Tag Archives: Shobox


Shohjahon Ergashev Shines While Jesse Hernandez Edges Ernesto Garza In Co-Featured Bouts


Afli á Replay Mánudagur Á 10 p.m. OG/PT On Showtime Extreme


Smelltu HÉR Til að sækja Myndir; Credit Stephanie Trapp / Showtime


VERONA, N.Y.. (Jan. 13, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields dominated previously undefeated Tori Nelson en route to a 10-round unanimous decision in the main event of ShoBox: The New Generation Föstudagur on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino.




Shields controlled from opening to closing bell, sweeping 100-90 on all three judges’ scorecards in the first 10-round distance fight of her career. The 2012 og 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist out-landed Nelson 225-81 with her total punches, 186-70 in powers shots, and connected at a 44 percent clip with her power shots compared to just 20 percent for Nelson.




“I landed every shot that I thought possible to land,” Shields said. “She was tough, she wasn’t a pushover. She put on a good fight.”




Shields advanced to 5-0 with two knockouts in what was likely her final fight in the super middleweight division. The 22-year-old now has her sights set on the middleweight division where she will eventually target undefeated and Unified Women’s Middleweight World Champion Christina Hammer, who was ringside Föstudagur í Verona.




“I have to drop down and see how I feel (fyrst),” Shields said. “I think I could make 160 easy, I’m going to be bigger and stronger than any girl.




“Hammer just wants to scope. I think she’s pretty scared to be honest. She is more worried about me than I am about her. I’m going to kick Hammer’s ass. People think Hammer is more skilled than me so I can’t wait to show her that she’s not.”




Hammer, who is expected to fight in a co-featured bout on the next Shields card, was interviewed by SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood and expressed excitement to make her U.S. debut and eventually face the American champion.




“It’s a great combination me and her on the same card,” Hammer said. “I can’t wait to show the fans who Christina Hammer is. That will be the best fight ever. It will be the game-changer for female boxing. It’s our time to shine.




“I’m long-time world champion and I have more experience. I have longer reach, I’m tall, I have good footwork and better technique than her. I feel the energy, and I can’t wait to fight against her.”




The former world champion Nelson (17-1-3, 2 Kos) became the 173rd undefeated fighter to suffer their first professional loss on ShoBox: The New Generation.




“I’m not happy because I didn’t win, but other than that I thought I executed pretty well,” said the 41-year-old Nelson. “I gave her a better fight than she was expecting.




“No disrespect to Claressa, she doesn’t have great power. She has great speed and she overwhelms you with a lot of punches. My movement threw her off like I knew it would but knowing she was the champion, I needed to just push a little bit more.”




Í ShoBox samhliða lögun, Jesse Hernandez narrowly defeated Ernesto Garza via split-decision in an action-packed fight that was scored 95-94 Hernandez, 95-93 Garza, 97-93 Hernandez.




After a close first round, Garza floored Hernandez with a flush left hand to the nose in the closing moments of the second round. Hernandez recovered, and while the middle rounds featured tremendous back-and-forth action, Hernandez seemingly had no trouble walking down Garza, who’s punches seemed to lack any real power. Garza (9-3, 5 Kos) found a second wind and seemed to pick up the eighth and ninth rounds until Hernandez roared back in an excellent 10th and final round that featured 178 Heildareignir högg.




Hernandez (11-1, 7 Kos) lenti 50 percent of his power punches and connected on 40 percent of his punches compared to just 28 percent for Garza, however he threw just 719 total punches compared to more than 1,000 by Garza.


“I think it should have been a unanimous decision,” Hernandez said. “I’ve always been a slow starter and I feel like I lost the first two rounds, especially with the knockdown. But I won pretty much every round after that, I maybe lost three rounds.




“I’m not completely happy with my performance. I have to control my distance and my range a little bit better. I need to go back to the gym and work on those things. Before the summer comes I hope to have another fight and I hope it’s on SHOWTIME.




“I give Garza a lot of credit for getting in the ring and knocking me down. He hung in there for 10 rounds even after I caught him with some good shots. He was able to withstand those shots, but all that said, I still think it should have been a unanimous decision.”




Garza countered that sentiment.




“I thought it was a bogus decision,” Garza said. “I don’t understand that last judge’s card. I was happy with everything that I did. I executed well and did everything I needed to do to win the fight.




“I’m really disappointed with the outcome. I felt that I won. Mér, I won a majority of the rounds and I knocked him down. I know knocking your opponent down usually leads to you winning the fight.”




Undefeated Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev handed Sonny Fredrickson the first loss of his career with an impressive third round TKO in the opening bout of the ShoBox útsending.




The win over the top-10 ranked Fredrickson extended Ergashev’s perfect record to 12-0 með 12 knockouts.




The 26-year-old pressed the action from the beginning, negating Fredrickson’s five-inch reach advantage with a steady diet of well-timed, crisp punches. Ergashev landed a wide left to the head that stumbled Fredrickson in the opening minute of the third and continued to tee-off as his opponent wobbled against the ropes With Fredrickson (18-1, 12 Kos) unable to defend himself and eating a series of brutal lefts, referee Benjy Esteves stepped in to stop the bout at 1:58 af þriðja.




All of Ergashev’s 61 connects in the bout were power shots, and he connected on 77 percent of his power punches in the third and final round.




“The ref saved him,” Ergashev said. “If he let him stay on his feet any longer I would have knocked him out. He couldn’t handle my power.




“At this stage of my career, I am in the best shape of my life and the best I have felt. This is my time right now, especially because I am training with Rick (Phillips) og (Javan) Sugar (Hill Steward). That’s what leads to all of my knockout power.




“I’m ready for whatever comes next. I’m ready for more fights in the U.S., and I want to keep getting more exposure to show off my skills. I’m ready to fight anybody in America.”




Fredrickson, who became the 172 fighter to suffer his professional loss on the prospect developmental series, suffered a jaw injury in the bout and was unavailable for comment.




Föstudagur er tripleheader will replay on Mánudagur, Jan. 15 á 10 p.m. OG/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.




Barry Tompkins called the ShoBox aðgerð frá Ringside með Steve Farhood og fyrrverandi heimsmeistari Raul Marquez þjóna sem sérfræðingur sérfræðingar. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.sho.com/sports Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, eða verða aðdáandi á Facebook á www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Russian Heavyweight Apti Davtaev Leifar Undefeated á Shields vs. Nelson undercard á Turning Stone Resort Casino

Nokkrir skemmtilegir berst lögð áhersla á untelevised undercard fyrir tveggja tíma Olympic gull Minnispeningur Claressa Shields varnir hennar WBC og IBF titla gegn skylt Challenger Tori Nelson á Turning Stone Resort Casino í Verona, New York í kvöld.
Í helstu styðja lota, Detroit gegnum Kurchaloi, Rússland, þungavigtar Apti Davtaev gekk vel Bandaríkin berjast frumraun með því að skora sex umferð einróma ákvörðun um Philadelphia er Garrett “The Ultimate Warrior” Wilson.
Wilson ekki gera það auðvelt. Berjast út úr Crouch, þungt vöðvamikill, en miklu styttri Wilson kom upp með nógu villtum haymakers að gera allt baráttan mjög áhugavert. Davtaev virðist hafa mikið hægri hönd, sem hann lækkað á harða höfuð Wilson nógu oft til að vinna sér inn loka, en skilið höfuðhneiging. Davtaev ábyrgist kredit fyrir að fara í stríð þegar einn lykkja sveiflur Wilson tengdur.
Davtaev (nú 14-0-1, 13 Kos) missir fullkomið KO hlutfall hans, en gengur burt með a harður-fought sigur á fjandmaður sem kom til að vinna. Wilson er nú (18-14-1, 9 Kos).
Stigin voru 58-56 úr öllum þremur dómurum.
Slysni headbutt fært stytta enda á sex umferð frábær léttur aftur Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan’s Bakhtiyar Eyubov.
Í móti Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 Kos), spennandi Slugger Eyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) var hækkandi aftan virka hausafærslu og þétt skel þegar höfuðið rakst hopa Chalmers '. The cut that resulted was ruled too severe and the fight was ruled a No Decision at 1:59 af opnun umferð.
Í ljós þungavigtar brawl lögun greipar villtum kvenna fljúga úr öllum áttum, glíma heldur og nokkrir takedowns MMA-stíl, Franchon “The Heavy Hitting Diva” Áhafnir-Dezurn vann einróma sex umferð ákvörðun yfir Tiffany “The Terminator” Woodard.
Áhafnir-Dezurn, nú 3-1, 1 KO, af Baltimore, Maryland, Of margar vopn til Wilson, North Carolina’s Woodard (nú 4-10-3, 3 Kos), svo Woodard reyndi og tókst að gera hlutina ljót. Í kjölfarið var villtur kýla út lögun olnboga og headlocks og takedowns sem vinstri bæði á striga oftar en einu sinni.
Woodard tók mikið af harður leðri og skilið kredit fyrir Toughness hennar. Áhafnir-Dezurn sýndi Class í að taka beitu fyrir flest baráttunni. Hún gerði missa punkt í sjötta til sneaky hefnd takedown.
Stigin voru 59-53, 59-54 og 59-54.
Detroit gegnum Magnitogorsk, Russia’s Alexey Zubov outworked a determined Lamont “Of Smooth” Capers frá Hawley, Pennsylvania, á leið sinni til sex umferð meirihluta ákvörðun að.
Skemmtileg barátta milli harða nosed cruiserweights, Zubov var skorið á hægra auga og tók nokkrar góðar högg, heldur einfaldlega outworked á meira vali kapers. Zubov sýndi oft-yfirburða ástand hans og vann á bak menntaður jab, en Capers var efni til að leggja á strengina og land hörðum pottinn skot nógu oft til að halda það áhugavert.
A skora af 57-57 draga var yfir-undir stjórn skorar 59-56 og 58-56 fyrir erfiðar rússnesku. Með sigri, Zubov flytur met sitt til 17-1, 9 Kos. Capers fellur til 8-11-3.

CLARESSA SHIELDS vs. TORI NELSON ShoBox: Hin nýja kynslóð FINAL ÞYNGD, Tilvitnanir & Myndir fyrir TRIPLEHEADER á morgun SHOWTIME®

Live at 10 p.m. OG/PT frá Turning Stone Resort Casino

"Ég ætla að fara eftir henni í fyrstu umferð og fá hana út there." - Claressa Shields



"Ég ætla að hneyksla heiminn." - Tori Nelson



Smelltu HÉR Til að sækja innvigtun Myndir; Credit Stephanie Trapp / Showtime




VERONA, N.Y.. (Jan. 11, 2018) - Sameinað kvenna Super middleweight heimsmeistari Claressa Shields og undefeated IBF nauðsynlegur Challenger Tori Nelson gerði þyngd á fimmtudaginn fyrir 10 umferð WBC og IBF Super middleweight World Championship lokauppgjör þeirraá morgun/Föstudagur, Janúar 12 í aðalkeppni á ShoBox: The New Generation lifa á Showtime (10 p.m. OG/PT) frá Beygja Stone Resort Casino í Verona, N.Y..




The 22-ára gamall tveggja tíma Olympic gull Minnispeningur Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) munu standa frammi fyrir annað árið í röð undefeated andstæðingi sínum í fyrrum heimsmeistari Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos).




Undefeated Úsbekistan power-puncher Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) hittast náungi ósigraður og topp-10 raðað Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos), Toledo, Ohio, í útsending opnari. The 26-ára gamall Ergashev, fyrrum sex ára meðlimur í Uzbek landsliðinu, og núverandi WBA No. 9 uppröðunin Fredrickson mun véfengja átta umferð frábær léttur lota.




Í samstarfi lögun af ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader, jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos), hver er að koma af röð sigra yfir undefeated andstæðinga, mun taka á fyrrum National Golden Hanskar gull Minnispeningur Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) í 10-umferð Super Bantamweight lota milli tveggja allt-aðgerð bardagamenn.




Miðar á atburði, sem er kynntur með Salita Tilboð, eru nú á sölu $75 fyrir fyrstu tvær raðir af Ringside, $65 fyrir eftir Ringside sæti og alla aðra verðlagðar á $49 og $37, plús öll viðeigandi gjöld. Miðar hægt að kaupa í eigin persónu eða með því að hringja í Turning Stone Resort Box Office á 800.771.7711 eða á netinu Ticketmaster.



Opinberar ÞYNGD:



Claressa Shields vs. Tori Nelson - 10-umferð WBC og IBF Super middleweight heim Title Bout



Shields: 167 £


Nelson: 164 ¾ £



Jesse Hernandez vs. Ernesto Garza - 10-umferð Super Bantamweight Bout


Hernandez: 122 ½ £


Garza: 122 ½ £




Shakh vs Ergashev. Sonny Fredrickson - Átta umferð Super Lightweight Bout


Ergashev: 140 £


Fredrickson: 141 £








"Tori koma mikið meira árásargirni, a lot more fight than a lot of my previous opponents. Á pappír, Hún hefur bestu ný af hvaða andstæðing sem ég hef blasa og getur sett upp betri berjast.




"Allir vanmetur mig vegna stærðar minnar. Beinin í mér lítur út eins og ég er 140 en í raun ég er 168. Allir fara í slag hugsa þeir geta unnið, but once that right hand lands everything changes. I’m going to go after her in the first round and get her out of there like Nikki Adler.




"Ég býst við andstæðing minn til að beita þrýstingi, og til að nota sumir óhreinum tækni. Hún hefur meiri reynslu, en ekki það mikið þegar þú talar um áhugamaður reynslu sinni.




“She’s confident and she believes in herself. She thinks I haven’t earned my place yet. She doesn’t think I throw hard punches. Speed is power. She doesn’t get that.




"Þetta hefur verið erfitt Tjaldvagnar, Ég ýtti virkilega sjálfur. Ég geri venjulega sex vikna, þetta skipti sem ég gerði átta vikur. Ég hafði ekki barist síðan í ágúst þannig að ég vildi gefa mér aukalega tvær vikur þannig að ég vissi að ég væri í fullkomnu formi.




"Það er enginn vafi á því að ég byrja árið með sigri, en ég sé þetta sem samkeppni baráttunni. Ég ætla að fara að vinna sigur, en ég tel að ég get KO hana með sjötta, Sjöunda umferð. "







"Ég veit að ég er lítilmagni, en ég hef fallið níu manns. Hún hefur ekki skorað eitt knockdown enn sem atvinnumaður. Þegar Claressa gerðist atvinnumaður, Ég vissi að ég myndi þurfa að takast hana á endanum.




"A vinna er það sem ég kom til. I expect nothing different. I hope it would expose female boxing and not only open doors for me, en aðrir kvenkyns Boxer koma upp eftir mig.




"Ég finn að það er meira skemmtilegt að horfa á kvenkyns berjast. Þegar konur fá lækkað, þeir fá strax aftur upp og farið á eftir henni aftur. Þegar menn fá slegnir niður, þeir byrja að fela vegna þess að þeir vilja ekki að fá högg aftur. Þannig að ég held að við ættum að fá borgað eins mikið og menn.




"Ég er sæll að vera hér, but I’m not a winner until I complete what I came here to do. And that’s win. The odds are definitely against me, en ég ætla að hneyksla heiminn.




“I want to take her into the deep waters. We don’t think she can beat us in a 10-round fight.




"Þeir eru ekki að fara að gefa mér neitt. I have to be a dog and go in there and win this fight. I’ve always been aggressive. Why change anything for her?"







"Ég ætla bara að reyna að komast nær titli baráttu. Færa upp fremstur er helsta markmið núna, og ég er á réttri leið. A vinna hér í 10-umferð baráttunni væri mikið fyrir feril minn.




"Þar sem allur-í kring bardagamaður er eitthvað sem ég er að vinna á. En þú getur ekki orðið vel ávalar bardagamaður þar til þú færð reynslu og slagsmál og það er það sem ég er að vinna í að gera núna. Ég vil fá fleiri umferðir í og ​​gangi.




"Berjast við southpaw er ekki vandamál fyrir mig. Ég get skipt á afstöðu mína, en það er ekki eitthvað sem ég hugsa um eða áætlun. Það gerist bara náttúrulega í baráttunni.




"Ég hef alltaf trúað á mig, jafnvel þegar ég tók frí. Ég trúði að ég gæti fengið aftur inn í það og fá að efsta stigi. The wins over two undefeated fighters did a lot for my confidence. I knew I could do it, En það sýndi aðra sem ég tilheyri og að ég get keppt á efsta stigi. "







"Ég vil koma á þrýstingi, and he’s a pressure fighter too. We’ll see who backs up once we start throwing punches.




“I like to face fighters who come forward like him so I think everything will work for me. I plan on applying the pressure, fá hann þreyttur í seinni umferðum, og taka hann út.




"Hann hefur tilhneigingu til að skipta, but I think that’s when he gets off-balance. He won’t bring anything I haven’t seen before.




“I’m fighting at my natural weight class this time. My last fight on ShoBox (gegn undefeated Jón Fernandez) Ég var að berjast miklu meiri þyngd.




“I don’t think his height and reach will give me any issues. I’ve been working with a lot of guys in the gym who have similar size and style. We’re ready for anything.




“A win would be a great step for me and my career. All the doors would open up for us.”




Í kjölfar Shakh:



"Ég elska að þjálfa hér vegna þess að það er öðruvísi andrúmsloft hér í Bandaríkjunum. Það er alvöru faglega skipulag, Mér finnst að færni mín og tækni mín hefur fengið mikið betri þjálfun hér með Sugar Hill.




"Ég veit að hann er reyndur bardagamaður. Hann er undefeated og hann er að koma til að berjast. Það er stórt tækifæri fyrir okkur bæði.




"Ég er mjög mikill heiður að vera á Showtime og fús til að fá þessa tegund af innlendum útsetningu. A vinna myndi sement mig vera sem einn af bestu yngri veltivigtar horfur í heiminum.




"Ég hef fengið mikið betri þjálfun á Kronk Boxing Líkamsrækt í Detroit. Last æfingabúðir var kynning á American stíl box og þessum búðum virkilega batnað tækni mína og aðferðir við mikilli sparring.




"Ég er 11-0 með 11 knockouts. Ég er puncher og ég vil að knýja hann út, en ég hef þjálfað fyrir fjarlægð. Ég hef þjálfað til að knýja einhvern út í fyrstu umferð og áttundu lotu.




"Þetta er stórt skref upp í andstöðu, en ég hef haft yfir 200 áhugamaður berst gegn nokkrum af bestu áhugamaður Boxer í heiminum. Ég hef barið Olympic medalists og mjög annálaður áhugamaður bardagamenn. "




SONNY Fredrickson



"Ég hef verið að bíða eftir þessum útsetningu í langan tíma. Ég hef verið að reyna að fá á sjónvarpinu á síðustu tveimur eða þremur árum, þannig að þetta er a gríðarstór samningur fyrir mig. Vonandi vinna högg mig upp í toppinn 5 og gefur mér titil skot í lok þessa árs eða í byrjun næsta árs.




"Við spar mikið með Robert (Easter). It’s back-and-forth action. We grew up together and learn a lot from each other. Ég gef honum nokkrar ábendingar hér og þar og hann gerir það sama fyrir mig.




"Ég veit ekki of mikið um andstæðingurinn minn. Ég veit að hann er Lefty og hann hefur sterka bolla. Hann er góð samsvörun fyrir mig. Hann vill halda áfram að koma fram og land stór skot þannig að ég ætla að vera fær um að úthólfinu honum nokkuð auðveldlega.




"Ég held ekki taugar verður þáttur. Ég hef barist á kortinu Andre Ward, Ég hef verið í stórum slagsmálum áður.




"Ég ætla að knýja hann út eftir þriðju umferð. Ég ætla að segja, hey, fá hann héðan.




"Eftir þessa baráttu, fans vilja byrja að læra nafnið mitt. Ég held að þeir vilja sjá mig hafa skot á það 140 £ titil. "




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Barry Tompkins mun kalla ShoBox Aðgerðin frá Ringside með Steve Farhood og fyrrum heimsmeistari Raul Marquez þjóna sem sérfræðingur sérfræðingur. Aðalframleiðandi er Gordon Hall með Richard Gaughan framleiða og Rick Phillips beina.




Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.sho.com/sports Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, eða verða aðdáandi á Facebook á www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Sameinað Heimsmeistarinn til að verja titla Against Undefeated Challenger Tori Nelson föstudag, Jan. 12, í Main Event On Showtime



Smelltu HÉR fyrir myndir frá Stephanie Trapp / Showtime



Flint, mig. (Janúar 11, 2018) – Sameinað kvenna Super middleweight heimsmeistari Claressa Shields talaði við fjölmiðla á líkamsþjálfun fundur í heimabæ hennar Flint, Michigan., áður en hún fór heim til Verona, N.Y.. að verja 168 kílóa hennar titla gegn undefeated IBF lögbundið Challenger Tori Nelson á morgun nótt, Föstudagur, Jan. 12 lifa á Showtime.




Shields mun vega á síðdegis áður á morgun nótt er ShoBox: The New Generation útsending frá Turning Stone Resort Casino. The útsending hefst á 10 p.m. OG/PT og lögun bardaga á tveimur undefeated horfur 140-pund Shakh Ergashev og Sonny Fredrickson og jesse Hernandez gerð hans ShoBox aftur á móti Ernesto Garza.




Miðar á atburði, sem er kynntur með Salita Tilboð, eru nú á sölu $75 fyrir fyrstu tvær raðir af Ringside, $65 fyrir eftir Ringside sæti og alla aðra verðlagðar á $49 og $37, plús öll viðeigandi gjöld. Miðar hægt að kaupa í eigin persónu eða með því að hringja í Turning Stone Resort Box Office á 800.771.7711 eða á netinu Ticketmaster.




Hér er það sem 22 ára Shields þurfti að segja frá heimabæ ræktina sinni, The Berston Field House:







"Mér finnst frábært. Ég ýtti virkilega mér þennan Tjaldvagnar. Það var lengri Tjaldvagnar en venjulega þannig að ég hef haft nægan tíma til að fá tilbúinn. Tori Nelson hefur verið að gera mikið af rusl tala en ég ætla að sýna henni að hún gæti verið 17-0, en hún hefur aldrei barist stelpu eins og mig áður.



"Ég kann bara að hafa 4 faglega berst til nafns míns, en ég hef nóg af áhugamaður reynslu. Ég hef barist stelpur sem eru 16-0, Ég sé ekki hvar á færslu hennar þar sem hún er barist undefeated bardagamaður af því gæðum.



"Ég hef undirbúið fyrir þetta berjast á sama hátt og ég geri alltaf. Ég hef ekki gert neitt sérstakt. Ég áherslu á mig, ekki andstæðingar mínir.




"Í 6. eða 7. umferð, Nelson fer niður.



"Þegar ég vann Nelson, Ég vil að berjast Christina Hammer, en ég ætla að taka það einn bardaga í einu. Mig langar til að berjast að minnsta kosti einu sinni á 154 £ áður en við Hammer. "



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Um ShoBox: The New Generation



Frá upphafi þess í júlí 2001, á gagnrýninn fögnuður Showtime box röð, ShoBox: The New Generation hefur lögun ungur hæfileika Viðburður sterkur. The ShoBox heimspeki er að televise spennandi, mannfjöldi-ánægjulegt og samkeppnishæf leiki en að veita sanna jörð fyrir viljugra horfur ákveðin í að berjast fyrir veröld titill. Sumir af vaxandi lista af 73 bardagamenn sem hafa birst á ShoBox og háþróaður til að safna heiminum titla nær: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams og fleiri.



Um Turning Stone Resort Casino



Gestgjafi janúar 12 atburður, Beygja Stone Resort Casino er margverðlaunað áfangastað úrræði, sem heldur áfram að greina sig sem fyrstur vettvangur fyrir baráttu-of-the-ár stig box. Janúar atburður mun merkja Turning Stone 24. landsvísu-sjónvarpað box atburði, cementing úrræði sem leiðandi áfangastaður landsvísu, sjónvarpa Bardagaíþróttir. Beygja Stone lögun heimsmælikvarða þ fjórum hótelum, meira en 20 undirskrift veitingahús og veitingastöðum valkosti, tveir krampi, allur-nýr 125,000 fermetra fæti Las Vegas stíl gaming hæð, a Cabaret-stíl Sýningarsalur, a 5,000 sæti Arena, fimm golfvellir, nokkrir barir, hanastél stofur og næturlíf vettvangi með lifandi skemmtun hverja helgi.

Russian Heavyweight Crusher Apti Davtaev Looking to Impress in his American Debut This Friday at Turning Stone Resort Casino

Undefeated heavyweight KO artist Apti Davtaev will make his long-awaited American debut á föstudaginn night on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) á Beygja Stone Resort Casino í Verona, New York.

A recent signing of Salita Promotions, Davtaev (13-0-1, 13 Kos), from Kurchaloi, Rússland, will take on Philadelphia-based veteran Garrett “The Ultimate Warrior” Wilson (18-13-1, 9 Kos) in an eight-round showcase.
Standing an imposing 6 ‘5and already having won the WBC Slovenian title in just his tenth pro fight, Davtaev moved from his training base in Grozny to Detroit to work with well-respected Javan SugarHill Steward at the Kronk Gym.
I loved training in Detroit with SugarHill Steward,” said Davtaev. “I feel my skills are going to a new level and I look forward to showing them off on January 12. I know Wilson is experienced and has fought some very good fighters, but I am in great shape and ready to put on a show!”
Not looking to waste any time, the 28-year-old Davtaev says he’ll be looking fornamesin the big man’s division of boxing after this fight.
My goals are to stay active and fight the better names in the division this year,” sagði hann. “I look forward to showing the boxing fans my skills and challenging the big names. The fans in New York can expect to see a new contender in the heavyweight division.
Steward, nephew of the great Emanuel Steward and quickly building a strong reputation of his own, says that Davtaev has what it takes.
Apti is a strong, coordinated, big heavyweight who will be ready to compete very soon with the other contenders in the division. I am very impressed with his ability to learn and to transfer what he’s learned into sparring. I am excited to see Apti in action January 12 for his American debut. I expect to see an exciting knockout!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. OG/PT).
Also featured on the January 12 útsending, Úsbekistan power-gata Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) munu standa frammi náungi undefeated og topp-10 raðað Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) Toledo, Ohio. Í samstarfi lögun, jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) mun taka á Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) í 10-umferð frábær bantamweight lota.

Miðar á atburði, sem er kynntur með Salita Tilboð, eru nú á sölu $75 fyrir fyrstu tvær raðir af Ringside, $65 fyrir eftir Ringside sæti og alla aðra verðlagðar á $49 og $37, plús öll viðeigandi gjöld. Miðar hægt að kaupa í eigin persónu eða með því að hringja í Turning Stone Resort Box Office á800.771.7711 eða á netinu Ticketmaster.

Victory Sports & Entertainment’s Sonny “Pretty Boy” Fredrickson Ready to Shine in ShoBox: The New GenerationDebut, This Friday at 10 p.m. ET/PT Live on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino


Skjóta losun

New York, New York (Janúar 10, 2018) — Victory Sports & Entertainment’s highly-touted Junior Welterweight fighter Sonny “Pretty Boy” Fredrickson (18-0,12 Kos) is slated to make his SHOWTIME debut on Föstudagur, Janúar 12 when he faces off against Shohjahon Ergashev in the telecast opener of ShoBox: The New Generation á Föstudagur, Jan. 12 lifa á Showtime (10 p.m. OG/PT) frá Beygja Stone Resort Casino í Verona, N.Y..
Fredrickson will square off against the Uzbekistani Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) in a telecast headlined by two-time Olympian Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (4-0, 2 Rothögg) as she defends her WBC and IBF Middleweight World Titles against Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Rothögg).
Fredrickson, í WBA er No. 8 ranked fighter at 140 £, will take on power-puncher Ergashev in the former’s first fight since claiming the WBA Fedebol Super Lightweight title on Nov. 1, 2017 in Medellin, Colombia. The highly anticipated fight is part of a tripleheader event promoted by Salita Promotions. And while Ergashev is with Salita Promotions, there is no doubt who theA-Sideof this fight is as the fast rising Fredrickson looks to solidify his position as one of the top contenders at Junior Welterweight and make himself a television regular.
I am excited to make my ShoBox Frumraun, and look forward to putting on a good show for the fans at Turning Stone and everyone watching on TV, especially all my family and fans back in Toledo, Ohio” Fredrickson said. “I know Ergashev is tough and he will be coming to fight, but I’ve trained very hard. I had a great camp and I am looking to make a statement. I’m very appreciative of SHOWTIME for this platform.I had a number of television opportunities fall through because fighters pulled out so I’m happy my time has finally come. Vonandi, Ergashev doesn’t get hurt before Föstudagur, but once the fight starts I can’t promise anything.
Rick Torres, Forseti Victory Íþróttir, feels that this fight will give Fredrickson exposure to a wider audience that may not be familiar with him.
We feel Sonny is one of the best kept secrets in all of boxing and we’re excited that the rest of the world will get to see what we already knowthat Sonny Fredrickson is the future of the 140-pound division,” Torres said. “Sonny has not gotten the TV exposure of other fighters, but we know that, given the chance, he will not disappoint. We are very grateful to SHOWTIME and Gordon Hall for making this happen and for the support of Sonny’s promoter Roc Nation Sports.
Mike Leanardi, COO of Victory Sports, sees an opportunity for Fredrickson to follow in the footsteps of another Victory Sports fighter that started on ShoBox.
ShoBox is the premier platform today for showcasing and developing young fighters,”Leanardi said. “We’ve seen the impact ShoBox can have firsthand with [former Super Middleweight and Former Light Heavyweight World Champion] Badou Jack. We’re confident that Sonny can achieve great success as well.

Thrill-a-Minute Kazakh Slugger Bakhtiyar Eyubov Returns to Action This Friday at the Turning Stone Resort Casino

Kazakhstan-born junior welterweight contender Bakhtiyar Eyubov is back with a vengeance and ready to bring his flashy and fan-friendly style to New York boxing fans.

One of the world’s most exciting fighters at 140 og 147 £, the entertaining Eyubov will return to action this Föstudagur, Janúar 12, on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) á Beygja Stone Resort Casino í Verona, New York.
Yeyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) will face Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 Kos) in a six-round junior welterweight showdown.
Training for Janúar 12 has been excellent,” Said Eyubov. “I feel in great condition. My opponent has some solid wins against undefeated fighters and brings lots of experience into the ring, but I will be ready for everything.
The 31-year-old slugger says with all his injury woes behind him, he is looking forward to a big 2018.
My goal is to make a big jump in my career this year. I want to be set on my path to the title. My style is to please the fans and I want to show them exciting knockouts against the best contenders. I would like to stay active and fight four or five times. Give me the so calledkillersin the division. Stilla þeim upp!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. OG/PT).
Einnig lögun á Janúar 12 útsending, Úsbekistan power-gata Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) munu standa frammi náungi undefeated og topp-10 raðað Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) Toledo, Ohio. Í samstarfi lögun, jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) mun taka á Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) í 10-umferð frábær bantamweight lota.

Miðar á atburði, sem er kynntur með Salita Tilboð, eru nú á sölu $75 fyrir fyrstu tvær raðir af Ringside, $65 fyrir eftir Ringside sæti og alla aðra verðlagðar á $49 og $37, plús öll viðeigandi gjöld. Miðar hægt að kaupa í eigin persónu eða með því að hringja í Turning Stone Resort Box Office á 800.771.7711 eða á netinu Ticketmaster.

Um Turning Stone Resort Casino
Host of the Janúar 12 atburður, Beygja Stone Resort Casino er margverðlaunað áfangastað úrræði, sem heldur áfram að greina sig sem fyrstur vettvangur fyrir baráttu-of-the-ár stig box. Janúar atburður mun merkja Turning Stone 24. landsvísu-sjónvarpað box atburði, cementing úrræði sem leiðandi áfangastaður landsvísu, sjónvarpa Bardagaíþróttir. Beygja Stone lögun heimsmælikvarða þ fjórum hótelum, meira en 20 undirskrift veitingahús og veitingastöðum valkosti, tveir krampi, allur-nýr 125,000 fermetra fæti Las Vegas stíl gaming hæð, a Cabaret-stíl Sýningarsalur, a 5,000-seat arena, fimm golfvellir, nokkrir barir, hanastél stofur og næturlíf vettvangi með lifandi skemmtun hverja helgi.

Professional media requesting credentials for must contact Kelly Abdo, Beygja Stone Resort Casino Public Relations Manager á kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.

UNIFIED SUPER middleweight heimsmeistari CLARESSA SHIELDS veltir OLYMPIC dýrðar og spáir GÓÐUM ÁRANGRI 2018 Í Showtime SPORTS® vídeó lögun

“Ég gerði eitthvað sem gerði sögu og fólk situr þarna að vinna eins og ég veit ekki einu sinni til "- Claressa Shields

Shields undirbýr að verja hana titla Against undefeated Tori Nelson This Föstudagur, Jan. 12 Á 10 p.m. OG/PT Live On Showtime®

Watch, Útsýni & Deila með YouTube: http://s.sho.com/2CIfxwr


HVAÐ: Sameinað meistari og tveggja tíma Olympic gull Minnispeningur Claressa Shields endurspeglar á ótrúlegum áhugamaður feril og spár árangur hennar í 2018, hefst þegar hún ver belti hennar gegn undefeated skylt Challenger Tori Nelson á föstudaginn á 10 p.m. OG/PT lifa á Showtime.


"Ég vil fara niður í sögunni sem bardagamaður sú besta kvenna nokkru, og hvernig gerirðu þetta?” Shields ponders as she explains her decision to turn pro. “Ég gerði eitthvað sem gerði sögu og fólk situr þarna að vinna eins og ég ekki einu sinni til. "


Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) tekur áhorfendur í gegnum daginn æfingabúðunum í heimabæ hennar Flint, Michigan, þar sem hún fjallar alast upp í borg sem skilgreinir hana og spáir ríkjandi starfsævinni í mörgum þyngdarflokkum.


"Þegar ég vann [Nelson], Ég er að hringja út öllum efstu stelpurnar. Ef þú heldur að þú getur slá mig, við skulum gera það gerast. Ég er frá 154 að 168. Eftir þessari baráttu, Ég sleppa niður 160 og ég sparka rass allra á 160, "Shields segir. “Og eftir það, Ég ætla að fara á 154 og hver er pund-fyrir-pund núna? Cecilia Braekhus? Hún fékk að sjá mig líka. "


The 22-ára gamall ver titla sína gegn skylt Challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) á föstudaginn á ShoBox: The New Generation frá Beygja Stone Resort Casino í Verona, N.Y..



Highly Touted Lightweight Prospect Devin Haney Opens Telecast That Features Eight Fighters With A Combined Record Of 113-3-3, Including Five Unbeaten Fighters


Föstudagur, Febrúar. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. ET / PT
Frá WinnaVegas Casino í Sloan, Iowa


NEW YORK (Jan. 3, 2018) – A battle of unbeaten super middleweight prospects will headline a ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader on Friday, Febrúar. 2, lifa á Showtime á 10 p.m. ET/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa, as two-time ShoBox veteran Ronald Ellis takes on New Yorker Junior Younan.

Ellis (14-0-1, 10 Kos), af Lynn, Mass., og Brooklyn er Younan (13-0, 9 Kos) verður skellur í 10-umferð aðalkeppni á fjögurra berjast útsending sem lögun átta bardagamenn með samanlagt skrá yfir 113-3-3.

An undefeated boxer losing for the first time was a common theme on ShoBox in 2017 eins 15 prospects lost their perfect record on the popular developmental series last year. Now in its 17th year, a total of 171 fighters have suffered their first loss on ShoBox. All three fights leading up to the main event on Feb. 2 are eight-round matchups that include an undefeated “A-side” fighter facing his toughest test to date.

Í samstarfi lögun, former Dominican Olympian Wellington Romero (12-0-1, 6 Kos) will take on Philadelphia’s Sam Teah (12-1-1, 5 Kos) in a super lightweight scrap contracted at 141 £. Cleveland’s Thomas Mattice (10-0, 8 Kos) will face two-time ShoBox winner and Lancaster, Pa. resident Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 Kos) in a lightweight matchup.

In the telecast opener, highly regarded undefeated Devin Haney (18-0, 12 Kos), Las Vegas, will take on Harmonito Dela Torre (19-1, 12 Kos) in another bout pitting two 135-pound prospects.

The atburður er kynnt GH3 Kynningar og Roc Nation Sports í tengslum við Kynningar sigri og Ringside Ticket. Miðar eru bara $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 á febrúar. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN Ext. 7117.

RONALD ELLIS vs. JUNIOR YOUNAN – 10-Round Super Middleweight


Ellis returns to ShoBox in his first bout since defeating Christopher Brooker via a unanimous decision in Atlantic City last January. In his ShoBox debut, Ellis fought Jerry Odom to a majority draw in Atlantic City in February 2016.

Originally from Lynn, Mass., the 28-year-old Ellis currently lives and trains in Los Angeles at the Iron Gym under trainer Jerry Rosenberg and his father Ronald Ellis Sr.

“It’s going to be fireworks from the jump,” said Ellis, who was scheduled to fight Taneal Goyco in November, but the fight was scrapped when Goyco weighed three pounds over the super middleweight limit. “Younan is a good little fighter, but we are trying to get him out of there. Þetta er fyrsta helstu atburði mín, and I want to impress. It will be a good way to start 2018, which will be my year.”

Ellis upset highly regarded Terrell Gausha to win the 2010 National Golden Gloves. Gausha would go on to represent the U.S. á að 2012 Olympic Games.

Younan, who is promoted by Roc Nation Sports, was a highly touted amateur boxer who compiled a 90-5 record before turning professional in 2013 á aldrinum 18. Once dubbed by The New York Times as “a boxing prodigy” as a 10-year-old, Younan was a two-time National Junior Golden Gloves champion, að 2011 National Junior Olympic championship, and at one point was the No. 1-rated junior boxer in his weight class by USA Boxing.

Because of injuries, Younan fought just one time in 2015. After a nine-month layoff, he returned in March of 2016 to beat Cristian Solorzano and has remained active since. Eight of Younan’s 13 pro wins have ended in the first round, including three of his last five fights. The 22-year-old is trained by his father, Sherif Younan

“It’s a pleasure to fight on SHOWTIME and I’m excited to put on a show for all the viewers,” Younan said. “I’ve been working as hard as possible and I’m confident my efforts will pay off. I’m going to break my opponent’s spirit and pick him apart. This is my time – in 2018, I’m looking to make a title run and this fight is just the first step.”

WELLINGTON ROMERO vs. SAM TEAH – Eight-Round Super Lightweight


Romero is originally from the Dominican Republic now fighting out of Newburgh, New York. A southpaw, he fights under the Roc Nation Sports promotion and represented the Dominican Republic in the 2012 London Olympics, where he lost to eventual Gold Medalist Vasyl Lomachenko.


An accomplished amateur with 268 berst, Romero earned a bronze medal at the 2010 Central American Games and made back-to-back appearances at the 2011 World Amateur Boxing Championships and the 2011 Pan American Games as a teenager.

The 26-year-old Romero fought twice in 2017, recording TKOs in both wins over Kevin Womack Jr. and Mike Fowler.

“This fight on SHOWTIME is a great opportunity for me to showcase my talent and I want to thank God, my team and everyone involved for this opportunity,” Romero said. “I’m going to deliver a world class performance for all the boxing fans out there to enjoy. After defeating my opponent, I know I will make a lasting impression on the viewers and start paving my way to a world title belt.”

This won’t be the first time Philadelphia’s Teah is facing an undefeated fighter on ShoBox. In Las Vegas in 2015, Teah scored a unanimous decision over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster. The 30-year-old’s only loss came against then-undefeated Lavisas Williams in 2014.

Fæddur í Líberíu, Teah did not start boxing until the age of 19. His last four fights have been close to home with three in his hometown of Philadelphia and the other two in Bristol, Pa., and Atlantic City, N.J.

“I know my opponent was an Olympian, and he has been in front of a lot of great fighters,” Teah said. “I am excited to face him and take the big challenge. I know I will be his toughest opponent. I am ready to see what he is made of.”

THOMAS MATTICE vs. ROLANDO CHINEA – Eight-Round Lightweight

A 27-year-old from Cleveland, Mattice turned pro in 2014 and had an amateur record of 72-18. He was a three-time Ohio State Golden Gloves champion, and bronze medal winner in the USA National Tournament in 2014.

In his last fight on Nov. 11, Mattice beat Orlando Rizo via seventh-round stoppage in Georgia. Mattice, who has recorded four straight KOs and eight overall in 10 faglega berst, is a boxer-puncher who likes to attack the body.

“It’s a tough fight for sure,” Mattice said. “I checked him out. It’s going to be a rough fight, but I am prepared for a war. I am prepared for whatever he will bring. I am excited to fight on ShoBox. Ever since I started boxing, I said one day that will be me fighting on TV, and now that dream comes true.”

The 26-year-old Chinea returns to ShoBox after handing previously unbeaten Kenneth Sims Jr., the first loss of his professional career via majority decision on July 14. The win moved Chinea’s ShoBox record to 2-0. He had previously won an eight-round split decision victory over O’Shaquie Foster in 2016.

A Puerto Rican native now living in Lancaster, Pa., Chinea suffered his only defeat against the hands of Ismail Muwendo in 2015. He has won five straight since, including two unanimous decisions over previously undefeated Ladarius Miller and Mel Crossty, as well as the unbeaten Sims. His last four opponents had a combined record of 38-1-1.

“I know Thomas Mattice is another undefeated fighter with a terrific amateur career,” Chinea said. “I am being brought in as his opponent, to make him look good in his national TV debut. I respect Thomas for agreeing to fight me. I am sure that he will bring his best, and it will be another entertaining fight, Chinea style. I am going to be in the best shape of my career. I am going to be stronger, and I am going to hunt him down, rough him up, and beat him. I can’t wait to fight and win again on ShoBox.”

DEVIN HANEY vs. HARMONITO DELA TORRE – Eight-Round Lightweights


Haney just turned 19 years old last November and already sports a professional record of 18-0 með 12 knockouts. Trained and managed by his father, William Haney, he has been active with nine fights in 2016 and seven in 2017. In his last fight on Nov. 4, he scored a fifth-round TKO against Hamza Sempewo in Atlanta.

Raised in Oakland, Calif., Haney was a seven-time national amateur champion and compiled an impressive record of 130-8. Haney is currently living and training in Las Vegas, where he sparred with Floyd Mayweather as the pound-for-pound champ prepared to face Conor McGregor, and Shawn Porter. Haney turned professional when he was 16 years old in Mexico.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME, specifically ShoBox, where many champions have been made, is something I’ve envisioned since I turned professional in 2015,” Haney said. “I’m in tough against Harmonito Dela Torre, a hungry fighter who is coming off his first pro loss. I know his back is up against the wall, so I’m expecting him to bring everything he’s got. But this is my time to shine on the big stage and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by. I’m the future of boxing and everyone will see my talent on February 2, especially Dela Torre.”

Dela Torre is a 23-year-old Philippines native who has been training with Osmiri Fernandez in Miami the past few months at the Sanman Boxing Gym.

Dela was scheduled to fight last on Aug. 22 in Las Vegas in a super featherweight bout against undefeated Saul Rodriguez, who inexplicably pulled out of the matchup a few days before the fight.

Í stað, Dela Torre entered the ring in Las Vegas on Nov. 18 and suffered his first loss against 2012 Olympic silver medalist Tugstsogt Nyambayar in an eight-round unanimous decision, despite scoring a second-round knockdown. It was the first time in his first nine fights that Nyambayar was taken the distance.

Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Aðalframleiðandi er Gordon Hall með Richard Gaughan framleiða og Rick Phillips beina.

# # #

For more information visit www.sho.com/sportsfollow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Salita Promotions Signs Women’s Superstar Christina Hammer to Multi-Fight Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of undefeated women’s unified world middleweight champion Christina Hammer to a multi-fight promotional contract.
Already a superstar in Europe, “Lady Hammer” (22-0, 10 Kos), from Dortmund, Þýskaland, (via Novodolinka, Kazakhstan) is the current WBC and WBO Middleweight Champion. She has also previously held the WBF Middleweight, as well as WBO and WBF Super Middleweight Championships.
Under Salita’s promotional direction, Hammer will make her United States boxing debut on Föstudagur, Janúar 12, á Beygja Stone Resort Casino í Verona, New York, on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: The New Generation útsending (10 p.m. OG/PT), featuring unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa ShieldsWBC and IBF title defense against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson. Hammer is scheduled for a 10-round fight, highlights of which will be shown on SHOWTIME.
I never had any doubt that my manager Harald Pia and I would reach an agreement,” said a happy Hammer of the signing. “I love the U.S.,” hún hélt áfram. “If you are successful here, you will be successful everywhere. Since the beginning of my boxing career it has been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S.. Ég get ekki beðið eftir Janúar 12.”
Hammer joins the Salita Promotions roster that also includes women’s superstar, unified super middleweight champion and two-time gold medalist Claressa Shields, as well as world, European (2X) og rússneska (6X) amateur champion and 2012 Olympian, Elena Savelyeva.
Christina has all the tools to become a star in the U.S.,said Dmitriy Salita. “Her skills, personality and appeal outside the ring make Christina a unique and special fighter in the talent-filled middleweight division. Ég tel 2018 is going to be a historic year for women’s boxing all over the world.
Hammer is a technically outstanding boxer, but her outstanding physical strength is what separates her from the rest of the world’s 160-pound fighters. She was voted WBF Female Fighter of the Year in 2011 og 2013; the WBO Female Fighter of the Year in 2013; the BDB Female Boxer of the Year in 2016; the HERQUL Female Boxer of the Year in 2017 and is the only woman in Europe to earn the Diamond Ring of the WBO.
It is always a pleasure to work with highly professional partners,” said manager Pia of the deal. “I’m confident we have a contract that is good for all parties. Christina is very happy to be fighting in the U.S. It is a dream of hers to be successful over here and she can’t wait to show the U.S. public who Christina Hammer is!”
Miðar á atburði, sem er kynntur með Salita Tilboð, eru nú á sölu $75 fyrir fyrstu tvær raðir af Ringside, $65 fyrir eftir Ringside sæti og alla aðra verðlagðar á $49 og $37, plús öll viðeigandi gjöld. Miðar hægt að kaupa í eigin persónu eða með því að hringja í Turning Stone Resort Box Office á 800.771.7711 eða á netinu Ticketmaster.
In the telecast opener Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) munu standa frammi náungi undefeated og topp-10 raðað Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) Toledo, Ohio. Í samstarfi lögun, jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) mun taka á Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) í 10-umferð frábær bantamweight lota.