19-year-old Atlanta resident, like Lee also has won all but two of his fights by knockout. તાજેતરમાં, Norman earned a unanimous decision victory over Evincii Dixon on January 17 in Sloan, આયોવા. Norman goes by the nickname “The Assassin II” as his father Brian Norman Sr. was known as “The Assassin” as a professional boxer from 2003-2011. Norman is trained by both his father and Barry Richardson.

“I’m not looking for just a victory on ShoBox, I want to show off,” Norman said. “I want to show what I can do. I want to break my opponent down and let everybody know I’m here. You can expect to see a lot of fireworks. Both my father and Barry are giving me their all, and I’m giving it back. I know Rodriguez is a short, pressure fighter. He’s basically made for me to beat.”

Rodriguez trains at Capetillo Boxing Academy in East Los Angeles. He had an amateur record of 86 જીત અને 14 losses and was a silver medalist at the Junior Olympic Nationals.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME is a dream come true,” Rodriguez said. “Growing up, I always wanted to be one of the guys that fought on TV, so it’s pretty exciting to get the opportunity to do so and show the world my skills. A victory would mean a lot to me, especially a win over someone as tough as the guy I’m fighting. I’m hoping a win over him can bring me to bigger opportunities to fight for a world title.”

Guerrero is a big-punching prospect who has won his last three fights by knockout. એક પ્રખ્યાત કલાપ્રેમી જેણે બે જુનિયર રાષ્ટ્રીય ખિતાબ જીત્યા, “Pork Chop” has sparred with the likes of Mikey Garcia and Brandon Rios at the famed Garcia Boxing Academy in California. હ્યુસ્ટન બહાર લડાઈ, the 21-year-old will be making his national television debut March 13 and is coming off a second-round TKO of Darnell Jiles Jr. in January of this year.

“I love that I’m getting this opportunity,"ગેરેરોએ કહ્યું. “I’ve trained for this my whole life. My dream is to become a world champion, so a win would mean so much for me and my family. I’ve been training really hard for this fight, knowing it’ll be on national television. I don’t really know much about Angulo, but we train hard for anyone. The outcome will always be the same. I will always win.”

Angulo, of Guayaquil, એક્વાડોર, will be making his United States debut after fighting 12 તેમના 13 professional fights in his native country. His lone loss came in his only fight outside of Ecuador, a unanimous decision to Ryan Pino in Puerto Rico. Since the loss, Angulo has rattled off six consecutive wins, including knockouts in the second and first rounds of his last two fights, અનુક્રમે.

“There’s going to be a big surprise waiting for Guerrero on March 13,” said Angulo. “He likes fighting on the inside and he comes forward with a lot ofaggression too, so he’s the perfect style for me and the way I like to fight. I’m looking forward to showcasing myself on this big platform and putting all my skills to work. I will win.”

Avagyan, a 29-year-old from Yerevan, આર્મીનિયા, represented his home country in the 2016 ઓલિમ્પિક ગેમ્સ. Avagyan had an accomplished amateur career, winning bronze medals at both the 2013 અને 2015 European championships. Turning pro following the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games, Avagyan won his first eight professional bouts before fighting Russian Evgeny Smirnov to a split-decision in September 2018. તેની છેલ્લી વખત બહાર, he made his U.S. debut on the undercard of Canelo Alvarez-Daniel Jacobs, where he handily out-boxed then-unbeaten Francisco Esparza en route to a unanimous decision.

“Every fight is a chance to prove myself and rise to the top,"Avagyan કહ્યું, who is signed to Salita Promotions. “When I go out into the ring, I only think about winning any at cost. Aguero is just another obstacle that must be moved out of my way. Before each fight, I surrender myself to training one hundred percent so that on the day of the battle, I do not regret the path traveled. Fight night is like a holiday for me because the time has come for which I was preparing.”

The 26-year-old Aguero was an impressive amateur in his native Dominican Republic. Aguero was a silver medalist at the 2011 Pan-Am Games in Guadalajara, મેક્સિકો, losing only to future two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Robeisy Ramírez. As a pro, the San Cristobal native won the first 10 fights of his career in his home country before making his U.S. debut in February 2017 when he earned the most impressive win of his young career over Olimjon Nazarov.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME is what we have been waiting for,” said Aguero, who is currently training in Pahokee, ફ્લામાં. “I look at it as the opportunity to show people who I am and when I win this fight, it’ll be the beginning of a great boxing career where I can feed my family and give my son everything he needs and deserves.”

બેરી ટompમ્પકિન્સ બોક્સીંગ ઇતિહાસકાર સ્ટીવ ફરહડ અને ભૂતપૂર્વ વર્લ્ડ ચેમ્પિયન રાઉલ માર્ક્ઝ સાથે નિષ્ણાત વિશ્લેષકો તરીકે સેવા આપશે.. કારોબારી નિર્માતા રિચર્ડ Gaughan ઉત્પાદન અને રિક ફિલીપ્સ દિગ્દર્શન સાથે ગોર્ડન હોલ છે.

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વિશે ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન

જુલાઈમાં તેના આરંભથી 2001, વિવેચકોની પ્રશંસા શોટાઇમ બોક્સિંગ શ્રેણી, ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન ફીચર્ડ આવી છે યુવાન પ્રતિભા અઘરા મેળ. આ ShoBox ફિલસૂફી ઉત્તેજક ટેલિવિઝન-પ્રસારણ માટે છે, ભીડ-ખુશી અને સ્પર્ધાત્મક મેચોમાં તૈયાર ભવિષ્ય માટે એક proving જમીન આપતી વખતે એક વર્લ્ડ ટાઇટલ માટે લડવા નક્કી. આ વધતી યાદી અમુક 81 પર દેખાયા છે જે લડવૈયાઓ ShoBox અને વિશ્વ ટાઇટલ્સ સંઘરવું અદ્યતન સમાવેશ: Errol સ્પેન્સ જુનિયર, આન્દ્રે વોર્ડ, Deontay વિલ્ડર, Erislandy લારા, શોન પોર્ટર, ગેરી રસેલ જુનિયર, Lamont પીટરસન, ગુઈલેર્મો Rigondeaux, Nonito દોનૈરે, ડેવોન એલેક્ઝાન્ડર, કાર્લ Froch, રોબર્ટ ગરેરો, ટીમોથી બ્રેડલી, જેસી વર્ગાસ, જુઆન મેન્યુઅલ લોપેઝ, ચાડ ડોસન, Paulie Malignaggi, રિકી હેટોન, કેલી Pavlik, પોલ વિલિયમ્સ અને વધુ.


Hunter Faces Fellow Unbeaten Malik Hawkins in Main Event of ShoBox: The New Generation Friday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 28 શોટાઇમ પર Live®

ક્લિક કરો અહીં for Hunter Photos; ક્રેડિટ: Team Prince Ranch Boxing

LAS VEGAS – February 19, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight sensation and Las Vegas native, Keith “The Bounty” Hunter (11-0, 7 કોસ), talks about training camp in advance of his upcoming showdown against fellow undefeated prospect Malik Hawkins (18-0, 11કોસ) એક મુખ્ય ઘટના ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન શુક્રવારે, ફેબ્રુઆરી 28 શોટાઇમ પર રહે (10:45 વાગ્યાની. ઇટી / પી.ટી.) થી Sam’s Town Live લાસ વેગાસમાં.

સહ મુખ્ય ઘટના માં, 2016 Olympian and undefeated super lightweight prospect Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 કોસ) takes on Rhode Island’s Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5કોસ) in a 10-round bout and once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 કોસ) faces Albania’s Genc Pllana (7-1-1, 4 કોસ) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup that opens the telecast.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown શરુ $25 અને ખરીદી શકાય છે: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

હન્ટર, 27, વળતર Sam’s Town Live after an impressive 2019, in which he won a decisive 10-round unanimous decision against Cameron Krael and scored an upset victory over former amateur standout Sanjarbek Rakhmanov. He comes from a family of fighters, he’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson. Hunter has spent the entirety of his training camp at Prince Ranch Boxing Gym in Las Vegas, where he trains alongside undefeated welterweight Blair Cobbs.

Here is what Hunter had to say about his recent training camp and upcoming battle with Hawkins:

On his opponent…

This is my time to shine. Hawkins is a good fighter, he is talented, but he stands in my way. I am not just fighting for myself, but for my family. If you look at my record, I’ve fought some very tough guys. I know I’m battle ready to take my career to the next level. Hawkins is going down. I am going to make people respect the Hunter name once again

“I have nothing bad to say about Malik Hawkins. He is a hard-working fighter. I just feel that I am better. આ મારો સમય છે, and no one can take this opportunity away from me. The problem for Hawkins is, I have trained harder than ever to get the win. I am more focused than ever.”

તાલીમ શિબિર પર ...

“I wanted this camp to be very specific. I get good sparring at Bones Adams’ gym and a lot of top pros have come through there like Shakur Stevenson, મેની Pacquiao, અને અન્ય ઘણા લોકો. I have watched how they trained, and I have used that same work ethic and principles for this camp with the supervision of my coaches.”

On his status as a contender…

“I’m now ranked 13 આ WBA દ્વારા, which makes me a contender. I must get past Hawkins, so believe me when I tell you I’m going to leave everything in the ring. I’m looking at this fight like it’s a world title. Losing is not an option.”

On making his SHOWTIME debut…

“I am excited to headline on ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન. It’s a platform that launches fighters’ careers, and SHOWTIME has a fantastic and professional production crew. One goal from the beginning was to showcase my talent on a big stage like this, now I’m here. This is a very big opportunity for me, I’m not going to let it slip away.”

Hunter is managed by Greg Hannley of Prince Ranch Boxing, advised by former two-time heavyweight world champion Hasim Rahman promoted by Greg Cohen, Founder and CEO of Greg Cohen Promotions.

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વધુ માહિતી માટે: મુલાકાત www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, Twitter પર @ShowtimeBoxing અનુસરો, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, and on Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown and #ShoBox, અથવા ફેસબુક પર એક ચાહક બની www.Facebook.com/SHOSports અને www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, અથવાwww.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.


Ra’eese Aleem Wins Via TKO Over Adam Lopez; Montana Love and Joseph Jackson Earn Impressive Unanimous Decision Victories At 2300 ફિલાડેલ્ફિયામાં એરેના

કેચ રિપ્લે સોમવાર, ફેબ્રુઆરી 17 ખાતે 10 વાગ્યાની. શોટાઇમ ભારે પર ઇટીને / પી.ટી.®

ક્લિક કરોઅહીં ફોટા માટે; ક્રેડિટ અમાન્દા વેસ્કોટ્ટ / શોટાઇમ

PHILADELPHIA – February 15, 2020 - Undefeated 21-year-old lightweight prospect Isaac Cruz stunnedShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશનveteran Thomas Mattice in a closely contested majority decision win in theShoBoxmain event Friday night from 2300 ફિલાડેલ્ફિયામાં એરેના, પે. Watch the fight highlightsઅહીં.

ક્રોસ, મેક્સિકો સિટી ની, rode his superior work rate, a lethal body attack, and his ability to neutralize Mattice’s jab to the victory. ન્યાયમૂર્તિઓ લડાઈ સ્કોર 95-95 અને 96-94 બે વખત.

Cruz threw an average of 69.4 punches per round, compared to 57.8 punches per round for Mattice. The much shorter Cruz, standing at 5’4” ½, was fearless from the opening bell and held an 82-31 advantage in body punches connected. Mattice, 5’8” ½, was also out-jabbed 34-30. Making his sixth appearance onShoBox, Cleveland’s Mattice was hampered by another slow start, a theme in his previous appearances on the prospect development series. Through the first two rounds, Cruz held advantages of 49-15 in overall punches landed and 39-8 in power punches connected.

“We were going for the knockout but it didn’t come up so we’ll take the decision,"ક્રૂઝ જણાવ્યું. “I thought I won all 10 રાઉન્ડ. I don’t know what fight the judges were watching. Round one to 10 I dominated and I was never hurt.”

A strong finish in the 10મી and final round was not enough for Mattice to salvage a draw.

“I came up short,” said Mattice. “He was the better man. He could hit a little bit. I started out a little slow, trying to see what he had. He jumped out to an early lead and I was just trying to get familiar with his power. હું કોઈ માફી છે. તેમણે આજે રાત્રે વધુ સારા માણસ હતો. "

સહ-દર્શાવવામાં વારો માં, Ra’eese Aleem (16-0, 10 કોસ) burst onto the scene in his national television debut, putting on a boxing clinic by scoring a fourth-round TKO in a scheduled eight-round super bantamweight bout over San Antonio’s Adam Lopez (19-4-2, 9 કોસ).

અલીમ, from Muskegon, મિચ., proved to be overwhelming for Lopez, who was making his record eighth appearance onShoBox.શરૂઆતના ઘંટડી થી, Aleem attacked from all angles as a reactive and slower Lopez was unable to cope with the wide array of punches. The 29-year-old Aleem held a commanding 92-11 advantage in overall punches, including a lopsided 61-7 power punches advantage.

With blood dripping from his nose and scalp, Lopez’s corner asked referee Gary Rosato to stop the fight at 1:31 રાઉન્ડ ચાર. Watch the TKOઅહીં.

“I put in a lot of hard work,” said Aleem, who now lives and trains in Las Vegas. “I didn’t see any film on the guy but knew he was a tough Mexican fighter. Once we got in there, I could see the speed difference. I could see his punches coming. I did rush some punches and made some mistakes. But it was good and I kept my hands up and my speed and movements were good. And I’m glad I stopped him. I didn’t want to go the distance.

“I want a world title fight and I’m knocking on the door. I’m hungry and I’m ready. I know Danny Roman just lost the title. બ્રાન્ડોન Figueroa, whoever is there in the top-10 I’m ready for. I’m hungry and I’m coming and I want that fight.”

ચાર લડાઈ પ્રસારણ બીજા લડાઈમાં, Cleveland’s flashy unbeaten super lightweight Montana Love (13-0-1, 6 કોસ) તેમના વિક્રમમાં સુધારો 2-0-1 પરShoBox, putting in a professional display en route to a unanimous decision over Jerrico Walton (16-1, 7 કોસ), who fights out of Houston by way of New Orleans. ન્યાયમૂર્તિઓ લડાઈ સ્કોર 78-74 અને 77-75 બે વખત. ફાઇટની હાઇલાઇટ્સ જુઓઅહીં

“I think Love did enough to win,” said SHOWTIME Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. “The rounds he won, he won more convincingly. Love did the serious damage in the fight.”

Walton, with noted trainer Ronnie Shields working his corner, threw slightly more punches than Love, but in a fight decided by big moments, Love had more of them, ખાસ કરીને અંતમાં રાઉન્ડમાં. Love was more accurate on his power punches (43 percent to 21 ટકા) and in body shots (56-23). The southpaw also hurt Walton on two separate occasions, but the 29-year-old did enough to hang on and survive the rounds.

“I give my performance a C-plus,” said the 25-year-old Love. “I could have been more active in there. I didn’t get hit a lot and I hurt him a few times but I let him off the hook.

“I was getting off good shots, and the thing I’m mad about is that the fight should not have gone the distance. I’m ready for whatever’s next. My team is trying to get me to 135 પાઉન્ડ. "

Walton was making his national television debut. “I think the fight was closer than it was scored; I think it was at least a draw,"તેમણે જણાવ્યું હતું. “I don’t think the fight was 78-74. I’m very disappointed but I’m not going to stop. They’re going to see me again. This is only going to push me harder.”

With his first career loss, Walton became the 191સ્ટમ્પ્ડ fighter to lose his undefeated record onShoBoxboxing’s ultimate proving ground.

In a battle of unbeaten super welterweights making theirShoBox પ્રસારણ ઓપનર ડેબુ, North Carolina’s Joseph Jackson (16-0, 12 કોસ) handed Derrick Colemon, જુનિયર. (11-1, 8 કોસ) his first career loss. Jackson overcame a slow start to earn the unanimous decision. સ્કોર્સ હતા 77-75, 80-72, 78-74. Watch the decisionઅહીં.

The younger and more aggressive Colemon of Detroit started strong, controlling the first three rounds before the savvier and more mature Jackson commanded the second half of the bout. In rounds six through eight, Jackson out-landed Colemon 76-19 એકંદર અને 50-9 શક્તિ પંચની પર. Jackson’s movement and activity frustrated and tired Colemon, who went past five rounds for the first time in his career. Farhood scored the first three rounds in favor of Colemon and the final five rounds for Jackson.

“We just dug deep and got the job done,” said the 31-year-old Jackson. “I’d give my performance an eight out of 10. I know I can show better. I had about 40 people come out from Greensboro, એન.સી., and support me.

“I’ll fight whoever they put out in front of me next. It’s SHOWTIME and my first televised fight and first fight outside of North Carolina so it was important to put on a show.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by King’s Promotions in association with GH3 Promotions. સંપૂર્ણ પ્રસારણ સોમવારે ફરીથી કરશે, ફેબ્રુઆરી 17 ખાતે 10 વાગ્યાની. શોટાઇમ ભારે પર ઇટી / પીટી અને શોટાઇમ કોઈપણ સમયે પર ઉપલબ્ધ થશે® અને માંગ પર શોટાઇમ®.

The four-fight telecast was the third of fourShoBox presentations over six weeks showcasing some of boxing’s brightest young prospects in their toughest tests to date. Famer બેરી Tompkins હોલ ઓફ નિષ્ણાત વિશ્લેષક તરીકે સેવા આપતા Famer સ્ટીવ Farhood ના સાથી હોલ અને ભૂતપૂર્વ વર્લ્ડ ચેમ્પિયન રાઉલ Márquez સાથે ringside ક્રિયા કહેવાય. કારોબારી નિર્માતા રિચર્ડ Gaughan ઉત્પાદન અને રિક ફિલીપ્સ દિગ્દર્શન સાથે ગોર્ડન હોલ છે.


ક્લિક કરો અહીં for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS – ફેબ્રુઆરી 12, 2020 – Fast-rising super lightweight prospects Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 કોસ) અને Nick DeLomba(16-2, 5 કોસ) open up about training camp ahead of their ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન co-featured bout Friday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 28 શોટાઇમ પર રહે (10:45 વાગ્યાની. ઇટી / પી.ટી.) from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.

માં ShoBox મુખ્ય ઘટના, unbeaten Mayweather Promotions’ prospect મલિક હોકિન્સ (18-0, 11 કોસ) will return for his second appearance on SHOWTIME as he goes toe-to-toe with undefeated Vegas native કીથ હન્ટર (11-0, 7 કોસ) 10-રાઉન્ડ સુપર લાઇટવેઇટ વારો માં. The opening bout of the telecast will see Kevin “The Second Coming” Newman (11-1-1, 6 કોસ) against an opponent to be announced in a 10-round super middleweight bout. The previously announced opponent, Kalvin હેન્ડરસન, has withdrawn from the fight due to an injury.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown start at $25 અને ખરીદી શકાય છે: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Hitchins, બ્રુકલીન ના, એન.વાય, returns for his second consecutive test on the prospect developmental series. તેમના છેલ્લા સહેલગાહ માં, he earned a unanimous decision over Kevin Johnson at Sam’s Town. Hitchins, a 22-year-old 2016 Haitian ઓલિમ્પિયન, has gained notoriety for having the skillset of a veteran with a gritty and slick style inside the ring. Hitchins has credited some of his boxing development to advice and pointers he has gotten from world champion Daniel Jacobs and Shakur Stevenson, and stablemate Gervonta Davis.

“Nice” DeLomba, fighting out of Cranston, R.I., is coming off a five-fight win streak with three out of five wins by knockout. He’s best known for his slickness and elusiveness in the ring and looks to make a powerful statement in foreign territory as he makes his Las Vegas and ShoBox ડેબુ.

Here is what Hitchins and DeLomba had to say ahead of the February 28 મેચ અપ:

How has training camp been going in preparation for February 28?

Hitchins: “Camp is good, but I’m always in camp. There’s never a time when I’m not preparing and perfecting my craft, I’m really a student of the game. I know that I’m approaching that next level in my career, so I have to stay sharp and in the gym to perform at that next level.

“I’m headed to Colorado to finish training camp. It’s where the Olympic training center is, and it’s a place I’ve gone a couple of times to finish my camp. The air is better up there and that really helps me to get in better shape going into the fight.”

DeLomba: “Training camp is going wonderful. I’m getting everything I need to prepare for the fight: પોષણ, meal plans, and strength and conditioning. I’ve added a new strength and conditioning coach and I’ve tweaked things to adjust to Hitchins’ style. I’m ready to go and I can’t wait for fight night.”

What is your game plan going into this fight?

Hitchins: "My game plan is the same for every fight. Stay composed and be the first to strike. I’m at a point in my career where the competition is getting tougher so the main thing for me is keeping my defense tight. My defense will keep me in good shape during the fights as the competition gets steep. But overall, I always have the mindset that I’m the better, smarter, and faster fighter.

“I surround myself with champions. That’s the only way to become one and this fight gets me one step closer.”

DeLomba: “I plan to go in and fight smart; stick to the game plan my team has for me and execute it well. My goal is to overcome whatever he tries to throw at me.”

What do you know about your opponent?

Hitchins: “I don’t know much. He’s who my team picked for me so I’m just going to get the job done and take him out. લડાઈ રાત્રે, I’ll have a clearer idea of how to get him out. I can adjust to anything.”

DeLomba: “I know my opponent has quick hands and likes to throw speedy shots. I’m completely focused on myself and my training. I believe in my abilities as a fighter. I’m not intimidated.”

What will a victory on February 28મી do for your career going forward?

Hitchins: “Another win carries me to that next level. હું ભૂખ્યા છું, I come from nothing, so I stay with a chip on my shoulder. I’m appreciative of my team, મેવેધર બઢતી, and to SHOWTIME for providing me with this opportunity to build my name in the sport and show the world what I can do.”

DeLomba: “A win over Hitchins will catapult me to that next level. It’s a televised bout and this will bring me the exposure I need to branch out and expose myself to a new audience. It will improve my career tremendously.”

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વિશે ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન

જુલાઈમાં તેના આરંભથી 2001, વિવેચકોની પ્રશંસા શોટાઇમ બોક્સિંગ શ્રેણી, ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન ફીચર્ડ આવી છે યુવાન પ્રતિભા અઘરા મેળ. આ ShoBox ફિલસૂફી ઉત્તેજક ટેલિવિઝન-પ્રસારણ માટે છે, ભીડ-ખુશી અને સ્પર્ધાત્મક મેચોમાં તૈયાર ભવિષ્ય માટે એક proving જમીન આપતી વખતે એક વર્લ્ડ ટાઇટલ માટે લડવા નક્કી. આ વધતી યાદી અમુક 81 પર દેખાયા છે જે લડવૈયાઓ ShoBox અને વિશ્વ ટાઇટલ્સ સંઘરવું અદ્યતન સમાવેશ: Errol સ્પેન્સ જુનિયર, આન્દ્રે વોર્ડ, Deontay વિલ્ડર, Erislandy લારા, શોન પોર્ટર, ગેરી રસેલ જુનિયર, Lamont પીટરસન, ગુઈલેર્મો Rigondeaux, Nonito દોનૈરે, ડેવોન એલેક્ઝાન્ડર, કાર્લ Froch, રોબર્ટ ગરેરો, ટીમોથી બ્રેડલી, જેસી વર્ગાસ, જુઆન મેન્યુઅલ લોપેઝ, ચાડ ડોસન, Paulie Malignaggi, રિકી હેટોન, કેલી Pavlik, પોલ વિલિયમ્સ અને વધુ.

વધુ માહિતી માટે: મુલાકાત www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, Twitter પર @ShowtimeBoxing અનુસરો, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, and on Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown and #ShoBox, અથવા ફેસબુક પર એક ચાહક બની www.Facebook.com/SHOSports અને www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, અથવા www.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.

Unbeaten Former World Champion Luis Nery Takes On Fellow Unbeaten Aaron Alameda In WBC Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator Bout Live On SHOWTIME® Saturday, માર્ચ 28 In Premier Boxing Champions Event From Park MGM In Las Vegas

Heavyweight Contender Otto Wallin Meets Lucas Browne In Co-Main Event And Light Heavyweight Prospects Joseph George And Marcos Escudero Battle In Rematch In Telecast Opener

Tickets On Sale Thursday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 13 At Noon PT!

LAS VEGAS- ફેબ્રુઆરી 11, 2020 – Unbeaten former bantamweight world championલુઇસ નેરીwill face undefeated contenderઆરોન અલમેડાin a WBC Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator headlining live action on SHOWTIME Saturday, માર્ચ 28 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Park Theater at Park MGM in Las Vegas.

શોટાઇમ બોક્સિંગ: વિશેષ આવૃત્તિ® tripleheader begins at 10 વાગ્યાની. ET / 7 વાગ્યાની. PT and features heavyweight contenders squaring off asToટો વ Wallલિનઅનેલુકાસ બ્રાઉનેbattle in a 10-round attraction in the co-main event, plus rising light heavyweights go toe-to-toe asજોસેફ જ્યોર્જચહેરામાર્કોસ એસક્યુડેરોin a 10-round rematch of their November showdown onShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશનthat saw George win a narrow split decision.

લાઇવ ઇવેન્ટ માટે ટિકિટ, જેને ટીજીબી પ્રમોશન્સ અને મેવેધર પ્રમોશન દ્વારા પ્રમોટ કરવામાં આવે છે, are on saleગુરુવારે, ફેબ્રુઆરી 13 મધ્યાહ્ને અને ખરીદી શકાય છેticketmaster.com. Wallin vs. Browne is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

“Saturday, માર્ચ 28 is going to be a night full of exciting action headlined by Mexican knockout artist Luis Nery beginning his path toward a world title at super bantamweight against an undefeated Mexican contender in Aaron Alameda,”ટોમ બ્રાઉને કહ્યું, TGB પ્રમોશન પ્રમુખ. “Adding in the heavyweight showdown between Otto Wallin and Lucas Browne, plus a rematch of young light heavyweights Joseph George and Marcos Escudero, fight night at Park MGM in Las Vegas is sure to deliver explosive battles from start to finish.”

Nery (30-0, 24 કોસ) is a power puncher who has stopped his last 11 opponents and 15 તેમના છેલ્લા ના 16. The 25-year-old southpaw from Tijuana, Mexico scored a dominant stoppage victory over former champion McJoe Arroyo in March and returned in July to stop former champion Juan Carlos Payano. He scored a TKO victory over Shinsuke Yamanaka to win the bantamweight world title in 2018 and will now move up to 122 pounds to seek a world title in a second weight class.

“I’m excited to fight on SHOWTIME and I’m planning on another knockout victory to prove to everyone that I’m one of the kings of the super bantamweight division,” said Nery. “I know that I can knock out any fighter at 118 અથવા 122 પાઉન્ડ, and I’m hungrier than ever to prove that I’m one of boxing’s great Mexican champions. My goal is to continue to put on great performances for the fans and I’m ready to fight anyone who is willing to step up to the challenge.”

Representing Sonora, મેક્સિકો, અલમેડા (25-0, 13 કોસ) is unbeaten since turning pro in 2014 after a strong amateur career, and will step up in competition as he faces Nery for a shot at a world title bout. The 26-year-old is ranked No. 12 by the WBC and most recently knocked out Jordan Escobar in April 2019, after three victories in 2018. Alameda will fight in the U.S. for the second time when he enters the ring on March 28, after scoring a body shot knockout over Andre Wilson in a January 2016 bout in Los Angeles.

“I’m very excited to be making my SHOWTIME debut in the main event against a great fighter,” said Alameda. “All of the years of training and fighting have brought me to this fight on March 28. Nery is a Mexican warrior like myself and I can’t wait to lock horns with him and give the fans great action all the way until the final bell.”

The 29-year-old Wallin (20-1, 13 કોસ) will return to the ring in Las Vegas, where he nearly defeated former unified heavyweight champion Tyson Fury in September, જ્યારે તેણે કાનૂની પંચ સાથે ફ્યુરીની જમણી આંખ ઉપર એક ભયંકર કટ ખોલી નાખ્યો હતો જેણે લડતને લગભગ અટકાવી દીધી હતી. While Wallin dropped the decision, તેમણે સંભવિત ભાવિ હેવીવેઇટ ચેમ્પિયન તરીકે તેની સૂક્ષ્મતા સાબિત કરી. તેમના વતન સુંદસ્વોલનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ, સ્વીડન, વ Wallલિન ન્યૂ યોર્કમાં પૂર્વ ચેમ્પિયન જોય ગામાચે સાથે ટ્રેન કરે છે. Wallin’s last fight in Las Vegas was his second in the U.S., after his debut on SHOWTIME in April ended in a no contest because of a cut suffered by his opponent in the first round.

Fighting out of New South Wales, ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા, બ્રાઉન (29-2, 25 કોસ) most recently scored a knockout victory over John Hopoate in November, તેની બીજી જીત 2019. He’s won four of his last five bouts, with his only career losses coming to Dillian Whyte and David Allen in the U.K. બ્રાઉને તેની પ્રથમ જીત મેળવી 25 પ્રો ઝઘડા, including a stoppage of Ruslan Chagaev in 2016 ડબ્લ્યુબીએ હેવીવેઇટ ચેમ્પિયનશિપ મેળવવા માટે. તે તેના યુ.એસ. બનાવશે. પદાર્પણ.

જ્યોર્જ (10-0, 6 કોસ) emerged victorious in a battle of then unbeaten fighters when he faced Escudero on SHOWTIME in November, taking a split-decision victory. The 30-year-old didn’t start boxing until he was 19 and is managed by Washington Redskins All-Pro offensive lineman Trent Williams, and trained in Houston by NFL All-Pro running back Adrian Peterson and James Cooper. George will look to transition from prospect to contender by defeating Escudero again on March 28.

Escudero (10-1, 9 કોસ) will look to bounce back and even the score against George, and in turn bolster his own position in the light heavyweight division. The 26-year-old from Buenos Aires, Argentina has fought primarily in the U.S. since turning pro in 2017. His amateur career saw him become a national champion in Argentina in 2014 and represent his country in the Pan-Am Games in 2015. Escudero currently trains in Miami and scored three stoppage wins in 2019 before facing George for the first time.

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વધુ માહિતી મુલાકાત માટેwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter પર @ShowtimeBoxing અનુસરો, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Undefeated Prospect Aleem Makes his Televised Debut on ShoBox This Friday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 14 શોટાઇમ પર Live® થી 2300 Arena In Philadelphia

Use This Link For Photos From Team Aleem:


LAS VEGAS – ફેબ્રુઆરી 10, 2020 – અપરાજિત વધી ભાવિ Raeese “The Beast” Aleem (15-0, 9 કોસ) held a media workout at the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame as he prepares for his upcoming eight-round super bantamweight bout against Adam Lopez (19-3-2, 9 કોસ) in the co-feature of ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન આ શુક્રવાર, ફેબ્રુઆરી 14 શોટાઇમ પર રહે (10 વાગ્યાની. ઇટી / પી.ટી.) થી 2300 ફિલાડેલ્ફિયામાં એરેના.

In the main event of the four-fight telecast, lightweight prospect Thomas Mattice (15-1-1, 11 કોસ) will face hard-hitting Isaac Cruz (18-1-1, 14 કોસ) 10-રાઉન્ડ હળવા વારો માં. વધુ, in a matchup of undefeated super lightweights, Cleveland’s Montana Love (12-0-1, 6 કોસ) વળતર ShoBox in an eight-round bout with Houston’s Jerrico Walton (16-0, 7 કોસ). આ પ્રસારણ ના ઉદઘાટન વારો માં, undefeated super welterweight Derrick Colemon Jr. (11-0, 8 કોસ), of Detroit will face Joseph Jackson (15-0, 12 કોસ) ઉત્તર કેરોલિના.

અલીમ, જે દ્વારા સંચાલિત થાય છે ગ્રેગ Hannely ના પ્રિન્સ રાંચ મુક્કાબાજી અને બઢતી Kings Promotions, will make his television debut on ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન.

Here is what Aleem had to say Saturday at the ઓફ ફેમ નેવાડા બોક્સીંગ હોલ લાસ વેગાસમાં:


“I’m very excited to be making my televised debut on SHOWTIME, where the world will get to see my talent. I’m definitely looking forward to making some new fans. This is a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

“I feel like I’m flying under the radar. I’ve been right there with all the other rising prospects. I’m originally from a small town so I never had the proper eyes on me. I feel like I must train twice as hard as the average fighter just to be in the same conversation than these guys. But that’s just how the game is. I’m ready to show up and show out.

“It’s been a huge transition since I moved out here [લાસ વેગાસ] from Muskegon, મિચ., where I’m originally from. I came out here with no family and no friends, with the sole idea to pursue my career. I took a leap of faith and it has paid off. It’s been all about business here in Las Vegas, and it’s been great. I’ve been exposed to a lot of great fighters and picked up a lot of good tips.

“Adam Lopez is a tough Latino fighter who is going to bring his ‘A’ game, and he has something to prove. He has a lot of experience. He’s been in the ring with a lot of skilled guys and current world champions. This is the type of fight I need to take the next step toward being a world champion.

“I’m an aggressive boxer who likes to throw a lot of punches. I make my opponent miss and I make them pay. I’m all-action. I’m a beast! I’m prepared to go the distance, but my ultimate goal is to get him out of there, to get the win.”

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વધુ માહિતી મુલાકાત માટે www.sho.com/sports
Twitter પર @ShowtimeBoxing અનુસરો, SHOSports, #ShoBox, અથવા ફેસબુક પર એક ચાહક બની www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

વિશે ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન

જુલાઈમાં તેના આરંભથી 2001, વિવેચકોની પ્રશંસા શોટાઇમ બોક્સિંગ શ્રેણી, ShoBox: ધ ન્યૂ જનરેશન ફીચર્ડ આવી છે યુવાન પ્રતિભા અઘરા મેળ. આ ShoBox ફિલસૂફી ઉત્તેજક ટેલિવિઝન-પ્રસારણ માટે છે, ભીડ-ખુશી અને સ્પર્ધાત્મક મેચોમાં તૈયાર ભવિષ્ય માટે એક proving જમીન આપતી વખતે એક વર્લ્ડ ટાઇટલ માટે લડવા નક્કી. આ વધતી યાદી અમુક 81 પર દેખાયા છે જે લડવૈયાઓ ShoBox અને વિશ્વ ટાઇટલ્સ સંઘરવું અદ્યતન સમાવેશ: Errol સ્પેન્સ જુનિયર, આન્દ્રે વોર્ડ, Deontay વિલ્ડર, Erislandy લારા, શોન પોર્ટર, ગેરી રસેલ જુનિયર, Lamont પીટરસન, ગુઈલેર્મો Rigondeaux, Nonito દોનૈરે, ડેવોન એલેક્ઝાન્ડર, કાર્લ Froch, રોબર્ટ ગરેરો, ટીમોથી બ્રેડલી, જેસી વર્ગાસ, જુઆન મેન્યુઅલ લોપેઝ, ચાડ ડોસન, Paulie Malignaggi, રિકી હેટોન, કેલી Pavlik, પોલ વિલિયમ્સ અને વધુ.


WBC Featherweight Champion Russell Takes On Unbeaten Contender Nyambayar & Former Champions Guillermo Rigondeaux & Liborio Solis Battle for Vacant Bantamweight Title Live on SHOWTIME This Saturday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 8 in Premier Boxing Champions Event in PPL Center in
આલ્લેણટોવન, પેન્સિલવેનિયા

ક્લિક કરો અહીં અમાન્ડા વેસ્કોટ્ટ / શોટાઇમ ફોટા

ક્લિક કરો અહીં for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

ALLENTOWN, પીએ. (ફેબ્રુઆરી 6, 2020) – WBC વજનમાં તદ્દન હલકી વ્યક્તિ વિશ્વ ચેમ્પિયન ગેરી રસેલ જુનિયર. and unbeaten mandatory challenger TugstsogtKing TugNyambayar went face-to-face at a final press conference Thursday before they headline action live on SHOWTIME on Saturday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 8 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from PPL Center in Allentown, પેન્સિલવેનિયા.

The press conference also featured former champions ગુઈલેર્મો Rigondeaux અને Liborio Solis, who battle in the co-main event for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title, વધુ Jaime Arboleda અને Jayson વેલેઝ, who compete in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title eliminator to open the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 9 વાગ્યાની. ET / 6 વાગ્યાની. પી.ટી..

લાઇવ ઇવેન્ટ માટે ટિકિટ, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Kings Promotions, હવે વેચાણ પર છે અને તેના દ્વારા ખરીદી શકાય છે www.pplcenter.com/events (direct linkઅહીં).

Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Renaissance Allentown Hotel:


“અમે એક મહાન તાલીમ શિબિર હતી. I have my younger brothers on the card with me and in camp, pushing me every day. અમે તૈયાર છીએ, focused and hungry.

Tug will be the best he possibly can be because he knows he’s facing one of the best fighters in the world. He has everything to gain and nothing to lose. He’s going to leave it all on the line.

I think Tug is a lot more technically sound than a lot of the guys who I have competed against. He’s another guy with everything to gain and nothing to lose, so I’m anticipating a tough fight.

If it were up to me, I’d be facing Leo Santa Cruz or Gervonta Davis, but this is what I have to face. I’m here to defend my title in style once again.

It’s amazing to watch my younger brothers and to have them on the same card. I’m excited to work their corners. There’s never been a set of three brothers to become world champions, and I think we’ll do that real soon. They’re both extremely talented and hungry. I expect them to be better than me by the time they’re at this point in their careers.

I was the first fighter to turn pro on ShoBox, and I went on to win my title on SHOWTIME. The fact that we’re still doing it now speaks wonders. I work great with their team and I’m grateful to be in this position.

You should expect to see what you always see with me. Boxing at its best. A great deal of ring generalship. Good boxing IQ. Hand speed. Punching power. The total package as a fighter. હકીકત એ છે કે બાબત તરીકે, I’m trying to figure out why I’m not on the pound for pound list given all of that. That’s an issue.


“હું આ લડાઈ માટે ખૂબ જ ઉત્સાહિત છું. It’s going to be a good fight for the fans. ગેરી રસેલ જુનિયર. is a great champion, but watch on Saturday night, when I become the new featherweight world champion.

I just have to be better than Gary Russell on Saturday night. The past experience won’t matter. If he thinks I’m too inexperienced for this fight, he is going to be in for a surprise Saturday.

I know that I’m the underdog, but that doesn’t affect me. I don’t care if I’m the favorite or the underdog.

I’m not worried about any ring rust. I’ve worked so hard in the ring during training camp to make sure I’m the best I’ve ever been.

Working with Ismael Salas has been very good for me and I think it’s taken me to another level in my career. All of skills, all of my power and speed, it will all be with me on Saturday. I just have to put it together for my best performance.

I’m very ready for this fight. I want to be the first WBC featherweight champion in history from Mongolia. હું તૈયાર છું, you just need to watch on Saturday.

ગુઈલેર્મો Rigondeaux

Bantamweight is my division. I have no issues making that weight. I want to thank my team for getting me prepared and getting me to this position. All that’s left is to fight Saturday night.

I want to also thank Ronnie Shields for how he has prepared me for this fight. It’s been a great training camp and I can’t wait to step into the ring and become champion again.

“મને લાગે છે 100% and I believe that bantamweight has always been my best weight. I did well at 122 પાઉન્ડ, so i stayed there. My plan now is to dominate this division.

Me and Ronnie Shields have great chemistry and worked well together. Ronnie is a great trainer and I’m looking forward to a long run that we’re going to have together.

I’m going to be phenomenal in the ring. I’m going to unify 118 pounds just like I did at 122 પાઉન્ડ. I’m excited to get started.

My strategy will depend on the fight that Solis brings. I’m a veteran in this sport, dating back to the amateurs, so I’m used to seeing so many different styles. I’m to fight the way that gives me the best chance to win.


Thank you very much to my team who has backed me and supported me leading up to this fight. I’m very grateful for this opportunity. My opponent has been a great champion and I’m very excited to be here to fight him.

This is obviously going to be a great fight. I’m a warrior who always comes to fight. He can pick his strategy however he wants. But I just want to get in there and put my skills on display.

I was already a champion in one division and I had a fight taken on the scorecards at bantamweight, or else i would already be a two-division champion.

Saturday is going to be different than my last fights. Both me and Guillermo give our heart and soul and we’re going to fight until the best man wins. I’m not leaving that ring without a championship.

I’m going to come with everything on Saturday. I come to fight and I come to win. I’m sure Guillermo is the same. The difference will be my determination to win this fight.

I don’t think anyone’s weight or which division we fought at in the past will be an advantage. I’m sure he could have always fought at 118. The person with the advantage is who wants it more.


I want to thank all the great champions up on this stage and everyone on my team who made this fight happen. This opportunity has been a long time coming and I’ve been preparing hard to make the most out of it.

“શનિવારે, I’m very confident that this is going to be a great fight and end in a knockout. I’m prepared and I know that I’m going to win.

This is a great chance to get one step closer to my dream of becoming a world champion. I know what I have to do and I’ve prepared every day to make sure that I fight my best on Saturday night.

We have a lot of respect for each other and we’re looking forward to Saturday night. Don’t miss this card because it’s going to be action packed from start to finish.


I’m happy to be here again and back in a big fight. My last time fighting on SHOWTIME was in 2012 and I’m very thankful for this opportunity to compete on this stage once again.

I’m blessed to be able to do what I do every day. I’ve fought professionally since 2007. This is the dream that every boxer has. When I win on Saturday, I’ll be the mandatory for the belt and that’s the opportunity that I want.

I’ve been training hard for this fight and I’m ready. I’ve won three fights in a row heading into a great fight between two hungry fighters. We want to add each other to our record and I believe that this fight is ending in knockout.

Don’t miss this fight because this is going to be great. There’s going to be a lot of action. Every time I step into the ring, જીત કે હાર, I will leave everything in there. I fight with my heart and I fight for Puerto Rico.

# # #

Russell vs. Nyambayar will see WBC Featherweight Champion ગેરી રસેલ જુનિયર.defend his 126-pound crown against unbeaten mandatory challenger TugstsogtKing TugNyambayar live on SHOWTIME on Saturday, ફેબ્રુઆરી 8 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from PPL Center in Allentown, પેન્સિલવેનિયા.

શોટાઇમ ચેમ્પિયનશિપ બોક્સિંગ પ્રસારણ શરૂ થાય 9 વાગ્યાની. ET / 6 વાગ્યાની. PT and will see former world champions ગુઈલેર્મો Rigondeaux અને Liborio Solís battle for the vacant WBA Bantamweight World Title in the co-main event, વધુ Jaime Arboledaબેઠક Jayson Vélez in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title eliminator bout opening the telecast.

વધુ માહિતી મુલાકાત માટે www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter પર @ShowtimeBoxing અનુસરો, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions અને @Swanson_Comm અથવા ફેસબુક પર ચાહક બનો www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing